path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib/xge')
-rw-r--r--fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/doc/xge_mac_spec.pdfbin367832 -> 0 bytes
39 files changed, 0 insertions, 7994 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/Makefile.srcs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af520788..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/Makefile.srcs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# OpenCore XGE MAC Sources
-XGE_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/xge/, \
-rtl/verilog/fault_sm.v \
-rtl/verilog/generic_fifo.v \
-rtl/verilog/generic_fifo_ctrl.v \
-rtl/verilog/generic_mem_xilinx_block.v \
-rtl/verilog/generic_mem_medium.v \
-rtl/verilog/generic_mem_small.v \
-rtl/verilog/meta_sync.v \
-rtl/verilog/meta_sync_single.v \
-rtl/verilog/rx_checker.v \
-rtl/verilog/rx_data_fifo.v \
-rtl/verilog/rx_dequeue.v \
-rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v \
-rtl/verilog/rx_hold_fifo.v \
-rtl/verilog/sync_clk_core.v \
-rtl/verilog/sync_clk_wb.v \
-rtl/verilog/sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v \
-rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v \
-rtl/verilog/tx_data_fifo.v \
-rtl/verilog/tx_dequeue.v \
-rtl/verilog/tx_enqueue.v \
-rtl/verilog/tx_hold_fifo.v \
-rtl/verilog/wishbone_if.v \
-rtl/verilog/xge_mac.v \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/README.txt b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d4cb1a0d0..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-10GE MAC Core
-1. Directory Structure
-The directory structure for this project is shown below.
-|-- doc - Documentation files
-|-- rtl
-| |-- include - Verilog defines and utils
-| `-- verilog - Verilog source files for xge_mac
-|-- sim
-| |-- systemc - SystemC simulation directory
-| `-- verilog - Verilog simulation directory
-`-- tbench
- |-- systemc - SystemC test-bench source files
- `-- verilog - Verilog test-bench source files
-2. Simulation
-There are two simulation environments that can be used to validate the code.
-The verilog simulation is very basic and meant for those who want to look
-at how the MAC operates without going through the effort of setting up SystemC.
-The SystemC environment is more sophisticated and covers all features of the MAC.
-2.1 Verilog Simulation
-To run the verilog simulation, compile all project files under rtl/verilog along with
-top level testbench file:
- - tbench/verilog/tb_xge_mac.v
-There is a Modelsim "do" file called "sim.do" under sim/verilog for those using Modelsim.
-Once all the files are compiled, start simulation using entity "tb".
-The verilog simulation reads packets from "packet_tx.txt" and writes them to the MAC
-transmit fifo using the packet transmit interface (pkt_tx_data). As frames become
-available in the transmit fifo, the MAC calulates the CRC and sends them out on xgmii_tx.
-The xgmii_tx interface is looped-back to xgmii_rx in the testbench. The frames are thus
-processed by the MAC receive engine and stored in the receive fifo. The testbench reads
-frames from the receive interface (pkt_rx_data) and prints out the results.
-2.2 SystemC Simulation
-In order to use the SystemC environment it is required to first install SystemC from
-www.systemc.org. Free membership may be required to download the core SystemC files.
-The testbench was developed and tested with Verilator, a free HDL simulator that
-compiles verilog into C++ or SystemC code. You can download Verilator from
-www.veripool.org. You also need to install SystemPerl and Verilog-Perl for waveform
-Once all the required tools are installed:
- - Move to directory sim/systemc
- - Type "./compile.sh"
- - Type "./run.sh"
-If the simulation is running correctly you should see messages from the scoreboard
-as packets are transmited and received on the various interfaces.
-Simulation output:
- -----------------------
- Packet size
- -----------------------
- ...
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/doc/xge_mac_spec.pdf b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/doc/xge_mac_spec.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index e17e997d7..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/doc/xge_mac_spec.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/CRC32_D64.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/CRC32_D64.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f13f85e1f..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/CRC32_D64.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-// File: CRC32_D64.v
-// Date: Fri Feb 8 19:30:02 2008
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Easics NV.
-// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
-// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
-// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice
-// and the associated disclaimer.
-// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function
-// * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
-// * data width: 64
-// Info: tools@easics.be
-// http://www.easics.com
-//module CRC32_D64;
- // polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
- // data width: 64
- // convention: the first serial data bit is D[63]
- function [31:0] nextCRC32_D64;
- input [63:0] Data;
- input [31:0] CRC;
- reg [63:0] D;
- reg [31:0] C;
- reg [31:0] NewCRC;
- begin
- D = Data;
- C = CRC;
- NewCRC[0] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^
- D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^
- D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^
- D[24] ^ D[16] ^ D[12] ^ D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ D[0] ^
- C[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[5] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^
- C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[1] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^
- D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[38] ^
- D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^
- D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[7] ^
- D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^
- C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[21] ^
- C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[2] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[44] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^
- D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^
- D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^
- D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^
- C[12] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27];
- NewCRC[3] = D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^
- D[45] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^
- D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^
- D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[3] ^
- D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^
- C[8] ^ C[13] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[4] = D[63] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^
- D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^
- D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[20] ^
- D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[15] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[6] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^
- C[9] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[18] ^
- C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[5] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^
- D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^
- D[19] ^ D[13] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^
- D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^
- C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^
- C[23] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[6] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^
- D[38] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[25] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^
- D[14] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^
- D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^
- C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^
- C[24] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[7] = D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^
- D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[25] ^
- D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[10] ^
- D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[2] ^
- C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^
- C[15] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[26] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[8] = D[63] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[38] ^
- D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[17] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[10] ^ D[8] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^
- C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^
- C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[9] = D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[55] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^
- D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[24] ^
- D[23] ^ D[18] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^
- D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^
- C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^
- C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[10] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^
- D[52] ^ D[50] ^ D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^
- D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[19] ^
- D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^
- D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^
- C[18] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^
- C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[11] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^
- D[40] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^
- D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[20] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^
- D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^
- C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^
- C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27];
- NewCRC[12] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^
- D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[42] ^
- D[41] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[18] ^
- D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^
- D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[14] ^
- C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^
- C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[13] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^
- D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^
- D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[25] ^ D[22] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^
- D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^
- D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[15] ^
- C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^
- C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[14] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^
- D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^
- D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[26] ^ D[23] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^
- D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^
- C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^
- C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[15] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^
- D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[34] ^
- D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[18] ^
- D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[5] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[17] ^
- C[18] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[16] = D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[51] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^
- D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^
- D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[19] ^ D[17] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[8] ^
- D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^
- C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[19] ^ C[24] ^ C[25];
- NewCRC[17] = D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[52] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^
- D[38] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[18] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^
- D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[1] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[6] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^
- C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ C[25] ^ C[26];
- NewCRC[18] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[53] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[46] ^
- D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^
- D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[19] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^
- D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ C[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[14] ^
- C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[26] ^ C[27];
- NewCRC[19] = D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[54] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^
- D[40] ^ D[38] ^ D[35] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^
- D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^
- D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[3] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[3] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^
- C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[27] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[20] = D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^
- D[41] ^ D[39] ^ D[36] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^
- D[26] ^ D[25] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[12] ^
- D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[4] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[4] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^
- C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[28] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[21] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[49] ^
- D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^
- D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[13] ^
- D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^
- C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[24] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[22] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^
- D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ D[38] ^
- D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^
- D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[16] ^ D[14] ^
- D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^
- C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^
- C[16] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^
- C[30];
- NewCRC[23] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[50] ^
- D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[42] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[36] ^
- D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[20] ^
- D[19] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^
- D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[10] ^
- C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[24] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[43] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[37] ^
- D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[21] ^
- D[20] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^
- D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^
- C[11] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^
- C[25] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[25] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[44] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^
- D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^
- D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[3] ^
- D[2] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[12] ^
- C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[26] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^
- D[52] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^
- D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[10] ^ D[6] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[0] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[12] ^
- C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[27] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^
- D[53] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^
- D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^
- D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ D[11] ^ D[7] ^
- D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^
- C[13] ^ C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^
- C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[28] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^
- D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^
- D[40] ^ D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^
- D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[12] ^ D[8] ^ D[6] ^
- D[5] ^ D[2] ^ C[1] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^
- C[14] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[29] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^
- D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^
- D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^
- D[3] ^ C[2] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^
- C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^
- C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[30] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^
- D[51] ^ D[48] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[35] ^
- D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[4] ^
- C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ C[16] ^
- C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[31] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^
- D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^
- D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^
- D[23] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[5] ^ C[1] ^
- C[4] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^
- C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- nextCRC32_D64 = NewCRC;
- end
- endfunction
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/CRC32_D8.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/CRC32_D8.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 814648684..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/CRC32_D8.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// File: CRC32_D8.v
-// Date: Fri Feb 8 19:26:59 2008
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Easics NV.
-// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
-// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
-// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice
-// and the associated disclaimer.
-// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function
-// * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
-// * data width: 8
-// Info: tools@easics.be
-// http://www.easics.com
-//module CRC32_D8;
- // polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
- // data width: 8
- // convention: the first serial data bit is D[7]
- function [31:0] nextCRC32_D8;
- input [7:0] Data;
- input [31:0] CRC;
- reg [7:0] D;
- reg [31:0] C;
- reg [31:0] NewCRC;
- begin
- D = Data;
- C = CRC;
- NewCRC[0] = D[6] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[1] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[30] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[2] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[26] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[3] = D[7] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[4] = D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[5] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^
- C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[6] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[7] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[8] = D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[9] = D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[28] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[10] = D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[11] = D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[12] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[4] ^ C[24] ^
- C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[13] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[5] ^ C[25] ^
- C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[14] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[6] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^
- C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[15] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ C[7] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^
- C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[16] = D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[0] ^ C[8] ^ C[24] ^ C[28] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[17] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[1] ^ C[9] ^ C[25] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[18] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ C[10] ^ C[26] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[19] = D[7] ^ D[3] ^ C[11] ^ C[27] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[20] = D[4] ^ C[12] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[21] = D[5] ^ C[13] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[22] = D[0] ^ C[14] ^ C[24];
- NewCRC[23] = D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[15] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[24] = D[7] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[16] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[25] = D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[17] ^ C[26] ^ C[27];
- NewCRC[26] = D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[0] ^ C[18] ^ C[24] ^ C[27] ^
- C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[27] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[1] ^ C[19] ^ C[25] ^ C[28] ^
- C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[28] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[2] ^ C[20] ^ C[26] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[29] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[3] ^ C[21] ^ C[27] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[30] = D[7] ^ D[4] ^ C[22] ^ C[28] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[31] = D[5] ^ C[23] ^ C[29];
- nextCRC32_D8 = NewCRC;
- end
- endfunction
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/defines.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/defines.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 095f303bf..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/defines.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "defines.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-// Define MDIO to add support for clause 22 and clause 45 MDIO interface
-`define MDIO
-// If WB clock is 62.5MHz and max MDC spec is 2.5MHz, then divide by 25
-//`define MDC_HALF_PERIOD 13 // Closest int to 12.5
-`define MDC_HALF_PERIOD 100
-// CPU Registers
-`define CPUREG_CONFIG0 8'h00
-`define CPUREG_INT_PENDING 8'h04
-`define CPUREG_INT_STATUS 8'h08
-`define CPUREG_INT_MASK 8'h0c
-//`ifdef MDIO
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_DATA 8'h10
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_ADDR 8'h14
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_OP 8'h18
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_CONTROL 8'h1c
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_STATUS 8'h1c
-`define CPUREG_GPIO 8'h20
-// Ethernet codes
-`define IDLE 8'h07
-`define PREAMBLE 8'h55
-`define SEQUENCE 8'h9c
-`define SFD 8'hd5
-`define START 8'hfb
-`define TERMINATE 8'hfd
-`define ERROR 8'hfe
-`define LINK_FAULT_OK 2'd0
-`define LINK_FAULT_LOCAL 2'd1
-`define LINK_FAULT_REMOTE 2'd2
-`define FAULT_SEQ_LOCAL 1'b0
-`define FAULT_SEQ_REMOTE 1'b1
-`define LOCAL_FAULT 8'd1
-`define REMOTE_FAULT 8'd2
-`define PAUSE_FRAME 48'h010000c28001
-`define LANE0 7:0
-`define LANE1 15:8
-`define LANE2 23:16
-`define LANE3 31:24
-`define LANE4 39:32
-`define LANE5 47:40
-`define LANE6 55:48
-`define LANE7 63:56
-`define TXSTATUS_NONE 8'h0
-`define TXSTATUS_EOP 3'd6
-`define TXSTATUS_SOP 3'd7
-`define RXSTATUS_NONE 8'h0
-`define RXSTATUS_ERR 3'd5
-`define RXSTATUS_EOP 3'd6
-`define RXSTATUS_SOP 3'd7
-// FIFO Size: 8 * (2^AWIDTH) will be the size in bytes
-// 7 --> 128 entries, 1024 bytes for data fifo
-// FIFO Size: Holding FIFOs are 16 deep
-// Memory types
-`define MEM_AUTO_SMALL 1
-`define MEM_AUTO_MEDIUM 2
-`define MEM_AUTO_XILINX 3
-// Changed system packet interface to big endian (12/12/2009)
-// Comment out to use legacy mode
-`define BIGENDIAN
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/timescale.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/timescale.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 64502185f..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/timescale.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-`timescale 1ps / 1ps
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/utils.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/utils.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6137b3e31..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/include/utils.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "utils.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-function [63:0] reverse_64b;
- input [63:0] data;
- integer i;
- begin
- for (i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 1) begin
- reverse_64b[i] = data[63 - i];
- end
- end
-function [31:0] reverse_32b;
- input [31:0] data;
- integer i;
- begin
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin
- reverse_32b[i] = data[31 - i];
- end
- end
-function [7:0] reverse_8b;
- input [7:0] data;
- integer i;
- begin
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
- reverse_8b[i] = data[7 - i];
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/CRC32_D64.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/CRC32_D64.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f13f85e1f..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/CRC32_D64.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-// File: CRC32_D64.v
-// Date: Fri Feb 8 19:30:02 2008
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Easics NV.
-// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
-// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
-// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice
-// and the associated disclaimer.
-// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function
-// * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
-// * data width: 64
-// Info: tools@easics.be
-// http://www.easics.com
-//module CRC32_D64;
- // polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
- // data width: 64
- // convention: the first serial data bit is D[63]
- function [31:0] nextCRC32_D64;
- input [63:0] Data;
- input [31:0] CRC;
- reg [63:0] D;
- reg [31:0] C;
- reg [31:0] NewCRC;
- begin
- D = Data;
- C = CRC;
- NewCRC[0] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^
- D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^
- D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^
- D[24] ^ D[16] ^ D[12] ^ D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ D[0] ^
- C[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[5] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^
- C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[1] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^
- D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[38] ^
- D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^
- D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[7] ^
- D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^
- C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[21] ^
- C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[2] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[44] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^
- D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^
- D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^
- D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^
- C[12] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27];
- NewCRC[3] = D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^
- D[45] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^
- D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^
- D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[3] ^
- D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^
- C[8] ^ C[13] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[4] = D[63] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^
- D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^
- D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[20] ^
- D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[15] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[6] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^
- C[9] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[18] ^
- C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[5] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^
- D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^
- D[19] ^ D[13] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^
- D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^
- C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^
- C[23] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[6] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^
- D[38] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[25] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^
- D[14] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^
- D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^
- C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^
- C[24] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[7] = D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^
- D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[25] ^
- D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[10] ^
- D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[2] ^
- C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^
- C[15] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[26] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[8] = D[63] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[38] ^
- D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[17] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[10] ^ D[8] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^
- C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^
- C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[9] = D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[55] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^
- D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[24] ^
- D[23] ^ D[18] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^
- D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^
- C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^
- C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[10] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^
- D[52] ^ D[50] ^ D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^
- D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[19] ^
- D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^
- D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^
- C[18] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^
- C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[11] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^
- D[40] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^
- D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[20] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^
- D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^
- C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^
- C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27];
- NewCRC[12] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^
- D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[42] ^
- D[41] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[18] ^
- D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^
- D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[14] ^
- C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^
- C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[13] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^
- D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^
- D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[25] ^ D[22] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^
- D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^
- D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[15] ^
- C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^
- C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[14] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^
- D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^
- D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[26] ^ D[23] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^
- D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^
- C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^
- C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[15] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^
- D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[34] ^
- D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[18] ^
- D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[5] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[17] ^
- C[18] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[16] = D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[51] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^
- D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^
- D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[19] ^ D[17] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[8] ^
- D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^
- C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[19] ^ C[24] ^ C[25];
- NewCRC[17] = D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[52] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^
- D[38] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[18] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^
- D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[1] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[6] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^
- C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ C[25] ^ C[26];
- NewCRC[18] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[53] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[46] ^
- D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^
- D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[19] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^
- D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ C[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[14] ^
- C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[26] ^ C[27];
- NewCRC[19] = D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[54] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^
- D[40] ^ D[38] ^ D[35] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^
- D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^
- D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[3] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[3] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^
- C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[27] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[20] = D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^
- D[41] ^ D[39] ^ D[36] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^
- D[26] ^ D[25] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[12] ^
- D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[4] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[4] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^
- C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[28] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[21] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[49] ^
- D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^
- D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[13] ^
- D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^
- C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[24] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[22] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^
- D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ D[38] ^
- D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^
- D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[16] ^ D[14] ^
- D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^
- C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^
- C[16] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^
- C[30];
- NewCRC[23] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[50] ^
- D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[42] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[36] ^
- D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[20] ^
- D[19] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^
- D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[10] ^
- C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[24] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[51] ^
- D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[43] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[37] ^
- D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[21] ^
- D[20] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^
- D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^
- C[11] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^
- C[25] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[25] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^
- D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[44] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^
- D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^
- D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[3] ^
- D[2] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[12] ^
- C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[26] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^
- D[52] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^
- D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[10] ^ D[6] ^
- D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[0] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[12] ^
- C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[27] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^
- D[53] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^
- D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^
- D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ D[11] ^ D[7] ^
- D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^
- C[13] ^ C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^
- C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[28] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^
- D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^
- D[40] ^ D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^
- D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[12] ^ D[8] ^ D[6] ^
- D[5] ^ D[2] ^ C[1] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^
- C[14] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[29] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^
- D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^
- D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^
- D[3] ^ C[2] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^
- C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^
- C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[30] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^
- D[51] ^ D[48] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[35] ^
- D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^
- D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[4] ^
- C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ C[16] ^
- C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[31] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^
- D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^
- D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^
- D[23] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[5] ^ C[1] ^
- C[4] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^
- C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- nextCRC32_D64 = NewCRC;
- end
- endfunction
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/CRC32_D8.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/CRC32_D8.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 814648684..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/CRC32_D8.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// File: CRC32_D8.v
-// Date: Fri Feb 8 19:26:59 2008
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Easics NV.
-// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
-// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
-// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice
-// and the associated disclaimer.
-// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function
-// * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
-// * data width: 8
-// Info: tools@easics.be
-// http://www.easics.com
-//module CRC32_D8;
- // polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32)
- // data width: 8
- // convention: the first serial data bit is D[7]
- function [31:0] nextCRC32_D8;
- input [7:0] Data;
- input [31:0] CRC;
- reg [7:0] D;
- reg [31:0] C;
- reg [31:0] NewCRC;
- begin
- D = Data;
- C = CRC;
- NewCRC[0] = D[6] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[1] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[30] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[2] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[26] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[3] = D[7] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^
- C[31];
- NewCRC[4] = D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[5] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^
- C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[6] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[7] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[8] = D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[9] = D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^
- C[28] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[10] = D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^
- C[27] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[11] = D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^
- C[27] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[12] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[4] ^ C[24] ^
- C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[13] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[5] ^ C[25] ^
- C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[14] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[6] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^
- C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[15] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ C[7] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^
- C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[16] = D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[0] ^ C[8] ^ C[24] ^ C[28] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[17] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[1] ^ C[9] ^ C[25] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[18] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ C[10] ^ C[26] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[19] = D[7] ^ D[3] ^ C[11] ^ C[27] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[20] = D[4] ^ C[12] ^ C[28];
- NewCRC[21] = D[5] ^ C[13] ^ C[29];
- NewCRC[22] = D[0] ^ C[14] ^ C[24];
- NewCRC[23] = D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[15] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[24] = D[7] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[16] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[25] = D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[17] ^ C[26] ^ C[27];
- NewCRC[26] = D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[0] ^ C[18] ^ C[24] ^ C[27] ^
- C[28] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[27] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[1] ^ C[19] ^ C[25] ^ C[28] ^
- C[29] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[28] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[2] ^ C[20] ^ C[26] ^ C[29] ^ C[30];
- NewCRC[29] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[3] ^ C[21] ^ C[27] ^ C[30] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[30] = D[7] ^ D[4] ^ C[22] ^ C[28] ^ C[31];
- NewCRC[31] = D[5] ^ C[23] ^ C[29];
- nextCRC32_D8 = NewCRC;
- end
- endfunction
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/defines.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/defines.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 72fe01de2..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/defines.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "defines.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-// Define MDIO to add support for clause 22 and clause 45 MDIO interface
-`define MDIO
-// If WB clock is 62.5MHz and max MDC spec is 2.5MHz, then divide by 25
-//`define MDC_HALF_PERIOD 13 // Closest int to 12.5
-`define MDC_HALF_PERIOD 100
-// CPU Registers
-`define CPUREG_CONFIG0 8'h00
-`define CPUREG_INT_PENDING 8'h04
-`define CPUREG_INT_STATUS 8'h08
-`define CPUREG_INT_MASK 8'h0c
-//`ifdef MDIO
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_DATA 8'h10
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_ADDR 8'h14
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_OP 8'h18
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_CONTROL 8'h1c
-`define CPUREG_MDIO_STATUS 8'h1c
-`define CPUREG_GPIO 8'h20
-// Ethernet codes
-`define IDLE 8'h07
-`define PREAMBLE 8'h55
-`define SEQUENCE 8'h9c
-`define SFD 8'hd5
-`define START 8'hfb
-`define TERMINATE 8'hfd
-`define ERROR 8'hfe
-`define LINK_FAULT_OK 2'd0
-`define LINK_FAULT_LOCAL 2'd1
-`define LINK_FAULT_REMOTE 2'd2
-`define FAULT_SEQ_LOCAL 1'b0
-`define FAULT_SEQ_REMOTE 1'b1
-`define LOCAL_FAULT 8'd1
-`define REMOTE_FAULT 8'd2
-`define PAUSE_FRAME 48'h010000c28001
-`define LANE0 7:0
-`define LANE1 15:8
-`define LANE2 23:16
-`define LANE3 31:24
-`define LANE4 39:32
-`define LANE5 47:40
-`define LANE6 55:48
-`define LANE7 63:56
-`define TXSTATUS_NONE 8'h0
-`define TXSTATUS_EOP 3'd6
-`define TXSTATUS_SOP 3'd7
-`define RXSTATUS_NONE 8'h0
-`define RXSTATUS_ERR 3'd5
-`define RXSTATUS_EOP 3'd6
-`define RXSTATUS_SOP 3'd7
-// FIFO Size: 8 * (2^AWIDTH) will be the size in bytes
-// 7 --> 128 entries, 1024 bytes for data fifo
-// FIFO Size: Holding FIFOs are 16 deep
-// Memory types
-`define MEM_AUTO_SMALL 1
-`define MEM_AUTO_MEDIUM 2
-`define MEM_AUTO_XILINX 3
-// Changed system packet interface to big endian (12/12/2009)
-// Comment out to use legacy mode
-`define BIGENDIAN
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/fault_sm.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/fault_sm.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 525459ca3..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/fault_sm.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "fault_sm.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module fault_sm(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- status_local_fault_crx, status_remote_fault_crx,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_rx, reset_xgmii_rx_n, local_fault_msg_det,
- remote_fault_msg_det
- );
-input clk_xgmii_rx;
-input reset_xgmii_rx_n;
-input [1:0] local_fault_msg_det;
-input [1:0] remote_fault_msg_det;
-output status_local_fault_crx;
-output status_remote_fault_crx;
-// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
-reg status_local_fault_crx;
-reg status_remote_fault_crx;
-// End of automatics
-reg [1:0] curr_state;
-reg [7:0] col_cnt;
-reg [1:0] fault_sequence;
-reg [1:0] last_seq_type;
-reg [1:0] link_fault;
-reg [2:0] seq_cnt;
-reg [1:0] seq_type;
-reg [1:0] seq_add;
-parameter [1:0]
- SM_INIT = 2'd0,
- SM_COUNT = 2'd1,
- SM_FAULT = 2'd2,
- SM_NEW_FAULT = 2'd3;
-always @(/*AS*/local_fault_msg_det or remote_fault_msg_det) begin
- //---
- // Fault indication. Indicate remote or local fault
- fault_sequence = local_fault_msg_det | remote_fault_msg_det;
- //---
- // Sequence type, local, remote, or ok
- if (|local_fault_msg_det) begin
- seq_type = `LINK_FAULT_LOCAL;
- end
- else if (|remote_fault_msg_det) begin
- seq_type = `LINK_FAULT_REMOTE;
- end
- else begin
- seq_type = `LINK_FAULT_OK;
- end
- //---
- // Adder for number of faults, if detected in lower 4 lanes and
- // upper 4 lanes, add 2. That's because we process 64-bit at a time
- // instead of typically 32-bit xgmii.
- if (|remote_fault_msg_det) begin
- seq_add = remote_fault_msg_det[1] + remote_fault_msg_det[0];
- end
- else begin
- seq_add = local_fault_msg_det[1] + local_fault_msg_det[0];
- end
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_rx or negedge reset_xgmii_rx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_rx_n == 1'b0) begin
- status_local_fault_crx <= 1'b0;
- status_remote_fault_crx <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- //---
- // Status signal to generate local/remote fault interrupts
- status_local_fault_crx <= curr_state == SM_FAULT &&
- link_fault == `LINK_FAULT_LOCAL;
- status_remote_fault_crx <= curr_state == SM_FAULT &&
- link_fault == `LINK_FAULT_REMOTE;
- end
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_rx or negedge reset_xgmii_rx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_rx_n == 1'b0) begin
- curr_state <= SM_INIT;
- col_cnt <= 8'b0;
- last_seq_type <= `LINK_FAULT_OK;
- link_fault <= `LINK_FAULT_OK;
- seq_cnt <= 3'b0;
- end
- else begin
- case (curr_state)
- begin
- last_seq_type <= seq_type;
- if (|fault_sequence) begin
- // If a fault is detected, capture the type of
- // fault and start column counter. We need 4 fault
- // messages in 128 columns to accept the fault.
- if (fault_sequence[0]) begin
- col_cnt <= 8'd2;
- end
- else begin
- col_cnt <= 8'd1;
- end
- seq_cnt <= {1'b0, seq_add};
- curr_state <= SM_COUNT;
- end
- else begin
- // If no faults, stay in INIT and clear counters
- col_cnt <= 8'b0;
- seq_cnt <= 3'b0;
- end
- end
- begin
- col_cnt <= col_cnt + 8'd2;
- seq_cnt <= seq_cnt + {1'b0, seq_add};
- if (!fault_sequence[0] && col_cnt >= 8'd127) begin
- // No new fault in lower lanes and almost
- // reached the 128 columns count, abort fault.
- curr_state <= SM_INIT;
- end
- else if (col_cnt > 8'd127) begin
- // Reached the 128 columns count, abort fault.
- curr_state <= SM_INIT;
- end
- else if (|fault_sequence) begin
- // If fault type has changed, move to NEW_FAULT.
- // If not, after detecting 4 fault messages move to
- // FAULT state.
- if (seq_type != last_seq_type) begin
- curr_state <= SM_NEW_FAULT;
- end
- else begin
- if ((seq_cnt + {1'b0, seq_add}) > 3'd3) begin
- col_cnt <= 8'b0;
- link_fault <= seq_type;
- curr_state <= SM_FAULT;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin
- col_cnt <= col_cnt + 8'd2;
- if (!fault_sequence[0] && col_cnt >= 8'd127) begin
- // No new fault in lower lanes and almost
- // reached the 128 columns count, abort fault.
- curr_state <= SM_INIT;
- end
- else if (col_cnt > 8'd127) begin
- // Reached the 128 columns count, abort fault.
- curr_state <= SM_INIT;
- end
- else if (|fault_sequence) begin
- // Clear the column count each time we see a fault,
- // if fault changes, go no next state.
- col_cnt <= 8'd0;
- if (seq_type != last_seq_type) begin
- curr_state <= SM_NEW_FAULT;
- end
- end
- end
- begin
- // Capture new fault type. Start counters.
- col_cnt <= 8'b0;
- last_seq_type <= seq_type;
- seq_cnt <= {1'b0, seq_add};
- curr_state <= SM_COUNT;
- end
- endcase
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_fifo.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index aabe24171..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "generic_fifo.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module generic_fifo(
- wclk,
- wrst_n,
- wen,
- wdata,
- wfull,
- walmost_full,
- rclk,
- rrst_n,
- ren,
- rdata,
- rempty,
- ralmost_empty
-// Parameters
-parameter DWIDTH = 32;
-parameter AWIDTH = 3;
-parameter RAM_DEPTH = (1 << AWIDTH);
-parameter SYNC_WRITE = 1;
-parameter SYNC_READ = 1;
-parameter REGISTER_READ = 0;
-parameter EARLY_READ = 0;
-parameter CLOCK_CROSSING = 1;
-parameter ALMOST_EMPTY_THRESH = 1;
-parameter MEM_TYPE = `MEM_AUTO_SMALL;
-// Ports
-input wclk;
-input wrst_n;
-input wen;
-input [DWIDTH-1:0] wdata;
-output wfull;
-output walmost_full;
-input rclk;
-input rrst_n;
-input ren;
-output [DWIDTH-1:0] rdata;
-output rempty;
-output ralmost_empty;
-// Wires
-wire mem_wen;
-wire [AWIDTH:0] mem_waddr;
-wire mem_ren;
-wire [AWIDTH:0] mem_raddr;
-generic_fifo_ctrl #(.AWIDTH (AWIDTH),
- )
- ctrl0(.wclk (wclk),
- .wrst_n (wrst_n),
- .wen (wen),
- .wfull (wfull),
- .walmost_full (walmost_full),
- .mem_wen (mem_wen),
- .mem_waddr (mem_waddr),
- .rclk (rclk),
- .rrst_n (rrst_n),
- .ren (ren),
- .rempty (rempty),
- .ralmost_empty (ralmost_empty),
- .mem_ren (mem_ren),
- .mem_raddr (mem_raddr)
- );
- generate
- if (MEM_TYPE == `MEM_AUTO_SMALL) begin
- generic_mem_small #(.DWIDTH (DWIDTH),
- )
- mem0(.wclk (wclk),
- .wrst_n (wrst_n),
- .wen (mem_wen),
- .waddr (mem_waddr),
- .wdata (wdata),
- .rclk (rclk),
- .rrst_n (rrst_n),
- .ren (mem_ren),
- .roen (ren),
- .raddr (mem_raddr),
- .rdata (rdata)
- );
- end
- if (MEM_TYPE == `MEM_AUTO_MEDIUM) begin
- generic_mem_medium #(.DWIDTH (DWIDTH),
- )
- mem0(.wclk (wclk),
- .wrst_n (wrst_n),
- .wen (mem_wen),
- .waddr (mem_waddr),
- .wdata (wdata),
- .rclk (rclk),
- .rrst_n (rrst_n),
- .ren (mem_ren),
- .roen (ren),
- .raddr (mem_raddr),
- .rdata (rdata)
- );
- end // if (MEM_TYPE == `MEM_AUTO_MEDIUM)
- if (MEM_TYPE == `MEM_AUTO_XILINX) begin
- generic_mem_xilinx_block #(.DWIDTH (DWIDTH),
- )
- mem0(.wclk (wclk),
- .wrst_n (wrst_n),
- .wen (mem_wen),
- .waddr (mem_waddr),
- .wdata (wdata),
- .rclk (rclk),
- .rrst_n (rrst_n),
- .ren (mem_ren),
- .roen (ren),
- .raddr (mem_raddr),
- .rdata (rdata)
- );
- end
- endgenerate
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_fifo_ctrl.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_fifo_ctrl.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d64e662af..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_fifo_ctrl.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "generic_fifo_ctrl.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-module generic_fifo_ctrl(
- wclk,
- wrst_n,
- wen,
- wfull,
- walmost_full,
- mem_wen,
- mem_waddr,
- rclk,
- rrst_n,
- ren,
- rempty,
- ralmost_empty,
- mem_ren,
- mem_raddr
-// Parameters
-parameter AWIDTH = 3;
-parameter RAM_DEPTH = (1 << AWIDTH);
-parameter EARLY_READ = 0;
-parameter CLOCK_CROSSING = 1;
-parameter ALMOST_EMPTY_THRESH = 1;
-// Ports
-input wclk;
-input wrst_n;
-input wen;
-output wfull;
-output walmost_full;
-output mem_wen;
-output [AWIDTH:0] mem_waddr;
-input rclk;
-input rrst_n;
-input ren;
-output rempty;
-output ralmost_empty;
-output mem_ren;
-output [AWIDTH:0] mem_raddr;
-// Local declarations
-// Registers
-reg [AWIDTH:0] wr_ptr;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] rd_ptr;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] next_rd_ptr;
-// Combinatorial
-wire [AWIDTH:0] wr_gray;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] wr_gray_reg;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] wr_gray_meta;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] wr_gray_sync;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] wck_rd_ptr;
-wire [AWIDTH:0] wck_level;
-wire [AWIDTH:0] rd_gray;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] rd_gray_reg;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] rd_gray_meta;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] rd_gray_sync;
-reg [AWIDTH:0] rck_wr_ptr;
-wire [AWIDTH:0] rck_level;
-wire [AWIDTH:0] depth;
-wire [AWIDTH:0] empty_thresh;
-wire [AWIDTH:0] full_thresh;
-// Variables
-integer i;
-// Assignments
-assign depth = RAM_DEPTH[AWIDTH:0];
-assign empty_thresh = ALMOST_EMPTY_THRESH[AWIDTH:0];
-assign full_thresh = ALMOST_FULL_THRESH[AWIDTH:0];
-assign wfull = (wck_level == depth);
-assign walmost_full = (wck_level >= (depth - full_thresh));
-assign rempty = (rck_level == 0);
-assign ralmost_empty = (rck_level <= empty_thresh);
-// Write Pointer
-always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n)
- if (!wrst_n) begin
- wr_ptr <= {(AWIDTH+1){1'b0}};
- end
- else if (wen && !wfull) begin
- wr_ptr <= wr_ptr + {{(AWIDTH){1'b0}}, 1'b1};
- end
-// Read Pointer
-always @(ren, rd_ptr, rck_wr_ptr)
- next_rd_ptr = rd_ptr;
- if (ren && rd_ptr != rck_wr_ptr) begin
- next_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + {{(AWIDTH){1'b0}}, 1'b1};
- end
-always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n)
- if (!rrst_n) begin
- rd_ptr <= {(AWIDTH+1){1'b0}};
- end
- else begin
- rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr;
- end
-// Binary to Gray conversion
-assign wr_gray = wr_ptr ^ (wr_ptr >> 1);
-assign rd_gray = rd_ptr ^ (rd_ptr >> 1);
-// Gray to Binary conversion
-always @(wr_gray_sync)
- rck_wr_ptr[AWIDTH] = wr_gray_sync[AWIDTH];
- for (i = 0; i < AWIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
- rck_wr_ptr[AWIDTH-i-1] = rck_wr_ptr[AWIDTH-i] ^ wr_gray_sync[AWIDTH-i-1];
- end
-always @(rd_gray_sync)
- wck_rd_ptr[AWIDTH] = rd_gray_sync[AWIDTH];
- for (i = 0; i < AWIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
- wck_rd_ptr[AWIDTH-i-1] = wck_rd_ptr[AWIDTH-i] ^ rd_gray_sync[AWIDTH-i-1];
- end
-// Clock-Domain Crossing
- if (CLOCK_CROSSING) begin
- // Instantiate metastability flops
- always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n)
- begin
- if (!rrst_n) begin
- rd_gray_reg <= {(AWIDTH+1){1'b0}};
- wr_gray_meta <= {(AWIDTH+1){1'b0}};
- wr_gray_sync <= {(AWIDTH+1){1'b0}};
- end
- else begin
- rd_gray_reg <= rd_gray;
- wr_gray_meta <= wr_gray_reg;
- wr_gray_sync <= wr_gray_meta;
- end
- end
- always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n)
- begin
- if (!wrst_n) begin
- wr_gray_reg <= {(AWIDTH+1){1'b0}};
- rd_gray_meta <= {(AWIDTH+1){1'b0}};
- rd_gray_sync <= {(AWIDTH+1){1'b0}};
- end
- else begin
- wr_gray_reg <= wr_gray;
- rd_gray_meta <= rd_gray_reg;
- rd_gray_sync <= rd_gray_meta;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- // No clock domain crossing
- always @(wr_gray or rd_gray)
- begin
- wr_gray_sync = wr_gray;
- rd_gray_sync = rd_gray;
- end
- end
-// FIFO Level
-assign wck_level = wr_ptr - wck_rd_ptr;
-assign rck_level = rck_wr_ptr - rd_ptr;
-// Memory controls
-assign mem_waddr = wr_ptr;
-assign mem_wen = wen && !wfull;
- if (EARLY_READ) begin
- // With early read, data will be present at output
- // before ren is asserted. Usufull if we want to add
- // an output register and not add latency.
- assign mem_raddr = next_rd_ptr;
- assign mem_ren = 1'b1;
- end
- else begin
- assign mem_raddr = rd_ptr;
- assign mem_ren = ren;
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_medium.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_medium.v
deleted file mode 100644
index db857ff63..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_medium.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "generic_mem_medium.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-module generic_mem_medium(
- wclk,
- wrst_n,
- wen,
- waddr,
- wdata,
- rclk,
- rrst_n,
- ren,
- roen,
- raddr,
- rdata
-// Parameters
-parameter DWIDTH = 32;
-parameter AWIDTH = 3;
-parameter RAM_DEPTH = (1 << AWIDTH);
-parameter SYNC_WRITE = 1;
-parameter SYNC_READ = 1;
-parameter REGISTER_READ = 0;
-// Ports
-input wclk;
-input wrst_n;
-input wen;
-input [AWIDTH:0] waddr;
-input [DWIDTH-1:0] wdata;
-input rclk;
-input rrst_n;
-input ren;
-input roen;
-input [AWIDTH:0] raddr;
-output [DWIDTH-1:0] rdata;
-// Registered outputs
-reg [DWIDTH-1:0] rdata;
-// Local declarations
-// Registers
-reg [DWIDTH-1:0] mem_rdata;
-// Memory - infer using Xilinx pragma for block ram.
