path: root/src/simulator
diff options
authorMaximilien Cuony <maximilien@theglu.org>2016-05-31 21:58:17 +0200
committerMaximilien Cuony <maximilien@theglu.org>2016-05-31 21:58:17 +0200
commit9069fc127e4f73041fbd1f66e4506fcf12418315 (patch)
tree902aa478c6e9d47cde89eaa996b5f7f662070518 /src/simulator
parent4803231e214fbd19eab4ba2289583859ee07183f (diff)
Simuator - Work in progress
Diffstat (limited to 'src/simulator')
11 files changed, 21115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/simulator/.gitignore b/src/simulator/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e1499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/simulator/Makefile b/src/simulator/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e74498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+######## Build options ########
+verbose = 0
+######## Build setup ########
+# SRCROOT should always be the current directory
+# .o directory
+ODIR = obj
+# Source VPATHS
+VPATH += $(SRCROOT)/Source
+VPATH += $(SRCROOT)/Source/portable/MemMang
+VPATH += $(SRCROOT)/Source/portable/GCC/POSIX
+VPATH += $(SRCROOT)/src/Core
+# FreeRTOS Objects
+C_FILES += croutine.c
+C_FILES += event_groups.c
+C_FILES += list.c
+C_FILES += queue.c
+C_FILES += tasks.c
+C_FILES += timers.c
+# portable Objects
+C_FILES += heap_3.c
+C_FILES += port.c
+# Main Object
+SRC_SOURCES+=$(shell find -L src/ -name '*.c')
+# Include Paths
+INCLUDES += -I$(SRCROOT)/Source/include
+INCLUDES += -I$(SRCROOT)/Source/portable/GCC/POSIX/
+INCLUDES += -I$(SRCROOT)/src/Core
+INCLUDES += -I$(SRCROOT)/../common/includes/
+# Generate OBJS names
+OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(C_FILES))
+######## C Flags ########
+# Warnings
+CWARNS += -Wall
+# CWARNS += -Werror
+CWARNS += -Wextra
+CWARNS += -Wformat
+CWARNS += -Wmissing-braces
+CWARNS += -Wno-cast-align
+CWARNS += -Wparentheses
+CWARNS += -Wshadow
+CWARNS += -Wno-sign-compare
+CWARNS += -Wswitch
+CWARNS += -Wuninitialized
+CWARNS += -Wunknown-pragmas
+CWARNS += -Wunused-function
+CWARNS += -Wunused-label
+CWARNS += -Wunused-parameter
+CWARNS += -Wunused-value
+CWARNS += -Wunused-variable
+CWARNS += -Wmissing-prototypes
+CFLAGS += -m32
+CFLAGS += -g -DUSE_STDIO=1 -D__GCC_POSIX__=1 -lX11 -lm -lGL -lm -lGLU
+ifneq ($(shell uname), Darwin)
+CFLAGS += -pthread
+# MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS = max pthreads used in the POSIX port.
+# Default value is 64 (_POSIX_THREAD_THREADS_MAX), the minimum number required by POSIX.
+######## Makefile targets ########
+# Rules
+.PHONY : all
+all: vc.h setup FreeRTOS-Sim
+.PHONY : setup
+# Make obj directory
+ @mkdir -p $(ODIR)
+# Fix to place .o files in ODIR
+_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(ODIR)/%,$(OBJS))
+dir_guard=@mkdir -p $(@D)
+$(ODIR)/%.o: %.c
+ $(dir_guard)
+# If verbose, print gcc execution, else hide
+ifeq ($(verbose),1)
+ @echo ">> Compiling $<"
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ @echo ">> Compiling $(notdir $<)"
+ @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+vc.h: ../../.git/logs/HEAD
+ echo "// This file is generated by Makefile." > vc.h
+ echo "// Do not edit this file!" >> vc.h
+ git log -1 --format="format:#define GIT_VERSION \"%h\"" >> vc.h
+ echo >> vc.h
+ echo >> vc.h
+FreeRTOS-Sim: $(_OBJS)
+ @echo ">> Linking $@..."
+ifeq ($(verbose),1)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LINKFLAGS) $(LIBS) -o $@
+ @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LINKFLAGS) $(LIBS) -o $@
+ @echo "-------------------------"
+ @echo "BUILD COMPLETE: $@"
+ @echo "-------------------------"
+.PHONY : clean
+ @-rm -rf $(ODIR) FreeRTOS-Sim
+ @echo "--------------"
+ @echo "--------------"
diff --git a/src/simulator/Source b/src/simulator/Source
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5f455fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/Source
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../FreeRTOS-Sim-master/Source \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/simulator/src/Core/FreeRTOSConfig.h b/src/simulator/src/Core/FreeRTOSConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19086b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/src/Core/FreeRTOSConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#include "../../../common/src/Core/FreeRTOSConfig.h"
+#define configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW 0 /* Do not use this option on the PC port. */
diff --git a/src/simulator/src/Core/common.c b/src/simulator/src/Core/common.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00afc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/src/Core/common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+void __disable_irq() {
+#include "../../../common/src/Core/common.c"
+void hard_fault_handler_extra() {
diff --git a/src/simulator/src/Core/main.c b/src/simulator/src/Core/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e93176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/src/Core/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Matthias P. Braendli, Maximilien Cuony
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+#include "../../../common/src/Core/main.c"
+#include <pthread.h>
+void *threadFunc(void *arg) {
+ main2();
+void init() {
+ pthread_t pth;
+ pthread_create(&pth, NULL, threadFunc, "processing...");
diff --git a/src/simulator/src/Core/usart.c b/src/simulator/src/Core/usart.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd91428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/src/Core/usart.c
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Matthias P. Braendli
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include "Core/common.h"
+#include "Core/usart.h"
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "task.h"
+#include "queue.h"
+// The ISR writes into this buffer
+static char nmea_sentence[MAX_NMEA_SENTENCE_LEN];
+static int nmea_sentence_last_written = 0;
+// Once a completed NMEA sentence is received in the ISR,
+// it is appended to this queue
+static QueueHandle_t usart_nmea_queue;
+#define USART_TypeDef void
+int _USART2 = 2;
+int _USART3 = 3;
+#define USART2 &_USART2
+#define USART3 &_USART3
+void usart_init() {
+void usart_gps_init() {
+ usart_nmea_queue = xQueueCreate(15, MAX_NMEA_SENTENCE_LEN);
+ if (usart_nmea_queue == 0) {
+ while(1); /* fatal error */
+ }
+// Make sure Tasks are suspended when this is called!
+static void usart_puts(USART_TypeDef* USART, const char* str)
+ while(*str) {
+ // TODO
+ putchar(*str);
+ str++;
+ }
+void usart_gps_puts(const char* str)
+ vTaskSuspendAll();
+ return usart_puts(USART3, str);
+ xTaskResumeAll();
+#define MAX_MSG_LEN 80
+static char usart_debug_message[MAX_MSG_LEN];
+void usart_debug_timestamp() {
+ // Don't call printf here, to reduce stack usage
+ uint64_t now = timestamp_now();
+ if (now == 0) {
+ usart_puts(USART2, "[0] ");
+ }
+ else {
+ char ts_str[64];
+ int i = 63;
+ ts_str[i--] = '\0';
+ ts_str[i--] = ' ';
+ ts_str[i--] = ']';
+ while (now > 0 && i >= 0) {
+ ts_str[i--] = '0' + (now % 10);
+ now /= 10;
+ }
+ ts_str[i] = '[';
+ usart_puts(USART2, &ts_str[i]);
+ }
+void usart_debug(const char *format, ...)
+ va_list list;
+ va_start(list, format);
+ vsnprintf(usart_debug_message, MAX_MSG_LEN-1, format, list);
+ vTaskSuspendAll();
+ usart_debug_timestamp();
+ usart_puts(USART2, usart_debug_message);
+ xTaskResumeAll();
+ va_end(list);
+void usart_debug_puts(const char* str)
+ vTaskSuspendAll();
+ usart_debug_timestamp();
+ usart_puts(USART2, str);
+ xTaskResumeAll();
+int usart_get_nmea_sentence(char* nmea)
+ return xQueueReceive(usart_nmea_queue, nmea, portMAX_DELAY);
+static void usart_clear_nmea_buffer(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NMEA_SENTENCE_LEN; i++) {
+ nmea_sentence[i] = '\0';
+ }
+ nmea_sentence_last_written = 0;
+/* void USART3_IRQHandler(void) */
+/* { */
+/* if (USART_GetITStatus(USART3, USART_IT_RXNE)) { */
+/* char t = USART3->DR; */
+/* */
+/* if (nmea_sentence_last_written == 0) { */
+/* if (t == '$') { */
+/* // Likely new start of sentence */
+/* nmea_sentence[nmea_sentence_last_written] = t; */
+/* nmea_sentence_last_written++; */
+/* } */
+/* } */
+/* else if (nmea_sentence_last_written < MAX_NMEA_SENTENCE_LEN) { */
+/* nmea_sentence[nmea_sentence_last_written] = t; */
+/* nmea_sentence_last_written++; */
+/* */
+/* if (t == '\n') { */
+/* int success = xQueueSendToBackFromISR( */
+/* usart_nmea_queue, */
+/* nmea_sentence, */
+/* NULL); */
+/* */
+/* if (success == pdFALSE) { */
+/* trigger_fault(FAULT_SOURCE_USART); */
+/* } */
+/* */
+/* usart_clear_nmea_buffer(); */
+/* } */
+/* } */
+/* else { */
+/* // Buffer overrun without a meaningful NMEA message. */
+/* usart_clear_nmea_buffer(); */
+/* } */
+/* } */
+/* } */
+/* */
+/* void USART2_IRQHandler(void) */
+/* { */
+/* if (USART_GetITStatus(USART2, USART_IT_RXNE)) { */
+/* char t = USART2->DR; */
+/* if (t == 'h') { */
+/* usart_debug_puts("help: no commands supported yet!\r\n"); */
+/* } */
+/* else { */
+/* usart_debug("Unknown command %c\r\n", t); */
+/* } */
+/* } */
+/* } */
diff --git a/src/simulator/src/Gui/nuklear.h b/src/simulator/src/Gui/nuklear.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5602251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/src/Gui/nuklear.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19765 @@
+ Nuklear - v1.00 - public domain
+ no warrenty implied; use at your own risk.
+ authored from 2015-2016 by Micha Mettke
+ This is a minimal state immediate mode graphical user interface single header
+ toolkit written in ANSI C and licensed under public domain.
+ It was designed as a simple embeddable user interface for application and does
+ not have any dependencies, a default renderbackend or OS window and input handling
+ but instead provides a very modular library approach by using simple input state
+ for input and draw commands describing primitive shapes as output.
+ So instead of providing a layered library that tries to abstract over a number
+ of platform and render backends it only focuses on the actual UI.
+ - Immediate mode graphical user interface toolkit
+ - Single header library
+ - Written in C89 (ANSI C)
+ - Small codebase (~15kLOC)
+ - Focus on portability, efficiency and simplicity
+ - No dependencies (not even the standard library if not wanted)
+ - Fully skinnable and customizable
+ - Low memory footprint with total memory control if needed or wanted
+ - UTF-8 support
+ - No global or hidden state
+ - Customizable library modules (you can compile and use only what you need)
+ - Optional font baker and vertex buffer output
+ This library is self contained in one single header file and can be used either
+ in header only mode or in implementation mode. The header only mode is used
+ by default when included and allows including this header in other headers
+ and does not contain the actual implementation.
+ The implementation mode requires to define the preprocessor macro
+ NK_IMPLEMENTATION in *one* .c/.cpp file before #includeing this file, e.g.:
+ #include "nuklear.h"
+ Also optionally define the symbols listed in the section "OPTIONAL DEFINES"
+ below in implementation mode if you want to use additional functionality
+ or need more control over the library.
+ - Absolutely no platform dependent code
+ - Memory management control ranging from/to
+ - Ease of use by allocating everything from the standard library
+ - Control every byte of memory inside the library
+ - Font handling control ranging from/to
+ - Use your own font implementation to draw shapes/vertexes
+ - Use this libraries internal font baking and handling API
+ - Drawing output control ranging from/to
+ - Simple shapes for more high level APIs which already having drawing capabilities
+ - Hardware accessible anti-aliased vertex buffer output
+ - Customizable colors and properties ranging from/to
+ - Simple changes to color by filling a simple color table
+ - Complete control with ability to use skinning to decorate widgets
+ - Bendable UI library with widget ranging from/to
+ - Basic widgets like buttons, checkboxes, slider, ...
+ - Advanced widget like abstract comboboxes, contextual menus,...
+ - Compile time configuration to only compile what you need
+ - Subset which can be used if you do not want to link or use the standard library
+ - Can be easily modified only update on user input instead of frame updates
+ If defined declares all functions as static, so they can only be accessed
+ for the file that creates the implementation
+ If defined it will include header <stdint.h> for fixed sized types
+ otherwise you have to select the correct types.
+ if defined it will include header <stdlib.h> and provide additional functions
+ to use this library without caring for memory allocation control and therefore
+ ease memory management.
+ IMPORTANT: this adds the standard library with malloc and free so don't define
+ if you don't want to link to the standard library!
+ if defined it will include header <stdio.h> and <stdarg.h> and provide
+ additional functions depending on file loading and variable arguments
+ IMPORTANT: this adds the standard library with fopen, fclose,...
+ as well as va_list,... so don't define this
+ if you don't want to link to the standard library!
+ Defining this adds a vertex draw command list backend to this
+ library, which allows you to convert queue commands into vertex draw commands.
+ This is mainly if you need a hardware accessible format for OpenGL, DirectX,
+ Vulkan, Metal,...
+ Defining this adds the `stb_truetype` and `stb_rect_pack` implementation
+ to this library and provides a default font for font loading and rendering.
+ If you already have font handling or do not want to use this font handler
+ you don't have to define it.
+ Defining this adds the default font: ProggyClean.ttf font into this library
+ which can be loaded into a font atlas and allows using this library without
+ having a truetype font
+ IMPORTANT: enabling this adds ~12kb to global stack memory
+ Defining this adds a userdata pointer into each command. Can be useful for
+ example if you want to provide custom shader depending on the used widget.
+ Can be combined with the style structures.
+ Different platforms require button clicks occuring either on buttons being
+ pressed (up to down) or released (down to up).
+ By default this library will react on buttons being pressed, but if you
+ define this it will only trigger if a button is released.
+ If you don't define this, nuklear will use <assert.h> with assert().
+ IMPORTANT: it also adds the standard library so define to nothing of not wanted!
+ Initial buffer size allocated by all buffers while using the default allocator
+ functions included by defining NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR. If you don't
+ want to allocate the default 4k memory then redefine it.
+ Maximum buffer size for the conversion buffer between float and string
+ Under normal circumstances this should be more than sufficient.
+ Defines the max number of bytes which can be added as text input in one frame.
+ Under normal circumstances this should be more than sufficient.
+ You can define this to 'memset' or your own memset implementation
+ replacement. If not nuklear will use its own version.
+ You can define this to 'memcpy' or your own memcpy implementation
+ replacement. If not nuklear will use its own version.
+ You can define this to 'sqrt' or your own sqrt implementation
+ replacement. If not nuklear will use its own slow and not highly
+ accurate version.
+ You can define this to 'sinf' or your own sine implementation
+ replacement. If not nuklear will use its own approximation implementation.
+ You can define this to 'cosf' or your own cosine implementation
+ replacement. If not nuklear will use its own approximation implementation.
+ NK_INT16
+ NK_INT32
+ If you compile without NK_USE_FIXED_TYPE then a number of standard types
+ will be selected and compile time validated. If they are incorrect you can
+ define the correct types.
+ Developed by Micha Mettke and every direct or indirect contributor to the GitHub.
+ Embeds stb_texedit, stb_truetype and stb_rectpack by Sean Barret (public domain)
+ Embeds ProggyClean.ttf font by Tristan Grimmer (MIT license).
+ Big thank you to Omar Cornut (ocornut@github) for his imgui library and
+ giving me the inspiration for this library, Casey Muratori for handmade hero
+ and his original immediate mode graphical user interface idea and Sean
+ Barret for his amazing single header libraries which restored by faith
+ in libraries and brought me to create some of my own.
+ This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
+ license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
+ publish and distribute this file as you see fit.
+#ifndef NK_H_
+#define NK_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+#define NK_UTF_INVALID 0xFFFD /* internal invalid utf8 rune */
+#define NK_UTF_SIZE 4 /* describes the number of bytes a glyph consists of*/
+#ifndef NK_INPUT_MAX
+#define NK_INPUT_MAX 16
+ * ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef int16_t nk_short;
+typedef uint16_t nk_ushort;
+typedef int32_t nk_int;
+typedef uint32_t nk_uint;
+typedef uint32_t nk_hash;
+typedef uintptr_t nk_size;
+typedef uintptr_t nk_ptr;
+typedef uint32_t nk_flags;
+typedef uint32_t nk_rune;
+typedef uint8_t nk_byte;
+#ifndef NK_BYTE
+typedef unsigned char nk_byte;
+typedef NK_BYTE nk_byte;
+#ifndef NK_INT16
+typedef short nk_short;
+typedef NK_INT16 nk_short;
+#ifndef NK_UINT16
+typedef unsigned short nk_ushort;
+typedef NK_UINT16 nk_ushort;
+#ifndef NK_INT32
+typedef int nk_int;
+typedef NK_INT32 nk_int;
+#ifndef NK_UINT32
+typedef unsigned int nk_uint;
+typedef NK_UINT32 nk_uint;
+#ifndef NK_SIZE_TYPE
+typedef unsigned long nk_size;
+typedef NK_SIZE_TYPE nk_size;
+typedef unsigned long nk_ptr;
+typedef NK_POINTER_TYPE nk_ptr;
+typedef NK_UINT32 nk_hash;
+typedef unsigned int nk_flags;
+typedef nk_uint nk_rune;
+typedef unsigned char nk_byte;
+#ifdef NK_PRIVATE
+#define NK_API static
+#define NK_API extern
+#define NK_INTERN static
+#define NK_STORAGE static
+#define NK_GLOBAL static
+/* ============================================================================
+ *
+ * API
+ *
+ * =========================================================================== */
+#define NK_UNDEFINED (-1.0f)
+#define NK_FLAG(x) (1 << (x))
+#define NK_STRINGIFY(x) #x
+#define NK_FILE_LINE __FILE__":"NK_LINE_STR(__LINE__)
+struct nk_buffer;
+struct nk_allocator;
+struct nk_command_buffer;
+struct nk_draw_command;
+struct nk_convert_config;
+struct nk_text_edit;
+struct nk_draw_list;
+struct nk_user_font;
+struct nk_panel;
+struct nk_context;
+enum {nk_false, nk_true};
+struct nk_color {nk_byte r,g,b,a;};
+struct nk_vec2 {float x,y;};
+struct nk_vec2i {short x, y;};
+struct nk_rect {float x,y,w,h;};
+struct nk_recti {short x,y,w,h;};
+typedef char nk_glyph[NK_UTF_SIZE];
+typedef union {void *ptr; int id;} nk_handle;
+struct nk_image {nk_handle handle;unsigned short w,h;unsigned short region[4];};
+struct nk_scroll {unsigned short x, y;};
+enum nk_heading {NK_UP, NK_RIGHT, NK_DOWN, NK_LEFT};
+typedef int(*nk_filter)(const struct nk_text_edit*, nk_rune unicode);
+typedef void(*nk_paste_f)(nk_handle, struct nk_text_edit*);
+typedef void(*nk_copy_f)(nk_handle, const char*, int len);
+enum nk_button_behavior {NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, NK_BUTTON_REPEATER};
+enum nk_modify {NK_FIXED=nk_false, NK_MODIFIABLE=nk_true};
+enum nk_orientation {NK_VERTICAL, NK_HORIZONTAL};
+enum nk_collapse_states {NK_MINIMIZED=nk_false, NK_MAXIMIZED = nk_true};
+enum nk_show_states {NK_HIDDEN=nk_false, NK_SHOWN=nk_true};
+enum nk_chart_event {NK_CHART_HOVERING = 0x01, NK_CHART_CLICKED = 0x02};
+enum nk_color_format {NK_RGB, NK_RGBA};
+enum nk_popup_type {NK_POPUP_STATIC, NK_POPUP_DYNAMIC};
+enum nk_layout_format {NK_DYNAMIC, NK_STATIC};
+enum nk_tree_type {NK_TREE_NODE, NK_TREE_TAB};
+enum nk_anti_aliasing {NK_ANTI_ALIASING_OFF, NK_ANTI_ALIASING_ON};
+struct nk_allocator {
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ void*(*alloc)(nk_handle, void *old, nk_size);
+ void(*free)(nk_handle, void*);
+struct nk_draw_null_texture {
+ nk_handle texture;/* texture handle to a texture with a white pixel */
+ struct nk_vec2 uv; /* coordinates to a white pixel in the texture */
+struct nk_convert_config {
+ float global_alpha; /* global alpha value */
+ enum nk_anti_aliasing line_AA; /* line anti-aliasing flag can be turned off if you are tight on memory */
+ enum nk_anti_aliasing shape_AA; /* shape anti-aliasing flag can be turned off if you are tight on memory */
+ unsigned int circle_segment_count; /* number of segments used for circles: default to 22 */
+ unsigned int arc_segment_count; /* number of segments used for arcs: default to 22 */
+ unsigned int curve_segment_count; /* number of segments used for curves: default to 22 */
+ struct nk_draw_null_texture null; /* handle to texture with a white pixel for shape drawing */
+enum nk_symbol_type {
+enum nk_keys {
+enum nk_buttons {
+enum nk_style_colors {
+enum nk_widget_layout_states {
+ NK_WIDGET_INVALID, /* The widget cannot be seen and is completely out of view */
+ NK_WIDGET_VALID, /* The widget is completely inside the window and can be updated and drawn */
+ NK_WIDGET_ROM /* The widget is partially visible and cannot be updated */
+/* widget states */
+enum nk_widget_states {
+ NK_WIDGET_STATE_INACTIVE = NK_FLAG(2), /* widget is neither active nor hovered */
+ NK_WIDGET_STATE_ENTERED = NK_FLAG(3), /* widget has been hovered on the current frame */
+ NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER = NK_FLAG(4), /* widget is being hovered */
+ NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED = NK_FLAG(5),/* widget is currently activated */
+ NK_WIDGET_STATE_LEFT = NK_FLAG(6), /* widget is from this frame on not hovered anymore */
+/* text alignment */
+enum nk_text_align {
+enum nk_text_alignment {
+enum nk_edit_flags {
+enum nk_edit_types {
+enum nk_edit_events {
+ NK_EDIT_ACTIVE = NK_FLAG(0), /* edit widget is currently being modified */
+ NK_EDIT_INACTIVE = NK_FLAG(1), /* edit widget is not active and is not being modified */
+ NK_EDIT_ACTIVATED = NK_FLAG(2), /* edit widget went from state inactive to state active */
+ NK_EDIT_DEACTIVATED = NK_FLAG(3), /* edit widget went from state active to state inactive */
+ NK_EDIT_COMMITED = NK_FLAG(4) /* edit widget has received an enter and lost focus */
+enum nk_panel_flags {
+ NK_WINDOW_BORDER = NK_FLAG(0), /* Draws a border around the window to visually separate the window * from the background */
+ NK_WINDOW_BORDER_HEADER = NK_FLAG(1), /* Draws a border between window header and body */
+ NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE = NK_FLAG(2), /* The movable flag indicates that a window can be moved by user input or * by dragging the window header */
+ NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE = NK_FLAG(3), /* The scalable flag indicates that a window can be scaled by user input * by dragging a scaler icon at the button of the window */
+ NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE = NK_FLAG(4), /* adds a closable icon into the header */
+ NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE = NK_FLAG(5), /* adds a minimize icon into the header */
+ NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC = NK_FLAG(6), /* special window type growing up in height while being filled to a * certain maximum height */
+ NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR = NK_FLAG(7), /* Removes the scrollbar from the window */
+ NK_WINDOW_TITLE = NK_FLAG(8) /* Forces a header at the top at the window showing the title */
+/* context */
+NK_API int nk_init_default(struct nk_context*, const struct nk_user_font*);
+NK_API int nk_init_fixed(struct nk_context*, void *memory, nk_size size, const struct nk_user_font*);
+NK_API int nk_init_custom(struct nk_context*, struct nk_buffer *cmds, struct nk_buffer *pool, const struct nk_user_font*);
+NK_API int nk_init(struct nk_context*, struct nk_allocator*, const struct nk_user_font*);
+NK_API void nk_clear(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_free(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_set_user_data(struct nk_context*, nk_handle handle);
+/* window */
+NK_API int nk_begin(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char *title, struct nk_rect bounds, nk_flags flags);
+NK_API void nk_end(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_window* nk_window_find(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_window_get_bounds(const struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_position(const struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_size(const struct nk_context*);
+NK_API float nk_window_get_width(const struct nk_context*);
+NK_API float nk_window_get_height(const struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_panel* nk_window_get_panel(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_window_get_content_region(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_content_region_min(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_content_region_max(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_window_get_content_region_size(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_command_buffer* nk_window_get_canvas(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API int nk_window_has_focus(const struct nk_context*);
+NK_API int nk_window_is_collapsed(struct nk_context*, const char*);
+NK_API int nk_window_is_closed(struct nk_context*, const char*);
+NK_API int nk_window_is_active(struct nk_context*, const char*);
+NK_API int nk_window_is_hovered(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API int nk_window_is_any_hovered(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API int nk_item_is_any_active(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_window_set_bounds(struct nk_context*, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API void nk_window_set_position(struct nk_context*, struct nk_vec2);
+NK_API void nk_window_set_size(struct nk_context*, struct nk_vec2);
+NK_API void nk_window_set_focus(struct nk_context*, const char *name);
+NK_API void nk_window_close(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name);
+NK_API void nk_window_collapse(struct nk_context*, const char *name, enum nk_collapse_states);
+NK_API void nk_window_collapse_if(struct nk_context*, const char *name, enum nk_collapse_states, int cond);
+NK_API void nk_window_show(struct nk_context*, const char *name, enum nk_show_states);
+NK_API void nk_window_show_if(struct nk_context*, const char *name, enum nk_show_states, int cond);
+/* Layout */
+NK_API void nk_layout_row_dynamic(struct nk_context*, float height, int cols);
+NK_API void nk_layout_row_static(struct nk_context*, float height, int item_width, int cols);
+NK_API void nk_layout_row_begin(struct nk_context*, enum nk_layout_format, float row_height, int cols);
+NK_API void nk_layout_row_push(struct nk_context*, float value);
+NK_API void nk_layout_row_end(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_layout_row(struct nk_context*, enum nk_layout_format, float height, int cols, const float *ratio);
+NK_API void nk_layout_space_begin(struct nk_context*, enum nk_layout_format, float height, int widget_count);
+NK_API void nk_layout_space_push(struct nk_context*, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API void nk_layout_space_end(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_layout_space_bounds(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_layout_space_to_screen(struct nk_context*, struct nk_vec2);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_layout_space_to_local(struct nk_context*, struct nk_vec2);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_layout_space_rect_to_screen(struct nk_context*, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_layout_space_rect_to_local(struct nk_context*, struct nk_rect);
+/* Layout: Group */
+NK_API int nk_group_begin(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char *title, nk_flags);
+NK_API void nk_group_end(struct nk_context*);
+/* Layout: Tree */
+#define nk_tree_push(ctx, type, title, state) nk_tree_push_hashed(ctx, type, title, state, __FILE__,nk_strlen(__FILE__),__LINE__)
+#define nk_tree_push_id(ctx, type, title, state, id) nk_tree_push_hashed(ctx, type, title, state, NK_FILE_LINE,nk_strlen(NK_FILE_LINE),id)
+NK_API int nk_tree_push_hashed(struct nk_context*, enum nk_tree_type, const char *title, enum nk_collapse_states initial_state, const char *hash, int len,int seed);
+#define nk_tree_image_push(ctx, type, img, title, state) nk_tree_image_push_hashed(ctx, type, img, title, state, __FILE__,nk_strlen(__FILE__),__LINE__)
+#define nk_tree_image_push_id(ctx, type, img, title, state, id) nk_tree_image_push_hashed(ctx, img, type, title, state, NK_FILE_LINE,nk_strlen(NK_FILE_LINE),id)
+NK_API int nk_tree_image_push_hashed(struct nk_context*, enum nk_tree_type, struct nk_image, const char *title, enum nk_collapse_states initial_state, const char *hash, int len,int seed);
+NK_API void nk_tree_pop(struct nk_context*);
+/* Widgets */
+NK_API void nk_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, nk_flags);
+NK_API void nk_text_colored(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, nk_flags, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_text_wrap(struct nk_context*, const char*, int);
+NK_API void nk_text_wrap_colored(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, nk_flags align);
+NK_API void nk_label_colored(struct nk_context*, const char*, nk_flags align, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_label_wrap(struct nk_context*, const char*);
+NK_API void nk_label_colored_wrap(struct nk_context*, const char*, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_image(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image);
+NK_API void nk_labelf(struct nk_context*, nk_flags, const char*, ...);
+NK_API void nk_labelf_colored(struct nk_context*, nk_flags align, struct nk_color, const char*,...);
+NK_API void nk_labelf_wrap(struct nk_context*, const char*,...);
+NK_API void nk_labelf_colored_wrap(struct nk_context*, struct nk_color, const char*,...);
+NK_API void nk_value_bool(struct nk_context*, const char *prefix, int);
+NK_API void nk_value_int(struct nk_context*, const char *prefix, int);
+NK_API void nk_value_uint(struct nk_context*, const char *prefix, unsigned int);
+NK_API void nk_value_float(struct nk_context*, const char *prefix, float);
+NK_API void nk_value_color_byte(struct nk_context*, const char *prefix, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_value_color_float(struct nk_context*, const char *prefix, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_value_color_hex(struct nk_context*, const char *prefix, struct nk_color);
+/* Widgets: Buttons */
+NK_API int nk_button_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, int len, enum nk_button_behavior);
+NK_API int nk_button_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, enum nk_button_behavior);
+NK_API int nk_button_color(struct nk_context*, struct nk_color, enum nk_button_behavior);
+NK_API int nk_button_symbol(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, enum nk_button_behavior);
+NK_API int nk_button_image(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image img, enum nk_button_behavior);
+NK_API int nk_button_symbol_label(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, const char*, nk_flags text_alignment, enum nk_button_behavior);
+NK_API int nk_button_symbol_text(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, const char*, int, nk_flags alignment, enum nk_button_behavior);
+NK_API int nk_button_image_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image img, const char*, nk_flags text_alignment, enum nk_button_behavior);
+NK_API int nk_button_image_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image img, const char*, int, nk_flags alignment, enum nk_button_behavior);
+/* Widgets: Checkbox */
+NK_API int nk_check_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, int active);
+NK_API int nk_check_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int,int active);
+NK_API unsigned nk_check_flags_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, unsigned int flags, unsigned int value);
+NK_API unsigned nk_check_flags_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, unsigned int flags, unsigned int value);
+NK_API int nk_checkbox_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, int *active);
+NK_API int nk_checkbox_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, int *active);
+NK_API int nk_checkbox_flags_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, unsigned int *flags, unsigned int value);
+NK_API int nk_checkbox_flags_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, unsigned int *flags, unsigned int value);
+/* Widgets: Radio */
+NK_API int nk_radio_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, int *active);
+NK_API int nk_radio_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, int *active);
+NK_API int nk_option_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, int active);
+NK_API int nk_option_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, int active);
+/* Widgets: Selectable */
+NK_API int nk_selectable_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, nk_flags align, int *value);
+NK_API int nk_selectable_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, nk_flags align, int *value);
+NK_API int nk_selectable_image_label(struct nk_context*,struct nk_image, const char*, nk_flags align, int *value);
+NK_API int nk_selectable_image_text(struct nk_context*,struct nk_image, const char*, int, nk_flags align, int *value);
+NK_API int nk_select_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, nk_flags align, int value);
+NK_API int nk_select_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int, nk_flags align, int value);
+NK_API int nk_select_image_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image,const char*, nk_flags align, int value);
+NK_API int nk_select_image_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image,const char*, int, nk_flags align, int value);
+/* Widgets: Slider */
+NK_API float nk_slide_float(struct nk_context*, float min, float val, float max, float step);
+NK_API int nk_slide_int(struct nk_context*, int min, int val, int max, int step);
+NK_API int nk_slider_float(struct nk_context*, float min, float *val, float max, float step);
+NK_API int nk_slider_int(struct nk_context*, int min, int *val, int max, int step);
+/* Widgets: Progressbar */
+NK_API int nk_progress(struct nk_context*, nk_size *cur, nk_size max, int modifyable);
+NK_API nk_size nk_prog(struct nk_context*, nk_size cur, nk_size max, int modifyable);
+/* Widgets: Color picker */
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_color_picker(struct nk_context*, struct nk_color, enum nk_color_format);
+NK_API int nk_color_pick(struct nk_context*, struct nk_color*, enum nk_color_format);
+/* Widgets: Property */
+NK_API void nk_property_float(struct nk_context *layout, const char *name, float min, float *val, float max, float step, float inc_per_pixel);
+NK_API void nk_property_int(struct nk_context *layout, const char *name, int min, int *val, int max, int step, int inc_per_pixel);
+NK_API float nk_propertyf(struct nk_context *layout, const char *name, float min, float val, float max, float step, float inc_per_pixel);
+NK_API int nk_propertyi(struct nk_context *layout, const char *name, int min, int val, int max, int step, int inc_per_pixel);
+/* Widgets: TextEdit */
+NK_API nk_flags nk_edit_string(struct nk_context*, nk_flags, char *buffer, int *len, int max, nk_filter);
+NK_API nk_flags nk_edit_buffer(struct nk_context*, nk_flags, struct nk_text_edit*, nk_filter);
+/* Chart */
+NK_API int nk_chart_begin(struct nk_context*, enum nk_chart_type, int num, float min, float max);
+NK_API int nk_chart_begin_colored(struct nk_context*, enum nk_chart_type, struct nk_color, struct nk_color active, int num, float min, float max);
+NK_API void nk_chart_add_slot(struct nk_context *ctx, const enum nk_chart_type, int count, float min_value, float max_value);
+NK_API void nk_chart_add_slot_colored(struct nk_context *ctx, const enum nk_chart_type, struct nk_color, struct nk_color active, int count, float min_value, float max_value);
+NK_API nk_flags nk_chart_push(struct nk_context*, float);
+NK_API nk_flags nk_chart_push_slot(struct nk_context*, float, int);
+NK_API void nk_chart_end(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_plot(struct nk_context*, enum nk_chart_type, const float *values, int count, int offset);
+NK_API void nk_plot_function(struct nk_context*, enum nk_chart_type, void *userdata, float(*value_getter)(void* user, int index), int count, int offset);
+/* Popups */
+NK_API int nk_popup_begin(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, enum nk_popup_type, const char*, nk_flags, struct nk_rect bounds);
+NK_API void nk_popup_close(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_popup_end(struct nk_context*);
+/* Combobox */
+NK_API int nk_combo(struct nk_context*, const char **items, int count, int selected, int item_height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_separator(struct nk_context*, const char *items_separated_by_separator, int separator, int selected, int count, int item_height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_string(struct nk_context*, const char *items_separated_by_zeros, int selected, int count, int item_height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_callback(struct nk_context*, void(*item_getter)(void*, int, const char**), void *userdata, int selected, int count, int item_height);
+NK_API void nk_combobox(struct nk_context*, const char **items, int count, int *selected, int item_height);
+NK_API void nk_combobox_string(struct nk_context*, const char *items_separated_by_zeros, int *selected, int count, int item_height);
+NK_API void nk_combobox_separator(struct nk_context*, const char *items_separated_by_separator, int separator,int *selected, int count, int item_height);
+NK_API void nk_combobox_callback(struct nk_context*, void(*item_getter)(void*, int, const char**), void*, int *selected, int count, int item_height);
+/* Combobox: abstract */
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char *selected, int, int max_height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char *selected, int max_height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_color(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, struct nk_color color, int max_height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_symbol(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, enum nk_symbol_type, int max_height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_symbol_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char *selected, enum nk_symbol_type, int height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_symbol_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char *selected, int, enum nk_symbol_type, int height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_image(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, struct nk_image img, int max_height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_image_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char *selected, struct nk_image, int height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_image_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char *selected, int, struct nk_image, int height);
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_text(struct nk_context*, const char*,int, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_image_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image, const char*, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_image_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image, const char*, int,nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_symbol_label(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, const char*, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_symbol_text(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, const char*, int, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API void nk_combo_close(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_combo_end(struct nk_context*);
+/* Contextual */
+NK_API int nk_contextual_begin(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, nk_flags, struct nk_vec2, struct nk_rect trigger_bounds);
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int,nk_flags align);
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, nk_flags align);
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_image_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image, const char*, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_image_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image, const char*, int len, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_symbol_label(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, const char*, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_symbol_text(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, const char*, int, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API void nk_contextual_close(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_contextual_end(struct nk_context*);
+/* Tooltip */
+NK_API void nk_tooltip(struct nk_context*, const char*);
+NK_API int nk_tooltip_begin(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, float width);
+NK_API void nk_tooltip_end(struct nk_context*);
+/* Menu */
+NK_API void nk_menubar_begin(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_menubar_end(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char*, int, nk_flags align, float width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char*, nk_flags align, float width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_image(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char*, struct nk_image, float width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_image_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char*, int,nk_flags align,struct nk_image, float width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_image_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char*, nk_flags align,struct nk_image, float width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_symbol(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char*, enum nk_symbol_type, float width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_symbol_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char*, int,nk_flags align,enum nk_symbol_type, float width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_symbol_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_panel*, const char*, nk_flags align,enum nk_symbol_type, float width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_text(struct nk_context*, const char*, int,nk_flags align);
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_label(struct nk_context*, const char*, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_image_label(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image, const char*, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_image_text(struct nk_context*, struct nk_image, const char*, int len, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_symbol_text(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, const char*, int, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_symbol_label(struct nk_context*, enum nk_symbol_type, const char*, nk_flags alignment);
+NK_API void nk_menu_close(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_menu_end(struct nk_context*);
+/* Drawing*/
+#define nk_foreach(c, ctx)for((c)=nk__begin(ctx); (c)!=0; (c)=nk__next(ctx, c))
+NK_API void nk_convert(struct nk_context*, struct nk_buffer *cmds, struct nk_buffer *vertices, struct nk_buffer *elements, const struct nk_convert_config*);
+#define nk_draw_foreach(cmd,ctx, b) for((cmd)=nk__draw_begin(ctx, b); (cmd)!=0; (cmd)=nk__draw_next(cmd, b, ctx))
+/* User Input */
+NK_API void nk_input_begin(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_input_motion(struct nk_context*, int x, int y);
+NK_API void nk_input_key(struct nk_context*, enum nk_keys, int down);
+NK_API void nk_input_button(struct nk_context*, enum nk_buttons, int x, int y, int down);
+NK_API void nk_input_scroll(struct nk_context*, float y);
+NK_API void nk_input_char(struct nk_context*, char);
+NK_API void nk_input_glyph(struct nk_context*, const nk_glyph);
+NK_API void nk_input_unicode(struct nk_context*, nk_rune);
+NK_API void nk_input_end(struct nk_context*);
+/* Style */
+NK_API void nk_style_default(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API void nk_style_from_table(struct nk_context*, const struct nk_color*);
+NK_API const char* nk_style_color_name(enum nk_style_colors);
+NK_API void nk_style_set_font(struct nk_context*, const struct nk_user_font*);
+/* Utilities */
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_widget_bounds(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_widget_position(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_widget_size(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API int nk_widget_is_hovered(struct nk_context*);
+NK_API int nk_widget_is_mouse_clicked(struct nk_context*, enum nk_buttons);
+NK_API int nk_widget_has_mouse_click_down(struct nk_context*, enum nk_buttons, int down);
+NK_API void nk_spacing(struct nk_context*, int cols);
+/* base widget function */
+NK_API enum nk_widget_layout_states nk_widget(struct nk_rect*, const struct nk_context*);
+NK_API enum nk_widget_layout_states nk_widget_fitting(struct nk_rect*, struct nk_context*, struct nk_vec2);
+/* color (conversion user --> nuklear) */
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgb(int r, int g, int b);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgb_iv(const int *rgb);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgb_bv(const nk_byte* rgb);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgb_f(float r, float g, float b);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgb_fv(const float *rgb);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgb_hex(const char *rgb);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgba(int r, int g, int b, int a);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgba_u32(nk_uint);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgba_iv(const int *rgba);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgba_bv(const nk_byte *rgba);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgba_f(float r, float g, float b, float a);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgba_fv(const float *rgba);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_rgba_hex(const char *rgb);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsv(int h, int s, int v);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsv_iv(const int *hsv);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsv_bv(const nk_byte *hsv);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsv_f(float h, float s, float v);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsv_fv(const float *hsv);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsva(int h, int s, int v, int a);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsva_iv(const int *hsva);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsva_bv(const nk_byte *hsva);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsva_f(float h, float s, float v, float a);
+NK_API struct nk_color nk_hsva_fv(const float *hsva);
+/* color (conversion nuklear --> user) */
+NK_API void nk_color_f(float *r, float *g, float *b, float *a, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_fv(float *rgba_out, struct nk_color);
+NK_API nk_uint nk_color_u32(struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hex_rgba(char *output, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hex_rgb(char *output, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsv_i(int *out_h, int *out_s, int *out_v, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsv_b(nk_byte *out_h, nk_byte *out_s, nk_byte *out_v, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsv_iv(int *hsv_out, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsv_bv(nk_byte *hsv_out, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsv_f(float *out_h, float *out_s, float *out_v, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsv_fv(float *hsv_out, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsva_i(int *h, int *s, int *v, int *a, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsva_b(nk_byte *h, nk_byte *s, nk_byte *v, nk_byte *a, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsva_iv(int *hsva_out, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsva_bv(nk_byte *hsva_out, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsva_f(float *out_h, float *out_s, float *out_v, float *out_a, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_color_hsva_fv(float *hsva_out, struct nk_color);
+/* image */
+NK_API nk_handle nk_handle_ptr(void*);
+NK_API nk_handle nk_handle_id(int);
+NK_API struct nk_image nk_image_ptr(void*);
+NK_API struct nk_image nk_image_id(int);
+NK_API int nk_image_is_subimage(const struct nk_image* img);
+NK_API struct nk_image nk_subimage_ptr(void*, unsigned short w, unsigned short h, struct nk_rect sub_region);
+NK_API struct nk_image nk_subimage_id(int, unsigned short w, unsigned short h, struct nk_rect sub_region);
+/* math */
+NK_API nk_hash nk_murmur_hash(const void *key, int len, nk_hash seed);
+NK_API void nk_triangle_from_direction(struct nk_vec2 *result, struct nk_rect r, float pad_x, float pad_y, enum nk_heading);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_vec2(float x, float y);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_vec2i(int x, int y);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_vec2v(const float *xy);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_vec2iv(const int *xy);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_get_null_rect(void);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_rect(float x, float y, float w, float h);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_recti(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_recta(struct nk_vec2 pos, struct nk_vec2 size);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_rectv(const float *xywh);
+NK_API struct nk_rect nk_rectiv(const int *xywh);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_rect_pos(struct nk_rect);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2 nk_rect_size(struct nk_rect);
+/* string*/
+NK_API int nk_strlen(const char *str);
+NK_API int nk_stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
+NK_API int nk_stricmpn(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n);
+NK_API int nk_strtof(float *number, const char *buffer);
+NK_API int nk_strfilter(const char *text, const char *regexp);
+NK_API int nk_strmatch_fuzzy_string(char const *str, char const *pattern, int *out_score);
+NK_API int nk_strmatch_fuzzy_text(const char *txt, int txt_len, const char *pattern, int *out_score);
+NK_API int nk_strfmt(char *buf, int len, const char *fmt,...);
+/* UTF-8 */
+NK_API int nk_utf_decode(const char*, nk_rune*, int);
+NK_API int nk_utf_encode(nk_rune, char*, int);
+NK_API int nk_utf_len(const char*, int byte_len);
+NK_API const char* nk_utf_at(const char *buffer, int length, int index, nk_rune *unicode, int *len);
+/* ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+/* A basic (double)-buffer with linear allocation and resetting as only
+ freeing policy. The buffers main purpose is to control all memory management
+ inside the GUI toolkit and still leave memory control as much as possible in
+ the hand of the user while also making sure the library is easy to use if
+ not as much control is needed.
+ In general all memory inside this library can be provided from the user in
+ three different ways.
+ The first way and the one providing most control is by just passing a fixed
+ size memory block. In this case all control lies in the hand of the user
+ since he can exactly control where the memory comes from and how much memory
+ the library should consume. Of course using the fixed size API removes the
+ ability to automatically resize a buffer if not enough memory is provided so
+ you have to take over the resizing. While being a fixed sized buffer sounds
+ quite limiting, it is very effective in this library since the actual memory
+ consumption is quite stable and has a fixed upper bound for a lot of cases.
+ If you don't want to think about how much memory the library should allocate
+ at all time or have a very dynamic UI with unpredictable memory consumption
+ habits but still want control over memory allocation you can use the dynamic
+ allocator based API. The allocator consists of two callbacks for allocating
+ and freeing memory and optional userdata so you can plugin your own allocator.
+ The final and easiest way can be used by defining
+ NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR which uses the standard library memory
+ allocation functions malloc and free and takes over complete control over
+ memory in this library.
+struct nk_memory_status {
+ void *memory;
+ unsigned int type;
+ nk_size size;
+ nk_size allocated;
+ nk_size needed;
+ nk_size calls;
+enum nk_allocation_type {
+enum nk_buffer_allocation_type {
+struct nk_buffer_marker {
+ int active;
+ nk_size offset;
+struct nk_memory {void *ptr;nk_size size;};
+struct nk_buffer {
+ struct nk_buffer_marker marker[NK_BUFFER_MAX];
+ /* buffer marker to free a buffer to a certain offset */
+ struct nk_allocator pool;
+ /* allocator callback for dynamic buffers */
+ enum nk_allocation_type type;
+ /* memory management type */
+ struct nk_memory memory;
+ /* memory and size of the current memory block */
+ float grow_factor;
+ /* growing factor for dynamic memory management */
+ nk_size allocated;
+ /* total amount of memory allocated */
+ nk_size needed;
+ /* totally consumed memory given that enough memory is present */
+ nk_size calls;
+ /* number of allocation calls */
+ nk_size size;
+ /* current size of the buffer */
+NK_API void nk_buffer_init_default(struct nk_buffer*);
+NK_API void nk_buffer_init(struct nk_buffer*, const struct nk_allocator*, nk_size size);
+NK_API void nk_buffer_init_fixed(struct nk_buffer*, void *memory, nk_size size);
+NK_API void nk_buffer_info(struct nk_memory_status*, struct nk_buffer*);
+NK_API void nk_buffer_push(struct nk_buffer*, enum nk_buffer_allocation_type type, void *memory, nk_size size, nk_size align);
+NK_API void nk_buffer_mark(struct nk_buffer*, enum nk_buffer_allocation_type type);
+NK_API void nk_buffer_reset(struct nk_buffer*, enum nk_buffer_allocation_type type);
+NK_API void nk_buffer_clear(struct nk_buffer*);
+NK_API void nk_buffer_free(struct nk_buffer*);
+NK_API void *nk_buffer_memory(struct nk_buffer*);
+NK_API const void *nk_buffer_memory_const(const struct nk_buffer*);
+NK_API nk_size nk_buffer_total(struct nk_buffer*);
+/* ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+/* Basic string buffer which is only used in context with the text editor
+ * to manage and manipulate dynamic or fixed size string content. This is _NOT_
+ * the default string handling method.*/
+struct nk_str {
+ struct nk_buffer buffer;
+ int len; /* in codepoints/runes/glyphs */
+NK_API void nk_str_init_default(struct nk_str*);
+NK_API void nk_str_init(struct nk_str*, const struct nk_allocator*, nk_size size);
+NK_API void nk_str_init_fixed(struct nk_str*, void *memory, nk_size size);
+NK_API void nk_str_clear(struct nk_str*);
+NK_API void nk_str_free(struct nk_str*);
+NK_API int nk_str_append_text_char(struct nk_str*, const char*, int);
+NK_API int nk_str_append_str_char(struct nk_str*, const char*);
+NK_API int nk_str_append_text_utf8(struct nk_str*, const char*, int);
+NK_API int nk_str_append_str_utf8(struct nk_str*, const char*);
+NK_API int nk_str_append_text_runes(struct nk_str*, const nk_rune*, int);
+NK_API int nk_str_append_str_runes(struct nk_str*, const nk_rune*);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_at_char(struct nk_str*, int pos, const char*, int);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_at_rune(struct nk_str*, int pos, const char*, int);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_text_char(struct nk_str*, int pos, const char*, int);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_str_char(struct nk_str*, int pos, const char*);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_text_utf8(struct nk_str*, int pos, const char*, int);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_str_utf8(struct nk_str*, int pos, const char*);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_text_runes(struct nk_str*, int pos, const nk_rune*, int);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_str_runes(struct nk_str*, int pos, const nk_rune*);
+NK_API void nk_str_remove_chars(struct nk_str*, int len);
+NK_API void nk_str_remove_runes(struct nk_str *str, int len);
+NK_API void nk_str_delete_chars(struct nk_str*, int pos, int len);
+NK_API void nk_str_delete_runes(struct nk_str*, int pos, int len);
+NK_API char *nk_str_at_char(struct nk_str*, int pos);
+NK_API char *nk_str_at_rune(struct nk_str*, int pos, nk_rune *unicode, int *len);
+NK_API nk_rune nk_str_rune_at(const struct nk_str*, int pos);
+NK_API const char *nk_str_at_char_const(const struct nk_str*, int pos);
+NK_API const char *nk_str_at_const(const struct nk_str*, int pos, nk_rune *unicode, int *len);
+NK_API char *nk_str_get(struct nk_str*);
+NK_API const char *nk_str_get_const(const struct nk_str*);
+NK_API int nk_str_len(struct nk_str*);
+NK_API int nk_str_len_char(struct nk_str*);
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+/* Editing text in this library is handled by either `nk_edit_string` or
+ * `nk_edit_buffer`. But like almost everything in this library there are multiple
+ * ways of doing it and a balance between control and ease of use with memory
+ * as well as functionality controlled by flags.
+ *
+ * This library generally allows three different levels of memory control:
+ * First of is the most basic way of just providing a simple char array with
+ * string length. This method is probably the easiest way of handling simple
+ * user text input. Main upside is complete control over memory while the biggest
+ * downside in comparsion with the other two approaches is missing undo/redo.
+ *
+ * For UIs that require undo/redo the second way was created. It is based on
+ * a fixed size nk_text_edit struct, which has an internal undo/redo stack.
+ * This is mainly useful if you want something more like a text editor but don't want
+ * to have a dynamically growing buffer.
+ *
+ * The final ways is using a dynamically growing nk_text_edit struct, which
+ * has both a default version if you don't care were memory comes from and a
+ * allocator version if you do. While the text editor is quite powerful for its
+ * complexity I would not recommend editing gigabytes of data with it.
+ * It is rather designed for uses cases which make sense for a GUI library not for
+ * an full blown text editor.
+ */
+struct nk_text_edit;
+struct nk_clipboard {
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ nk_paste_f paste;
+ nk_copy_f copy;
+struct nk_text_undo_record {
+ int where;
+ short insert_length;
+ short delete_length;
+ short char_storage;
+struct nk_text_undo_state {
+ struct nk_text_undo_record undo_rec[NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOSTATECOUNT];
+ nk_rune undo_char[NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOCHARCOUNT];
+ short undo_point;
+ short redo_point;
+ short undo_char_point;
+ short redo_char_point;
+enum nk_text_edit_type {
+enum nk_text_edit_mode {
+struct nk_text_edit {
+ struct nk_clipboard clip;
+ struct nk_str string;
+ nk_filter filter;
+ struct nk_vec2 scrollbar;
+ int cursor;
+ int select_start;
+ int select_end;
+ unsigned char mode;
+ unsigned char cursor_at_end_of_line;
+ unsigned char initialized;
+ unsigned char has_preferred_x;
+ unsigned char single_line;
+ unsigned char active;
+ unsigned char padding1;
+ float preferred_x;
+ struct nk_text_undo_state undo;
+/* filter function */
+NK_API int nk_filter_default(const struct nk_text_edit*, nk_rune unicode);
+NK_API int nk_filter_ascii(const struct nk_text_edit*, nk_rune unicode);
+NK_API int nk_filter_float(const struct nk_text_edit*, nk_rune unicode);
+NK_API int nk_filter_decimal(const struct nk_text_edit*, nk_rune unicode);
+NK_API int nk_filter_hex(const struct nk_text_edit*, nk_rune unicode);
+NK_API int nk_filter_oct(const struct nk_text_edit*, nk_rune unicode);
+NK_API int nk_filter_binary(const struct nk_text_edit*, nk_rune unicode);
+/* text editor */
+NK_API void nk_textedit_init_default(struct nk_text_edit*);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_init(struct nk_text_edit*, struct nk_allocator*, nk_size size);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_init_fixed(struct nk_text_edit*, void *memory, nk_size size);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_free(struct nk_text_edit*);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_text(struct nk_text_edit*, const char*, int total_len);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_delete(struct nk_text_edit*, int where, int len);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_delete_selection(struct nk_text_edit*);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_select_all(struct nk_text_edit*);
+NK_API int nk_textedit_cut(struct nk_text_edit*);
+NK_API int nk_textedit_paste(struct nk_text_edit*, char const*, int len);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_undo(struct nk_text_edit*);
+NK_API void nk_textedit_redo(struct nk_text_edit*);
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ * FONT
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+/* Font handling in this library was designed to be quite customizable and lets
+ you decide what you want to use and what you want to provide. In this sense
+ there are four different degrees between control and ease of use and two
+ different drawing APIs to provide for.
+ So first of the easiest way to do font handling is by just providing a
+ `nk_user_font` struct which only requires the height in pixel of the used
+ font and a callback to calculate the width of a string. This way of handling
+ fonts is best fitted for using the normal draw shape command API were you
+ do all the text drawing yourself and the library does not require any kind
+ of deeper knowledge about which font handling mechanism you use.
+ While the first approach works fine if you don't want to use the optional
+ vertex buffer output it is not enough if you do. To get font handling working
+ for these cases you have to provide two additional parameter inside the
+ `nk_user_font`. First a texture atlas handle used to draw text as subimages
+ of a bigger font atlas texture and a callback to query a characters glyph
+ information (offset, size, ...). So it is still possible to provide your own
+ font and use the vertex buffer output.
+ The final approach if you do not have a font handling functionality or don't
+ want to use it in this library is by using the optional font baker. This API
+ is divided into a high- and low-level API with different priorities between
+ ease of use and control. Both API's can be used to create a font and
+ font atlas texture and can even be used with or without the vertex buffer
+ output. So it still uses the `nk_user_font` struct and the two different
+ approaches previously stated still work.
+ Now to the difference between the low level API and the high level API. The low
+ level API provides a lot of control over the baking process of the font and
+ provides total control over memory. It consists of a number of functions that
+ need to be called from begin to end and each step requires some additional
+ configuration, so it is a lot more complex than the high-level API.
+ If you don't want to do all the work required for using the low-level API
+ you can use the font atlas API. It provides the same functionality as the
+ low-level API but takes away some configuration and all of memory control and
+ in term provides a easier to use API.
