path: root/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/rfnoc-system-sim/colosseum_models.py
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1 files changed, 593 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/rfnoc-system-sim/colosseum_models.py b/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/rfnoc-system-sim/colosseum_models.py
new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/rfnoc-system-sim/colosseum_models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 Ettus Research
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import rfnocsim
+import math
+import ni_hw_models as hw
+class ColGlobals():
+ BPI = 4 # Number of bytes per sample or coefficient
+ BPP = 1024 # Bytes per packet
+ MIN_SAMP_HOPS = 1 # Minimum number of hops an RX sample will take before it is used to compute a PP
+ MAX_SAMP_HOPS = 3 # Maximum number of hops an RX sample will take before it is used to compute a PP
+ MIN_PP_HOPS = 0 # Minimum number of hops a PP will take before it is used to compute a TX sample
+ MAX_PP_HOPS = 1 # Maximum number of hops a PP will take before it is used to compute a TX sample
+class PartialContribComputer(rfnocsim.Function):
+ """
+ Simulation model for function that computes the contribution of radio chans on other radio chans.
+ This function computes a NxM dot product of FFTs, one bin at a time.
+ Features:
+ - Supports computing the product in multiple cycles (for resource reuse)
+ - Supports deinterleaving data in streams (i.e. is Radio 0+1 data comes in thru the same ethernet)
+ Args:
+ sim_core: Simulator core object
+ name: Name of this function
+ size: Number of chans (inputs) for which contribution partial products are computed
+ fft_size: The length of the FFT in bins
+ dst_chans: Computes the contribution of the input chans on these dst_chans
+ items_per_stream: How many channels per stream can this function deinterleave?
+ ticks_per_exec: How many ticks for the function to generate a full output set
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sim_core, name, size, dst_chans, items_per_stream, app_settings):
+ ticks_per_exec = 1 # This function will run once every tick. No multi-cycle paths here.
+ rfnocsim.Function.__init__(self, sim_core, name, size, int(len(dst_chans)/items_per_stream), ticks_per_exec)
+ self.items_per_stream = items_per_stream # Each stream contains data from n radio chans
+ self.dst_chans = dst_chans # Where should the individual products go?
+ # This block has to buffer enough data to ensure
+ # sample alignment. How deep should those buffers be?
+ sync_buff_depth = (((ColGlobals.MAX_SAMP_HOPS - ColGlobals.MIN_SAMP_HOPS) *
+ hw.Bee7Fpga.IO_LN_LATENCY * float(app_settings['samp_rate'])) / ColGlobals.ELASTIC_BUFF_FULLNESS)
+ # Adder latency: log2(radix) adder stages + 2 pipeline flops
+ latency = math.ceil(math.log(size/len(dst_chans), 2)) + 2
+ # Synchronization latency based on buffer size
+ latency += (sync_buff_depth * ColGlobals.ELASTIC_BUFF_FULLNESS) * (self.get_tick_rate() / float(app_settings['samp_rate']))
+ # Packet alignment latency
+ latency += ColGlobals.BPP * (self.get_tick_rate() / hw.Bee7Fpga.IO_LN_BW)
+ self.estimate_resources(size*items_per_stream, len(dst_chans), app_settings, sync_buff_depth*size, latency)
+ def estimate_resources(self, N, M, app_settings, sync_buff_total_samps, pre_filt_latency):
+ rscrs = rfnocsim.HwRsrcs()
+ DSP_BLOCKS_PER_MAC = 3 # DSP blocks for a scaled complex MAC
+ MAX_DSP_RATE = 400e6 # Max clock rate for a DSP48E block
+ MAX_UNROLL_DEPTH = 2 # How many taps (or FFT bins) to compute in parallel?