-//synthesis attribute ram_style of mem is block
-reg [DWIDTH-1:0] mem [0:RAM_DEPTH-1];
-// Variables
-integer i;
-// Memory Write
- if (SYNC_WRITE) begin
- // Generate synchronous write
- always @(posedge wclk)
- begin
- if (wen) begin
- mem[waddr[AWIDTH-1:0]] <= wdata;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- // Generate asynchronous write
- always @(wen, waddr, wdata)
- begin
- if (wen) begin
- mem[waddr[AWIDTH-1:0]] = wdata;
- end
- end
- end
-// Memory Read
- if (SYNC_READ) begin
- // Generate registered memory read
- always @(posedge rclk /* IJB or negedge rrst_n*/)
- begin
- if (!rrst_n) begin
- mem_rdata <= {(DWIDTH){1'b0}};
- end else if (ren) begin
- mem_rdata <= mem[raddr[AWIDTH-1:0]];
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- // Generate unregisters memory read
- always @(raddr, rclk)
- begin
- mem_rdata = mem[raddr[AWIDTH-1:0]];
- end
- end
- if (REGISTER_READ) begin
- // Generate registered output
- always @(posedge rclk /* IJB or negedge rrst_n*/ )
- begin
- if (!rrst_n) begin
- rdata <= {(DWIDTH){1'b0}};
- end else if (roen) begin
- rdata <= mem_rdata;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- // Generate unregisters output
- always @(mem_rdata)
- begin
- rdata = mem_rdata;
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_small.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_small.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 552e628e7..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_small.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "generic_mem_small.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-module generic_mem_small(
- wclk,
- wrst_n,
- wen,
- waddr,
- wdata,
- rclk,
- rrst_n,
- ren,
- roen,
- raddr,
- rdata
-// Parameters
-parameter DWIDTH = 32;
-parameter AWIDTH = 3;
-parameter RAM_DEPTH = (1 << AWIDTH);
-parameter SYNC_WRITE = 1;
-parameter SYNC_READ = 1;
-parameter REGISTER_READ = 0;
-// Ports
-input wclk;
-input wrst_n;
-input wen;
-input [AWIDTH:0] waddr;
-input [DWIDTH-1:0] wdata;
-input rclk;
-input rrst_n;
-input ren;
-input roen;
-input [AWIDTH:0] raddr;
-output [DWIDTH-1:0] rdata;
-// Registered outputs
-reg [DWIDTH-1:0] rdata;
-// Local declarations
-// Registers
-reg [DWIDTH-1:0] mem_rdata;
-// Memory
-(* ram_style = "block" *) reg [DWIDTH-1:0] mem [0:RAM_DEPTH-1];
-// Variables
-integer i;
-// Memory Write
- if (SYNC_WRITE) begin
- // Generate synchronous write
- always @(posedge wclk)
- begin
- if (wen) begin
- mem[waddr[AWIDTH-1:0]] <= wdata;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- // Generate asynchronous write
- always @(wen, waddr, wdata)
- begin
- if (wen) begin
- mem[waddr[AWIDTH-1:0]] = wdata;
- end
- end
- end
-// Memory Read
- if (SYNC_READ) begin
- // Generate registered memory read
- always @(posedge rclk /* IJB or negedge rrst_n */)
- begin
- if (!rrst_n) begin
- mem_rdata <= {(DWIDTH){1'b0}};
- end else if (ren) begin
- mem_rdata <= mem[raddr[AWIDTH-1:0]];
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- // Generate unregisters memory read
- always @(raddr, rclk)
- begin
- mem_rdata = mem[raddr[AWIDTH-1:0]];
- end
- end
- if (REGISTER_READ) begin
- // Generate registered output
- always @(posedge rclk /* IJB or negedge rrst_n*/)
- begin
- if (!rrst_n) begin
- rdata <= {(DWIDTH){1'b0}};
- end else if (roen) begin
- rdata <= mem_rdata;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- // Generate unregisters output
- always @(mem_rdata)
- begin
- rdata = mem_rdata;
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_xilinx_block.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_xilinx_block.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a7baf431..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/generic_mem_xilinx_block.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "generic_mem_medium.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-module generic_mem_xilinx_block(
- wclk,
- wrst_n,
- wen,
- waddr,
- wdata,
- rclk,
- rrst_n,
- ren,
- roen,
- raddr,
- rdata
-// Parameters
-parameter DWIDTH = 32;
-parameter AWIDTH = 3;
-parameter RAM_DEPTH = (1 << AWIDTH);
-parameter SYNC_WRITE = 1;
-parameter SYNC_READ = 1;
-parameter REGISTER_READ = 0;
-// Ports
-input wclk;
-input wrst_n;
-input wen;
-input [AWIDTH:0] waddr;
-input [DWIDTH-1:0] wdata;
-input rclk;
-input rrst_n;
-input ren;
-input roen;
-input [AWIDTH:0] raddr;
-output [DWIDTH-1:0] rdata;
-// Registered outputs
-reg [DWIDTH-1:0] rdata;
-// Local declarations
-// Registers
-reg [DWIDTH-1:0] mem_rdata;
-// Memory - infer using Xilinx pragma for block ram.
-//synthesis attribute ram_style of mem is block
-reg [DWIDTH-1:0] mem [0:RAM_DEPTH-1];
-// Variables
-integer i;
- //---
- // Memory Write
- // Generate synchronous write
- always @(posedge wclk)
- begin
- if (wen) begin
- mem[waddr[AWIDTH-1:0]] <= wdata;
- end
- end
- //---
- // Memory Read
- // Generate registered memory read
- always @(posedge rclk)
- begin
- if (!rrst_n) begin
- mem_rdata <= {(DWIDTH){1'b0}};
- end else if (ren) begin
- mem_rdata <= mem[raddr[AWIDTH-1:0]];
- end
- end
- if (REGISTER_READ) begin
- // Generate registered output
- always @(posedge rclk)
- begin
- if (!rrst_n) begin
- rdata <= {(DWIDTH){1'b0}};
- end else if (roen) begin
- rdata <= mem_rdata;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- // Generate unregisters output
- always @(mem_rdata)
- begin
- rdata = mem_rdata;
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/meta_sync.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/meta_sync.v
deleted file mode 100644
index db35d4b5c..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/meta_sync.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "meta_sync.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-module meta_sync(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- out,
- // Inputs
- clk, reset_n, in
- );
-parameter DWIDTH = 1;
-parameter EDGE_DETECT = 0;
-input clk;
-input reset_n;
-input [DWIDTH-1:0] in;
-output [DWIDTH-1:0] out;
-genvar i;
- for (i = 0; i < DWIDTH; i = i + 1) begin : meta
- meta_sync_single #(.EDGE_DETECT (EDGE_DETECT))
- meta_sync_single0 (
- // Outputs
- .out (out[i]),
- // Inputs
- .clk (clk),
- .reset_n (reset_n),
- .in (in[i]));
- end
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/meta_sync_single.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/meta_sync_single.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e2c7d8cbb..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/meta_sync_single.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "meta_sync_single.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-module meta_sync_single(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- out,
- // Inputs
- clk, reset_n, in
- );
-parameter EDGE_DETECT = 0;
-input clk;
-input reset_n;
-input in;
-output out;
-reg out;
- if (EDGE_DETECT) begin
- reg meta;
- reg edg1;
- reg edg2;
- always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
- if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
- meta <= 1'b0;
- edg1 <= 1'b0;
- edg2 <= 1'b0;
- out <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- meta <= in;
- edg1 <= meta;
- edg2 <= edg1;
- out <= edg1 ^ edg2;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- reg meta;
- always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
- if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
- meta <= 1'b0;
- out <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- meta <= in;
- out <= meta;
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_checker.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_checker.v
deleted file mode 100644
index cb775a8d8..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_checker.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-// Synthesizable Rx checker for 10G Ethernet MAC.
-// Collects recevied packets and checks them against the deterministic expected result
-// to verify correct loopback functionality if used with the tx_checker.
-`define IDLE 0
-`define SEARCH 1
-`define RECEIVE1 2
-`define RECEIVE2 3
-`define RECEIVE3 4
-`define DONE 5
-`define ERROR1 6
-`define ERROR2 7
-`define ERROR3 8
-module rx_checker
- (
- input clk156,
- input rst,
- input enable,
- output reg done,
- output reg correct,
- output reg [1:0] error,
- //
- input pkt_rx_avail,
- input pkt_rx_val,
- input pkt_rx_sop,
- input pkt_rx_eop,
- input [2:0] pkt_rx_mod,
- input [63:0] pkt_rx_data,
- input pkt_rx_err,
- output reg pkt_rx_ren
- );
- reg [10:0] payload;
- reg [10:0] count;
- reg [7:0] state;
-always @(posedge clk156)
- if (rst)
- begin
- // Reset
- state <= `IDLE;
- done <= 0;
- correct <= 0;
- error <= 0;
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- count <= 0;
- payload <= 45; // 1 less than ethernet minimum payload size.\
- end
- else
- begin
- // Defaults
- state <= state;
- done <= 0;
- correct <= 0;
- error <= 0;
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- count <= count;
- payload <= payload;
- case(state)
- // Wait in IDLE state until enabled.
- // incomming packets will not be detected in this state.
- `IDLE: begin
- if (enable)
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end // case: `IDLE
- //
- // Search for pkt_rx_avail going asserted to show that a packet is in the MAC's FIFO's.
- // Then assert pkt_rx_ren back to MAC to start transfer. pkt_rx_ren now remains asserted until
- // at least EOP, longer if pkt_rx_avail is still asserted at EOP as back-to-back Rx is possible.
- // We can come into this state with pkt_rx_ren already enabled for back-to-back Rx cases.
- //
- `SEARCH: begin
- if (pkt_rx_val)
- state <= `ERROR1; // Illegal signalling
- else if (payload == 1500)
- state <= `DONE;
- else if (pkt_rx_avail)
- begin // rx_avail has been asserted, now assert rx_ren to start transfer.
- payload <= payload + 1;
- pkt_rx_ren <= 1;
- state <= `RECEIVE1;
- end
- end
- //
- // Now wait for pkt_rx_val and pkt_rx_sop to assert in the same cycle with the first
- // 8 octects of a new packet. When asserted check all data bits against expected data.
- // Go to error states if something doesn't match or work correctly.
- //
- `RECEIVE1: begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 1;
- if (pkt_rx_err)
- state <= `ERROR3; // CRC error from MAC
- else if (pkt_rx_val && pkt_rx_sop && ~pkt_rx_eop)
- begin
- if ((pkt_rx_data[63:16] == 48'h0001020304) && (pkt_rx_data[15:0] == 16'h0000) && (pkt_rx_mod == 3'h0))
- state <= `RECEIVE2;
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- else if (pkt_rx_val || pkt_rx_sop || pkt_rx_eop) // Error condition
- begin
- state <= `ERROR1; // Illegal signalling
- end
- end // case: `RECEIVE1
- //
- // Check all data bits against expected data.
- // Go to error states if something doesn't match or work correctly.
- //
- `RECEIVE2: begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 1;
- if (pkt_rx_err)
- state <= `ERROR3; // CRC error from MAC
- else if (pkt_rx_val && ~pkt_rx_sop && ~pkt_rx_eop)
- begin
- if ((pkt_rx_data[63:32] == 32'h05060708) &&
- (pkt_rx_data[31:16] == 16'h88b5) &&
- (pkt_rx_data[15:0] == 16'hBEEF) &&
- (pkt_rx_mod == 3'h0))
- begin
- count <= payload - 2; // Preload counter for this packet
- state <= `RECEIVE3;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- else if (~pkt_rx_val || pkt_rx_sop || pkt_rx_eop) // Error condition
- begin
- state <= `ERROR1; // Illegal signalling
- end
- end // case: `RECEIVE2
- //
- // Should now have received both MAC addresses, the ETHERTYPE and first 2 octects of payload.
- // Check remaining payload whilst looking for end of packet.
- // Currently don;pt support chained RX of packets, pkt_rx_en will go to 0.
- // (Remember packets are bigendian)
- //
- `RECEIVE3: begin
- count <= count - 8;
- if (pkt_rx_err)
- state <= `ERROR3; // CRC error from MAC
- else if (pkt_rx_val && ~pkt_rx_sop)
- begin
- case({pkt_rx_eop,pkt_rx_mod})
- 4'b0000: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:0] == {8{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 1;
- state <= `RECEIVE3;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- 4'b1000: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:0] == {8{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- 4'b1001: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:56] == {1{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- 4'b1010: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:48] == {2{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- 4'b1011: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:40] == {3{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- 4'b1100: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:32] == {4{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- 4'b1101: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:24] == {5{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- 4'b1110: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:16] == {6{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- 4'b1111: begin
- if (pkt_rx_data[63:8] == {7{count[10:3]}})
- begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= `SEARCH;
- end
- else
- state <= `ERROR2; // Data missmatch error
- end
- default: state <= `ERROR1; // Illegal signalling
- endcase // case({pkt_rx_eop,pkt_rx_mod})
- end
- end
- //
- // Finished. Received and verified full sequence. Now assert corret signal and done.
- // Stay in this state until reset.
- //
- `DONE: begin
- done <= 1;
- correct <= 1;
- end
- //
- // Signal protocol error.
- // Stay in this state until reset.
- //
- `ERROR1: begin
- done <= 1;
- error <= 1;
- end
- //
- // Data payload of packet did not match reference
- // Stay in this state until reset.
- //
- `ERROR2: begin
- done <= 1;
- error <= 2;
- end
- //
- // CRC error reported by MAC
- // Stay in this state until reset.
- //
- `ERROR3: begin
- done <= 1;
- error <= 3;
- end
- endcase
- end
-endmodule // rx_checker
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_data_fifo.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_data_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e38747f45..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_data_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "rx_data_fifo.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module rx_data_fifo(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- rxdfifo_wfull, rxdfifo_rdata, rxdfifo_rstatus, rxdfifo_rempty,
- rxdfifo_ralmost_empty,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_rx, clk_156m25, reset_xgmii_rx_n, reset_156m25_n,
- rxdfifo_wdata, rxdfifo_wstatus, rxdfifo_wen, rxdfifo_ren
- );
-input clk_xgmii_rx;
-input clk_156m25;
-input reset_xgmii_rx_n;
-input reset_156m25_n;
-input [63:0] rxdfifo_wdata;
-input [7:0] rxdfifo_wstatus;
-input rxdfifo_wen;
-input rxdfifo_ren;
-output rxdfifo_wfull;
-output [63:0] rxdfifo_rdata;
-output [7:0] rxdfifo_rstatus;
-output rxdfifo_rempty;
-output rxdfifo_ralmost_empty;
-generic_fifo #(
- .DWIDTH (72),
- .EARLY_READ (1),
- .wclk (clk_xgmii_rx),
- .wrst_n (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
- .wen (rxdfifo_wen),
- .wdata ({rxdfifo_wstatus, rxdfifo_wdata}),
- .wfull (rxdfifo_wfull),
- .walmost_full (),
- .rclk (clk_156m25),
- .rrst_n (reset_156m25_n),
- .ren (rxdfifo_ren),
- .rdata ({rxdfifo_rstatus, rxdfifo_rdata}),
- .rempty (rxdfifo_rempty),
- .ralmost_empty (rxdfifo_ralmost_empty)
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_dequeue.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_dequeue.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 3603f6d0c..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_dequeue.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "rx_dequeue.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module rx_dequeue(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- rxdfifo_ren, pkt_rx_data, pkt_rx_val, pkt_rx_sop, pkt_rx_eop,
- pkt_rx_err, pkt_rx_mod, pkt_rx_avail, status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog,
- // Inputs
- clk_156m25, reset_156m25_n, rxdfifo_rdata, rxdfifo_rstatus,
- rxdfifo_rempty, rxdfifo_ralmost_empty, pkt_rx_ren
- );
-input clk_156m25;
-input reset_156m25_n;
-input [63:0] rxdfifo_rdata;
-input [7:0] rxdfifo_rstatus;
-input rxdfifo_rempty;
-input rxdfifo_ralmost_empty;
-input pkt_rx_ren;
-output rxdfifo_ren;
-output [63:0] pkt_rx_data;
-output pkt_rx_val;
-output pkt_rx_sop;
-output pkt_rx_eop;
-output pkt_rx_err;
-output [2:0] pkt_rx_mod;
-output pkt_rx_avail;
-output status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog;
-// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
-reg pkt_rx_avail;
-reg [63:0] pkt_rx_data;
-reg pkt_rx_eop;
-reg pkt_rx_err;
-reg [2:0] pkt_rx_mod;
-reg pkt_rx_sop;
-reg pkt_rx_val;
-reg status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog;
-// End of automatics
-reg end_eop;
-// End eop to force one cycle between packets
-assign rxdfifo_ren = !rxdfifo_rempty && pkt_rx_ren && !end_eop;
-always @(posedge clk_156m25 or negedge reset_156m25_n) begin
- if (reset_156m25_n == 1'b0) begin
- pkt_rx_avail <= 1'b0;
- pkt_rx_data <= 64'b0;
- pkt_rx_sop <= 1'b0;
- pkt_rx_eop <= 1'b0;
- pkt_rx_err <= 1'b0;
- pkt_rx_mod <= 3'b0;
- pkt_rx_val <= 1'b0;
- end_eop <= 1'b0;
- status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- pkt_rx_avail <= !rxdfifo_ralmost_empty;
- // If eop shows up at the output of the fifo, we drive eop on
- // the bus on the next read. This will be the last read for this
- // packet. The fifo is designed to output data early. On last read,
- // data from next packet will appear at the output of fifo. Modulus
- // of packet length is in lower bits.
- pkt_rx_eop <= rxdfifo_ren && rxdfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP];
- pkt_rx_mod <= {3{rxdfifo_ren & rxdfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP]}} & rxdfifo_rstatus[2:0];
- pkt_rx_val <= rxdfifo_ren;
- if (rxdfifo_ren) begin
- `ifdef BIGENDIAN
- pkt_rx_data <= {rxdfifo_rdata[7:0],
- rxdfifo_rdata[15:8],
- rxdfifo_rdata[23:16],
- rxdfifo_rdata[31:24],
- rxdfifo_rdata[39:32],
- rxdfifo_rdata[47:40],
- rxdfifo_rdata[55:48],
- rxdfifo_rdata[63:56]};
- `else
- pkt_rx_data <= rxdfifo_rdata;
- `endif
- end
- if (rxdfifo_ren && rxdfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_SOP]) begin
- // SOP indication on first word
- pkt_rx_sop <= 1'b1;
- pkt_rx_err <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- pkt_rx_sop <= 1'b0;
- // Give an error if FIFO is to underflow
- if (rxdfifo_rempty && pkt_rx_ren && !end_eop) begin
- pkt_rx_val <= 1'b1;
- pkt_rx_eop <= 1'b1;
- pkt_rx_err <= 1'b1;
- end
- end
- if (rxdfifo_ren && |(rxdfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_ERR])) begin
- // Status stored in FIFO is propagated to error signal.
- pkt_rx_err <= 1'b1;
- end
- //---
- // EOP indication at the end of the frame. Cleared otherwise.
- if (rxdfifo_ren && rxdfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP]) begin
- end_eop <= 1'b1;
- end
- else if (pkt_rx_ren) begin
- end_eop <= 1'b0;
- end
- //---
- // FIFO errors, used to generate interrupts
- if (rxdfifo_rempty && pkt_rx_ren && !end_eop) begin
- status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog <= ~status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog;
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a5ac660..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "rx_enqueue.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module rx_enqueue(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- rxdfifo_wdata, rxdfifo_wstatus, rxdfifo_wen, rxhfifo_ren,
- rxhfifo_wdata, rxhfifo_wstatus, rxhfifo_wen, local_fault_msg_det,
- remote_fault_msg_det, status_crc_error_tog,
- status_fragment_error_tog, status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog,
- status_pause_frame_rx_tog,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_rx, reset_xgmii_rx_n, xgmii_rxd, xgmii_rxc, rxdfifo_wfull,
- rxhfifo_rdata, rxhfifo_rstatus, rxhfifo_rempty,
- rxhfifo_ralmost_empty
- );
-`include "CRC32_D64.v"
-`include "CRC32_D8.v"
-`include "utils.v"
-input clk_xgmii_rx;
-input reset_xgmii_rx_n;
-input [63:0] xgmii_rxd;
-input [7:0] xgmii_rxc;
-input rxdfifo_wfull;
-input [63:0] rxhfifo_rdata;
-input [7:0] rxhfifo_rstatus;
-input rxhfifo_rempty;
-input rxhfifo_ralmost_empty;
-output [63:0] rxdfifo_wdata;
-output [7:0] rxdfifo_wstatus;
-output rxdfifo_wen;
-output rxhfifo_ren;
-output [63:0] rxhfifo_wdata;
-output [7:0] rxhfifo_wstatus;
-output rxhfifo_wen;
-output [1:0] local_fault_msg_det;
-output [1:0] remote_fault_msg_det;
-output status_crc_error_tog;
-output status_fragment_error_tog;
-output status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;
-output status_pause_frame_rx_tog;
-// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
-reg [1:0] local_fault_msg_det;
-reg [1:0] remote_fault_msg_det;
-reg [63:0] rxdfifo_wdata;
-reg rxdfifo_wen;
-reg [7:0] rxdfifo_wstatus;
-reg rxhfifo_ren;
-reg [63:0] rxhfifo_wdata;
-reg rxhfifo_wen;
-reg [7:0] rxhfifo_wstatus;
-reg status_crc_error_tog;
-reg status_fragment_error_tog;
-reg status_pause_frame_rx_tog;
-reg status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;
-// End of automatics
-reg [63:32] xgmii_rxd_d1;
-reg [7:4] xgmii_rxc_d1;
-reg [63:0] xgxs_rxd_barrel;
-reg [7:0] xgxs_rxc_barrel;
-reg [63:0] xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1;
-reg [7:0] xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1;
-reg barrel_shift;
-reg [31:0] crc32_d64;
-reg [31:0] crc32_d8;
-reg [3:0] crc_bytes;
-reg [3:0] next_crc_bytes;
-reg [63:0] crc_shift_data;
-reg crc_start_8b;
-reg crc_done;
-reg crc_good;
-reg crc_clear;
-reg [31:0] crc_rx;
-reg [31:0] next_crc_rx;
-reg [2:0] curr_state;
-reg [2:0] next_state;
-reg [13:0] curr_byte_cnt;
-reg [13:0] next_byte_cnt;
-reg fragment_error;
-reg rxd_ovflow_error;
-reg coding_error;
-reg next_coding_error;
-reg [7:0] addmask;
-reg [7:0] datamask;
-reg pause_frame;
-reg next_pause_frame;
-reg pause_frame_hold;
-reg good_pause_frame;
-reg drop_data;
-reg next_drop_data;
-reg pkt_pending;
-reg rxhfifo_ren_d1;
-reg rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1;
-parameter [2:0]
- SM_IDLE = 3'd0,
- SM_RX = 3'd1;
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_rx or negedge reset_xgmii_rx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_rx_n == 1'b0) begin
- xgmii_rxd_d1 <= 32'b0;
- xgmii_rxc_d1 <= 4'b0;
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= 64'b0;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= 8'b0;
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1 <= 64'b0;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1 <= 8'b0;
- barrel_shift <= 1'b0;
- local_fault_msg_det <= 2'b0;
- remote_fault_msg_det <= 2'b0;
- crc32_d64 <= 32'b0;
- crc32_d8 <= 32'b0;
- crc_bytes <= 4'b0;
- crc_shift_data <= 64'b0;
- crc_done <= 1'b0;
- crc_rx <= 32'b0;
- pause_frame_hold <= 1'b0;
- status_crc_error_tog <= 1'b0;
- status_fragment_error_tog <= 1'b0;
- status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog <= 1'b0;
- status_pause_frame_rx_tog <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- //---
- // Link status RC layer
- // Look for local/remote messages on lower 4 lanes and upper
- // 4 lanes. This is a 64-bit interface but look at each 32-bit
- // independantly.