+struct nk_user_font_glyph;
+typedef float(*nk_text_width_f)(nk_handle, float h, const char*, int len);
+typedef void(*nk_query_font_glyph_f)(nk_handle handle, float font_height,
+ struct nk_user_font_glyph *glyph,
+ nk_rune codepoint, nk_rune next_codepoint);
+struct nk_user_font_glyph {
+ struct nk_vec2 uv[2];
+ /* texture coordinates */
+ struct nk_vec2 offset;
+ /* offset between top left and glyph */
+ float width, height;
+ /* size of the glyph */
+ float xadvance;
+ /* offset to the next glyph */
+struct nk_user_font {
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ /* user provided font handle */
+ float height;
+ /* max height of the font */
+ nk_text_width_f width;
+ /* font string width in pixel callback */
+ nk_query_font_glyph_f query;
+ /* font glyph callback to query drawing info */
+ nk_handle texture;
+ /* texture handle to the used font atlas or texture */
+enum nk_font_coord_type {
+ /* texture coordinates inside font glyphs are clamped between 0-1 */
+ /* texture coordinates inside font glyphs are in absolute pixel */
+struct nk_baked_font {
+ float height;
+ /* height of the font */
+ float ascent, descent;
+ /* font glyphs ascent and descent */
+ nk_rune glyph_offset;
+ /* glyph array offset inside the font glyph baking output array */
+ nk_rune glyph_count;
+ /* number of glyphs of this font inside the glyph baking array output */
+ const nk_rune *ranges;
+ /* font codepoint ranges as pairs of (from/to) and 0 as last element */
+struct nk_font_config {
+ void *ttf_blob;
+ /* pointer to loaded TTF file memory block.
+ * NOTE: not needed for nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory and nk_font_atlas_add_from_file. */
+ nk_size ttf_size;
+ /* size of the loaded TTF file memory block
+ * NOTE: not needed for nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory and nk_font_atlas_add_from_file. */
+ unsigned char ttf_data_owned_by_atlas;
+ /* used inside font atlas: default to: 0*/
+ unsigned char merge_mode;
+ /* merges this font into the last font */
+ unsigned char pixel_snap;
+ /* align very character to pixel boundary (if true set oversample (1,1)) */
+ unsigned char oversample_v, oversample_h;
+ /* rasterize at hight quality for sub-pixel position */
+ unsigned char padding[3];
+ float size;
+ /* baked pixel height of the font */
+ enum nk_font_coord_type coord_type;
+ /* texture coordinate format with either pixel or UV coordinates */
+ struct nk_vec2 spacing;
+ /* extra pixel spacing between glyphs */
+ const nk_rune *range;
+ /* list of unicode ranges (2 values per range, zero terminated) */
+ struct nk_baked_font *font;
+ /* font to setup in the baking process: NOTE: not needed for font atlas */
+ nk_rune fallback_glyph;
+ /* fallback glyph to use if a given rune is not found */
+struct nk_font_glyph {
+ nk_rune codepoint;
+ float xadvance;
+ float x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h;
+ float u0, v0, u1, v1;
+struct nk_font {
+ struct nk_user_font handle;
+ struct nk_baked_font info;
+ float scale;
+ struct nk_font_glyph *glyphs;
+ const struct nk_font_glyph *fallback;
+ nk_rune fallback_codepoint;
+ nk_handle texture;
+ int config;
+enum nk_font_atlas_format {
+struct nk_font_atlas {
+ void *pixel;
+ int tex_width;
+ int tex_height;
+ struct nk_allocator alloc;
+ struct nk_recti custom;
+ int glyph_count;
+ struct nk_font *default_font;
+ struct nk_font_glyph *glyphs;
+ struct nk_font **fonts;
+ struct nk_font_config *config;
+ int font_num, font_cap;
+/* some language glyph codepoint ranges */
+NK_API const nk_rune *nk_font_default_glyph_ranges(void);
+NK_API const nk_rune *nk_font_chinese_glyph_ranges(void);
+NK_API const nk_rune *nk_font_cyrillic_glyph_ranges(void);
+NK_API const nk_rune *nk_font_korean_glyph_ranges(void);
+/* Font Atlas
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This is the high level font baking and handling API to generate an image
+ * out of font glyphs used to draw text onto the screen. This API takes away
+ * some control over the baking process like fine grained memory control and
+ * custom baking data but provides additional functionality and easier to
+ * use and manage data structures and functions. */
+NK_API void nk_font_atlas_init_default(struct nk_font_atlas*);
+NK_API void nk_font_atlas_init(struct nk_font_atlas*, struct nk_allocator*);
+NK_API void nk_font_atlas_begin(struct nk_font_atlas*);
+NK_API struct nk_font_config nk_font_config(float pixel_height);
+NK_API struct nk_font *nk_font_atlas_add(struct nk_font_atlas*, const struct nk_font_config*);
+NK_API struct nk_font* nk_font_atlas_add_default(struct nk_font_atlas*, float height, const struct nk_font_config*);
+NK_API struct nk_font* nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas, void *memory, nk_size size, float height, const struct nk_font_config *config);
+NK_API struct nk_font* nk_font_atlas_add_from_file(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas, const char *file_path, float height, const struct nk_font_config*);
+NK_API struct nk_font *nk_font_atlas_add_compressed(struct nk_font_atlas*, void *memory, nk_size size, float height, const struct nk_font_config*);
+NK_API struct nk_font* nk_font_atlas_add_compressed_base85(struct nk_font_atlas*, const char *data, float height, const struct nk_font_config *config);
+NK_API const void* nk_font_atlas_bake(struct nk_font_atlas*, int *width, int *height, enum nk_font_atlas_format);
+NK_API void nk_font_atlas_end(struct nk_font_atlas*, nk_handle tex, struct nk_draw_null_texture*);
+NK_API void nk_font_atlas_clear(struct nk_font_atlas*);
+/* Font
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The font structure is just a simple container to hold the output of a baking
+ * process in the low level API. */
+NK_API void nk_font_init(struct nk_font*, float pixel_height, nk_rune fallback_codepoint, struct nk_font_glyph*, const struct nk_baked_font*, nk_handle atlas);
+NK_API const struct nk_font_glyph* nk_font_find_glyph(struct nk_font*, nk_rune unicode);
+/* Font baking (needs to be called sequentially top to bottom)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This is a low level API to bake font glyphs into an image and is more
+ * complex than the atlas API but provides more control over the baking
+ * process with custom bake data and memory management. */
+NK_API void nk_font_bake_memory(nk_size *temporary_memory, int *glyph_count, struct nk_font_config*, int count);
+NK_API int nk_font_bake_pack(nk_size *img_memory, int *img_width, int *img_height, struct nk_recti *custom_space, void *temporary_memory, nk_size temporary_size, const struct nk_font_config*, int font_count, struct nk_allocator *alloc);
+NK_API void nk_font_bake(void *image_memory, int image_width, int image_height, void *temporary_memory, nk_size temporary_memory_size, struct nk_font_glyph*, int glyphs_count, const struct nk_font_config*, int font_count);
+NK_API void nk_font_bake_custom_data(void *img_memory, int img_width, int img_height, struct nk_recti img_dst, const char *image_data_mask, int tex_width, int tex_height,char white,char black);
+NK_API void nk_font_bake_convert(void *out_memory, int image_width, int image_height, const void *in_memory);
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+/* This library was designed to be render backend agnostic so it does
+ not draw anything to screen. Instead all drawn shapes, widgets
+ are made of, are buffered into memory and make up a command queue.
+ Each frame therefore fills the command buffer with draw commands
+ that then need to be executed by the user and his own render backend.
+ After that the command buffer needs to be cleared and a new frame can be
+ started. It is probably important to note that the command buffer is the main
+ drawing API and the optional vertex buffer API only takes this format and
+ converts it into a hardware accessible format.
+ Draw commands are divided into filled shapes and shape outlines but only
+ filled shapes as well as line, curves and scissor are required to be provided.
+ All other shape drawing commands can be used but are not required. This was
+ done to allow the maximum number of render backends to be able to use this
+ library without you having to do additional work.
+enum nk_command_type {
+/* command base and header of every command inside the buffer */
+struct nk_command {
+ enum nk_command_type type;
+ nk_size next;
+ nk_handle userdata;
+struct nk_command_scissor {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short w, h;
+struct nk_command_line {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ unsigned short line_thickness;
+ struct nk_vec2i begin;
+ struct nk_vec2i end;
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_curve {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ unsigned short line_thickness;
+ struct nk_vec2i begin;
+ struct nk_vec2i end;
+ struct nk_vec2i ctrl[2];
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_rect {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ unsigned short rounding;
+ unsigned short line_thickness;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short w, h;
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_rect_filled {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ unsigned short rounding;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short w, h;
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_rect_multi_color {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short w, h;
+ struct nk_color left;
+ struct nk_color top;
+ struct nk_color bottom;
+ struct nk_color right;
+struct nk_command_triangle {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ unsigned short line_thickness;
+ struct nk_vec2i a;
+ struct nk_vec2i b;
+ struct nk_vec2i c;
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_triangle_filled {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ struct nk_vec2i a;
+ struct nk_vec2i b;
+ struct nk_vec2i c;
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_circle {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short line_thickness;
+ unsigned short w, h;
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_circle_filled {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short w, h;
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_arc {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ short cx, cy;
+ unsigned short r;
+ unsigned short line_thickness;
+ float a[2];
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_arc_filled {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ short cx, cy;
+ unsigned short r;
+ float a[2];
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_command_polygon {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ struct nk_color color;
+ unsigned short line_thickness;
+ unsigned short point_count;
+ struct nk_vec2i points[1];
+struct nk_command_polygon_filled {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ struct nk_color color;
+ unsigned short point_count;
+ struct nk_vec2i points[1];
+struct nk_command_polyline {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ struct nk_color color;
+ unsigned short line_thickness;
+ unsigned short point_count;
+ struct nk_vec2i points[1];
+struct nk_command_image {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short w, h;
+ struct nk_image img;
+struct nk_command_text {
+ struct nk_command header;
+ const struct nk_user_font *font;
+ struct nk_color background;
+ struct nk_color foreground;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short w, h;
+ float height;
+ int length;
+ char string[1];
+enum nk_command_clipping {
+ NK_CLIPPING_OFF = nk_false,
+ NK_CLIPPING_ON = nk_true
+struct nk_command_buffer {
+ struct nk_buffer *base;
+ struct nk_rect clip;
+ int use_clipping;
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ nk_size begin, end, last;
+/* shape outlines */
+NK_API void nk_stroke_line(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float line_thickness, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_stroke_curve(struct nk_command_buffer*, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float line_thickness, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_stroke_rect(struct nk_command_buffer*, struct nk_rect, float rounding, float line_thickness, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_stroke_circle(struct nk_command_buffer*, struct nk_rect, float line_thickness, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_stroke_arc(struct nk_command_buffer*, float cx, float cy, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, float line_thickness, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_stroke_triangle(struct nk_command_buffer*, float, float, float, float, float, float, float line_thichness, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_stroke_polyline(struct nk_command_buffer*, float *points, int point_count, float line_thickness, struct nk_color col);
+NK_API void nk_stroke_polygon(struct nk_command_buffer*, float*, int point_count, float line_thickness, struct nk_color);
+/* filled shades */
+NK_API void nk_fill_rect(struct nk_command_buffer*, struct nk_rect, float rounding, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_fill_rect_multi_color(struct nk_command_buffer*, struct nk_rect, struct nk_color left, struct nk_color top, struct nk_color right, struct nk_color bottom);
+NK_API void nk_fill_circle(struct nk_command_buffer*, struct nk_rect, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_fill_arc(struct nk_command_buffer*, float cx, float cy, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_fill_triangle(struct nk_command_buffer*, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_fill_polygon(struct nk_command_buffer*, float*, int point_count, struct nk_color);
+/* misc */
+NK_API void nk_push_scissor(struct nk_command_buffer*, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API void nk_draw_image(struct nk_command_buffer*, struct nk_rect, const struct nk_image*);
+NK_API void nk_draw_text(struct nk_command_buffer*, struct nk_rect, const char *text, int len, const struct nk_user_font*, struct nk_color, struct nk_color);
+NK_API const struct nk_command* nk__next(struct nk_context*, const struct nk_command*);
+NK_API const struct nk_command* nk__begin(struct nk_context*);
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+struct nk_mouse_button {
+ int down;
+ unsigned int clicked;
+ struct nk_vec2 clicked_pos;
+struct nk_mouse {
+ struct nk_mouse_button buttons[NK_BUTTON_MAX];
+ struct nk_vec2 pos;
+ struct nk_vec2 prev;
+ struct nk_vec2 delta;
+ float scroll_delta;
+ unsigned char grab;
+ unsigned char grabbed;
+ unsigned char ungrab;
+struct nk_key {
+ int down;
+ unsigned int clicked;
+struct nk_keyboard {
+ struct nk_key keys[NK_KEY_MAX];
+ char text[NK_INPUT_MAX];
+ int text_len;
+struct nk_input {
+ struct nk_keyboard keyboard;
+ struct nk_mouse mouse;
+NK_API int nk_input_has_mouse_click(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_buttons);
+NK_API int nk_input_has_mouse_click_in_rect(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_buttons, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API int nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_buttons, struct nk_rect, int down);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_buttons, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_mouse_click_down_in_rect(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id, struct nk_rect b, int down);
+NK_API int nk_input_any_mouse_click_in_rect(const struct nk_input*, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(const struct nk_input*, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(const struct nk_input*, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API int nk_input_mouse_clicked(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_buttons, struct nk_rect);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_mouse_down(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_buttons);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_mouse_pressed(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_buttons);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_mouse_released(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_buttons);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_key_pressed(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_keys);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_key_released(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_keys);
+NK_API int nk_input_is_key_down(const struct nk_input*, enum nk_keys);
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+/* The optional vertex buffer draw list provides a 2D drawing context
+ with antialiasing functionality which takes basic filled or outlined shapes
+ or a path and outputs vertexes, elements and draw commands.
+ The actual draw list API is not required to be used directly while using this
+ library since converting the default library draw command output is done by
+ just calling `nk_convert` but I decided to still make this library accessible
+ since it can be useful.
+ The draw list is based on a path buffering and polygon and polyline
+ rendering API which allows a lot of ways to draw 2D content to screen.
+ In fact it is probably more powerful than needed but allows even more crazy
+ things than this library provides by default.
+typedef unsigned short nk_draw_index;
+typedef nk_uint nk_draw_vertex_color;
+enum nk_draw_list_stroke {
+ NK_STROKE_OPEN = nk_false,
+ /* build up path has no connection back to the beginning */
+ NK_STROKE_CLOSED = nk_true
+ /* build up path has a connection back to the beginning */
+struct nk_draw_vertex {
+ struct nk_vec2 position;
+ struct nk_vec2 uv;
+ nk_draw_vertex_color col;
+struct nk_draw_command {
+ unsigned int elem_count;
+ /* number of elements in the current draw batch */
+ struct nk_rect clip_rect;
+ /* current screen clipping rectangle */
+ nk_handle texture;
+ /* current texture to set */
+ nk_handle userdata;
+struct nk_draw_list {
+ float global_alpha;
+ enum nk_anti_aliasing shape_AA;
+ enum nk_anti_aliasing line_AA;
+ struct nk_draw_null_texture null;
+ struct nk_rect clip_rect;
+ struct nk_buffer *buffer;
+ struct nk_buffer *vertices;
+ struct nk_buffer *elements;
+ unsigned int element_count;
+ unsigned int vertex_count;
+ nk_size cmd_offset;
+ unsigned int cmd_count;
+ unsigned int path_count;
+ unsigned int path_offset;
+ struct nk_vec2 circle_vtx[12];
+ nk_handle userdata;
+/* draw list */
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_init(struct nk_draw_list*);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_setup(struct nk_draw_list*, float global_alpha, enum nk_anti_aliasing, enum nk_anti_aliasing, struct nk_draw_null_texture, struct nk_buffer *cmds, struct nk_buffer *vert, struct nk_buffer *elem);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_clear(struct nk_draw_list*);
+/* drawing */
+#define nk_draw_list_foreach(cmd, can, b) for((cmd)=nk__draw_list_begin(can, b); (cmd)!=0; (cmd)=nk__draw_list_next(cmd, b, can))
+NK_API const struct nk_draw_command* nk__draw_list_begin(const struct nk_draw_list*, const struct nk_buffer*);
+NK_API const struct nk_draw_command* nk__draw_list_next(const struct nk_draw_command*, const struct nk_buffer*, const struct nk_draw_list*);
+NK_API const struct nk_draw_command* nk__draw_begin(const struct nk_context*, const struct nk_buffer*);
+NK_API const struct nk_draw_command* nk__draw_next(const struct nk_draw_command*, const struct nk_buffer*, const struct nk_context*);
+/* path */
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_path_clear(struct nk_draw_list*);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_path_line_to(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 pos);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 center, float radius, int a_min, int a_max);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_path_arc_to(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 center, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, unsigned int segments);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_path_rect_to(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 a, struct nk_vec2 b, float rounding);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_path_curve_to(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 p2, struct nk_vec2 p3, struct nk_vec2 p4, unsigned int num_segments);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_path_fill(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_path_stroke(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_color, enum nk_draw_list_stroke closed, float thickness);
+/* stroke */
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_stroke_line(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 a, struct nk_vec2 b, struct nk_color, float thickness);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_stroke_rect(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_rect rect, struct nk_color, float rounding, float thickness);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_stroke_triangle(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 a, struct nk_vec2 b, struct nk_vec2 c, struct nk_color, float thickness);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_stroke_circle(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 center, float radius, struct nk_color, unsigned int segs, float thickness);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_stroke_curve(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 p0, struct nk_vec2 cp0, struct nk_vec2 cp1, struct nk_vec2 p1, struct nk_color, unsigned int segments, float thickness);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_stroke_poly_line(struct nk_draw_list*, const struct nk_vec2 *pnts, const unsigned int cnt, struct nk_color, enum nk_draw_list_stroke, float thickness, enum nk_anti_aliasing);
+/* fill */
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_fill_rect(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_rect rect, struct nk_color, float rounding);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_fill_rect_multi_color(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_rect rect, struct nk_color left, struct nk_color top, struct nk_color right, struct nk_color bottom);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_fill_triangle(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 a, struct nk_vec2 b, struct nk_vec2 c, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_fill_circle(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_vec2 center, float radius, struct nk_color col, unsigned int segs);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_fill_poly_convex(struct nk_draw_list*, const struct nk_vec2 *points, const unsigned int count, struct nk_color, enum nk_anti_aliasing);
+/* misc */
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_add_image(struct nk_draw_list*, struct nk_image texture, struct nk_rect rect, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_add_text(struct nk_draw_list*, const struct nk_user_font*, struct nk_rect, const char *text, int len, float font_height, struct nk_color);
+NK_API void nk_draw_list_push_userdata(struct nk_draw_list*, nk_handle userdata);
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ * GUI
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+enum nk_style_item_type {
+union nk_style_item_data {
+ struct nk_image image;
+ struct nk_color color;
+struct nk_style_item {
+ enum nk_style_item_type type;
+ union nk_style_item_data data;
+struct nk_style_text {
+ struct nk_color color;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+struct nk_style_button {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ /* text */
+ struct nk_color text_background;
+ struct nk_color text_normal;
+ struct nk_color text_hover;
+ struct nk_color text_active;
+ nk_flags text_alignment;
+ /* properties */
+ float border;
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 image_padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 touch_padding;
+ /* optional user callbacks */
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ void(*draw_begin)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle userdata);
+ void(*draw_end)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle userdata);
+struct nk_style_toggle {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ /* cursor */
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_normal;
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_hover;
+ /* text */
+ struct nk_color text_normal;
+ struct nk_color text_hover;
+ struct nk_color text_active;
+ struct nk_color text_background;
+ nk_flags text_alignment;
+ /* properties */
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 touch_padding;
+ /* optional user callbacks */
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ void(*draw_begin)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+ void(*draw_end)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+struct nk_style_selectable {
+ /* background (inactive) */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item pressed;
+ /* background (active) */
+ struct nk_style_item normal_active;
+ struct nk_style_item hover_active;
+ struct nk_style_item pressed_active;
+ /* text color (inactive) */
+ struct nk_color text_normal;
+ struct nk_color text_hover;
+ struct nk_color text_pressed;
+ /* text color (active) */
+ struct nk_color text_normal_active;
+ struct nk_color text_hover_active;
+ struct nk_color text_pressed_active;
+ struct nk_color text_background;
+ nk_flags text_alignment;
+ /* properties */
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 touch_padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 image_padding;
+ /* optional user callbacks */
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ void(*draw_begin)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+ void(*draw_end)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+struct nk_style_slider {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ /* background bar */
+ struct nk_color bar_normal;
+ struct nk_color bar_hover;
+ struct nk_color bar_active;
+ struct nk_color bar_filled;
+ /* cursor */
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_normal;
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_hover;
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_active;
+ /* properties */
+ float border;
+ float rounding;
+ float bar_height;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 spacing;
+ struct nk_vec2 cursor_size;
+ /* optional buttons */
+ int show_buttons;
+ struct nk_style_button inc_button;
+ struct nk_style_button dec_button;
+ enum nk_symbol_type inc_symbol;
+ enum nk_symbol_type dec_symbol;
+ /* optional user callbacks */
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ void(*draw_begin)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+ void(*draw_end)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+struct nk_style_progress {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ /* cursor */
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_normal;
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_hover;
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_active;
+ /* properties */
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ /* optional user callbacks */
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ void(*draw_begin)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+ void(*draw_end)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+struct nk_style_scrollbar {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ /* cursor */
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_normal;
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_hover;
+ struct nk_style_item cursor_active;
+ /* properties */
+ float border;
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ /* optional buttons */
+ int show_buttons;
+ struct nk_style_button inc_button;
+ struct nk_style_button dec_button;
+ enum nk_symbol_type inc_symbol;
+ enum nk_symbol_type dec_symbol;
+ /* optional user callbacks */
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ void(*draw_begin)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+ void(*draw_end)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+struct nk_style_edit {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ struct nk_style_scrollbar scrollbar;
+ /* cursor */
+ struct nk_color cursor_normal;
+ struct nk_color cursor_hover;
+ struct nk_color cursor_text_normal;
+ struct nk_color cursor_text_hover;
+ /* text (unselected) */
+ struct nk_color text_normal;
+ struct nk_color text_hover;
+ struct nk_color text_active;
+ /* text (selected) */
+ struct nk_color selected_normal;
+ struct nk_color selected_hover;
+ struct nk_color selected_text_normal;
+ struct nk_color selected_text_hover;
+ /* properties */
+ float border;
+ float rounding;
+ float cursor_size;
+ struct nk_vec2 scrollbar_size;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ float row_padding;
+struct nk_style_property {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ /* text */
+ struct nk_color label_normal;
+ struct nk_color label_hover;
+ struct nk_color label_active;
+ /* symbols */
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym_left;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym_right;
+ /* properties */
+ float border;
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_style_edit edit;
+ struct nk_style_button inc_button;
+ struct nk_style_button dec_button;
+ /* optional user callbacks */
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ void(*draw_begin)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+ void(*draw_end)(struct nk_command_buffer*, nk_handle);
+struct nk_style_chart {
+ /* colors */
+ struct nk_style_item background;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ struct nk_color selected_color;
+ struct nk_color color;
+ /* properties */
+ float border;
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+struct nk_style_combo {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ /* label */
+ struct nk_color label_normal;
+ struct nk_color label_hover;
+ struct nk_color label_active;
+ /* symbol */
+ struct nk_color symbol_normal;
+ struct nk_color symbol_hover;
+ struct nk_color symbol_active;
+ /* button */
+ struct nk_style_button button;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym_normal;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym_hover;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym_active;
+ /* properties */
+ float border;
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 content_padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 button_padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 spacing;
+struct nk_style_tab {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item background;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ struct nk_color text;
+ /* button */
+ struct nk_style_button tab_button;
+ struct nk_style_button node_button;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym_minimize;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym_maximize;
+ /* properties */
+ float border;
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 spacing;
+enum nk_style_header_align {
+struct nk_style_window_header {
+ /* background */
+ struct nk_style_item normal;
+ struct nk_style_item hover;
+ struct nk_style_item active;
+ /* button */
+ struct nk_style_button close_button;
+ struct nk_style_button minimize_button;
+ enum nk_symbol_type close_symbol;
+ enum nk_symbol_type minimize_symbol;
+ enum nk_symbol_type maximize_symbol;
+ /* title */
+ struct nk_color label_normal;
+ struct nk_color label_hover;
+ struct nk_color label_active;
+ /* properties */
+ enum nk_style_header_align align;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 label_padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 spacing;
+struct nk_style_window {
+ struct nk_style_window_header header;
+ struct nk_style_item fixed_background;
+ struct nk_color background;
+ struct nk_color border_color;
+ struct nk_color combo_border_color;
+ struct nk_color contextual_border_color;
+ struct nk_color menu_border_color;
+ struct nk_color group_border_color;
+ struct nk_color tooltip_border_color;
+ struct nk_style_item scaler;
+ struct nk_vec2 footer_padding;
+ float border;
+ float combo_border;
+ float contextual_border;
+ float menu_border;
+ float group_border;
+ float tooltip_border;
+ float rounding;
+ struct nk_vec2 scaler_size;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 spacing;
+ struct nk_vec2 scrollbar_size;
+ struct nk_vec2 min_size;
+struct nk_style {
+ struct nk_user_font font;
+ struct nk_style_text text;
+ struct nk_style_button button;
+ struct nk_style_button contextual_button;
+ struct nk_style_button menu_button;
+ struct nk_style_toggle option;
+ struct nk_style_toggle checkbox;
+ struct nk_style_selectable selectable;
+ struct nk_style_slider slider;
+ struct nk_style_progress progress;
+ struct nk_style_property property;
+ struct nk_style_edit edit;
+ struct nk_style_chart chart;
+ struct nk_style_scrollbar scrollh;
+ struct nk_style_scrollbar scrollv;
+ struct nk_style_tab tab;
+ struct nk_style_combo combo;
+ struct nk_style_window window;
+NK_API struct nk_style_item nk_style_item_image(struct nk_image img);
+NK_API struct nk_style_item nk_style_item_color(struct nk_color);
+NK_API struct nk_style_item nk_style_item_hide(void);
+ * =============================================================*/
+#define NK_CHART_MAX_SLOT 4
+struct nk_chart_slot {
+ enum nk_chart_type type;
+ struct nk_color color;
+ struct nk_color highlight;
+ float min, max, range;
+ int count;
+ struct nk_vec2 last;
+ int index;
+struct nk_chart {
+ struct nk_chart_slot slots[NK_CHART_MAX_SLOT];
+ int slot;
+ float x, y, w, h;
+struct nk_row_layout {
+ int type;
+ int index;
+ float height;
+ int columns;
+ const float *ratio;
+ float item_width, item_height;
+ float item_offset;
+ float filled;
+ struct nk_rect item;
+ int tree_depth;
+struct nk_popup_buffer {
+ nk_size begin;
+ nk_size parent;
+ nk_size last;
+ nk_size end;
+ int active;
+struct nk_menu_state {
+ float x, y, w, h;
+ struct nk_scroll offset;
+struct nk_panel {
+ nk_flags flags;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ struct nk_scroll *offset;
+ float at_x, at_y, max_x;
+ float width, height;
+ float footer_h;
+ float header_h;
+ float border;
+ struct nk_rect clip;
+ struct nk_menu_state menu;
+ struct nk_row_layout row;
+ struct nk_chart chart;
+ struct nk_popup_buffer popup_buffer;
+ struct nk_command_buffer *buffer;
+ struct nk_panel *parent;
+ * =============================================================*/
+struct nk_table;
+enum nk_window_flags {
+ /* dummy flag which mark the beginning of the private window flag part */
+ /* sets the window into a read only mode and does not allow input changes */
+ /* Hides the window and stops any window interaction and drawing can be set
+ * by user input or by closing the window */
+ /* marks the window as minimized */
+ /* Marks the window as subwindow of another window*/
+ /* Marks the window as window widget group */
+ /* Marks the window as a popup window */
+ /* Marks the window as a nonblock popup window */
+ /* Marks the window as a combo box or menu */
+ /* Marks the window as a combo box */
+ /* Marks the window as a menu */
+ /* Marks the window as a menu */
+ /* Removes the read only mode at the end of the window */
+struct nk_popup_state {
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ enum nk_window_flags type;
+ nk_hash name;
+ int active;
+ unsigned combo_count;
+ unsigned con_count, con_old;
+ unsigned active_con;
+struct nk_edit_state {
+ nk_hash name;
+ unsigned int seq;
+ unsigned int old;
+ int active, prev;
+ int cursor;
+ int sel_start;
+ int sel_end;
+ struct nk_scroll scrollbar;
+ unsigned char mode;
+ unsigned char single_line;
+struct nk_property_state {
+ int active, prev;
+ char buffer[NK_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER];
+ int length;
+ int cursor;
+ nk_hash name;
+ unsigned int seq;
+ unsigned int old;
+ int state;
+struct nk_scaling_state {
+ struct nk_vec2 start_size;
+ int active;
+struct nk_window {
+ unsigned int seq;
+ nk_hash name;
+ nk_flags flags;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ struct nk_scroll scrollbar;
+ struct nk_command_buffer buffer;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ /* persistent widget state */
+ struct nk_property_state property;
+ struct nk_popup_state popup;
+ struct nk_edit_state edit;
+ struct nk_scaling_state scaling;
+ struct nk_table *tables;
+ unsigned short table_count;
+ unsigned short table_size;
+ /* window list hooks */
+ struct nk_window *next;
+ struct nk_window *prev;
+ struct nk_window *parent;
+ * =============================================================*/
+struct nk_page_element;
+struct nk_context {
+/* public: can be accessed freely */
+ struct nk_input input;
+ struct nk_style style;
+ struct nk_buffer memory;
+ struct nk_clipboard clip;
+ nk_flags last_widget_state;
+/* private:
+ should only be accessed if you
+ know what you are doing */
+ struct nk_draw_list draw_list;
+ nk_handle userdata;
+ /* text editor objects are quite big because they have a internal
+ * undo/redo stack. It therefore does not make sense to have one for
+ * each window for temporary use cases, so I only provide *one* instance
+ * for all windows. This works because the content is cleared anyway */
+ struct nk_text_edit text_edit;
+ /* windows */
+ int build;
+ void *pool;
+ struct nk_window *begin;
+ struct nk_window *end;
+ struct nk_window *active;
+ struct nk_window *current;
+ struct nk_page_element *freelist;
+ unsigned int count;
+ unsigned int seq;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* NK_H_ */
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
+#include <stdio.h> /* fopen, fclose,... */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#ifndef NK_ASSERT
+#include <assert.h>
+#define NK_ASSERT(expr) assert(expr)
+#ifndef NK_MEMSET
+#define NK_MEMSET nk_memset
+#ifndef NK_MEMCPY
+#define NK_MEMCPY nk_memcopy
+#ifndef NK_SQRT
+#define NK_SQRT nk_sqrt
+#ifndef NK_SIN
+#define NK_SIN nk_sin
+#ifndef NK_COS
+#define NK_COS nk_cos
+/* ==============================================================
+ * MATH
+ * =============================================================== */
+#define NK_MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define NK_MAX(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
+#define NK_CLAMP(i,v,x) (NK_MAX(NK_MIN(v,x), i))
+#define NK_PI 3.141592654f
+#define NK_UNUSED(x) ((void)(x))
+#define NK_SATURATE(x) (NK_MAX(0, NK_MIN(1.0f, x)))
+#define NK_LEN(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a)[0])
+#define NK_ABS(a) (((a) < 0) ? -(a) : (a))
+#define NK_BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
+#define NK_INBOX(px, py, x, y, w, h)\
+ (NK_BETWEEN(px,x,x+w) && NK_BETWEEN(py,y,y+h))
+#define NK_INTERSECT(x0, y0, w0, h0, x1, y1, w1, h1) \
+ (!(((x1 > (x0 + w0)) || ((x1 + w1) < x0) || (y1 > (y0 + h0)) || (y1 + h1) < y0)))
+#define NK_CONTAINS(x, y, w, h, bx, by, bw, bh)\
+ (NK_INBOX(x,y, bx, by, bw, bh) && NK_INBOX(x+w,y+h, bx, by, bw, bh))
+#define nk_vec2_sub(a, b) nk_vec2((a).x - (b).x, (a).y - (b).y)
+#define nk_vec2_add(a, b) nk_vec2((a).x + (b).x, (a).y + (b).y)
+#define nk_vec2_len_sqr(a) ((a).x*(a).x+(a).y*(a).y)
+#define nk_vec2_muls(a, t) nk_vec2((a).x * (t), (a).y * (t))
+#define nk_ptr_add(t, p, i) ((t*)((void*)((nk_byte*)(p) + (i))))
+#define nk_ptr_add_const(t, p, i) ((const t*)((const void*)((const nk_byte*)(p) + (i))))
+#define nk_zero_struct(s) nk_zero(&s, sizeof(s))
+/* ==============================================================
+ * =============================================================== */
+/* Pointer to Integer type conversion for pointer alignment */
+#if defined(__PTRDIFF_TYPE__) /* This case should work for GCC*/
+# define NK_UINT_TO_PTR(x) ((void*)(__PTRDIFF_TYPE__)(x))
+# define NK_PTR_TO_UINT(x) ((nk_size)(__PTRDIFF_TYPE__)(x))
+#elif !defined(__GNUC__) /* works for compilers other than LLVM */
+# define NK_UINT_TO_PTR(x) ((void*)&((char*)0)[x])
+# define NK_PTR_TO_UINT(x) ((nk_size)(((char*)x)-(char*)0))
+#elif defined(NK_USE_FIXED_TYPES) /* used if we have <stdint.h> */
+# define NK_UINT_TO_PTR(x) ((void*)(uintptr_t)(x))
+# define NK_PTR_TO_UINT(x) ((uintptr_t)(x))
+#else /* generates warning but works */
+# define NK_UINT_TO_PTR(x) ((void*)(x))
+# define NK_PTR_TO_UINT(x) ((nk_size)(x))
+#define NK_ALIGN_PTR(x, mask)\
+ (NK_UINT_TO_PTR((NK_PTR_TO_UINT((nk_byte*)(x) + (mask-1)) & ~(mask-1))))
+#define NK_ALIGN_PTR_BACK(x, mask)\
+ (NK_UINT_TO_PTR((NK_PTR_TO_UINT((nk_byte*)(x)) & ~(mask-1))))
+#define NK_OFFSETOF(st,m) ((nk_ptr)&(((st*)0)->m))
+#define NK_CONTAINER_OF(ptr,type,member)\
+ (type*)((void*)((char*)(1 ? (ptr): &((type*)0)->member) - NK_OFFSETOF(type, member)))
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+template<typename T> struct nk_alignof;
+template<typename T, int size_diff> struct nk_helper{enum {value = size_diff};};
+template<typename T> struct nk_helper<T,0>{enum {value = nk_alignof<T>::value};};
+template<typename T> struct nk_alignof{struct Big {T x; char c;}; enum {
+ diff = sizeof(Big) - sizeof(T), value = nk_helper<Big, diff>::value};};
+#define NK_ALIGNOF(t) (nk_alignof<t>::value);
+#define NK_ALIGNOF(t) ((char*)(&((struct {char c; t _h;}*)0)->_h) - (char*)0)
+/* make sure correct type size */
+typedef int nk__check_size[(sizeof(nk_size) >= sizeof(void*)) ? 1 : -1];
+typedef int nk__check_ptr[(sizeof(nk_ptr) == sizeof(void*)) ? 1 : -1];
+typedef int nk__check_flags[(sizeof(nk_flags) >= 4) ? 1 : -1];
+typedef int nk__check_rune[(sizeof(nk_rune) >= 4) ? 1 : -1];
+typedef int nk__check_ushort[(sizeof(nk_ushort) == 2) ? 1 : -1];
+typedef int nk__check_short[(sizeof(nk_short) == 2) ? 1 : -1];
+typedef int nk__check_uint[(sizeof(nk_uint) == 4) ? 1 : -1];
+typedef int nk__check_int[(sizeof(nk_int) == 4) ? 1 : -1];
+typedef int nk__check_byte[(sizeof(nk_byte) == 1) ? 1 : -1];
+NK_GLOBAL const struct nk_rect nk_null_rect = {-8192.0f, -8192.0f, 16384, 16384};
+NK_GLOBAL const float NK_FLOAT_PRECISION = 0.00000000000001f;
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ * MATH
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+/* Since nuklear is supposed to work on all systems providing floating point
+ math without any dependencies I also had to implement my own math functions
+ for sqrt, sin and cos. Since the actual highly accurate implementations for
+ the standard library functions are quite complex and I do not need high
+ precision for my use cases I use approximations.
+ Sqrt
+ ----
+ For square root nuklear uses the famous fast inverse square root:
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root with
+ slightly tweaked magic constant. While on todays hardware it is
+ probably not faster it is still fast and accurate enough for
+ nuklear's use cases. IMPORTANT: this requires float format IEEE 754
+ Sine/Cosine
+ -----------
+ All constants inside both function are generated Remez's minimax
+ approximations for value range 0...2*PI. The reason why I decided to
+ approximate exactly that range is that nuklear only needs sine and
+ cosine to generate circles which only requires that exact range.
+ In addition I used Remez instead of Taylor for additional precision:
+ www.lolengine.net/blog/2011/12/21/better-function-approximatations.
+ The tool I used to generate constants for both sine and cosine
+ (it can actually approximate a lot more functions) can be
+ found here: www.lolengine.net/wiki/oss/lolremez
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_inv_sqrt(float number)
+ float x2;
+ const float threehalfs = 1.5f;
+ union {nk_uint i; float f;} conv = {0};
+ conv.f = number;
+ x2 = number * 0.5f;
+ conv.i = 0x5f375A84 - (conv.i >> 1);
+ conv.f = conv.f * (threehalfs - (x2 * conv.f * conv.f));
+ return conv.f;
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_sqrt(float x)
+ return x * nk_inv_sqrt(x);
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_sin(float x)
+ NK_STORAGE const float a0 = +1.91059300966915117e-31f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a1 = +1.00086760103908896f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a2 = -1.21276126894734565e-2f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a3 = -1.38078780785773762e-1f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a4 = -2.67353392911981221e-2f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a5 = +2.08026600266304389e-2f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a6 = -3.03996055049204407e-3f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a7 = +1.38235642404333740e-4f;
+ return a0 + x*(a1 + x*(a2 + x*(a3 + x*(a4 + x*(a5 + x*(a6 + x*a7))))));
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_cos(float x)
+ NK_STORAGE const float a0 = +1.00238601909309722f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a1 = -3.81919947353040024e-2f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a2 = -3.94382342128062756e-1f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a3 = -1.18134036025221444e-1f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a4 = +1.07123798512170878e-1f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a5 = -1.86637164165180873e-2f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a6 = +9.90140908664079833e-4f;
+ NK_STORAGE const float a7 = -5.23022132118824778e-14f;
+ return a0 + x*(a1 + x*(a2 + x*(a3 + x*(a4 + x*(a5 + x*(a6 + x*a7))))));
+NK_INTERN nk_uint
+nk_round_up_pow2(nk_uint v)
+ v--;
+ v |= v >> 1;
+ v |= v >> 2;
+ v |= v >> 4;
+ v |= v >> 8;
+ v |= v >> 16;
+ v++;
+ return v;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+ return nk_null_rect;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_rect(float x, float y, float w, float h)
+ struct nk_rect r;
+ r.x = x, r.y = y;
+ r.w = w, r.h = h;
+ return r;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_recti(int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ struct nk_rect r;
+ r.x = (float)x;
+ r.y = (float)y;
+ r.w = (float)w;
+ r.h = (float)h;
+ return r;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_recta(struct nk_vec2 pos, struct nk_vec2 size)
+ return nk_rect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y);
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_rectv(const float *r)
+ return nk_rect(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]);
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_rectiv(const int *r)
+ return nk_recti(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_rect_pos(struct nk_rect r)
+ struct nk_vec2 ret;
+ ret.x = r.x; ret.y = r.y;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_rect_size(struct nk_rect r)
+ struct nk_vec2 ret;
+ ret.x = r.w; ret.y = r.h;
+ return ret;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_rect
+nk_shrink_rect(struct nk_rect r, float amount)
+ struct nk_rect res;
+ r.w = NK_MAX(r.w, 2 * amount);
+ r.h = NK_MAX(r.h, 2 * amount);
+ res.x = r.x + amount;
+ res.y = r.y + amount;
+ res.w = r.w - 2 * amount;
+ res.h = r.h - 2 * amount;
+ return res;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_rect
+nk_pad_rect(struct nk_rect r, struct nk_vec2 pad)
+ r.w = NK_MAX(r.w, 2 * pad.x);
+ r.h = NK_MAX(r.h, 2 * pad.y);
+ r.x += pad.x; r.y += pad.y;
+ r.w -= 2 * pad.x;
+ r.h -= 2 * pad.y;
+ return r;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_vec2(float x, float y)
+ struct nk_vec2 ret;
+ ret.x = x; ret.y = y;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_vec2i(int x, int y)
+ struct nk_vec2 ret;
+ ret.x = (float)x;
+ ret.y = (float)y;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_vec2v(const float *v)
+ return nk_vec2(v[0], v[1]);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_vec2iv(const int *v)
+ return nk_vec2i(v[0], v[1]);
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ * UTIL
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+NK_INTERN int nk_str_match_here(const char *regexp, const char *text);
+NK_INTERN int nk_str_match_star(int c, const char *regexp, const char *text);
+NK_INTERN int nk_is_lower(int c) {return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 0xE0 && c <= 0xFF);}
+NK_INTERN int nk_is_upper(int c){return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 0xC0 && c <= 0xDF);}
+NK_INTERN int nk_to_upper(int c) {return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? (c - ('a' - 'A')) : c;}
+NK_INTERN int nk_to_lower(int c) {return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? (c - ('a' + 'A')) : c;}
+NK_INTERN void*
+nk_memcopy(void *dst0, const void *src0, nk_size length)
+ nk_ptr t;
+ char *dst = (char*)dst0;
+ const char *src = (const char*)src0;
+ if (length == 0 || dst == src)
+ goto done;
+ #define nk_word int
+ #define nk_wsize sizeof(nk_word)
+ #define nk_wmask (nk_wsize-1)
+ #define NK_TLOOP(s) if (t) NK_TLOOP1(s)
+ #define NK_TLOOP1(s) do { s; } while (--t)
+ if (dst < src) {
+ t = (nk_ptr)src; /* only need low bits */
+ if ((t | (nk_ptr)dst) & nk_wmask) {
+ if ((t ^ (nk_ptr)dst) & nk_wmask || length < nk_wsize)
+ t = length;
+ else
+ t = nk_wsize - (t & nk_wmask);
+ length -= t;
+ NK_TLOOP1(*dst++ = *src++);
+ }
+ t = length / nk_wsize;
+ NK_TLOOP(*(nk_word*)(void*)dst = *(const nk_word*)(const void*)src;
+ src += nk_wsize; dst += nk_wsize);
+ t = length & nk_wmask;
+ NK_TLOOP(*dst++ = *src++);
+ } else {
+ src += length;
+ dst += length;
+ t = (nk_ptr)src;
+ if ((t | (nk_ptr)dst) & nk_wmask) {
+ if ((t ^ (nk_ptr)dst) & nk_wmask || length <= nk_wsize)
+ t = length;
+ else
+ t &= nk_wmask;
+ length -= t;
+ NK_TLOOP1(*--dst = *--src);
+ }
+ t = length / nk_wsize;
+ NK_TLOOP(src -= nk_wsize; dst -= nk_wsize;
+ *(nk_word*)(void*)dst = *(const nk_word*)(const void*)src);
+ t = length & nk_wmask;
+ NK_TLOOP(*--dst = *--src);
+ }
+ #undef nk_word
+ #undef nk_wsize
+ #undef nk_wmask
+ #undef NK_TLOOP
+ #undef NK_TLOOP1
+ return (dst0);
+nk_memset(void *ptr, int c0, nk_size size)
+ #define nk_word unsigned
+ #define nk_wsize sizeof(nk_word)
+ #define nk_wmask (nk_wsize - 1)
+ nk_byte *dst = (nk_byte*)ptr;
+ unsigned c = 0;
+ nk_size t = 0;
+ if ((c = (nk_byte)c0) != 0) {
+ c = (c << 8) | c; /* at least 16-bits */
+ if (sizeof(unsigned int) > 2)
+ c = (c << 16) | c; /* at least 32-bits*/
+ }
+ /* too small of a word count */
+ dst = (nk_byte*)ptr;
+ if (size < 3 * nk_wsize) {
+ while (size--) *dst++ = (nk_byte)c0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* align destination */
+ if ((t = NK_PTR_TO_UINT(dst) & nk_wmask) != 0) {
+ t = nk_wsize -t;
+ size -= t;
+ do {
+ *dst++ = (nk_byte)c0;
+ } while (--t != 0);
+ }
+ /* fill word */
+ t = size / nk_wsize;
+ do {
+ *(nk_word*)((void*)dst) = c;
+ dst += nk_wsize;
+ } while (--t != 0);
+ /* fill trailing bytes */
+ t = (size & nk_wmask);
+ if (t != 0) {
+ do {
+ *dst++ = (nk_byte)c0;
+ } while (--t != 0);
+ }
+ #undef nk_word
+ #undef nk_wsize
+ #undef nk_wmask
+nk_zero(void *ptr, nk_size size)
+ NK_ASSERT(ptr);
+ NK_MEMSET(ptr, 0, size);
+NK_API int
+nk_strlen(const char *str)
+ int siz = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ while (str && *str++ != '\0') siz++;
+ return siz;
+NK_API int
+nk_strtof(float *number, const char *buffer)
+ float m;
+ float neg = 1.0f;
+ const char *p = buffer;
+ float floatvalue = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(number);
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!number || !buffer) return 0;
+ *number = 0;
+ /* skip whitespace */
+ while (*p && *p == ' ') p++;
+ if (*p == '-') {
+ neg = -1.0f;
+ p++;
+ }
+ while( *p && *p != '.' && *p != 'e' ) {
+ floatvalue = floatvalue * 10.0f + (float) (*p - '0');
+ p++;
+ }
+ if ( *p == '.' ) {
+ p++;
+ for(m = 0.1f; *p && *p != 'e'; p++ ) {
+ floatvalue = floatvalue + (float) (*p - '0') * m;
+ m *= 0.1f;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( *p == 'e' ) {
+ int i, pow, div;
+ p++;
+ if ( *p == '-' ) {
+ div = nk_true;
+ p++;
+ } else if ( *p == '+' ) {
+ div = nk_false;
+ p++;
+ } else div = nk_false;
+ for ( pow = 0; *p; p++ )
+ pow = pow * 10 + (int) (*p - '0');
+ for ( m = 1.0, i = 0; i < pow; i++ )
+ m *= 10.0f;
+ if ( div )
+ floatvalue /= m;
+ else floatvalue *= m;
+ }
+ *number = floatvalue * neg;
+ return 1;
+NK_API int
+nk_stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
+ nk_int c1,c2,d;
+ do {
+ c1 = *s1++;
+ c2 = *s2++;
+ d = c1 - c2;
+ while (d) {
+ if (c1 <= 'Z' && c1 >= 'A') {
+ d += ('a' - 'A');
+ if (!d) break;
+ }
+ if (c2 <= 'Z' && c2 >= 'A') {
+ d -= ('a' - 'A');
+ if (!d) break;
+ }
+ return ((d >= 0) << 1) - 1;
+ }
+ } while (c1);
+ return 0;
+NK_API int
+nk_stricmpn(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n)
+ int c1,c2,d;
+ NK_ASSERT(n >= 0);
+ do {
+ c1 = *s1++;
+ c2 = *s2++;
+ if (!n--) return 0;
+ d = c1 - c2;
+ while (d) {
+ if (c1 <= 'Z' && c1 >= 'A') {
+ d += ('a' - 'A');
+ if (!d) break;
+ }
+ if (c2 <= 'Z' && c2 >= 'A') {
+ d -= ('a' - 'A');
+ if (!d) break;
+ }
+ return ((d >= 0) << 1) - 1;
+ }
+ } while (c1);
+ return 0;
+nk_str_match_here(const char *regexp, const char *text)
+ if (regexp[0] == '\0')
+ return 1;
+ if (regexp[1] == '*')
+ return nk_str_match_star(regexp[0], regexp+2, text);
+ if (regexp[0] == '$' && regexp[1] == '\0')
+ return *text == '\0';
+ if (*text!='\0' && (regexp[0]=='.' || regexp[0]==*text))
+ return nk_str_match_here(regexp+1, text+1);
+ return 0;
+nk_str_match_star(int c, const char *regexp, const char *text)
+ do {/* a '* matches zero or more instances */
+ if (nk_str_match_here(regexp, text))
+ return 1;
+ } while (*text != '\0' && (*text++ == c || c == '.'));
+ return 0;
+NK_API int
+nk_strfilter(const char *text, const char *regexp)
+ /*
+ c matches any literal character c
+ . matches any single character
+ ^ matches the beginning of the input string
+ $ matches the end of the input string
+ * matches zero or more occurrences of the previous character*/
+ if (regexp[0] == '^')
+ return nk_str_match_here(regexp+1, text);
+ do { /* must look even if string is empty */
+ if (nk_str_match_here(regexp, text))
+ return 1;
+ } while (*text++ != '\0');
+ return 0;
+NK_API int
+nk_strmatch_fuzzy_text(const char *str, int str_len,
+ const char *pattern, int *out_score)
+ /* Returns true if each character in pattern is found sequentially within str
+ * if found then outScore is also set. Score value has no intrinsic meaning.
+ * Range varies with pattern. Can only compare scores with same search pattern. */
+ /* ------- scores --------- */
+ /* bonus for adjacent matches */
+ /* bonus if match occurs after a separator */
+ /* bonus if match is uppercase and prev is lower */
+ #define NK_CAMEL_BONUS 10
+ /* penalty applied for every letter in str before the first match */
+ /* maximum penalty for leading letters */
+ /* penalty for every letter that doesn't matter */
+ /* loop variables */
+ int score = 0;
+ char const * pattern_iter = pattern;
+ int str_iter = 0;
+ int prev_matched = nk_false;
+ int prev_lower = nk_false;
+ /* true so if first letter match gets separator bonus*/
+ int prev_separator = nk_true;
+ /* use "best" matched letter if multiple string letters match the pattern */
+ char const * best_letter = 0;
+ int best_letter_score = 0;
+ /* loop over strings */
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(pattern);
+ if (!str || !str_len || !pattern) return 0;
+ while (str_iter < str_len)
+ {
+ const char pattern_letter = *pattern_iter;
+ const char str_letter = str[str_iter];
+ int next_match = *pattern_iter != '\0' &&
+ nk_to_lower(pattern_letter) == nk_to_lower(str_letter);
+ int rematch = best_letter && nk_to_lower(*best_letter) == nk_to_lower(str_letter);
+ int advanced = next_match && best_letter;
+ int pattern_repeat = best_letter && *pattern_iter != '\0';
+ pattern_repeat = pattern_repeat &&
+ nk_to_lower(*best_letter) == nk_to_lower(pattern_letter);
+ if (advanced || pattern_repeat) {
+ score += best_letter_score;
+ best_letter = 0;
+ best_letter_score = 0;
+ }
+ if (next_match || rematch)
+ {
+ int new_score = 0;
+ /* Apply penalty for each letter before the first pattern match */
+ if (pattern_iter == pattern)
+ {
+ int count = (int)(&str[str_iter] - str);
+ int penalty = NK_LEADING_LETTER_PENALTY * count;
+ score += penalty;
+ }
+ /* apply bonus for consecutive bonuses */
+ if (prev_matched)
+ new_score += NK_ADJACENCY_BONUS;
+ /* apply bonus for matches after a separator */
+ if (prev_separator)
+ new_score += NK_SEPARATOR_BONUS;
+ /* apply bonus across camel case boundaries */
+ if (prev_lower && nk_is_upper(str_letter))
+ new_score += NK_CAMEL_BONUS;
+ /* update pattern iter IFF the next pattern letter was matched */
+ if (next_match)
+ ++pattern_iter;
+ /* update best letter in str which may be for a "next" letter or a rematch */
+ if (new_score >= best_letter_score)
+ {
+ /* apply penalty for now skipped letter */
+ if (best_letter != 0)
+ best_letter = &str[str_iter];
+ best_letter_score = new_score;
+ }
+ prev_matched = nk_true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prev_matched = nk_false;
+ }
+ /* separators should be more easily defined */
+ prev_lower = nk_is_lower(str_letter) != 0;
+ prev_separator = str_letter == '_' || str_letter == ' ';
+ ++str_iter;
+ }
+ /* apply score for last match */
+ if (best_letter)
+ score += best_letter_score;
+ /* did not match full pattern */
+ if (*pattern_iter != '\0')
+ return nk_false;
+ if (out_score)
+ *out_score = score;
+ return nk_true;
+NK_API int
+nk_strmatch_fuzzy_string(char const *str, char const *pattern, int *out_score)
+{return nk_strmatch_fuzzy_text(str, nk_strlen(str), pattern, out_score);}
+NK_API int
+nk_strfmt(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *fmt,...)