+ COEFF_SETS = 1 # We need two copies of coefficients one live
+ # and one buffered for dynamic reload. If both
+ # live in BRAM, this should be 2. If the live
+ # set lives in registers, this should be 1
+ samp_rate = float(app_settings['samp_rate'])
+ dsp_cyc_per_samp = MAX_DSP_RATE / samp_rate
+ if app_settings['domain'] == 'time':
+ fir_taps = app_settings['fir_taps']
+ if (fir_taps <= dsp_cyc_per_samp):
+ unroll_factor = 1
+ dsp_rate = samp_rate * fir_taps
+ else:
+ unroll_factor = math.ceil((1.0 * fir_taps) / dsp_cyc_per_samp)
+ dsp_rate = MAX_DSP_RATE
+ if (unroll_factor > MAX_UNROLL_DEPTH):
+ raise self.SimCompError('Too many FIR coefficients! Reached loop unroll limit.')
+ rscrs.add('DSP', DSP_BLOCKS_PER_MAC * unroll_factor * N * M)
+ rscrs.add('BRAM_18kb', math.ceil(ColGlobals.BPI * app_settings['fir_dly_line'] / hw.Bee7Fpga.BRAM_BYTES) * N * M) # FIR delay line memory
+ rscrs.add('BRAM_18kb', math.ceil(ColGlobals.BPI * COEFF_SETS * fir_taps * unroll_factor * N * M / hw.Bee7Fpga.BRAM_BYTES)) # Coefficient storage
+ samp_per_tick = dsp_rate / self.get_tick_rate()
+ self.update_latency(func=pre_filt_latency + (fir_taps / (samp_per_tick * unroll_factor)))
+ else:
+ fft_size = app_settings['fft_size']
+ rscrs.add('BRAM_18kb', math.ceil(ColGlobals.BPI * N * M * fft_size * COEFF_SETS / hw.Bee7Fpga.BRAM_BYTES)) # Coeff storage
+ samp_per_tick = MAX_DSP_RATE / self.get_tick_rate()
+ self.update_latency(func=pre_filt_latency + (fft_size / samp_per_tick))
+ rscrs.add('BRAM_18kb', math.ceil(ColGlobals.BPI * sync_buff_total_samps / hw.Bee7Fpga.BRAM_BYTES))
+ self.update_rsrcs(rscrs)
+ def do_func(self, in_data):
+ """
+ Gather FFT data from "size" channels, compute a dot product with the coeffieicnt
+ matrix and spit the partial products out. The dot product is computed for each
+ FFT bin serially.
+ """
+ out_data = list()
+ src_chans = []
+ # Iterate over each input
+ for di in in_data:
+ if len(di.items) != self.items_per_stream:
+ raise RuntimeError('Incorrect items per stream. Expecting ' + str(self.items_per_stream))
+ # Deinterleave data
+ for do in range(len(di.items)):
+ (sid, coords) = rfnocsim.DataStream.submatrix_parse(di.items[do])
+ if sid != 'rx':
+ raise RuntimeError('Incorrect items. Expecting radio data (rx) but got ' + sid)
+ src_chans.extend(coords[0])
+ bpi = in_data[0].bpi
+ count = in_data[0].count
+ # Iterate through deinterleaved channels
+ for i in range(0, len(self.dst_chans), self.items_per_stream):
+ items = []
+ for j in range(self.items_per_stream):
+ # Compute partial products:
+ # pp = partial product of "src_chans" on "self.dst_chans[i+j]"
+ items.append(rfnocsim.DataStream.submatrix_gen('pp', [src_chans, self.dst_chans[i+j]]))
+ out_data.append(self.create_outdata_stream(bpi, items, count))
+ return out_data
+class PartialContribCombiner(rfnocsim.Function):
+ """
+ Simulation model for function that adds multiple partial contributions (products) into a larger
+ partial product. The combiner can optionally reduce a very large product into a smaller one.
+ Ex: pp[31:0,i] (contribution on chan 0..31 on i) can alias to tx[i] if there are 32 channels.
+ Args:
+ sim_core: Simulator core object
+ name: Name of this function
+ radix: Number of partial products that are combined (Number of inputs)
+ reducer_filter: A tuple that represents what pp channels to alias to what
+ items_per_stream: How many channels per stream can this function deinterleave?
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sim_core, name, radix, app_settings, reducer_filter = (None, None), items_per_stream = 2):
+ rfnocsim.Function.__init__(self, sim_core, name, radix, 1)
+ self.radix = radix
+ self.reducer_filter = reducer_filter
+ self.items_per_stream = items_per_stream
+ # This block has to buffer enough data to ensure
+ # sample alignment. How deep should those buffers be?
