path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib')
4 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/AxiLiteIf.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/AxiLiteIf.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..beb095bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/AxiLiteIf.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Interface: AxiLiteIf
+// Description:
+// AXI4-LITE is an ARM standard for lighter weight registers
+// axis based on the AXI4 protocol. For more information
+// on the spec see - https://developer.arm.com/docs/ihi0022/d
+// The interface contains methods for
+// (1) Writing an address
+// (2) Reading an address
+// Parameters:
+// - DATA_WIDTH - Width of the data on AXI4-Lite bus
+// - ADDR_WIDTH - Width of the address on AXI4-Lite bus
+// AXI4-Lite interface
+interface AxiLiteIf #(
+ int DATA_WIDTH = 64,
+ int ADDR_WIDTH = 1
+) (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst = 1'b0
+ import PkgAxiLite::*;
+ localparam BYTES_PER_WORD = DATA_WIDTH/8;
+ // local type defs
+ typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_t;
+ typedef logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr_t;
+ typedef logic [BYTES_PER_WORD-1:0] strb_t;
+ // Signals that make up an AxiLite interface
+ // Write Address Channel
+ addr_t awaddr;
+ logic awvalid;
+ logic awready;
+ // Write Data Channel
+ data_t wdata;
+ strb_t wstrb = '1;
+ logic wvalid;
+ logic wready;
+ // Write Response Channel
+ resp_t bresp;
+ logic bvalid;
+ logic bready;
+ // Read Address Channel
+ addr_t araddr;
+ logic arvalid;
+ logic arready;
+ // Read Data Channel
+ data_t rdata;
+ resp_t rresp;
+ logic rvalid;
+ logic rready;
+ // Master Functions
+ task automatic drive_aw(input addr_t addr);
+ awaddr = addr;
+ awvalid = 1;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_w(input data_t data,
+ input strb_t strb = '1);
+ wdata = data;
+ wstrb = wstrb;
+ wvalid = 1;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_aw_idle();
+ awaddr = 'X;
+ awvalid = 0;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_w_idle();
+ wdata = 'X;
+ wstrb = 'X;
+ wvalid = 0;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_read(input addr_t addr);
+ araddr = addr;
+ arvalid = 1;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_read_idle();
+ araddr = 'X;
+ arvalid = 0;
+ endtask
+ // Slave Functions
+ task automatic drive_write_resp(input resp_t resp=OKAY);
+ bresp = resp;
+ bvalid = 1;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_write_resp_idle();
+ bresp = OKAY;
+ bvalid = 0;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_read_resp(input data_t data,
+ input resp_t resp=OKAY);
+ rdata = data;
+ rresp = resp;
+ rvalid = 1;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_read_resp_idle();
+ rdata = 'X;
+ rresp = OKAY;
+ rvalid = 0;
+ endtask
+ // Drive Functions (These are not particularly useful
+ // but they guarantee the modules using the package don't
+ // drive the interface with a continuous assignment)
+ task automatic drive_awaddr(input addr_t addr);
+ awaddr = addr;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_awvalid(input logic valid);
+ awvalid = valid;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_awready(input logic ready);
+ awready = ready;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_wdata(input data_t data);
+ wdata = data;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_wstrb(input strb_t strb);
+ wstrb = strb;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_wvalid(input logic valid);
+ wvalid = valid;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_wready(input logic ready);
+ wready = ready;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_bresp(input resp_t resp);
+ bresp = resp;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_bvalid(input logic valid);
+ bvalid = valid;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_bready(input logic ready);
+ bready = ready;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_araddr(input addr_t addr);
+ araddr = addr;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_arvalid(input logic valid);
+ arvalid = valid;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_arready(input logic ready);
+ arready = ready;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_rdata(input data_t data);
+ rdata = data;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_rresp(input resp_t resp);
+ rresp = resp;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_rvalid(input logic valid);
+ rvalid = valid;
+ endtask
+ task automatic drive_rready(input logic ready);
+ rready = ready;
+ endtask
+ // View from the master side
+ modport master (
+ input clk, rst,
+ output awaddr,awvalid,wdata,wstrb,wvalid,bready,araddr,arvalid,rready,
+ input awready,wready,bresp,bvalid,arready,rdata,rresp,rvalid,
+ import drive_aw,
+ import drive_w,
+ import drive_w_idle,
+ import drive_aw_idle,
+ import drive_read,
+ import drive_read_idle
+ );
+ // View from the slave side
+ modport slave (
+ input clk, rst,
+ input awaddr,awvalid,wdata,wstrb,wvalid,bready,araddr,arvalid,rready,
+ output awready,wready,bresp,bvalid,arready,rdata,rresp,rvalid,
+ import drive_write_resp,
+ import drive_write_resp_idle,
+ import drive_read_resp,
+ import drive_read_resp_idle
+ );
+endinterface : AxiLiteIf
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/Makefile.srcs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb9239a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/Makefile.srcs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+# RFNoC Utility Sources
+AXI4LITE_SV_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/axi4lite_sv/, \
+PkgAxiLite.sv \
+AxiLiteIf.sv \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/PkgAxiLite.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/PkgAxiLite.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09b15e986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/PkgAxiLite.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Package: PkgAxiLite
+// Description:
+// AXI4-Lite is an ARM standard for lighter weight registers
+// axis based on the AXI4 protocol. For more information
+// on the spec see - https://developer.arm.com/docs/ihi0022/d
+// This package contains types used for AxiLiteIf.