- local_fault_msg_det[1] <= (xgmii_rxd[63:32] ==
- {`LOCAL_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE} &&
- xgmii_rxc[7:4] == 4'b0001);
- local_fault_msg_det[0] <= (xgmii_rxd[31:0] ==
- {`LOCAL_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE} &&
- xgmii_rxc[3:0] == 4'b0001);
- remote_fault_msg_det[1] <= (xgmii_rxd[63:32] ==
- {`REMOTE_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE} &&
- xgmii_rxc[7:4] == 4'b0001);
- remote_fault_msg_det[0] <= (xgmii_rxd[31:0] ==
- {`REMOTE_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE} &&
- xgmii_rxc[3:0] == 4'b0001);
- //---
- // Rotating barrel. This function allow us to always align the start of
- // a frame with LANE0. If frame starts in LANE4, it will be shifted 4 bytes
- // to LANE0, thus reducing the amount of logic needed at the next stage.
- xgmii_rxd_d1[63:32] <= xgmii_rxd[63:32];
- xgmii_rxc_d1[7:4] <= xgmii_rxc[7:4];
- if (xgmii_rxd[`LANE0] == `START && xgmii_rxc[0]) begin
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= xgmii_rxd;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= xgmii_rxc;
- barrel_shift <= 1'b0;
- end
- else if (xgmii_rxd[`LANE4] == `START && xgmii_rxc[4]) begin
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= {xgmii_rxd[31:0], xgmii_rxd_d1[63:32]};
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= {xgmii_rxc[3:0], xgmii_rxc_d1[7:4]};
- barrel_shift <= 1'b1;
- end
- else if (barrel_shift) begin
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= {xgmii_rxd[31:0], xgmii_rxd_d1[63:32]};
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= {xgmii_rxc[3:0], xgmii_rxc_d1[7:4]};
- end
- else begin
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= xgmii_rxd;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= xgmii_rxc;
- end
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1 <= xgxs_rxd_barrel;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1 <= xgxs_rxc_barrel;
- //---
- // When final CRC calculation begins we capture info relevant to
- // current frame CRC claculation continues while next frame is
- // being received.
- if (crc_start_8b) begin
- pause_frame_hold <= pause_frame;
- end
- //---
- // CRC Checking
- crc_rx <= next_crc_rx;
- if (crc_clear) begin
- // CRC is cleared at the beginning of the frame, calculate
- // 64-bit at a time otherwise
- crc32_d64 <= 32'hffffffff;
- end
- else begin
- crc32_d64 <= nextCRC32_D64(reverse_64b(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1), crc32_d64);
- end
- if (crc_bytes != 4'b0) begin
- // When reaching the end of the frame we switch from 64-bit mode
- // to 8-bit mode to accomodate odd number of bytes in the frame.
- // crc_bytes indicated the number of remaining payload byte to
- // compute CRC on. Calculate and decrement until it reaches 0.
- if (crc_bytes == 4'b1) begin
- crc_done <= 1'b1;
- end
- crc32_d8 <= nextCRC32_D8(reverse_8b(crc_shift_data[7:0]), crc32_d8);
- crc_shift_data <= {8'h00, crc_shift_data[63:8]};
- crc_bytes <= crc_bytes - 4'b1;
- end
- else if (crc_bytes == 4'b0) begin
- // Per Clause 46. Control code during data must be reported
- // as a CRC error. Indicated here by coding_error. Corrupt CRC
- // if coding error is detected.
- if (coding_error || next_coding_error) begin
- crc32_d8 <= ~crc32_d64;
- end
- else begin
- crc32_d8 <= crc32_d64;
- end
- crc_done <= 1'b0;
- crc_shift_data <= xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1;
- crc_bytes <= next_crc_bytes;
- end
- //---
- // Error detection
- if (crc_done && !crc_good) begin
- status_crc_error_tog <= ~status_crc_error_tog;
- end
- if (fragment_error) begin
- status_fragment_error_tog <= ~status_fragment_error_tog;
- end
- if (rxd_ovflow_error) begin
- status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog <= ~status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;
- end
- //---
- // Frame receive indication
- if (good_pause_frame) begin
- status_pause_frame_rx_tog <= ~status_pause_frame_rx_tog;
- end
- end
-always @(/*AS*/crc32_d8 or crc_done or crc_rx or pause_frame_hold) begin
- crc_good = 1'b0;
- good_pause_frame = 1'b0;
- if (crc_done) begin
- // Check CRC. If this is a pause frame, report it to cpu.
- if (crc_rx == ~reverse_32b(crc32_d8)) begin
- crc_good = 1'b1;
- good_pause_frame = pause_frame_hold;
- end
- end
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_rx or negedge reset_xgmii_rx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_rx_n == 1'b0) begin
- curr_state <= SM_IDLE;
- curr_byte_cnt <= 14'b0;
- coding_error <= 1'b0;
- pause_frame <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- curr_state <= next_state;
- curr_byte_cnt <= next_byte_cnt;
- coding_error <= next_coding_error;
- pause_frame <= next_pause_frame;
- end
-always @(/*AS*/coding_error or crc_rx or curr_byte_cnt or curr_state
- or pause_frame or xgxs_rxc_barrel or xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1
- or xgxs_rxd_barrel or xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1) begin
- next_state = curr_state;
- rxhfifo_wdata = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus = `RXSTATUS_NONE;
- rxhfifo_wen = 1'b0;
- addmask[0] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE0] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[0]);
- addmask[1] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE1] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[1]);
- addmask[2] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE2] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[2]);
- addmask[3] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE3] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[3]);
- addmask[4] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE4] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[4]);
- addmask[5] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE5] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[5]);
- addmask[6] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE6] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[6]);
- addmask[7] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE7] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[7]);
- datamask[0] = addmask[0];
- datamask[1] = &addmask[1:0];
- datamask[2] = &addmask[2:0];
- datamask[3] = &addmask[3:0];
- datamask[4] = &addmask[4:0];
- datamask[5] = &addmask[5:0];
- datamask[6] = &addmask[6:0];
- datamask[7] = &addmask[7:0];
- next_crc_bytes = 4'b0;
- next_crc_rx = crc_rx;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b0;
- crc_clear = 1'b0;
- next_byte_cnt = curr_byte_cnt;
- fragment_error = 1'b0;
- next_coding_error = coding_error;
- next_pause_frame = pause_frame;
- case (curr_state)
- begin
- next_byte_cnt = 14'b0;
- crc_clear = 1'b1;
- next_coding_error = 1'b0;
- next_pause_frame = 1'b0;
- // Detect the start of a frame
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE0] == `START && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[0] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE1] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[1] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE2] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[2] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE3] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[3] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE4] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[4] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE5] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[5] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE6] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[6] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE7] == `SFD && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[7]) begin
- next_state = SM_RX;
- end
- end
- SM_RX:
- begin
- // Pause frames are filtered
- rxhfifo_wen = !pause_frame;
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE0] == `START && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[0] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE7] == `SFD && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[7]) begin
- // Fragment received, if we are still at SOP stage don't store
- // the frame. If not, write a fake EOP and flag frame as bad.
- next_byte_cnt = 14'b0;
- crc_clear = 1'b1;
- next_coding_error = 1'b0;
- fragment_error = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_ERR] = 1'b1;
- if (curr_byte_cnt == 14'b0) begin
- rxhfifo_wen = 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- end
- end
- else if (curr_byte_cnt > 14'd9900) begin
- // Frame too long, TERMMINATE must have been corrupted.
- // Abort transfer, write a fake EOP, report as fragment.
- fragment_error = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_ERR] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- else begin
- // Pause frame receive, these frame will be filtered
- if (curr_byte_cnt == 14'd0 &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[47:0] == `PAUSE_FRAME) begin
- rxhfifo_wen = 1'b0;
- next_pause_frame = 1'b1;
- end
- // Control character during data phase, force CRC error
- if (|(xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1 & datamask)) begin
- next_coding_error = 1'b1;
- end
- // Write SOP to status bits during first byte
- if (curr_byte_cnt == 14'b0) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_SOP] = 1'b1;
- end
- /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
- next_byte_cnt = curr_byte_cnt +
- addmask[0] + addmask[1] + addmask[2] + addmask[3] +
- addmask[4] + addmask[5] + addmask[6] + addmask[7];
- /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */
- // We will not write to the fifo if all is left
- // are four or less bytes of crc. We also strip off the
- // crc, which requires looking one cycle ahead
- // wstatus:
- // [2:0] modulus of packet length
- // Look one cycle ahead for TERMINATE in lanes 0 to 4
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE4] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[4]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd0;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd8;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel[31:0];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE3] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[3]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd7;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd7;
- next_crc_rx = {xgxs_rxd_barrel[23:0], xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[63:56]};
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE2] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[2]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd6;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd6;
- next_crc_rx = {xgxs_rxd_barrel[15:0], xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[63:48]};
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE1] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[1]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd5;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd5;
- next_crc_rx = {xgxs_rxd_barrel[7:0], xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[63:40]};
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE0] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[0]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd4;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd4;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[63:32];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- // Look at current cycle for TERMINATE in lanes 5 to 7
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE7] == `TERMINATE &&
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[7]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd3;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd3;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[55:24];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE6] == `TERMINATE &&
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[6]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd2;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd2;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[47:16];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE5] == `TERMINATE &&
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[5]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd1;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd1;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[39:8];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- end
- end
- default:
- begin
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- endcase
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_rx or negedge reset_xgmii_rx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_rx_n == 1'b0) begin
- rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1 <= 1'b1;
- drop_data <= 1'b0;
- pkt_pending <= 1'b0;
- rxhfifo_ren_d1 <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1 <= rxhfifo_ralmost_empty;
- drop_data <= next_drop_data;
- pkt_pending <= rxhfifo_ren;
- rxhfifo_ren_d1 <= rxhfifo_ren;
- end
-always @(/*AS*/crc_done or crc_good or drop_data or pkt_pending
- or rxdfifo_wfull or rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1 or rxhfifo_rdata
- or rxhfifo_ren_d1 or rxhfifo_rstatus) begin
- rxd_ovflow_error = 1'b0;
- rxdfifo_wdata = rxhfifo_rdata;
- rxdfifo_wstatus = rxhfifo_rstatus;
- next_drop_data = drop_data;
- // There must be at least 8 words in holding FIFO before we start reading.
- // This provides enough time for CRC calculation.
- rxhfifo_ren = !rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1 ||
- (pkt_pending && !rxhfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP]);
- if (rxhfifo_ren_d1 && rxhfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_SOP]) begin
- // Reset drop flag on SOP
- next_drop_data = 1'b0;
- end
- if (rxhfifo_ren_d1 && rxdfifo_wfull && !next_drop_data) begin
- // FIFO overflow, abort transfer. The rest of the frame
- // will be dropped. Since we can't put an EOP indication
- // in a fifo already full, there will be no EOP and receive
- // side will need to sync on next SOP.
- rxd_ovflow_error = 1'b1;
- next_drop_data = 1'b1;
- end
- rxdfifo_wen = rxhfifo_ren_d1 && !next_drop_data;
- if (crc_done && !crc_good) begin
- // Flag packet with error when CRC error is detected
- rxdfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_ERR] = 1'b1;
- end
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_hold_fifo.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_hold_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c4abc65..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_hold_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "rx_hold_fifo.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module rx_hold_fifo(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- rxhfifo_rdata, rxhfifo_rstatus, rxhfifo_rempty,
- rxhfifo_ralmost_empty,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_rx, reset_xgmii_rx_n, rxhfifo_wdata, rxhfifo_wstatus,
- rxhfifo_wen, rxhfifo_ren
- );
-input clk_xgmii_rx;
-input reset_xgmii_rx_n;
-input [63:0] rxhfifo_wdata;
-input [7:0] rxhfifo_wstatus;
-input rxhfifo_wen;
-input rxhfifo_ren;
-output [63:0] rxhfifo_rdata;
-output [7:0] rxhfifo_rstatus;
-output rxhfifo_rempty;
-output rxhfifo_ralmost_empty;
-generic_fifo #(
- .DWIDTH (72),
- .EARLY_READ (1),
- .wclk (clk_xgmii_rx),
- .wrst_n (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
- .wen (rxhfifo_wen),
- .wdata ({rxhfifo_wstatus, rxhfifo_wdata}),
- .wfull (),
- .walmost_full (),
- .rclk (clk_xgmii_rx),
- .rrst_n (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
- .ren (rxhfifo_ren),
- .rdata ({rxhfifo_rstatus, rxhfifo_rdata}),
- .rempty (rxhfifo_rempty),
- .ralmost_empty (rxhfifo_ralmost_empty)
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_core.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_core.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e9bd5c3..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_core.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "sync_clk_core.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module sync_clk_core(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_tx, reset_xgmii_tx_n
- );
-input clk_xgmii_tx;
-input reset_xgmii_tx_n;
-//input ctrl_tx_disable_padding;
-//output ctrl_tx_disable_padding_ccr;
-//wire [0:0] sig_out;
-//assign {ctrl_tx_disable_padding_ccr} = sig_out;
-//meta_sync #(.DWIDTH (1)) meta_sync0 (
-// // Outputs
-// .out (sig_out),
-// // Inputs
-// .clk (clk_xgmii_tx),
-// .reset_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
-// .in ({
-// ctrl_tx_disable_padding
-// }));
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_wb.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_wb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a5c3f6230..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_wb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "sync_clk_wb.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module sync_clk_wb(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- status_crc_error, status_fragment_error, status_txdfifo_ovflow,
- status_txdfifo_udflow, status_rxdfifo_ovflow, status_rxdfifo_udflow,
- status_pause_frame_rx, status_local_fault, status_remote_fault,
- // Inputs
- wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, status_crc_error_tog, status_fragment_error_tog,
- status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog, status_txdfifo_udflow_tog,
- status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog, status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog,
- status_pause_frame_rx_tog, status_local_fault_crx,
- status_remote_fault_crx
- );
-input wb_clk_i;
-input wb_rst_i;
-input status_crc_error_tog;
-input status_fragment_error_tog;
-input status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog;
-input status_txdfifo_udflow_tog;
-input status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;
-input status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog;
-input status_pause_frame_rx_tog;
-input status_local_fault_crx;
-input status_remote_fault_crx;
-output status_crc_error;
-output status_fragment_error;
-output status_txdfifo_ovflow;
-output status_txdfifo_udflow;
-output status_rxdfifo_ovflow;
-output status_rxdfifo_udflow;
-output status_pause_frame_rx;
-output status_local_fault;
-output status_remote_fault;
-wire [6:0] sig_out1;
-wire [1:0] sig_out2;
-assign status_crc_error = sig_out1[6];
-assign status_fragment_error = sig_out1[5];
-assign status_txdfifo_ovflow = sig_out1[4];
-assign status_txdfifo_udflow = sig_out1[3];
-assign status_rxdfifo_ovflow = sig_out1[2];
-assign status_rxdfifo_udflow = sig_out1[1];
-assign status_pause_frame_rx = sig_out1[0];
-assign status_local_fault = sig_out2[1];
-assign status_remote_fault = sig_out2[0];
-meta_sync #(.DWIDTH (7), .EDGE_DETECT (1)) meta_sync0 (
- // Outputs
- .out (sig_out1),
- // Inputs
- .clk (wb_clk_i),
- .reset_n (~wb_rst_i),
- .in ({
- status_crc_error_tog,
- status_fragment_error_tog,
- status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog,
- status_txdfifo_udflow_tog,
- status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog,
- status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog,
- status_pause_frame_rx_tog
- }));
-meta_sync #(.DWIDTH (2), .EDGE_DETECT (0)) meta_sync1 (
- // Outputs
- .out (sig_out2),
- // Inputs
- .clk (wb_clk_i),
- .reset_n (~wb_rst_i),
- .in ({
- status_local_fault_crx,
- status_remote_fault_crx
- }));
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 34527b0bc..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "sync_clk_xgmii.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module sync_clk_xgmii_tx(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- ctrl_tx_enable_ctx, status_local_fault_ctx, status_remote_fault_ctx,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_tx, reset_xgmii_tx_n, ctrl_tx_enable,
- status_local_fault_crx, status_remote_fault_crx
- );
-input clk_xgmii_tx;
-input reset_xgmii_tx_n;
-input ctrl_tx_enable;
-input status_local_fault_crx;
-input status_remote_fault_crx;
-output ctrl_tx_enable_ctx;
-output status_local_fault_ctx;
-output status_remote_fault_ctx;
-wire [2:0] sig_out;
-assign ctrl_tx_enable_ctx = sig_out[2];
-assign status_local_fault_ctx = sig_out[1];
-assign status_remote_fault_ctx = sig_out[0];
-meta_sync #(.DWIDTH (3)) meta_sync0 (
- // Outputs
- .out (sig_out),
- // Inputs
- .clk (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .reset_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .in ({
- ctrl_tx_enable,
- status_local_fault_crx,
- status_remote_fault_crx
- }));
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/timescale.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/timescale.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 64502185f..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/timescale.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-`timescale 1ps / 1ps
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 002746186..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// Synthesizable Tx checker for 10G Ethernet MAC.
-// Generates deterministic packets that can be looped back and
-// checked for correctness
-`define IDLE 0
-`define MAC1 1
-`define MAC2 2
-`define PAYLOAD1 3
-`define WAIT 4
-`define DONE 5
-module tx_checker
- (
- input clk156,
- input rst,
- input enable,
- output reg done,
- //
- output reg pkt_tx_val,
- output reg pkt_tx_sop,
- output reg pkt_tx_eop,
- output reg [2:0] pkt_tx_mod,
- output reg [63:0] pkt_tx_data
- );
- reg [10:0] payload;
- reg [10:0] count;
- reg [7:0] state;
- reg [9:0] delay;
-always @(posedge clk156)
- if (rst)
- begin
- state <= `IDLE;
- count <= 0;
- payload <= 45; // 1 less than ethernet minimum payload size.\
- done <= 0;
- delay <= 0;
- pkt_tx_val <= 0;
- pkt_tx_sop <= 0;
- pkt_tx_eop <= 0;
- pkt_tx_data <= 0;
- pkt_tx_mod <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- state <= state;
- pkt_tx_val <= 0;
- pkt_tx_sop <= 0;
- pkt_tx_eop <= 0;
- pkt_tx_data <= 0;
- pkt_tx_mod <= 0;
- payload <= payload;
- count <= count;
- done <= 0;
- delay <= delay;
- case(state)
- // Wait in IDLE state until enabled.
- // As we leave the idle state increment the payload count
- // so that we have a test pattern that changes each iteration.
- `IDLE: begin
- if (enable)
- begin
- if (payload == 1500)
- state <= `DONE;
- else
- begin
- payload <= payload + 1; // Might need to tweak this later..
- state <= `MAC1;
- end
- end
- end
- // Assert SOP (Start of Packet) for 1 cycle.
- // Assert VAL (Tx Valid) for duration of packet.
- // Put first 8 octets out, including
- // DST MAC addr and first 2 bytes of SRC MAC.
- `MAC1: begin
- pkt_tx_val <= 1;
- pkt_tx_sop <= 1;
- pkt_tx_data[63:16] <= 48'h0001020304; // DST MAC
- pkt_tx_data[15:0] <= 16'h0000; // SRC MAC msb's
- pkt_tx_mod <= 3'h0; // All octects valid
- state <= `MAC2;
- end
- // SOP now deasserted for rest of packet.