+ sync_buff_depth = (((ColGlobals.MAX_PP_HOPS - ColGlobals.MIN_PP_HOPS) *
+ hw.Bee7Fpga.IO_LN_LATENCY * float(app_settings['samp_rate'])) / ColGlobals.ELASTIC_BUFF_FULLNESS)
+ # Figure out latency based on sync buffer and delay line
+ latency = math.ceil(math.log(radix, 2)) + 2 # log2(radix) adder stages + 2 pipeline flops
+ # Synchronization latency based on buffer size
+ latency += (sync_buff_depth * ColGlobals.ELASTIC_BUFF_FULLNESS) * (self.get_tick_rate() / float(app_settings['samp_rate']))
+ # Packet alignment latency
+ latency += ColGlobals.BPP * (self.get_tick_rate() / hw.Bee7Fpga.IO_LN_BW)
+ self.update_latency(func=latency)
+ self.estimate_resources(radix, sync_buff_depth)
+ def estimate_resources(self, radix, sync_buff_depth):
+ rscrs = rfnocsim.HwRsrcs()
+ # Assume that pipelined adders are inferred in logic (not DSP)
+ # Assume that buffering uses BRAM
+ rscrs.add('BRAM_18kb', math.ceil(ColGlobals.BPI * sync_buff_depth * radix / hw.Bee7Fpga.BRAM_BYTES))
+ self.update_rsrcs(rscrs)
+ def do_func(self, in_data):
+ """
+ Gather partial dot products from inputs, add them together and spit them out
+ Perform sanity check to ensure that we are adding the correct things
+ """
+ out_chans = dict()
+ # Iterate over each input
+ for di in in_data:
+ if len(di.items) != self.items_per_stream:
+ raise self.SimCompError('Incorrect items per stream. Expecting ' + str(self.items_per_stream))
+ # Deinterleave data
+ for do in range(len(di.items)):
+ (sid, coords) = rfnocsim.DataStream.submatrix_parse(di.items[do])
+ if sid == 'null':
+ continue
+ elif sid != 'pp':
+ raise self.SimCompError('Incorrect items. Expecting partial produts (pp) but got ' + sid)
+ if len(coords[1]) != 1:
+ raise self.SimCompError('Incorrect partial product. Target must be a single channel')
+ if coords[1][0] in out_chans:
+ out_chans[coords[1][0]].extend(coords[0])
+ else:
+ out_chans[coords[1][0]] = coords[0]
+ # Check if keys (targets) for partial products == items_per_stream
+ if len(list(out_chans.keys())) != self.items_per_stream:
+ raise self.SimCompError('Inconsistent partial products. Too many targets.')
+ # Verify that all influencers for each target are consistent
+ if not all(x == list(out_chans.values())[0] for x in list(out_chans.values())):
+ raise self.SimCompError('Inconsistent partial products. Influencers dont match.')
