path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/x4xx_versioning_regs.v
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1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/x4xx_versioning_regs.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/x4xx_versioning_regs.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b34e1294e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/x4xx_versioning_regs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: x4xx_versioning_regs
+// Description:
+// This module contains the motherboard registers for tracking
+// HDL components versions.
+// This versioning module is comprised of up to 256 read-only registers,
+// which provide versioning information for up to 64 components (256/4).
+// Each component has 3 x 32-bit registers for the following purpose:
+// - Current version
+// - Oldest compatible version
+// - Last modified time stamp
+// Note that in order to facilitate implementation, each component
+// allocates a 4th register address (Reserved) for future use.
+// Allocation of the 64 addressable components is shown below.
+// This allocation determines the definition of COMPONENTS_INDEXES
+// in the register map documentation below.
+// --- Common components ---
+// Reserved space for up to 24 components.
+// - FPGA
+// - MB CPLD interface
+// - RF core (db 0)
+// - RF core (db 1)
+// - GPIO interface (db 0)
+// - GPIO interface (db 1)
+// --- UHD-specific components ---
+// Reserved space for up to 20 components.
+// - QSFP wrapper (port 0)
+// - QSFP wrapper (port 1)
+// --- LV-specific components ---
+// Reserved space for up to 20 components.
+// Parameters:
+// REG_BASE : Base address to use for registers.
+`default_nettype none
+module x4xx_versioning_regs #(
+ parameter REG_BASE = 0
+) (
+ // Slave ctrlport interface
+ input wire s_ctrlport_clk,
+ input wire s_ctrlport_rst,
+ input wire s_ctrlport_req_wr,
+ input wire s_ctrlport_req_rd,
+ input wire [19:0] s_ctrlport_req_addr,
+ input wire [31:0] s_ctrlport_req_data,
+ output reg s_ctrlport_resp_ack = 1'b0,
+ output reg [ 1:0] s_ctrlport_resp_status = 2'b00,
+ output reg [31:0] s_ctrlport_resp_data = {32 {1'bX}},
+ // Version (Constant)
+ // Each component consists of a 96-bit vector (refer to versioning_utils.vh)
+ input wire [64*96-1:0] version_info
+ `include "regmap/versioning_regs_regmap_utils.vh"
+ `include "regmap/versioning_utils.vh"
+ `include "../../lib/rfnoc/core/ctrlport.vh"
+ // 64 components * 4 registers * 4 addresses p/ register
+ localparam REG_SIZE = MAX_NUM_OF_COMPONENTS*4*4;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Versioning Registers
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Check that address is within this module's range.
+ wire address_in_range = (s_ctrlport_req_addr >= REG_BASE) && (s_ctrlport_req_addr < REG_BASE + REG_SIZE);
+ // Mask out 6 bits (64 components) to be able to compare all components
+ // against the same base register address.
+ wire [31:0] register_base_address = {s_ctrlport_req_addr[19:10], 6'b0, s_ctrlport_req_addr[3:0]};
+ // Extract masked out bits from the address, which represent the
+ // component that is being addressed (0-63) = 6 bits.
+ wire [ 5:0] component_index = s_ctrlport_req_addr[9:4];
+ // Obtain the indexed component's versions
+ wire [COMPONENT_VERSIONS_SIZE-1:0] component_versions = get_component_versions(version_info, component_index);
+ // Registers implementation
+ always @ (posedge s_ctrlport_clk) begin
+ if (s_ctrlport_rst) begin
+ s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0;
+ s_ctrlport_resp_status <= 2'b00;
+ s_ctrlport_resp_data <= {32 {1'bX}};
+ end else begin
+ // Write registers
+ if (s_ctrlport_req_wr) begin
+ // Do not acknowledge by default
+ s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0;
+ s_ctrlport_resp_data <= 32'h0;
+ // No writable registers
+ // Acknowledge and provide error status if address is in range
+ if (address_in_range) begin
+ s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b1;
+ s_ctrlport_resp_status <= CTRL_STS_CMDERR;
+ end
+ // Read registers
+ end else if (s_ctrlport_req_rd) begin
+ // Acknowledge by default
+ s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b1;
+ s_ctrlport_resp_data <= 32'h0;
+ s_ctrlport_resp_status <= CTRL_STS_OKAY;
+ case (register_base_address)
+ // Each concatenated 96-bit vector contains 3 x 32-bit values:
+ // [31: 0] -> Current version
+ // [63:32] -> Oldest compatible version
+ // [95:64] -> Last modified
+ s_ctrlport_resp_data[VERSION_TYPE_SIZE-1:0] <= current_version(component_versions);
+ end
+ s_ctrlport_resp_data[VERSION_TYPE_SIZE-1:0] <= oldest_compatible_version(component_versions);
+ end
+ s_ctrlport_resp_data[TIMESTAMP_TYPE_SIZE-1:0] <= version_last_modified(component_versions);
+ end
+ // Do not acknowledge if address is not defined
+ default: begin
+ if (address_in_range) begin
+ s_ctrlport_resp_status <= CTRL_STS_CMDERR;
+ // No response if out of range
+ end else begin
+ s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ end else begin
+ s_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+`default_nettype wire
+//XmlParse xml_on
+//<regmap name="VERSIONING_REGS_REGMAP" readablestrobes="false" generatevhdl="true" ettusguidelines="true">
+// <group name="VERSIONING_REGS">
+// <regtype name="VERSION_TYPE" size="32" attributes="Readable">
+// <bitfield name="MAJOR" range="31..23" initialvalue="0">
+// <info>
+// Major number (max = 511): an increase reflects a breaking change.{BR/}
+// <b>IMPORTANT!</b> @.MAJOR must always remain in sync between the component's
+// Update @.MAJOR when:
+// <li>the component has changed and requires a software changes as a result.