+ int w;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ w = vsnprintf(buf, (nk_size)buf_size, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ buf[buf_size-1] = 0;
+ return (w == -1) ?(int)buf_size:w;
+nk_strfmtv(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ int w = vsnprintf(buf, (nk_size)buf_size, fmt, args);
+ buf[buf_size-1] = 0;
+ return (w == -1) ? (int)buf_size:w;
+nk_string_float_limit(char *string, int prec)
+ int dot = 0;
+ char *c = string;
+ while (*c) {
+ if (*c == '.') {
+ dot = 1;
+ c++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (dot == (prec+1)) {
+ *c = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (dot > 0) dot++;
+ c++;
+ }
+ return (int)(c - string);
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_pow(float x, int n)
+ /* check the sign of n */
+ float r = 1;
+ int plus = n >= 0;
+ n = (plus) ? n : -n;
+ while (n > 0) {
+ if ((n & 1) == 1)
+ r *= x;
+ n /= 2;
+ x *= x;
+ }
+ return plus ? r : 1.0f / r;
+nk_ifloor(float x)
+ x = (float)((int)x - ((x < 0.0) ? 1 : 0));
+ return (int)x;
+nk_iceil(float x)
+ if (x >= 0) {
+ int i = (int)x;
+ return i;
+ } else {
+ int t = (int)x;
+ float r = x - (float)t;
+ return (r > 0.0f) ? t+1: t;
+ }
+nk_log10(float n)
+ int neg;
+ int ret;
+ int exp = 0;
+ neg = (n < 0) ? 1 : 0;
+ ret = (neg) ? (int)-n : (int)n;
+ while ((ret / 10) > 0) {
+ ret /= 10;
+ exp++;
+ }
+ if (neg) exp = -exp;
+ return exp;
+nk_ftos(char *s, float n)
+ int useExp = 0;
+ int digit = 0, m = 0, m1 = 0;
+ char *c = s;
+ int neg = 0;
+ if (n == 0.0f) {
+ s[0] = '0'; s[1] = '\0';
+ return 1;
+ }
+ neg = (n < 0);
+ if (neg) n = -n;
+ /* calculate magnitude */
+ m = nk_log10(n);
+ useExp = (m >= 14 || (neg && m >= 9) || m <= -9);
+ if (neg) *(c++) = '-';
+ /* set up for scientific notation */
+ if (useExp) {
+ if (m < 0)
+ m -= 1;
+ n = n / nk_pow(10.0, m);
+ m1 = m;
+ m = 0;
+ }
+ if (m < 1.0) {
+ m = 0;
+ }
+ /* convert the number */
+ while (n > NK_FLOAT_PRECISION || m >= 0) {
+ float weight = nk_pow(10.0, m);
+ if (weight > 0) {
+ float t = (float)n / weight;
+ digit = nk_ifloor(t);
+ n -= ((float)digit * weight);
+ *(c++) = (char)('0' + (char)digit);
+ }
+ if (m == 0 && n > 0)
+ *(c++) = '.';
+ m--;
+ }
+ if (useExp) {
+ /* convert the exponent */
+ int i, j;
+ *(c++) = 'e';
+ if (m1 > 0) {
+ *(c++) = '+';
+ } else {
+ *(c++) = '-';
+ m1 = -m1;
+ }
+ m = 0;
+ while (m1 > 0) {
+ *(c++) = (char)('0' + (char)(m1 % 10));
+ m1 /= 10;
+ m++;
+ }
+ c -= m;
+ for (i = 0, j = m-1; i<j; i++, j--) {
+ /* swap without temporary */
+ c[i] ^= c[j];
+ c[j] ^= c[i];
+ c[i] ^= c[j];
+ }
+ c += m;
+ }
+ *(c) = '\0';
+ return (int)(c - s);
+NK_API nk_hash
+nk_murmur_hash(const void * key, int len, nk_hash seed)
+ /* 32-Bit MurmurHash3: https://code.google.com/p/smhasher/wiki/MurmurHash3*/
+ #define NK_ROTL(x,r) ((x) << (r) | ((x) >> (32 - r)))
+ union {const nk_uint *i; const nk_byte *b;} conv = {0};
+ const nk_byte *data = (const nk_byte*)key;
+ const int nblocks = len/4;
+ nk_uint h1 = seed;
+ const nk_uint c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
+ const nk_uint c2 = 0x1b873593;
+ const nk_byte *tail;
+ const nk_uint *blocks;
+ nk_uint k1;
+ int i;
+ /* body */
+ if (!key) return 0;
+ conv.b = (data + nblocks*4);
+ blocks = (const nk_uint*)conv.i;
+ for (i = -nblocks; i; ++i) {
+ k1 = blocks[i];
+ k1 *= c1;
+ k1 = NK_ROTL(k1,15);
+ k1 *= c2;
+ h1 ^= k1;
+ h1 = NK_ROTL(h1,13);
+ h1 = h1*5+0xe6546b64;
+ }
+ /* tail */
+ tail = (const nk_byte*)(data + nblocks*4);
+ k1 = 0;
+ switch (len & 3) {
+ case 3: k1 ^= (nk_uint)(tail[2] << 16);
+ case 2: k1 ^= (nk_uint)(tail[1] << 8u);
+ case 1: k1 ^= tail[0];
+ k1 *= c1;
+ k1 = NK_ROTL(k1,15);
+ k1 *= c2;
+ h1 ^= k1;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ /* finalization */
+ h1 ^= (nk_uint)len;
+ /* fmix32 */
+ h1 ^= h1 >> 16;
+ h1 *= 0x85ebca6b;
+ h1 ^= h1 >> 13;
+ h1 *= 0xc2b2ae35;
+ h1 ^= h1 >> 16;
+ #undef NK_ROTL
+ return h1;
+NK_INTERN char*
+nk_file_load(const char* path, nk_size* siz, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ char *buf;
+ FILE *fd;
+ long ret;
+ NK_ASSERT(path);
+ NK_ASSERT(siz);
+ NK_ASSERT(alloc);
+ if (!path || !siz || !alloc)
+ return 0;
+ fd = fopen(path, "rb");
+ if (!fd) return 0;
+ fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+ ret = ftell(fd);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ fclose(fd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *siz = (nk_size)ret;
+ fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ buf = (char*)alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata,0, *siz);
+ NK_ASSERT(buf);
+ if (!buf) {
+ fclose(fd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *siz = (nk_size)fread(buf, *siz, 1, fd);
+ fclose(fd);
+ return buf;
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+nk_parse_hex(const char *p, int length)
+ int i = 0;
+ int len = 0;
+ while (len < length) {
+ i <<= 4;
+ if (p[len] >= 'a' && p[len] <= 'f')
+ i += ((p[len] - 'a') + 10);
+ else if (p[len] >= 'A' && p[len] <= 'F') {
+ i += ((p[len] - 'A') + 10);
+ } else i += (p[len] - '0');
+ len++;
+ }
+ return i;
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgba(int r, int g, int b, int a)
+ struct nk_color ret;
+ ret.r = (nk_byte)NK_CLAMP(0, r, 255);
+ ret.g = (nk_byte)NK_CLAMP(0, g, 255);
+ ret.b = (nk_byte)NK_CLAMP(0, b, 255);
+ ret.a = (nk_byte)NK_CLAMP(0, a, 255);
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgb_hex(const char *rgb)
+ struct nk_color col;
+ const char *c = rgb;
+ if (*c == '#') c++;
+ col.r = (nk_byte)nk_parse_hex(c, 2);
+ col.g = (nk_byte)nk_parse_hex(c+2, 2);
+ col.b = (nk_byte)nk_parse_hex(c+4, 2);
+ col.a = 255;
+ return col;
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgba_hex(const char *rgb)
+ struct nk_color col;
+ const char *c = rgb;
+ if (*c == '#') c++;
+ col.r = (nk_byte)nk_parse_hex(c, 2);
+ col.g = (nk_byte)nk_parse_hex(c+2, 2);
+ col.b = (nk_byte)nk_parse_hex(c+4, 2);
+ col.a = (nk_byte)nk_parse_hex(c+6, 2);
+ return col;
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hex_rgba(char *output, struct nk_color col)
+ #define NK_TO_HEX(i) ((i) <= 9 ? '0' + (i): 'A' - 10 + (i))
+ output[0] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.r & 0x0F));
+ output[1] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.r & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ output[2] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.g & 0x0F));
+ output[3] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.g & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ output[4] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.b & 0x0F));
+ output[5] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.b & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ output[6] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.a & 0x0F));
+ output[7] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.a & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ output[8] = '\0';
+ #undef NK_TO_HEX
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hex_rgb(char *output, struct nk_color col)
+ #define NK_TO_HEX(i) ((i) <= 9 ? '0' + (i): 'A' - 10 + (i))
+ output[0] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.r & 0x0F));
+ output[1] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.r & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ output[2] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.g & 0x0F));
+ output[3] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.g & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ output[4] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.b & 0x0F));
+ output[5] = (char)NK_TO_HEX((col.b & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ output[6] = '\0';
+ #undef NK_TO_HEX
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgba_iv(const int *c)
+ return nk_rgba(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgba_bv(const nk_byte *c)
+ return nk_rgba(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgb(int r, int g, int b)
+ struct nk_color ret;
+ ret.r =(nk_byte)NK_CLAMP(0, r, 255);
+ ret.g =(nk_byte)NK_CLAMP(0, g, 255);
+ ret.b =(nk_byte)NK_CLAMP(0, b, 255);
+ ret.a =(nk_byte)255;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgb_iv(const int *c)
+ return nk_rgb(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgb_bv(const nk_byte* c)
+ return nk_rgb(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgba_u32(nk_uint in)
+ struct nk_color ret;
+ ret.r = (in & 0xFF);
+ ret.g = ((in >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ ret.b = ((in >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ ret.a = (nk_byte)((in >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgba_f(float r, float g, float b, float a)
+ struct nk_color ret;
+ ret.r = (nk_byte)(NK_SATURATE(r) * 255.0f);
+ ret.g = (nk_byte)(NK_SATURATE(g) * 255.0f);
+ ret.b = (nk_byte)(NK_SATURATE(b) * 255.0f);
+ ret.a = (nk_byte)(NK_SATURATE(a) * 255.0f);
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgba_fv(const float *c)
+ return nk_rgba_f(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgb_f(float r, float g, float b)
+ struct nk_color ret;
+ ret.r = (nk_byte)(NK_SATURATE(r) * 255.0f);
+ ret.g = (nk_byte)(NK_SATURATE(g) * 255.0f);
+ ret.b = (nk_byte)(NK_SATURATE(b) * 255.0f);
+ ret.a = 255;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_rgb_fv(const float *c)
+ return nk_rgb_f(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsv(int h, int s, int v)
+ return nk_hsva(h, s, v, 255);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsv_iv(const int *c)
+ return nk_hsv(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsv_bv(const nk_byte *c)
+ return nk_hsv(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsv_f(float h, float s, float v)
+ return nk_hsva_f(h, s, v, 1.0f);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsv_fv(const float *c)
+ return nk_hsv_f(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsva(int h, int s, int v, int a)
+ float hf = ((float)NK_CLAMP(0, h, 255)) / 255.0f;
+ float sf = ((float)NK_CLAMP(0, s, 255)) / 255.0f;
+ float vf = ((float)NK_CLAMP(0, v, 255)) / 255.0f;
+ float af = ((float)NK_CLAMP(0, a, 255)) / 255.0f;
+ return nk_hsva_f(hf, sf, vf, af);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsva_iv(const int *c)
+ return nk_hsva(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsva_bv(const nk_byte *c)
+ return nk_hsva(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsva_f(float h, float s, float v, float a)
+ struct nk_colorf {float r,g,b;} out = {0,0,0};
+ float p, q, t, f;
+ int i;
+ if (s <= 0.0f) {
+ out.r = v; out.g = v; out.b = v;
+ return nk_rgb_f(out.r, out.g, out.b);
+ }
+ h = h / (60.0f/360.0f);
+ i = (int)h;
+ f = h - (float)i;
+ p = v * (1.0f - s);
+ q = v * (1.0f - (s * f));
+ t = v * (1.0f - s * (1.0f - f));
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0: out.r = v; out.g = t; out.b = p; break;
+ case 1: out.r = q; out.g = v; out.b = p; break;
+ case 2: out.r = p; out.g = v; out.b = t; break;
+ case 3: out.r = p; out.g = q; out.b = v; break;
+ case 4: out.r = t; out.g = p; out.b = v; break;
+ case 5: default: out.r = v; out.g = p; out.b = q; break;
+ }
+ return nk_rgba_f(out.r, out.g, out.b, a);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_hsva_fv(const float *c)
+ return nk_hsva_f(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+NK_API nk_uint
+nk_color_u32(struct nk_color in)
+ nk_uint out = (nk_uint)in.r;
+ out |= ((nk_uint)in.g << 8);
+ out |= ((nk_uint)in.b << 16);
+ out |= ((nk_uint)in.a << 24);
+ return out;
+NK_API void
+nk_color_f(float *r, float *g, float *b, float *a, struct nk_color in)
+ NK_STORAGE const float s = 1.0f/255.0f;
+ *r = (float)in.r * s;
+ *g = (float)in.g * s;
+ *b = (float)in.b * s;
+ *a = (float)in.a * s;
+NK_API void
+nk_color_fv(float *c, struct nk_color in)
+ nk_color_f(&c[0], &c[1], &c[2], &c[3], in);
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsv_f(float *out_h, float *out_s, float *out_v, struct nk_color in)
+ float a;
+ nk_color_hsva_f(out_h, out_s, out_v, &a, in);
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsv_fv(float *out, struct nk_color in)
+ float a;
+ nk_color_hsva_f(&out[0], &out[1], &out[2], &a, in);
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsva_f(float *out_h, float *out_s,
+ float *out_v, float *out_a, struct nk_color in)
+ float chroma;
+ float K = 0.0f;
+ float r,g,b,a;
+ nk_color_f(&r,&g,&b,&a, in);
+ if (g < b) {
+ const float t = g; g = b; b = t;
+ K = -1.f;
+ }
+ if (r < g) {
+ const float t = r; r = g; g = t;
+ K = -2.f/6.0f - K;
+ }
+ chroma = r - ((g < b) ? g: b);
+ *out_h = NK_ABS(K + (g - b)/(6.0f * chroma + 1e-20f));
+ *out_s = chroma / (r + 1e-20f);
+ *out_v = r;
+ *out_a = (float)in.a / 255.0f;
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsva_fv(float *out, struct nk_color in)
+ nk_color_hsva_f(&out[0], &out[1], &out[2], &out[3], in);
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsva_i(int *out_h, int *out_s, int *out_v,
+ int *out_a, struct nk_color in)
+ float h,s,v,a;
+ nk_color_hsva_f(&h, &s, &v, &a, in);
+ *out_h = (nk_byte)(h * 255.0f);
+ *out_s = (nk_byte)(s * 255.0f);
+ *out_v = (nk_byte)(v * 255.0f);
+ *out_a = (nk_byte)(a * 255.0f);
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsva_iv(int *out, struct nk_color in)
+ nk_color_hsva_i(&out[0], &out[1], &out[2], &out[3], in);
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsva_bv(nk_byte *out, struct nk_color in)
+ int tmp[4];
+ nk_color_hsva_i(&tmp[0], &tmp[1], &tmp[2], &tmp[3], in);
+ out[0] = (nk_byte)tmp[0];
+ out[1] = (nk_byte)tmp[1];
+ out[2] = (nk_byte)tmp[2];
+ out[3] = (nk_byte)tmp[3];
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsva_b(nk_byte *h, nk_byte *s, nk_byte *v, nk_byte *a, struct nk_color in)
+ int tmp[4];
+ nk_color_hsva_i(&tmp[0], &tmp[1], &tmp[2], &tmp[3], in);
+ *h = (nk_byte)tmp[0];
+ *s = (nk_byte)tmp[1];
+ *v = (nk_byte)tmp[2];
+ *a = (nk_byte)tmp[3];
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsv_i(int *out_h, int *out_s, int *out_v, struct nk_color in)
+ int a;
+ nk_color_hsva_i(out_h, out_s, out_v, &a, in);
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsv_b(nk_byte *out_h, nk_byte *out_s, nk_byte *out_v, struct nk_color in)
+ int tmp[4];
+ nk_color_hsva_i(&tmp[0], &tmp[1], &tmp[2], &tmp[3], in);
+ *out_h = (nk_byte)tmp[0];
+ *out_s = (nk_byte)tmp[1];
+ *out_v = (nk_byte)tmp[2];
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsv_iv(int *out, struct nk_color in)
+ nk_color_hsv_i(&out[0], &out[1], &out[2], in);
+NK_API void
+nk_color_hsv_bv(nk_byte *out, struct nk_color in)
+ int tmp[4];
+ nk_color_hsv_i(&tmp[0], &tmp[1], &tmp[2], in);
+ out[0] = (nk_byte)tmp[0];
+ out[1] = (nk_byte)tmp[1];
+ out[2] = (nk_byte)tmp[2];
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+NK_API nk_handle
+nk_handle_ptr(void *ptr)
+ nk_handle handle = {0};
+ handle.ptr = ptr;
+ return handle;
+NK_API nk_handle
+nk_handle_id(int id)
+ nk_handle handle;
+ nk_zero_struct(handle);
+ handle.id = id;
+ return handle;
+NK_API struct nk_image
+nk_subimage_ptr(void *ptr, unsigned short w, unsigned short h, struct nk_rect r)
+ struct nk_image s;
+ nk_zero(&s, sizeof(s));
+ s.handle.ptr = ptr;
+ s.w = w; s.h = h;
+ s.region[0] = (unsigned short)r.x;
+ s.region[1] = (unsigned short)r.y;
+ s.region[2] = (unsigned short)r.w;
+ s.region[3] = (unsigned short)r.h;
+ return s;
+NK_API struct nk_image
+nk_subimage_id(int id, unsigned short w, unsigned short h, struct nk_rect r)
+ struct nk_image s;
+ nk_zero(&s, sizeof(s));
+ s.handle.id = id;
+ s.w = w; s.h = h;
+ s.region[0] = (unsigned short)r.x;
+ s.region[1] = (unsigned short)r.y;
+ s.region[2] = (unsigned short)r.w;
+ s.region[3] = (unsigned short)r.h;
+ return s;
+NK_API struct nk_image
+nk_image_ptr(void *ptr)
+ struct nk_image s;
+ nk_zero(&s, sizeof(s));
+ NK_ASSERT(ptr);
+ s.handle.ptr = ptr;
+ s.w = 0; s.h = 0;
+ s.region[0] = 0;
+ s.region[1] = 0;
+ s.region[2] = 0;
+ s.region[3] = 0;
+ return s;
+NK_API struct nk_image
+nk_image_id(int id)
+ struct nk_image s;
+ nk_zero(&s, sizeof(s));
+ s.handle.id = id;
+ s.w = 0; s.h = 0;
+ s.region[0] = 0;
+ s.region[1] = 0;
+ s.region[2] = 0;
+ s.region[3] = 0;
+ return s;
+NK_API int
+nk_image_is_subimage(const struct nk_image* img)
+ NK_ASSERT(img);
+ return !(img->w == 0 && img->h == 0);
+nk_unify(struct nk_rect *clip, const struct nk_rect *a, float x0, float y0,
+ float x1, float y1)
+ NK_ASSERT(clip);
+ clip->x = NK_MAX(a->x, x0);
+ clip->y = NK_MAX(a->y, y0);
+ clip->w = NK_MIN(a->x + a->w, x1) - clip->x;
+ clip->h = NK_MIN(a->y + a->h, y1) - clip->y;
+ clip->w = NK_MAX(0, clip->w);
+ clip->h = NK_MAX(0, clip->h);
+NK_API void
+nk_triangle_from_direction(struct nk_vec2 *result, struct nk_rect r,
+ float pad_x, float pad_y, enum nk_heading direction)
+ float w_half, h_half;
+ NK_ASSERT(result);
+ r.w = NK_MAX(2 * pad_x, r.w);
+ r.h = NK_MAX(2 * pad_y, r.h);
+ r.w = r.w - 2 * pad_x;
+ r.h = r.h - 2 * pad_y;
+ r.x = r.x + pad_x;
+ r.y = r.y + pad_y;
+ w_half = r.w / 2.0f;
+ h_half = r.h / 2.0f;
+ if (direction == NK_UP) {
+ result[0] = nk_vec2(r.x + w_half, r.y);
+ result[1] = nk_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);
+ result[2] = nk_vec2(r.x, r.y + r.h);
+ } else if (direction == NK_RIGHT) {
+ result[0] = nk_vec2(r.x, r.y);
+ result[1] = nk_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y + h_half);
+ result[2] = nk_vec2(r.x, r.y + r.h);
+ } else if (direction == NK_DOWN) {
+ result[0] = nk_vec2(r.x, r.y);
+ result[1] = nk_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y);
+ result[2] = nk_vec2(r.x + w_half, r.y + r.h);
+ } else {
+ result[0] = nk_vec2(r.x, r.y + h_half);
+ result[1] = nk_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y);
+ result[2] = nk_vec2(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);
+ }
+nk_text_clamp(const struct nk_user_font *font, const char *text,
+ int text_len, float space, int *glyphs, float *text_width)
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ float last_width = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode = 0;
+ float width = 0;
+ int len = 0;
+ int g = 0;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text, &unicode, text_len);
+ while (glyph_len && (width < space) && (len < text_len)) {
+ float s;
+ len += glyph_len;
+ s = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, text, len);
+ last_width = width;
+ width = s;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(&text[len], &unicode, text_len - len);
+ g++;
+ }
+ *glyphs = g;
+ *text_width = last_width;
+ return len;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_vec2
+nk_text_calculate_text_bounds(const struct nk_user_font *font,
+ const char *begin, int byte_len, float row_height, const char **remaining,
+ struct nk_vec2 *out_offset, int *glyphs, int op)
+ float line_height = row_height;
+ struct nk_vec2 text_size = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ float line_width = 0.0f;
+ float glyph_width;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode = 0;
+ int text_len = 0;
+ if (!begin || byte_len <= 0 || !font)
+ return nk_vec2(0,row_height);
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(begin, &unicode, byte_len);
+ if (!glyph_len) return text_size;
+ glyph_width = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, begin, glyph_len);
+ *glyphs = 0;
+ while ((text_len < byte_len) && glyph_len) {
+ if (unicode == '\n') {
+ text_size.x = NK_MAX(text_size.x, line_width);
+ text_size.y += line_height;
+ line_width = 0;
+ *glyphs+=1;
+ if (op == NK_STOP_ON_NEW_LINE)
+ break;
+ text_len++;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(begin + text_len, &unicode, byte_len-text_len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (unicode == '\r') {
+ text_len++;
+ *glyphs+=1;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(begin + text_len, &unicode, byte_len-text_len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ *glyphs = *glyphs + 1;
+ text_len += glyph_len;
+ line_width += (float)glyph_width;
+ glyph_width = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, begin+text_len, glyph_len);
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(begin + text_len, &unicode, byte_len-text_len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (text_size.x < line_width)
+ text_size.x = line_width;
+ if (out_offset)
+ *out_offset = nk_vec2(line_width, text_size.y + line_height);
+ if (line_width > 0 || text_size.y == 0.0f)
+ text_size.y += line_height;
+ if (remaining)
+ *remaining = begin+text_len;
+ return text_size;
+/* ==============================================================
+ *
+ * UTF-8
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_byte nk_utfbyte[NK_UTF_SIZE+1] = {0x80, 0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0};
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_byte nk_utfmask[NK_UTF_SIZE+1] = {0xC0, 0x80, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8};
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_uint nk_utfmin[NK_UTF_SIZE+1] = {0, 0, 0x80, 0x800, 0x10000};
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_uint nk_utfmax[NK_UTF_SIZE+1] = {0x10FFFF, 0x7F, 0x7FF, 0xFFFF, 0x10FFFF};
+nk_utf_validate(nk_rune *u, int i)
+ if (!u) return 0;
+ if (!NK_BETWEEN(*u, nk_utfmin[i], nk_utfmax[i]) ||
+ NK_BETWEEN(*u, 0xD800, 0xDFFF))
+ for (i = 1; *u > nk_utfmax[i]; ++i);
+ return i;
+NK_INTERN nk_rune
+nk_utf_decode_byte(char c, int *i)
+ if (!i) return 0;
+ for(*i = 0; *i < (int)NK_LEN(nk_utfmask); ++(*i)) {
+ if (((nk_byte)c & nk_utfmask[*i]) == nk_utfbyte[*i])
+ return (nk_byte)(c & ~nk_utfmask[*i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+NK_API int
+nk_utf_decode(const char *c, nk_rune *u, int clen)
+ int i, j, len, type=0;
+ nk_rune udecoded;
+ if (!c || !u) return 0;
+ if (!clen) return 0;
+ udecoded = nk_utf_decode_byte(c[0], &len);
+ if (!NK_BETWEEN(len, 1, NK_UTF_SIZE))
+ return 1;
+ for (i = 1, j = 1; i < clen && j < len; ++i, ++j) {
+ udecoded = (udecoded << 6) | nk_utf_decode_byte(c[i], &type);
+ if (type != 0)
+ return j;
+ }
+ if (j < len)
+ return 0;
+ *u = udecoded;
+ nk_utf_validate(u, len);
+ return len;
+nk_utf_encode_byte(nk_rune u, int i)
+ return (char)((nk_utfbyte[i]) | ((nk_byte)u & ~nk_utfmask[i]));
+NK_API int
+nk_utf_encode(nk_rune u, char *c, int clen)
+ int len, i;
+ len = nk_utf_validate(&u, 0);
+ if (clen < len || !len || len > NK_UTF_SIZE)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = len - 1; i != 0; --i) {
+ c[i] = nk_utf_encode_byte(u, 0);
+ u >>= 6;
+ }
+ c[0] = nk_utf_encode_byte(u, len);
+ return len;
+NK_API int
+nk_utf_len(const char *str, int len)
+ const char *text;
+ int glyphs = 0;
+ int text_len;
+ int glyph_len;
+ int src_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ if (!str || !len) return 0;
+ text = str;
+ text_len = len;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text, &unicode, text_len);
+ while (glyph_len && src_len < len) {
+ glyphs++;
+ src_len = src_len + glyph_len;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + src_len, &unicode, text_len - src_len);
+ }
+ return glyphs;
+NK_API const char*
+nk_utf_at(const char *buffer, int length, int index,
+ nk_rune *unicode, int *len)
+ int i = 0;
+ int src_len = 0;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ const char *text;
+ int text_len;
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ NK_ASSERT(unicode);
+ NK_ASSERT(len);
+ if (!buffer || !unicode || !len) return 0;
+ if (index < 0) {
+ *unicode = NK_UTF_INVALID;
+ *len = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ text = buffer;
+ text_len = length;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text, unicode, text_len);
+ while (glyph_len) {
+ if (i == index) {
+ *len = glyph_len;
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ src_len = src_len + glyph_len;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + src_len, unicode, text_len - src_len);
+ }
+ if (i != index) return 0;
+ return buffer + src_len;
+/* ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_INTERN void* nk_malloc(nk_handle unused, void *old,nk_size size)
+{NK_UNUSED(unused); NK_UNUSED(old); return malloc(size);}
+NK_INTERN void nk_mfree(nk_handle unused, void *ptr)
+{NK_UNUSED(unused); free(ptr);}
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_init_default(struct nk_buffer *buffer)
+ struct nk_allocator alloc;
+ alloc.userdata.ptr = 0;
+ alloc.alloc = nk_malloc;
+ alloc.free = nk_mfree;
+ nk_buffer_init(buffer, &alloc, NK_BUFFER_DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE);
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_init(struct nk_buffer *b, const struct nk_allocator *a,
+ nk_size initial_size)
+ NK_ASSERT(initial_size);
+ if (!b || !a || !initial_size) return;
+ nk_zero(b, sizeof(*b));
+ b->type = NK_BUFFER_DYNAMIC;
+ b->memory.ptr = a->alloc(a->userdata,0, initial_size);
+ b->memory.size = initial_size;
+ b->size = initial_size;
+ b->grow_factor = 2.0f;
+ b->pool = *a;
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_init_fixed(struct nk_buffer *b, void *m, nk_size size)
+ NK_ASSERT(size);
+ if (!b || !m || !size) return;
+ nk_zero(b, sizeof(*b));
+ b->type = NK_BUFFER_FIXED;
+ b->memory.ptr = m;
+ b->memory.size = size;
+ b->size = size;
+NK_INTERN void*
+nk_buffer_align(void *unaligned, nk_size align, nk_size *alignment,
+ enum nk_buffer_allocation_type type)
+ void *memory = 0;
+ switch (type) {
+ default:
+ if (align) {
+ memory = NK_ALIGN_PTR(unaligned, align);
+ *alignment = (nk_size)((nk_byte*)memory - (nk_byte*)unaligned);
+ } else {
+ memory = unaligned;
+ *alignment = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (align) {
+ memory = NK_ALIGN_PTR_BACK(unaligned, align);
+ *alignment = (nk_size)((nk_byte*)unaligned - (nk_byte*)memory);
+ } else {
+ memory = unaligned;
+ *alignment = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return memory;
+NK_INTERN void*
+nk_buffer_realloc(struct nk_buffer *b, nk_size capacity, nk_size *size)
+ void *temp;
+ nk_size buffer_size;
+ NK_ASSERT(size);
+ if (!b || !size || !b->pool.alloc || !b->pool.free)
+ return 0;
+ buffer_size = b->memory.size;
+ temp = b->pool.alloc(b->pool.userdata, b->memory.ptr, capacity);
+ NK_ASSERT(temp);
+ if (!temp) return 0;
+ *size = capacity;
+ if (temp != b->memory.ptr) {
+ NK_MEMCPY(temp, b->memory.ptr, buffer_size);
+ b->pool.free(b->pool.userdata, b->memory.ptr);
+ }
+ if (b->size == buffer_size) {
+ /* no back buffer so just set correct size */
+ b->size = capacity;
+ return temp;
+ } else {
+ /* copy back buffer to the end of the new buffer */
+ void *dst, *src;
+ nk_size back_size;
+ back_size = buffer_size - b->size;
+ dst = nk_ptr_add(void, temp, capacity - back_size);
+ src = nk_ptr_add(void, temp, b->size);
+ NK_MEMCPY(dst, src, back_size);
+ b->size = capacity - back_size;
+ }
+ return temp;
+NK_INTERN void*
+nk_buffer_alloc(struct nk_buffer *b, enum nk_buffer_allocation_type type,
+ nk_size size, nk_size align)
+ int full;
+ nk_size alignment;
+ void *unaligned;
+ void *memory;
+ NK_ASSERT(size);
+ if (!b || !size) return 0;
+ b->needed += size;
+ /* calculate total size with needed alignment + size */
+ if (type == NK_BUFFER_FRONT)
+ unaligned = nk_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->allocated);
+ else unaligned = nk_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->size - size);
+ memory = nk_buffer_align(unaligned, align, &alignment, type);
+ /* check if buffer has enough memory*/
+ if (type == NK_BUFFER_FRONT)
+ full = ((b->allocated + size + alignment) > b->size);
+ else full = ((b->size - (size + alignment)) <= b->allocated);
+ if (full) {
+ nk_size capacity;
+ NK_ASSERT(b->pool.alloc && b->pool.free);
+ if (b->type != NK_BUFFER_DYNAMIC || !b->pool.alloc || !b->pool.free)
+ return 0;
+ /* buffer is full so allocate bigger buffer if dynamic */
+ capacity = (nk_size)((float)b->memory.size * b->grow_factor);
+ capacity = NK_MAX(capacity, nk_round_up_pow2((nk_uint)(b->allocated + size)));
+ b->memory.ptr = nk_buffer_realloc(b, capacity, &b->memory.size);
+ if (!b->memory.ptr) return 0;
+ /* align newly allocated pointer */
+ if (type == NK_BUFFER_FRONT)
+ unaligned = nk_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->allocated);
+ else unaligned = nk_ptr_add(void, b->memory.ptr, b->size);
+ memory = nk_buffer_align(unaligned, align, &alignment, type);
+ }
+ if (type == NK_BUFFER_FRONT)
+ b->allocated += size + alignment;
+ else b->size -= (size + alignment);
+ b->needed += alignment;
+ b->calls++;
+ return memory;
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_push(struct nk_buffer *b, enum nk_buffer_allocation_type type,
+ void *memory, nk_size size, nk_size align)
+ void *mem = nk_buffer_alloc(b, type, size, align);
+ if (!mem) return;
+ NK_MEMCPY(mem, memory, size);
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_mark(struct nk_buffer *buffer, enum nk_buffer_allocation_type type)
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!buffer) return;
+ buffer->marker[type].active = nk_true;
+ if (type == NK_BUFFER_BACK)
+ buffer->marker[type].offset = buffer->size;
+ else buffer->marker[type].offset = buffer->allocated;
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_reset(struct nk_buffer *buffer, enum nk_buffer_allocation_type type)
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!buffer) return;
+ if (type == NK_BUFFER_BACK) {
+ /* reset back buffer either back to marker or empty */
+ buffer->needed -= (buffer->memory.size - buffer->marker[type].offset);
+ if (buffer->marker[type].active)
+ buffer->size = buffer->marker[type].offset;
+ else buffer->size = buffer->memory.size;
+ buffer->marker[type].active = nk_false;
+ } else {
+ /* reset front buffer either back to back marker or empty */
+ buffer->needed -= (buffer->allocated - buffer->marker[type].offset);
+ if (buffer->marker[type].active)
+ buffer->allocated = buffer->marker[type].offset;
+ else buffer->allocated = 0;
+ buffer->marker[type].active = nk_false;
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_clear(struct nk_buffer *b)
+ if (!b) return;
+ b->allocated = 0;
+ b->size = b->memory.size;
+ b->calls = 0;
+ b->needed = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_free(struct nk_buffer *b)
+ if (!b || !b->memory.ptr) return;
+ if (b->type == NK_BUFFER_FIXED) return;
+ if (!b->pool.free) return;
+ NK_ASSERT(b->pool.free);
+ b->pool.free(b->pool.userdata, b->memory.ptr);
+NK_API void
+nk_buffer_info(struct nk_memory_status *s, struct nk_buffer *b)
+ if (!s || !b) return;
+ s->allocated = b->allocated;
+ s->size = b->memory.size;
+ s->needed = b->needed;
+ s->memory = b->memory.ptr;
+ s->calls = b->calls;
+NK_API void*
+nk_buffer_memory(struct nk_buffer *buffer)
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!buffer) return 0;
+ return buffer->memory.ptr;
+NK_API const void*
+nk_buffer_memory_const(const struct nk_buffer *buffer)
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!buffer) return 0;
+ return buffer->memory.ptr;
+NK_API nk_size
+nk_buffer_total(struct nk_buffer *buffer)
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!buffer) return 0;
+ return buffer->memory.size;
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+NK_API void
+nk_str_init_default(struct nk_str *str)
+ struct nk_allocator alloc;
+ alloc.userdata.ptr = 0;
+ alloc.alloc = nk_malloc;
+ alloc.free = nk_mfree;
+ nk_buffer_init(&str->buffer, &alloc, 32);
+ str->len = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_str_init(struct nk_str *str, const struct nk_allocator *alloc, nk_size size)
+ nk_buffer_init(&str->buffer, alloc, size);
+ str->len = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_str_init_fixed(struct nk_str *str, void *memory, nk_size size)
+ nk_buffer_init_fixed(&str->buffer, memory, size);
+ str->len = 0;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_append_text_char(struct nk_str *s, const char *str, int len)
+ char *mem;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ if (!s || !str || !len) return 0;
+ mem = (char*)nk_buffer_alloc(&s->buffer, NK_BUFFER_FRONT, (nk_size)len * sizeof(char), 0);
+ if (!mem) return 0;
+ NK_MEMCPY(mem, str, (nk_size)len * sizeof(char));
+ s->len += nk_utf_len(str, len);
+ return len;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_append_str_char(struct nk_str *s, const char *str)
+ return nk_str_append_text_char(s, str, nk_strlen(str));
+NK_API int
+nk_str_append_text_utf8(struct nk_str *str, const char *text, int len)
+ int i = 0;
+ int byte_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ if (!str || !text || !len) return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ byte_len += nk_utf_decode(text+byte_len, &unicode, 4);
+ nk_str_append_text_char(str, text, byte_len);
+ return len;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_append_str_utf8(struct nk_str *str, const char *text)
+ int runes = 0;
+ int byte_len = 0;
+ int num_runes = 0;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ if (!str || !text) return 0;
+ glyph_len = byte_len = nk_utf_decode(text+byte_len, &unicode, 4);
+ while (unicode != '\0' && glyph_len) {
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text+byte_len, &unicode, 4);
+ byte_len += glyph_len;
+ num_runes++;
+ }
+ nk_str_append_text_char(str, text, byte_len);
+ return runes;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_append_text_runes(struct nk_str *str, const nk_rune *text, int len)
+ int i = 0;
+ int byte_len = 0;
+ nk_glyph glyph;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ if (!str || !text || !len) return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ byte_len = nk_utf_encode(text[i], glyph, NK_UTF_SIZE);
+ if (!byte_len) break;
+ nk_str_append_text_char(str, glyph, byte_len);
+ }
+ return len;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_append_str_runes(struct nk_str *str, const nk_rune *runes)
+ int i = 0;
+ nk_glyph glyph;
+ int byte_len;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ if (!str || !runes) return 0;
+ while (runes[i] != '\0') {
+ byte_len = nk_utf_encode(runes[i], glyph, NK_UTF_SIZE);
+ nk_str_append_text_char(str, glyph, byte_len);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return i;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_insert_at_char(struct nk_str *s, int pos, const char *str, int len)
+ int i;
+ void *mem;
+ char *src;
+ char *dst;
+ int copylen;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(len >= 0);
+ if (!s || !str || !len || (nk_size)pos > s->buffer.allocated) return 0;
+ if ((s->buffer.allocated + (nk_size)len >= s->buffer.memory.size) &&
+ (s->buffer.type == NK_BUFFER_FIXED)) return 0;
+ copylen = (int)s->buffer.allocated - pos;
+ if (!copylen) {
+ nk_str_append_text_char(s, str, len);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ mem = nk_buffer_alloc(&s->buffer, NK_BUFFER_FRONT, (nk_size)len * sizeof(char), 0);
+ if (!mem) return 0;
+ /* memmove */
+ NK_ASSERT(((int)pos + (int)len + ((int)copylen - 1)) >= 0);
+ NK_ASSERT(((int)pos + ((int)copylen - 1)) >= 0);
+ dst = nk_ptr_add(char, s->buffer.memory.ptr, pos + len + (copylen - 1));
+ src = nk_ptr_add(char, s->buffer.memory.ptr, pos + (copylen-1));
+ for (i = 0; i < copylen; ++i) *dst-- = *src--;
+ mem = nk_ptr_add(void, s->buffer.memory.ptr, pos);
+ NK_MEMCPY(mem, str, (nk_size)len * sizeof(char));
+ s->len = nk_utf_len((char *)s->buffer.memory.ptr, (int)s->buffer.allocated);
+ return 1;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_insert_at_rune(struct nk_str *str, int pos, const char *cstr, int len)
+ int glyph_len;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ const char *begin;
+ const char *buffer;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(cstr);
+ NK_ASSERT(len);
+ if (!str || !cstr || !len) return 0;
+ begin = nk_str_at_rune(str, pos, &unicode, &glyph_len);
+ buffer = nk_str_get_const(str);
+ if (!begin) return 0;
+ return nk_str_insert_text_char(str, (int)(begin - buffer), cstr, len);
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_text_char(struct nk_str *str, int pos, const char *text, int len)
+{return nk_str_insert_at_char(str, pos, text, len);}
+NK_API int nk_str_insert_str_char(struct nk_str *str, int pos, const char *text)
+{return nk_str_insert_at_char(str, pos, text, nk_strlen(text));}
+NK_API int
+nk_str_insert_text_utf8(struct nk_str *str, int pos, const char *text, int len)
+ int i = 0;
+ int byte_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(text);
+ if (!str || !text || !len) return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ byte_len += nk_utf_decode(text+byte_len, &unicode, 4);
+ nk_str_insert_at_rune(str, pos, text, byte_len);
+ return len;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_insert_str_utf8(struct nk_str *str, int pos, const char *text)
+ int runes = 0;
+ int byte_len = 0;
+ int num_runes = 0;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ if (!str || !text) return 0;
+ glyph_len = byte_len = nk_utf_decode(text+byte_len, &unicode, 4);
+ while (unicode != '\0' && glyph_len) {
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text+byte_len, &unicode, 4);
+ byte_len += glyph_len;
+ num_runes++;
+ }
+ nk_str_insert_at_rune(str, pos, text, byte_len);
+ return runes;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_insert_text_runes(struct nk_str *str, int pos, const nk_rune *runes, int len)
+ int i = 0;
+ int byte_len = 0;
+ nk_glyph glyph;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ if (!str || !runes || !len) return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ byte_len = nk_utf_encode(runes[i], glyph, NK_UTF_SIZE);
+ if (!byte_len) break;
+ nk_str_insert_at_rune(str, pos+i, glyph, byte_len);
+ }
+ return len;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_insert_str_runes(struct nk_str *str, int pos, const nk_rune *runes)
+ int i = 0;
+ nk_glyph glyph;
+ int byte_len;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ if (!str || !runes) return 0;
+ while (runes[i] != '\0') {
+ byte_len = nk_utf_encode(runes[i], glyph, NK_UTF_SIZE);
+ nk_str_insert_at_rune(str, pos+i, glyph, byte_len);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return i;
+NK_API void
+nk_str_remove_chars(struct nk_str *s, int len)
+ NK_ASSERT(len >= 0);
+ if (!s || len < 0 || (nk_size)len > s->buffer.allocated) return;
+ NK_ASSERT(((int)s->buffer.allocated - (int)len) >= 0);
+ s->buffer.allocated -= (nk_size)len;
+ s->len = nk_utf_len((char *)s->buffer.memory.ptr, (int)s->buffer.allocated);
+NK_API void
+nk_str_remove_runes(struct nk_str *str, int len)
+ int index;
+ const char *begin;
+ const char *end;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(len >= 0);
+ if (!str || len < 0) return;
+ if (len >= str->len) {
+ str->len = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ index = str->len - len;
+ begin = nk_str_at_rune(str, index, &unicode, &len);
+ end = (const char*)str->buffer.memory.ptr + str->buffer.allocated;
+ nk_str_remove_chars(str, (int)(end-begin)+1);
+NK_API void
+nk_str_delete_chars(struct nk_str *s, int pos, int len)
+ if (!s || !len || (nk_size)pos > s->buffer.allocated ||
+ (nk_size)(pos + len) > s->buffer.allocated) return;
+ if ((nk_size)(pos + len) < s->buffer.allocated) {
+ /* memmove */
+ char *dst = nk_ptr_add(char, s->buffer.memory.ptr, pos);
+ char *src = nk_ptr_add(char, s->buffer.memory.ptr, pos + len);
+ NK_MEMCPY(dst, src, s->buffer.allocated - (nk_size)(pos + len));
+ NK_ASSERT(((int)s->buffer.allocated - (int)len) >= 0);
+ s->buffer.allocated -= (nk_size)len;
+ } else nk_str_remove_chars(s, len);
+ s->len = nk_utf_len((char *)s->buffer.memory.ptr, (int)s->buffer.allocated);
+NK_API void
+nk_str_delete_runes(struct nk_str *s, int pos, int len)
+ char *temp;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ char *begin;
+ char *end;
+ int unused;
+ NK_ASSERT(s->len >= pos + len);
+ if (s->len < pos + len)
+ len = NK_CLAMP(0, (s->len - pos), s->len);
+ if (!len) return;
+ temp = (char *)s->buffer.memory.ptr;
+ begin = nk_str_at_rune(s, pos, &unicode, &unused);
+ if (!begin) return;
+ s->buffer.memory.ptr = begin;
+ end = nk_str_at_rune(s, len, &unicode, &unused);
+ s->buffer.memory.ptr = temp;
+ if (!end) return;
+ nk_str_delete_chars(s, (int)(begin - temp), (int)(end - begin));
+NK_API char*
+nk_str_at_char(struct nk_str *s, int pos)
+ if (!s || pos > (int)s->buffer.allocated) return 0;
+ return nk_ptr_add(char, s->buffer.memory.ptr, pos);
+NK_API char*
+nk_str_at_rune(struct nk_str *str, int pos, nk_rune *unicode, int *len)
+ int i = 0;
+ int src_len = 0;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ char *text;
+ int text_len;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(unicode);
+ NK_ASSERT(len);
+ if (!str || !unicode || !len) return 0;
+ if (pos < 0) {
+ *unicode = 0;
+ *len = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ text = (char*)str->buffer.memory.ptr;
+ text_len = (int)str->buffer.allocated;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text, unicode, text_len);
+ while (glyph_len) {
+ if (i == pos) {
+ *len = glyph_len;
+ break;
+ }
+ i+= glyph_len;
+ src_len = src_len + glyph_len;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + src_len, unicode, text_len - src_len);
+ }
+ if (i != pos) return 0;
+ return text + src_len;
+NK_API const char*
+nk_str_at_char_const(const struct nk_str *s, int pos)
+ if (!s || pos > (int)s->buffer.allocated) return 0;
+ return nk_ptr_add(char, s->buffer.memory.ptr, pos);
+NK_API const char*
+nk_str_at_const(const struct nk_str *str, int pos, nk_rune *unicode, int *len)
+ int i = 0;
+ int src_len = 0;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ char *text;
+ int text_len;
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(unicode);
+ NK_ASSERT(len);
+ if (!str || !unicode || !len) return 0;
+ if (pos < 0) {
+ *unicode = 0;
+ *len = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ text = (char*)str->buffer.memory.ptr;
+ text_len = (int)str->buffer.allocated;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text, unicode, text_len);
+ while (glyph_len) {
+ if (i == pos) {
+ *len = glyph_len;
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ src_len = src_len + glyph_len;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + src_len, unicode, text_len - src_len);
+ }
+ if (i != pos) return 0;
+ return text + src_len;
+NK_API nk_rune
+nk_str_rune_at(const struct nk_str *str, int pos)
+ int len;
+ nk_rune unicode = 0;
+ nk_str_at_const(str, pos, &unicode, &len);
+ return unicode;
+NK_API char*
+nk_str_get(struct nk_str *s)
+ if (!s || !s->len || !s->buffer.allocated) return 0;
+ return (char*)s->buffer.memory.ptr;
+NK_API const char*
+nk_str_get_const(const struct nk_str *s)
+ if (!s || !s->len || !s->buffer.allocated) return 0;
+ return (const char*)s->buffer.memory.ptr;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_len(struct nk_str *s)
+ if (!s || !s->len || !s->buffer.allocated) return 0;
+ return s->len;
+NK_API int
+nk_str_len_char(struct nk_str *s)
+ if (!s || !s->len || !s->buffer.allocated) return 0;
+ return (int)s->buffer.allocated;
+NK_API void
+nk_str_clear(struct nk_str *str)
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ nk_buffer_clear(&str->buffer);
+ str->len = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_str_free(struct nk_str *str)
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ nk_buffer_free(&str->buffer);
+ str->len = 0;
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ * Command buffer
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+nk_command_buffer_init(struct nk_command_buffer *cmdbuf,
+ struct nk_buffer *buffer, enum nk_command_clipping clip)
+ NK_ASSERT(cmdbuf);
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!cmdbuf || !buffer) return;
+ cmdbuf->base = buffer;
+ cmdbuf->use_clipping = clip;
+ cmdbuf->begin = buffer->allocated;
+ cmdbuf->end = buffer->allocated;
+ cmdbuf->last = buffer->allocated;
+nk_command_buffer_reset(struct nk_command_buffer *buffer)
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!buffer) return;
+ buffer->begin = 0;
+ buffer->end = 0;
+ buffer->last = 0;
+ buffer->clip = nk_null_rect;
+ buffer->userdata.ptr = 0;
+NK_INTERN void*
+nk_command_buffer_push(struct nk_command_buffer* b,
+ enum nk_command_type t, nk_size size)
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_command);
+ struct nk_command *cmd;
+ nk_size alignment;
+ void *unaligned;
+ void *memory;
+ NK_ASSERT(b->base);
+ if (!b) return 0;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command*)nk_buffer_alloc(b->base,NK_BUFFER_FRONT,size,align);
+ if (!cmd) return 0;
+ /* make sure the offset to the next command is aligned */
+ b->last = (nk_size)((nk_byte*)cmd - (nk_byte*)b->base->memory.ptr);
+ unaligned = (nk_byte*)cmd + size;
+ memory = NK_ALIGN_PTR(unaligned, align);
+ alignment = (nk_size)((nk_byte*)memory - (nk_byte*)unaligned);
+ cmd->type = t;
+ cmd->next = b->base->allocated + alignment;
+ cmd->userdata = b->userdata;
+ b->end = cmd->next;
+ return cmd;
+NK_API void
+nk_push_scissor(struct nk_command_buffer *b, struct nk_rect r)
+ struct nk_command_scissor *cmd;
+ if (!b) return;
+ b->clip.x = r.x;
+ b->clip.y = r.y;
+ b->clip.w = r.w;
+ b->clip.h = r.h;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_scissor*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_SCISSOR, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->x = (short)r.x;
+ cmd->y = (short)r.y;
+ cmd->w = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, r.w);
+ cmd->h = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, r.h);
+NK_API void
+nk_stroke_line(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float x0, float y0,
+ float x1, float y1, float line_thickness, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_line *cmd;
+ if (!b) return;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_line*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_LINE, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->line_thickness = (unsigned short)line_thickness;
+ cmd->begin.x = (short)x0;
+ cmd->begin.y = (short)y0;
+ cmd->end.x = (short)x1;
+ cmd->end.y = (short)y1;
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_stroke_curve(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float ax, float ay,
+ float ctrl0x, float ctrl0y, float ctrl1x, float ctrl1y,
+ float bx, float by, float line_thickness, struct nk_color col)
+ struct nk_command_curve *cmd;
+ if (!b || col.a == 0) return;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_curve*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_CURVE, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->line_thickness = (unsigned short)line_thickness;
+ cmd->begin.x = (short)ax;
+ cmd->begin.y = (short)ay;
+ cmd->ctrl[0].x = (short)ctrl0x;
+ cmd->ctrl[0].y = (short)ctrl0y;
+ cmd->ctrl[1].x = (short)ctrl1x;
+ cmd->ctrl[1].y = (short)ctrl1y;
+ cmd->end.x = (short)bx;
+ cmd->end.y = (short)by;
+ cmd->color = col;
+NK_API void
+nk_stroke_rect(struct nk_command_buffer *b, struct nk_rect rect,
+ float rounding, float line_thickness, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_rect *cmd;
+ if (!b || c.a == 0) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *clip = &b->clip;
+ if (!NK_INTERSECT(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h,
+ clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h)) return;
+ }
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_rect*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_RECT, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->rounding = (unsigned short)rounding;
+ cmd->line_thickness = (unsigned short)line_thickness;
+ cmd->x = (short)rect.x;
+ cmd->y = (short)rect.y;
+ cmd->w = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, rect.w);
+ cmd->h = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, rect.h);
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_fill_rect(struct nk_command_buffer *b, struct nk_rect rect,
+ float rounding, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_rect_filled *cmd;
+ if (!b || c.a == 0) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *clip = &b->clip;
+ if (!NK_INTERSECT(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h,
+ clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h)) return;
+ }
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_rect_filled*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_RECT_FILLED, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->rounding = (unsigned short)rounding;
+ cmd->x = (short)rect.x;
+ cmd->y = (short)rect.y;
+ cmd->w = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, rect.w);
+ cmd->h = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, rect.h);
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_fill_rect_multi_color(struct nk_command_buffer *b, struct nk_rect rect,
+ struct nk_color left, struct nk_color top, struct nk_color right,
+ struct nk_color bottom)
+ struct nk_command_rect_multi_color *cmd;
+ if (!b) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *clip = &b->clip;
+ if (!NK_INTERSECT(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h,
+ clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h)) return;
+ }
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_rect_multi_color*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_RECT_MULTI_COLOR, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->x = (short)rect.x;
+ cmd->y = (short)rect.y;
+ cmd->w = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, rect.w);
+ cmd->h = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, rect.h);
+ cmd->left = left;
+ cmd->top = top;
+ cmd->right = right;
+ cmd->bottom = bottom;
+NK_API void
+nk_stroke_circle(struct nk_command_buffer *b, struct nk_rect r,
+ float line_thickness, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_circle *cmd;
+ if (!b || c.a == 0) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *clip = &b->clip;
+ if (!NK_INTERSECT(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h))
+ return;
+ }
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_circle*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_CIRCLE, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->line_thickness = (unsigned short)line_thickness;
+ cmd->x = (short)r.x;
+ cmd->y = (short)r.y;
+ cmd->w = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(r.w, 0);
+ cmd->h = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(r.h, 0);
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_fill_circle(struct nk_command_buffer *b, struct nk_rect r, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_circle_filled *cmd;
+ if (!b || c.a == 0) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *clip = &b->clip;
+ if (!NK_INTERSECT(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h))
+ return;
+ }
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_circle_filled*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_CIRCLE_FILLED, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->x = (short)r.x;
+ cmd->y = (short)r.y;
+ cmd->w = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(r.w, 0);
+ cmd->h = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(r.h, 0);
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_stroke_arc(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float cx, float cy, float radius,
+ float a_min, float a_max, float line_thickness, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_arc *cmd;
+ if (!b || c.a == 0) return;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_arc*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_ARC, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->line_thickness = (unsigned short)line_thickness;
+ cmd->cx = (short)cx;
+ cmd->cy = (short)cy;
+ cmd->r = (unsigned short)radius;
+ cmd->a[0] = a_min;
+ cmd->a[1] = a_max;
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_fill_arc(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float cx, float cy, float radius,
+ float a_min, float a_max, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_arc_filled *cmd;
+ if (!b || c.a == 0) return;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_arc_filled*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_ARC_FILLED, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->cx = (short)cx;
+ cmd->cy = (short)cy;
+ cmd->r = (unsigned short)radius;
+ cmd->a[0] = a_min;
+ cmd->a[1] = a_max;
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_stroke_triangle(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float x0, float y0, float x1,
+ float y1, float x2, float y2, float line_thickness, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_triangle *cmd;
+ if (!b || c.a == 0) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *clip = &b->clip;
+ if (!NK_INBOX(x0, y0, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h) &&
+ !NK_INBOX(x1, y1, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h) &&
+ !NK_INBOX(x2, y2, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h))
+ return;
+ }
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_triangle*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_TRIANGLE, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->line_thickness = (unsigned short)line_thickness;
+ cmd->a.x = (short)x0;
+ cmd->a.y = (short)y0;
+ cmd->b.x = (short)x1;
+ cmd->b.y = (short)y1;
+ cmd->c.x = (short)x2;
+ cmd->c.y = (short)y2;
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_fill_triangle(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float x0, float y0, float x1,
+ float y1, float x2, float y2, struct nk_color c)
+ struct nk_command_triangle_filled *cmd;
+ if (!b || c.a == 0) return;
+ if (!b) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *clip = &b->clip;
+ if (!NK_INBOX(x0, y0, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h) &&
+ !NK_INBOX(x1, y1, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h) &&
+ !NK_INBOX(x2, y2, clip->x, clip->y, clip->w, clip->h))