+ contrib_chans = list(out_chans.values())[0]
+ # Combine partial products and return
+ out_items = []
+ for ch in list(out_chans.keys()):
+ if sorted(self.reducer_filter[0]) == sorted(contrib_chans):
+ out_items.append(rfnocsim.DataStream.submatrix_gen(self.reducer_filter[1], [ch]))
+ else:
+ out_items.append(rfnocsim.DataStream.submatrix_gen('pp', [list(out_chans.values())[0], ch]))
+ return self.create_outdata_stream(in_data[0].bpi, out_items, in_data[0].count)
+# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+# NOTE: The Torus Topology has not been maintained. Use at your own risk
+# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+class Topology_2D_4x4_Torus:
+ @classmethod
+ def config_bitstream(cls, bee7fpga, app_settings, in_chans, out_chans, total_num_chans, is_radio_node):
+ if len(in_chans) != 64:
+ raise bee7fpga.SimCompError('in_chans must be 64 channels wide. Got ' + str(len(in_chans)))
+ if len(out_chans) != 16:
+ raise bee7fpga.SimCompError('out_chans must be 16 channels wide. Got ' + str(len(out_chans)))
+ GRP_LEN = 16 / 2 # 2 radio channesl per USRP
+ # Broadcast raw data streams to all internal and external FPGAs
+ for i in range(GRP_LEN):
+ in_ln = bee7fpga.EXT_IO_LANES[bee7fpga.BP_BASE+i]
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[in_ln], 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[bee7fpga.EW_IO_LANES[i]], 0)
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[in_ln], 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[bee7fpga.NS_IO_LANES[i]], 0)
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[in_ln], 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[bee7fpga.XX_IO_LANES[i]], 0)
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[in_ln], 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[bee7fpga.EXT_IO_LANES[bee7fpga.BP_BASE+8+i]], 0)
+ # Create an internal bus to hold the generated partial products
+ bee7fpga.pp_bus = dict()
+ for i in range(GRP_LEN):
+ bee7fpga.pp_bus[i] = rfnocsim.Channel(bee7fpga.sim_core, '%s/_INTERNAL_PP_%02d' % (bee7fpga.name,i))
+ # We need to compute partial products of the data that is broadcast to us
+ # pp_input_lanes represents the IO lanes that hold this data
+ pp_input_lanes = bee7fpga.EXT_IO_LANES[bee7fpga.BP_BASE:bee7fpga.BP_BASE+GRP_LEN] + \
+ bee7fpga.EW_IO_LANES[0:GRP_LEN] + bee7fpga.NS_IO_LANES[0:GRP_LEN] + bee7fpga.XX_IO_LANES[0:GRP_LEN]
+ # The function that computes the partial products
+ func = PartialContribComputer(
+ sim_core=bee7fpga.sim_core, name=bee7fpga.name + '/pp_computer/', size=len(pp_input_lanes),
+ dst_chans=out_chans,
+ items_per_stream=2, app_settings=app_settings)
+ for i in range(len(pp_input_lanes)):
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[pp_input_lanes[i]], 0, func, i)
+ for i in range(GRP_LEN): #Outputs of function
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(func, i, bee7fpga.pp_bus[i], 0)
+ bee7fpga.add_function(func)
+ # Add a function combine all partial products (one per IO lane)
+ for i in range(GRP_LEN):
+ func = PartialContribCombiner(
+ sim_core=bee7fpga.sim_core, name=bee7fpga.name + '/pp_combiner_%d/' % (i),
+ radix=2, app_settings=app_settings, reducer_filter=(list(range(total_num_chans)), 'tx'))
+ # Partial products generated internally have to be added to a partial
+ # sum coming from outside
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[bee7fpga.EXT_IO_LANES[bee7fpga.FP_BASE+i]], 0, func, 0)
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.pp_bus[i], 0, func, 1)
+ # If this FPGA is hooked up to the radio then send partial products
+ # back to when samples came from. Otherwise send it out to the PP output bus
+ if is_radio_node:
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(func, 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[bee7fpga.EXT_IO_LANES[bee7fpga.BP_BASE+i]], 0)
+ else:
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(func, 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[bee7fpga.EXT_IO_LANES[bee7fpga.FP_BASE+8+i]], 0)
+ bee7fpga.add_function(func)
+ @classmethod
+ def connect(cls, sim_core, usrps, bee7blades, hosts, app_settings):
+ # Create NULL source of "zero" partial products
+ null_items = ['null[(0);(0)]', 'null[(0);(0)]']
+ null_src = rfnocsim.Producer(sim_core, 'NULL_SRC', 4, null_items)
+ if app_settings['domain'] == 'frequency':
+ null_src.set_rate(app_settings['samp_rate']*(1.0 +
+ (float(app_settings['fft_overlap'])/app_settings['fft_size'])))
+ else:
+ null_src.set_rate(app_settings['samp_rate'])
+ # Reshape BEE7s
+ # The blades are arranged in 2D Torus network with 4 blades across
+ # each dimension (4x4 = 16)
+ bee7grid = []
+ for r in range(4):
+ bee7row = []
+ for c in range(4):
+ blade = bee7blades[4*r + c]
+ pp_chans = list(range(64*c,64*(c+1)))
+ for i in range(4):
+ Topology_2D_4x4_Torus.config_bitstream(
+ blade.fpgas[i], app_settings, pp_chans, pp_chans[i*16:(i+1)*16], 256, (r==c))
+ bee7row.append(blade)
+ bee7grid.append(bee7row)
+ # USRP-Bee7 Connections
+ # Blades across the diagonal are connected to USRPs
+ for b in range(4):
+ for u in range(USRPS_PER_BLADE):
+ sim_core.connect_bidir(
+ usrps[USRPS_PER_BLADE*b + u], 0, bee7grid[b][b],
+ len(hw.Bee7Fpga.EXT_IO_LANES)*(u/8) + hw.Bee7Fpga.BP_BASE+(u%8), 'SAMP')
+ sim_core.connect_bidir(
+ hosts[b], 0, bee7grid[b][b], hw.Bee7Fpga.FP_BASE+8, 'CONFIG', ['blue','blue'])
+ # Bee7-Bee7 Connections
+ null_srcs = []
+ for r in range(4): # Traverse across row
+ for c in range(4): # Traverse across col
+ for f in range(4):
+ samp_in_base = len(hw.Bee7Fpga.EXT_IO_LANES)*f + hw.Bee7Fpga.BP_BASE
+ samp_out_base = len(hw.Bee7Fpga.EXT_IO_LANES)*f + hw.Bee7Fpga.BP_BASE+8
+ pp_in_base = len(hw.Bee7Fpga.EXT_IO_LANES)*f + hw.Bee7Fpga.FP_BASE
+ pp_out_base = len(hw.Bee7Fpga.EXT_IO_LANES)*f + hw.Bee7Fpga.FP_BASE+8
+ if r != c:
+ sim_core.connect_multi_bidir(
+ bee7grid[r][(c+3)%4], list(range(samp_out_base,samp_out_base+8)),
+ bee7grid[r][c], list(range(samp_in_base,samp_in_base+8)),
+ 'SAMP_O2I', ['black','blue'])
+ sim_core.connect_multi_bidir(
+ bee7grid[r][c], list(range(pp_out_base,pp_out_base+8)),
+ bee7grid[(r+1)%4][c], list(range(pp_in_base,pp_in_base+8)),
+ 'PP_O2I', ['black','blue'])
+ else:
+ for i in range(8):
+ sim_core.connect(null_src, 0, bee7grid[(r+1)%4][c], pp_in_base + i)
+class Topology_3D_4x4_FLB:
+ @classmethod
+ def get_radio_num(cls, router_addr, radio_idx, concentration):
+ """
+ Returns the global radio index given local radio info
+ (global_radio_idx) = get_radio_num(router_addr, radio_idx, concentration) where:
+ - router_addr: Address of the current FPGA (router) in 3-D space
+ - radio_idx: The local index of the radio for the current router_addr
+ - concentration: Number of USRPs connected to each router
+ """
+ DIM_SIZE = 4
+ multiplier = concentration
+ radio_num = 0
+ for dim in ['Z','Y','X']:
+ radio_num += router_addr[dim] * multiplier
+ multiplier *= DIM_SIZE
+ return radio_num + radio_idx
+ @classmethod
+ def get_portmap(cls, node_addr):
+ """
+ Returns the router and terminal connections for the current FPGA
+ (router_map, terminal_map) = get_portmap(node_addr) where:
+ - node_addr: Address of the current FPGA in 3-D space
+ - router_map: A double map indexed by the dimension {X,Y,Z} and the
+ FPGA address in that dimension that returns the Aurora
+ lane index that connects the current node to the neighbor.
+ Example: if node_addr = [0,0,0] then router_map['X'][1] will
+ hold the IO lane index that connects the current node with
+ its X-axis neighbor with address 1
+ - terminal_map: A single map that maps a dimension {X,Y,Z} to the starting
+ IO lane index for terminals (like USRPs) in that dimension.
+ A terminal is a leaf node in the network.