- // VAL remains asserted.
- // Tx rest of SRC MAC and ether type then first two data octets.
- `MAC2: begin
- pkt_tx_val <= 1;
- pkt_tx_data[63:32] <= 32'h05060708; // SRC MAC lsb's
- pkt_tx_data[31:16] <= 16'h88b5; // Ethertype
- pkt_tx_data[15:0] <= 16'hBEEF; // First 2 bytes of payload.
- pkt_tx_mod <= 3'h0; // All octects valid
- count <= payload - 2; // Preload counter for this packet
- state <= `PAYLOAD1;
- end
- // Iterate in this state until end of packet.
- // The first clock cycle in this state, SRC MAC and ETHERTYPE are being Tx'ed due to pipelining
- `PAYLOAD1: begin
- pkt_tx_val <= 1;
- pkt_tx_data <= {8{count[10:3]}}; // Data pattern is 64bit word count value.
- count <= count - 8;
- if ((count[10:3] == 0) || (count[10:0] == 8)) // down to 8 or less octects to Tx.
- begin
- pkt_tx_mod <= count[2:0];
- pkt_tx_eop <= 1;
- state <= `WAIT;
- delay <= 20; // 20 cycle delay in END state before Tx next packet
- end
- end // case: `PAYLOAD1
- // Because of pipelining EOP is actually asserted in this state
- // but we are already commited to the end of packet so no decisions need to be made.
- // Make signals idle ready for next state after.
- // Delay start of next packet to rate control test.
- `WAIT:begin
- delay <= delay - 1;
- if (delay == 0)
- state <= `IDLE;
- end
- // Have now transmitted one packet of every legal size (no jumbo frames)
- // Stay in this state asserting done flag until reset.
- `DONE:begin
- state <= `DONE;
- done <= 1;
- end
- endcase // case(state)
- end
-endmodule // tx_checker
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_data_fifo.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_data_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aa9f952c..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_data_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "tx_data_fifo.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module tx_data_fifo(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- txdfifo_wfull, txdfifo_walmost_full, txdfifo_rdata, txdfifo_rstatus,
- txdfifo_rempty, txdfifo_ralmost_empty,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_tx, clk_156m25, reset_xgmii_tx_n, reset_156m25_n,
- txdfifo_wdata, txdfifo_wstatus, txdfifo_wen, txdfifo_ren
- );
-input clk_xgmii_tx;
-input clk_156m25;
-input reset_xgmii_tx_n;
-input reset_156m25_n;
-input [63:0] txdfifo_wdata;
-input [7:0] txdfifo_wstatus;
-input txdfifo_wen;
-input txdfifo_ren;
-output txdfifo_wfull;
-output txdfifo_walmost_full;
-output [63:0] txdfifo_rdata;
-output [7:0] txdfifo_rstatus;
-output txdfifo_rempty;
-output txdfifo_ralmost_empty;
-generic_fifo #(
- .DWIDTH (72),
- .EARLY_READ (1),
- .wclk (clk_156m25),
- .wrst_n (reset_156m25_n),
- .wen (txdfifo_wen),
- .wdata ({txdfifo_wstatus, txdfifo_wdata}),
- .wfull (txdfifo_wfull),
- .walmost_full (txdfifo_walmost_full),
- .rclk (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .rrst_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .ren (txdfifo_ren),
- .rdata ({txdfifo_rstatus, txdfifo_rdata}),
- .rempty (txdfifo_rempty),
- .ralmost_empty (txdfifo_ralmost_empty)
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_dequeue.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_dequeue.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 8444514ee..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_dequeue.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,938 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "tx_dequeue.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module tx_dequeue(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- txdfifo_ren, txhfifo_ren, txhfifo_wdata, txhfifo_wstatus,
- txhfifo_wen, xgmii_txd, xgmii_txc, status_txdfifo_udflow_tog,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_tx, reset_xgmii_tx_n, ctrl_tx_enable_ctx,
- status_local_fault_ctx, status_remote_fault_ctx, txdfifo_rdata,
- txdfifo_rstatus, txdfifo_rempty, txdfifo_ralmost_empty,
- txhfifo_rdata, txhfifo_rstatus, txhfifo_rempty,
- txhfifo_ralmost_empty, txhfifo_wfull, txhfifo_walmost_full
- );
-`include "CRC32_D64.v"
-`include "CRC32_D8.v"
-`include "utils.v"
-input clk_xgmii_tx;
-input reset_xgmii_tx_n;
-input ctrl_tx_enable_ctx;
-input status_local_fault_ctx;
-input status_remote_fault_ctx;
-input [63:0] txdfifo_rdata;
-input [7:0] txdfifo_rstatus;
-input txdfifo_rempty;
-input txdfifo_ralmost_empty;
-input [63:0] txhfifo_rdata;
-input [7:0] txhfifo_rstatus;
-input txhfifo_rempty;
-input txhfifo_ralmost_empty;
-input txhfifo_wfull;
-input txhfifo_walmost_full;
-output txdfifo_ren;
-output txhfifo_ren;
-output [63:0] txhfifo_wdata;
-output [7:0] txhfifo_wstatus;
-output txhfifo_wen;
-output [63:0] xgmii_txd;
-output [7:0] xgmii_txc;
-output status_txdfifo_udflow_tog;
-// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
-reg status_txdfifo_udflow_tog;
-reg txdfifo_ren;
-reg txhfifo_ren;
-reg [63:0] txhfifo_wdata;
-reg txhfifo_wen;
-reg [7:0] txhfifo_wstatus;
-reg [7:0] xgmii_txc;
-reg [63:0] xgmii_txd;
-// End of automatics
-reg [63:0] xgxs_txd;
-reg [7:0] xgxs_txc;
-reg [63:0] next_xgxs_txd;
-reg [7:0] next_xgxs_txc;
-reg [2:0] curr_state_enc;
-reg [2:0] next_state_enc;
-reg [0:0] curr_state_pad;
-reg [0:0] next_state_pad;
-reg start_on_lane0;
-reg next_start_on_lane0;
-reg [2:0] ifg_deficit;
-reg [2:0] next_ifg_deficit;
-reg ifg_4b_add;
-reg next_ifg_4b_add;
-reg ifg_8b_add;
-reg next_ifg_8b_add;
-reg ifg_8b2_add;
-reg next_ifg_8b2_add;
-reg [7:0] eop;
-reg [7:0] next_eop;
-reg [63:32] xgxs_txd_barrel;
-reg [7:4] xgxs_txc_barrel;
-reg [63:0] txhfifo_rdata_d1;
-reg [13:0] byte_cnt;
-reg [31:0] crc32_d64;
-reg [31:0] crc32_d8;
-reg [31:0] crc32_tx;
-reg [63:0] shift_crc_data;
-reg [3:0] shift_crc_eop;
-reg [3:0] shift_crc_cnt;
-reg [31:0] crc_data;
-reg frame_available;
-reg next_frame_available;
-reg [63:0] next_txhfifo_wdata;
-reg [7:0] next_txhfifo_wstatus;
-reg next_txhfifo_wen;
-reg txdfifo_ren_d1;
-parameter [2:0]
- SM_IDLE = 3'd0,
- SM_PREAMBLE = 3'd1,
- SM_TX = 3'd2,
- SM_EOP = 3'd3,
- SM_TERM = 3'd4,
- SM_TERM_FAIL = 3'd5,
- SM_IFG = 3'd6;
-parameter [0:0]
- SM_PAD_EQ = 1'd0,
- SM_PAD_PAD = 1'd1;
-// RC layer
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_tx or negedge reset_xgmii_tx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_tx_n == 1'b0) begin
- xgmii_txd <= {8{`IDLE}};
- xgmii_txc <= 8'hff;
- end
- else begin
- //---
- // RC Layer, insert local or remote fault messages based on status
- // of fault state-machine
- if (status_local_fault_ctx) begin
- // If local fault detected, send remote fault message to
- // link partner
- xgmii_txd <= {`REMOTE_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE,
- `REMOTE_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE};
- xgmii_txc <= {4'b0001, 4'b0001};
- end
- else if (status_remote_fault_ctx) begin
- // If remote fault detected, inhibit transmission and send
- // idle codes
- xgmii_txd <= {8{`IDLE}};
- xgmii_txc <= 8'hff;
- end
- else begin
- xgmii_txd <= xgxs_txd;
- xgmii_txc <= xgxs_txc;
- end
- end
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_tx or negedge reset_xgmii_tx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_tx_n == 1'b0) begin
- curr_state_enc <= SM_IDLE;
- start_on_lane0 <= 1'b1;
- ifg_deficit <= 3'b0;
- ifg_4b_add <= 1'b0;
- ifg_8b_add <= 1'b0;
- ifg_8b2_add <= 1'b0;
- eop <= 8'b0;
- txhfifo_rdata_d1 <= 64'b0;
- xgxs_txd_barrel <= {4{`IDLE}};
- xgxs_txc_barrel <= 4'hf;
- frame_available <= 1'b0;
- xgxs_txd <= {8{`IDLE}};
- xgxs_txc <= 8'hff;
- status_txdfifo_udflow_tog <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- curr_state_enc <= next_state_enc;
- start_on_lane0 <= next_start_on_lane0;
- ifg_deficit <= next_ifg_deficit;
- ifg_4b_add <= next_ifg_4b_add;
- ifg_8b_add <= next_ifg_8b_add;
- ifg_8b2_add <= next_ifg_8b2_add;
- eop <= next_eop;
- txhfifo_rdata_d1 <= txhfifo_rdata;
- xgxs_txd_barrel <= next_xgxs_txd[63:32];
- xgxs_txc_barrel <= next_xgxs_txc[7:4];
- frame_available <= next_frame_available;
- //---
- // Barrel shifter. Previous stage always align packet with LANE0.
- // This stage allow us to shift packet to align with LANE4 if needed
- // for correct inter frame gap (IFG).
- if (next_start_on_lane0) begin
- xgxs_txd <= next_xgxs_txd;
- xgxs_txc <= next_xgxs_txc;
- end
- else begin
- xgxs_txd <= {next_xgxs_txd[31:0], xgxs_txd_barrel};
- xgxs_txc <= {next_xgxs_txc[3:0], xgxs_txc_barrel};
- end
- //---
- // FIFO errors, used to generate interrupts.
- if (txdfifo_ren && txdfifo_rempty) begin
- status_txdfifo_udflow_tog <= ~status_txdfifo_udflow_tog;
- end
- end
-always @(/*AS*/crc32_tx or ctrl_tx_enable_ctx or curr_state_enc or eop
- or frame_available or ifg_4b_add or ifg_8b2_add or ifg_8b_add
- or ifg_deficit or start_on_lane0 or status_local_fault_ctx
- or txhfifo_ralmost_empty or txhfifo_rdata_d1
- or txhfifo_rempty or txhfifo_rstatus) begin
- next_state_enc = curr_state_enc;
- next_start_on_lane0 = start_on_lane0;
- next_ifg_deficit = ifg_deficit;
- next_ifg_4b_add = ifg_4b_add;
- next_ifg_8b_add = ifg_8b_add;
- next_ifg_8b2_add = ifg_8b2_add;
- next_eop = eop;
- next_xgxs_txd = {8{`IDLE}};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'hff;
- txhfifo_ren = 1'b0;
- next_frame_available = frame_available;
- case (curr_state_enc)
- begin
- // Wait for frame to be available. There should be a least N bytes in the
- // data fifo or a crc in the control fifo. The N bytes in the data fifo
- // give time to the enqueue engine to calculate crc and write it to the
- // control fifo. If crc is already in control fifo we can start transmitting
- // with no concern. Transmission is inhibited if local or remote faults
- // are detected.
- if (ctrl_tx_enable_ctx && frame_available &&
- !status_local_fault_ctx && !status_local_fault_ctx) begin
- txhfifo_ren = 1'b1;
- next_state_enc = SM_PREAMBLE;
- end
- else begin
- next_frame_available = !txhfifo_ralmost_empty;
- next_ifg_4b_add = 1'b0;
- end
- end
- begin
- // On reading SOP from fifo, send SFD and preamble characters
- if (txhfifo_rstatus[`TXSTATUS_SOP]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {`SFD, {6{`PREAMBLE}}, `START};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'h01;
- txhfifo_ren = 1'b1;
- next_state_enc = SM_TX;
- end
- else begin
- next_frame_available = 1'b0;
- next_state_enc = SM_IDLE;
- end
- // Depending on deficit idle count calculations, add 4 bytes
- // or IFG or not. This will determine on which lane start the
- // next frame.
- if (ifg_4b_add) begin
- next_start_on_lane0 = 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- next_start_on_lane0 = 1'b1;
- end
- end
- SM_TX:
- begin
- next_xgxs_txd = txhfifo_rdata_d1;
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'h00;
- txhfifo_ren = 1'b1;
- // Wait for EOP indication to be read from the fifo, then
- // transition to next state.
- if (txhfifo_rstatus[`TXSTATUS_EOP]) begin
- txhfifo_ren = 1'b0;
- next_frame_available = !txhfifo_ralmost_empty;
- next_state_enc = SM_EOP;
- end
- else if (txhfifo_rempty || txhfifo_rstatus[`TXSTATUS_SOP]) begin
- // Failure condition, we did not see EOP and there
- // is no more data in fifo or SOP, force end of packet transmit.
- next_state_enc = SM_TERM_FAIL;
- end
- next_eop[0] = txhfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd1;
- next_eop[1] = txhfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd2;
- next_eop[2] = txhfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd3;
- next_eop[3] = txhfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd4;
- next_eop[4] = txhfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd5;
- next_eop[5] = txhfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd6;
- next_eop[6] = txhfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd7;
- next_eop[7] = txhfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd0;
- end
- begin
- // Insert TERMINATE character in correct lane depending on position
- // of EOP read from fifo. Also insert CRC read from control fifo.
- if (eop[0]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {{2{`IDLE}}, `TERMINATE,
- crc32_tx[31:0], txhfifo_rdata_d1[7:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b11100000;
- end
- if (eop[1]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {`IDLE, `TERMINATE,
- crc32_tx[31:0], txhfifo_rdata_d1[15:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b11000000;
- end
- if (eop[2]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {`TERMINATE, crc32_tx[31:0], txhfifo_rdata_d1[23:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b10000000;
- end
- if (eop[3]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {crc32_tx[31:0], txhfifo_rdata_d1[31:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b00000000;
- end
- if (eop[4]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {crc32_tx[23:0], txhfifo_rdata_d1[39:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b00000000;
- end
- if (eop[5]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {crc32_tx[15:0], txhfifo_rdata_d1[47:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b00000000;
- end
- if (eop[6]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {crc32_tx[7:0], txhfifo_rdata_d1[55:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b00000000;
- end
- if (eop[7]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {txhfifo_rdata_d1[63:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b00000000;
- end
- if (!frame_available) begin
- // If there is not another frame ready to be transmitted, interface
- // will go idle and idle deficit idle count calculation is irrelevant.
- // Set deficit to 0.
- next_ifg_deficit = 3'b0;
- end
- else begin
- // Idle deficit count calculated based on number of "wasted" bytes
- // between TERMINATE and alignment of next frame in LANE0.
- next_ifg_deficit = ifg_deficit +
- {2'b0, eop[0] | eop[4]} +
- {1'b0, eop[1] | eop[5], 1'b0} +
- {1'b0, eop[2] | eop[6],
- eop[2] | eop[6]};
- end
- // IFG corrections based on deficit count and previous starting lane
- // Calculated based on following table:
- //
- // DIC=0 DIC=1 DIC=2 DIC=3
- // ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
- // PktLen IFG Next IFG Next IFG Next IFG Next
- // Modulus Length DIC Length DIC Length DIC Length DIC
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 0 12 0 12 1 12 2 12 3
- // 1 11 1 11 2 11 3 15 0
- // 2 10 2 10 3 14 0 14 1
- // 3 9 3 13 0 13 1 13 2
- //
- //
- // In logic it translates into adding 4, 8, or 12 bytes of IFG relative
- // to LANE0.
- // IFG and Add columns assume no deficit applied
- // IFG+DIC and Add+DIC assume deficit must be applied
- //
- // Start lane 0 Start lane 4
- // EOP Pads IFG IFG+DIC Add Add+DIC Add Add IFG
- // 0 3 11 15 8 12 12 16
- // 1 2 10 14 8 12 12 16
- // 2 1 9 13 8 12 12 16
- // 3 8 12 12 4 4 8 8
- // 4 7 11 15 4 8 8 12
- // 5 6 10 14 4 8 8 12
- // 6 5 9 13 4 8 8 12
- // 7 4 12 12 8 8 12 12
- if (!frame_available) begin
- // If there is not another frame ready to be transmitted, interface
- // will go idle and idle deficit idle count calculation is irrelevant.
- next_ifg_4b_add = 1'b0;
- next_ifg_8b_add = 1'b0;
- next_ifg_8b2_add = 1'b0;
- end
- else if (next_ifg_deficit[2] == ifg_deficit[2]) begin
- // Add 4 bytes IFG
- next_ifg_4b_add = (eop[0] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[1] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[2] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[3] & start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[4] & start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[5] & start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[6] & start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[7] & !start_on_lane0);
- // Add 8 bytes IFG
- next_ifg_8b_add = (eop[0]) |
- (eop[1]) |
- (eop[2]) |
- (eop[3] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[4] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[5] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[6] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[7]);
- // Add another 8 bytes IFG
- next_ifg_8b2_add = 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- // Add 4 bytes IFG
- next_ifg_4b_add = (eop[0] & start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[1] & start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[2] & start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[3] & start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[4] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[5] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[6] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[7] & !start_on_lane0);
- // Add 8 bytes IFG
- next_ifg_8b_add = (eop[0]) |
- (eop[1]) |
- (eop[2]) |
- (eop[3] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[4]) |
- (eop[5]) |
- (eop[6]) |
- (eop[7]);
- // Add another 8 bytes IFG
- next_ifg_8b2_add = (eop[0] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[1] & !start_on_lane0) |
- (eop[2] & !start_on_lane0);
- end
- if (|eop[2:0]) begin
- if (frame_available) begin
- // Next state depends on number of IFG bytes to be inserted.
- // Skip idle state if needed.
- if (next_ifg_8b2_add) begin
- next_state_enc = SM_IFG;
- end
- else if (next_ifg_8b_add) begin
- next_state_enc = SM_IDLE;
- end
- else begin
- txhfifo_ren = 1'b1;
- next_state_enc = SM_PREAMBLE;
- end
- end
- else begin
- next_state_enc = SM_IFG;
- end
- end
- if (|eop[7:3]) begin
- next_state_enc = SM_TERM;
- end
- end
- begin
- // Insert TERMINATE character in correct lane depending on position
- // of EOP read from fifo. Also insert CRC read from control fifo.
- if (eop[3]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {{7{`IDLE}}, `TERMINATE};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b11111111;
- end
- if (eop[4]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {{6{`IDLE}}, `TERMINATE, crc32_tx[31:24]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b11111110;
- end
- if (eop[5]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {{5{`IDLE}}, `TERMINATE, crc32_tx[31:16]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b11111100;
- end
- if (eop[6]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {{4{`IDLE}}, `TERMINATE, crc32_tx[31:8]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b11111000;
- end
- if (eop[7]) begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {{3{`IDLE}}, `TERMINATE, crc32_tx[31:0]};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b11110000;
- end
- // Next state depends on number of IFG bytes to be inserted.
- // Skip idle state if needed.
- if (frame_available && !ifg_8b_add) begin
- txhfifo_ren = 1'b1;
- next_state_enc = SM_PREAMBLE;
- end
- else if (frame_available) begin
- next_state_enc = SM_IDLE;
- end
- else begin
- next_state_enc = SM_IFG;
- end
- end
- begin
- next_xgxs_txd = {{7{`IDLE}}, `TERMINATE};
- next_xgxs_txc = 8'b11111111;
- next_state_enc = SM_IFG;
- end
- begin
- next_state_enc = SM_IDLE;
- end
- default:
- begin
- next_state_enc = SM_IDLE;
- end
- endcase
-always @(/*AS*/crc32_d64 or txhfifo_wen or txhfifo_wstatus) begin
- if (txhfifo_wen && txhfifo_wstatus[`TXSTATUS_SOP]) begin
- crc_data = 32'hffffffff;
- end
- else begin
- crc_data = crc32_d64;
- end
-always @(/*AS*/byte_cnt or curr_state_pad or txdfifo_rdata
- or txdfifo_rempty or txdfifo_ren_d1 or txdfifo_rstatus
- or txhfifo_walmost_full) begin
- next_state_pad = curr_state_pad;
- next_txhfifo_wdata = txdfifo_rdata;
- next_txhfifo_wstatus = txdfifo_rstatus;
- txdfifo_ren = 1'b0;
- next_txhfifo_wen = 1'b0;
- case (curr_state_pad)
- SM_PAD_EQ: begin
- //---
- // If room availabe in hoding fifo and data available in
- // data fifo, transfer data words. If transmit state machine
- // is reading from fifo we can assume room will be available.