+ return;
+ }
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_triangle_filled*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_TRIANGLE_FILLED, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->a.x = (short)x0;
+ cmd->a.y = (short)y0;
+ cmd->b.x = (short)x1;
+ cmd->b.y = (short)y1;
+ cmd->c.x = (short)x2;
+ cmd->c.y = (short)y2;
+ cmd->color = c;
+NK_API void
+nk_stroke_polygon(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float *points, int point_count,
+ float line_thickness, struct nk_color col)
+ int i;
+ nk_size size = 0;
+ struct nk_command_polygon *cmd;
+ if (!b || col.a == 0) return;
+ size = sizeof(*cmd) + sizeof(short) * 2 * (nk_size)point_count;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_polygon*) nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_POLYGON, size);
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->line_thickness = (unsigned short)line_thickness;
+ cmd->color = col;
+ cmd->point_count = (unsigned short)point_count;
+ for (i = 0; i < point_count; ++i) {
+ cmd->points[i].x = (short)points[i*2];
+ cmd->points[i].y = (short)points[i*2+1];
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_fill_polygon(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float *points, int point_count,
+ struct nk_color col)
+ int i;
+ nk_size size = 0;
+ struct nk_command_polygon_filled *cmd;
+ if (!b || col.a == 0) return;
+ size = sizeof(*cmd) + sizeof(short) * 2 * (nk_size)point_count;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_polygon_filled*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_POLYGON_FILLED, size);
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->color = col;
+ cmd->point_count = (unsigned short)point_count;
+ for (i = 0; i < point_count; ++i) {
+ cmd->points[i].x = (short)points[i*2];
+ cmd->points[i].y = (short)points[i*2+1];
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_stroke_polyline(struct nk_command_buffer *b, float *points, int point_count,
+ float line_thickness, struct nk_color col)
+ int i;
+ nk_size size = 0;
+ struct nk_command_polyline *cmd;
+ if (!b || col.a == 0) return;
+ size = sizeof(*cmd) + sizeof(short) * 2 * (nk_size)point_count;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_polyline*) nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_POLYLINE, size);
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->color = col;
+ cmd->point_count = (unsigned short)point_count;
+ cmd->line_thickness = (unsigned short)line_thickness;
+ for (i = 0; i < point_count; ++i) {
+ cmd->points[i].x = (short)points[i*2];
+ cmd->points[i].y = (short)points[i*2+1];
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_image(struct nk_command_buffer *b, struct nk_rect r,
+ const struct nk_image *img)
+ struct nk_command_image *cmd;
+ if (!b) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *c = &b->clip;
+ if (!c->w || !c->h || !NK_INTERSECT(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h))
+ return;
+ }
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_image*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_IMAGE, sizeof(*cmd));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->x = (short)r.x;
+ cmd->y = (short)r.y;
+ cmd->w = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, r.w);
+ cmd->h = (unsigned short)NK_MAX(0, r.h);
+ cmd->img = *img;
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_text(struct nk_command_buffer *b, struct nk_rect r,
+ const char *string, int length, const struct nk_user_font *font,
+ struct nk_color bg, struct nk_color fg)
+ float text_width = 0;
+ struct nk_command_text *cmd;
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ if (!b || !string || !length || (bg.a == 0 && fg.a == 0)) return;
+ if (b->use_clipping) {
+ const struct nk_rect *c = &b->clip;
+ if (!c->w || !c->h || !NK_INTERSECT(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h))
+ return;
+ }
+ /* make sure text fits inside bounds */
+ text_width = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, string, length);
+ if (text_width > r.w){
+ int glyphs = 0;
+ float txt_width = (float)text_width;
+ length = nk_text_clamp(font, string, length, r.w, &glyphs, &txt_width);
+ }
+ if (!length) return;
+ cmd = (struct nk_command_text*)
+ nk_command_buffer_push(b, NK_COMMAND_TEXT, sizeof(*cmd) + (nk_size)(length + 1));
+ if (!cmd) return;
+ cmd->x = (short)r.x;
+ cmd->y = (short)r.y;
+ cmd->w = (unsigned short)r.w;
+ cmd->h = (unsigned short)r.h;
+ cmd->background = bg;
+ cmd->foreground = fg;
+ cmd->font = font;
+ cmd->length = length;
+ cmd->height = font->height;
+ NK_MEMCPY(cmd->string, string, (nk_size)length);
+ cmd->string[length] = '\0';
+/* ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_init(struct nk_draw_list *list)
+ nk_size i = 0;
+ nk_zero(list, sizeof(*list));
+ for (i = 0; i < NK_LEN(list->circle_vtx); ++i) {
+ const float a = ((float)i / (float)NK_LEN(list->circle_vtx)) * 2 * NK_PI;
+ list->circle_vtx[i].x = (float)NK_COS(a);
+ list->circle_vtx[i].y = (float)NK_SIN(a);
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_setup(struct nk_draw_list *canvas, float global_alpha,
+ enum nk_anti_aliasing line_AA, enum nk_anti_aliasing shape_AA,
+ struct nk_draw_null_texture null, struct nk_buffer *cmds,
+ struct nk_buffer *vertices, struct nk_buffer *elements)
+ canvas->null = null;
+ canvas->clip_rect = nk_null_rect;
+ canvas->vertices = vertices;
+ canvas->elements = elements;
+ canvas->buffer = cmds;
+ canvas->line_AA = line_AA;
+ canvas->shape_AA = shape_AA;
+ canvas->global_alpha = global_alpha;
+NK_API const struct nk_draw_command*
+nk__draw_list_begin(const struct nk_draw_list *canvas, const struct nk_buffer *buffer)
+ nk_byte *memory;
+ nk_size offset;
+ const struct nk_draw_command *cmd;
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ if (!buffer || !buffer->size || !canvas->cmd_count)
+ return 0;
+ memory = (nk_byte*)buffer->memory.ptr;
+ offset = buffer->memory.size - canvas->cmd_offset;
+ cmd = nk_ptr_add(const struct nk_draw_command, memory, offset);
+ return cmd;
+NK_API const struct nk_draw_command*
+nk__draw_list_next(const struct nk_draw_command *cmd,
+ const struct nk_buffer *buffer, const struct nk_draw_list *canvas)
+ nk_byte *memory;
+ nk_size size;
+ nk_size offset;
+ const struct nk_draw_command *end;
+ NK_ASSERT(buffer);
+ NK_ASSERT(canvas);
+ if (!cmd || !buffer || !canvas)
+ return 0;
+ memory = (nk_byte*)buffer->memory.ptr;
+ size = buffer->memory.size;
+ offset = size - canvas->cmd_offset;
+ end = nk_ptr_add(const struct nk_draw_command, memory, offset);
+ end -= (canvas->cmd_count-1);
+ if (cmd <= end) return 0;
+ return (cmd-1);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_clear(struct nk_draw_list *list)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ if (list->buffer)
+ nk_buffer_clear(list->buffer);
+ if (list->elements)
+ nk_buffer_clear(list->vertices);
+ if (list->vertices)
+ nk_buffer_clear(list->elements);
+ list->element_count = 0;
+ list->vertex_count = 0;
+ list->cmd_offset = 0;
+ list->cmd_count = 0;
+ list->path_count = 0;
+ list->vertices = 0;
+ list->elements = 0;
+ list->clip_rect = nk_null_rect;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_vec2*
+nk_draw_list_alloc_path(struct nk_draw_list *list, int count)
+ struct nk_vec2 *points;
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size point_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_vec2);
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size point_size = sizeof(struct nk_vec2);
+ points = (struct nk_vec2*)
+ nk_buffer_alloc(list->buffer, NK_BUFFER_FRONT,
+ point_size * (nk_size)count, point_align);
+ if (!points) return 0;
+ if (!list->path_offset) {
+ void *memory = nk_buffer_memory(list->buffer);
+ list->path_offset = (unsigned int)((nk_byte*)points - (nk_byte*)memory);
+ }
+ list->path_count += (unsigned int)count;
+ return points;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_vec2
+nk_draw_list_path_last(struct nk_draw_list *list)
+ void *memory;
+ struct nk_vec2 *point;
+ NK_ASSERT(list->path_count);
+ memory = nk_buffer_memory(list->buffer);
+ point = nk_ptr_add(struct nk_vec2, memory, list->path_offset);
+ point += (list->path_count-1);
+ return *point;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_draw_command*
+nk_draw_list_push_command(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_rect clip,
+ nk_handle texture)
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size cmd_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_draw_command);
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size cmd_size = sizeof(struct nk_draw_command);
+ struct nk_draw_command *cmd;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ cmd = (struct nk_draw_command*)
+ nk_buffer_alloc(list->buffer, NK_BUFFER_BACK, cmd_size, cmd_align);
+ if (!cmd) return 0;
+ if (!list->cmd_count) {
+ nk_byte *memory = (nk_byte*)nk_buffer_memory(list->buffer);
+ nk_size total = nk_buffer_total(list->buffer);
+ memory = nk_ptr_add(nk_byte, memory, total);
+ list->cmd_offset = (nk_size)(memory - (nk_byte*)cmd);
+ }
+ cmd->elem_count = 0;
+ cmd->clip_rect = clip;
+ cmd->texture = texture;
+ list->cmd_count++;
+ list->clip_rect = clip;
+ return cmd;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_draw_command*
+nk_draw_list_command_last(struct nk_draw_list *list)
+ void *memory;
+ nk_size size;
+ struct nk_draw_command *cmd;
+ NK_ASSERT(list->cmd_count);
+ memory = nk_buffer_memory(list->buffer);
+ size = nk_buffer_total(list->buffer);
+ cmd = nk_ptr_add(struct nk_draw_command, memory, size - list->cmd_offset);
+ return (cmd - (list->cmd_count-1));
+nk_draw_list_add_clip(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_rect rect)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ if (!list->cmd_count) {
+ nk_draw_list_push_command(list, rect, list->null.texture);
+ } else {
+ struct nk_draw_command *prev = nk_draw_list_command_last(list);
+ if (prev->elem_count == 0)
+ prev->clip_rect = rect;
+ nk_draw_list_push_command(list, rect, prev->texture);
+ }
+nk_draw_list_push_image(struct nk_draw_list *list, nk_handle texture)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ if (!list->cmd_count) {
+ nk_draw_list_push_command(list, nk_null_rect, texture);
+ } else {
+ struct nk_draw_command *prev = nk_draw_list_command_last(list);
+ if (prev->elem_count == 0)
+ prev->texture = texture;
+ else if (prev->texture.id != texture.id)
+ nk_draw_list_push_command(list, prev->clip_rect, texture);
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_push_userdata(struct nk_draw_list *list, nk_handle userdata)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ if (!list->cmd_count) {
+ struct nk_draw_command *prev;
+ nk_draw_list_push_command(list, nk_null_rect, list->null.texture);
+ prev = nk_draw_list_command_last(list);
+ prev->userdata = userdata;
+ } else {
+ struct nk_draw_command *prev = nk_draw_list_command_last(list);
+ if (prev->elem_count == 0) {
+ prev->userdata = userdata;
+ } else if (prev->userdata.ptr != userdata.ptr) {
+ nk_draw_list_push_command(list, prev->clip_rect, prev->texture);
+ prev = nk_draw_list_command_last(list);
+ prev->userdata = userdata;
+ }
+ }
+NK_INTERN struct nk_draw_vertex*
+nk_draw_list_alloc_vertices(struct nk_draw_list *list, nk_size count)
+ struct nk_draw_vertex *vtx;
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size vtx_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_draw_vertex);
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size vtx_size = sizeof(struct nk_draw_vertex);
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return 0;
+ vtx = (struct nk_draw_vertex*)
+ nk_buffer_alloc(list->vertices, NK_BUFFER_FRONT, vtx_size*count, vtx_align);
+ if (!vtx) return 0;
+ list->vertex_count += (unsigned int)count;
+ return vtx;
+NK_INTERN nk_draw_index*
+nk_draw_list_alloc_elements(struct nk_draw_list *list, nk_size count)
+ nk_draw_index *ids;
+ struct nk_draw_command *cmd;
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size elem_align = NK_ALIGNOF(nk_draw_index);
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size elem_size = sizeof(nk_draw_index);
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return 0;
+ ids = (nk_draw_index*)
+ nk_buffer_alloc(list->elements, NK_BUFFER_FRONT, elem_size*count, elem_align);
+ if (!ids) return 0;
+ cmd = nk_draw_list_command_last(list);
+ list->element_count += (unsigned int)count;
+ cmd->elem_count += (unsigned int)count;
+ return ids;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_draw_vertex
+nk_draw_vertex(struct nk_vec2 pos, struct nk_vec2 uv, nk_draw_vertex_color col)
+ struct nk_draw_vertex out;
+ out.position = pos;
+ out.uv = uv;
+ out.col = col;
+ return out;
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_stroke_poly_line(struct nk_draw_list *list, const struct nk_vec2 *points,
+ const unsigned int points_count, struct nk_color color, enum nk_draw_list_stroke closed,
+ float thickness, enum nk_anti_aliasing aliasing)
+ nk_size count;
+ int thick_line;
+ nk_draw_vertex_color col;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || points_count < 2) return;
+ color.a = (nk_byte)((float)color.a * list->global_alpha);
+ col = nk_color_u32(color);
+ count = points_count;
+ if (!closed) count = points_count-1;
+ thick_line = thickness > 1.0f;
+ nk_draw_list_push_userdata(list, list->userdata);
+ if (aliasing == NK_ANTI_ALIASING_ON) {
+ const float AA_SIZE = 1.0f;
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size pnt_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_vec2);
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size pnt_size = sizeof(struct nk_vec2);
+ const nk_draw_vertex_color col_trans = col & 0x00ffffff;
+ /* allocate vertices and elements */
+ nk_size i1 = 0;
+ nk_size vertex_offset;
+ nk_size index = list->vertex_count;
+ const nk_size idx_count = (thick_line) ? (count * 18) : (count * 12);
+ const nk_size vtx_count = (thick_line) ? (points_count * 4): (points_count *3);
+ struct nk_draw_vertex *vtx = nk_draw_list_alloc_vertices(list, vtx_count);
+ nk_draw_index *ids = nk_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, idx_count);
+ nk_size size;
+ struct nk_vec2 *normals, *temp;
+ NK_ASSERT(vtx && ids);
+ if (!vtx || !ids) return;
+ /* temporary allocate normals + points */
+ vertex_offset = (nk_size)((nk_byte*)vtx - (nk_byte*)list->vertices->memory.ptr);
+ nk_buffer_mark(list->vertices, NK_BUFFER_FRONT);
+ size = pnt_size * ((thick_line) ? 5 : 3) * points_count;
+ normals = (struct nk_vec2*)
+ nk_buffer_alloc(list->vertices, NK_BUFFER_FRONT, size, pnt_align);
+ NK_ASSERT(normals);
+ if (!normals) return;
+ vtx = (struct nk_draw_vertex*)(void*)((nk_byte*)list->vertices->memory.ptr + vertex_offset);
+ temp = normals + points_count;
+ /* calculate normals */
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < count; ++i1) {
+ const nk_size i2 = ((i1 + 1) == points_count) ? 0 : (i1 + 1);
+ struct nk_vec2 diff = nk_vec2_sub(points[i2], points[i1]);
+ float len;
+ /* vec2 inverted length */
+ len = nk_vec2_len_sqr(diff);
+ if (len != 0.0f)
+ len = nk_inv_sqrt(len);
+ else len = 1.0f;
+ diff = nk_vec2_muls(diff, len);
+ normals[i1].x = diff.y;
+ normals[i1].y = -diff.x;
+ }
+ if (!closed)
+ normals[points_count-1] = normals[points_count-2];
+ if (!thick_line) {
+ nk_size idx1, i;
+ if (!closed) {
+ struct nk_vec2 d;
+ temp[0] = nk_vec2_add(points[0], nk_vec2_muls(normals[0], AA_SIZE));
+ temp[1] = nk_vec2_sub(points[0], nk_vec2_muls(normals[0], AA_SIZE));
+ d = nk_vec2_muls(normals[points_count-1], AA_SIZE);
+ temp[(points_count-1) * 2 + 0] = nk_vec2_add(points[points_count-1], d);
+ temp[(points_count-1) * 2 + 1] = nk_vec2_sub(points[points_count-1], d);
+ }
+ /* fill elements */
+ idx1 = index;
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < count; i1++) {
+ struct nk_vec2 dm;
+ float dmr2;
+ nk_size i2 = ((i1 + 1) == points_count) ? 0 : (i1 + 1);
+ nk_size idx2 = ((i1+1) == points_count) ? index: (idx1 + 3);
+ /* average normals */
+ dm = nk_vec2_muls(nk_vec2_add(normals[i1], normals[i2]), 0.5f);
+ dmr2 = dm.x * dm.x + dm.y* dm.y;
+ if (dmr2 > 0.000001f) {
+ float scale = 1.0f/dmr2;
+ scale = NK_MIN(100.0f, scale);
+ dm = nk_vec2_muls(dm, scale);
+ }
+ dm = nk_vec2_muls(dm, AA_SIZE);
+ temp[i2*2+0] = nk_vec2_add(points[i2], dm);
+ temp[i2*2+1] = nk_vec2_sub(points[i2], dm);
+ ids[0] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 0); ids[1] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+0);
+ ids[2] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1 + 2); ids[3] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+2);
+ ids[4] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 2); ids[5] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2+0);
+ ids[6] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 1); ids[7] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+1);
+ ids[8] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1 + 0); ids[9] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+0);
+ ids[10]= (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 0); ids[11]= (nk_draw_index)(idx2+1);
+ ids += 12;
+ idx1 = idx2;
+ }
+ /* fill vertices */
+ for (i = 0; i < points_count; ++i) {
+ const struct nk_vec2 uv = list->null.uv;
+ vtx[0] = nk_draw_vertex(points[i], uv, col);
+ vtx[1] = nk_draw_vertex(temp[i*2+0], uv, col_trans);
+ vtx[2] = nk_draw_vertex(temp[i*2+1], uv, col_trans);
+ vtx += 3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ nk_size idx1, i;
+ const float half_inner_thickness = (thickness - AA_SIZE) * 0.5f;
+ if (!closed) {
+ struct nk_vec2 d1 = nk_vec2_muls(normals[0], half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE);
+ struct nk_vec2 d2 = nk_vec2_muls(normals[0], half_inner_thickness);
+ temp[0] = nk_vec2_add(points[0], d1);
+ temp[1] = nk_vec2_add(points[0], d2);
+ temp[2] = nk_vec2_sub(points[0], d2);
+ temp[3] = nk_vec2_sub(points[0], d1);
+ d1 = nk_vec2_muls(normals[points_count-1], half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE);
+ d2 = nk_vec2_muls(normals[points_count-1], half_inner_thickness);
+ temp[(points_count-1)*4+0] = nk_vec2_add(points[points_count-1], d1);
+ temp[(points_count-1)*4+1] = nk_vec2_add(points[points_count-1], d2);
+ temp[(points_count-1)*4+2] = nk_vec2_sub(points[points_count-1], d2);
+ temp[(points_count-1)*4+3] = nk_vec2_sub(points[points_count-1], d1);
+ }
+ /* add all elements */
+ idx1 = index;
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < count; ++i1) {
+ struct nk_vec2 dm_out, dm_in;
+ const nk_size i2 = ((i1+1) == points_count) ? 0: (i1 + 1);
+ nk_size idx2 = ((i1+1) == points_count) ? index: (idx1 + 4);
+ /* average normals */
+ struct nk_vec2 dm = nk_vec2_muls(nk_vec2_add(normals[i1], normals[i2]), 0.5f);
+ float dmr2 = dm.x * dm.x + dm.y* dm.y;
+ if (dmr2 > 0.000001f) {
+ float scale = 1.0f/dmr2;
+ scale = NK_MIN(100.0f, scale);
+ dm = nk_vec2_muls(dm, scale);
+ }
+ dm_out = nk_vec2_muls(dm, ((half_inner_thickness) + AA_SIZE));
+ dm_in = nk_vec2_muls(dm, half_inner_thickness);
+ temp[i2*4+0] = nk_vec2_add(points[i2], dm_out);
+ temp[i2*4+1] = nk_vec2_add(points[i2], dm_in);
+ temp[i2*4+2] = nk_vec2_sub(points[i2], dm_in);
+ temp[i2*4+3] = nk_vec2_sub(points[i2], dm_out);
+ /* add indexes */
+ ids[0] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 1); ids[1] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+1);
+ ids[2] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1 + 2); ids[3] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+2);
+ ids[4] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 2); ids[5] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2+1);
+ ids[6] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 1); ids[7] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+1);
+ ids[8] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1 + 0); ids[9] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+0);
+ ids[10]= (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 0); ids[11] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2+1);
+ ids[12]= (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 2); ids[13] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+2);
+ ids[14]= (nk_draw_index)(idx1 + 3); ids[15] = (nk_draw_index)(idx1+3);
+ ids[16]= (nk_draw_index)(idx2 + 3); ids[17] = (nk_draw_index)(idx2+2);
+ ids += 18;
+ idx1 = idx2;
+ }
+ /* add vertices */
+ for (i = 0; i < points_count; ++i) {
+ const struct nk_vec2 uv = list->null.uv;
+ vtx[0] = nk_draw_vertex(temp[i*4+0], uv, col_trans);
+ vtx[1] = nk_draw_vertex(temp[i*4+1], uv, col);
+ vtx[2] = nk_draw_vertex(temp[i*4+2], uv, col);
+ vtx[3] = nk_draw_vertex(temp[i*4+3], uv, col_trans);
+ vtx += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ /* free temporary normals + points */
+ nk_buffer_reset(list->vertices, NK_BUFFER_FRONT);
+ } else {
+ nk_size i1 = 0;
+ nk_size idx = list->vertex_count;
+ const nk_size idx_count = count * 6;
+ const nk_size vtx_count = count * 4;
+ struct nk_draw_vertex *vtx = nk_draw_list_alloc_vertices(list, vtx_count);
+ nk_draw_index *ids = nk_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, idx_count);
+ if (!vtx || !ids) return;
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < count; ++i1) {
+ float dx, dy;
+ const struct nk_vec2 uv = list->null.uv;
+ const nk_size i2 = ((i1+1) == points_count) ? 0 : i1 + 1;
+ const struct nk_vec2 p1 = points[i1];
+ const struct nk_vec2 p2 = points[i2];
+ struct nk_vec2 diff = nk_vec2_sub(p2, p1);
+ float len;
+ /* vec2 inverted length */
+ len = nk_vec2_len_sqr(diff);
+ if (len != 0.0f)
+ len = nk_inv_sqrt(len);
+ else len = 1.0f;
+ diff = nk_vec2_muls(diff, len);
+ /* add vertices */
+ dx = diff.x * (thickness * 0.5f);
+ dy = diff.y * (thickness * 0.5f);
+ vtx[0] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2(p1.x + dy, p1.y - dx), uv, col);
+ vtx[1] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2(p2.x + dy, p2.y - dx), uv, col);
+ vtx[2] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2(p2.x - dy, p2.y + dx), uv, col);
+ vtx[3] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2(p1.x - dy, p1.y + dx), uv, col);
+ vtx += 4;
+ ids[0] = (nk_draw_index)(idx+0); ids[1] = (nk_draw_index)(idx+1);
+ ids[2] = (nk_draw_index)(idx+2); ids[3] = (nk_draw_index)(idx+0);
+ ids[4] = (nk_draw_index)(idx+2); ids[5] = (nk_draw_index)(idx+3);
+ ids += 6;
+ idx += 4;
+ }
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_fill_poly_convex(struct nk_draw_list *list,
+ const struct nk_vec2 *points, const unsigned int points_count,
+ struct nk_color color, enum nk_anti_aliasing aliasing)
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size pnt_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_vec2);
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size pnt_size = sizeof(struct nk_vec2);
+ nk_draw_vertex_color col;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || points_count < 3) return;
+ nk_draw_list_push_userdata(list, list->userdata);
+ color.a = (nk_byte)((float)color.a * list->global_alpha);
+ col = nk_color_u32(color);
+ if (aliasing == NK_ANTI_ALIASING_ON) {
+ nk_size i = 0;
+ nk_size i0 = 0;
+ nk_size i1 = 0;
+ const float AA_SIZE = 1.0f;
+ nk_size vertex_offset = 0;
+ const nk_draw_vertex_color col_trans = col & 0x00ffffff;
+ nk_size index = list->vertex_count;
+ const nk_size idx_count = (points_count-2)*3 + points_count*6;
+ const nk_size vtx_count = (points_count*2);
+ struct nk_draw_vertex *vtx = nk_draw_list_alloc_vertices(list, vtx_count);
+ nk_draw_index *ids = nk_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, idx_count);
+ unsigned int vtx_inner_idx = (unsigned int)(index + 0);
+ unsigned int vtx_outer_idx = (unsigned int)(index + 1);
+ struct nk_vec2 *normals = 0;
+ nk_size size = 0;
+ if (!vtx || !ids) return;
+ /* temporary allocate normals */
+ vertex_offset = (nk_size)((nk_byte*)vtx - (nk_byte*)list->vertices->memory.ptr);
+ nk_buffer_mark(list->vertices, NK_BUFFER_FRONT);
+ size = pnt_size * points_count;
+ normals = (struct nk_vec2*)
+ nk_buffer_alloc(list->vertices, NK_BUFFER_FRONT, size, pnt_align);
+ NK_ASSERT(normals);
+ if (!normals) return;
+ vtx = (struct nk_draw_vertex*)(void*)((nk_byte*)list->vertices->memory.ptr + vertex_offset);
+ /* add elements */
+ for (i = 2; i < points_count; i++) {
+ ids[0] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx);
+ ids[1] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx + ((i-1) << 1));
+ ids[2] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx + (i << 1));
+ ids += 3;
+ }
+ /* compute normals */
+ for (i0 = points_count-1, i1 = 0; i1 < points_count; i0 = i1++) {
+ struct nk_vec2 p0 = points[i0];
+ struct nk_vec2 p1 = points[i1];
+ struct nk_vec2 diff = nk_vec2_sub(p1, p0);
+ /* vec2 inverted length */
+ float len = nk_vec2_len_sqr(diff);
+ if (len != 0.0f)
+ len = nk_inv_sqrt(len);
+ else len = 1.0f;
+ diff = nk_vec2_muls(diff, len);
+ normals[i0].x = diff.y;
+ normals[i0].y = -diff.x;
+ }
+ /* add vertices + indexes */
+ for (i0 = points_count-1, i1 = 0; i1 < points_count; i0 = i1++) {
+ const struct nk_vec2 uv = list->null.uv;
+ struct nk_vec2 n0 = normals[i0];
+ struct nk_vec2 n1 = normals[i1];
+ struct nk_vec2 dm = nk_vec2_muls(nk_vec2_add(n0, n1), 0.5f);
+ float dmr2 = dm.x*dm.x + dm.y*dm.y;
+ if (dmr2 > 0.000001f) {
+ float scale = 1.0f / dmr2;
+ scale = NK_MIN(scale, 100.0f);
+ dm = nk_vec2_muls(dm, scale);
+ }
+ dm = nk_vec2_muls(dm, AA_SIZE * 0.5f);
+ /* add vertices */
+ vtx[0] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2_sub(points[i1], dm), uv, col);
+ vtx[1] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2_add(points[i1], dm), uv, col_trans);
+ vtx += 2;
+ /* add indexes */
+ ids[0] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx+(i1<<1));
+ ids[1] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx+(i0<<1));
+ ids[2] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_outer_idx+(i0<<1));
+ ids[3] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_outer_idx+(i0<<1));
+ ids[4] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_outer_idx+(i1<<1));
+ ids[5] = (nk_draw_index)(vtx_inner_idx+(i1<<1));
+ ids += 6;
+ }
+ /* free temporary normals + points */
+ nk_buffer_reset(list->vertices, NK_BUFFER_FRONT);
+ } else {
+ nk_size i = 0;
+ nk_size index = list->vertex_count;
+ const nk_size idx_count = (points_count-2)*3;
+ const nk_size vtx_count = points_count;
+ struct nk_draw_vertex *vtx = nk_draw_list_alloc_vertices(list, vtx_count);
+ nk_draw_index *ids = nk_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, idx_count);
+ if (!vtx || !ids) return;
+ for (i = 0; i < vtx_count; ++i) {
+ vtx[0] = nk_draw_vertex(points[i], list->null.uv, col);
+ vtx++;
+ }
+ for (i = 2; i < points_count; ++i) {
+ ids[0] = (nk_draw_index)index;
+ ids[1] = (nk_draw_index)(index+ i - 1);
+ ids[2] = (nk_draw_index)(index+i);
+ ids += 3;
+ }
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_path_clear(struct nk_draw_list *list)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ nk_buffer_reset(list->buffer, NK_BUFFER_FRONT);
+ list->path_count = 0;
+ list->path_offset = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_path_line_to(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 pos)
+ struct nk_vec2 *points = 0;
+ struct nk_draw_command *cmd = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ if (!list->cmd_count)
+ nk_draw_list_add_clip(list, nk_null_rect);
+ cmd = nk_draw_list_command_last(list);
+ if (cmd && cmd->texture.ptr != list->null.texture.ptr)
+ nk_draw_list_push_image(list, list->null.texture);
+ points = nk_draw_list_alloc_path(list, 1);
+ if (!points) return;
+ points[0] = pos;
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 center,
+ float radius, int a_min, int a_max)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ if (a_min <= a_max) {
+ int a = 0;
+ for (a = a_min; a <= a_max; a++) {
+ const struct nk_vec2 c = list->circle_vtx[(nk_size)a % NK_LEN(list->circle_vtx)];
+ const float x = center.x + c.x * radius;
+ const float y = center.y + c.y * radius;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, nk_vec2(x, y));
+ }
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_path_arc_to(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 center,
+ float radius, float a_min, float a_max, unsigned int segments)
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ if (radius == 0.0f) return;
+ for (i = 0; i <= segments; ++i) {
+ const float a = a_min + ((float)i / ((float)segments) * (a_max - a_min));
+ const float x = center.x + (float)NK_COS(a) * radius;
+ const float y = center.y + (float)NK_SIN(a) * radius;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, nk_vec2(x, y));
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_path_rect_to(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 a,
+ struct nk_vec2 b, float rounding)
+ float r;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ r = rounding;
+ r = NK_MIN(r, ((b.x-a.x) < 0) ? -(b.x-a.x): (b.x-a.x));
+ r = NK_MIN(r, ((b.y-a.y) < 0) ? -(b.y-a.y): (b.y-a.y));
+ if (r == 0.0f) {
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, a);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, nk_vec2(b.x,a.y));
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, b);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, nk_vec2(a.x,b.y));
+ } else {
+ nk_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(list, nk_vec2(a.x + r, a.y + r), r, 6, 9);
+ nk_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(list, nk_vec2(b.x - r, a.y + r), r, 9, 12);
+ nk_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(list, nk_vec2(b.x - r, b.y - r), r, 0, 3);
+ nk_draw_list_path_arc_to_fast(list, nk_vec2(a.x + r, b.y - r), r, 3, 6);
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_path_curve_to(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 p2,
+ struct nk_vec2 p3, struct nk_vec2 p4, unsigned int num_segments)
+ unsigned int i_step;
+ float t_step;
+ struct nk_vec2 p1;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ NK_ASSERT(list->path_count);
+ if (!list || !list->path_count) return;
+ num_segments = NK_MAX(num_segments, 1);
+ p1 = nk_draw_list_path_last(list);
+ t_step = 1.0f/(float)num_segments;
+ for (i_step = 1; i_step <= num_segments; ++i_step) {
+ float t = t_step * (float)i_step;
+ float u = 1.0f - t;
+ float w1 = u*u*u;
+ float w2 = 3*u*u*t;
+ float w3 = 3*u*t*t;
+ float w4 = t * t *t;
+ float x = w1 * p1.x + w2 * p2.x + w3 * p3.x + w4 * p4.x;
+ float y = w1 * p1.y + w2 * p2.y + w3 * p3.y + w4 * p4.y;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, nk_vec2(x,y));
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_path_fill(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_color color)
+ struct nk_vec2 *points;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ points = (struct nk_vec2*)nk_buffer_memory(list->buffer);
+ nk_draw_list_fill_poly_convex(list, points, list->path_count, color, list->shape_AA);
+ nk_draw_list_path_clear(list);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_path_stroke(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_color color,
+ enum nk_draw_list_stroke closed, float thickness)
+ struct nk_vec2 *points;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ points = (struct nk_vec2*)nk_buffer_memory(list->buffer);
+ nk_draw_list_stroke_poly_line(list, points, list->path_count, color,
+ closed, thickness, list->line_AA);
+ nk_draw_list_path_clear(list);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_stroke_line(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 a,
+ struct nk_vec2 b, struct nk_color col, float thickness)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !col.a) return;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, nk_vec2_add(a, nk_vec2(0.5f, 0.5f)));
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, nk_vec2_add(b, nk_vec2(0.5f, 0.5f)));
+ nk_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, NK_STROKE_OPEN, thickness);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_fill_rect(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_rect rect,
+ struct nk_color col, float rounding)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !col.a) return;
+ nk_draw_list_path_rect_to(list, nk_vec2(rect.x + 0.5f, rect.y + 0.5f),
+ nk_vec2(rect.x + rect.w + 0.5f, rect.y + rect.h + 0.5f), rounding);
+ nk_draw_list_path_fill(list, col);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_stroke_rect(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_rect rect,
+ struct nk_color col, float rounding, float thickness)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !col.a) return;
+ nk_draw_list_path_rect_to(list, nk_vec2(rect.x + 0.5f, rect.y + 0.5f),
+ nk_vec2(rect.x + rect.w + 0.5f, rect.y + rect.h + 0.5f), rounding);
+ nk_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, NK_STROKE_CLOSED, thickness);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_fill_rect_multi_color(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_rect rect,
+ struct nk_color left, struct nk_color top, struct nk_color right,
+ struct nk_color bottom)
+ nk_draw_vertex_color col_left = nk_color_u32(left);
+ nk_draw_vertex_color col_top = nk_color_u32(top);
+ nk_draw_vertex_color col_right = nk_color_u32(right);
+ nk_draw_vertex_color col_bottom = nk_color_u32(bottom);
+ struct nk_draw_vertex *vtx;
+ nk_draw_index *idx;
+ nk_draw_index index;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ nk_draw_list_push_image(list, list->null.texture);
+ index = (nk_draw_index)list->vertex_count;
+ vtx = nk_draw_list_alloc_vertices(list, 4);
+ idx = nk_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, 6);
+ if (!vtx || !idx) return;
+ idx[0] = (nk_draw_index)(index+0); idx[1] = (nk_draw_index)(index+1);
+ idx[2] = (nk_draw_index)(index+2); idx[3] = (nk_draw_index)(index+0);
+ idx[4] = (nk_draw_index)(index+2); idx[5] = (nk_draw_index)(index+3);
+ vtx[0] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2(rect.x, rect.y), list->null.uv, col_left);
+ vtx[1] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2(rect.x + rect.w, rect.y), list->null.uv, col_top);
+ vtx[2] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2(rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h), list->null.uv, col_right);
+ vtx[3] = nk_draw_vertex(nk_vec2(rect.x, rect.y + rect.h), list->null.uv, col_bottom);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_fill_triangle(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 a,
+ struct nk_vec2 b, struct nk_vec2 c, struct nk_color col)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !col.a) return;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, a);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, b);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, c);
+ nk_draw_list_path_fill(list, col);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_stroke_triangle(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 a,
+ struct nk_vec2 b, struct nk_vec2 c, struct nk_color col, float thickness)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !col.a) return;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, a);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, b);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, c);
+ nk_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, NK_STROKE_CLOSED, thickness);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_fill_circle(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 center,
+ float radius, struct nk_color col, unsigned int segs)
+ float a_max;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !col.a) return;
+ a_max = NK_PI * 2.0f * ((float)segs - 1.0f) / (float)segs;
+ nk_draw_list_path_arc_to(list, center, radius, 0.0f, a_max, segs);
+ nk_draw_list_path_fill(list, col);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_stroke_circle(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 center,
+ float radius, struct nk_color col, unsigned int segs, float thickness)
+ float a_max;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !col.a) return;
+ a_max = NK_PI * 2.0f * ((float)segs - 1.0f) / (float)segs;
+ nk_draw_list_path_arc_to(list, center, radius, 0.0f, a_max, segs);
+ nk_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, NK_STROKE_CLOSED, thickness);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_stroke_curve(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 p0,
+ struct nk_vec2 cp0, struct nk_vec2 cp1, struct nk_vec2 p1,
+ struct nk_color col, unsigned int segments, float thickness)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !col.a) return;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(list, p0);
+ nk_draw_list_path_curve_to(list, cp0, cp1, p1, segments);
+ nk_draw_list_path_stroke(list, col, NK_STROKE_OPEN, thickness);
+nk_draw_list_push_rect_uv(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_vec2 a,
+ struct nk_vec2 c, struct nk_vec2 uva, struct nk_vec2 uvc,
+ struct nk_color color)
+ nk_draw_vertex_color col = nk_color_u32(color);
+ struct nk_draw_vertex *vtx;
+ struct nk_vec2 uvb;
+ struct nk_vec2 uvd;
+ struct nk_vec2 b;
+ struct nk_vec2 d;
+ nk_draw_index *idx;
+ nk_draw_index index;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ uvb = nk_vec2(uvc.x, uva.y);
+ uvd = nk_vec2(uva.x, uvc.y);
+ b = nk_vec2(c.x, a.y);
+ d = nk_vec2(a.x, c.y);
+ index = (nk_draw_index)list->vertex_count;
+ vtx = nk_draw_list_alloc_vertices(list, 4);
+ idx = nk_draw_list_alloc_elements(list, 6);
+ if (!vtx || !idx) return;
+ idx[0] = (nk_draw_index)(index+0); idx[1] = (nk_draw_index)(index+1);
+ idx[2] = (nk_draw_index)(index+2); idx[3] = (nk_draw_index)(index+0);
+ idx[4] = (nk_draw_index)(index+2); idx[5] = (nk_draw_index)(index+3);
+ vtx[0] = nk_draw_vertex(a, uva, col);
+ vtx[1] = nk_draw_vertex(b, uvb, col);
+ vtx[2] = nk_draw_vertex(c, uvc, col);
+ vtx[3] = nk_draw_vertex(d, uvd, col);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_add_image(struct nk_draw_list *list, struct nk_image texture,
+ struct nk_rect rect, struct nk_color color)
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list) return;
+ /* push new command with given texture */
+ nk_draw_list_push_image(list, texture.handle);
+ if (nk_image_is_subimage(&texture)) {
+ /* add region inside of the texture */
+ struct nk_vec2 uv[2];
+ uv[0].x = (float)texture.region[0]/(float)texture.w;
+ uv[0].y = (float)texture.region[1]/(float)texture.h;
+ uv[1].x = (float)(texture.region[0] + texture.region[2])/(float)texture.w;
+ uv[1].y = (float)(texture.region[1] + texture.region[3])/(float)texture.h;
+ nk_draw_list_push_rect_uv(list, nk_vec2(rect.x, rect.y),
+ nk_vec2(rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h), uv[0], uv[1], color);
+ } else nk_draw_list_push_rect_uv(list, nk_vec2(rect.x, rect.y),
+ nk_vec2(rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h),
+ nk_vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), nk_vec2(1.0f, 1.0f),color);
+NK_API void
+nk_draw_list_add_text(struct nk_draw_list *list, const struct nk_user_font *font,
+ struct nk_rect rect, const char *text, int len, float font_height,
+ struct nk_color fg)
+ float x = 0;
+ int text_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode = 0;
+ nk_rune next = 0;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ int next_glyph_len = 0;
+ struct nk_user_font_glyph g;
+ NK_ASSERT(list);
+ if (!list || !len || !text) return;
+ if (rect.x > (list->clip_rect.x + list->clip_rect.w) ||
+ rect.y > (list->clip_rect.y + list->clip_rect.h) ||
+ rect.x < list->clip_rect.x || rect.y < list->clip_rect.y)
+ return;
+ nk_draw_list_push_image(list, font->texture);
+ x = rect.x;
+ glyph_len = text_len = nk_utf_decode(text, &unicode, len);
+ if (!glyph_len) return;
+ /* draw every glyph image */
+ while (text_len <= len && glyph_len) {
+ float gx, gy, gh, gw;
+ float char_width = 0;
+ if (unicode == NK_UTF_INVALID) break;
+ /* query currently drawn glyph information */
+ next_glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &next, (int)len - text_len);
+ font->query(font->userdata, font_height, &g, unicode,
+ (next == NK_UTF_INVALID) ? '\0' : next);
+ /* calculate and draw glyph drawing rectangle and image */
+ gx = x + g.offset.x;
+ /*gy = rect.y + (rect.h/2) - (font->height/2) + g.offset.y;*/
+ gy = rect.y + g.offset.y;
+ gw = g.width; gh = g.height;
+ char_width = g.xadvance;
+ fg.a = (nk_byte)((float)fg.a * list->global_alpha);
+ nk_draw_list_push_rect_uv(list, nk_vec2(gx,gy), nk_vec2(gx + gw, gy+ gh),
+ g.uv[0], g.uv[1], fg);
+ /* offset next glyph */
+ text_len += glyph_len;
+ x += char_width;
+ glyph_len = next_glyph_len;
+ unicode = next;
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_convert(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_buffer *cmds,
+ struct nk_buffer *vertices, struct nk_buffer *elements,
+ const struct nk_convert_config *config)
+ const struct nk_command *cmd;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(cmds);
+ NK_ASSERT(vertices);
+ NK_ASSERT(elements);
+ if (!ctx || !cmds || !vertices || !elements)
+ return;
+ nk_draw_list_setup(&ctx->draw_list, config->global_alpha, config->line_AA,
+ config->shape_AA, config->null, cmds, vertices, elements);
+ nk_foreach(cmd, ctx)
+ {
+ list->userdata = cmd->userdata;
+ switch (cmd->type) {
+ case NK_COMMAND_NOP: break;
+ const struct nk_command_scissor *s = (const struct nk_command_scissor*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_add_clip(&ctx->draw_list, nk_rect(s->x, s->y, s->w, s->h));
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_line *l = (const struct nk_command_line*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_stroke_line(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2(l->begin.x, l->begin.y),
+ nk_vec2(l->end.x, l->end.y), l->color, l->line_thickness);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_curve *q = (const struct nk_command_curve*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_stroke_curve(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2(q->begin.x, q->begin.y),
+ nk_vec2(q->ctrl[0].x, q->ctrl[0].y), nk_vec2(q->ctrl[1].x,
+ q->ctrl[1].y), nk_vec2(q->end.x, q->end.y), q->color,
+ config->curve_segment_count, q->line_thickness);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_rect *r = (const struct nk_command_rect*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_stroke_rect(&ctx->draw_list, nk_rect(r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h),
+ r->color, (float)r->rounding, r->line_thickness);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_rect_filled *r = (const struct nk_command_rect_filled*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_fill_rect(&ctx->draw_list, nk_rect(r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h),
+ r->color, (float)r->rounding);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_rect_multi_color *r = (const struct nk_command_rect_multi_color*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_fill_rect_multi_color(&ctx->draw_list, nk_rect(r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h),
+ r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_circle *c = (const struct nk_command_circle*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_stroke_circle(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2((float)c->x + (float)c->w/2,
+ (float)c->y + (float)c->h/2), (float)c->w/2, c->color,
+ config->circle_segment_count, c->line_thickness);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_circle_filled *c = (const struct nk_command_circle_filled *)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_fill_circle(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2((float)c->x + (float)c->w/2,
+ (float)c->y + (float)c->h/2), (float)c->w/2, c->color,
+ config->circle_segment_count);
+ } break;
+ case NK_COMMAND_ARC: {
+ const struct nk_command_arc *c = (const struct nk_command_arc*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2(c->cx, c->cy));
+ nk_draw_list_path_arc_to(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2(c->cx, c->cy), c->r,
+ c->a[0], c->a[1], config->arc_segment_count);
+ nk_draw_list_path_stroke(&ctx->draw_list, c->color, NK_STROKE_CLOSED, c->line_thickness);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_arc_filled *c = (const struct nk_command_arc_filled*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2(c->cx, c->cy));
+ nk_draw_list_path_arc_to(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2(c->cx, c->cy), c->r,
+ c->a[0], c->a[1], config->arc_segment_count);
+ nk_draw_list_path_fill(&ctx->draw_list, c->color);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_triangle *t = (const struct nk_command_triangle*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_stroke_triangle(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2(t->a.x, t->a.y),
+ nk_vec2(t->b.x, t->b.y), nk_vec2(t->c.x, t->c.y), t->color,
+ t->line_thickness);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_triangle_filled *t = (const struct nk_command_triangle_filled*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_fill_triangle(&ctx->draw_list, nk_vec2(t->a.x, t->a.y),
+ nk_vec2(t->b.x, t->b.y), nk_vec2(t->c.x, t->c.y), t->color);
+ } break;
+ int i;
+ const struct nk_command_polygon*p = (const struct nk_command_polygon*)cmd;
+ for (i = 0; i < p->point_count; ++i) {
+ struct nk_vec2 pnt = nk_vec2((float)p->points[i].x, (float)p->points[i].y);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(&ctx->draw_list, pnt);
+ }
+ nk_draw_list_path_stroke(&ctx->draw_list, p->color, NK_STROKE_CLOSED, p->line_thickness);
+ } break;
+ int i;
+ const struct nk_command_polygon_filled *p = (const struct nk_command_polygon_filled*)cmd;
+ for (i = 0; i < p->point_count; ++i) {
+ struct nk_vec2 pnt = nk_vec2((float)p->points[i].x, (float)p->points[i].y);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(&ctx->draw_list, pnt);
+ }
+ nk_draw_list_path_fill(&ctx->draw_list, p->color);
+ } break;
+ int i;
+ const struct nk_command_polyline *p = (const struct nk_command_polyline*)cmd;
+ for (i = 0; i < p->point_count; ++i) {
+ struct nk_vec2 pnt = nk_vec2((float)p->points[i].x, (float)p->points[i].y);
+ nk_draw_list_path_line_to(&ctx->draw_list, pnt);
+ }
+ nk_draw_list_path_stroke(&ctx->draw_list, p->color, NK_STROKE_OPEN, p->line_thickness);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_text *t = (const struct nk_command_text*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_add_text(&ctx->draw_list, t->font, nk_rect(t->x, t->y, t->w, t->h),
+ t->string, t->length, t->height, t->foreground);
+ } break;
+ const struct nk_command_image *i = (const struct nk_command_image*)cmd;
+ nk_draw_list_add_image(&ctx->draw_list, i->img, nk_rect(i->x, i->y, i->w, i->h),
+ nk_rgb(255, 255, 255));
+ } break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+NK_API const struct nk_draw_command*
+nk__draw_begin(const struct nk_context *ctx,
+ const struct nk_buffer *buffer)
+{return nk__draw_list_begin(&ctx->draw_list, buffer);}
+NK_API const struct nk_draw_command*
+nk__draw_next(const struct nk_draw_command *cmd,
+ const struct nk_buffer *buffer, const struct nk_context *ctx)
+{return nk__draw_list_next(cmd, buffer, &ctx->draw_list);}
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* stb_rect_pack.h - v0.05 - public domain - rectangle packing */
+/* Sean Barrett 2014 */
+#define NK_RP__MAXVAL 0xffff
+typedef unsigned short nk_rp_coord;
+struct nk_rp_rect {
+ /* reserved for your use: */
+ int id;
+ /* input: */
+ nk_rp_coord w, h;
+ /* output: */
+ nk_rp_coord x, y;
+ int was_packed;
+ /* non-zero if valid packing */
+}; /* 16 bytes, nominally */
+struct nk_rp_node {
+ nk_rp_coord x,y;
+ struct nk_rp_node *next;
+struct nk_rp_context {
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int align;
+ int init_mode;
+ int heuristic;
+ int num_nodes;
+ struct nk_rp_node *active_head;
+ struct nk_rp_node *free_head;
+ struct nk_rp_node extra[2];
+ /* we allocate two extra nodes so optimal user-node-count is 'width' not 'width+2' */
+struct nk_rp__findresult {
+ int x,y;
+ struct nk_rp_node **prev_link;
+ NK_RP_HEURISTIC_Skyline_default=0,
+ NK_RP_HEURISTIC_Skyline_BL_sortHeight = NK_RP_HEURISTIC_Skyline_default,
+ NK_RP_HEURISTIC_Skyline_BF_sortHeight
+enum NK_RP_INIT_STATE{NK_RP__INIT_skyline = 1};
+nk_rp_setup_allow_out_of_mem(struct nk_rp_context *context, int allow_out_of_mem)
+ if (allow_out_of_mem)
+ /* if it's ok to run out of memory, then don't bother aligning them; */
+ /* this gives better packing, but may fail due to OOM (even though */
+ /* the rectangles easily fit). @TODO a smarter approach would be to only */
+ /* quantize once we've hit OOM, then we could get rid of this parameter. */
+ context->align = 1;
+ else {
+ /* if it's not ok to run out of memory, then quantize the widths */
+ /* so that num_nodes is always enough nodes. */
+ /* */
+ /* I.e. num_nodes * align >= width */
+ /* align >= width / num_nodes */
+ /* align = ceil(width/num_nodes) */
+ context->align = (context->width + context->num_nodes-1) / context->num_nodes;
+ }
+nk_rp_init_target(struct nk_rp_context *context, int width, int height,
+ struct nk_rp_node *nodes, int num_nodes)
+ int i;
+ NK_ASSERT(width <= 0xffff && height <= 0xffff);
+ for (i=0; i < num_nodes-1; ++i)
+ nodes[i].next = &nodes[i+1];
+ nodes[i].next = 0;
+ context->init_mode = NK_RP__INIT_skyline;
+ context->heuristic = NK_RP_HEURISTIC_Skyline_default;
+ context->free_head = &nodes[0];
+ context->active_head = &context->extra[0];
+ context->width = width;
+ context->height = height;
+ context->num_nodes = num_nodes;
+ nk_rp_setup_allow_out_of_mem(context, 0);
+ /* node 0 is the full width, node 1 is the sentinel (lets us not store width explicitly) */
+ context->extra[0].x = 0;
+ context->extra[0].y = 0;
+ context->extra[0].next = &context->extra[1];
+ context->extra[1].x = (nk_rp_coord) width;
+ context->extra[1].y = 65535;
+ context->extra[1].next = 0;
+/* find minimum y position if it starts at x1 */
+nk_rp__skyline_find_min_y(struct nk_rp_context *c, struct nk_rp_node *first,
+ int x0, int width, int *pwaste)
+ struct nk_rp_node *node = first;
+ int x1 = x0 + width;
+ int min_y, visited_width, waste_area;
+ NK_ASSERT(first->x <= x0);
+ NK_ASSERT(node->next->x > x0);
+ /* we ended up handling this in the caller for efficiency */
+ NK_ASSERT(node->x <= x0);
+ min_y = 0;
+ waste_area = 0;
+ visited_width = 0;
+ while (node->x < x1)
+ {
+ if (node->y > min_y) {
+ /* raise min_y higher. */
+ /* we've accounted for all waste up to min_y, */
+ /* but we'll now add more waste for everything we've visited */
+ waste_area += visited_width * (node->y - min_y);
+ min_y = node->y;
+ /* the first time through, visited_width might be reduced */
+ if (node->x < x0)
+ visited_width += node->next->x - x0;
+ else
+ visited_width += node->next->x - node->x;
+ } else {
+ /* add waste area */
+ int under_width = node->next->x - node->x;
+ if (under_width + visited_width > width)
+ under_width = width - visited_width;
+ waste_area += under_width * (min_y - node->y);
+ visited_width += under_width;
+ }
+ node = node->next;
+ }
+ *pwaste = waste_area;
+ return min_y;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_rp__findresult
+nk_rp__skyline_find_best_pos(struct nk_rp_context *c, int width, int height)
+ int best_waste = (1<<30), best_x, best_y = (1 << 30);
+ struct nk_rp__findresult fr;
+ struct nk_rp_node **prev, *node, *tail, **best = 0;
+ /* align to multiple of c->align */
+ width = (width + c->align - 1);
+ width -= width % c->align;
+ NK_ASSERT(width % c->align == 0);
+ node = c->active_head;
+ prev = &c->active_head;
+ while (node->x + width <= c->width) {
+ int y,waste;
+ y = nk_rp__skyline_find_min_y(c, node, node->x, width, &waste);
+ /* actually just want to test BL */
+ if (c->heuristic == NK_RP_HEURISTIC_Skyline_BL_sortHeight) {
+ /* bottom left */
+ if (y < best_y) {
+ best_y = y;
+ best = prev;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* best-fit */
+ if (y + height <= c->height) {
+ /* can only use it if it first vertically */
+ if (y < best_y || (y == best_y && waste < best_waste)) {
+ best_y = y;
+ best_waste = waste;
+ best = prev;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prev = &node->next;
+ node = node->next;
+ }
+ best_x = (best == 0) ? 0 : (*best)->x;
+ /* if doing best-fit (BF), we also have to try aligning right edge to each node position */
+ /* */
+ /* e.g, if fitting */
+ /* */
+ /* ____________________ */
+ /* |____________________| */
+ /* */
+ /* into */
+ /* */
+ /* | | */
+ /* | ____________| */
+ /* |____________| */
+ /* */
+ /* then right-aligned reduces waste, but bottom-left BL is always chooses left-aligned */
+ /* */
+ /* This makes BF take about 2x the time */
+ if (c->heuristic == NK_RP_HEURISTIC_Skyline_BF_sortHeight)
+ {
+ tail = c->active_head;
+ node = c->active_head;
+ prev = &c->active_head;
+ /* find first node that's admissible */
+ while (tail->x < width)
+ tail = tail->next;
+ while (tail)
+ {
+ int xpos = tail->x - width;
+ int y,waste;
+ NK_ASSERT(xpos >= 0);
+ /* find the left position that matches this */
+ while (node->next->x <= xpos) {
+ prev = &node->next;
+ node = node->next;
+ }
+ NK_ASSERT(node->next->x > xpos && node->x <= xpos);
+ y = nk_rp__skyline_find_min_y(c, node, xpos, width, &waste);
+ if (y + height < c->height) {
+ if (y <= best_y) {
+ if (y < best_y || waste < best_waste || (waste==best_waste && xpos < best_x)) {
+ best_x = xpos;
+ NK_ASSERT(y <= best_y);
+ best_y = y;
+ best_waste = waste;
+ best = prev;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tail = tail->next;
+ }
+ }
+ fr.prev_link = best;
+ fr.x = best_x;
+ fr.y = best_y;
+ return fr;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_rp__findresult
+nk_rp__skyline_pack_rectangle(struct nk_rp_context *context, int width, int height)
+ /* find best position according to heuristic */