+ """
+ router_map = dict()
+ terminal_map = dict()
+ # If "node_addr" is the address of the current FPGA in the (X,Y,Z) space,
+ # then build a list of other addresses (neighbors) in each dimension
+ DIM_SIZE = 4
+ for dim in ['X','Y','Z']:
+ all_addrs = list(range(DIM_SIZE))
+ all_addrs.remove(node_addr[dim])
+ router_map[dim] = dict()
+ for dst in all_addrs:
+ router_map[dim][dst] = 0 # Assign lane index as 0 for now
+ # Assign Aurora lanes for all external connections between BEE7s
+ io_base = hw.Bee7Fpga.EXT_IO_LANES[0]
+ # ---- X-axis ----
+ # All BEE7s in the X dimension are connected via the RTM
+ # The fist quad on the RTM is reserved for SFP+ peripherals like
+ # the USRPs, Ethernet switch ports, etc
+ # All others are used for inter BEE connections over QSFP+
+ terminal_map['X'] = io_base + hw.Bee7Fpga.BP_BASE
+ xdst = terminal_map['X'] + DIM_SIZE
+ for dst in router_map['X']:
+ router_map['X'][dst] = xdst
+ xdst += DIM_SIZE
+ # ---- Z-axis ----
+ # All BEE7s in the Z dimension are connected via FMC IO cards (front panel)
+ # To be symmetric with the X-axis the first quad on the FMC bus is also
+ # reserved (regardless of all quads being symmetric)
+ terminal_map['Z'] = io_base + hw.Bee7Fpga.FP_BASE
+ zdst = terminal_map['Z'] + DIM_SIZE
+ for dst in router_map['Z']:
+ router_map['Z'][dst] = zdst
+ zdst += DIM_SIZE
+ # ---- Y-axis ----
+ # Within a BEE7, FPGAs re connected in the Y-dimension:
+ # 0 - 1
+ # | X |
+ # 2 - 3
+ Y_LANE_MAP = {
+ 0:{1:hw.Bee7Fpga.EW_IO_LANES[0], 2:hw.Bee7Fpga.NS_IO_LANES[0], 3:hw.Bee7Fpga.XX_IO_LANES[0]},
+ 1:{0:hw.Bee7Fpga.EW_IO_LANES[0], 2:hw.Bee7Fpga.XX_IO_LANES[0], 3:hw.Bee7Fpga.NS_IO_LANES[0]},
+ 2:{0:hw.Bee7Fpga.NS_IO_LANES[0], 1:hw.Bee7Fpga.XX_IO_LANES[0], 3:hw.Bee7Fpga.EW_IO_LANES[0]},
+ 3:{0:hw.Bee7Fpga.XX_IO_LANES[0], 1:hw.Bee7Fpga.NS_IO_LANES[0], 2:hw.Bee7Fpga.EW_IO_LANES[0]}}
+ for dst in router_map['Y']:
+ router_map['Y'][dst] = Y_LANE_MAP[node_addr['Y']][dst]
+ return (router_map, terminal_map)
+ @classmethod
+ def config_bitstream(cls, bee7fpga, app_settings, fpga_addr):
+ """
+ Defines the FPGA behavior for the current FPGA. This function will make
+ create the necessary simulation functions, connect them to IO lanes and
+ define the various utilization metrics for the image.
+ config_bitstream(bee7fpga, app_settings, fpga_addr):
+ - bee7fpga: The FPGA simulation object being configured
+ - fpga_addr: Address of the FPGA in 3-D space
+ - app_settings: Application information
+ """
+ if len(fpga_addr) != 3:
+ raise bee7fpga.SimCompError('fpga_addr must be 3-dimensional. Got ' + str(len(fpga_addr)))
+ # Map that stores lane indices for all neighbors of this node
+ (router_map, terminal_map) = cls.get_portmap(fpga_addr)
+ # USRPs are connected in the X dimension (RTM) because it has SFP+ ports
+ base_usrp_lane = terminal_map['X']
+ DIM_WIDTH = 4 # Dimension size for the 3-D network
+ MAX_USRPS = 4 # Max USRPs that can possibly be connected to each FPGA
+ NUM_USRPS = 2 # Number of USRPs actually connected to each FPGA
+ CHANS_PER_USRP = 2 # How many radio channels does each USRP have
+ ALL_CHANS = list(range(pow(DIM_WIDTH, 3) * NUM_USRPS * CHANS_PER_USRP))
+ # Each FPGA will forward the sample stream from each USRP to all of its
+ # X-axis neighbors
+ for ri in router_map['X']:
+ for li in range(MAX_USRPS): # li = GT Lane index
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[base_usrp_lane + li], 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[router_map['X'][ri] + li], 0)
+ # Consequently, this FPGA will receive the USRP sample streams from each of
+ # its X-axis neighbors. Define an internal bus to aggregate all the neighbor
+ # streams with the native ones. Order the streams such that each FPGA sees the
+ # same data streams.