+// <li>the component's bitfields/registers have been modified or deleted.
+// <li>the component's bitfields/registers are initialized to different value (unexpected by software).
+// <li>new bitfields/registers are added that require software interaction for the component to operate.
+// </info>
+// </bitfield>
+// <bitfield name="MINOR" range="22..12" initialvalue="0">
+// <info>
+// Minor number (max = 2047): an increase reflects a non-breaking change that the driver should be aware of.{BR/}{BR/}
+// Update @.MINOR when:
+// <li>a new feature is added to the component, which does not conflict with the driver.
+// <li>minor implementation changes were made to the component which are worth tracking.
+// <li>the component has added new bitfields/registers that do not require software interaction
+// (i.e. the default value is 0 and writing 0 does not change behavior, assuming SW writes 0's to
+// previously undefined bits).
+// <li>@.MAJOR is updated (reset @.MINOR to 0).
+// </info>
+// </bitfield>
+// <bitfield name="BUILD" range="11..0" initialvalue="0">
+// <info>
+// Build number (max = 4095): an increase reflects a change in the source code that yields a new implementation,
+// but that should not impact the component's behavior {BR/}
+// Eventually, this number is intended to be automatically incremented for any new build.{BR/}{BR/}
+// Meanwhile, update @.BUILD when:
+// <li>the component's source code changes are not captured by @.MAJOR or @.MINOR.
+// <li>@.MINOR or @.MAJOR are updated (reset @.BUILD to 0).
+// </info>
+// </bitfield>
+// </regtype>
+// <regtype name="TIMESTAMP_TYPE" size="32" attributes="Readable">
+// <info>
+// Component's versions update time.{BR/}
+// This register provides the time stamp for the last modification to
+// the component's versions (current & oldest compatible).
+// The time stamp is provided in hexadecimal format: 0xYYMMDDHH.
+// </info>
+// <bitfield name="YY" range="31..24">
+// <info>This is the year number after 2000 (e.g. 2019 = 0x19).</info>
+// </bitfield>
+// <bitfield name="MM" range="23..16"/>
+// <bitfield name="DD" range="15..8"/>
+// <bitfield name="HH" range="7..0"/>
+// </regtype>
+// <regtype name="RESERVED_TYPE" size="32" attributes="Readable">
+// <info>
+// Reserved.
+// </info>
+// </regtype>
+// <enumeratedtype name="COMPONENTS_INDEXES">
+// <info>
+// This enum contains indexes for all the components in the X410
+// (both common and app-specific) which version information is
+// desired to be available for compatibility tracking purposes.{BR/}
+// {table border="1"}
+// {tr}{th}Description{/th} {th}Index range{/th} {th}Max # of components{/th}{/tr}
+// {tr}{td}Common components{/td} {td}0 to 23{/td} {td}24{/td}{/tr}
+// {tr}{td}UHD-specific components{/td} {td}24 to 43{/td} {td}20{/td}{/tr}
+// {tr}{td}LV-specific components{/td} {td}44 to 63{/td} {td}20{/td}{/tr}
+// {/table}
+// </info>
+// <value name="FPGA_VERSION_INDEX" integer="0"/>
+// <value name="CPLD_IFC_INDEX" integer="1"/>
+// <value name="DB0_RF_CORE_INDEX" integer="2"/>
+// <value name="DB1_RF_CORE_INDEX" integer="3"/>
+// <value name="DB0_GPIO_IFC_INDEX" integer="4"/>
+// <value name="DB1_GPIO_IFC_INDEX" integer="5"/>
+// </enumeratedtype>
+// <register name="CURRENT_VERSION" offset="0x0" count="64" step="16" typename="VERSION_TYPE">
+// <info>
+// Component's current version.{BR/}
+// This register contains the current component's version implemented in HDL.
+// The current version shall be used to detect a component being too
+// old for the driver/software:{BR/}
+// <b>SW oldest compatible version > Component's current version --> Component is too old.</b>
+// </info>
+// </register>
+// <register name="OLDEST_COMPATIBLE_VERSION" offset="0x4" count="64" step="16" typename="VERSION_TYPE">
+// <info>
+// Component's oldest compatible version.{BR/}
+// This register contains the oldest compatible component's version, that is the oldest
+// component's implementation that is compatible with the current implementation.{BR/}
+// The oldest compatible version shall be used to detect a component being too
+// new for the driver/software:{BR/}
+// <b>SW current version < Component's oldest compatible version --> Component is too new.</b>
+// </info>
+// </register>
+// <register name="VERSION_LAST_MODIFIED" offset="0x8" count="64" step="16" typename="TIMESTAMP_TYPE"/>
+// <register name="RESERVED" offset="0xC" count="64" step="16" typename="RESERVED_TYPE"/>
+// </group>
+//XmlParse xml_off