path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile b/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
index 878054bd6..2ab32fb11 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
@@ -4,87 +4,98 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-GIT_HASH = $(shell ../../../../../tools/scripts/git-hash.sh)
-build: cpld_defaults ip
- @echo -ne "\n---- Make: Synthesis ...\n\n";
- @quartus_map zbx_top_cpld --verilog_macro="GIT_HASH=32'h$(GIT_HASH)";
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Implementation ...\n\n";
- @quartus_fit zbx_top_cpld;
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Analyzing timing ...\n\n";
- @quartus_sta zbx_top_cpld;
- @# grep for unconstrained path warning
- @grep "332102" output_files/zbx_top_cpld.sta.rpt; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true; fi
- @# grep for timing closure critical warning
- @grep "332148" output_files/zbx_top_cpld.sta.rpt; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true; fi
- @# expect no warnings
- @grep -iw "warning" output_files/zbx_top_cpld.sta.rpt; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true; fi
- @# expect no critical warning except "review power analyzer report file"
- @grep -i "critical warning" output_files/* | grep -v 16562; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true; fi
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Generating bitfile...\n\n";
- @quartus_asm zbx_top_cpld;
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Converting bitfile to svf format (ISP enabled)...\n\n";
- @quartus_cpf --convert \
- --frequency 12.5MHz \
- --voltage 2.5 \
- --operation p \
- ./output_files/zbx_top_cpld.pof ./output_files/zbx_top_cpld_isp_on.svf -o background_programming=on;
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Converting bitfile to svf format (ISP disabled)...\n\n";
- @quartus_cpf --convert \
- --frequency 12.5MHz \
- --voltage 2.5 \
- --operation p \
- ./output_files/zbx_top_cpld.pof ./output_files/zbx_top_cpld_isp_off.svf;
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Converting bitfile to rdp format...\n\n";
- @quartus_cpf -c raw_conversion.cof
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Copy final files...\n\n";
- @mkdir -p build
- @cp output_files/zbx_top_cpld.pof build/usrp_zbx_cpld.pof
- @cp output_files/zbx_top_cpld_isp_off.svf build/usrp_zbx_cpld.svf
- @cp output_files/zbx_top_cpld_isp_on.svf build/usrp_zbx_cpld_isp_on.svf
- @cp output_files/zbx_top_cpld_converted_cfm0_auto.rpd build/usrp_zbx_cpld.rpd
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: ZBX CPLD ready!\n";
- @echo -ne " Use build/usrp_zbx_cpld.pof via JTAG programmer or\n"
- @echo -ne " build/usrp_zbx_cpld.svf (ISP off) via MB CPLD JTAG engine or\n"
- @echo -ne " build/usrp_zbx_cpld.rpd via reconfig engine or\n"
- @echo -ne " build/usrp_zbx_cpld_isp_on.rpd via MB CPLD JTAG engine.\n"
- @echo -ne "\nCleaning ZBX CPLD...\n";
- @git clean -Xdf
+# NOTE: All comments prefixed with a "##" will be displayed as a part of the "make help" target
+## make <Targets> <Options>
+## build/<device-id>/usrp_zbx_cpld.pof: Bitstream to use with JTAG programmer
+## build/<device-id>/usrp_zbx_cpld.svf: Bitstream to use with PS JTAG engine (background programming)
+## build/<device-id>/usrp_zbx_cpld.rpd: Bitstream to use via reconfig engine
+## build/<device-id>/usrp_zbx_cpld_isp_off.svf: Bitstream to use with JTAG test points (initial programming)
-QSYS_PATH=$(subst \,/,$(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR))/sopc_builder/bin