+ struct nk_rp__findresult res = nk_rp__skyline_find_best_pos(context, width, height);
+ struct nk_rp_node *node, *cur;
+ /* bail if: */
+ /* 1. it failed */
+ /* 2. the best node doesn't fit (we don't always check this) */
+ /* 3. we're out of memory */
+ if (res.prev_link == 0 || res.y + height > context->height || context->free_head == 0) {
+ res.prev_link = 0;
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* on success, create new node */
+ node = context->free_head;
+ node->x = (nk_rp_coord) res.x;
+ node->y = (nk_rp_coord) (res.y + height);
+ context->free_head = node->next;
+ /* insert the new node into the right starting point, and */
+ /* let 'cur' point to the remaining nodes needing to be */
+ /* stitched back in */
+ cur = *res.prev_link;
+ if (cur->x < res.x) {
+ /* preserve the existing one, so start testing with the next one */
+ struct nk_rp_node *next = cur->next;
+ cur->next = node;
+ cur = next;
+ } else {
+ *res.prev_link = node;
+ }
+ /* from here, traverse cur and free the nodes, until we get to one */
+ /* that shouldn't be freed */
+ while (cur->next && cur->next->x <= res.x + width) {
+ struct nk_rp_node *next = cur->next;
+ /* move the current node to the free list */
+ cur->next = context->free_head;
+ context->free_head = cur;
+ cur = next;
+ }
+ /* stitch the list back in */
+ node->next = cur;
+ if (cur->x < res.x + width)
+ cur->x = (nk_rp_coord) (res.x + width);
+ return res;
+nk_rect_height_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
+ const struct nk_rp_rect *p = (const struct nk_rp_rect *) a;
+ const struct nk_rp_rect *q = (const struct nk_rp_rect *) b;
+ if (p->h > q->h)
+ return -1;
+ if (p->h < q->h)
+ return 1;
+ return (p->w > q->w) ? -1 : (p->w < q->w);
+nk_rect_original_order(const void *a, const void *b)
+ const struct nk_rp_rect *p = (const struct nk_rp_rect *) a;
+ const struct nk_rp_rect *q = (const struct nk_rp_rect *) b;
+ return (p->was_packed < q->was_packed) ? -1 : (p->was_packed > q->was_packed);
+static void
+nk_rp_qsort(struct nk_rp_rect *array, unsigned int len, int(*cmp)(const void*,const void*))
+ /* iterative quick sort */
+ #define NK_MAX_SORT_STACK 64
+ unsigned right, left = 0, stack[NK_MAX_SORT_STACK], pos = 0;
+ unsigned seed = len/2 * 69069+1;
+ for (;;) {
+ for (; left+1 < len; len++) {
+ struct nk_rp_rect pivot, tmp;
+ if (pos == NK_MAX_SORT_STACK) len = stack[pos = 0];
+ pivot = array[left+seed%(len-left)];
+ seed = seed * 69069 + 1;
+ stack[pos++] = len;
+ for (right = left-1;;) {
+ while (cmp(&array[++right], &pivot) < 0);
+ while (cmp(&pivot, &array[--len]) < 0);
+ if (right >= len) break;
+ tmp = array[right];
+ array[right] = array[len];
+ array[len] = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pos == 0) break;
+ left = len;
+ len = stack[--pos];
+ }
+nk_rp_pack_rects(struct nk_rp_context *context, struct nk_rp_rect *rects, int num_rects)
+ int i;
+ /* we use the 'was_packed' field internally to allow sorting/unsorting */
+ for (i=0; i < num_rects; ++i) {
+ rects[i].was_packed = i;
+ }
+ /* sort according to heuristic */
+ nk_rp_qsort(rects, (unsigned)num_rects, nk_rect_height_compare);
+ for (i=0; i < num_rects; ++i) {
+ struct nk_rp__findresult fr = nk_rp__skyline_pack_rectangle(context, rects[i].w, rects[i].h);
+ if (fr.prev_link) {
+ rects[i].x = (nk_rp_coord) fr.x;
+ rects[i].y = (nk_rp_coord) fr.y;
+ } else {
+ rects[i].x = rects[i].y = NK_RP__MAXVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* unsort */
+ nk_rp_qsort(rects, (unsigned)num_rects, nk_rect_original_order);
+ /* set was_packed flags */
+ for (i=0; i < num_rects; ++i)
+ rects[i].was_packed = !(rects[i].x == NK_RP__MAXVAL && rects[i].y == NK_RP__MAXVAL);
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+/* stb_truetype.h - v1.07 - public domain */
+struct nk_tt_bakedchar {
+ unsigned short x0,y0,x1,y1;
+ /* coordinates of bbox in bitmap */
+ float xoff,yoff,xadvance;
+struct nk_tt_aligned_quad{
+ float x0,y0,s0,t0; /* top-left */
+ float x1,y1,s1,t1; /* bottom-right */
+struct nk_tt_packedchar {
+ unsigned short x0,y0,x1,y1;
+ /* coordinates of bbox in bitmap */
+ float xoff,yoff,xadvance;
+ float xoff2,yoff2;
+struct nk_tt_pack_range {
+ float font_size;
+ int first_unicode_codepoint_in_range;
+ /* if non-zero, then the chars are continuous, and this is the first codepoint */
+ int *array_of_unicode_codepoints;
+ /* if non-zero, then this is an array of unicode codepoints */
+ int num_chars;
+ struct nk_tt_packedchar *chardata_for_range; /* output */
+ unsigned char h_oversample, v_oversample;
+ /* don't set these, they're used internally */
+struct nk_tt_pack_context {
+ void *pack_info;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int stride_in_bytes;
+ int padding;
+ unsigned int h_oversample, v_oversample;
+ unsigned char *pixels;
+ void *nodes;
+struct nk_tt_fontinfo {
+ const unsigned char* data; /* pointer to .ttf file */
+ int fontstart;/* offset of start of font */
+ int numGlyphs;/* number of glyphs, needed for range checking */
+ int loca,head,glyf,hhea,hmtx,kern; /* table locations as offset from start of .ttf */
+ int index_map; /* a cmap mapping for our chosen character encoding */
+ int indexToLocFormat; /* format needed to map from glyph index to glyph */
+enum {
+ NK_TT_vmove=1,
+ NK_TT_vline,
+ NK_TT_vcurve
+struct nk_tt_vertex {
+ short x,y,cx,cy;
+ unsigned char type,padding;
+struct nk_tt__bitmap{
+ int w,h,stride;
+ unsigned char *pixels;
+struct nk_tt__hheap_chunk {
+ struct nk_tt__hheap_chunk *next;
+struct nk_tt__hheap {
+ struct nk_allocator alloc;
+ struct nk_tt__hheap_chunk *head;
+ void *first_free;
+ int num_remaining_in_head_chunk;
+struct nk_tt__edge {
+ float x0,y0, x1,y1;
+ int invert;
+struct nk_tt__active_edge {
+ struct nk_tt__active_edge *next;
+ float fx,fdx,fdy;
+ float direction;
+ float sy;
+ float ey;
+struct nk_tt__point {float x,y;};
+/* <= not same as 0, this makes us check the bitfield is 0 */
+enum { /* platformID */
+enum { /* encodingID for NK_TT_PLATFORM_ID_UNICODE */
+enum { /* encodingID for NK_TT_PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT */
+enum { /* encodingID for NK_TT_PLATFORM_ID_MAC; same as Script Manager codes */
+enum { /* languageID for NK_TT_PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT; same as LCID... */
+ /* problematic because there are e.g. 16 english LCIDs and 16 arabic LCIDs */
+enum { /* languageID for NK_TT_PLATFORM_ID_MAC */
+#define nk_ttBYTE(p) (* (const nk_byte *) (p))
+#define nk_ttCHAR(p) (* (const char *) (p))
+ #define nk_ttUSHORT(p) (* (nk_ushort *) (p))
+ #define nk_ttSHORT(p) (* (nk_short *) (p))
+ #define nk_ttULONG(p) (* (nk_uint *) (p))
+ #define nk_ttLONG(p) (* (nk_int *) (p))
+ static nk_ushort nk_ttUSHORT(const nk_byte *p) { return (nk_ushort)(p[0]*256 + p[1]); }
+ static nk_short nk_ttSHORT(const nk_byte *p) { return (nk_short)(p[0]*256 + p[1]); }
+ static nk_uint nk_ttULONG(const nk_byte *p) { return (nk_uint)((p[0]<<24) + (p[1]<<16) + (p[2]<<8) + p[3]); }
+#define nk_tt_tag4(p,c0,c1,c2,c3)\
+ ((p)[0] == (c0) && (p)[1] == (c1) && (p)[2] == (c2) && (p)[3] == (c3))
+#define nk_tt_tag(p,str) nk_tt_tag4(p,str[0],str[1],str[2],str[3])
+NK_INTERN int nk_tt_GetGlyphShape(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, struct nk_allocator *alloc,
+ int glyph_index, struct nk_tt_vertex **pvertices);
+NK_INTERN nk_uint
+nk_tt__find_table(const nk_byte *data, nk_uint fontstart, const char *tag)
+ /* @OPTIMIZE: binary search */
+ nk_int num_tables = nk_ttUSHORT(data+fontstart+4);
+ nk_uint tabledir = fontstart + 12;
+ nk_int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) {
+ nk_uint loc = tabledir + (nk_uint)(16*i);
+ if (nk_tt_tag(data+loc+0, tag))
+ return nk_ttULONG(data+loc+8);
+ }
+ return 0;
+nk_tt_InitFont(struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, const unsigned char *data2, int fontstart)
+ nk_uint cmap, t;
+ nk_int i,numTables;
+ const nk_byte *data = (const nk_byte *) data2;
+ info->data = data;
+ info->fontstart = fontstart;
+ cmap = nk_tt__find_table(data, (nk_uint)fontstart, "cmap"); /* required */
+ info->loca = (int)nk_tt__find_table(data, (nk_uint)fontstart, "loca"); /* required */
+ info->head = (int)nk_tt__find_table(data, (nk_uint)fontstart, "head"); /* required */
+ info->glyf = (int)nk_tt__find_table(data, (nk_uint)fontstart, "glyf"); /* required */
+ info->hhea = (int)nk_tt__find_table(data, (nk_uint)fontstart, "hhea"); /* required */
+ info->hmtx = (int)nk_tt__find_table(data, (nk_uint)fontstart, "hmtx"); /* required */
+ info->kern = (int)nk_tt__find_table(data, (nk_uint)fontstart, "kern"); /* not required */
+ if (!cmap || !info->loca || !info->head || !info->glyf || !info->hhea || !info->hmtx)
+ return 0;
+ t = nk_tt__find_table(data, (nk_uint)fontstart, "maxp");
+ if (t) info->numGlyphs = nk_ttUSHORT(data+t+4);
+ else info->numGlyphs = 0xffff;
+ /* find a cmap encoding table we understand *now* to avoid searching */
+ /* later. (todo: could make this installable) */
+ /* the same regardless of glyph. */
+ numTables = nk_ttUSHORT(data + cmap + 2);
+ info->index_map = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < numTables; ++i)
+ {
+ nk_uint encoding_record = cmap + 4 + 8 * (nk_uint)i;
+ /* find an encoding we understand: */
+ switch(nk_ttUSHORT(data+encoding_record)) {
+ switch (nk_ttUSHORT(data+encoding_record+2)) {
+ /* MS/Unicode */
+ info->index_map = (int)(cmap + nk_ttULONG(data+encoding_record+4));
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ } break;
+ /* Mac/iOS has these */
+ /* all the encodingIDs are unicode, so we don't bother to check it */
+ info->index_map = (int)(cmap + nk_ttULONG(data+encoding_record+4));
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (info->index_map == 0)
+ return 0;
+ info->indexToLocFormat = nk_ttUSHORT(data+info->head + 50);
+ return 1;
+nk_tt_FindGlyphIndex(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, int unicode_codepoint)
+ const nk_byte *data = info->data;
+ nk_uint index_map = (nk_uint)info->index_map;
+ nk_ushort format = nk_ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 0);
+ if (format == 0) { /* apple byte encoding */
+ nk_int bytes = nk_ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 2);
+ if (unicode_codepoint < bytes-6)
+ return nk_ttBYTE(data + index_map + 6 + unicode_codepoint);
+ return 0;
+ } else if (format == 6) {
+ nk_uint first = nk_ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 6);
+ nk_uint count = nk_ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 8);
+ if ((nk_uint) unicode_codepoint >= first && (nk_uint) unicode_codepoint < first+count)
+ return nk_ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 10 + (unicode_codepoint - (int)first)*2);
+ return 0;
+ } else if (format == 2) {
+ NK_ASSERT(0); /* @TODO: high-byte mapping for japanese/chinese/korean */
+ return 0;
+ } else if (format == 4) { /* standard mapping for windows fonts: binary search collection of ranges */
+ nk_ushort segcount = nk_ttUSHORT(data+index_map+6) >> 1;
+ nk_ushort searchRange = nk_ttUSHORT(data+index_map+8) >> 1;
+ nk_ushort entrySelector = nk_ttUSHORT(data+index_map+10);
+ nk_ushort rangeShift = nk_ttUSHORT(data+index_map+12) >> 1;
+ /* do a binary search of the segments */
+ nk_uint endCount = index_map + 14;
+ nk_uint search = endCount;
+ if (unicode_codepoint > 0xffff)
+ return 0;
+ /* they lie from endCount .. endCount + segCount */
+ /* but searchRange is the nearest power of two, so... */
+ if (unicode_codepoint >= nk_ttUSHORT(data + search + rangeShift*2))
+ search += (nk_uint)(rangeShift*2);
+ /* now decrement to bias correctly to find smallest */
+ search -= 2;
+ while (entrySelector) {
+ nk_ushort end;
+ searchRange >>= 1;
+ end = nk_ttUSHORT(data + search + searchRange*2);
+ if (unicode_codepoint > end)
+ search += (nk_uint)(searchRange*2);
+ --entrySelector;
+ }
+ search += 2;
+ {
+ nk_ushort offset, start;
+ nk_ushort item = (nk_ushort) ((search - endCount) >> 1);
+ NK_ASSERT(unicode_codepoint <= nk_ttUSHORT(data + endCount + 2*item));
+ start = nk_ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*2 + 2 + 2*item);
+ if (unicode_codepoint < start)
+ return 0;
+ offset = nk_ttUSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*6 + 2 + 2*item);
+ if (offset == 0)
+ return (nk_ushort) (unicode_codepoint + nk_ttSHORT(data + index_map + 14 + segcount*4 + 2 + 2*item));
+ return nk_ttUSHORT(data + offset + (unicode_codepoint-start)*2 + index_map + 14 + segcount*6 + 2 + 2*item);
+ }
+ } else if (format == 12 || format == 13) {
+ nk_uint ngroups = nk_ttULONG(data+index_map+12);
+ nk_int low,high;
+ low = 0; high = (nk_int)ngroups;
+ /* Binary search the right group. */
+ while (low < high) {
+ nk_int mid = low + ((high-low) >> 1); /* rounds down, so low <= mid < high */
+ nk_uint start_char = nk_ttULONG(data+index_map+16+mid*12);
+ nk_uint end_char = nk_ttULONG(data+index_map+16+mid*12+4);
+ if ((nk_uint) unicode_codepoint < start_char)
+ high = mid;
+ else if ((nk_uint) unicode_codepoint > end_char)
+ low = mid+1;
+ else {
+ nk_uint start_glyph = nk_ttULONG(data+index_map+16+mid*12+8);
+ if (format == 12)
+ return (int)start_glyph + (int)unicode_codepoint - (int)start_char;
+ else /* format == 13 */
+ return (int)start_glyph;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; /* not found */
+ }
+ /* @TODO */
+ return 0;
+nk_tt_setvertex(struct nk_tt_vertex *v, nk_byte type, nk_int x, nk_int y, nk_int cx, nk_int cy)
+ v->type = type;
+ v->x = (nk_short) x;
+ v->y = (nk_short) y;
+ v->cx = (nk_short) cx;
+ v->cy = (nk_short) cy;
+nk_tt__GetGlyfOffset(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index)
+ int g1,g2;
+ if (glyph_index >= info->numGlyphs) return -1; /* glyph index out of range */
+ if (info->indexToLocFormat >= 2) return -1; /* unknown index->glyph map format */
+ if (info->indexToLocFormat == 0) {
+ g1 = info->glyf + nk_ttUSHORT(info->data + info->loca + glyph_index * 2) * 2;
+ g2 = info->glyf + nk_ttUSHORT(info->data + info->loca + glyph_index * 2 + 2) * 2;
+ } else {
+ g1 = info->glyf + (int)nk_ttULONG (info->data + info->loca + glyph_index * 4);
+ g2 = info->glyf + (int)nk_ttULONG (info->data + info->loca + glyph_index * 4 + 4);
+ }
+ return g1==g2 ? -1 : g1; /* if length is 0, return -1 */
+nk_tt_GetGlyphBox(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index,
+ int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1)
+ int g = nk_tt__GetGlyfOffset(info, glyph_index);
+ if (g < 0) return 0;
+ if (x0) *x0 = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + g + 2);
+ if (y0) *y0 = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + g + 4);
+ if (x1) *x1 = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + g + 6);
+ if (y1) *y1 = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + g + 8);
+ return 1;
+stbtt__close_shape(struct nk_tt_vertex *vertices, int num_vertices, int was_off,
+ int start_off, nk_int sx, nk_int sy, nk_int scx, nk_int scy, nk_int cx, nk_int cy)
+ if (start_off) {
+ if (was_off)
+ nk_tt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], NK_TT_vcurve, (cx+scx)>>1, (cy+scy)>>1, cx,cy);
+ nk_tt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], NK_TT_vcurve, sx,sy,scx,scy);
+ } else {
+ if (was_off)
+ nk_tt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], NK_TT_vcurve,sx,sy,cx,cy);
+ else
+ nk_tt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], NK_TT_vline,sx,sy,0,0);
+ }
+ return num_vertices;
+nk_tt_GetGlyphShape(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, struct nk_allocator *alloc,
+ int glyph_index, struct nk_tt_vertex **pvertices)
+ nk_short numberOfContours;
+ const nk_byte *endPtsOfContours;
+ const nk_byte *data = info->data;
+ struct nk_tt_vertex *vertices=0;
+ int num_vertices=0;
+ int g = nk_tt__GetGlyfOffset(info, glyph_index);
+ *pvertices = 0;
+ if (g < 0) return 0;
+ numberOfContours = nk_ttSHORT(data + g);
+ if (numberOfContours > 0) {
+ nk_byte flags=0,flagcount;
+ nk_int ins, i,j=0,m,n, next_move, was_off=0, off, start_off=0;
+ nk_int x,y,cx,cy,sx,sy, scx,scy;
+ const nk_byte *points;
+ endPtsOfContours = (data + g + 10);
+ ins = nk_ttUSHORT(data + g + 10 + numberOfContours * 2);
+ points = data + g + 10 + numberOfContours * 2 + 2 + ins;
+ n = 1+nk_ttUSHORT(endPtsOfContours + numberOfContours*2-2);
+ m = n + 2*numberOfContours; /* a loose bound on how many vertices we might need */
+ vertices = (struct nk_tt_vertex *)alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata, 0, (nk_size)m * sizeof(vertices[0]));
+ if (vertices == 0)
+ return 0;
+ next_move = 0;
+ flagcount=0;
+ /* in first pass, we load uninterpreted data into the allocated array */
+ /* above, shifted to the end of the array so we won't overwrite it when */
+ /* we create our final data starting from the front */
+ off = m - n; /* starting offset for uninterpreted data, regardless of how m ends up being calculated */
+ /* first load flags */
+ for (i=0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (flagcount == 0) {
+ flags = *points++;
+ if (flags & 8)
+ flagcount = *points++;
+ } else --flagcount;
+ vertices[off+i].type = flags;
+ }
+ /* now load x coordinates */
+ x=0;
+ for (i=0; i < n; ++i) {
+ flags = vertices[off+i].type;
+ if (flags & 2) {
+ nk_short dx = *points++;
+ x += (flags & 16) ? dx : -dx; /* ??? */
+ } else {
+ if (!(flags & 16)) {
+ x = x + (nk_short) (points[0]*256 + points[1]);
+ points += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ vertices[off+i].x = (nk_short) x;
+ }
+ /* now load y coordinates */
+ y=0;
+ for (i=0; i < n; ++i) {
+ flags = vertices[off+i].type;
+ if (flags & 4) {
+ nk_short dy = *points++;
+ y += (flags & 32) ? dy : -dy; /* ??? */
+ } else {
+ if (!(flags & 32)) {
+ y = y + (nk_short) (points[0]*256 + points[1]);
+ points += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ vertices[off+i].y = (nk_short) y;
+ }
+ /* now convert them to our format */
+ num_vertices=0;
+ sx = sy = cx = cy = scx = scy = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ flags = vertices[off+i].type;
+ x = (nk_short) vertices[off+i].x;
+ y = (nk_short) vertices[off+i].y;
+ if (next_move == i) {
+ if (i != 0)
+ num_vertices = stbtt__close_shape(vertices, num_vertices, was_off, start_off, sx,sy,scx,scy,cx,cy);
+ /* now start the new one */
+ start_off = !(flags & 1);
+ if (start_off) {
+ /* if we start off with an off-curve point, then when we need to find a point on the curve */
+ /* where we can start, and we need to save some state for when we wraparound. */
+ scx = x;
+ scy = y;
+ if (!(vertices[off+i+1].type & 1)) {
+ /* next point is also a curve point, so interpolate an on-point curve */
+ sx = (x + (nk_int) vertices[off+i+1].x) >> 1;
+ sy = (y + (nk_int) vertices[off+i+1].y) >> 1;
+ } else {
+ /* otherwise just use the next point as our start point */
+ sx = (nk_int) vertices[off+i+1].x;
+ sy = (nk_int) vertices[off+i+1].y;
+ ++i; /* we're using point i+1 as the starting point, so skip it */
+ }
+ } else {
+ sx = x;
+ sy = y;
+ }
+ nk_tt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], NK_TT_vmove,sx,sy,0,0);
+ was_off = 0;
+ next_move = 1 + nk_ttUSHORT(endPtsOfContours+j*2);
+ ++j;
+ } else {
+ if (!(flags & 1))
+ { /* if it's a curve */
+ if (was_off) /* two off-curve control points in a row means interpolate an on-curve midpoint */
+ nk_tt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], NK_TT_vcurve, (cx+x)>>1, (cy+y)>>1, cx, cy);
+ cx = x;
+ cy = y;
+ was_off = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (was_off)
+ nk_tt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], NK_TT_vcurve, x,y, cx, cy);
+ else nk_tt_setvertex(&vertices[num_vertices++], NK_TT_vline, x,y,0,0);
+ was_off = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ num_vertices = stbtt__close_shape(vertices, num_vertices, was_off, start_off, sx,sy,scx,scy,cx,cy);
+ } else if (numberOfContours == -1) {
+ /* Compound shapes. */
+ int more = 1;
+ const nk_byte *comp = data + g + 10;
+ num_vertices = 0;
+ vertices = 0;
+ while (more)
+ {
+ nk_ushort flags, gidx;
+ int comp_num_verts = 0, i;
+ struct nk_tt_vertex *comp_verts = 0, *tmp = 0;
+ float mtx[6] = {1,0,0,1,0,0}, m, n;
+ flags = (nk_ushort)nk_ttSHORT(comp); comp+=2;
+ gidx = (nk_ushort)nk_ttSHORT(comp); comp+=2;
+ if (flags & 2) { /* XY values */
+ if (flags & 1) { /* shorts */
+ mtx[4] = nk_ttSHORT(comp); comp+=2;
+ mtx[5] = nk_ttSHORT(comp); comp+=2;
+ } else {
+ mtx[4] = nk_ttCHAR(comp); comp+=1;
+ mtx[5] = nk_ttCHAR(comp); comp+=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* @TODO handle matching point */
+ }
+ if (flags & (1<<3)) { /* WE_HAVE_A_SCALE */
+ mtx[0] = mtx[3] = nk_ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2;
+ mtx[1] = mtx[2] = 0;
+ } else if (flags & (1<<6)) { /* WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_YSCALE */
+ mtx[0] = nk_ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2;
+ mtx[1] = mtx[2] = 0;
+ mtx[3] = nk_ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2;
+ } else if (flags & (1<<7)) { /* WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO */
+ mtx[0] = nk_ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2;
+ mtx[1] = nk_ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2;
+ mtx[2] = nk_ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2;
+ mtx[3] = nk_ttSHORT(comp)/16384.0f; comp+=2;
+ }
+ /* Find transformation scales. */
+ m = (float) NK_SQRT(mtx[0]*mtx[0] + mtx[1]*mtx[1]);
+ n = (float) NK_SQRT(mtx[2]*mtx[2] + mtx[3]*mtx[3]);
+ /* Get indexed glyph. */
+ comp_num_verts = nk_tt_GetGlyphShape(info, alloc, gidx, &comp_verts);
+ if (comp_num_verts > 0)
+ {
+ /* Transform vertices. */
+ for (i = 0; i < comp_num_verts; ++i) {
+ struct nk_tt_vertex* v = &comp_verts[i];
+ short x,y;
+ x=v->x; y=v->y;
+ v->x = (short)(m * (mtx[0]*x + mtx[2]*y + mtx[4]));
+ v->y = (short)(n * (mtx[1]*x + mtx[3]*y + mtx[5]));
+ x=v->cx; y=v->cy;
+ v->cx = (short)(m * (mtx[0]*x + mtx[2]*y + mtx[4]));
+ v->cy = (short)(n * (mtx[1]*x + mtx[3]*y + mtx[5]));
+ }
+ /* Append vertices. */
+ tmp = (struct nk_tt_vertex*)alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata, 0,
+ (nk_size)(num_vertices+comp_num_verts)*sizeof(struct nk_tt_vertex));
+ if (!tmp) {
+ if (vertices) alloc->free(alloc->userdata, vertices);
+ if (comp_verts) alloc->free(alloc->userdata, comp_verts);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (num_vertices > 0) NK_MEMCPY(tmp, vertices, (nk_size)num_vertices*sizeof(struct nk_tt_vertex));
+ NK_MEMCPY(tmp+num_vertices, comp_verts, (nk_size)comp_num_verts*sizeof(struct nk_tt_vertex));
+ if (vertices) alloc->free(alloc->userdata,vertices);
+ vertices = tmp;
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata,comp_verts);
+ num_vertices += comp_num_verts;
+ }
+ /* More components ? */
+ more = flags & (1<<5);
+ }
+ } else if (numberOfContours < 0) {
+ /* @TODO other compound variations? */
+ } else {
+ /* numberOfCounters == 0, do nothing */
+ }
+ *pvertices = vertices;
+ return num_vertices;
+nk_tt_GetGlyphHMetrics(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, int glyph_index,
+ int *advanceWidth, int *leftSideBearing)
+ nk_ushort numOfLongHorMetrics = nk_ttUSHORT(info->data+info->hhea + 34);
+ if (glyph_index < numOfLongHorMetrics) {
+ if (advanceWidth)
+ *advanceWidth = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + info->hmtx + 4*glyph_index);
+ if (leftSideBearing)
+ *leftSideBearing = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + info->hmtx + 4*glyph_index + 2);
+ } else {
+ if (advanceWidth)
+ *advanceWidth = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + info->hmtx + 4*(numOfLongHorMetrics-1));
+ if (leftSideBearing)
+ *leftSideBearing = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + info->hmtx + 4*numOfLongHorMetrics + 2*(glyph_index - numOfLongHorMetrics));
+ }
+nk_tt_GetFontVMetrics(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info,
+ int *ascent, int *descent, int *lineGap)
+ if (ascent ) *ascent = nk_ttSHORT(info->data+info->hhea + 4);
+ if (descent) *descent = nk_ttSHORT(info->data+info->hhea + 6);
+ if (lineGap) *lineGap = nk_ttSHORT(info->data+info->hhea + 8);
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_tt_ScaleForPixelHeight(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, float height)
+ int fheight = nk_ttSHORT(info->data + info->hhea + 4) - nk_ttSHORT(info->data + info->hhea + 6);
+ return (float) height / (float)fheight;
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_tt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, float pixels)
+ int unitsPerEm = nk_ttUSHORT(info->data + info->head + 18);
+ return pixels / (float)unitsPerEm;
+ * antialiasing software rasterizer
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+nk_tt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *font,
+ int glyph, float scale_x, float scale_y,float shift_x, float shift_y,
+ int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1)
+ int x0,y0,x1,y1;
+ if (!nk_tt_GetGlyphBox(font, glyph, &x0,&y0,&x1,&y1)) {
+ /* e.g. space character */
+ if (ix0) *ix0 = 0;
+ if (iy0) *iy0 = 0;
+ if (ix1) *ix1 = 0;
+ if (iy1) *iy1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* move to integral bboxes (treating pixels as little squares, what pixels get touched)? */
+ if (ix0) *ix0 = nk_ifloor((float)x0 * scale_x + shift_x);
+ if (iy0) *iy0 = nk_ifloor((float)-y1 * scale_y + shift_y);
+ if (ix1) *ix1 = nk_iceil ((float)x1 * scale_x + shift_x);
+ if (iy1) *iy1 = nk_iceil ((float)-y0 * scale_y + shift_y);
+ }
+nk_tt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *font, int glyph,
+ float scale_x, float scale_y, int *ix0, int *iy0, int *ix1, int *iy1)
+ nk_tt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(font, glyph, scale_x, scale_y,0.0f,0.0f, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1);
+ * Rasterizer
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_INTERN void*
+nk_tt__hheap_alloc(struct nk_tt__hheap *hh, nk_size size)
+ if (hh->first_free) {
+ void *p = hh->first_free;
+ hh->first_free = * (void **) p;
+ return p;
+ } else {
+ if (hh->num_remaining_in_head_chunk == 0) {
+ int count = (size < 32 ? 2000 : size < 128 ? 800 : 100);
+ struct nk_tt__hheap_chunk *c = (struct nk_tt__hheap_chunk *)
+ hh->alloc.alloc(hh->alloc.userdata, 0,
+ sizeof(struct nk_tt__hheap_chunk) + size * (nk_size)count);
+ if (c == 0) return 0;
+ c->next = hh->head;
+ hh->head = c;
+ hh->num_remaining_in_head_chunk = count;
+ }
+ --hh->num_remaining_in_head_chunk;
+ return (char *) (hh->head) + size * (nk_size)hh->num_remaining_in_head_chunk;
+ }
+nk_tt__hheap_free(struct nk_tt__hheap *hh, void *p)
+ *(void **) p = hh->first_free;
+ hh->first_free = p;
+nk_tt__hheap_cleanup(struct nk_tt__hheap *hh)
+ struct nk_tt__hheap_chunk *c = hh->head;
+ while (c) {
+ struct nk_tt__hheap_chunk *n = c->next;
+ hh->alloc.free(hh->alloc.userdata, c);
+ c = n;
+ }
+NK_INTERN struct nk_tt__active_edge*
+nk_tt__new_active(struct nk_tt__hheap *hh, struct nk_tt__edge *e,
+ int off_x, float start_point)
+ struct nk_tt__active_edge *z = (struct nk_tt__active_edge *)
+ nk_tt__hheap_alloc(hh, sizeof(*z));
+ float dxdy = (e->x1 - e->x0) / (e->y1 - e->y0);
+ /*STBTT_assert(e->y0 <= start_point); */
+ if (!z) return z;
+ z->fdx = dxdy;
+ z->fdy = (dxdy != 0) ? (1/dxdy): 0;
+ z->fx = e->x0 + dxdy * (start_point - e->y0);
+ z->fx -= (float)off_x;
+ z->direction = e->invert ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
+ z->sy = e->y0;
+ z->ey = e->y1;
+ z->next = 0;
+ return z;
+nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(float *scanline, int x, struct nk_tt__active_edge *e,
+ float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
+ if (y0 == y1) return;
+ NK_ASSERT(y0 < y1);
+ NK_ASSERT(e->sy <= e->ey);
+ if (y0 > e->ey) return;
+ if (y1 < e->sy) return;
+ if (y0 < e->sy) {
+ x0 += (x1-x0) * (e->sy - y0) / (y1-y0);
+ y0 = e->sy;
+ }
+ if (y1 > e->ey) {
+ x1 += (x1-x0) * (e->ey - y1) / (y1-y0);
+ y1 = e->ey;
+ }
+ if (x0 == x) NK_ASSERT(x1 <= x+1);
+ else if (x0 == x+1) NK_ASSERT(x1 >= x);
+ else if (x0 <= x) NK_ASSERT(x1 <= x);
+ else if (x0 >= x+1) NK_ASSERT(x1 >= x+1);
+ else NK_ASSERT(x1 >= x && x1 <= x+1);
+ if (x0 <= x && x1 <= x)
+ scanline[x] += e->direction * (y1-y0);
+ else if (x0 >= x+1 && x1 >= x+1);
+ else {
+ NK_ASSERT(x0 >= x && x0 <= x+1 && x1 >= x && x1 <= x+1);
+ /* coverage = 1 - average x position */
+ scanline[x] += (float)e->direction * (float)(y1-y0) * (1.0f-((x0-(float)x)+(x1-(float)x))/2.0f);
+ }
+nk_tt__fill_active_edges_new(float *scanline, float *scanline_fill, int len,
+ struct nk_tt__active_edge *e, float y_top)
+ float y_bottom = y_top+1;
+ while (e)
+ {
+ /* brute force every pixel */
+ /* compute intersection points with top & bottom */
+ NK_ASSERT(e->ey >= y_top);
+ if (e->fdx == 0) {
+ float x0 = e->fx;
+ if (x0 < len) {
+ if (x0 >= 0) {
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,(int) x0,e, x0,y_top, x0,y_bottom);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline_fill-1,(int) x0+1,e, x0,y_top, x0,y_bottom);
+ } else {
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline_fill-1,0,e, x0,y_top, x0,y_bottom);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ float x0 = e->fx;
+ float dx = e->fdx;
+ float xb = x0 + dx;
+ float x_top, x_bottom;
+ float y0,y1;
+ float dy = e->fdy;
+ NK_ASSERT(e->sy <= y_bottom && e->ey >= y_top);
+ /* compute endpoints of line segment clipped to this scanline (if the */
+ /* line segment starts on this scanline. x0 is the intersection of the */
+ /* line with y_top, but that may be off the line segment. */
+ if (e->sy > y_top) {
+ x_top = x0 + dx * (e->sy - y_top);
+ y0 = e->sy;
+ } else {
+ x_top = x0;
+ y0 = y_top;
+ }
+ if (e->ey < y_bottom) {
+ x_bottom = x0 + dx * (e->ey - y_top);
+ y1 = e->ey;
+ } else {
+ x_bottom = xb;
+ y1 = y_bottom;
+ }
+ if (x_top >= 0 && x_bottom >= 0 && x_top < len && x_bottom < len)
+ {
+ /* from here on, we don't have to range check x values */
+ if ((int) x_top == (int) x_bottom) {
+ float height;
+ /* simple case, only spans one pixel */
+ int x = (int) x_top;
+ height = y1 - y0;
+ NK_ASSERT(x >= 0 && x < len);
+ scanline[x] += e->direction * (1.0f-(((float)x_top - (float)x) + ((float)x_bottom-(float)x))/2.0f) * (float)height;
+ scanline_fill[x] += e->direction * (float)height; /* everything right of this pixel is filled */
+ } else {
+ int x,x1,x2;
+ float y_crossing, step, sign, area;
+ /* covers 2+ pixels */
+ if (x_top > x_bottom)
+ {
+ /* flip scanline vertically; signed area is the same */
+ float t;
+ y0 = y_bottom - (y0 - y_top);
+ y1 = y_bottom - (y1 - y_top);
+ t = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = t;
+ t = x_bottom, x_bottom = x_top, x_top = t;
+ dx = -dx;
+ dy = -dy;
+ t = x0, x0 = xb, xb = t;
+ }
+ x1 = (int) x_top;
+ x2 = (int) x_bottom;
+ /* compute intersection with y axis at x1+1 */
+ y_crossing = ((float)x1+1 - (float)x0) * (float)dy + (float)y_top;
+ sign = e->direction;
+ /* area of the rectangle covered from y0..y_crossing */
+ area = sign * (y_crossing-y0);
+ /* area of the triangle (x_top,y0), (x+1,y0), (x+1,y_crossing) */
+ scanline[x1] += area * (1.0f-((float)((float)x_top - (float)x1)+(float)(x1+1-x1))/2.0f);
+ step = sign * dy;
+ for (x = x1+1; x < x2; ++x) {
+ scanline[x] += area + step/2;
+ area += step;
+ }
+ y_crossing += (float)dy * (float)(x2 - (x1+1));
+ scanline[x2] += area + sign * (1.0f-((float)(x2-x2)+((float)x_bottom-(float)x2))/2.0f) * (y1-y_crossing);
+ scanline_fill[x2] += sign * (y1-y0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if edge goes outside of box we're drawing, we require */
+ /* clipping logic. since this does not match the intended use */
+ /* of this library, we use a different, very slow brute */
+ /* force implementation */
+ int x;
+ for (x=0; x < len; ++x)
+ {
+ /* cases: */
+ /* */
+ /* there can be up to two intersections with the pixel. any intersection */
+ /* with left or right edges can be handled by splitting into two (or three) */
+ /* regions. intersections with top & bottom do not necessitate case-wise logic. */
+ /* */
+ /* the old way of doing this found the intersections with the left & right edges, */
+ /* then used some simple logic to produce up to three segments in sorted order */
+ /* from top-to-bottom. however, this had a problem: if an x edge was epsilon */
+ /* across the x border, then the corresponding y position might not be distinct */
+ /* from the other y segment, and it might ignored as an empty segment. to avoid */
+ /* that, we need to explicitly produce segments based on x positions. */
+ /* rename variables to clear pairs */
+ float ya = y_top;
+ float x1 = (float) (x);
+ float x2 = (float) (x+1);
+ float x3 = xb;
+ float y3 = y_bottom;
+ float yb,y2;
+ yb = ((float)x - x0) / dx + y_top;
+ y2 = ((float)x+1 - x0) / dx + y_top;
+ if (x0 < x1 && x3 > x2) { /* three segments descending down-right */
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,ya, x1,yb);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x1,yb, x2,y2);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x2,y2, x3,y3);
+ } else if (x3 < x1 && x0 > x2) { /* three segments descending down-left */
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,ya, x2,y2);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x2,y2, x1,yb);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x1,yb, x3,y3);
+ } else if (x0 < x1 && x3 > x1) { /* two segments across x, down-right */
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,ya, x1,yb);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x1,yb, x3,y3);
+ } else if (x3 < x1 && x0 > x1) { /* two segments across x, down-left */
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,ya, x1,yb);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x1,yb, x3,y3);
+ } else if (x0 < x2 && x3 > x2) { /* two segments across x+1, down-right */
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,ya, x2,y2);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x2,y2, x3,y3);
+ } else if (x3 < x2 && x0 > x2) { /* two segments across x+1, down-left */
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,ya, x2,y2);
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x2,y2, x3,y3);
+ } else { /* one segment */
+ nk_tt__handle_clipped_edge(scanline,x,e, x0,ya, x3,y3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ e = e->next;
+ }
+/* directly AA rasterize edges w/o supersampling */
+nk_tt__rasterize_sorted_edges(struct nk_tt__bitmap *result, struct nk_tt__edge *e,
+ int n, int vsubsample, int off_x, int off_y, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ struct nk_tt__hheap hh;
+ struct nk_tt__active_edge *active = 0;
+ int y,j=0, i;
+ float scanline_data[129], *scanline, *scanline2;
+ NK_UNUSED(vsubsample);
+ nk_zero_struct(hh);
+ hh.alloc = *alloc;
+ if (result->w > 64)
+ scanline = (float *) alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata,0, (nk_size)(result->w*2+1) * sizeof(float));
+ else scanline = scanline_data;
+ scanline2 = scanline + result->w;
+ y = off_y;
+ e[n].y0 = (float) (off_y + result->h) + 1;
+ while (j < result->h)
+ {
+ /* find center of pixel for this scanline */
+ float scan_y_top = (float)y + 0.0f;
+ float scan_y_bottom = (float)y + 1.0f;
+ struct nk_tt__active_edge **step = &active;
+ NK_MEMSET(scanline , 0, (nk_size)result->w*sizeof(scanline[0]));
+ NK_MEMSET(scanline2, 0, (nk_size)(result->w+1)*sizeof(scanline[0]));
+ /* update all active edges; */
+ /* remove all active edges that terminate before the top of this scanline */
+ while (*step) {
+ struct nk_tt__active_edge * z = *step;
+ if (z->ey <= scan_y_top) {
+ *step = z->next; /* delete from list */
+ NK_ASSERT(z->direction);
+ z->direction = 0;
+ nk_tt__hheap_free(&hh, z);
+ } else {
+ step = &((*step)->next); /* advance through list */
+ }
+ }
+ /* insert all edges that start before the bottom of this scanline */
+ while (e->y0 <= scan_y_bottom) {
+ if (e->y0 != e->y1) {
+ struct nk_tt__active_edge *z = nk_tt__new_active(&hh, e, off_x, scan_y_top);
+ if (z != 0) {
+ NK_ASSERT(z->ey >= scan_y_top);
+ /* insert at front */
+ z->next = active;
+ active = z;
+ }
+ }
+ ++e;
+ }
+ /* now process all active edges */
+ if (active)
+ nk_tt__fill_active_edges_new(scanline, scanline2+1, result->w, active, scan_y_top);
+ {
+ float sum = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < result->w; ++i) {
+ float k;
+ int m;
+ sum += scanline2[i];
+ k = scanline[i] + sum;
+ k = (float) NK_ABS(k) * 255.0f + 0.5f;
+ m = (int) k;
+ if (m > 255) m = 255;
+ result->pixels[j*result->stride + i] = (unsigned char) m;
+ }
+ }
+ /* advance all the edges */
+ step = &active;
+ while (*step) {
+ struct nk_tt__active_edge *z = *step;
+ z->fx += z->fdx; /* advance to position for current scanline */
+ step = &((*step)->next); /* advance through list */
+ }
+ ++y;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ nk_tt__hheap_cleanup(&hh);
+ if (scanline != scanline_data)
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, scanline);
+#define NK_TT__COMPARE(a,b) ((a)->y0 < (b)->y0)
+nk_tt__sort_edges_ins_sort(struct nk_tt__edge *p, int n)
+ int i,j;
+ for (i=1; i < n; ++i) {
+ struct nk_tt__edge t = p[i], *a = &t;
+ j = i;
+ while (j > 0) {
+ struct nk_tt__edge *b = &p[j-1];
+ int c = NK_TT__COMPARE(a,b);
+ if (!c) break;
+ p[j] = p[j-1];
+ --j;
+ }
+ if (i != j)
+ p[j] = t;
+ }
+nk_tt__sort_edges_quicksort(struct nk_tt__edge *p, int n)
+ /* threshold for transitioning to insertion sort */
+ while (n > 12) {
+ struct nk_tt__edge t;
+ int c01,c12,c,m,i,j;
+ /* compute median of three */
+ m = n >> 1;
+ c01 = NK_TT__COMPARE(&p[0],&p[m]);
+ c12 = NK_TT__COMPARE(&p[m],&p[n-1]);
+ /* if 0 >= mid >= end, or 0 < mid < end, then use mid */
+ if (c01 != c12) {
+ /* otherwise, we'll need to swap something else to middle */
+ int z;
+ c = NK_TT__COMPARE(&p[0],&p[n-1]);
+ /* 0>mid && mid<n: 0>n => n; 0<n => 0 */
+ /* 0<mid && mid>n: 0>n => 0; 0<n => n */
+ z = (c == c12) ? 0 : n-1;
+ t = p[z];
+ p[z] = p[m];
+ p[m] = t;
+ }
+ /* now p[m] is the median-of-three */
+ /* swap it to the beginning so it won't move around */
+ t = p[0];
+ p[0] = p[m];
+ p[m] = t;
+ /* partition loop */
+ i=1;
+ j=n-1;
+ for(;;) {
+ /* handling of equality is crucial here */
+ /* for sentinels & efficiency with duplicates */
+ for (;;++i) {
+ if (!NK_TT__COMPARE(&p[i], &p[0])) break;
+ }
+ for (;;--j) {
+ if (!NK_TT__COMPARE(&p[0], &p[j])) break;
+ }
+ /* make sure we haven't crossed */
+ if (i >= j) break;
+ t = p[i];
+ p[i] = p[j];
+ p[j] = t;
+ ++i;
+ --j;
+ }
+ /* recurse on smaller side, iterate on larger */
+ if (j < (n-i)) {
+ nk_tt__sort_edges_quicksort(p,j);
+ p = p+i;
+ n = n-i;
+ } else {
+ nk_tt__sort_edges_quicksort(p+i, n-i);
+ n = j;
+ }
+ }
+nk_tt__sort_edges(struct nk_tt__edge *p, int n)
+ nk_tt__sort_edges_quicksort(p, n);
+ nk_tt__sort_edges_ins_sort(p, n);
+nk_tt__rasterize(struct nk_tt__bitmap *result, struct nk_tt__point *pts,
+ int *wcount, int windings, float scale_x, float scale_y,
+ float shift_x, float shift_y, int off_x, int off_y, int invert,
+ struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ float y_scale_inv = invert ? -scale_y : scale_y;
+ struct nk_tt__edge *e;
+ int n,i,j,k,m;
+ int vsubsample = 1;
+ /* vsubsample should divide 255 evenly; otherwise we won't reach full opacity */
+ /* now we have to blow out the windings into explicit edge lists */
+ n = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < windings; ++i)
+ n += wcount[i];
+ e = (struct nk_tt__edge*)
+ alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata, 0,(sizeof(*e) * (nk_size)(n+1)));
+ if (e == 0) return;
+ n = 0;
+ m=0;
+ for (i=0; i < windings; ++i)
+ {
+ struct nk_tt__point *p = pts + m;
+ m += wcount[i];
+ j = wcount[i]-1;
+ for (k=0; k < wcount[i]; j=k++) {
+ int a=k,b=j;
+ /* skip the edge if horizontal */
+ if (p[j].y == p[k].y)
+ continue;
+ /* add edge from j to k to the list */
+ e[n].invert = 0;
+ if (invert ? p[j].y > p[k].y : p[j].y < p[k].y) {
+ e[n].invert = 1;
+ a=j,b=k;
+ }
+ e[n].x0 = p[a].x * scale_x + shift_x;
+ e[n].y0 = (p[a].y * y_scale_inv + shift_y) * (float)vsubsample;
+ e[n].x1 = p[b].x * scale_x + shift_x;
+ e[n].y1 = (p[b].y * y_scale_inv + shift_y) * (float)vsubsample;
+ ++n;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now sort the edges by their highest point (should snap to integer, and then by x) */
+ /*STBTT_sort(e, n, sizeof(e[0]), stbtt__edge_compare); */
+ nk_tt__sort_edges(e, n);
+ /* now, traverse the scanlines and find the intersections on each scanline, use xor winding rule */
+ nk_tt__rasterize_sorted_edges(result, e, n, vsubsample, off_x, off_y, alloc);
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, e);
+nk_tt__add_point(struct nk_tt__point *points, int n, float x, float y)
+ if (!points) return; /* during first pass, it's unallocated */
+ points[n].x = x;
+ points[n].y = y;
+nk_tt__tesselate_curve(struct nk_tt__point *points, int *num_points,
+ float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
+ float objspace_flatness_squared, int n)
+ /* tesselate until threshold p is happy...
+ * @TODO warped to compensate for non-linear stretching */
+ /* midpoint */
+ float mx = (x0 + 2*x1 + x2)/4;
+ float my = (y0 + 2*y1 + y2)/4;
+ /* versus directly drawn line */
+ float dx = (x0+x2)/2 - mx;
+ float dy = (y0+y2)/2 - my;
+ if (n > 16) /* 65536 segments on one curve better be enough! */
+ return 1;
+ /* half-pixel error allowed... need to be smaller if AA */
+ if (dx*dx+dy*dy > objspace_flatness_squared) {
+ nk_tt__tesselate_curve(points, num_points, x0,y0,
+ (x0+x1)/2.0f,(y0+y1)/2.0f, mx,my, objspace_flatness_squared,n+1);
+ nk_tt__tesselate_curve(points, num_points, mx,my,
+ (x1+x2)/2.0f,(y1+y2)/2.0f, x2,y2, objspace_flatness_squared,n+1);
+ } else {
+ nk_tt__add_point(points, *num_points,x2,y2);
+ *num_points = *num_points+1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* returns number of contours */
+NK_INTERN struct nk_tt__point*
+nk_tt_FlattenCurves(struct nk_tt_vertex *vertices, int num_verts,
+ float objspace_flatness, int **contour_lengths, int *num_contours,
+ struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ struct nk_tt__point *points=0;
+ int num_points=0;
+ float objspace_flatness_squared = objspace_flatness * objspace_flatness;
+ int i;
+ int n=0;
+ int start=0;
+ int pass;
+ /* count how many "moves" there are to get the contour count */
+ for (i=0; i < num_verts; ++i)
+ if (vertices[i].type == NK_TT_vmove) ++n;
+ *num_contours = n;
+ if (n == 0) return 0;
+ *contour_lengths = (int *)
+ alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata,0, (sizeof(**contour_lengths) * (nk_size)n));
+ if (*contour_lengths == 0) {
+ *num_contours = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* make two passes through the points so we don't need to realloc */
+ for (pass=0; pass < 2; ++pass)
+ {
+ float x=0,y=0;
+ if (pass == 1) {
+ points = (struct nk_tt__point *)
+ alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata,0, (nk_size)num_points * sizeof(points[0]));
+ if (points == 0) goto error;
+ }
+ num_points = 0;
+ n= -1;
+ for (i=0; i < num_verts; ++i)
+ {
+ switch (vertices[i].type) {
+ case NK_TT_vmove:
+ /* start the next contour */
+ if (n >= 0)
+ (*contour_lengths)[n] = num_points - start;
+ ++n;
+ start = num_points;
+ x = vertices[i].x, y = vertices[i].y;
+ nk_tt__add_point(points, num_points++, x,y);
+ break;
+ case NK_TT_vline:
+ x = vertices[i].x, y = vertices[i].y;
+ nk_tt__add_point(points, num_points++, x, y);
+ break;
+ case NK_TT_vcurve:
+ nk_tt__tesselate_curve(points, &num_points, x,y,
+ vertices[i].cx, vertices[i].cy,
+ vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y,
+ objspace_flatness_squared, 0);
+ x = vertices[i].x, y = vertices[i].y;
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ (*contour_lengths)[n] = num_points - start;
+ }
+ return points;
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, points);
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, *contour_lengths);
+ *contour_lengths = 0;
+ *num_contours = 0;
+ return 0;
+nk_tt_Rasterize(struct nk_tt__bitmap *result, float flatness_in_pixels,
+ struct nk_tt_vertex *vertices, int num_verts,
+ float scale_x, float scale_y, float shift_x, float shift_y,
+ int x_off, int y_off, int invert, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ float scale = scale_x > scale_y ? scale_y : scale_x;
+ int winding_count, *winding_lengths;
+ struct nk_tt__point *windings = nk_tt_FlattenCurves(vertices, num_verts,
+ flatness_in_pixels / scale, &winding_lengths, &winding_count, alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(alloc);
+ if (windings) {
+ nk_tt__rasterize(result, windings, winding_lengths, winding_count,
+ scale_x, scale_y, shift_x, shift_y, x_off, y_off, invert, alloc);
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, winding_lengths);
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, windings);
+ }
+nk_tt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel(const struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, unsigned char *output,
+ int out_w, int out_h, int out_stride, float scale_x, float scale_y,
+ float shift_x, float shift_y, int glyph, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ int ix0,iy0;
+ struct nk_tt_vertex *vertices;
+ int num_verts = nk_tt_GetGlyphShape(info, alloc, glyph, &vertices);
+ struct nk_tt__bitmap gbm;
+ nk_tt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(info, glyph, scale_x, scale_y, shift_x,
+ shift_y, &ix0,&iy0,0,0);
+ gbm.pixels = output;
+ gbm.w = out_w;
+ gbm.h = out_h;
+ gbm.stride = out_stride;
+ if (gbm.w && gbm.h)
+ nk_tt_Rasterize(&gbm, 0.35f, vertices, num_verts, scale_x, scale_y,
+ shift_x, shift_y, ix0,iy0, 1, alloc);
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, vertices);
+ * Bitmap baking
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+nk_tt_PackBegin(struct nk_tt_pack_context *spc, unsigned char *pixels,
+ int pw, int ph, int stride_in_bytes, int padding, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ int num_nodes = pw - padding;
+ struct nk_rp_context *context = (struct nk_rp_context *)
+ alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata,0, sizeof(*context));
+ struct nk_rp_node *nodes = (struct nk_rp_node*)
+ alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata,0, (sizeof(*nodes ) * (nk_size)num_nodes));
+ if (context == 0 || nodes == 0) {
+ if (context != 0) alloc->free(alloc->userdata, context);
+ if (nodes != 0) alloc->free(alloc->userdata, nodes);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ spc->width = pw;
+ spc->height = ph;
+ spc->pixels = pixels;
+ spc->pack_info = context;
+ spc->nodes = nodes;
+ spc->padding = padding;
+ spc->stride_in_bytes = (stride_in_bytes != 0) ? stride_in_bytes : pw;
+ spc->h_oversample = 1;
+ spc->v_oversample = 1;
+ nk_rp_init_target(context, pw-padding, ph-padding, nodes, num_nodes);
+ if (pixels)
+ NK_MEMSET(pixels, 0, (nk_size)(pw*ph)); /* background of 0 around pixels */
+ return 1;
+nk_tt_PackEnd(struct nk_tt_pack_context *spc, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, spc->nodes);
+ alloc->free(alloc->userdata, spc->pack_info);
+nk_tt_PackSetOversampling(struct nk_tt_pack_context *spc,
+ unsigned int h_oversample, unsigned int v_oversample)
+ NK_ASSERT(h_oversample <= NK_TT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE);
+ NK_ASSERT(v_oversample <= NK_TT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE);
+ if (h_oversample <= NK_TT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE)
+ spc->h_oversample = h_oversample;
+ if (v_oversample <= NK_TT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE)
+ spc->v_oversample = v_oversample;
+nk_tt__h_prefilter(unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int stride_in_bytes,
+ int kernel_width)
+ unsigned char buffer[NK_TT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE];
+ int safe_w = w - kernel_width;
+ int j;
+ for (j=0; j < h; ++j)
+ {
+ int i;
+ unsigned int total;
+ NK_MEMSET(buffer, 0, (nk_size)kernel_width);
+ total = 0;
+ /* make kernel_width a constant in common cases so compiler can optimize out the divide */
+ switch (kernel_width) {
+ case 2:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i];
+ pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / 2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i];
+ pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / 3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)pixels[i] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK];
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i];
+ pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / 4);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i];
+ pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / 5);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_w; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i];
+ pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / (unsigned int)kernel_width);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ for (; i < w; ++i) {
+ NK_ASSERT(pixels[i] == 0);
+ total -= (unsigned int)(buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ pixels[i] = (unsigned char) (total / (unsigned int)kernel_width);
+ }
+ pixels += stride_in_bytes;
+ }
+nk_tt__v_prefilter(unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int stride_in_bytes,
+ int kernel_width)
+ unsigned char buffer[NK_TT_MAX_OVERSAMPLE];
+ int safe_h = h - kernel_width;
+ int j;
+ for (j=0; j < w; ++j)
+ {
+ int i;
+ unsigned int total;
+ NK_MEMSET(buffer, 0, (nk_size)kernel_width);
+ total = 0;
+ /* make kernel_width a constant in common cases so compiler can optimize out the divide */
+ switch (kernel_width) {
+ case 2:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes];
+ pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / 2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes];
+ pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / 3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes];
+ pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / 4);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes];
+ pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / 5);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ for (i=0; i <= safe_h; ++i) {
+ total += (unsigned int)(pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] - buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ buffer[(i+kernel_width) & NK_TT__OVER_MASK] = pixels[i*stride_in_bytes];
+ pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / (unsigned int)kernel_width);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ for (; i < h; ++i) {
+ NK_ASSERT(pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] == 0);
+ total -= (unsigned int)(buffer[i & NK_TT__OVER_MASK]);
+ pixels[i*stride_in_bytes] = (unsigned char) (total / (unsigned int)kernel_width);
+ }
+ pixels += 1;
+ }
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_tt__oversample_shift(int oversample)
+ if (!oversample)
+ return 0.0f;
+ /* The prefilter is a box filter of width "oversample", */
+ /* which shifts phase by (oversample - 1)/2 pixels in */
+ /* oversampled space. We want to shift in the opposite */
+ /* direction to counter this. */
+ return (float)-(oversample - 1) / (2.0f * (float)oversample);
+/* rects array must be big enough to accommodate all characters in the given ranges */
+nk_tt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(struct nk_tt_pack_context *spc,
+ struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, struct nk_tt_pack_range *ranges,
+ int num_ranges, struct nk_rp_rect *rects)
+ int i,j,k;
+ k = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < num_ranges; ++i) {
+ float fh = ranges[i].font_size;
+ float scale = (fh > 0) ? nk_tt_ScaleForPixelHeight(info, fh):
+ nk_tt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(info, -fh);
+ ranges[i].h_oversample = (unsigned char) spc->h_oversample;
+ ranges[i].v_oversample = (unsigned char) spc->v_oversample;
+ for (j=0; j < ranges[i].num_chars; ++j) {
+ int x0,y0,x1,y1;
+ int codepoint = ranges[i].first_unicode_codepoint_in_range ?
+ ranges[i].first_unicode_codepoint_in_range + j :
+ ranges[i].array_of_unicode_codepoints[j];
+ int glyph = nk_tt_FindGlyphIndex(info, codepoint);
+ nk_tt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel(info,glyph, scale * (float)spc->h_oversample,
+ scale * (float)spc->v_oversample, 0,0, &x0,&y0,&x1,&y1);
+ rects[k].w = (nk_rp_coord) (x1-x0 + spc->padding + (int)spc->h_oversample-1);
+ rects[k].h = (nk_rp_coord) (y1-y0 + spc->padding + (int)spc->v_oversample-1);
+ ++k;
+ }
+ }
+ return k;
+nk_tt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects(struct nk_tt_pack_context *spc,
+ struct nk_tt_fontinfo *info, struct nk_tt_pack_range *ranges,
+ int num_ranges, struct nk_rp_rect *rects, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ int i,j,k, return_value = 1;
+ /* save current values */
+ int old_h_over = (int)spc->h_oversample;
+ int old_v_over = (int)spc->v_oversample;
+ /* rects array must be big enough to accommodate all characters in the given ranges */
+ k = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < num_ranges; ++i)
+ {
+ float fh = ranges[i].font_size;
+ float recip_h,recip_v,sub_x,sub_y;
+ float scale = fh > 0 ? nk_tt_ScaleForPixelHeight(info, fh):
+ nk_tt_ScaleForMappingEmToPixels(info, -fh);
+ spc->h_oversample = ranges[i].h_oversample;
+ spc->v_oversample = ranges[i].v_oversample;
+ recip_h = 1.0f / (float)spc->h_oversample;
+ recip_v = 1.0f / (float)spc->v_oversample;
+ sub_x = nk_tt__oversample_shift((int)spc->h_oversample);
+ sub_y = nk_tt__oversample_shift((int)spc->v_oversample);
+ for (j=0; j < ranges[i].num_chars; ++j)
+ {
+ struct nk_rp_rect *r = &rects[k];
+ if (r->was_packed)
+ {
+ struct nk_tt_packedchar *bc = &ranges[i].chardata_for_range[j];
+ int advance, lsb, x0,y0,x1,y1;
+ int codepoint = ranges[i].first_unicode_codepoint_in_range ?