+// AXI4-Lite Package
+package PkgAxiLite;
+ typedef enum logic [1:0] {OKAY=0,SLVERR=2,DECERR=3} resp_t;
+endpackage : PkgAxiLite
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/axi_lite.vh b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/axi_lite.vh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b260a1b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/axi4lite_sv/axi_lite.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Header File: axi_lite.vh
+// Description: Macros for use with AXI4S
+// Unidirectional AXI4-Stream interface
+// Macro that drives o from i for all fields. Of course, ready runs in the
+// counter direction.
+`define AXI4LITE_ASSIGN(O,I) \
+ /* write address channel */
+ ``O.awaddr = ``I.awaddr;\
+ ``O.awvalid = ``I.awvalid;\
+ ``I.awready = ``O.awready;\
+ /* write data channel */
+ ``O.wdata = ``I.wdata;\
+ ``O.wstrb = ``I.wstrb;\
+ ``O.wvalid = ``I.wvalid;\
+ ``I.wready = ``O.wready;\
+ /* write resp channel */
+ ``I.bresp = ``O.bresp;\
+ ``I.bvalid = ``O.bvalid;\
+ ``O.bready = ``I.bready;\
+ /* read address channel */
+ ``O.araddr = ``I.araddr;\
+ ``O.arvalid = ``I.arvalid;\
+ ``I.arready = ``O.arready;\
+ /* read resp channel */
+ ``I.rdata = ``O.rdata;\
+ ``I.rresp = ``O.rresp;\
+ ``I.rvalid = ``O.rvalid;\
+ ``O.rready = ``I.rready;
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [``I.ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] ``I``_debug_awaddr;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_awvalid;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_awready;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [``I.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ``I``_debug_wdata;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [``I.BYTES_PER_WORD-1:0] ``I``_debug_wstrb;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_wvalid;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_wready;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [1:0] ``I``_debug_bresp;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_bvalid;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_bready;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [``I.ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] ``I``_debug_araddr;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_arvalid;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_arready;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [``I.DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ``I``_debug_rdata;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [1:0] ``I``_debug_rresp;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_rvalid;\
+ (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic ``I``_debug_rready;\
+ always_comb begin\
+ /* write address channel */
+ ``I``_debug_awaddr = ``I.awaddr;\
+ ``I``_debug_awvalid = ``I.awvalid;\
+ ``I.awready = ``I``_debug_awready;\
+ /* write data channel */
+ ``I``_debug_wdata = ``I.wdata;\
+ ``I``_debug_wstrb = ``I.wstrb;\
+ ``I``_debug_wvalid = ``I.wvalid;\
+ ``I.wready = ``I``_debug_wready;\
+ /* write resp channel */
+ ``I.bresp = ``I``_debug_bresp;\
+ ``I.bvalid = ``I``_debug_bvalid;\
+ ``I``_debug_bready = ``I.bready;\
+ /* read address channel */
+ ``I``_debug_araddr = ``I.araddr;\
+ ``I``_debug_arvalid = ``I.arvalid;\
+ ``I.arready = ``I``_debug_arready;\
+ /* read resp channel */
+ ``I.rdata = ``I``_debug_rdata;\
+ ``I.rresp = ``I``_debug_rresp;\
+ ``I.rvalid = ``I``_debug_rvalid;\
+ ``I``_debug_rready = ``I.rready;
+ end\
+ always_comb begin\
+ /* write address channel */
+ ``O.awaddr = ``I``_debug_awaddr;\
+ ``O.awvalid = ``I``_debug_awvalid;\
+ ``I``_debug_awready = ``O.awready;\
+ /* write data channel */
+ ``O.wdata = ``I``_debug_wdata;\
+ ``O.wstrb = ``I``_debug_wstrb;\
+ ``O.wvalid = ``I``_debug_wvalid;\
+ ``I``_debug_wready = ``O.wready;\
+ /* write resp channel */
+ ``I``_debug_bresp = ``O.bresp;\
+ ``I``_debug_bvalid = ``O.bvalid;\
+ ``O.bready = ``I``_debug_bready;\
+ /* read address channel */
+ ``O.araddr = ``I``_debug_araddr;\
+ ``O.arvalid = ``I``_debug_arvalid;\
+ ``I``_debug_arready = ``O.arready;\
+ /* read resp channel */
+ ``I``_debug_rdata = ``O.rdata;\
+ ``I``_debug_rresp = ``O.rresp;\
+ ``I``_debug_rvalid = ``O.rvalid;\
+ ``O.rready = ``I``_debug_rready;
+ end \ No newline at end of file