- if (!txhfifo_walmost_full) begin
- txdfifo_ren = !txdfifo_rempty;
- end
- //---
- // This logic dependent on read during previous cycle.
- if (txdfifo_ren_d1) begin
- next_txhfifo_wen = 1'b1;
- // On EOP, decide if padding is required for this packet.
- if (txdfifo_rstatus[`TXSTATUS_EOP]) begin
- if (byte_cnt < 14'd56) begin
- next_txhfifo_wstatus = `TXSTATUS_NONE;
- txdfifo_ren = 1'b0;
- next_state_pad = SM_PAD_PAD;
- end
- else if (byte_cnt == 14'd56 &&
- (txdfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd1 ||
- txdfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd2 ||
- txdfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd3)) begin
- // Pad up to LANE3, keep the other 4 bytes for crc that will
- // be inserted by dequeue engine.
- next_txhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd4;
- // Pad end bytes with zeros.
- if (txdfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd1)
- next_txhfifo_wdata[31:8] = 24'b0;
- if (txdfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd2)
- next_txhfifo_wdata[31:16] = 16'b0;
- if (txdfifo_rstatus[2:0] == 3'd3)
- next_txhfifo_wdata[31:24] = 8'b0;
- txdfifo_ren = 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- txdfifo_ren = 1'b0;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- SM_PAD_PAD: begin
- //---
- // Pad packet to 64 bytes by writting zeros to holding fifo.
- if (!txhfifo_walmost_full) begin
- next_txhfifo_wdata = 64'b0;
- next_txhfifo_wstatus = `TXSTATUS_NONE;
- next_txhfifo_wen = 1'b1;
- if (byte_cnt == 14'd56) begin
- // Pad up to LANE3, keep the other 4 bytes for crc that will
- // be inserted by dequeue engine.
- next_txhfifo_wstatus[`TXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- next_txhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd4;
- next_state_pad = SM_PAD_EQ;
- end
- end
- end
- default:
- begin
- next_state_pad = SM_PAD_EQ;
- end
- endcase
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_tx or negedge reset_xgmii_tx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_tx_n == 1'b0) begin
- curr_state_pad <= SM_PAD_EQ;
- txdfifo_ren_d1 <= 1'b0;
- txhfifo_wdata <= 64'b0;
- txhfifo_wstatus <= 8'b0;
- txhfifo_wen <= 1'b0;
- byte_cnt <= 14'b0;
- shift_crc_data <= 64'b0;
- shift_crc_eop <= 4'b0;
- shift_crc_cnt <= 4'b0;
- end
- else begin
- curr_state_pad <= next_state_pad;
- txdfifo_ren_d1 <= txdfifo_ren;
- txhfifo_wdata <= next_txhfifo_wdata;
- txhfifo_wstatus <= next_txhfifo_wstatus;
- txhfifo_wen <= next_txhfifo_wen;
- //---
- // Reset byte count on SOP
- if (next_txhfifo_wen) begin
- if (next_txhfifo_wstatus[`TXSTATUS_SOP]) begin
- byte_cnt <= 14'd8;
- end
- else begin
- byte_cnt <= byte_cnt + 14'd8;
- end
- end
- //---
- // Calculate CRC as data is written to holding fifo. The holding fifo creates
- // a delay that allow the CRC calculation to complete before the end of the frame
- // is ready to be transmited.
- if (txhfifo_wen) begin
- crc32_d64 <= nextCRC32_D64(reverse_64b(txhfifo_wdata), crc_data);
- end
- if (txhfifo_wen && txhfifo_wstatus[`TXSTATUS_EOP]) begin
- // Last bytes calculated 8-bit at a time instead of 64-bit. Start
- // this process at the end of the frame.
- crc32_d8 <= crc32_d64;
- shift_crc_data <= txhfifo_wdata;
- shift_crc_cnt <= 4'd9;
- if (txhfifo_wstatus[2:0] == 3'b0) begin
- shift_crc_eop <= 4'd8;
- end
- else begin
- shift_crc_eop <= {1'b0, txhfifo_wstatus[2:0]};
- end
- end
- else if (shift_crc_eop != 4'b0) begin
- // Complete crc calculation 8-bit at a time until finished. This can
- // be 1 to 8 bytes long.
- crc32_d8 <= nextCRC32_D8(reverse_8b(shift_crc_data[7:0]), crc32_d8);
- shift_crc_data <= {8'b0, shift_crc_data[63:8]};
- shift_crc_eop <= shift_crc_eop - 4'd1;
- end
- //---
- // Update CRC register at the end of calculation. Always update after 8
- // cycles for deterministic results, even if a single byte was present in
- // last data word.
- if (shift_crc_cnt == 4'b1) begin
- crc32_tx <= ~reverse_32b(crc32_d8);
- end
- else begin
- shift_crc_cnt <= shift_crc_cnt - 4'd1;
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_enqueue.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_enqueue.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a17d76f2..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_enqueue.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "tx_enqueue.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module tx_enqueue(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- pkt_tx_full, txdfifo_wdata, txdfifo_wstatus, txdfifo_wen,
- status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog,
- // Inputs
- clk_156m25, reset_156m25_n, pkt_tx_data, pkt_tx_val, pkt_tx_sop,
- pkt_tx_eop, pkt_tx_mod, txdfifo_wfull, txdfifo_walmost_full
- );
-`include "CRC32_D64.v"
-`include "CRC32_D8.v"
-`include "utils.v"
-input clk_156m25;
-input reset_156m25_n;
-input [63:0] pkt_tx_data;
-input pkt_tx_val;
-input pkt_tx_sop;
-input pkt_tx_eop;
-input [2:0] pkt_tx_mod;
-input txdfifo_wfull;
-input txdfifo_walmost_full;
-output pkt_tx_full;
-output [63:0] txdfifo_wdata;
-output [7:0] txdfifo_wstatus;
-output txdfifo_wen;
-output status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog;
-// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
-reg status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog;
-reg [63:0] txdfifo_wdata;
-reg txdfifo_wen;
-reg [7:0] txdfifo_wstatus;
-// End of automatics
-reg txd_ovflow;
-reg next_txd_ovflow;
-// Full status if data fifo is almost full.
-// Current packet can complete transfer since data input rate
-// matches output rate. But next packet must wait for more headroom.
-assign pkt_tx_full = txdfifo_walmost_full;
-always @(posedge clk_156m25 or negedge reset_156m25_n) begin
- if (reset_156m25_n == 1'b0) begin
- txd_ovflow <= 1'b0;
- status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- txd_ovflow <= next_txd_ovflow;
- //---
- // FIFO errors, used to generate interrupts
- if (next_txd_ovflow && !txd_ovflow) begin
- status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog <= ~status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog;
- end
- end
-always @(/*AS*/pkt_tx_data or pkt_tx_eop or pkt_tx_mod or pkt_tx_sop
- or pkt_tx_val or txd_ovflow or txdfifo_wfull) begin
- txdfifo_wstatus = `TXSTATUS_NONE;
- txdfifo_wen = pkt_tx_val;
- next_txd_ovflow = txd_ovflow;
- `ifdef BIGENDIAN
- txdfifo_wdata = {pkt_tx_data[7:0], pkt_tx_data[15:8], pkt_tx_data[23:16], pkt_tx_data[31:24],
- pkt_tx_data[39:32], pkt_tx_data[47:40], pkt_tx_data[55:48],
- pkt_tx_data[63:56]};
- `else
- txdfifo_wdata = pkt_tx_data;
- `endif
- // Write SOP marker to fifo.
- if (pkt_tx_val && pkt_tx_sop) begin
- txdfifo_wstatus[`TXSTATUS_SOP] = 1'b1;
- end
- // Write EOP marker to fifo.
- if (pkt_tx_val) begin
- if (pkt_tx_eop) begin
- txdfifo_wstatus[2:0] = pkt_tx_mod;
- txdfifo_wstatus[`TXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- end
- end
- // Overflow indication
- if (pkt_tx_val) begin
- if (txdfifo_wfull) begin
- next_txd_ovflow = 1'b1;
- end
- else if (pkt_tx_sop) begin
- next_txd_ovflow = 1'b0;
- end
- end
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_hold_fifo.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_hold_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a71c256c6..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_hold_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "tx_hold_fifo.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module tx_hold_fifo(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- txhfifo_wfull, txhfifo_walmost_full, txhfifo_rdata, txhfifo_rstatus,
- txhfifo_rempty, txhfifo_ralmost_empty,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_tx, reset_xgmii_tx_n, txhfifo_wdata, txhfifo_wstatus,
- txhfifo_wen, txhfifo_ren
- );
-input clk_xgmii_tx;
-input reset_xgmii_tx_n;
-input [63:0] txhfifo_wdata;
-input [7:0] txhfifo_wstatus;
-input txhfifo_wen;
-input txhfifo_ren;
-output txhfifo_wfull;
-output txhfifo_walmost_full;
-output [63:0] txhfifo_rdata;
-output [7:0] txhfifo_rstatus;
-output txhfifo_rempty;
-output txhfifo_ralmost_empty;
-generic_fifo #(
- .DWIDTH (72),
- .EARLY_READ (1),
- .wclk (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .wrst_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .wen (txhfifo_wen),
- .wdata ({txhfifo_wstatus, txhfifo_wdata}),
- .wfull (txhfifo_wfull),
- .walmost_full (txhfifo_walmost_full),
- .rclk (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .rrst_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .ren (txhfifo_ren),
- .rdata ({txhfifo_rstatus, txhfifo_rdata}),
- .rempty (txhfifo_rempty),
- .ralmost_empty (txhfifo_ralmost_empty)
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/utils.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/utils.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6137b3e31..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/utils.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "utils.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-function [63:0] reverse_64b;
- input [63:0] data;
- integer i;
- begin
- for (i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 1) begin
- reverse_64b[i] = data[63 - i];
- end
- end
-function [31:0] reverse_32b;
- input [31:0] data;
- integer i;
- begin
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin
- reverse_32b[i] = data[31 - i];
- end
- end
-function [7:0] reverse_8b;
- input [7:0] data;
- integer i;
- begin
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
- reverse_8b[i] = data[7 - i];
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/wishbone_if.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/wishbone_if.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e1961eb78..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/wishbone_if.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1047 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "wishbone.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module wishbone_if(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, wb_int_o, ctrl_tx_enable,
- `ifdef MDIO
- mdc, mdio_out, mdio_tri, xge_gpo,
- `endif
- // Inputs
- wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_adr_i, wb_dat_i, wb_we_i, wb_stb_i, wb_cyc_i,
- status_crc_error, status_fragment_error, status_txdfifo_ovflow,
- status_txdfifo_udflow, status_rxdfifo_ovflow, status_rxdfifo_udflow,
- status_pause_frame_rx, status_local_fault, status_remote_fault
- `ifdef MDIO
- ,mdio_in, xge_gpi
- `endif
- );
-input wb_clk_i;
-input wb_rst_i;
-input [7:0] wb_adr_i;
-input [31:0] wb_dat_i;
-input wb_we_i;
-input wb_stb_i;
-input wb_cyc_i;
-output [31:0] wb_dat_o;
-output wb_ack_o;
-output wb_int_o;
-input status_crc_error;
-input status_fragment_error;
-input status_txdfifo_ovflow;
-input status_txdfifo_udflow;
-input status_rxdfifo_ovflow;
-input status_rxdfifo_udflow;
-input status_pause_frame_rx;
-input status_local_fault;
-input status_remote_fault;
-output ctrl_tx_enable;
- `ifdef MDIO
- output reg mdc;
- output reg mdio_out;
- output reg mdio_tri; // Assert to tristate driver.
- input mdio_in;
- input [7:0] xge_gpi;
- output reg [7:0] xge_gpo;
- //
- // State Declarations
- //
- parameter IDLE = 0,
- PREAMBLE1 = 1,
- PREAMBLE2 = 2,
- PREAMBLE3 = 3,
- PREAMBLE4 = 4,
- PREAMBLE5 = 5,
- PREAMBLE6 = 6,
- PREAMBLE7 = 7,
- PREAMBLE8 = 8,
- PREAMBLE9 = 9,
- PREAMBLE10 = 10,
- PREAMBLE11 = 11,
- PREAMBLE12 = 12,
- PREAMBLE13 = 13,
- PREAMBLE14 = 14,
- PREAMBLE15 = 15,
- PREAMBLE16 = 16,
- PREAMBLE17 = 17,
- PREAMBLE18 = 18,
- PREAMBLE19 = 19,
- PREAMBLE20 = 20,
- PREAMBLE21 = 21,
- PREAMBLE22 = 22,
- PREAMBLE23 = 23,
- PREAMBLE24 = 24,
- PREAMBLE25 = 25,
- PREAMBLE26 = 26,
- PREAMBLE27 = 27,
- PREAMBLE28 = 28,
- PREAMBLE29 = 29,
- PREAMBLE30 = 30,
- PREAMBLE31 = 31,
- PREAMBLE32 = 32,
- START1 = 33,
- C22_START2 = 34,
- C45_START2 = 35,
- OP1 = 36,
- OP2 = 37,
- PRTAD1 = 38,
- PRTAD2 = 39,
- PRTAD3 = 40,
- PRTAD4 = 41,
- PRTAD5 = 42,
- DEVAD1 = 43,
- DEVAD2 = 44,
- DEVAD3 = 45,
- DEVAD4 = 46,
- DEVAD5 = 47,
- TA1 = 48,
- TA2 = 49,
- TA3 = 50,
- READ1 = 51,
- READ2 = 52,
- READ3 = 53,
- READ4 = 54,
- READ5 = 55,
- READ6 = 56,
- READ7 = 57,
- READ8 = 58,
- READ9 = 59,
- READ10 = 60,
- READ11 = 61,
- READ12 = 62,
- READ13 = 63,
- READ14 = 64,
- READ15 = 65,
- READ16 = 66,
- WRITE1 = 67,
- WRITE2 = 68,
- WRITE3 = 69,
- WRITE4 = 70,
- WRITE5 = 71,
- WRITE6 = 72,
- WRITE7 = 73,
- WRITE8 = 74,
- WRITE9 = 75,
- WRITE10 = 76,
- WRITE11 = 77,
- WRITE12 = 78,
- WRITE13 = 79,
- WRITE14 = 80,
- WRITE15 = 81,
- WRITE16 = 82,
- C45_ADDR1 = 83,
- C45_ADDR2 = 84,
- C45_ADDR3 = 85,
- C45_ADDR4 = 86,
- C45_ADDR5 = 87,
- C45_ADDR6 = 88,
- C45_ADDR7 = 89,
- C45_ADDR8 = 90,
- C45_ADDR9 = 91,
- C45_ADDR10 = 92,
- C45_ADDR11 = 93,
- C45_ADDR12 = 94,
- C45_ADDR13 = 95,
- C45_ADDR14 = 96,
- C45_ADDR15 = 97,
- C45_ADDR16 = 98,
- PREIDLE = 99;
-// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
-reg [31:0] wb_dat_o;
-reg wb_int_o;
-// End of automatics
-reg [0:0] cpureg_config0;
-reg [8:0] cpureg_int_pending;
-reg [8:0] cpureg_int_mask;
-reg cpuack;
-reg status_remote_fault_d1;
-reg status_local_fault_d1;
-`ifdef MDIO
- reg [15:0] mdio_read_data;
- reg [15:0] mdio_write_data;
- reg [15:0] mdio_address;
- reg [12:0] mdio_operation;
- reg mdio_control;
- reg [7:0] mdc_clk_count;
- reg mdc_falling_edge;
- reg mdio_running;
- reg mdio_done;
- reg [7:0] state;
- reg [7:0] xge_gpi_reg;
- reg [7:0] xge_gpo_reg;
-wire [8:0] int_sources;
-// Source of interrupts, some are edge sensitive, others
-// expect a pulse signal.
-assign int_sources = {
- status_fragment_error,
- status_crc_error,
- status_pause_frame_rx,
- status_remote_fault ^ status_remote_fault_d1,
- status_local_fault ^ status_local_fault_d1,
- status_rxdfifo_udflow,
- status_rxdfifo_ovflow,
- status_txdfifo_udflow,
- status_txdfifo_ovflow
- };
-// Config Register 0
-assign ctrl_tx_enable = cpureg_config0[0];
-// Wishbone signals
-assign wb_ack_o = cpuack && wb_stb_i;
-always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) begin
- if (wb_rst_i == 1'b1) begin
- cpureg_config0 <= 1'h1;
- cpureg_int_pending <= 9'b0;
- cpureg_int_mask <= 9'b0;
- wb_dat_o <= 32'b0;
- wb_int_o <= 1'b0;
- cpuack <= 1'b0;
-`ifdef MDIO
- mdio_address <= 0;
- mdio_operation <= 0;
- mdio_write_data <= 0;
- mdio_running <= 0;
- xge_gpi_reg <= 0;
- xge_gpo <= 0;
- xge_gpo_reg <= 0;
- // status_remote_fault_d1 <= status_remote_fault;
- // status_local_fault_d1 <= status_local_fault;
- // IJB. Original code was unsynthesizable and a little bizzare
- // implying reset would latch data.
- status_remote_fault_d1 <= 0;
- status_local_fault_d1 <= 0;
- end
- else begin
- wb_int_o <= |(cpureg_int_pending & cpureg_int_mask);
- cpureg_int_pending <= cpureg_int_pending | int_sources;
- cpuack <= wb_cyc_i && wb_stb_i;
- status_remote_fault_d1 <= status_remote_fault;
- status_local_fault_d1 <= status_local_fault;
-`ifdef MDIO
- // Handshake to MDIO state machine to reset running flag in status.
- // Wait for falling MDC edge to prevent S/W race condition occuring
- // where done flag still asserted but running flag now cleared (repeatedly).
- if (mdio_done && mdc_falling_edge)
- mdio_running <= 0;
- // Register GPIO to allow regs placed in the I/O cells and provide some metastability prot
- xge_gpi_reg <= xge_gpi;
- xge_gpo <= xge_gpo_reg;
- //---
- // Read access
- if (wb_cyc_i && wb_stb_i && !wb_we_i) begin
- case ({wb_adr_i[7:2], 2'b0})
- `CPUREG_CONFIG0: begin
- wb_dat_o <= {31'b0, cpureg_config0};
- end
- wb_dat_o <= {23'b0, cpureg_int_pending};
- cpureg_int_pending <= int_sources;
- wb_int_o <= 1'b0;
- end
- wb_dat_o <= {23'b0, int_sources};
- end
- wb_dat_o <= {23'b0, cpureg_int_mask};
- end
- `ifdef MDIO
- wb_dat_o <= {16'b0, mdio_read_data};
- end
- wb_dat_o <= {31'b0, mdio_running};
- end
- `CPUREG_GPIO: begin
- wb_dat_o <= {24'b0, xge_gpi_reg};
- end
- `endif
- default: begin
- end
- endcase
- end
- //---
- // Write access
- if (wb_cyc_i && wb_stb_i && wb_we_i) begin
- $display("reg write @ addr %x",({wb_adr_i[7:2], 2'b0}));
- case ({wb_adr_i[7:2], 2'b0})
- `CPUREG_CONFIG0: begin
- cpureg_config0 <= wb_dat_i[0:0];
- end
- cpureg_int_pending <= wb_dat_i[8:0] | cpureg_int_pending | int_sources;
- end
- cpureg_int_mask <= wb_dat_i[8:0];
- end
-`ifdef MDIO
- mdio_write_data <= wb_dat_i[15:0];
- end
- mdio_address <= wb_dat_i[15:0];
- end
- `CPUREG_MDIO_OP: begin
- mdio_operation <= wb_dat_i[12:0];
- end
- // Trigger mdio operation here. Cleared by state machine at end of bus transaction.
- if (wb_dat_i[0])
- mdio_running <= 1;
- end
- `CPUREG_GPIO: begin
- xge_gpo_reg <= wb_dat_i[7:0];
- end
-`endif // `ifdef MDIO
- default: begin
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
-end // always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
-`ifdef MDIO
- //
- // Produce mdc clock as a signal synchronously from Wishbone clock.