+ bee7fpga.int_samp_bus = dict()
+ for i in range(DIM_WIDTH):
+ for li in range(MAX_USRPS): # li = GT Lane index
+ bee7fpga.int_samp_bus[(MAX_USRPS*i) + li] = rfnocsim.Channel(
+ bee7fpga.sim_core, '%s/_INT_SAMP_%02d' % (bee7fpga.name,(MAX_USRPS*i) + li))
+ ln_base = base_usrp_lane if i == fpga_addr['X'] else router_map['X'][i]
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[ln_base + li], 0, bee7fpga.int_samp_bus[(MAX_USRPS*i) + li], 0)
+ # Forward the X-axis aggregated sample streams to all Y-axis neighbors
+ for ri in router_map['Y']:
+ for li in range(DIM_WIDTH*DIM_WIDTH): # li = GT Lane index
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.int_samp_bus[li], 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[router_map['Y'][ri] + li], 0)
+ # What partial products will this FPGA compute?
+ # Generate channel list to compute partial products
+ pp_chans = list()
+ for cg in range(DIM_WIDTH): # cg = Channel group
+ for r in range(NUM_USRPS):
+ radio_num = cls.get_radio_num({'X':fpga_addr['X'], 'Y':fpga_addr['Y'], 'Z':cg}, r, NUM_USRPS)
+ for ch in range(CHANS_PER_USRP):
+ pp_chans.append(radio_num*CHANS_PER_USRP + ch)
+ # Instantiate partial product computer
+ bee7fpga.func_pp_comp = PartialContribComputer(
+ sim_core=bee7fpga.sim_core, name=bee7fpga.name+'/pp_computer/', size=DIM_WIDTH*DIM_WIDTH*NUM_USRPS,
+ dst_chans=pp_chans,
+ items_per_stream=CHANS_PER_USRP, app_settings=app_settings)
+ bee7fpga.add_function(bee7fpga.func_pp_comp)
+ # Partial product computer takes inputs from all Y-axis links
+ for sg in range(DIM_WIDTH): # sg = Group of sexdectects
+ for qi in range(DIM_WIDTH): # qi = GT Quad index
+ for li in range(NUM_USRPS):
+ func_inln = (sg * DIM_WIDTH * NUM_USRPS) + (qi * NUM_USRPS) + li
+ if sg == fpga_addr['Y']:
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.int_samp_bus[(qi * DIM_WIDTH) + li], 0,
+ bee7fpga.func_pp_comp, func_inln)
+ else:
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[router_map['Y'][sg] + (qi * DIM_WIDTH) + li], 0,
+ bee7fpga.func_pp_comp, func_inln)
+ # Internal bus to hold aggregated partial products
+ bee7fpga.pp_bus = dict()
+ for i in range(DIM_WIDTH*NUM_USRPS):
+ bee7fpga.pp_bus[i] = rfnocsim.Channel(bee7fpga.sim_core, '%s/_INT_PP_%02d' % (bee7fpga.name,i))
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.func_pp_comp, i, bee7fpga.pp_bus[i], 0)
+ # Forward partial products to Z-axis neighbors
+ for ri in router_map['Z']:
+ for li in range(NUM_USRPS): # li = GT Lane index
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.pp_bus[ri*NUM_USRPS + li], 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[router_map['Z'][ri] + li], 0)
+ # Instantiate partial product adder
+ bee7fpga.func_pp_comb = dict()
+ for i in range(NUM_USRPS):
+ bee7fpga.func_pp_comb[i] = PartialContribCombiner(
+ sim_core=bee7fpga.sim_core, name=bee7fpga.name + '/pp_combiner_%d/'%(i),
+ radix=DIM_WIDTH, app_settings=app_settings, reducer_filter=(ALL_CHANS, 'tx'),
+ items_per_stream=CHANS_PER_USRP)
+ bee7fpga.add_function(bee7fpga.func_pp_comb[i])
+ # Aggregate partial products from Z-axis neighbors
+ for u in range(NUM_USRPS):
+ for ri in range(DIM_WIDTH):
+ if ri in router_map['Z']:
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[router_map['Z'][ri] + u], 0, bee7fpga.func_pp_comb[u], ri)
+ else:
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.pp_bus[ri*NUM_USRPS + u], 0, bee7fpga.func_pp_comb[u], ri)
+ # Instantiate partial product adder
+ for u in range(NUM_USRPS):
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.func_pp_comb[u], 0, bee7fpga.serdes_o[base_usrp_lane + u], 0)
+ # Coefficient consumer
+ bee7fpga.coeff_sink = rfnocsim.Consumer(bee7fpga.sim_core, bee7fpga.name + '/coeff_sink', 10e9/8, 0.0)
+ bee7fpga.sim_core.connect(bee7fpga.serdes_i[terminal_map['X'] + NUM_USRPS], 0, bee7fpga.coeff_sink, 0)
+ @classmethod
+ def connect(cls, sim_core, usrps, bee7blades, hosts, app_settings):
+ # Reshape BEE7s
+ # The blades are arranged in 3D Flattened Butterfly configuration
+ # with a dimension width of 4. The X and Z dimension represent row, col
+ # and the Y dimension represents the internal connections
+ bee7grid = []
+ for r in range(4):
+ bee7row = []
+ for c in range(4):
+ blade = bee7blades[4*r + c]
+ for f in range(blade.NUM_FPGAS):
+ cls.config_bitstream(blade.fpgas[f], app_settings, {'X':r, 'Y':f, 'Z':c})
+ bee7row.append(blade)
+ bee7grid.append(bee7row)
+ # USRP-Bee7 Connections
+ # Blades across the diagonal are connected to USRPs
+ for x in range(4):
+ for y in range(4):
+ for z in range(4):
+ for u in range(NUM_USRPS):
+ usrp_num = cls.get_radio_num({'X':x,'Y':y,'Z':z}, u, NUM_USRPS)
+ (router_map, terminal_map) = cls.get_portmap({'X':x,'Y':y,'Z':z})
+ sim_core.connect_bidir(
+ usrps[usrp_num], 0,
+ bee7grid[x][z], hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(y, terminal_map['X'] + u), 'SAMP')
+ # Bee7-Bee7 Connections
+ null_srcs = []
+ for row in range(4):
+ for col in range(4):
+ for fpga in range(4):
+ (src_map, t) = cls.get_portmap({'X':row,'Y':fpga,'Z':col})
+ for dst in range(4):
+ if row != dst:
+ (dst_map, t) = cls.get_portmap({'X':dst,'Y':fpga,'Z':col})
+ sim_core.connect_multi(
+ bee7grid[row][col],
+ list(range(hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, src_map['X'][dst]), hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, src_map['X'][dst]+4))),
+ bee7grid[dst][col],
+ list(range(hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, dst_map['X'][row]), hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, dst_map['X'][row]+4))),
+ 'SAMP')
+ if col != dst:
+ (dst_map, t) = cls.get_portmap({'X':row,'Y':fpga,'Z':dst})
+ sim_core.connect_multi(
+ bee7grid[row][col],
+ list(range(hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, src_map['Z'][dst]), hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, src_map['Z'][dst]+4))),
+ bee7grid[row][dst],
+ list(range(hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, dst_map['Z'][col]), hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, dst_map['Z'][col]+4))),
+ 'PP', 'blue')
+ # Host connection
+ for row in range(4):
+ for col in range(4):
+ for fpga in range(4):
+ (router_map, terminal_map) = cls.get_portmap({'X':row,'Y':row,'Z':col})
+ sim_core.connect_bidir(
+ hosts[row], col*4 + fpga,
+ bee7grid[row][col], hw.Bee7Blade.io_lane(fpga, terminal_map['X'] + NUM_USRPS), 'COEFF', 'red')