path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
diff options
authorHumberto Jimenez <humberto.jimenez@ni.com>2021-10-27 14:54:46 -0500
committerWade Fife <wade.fife@ettus.com>2021-12-01 10:51:07 -0600
commite1ce4565dbc7336ee806adce7c087bda4fcc77ae (patch)
tree4e3c05beb4b3b5458869034a70028f97fd2b4071 /fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
parent37feec8992afaffbea19428a029093ae7f6453e3 (diff)
fpga: x400: Refactor CPLDs build process
This commit refactors the X410's CPLDs build process to make it similar to other FPGA targets within the repo. The new process relies on basic Quartus build utilities. Additionally, this commit adds support for an alternative MAX10 CPLD for the motherboard CPLD implementation. Both previous (10M04) and new variant (10M08) are supported concurrently. The images package mapping is updated to reflect these changes.
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile b/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
index 878054bd6..2ab32fb11 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/x400/dboards/zbx/cpld/Makefile
@@ -4,87 +4,98 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
-GIT_HASH = $(shell ../../../../../tools/scripts/git-hash.sh)
-build: cpld_defaults ip
- @echo -ne "\n---- Make: Synthesis ...\n\n";
- @quartus_map zbx_top_cpld --verilog_macro="GIT_HASH=32'h$(GIT_HASH)";
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Implementation ...\n\n";
- @quartus_fit zbx_top_cpld;
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Analyzing timing ...\n\n";
- @quartus_sta zbx_top_cpld;
- @# grep for unconstrained path warning
- @grep "332102" output_files/zbx_top_cpld.sta.rpt; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true; fi
- @# grep for timing closure critical warning
- @grep "332148" output_files/zbx_top_cpld.sta.rpt; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true; fi
- @# expect no warnings
- @grep -iw "warning" output_files/zbx_top_cpld.sta.rpt; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true; fi
- @# expect no critical warning except "review power analyzer report file"
- @grep -i "critical warning" output_files/* | grep -v 16562; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then false; else true; fi
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Generating bitfile...\n\n";
- @quartus_asm zbx_top_cpld;
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Converting bitfile to svf format (ISP enabled)...\n\n";
- @quartus_cpf --convert \
- --frequency 12.5MHz \
- --voltage 2.5 \
- --operation p \
- ./output_files/zbx_top_cpld.pof ./output_files/zbx_top_cpld_isp_on.svf -o background_programming=on;
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Converting bitfile to svf format (ISP disabled)...\n\n";
- @quartus_cpf --convert \
- --frequency 12.5MHz \
- --voltage 2.5 \
- --operation p \
- ./output_files/zbx_top_cpld.pof ./output_files/zbx_top_cpld_isp_off.svf;
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Converting bitfile to rdp format...\n\n";
- @quartus_cpf -c raw_conversion.cof
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: Copy final files...\n\n";
- @mkdir -p build
- @cp output_files/zbx_top_cpld.pof build/usrp_zbx_cpld.pof
- @cp output_files/zbx_top_cpld_isp_off.svf build/usrp_zbx_cpld.svf
- @cp output_files/zbx_top_cpld_isp_on.svf build/usrp_zbx_cpld_isp_on.svf
- @cp output_files/zbx_top_cpld_converted_cfm0_auto.rpd build/usrp_zbx_cpld.rpd
- @echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: ZBX CPLD ready!\n";
- @echo -ne " Use build/usrp_zbx_cpld.pof via JTAG programmer or\n"
- @echo -ne " build/usrp_zbx_cpld.svf (ISP off) via MB CPLD JTAG engine or\n"
- @echo -ne " build/usrp_zbx_cpld.rpd via reconfig engine or\n"
- @echo -ne " build/usrp_zbx_cpld_isp_on.rpd via MB CPLD JTAG engine.\n"
- @echo -ne "\nCleaning ZBX CPLD...\n";
- @git clean -Xdf
+# NOTE: All comments prefixed with a "##" will be displayed as a part of the "make help" target