+ ranges[i].first_unicode_codepoint_in_range + j :
+ ranges[i].array_of_unicode_codepoints[j];
+ int glyph = nk_tt_FindGlyphIndex(info, codepoint);
+ nk_rp_coord pad = (nk_rp_coord) spc->padding;
+ /* pad on left and top */
+ r->x = (nk_rp_coord)((int)r->x + (int)pad);
+ r->y = (nk_rp_coord)((int)r->y + (int)pad);
+ r->w = (nk_rp_coord)((int)r->w - (int)pad);
+ r->h = (nk_rp_coord)((int)r->h - (int)pad);
+ nk_tt_GetGlyphHMetrics(info, glyph, &advance, &lsb);
+ nk_tt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(info, glyph, scale * (float)spc->h_oversample,
+ (scale * (float)spc->v_oversample), &x0,&y0,&x1,&y1);
+ nk_tt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel(info, spc->pixels + r->x + r->y*spc->stride_in_bytes,
+ (int)(r->w - spc->h_oversample+1), (int)(r->h - spc->v_oversample+1),
+ spc->stride_in_bytes, scale * (float)spc->h_oversample,
+ scale * (float)spc->v_oversample, 0,0, glyph, alloc);
+ if (spc->h_oversample > 1)
+ nk_tt__h_prefilter(spc->pixels + r->x + r->y*spc->stride_in_bytes,
+ r->w, r->h, spc->stride_in_bytes, (int)spc->h_oversample);
+ if (spc->v_oversample > 1)
+ nk_tt__v_prefilter(spc->pixels + r->x + r->y*spc->stride_in_bytes,
+ r->w, r->h, spc->stride_in_bytes, (int)spc->v_oversample);
+ bc->x0 = (nk_ushort) r->x;
+ bc->y0 = (nk_ushort) r->y;
+ bc->x1 = (nk_ushort) (r->x + r->w);
+ bc->y1 = (nk_ushort) (r->y + r->h);
+ bc->xadvance = scale * (float)advance;
+ bc->xoff = (float) x0 * recip_h + sub_x;
+ bc->yoff = (float) y0 * recip_v + sub_y;
+ bc->xoff2 = ((float)x0 + r->w) * recip_h + sub_x;
+ bc->yoff2 = ((float)y0 + r->h) * recip_v + sub_y;
+ } else {
+ return_value = 0; /* if any fail, report failure */
+ }
+ ++k;
+ }
+ }
+ /* restore original values */
+ spc->h_oversample = (unsigned int)old_h_over;
+ spc->v_oversample = (unsigned int)old_v_over;
+ return return_value;
+nk_tt_GetPackedQuad(struct nk_tt_packedchar *chardata, int pw, int ph,
+ int char_index, float *xpos, float *ypos, struct nk_tt_aligned_quad *q,
+ int align_to_integer)
+ float ipw = 1.0f / (float)pw, iph = 1.0f / (float)ph;
+ struct nk_tt_packedchar *b = (struct nk_tt_packedchar*)(chardata + char_index);
+ if (align_to_integer) {
+ int tx = nk_ifloor((*xpos + b->xoff) + 0.5f);
+ int ty = nk_ifloor((*ypos + b->yoff) + 0.5f);
+ float x = (float)tx;
+ float y = (float)ty;
+ q->x0 = x;
+ q->y0 = y;
+ q->x1 = x + b->xoff2 - b->xoff;
+ q->y1 = y + b->yoff2 - b->yoff;
+ } else {
+ q->x0 = *xpos + b->xoff;
+ q->y0 = *ypos + b->yoff;
+ q->x1 = *xpos + b->xoff2;
+ q->y1 = *ypos + b->yoff2;
+ }
+ q->s0 = b->x0 * ipw;
+ q->t0 = b->y0 * iph;
+ q->s1 = b->x1 * ipw;
+ q->t1 = b->y1 * iph;
+ *xpos += b->xadvance;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+struct nk_font_bake_data {
+ struct nk_tt_fontinfo info;
+ struct nk_rp_rect *rects;
+ struct nk_tt_pack_range *ranges;
+ nk_rune range_count;
+struct nk_font_baker {
+ struct nk_allocator alloc;
+ struct nk_tt_pack_context spc;
+ struct nk_font_bake_data *build;
+ struct nk_tt_packedchar *packed_chars;
+ struct nk_rp_rect *rects;
+ struct nk_tt_pack_range *ranges;
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_size nk_rect_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_rp_rect);
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_size nk_range_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_tt_pack_range);
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_size nk_char_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_tt_packedchar);
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_size nk_build_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_font_bake_data);
+NK_GLOBAL const nk_size nk_baker_align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_font_baker);
+nk_range_count(const nk_rune *range)
+ const nk_rune *iter = range;
+ NK_ASSERT(range);
+ if (!range) return 0;
+ while (*(iter++) != 0);
+ return (iter == range) ? 0 : (int)((iter - range)/2);
+nk_range_glyph_count(const nk_rune *range, int count)
+ int i = 0;
+ int total_glyphs = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ int diff;
+ nk_rune f = range[(i*2)+0];
+ nk_rune t = range[(i*2)+1];
+ NK_ASSERT(t >= f);
+ diff = (int)((t - f) + 1);
+ total_glyphs += diff;
+ }
+ return total_glyphs;
+NK_API const nk_rune*
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_rune ranges[] = {0x0020, 0x00FF, 0};
+ return ranges;
+NK_API const nk_rune*
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_rune ranges[] = {
+ 0x0020, 0x00FF,
+ 0x3000, 0x30FF,
+ 0x31F0, 0x31FF,
+ 0xFF00, 0xFFEF,
+ 0x4e00, 0x9FAF,
+ 0
+ };
+ return ranges;
+NK_API const nk_rune*
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_rune ranges[] = {
+ 0x0020, 0x00FF,
+ 0x0400, 0x052F,
+ 0x2DE0, 0x2DFF,
+ 0xA640, 0xA69F,
+ 0
+ };
+ return ranges;
+NK_API const nk_rune*
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_rune ranges[] = {
+ 0x0020, 0x00FF,
+ 0x3131, 0x3163,
+ 0xAC00, 0xD79D,
+ 0
+ };
+ return ranges;
+NK_API void
+nk_font_bake_memory(nk_size *temp, int *glyph_count,
+ struct nk_font_config *config, int count)
+ int i;
+ int range_count = 0;
+ int total_range_count = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(config);
+ NK_ASSERT(glyph_count);
+ if (!config) {
+ *temp = 0;
+ *glyph_count = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ *glyph_count = 0;
+ if (!config->range)
+ config->range = nk_font_default_glyph_ranges();
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ range_count = nk_range_count(config[i].range);
+ total_range_count += range_count;
+ *glyph_count += nk_range_glyph_count(config[i].range, range_count);
+ }
+ *temp = (nk_size)*glyph_count * sizeof(struct nk_rp_rect);
+ *temp += (nk_size)total_range_count * sizeof(struct nk_tt_pack_range);
+ *temp += (nk_size)*glyph_count * sizeof(struct nk_tt_packedchar);
+ *temp += (nk_size)count * sizeof(struct nk_font_bake_data);
+ *temp += sizeof(struct nk_font_baker);
+ *temp += nk_rect_align + nk_range_align + nk_char_align;
+ *temp += nk_build_align + nk_baker_align;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_font_baker*
+nk_font_baker(void *memory, int glyph_count, int count, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ struct nk_font_baker *baker;
+ if (!memory) return 0;
+ /* setup baker inside a memory block */
+ baker = (struct nk_font_baker*)NK_ALIGN_PTR(memory, nk_baker_align);
+ baker->build = (struct nk_font_bake_data*)NK_ALIGN_PTR((baker + 1), nk_build_align);
+ baker->packed_chars = (struct nk_tt_packedchar*)NK_ALIGN_PTR((baker->build + count), nk_char_align);
+ baker->rects = (struct nk_rp_rect*)NK_ALIGN_PTR((baker->packed_chars + glyph_count), nk_rect_align);
+ baker->ranges = (struct nk_tt_pack_range*)NK_ALIGN_PTR((baker->rects + glyph_count), nk_range_align);
+ baker->alloc = *alloc;
+ return baker;
+NK_API int
+nk_font_bake_pack(nk_size *image_memory, int *width, int *height,
+ struct nk_recti *custom, void *temp, nk_size temp_size,
+ const struct nk_font_config *config, int count,
+ struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size max_height = 1024 * 32;
+ struct nk_font_baker* baker;
+ int total_glyph_count = 0;
+ int total_range_count = 0;
+ int range_count = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(image_memory);
+ NK_ASSERT(width);
+ NK_ASSERT(height);
+ NK_ASSERT(config);
+ NK_ASSERT(temp);
+ NK_ASSERT(temp_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(count);
+ NK_ASSERT(alloc);
+ if (!image_memory || !width || !height || !config || !temp ||
+ !temp_size || !count) return nk_false;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ range_count = nk_range_count(config[i].range);
+ total_range_count += range_count;
+ total_glyph_count += nk_range_glyph_count(config[i].range, range_count);
+ }
+ /* setup font baker from temporary memory */
+ nk_zero(temp, temp_size);
+ baker = nk_font_baker(temp, total_glyph_count, count, alloc);
+ if (!baker) return nk_false;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ const struct nk_font_config *cfg = &config[i];
+ if (!nk_tt_InitFont(&baker->build[i].info, (const unsigned char*)cfg->ttf_blob, 0))
+ return nk_false;
+ }
+ *height = 0;
+ *width = (total_glyph_count > 1000) ? 1024 : 512;
+ nk_tt_PackBegin(&baker->spc, 0, (int)*width, (int)max_height, 0, 1, alloc);
+ {
+ int input_i = 0;
+ int range_n = 0;
+ int rect_n = 0;
+ int char_n = 0;
+ /* pack custom user data first so it will be in the upper left corner*/
+ if (custom) {
+ struct nk_rp_rect custom_space;
+ nk_zero(&custom_space, sizeof(custom_space));
+ custom_space.w = (nk_rp_coord)((custom->w * 2) + 1);
+ custom_space.h = (nk_rp_coord)(custom->h + 1);
+ nk_tt_PackSetOversampling(&baker->spc, 1, 1);
+ nk_rp_pack_rects((struct nk_rp_context*)baker->spc.pack_info, &custom_space, 1);
+ *height = NK_MAX(*height, (int)(custom_space.y + custom_space.h));
+ custom->x = (short)custom_space.x;
+ custom->y = (short)custom_space.y;
+ custom->w = (short)custom_space.w;
+ custom->h = (short)custom_space.h;
+ }
+ /* first font pass: pack all glyphs */
+ for (input_i = 0; input_i < count; input_i++) {
+ int n = 0;
+ const nk_rune *in_range;
+ const struct nk_font_config *cfg = &config[input_i];
+ struct nk_font_bake_data *tmp = &baker->build[input_i];
+ int glyph_count;
+ /* count glyphs + ranges in current font */
+ glyph_count = 0; range_count = 0;
+ for (in_range = cfg->range; in_range[0] && in_range[1]; in_range += 2) {
+ glyph_count += (int)(in_range[1] - in_range[0]) + 1;
+ range_count++;
+ }
+ /* setup ranges */
+ tmp->ranges = baker->ranges + range_n;
+ tmp->range_count = (nk_rune)range_count;
+ range_n += range_count;
+ for (i = 0; i < range_count; ++i) {
+ in_range = &cfg->range[i * 2];
+ tmp->ranges[i].font_size = cfg->size;
+ tmp->ranges[i].first_unicode_codepoint_in_range = (int)in_range[0];
+ tmp->ranges[i].num_chars = (int)(in_range[1]- in_range[0]) + 1;
+ tmp->ranges[i].chardata_for_range = baker->packed_chars + char_n;
+ char_n += tmp->ranges[i].num_chars;
+ }
+ /* pack */
+ tmp->rects = baker->rects + rect_n;
+ rect_n += glyph_count;
+ nk_tt_PackSetOversampling(&baker->spc, cfg->oversample_h, cfg->oversample_v);
+ n = nk_tt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(&baker->spc, &tmp->info,
+ tmp->ranges, (int)tmp->range_count, tmp->rects);
+ nk_rp_pack_rects((struct nk_rp_context*)baker->spc.pack_info, tmp->rects, (int)n);
+ /* texture height */
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (tmp->rects[i].was_packed)
+ *height = NK_MAX(*height, tmp->rects[i].y + tmp->rects[i].h);
+ }
+ }
+ NK_ASSERT(rect_n == total_glyph_count);
+ NK_ASSERT(char_n == total_glyph_count);
+ NK_ASSERT(range_n == total_range_count);
+ }
+ *height = (int)nk_round_up_pow2((nk_uint)*height);
+ *image_memory = (nk_size)(*width) * (nk_size)(*height);
+ return nk_true;
+NK_API void
+nk_font_bake(void *image_memory, int width, int height,
+ void *temp, nk_size temp_size, struct nk_font_glyph *glyphs,
+ int glyphs_count, const struct nk_font_config *config, int font_count)
+ int input_i = 0;
+ struct nk_font_baker* baker;
+ nk_rune glyph_n = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(image_memory);
+ NK_ASSERT(width);
+ NK_ASSERT(height);
+ NK_ASSERT(config);
+ NK_ASSERT(temp);
+ NK_ASSERT(temp_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(font_count);
+ NK_ASSERT(glyphs_count);
+ if (!image_memory || !width || !height || !config || !temp ||
+ !temp_size || !font_count || !glyphs || !glyphs_count)
+ return;
+ /* second font pass: render glyphs */
+ baker = (struct nk_font_baker*)NK_ALIGN_PTR(temp, nk_baker_align);
+ nk_zero(image_memory, (nk_size)((nk_size)width * (nk_size)height));
+ baker->spc.pixels = (unsigned char*)image_memory;
+ baker->spc.height = (int)height;
+ for (input_i = 0; input_i < font_count; ++input_i) {
+ const struct nk_font_config *cfg = &config[input_i];
+ struct nk_font_bake_data *tmp = &baker->build[input_i];
+ nk_tt_PackSetOversampling(&baker->spc, cfg->oversample_h, cfg->oversample_v);
+ nk_tt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects(&baker->spc, &tmp->info, tmp->ranges,
+ (int)tmp->range_count, tmp->rects, &baker->alloc);
+ }
+ nk_tt_PackEnd(&baker->spc, &baker->alloc);
+ /* third pass: setup font and glyphs */
+ for (input_i = 0; input_i < font_count; ++input_i)
+ {
+ nk_size i = 0;
+ int char_idx = 0;
+ nk_rune glyph_count = 0;
+ const struct nk_font_config *cfg = &config[input_i];
+ struct nk_font_bake_data *tmp = &baker->build[input_i];
+ struct nk_baked_font *dst_font = cfg->font;
+ float font_scale = nk_tt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&tmp->info, cfg->size);
+ int unscaled_ascent, unscaled_descent, unscaled_line_gap;
+ nk_tt_GetFontVMetrics(&tmp->info, &unscaled_ascent, &unscaled_descent,
+ &unscaled_line_gap);
+ /* fill baked font */
+ if (!cfg->merge_mode) {
+ dst_font->ranges = cfg->range;
+ dst_font->height = cfg->size;
+ dst_font->ascent = ((float)unscaled_ascent * font_scale);
+ dst_font->descent = ((float)unscaled_descent * font_scale);
+ dst_font->glyph_offset = glyph_n;
+ }
+ /* fill own baked font glyph array */
+ for (i = 0; i < tmp->range_count; ++i)
+ {
+ struct nk_tt_pack_range *range = &tmp->ranges[i];
+ for (char_idx = 0; char_idx < range->num_chars; char_idx++)
+ {
+ nk_rune codepoint = 0;
+ float dummy_x = 0, dummy_y = 0;
+ struct nk_tt_aligned_quad q;
+ struct nk_font_glyph *glyph;
+ /* query glyph bounds from stb_truetype */
+ const struct nk_tt_packedchar *pc = &range->chardata_for_range[char_idx];
+ glyph_count++;
+ if (!pc->x0 && !pc->x1 && !pc->y0 && !pc->y1) continue;
+ codepoint = (nk_rune)(range->first_unicode_codepoint_in_range + char_idx);
+ nk_tt_GetPackedQuad(range->chardata_for_range, (int)width,
+ (int)height, char_idx, &dummy_x, &dummy_y, &q, 0);
+ /* fill own glyph type with data */
+ glyph = &glyphs[dst_font->glyph_offset + (unsigned int)char_idx];
+ glyph->codepoint = codepoint;
+ glyph->x0 = q.x0; glyph->y0 = q.y0;
+ glyph->x1 = q.x1; glyph->y1 = q.y1;
+ glyph->y0 += (dst_font->ascent + 0.5f);
+ glyph->y1 += (dst_font->ascent + 0.5f);
+ glyph->w = glyph->x1 - glyph->x0 + 0.5f;
+ glyph->h = glyph->y1 - glyph->y0;
+ if (cfg->coord_type == NK_COORD_PIXEL) {
+ glyph->u0 = q.s0 * (float)width;
+ glyph->v0 = q.t0 * (float)height;
+ glyph->u1 = q.s1 * (float)width;
+ glyph->v1 = q.t1 * (float)height;
+ } else {
+ glyph->u0 = q.s0;
+ glyph->v0 = q.t0;
+ glyph->u1 = q.s1;
+ glyph->v1 = q.t1;
+ }
+ glyph->xadvance = (pc->xadvance + cfg->spacing.x);
+ if (cfg->pixel_snap)
+ glyph->xadvance = (float)(int)(glyph->xadvance + 0.5f);
+ }
+ }
+ dst_font->glyph_count = glyph_count;
+ glyph_n += dst_font->glyph_count;
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_font_bake_custom_data(void *img_memory, int img_width, int img_height,
+ struct nk_recti img_dst, const char *texture_data_mask, int tex_width,
+ int tex_height, char white, char black)
+ nk_byte *pixels;
+ int y = 0;
+ int x = 0;
+ int n = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(img_memory);
+ NK_ASSERT(img_width);
+ NK_ASSERT(img_height);
+ NK_ASSERT(texture_data_mask);
+ NK_UNUSED(tex_height);
+ if (!img_memory || !img_width || !img_height || !texture_data_mask)
+ return;
+ pixels = (nk_byte*)img_memory;
+ for (y = 0, n = 0; y < tex_height; ++y) {
+ for (x = 0; x < tex_width; ++x, ++n) {
+ const int off0 = ((img_dst.x + x) + (img_dst.y + y) * img_width);
+ const int off1 = off0 + 1 + tex_width;
+ pixels[off0] = (texture_data_mask[n] == white) ? 0xFF : 0x00;
+ pixels[off1] = (texture_data_mask[n] == black) ? 0xFF : 0x00;
+ }
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_font_bake_convert(void *out_memory, int img_width, int img_height,
+ const void *in_memory)
+ int n = 0;
+ const nk_byte *src;
+ nk_rune *dst;
+ NK_ASSERT(out_memory);
+ NK_ASSERT(in_memory);
+ NK_ASSERT(img_width);
+ NK_ASSERT(img_height);
+ if (!out_memory || !in_memory || !img_height || !img_width) return;
+ dst = (nk_rune*)out_memory;
+ src = (const nk_byte*)in_memory;
+ for (n = (int)(img_width * img_height); n > 0; n--)
+ *dst++ = ((nk_rune)(*src++) << 24) | 0x00FFFFFF;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * FONT
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_font_text_width(nk_handle handle, float height, const char *text, int len)
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ int text_len = 0;
+ float text_width = 0;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ float scale = 0;
+ struct nk_font *font = (struct nk_font*)handle.ptr;
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ NK_ASSERT(font->glyphs);
+ if (!font || !text || !len)
+ return 0;
+ scale = height/font->info.height;
+ glyph_len = text_len = nk_utf_decode(text, &unicode, (int)len);
+ if (!glyph_len) return 0;
+ while (text_len <= (int)len && glyph_len) {
+ const struct nk_font_glyph *g;
+ if (unicode == NK_UTF_INVALID) break;
+ /* query currently drawn glyph information */
+ g = nk_font_find_glyph(font, unicode);
+ text_width += g->xadvance * scale;
+ /* offset next glyph */
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, (int)len - text_len);
+ text_len += glyph_len;
+ }
+ return text_width;
+nk_font_query_font_glyph(nk_handle handle, float height,
+ struct nk_user_font_glyph *glyph, nk_rune codepoint, nk_rune next_codepoint)
+ float scale;
+ const struct nk_font_glyph *g;
+ struct nk_font *font;
+ NK_ASSERT(glyph);
+ NK_UNUSED(next_codepoint);
+ font = (struct nk_font*)handle.ptr;
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ NK_ASSERT(font->glyphs);
+ if (!font || !glyph)
+ return;
+ scale = height/font->info.height;
+ g = nk_font_find_glyph(font, codepoint);
+ glyph->width = (g->x1 - g->x0) * scale;
+ glyph->height = (g->y1 - g->y0) * scale;
+ glyph->offset = nk_vec2(g->x0 * scale, g->y0 * scale);
+ glyph->xadvance = (g->xadvance * scale);
+ glyph->uv[0] = nk_vec2(g->u0, g->v0);
+ glyph->uv[1] = nk_vec2(g->u1, g->v1);
+NK_API const struct nk_font_glyph*
+nk_font_find_glyph(struct nk_font *font, nk_rune unicode)
+ int i = 0;
+ int count;
+ int total_glyphs = 0;
+ const struct nk_font_glyph *glyph = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ NK_ASSERT(font->glyphs);
+ glyph = font->fallback;
+ count = nk_range_count(font->info.ranges);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ int diff;
+ nk_rune f = font->info.ranges[(i*2)+0];
+ nk_rune t = font->info.ranges[(i*2)+1];
+ diff = (int)((t - f) + 1);
+ if (unicode >= f && unicode <= t)
+ return &font->glyphs[((nk_rune)total_glyphs + (unicode - f))];
+ total_glyphs += diff;
+ }
+ return glyph;
+NK_API void
+nk_font_init(struct nk_font *font, float pixel_height,
+ nk_rune fallback_codepoint, struct nk_font_glyph *glyphs,
+ const struct nk_baked_font *baked_font, nk_handle atlas)
+ struct nk_baked_font baked;
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ NK_ASSERT(glyphs);
+ NK_ASSERT(baked_font);
+ if (!font || !glyphs || !baked_font)
+ return;
+ baked = *baked_font;
+ nk_zero(font, sizeof(*font));
+ font->info = baked;
+ font->scale = (float)pixel_height / (float)font->info.height;
+ font->glyphs = &glyphs[baked_font->glyph_offset];
+ font->texture = atlas;
+ font->fallback_codepoint = fallback_codepoint;
+ font->fallback = nk_font_find_glyph(font, fallback_codepoint);
+ font->handle.height = font->info.height * font->scale;
+ font->handle.width = nk_font_text_width;
+ font->handle.userdata.ptr = font;
+ font->handle.query = nk_font_query_font_glyph;
+ font->handle.texture = font->texture;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * ProggyClean.ttf
+ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Tristan Grimmer
+ * MIT license (see License.txt in http://www.upperbounds.net/download/ProggyClean.ttf.zip)
+ * Download and more information at http://upperbounds.net
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Woverlength-strings"
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Woverlength-strings"
+NK_GLOBAL const char nk_proggy_clean_ttf_compressed_data_base85[11980+1] =
+ "7])#######hV0qs'/###[),##/l:$#Q6>##5[n42>c-TH`->>#/e>11NNV=Bv(*:.F?uu#(gRU.o0XGH`$vhLG1hxt9?W`#,5LsCp#-i>.r$<$6pD>Lb';9Crc6tgXmKVeU2cD4Eo3R/"
+ "2*>]b(MC;$jPfY.;h^`IWM9<Lh2TlS+f-s$o6Q<BWH`YiU.xfLq$N;$0iR/GX:U(jcW2p/W*q?-qmnUCI;jHSAiFWM.R*kU@C=GH?a9wp8f$e.-4^Qg1)Q-GL(lf(r/7GrRgwV%MS=C#"
+ "`8ND>Qo#t'X#(v#Y9w0#1D$CIf;W'#pWUPXOuxXuU(H9M(1<q-UE31#^-V'8IRUo7Qf./L>=Ke$$'5F%)]0^#0X@U.a<r:QLtFsLcL6##lOj)#.Y5<-R&KgLwqJfLgN&;Q?gI^#DY2uL"
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+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+NK_INTERN unsigned int
+nk_decompress_length(unsigned char *input)
+ return (unsigned int)((input[8] << 24) + (input[9] << 16) + (input[10] << 8) + input[11]);
+NK_GLOBAL unsigned char *nk__barrier;
+NK_GLOBAL unsigned char *nk__barrier2;
+NK_GLOBAL unsigned char *nk__barrier3;
+NK_GLOBAL unsigned char *nk__barrier4;
+NK_GLOBAL unsigned char *nk__dout;
+nk__match(unsigned char *data, unsigned int length)
+ /* INVERSE of memmove... write each byte before copying the next...*/
+ NK_ASSERT (nk__dout + length <= nk__barrier);
+ if (nk__dout + length > nk__barrier) { nk__dout += length; return; }
+ if (data < nk__barrier4) { nk__dout = nk__barrier+1; return; }
+ while (length--) *nk__dout++ = *data++;
+nk__lit(unsigned char *data, unsigned int length)
+ NK_ASSERT (nk__dout + length <= nk__barrier);
+ if (nk__dout + length > nk__barrier) { nk__dout += length; return; }
+ if (data < nk__barrier2) { nk__dout = nk__barrier+1; return; }
+ NK_MEMCPY(nk__dout, data, length);
+ nk__dout += length;
+#define nk__in2(x) ((i[x] << 8) + i[(x)+1])
+#define nk__in3(x) ((i[x] << 16) + nk__in2((x)+1))
+#define nk__in4(x) ((i[x] << 24) + nk__in3((x)+1))
+NK_INTERN unsigned char*
+nk_decompress_token(unsigned char *i)
+ if (*i >= 0x20) { /* use fewer if's for cases that expand small */
+ if (*i >= 0x80) nk__match(nk__dout-i[1]-1, (unsigned int)i[0] - 0x80 + 1), i += 2;
+ else if (*i >= 0x40) nk__match(nk__dout-(nk__in2(0) - 0x4000 + 1), (unsigned int)i[2]+1), i += 3;
+ else /* *i >= 0x20 */ nk__lit(i+1, (unsigned int)i[0] - 0x20 + 1), i += 1 + (i[0] - 0x20 + 1);
+ } else { /* more ifs for cases that expand large, since overhead is amortized */
+ if (*i >= 0x18) nk__match(nk__dout-(unsigned int)(nk__in3(0) - 0x180000 + 1), (unsigned int)i[3]+1), i += 4;
+ else if (*i >= 0x10) nk__match(nk__dout-(unsigned int)(nk__in3(0) - 0x100000 + 1), (unsigned int)nk__in2(3)+1), i += 5;
+ else if (*i >= 0x08) nk__lit(i+2, (unsigned int)nk__in2(0) - 0x0800 + 1), i += 2 + (nk__in2(0) - 0x0800 + 1);
+ else if (*i == 0x07) nk__lit(i+3, (unsigned int)nk__in2(1) + 1), i += 3 + (nk__in2(1) + 1);
+ else if (*i == 0x06) nk__match(nk__dout-(unsigned int)(nk__in3(1)+1), i[4]+1u), i += 5;
+ else if (*i == 0x04) nk__match(nk__dout-(unsigned int)(nk__in3(1)+1), (unsigned int)nk__in2(4)+1u), i += 6;
+ }
+ return i;
+NK_INTERN unsigned int
+nk_adler32(unsigned int adler32, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int buflen)
+ const unsigned long ADLER_MOD = 65521;
+ unsigned long s1 = adler32 & 0xffff, s2 = adler32 >> 16;
+ unsigned long blocklen, i;
+ blocklen = buflen % 5552;
+ while (buflen) {
+ for (i=0; i + 7 < blocklen; i += 8) {
+ s1 += buffer[0], s2 += s1;
+ s1 += buffer[1], s2 += s1;
+ s1 += buffer[2], s2 += s1;
+ s1 += buffer[3], s2 += s1;
+ s1 += buffer[4], s2 += s1;
+ s1 += buffer[5], s2 += s1;
+ s1 += buffer[6], s2 += s1;
+ s1 += buffer[7], s2 += s1;
+ buffer += 8;
+ }
+ for (; i < blocklen; ++i)
+ s1 += *buffer++, s2 += s1;
+ s1 %= ADLER_MOD, s2 %= ADLER_MOD;
+ buflen -= (unsigned int)blocklen;
+ blocklen = 5552;
+ }
+ return (unsigned int)(s2 << 16) + (unsigned int)s1;
+NK_INTERN unsigned int
+nk_decompress(unsigned char *output, unsigned char *i, unsigned int length)
+ unsigned int olen;
+ if (nk__in4(0) != 0x57bC0000) return 0;
+ if (nk__in4(4) != 0) return 0; /* error! stream is > 4GB */
+ olen = nk_decompress_length(i);
+ nk__barrier2 = i;
+ nk__barrier3 = i+length;
+ nk__barrier = output + olen;
+ nk__barrier4 = output;
+ i += 16;
+ nk__dout = output;
+ for (;;) {
+ unsigned char *old_i = i;
+ i = nk_decompress_token(i);
+ if (i == old_i) {
+ if (*i == 0x05 && i[1] == 0xfa) {
+ NK_ASSERT(nk__dout == output + olen);
+ if (nk__dout != output + olen) return 0;
+ if (nk_adler32(1, output, olen) != (unsigned int) nk__in4(2))
+ return 0;
+ return olen;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ NK_ASSERT(nk__dout <= output + olen);
+ if (nk__dout > output + olen)
+ return 0;
+ }
+NK_INTERN unsigned int
+nk_decode_85_byte(char c)
+{ return (unsigned int)((c >= '\\') ? c-36 : c-35); }
+nk_decode_85(unsigned char* dst, const unsigned char* src)
+ while (*src)
+ {
+ unsigned int tmp =
+ nk_decode_85_byte((char)src[0]) +
+ 85 * (nk_decode_85_byte((char)src[1]) +
+ 85 * (nk_decode_85_byte((char)src[2]) +
+ 85 * (nk_decode_85_byte((char)src[3]) +
+ 85 * nk_decode_85_byte((char)src[4]))));
+ /* we can't assume little-endianess. */
+ dst[0] = (unsigned char)((tmp >> 0) & 0xFF);
+ dst[1] = (unsigned char)((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ dst[2] = (unsigned char)((tmp >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ dst[3] = (unsigned char)((tmp >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ src += 5;
+ dst += 4;
+ }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API struct nk_font_config
+nk_font_config(float pixel_height)
+ struct nk_font_config cfg;
+ nk_zero_struct(cfg);
+ cfg.ttf_blob = 0;
+ cfg.ttf_size = 0;
+ cfg.ttf_data_owned_by_atlas = 0;
+ cfg.size = pixel_height;
+ cfg.oversample_h = 3;
+ cfg.oversample_v = 1;
+ cfg.pixel_snap = 0;
+ cfg.coord_type = NK_COORD_UV;
+ cfg.spacing = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ cfg.range = nk_font_default_glyph_ranges();
+ cfg.fallback_glyph = '?';
+ cfg.font = 0;
+ cfg.merge_mode = 0;
+ return cfg;
+NK_API void
+nk_font_atlas_init_default(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas)
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ if (!atlas) return;
+ nk_zero_struct(*atlas);
+ atlas->alloc.userdata.ptr = 0;
+ atlas->alloc.alloc = nk_malloc;
+ atlas->alloc.free = nk_mfree;
+NK_API void
+nk_font_atlas_init(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas, struct nk_allocator *alloc)
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(alloc);
+ if (!atlas || !alloc) return;
+ nk_zero_struct(*atlas);
+ atlas->alloc = *alloc;
+NK_API void
+nk_font_atlas_begin(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas)
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc && atlas->alloc.free);
+ if (!atlas || !atlas->alloc.alloc || !atlas->alloc.free) return;
+ if (atlas->glyphs) {
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->glyphs);
+ atlas->glyphs = 0;
+ }
+ if (atlas->pixel) {
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->pixel);
+ atlas->pixel = 0;
+ }
+NK_API struct nk_font*
+nk_font_atlas_add(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas, const struct nk_font_config *config)
+ struct nk_font *font = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(config);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.free);
+ NK_ASSERT(config->ttf_blob);
+ NK_ASSERT(config->ttf_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(config->size > 0.0f);
+ if (!atlas || !config || !config->ttf_blob || !config->ttf_size || config->size <= 0.0f||
+ !atlas->alloc.alloc || !atlas->alloc.free)
+ return 0;
+ /* allocate new font */
+ if (!config->merge_mode) {
+ font = (struct nk_font*)atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0, sizeof(struct nk_font));
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ if (!font) return 0;
+ } else {
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->font_num);
+ font = atlas->fonts[atlas->font_num-1];
+ }
+ /* make sure enough memory */
+ if (!atlas->config || atlas->font_num >= atlas->font_cap) {
+ void *tmp_font, *tmp_config;
+ atlas->font_cap = (!atlas->config) ? 32: (int)((float)atlas->font_cap * 2.7f);
+ tmp_font = atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0,
+ ((nk_size)atlas->font_cap * sizeof(struct nk_font*)));
+ tmp_config = atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0,
+ ((nk_size)atlas->font_cap * sizeof(struct nk_font_config)));
+ if (!atlas->config) {
+ atlas->fonts = (struct nk_font**)tmp_font;
+ atlas->config = (struct nk_font_config*)tmp_config;
+ } else {
+ /* realloc */
+ NK_MEMCPY(tmp_font, atlas->fonts,
+ sizeof(struct nk_font*) * (nk_size)atlas->font_num);
+ NK_MEMCPY(tmp_config, atlas->config,
+ sizeof(struct nk_font_config) * (nk_size)atlas->font_num);
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->fonts);
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->config);
+ atlas->fonts = (struct nk_font**)tmp_font;
+ atlas->config = (struct nk_font_config*)tmp_config;
+ }
+ }
+ /* add font and font config into atlas */
+ atlas->config[atlas->font_num] = *config;
+ if (!config->merge_mode) {
+ atlas->fonts[atlas->font_num] = font;
+ atlas->config[atlas->font_num].font = &font->info;
+ }
+ /* create own copy of .TTF font blob */
+ if (!config->ttf_data_owned_by_atlas) {
+ struct nk_font_config *c = &atlas->config[atlas->font_num];
+ c->ttf_blob = atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0, c->ttf_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(c->ttf_blob);
+ if (!c->ttf_blob) {
+ atlas->font_num++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ NK_MEMCPY(c->ttf_blob, config->ttf_blob, c->ttf_size);
+ c->ttf_data_owned_by_atlas = 1;
+ }
+ atlas->font_num++;
+ return font;
+NK_API struct nk_font*
+nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas, void *memory,
+ nk_size size, float height, const struct nk_font_config *config)
+ struct nk_font_config cfg;
+ NK_ASSERT(memory);
+ NK_ASSERT(size);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.free);
+ if (!atlas || !atlas->alloc.alloc || !atlas->alloc.free || !memory || !size)
+ return 0;
+ cfg = (config) ? *config: nk_font_config(height);
+ cfg.ttf_blob = memory;
+ cfg.ttf_size = size;
+ cfg.size = height;
+ cfg.ttf_data_owned_by_atlas = 0;
+ return nk_font_atlas_add(atlas, &cfg);
+NK_API struct nk_font*
+nk_font_atlas_add_from_file(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas, const char *file_path,
+ float height, const struct nk_font_config *config)
+ nk_size size;
+ char *memory;
+ struct nk_font_config cfg;
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.free);
+ if (!atlas || !file_path) return 0;
+ memory = nk_file_load(file_path, &size, &atlas->alloc);
+ if (!memory) return 0;
+ cfg = (config) ? *config: nk_font_config(height);
+ cfg.ttf_blob = memory;
+ cfg.ttf_size = size;
+ cfg.size = height;
+ cfg.ttf_data_owned_by_atlas = 1;
+ return nk_font_atlas_add(atlas, &cfg);
+NK_API struct nk_font*
+nk_font_atlas_add_compressed(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas,
+ void *compressed_data, nk_size compressed_size, float height,
+ const struct nk_font_config *config)
+ unsigned int decompressed_size;
+ void *decompressed_data;
+ struct nk_font_config cfg;
+ NK_ASSERT(compressed_data);
+ NK_ASSERT(compressed_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.free);
+ if (!atlas || !compressed_data || !atlas->alloc.alloc || !atlas->alloc.free)
+ return 0;
+ decompressed_size = nk_decompress_length((unsigned char*)compressed_data);
+ decompressed_data = atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0,decompressed_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(decompressed_data);
+ if (!decompressed_data) return 0;
+ nk_decompress((unsigned char*)decompressed_data, (unsigned char*)compressed_data,
+ (unsigned int)compressed_size);
+ cfg = (config) ? *config: nk_font_config(height);
+ cfg.ttf_blob = decompressed_data;
+ cfg.ttf_size = decompressed_size;
+ cfg.size = height;
+ cfg.ttf_data_owned_by_atlas = 1;
+ return nk_font_atlas_add(atlas, &cfg);
+NK_API struct nk_font*
+nk_font_atlas_add_compressed_base85(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas,
+ const char *data_base85, float height, const struct nk_font_config *config)
+ int compressed_size;
+ void *compressed_data;
+ struct nk_font *font;
+ NK_ASSERT(data_base85);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.free);
+ if (!atlas || !data_base85 || !atlas->alloc.alloc || !atlas->alloc.free)
+ return 0;
+ compressed_size = (((int)nk_strlen(data_base85) + 4) / 5) * 4;
+ compressed_data = atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0, (nk_size)compressed_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(compressed_data);
+ if (!compressed_data) return 0;
+ nk_decode_85((unsigned char*)compressed_data, (const unsigned char*)data_base85);
+ font = nk_font_atlas_add_compressed(atlas, compressed_data,
+ (nk_size)compressed_size, height, config);
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, compressed_data);
+ return font;
+NK_API struct nk_font*
+nk_font_atlas_add_default(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas,
+ float pixel_height, const struct nk_font_config *config)
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.free);
+ return nk_font_atlas_add_compressed_base85(atlas,
+ nk_proggy_clean_ttf_compressed_data_base85, pixel_height, config);
+NK_API const void*
+nk_font_atlas_bake(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas, int *width, int *height,
+ enum nk_font_atlas_format fmt)
+ int i = 0;
+ void *tmp = 0;
+ nk_size tmp_size, img_size;
+ NK_ASSERT(width);
+ NK_ASSERT(height);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.free);
+ if (!atlas || !width || !height || !atlas->alloc.alloc || !atlas->alloc.free)
+ return 0;
+ /* no font added so just use default font */
+ if (!atlas->font_num)
+ atlas->default_font = nk_font_atlas_add_default(atlas, 13.0f, 0);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->font_num);
+ if (!atlas->font_num) return 0;
+ /* allocate temporary memory required for the baking process */
+ nk_font_bake_memory(&tmp_size, &atlas->glyph_count, atlas->config, atlas->font_num);
+ tmp = atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0, tmp_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(tmp);
+ if (!tmp) goto failed;
+ /* allocate glyph memory for all fonts */
+ atlas->glyphs = (struct nk_font_glyph*)
+ atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0,
+ sizeof(struct nk_font_glyph) * (nk_size)atlas->glyph_count);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->glyphs);
+ if (!atlas->glyphs)
+ goto failed;
+ /* pack all glyphs into a tight fit space */
+ atlas->custom.w = 2; atlas->custom.h = 2;
+ if (!nk_font_bake_pack(&img_size, width, height, &atlas->custom, tmp, tmp_size,
+ atlas->config, atlas->font_num, &atlas->alloc))
+ goto failed;
+ /* allocate memory for the baked image font atlas */
+ atlas->pixel = atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0, img_size);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->pixel);
+ if (!atlas->pixel)
+ goto failed;
+ /* bake glyphs and custom white pixel into image */
+ {const char *custom_data = "....";
+ nk_font_bake(atlas->pixel, *width, *height, tmp, tmp_size, atlas->glyphs,
+ atlas->glyph_count, atlas->config, atlas->font_num);
+ nk_font_bake_custom_data(atlas->pixel, *width, *height, atlas->custom,
+ custom_data, 2, 2, '.', 'X');}
+ /* convert alpha8 image into rgba32 image */
+ if (fmt == NK_FONT_ATLAS_RGBA32) {
+ void *img_rgba = atlas->alloc.alloc(atlas->alloc.userdata,0,
+ (nk_size)(*width * *height * 4));
+ NK_ASSERT(img_rgba);
+ if (!img_rgba) goto failed;
+ nk_font_bake_convert(img_rgba, *width, *height, atlas->pixel);
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->pixel);
+ atlas->pixel = img_rgba;
+ }
+ atlas->tex_width = *width;
+ atlas->tex_height = *height;
+ /* initialize each font */
+ for (i = 0; i < atlas->font_num; ++i) {
+ nk_font_init(atlas->fonts[i], atlas->config[i].size,
+ atlas->config[i].fallback_glyph, atlas->glyphs,
+ atlas->config[i].font, nk_handle_ptr(0));
+ }
+ /* free temporary memory */
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, tmp);
+ return atlas->pixel;
+ /* error so cleanup all memory */
+ if (tmp) atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, tmp);
+ if (atlas->glyphs) {
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->glyphs);
+ atlas->glyphs = 0;
+ }
+ if (atlas->pixel) {
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->pixel);
+ atlas->pixel = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_font_atlas_end(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas, nk_handle texture,
+ struct nk_draw_null_texture *null)
+ int i = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ if (!atlas) {
+ if (!null) return;
+ null->texture = texture;
+ null->uv = nk_vec2(0.5f,0.5f);
+ }
+ if (null) {
+ null->texture = texture;
+ null->uv = nk_vec2((atlas->custom.x + 0.5f)/(float)atlas->tex_width,
+ (atlas->custom.y + 0.5f)/(float)atlas->tex_height);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < atlas->font_num; ++i) {
+ atlas->fonts[i]->texture = texture;
+ atlas->fonts[i]->handle.texture = texture;
+ }
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->pixel);
+ atlas->pixel = 0;
+ atlas->tex_width = 0;
+ atlas->tex_height = 0;
+ atlas->custom.x = 0;
+ atlas->custom.y = 0;
+ atlas->custom.w = 0;
+ atlas->custom.h = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_font_atlas_clear(struct nk_font_atlas *atlas)
+ int i = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.alloc);
+ NK_ASSERT(atlas->alloc.free);
+ if (!atlas || !atlas->alloc.alloc || !atlas->alloc.free)
+ return;
+ if (atlas->fonts) {
+ for (i = 0; i < atlas->font_num; ++i)
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->fonts[i]);
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->fonts);
+ }
+ if (atlas->config) {
+ for (i = 0; i < atlas->font_num; ++i)
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->config[i].ttf_blob);
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->config);
+ }
+ if (atlas->glyphs)
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->glyphs);
+ if (atlas->pixel)
+ atlas->alloc.free(atlas->alloc.userdata, atlas->pixel);
+ nk_zero_struct(*atlas);
+/* ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_API void
+nk_input_begin(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ int i;
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ in = &ctx->input;
+ for (i = 0; i < NK_BUTTON_MAX; ++i)
+ in->mouse.buttons[i].clicked = 0;
+ in->keyboard.text_len = 0;
+ in->mouse.scroll_delta = 0;
+ in->mouse.prev.x = in->mouse.pos.x;
+ in->mouse.prev.y = in->mouse.pos.y;
+ in->mouse.delta.x = 0;
+ in->mouse.delta.y = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NK_KEY_MAX; i++)
+ in->keyboard.keys[i].clicked = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_input_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ in = &ctx->input;
+ if (in->mouse.grab)
+ in->mouse.grab = 0;
+ if (in->mouse.ungrab) {
+ in->mouse.grabbed = 0;
+ in->mouse.ungrab = 0;
+ in->mouse.grab = 0;
+ }
+ if (in->mouse.grabbed) {
+ in->mouse.pos.x = in->mouse.prev.x;
+ in->mouse.pos.y = in->mouse.prev.y;
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_input_motion(struct nk_context *ctx, int x, int y)
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ in = &ctx->input;
+ in->mouse.pos.x = (float)x;
+ in->mouse.pos.y = (float)y;
+ in->mouse.delta = nk_vec2_sub(in->mouse.pos, in->mouse.prev);
+NK_API void
+nk_input_key(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_keys key, int down)
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ in = &ctx->input;
+ if (in->keyboard.keys[key].down == down) return;
+ in->keyboard.keys[key].down = down;
+ in->keyboard.keys[key].clicked++;
+NK_API void
+nk_input_button(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_buttons id, int x, int y, int down)
+ struct nk_mouse_button *btn;
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ in = &ctx->input;
+ if (in->mouse.buttons[id].down == down) return;
+ btn = &in->mouse.buttons[id];
+ btn->clicked_pos.x = (float)x;
+ btn->clicked_pos.y = (float)y;
+ btn->down = down;
+ btn->clicked++;
+NK_API void
+nk_input_scroll(struct nk_context *ctx, float y)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ ctx->input.mouse.scroll_delta += y;
+NK_API void
+nk_input_glyph(struct nk_context *ctx, const nk_glyph glyph)
+ int len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ in = &ctx->input;
+ len = nk_utf_decode(glyph, &unicode, NK_UTF_SIZE);
+ if (len && ((in->keyboard.text_len + len) < NK_INPUT_MAX)) {
+ nk_utf_encode(unicode, &in->keyboard.text[in->keyboard.text_len],
+ NK_INPUT_MAX - in->keyboard.text_len);
+ in->keyboard.text_len += len;
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_input_char(struct nk_context *ctx, char c)
+ nk_glyph glyph;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ glyph[0] = c;
+ nk_input_glyph(ctx, glyph);
+NK_API void
+nk_input_unicode(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_rune unicode)
+ nk_glyph rune;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ nk_utf_encode(unicode, rune, NK_UTF_SIZE);
+ nk_input_glyph(ctx, rune);
+NK_API int
+nk_input_has_mouse_click(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id)
+ const struct nk_mouse_button *btn;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ btn = &i->mouse.buttons[id];
+ return (btn->clicked && btn->down == nk_false) ? nk_true : nk_false;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_has_mouse_click_in_rect(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id,
+ struct nk_rect b)
+ const struct nk_mouse_button *btn;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ btn = &i->mouse.buttons[id];
+ if (!NK_INBOX(btn->clicked_pos.x,btn->clicked_pos.y,b.x,b.y,b.w,b.h))
+ return nk_false;
+ return nk_true;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id,
+ struct nk_rect b, int down)
+ const struct nk_mouse_button *btn;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ btn = &i->mouse.buttons[id];
+ return nk_input_has_mouse_click_in_rect(i, id, b) && (btn->down == down);
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id,
+ struct nk_rect b)
+ const struct nk_mouse_button *btn;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ btn = &i->mouse.buttons[id];
+ return (nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(i, id, b, nk_false) &&
+ btn->clicked) ? nk_true : nk_false;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_mouse_click_down_in_rect(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id,
+ struct nk_rect b, int down)
+ const struct nk_mouse_button *btn;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ btn = &i->mouse.buttons[id];
+ return (nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(i, id, b, down) &&
+ btn->clicked) ? nk_true : nk_false;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_any_mouse_click_in_rect(const struct nk_input *in, struct nk_rect b)
+ int i, down = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NK_BUTTON_MAX; ++i)
+ down = down || nk_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(in, (enum nk_buttons)i, b);
+ return down;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(const struct nk_input *i, struct nk_rect rect)
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ return NK_INBOX(i->mouse.pos.x, i->mouse.pos.y, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(const struct nk_input *i, struct nk_rect rect)
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ return NK_INBOX(i->mouse.prev.x, i->mouse.prev.y, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
+NK_API int
+nk_input_mouse_clicked(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id, struct nk_rect rect)
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ if (!nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, rect)) return nk_false;
+ return nk_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(i, id, rect);
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_mouse_down(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id)
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ return i->mouse.buttons[id].down;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_mouse_pressed(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id)
+ const struct nk_mouse_button *b;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ b = &i->mouse.buttons[id];
+ if (b->down && b->clicked)
+ return nk_true;
+ return nk_false;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_mouse_released(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_buttons id)
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ return (!i->mouse.buttons[id].down && i->mouse.buttons[id].clicked);
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_key_pressed(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_keys key)
+ const struct nk_key *k;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ k = &i->keyboard.keys[key];
+ if (k->down && k->clicked)
+ return nk_true;
+ return nk_false;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_key_released(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_keys key)
+ const struct nk_key *k;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ k = &i->keyboard.keys[key];
+ if (!k->down && k->clicked)
+ return nk_true;
+ return nk_false;
+NK_API int
+nk_input_is_key_down(const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_keys key)
+ const struct nk_key *k;
+ if (!i) return nk_false;
+ k = &i->keyboard.keys[key];
+ if (k->down) return nk_true;
+ return nk_false;
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+/* stb_textedit.h - v1.8 - public domain - Sean Barrett */
+struct nk_text_find {
+ float x,y; /* position of n'th character */
+ float height; /* height of line */
+ int first_char, length; /* first char of row, and length */
+ int prev_first; /*_ first char of previous row */
+struct nk_text_edit_row {
+ float x0,x1;
+ /* starting x location, end x location (allows for align=right, etc) */
+ float baseline_y_delta;
+ /* position of baseline relative to previous row's baseline*/
+ float ymin,ymax;
+ /* height of row above and below baseline */
+ int num_chars;
+/* forward declarations */
+NK_INTERN void nk_textedit_makeundo_delete(struct nk_text_edit*, int, int);
+NK_INTERN void nk_textedit_makeundo_insert(struct nk_text_edit*, int, int);
+NK_INTERN void nk_textedit_makeundo_replace(struct nk_text_edit*, int, int, int);
+#define NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(s) ((s)->select_start != (s)->select_end)
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_textedit_get_width(const struct nk_text_edit *edit, int line_start, int char_id,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ int len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode = 0;
+ const char *str = nk_str_at_const(&edit->string, line_start + char_id, &unicode, &len);
+ return font->width(font->userdata, font->height, str, len);
+nk_textedit_layout_row(struct nk_text_edit_row *r, struct nk_text_edit *edit,
+ int line_start_id, float row_height, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ int l;
+ int glyphs = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ const char *remaining;
+ int len = nk_str_len_char(&edit->string);
+ const char *end = nk_str_get_const(&edit->string) + len;
+ const char *text = nk_str_at_const(&edit->string, line_start_id, &unicode, &l);
+ const struct nk_vec2 size = nk_text_calculate_text_bounds(font,
+ text, (int)(end - text), row_height, &remaining, 0, &glyphs, NK_STOP_ON_NEW_LINE);
+ r->x0 = 0.0f;
+ r->x1 = size.x;
+ r->baseline_y_delta = size.y;
+ r->ymin = 0.0f;
+ r->ymax = size.y;
+ r->num_chars = glyphs;
+nk_textedit_locate_coord(struct nk_text_edit *edit, float x, float y,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font, float row_height)
+ struct nk_text_edit_row r;
+ int n = edit->string.len;
+ float base_y = 0, prev_x;
+ int i=0, k;
+ r.x0 = r.x1 = 0;
+ r.ymin = r.ymax = 0;
+ r.num_chars = 0;
+ /* search rows to find one that straddles 'y' */
+ while (i < n) {
+ nk_textedit_layout_row(&r, edit, i, row_height, font);
+ if (r.num_chars <= 0)
+ return n;
+ if (i==0 && y < base_y + r.ymin)
+ return 0;
+ if (y < base_y + r.ymax)
+ break;
+ i += r.num_chars;
+ base_y += r.baseline_y_delta;
+ }
+ /* below all text, return 'after' last character */
+ if (i >= n)
+ return n;
+ /* check if it's before the beginning of the line */
+ if (x < r.x0)
+ return i;
+ /* check if it's before the end of the line */
+ if (x < r.x1) {
+ /* search characters in row for one that straddles 'x' */
+ k = i;
+ prev_x = r.x0;
+ for (i=0; i < r.num_chars; ++i) {
+ float w = nk_textedit_get_width(edit, k, i, font);
+ if (x < prev_x+w) {
+ if (x < prev_x+w/2)
+ return k+i;
+ else return k+i+1;
+ }
+ prev_x += w;
+ }
+ /* shouldn't happen, but if it does, fall through to end-of-line case */
+ }
+ /* if the last character is a newline, return that.