- //
- always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
- if (wb_rst_i)
- begin
- mdc_clk_count <= 1;
- mdc <= 0;
- mdc_falling_edge <= 0;
- end
- else if (mdc_clk_count == `MDC_HALF_PERIOD)
- begin
- mdc_clk_count <= 1;
- mdc <= ~mdc;
- mdc_falling_edge <= mdc;
- end
- else
- begin
- mdc_clk_count <= mdc_clk_count + 1;
- mdc_falling_edge <= 0;
- end
- //
- // MDIO state machine
- //
- always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
- if (wb_rst_i)
- begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_out <= 0;
- mdio_done <= 0;
- mdio_read_data <= 0;
- state <= IDLE;
- end
- else if (mdc_falling_edge)
- //
- // This is the MDIO bus controller. Use falling edge of MDC.
- //
- begin
- // Defaults
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_out <= 0;
- mdio_done <= 0;
- case(state)
- // IDLE.
- // In Clause 22 & 45 the master of the MDIO bus is tristate during idle.
- //
- IDLE: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_out <= 0;
- if (mdio_running)
- state <= PREAMBLE1;
- end
- // Preamble. All MDIO transactions begin witrh 32bits of 1 bits as a preamble.
- PREAMBLE1: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE2;
- end
- PREAMBLE2: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE3;
- end
- PREAMBLE3: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE4;
- end
- PREAMBLE4: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE5;
- end
- PREAMBLE5: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE6;
- end
- PREAMBLE6: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE7;
- end
- PREAMBLE7: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE8;
- end
- PREAMBLE8: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE9;
- end
- PREAMBLE9: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE10;
- end
- PREAMBLE10: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE11;
- end
- PREAMBLE11: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE12;
- end
- PREAMBLE12: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE13;
- end
- PREAMBLE13: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE14;
- end
- PREAMBLE14: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE15;
- end
- PREAMBLE15: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE16;
- end
- PREAMBLE16: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE17;
- end
- PREAMBLE17: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE18;
- end
- PREAMBLE18: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE19;
- end
- PREAMBLE19: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE20;
- end
- PREAMBLE20: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE21;
- end
- PREAMBLE21: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE22;
- end
- PREAMBLE22: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE23;
- end
- PREAMBLE23: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE24;
- end
- PREAMBLE24: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE25;
- end
- PREAMBLE25: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE26;
- end
- PREAMBLE26: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE27;
- end
- PREAMBLE27: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE28;
- end
- PREAMBLE28: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE29;
- end
- PREAMBLE29: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE30;
- end
- PREAMBLE30: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE31;
- end
- PREAMBLE31: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= PREAMBLE32;
- end
- PREAMBLE32: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= START1;
- end
- //
- // Start code for Clause 22 is 01 and Clause 45 is 00
- //
- START1: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 0;
- if (mdio_operation[12])
- // Clause 45 bit set.
- state <= C45_START2;
- else
- state <= C22_START2;
- end
- //
- // 2nd Clause 22 start bit is a 1
- //
- C22_START2: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= OP1;
- end
- //
- // 2nd Clause 45 start bit is a 0
- //
- C45_START2: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 0;
- state <= OP1;
- end
- //
- // Both Clause 22 & 45 use 2 bits for operation and are compatable.
- // Note we don't screen here for illegal Clause 22 ops.
- //
- OP1: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[11];
- state <= OP2;
- end
- OP2: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[10];
- state <= PRTAD1;
- end
- //
- // Both Clause 22 & 45 use 2 sucsessive 5 bit fields to form a hierarchical address
- // though it's used slightly different between the 2 standards.
- //
- PRTAD1: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[9];
- state <= PRTAD2;
- end
- PRTAD2: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[8];
- state <= PRTAD3;
- end
- PRTAD3: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[7];
- state <= PRTAD4;
- end
- PRTAD4: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[6];
- state <= PRTAD5;
- end
- PRTAD5: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[5];
- state <= DEVAD1;
- end
- DEVAD1: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[4];
- state <= DEVAD2;
- end
- DEVAD2: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[3];
- state <= DEVAD3;
- end
- DEVAD3: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[2];
- state <= DEVAD4;
- end
- DEVAD4: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[1];
- state <= DEVAD5;
- end
- DEVAD5: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_operation[0];
- state <= TA1;
- end
- //
- // Both Clause 22 & Clause 45 use the same turn around on the bus.
- // Reads have Z as the first bit and 0 driven by the slave for the 2nd bit.
- // Note that slaves drive the bus on the rising edge of MDC.
- // Writes and Address cycles have 10 driven by the master.
- //
- TA1: begin
- if (mdio_operation[11] == 0) // Write/Address
- begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 1;
- state <= TA2;
- end
- else // Read
- begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- state <= TA3;
- end
- end
- TA2: begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= 0;
- if (!mdio_operation[12]) // Clause 22 Write
- state <= WRITE1;
- else if (mdio_operation[10]) // Clause 45 Write
- state <= WRITE1;
- else // Clause 45 ADDRESS
- state <= C45_ADDR1;
- end
- TA3: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- state <= READ1;
- end
- //
- // Clause 22 Reads and both forms of clause 45 Reads have the same bus transaction from here out.
- //
- READ1: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[15] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ2;
- end
- READ2: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[14] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ3;
- end
- READ3: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[13] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ4;
- end
- READ4: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[12] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ5;
- end
- READ5: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[11] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ6;
- end
- READ6: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[10] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ7;
- end
- READ7: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[9] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ8;
- end
- READ8: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[8] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ9;
- end
- READ9: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[7] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ10;
- end
- READ10: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[6] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ11;
- end
- READ11: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[5] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ12;
- end
- READ12: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[4] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ13;
- end
- READ13: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[3] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ14;
- end
- READ14: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[2] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ15;
- end
- READ15: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[1] <= mdio_in;
- state <= READ16;
- end
- READ16: begin
- mdio_tri <= 1;
- mdio_read_data[0] <= mdio_in;
- state <= PREIDLE;
- mdio_done <= 1;
- end
- //
- // Write 16bits of data for all types of Write.
- //
- WRITE1:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[15];
- state <= WRITE2;
- end
- WRITE2:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[14];
- state <= WRITE3;
- end
- WRITE3:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[13];
- state <= WRITE4;
- end
- WRITE4:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[12];
- state <= WRITE5;
- end
- WRITE5:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[11];
- state <= WRITE6;
- end
- WRITE6:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[10];
- state <= WRITE7;
- end
- WRITE7:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[9];
- state <= WRITE8;
- end
- WRITE8:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[8];
- state <= WRITE9;
- end
- WRITE9:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[7];
- state <= WRITE10;
- end
- WRITE10:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[6];
- state <= WRITE11;
- end
- WRITE11:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[5];
- state <= WRITE12;
- end
- WRITE12:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[4];
- state <= WRITE13;
- end
- WRITE13:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[3];
- state <= WRITE14;
- end
- WRITE14:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[2];
- state <= WRITE15;
- end
- WRITE15:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[1];
- state <= WRITE16;
- end
- WRITE16:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_write_data[0];
- state <= PREIDLE;
- mdio_done <= 1;
- end
- //
- // Write 16bits of address for a Clause 45 Address transaction
- //
- C45_ADDR1:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[15];
- state <= C45_ADDR2;
- end
- C45_ADDR2:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[14];
- state <= C45_ADDR3;
- end
- C45_ADDR3:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[13];
- state <= C45_ADDR4;
- end
- C45_ADDR4:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[12];
- state <= C45_ADDR5;
- end
- C45_ADDR5:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[11];
- state <= C45_ADDR6;
- end
- C45_ADDR6:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[10];
- state <= C45_ADDR7;
- end
- C45_ADDR7:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[9];
- state <= C45_ADDR8;
- end
- C45_ADDR8:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[8];
- state <= C45_ADDR9;
- end
- C45_ADDR9:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[7];
- state <= C45_ADDR10;
- end
- C45_ADDR10:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[6];
- state <= C45_ADDR11;
- end
- C45_ADDR11:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[5];
- state <= C45_ADDR12;
- end
- C45_ADDR12:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[4];
- state <= C45_ADDR13;
- end
- C45_ADDR13:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[3];
- state <= C45_ADDR14;
- end
- C45_ADDR14:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[2];
- state <= C45_ADDR15;
- end
- C45_ADDR15:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[1];
- state <= C45_ADDR16;
- end
- C45_ADDR16:begin
- mdio_tri <= 0;
- mdio_out <= mdio_address[0];
- state <= PREIDLE;
- mdio_done <= 1;
- end
- //
- // PREIDLE allows the mdio_running bit to reset.
- //
- PREIDLE: begin
- state <= IDLE;
- end
- endcase // case(state)
- end // if (mdc_falling_edge)
-`endif // ifdef MDIO
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/xge_mac.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/xge_mac.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b750cd0e..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/xge_mac.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "xge_mac.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module xge_mac(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- xgmii_txd, xgmii_txc, wb_int_o, wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, pkt_tx_full,
- pkt_rx_val, pkt_rx_sop, pkt_rx_mod, pkt_rx_err, pkt_rx_eop,
- pkt_rx_data, pkt_rx_avail,
- `ifdef MDIO
- mdc, mdio_out, mdio_tri, xge_gpo,
- `endif
- // Inputs
- xgmii_rxd, xgmii_rxc, wb_we_i, wb_stb_i, wb_rst_i, wb_dat_i,
- wb_cyc_i, wb_clk_i, wb_adr_i, reset_xgmii_tx_n, reset_xgmii_rx_n,
- reset_156m25_n, pkt_tx_val, pkt_tx_sop, pkt_tx_mod, pkt_tx_eop,
- pkt_tx_data, pkt_rx_ren, clk_xgmii_tx, clk_xgmii_rx, clk_156m25
- `ifdef MDIO
- ,mdio_in, xge_gpi
- `endif
- );
-// Beginning of automatic inputs (from unused autoinst inputs)
-input clk_156m25; // To rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v, ...
-input clk_xgmii_rx; // To rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v, ...
-input clk_xgmii_tx; // To tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v, ...
-input pkt_rx_ren; // To rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-input [63:0] pkt_tx_data; // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-input pkt_tx_eop; // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-input [2:0] pkt_tx_mod; // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-input pkt_tx_sop; // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-input pkt_tx_val; // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-input reset_156m25_n; // To rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v, ...
-input reset_xgmii_rx_n; // To rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v, ...
-input reset_xgmii_tx_n; // To tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v, ...
-input [7:0] wb_adr_i; // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-input wb_clk_i; // To sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v, ...
-input wb_cyc_i; // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-input [31:0] wb_dat_i; // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-input wb_rst_i; // To sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v, ...
-input wb_stb_i; // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-input wb_we_i; // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-input [7:0] xgmii_rxc; // To rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-input [63:0] xgmii_rxd; // To rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-`ifdef MDIO
-input mdio_in;
-input [7:0] xge_gpi;
-// End of automatics
-// Beginning of automatic outputs (from unused autoinst outputs)
-output pkt_rx_avail; // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-output [63:0] pkt_rx_data; // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-output pkt_rx_eop; // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-output pkt_rx_err; // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-output [2:0] pkt_rx_mod; // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-output pkt_rx_sop; // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-output pkt_rx_val; // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-output pkt_tx_full; // From tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-output wb_ack_o; // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-output [31:0] wb_dat_o; // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-output wb_int_o; // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-output [7:0] xgmii_txc; // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
-output [63:0] xgmii_txd; // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
-`ifdef MDIO
-output mdc;
-output mdio_out;
-output mdio_tri; // Assert to tristate driver.
-output [7:0] xge_gpo;
-// End of automatics
-// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
-wire ctrl_tx_enable; // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
-wire ctrl_tx_enable_ctx; // From sync_clk_xgmii_tx0 of sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v
-wire [1:0] local_fault_msg_det; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire [1:0] remote_fault_msg_det; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire rxdfifo_ralmost_empty; // From rx_data_fifo0 of rx_data_fifo.v
-wire [63:0] rxdfifo_rdata; // From rx_data_fifo0 of rx_data_fifo.v
-wire rxdfifo_rempty; // From rx_data_fifo0 of rx_data_fifo.v
-wire rxdfifo_ren; // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-wire [7:0] rxdfifo_rstatus; // From rx_data_fifo0 of rx_data_fifo.v
-wire [63:0] rxdfifo_wdata; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire rxdfifo_wen; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire rxdfifo_wfull; // From rx_data_fifo0 of rx_data_fifo.v
-wire [7:0] rxdfifo_wstatus; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire rxhfifo_ralmost_empty; // From rx_hold_fifo0 of rx_hold_fifo.v
-wire [63:0] rxhfifo_rdata; // From rx_hold_fifo0 of rx_hold_fifo.v
-wire rxhfifo_rempty; // From rx_hold_fifo0 of rx_hold_fifo.v
-wire rxhfifo_ren; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire [7:0] rxhfifo_rstatus; // From rx_hold_fifo0 of rx_hold_fifo.v
-wire [63:0] rxhfifo_wdata; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire rxhfifo_wen; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire [7:0] rxhfifo_wstatus; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire status_crc_error; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_crc_error_tog; // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire status_fragment_error; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_fragment_error_tog;// From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire status_local_fault; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_local_fault_crx; // From fault_sm0 of fault_sm.v
-wire status_local_fault_ctx; // From sync_clk_xgmii_tx0 of sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v
-wire status_pause_frame_rx; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_pause_frame_rx_tog;// From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire status_remote_fault; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_remote_fault_crx;// From fault_sm0 of fault_sm.v
-wire status_remote_fault_ctx;// From sync_clk_xgmii_tx0 of sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v
-wire status_rxdfifo_ovflow; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;// From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
-wire status_rxdfifo_udflow; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog;// From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
-wire status_txdfifo_ovflow; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog;// From tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-wire status_txdfifo_udflow; // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
-wire status_txdfifo_udflow_tog;// From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
-wire txdfifo_ralmost_empty; // From tx_data_fifo0 of tx_data_fifo.v
-wire [63:0] txdfifo_rdata; // From tx_data_fifo0 of tx_data_fifo.v
-wire txdfifo_rempty; // From tx_data_fifo0 of tx_data_fifo.v
-wire txdfifo_ren; // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
-wire [7:0] txdfifo_rstatus; // From tx_data_fifo0 of tx_data_fifo.v
-wire txdfifo_walmost_full; // From tx_data_fifo0 of tx_data_fifo.v
-wire [63:0] txdfifo_wdata; // From tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-wire txdfifo_wen; // From tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-wire txdfifo_wfull; // From tx_data_fifo0 of tx_data_fifo.v
-wire [7:0] txdfifo_wstatus; // From tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
-wire txhfifo_ralmost_empty; // From tx_hold_fifo0 of tx_hold_fifo.v
-wire [63:0] txhfifo_rdata; // From tx_hold_fifo0 of tx_hold_fifo.v
-wire txhfifo_rempty; // From tx_hold_fifo0 of tx_hold_fifo.v
-wire txhfifo_ren; // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
-wire [7:0] txhfifo_rstatus; // From tx_hold_fifo0 of tx_hold_fifo.v
-wire txhfifo_walmost_full; // From tx_hold_fifo0 of tx_hold_fifo.v
-wire [63:0] txhfifo_wdata; // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
-wire txhfifo_wen; // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
-wire txhfifo_wfull; // From tx_hold_fifo0 of tx_hold_fifo.v
-wire [7:0] txhfifo_wstatus; // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
-// End of automatics
-rx_enqueue rx_eq0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .rxdfifo_wdata (rxdfifo_wdata[63:0]),
- .rxdfifo_wstatus (rxdfifo_wstatus[7:0]),
- .rxdfifo_wen (rxdfifo_wen),
- .rxhfifo_ren (rxhfifo_ren),
- .rxhfifo_wdata (rxhfifo_wdata[63:0]),
- .rxhfifo_wstatus (rxhfifo_wstatus[7:0]),
- .rxhfifo_wen (rxhfifo_wen),
- .local_fault_msg_det (local_fault_msg_det[1:0]),
- .remote_fault_msg_det (remote_fault_msg_det[1:0]),
- .status_crc_error_tog (status_crc_error_tog),
- .status_fragment_error_tog(status_fragment_error_tog),
- .status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog(status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog),
- .status_pause_frame_rx_tog(status_pause_frame_rx_tog),
- // Inputs
- .clk_xgmii_rx (clk_xgmii_rx),
- .reset_xgmii_rx_n (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
- .xgmii_rxd (xgmii_rxd[63:0]),
- .xgmii_rxc (xgmii_rxc[7:0]),
- .rxdfifo_wfull (rxdfifo_wfull),
- .rxhfifo_rdata (rxhfifo_rdata[63:0]),
- .rxhfifo_rstatus (rxhfifo_rstatus[7:0]),
- .rxhfifo_rempty (rxhfifo_rempty),
- .rxhfifo_ralmost_empty(rxhfifo_ralmost_empty));
-rx_dequeue rx_dq0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .rxdfifo_ren (rxdfifo_ren),
- .pkt_rx_data (pkt_rx_data[63:0]),
- .pkt_rx_val (pkt_rx_val),
- .pkt_rx_sop (pkt_rx_sop),
- .pkt_rx_eop (pkt_rx_eop),
- .pkt_rx_err (pkt_rx_err),
- .pkt_rx_mod (pkt_rx_mod[2:0]),
- .pkt_rx_avail (pkt_rx_avail),
- .status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog(status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog),
- // Inputs
- .clk_156m25 (clk_156m25),
- .reset_156m25_n (reset_156m25_n),
- .rxdfifo_rdata (rxdfifo_rdata[63:0]),
- .rxdfifo_rstatus (rxdfifo_rstatus[7:0]),
- .rxdfifo_rempty (rxdfifo_rempty),
- .rxdfifo_ralmost_empty(rxdfifo_ralmost_empty),
- .pkt_rx_ren (pkt_rx_ren));
-rx_data_fifo rx_data_fifo0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .rxdfifo_wfull (rxdfifo_wfull),
- .rxdfifo_rdata (rxdfifo_rdata[63:0]),
- .rxdfifo_rstatus (rxdfifo_rstatus[7:0]),
- .rxdfifo_rempty (rxdfifo_rempty),
- .rxdfifo_ralmost_empty(rxdfifo_ralmost_empty),
- // Inputs
- .clk_xgmii_rx (clk_xgmii_rx),
- .clk_156m25 (clk_156m25),
- .reset_xgmii_rx_n (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
- .reset_156m25_n (reset_156m25_n),
- .rxdfifo_wdata (rxdfifo_wdata[63:0]),
- .rxdfifo_wstatus (rxdfifo_wstatus[7:0]),
- .rxdfifo_wen (rxdfifo_wen),
- .rxdfifo_ren (rxdfifo_ren));
-rx_hold_fifo rx_hold_fifo0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .rxhfifo_rdata (rxhfifo_rdata[63:0]),
- .rxhfifo_rstatus (rxhfifo_rstatus[7:0]),
- .rxhfifo_rempty (rxhfifo_rempty),
- .rxhfifo_ralmost_empty(rxhfifo_ralmost_empty),
- // Inputs
- .clk_xgmii_rx (clk_xgmii_rx),
- .reset_xgmii_rx_n (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
- .rxhfifo_wdata (rxhfifo_wdata[63:0]),
- .rxhfifo_wstatus (rxhfifo_wstatus[7:0]),
- .rxhfifo_wen (rxhfifo_wen),
- .rxhfifo_ren (rxhfifo_ren));
-tx_enqueue tx_eq0 (/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .pkt_tx_full (pkt_tx_full),
- .txdfifo_wdata (txdfifo_wdata[63:0]),
- .txdfifo_wstatus (txdfifo_wstatus[7:0]),
- .txdfifo_wen (txdfifo_wen),
- .status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog(status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog),
- // Inputs
- .clk_156m25 (clk_156m25),
- .reset_156m25_n (reset_156m25_n),
- .pkt_tx_data (pkt_tx_data[63:0]),
- .pkt_tx_val (pkt_tx_val),
- .pkt_tx_sop (pkt_tx_sop),
- .pkt_tx_eop (pkt_tx_eop),
- .pkt_tx_mod (pkt_tx_mod[2:0]),
- .txdfifo_wfull (txdfifo_wfull),
- .txdfifo_walmost_full(txdfifo_walmost_full));
-tx_dequeue tx_dq0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .txdfifo_ren (txdfifo_ren),
- .txhfifo_ren (txhfifo_ren),
- .txhfifo_wdata (txhfifo_wdata[63:0]),
- .txhfifo_wstatus (txhfifo_wstatus[7:0]),
- .txhfifo_wen (txhfifo_wen),
- .xgmii_txd (xgmii_txd[63:0]),
- .xgmii_txc (xgmii_txc[7:0]),
- .status_txdfifo_udflow_tog(status_txdfifo_udflow_tog),
- // Inputs
- .clk_xgmii_tx (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .reset_xgmii_tx_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .ctrl_tx_enable_ctx (ctrl_tx_enable_ctx),
- .status_local_fault_ctx(status_local_fault_ctx),
- .status_remote_fault_ctx(status_remote_fault_ctx),
- .txdfifo_rdata (txdfifo_rdata[63:0]),
- .txdfifo_rstatus (txdfifo_rstatus[7:0]),
- .txdfifo_rempty (txdfifo_rempty),
- .txdfifo_ralmost_empty(txdfifo_ralmost_empty),
- .txhfifo_rdata (txhfifo_rdata[63:0]),
- .txhfifo_rstatus (txhfifo_rstatus[7:0]),
- .txhfifo_rempty (txhfifo_rempty),
- .txhfifo_ralmost_empty(txhfifo_ralmost_empty),
- .txhfifo_wfull (txhfifo_wfull),
- .txhfifo_walmost_full (txhfifo_walmost_full));
-tx_data_fifo tx_data_fifo0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .txdfifo_wfull (txdfifo_wfull),
- .txdfifo_walmost_full(txdfifo_walmost_full),
- .txdfifo_rdata (txdfifo_rdata[63:0]),
- .txdfifo_rstatus (txdfifo_rstatus[7:0]),
- .txdfifo_rempty (txdfifo_rempty),
- .txdfifo_ralmost_empty(txdfifo_ralmost_empty),
- // Inputs
- .clk_xgmii_tx (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .clk_156m25 (clk_156m25),
- .reset_xgmii_tx_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .reset_156m25_n (reset_156m25_n),
- .txdfifo_wdata (txdfifo_wdata[63:0]),
- .txdfifo_wstatus (txdfifo_wstatus[7:0]),
- .txdfifo_wen (txdfifo_wen),
- .txdfifo_ren (txdfifo_ren));
-tx_hold_fifo tx_hold_fifo0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .txhfifo_wfull (txhfifo_wfull),
- .txhfifo_walmost_full(txhfifo_walmost_full),
- .txhfifo_rdata (txhfifo_rdata[63:0]),
- .txhfifo_rstatus (txhfifo_rstatus[7:0]),
- .txhfifo_rempty (txhfifo_rempty),
- .txhfifo_ralmost_empty(txhfifo_ralmost_empty),
- // Inputs
- .clk_xgmii_tx (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .reset_xgmii_tx_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .txhfifo_wdata (txhfifo_wdata[63:0]),
- .txhfifo_wstatus (txhfifo_wstatus[7:0]),
- .txhfifo_wen (txhfifo_wen),
- .txhfifo_ren (txhfifo_ren));
-fault_sm fault_sm0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .status_local_fault_crx(status_local_fault_crx),
- .status_remote_fault_crx(status_remote_fault_crx),
- // Inputs
- .clk_xgmii_rx (clk_xgmii_rx),
- .reset_xgmii_rx_n (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
- .local_fault_msg_det (local_fault_msg_det[1:0]),
- .remote_fault_msg_det(remote_fault_msg_det[1:0]));
-sync_clk_wb sync_clk_wb0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .status_crc_error (status_crc_error),
- .status_fragment_error (status_fragment_error),
- .status_txdfifo_ovflow (status_txdfifo_ovflow),
- .status_txdfifo_udflow (status_txdfifo_udflow),
- .status_rxdfifo_ovflow (status_rxdfifo_ovflow),
- .status_rxdfifo_udflow (status_rxdfifo_udflow),
- .status_pause_frame_rx (status_pause_frame_rx),
- .status_local_fault (status_local_fault),
- .status_remote_fault (status_remote_fault),
- // Inputs
- .wb_clk_i (wb_clk_i),
- .wb_rst_i (wb_rst_i),
- .status_crc_error_tog (status_crc_error_tog),
- .status_fragment_error_tog(status_fragment_error_tog),
- .status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog(status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog),
- .status_txdfifo_udflow_tog(status_txdfifo_udflow_tog),
- .status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog(status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog),
- .status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog(status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog),
- .status_pause_frame_rx_tog(status_pause_frame_rx_tog),
- .status_local_fault_crx(status_local_fault_crx),
- .status_remote_fault_crx(status_remote_fault_crx));
-sync_clk_xgmii_tx sync_clk_xgmii_tx0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .ctrl_tx_enable_ctx(ctrl_tx_enable_ctx),
- .status_local_fault_ctx(status_local_fault_ctx),
- .status_remote_fault_ctx(status_remote_fault_ctx),
- // Inputs
- .clk_xgmii_tx (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .reset_xgmii_tx_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .ctrl_tx_enable (ctrl_tx_enable),
- .status_local_fault_crx(status_local_fault_crx),
- .status_remote_fault_crx(status_remote_fault_crx));
- // IJB. This module has only inputs and is treated as a black box by XST which causes a fatal error.