+## make <Targets> <Options>
+## build/<device-id>/usrp_zbx_cpld.pof: Bitstream to use with JTAG programmer
+## build/<device-id>/usrp_zbx_cpld.svf: Bitstream to use with PS JTAG engine (background programming)
+## build/<device-id>/usrp_zbx_cpld.rpd: Bitstream to use via reconfig engine
+## build/<device-id>/usrp_zbx_cpld_isp_off.svf: Bitstream to use with JTAG test points (initial programming)
-QSYS_PATH=$(subst \,/,$(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR))/sopc_builder/bin
+# Definitions
+10M04_ID = "10M04SAU324I7G"
-ROOT_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
+# Target specific variables
+ZBX_CPLD_10M04: DEFS = VARIANT_`echo $(10M04_ID) | cut -c1-5`=1
+# Using one of the files as a dependency (all files are generated at the same time)
+INIT_FILES := register_endpoints/memory_init_files/rx0_path_defaults.hex
- @python3 $(REGS_PY_FILE) $(REGS_PY_MODULE)
+TARGET = bin
+TOP ?= zbx_top_cpld
-# Using one of the files as a dependency (all files are generated at the same time)
-INIT_FILES := $(ROOT_DIR)/register_endpoints/memory_init_files/rx0_path_defaults.hex
+# pre_build()
+pre_build = @\
+ mkdir -p build-$@/register_endpoints/memory_init_files/; \
+ cp -rf register_endpoints/memory_init_files/*.hex build-$@/register_endpoints/memory_init_files/
+# quartus_build($1=Device, $2=Definitions)
+quartus_build = make -f Makefile.zbx_cpld.inc $(TARGET) NAME=$@ ARCH="MAX10" PART_ID="$1" $2 TOP_MODULE=$(TOP) EXTRA_DEFS="$2" POST_STA_TCL="ps_cs_analysis.tcl"
+# quartus_ip($1=Device, $2=Definitions)
+quartus_ip = make -f Makefile.zbx_cpld.inc quar_ip NAME=$@ ARCH="MAX10" PART_ID="$1" $2 TOP_MODULE=$(TOP) EXTRA_DEFS="$2"
+# post_build($1=Artifact Name)
+ifeq ($(TARGET),bin)
+ post_build = @\
+ mkdir -p build/; \
+ echo "Exporting bitstream files..."; \
+ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP).pof build/$(1).pof; \
+ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP)_isp_off.svf build/$(1)_isp_off.svf; \
+ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP)_isp_on.svf build/$(1).svf; \
+ cp build-$@/output_files/$(TOP)_converted_cfm0_auto.rpd build/$(1).rpd; \
+ echo -ne "\n\n---- Make: MB CPLD ready!\n"; \
+ echo -ne " Use build/$(1).pof via JTAG programmer or\n"; \
+ echo -ne " build/$(1).svf (ISP on) via PS JTAG-engine (background programming) or\n"; \
+ echo -ne " build/$(1).rpd via reconfig engine or\n"; \
+ echo -ne " build/$(1)_isp_off.svf via JTAG test points (initial programming)\n";
+ post_build = @echo "Skipping bitfile export."
-$(INIT_FILES): register_endpoints/memory_init_files/gen_defaults.py $(REGS_PY_MODULE)
- @python3 $(ROOT_DIR)/register_endpoints/memory_init_files/gen_defaults.py
+##Supported Targets
-cpld_defaults: $(INIT_FILES)
+all: ZBX_CPLD_10M04 ##(Default target)
-ip: ip/flash/on_chip_flash/simulation/on_chip_flash.v \
- ip/osc/osc/simulation/osc.v
- @make -C ../../../cpld ip
+##ZBX_CPLD_10M04: ZBX CPLD targeted to 10M04SAU169I7G.
+ $(call pre_build)
+ $(call quartus_build,$(10M04_ID),$(DEFS))
+ $(call post_build,"usrp_zbx_cpld")
- $(QSYS_PATH)/qsys-generate ip/flash/on_chip_flash.qsys --simulation=VERILOG
+ZBX_CPLD_IP: ##Build IPs only, needed for simulation.
+ @# Building only ZBX_CPLD_10M04 IP
+ $(call quartus_ip,$(10M04_ID),$(DEFS))
+ make -f Makefile.zbx_cpld.inc cpld_defaults
+clean: ##Clean up all target build outputs.
+ @echo -ne "\nCleaning targets and git repo...\n";
+ @rm -rf build-ZBX_CPLD*
+ @rm -rf build
+ @git clean -Xdf
+cleanall: ##Clean up all target and ip build outputs.
+ @echo -ne "\nCleaning targets, IP, and git repo...\n";
+ @rm -rf build-ZBX_CPLD*
+ @rm -rf build
+ @rm -rf build-ip
+ @git clean -Xdf
- $(QSYS_PATH)/qsys-generate ip/osc/osc.qsys --simulation=VERILOG
+help: ##Show this help message.
+ @grep -h "##" Makefile | grep -v "\"##\"" | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//'
-all: build
+##Supported Options
.PHONY: all build clean ip