+ * otherwise return 'after' the last character */
+ if (nk_str_rune_at(&edit->string, i+r.num_chars-1) == '\n')
+ return i+r.num_chars-1;
+ else return i+r.num_chars;
+nk_textedit_click(struct nk_text_edit *state, float x, float y,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font, float row_height)
+ /* API click: on mouse down, move the cursor to the clicked location,
+ * and reset the selection */
+ state->cursor = nk_textedit_locate_coord(state, x, y, font, row_height);
+ state->select_start = state->cursor;
+ state->select_end = state->cursor;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+nk_textedit_drag(struct nk_text_edit *state, float x, float y,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font, float row_height)
+ /* API drag: on mouse drag, move the cursor and selection endpoint
+ * to the clicked location */
+ int p = nk_textedit_locate_coord(state, x, y, font, row_height);
+ if (state->select_start == state->select_end)
+ state->select_start = state->cursor;
+ state->cursor = state->select_end = p;
+nk_textedit_find_charpos(struct nk_text_find *find, struct nk_text_edit *state,
+ int n, int single_line, const struct nk_user_font *font, float row_height)
+ /* find the x/y location of a character, and remember info about the previous
+ * row in case we get a move-up event (for page up, we'll have to rescan) */
+ struct nk_text_edit_row r;
+ int prev_start = 0;
+ int z = state->string.len;
+ int i=0, first;
+ if (n == z) {
+ /* if it's at the end, then find the last line -- simpler than trying to
+ explicitly handle this case in the regular code */
+ if (single_line) {
+ nk_textedit_layout_row(&r, state, 0, row_height, font);
+ find->y = 0;
+ find->first_char = 0;
+ find->length = z;
+ find->height = r.ymax - r.ymin;
+ find->x = r.x1;
+ } else {
+ find->y = 0;
+ find->x = 0;
+ find->height = 1;
+ while (i < z) {
+ nk_textedit_layout_row(&r, state, i, row_height, font);
+ prev_start = i;
+ i += r.num_chars;
+ }
+ find->first_char = i;
+ find->length = 0;
+ find->prev_first = prev_start;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* search rows to find the one that straddles character n */
+ find->y = 0;
+ for(;;) {
+ nk_textedit_layout_row(&r, state, i, row_height, font);
+ if (n < i + r.num_chars) break;
+ prev_start = i;
+ i += r.num_chars;
+ find->y += r.baseline_y_delta;
+ }
+ find->first_char = first = i;
+ find->length = r.num_chars;
+ find->height = r.ymax - r.ymin;
+ find->prev_first = prev_start;
+ /* now scan to find xpos */
+ find->x = r.x0;
+ for (i=0; first+i < n; ++i)
+ find->x += nk_textedit_get_width(state, first, i, font);
+nk_textedit_clamp(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ /* make the selection/cursor state valid if client altered the string */
+ int n = state->string.len;
+ if (NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state)) {
+ if (state->select_start > n) state->select_start = n;
+ if (state->select_end > n) state->select_end = n;
+ /* if clamping forced them to be equal, move the cursor to match */
+ if (state->select_start == state->select_end)
+ state->cursor = state->select_start;
+ }
+ if (state->cursor > n) state->cursor = n;
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_delete(struct nk_text_edit *state, int where, int len)
+ /* delete characters while updating undo */
+ nk_textedit_makeundo_delete(state, where, len);
+ nk_str_delete_runes(&state->string, where, len);
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_delete_selection(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ /* delete the section */
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ if (NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state)) {
+ if (state->select_start < state->select_end) {
+ nk_textedit_delete(state, state->select_start,
+ state->select_end - state->select_start);
+ state->select_end = state->cursor = state->select_start;
+ } else {
+ nk_textedit_delete(state, state->select_end,
+ state->select_start - state->select_end);
+ state->select_start = state->cursor = state->select_end;
+ }
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ }
+nk_textedit_sortselection(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ /* canonicalize the selection so start <= end */
+ if (state->select_end < state->select_start) {
+ int temp = state->select_end;
+ state->select_end = state->select_start;
+ state->select_start = temp;
+ }
+nk_textedit_move_to_first(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ /* move cursor to first character of selection */
+ if (NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state)) {
+ nk_textedit_sortselection(state);
+ state->cursor = state->select_start;
+ state->select_end = state->select_start;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ }
+nk_textedit_move_to_last(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ /* move cursor to last character of selection */
+ if (NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state)) {
+ nk_textedit_sortselection(state);
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ state->cursor = state->select_end;
+ state->select_start = state->select_end;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ }
+nk_is_word_boundary( struct nk_text_edit *state, int idx)
+ int len;
+ nk_rune c;
+ if (idx <= 0) return 1;
+ if (!nk_str_at_rune(&state->string, idx, &c, &len)) return 1;
+ return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' ||c == 0x3000 || c == ',' || c == ';' ||
+ c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '[' || c == ']' ||
+ c == '|');
+nk_textedit_move_to_word_previous(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ int c = state->cursor - 1;
+ while( c >= 0 && !nk_is_word_boundary(state, c))
+ --c;
+ if( c < 0 )
+ c = 0;
+ return c;
+nk_textedit_move_to_word_next(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ const int len = state->string.len;
+ int c = state->cursor+1;
+ while( c < len && !nk_is_word_boundary(state, c))
+ ++c;
+ if( c > len )
+ c = len;
+ return c;
+nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ /* update selection and cursor to match each other */
+ if (!NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state))
+ state->select_start = state->select_end = state->cursor;
+ else state->cursor = state->select_end;
+NK_API int
+nk_textedit_cut(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ /* API cut: delete selection */
+ if (NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state)) {
+ nk_textedit_delete_selection(state); /* implicitly clamps */
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+NK_API int
+nk_textedit_paste(struct nk_text_edit *state, char const *ctext, int len)
+ /* API paste: replace existing selection with passed-in text */
+ int glyphs;
+ const char *text = (const char *) ctext;
+ /* if there's a selection, the paste should delete it */
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ nk_textedit_delete_selection(state);
+ /* try to insert the characters */
+ glyphs = nk_utf_len(ctext, len);
+ if (nk_str_insert_text_char(&state->string, state->cursor, text, len)) {
+ nk_textedit_makeundo_insert(state, state->cursor, glyphs);
+ state->cursor += len;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* remove the undo since we didn't actually insert the characters */
+ if (state->undo.undo_point)
+ --state->undo.undo_point;
+ return 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_text(struct nk_text_edit *state, const char *text, int total_len)
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ int glyph_len;
+ int text_len = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(text);
+ if (!text || !total_len || state->mode == NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_VIEW) return;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text, &unicode, total_len);
+ if (!glyph_len) return;
+ while ((text_len < total_len) && glyph_len)
+ {
+ /* can't add newline in single-line mode */
+ if (unicode == '\n' && state->single_line)
+ break;
+ /* filter incoming text */
+ if (state->filter && !state->filter(state, unicode)) {
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, total_len-text_len);
+ text_len += glyph_len;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state) &&
+ state->cursor < state->string.len)
+ {
+ if (state->mode == NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_REPLACE) {
+ nk_textedit_makeundo_replace(state, state->cursor, 1, 1);
+ nk_str_delete_runes(&state->string, state->cursor, 1);
+ }
+ if (nk_str_insert_text_char(&state->string, state->cursor,
+ text+text_len, glyph_len))
+ {
+ ++state->cursor;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ nk_textedit_delete_selection(state); /* implicitly clamps */
+ if (nk_str_insert_text_char(&state->string, state->cursor,
+ text+text_len, glyph_len))
+ {
+ nk_textedit_makeundo_insert(state, state->cursor, 1);
+ ++state->cursor;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, total_len-text_len);
+ text_len += glyph_len;
+ }
+nk_textedit_key(struct nk_text_edit *state, enum nk_keys key, int shift_mod,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font, float row_height)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case NK_KEY_NONE:
+ case NK_KEY_CTRL:
+ case NK_KEY_ENTER:
+ case NK_KEY_SHIFT:
+ case NK_KEY_TAB:
+ case NK_KEY_COPY:
+ case NK_KEY_CUT:
+ case NK_KEY_PASTE:
+ case NK_KEY_MAX:
+ default: break;
+ nk_textedit_undo(state);
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ break;
+ nk_textedit_redo(state);
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ break;
+ if (state->mode == NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_VIEW)
+ state->mode = NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_INSERT;
+ break;
+ if (state->mode == NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_VIEW)
+ state->mode = NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_REPLACE;
+ break;
+ if (state->mode == NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_INSERT ||
+ state->mode == NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_REPLACE)
+ state->mode = NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_VIEW;
+ break;
+ case NK_KEY_LEFT:
+ if (shift_mod) {
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ /* move selection left */
+ if (state->select_end > 0)
+ --state->select_end;
+ state->cursor = state->select_end;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* if currently there's a selection,
+ * move cursor to start of selection */
+ nk_textedit_move_to_first(state);
+ else if (state->cursor > 0)
+ --state->cursor;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ } break;
+ case NK_KEY_RIGHT:
+ if (shift_mod) {
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ /* move selection right */
+ ++state->select_end;
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ state->cursor = state->select_end;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* if currently there's a selection,
+ * move cursor to end of selection */
+ nk_textedit_move_to_last(state);
+ else ++state->cursor;
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ } break;
+ if (shift_mod) {
+ if( !NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION( state ) )
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ state->cursor = nk_textedit_move_to_word_previous(state);
+ state->select_end = state->cursor;
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state );
+ } else {
+ nk_textedit_move_to_first(state);
+ else {
+ state->cursor = nk_textedit_move_to_word_previous(state);
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state );
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (shift_mod) {
+ if( !NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION( state ) )
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ state->cursor = nk_textedit_move_to_word_next(state);
+ state->select_end = state->cursor;
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ } else {
+ nk_textedit_move_to_last(state);
+ else {
+ state->cursor = nk_textedit_move_to_word_next(state);
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state );
+ }
+ } break;
+ case NK_KEY_DOWN: {
+ struct nk_text_find find;
+ struct nk_text_edit_row row;
+ int i, sel = shift_mod;
+ if (state->single_line) {
+ /* on windows, up&down in single-line behave like left&right */
+ key = NK_KEY_RIGHT;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ if (sel)
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ else if (NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state))
+ nk_textedit_move_to_last(state);
+ /* compute current position of cursor point */
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ nk_textedit_find_charpos(&find, state, state->cursor, state->single_line,
+ font, row_height);
+ /* now find character position down a row */
+ if (find.length)
+ {
+ float x;
+ float goal_x = state->has_preferred_x ? state->preferred_x : find.x;
+ int start = find.first_char + find.length;
+ state->cursor = start;
+ nk_textedit_layout_row(&row, state, state->cursor, row_height, font);
+ x = row.x0;
+ for (i=0; i < row.num_chars; ++i) {
+ float dx = nk_textedit_get_width(state, start, i, font);
+ x += dx;
+ if (x > goal_x)
+ break;
+ ++state->cursor;
+ }
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ state->has_preferred_x = 1;
+ state->preferred_x = goal_x;
+ if (sel)
+ state->select_end = state->cursor;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case NK_KEY_UP: {
+ struct nk_text_find find;
+ struct nk_text_edit_row row;
+ int i, sel = shift_mod;
+ if (state->single_line) {
+ /* on windows, up&down become left&right */
+ key = NK_KEY_LEFT;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ if (sel)
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ else if (NK_TEXT_HAS_SELECTION(state))
+ nk_textedit_move_to_first(state);
+ /* compute current position of cursor point */
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ nk_textedit_find_charpos(&find, state, state->cursor, state->single_line,
+ font, row_height);
+ /* can only go up if there's a previous row */
+ if (find.prev_first != find.first_char) {
+ /* now find character position up a row */
+ float x;
+ float goal_x = state->has_preferred_x ? state->preferred_x : find.x;
+ state->cursor = find.prev_first;
+ nk_textedit_layout_row(&row, state, state->cursor, row_height, font);
+ x = row.x0;
+ for (i=0; i < row.num_chars; ++i) {
+ float dx = nk_textedit_get_width(state, find.prev_first, i, font);
+ x += dx;
+ if (x > goal_x)
+ break;
+ ++state->cursor;
+ }
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ state->has_preferred_x = 1;
+ state->preferred_x = goal_x;
+ if (sel) state->select_end = state->cursor;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case NK_KEY_DEL:
+ nk_textedit_delete_selection(state);
+ else {
+ int n = state->string.len;
+ if (state->cursor < n)
+ nk_textedit_delete(state, state->cursor, 1);
+ }
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ break;
+ nk_textedit_delete_selection(state);
+ else {
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ if (state->cursor > 0) {
+ nk_textedit_delete(state, state->cursor-1, 1);
+ --state->cursor;
+ }
+ }
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ break;
+ if (shift_mod) {
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ state->cursor = state->select_end = 0;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ } else {
+ state->cursor = state->select_start = state->select_end = 0;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (shift_mod) {
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ state->cursor = state->select_end = state->string.len;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ } else {
+ state->cursor = state->string.len;
+ state->select_start = state->select_end = 0;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (shift_mod) {
+ struct nk_text_find find;
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ if (state->string.len && state->cursor == state->string.len)
+ --state->cursor;
+ nk_textedit_find_charpos(&find, state,state->cursor, state->single_line,
+ font, row_height);
+ state->cursor = state->select_end = find.first_char;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ } else {
+ struct nk_text_find find;
+ if (state->string.len && state->cursor == state->string.len)
+ --state->cursor;
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ nk_textedit_move_to_first(state);
+ nk_textedit_find_charpos(&find, state, state->cursor, state->single_line,
+ font, row_height);
+ state->cursor = find.first_char;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (shift_mod) {
+ struct nk_text_find find;
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ nk_textedit_prep_selection_at_cursor(state);
+ nk_textedit_find_charpos(&find, state, state->cursor, state->single_line,
+ font, row_height);
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ state->cursor = find.first_char + find.length;
+ if (find.length > 0 && nk_str_rune_at(&state->string, state->cursor-1) == '\n')
+ --state->cursor;
+ state->select_end = state->cursor;
+ } else {
+ struct nk_text_find find;
+ nk_textedit_clamp(state);
+ nk_textedit_move_to_first(state);
+ nk_textedit_find_charpos(&find, state, state->cursor, state->single_line,
+ font, row_height);
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ state->cursor = find.first_char + find.length;
+ if (find.length > 0 && nk_str_rune_at(&state->string, state->cursor-1) == '\n')
+ --state->cursor;
+ }} break;
+ }
+nk_textedit_flush_redo(struct nk_text_undo_state *state)
+ state->redo_point = NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOSTATECOUNT;
+ state->redo_char_point = NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOCHARCOUNT;
+nk_textedit_discard_undo(struct nk_text_undo_state *state)
+ /* discard the oldest entry in the undo list */
+ if (state->undo_point > 0) {
+ /* if the 0th undo state has characters, clean those up */
+ if (state->undo_rec[0].char_storage >= 0) {
+ int n = state->undo_rec[0].insert_length, i;
+ /* delete n characters from all other records */
+ state->undo_char_point = (short)(state->undo_char_point - n);
+ NK_MEMCPY(state->undo_char, state->undo_char + n,
+ (nk_size)state->undo_char_point*sizeof(nk_rune));
+ for (i=0; i < state->undo_point; ++i) {
+ if (state->undo_rec[i].char_storage >= 0)
+ state->undo_rec[i].char_storage = (short)
+ (state->undo_rec[i].char_storage - n);
+ }
+ }
+ --state->undo_point;
+ NK_MEMCPY(state->undo_rec, state->undo_rec+1,
+ (nk_size)((nk_size)state->undo_point * sizeof(state->undo_rec[0])));
+ }
+nk_textedit_discard_redo(struct nk_text_undo_state *state)
+/* discard the oldest entry in the redo list--it's bad if this
+ ever happens, but because undo & redo have to store the actual
+ characters in different cases, the redo character buffer can
+ fill up even though the undo buffer didn't */
+ nk_size num;
+ if (state->redo_point <= k) {
+ /* if the k'th undo state has characters, clean those up */
+ if (state->undo_rec[k].char_storage >= 0) {
+ int n = state->undo_rec[k].insert_length, i;
+ /* delete n characters from all other records */
+ state->redo_char_point = (short)(state->redo_char_point + n);
+ num = (nk_size)(NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOSTATECOUNT - state->redo_char_point);
+ NK_MEMCPY(state->undo_char + state->redo_char_point,
+ state->undo_char + state->redo_char_point-n, num * sizeof(char));
+ for (i = state->redo_point; i < k; ++i) {
+ if (state->undo_rec[i].char_storage >= 0) {
+ state->undo_rec[i].char_storage = (short)
+ (state->undo_rec[i].char_storage + n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++state->redo_point;
+ num = (nk_size)(NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOSTATECOUNT - state->redo_point);
+ if (num) NK_MEMCPY(state->undo_rec + state->redo_point-1,
+ state->undo_rec + state->redo_point, num * sizeof(state->undo_rec[0]));
+ }
+NK_INTERN struct nk_text_undo_record*
+nk_textedit_create_undo_record(struct nk_text_undo_state *state, int numchars)
+ /* any time we create a new undo record, we discard redo*/
+ nk_textedit_flush_redo(state);
+ /* if we have no free records, we have to make room,
+ * by sliding the existing records down */
+ if (state->undo_point == NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOSTATECOUNT)
+ nk_textedit_discard_undo(state);
+ /* if the characters to store won't possibly fit in the buffer,
+ * we can't undo */
+ state->undo_point = 0;
+ state->undo_char_point = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* if we don't have enough free characters in the buffer,
+ * we have to make room */
+ while (state->undo_char_point + numchars > NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOCHARCOUNT)
+ nk_textedit_discard_undo(state);
+ return &state->undo_rec[state->undo_point++];
+NK_INTERN nk_rune*
+nk_textedit_createundo(struct nk_text_undo_state *state, int pos,
+ int insert_len, int delete_len)
+ struct nk_text_undo_record *r = nk_textedit_create_undo_record(state, insert_len);
+ if (r == 0)
+ return 0;
+ r->where = pos;
+ r->insert_length = (short) insert_len;
+ r->delete_length = (short) delete_len;
+ if (insert_len == 0) {
+ r->char_storage = -1;
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ r->char_storage = state->undo_char_point;
+ state->undo_char_point = (short)(state->undo_char_point + insert_len);
+ return &state->undo_char[r->char_storage];
+ }
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_undo(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ struct nk_text_undo_state *s = &state->undo;
+ struct nk_text_undo_record u, *r;
+ if (s->undo_point == 0)
+ return;
+ /* we need to do two things: apply the undo record, and create a redo record */
+ u = s->undo_rec[s->undo_point-1];
+ r = &s->undo_rec[s->redo_point-1];
+ r->char_storage = -1;
+ r->insert_length = u.delete_length;
+ r->delete_length = u.insert_length;
+ r->where = u.where;
+ if (u.delete_length)
+ {
+ /* if the undo record says to delete characters, then the redo record will
+ need to re-insert the characters that get deleted, so we need to store
+ them.
+ there are three cases:
+ - there's enough room to store the characters
+ - characters stored for *redoing* don't leave room for redo
+ - characters stored for *undoing* don't leave room for redo
+ if the last is true, we have to bail */
+ if (s->undo_char_point + u.delete_length >= NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOCHARCOUNT) {
+ /* the undo records take up too much character space; there's no space
+ * to store the redo characters */
+ r->insert_length = 0;
+ } else {
+ int i;
+ /* there's definitely room to store the characters eventually */
+ while (s->undo_char_point + u.delete_length > s->redo_char_point) {
+ /* there's currently not enough room, so discard a redo record */
+ nk_textedit_discard_redo(s);
+ /* should never happen: */
+ if (s->redo_point == NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOSTATECOUNT)
+ return;
+ }
+ r = &s->undo_rec[s->redo_point-1];
+ r->char_storage = (short)(s->redo_char_point - u.delete_length);
+ s->redo_char_point = (short)(s->redo_char_point - u.delete_length);
+ /* now save the characters */
+ for (i=0; i < u.delete_length; ++i)
+ s->undo_char[r->char_storage + i] =
+ nk_str_rune_at(&state->string, u.where + i);
+ }
+ /* now we can carry out the deletion */
+ nk_str_delete_runes(&state->string, u.where, u.delete_length);
+ }
+ /* check type of recorded action: */
+ if (u.insert_length) {
+ /* easy case: was a deletion, so we need to insert n characters */
+ nk_str_insert_text_runes(&state->string, u.where,
+ &s->undo_char[u.char_storage], u.insert_length);
+ s->undo_char_point = (short)(s->undo_char_point - u.insert_length);
+ }
+ state->cursor = (short)(u.where + u.insert_length);
+ s->undo_point--;
+ s->redo_point--;
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_redo(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ struct nk_text_undo_state *s = &state->undo;
+ struct nk_text_undo_record *u, r;
+ if (s->redo_point == NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOSTATECOUNT)
+ return;
+ /* we need to do two things: apply the redo record, and create an undo record */
+ u = &s->undo_rec[s->undo_point];
+ r = s->undo_rec[s->redo_point];
+ /* we KNOW there must be room for the undo record, because the redo record
+ was derived from an undo record */
+ u->delete_length = r.insert_length;
+ u->insert_length = r.delete_length;
+ u->where = r.where;
+ u->char_storage = -1;
+ if (r.delete_length) {
+ /* the redo record requires us to delete characters, so the undo record
+ needs to store the characters */
+ if (s->undo_char_point + u->insert_length > s->redo_char_point) {
+ u->insert_length = 0;
+ u->delete_length = 0;
+ } else {
+ int i;
+ u->char_storage = s->undo_char_point;
+ s->undo_char_point = (short)(s->undo_char_point + u->insert_length);
+ /* now save the characters */
+ for (i=0; i < u->insert_length; ++i) {
+ s->undo_char[u->char_storage + i] =
+ nk_str_rune_at(&state->string, u->where + i);
+ }
+ }
+ nk_str_delete_runes(&state->string, r.where, r.delete_length);
+ }
+ if (r.insert_length) {
+ /* easy case: need to insert n characters */
+ nk_str_insert_text_runes(&state->string, r.where,
+ &s->undo_char[r.char_storage], r.insert_length);
+ }
+ state->cursor = r.where + r.insert_length;
+ s->undo_point++;
+ s->redo_point++;
+nk_textedit_makeundo_insert(struct nk_text_edit *state, int where, int length)
+ nk_textedit_createundo(&state->undo, where, 0, length);
+nk_textedit_makeundo_delete(struct nk_text_edit *state, int where, int length)
+ int i;
+ nk_rune *p = nk_textedit_createundo(&state->undo, where, length, 0);
+ if (p) {
+ for (i=0; i < length; ++i)
+ p[i] = nk_str_rune_at(&state->string, where+i);
+ }
+nk_textedit_makeundo_replace(struct nk_text_edit *state, int where,
+ int old_length, int new_length)
+ int i;
+ nk_rune *p = nk_textedit_createundo(&state->undo, where, old_length, new_length);
+ if (p) {
+ for (i=0; i < old_length; ++i)
+ p[i] = nk_str_rune_at(&state->string, where+i);
+ }
+nk_textedit_clear_state(struct nk_text_edit *state, enum nk_text_edit_type type,
+ nk_filter filter)
+ /* reset the state to default */
+ state->undo.undo_point = 0;
+ state->undo.undo_char_point = 0;
+ state->undo.redo_point = NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOSTATECOUNT;
+ state->undo.redo_char_point = NK_TEXTEDIT_UNDOCHARCOUNT;
+ state->select_end = state->select_start = 0;
+ state->cursor = 0;
+ state->has_preferred_x = 0;
+ state->preferred_x = 0;
+ state->cursor_at_end_of_line = 0;
+ state->initialized = 1;
+ state->single_line = (unsigned char)(type == NK_TEXT_EDIT_SINGLE_LINE);
+ state->mode = NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_VIEW;
+ state->filter = filter;
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_init_fixed(struct nk_text_edit *state, void *memory, nk_size size)
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(memory);
+ if (!state || !memory || !size) return;
+ nk_textedit_clear_state(state, NK_TEXT_EDIT_SINGLE_LINE, 0);
+ nk_str_init_fixed(&state->string, memory, size);
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_init(struct nk_text_edit *state, struct nk_allocator *alloc, nk_size size)
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(alloc);
+ if (!state || !alloc) return;
+ nk_textedit_clear_state(state, NK_TEXT_EDIT_SINGLE_LINE, 0);
+ nk_str_init(&state->string, alloc, size);
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_init_default(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ if (!state) return;
+ nk_textedit_clear_state(state, NK_TEXT_EDIT_SINGLE_LINE, 0);
+ nk_str_init_default(&state->string);
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_select_all(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ state->select_start = 0;
+ state->select_end = state->string.len;
+NK_API void
+nk_textedit_free(struct nk_text_edit *state)
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ if (!state) return;
+ nk_str_free(&state->string);
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+#define nk_widget_state_reset(s)\
+struct nk_text {
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_color background;
+ struct nk_color text;
+nk_widget_text(struct nk_command_buffer *o, struct nk_rect b,
+ const char *string, int len, const struct nk_text *t,
+ nk_flags a, const struct nk_user_font *f)
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ float text_width;
+ if (!o || !t) return;
+ b.h = NK_MAX(b.h, 2 * t->padding.y);
+ label.x = 0; label.w = 0;
+ label.y = b.y + t->padding.y;
+ label.h = b.h - 2 * t->padding.y;
+ text_width = f->width(f->userdata, f->height, (const char*)string, len);
+ text_width += (2.0f * t->padding.x);
+ /* align in x-axis */
+ if (a & NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) {
+ label.x = b.x + t->padding.x;
+ label.w = NK_MAX(0, b.w - 2 * t->padding.x);
+ } else if (a & NK_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED) {
+ label.w = NK_MAX(1, 2 * t->padding.x + (float)text_width);
+ label.x = (b.x + t->padding.x + ((b.w - 2 * t->padding.x) - label.w) / 2);
+ label.x = NK_MAX(b.x + t->padding.x, label.x);
+ label.w = NK_MIN(b.x + b.w, label.x + label.w);
+ if (label.w >= label.x) label.w -= label.x;
+ } else if (a & NK_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
+ label.x = NK_MAX(b.x + t->padding.x, (b.x + b.w) - (2 * t->padding.x + (float)text_width));
+ label.w = (float)text_width + 2 * t->padding.x;
+ } else return;
+ /* align in y-axis */
+ label.y = b.y + b.h/2.0f - (float)f->height/2.0f;
+ label.h = NK_MAX(b.h/2.0f, b.h - (b.h/2.0f + f->height/2.0f));
+ } else if (a & NK_TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM) {
+ label.y = b.y + b.h - f->height;
+ label.h = f->height;
+ }
+ nk_draw_text(o, label, (const char*)string,
+ len, f, t->background, t->text);
+nk_widget_text_wrap(struct nk_command_buffer *o, struct nk_rect b,
+ const char *string, int len, const struct nk_text *t,
+ const struct nk_user_font *f)
+ float width;
+ int glyphs = 0;
+ int fitting = 0;
+ int done = 0;
+ struct nk_rect line;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ if (!o || !t) return;
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ text.background = t->background;
+ text.text = t->text;
+ b.w = NK_MAX(b.w, 2 * t->padding.x);
+ b.h = NK_MAX(b.h, 2 * t->padding.y);
+ b.h = b.h - 2 * t->padding.y;
+ line.x = b.x + t->padding.x;
+ line.y = b.y + t->padding.y;
+ line.w = b.w - 2 * t->padding.x;
+ line.h = 2 * t->padding.y + f->height;
+ fitting = nk_text_clamp(f, string, len, line.w, &glyphs, &width);
+ while (done < len) {
+ if (!fitting || line.y + line.h >= (b.y + b.h)) break;
+ nk_widget_text(o, line, &string[done], fitting, &text, NK_TEXT_LEFT, f);
+ done += fitting;
+ line.y += f->height + 2 * t->padding.y;
+ fitting = nk_text_clamp(f, &string[done], len - done,
+ line.w, &glyphs, &width);
+ }
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+nk_draw_symbol(struct nk_command_buffer *out, enum nk_symbol_type type,
+ struct nk_rect content, struct nk_color background, struct nk_color foreground,
+ float border_width, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ switch (type) {
+ case NK_SYMBOL_X:
+ /* single character text symbol */
+ const char *X = (type == NK_SYMBOL_X) ? "x":
+ (type == NK_SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE) ? "_":
+ (type == NK_SYMBOL_PLUS) ? "+": "-";
+ struct nk_text text;
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ text.background = background;
+ text.text = foreground;
+ nk_widget_text(out, content, X, 1, &text, NK_TEXT_CENTERED, font);
+ } break;
+ /* simple empty/filled shapes */
+ if (type == NK_SYMBOL_RECT || type == NK_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED) {
+ nk_fill_rect(out, content, 0, foreground);
+ if (type == NK_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED)
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_shrink_rect(content, border_width), 0, background);
+ } else {
+ nk_fill_circle(out, content, foreground);
+ nk_fill_circle(out, nk_shrink_rect(content, 1), background);
+ }
+ } break;
+ enum nk_heading heading;
+ struct nk_vec2 points[3];
+ heading = (type == NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT) ? NK_RIGHT :
+ nk_triangle_from_direction(points, content, 0, 0, heading);
+ nk_fill_triangle(out, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y,
+ points[2].x, points[2].y, foreground);
+ } break;
+ default:
+ case NK_SYMBOL_MAX: break;
+ }
+nk_button_behavior(nk_flags *state, struct nk_rect r,
+ const struct nk_input *i, enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+ int ret = 0;
+ nk_widget_state_reset(state);
+ if (!i) return 0;
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, r)) {
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_down(i, NK_BUTTON_LEFT))
+ if (nk_input_has_mouse_click_in_rect(i, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, r)) {
+ ret = (behavior != NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT) ?
+ nk_input_is_mouse_down(i, NK_BUTTON_LEFT):
+ nk_input_is_mouse_released(i, NK_BUTTON_LEFT);
+ nk_input_is_mouse_pressed(i, NK_BUTTON_LEFT);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER && !nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(i, r))
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(i, r))
+ return ret;
+NK_INTERN const struct nk_style_item*
+nk_draw_button(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, nk_flags state,
+ const struct nk_style_button *style)
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ background = &style->hover;
+ else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED)
+ background = &style->active;
+ else background = &style->normal;
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(out, *bounds, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ nk_fill_rect(out, *bounds, style->rounding, style->border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_shrink_rect(*bounds, style->border), style->rounding,
+ background->data.color);
+ }
+ return background;
+nk_do_button(nk_flags *state, struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect r,
+ const struct nk_style_button *style, const struct nk_input *in,
+ enum nk_button_behavior behavior, struct nk_rect *content)
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ if (!out || !style)
+ return nk_false;
+ /* calculate button content space */
+ content->x = r.x + style->padding.x + style->border;
+ content->y = r.y + style->padding.y + style->border;
+ content->w = r.w - 2 * style->padding.x + style->border;
+ content->h = r.h - 2 * style->padding.y + style->border;
+ /* execute button behavior */
+ bounds.x = r.x - style->touch_padding.x;
+ bounds.y = r.y - style->touch_padding.y;
+ bounds.w = r.w + 2 * style->touch_padding.x;
+ bounds.h = r.h + 2 * style->touch_padding.y;
+ return nk_button_behavior(state, bounds, in, behavior);
+nk_draw_button_text(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_rect *content, nk_flags state,
+ const struct nk_style_button *style, const char *txt, int len,
+ nk_flags text_alignment, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_text text;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ background = nk_draw_button(out, bounds, state, style);
+ /* select correct colors/images */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_COLOR)
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ else text.background = style->text_background;
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ text.text = style->text_hover;
+ else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED)
+ text.text = style->text_active;
+ else text.text = style->text_normal;
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ nk_widget_text(out, *content, txt, len, &text, text_alignment, font);
+nk_do_button_text(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect bounds,
+ const char *string, int len, nk_flags align, enum nk_button_behavior behavior,
+ const struct nk_style_button *style, const struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ int ret = nk_false;
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(string);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ if (!out || !style || !font || !string)
+ return nk_false;
+ ret = nk_do_button(state, out, bounds, style, in, behavior, &content);
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_button_text(out, &bounds, &content, *state, style, string, len, align, font);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return ret;
+nk_draw_button_symbol(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_rect *content,
+ nk_flags state, const struct nk_style_button *style,
+ enum nk_symbol_type type, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_color sym, bg;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ /* select correct colors/images */
+ background = nk_draw_button(out, bounds, state, style);
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_COLOR)
+ bg = background->data.color;
+ else bg = style->text_background;
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ sym = style->text_hover;
+ else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED)
+ sym = style->text_active;
+ else sym = style->text_normal;
+ nk_draw_symbol(out, type, *content, bg, sym, 1, font);
+nk_do_button_symbol(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect bounds,
+ enum nk_symbol_type symbol, enum nk_button_behavior behavior,
+ const struct nk_style_button *style, const struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ int ret;
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ if (!out || !style || !font || !state)
+ return nk_false;
+ ret = nk_do_button(state, out, bounds, style, in, behavior, &content);
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_button_symbol(out, &bounds, &content, *state, style, symbol, font);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return ret;
+nk_draw_button_image(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_rect *content,
+ nk_flags state, const struct nk_style_button *style, const struct nk_image *img)
+ nk_draw_button(out, bounds, state, style);
+ nk_draw_image(out, *content, img);
+nk_do_button_image(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect bounds,
+ struct nk_image img, enum nk_button_behavior b,
+ const struct nk_style_button *style, const struct nk_input *in)
+ int ret;
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ if (!out || !style || !state)
+ return nk_false;
+ ret = nk_do_button(state, out, bounds, style, in, b, &content);
+ content.x += style->image_padding.x;
+ content.y += style->image_padding.y;
+ content.w -= 2 * style->image_padding.x;
+ content.h -= 2 * style->image_padding.y;
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_button_image(out, &bounds, &content, *state, style, &img);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return ret;
+nk_draw_button_text_symbol(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_rect *label,
+ const struct nk_rect *symbol, nk_flags state, const struct nk_style_button *style,
+ const char *str, int len, enum nk_symbol_type type,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_color sym;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ /* select correct background colors/images */
+ background = nk_draw_button(out, bounds, state, style);
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_COLOR)
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ else text.background = style->text_background;
+ /* select correct text colors */
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ sym = style->text_hover;
+ text.text = style->text_hover;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ sym = style->text_active;
+ text.text = style->text_active;
+ } else {
+ sym = style->text_normal;
+ text.text = style->text_normal;
+ }
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ nk_draw_symbol(out, type, *symbol, style->text_background, sym, 0, font);
+ nk_widget_text(out, *label, str, len, &text, NK_TEXT_CENTERED, font);
+nk_do_button_text_symbol(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect bounds,
+ enum nk_symbol_type symbol, const char *str, int len, nk_flags align,
+ enum nk_button_behavior behavior, const struct nk_style_button *style,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font, const struct nk_input *in)
+ int ret;
+ struct nk_rect tri = {0,0,0,0};
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ if (!out || !style || !font)
+ return nk_false;
+ ret = nk_do_button(state, out, bounds, style, in, behavior, &content);
+ tri.y = content.y + (content.h/2) - font->height/2;
+ tri.w = font->height; tri.h = font->height;
+ if (align & NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) {
+ tri.x = (content.x + content.w) - (2 * style->padding.x + tri.w);
+ tri.x = NK_MAX(tri.x, 0);
+ } else tri.x = content.x + 2 * style->padding.x;
+ /* draw button */
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_button_text_symbol(out, &bounds, &content, &tri,
+ *state, style, str, len, symbol, font);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return ret;
+nk_draw_button_text_image(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_rect *label,
+ const struct nk_rect *image, nk_flags state, const struct nk_style_button *style,
+ const char *str, int len, const struct nk_user_font *font,
+ const struct nk_image *img)
+ struct nk_text text;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ background = nk_draw_button(out, bounds, state, style);
+ /* select correct colors */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_COLOR)
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ else text.background = style->text_background;
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ text.text = style->text_hover;
+ else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED)
+ text.text = style->text_active;
+ else text.text = style->text_normal;
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ nk_widget_text(out, *label, str, len, &text, NK_TEXT_CENTERED, font);
+ nk_draw_image(out, *image, img);
+nk_do_button_text_image(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect bounds,
+ struct nk_image img, const char* str, int len, nk_flags align,
+ enum nk_button_behavior behavior, const struct nk_style_button *style,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font, const struct nk_input *in)
+ int ret;
+ struct nk_rect icon;
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ if (!out || !font || !style || !str)
+ return nk_false;
+ ret = nk_do_button(state, out, bounds, style, in, behavior, &content);
+ icon.y = bounds.y + style->padding.y;
+ icon.w = icon.h = bounds.h - 2 * style->padding.y;
+ if (align & NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) {
+ icon.x = (bounds.x + bounds.w) - (2 * style->padding.x + icon.w);
+ icon.x = NK_MAX(icon.x, 0);
+ } else icon.x = bounds.x + 2 * style->padding.x;
+ icon.x += style->image_padding.x;
+ icon.y += style->image_padding.y;
+ icon.w -= 2 * style->image_padding.x;
+ icon.h -= 2 * style->image_padding.y;
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_button_text_image(out, &bounds, &content, &icon, *state, style, str, len, font, &img);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return ret;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+enum nk_toggle_type {
+nk_toggle_behavior(const struct nk_input *in, struct nk_rect select,
+ nk_flags *state, int active)
+ nk_widget_state_reset(state);
+ if (nk_button_behavior(state, select, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT)) {
+ active = !active;
+ }
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER && !nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, select))
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, select))
+ return active;
+nk_draw_checkbox(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ nk_flags state, const struct nk_style_toggle *style, int active,
+ const struct nk_rect *label, const struct nk_rect *selector,
+ const struct nk_rect *cursors, const char *string, int len,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ const struct nk_style_item *cursor;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ /* select correct colors/images */
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_hover;
+ text.text = style->text_hover;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_hover;
+ text.text = style->text_active;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_normal;
+ text.text = style->text_normal;
+ }
+ /* draw background and cursor */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, *selector, &background->data.image);
+ else nk_fill_rect(out, *selector, 0, background->data.color);
+ if (active) {
+ if (cursor->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, *cursors, &cursor->data.image);
+ else nk_fill_rect(out, *cursors, 0, cursor->data.color);
+ }
+ text.padding.x = 0;
+ text.padding.y = 0;
+ text.background = style->text_background;
+ nk_widget_text(out, *label, string, len, &text, NK_TEXT_LEFT, font);
+nk_draw_option(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ nk_flags state, const struct nk_style_toggle *style, int active,
+ const struct nk_rect *label, const struct nk_rect *selector,
+ const struct nk_rect *cursors, const char *string, int len,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ const struct nk_style_item *cursor;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ /* select correct colors/images */
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_hover;
+ text.text = style->text_hover;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_hover;
+ text.text = style->text_active;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_normal;
+ text.text = style->text_normal;
+ }
+ /* draw background and cursor */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, *selector, &background->data.image);
+ else nk_fill_circle(out, *selector, background->data.color);
+ if (active) {
+ if (cursor->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, *cursors, &cursor->data.image);
+ else nk_fill_circle(out, *cursors, cursor->data.color);
+ }
+ text.padding.x = 0;
+ text.padding.y = 0;
+ text.background = style->text_background;
+ nk_widget_text(out, *label, string, len, &text, NK_TEXT_LEFT, font);
+nk_do_toggle(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect r,
+ int *active, const char *str, int len, enum nk_toggle_type type,
+ const struct nk_style_toggle *style, const struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ int was_active;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ struct nk_rect select;
+ struct nk_rect cursor;
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ float cursor_pad;
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ if (!out || !style || !font || !active)
+ return 0;
+ r.w = NK_MAX(r.w, font->height + 2 * style->padding.x);
+ r.h = NK_MAX(r.h, font->height + 2 * style->padding.y);
+ /* add additional touch padding for touch screen devices */
+ bounds.x = r.x - style->touch_padding.x;
+ bounds.y = r.y - style->touch_padding.y;
+ bounds.w = r.w + 2 * style->touch_padding.x;
+ bounds.h = r.h + 2 * style->touch_padding.y;
+ /* calculate the selector space */
+ select.w = NK_MIN(r.h, font->height + style->padding.y);
+ select.h = select.w;
+ select.x = r.x + style->padding.x;
+ select.y = (r.y + style->padding.y + (select.w / 2)) - (font->height / 2);
+ cursor_pad = (type == NK_TOGGLE_OPTION) ?
+ (float)(int)(select.w / 4):
+ (float)(int)(select.h / 6);
+ /* calculate the bounds of the cursor inside the selector */
+ select.h = NK_MAX(select.w, cursor_pad * 2);
+ cursor.h = select.h - cursor_pad * 2;
+ cursor.w = cursor.h;
+ cursor.x = select.x + cursor_pad;
+ cursor.y = select.y + cursor_pad;
+ /* label behind the selector */
+ label.x = r.x + select.w + style->padding.x * 2;
+ label.y = select.y;
+ label.w = NK_MAX(r.x + r.w, label.x + style->padding.x);
+ label.w -= (label.x + style->padding.x);
+ label.h = select.w;
+ /* update selector */
+ was_active = *active;
+ *active = nk_toggle_behavior(in, bounds, state, *active);
+ /* draw selector */
+ if (style->draw_begin)
+ style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ if (type == NK_TOGGLE_CHECK) {
+ nk_draw_checkbox(out, *state, style, *active, &label, &select, &cursor, str, len, font);
+ } else {
+ nk_draw_option(out, *state, style, *active, &label, &select, &cursor, str, len, font);
+ }
+ if (style->draw_end)
+ style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return (was_active != *active);
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+nk_draw_selectable(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ nk_flags state, const struct nk_style_selectable *style, int active,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_rect *icon, const struct nk_image *img,
+ const char *string, int len, nk_flags align, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ text.padding = style->padding;
+ /* select correct colors/images */
+ if (!active) {
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->pressed;
+ text.text = style->text_pressed;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ text.text = style->text_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ text.text = style->text_normal;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->pressed_active;
+ text.text = style->text_pressed_active;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover_active;
+ text.text = style->text_hover_active;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal_active;
+ text.text = style->text_normal_active;
+ }
+ }
+ /* draw selectable background and text */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(out, *bounds, &background->data.image);
+ text.background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ } else {
+ nk_fill_rect(out, *bounds, style->rounding, background->data.color);
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ }
+ if (img && icon) nk_draw_image(out, *icon, img);
+ nk_widget_text(out, *bounds, string, len, &text, align, font);
+nk_do_selectable(nk_flags *state, struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ struct nk_rect bounds, const char *str, int len, nk_flags align, int *value,
+ const struct nk_style_selectable *style, const struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ int old_value;
+ struct nk_rect touch;
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(len);
+ NK_ASSERT(value);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ if (!state || !out || !str || !len || !value || !style || !font) return 0;
+ old_value = *value;
+ /* remove padding */
+ touch.x = bounds.x - style->touch_padding.x;
+ touch.y = bounds.y - style->touch_padding.y;
+ touch.w = bounds.w + style->touch_padding.x * 2;
+ touch.h = bounds.h + style->touch_padding.y * 2;
+ /* update button */
+ if (nk_button_behavior(state, touch, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ *value = !(*value);
+ /* draw selectable */
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_selectable(out, *state, style, *value, &bounds, 0,0, str, len, align, font);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return old_value != *value;
+nk_do_selectable_image(nk_flags *state, struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ struct nk_rect bounds, const char *str, int len, nk_flags align, int *value,
+ const struct nk_image *img, const struct nk_style_selectable *style,
+ const struct nk_input *in, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ int old_value;
+ struct nk_rect touch;
+ struct nk_rect icon;
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(str);
+ NK_ASSERT(len);
+ NK_ASSERT(value);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ if (!state || !out || !str || !len || !value || !style || !font) return 0;
+ old_value = *value;
+ /* toggle behavior */
+ touch.x = bounds.x - style->touch_padding.x;
+ touch.y = bounds.y - style->touch_padding.y;
+ touch.w = bounds.w + style->touch_padding.x * 2;
+ touch.h = bounds.h + style->touch_padding.y * 2;
+ if (nk_button_behavior(state, touch, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ *value = !(*value);
+ icon.y = bounds.y + style->padding.y;
+ icon.w = icon.h = bounds.h - 2 * style->padding.y;
+ if (align & NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) {
+ icon.x = (bounds.x + bounds.w) - (2 * style->padding.x + icon.w);
+ icon.x = NK_MAX(icon.x, 0);
+ } else icon.x = bounds.x + 2 * style->padding.x;
+ icon.x += style->image_padding.x;
+ icon.y += style->image_padding.y;
+ icon.w -= 2 * style->image_padding.x;
+ icon.h -= 2 * style->image_padding.y;
+ /* draw selectable */
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_selectable(out, *state, style, *value, &bounds, &icon, img, str, len, align, font);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return old_value != *value;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_slider_behavior(nk_flags *state, struct nk_rect *cursor,
+ struct nk_input *in, const struct nk_style_slider *style,
+ struct nk_rect bounds, float slider_min, float slider_max, float slider_value,
+ float slider_step, float slider_steps)
+ int left_mouse_down;
+ int left_mouse_click_in_cursor;
+ struct nk_rect visual_cursor;
+ float bar_y = (bounds.y + cursor->h/2) - cursor->h/8;
+ float bar_h = bounds.h/6;
+ /* calculate visual cursor */
+ visual_cursor.h = style->cursor_size.y;
+ visual_cursor.w = style->cursor_size.x;
+ visual_cursor.y = (bar_y + bar_h/2.0f) - visual_cursor.h/2.0f;
+ visual_cursor.x = (slider_value <= slider_min) ? cursor->x: (slider_value >= slider_max) ?
+ ((bounds.x + bounds.w) - cursor->w): cursor->x - (cursor->w/2);
+ /* check if visual cursor is being dragged */
+ nk_widget_state_reset(state);
+ left_mouse_down = in && in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down;
+ left_mouse_click_in_cursor = in && nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in,
+ NK_BUTTON_LEFT, visual_cursor, nk_true);
+ if (left_mouse_down && left_mouse_click_in_cursor)
+ {
+ const float d = in->mouse.pos.x - (cursor->x + cursor->w / 2.0f);
+ const float pxstep = (bounds.w - (2 * style->padding.x)) / slider_steps;
+ /* only update value if the next slider step is reached */
+ if (NK_ABS(d) >= pxstep) {
+ float ratio = 0;
+ const float steps = (float)((int)(NK_ABS(d) / pxstep));
+ slider_value += (d > 0) ? (slider_step*steps) : -(slider_step*steps);
+ slider_value = NK_CLAMP(slider_min, slider_value, slider_max);
+ ratio = (slider_value - slider_min)/slider_step;
+ cursor->x = bounds.x + (cursor->w * ratio);
+ in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x = cursor->x + cursor->w/2.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ /* slider widget state */
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, bounds))
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER &&
+ !nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, bounds))
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, bounds))
+ return slider_value;
+nk_draw_slider(struct nk_command_buffer *out, nk_flags state,
+ const struct nk_style_slider *style, const struct nk_rect *bounds,
+ const struct nk_rect *virtual_cursor, float min, float value, float max)
+ struct nk_rect fill;
+ struct nk_rect bar;
+ struct nk_rect scursor;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ /* select correct slider images/colors */
+ struct nk_color bar_color;
+ const struct nk_style_item *cursor;
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->active;
+ bar_color = style->bar_active;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_active;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ bar_color = style->bar_hover;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ bar_color = style->bar_normal;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_normal;
+ }
+ /* calculate slider background bar */
+ bar.x = bounds->x;
+ bar.y = (bounds->y + virtual_cursor->h/2) - virtual_cursor->h/8;
+ bar.w = bounds->w;
+ bar.h = bounds->h/6;
+ /* resize virtual cursor to given size */
+ scursor.h = style->cursor_size.y;
+ scursor.w = style->cursor_size.x;
+ scursor.y = (bar.y + bar.h/2.0f) - scursor.h/2.0f;
+ scursor.x = (value <= min) ? virtual_cursor->x: (value >= max) ?
+ ((bar.x + bar.w) - virtual_cursor->w):
+ virtual_cursor->x - (virtual_cursor->w/2);
+ /* filled background bar style */
+ fill.w = (scursor.x + (scursor.w/2.0f)) - bar.x;
+ fill.x = bar.x;
+ fill.y = bar.y;
+ fill.h = bar.h;
+ /* draw background */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(out, *bounds, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ nk_fill_rect(out, *bounds, style->rounding, style->border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_shrink_rect(*bounds, style->border), style->rounding,
+ background->data.color);
+ }
+ /* draw slider bar */
+ nk_fill_rect(out, bar, style->rounding, bar_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(out, fill, style->rounding, style->bar_filled);
+ /* draw cursor */
+ if (cursor->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, scursor, &cursor->data.image);
+ else nk_fill_circle(out, scursor, cursor->data.color);
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_do_slider(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect bounds,
+ float min, float val, float max, float step,
+ const struct nk_style_slider *style, struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ float slider_range;
+ float slider_min;
+ float slider_max;
+ float slider_value;
+ float slider_steps;
+ float cursor_offset;
+ struct nk_rect cursor;
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ if (!out || !style)
+ return 0;
+ /* remove padding from slider bounds */
+ bounds.x = bounds.x + style->padding.x;
+ bounds.y = bounds.y + style->padding.y;
+ bounds.h = NK_MAX(bounds.h, 2 * style->padding.y);
+ bounds.w = NK_MAX(bounds.w, 1 + bounds.h + 2 * style->padding.x);
+ bounds.h -= 2 * style->padding.y;
+ bounds.w -= 2 * style->padding.y;
+ /* optional buttons */
+ if (style->show_buttons) {
+ nk_flags ws;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ button.y = bounds.y;
+ button.w = bounds.h;
+ button.h = bounds.h;
+ /* decrement button */
+ button.x = bounds.x;
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, out, button, style->dec_symbol, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT,
+ &style->dec_button, in, font))
+ val -= step;
+ /* increment button */
+ button.x = (bounds.x + bounds.w) - button.w;
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, out, button, style->inc_symbol, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT,
+ &style->inc_button, in, font))
+ val += step;
+ bounds.x = bounds.x + button.w + style->spacing.x;
+ bounds.w = bounds.w - (2 * button.w + 2 * style->spacing.x);
+ }
+ /* make sure the provided values are correct */
+ slider_max = NK_MAX(min, max);
+ slider_min = NK_MIN(min, max);
+ slider_value = NK_CLAMP(slider_min, val, slider_max);
+ slider_range = slider_max - slider_min;
+ slider_steps = slider_range / step;
+ /* calculate slider virtual cursor bounds */
+ cursor_offset = (slider_value - slider_min) / step;
+ cursor.h = bounds.h;
+ cursor.w = bounds.w / (slider_steps + 1);
+ cursor.x = bounds.x + (cursor.w * cursor_offset);
+ cursor.y = bounds.y;
+ slider_value = nk_slider_behavior(state, &cursor, in, style, bounds,
+ slider_min, slider_max, slider_value, step, slider_steps);
+ /* draw slider */
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_slider(out, *state, style, &bounds, &cursor, slider_min, slider_value, slider_max);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return slider_value;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_INTERN nk_size
+nk_progress_behavior(nk_flags *state, const struct nk_input *in,
+ struct nk_rect r, nk_size max, nk_size value, int modifiable)
+ nk_widget_state_reset(state);
+ if (in && modifiable && nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, r)) {
+ int left_mouse_down = in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down;
+ int left_mouse_click_in_cursor = nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in,
+ NK_BUTTON_LEFT, r, nk_true);
+ if (left_mouse_down && left_mouse_click_in_cursor) {
+ float ratio = NK_MAX(0, (float)(in->mouse.pos.x - r.x)) / (float)r.w;
+ value = (nk_size)NK_MAX(0,((float)max * ratio));
+ } else *state = NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVERED;
+ }
+ /* set progressbar widget state */
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER && !nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, r))
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, r))
+ if (!max) return value;
+ value = NK_MIN(value, max);
+ return value;
+nk_draw_progress(struct nk_command_buffer *out, nk_flags state,
+ const struct nk_style_progress *style, const struct nk_rect *bounds,
+ const struct nk_rect *scursor, nk_size value, nk_size max)
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ const struct nk_style_item *cursor;
+ NK_UNUSED(max);
+ NK_UNUSED(value);
+ /* select correct colors/images to draw */
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->active;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_active;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER){
+ background = &style->hover;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_normal;
+ }
+ /* draw background */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, *bounds, &background->data.image);
+ else nk_fill_rect(out, *bounds, style->rounding, background->data.color);
+ /* draw cursor */
+ if (cursor->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, *scursor, &cursor->data.image);
+ else nk_fill_rect(out, *scursor, style->rounding, cursor->data.color);
+NK_INTERN nk_size
+nk_do_progress(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect bounds,
+ nk_size value, nk_size max, int modifiable,
+ const struct nk_style_progress *style, const struct nk_input *in)
+ float prog_scale;
+ nk_size prog_value;
+ struct nk_rect cursor;
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ if (!out || !style) return 0;
+ /* calculate progressbar cursor */
+ cursor.w = NK_MAX(bounds.w, 2 * style->padding.x);
+ cursor.h = NK_MAX(bounds.h, 2 * style->padding.y);
+ cursor = nk_pad_rect(bounds, nk_vec2(style->padding.x, style->padding.y));
+ prog_scale = (float)value / (float)max;
+ cursor.w = (bounds.w - 2) * prog_scale;
+ /* update progressbar */
+ prog_value = NK_MIN(value, max);
+ prog_value = nk_progress_behavior(state, in, bounds, max, prog_value, modifiable);
+ /* draw progressbar */
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_progress(out, *state, style, &bounds, &cursor, value, max);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return prog_value;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_scrollbar_behavior(nk_flags *state, struct nk_input *in,
+ int has_scrolling, struct nk_rect scroll,
+ struct nk_rect cursor, float scroll_offset,
+ float target, float scroll_step, enum nk_orientation o)
+ int left_mouse_down;
+ int left_mouse_click_in_cursor;
+ nk_widget_state_reset(state);
+ if (!in) return scroll_offset;
+ left_mouse_down = in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down;
+ left_mouse_click_in_cursor = nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in,
+ NK_BUTTON_LEFT, cursor, nk_true);
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, scroll))
+ if (left_mouse_down && left_mouse_click_in_cursor) {
+ /* update cursor by mouse dragging */
+ float pixel, delta;
+ if (o == NK_VERTICAL) {
+ float cursor_y;
+ pixel = in->mouse.delta.y;
+ delta = (pixel / scroll.h) * target;
+ scroll_offset = NK_CLAMP(0, scroll_offset + delta, target - scroll.h);
+ cursor_y = scroll.y + ((scroll_offset/target) * scroll.h);
+ in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.y = cursor_y + cursor.h/2.0f;
+ } else {
+ float cursor_x;
+ pixel = in->mouse.delta.x;
+ delta = (pixel / scroll.w) * target;
+ scroll_offset = NK_CLAMP(0, scroll_offset + delta, target - scroll.w);
+ cursor_x = scroll.x + ((scroll_offset/target) * scroll.w);
+ in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x = cursor_x + cursor.w/2.0f;
+ }
+ } else if (has_scrolling && ((in->mouse.scroll_delta<0) ||
+ (in->mouse.scroll_delta>0))) {
+ /* update cursor by mouse scrolling */
+ scroll_offset = scroll_offset + scroll_step * (-in->mouse.scroll_delta);
+ if (o == NK_VERTICAL)
+ scroll_offset = NK_CLAMP(0, scroll_offset, target - scroll.h);
+ else scroll_offset = NK_CLAMP(0, scroll_offset, target - scroll.w);
+ }
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER && !nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, scroll))
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, scroll))
+ return scroll_offset;
+nk_draw_scrollbar(struct nk_command_buffer *out, nk_flags state,
+ const struct nk_style_scrollbar *style, const struct nk_rect *bounds,
+ const struct nk_rect *scroll)
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ const struct nk_style_item *cursor;
+ /* select correct colors/images to draw */
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->active;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_active;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ cursor = &style->cursor_normal;
+ }
+ /* draw background */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_COLOR) {
+ nk_fill_rect(out, *bounds, style->rounding, style->border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_shrink_rect(*bounds,style->border),
+ style->rounding, background->data.color);
+ } else {
+ nk_draw_image(out, *bounds, &background->data.image);
+ }
+ /* draw cursor */
+ if (cursor->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, *scroll, &cursor->data.image);
+ else nk_fill_rect(out, *scroll, style->rounding, cursor->data.color);
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_do_scrollbarv(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect scroll, int has_scrolling,
+ float offset, float target, float step, float button_pixel_inc,
+ const struct nk_style_scrollbar *style, struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_rect cursor;
+ float scroll_step;
+ float scroll_offset;
+ float scroll_off;
+ float scroll_ratio;
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ if (!out || !style) return 0;
+ scroll.w = NK_MAX(scroll.w, 1);
+ scroll.h = NK_MAX(scroll.h, 2 * scroll.w);
+ if (target <= scroll.h) return 0;
+ /* optional scrollbar buttons */
+ if (style->show_buttons) {
+ nk_flags ws;
+ float scroll_h;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ button.x = scroll.x;
+ button.w = scroll.w;
+ button.h = scroll.w;
+ scroll_h = scroll.h - 2 * button.h;
+ scroll_step = NK_MIN(step, button_pixel_inc);
+ /* decrement button */
+ button.y = scroll.y;
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, out, button, style->dec_symbol,
+ NK_BUTTON_REPEATER, &style->dec_button, in, font))
+ offset = offset - scroll_step;
+ /* increment button */
+ button.y = scroll.y + scroll.h - button.h;
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, out, button, style->inc_symbol,
+ NK_BUTTON_REPEATER, &style->inc_button, in, font))
+ offset = offset + scroll_step;
+ scroll.y = scroll.y + button.h;
+ scroll.h = scroll_h;
+ }
+ /* calculate scrollbar constants */
+ scroll_step = NK_MIN(step, scroll.h);
+ scroll_offset = NK_CLAMP(0, offset, target - scroll.h);
+ scroll_ratio = scroll.h / target;
+ scroll_off = scroll_offset / target;
+ /* calculate scrollbar cursor bounds */
+ cursor.h = (scroll_ratio * scroll.h - 2);
+ cursor.y = scroll.y + (scroll_off * scroll.h) + 1;
+ cursor.w = scroll.w - 2;
+ cursor.x = scroll.x + 1;
+ /* update scrollbar */
+ scroll_offset = nk_scrollbar_behavior(state, in, has_scrolling, scroll, cursor,
+ scroll_offset, target, scroll_step, NK_VERTICAL);
+ scroll_off = scroll_offset / target;
+ cursor.y = scroll.y + (scroll_off * scroll.h);
+ /* draw scrollbar */
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_scrollbar(out, *state, style, &scroll, &cursor);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return scroll_offset;
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_do_scrollbarh(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect scroll, int has_scrolling,
+ float offset, float target, float step, float button_pixel_inc,
+ const struct nk_style_scrollbar *style, struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_rect cursor;
+ float scroll_step;
+ float scroll_offset;
+ float scroll_off;
+ float scroll_ratio;
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ if (!out || !style) return 0;
+ /* scrollbar background */
+ scroll.h = NK_MAX(scroll.h, 1);
+ scroll.w = NK_MAX(scroll.w, 2 * scroll.h);
+ if (target <= scroll.w) return 0;
+ /* optional scrollbar buttons */
+ if (style->show_buttons) {
+ nk_flags ws;
+ float scroll_w;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ button.y = scroll.y;
+ button.w = scroll.h;
+ button.h = scroll.h;
+ scroll_w = scroll.w - 2 * button.w;
+ scroll_step = NK_MIN(step, button_pixel_inc);
+ /* decrement button */
+ button.x = scroll.x;
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, out, button, style->dec_symbol,
+ NK_BUTTON_REPEATER, &style->dec_button, in, font))
+ offset = offset - scroll_step;
+ /* increment button */
+ button.x = scroll.x + scroll.w - button.w;
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, out, button, style->inc_symbol,
+ NK_BUTTON_REPEATER, &style->inc_button, in, font))
+ offset = offset + scroll_step;
+ scroll.x = scroll.x + button.w;
+ scroll.w = scroll_w;
+ }
+ /* calculate scrollbar constants */
+ scroll_step = NK_MIN(step, scroll.w);
+ scroll_offset = NK_CLAMP(0, offset, target - scroll.w);
+ scroll_ratio = scroll.w / target;
+ scroll_off = scroll_offset / target;
+ /* calculate cursor bounds */
+ cursor.w = scroll_ratio * scroll.w - 2;
+ cursor.x = scroll.x + (scroll_off * scroll.w) + 1;
+ cursor.h = scroll.h - 2;
+ cursor.y = scroll.y + 1;
+ /* update scrollbar */
+ scroll_offset = nk_scrollbar_behavior(state, in, has_scrolling, scroll, cursor,
+ scroll_offset, target, scroll_step, NK_HORIZONTAL);
+ scroll_off = scroll_offset / target;
+ cursor.x = scroll.x + (scroll_off * scroll.w);
+ /* draw scrollbar */
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_scrollbar(out, *state, style, &scroll, &cursor);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ return scroll_offset;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_API int nk_filter_default(const struct nk_text_edit *box, nk_rune unicode)
+{(void)unicode;NK_UNUSED(box);return nk_true;}
+NK_API int
+nk_filter_ascii(const struct nk_text_edit *box, nk_rune unicode)
+ NK_UNUSED(box);
+ if (unicode > 128) return nk_false;
+ else return nk_true;
+NK_API int
+nk_filter_float(const struct nk_text_edit *box, nk_rune unicode)
+ NK_UNUSED(box);
+ if ((unicode < '0' || unicode > '9') && unicode != '.' && unicode != '-')
+ return nk_false;
+ else return nk_true;
+NK_API int
+nk_filter_decimal(const struct nk_text_edit *box, nk_rune unicode)
+ NK_UNUSED(box);
+ if ((unicode < '0' || unicode > '9') && unicode != '-')
+ return nk_false;
+ else return nk_true;
+NK_API int
+nk_filter_hex(const struct nk_text_edit *box, nk_rune unicode)
+ NK_UNUSED(box);
+ if ((unicode < '0' || unicode > '9') &&
+ (unicode < 'a' || unicode > 'f') &&
+ (unicode < 'A' || unicode > 'F'))
+ return nk_false;
+ else return nk_true;
+NK_API int
+nk_filter_oct(const struct nk_text_edit *box, nk_rune unicode)
+ NK_UNUSED(box);
+ if (unicode < '0' || unicode > '7')
+ return nk_false;
+ else return nk_true;
+NK_API int
+nk_filter_binary(const struct nk_text_edit *box, nk_rune unicode)
+ NK_UNUSED(box);
+ if (unicode != '0' && unicode != '1')
+ return nk_false;
+ else return nk_true;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ * EDIT
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+nk_edit_draw_text(struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ const struct nk_style_edit *style, float pos_x, float pos_y,
+ float x_offset, const char *text, int byte_len, float row_height,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font, struct nk_color background,
+ struct nk_color foreground, int is_selected)
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ if (!text || !byte_len || !out || !style) return;
+ {int glyph_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode = 0;
+ int text_len = 0;
+ float line_width = 0;
+ float glyph_width;
+ const char *line = text;
+ float line_offset = 0;
+ int line_count = 0;
+ struct nk_text txt;
+ txt.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ txt.background = background;
+ txt.text = foreground;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text+text_len, &unicode, byte_len-text_len);
+ if (!glyph_len) return;
+ while ((text_len < byte_len) && glyph_len)
+ {
+ if (unicode == '\n') {
+ /* new line sepeator so draw previous line */
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ label.y = pos_y + line_offset;
+ label.h = row_height;
+ label.w = line_width;
+ label.x = pos_x;
+ if (!line_count)
+ label.x += x_offset;
+ if (is_selected) /* selection needs to draw different background color */
+ nk_fill_rect(out, label, 0, background);
+ nk_widget_text(out, label, line, (int)((text + text_len) - line),
+ &txt, NK_TEXT_CENTERED, font);
+ text_len++;
+ line_count++;
+ line_width = 0;
+ line = text + text_len;
+ line_offset += row_height;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, (int)(byte_len-text_len));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (unicode == '\r') {
+ text_len++;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, byte_len-text_len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ glyph_width = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, text+text_len, glyph_len);
+ line_width += (float)glyph_width;
+ text_len += glyph_len;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, byte_len-text_len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (line_width > 0) {
+ /* draw last line */
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ label.y = pos_y + line_offset;
+ label.h = row_height;
+ label.w = line_width;
+ label.x = pos_x;
+ if (!line_count)
+ label.x += x_offset;
+ if (is_selected)
+ nk_fill_rect(out, label, 0, background);
+ nk_widget_text(out, label, line, (int)((text + text_len) - line),
+ &txt, NK_TEXT_LEFT, font);
+ }}
+NK_INTERN nk_flags
+nk_do_edit(nk_flags *state, struct nk_command_buffer *out,
+ struct nk_rect bounds, nk_flags flags, nk_filter filter,
+ struct nk_text_edit *edit, const struct nk_style_edit *style,
+ struct nk_input *in, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_rect area;
+ nk_flags ret = 0;
+ float row_height;
+ char prev_state = 0;
+ char is_hovered = 0;
+ char select_all = 0;
+ char cursor_follow = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(style);
+ if (!state || !out || !style)
+ return ret;
+ /* visible text area calculation */
+ area.x = bounds.x + style->padding.x + style->border;
+ area.y = bounds.y + style->padding.y + style->border;
+ area.w = bounds.w - (2.0f * style->padding.x + 2 * style->border);
+ area.h = bounds.h - (2.0f * style->padding.y + 2 * style->border);
+ if (flags & NK_EDIT_MULTILINE)
+ area.h = area.h - style->scrollbar_size.y;
+ row_height = (flags & NK_EDIT_MULTILINE)? font->height + style->row_padding: area.h;
+ /* update edit state */
+ prev_state = (char)edit->active;
+ is_hovered = (char)nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, bounds);
+ if (in && in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked && in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down) {
+ edit->active = NK_INBOX(in->mouse.pos.x, in->mouse.pos.y,
+ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h);
+ }
+ /* (de)activate text editor */
+ if (!prev_state && edit->active) {
+ const enum nk_text_edit_type type = (flags & NK_EDIT_MULTILINE) ?