- // Commented out. Original pupose/intent unknown.
-//sync_clk_core sync_clk_core0(/*AUTOINST*/
-// // Inputs
-// .clk_xgmii_tx (clk_xgmii_tx),
-// .reset_xgmii_tx_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n));
-wishbone_if wishbone_if0(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .wb_dat_o (wb_dat_o[31:0]),
- .wb_ack_o (wb_ack_o),
- .wb_int_o (wb_int_o),
- .ctrl_tx_enable (ctrl_tx_enable),
- // Inputs
- .wb_clk_i (wb_clk_i),
- .wb_rst_i (wb_rst_i),
- .wb_adr_i (wb_adr_i[7:0]),
- .wb_dat_i (wb_dat_i[31:0]),
- .wb_we_i (wb_we_i),
- .wb_stb_i (wb_stb_i),
- .wb_cyc_i (wb_cyc_i),
- .status_crc_error (status_crc_error),
- .status_fragment_error (status_fragment_error),
- .status_txdfifo_ovflow (status_txdfifo_ovflow),
- .status_txdfifo_udflow (status_txdfifo_udflow),
- .status_rxdfifo_ovflow (status_rxdfifo_ovflow),
- .status_rxdfifo_udflow (status_rxdfifo_udflow),
- .status_pause_frame_rx (status_pause_frame_rx),
- .status_local_fault (status_local_fault),
- .status_remote_fault (status_remote_fault)
- // Customization
- `ifdef MDIO
- ,.mdc(mdc),
- .mdio_in(mdio_in),
- .mdio_out(mdio_out),
- .mdio_tri(mdio_tri),
- .xge_gpo(xge_gpo),
- .xge_gpi(xge_gpi)
- `endif
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/sim/verilog/xge_mac.prj b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/sim/verilog/xge_mac.prj
deleted file mode 100644
index b99046a72..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/sim/verilog/xge_mac.prj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/fault_sm.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/generic_mem_small.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/generic_mem_medium.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/generic_fifo_ctrl.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/generic_fifo.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/meta_sync.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/meta_sync_single.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/rx_hold_fifo.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/rx_data_fifo.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/rx_dequeue.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/sync_clk_core.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/sync_clk_wb.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/tx_hold_fifo.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/tx_data_fifo.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/tx_dequeue.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/tx_enqueue.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/wishbone_if.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../rtl/verilog/xge_mac.v -i ../../rtl/include
-verilog work ../../tbench/verilog/tb_xge_mac.v -i ../../rtl/include
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/tbench/verilog/packets_tx.txt b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/tbench/verilog/packets_tx.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e8411c97..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/tbench/verilog/packets_tx.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31
-32 33
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31
-32 33 34
-00 00 01 00 00 01 00 10 94 00 00 02 88 b5 00 01
-02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21
-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31
-32 33 34 35
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/tbench/verilog/tb_xge_mac.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/tbench/verilog/tb_xge_mac.v
deleted file mode 100644
index bb3de297c..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/tbench/verilog/tb_xge_mac.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "tb_xge_mac.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "timescale.v"
-`include "defines.v"
-//`define GXB
-//`define XIL
-module tb;
-reg [7:0] tx_buffer[0:10000];
-integer tx_length;
-reg clk_156m25;
-reg clk_312m50;
-reg clk_xgmii_rx;
-reg clk_xgmii_tx;
-reg reset_156m25_n;
-reg reset_xgmii_rx_n;
-reg reset_xgmii_tx_n;
-reg pkt_rx_ren;
-reg [63:0] pkt_tx_data;
-reg pkt_tx_val;
-reg pkt_tx_sop;
-reg pkt_tx_eop;
-reg [2:0] pkt_tx_mod;
-// Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs)
-wire pkt_rx_avail; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire [63:0] pkt_rx_data; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire pkt_rx_eop; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire pkt_rx_err; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire [2:0] pkt_rx_mod; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire pkt_rx_sop; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire pkt_rx_val; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire pkt_tx_full; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire wb_ack_o; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire [31:0] wb_dat_o; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire wb_int_o; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire [7:0] xgmii_txc; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-wire [63:0] xgmii_txd; // From dut of xge_mac.v
-// End of automatics
-wire [7:0] wb_adr_i;
-wire [31:0] wb_dat_i;
-wire [7:0] xgmii_rxc;
-wire [63:0] xgmii_rxd;
-wire [3:0] tx_dataout;
-wire xaui_tx_l0_n;
-wire xaui_tx_l0_p;
-wire xaui_tx_l1_n;
-wire xaui_tx_l1_p;
-wire xaui_tx_l2_n;
-wire xaui_tx_l2_p;
-wire xaui_tx_l3_n;
-wire xaui_tx_l3_p;
-xge_mac dut(/*AUTOINST*/
- // Outputs
- .pkt_rx_avail (pkt_rx_avail),
- .pkt_rx_data (pkt_rx_data[63:0]),
- .pkt_rx_eop (pkt_rx_eop),
- .pkt_rx_err (pkt_rx_err),
- .pkt_rx_mod (pkt_rx_mod[2:0]),
- .pkt_rx_sop (pkt_rx_sop),
- .pkt_rx_val (pkt_rx_val),
- .pkt_tx_full (pkt_tx_full),
- .wb_ack_o (wb_ack_o),
- .wb_dat_o (wb_dat_o[31:0]),
- .wb_int_o (wb_int_o),
- .xgmii_txc (xgmii_txc[7:0]),
- .xgmii_txd (xgmii_txd[63:0]),
- // Inputs
- .clk_156m25 (clk_156m25),
- .clk_xgmii_rx (clk_xgmii_rx),
- .clk_xgmii_tx (clk_xgmii_tx),
- .pkt_rx_ren (pkt_rx_ren),
- .pkt_tx_data (pkt_tx_data[63:0]),
- .pkt_tx_eop (pkt_tx_eop),
- .pkt_tx_mod (pkt_tx_mod[2:0]),
- .pkt_tx_sop (pkt_tx_sop),
- .pkt_tx_val (pkt_tx_val),
- .reset_156m25_n (reset_156m25_n),
- .reset_xgmii_rx_n (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
- .reset_xgmii_tx_n (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
- .wb_adr_i (wb_adr_i[7:0]),
- .wb_clk_i (wb_clk_i),
- .wb_cyc_i (wb_cyc_i),
- .wb_dat_i (wb_dat_i[31:0]),
- .wb_rst_i (wb_rst_i),
- .wb_stb_i (wb_stb_i),
- .wb_we_i (wb_we_i),
- .xgmii_rxc (xgmii_rxc[7:0]),
- .xgmii_rxd (xgmii_rxd[63:0]));
-`ifdef GXB
-// Example of transceiver instance
-gxb gxb(// Outputs
- .rx_ctrldetect ({xgmii_rxc[7],
- xgmii_rxc[5],
- xgmii_rxc[3],
- xgmii_rxc[1],
- xgmii_rxc[6],
- xgmii_rxc[4],
- xgmii_rxc[2],
- xgmii_rxc[0]}),
- .rx_dataout ({xgmii_rxd[63:56],
- xgmii_rxd[47:40],
- xgmii_rxd[31:24],
- xgmii_rxd[15:8],
- xgmii_rxd[55:48],
- xgmii_rxd[39:32],
- xgmii_rxd[23:16],
- xgmii_rxd[7:0]}),
- .tx_dataout (tx_dataout[3:0]),
- // Inputs
- .pll_inclk (clk_156m25),
- .rx_analogreset (~reset_156m25_n),
- .rx_cruclk ({clk_156m25, clk_156m25, clk_156m25, clk_156m25}),
- .rx_datain (tx_dataout[3:0]),
- .rx_digitalreset (~reset_156m25_n),
- .tx_ctrlenable ({xgmii_txc[7],
- xgmii_txc[5],
- xgmii_txc[3],
- xgmii_txc[1],
- xgmii_txc[6],
- xgmii_txc[4],
- xgmii_txc[2],
- xgmii_txc[0]}),
- .tx_datain ({xgmii_txd[63:56],
- xgmii_txd[47:40],
- xgmii_txd[31:24],
- xgmii_txd[15:8],
- xgmii_txd[55:48],
- xgmii_txd[39:32],
- xgmii_txd[23:16],
- xgmii_txd[7:0]}),
- .tx_digitalreset (~reset_156m25_n));
-`ifdef XIL
-// Example of transceiver instance
-xaui_block xaui(// Outputs
- .txoutclk (),
- .xgmii_rxd (xgmii_rxd[63:0]),
- .xgmii_rxc (xgmii_rxc[7:0]),
- .xaui_tx_l0_p (xaui_tx_l0_p),
- .xaui_tx_l0_n (xaui_tx_l0_n),
- .xaui_tx_l1_p (xaui_tx_l1_p),
- .xaui_tx_l1_n (xaui_tx_l1_n),
- .xaui_tx_l2_p (xaui_tx_l2_p),
- .xaui_tx_l2_n (xaui_tx_l2_n),
- .xaui_tx_l3_p (xaui_tx_l3_p),
- .xaui_tx_l3_n (xaui_tx_l3_n),
- .txlock (),
- .align_status (),
- .sync_status (),
- .mgt_tx_ready (),
- .drp_o (),
- .drp_rdy (),
- .status_vector (),
- // Inputs
- .dclk (clk_156m25),
- .clk156 (clk_156m25),
- .clk312 (clk_312m50),
- .refclk (clk_156m25),
- .reset (~reset_156m25_n),
- .reset156 (~reset_156m25_n),
- .xgmii_txd (xgmii_txd[63:0]),
- .xgmii_txc (xgmii_txc[7:0]),
- .xaui_rx_l0_p (xaui_tx_l0_p),
- .xaui_rx_l0_n (xaui_tx_l0_n),
- .xaui_rx_l1_p (xaui_tx_l1_p),
- .xaui_rx_l1_n (xaui_tx_l1_n),
- .xaui_rx_l2_p (xaui_tx_l2_p),
- .xaui_rx_l2_n (xaui_tx_l2_n),
- .xaui_rx_l3_p (xaui_tx_l3_p),
- .xaui_rx_l3_n (xaui_tx_l3_n),
- .signal_detect (4'b1111),
- .drp_addr (7'b0),
- .drp_en (2'b0),
- .drp_i (16'b0),
- .drp_we (2'b0),
- .configuration_vector (7'b0));
-glbl glbl();
-// Unused for this testbench
-assign wb_adr_i = 8'b0;
-assign wb_clk_i = 1'b0;
-assign wb_cyc_i = 1'b0;
-assign wb_dat_i = 32'b0;
-assign wb_rst_i = 1'b1;
-assign wb_stb_i = 1'b0;
-assign wb_we_i = 1'b0;
-// XGMII Loopback
-// This test is done with loopback on XGMII or using one of the tranceiver examples
-`ifndef GXB
- `ifndef XIL
- assign xgmii_rxc = xgmii_txc;
- assign xgmii_rxd = xgmii_txd;
- `endif
-// Clock generation
-initial begin
- clk_156m25 = 1'b0;
- clk_xgmii_rx = 1'b0;
- clk_xgmii_tx = 1'b0;
- forever begin
- WaitPS(3200);
- clk_156m25 = ~clk_156m25;
- clk_xgmii_rx = ~clk_xgmii_rx;
- clk_xgmii_tx = ~clk_xgmii_tx;
- end
-initial begin
- clk_312m50 = 1'b0;
- forever begin
- WaitPS(1600);
- clk_312m50 = ~clk_312m50;
- end
-// Reset Generation
-initial begin
- reset_156m25_n = 1'b0;
- reset_xgmii_rx_n = 1'b0;
- reset_xgmii_tx_n = 1'b0;
- WaitNS(20);
- reset_156m25_n = 1'b1;
- reset_xgmii_rx_n = 1'b1;
- reset_xgmii_tx_n = 1'b1;
-// Init signals
-initial begin
- for (tx_length = 0; tx_length <= 1000; tx_length = tx_length + 1) begin
- tx_buffer[tx_length] = 0;
- end
- pkt_rx_ren = 1'b0;
- pkt_tx_data = 64'b0;
- pkt_tx_val = 1'b0;
- pkt_tx_sop = 1'b0;
- pkt_tx_eop = 1'b0;
- pkt_tx_mod = 3'b0;
-task WaitNS;
- input [31:0] delay;
- begin
- #(1000*delay);
- end
-task WaitPS;
- input [31:0] delay;
- begin
- #(delay);
- end
-// Task to send a single packet
-task TxPacket;
- integer i;
- begin
- $display("Transmit packet with length: %d", tx_length);
- @(posedge clk_156m25);
- WaitNS(1);
- pkt_tx_val = 1'b1;
- for (i = 0; i < tx_length; i = i + 8) begin
- pkt_tx_sop = 1'b0;
- pkt_tx_eop = 1'b0;
- pkt_tx_mod = 2'b0;
- if (i == 0) pkt_tx_sop = 1'b1;
- if (i + 8 >= tx_length) begin
- pkt_tx_eop = 1'b1;
- pkt_tx_mod = tx_length % 8;
- end
- pkt_tx_data[`LANE7] = tx_buffer[i];
- pkt_tx_data[`LANE6] = tx_buffer[i+1];
- pkt_tx_data[`LANE5] = tx_buffer[i+2];
- pkt_tx_data[`LANE4] = tx_buffer[i+3];
- pkt_tx_data[`LANE3] = tx_buffer[i+4];
- pkt_tx_data[`LANE2] = tx_buffer[i+5];
- pkt_tx_data[`LANE1] = tx_buffer[i+6];
- pkt_tx_data[`LANE0] = tx_buffer[i+7];
- @(posedge clk_156m25);
- WaitNS(1);
- end
- pkt_tx_val = 1'b0;
- pkt_tx_eop = 1'b0;
- pkt_tx_mod = 3'b0;
- end
-// Task to read a single packet from command file and transmit
-task CmdTxPacket;
- input [31:0] file;
- integer count;
- integer data;
- integer i;
- begin
- count = $fscanf(file, "%2d", tx_length);
- if (count == 1) begin
- for (i = 0; i < tx_length; i = i + 1) begin
- count = $fscanf(file, "%2X", data);
- if (count) begin
- tx_buffer[i] = data;
- end
- end
- TxPacket();
- end
- end
-// Task to read commands from file and stop when complete
-task ProcessCmdFile;
- integer file_cmd;
- integer count;
- reg [8*8-1:0] str;
- begin
- file_cmd = $fopen("../../tbench/verilog/packets_tx.txt", "r");
- if (!file_cmd) $stop;
- while (!$feof(file_cmd)) begin
- count = $fscanf(file_cmd, "%s", str);
- // IJB. WTF! if (count != 1) $continue;
- if (count === 1) // IJB. I think this is what's intended.
- begin
- $display("CMD %s", str);
- case (str)
- begin
- CmdTxPacket(file_cmd);
- end
- endcase // case(str)
- end
- end
- $fclose(file_cmd);
- WaitNS(50000);
- $stop;
- end
-initial begin
- WaitNS(5000);
-`ifdef XIL
- WaitNS(200000);
- ProcessCmdFile();
-// Task to read a single packet from receive interface and display
-task RxPacket;
- reg done;
- begin
- done = 0;
- pkt_rx_ren <= 1'b1;
- @(posedge clk_156m25);
- while (!done) begin
- if (pkt_rx_val) begin
- if (pkt_rx_sop) begin
- $display("\n\n------------------------");
- end
- $display("%x", pkt_rx_data);
- if (pkt_rx_eop) begin
- done <= 1;
- pkt_rx_ren <= 1'b0;
- end
- if (pkt_rx_eop) begin
- $display("------------------------\n\n");
- end
- end
- @(posedge clk_156m25);
- end
- end
-initial begin
- forever begin
- if (pkt_rx_avail) begin
- RxPacket();
- end
- @(posedge clk_156m25);
- end
- \ No newline at end of file