+# Definitions
+10M04_ID = "10M04SAU324I7G"
-ROOT_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
+# Target specific variables
+ZBX_CPLD_10M04: DEFS = VARIANT_`echo $(10M04_ID) | cut -c1-5`=1
+# Using one of the files as a dependency (all files are generated at the same time)
+INIT_FILES := register_endpoints/memory_init_files/rx0_path_defaults.hex
- @python3 $(REGS_PY_FILE) $(REGS_PY_MODULE)
+TARGET = bin
+TOP ?= zbx_top_cpld
-# Using one of the files as a dependency (all files are generated at the same time)
-INIT_FILES := $(ROOT_DIR)/register_endpoints/memory_init_files/rx0_path_defaults.hex
+# pre_build()
+pre_build = @\
+ mkdir -p build-$@/register_endpoints/memory_init_files/; \
+ cp -rf register_endpoints/memory_init_files/*.hex build-$@/register_endpoints/memory_init_files/
+# quartus_build($1=Device, $2=Definitions)
+quartus_build = make -f Makefile.zbx_cpld.inc $(TARGET) NAME=$@ ARCH="MAX10" PART_ID="$1" $2 TOP_MODULE=$(TOP) EXTRA_DEFS="$2" POST_STA_TCL="ps_cs_analysis.tcl"
+# quartus_ip($1=Device, $2=Definitions)
+quartus_ip = make -f Makefile.zbx_cpld.inc quar_ip NAME=$@ ARCH="MAX10" PART_ID="$1" $2 TOP_MODULE=$(TOP) EXTRA_DEFS="$2"
+# post_build($1=Artifact Name)
+ifeq ($(TARGET),bin)
+ post_build = @\
+ mkdir -p build/; \
+ echo "Exporting bitstream files..."; \
+ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP).pof build/$(1).pof; \
+ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP)_isp_off.svf build/$(1)_isp_off.svf; \
+ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP)_isp_on.svf build/$(1).svf; \
+ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP)_converted_cfm0_auto.rpd build/$(1).rpd; \
+ echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: MB CPLD ready!\n"; \
+ echo -ne " Use build/$(1).pof via JTAG programmer or\n"; \
+ echo -ne " build/$(1).svf (ISP on) via PS JTAG-engine (background programming) or\n"; \
+ echo -ne " build/$(1).rpd via reconfig engine or\n"; \
+ echo -ne " build/$(1)_isp_off.svf via JTAG test points (initial programming)\n";
+ post_build = @echo "Skipping bitfile export."
-$(INIT_FILES): register_endpoints/memory_init_files/gen_defaults.py $(REGS_PY_MODULE)
- @python3 $(ROOT_DIR)/register_endpoints/memory_init_files/gen_defaults.py
+##Supported Targets
-cpld_defaults: $(INIT_FILES)
+all: ZBX_CPLD_10M04 ##(Default target)
-ip: ip/flash/on_chip_flash/simulation/on_chip_flash.v \
- ip/osc/osc/simulation/osc.v
- @make -C ../../../cpld ip
+##ZBX_CPLD_10M04: ZBX CPLD targeted to 10M04SAU169I7G.
+ $(call pre_build)
+ $(call quartus_build,$(10M04_ID),$(DEFS))
+ $(call post_build,"usrp_zbx_cpld")
- $(QSYS_PATH)/qsys-generate ip/flash/on_chip_flash.qsys --simulation=VERILOG
+ZBX_CPLD_IP: ##Build IPs only, needed for simulation.
+ @# Building only ZBX_CPLD_10M04 IP
+ $(call quartus_ip,$(10M04_ID),$(DEFS))
+ make -f Makefile.zbx_cpld.inc cpld_defaults
+clean: ##Clean up all target build outputs.
+ @echo -ne "\nCleaning targets and git repo...\n";
+ @rm -rf build-ZBX_CPLD*
+ @rm -rf build
+ @git clean -Xdf
+cleanall: ##Clean up all target and ip build outputs.
+ @echo -ne "\nCleaning targets, IP, and git repo...\n";
+ @rm -rf build-ZBX_CPLD*
+ @rm -rf build
+ @rm -rf build-ip
+ @git clean -Xdf
- $(QSYS_PATH)/qsys-generate ip/osc/osc.qsys --simulation=VERILOG
+help: ##Show this help message.
+ @grep -h "##" Makefile | grep -v "\"##\"" | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//'
-all: build
+##Supported Options
.PHONY: all build clean ip