+ nk_textedit_clear_state(edit, type, filter);
+ edit->mode = NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_INSERT;
+ if (flags & NK_EDIT_AUTO_SELECT)
+ select_all = nk_true;
+ } else if (!edit->active) edit->mode = NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_VIEW;
+ ret = (edit->active) ? NK_EDIT_ACTIVE: NK_EDIT_INACTIVE;
+ if (prev_state != edit->active)
+ ret |= (edit->active) ? NK_EDIT_ACTIVATED: NK_EDIT_DEACTIVATED;
+ /* handle user input */
+ if (edit->active && in && !(flags & NK_EDIT_READ_ONLY))
+ {
+ int shift_mod = in->keyboard.keys[NK_KEY_SHIFT].down;
+ const float mouse_x = (in->mouse.pos.x - area.x) + edit->scrollbar.x;
+ const float mouse_y = (!(flags & NK_EDIT_MULTILINE)) ?
+ (in->mouse.pos.y - (area.y + area.h * 0.5f)) + edit->scrollbar.y:
+ (in->mouse.pos.y - area.y) + edit->scrollbar.y;
+ /* mouse click handler */
+ if (select_all) {
+ nk_textedit_select_all(edit);
+ } else if (is_hovered && in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down &&
+ in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked) {
+ nk_textedit_click(edit, mouse_x, mouse_y, font, row_height);
+ } else if (is_hovered && in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down &&
+ (in->mouse.delta.x != 0.0f || in->mouse.delta.y != 0.0f)) {
+ nk_textedit_drag(edit, mouse_x, mouse_y, font, row_height);
+ cursor_follow = nk_true;
+ } else if (is_hovered && in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_RIGHT].clicked &&
+ in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_RIGHT].down) {
+ nk_textedit_key(edit, NK_KEY_TEXT_WORD_LEFT, nk_false, font, row_height);
+ nk_textedit_key(edit, NK_KEY_TEXT_WORD_RIGHT, nk_true, font, row_height);
+ cursor_follow = nk_true;
+ }
+ {int i; /* keyboard input */
+ int old_mode = edit->mode;
+ for (i = 0; i < NK_KEY_MAX; ++i) {
+ /* special case */
+ if (i == NK_KEY_ENTER || i == NK_KEY_TAB) continue; /* special case */
+ if (nk_input_is_key_pressed(in, (enum nk_keys)i)) {
+ nk_textedit_key(edit, (enum nk_keys)i, shift_mod, font, row_height);
+ cursor_follow = nk_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (old_mode != edit->mode) {
+ in->keyboard.text_len = 0;
+ }}
+ /* text input */
+ edit->filter = filter;
+ if (in->keyboard.text_len) {
+ nk_textedit_text(edit, in->keyboard.text, in->keyboard.text_len);
+ cursor_follow = nk_true;
+ in->keyboard.text_len = 0;
+ }
+ /* enter key handler */
+ if (nk_input_is_key_pressed(in, NK_KEY_ENTER)) {
+ cursor_follow = nk_true;
+ if (flags & NK_EDIT_CTRL_ENTER_NEWLINE && shift_mod) {
+ nk_textedit_text(edit, "\n", 1);
+ } else if (flags & NK_EDIT_SIG_ENTER) {
+ edit->active = 0;
+ } else nk_textedit_text(edit, "\n", 1);
+ }
+ /* cut & copy handler */
+ {int copy= nk_input_is_key_pressed(in, NK_KEY_COPY);
+ int cut = nk_input_is_key_pressed(in, NK_KEY_CUT);
+ if ((copy || cut) && (flags & NK_EDIT_CLIPBOARD))
+ {
+ int glyph_len;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ const char *text;
+ int b = edit->select_start;
+ int e = edit->select_end;
+ int begin = NK_MIN(b, e);
+ int end = NK_MAX(b, e);
+ text = nk_str_at_const(&edit->string, begin, &unicode, &glyph_len);
+ if (edit->clip.copy)
+ edit->clip.copy(edit->clip.userdata, text, end - begin);
+ if (cut){
+ nk_textedit_cut(edit);
+ cursor_follow = nk_true;
+ }
+ }}
+ /* paste handler */
+ {int paste = nk_input_is_key_pressed(in, NK_KEY_PASTE);
+ if (paste && (flags & NK_EDIT_CLIPBOARD) && edit->clip.paste) {
+ edit->clip.paste(edit->clip.userdata, edit);
+ cursor_follow = nk_true;
+ }}
+ /* tab handler */
+ {int tab = nk_input_is_key_pressed(in, NK_KEY_TAB);
+ if (tab && (flags & NK_EDIT_ALLOW_TAB)) {
+ nk_textedit_text(edit, " ", 4);
+ cursor_follow = nk_true;
+ }}
+ }
+ /* set widget state */
+ if (edit->active)
+ else nk_widget_state_reset(state);
+ if (is_hovered)
+ /* DRAW EDIT */
+ {struct nk_rect clip;
+ struct nk_rect old_clip = out->clip;
+ const char *text = nk_str_get_const(&edit->string);
+ int len = nk_str_len_char(&edit->string);
+ {/* select background colors/images */
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ background = &style->active;
+ else if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ background = &style->hover;
+ else background = &style->normal;
+ /* draw background frame */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_COLOR) {
+ nk_fill_rect(out, bounds, style->rounding, style->border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_shrink_rect(bounds,style->border),
+ style->rounding, background->data.color);
+ } else nk_draw_image(out, bounds, &background->data.image);}
+ area.w -= style->cursor_size;
+ nk_unify(&clip, &old_clip, area.x, area.y, area.x + area.w, area.y + area.h);
+ nk_push_scissor(out, clip);
+ if (edit->active)
+ {
+ int total_lines = 1;
+ struct nk_vec2 text_size = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ /* text pointer positions */
+ const char *cursor_ptr = 0;
+ const char *select_begin_ptr = 0;
+ const char *select_end_ptr = 0;
+ /* 2D pixel positions */
+ struct nk_vec2 cursor_pos = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ struct nk_vec2 selection_offset_start = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ struct nk_vec2 selection_offset_end = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ int selection_begin = NK_MIN(edit->select_start, edit->select_end);
+ int selection_end = NK_MAX(edit->select_start, edit->select_end);
+ /* calculate total line count + total space + cursor/selection position */
+ float line_width = 0.0f;
+ if (text && len)
+ {
+ /* utf8 encoding */
+ float glyph_width;
+ int glyph_len = 0;
+ nk_rune unicode = 0;
+ int text_len = 0;
+ int glyphs = 0;
+ int row_begin = 0;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text, &unicode, len);
+ glyph_width = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, text, glyph_len);
+ line_width = 0;
+ /* iterate all lines */
+ while ((text_len < len) && glyph_len)
+ {
+ /* set cursor 2D position and line */
+ if (!cursor_ptr && glyphs == edit->cursor)
+ {
+ int glyph_offset;
+ struct nk_vec2 out_offset;
+ struct nk_vec2 row_size;
+ const char *remaining;
+ /* calculate 2d position */
+ cursor_pos.y = (float)(total_lines-1) * row_height;
+ row_size = nk_text_calculate_text_bounds(font, text+row_begin,
+ text_len-row_begin, row_height, &remaining,
+ &out_offset, &glyph_offset, NK_STOP_ON_NEW_LINE);
+ cursor_pos.x = row_size.x;
+ cursor_ptr = text + text_len;
+ }
+ /* set start selection 2D position and line */
+ if (!select_begin_ptr && edit->select_start != edit->select_end &&
+ glyphs == selection_begin)
+ {
+ int glyph_offset;
+ struct nk_vec2 out_offset;
+ struct nk_vec2 row_size;
+ const char *remaining;
+ /* calculate 2d position */
+ selection_offset_start.y = (float)(total_lines-1) * row_height;
+ row_size = nk_text_calculate_text_bounds(font, text+row_begin,
+ text_len-row_begin, row_height, &remaining,
+ &out_offset, &glyph_offset, NK_STOP_ON_NEW_LINE);
+ selection_offset_start.x = row_size.x;
+ select_begin_ptr = text + text_len;
+ }
+ /* set end selection 2D position and line */
+ if (!select_end_ptr && edit->select_start != edit->select_end &&
+ glyphs == selection_end)
+ {
+ int glyph_offset;
+ struct nk_vec2 out_offset;
+ struct nk_vec2 row_size;
+ const char *remaining;
+ /* calculate 2d position */
+ selection_offset_end.y = (float)(total_lines-1) * row_height;
+ row_size = nk_text_calculate_text_bounds(font, text+row_begin,
+ text_len-row_begin, row_height, &remaining,
+ &out_offset, &glyph_offset, NK_STOP_ON_NEW_LINE);
+ selection_offset_end.x = row_size.x;
+ select_end_ptr = text + text_len;
+ }
+ if (unicode == '\n') {
+ text_size.x = NK_MAX(text_size.x, line_width);
+ total_lines++;
+ line_width = 0;
+ text_len++;
+ glyphs++;
+ row_begin = text_len;
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, len-text_len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ glyphs++;
+ text_len += glyph_len;
+ line_width += (float)glyph_width;
+ glyph_width = font->width(font->userdata, font->height,
+ text+text_len, glyph_len);
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(text + text_len, &unicode, len-text_len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ text_size.y = (float)total_lines * row_height;
+ /* handle case if cursor is at end of text buffer */
+ if (!cursor_ptr && edit->cursor == edit->string.len) {
+ cursor_pos.x = line_width;
+ cursor_pos.y = text_size.y - row_height;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /* scrollbar */
+ if (cursor_follow)
+ {
+ /* update scrollbar to follow cursor */
+ if (!(flags & NK_EDIT_NO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL)) {
+ /* horizontal scroll */
+ const float scroll_increment = area.w * 0.25f;
+ if (cursor_pos.x < edit->scrollbar.x)
+ edit->scrollbar.x = (float)(int)NK_MAX(0.0f, cursor_pos.x - scroll_increment);
+ if (cursor_pos.x >= edit->scrollbar.x + area.w)
+ edit->scrollbar.x = (float)(int)NK_MAX(0.0f, cursor_pos.x);
+ } else edit->scrollbar.x = 0;
+ if (flags & NK_EDIT_MULTILINE) {
+ /* vertical scroll */
+ if (cursor_pos.y < edit->scrollbar.y)
+ edit->scrollbar.y = NK_MAX(0.0f, cursor_pos.y - row_height);
+ if (cursor_pos.y >= edit->scrollbar.y + area.h)
+ edit->scrollbar.y = edit->scrollbar.y + row_height;
+ } else edit->scrollbar.y = 0;
+ }
+ /* scrollbar widget */
+ {nk_flags ws;
+ struct nk_rect scroll;
+ float scroll_target;
+ float scroll_offset;
+ float scroll_step;
+ float scroll_inc;
+ scroll.x = (bounds.x + bounds.w) - style->scrollbar_size.x;
+ scroll.y = bounds.y;
+ scroll.w = style->scrollbar_size.x;
+ scroll.h = bounds.h;
+ scroll_offset = edit->scrollbar.y;
+ scroll_step = scroll.h * 0.10f;
+ scroll_inc = scroll.h * 0.01f;
+ scroll_target = text_size.y;
+ edit->scrollbar.y = nk_do_scrollbarv(&ws, out, bounds, 0,
+ scroll_offset, scroll_target, scroll_step, scroll_inc,
+ &style->scrollbar, in, font);}
+ }
+ /* draw text */
+ {struct nk_color background_color;
+ struct nk_color text_color;
+ struct nk_color sel_background_color;
+ struct nk_color sel_text_color;
+ struct nk_color cursor_color;
+ struct nk_color cursor_text_color;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ /* select correct colors to draw */
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->active;
+ text_color = style->text_active;
+ sel_text_color = style->selected_text_hover;
+ sel_background_color = style->selected_hover;
+ cursor_color = style->cursor_hover;
+ cursor_text_color = style->cursor_text_hover;
+ } else if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ text_color = style->text_hover;
+ sel_text_color = style->selected_text_hover;
+ sel_background_color = style->selected_hover;
+ cursor_text_color = style->cursor_text_hover;
+ cursor_color = style->cursor_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ text_color = style->text_normal;
+ sel_text_color = style->selected_text_normal;
+ sel_background_color = style->selected_normal;
+ cursor_color = style->cursor_normal;
+ cursor_text_color = style->cursor_text_normal;
+ }
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ background_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ else background_color = background->data.color;
+ if (edit->select_start == edit->select_end) {
+ /* no selection so just draw the complete text */
+ const char *begin = nk_str_get_const(&edit->string);
+ int l = nk_str_len_char(&edit->string);
+ nk_edit_draw_text(out, style, area.x - edit->scrollbar.x,
+ area.y - edit->scrollbar.y, 0, begin, l, row_height, font,
+ background_color, text_color, nk_false);
+ } else {
+ /* edit has selection so draw 1-3 text chunks */
+ if (edit->select_start != edit->select_end && selection_begin > 0){
+ /* draw unselected text before selection */
+ const char *begin = nk_str_get_const(&edit->string);
+ NK_ASSERT(select_begin_ptr);
+ nk_edit_draw_text(out, style, area.x - edit->scrollbar.x,
+ area.y - edit->scrollbar.y, 0, begin, (int)(select_begin_ptr - begin),
+ row_height, font, background_color, text_color, nk_false);
+ }
+ if (edit->select_start != edit->select_end) {
+ /* draw selected text */
+ NK_ASSERT(select_begin_ptr);
+ if (!select_end_ptr) {
+ const char *begin = nk_str_get_const(&edit->string);
+ select_end_ptr = begin + nk_str_len_char(&edit->string);
+ }
+ nk_edit_draw_text(out, style,
+ area.x - edit->scrollbar.x,
+ area.y + selection_offset_start.y - edit->scrollbar.y,
+ selection_offset_start.x,
+ select_begin_ptr, (int)(select_end_ptr - select_begin_ptr),
+ row_height, font, sel_background_color, sel_text_color, nk_true);
+ }
+ if ((edit->select_start != edit->select_end &&
+ selection_end < edit->string.len))
+ {
+ /* draw unselected text after selected text */
+ const char *begin = select_end_ptr;
+ const char *end = nk_str_get_const(&edit->string) +
+ nk_str_len_char(&edit->string);
+ NK_ASSERT(select_end_ptr);
+ nk_edit_draw_text(out, style,
+ area.x - edit->scrollbar.x,
+ area.y + selection_offset_end.y - edit->scrollbar.y,
+ selection_offset_end.x,
+ begin, (int)(end - begin), row_height, font,
+ background_color, text_color, nk_true);
+ }
+ }
+ /* cursor */
+ if (edit->select_start == edit->select_end)
+ {
+ if (edit->cursor >= nk_str_len(&edit->string) ||
+ (cursor_ptr && *cursor_ptr == '\n')) {
+ /* draw cursor at end of line */
+ struct nk_rect cursor;
+ cursor.w = style->cursor_size;
+ cursor.h = font->height;
+ cursor.x = area.x + cursor_pos.x - edit->scrollbar.x;
+ cursor.y = area.y + cursor_pos.y + row_height/2.0f - cursor.h/2.0f;
+ cursor.y -= edit->scrollbar.y;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, cursor, 0, cursor_color);
+ } else {
+ /* draw cursor inside text */
+ int glyph_len;
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ struct nk_text txt;
+ nk_rune unicode;
+ NK_ASSERT(cursor_ptr);
+ glyph_len = nk_utf_decode(cursor_ptr, &unicode, 4);
+ label.x = area.x + cursor_pos.x - edit->scrollbar.x;
+ label.y = area.y + cursor_pos.y - edit->scrollbar.y;
+ label.w = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, cursor_ptr, glyph_len);
+ label.h = row_height;
+ txt.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ txt.background = cursor_color;
+ txt.text = cursor_text_color;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, label, 0, cursor_color);
+ nk_widget_text(out, label, cursor_ptr, glyph_len, &txt, NK_TEXT_LEFT, font);
+ }
+ }}
+ } else {
+ /* not active so just draw text */
+ int l = nk_str_len(&edit->string);
+ const char *begin = nk_str_get_const(&edit->string);
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ struct nk_color background_color;
+ struct nk_color text_color;
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->active;
+ text_color = style->text_active;
+ } else if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ text_color = style->text_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ text_color = style->text_normal;
+ }
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ background_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ else background_color = background->data.color;
+ nk_edit_draw_text(out, style, area.x - edit->scrollbar.x,
+ area.y - edit->scrollbar.y, 0, begin, l, row_height, font,
+ background_color, text_color, nk_false);
+ }
+ nk_push_scissor(out, old_clip);}
+ return ret;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+enum nk_property_status {
+enum nk_property_filter {
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_drag_behavior(nk_flags *state, const struct nk_input *in,
+ struct nk_rect drag, float min, float val, float max, float inc_per_pixel)
+ int left_mouse_down = in && in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down;
+ int left_mouse_click_in_cursor = in &&
+ nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, drag, nk_true);
+ nk_widget_state_reset(state);
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, drag))
+ if (left_mouse_down && left_mouse_click_in_cursor) {
+ float delta, pixels;
+ pixels = in->mouse.delta.x;
+ delta = pixels * inc_per_pixel;
+ val += delta;
+ val = NK_CLAMP(min, val, max);
+ }
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER && !nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, drag))
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, drag))
+ return val;
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_property_behavior(nk_flags *ws, const struct nk_input *in,
+ struct nk_rect property, struct nk_rect label, struct nk_rect edit,
+ struct nk_rect empty, int *state, float min, float value, float max,
+ float step, float inc_per_pixel)
+ NK_UNUSED(step);
+ if (in && *state == NK_PROPERTY_DEFAULT) {
+ if (nk_button_behavior(ws, edit, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ *state = NK_PROPERTY_EDIT;
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, label, nk_true))
+ *state = NK_PROPERTY_DRAG;
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, empty, nk_true))
+ *state = NK_PROPERTY_DRAG;
+ }
+ if (*state == NK_PROPERTY_DRAG) {
+ value = nk_drag_behavior(ws, in, property, min, value, max, inc_per_pixel);
+ }
+ return value;
+nk_draw_property(struct nk_command_buffer *out, const struct nk_style_property *style,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_rect *label, nk_flags state,
+ const char *name, int len, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_text text;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ /* select correct background and text color */
+ if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->active;
+ text.text = style->label_active;
+ } else if (state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->hover;
+ text.text = style->label_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->normal;
+ text.text = style->label_normal;
+ }
+ /* draw background */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(out, *bounds, &background->data.image);
+ text.background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ } else {
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, *bounds, style->rounding, style->border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_shrink_rect(*bounds,style->border),
+ style->rounding, background->data.color);
+ }
+ /* draw label */
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ nk_widget_text(out, *label, name, len, &text, NK_TEXT_CENTERED, font);
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_do_property(nk_flags *ws,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_rect property,
+ const char *name, float min, float val, float max,
+ float step, float inc_per_pixel, char *buffer, int *len,
+ int *state, int *cursor, const struct nk_style_property *style,
+ enum nk_property_filter filter, struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font, struct nk_text_edit *text_edit)
+ const nk_filter filters[] = {
+ nk_filter_decimal,
+ nk_filter_float
+ };
+ int active, old;
+ int num_len, name_len;
+ char string[NK_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER];
+ float size;
+ float property_min;
+ float property_max;
+ float property_value;
+ char *dst = 0;
+ int *length;
+ struct nk_rect left;
+ struct nk_rect right;
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ struct nk_rect edit;
+ struct nk_rect empty;
+ /* make sure the provided values are correct */
+ property_max = NK_MAX(min, max);
+ property_min = NK_MIN(min, max);
+ property_value = NK_CLAMP(property_min, val, property_max);
+ /* left decrement button */
+ left.h = font->height/2;
+ left.w = left.h;
+ left.x = property.x + style->border + style->padding.x;
+ left.y = property.y + style->border + property.h/2.0f - left.h/2;
+ /* text label */
+ name_len = nk_strlen(name);
+ size = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, name, name_len);
+ label.x = left.x + left.w + style->padding.x;
+ label.w = (float)size + 2 * style->padding.x;
+ label.y = property.y + style->border + style->padding.y;
+ label.h = property.h - (2 * style->border + 2 * style->padding.y);
+ /* right increment button */
+ right.y = left.y;
+ right.w = left.w;
+ right.h = left.h;
+ right.x = property.x + property.w - (right.w + style->padding.x);
+ /* edit */
+ if (*state == NK_PROPERTY_EDIT) {
+ size = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, buffer, *len);
+ size += style->edit.cursor_size;
+ length = len;
+ dst = buffer;
+ } else {
+ nk_ftos(string, property_value);
+ num_len = nk_string_float_limit(string, NK_MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION);
+ size = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, string, num_len);
+ dst = string;
+ length = &num_len;
+ }
+ edit.w = (float)size + 2 * style->padding.x;
+ edit.w = NK_MIN(edit.w, right.x - (label.x + label.w));
+ edit.x = right.x - (edit.w + style->padding.x);
+ edit.y = property.y + style->border;
+ edit.h = property.h - (2 * style->border);
+ /* empty left space activator */
+ empty.w = edit.x - (label.x + label.w);
+ empty.x = label.x + label.w;
+ empty.y = property.y;
+ empty.h = property.h;
+ /* update property */
+ old = (*state == NK_PROPERTY_EDIT);
+ property_value = nk_property_behavior(ws, in, property, label, edit, empty,
+ state, property_min, property_value, property_max,
+ step, inc_per_pixel);
+ /* draw property */
+ if (style->draw_begin) style->draw_begin(out, style->userdata);
+ nk_draw_property(out, style, &property, &label, *ws, name, name_len, font);
+ if (style->draw_end) style->draw_end(out, style->userdata);
+ /* execute right and left button */
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(ws, out, left, style->sym_left, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT,
+ &style->dec_button, in, font))
+ property_value = NK_CLAMP(min, property_value - step, max);
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(ws, out, right, style->sym_right, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT,
+ &style->inc_button, in, font))
+ property_value = NK_CLAMP(min, property_value + step, max);
+ active = (*state == NK_PROPERTY_EDIT);
+ if (old != NK_PROPERTY_EDIT && active) {
+ /* property has been activated so setup buffer */
+ NK_MEMCPY(buffer, dst, (nk_size)*length);
+ *cursor = nk_utf_len(buffer, *length);
+ *len = *length;
+ length = len;
+ dst = buffer;
+ }
+ {
+ /* execute and run text edit field */
+ nk_textedit_clear_state(text_edit, NK_TEXT_EDIT_SINGLE_LINE, filters[filter]);
+ text_edit->active = (unsigned char)active;
+ text_edit->string.len = *length;
+ text_edit->cursor = NK_CLAMP(0, *cursor, *length);
+ text_edit->string.buffer.allocated = (nk_size)*length;
+ text_edit->string.buffer.memory.size = NK_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER;
+ text_edit->string.buffer.memory.ptr = dst;
+ text_edit->string.buffer.size = NK_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER;
+ text_edit->mode = NK_TEXT_EDIT_MODE_INSERT;
+ nk_do_edit(ws, out, edit, NK_EDIT_ALWAYS_INSERT_MODE, filters[filter],
+ text_edit, &style->edit, (*state == NK_PROPERTY_EDIT) ? in: 0, font);
+ *length = text_edit->string.len;
+ active = text_edit->active;
+ *cursor = text_edit->cursor;
+ }
+ if (active && nk_input_is_key_pressed(in, NK_KEY_ENTER))
+ active = !active;
+ if (old && !active) {
+ /* property is now not active so convert edit text to value*/
+ buffer[*len] = '\0';
+ nk_string_float_limit(buffer, NK_MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION);
+ nk_strtof(&property_value, buffer);
+ property_value = NK_CLAMP(min, property_value, max);
+ }
+ return property_value;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+nk_color_picker_behavior(nk_flags *state,
+ const struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_rect *matrix,
+ const struct nk_rect *hue_bar, const struct nk_rect *alpha_bar,
+ struct nk_color *color, const struct nk_input *in)
+ float hsva[4];
+ int value_changed = 0;
+ int hsv_changed = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(matrix);
+ NK_ASSERT(hue_bar);
+ NK_ASSERT(color);
+ /* color matrix */
+ nk_color_hsva_fv(hsva, *color);
+ if (nk_button_behavior(state, *matrix, in, NK_BUTTON_REPEATER)) {
+ hsva[1] = NK_SATURATE((in->mouse.pos.x - matrix->x) / (matrix->w-1));
+ hsva[2] = 1.0f - NK_SATURATE((in->mouse.pos.y - matrix->y) / (matrix->h-1));
+ value_changed = hsv_changed = 1;
+ }
+ /* hue bar */
+ if (nk_button_behavior(state, *hue_bar, in, NK_BUTTON_REPEATER)) {
+ hsva[0] = NK_SATURATE((in->mouse.pos.y - hue_bar->y) / (hue_bar->h-1));
+ value_changed = hsv_changed = 1;
+ }
+ /* alpha bar */
+ if (alpha_bar) {
+ if (nk_button_behavior(state, *alpha_bar, in, NK_BUTTON_REPEATER)) {
+ hsva[3] = 1.0f - NK_SATURATE((in->mouse.pos.y - alpha_bar->y) / (alpha_bar->h-1));
+ value_changed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ nk_widget_state_reset(state);
+ if (hsv_changed) {
+ *color = nk_hsva_fv(hsva);
+ }
+ if (value_changed) {
+ color->a = (nk_byte)(hsva[3] * 255.0f);
+ }
+ /* set color picker widget state */
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, *bounds))
+ if (*state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER && !nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, *bounds))
+ else if (nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, *bounds))
+ return value_changed;
+nk_draw_color_picker(struct nk_command_buffer *o, const struct nk_rect *matrix,
+ const struct nk_rect *hue_bar, const struct nk_rect *alpha_bar,
+ struct nk_color color)
+ NK_STORAGE const struct nk_color black = {0,0,0,255};
+ NK_STORAGE const struct nk_color white = {255, 255, 255, 255};
+ NK_STORAGE const struct nk_color black_trans = {0,0,0,0};
+ const float crosshair_size = 7.0f;
+ struct nk_color temp;
+ float hsva[4];
+ float line_y;
+ int i;
+ NK_ASSERT(matrix);
+ NK_ASSERT(hue_bar);
+ NK_ASSERT(alpha_bar);
+ /* draw hue bar */
+ nk_color_hsv_fv(hsva, color);
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+ NK_GLOBAL const struct nk_color hue_colors[] = {
+ {255, 0, 0, 255}, {255,255,0,255}, {0,255,0,255}, {0, 255,255,255},
+ {0,0,255,255}, {255, 0, 255, 255}, {255, 0, 0, 255}};
+ nk_fill_rect_multi_color(o,
+ nk_rect(hue_bar->x, hue_bar->y + (float)i * (hue_bar->h/6.0f) + 0.5f,
+ hue_bar->w, (hue_bar->h/6.0f) + 0.5f), hue_colors[i], hue_colors[i],
+ hue_colors[i+1], hue_colors[i+1]);
+ }
+ line_y = (float)(int)(hue_bar->y + hsva[0] * matrix->h + 0.5f);
+ nk_stroke_line(o, hue_bar->x-1, line_y, hue_bar->x + hue_bar->w + 2,
+ line_y, 1, nk_rgb(255,255,255));
+ /* draw alpha bar */
+ if (alpha_bar) {
+ float alpha = NK_SATURATE((float)color.a/255.0f);
+ line_y = (float)(int)(alpha_bar->y + (1.0f - alpha) * matrix->h + 0.5f);
+ nk_fill_rect_multi_color(o, *alpha_bar, white, white, black, black);
+ nk_stroke_line(o, alpha_bar->x-1, line_y, alpha_bar->x + alpha_bar->w + 2,
+ line_y, 1, nk_rgb(255,255,255));
+ }
+ /* draw color matrix */
+ temp = nk_hsv_f(hsva[0], 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ nk_fill_rect_multi_color(o, *matrix, white, temp, temp, white);
+ nk_fill_rect_multi_color(o, *matrix, black_trans, black_trans, black, black);
+ /* draw cross-hair */
+ {struct nk_vec2 p; float S = hsva[1]; float V = hsva[2];
+ p.x = (float)(int)(matrix->x + S * matrix->w + 0.5f);
+ p.y = (float)(int)(matrix->y + (1.0f - V) * matrix->h + 0.5f);
+ nk_stroke_line(o, p.x - crosshair_size, p.y, p.x-2, p.y, 1.0f, white);
+ nk_stroke_line(o, p.x + crosshair_size, p.y, p.x+2, p.y, 1.0f, white);
+ nk_stroke_line(o, p.x, p.y + crosshair_size, p.x, p.y+2, 1.0f, nk_rgb(255,255,255));
+ nk_stroke_line(o, p.x, p.y - crosshair_size, p.x, p.y-2, 1.0f, nk_rgb(255,255,255));}
+nk_do_color_picker(nk_flags *state,
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out, struct nk_color *color,
+ enum nk_color_format fmt, struct nk_rect bounds,
+ struct nk_vec2 padding, const struct nk_input *in,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct nk_rect matrix;
+ struct nk_rect hue_bar;
+ struct nk_rect alpha_bar;
+ float bar_w;
+ NK_ASSERT(out);
+ NK_ASSERT(color);
+ NK_ASSERT(state);
+ NK_ASSERT(font);
+ if (!out || !color || !state || !font)
+ return ret;
+ bar_w = font->height;
+ bounds.x += padding.x;
+ bounds.y += padding.x;
+ bounds.w -= 2 * padding.x;
+ bounds.h -= 2 * padding.y;
+ matrix.x = bounds.x;
+ matrix.y = bounds.y;
+ matrix.h = bounds.h;
+ matrix.w = bounds.w - (3 * padding.x + 2 * bar_w);
+ hue_bar.w = bar_w;
+ hue_bar.y = bounds.y;
+ hue_bar.h = matrix.h;
+ hue_bar.x = matrix.x + matrix.w + padding.x;
+ alpha_bar.x = hue_bar.x + hue_bar.w + padding.x;
+ alpha_bar.y = bounds.y;
+ alpha_bar.w = bar_w;
+ alpha_bar.h = matrix.h;
+ ret = nk_color_picker_behavior(state, &bounds, &matrix, &hue_bar,
+ (fmt == NK_RGBA) ? &alpha_bar:0, color, in);
+ nk_draw_color_picker(out, &matrix, &hue_bar, (fmt == NK_RGBA) ? &alpha_bar:0, *color);
+ return ret;
+/* ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_API void nk_style_default(struct nk_context *ctx){nk_style_from_table(ctx, 0);}
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_TEXT, 175,175,175,255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_WINDOW, 45, 45, 45, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_HEADER, 40, 40, 40, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_BORDER, 65, 65, 65, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_BUTTON, 50, 50, 50, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER, 40, 40, 40, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE, 35, 35, 35, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_TOGGLE, 100,100,100,255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER, 120,120,120,255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR, 45, 45, 45, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_SELECT, 45, 45, 45, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE, 35, 35, 35,255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_SLIDER, 38, 38, 38, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR, 100,100,100,255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_PROPERTY, 38, 38, 38, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_EDIT, 38, 38, 38, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR, 175,175,175,255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_COMBO, 45, 45, 45, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_CHART, 120,120,120,255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR, 45, 45, 45, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR, 40, 40, 40, 255) \
+ NK_COLOR(NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER, 40, 40, 40,255)
+NK_GLOBAL const struct nk_color
+nk_default_color_style[NK_COLOR_COUNT] = {
+#define NK_COLOR(a,b,c,d,e) {b,c,d,e},
+#undef NK_COLOR
+NK_GLOBAL const char *nk_color_names[NK_COLOR_COUNT] = {
+#define NK_COLOR(a,b,c,d,e) #a,
+#undef NK_COLOR
+NK_API const char *nk_style_color_name(enum nk_style_colors c)
+{return nk_color_names[c];}
+NK_API struct nk_style_item nk_style_item_image(struct nk_image img)
+{struct nk_style_item i; i.type = NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE; i.data.image = img; return i;}
+NK_API struct nk_style_item nk_style_item_color(struct nk_color col)
+{struct nk_style_item i; i.type = NK_STYLE_ITEM_COLOR; i.data.color = col; return i;}
+NK_API struct nk_style_item nk_style_item_hide(void)
+{struct nk_style_item i; i.type = NK_STYLE_ITEM_COLOR; i.data.color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0); return i;}
+NK_API void
+nk_style_from_table(struct nk_context *ctx, const struct nk_color *table)
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_style_text *text;
+ struct nk_style_button *button;
+ struct nk_style_toggle *toggle;
+ struct nk_style_selectable *select;
+ struct nk_style_slider *slider;
+ struct nk_style_progress *prog;
+ struct nk_style_scrollbar *scroll;
+ struct nk_style_edit *edit;
+ struct nk_style_property *property;
+ struct nk_style_combo *combo;
+ struct nk_style_chart *chart;
+ struct nk_style_tab *tab;
+ struct nk_style_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ table = (!table) ? nk_default_color_style: table;
+ /* default text */
+ text = &style->text;
+ text->color = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ text->padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ /* default button */
+ button = &style->button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE]);
+ button->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(4.0f,4.0f);
+ button->image_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 1.0f;
+ button->rounding = 4.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ /* contextual button */
+ button = &style->contextual_button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE]);
+ button->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW];
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(4.0f,4.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 0.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ /* menu button */
+ button = &style->menu_button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]);
+ button->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW];
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(4.0f,4.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 0.0f;
+ button->rounding = 1.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ /* checkbox toggle */
+ toggle = &style->checkbox;
+ nk_zero_struct(*toggle);
+ toggle->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE]);
+ toggle->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER]);
+ toggle->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER]);
+ toggle->cursor_normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR]);
+ toggle->cursor_hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR]);
+ toggle->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ toggle->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW];
+ toggle->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ toggle->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ toggle->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ toggle->padding = nk_vec2(4.0f, 4.0f);
+ toggle->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ /* option toggle */
+ toggle = &style->option;
+ nk_zero_struct(*toggle);
+ toggle->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE]);
+ toggle->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER]);
+ toggle->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER]);
+ toggle->cursor_normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR]);
+ toggle->cursor_hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR]);
+ toggle->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ toggle->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW];
+ toggle->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ toggle->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ toggle->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ toggle->padding = nk_vec2(4.0f, 4.0f);
+ toggle->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ /* selectable */
+ select = &style->selectable;
+ nk_zero_struct(*select);
+ select->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SELECT]);
+ select->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SELECT]);
+ select->pressed = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SELECT]);
+ select->normal_active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE]);
+ select->hover_active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE]);
+ select->pressed_active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE]);
+ select->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ select->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ select->text_pressed = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ select->text_normal_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ select->text_hover_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ select->text_pressed_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ select->padding = nk_vec2(4.0f,4.0f);
+ select->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ select->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ select->rounding = 0.0f;
+ select->draw_begin = 0;
+ select->draw_end = 0;
+ /* slider */
+ slider = &style->slider;
+ nk_zero_struct(*slider);
+ slider->normal = nk_style_item_hide();
+ slider->hover = nk_style_item_hide();
+ slider->active = nk_style_item_hide();
+ slider->bar_normal = table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER];
+ slider->bar_hover = table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER];
+ slider->bar_active = table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER];
+ slider->bar_filled = table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR];
+ slider->cursor_normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR]);
+ slider->cursor_hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER]);
+ slider->cursor_active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE]);
+ slider->inc_symbol = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT;
+ slider->dec_symbol = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_LEFT;
+ slider->cursor_size = nk_vec2(16,16);
+ slider->padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ slider->spacing = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ slider->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ slider->show_buttons = nk_false;
+ slider->bar_height = 8;
+ slider->rounding = 0;
+ slider->draw_begin = 0;
+ slider->draw_end = 0;
+ /* slider buttons */
+ button = &style->slider.inc_button;
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(nk_rgb(40,40,40));
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(nk_rgb(42,42,42));
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(nk_rgb(44,44,44));
+ button->border_color = nk_rgb(65,65,65);
+ button->text_background = nk_rgb(40,40,40);
+ button->text_normal = nk_rgb(175,175,175);
+ button->text_hover = nk_rgb(175,175,175);
+ button->text_active = nk_rgb(175,175,175);
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(8.0f,8.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 1.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ style->slider.dec_button = style->slider.inc_button;
+ /* progressbar */
+ prog = &style->progress;
+ nk_zero_struct(*prog);
+ prog->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER]);
+ prog->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER]);
+ prog->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER]);
+ prog->cursor_normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR]);
+ prog->cursor_hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER]);
+ prog->cursor_active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE]);
+ prog->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ prog->padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ prog->rounding = 0;
+ prog->draw_begin = 0;
+ prog->draw_end = 0;
+ /* scrollbars */
+ scroll = &style->scrollh;
+ nk_zero_struct(*scroll);
+ scroll->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR]);
+ scroll->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR]);
+ scroll->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR]);
+ scroll->cursor_normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR]);
+ scroll->cursor_hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER]);
+ scroll->cursor_active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE]);
+ scroll->dec_symbol = NK_SYMBOL_CIRCLE_FILLED;
+ scroll->inc_symbol = NK_SYMBOL_CIRCLE_FILLED;
+ scroll->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ scroll->border_color = nk_rgb(65,65,65);
+ scroll->padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ scroll->show_buttons = nk_false;
+ scroll->border = 0;
+ scroll->rounding = 0;
+ scroll->draw_begin = 0;
+ scroll->draw_end = 0;
+ style->scrollv = style->scrollh;
+ /* scrollbars buttons */
+ button = &style->scrollh.inc_button;
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(nk_rgb(40,40,40));
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(nk_rgb(42,42,42));
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(nk_rgb(44,44,44));
+ button->border_color = nk_rgb(65,65,65);
+ button->text_background = nk_rgb(40,40,40);
+ button->text_normal = nk_rgb(175,175,175);
+ button->text_hover = nk_rgb(175,175,175);
+ button->text_active = nk_rgb(175,175,175);
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(4.0f,4.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 1.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ style->scrollh.dec_button = style->scrollh.inc_button;
+ style->scrollv.inc_button = style->scrollh.inc_button;
+ style->scrollv.dec_button = style->scrollh.inc_button;
+ /* edit */
+ edit = &style->edit;
+ nk_zero_struct(*edit);
+ edit->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_EDIT]);
+ edit->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_EDIT]);
+ edit->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_EDIT]);
+ edit->cursor_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->cursor_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->cursor_text_normal= table[NK_COLOR_EDIT];
+ edit->cursor_text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_EDIT];
+ edit->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ edit->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->selected_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->selected_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->selected_text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_EDIT];
+ edit->selected_text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_EDIT];
+ edit->row_padding = 2;
+ edit->padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ edit->cursor_size = 4;
+ edit->border = 1;
+ edit->rounding = 0;
+ /* property */
+ property = &style->property;
+ nk_zero_struct(*property);
+ property->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ property->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ property->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ property->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ property->label_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ property->label_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ property->label_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ property->sym_left = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_LEFT;
+ property->sym_right = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT;
+ property->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ property->padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ property->border = 1;
+ property->rounding = 10;
+ property->draw_begin = 0;
+ property->draw_end = 0;
+ /* property buttons */
+ button = &style->property.dec_button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ button->border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 0.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ style->property.inc_button = style->property.dec_button;
+ /* property edit */
+ edit = &style->property.edit;
+ nk_zero_struct(*edit);
+ edit->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ edit->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ edit->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY]);
+ edit->border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ edit->cursor_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->cursor_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->cursor_text_normal= table[NK_COLOR_EDIT];
+ edit->cursor_text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_EDIT];
+ edit->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->selected_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->selected_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ edit->selected_text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_EDIT];
+ edit->selected_text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_EDIT];
+ edit->padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ edit->cursor_size = 8;
+ edit->border = 0;
+ edit->rounding = 0;
+ /* chart */
+ chart = &style->chart;
+ nk_zero_struct(*chart);
+ chart->background = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_CHART]);
+ chart->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ chart->selected_color = table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT];
+ chart->color = table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR];
+ chart->padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ chart->border = 0;
+ chart->rounding = 0;
+ /* combo */
+ combo = &style->combo;
+ combo->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_COMBO]);
+ combo->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_COMBO]);
+ combo->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_COMBO]);
+ combo->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ combo->label_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ combo->label_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ combo->label_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ combo->sym_normal = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_DOWN;
+ combo->sym_hover = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_DOWN;
+ combo->sym_active = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_DOWN;
+ combo->content_padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ combo->button_padding = nk_vec2(0,4);
+ combo->spacing = nk_vec2(4,0);
+ combo->border = 1;
+ combo->rounding = 0;
+ /* combo button */
+ button = &style->combo.button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_COMBO]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_COMBO]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_COMBO]);
+ button->border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_COMBO];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(2.0f,2.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 0.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ /* tab */
+ tab = &style->tab;
+ tab->background = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER]);
+ tab->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ tab->text = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ tab->sym_minimize = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_DOWN;
+ tab->sym_maximize = NK_SYMBOL_TRIANGLE_RIGHT;
+ tab->padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ tab->spacing = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ tab->border = 1;
+ tab->rounding = 0;
+ /* tab button */
+ button = &style->tab.tab_button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER]);
+ button->border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(2.0f,2.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 0.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ /* node button */
+ button = &style->tab.node_button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]);
+ button->border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(2.0f,2.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 0.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ /* window header */
+ win = &style->window;
+ win->header.align = NK_HEADER_RIGHT;
+ win->header.close_symbol = NK_SYMBOL_X;
+ win->header.minimize_symbol = NK_SYMBOL_MINUS;
+ win->header.maximize_symbol = NK_SYMBOL_PLUS;
+ win->header.normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ win->header.hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ win->header.active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ win->header.label_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ win->header.label_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ win->header.label_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ win->header.label_padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ win->header.padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ win->header.spacing = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ /* window header close button */
+ button = &style->window.header.close_button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ button->border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_HEADER];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 0.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ /* window header minimize button */
+ button = &style->window.header.minimize_button;
+ nk_zero_struct(*button);
+ button->normal = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ button->hover = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ button->active = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_HEADER]);
+ button->border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ button->text_background = table[NK_COLOR_HEADER];
+ button->text_normal = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_hover = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->text_active = table[NK_COLOR_TEXT];
+ button->padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->touch_padding = nk_vec2(0.0f,0.0f);
+ button->userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0);
+ button->text_alignment = NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
+ button->border = 0.0f;
+ button->rounding = 0.0f;
+ button->draw_begin = 0;
+ button->draw_end = 0;
+ /* window */
+ win->background = table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW];
+ win->fixed_background = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]);
+ win->border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ win->combo_border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ win->contextual_border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ win->menu_border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ win->group_border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ win->tooltip_border_color = table[NK_COLOR_BORDER];
+ win->scaler = nk_style_item_color(table[NK_COLOR_TEXT]);
+ win->footer_padding = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ win->rounding = 0.0f;
+ win->scaler_size = nk_vec2(16,16);
+ win->padding = nk_vec2(8,8);
+ win->spacing = nk_vec2(4,4);
+ win->scrollbar_size = nk_vec2(10,10);
+ win->min_size = nk_vec2(64,64);
+ win->combo_border = 1.0f;
+ win->contextual_border = 1.0f;
+ win->menu_border = 1.0f;
+ win->group_border = 1.0f;
+ win->tooltip_border = 1.0f;
+ win->border = 2.0f;
+NK_API void
+nk_style_set_font(struct nk_context *ctx, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ style->font = *font;
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ * POOL
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+#define NK_VALUE_PAGE_CAPACITY ((sizeof(struct nk_window) / sizeof(nk_uint)) / 2)
+struct nk_table {
+ unsigned int seq;
+ nk_hash keys[NK_VALUE_PAGE_CAPACITY];
+ nk_uint values[NK_VALUE_PAGE_CAPACITY];
+ struct nk_table *next, *prev;
+union nk_page_data {
+ struct nk_table tbl;
+ struct nk_window win;
+struct nk_page_element {
+ union nk_page_data data;
+ struct nk_page_element *next;
+ struct nk_page_element *prev;
+struct nk_page {
+ unsigned size;
+ struct nk_page *next;
+ struct nk_page_element win[1];
+struct nk_pool {
+ struct nk_allocator alloc;
+ enum nk_allocation_type type;
+ unsigned int page_count;
+ struct nk_page *pages;
+ struct nk_page_element *freelist;
+ unsigned capacity;
+ nk_size size;
+ nk_size cap;
+nk_pool_init(struct nk_pool *pool, struct nk_allocator *alloc,
+ unsigned int capacity)
+ nk_zero(pool, sizeof(*pool));
+ pool->alloc = *alloc;
+ pool->capacity = capacity;
+ pool->pages = 0;
+ pool->type = NK_BUFFER_DYNAMIC;
+nk_pool_free(struct nk_pool *pool)
+ struct nk_page *next;
+ struct nk_page *iter = pool->pages;
+ if (!pool) return;
+ if (pool->type == NK_BUFFER_FIXED) return;
+ while (iter) {
+ next = iter->next;
+ pool->alloc.free(pool->alloc.userdata, iter);
+ iter = next;
+ }
+nk_pool_init_fixed(struct nk_pool *pool, void *memory, nk_size size)
+ nk_zero(pool, sizeof(*pool));
+ NK_ASSERT(size >= sizeof(struct nk_page));
+ if (size < sizeof(struct nk_page)) return;
+ pool->capacity = (unsigned)(size - sizeof(struct nk_page)) / sizeof(struct nk_page_element);
+ pool->pages = (struct nk_page*)memory;
+ pool->type = NK_BUFFER_FIXED;
+ pool->size = size;
+NK_INTERN struct nk_page_element*
+nk_pool_alloc(struct nk_pool *pool)
+ if (!pool->pages || pool->pages->size >= pool->capacity) {
+ /* allocate new page */
+ struct nk_page *page;
+ if (pool->type == NK_BUFFER_FIXED) {
+ if (!pool->pages) {
+ NK_ASSERT(pool->pages);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ NK_ASSERT(pool->pages->size < pool->capacity);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ nk_size size = sizeof(struct nk_page);
+ size += NK_POOL_DEFAULT_CAPACITY * sizeof(union nk_page_data);
+ page = (struct nk_page*)pool->alloc.alloc(pool->alloc.userdata,0, size);
+ page->size = 0;
+ page->next = pool->pages;
+ pool->pages = page;
+ }
+ }
+ return &pool->pages->win[pool->pages->size++];
+/* ===============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================*/
+NK_INTERN void* nk_create_window(struct nk_context *ctx);
+NK_INTERN void nk_remove_window(struct nk_context*, struct nk_window*);
+NK_INTERN void nk_free_window(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win);
+NK_INTERN void nk_free_table(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_table *tbl);
+NK_INTERN void nk_remove_table(struct nk_window *win, struct nk_table *tbl);
+nk_setup(struct nk_context *ctx, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ nk_zero_struct(*ctx);
+ nk_style_default(ctx);
+ if (font) ctx->style.font = *font;
+ nk_draw_list_init(&ctx->draw_list);
+NK_API int
+nk_init_default(struct nk_context *ctx, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ struct nk_allocator alloc;
+ alloc.userdata.ptr = 0;
+ alloc.alloc = nk_malloc;
+ alloc.free = nk_mfree;
+ return nk_init(ctx, &alloc, font);
+NK_API int
+nk_init_fixed(struct nk_context *ctx, void *memory, nk_size size,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ NK_ASSERT(memory);
+ if (!memory) return 0;
+ nk_setup(ctx, font);
+ nk_buffer_init_fixed(&ctx->memory, memory, size);
+ ctx->pool = 0;
+ return 1;
+NK_API int
+nk_init_custom(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_buffer *cmds,
+ struct nk_buffer *pool, const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ NK_ASSERT(cmds);
+ NK_ASSERT(pool);
+ if (!cmds || !pool) return 0;
+ nk_setup(ctx, font);
+ ctx->memory = *cmds;
+ if (pool->type == NK_BUFFER_FIXED) {
+ /* take memory from buffer and alloc fixed pool */
+ void *memory = pool->memory.ptr;
+ nk_size size = pool->memory.size;
+ ctx->pool = memory;
+ NK_ASSERT(size > sizeof(struct nk_pool));
+ size -= sizeof(struct nk_pool);
+ nk_pool_init_fixed((struct nk_pool*)ctx->pool,
+ (void*)((nk_byte*)ctx->pool+sizeof(struct nk_pool)), size);
+ } else {
+ /* create dynamic pool from buffer allocator */
+ struct nk_allocator *alloc = &pool->pool;
+ ctx->pool = alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata,0, sizeof(struct nk_pool));
+ nk_pool_init((struct nk_pool*)ctx->pool, alloc, NK_POOL_DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
+ }
+ return 1;
+NK_API int
+nk_init(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_allocator *alloc,
+ const struct nk_user_font *font)
+ NK_ASSERT(alloc);
+ if (!alloc) return 0;
+ nk_setup(ctx, font);
+ nk_buffer_init(&ctx->memory, alloc, NK_DEFAULT_COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ ctx->pool = alloc->alloc(alloc->userdata,0, sizeof(struct nk_pool));
+ nk_pool_init((struct nk_pool*)ctx->pool, alloc, NK_POOL_DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
+ return 1;
+NK_API void
+nk_set_user_data(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_handle handle)
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ ctx->userdata = handle;
+ if (ctx->current)
+ ctx->current->buffer.userdata = handle;
+NK_API void
+nk_free(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ nk_buffer_free(&ctx->memory);
+ if (ctx->pool) {
+ struct nk_pool *pool = (struct nk_pool*)ctx->pool;
+ nk_pool_free(pool);
+ pool->alloc.free(pool->alloc.userdata, pool);
+ }
+ nk_zero(&ctx->input, sizeof(ctx->input));
+ nk_zero(&ctx->style, sizeof(ctx->style));
+ nk_zero(&ctx->memory, sizeof(ctx->memory));
+ ctx->seq = 0;
+ ctx->pool = 0;
+ ctx->build = 0;
+ ctx->begin = 0;
+ ctx->end = 0;
+ ctx->active = 0;
+ ctx->current = 0;
+ ctx->freelist = 0;
+ ctx->count = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_clear(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *iter;
+ struct nk_window *next;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ if (ctx->pool)
+ nk_buffer_clear(&ctx->memory);
+ else nk_buffer_reset(&ctx->memory, NK_BUFFER_FRONT);
+ ctx->build = 0;
+ ctx->memory.calls = 0;
+ ctx->last_widget_state = 0;
+ nk_draw_list_clear(&ctx->draw_list);
+ /* garbage collector */
+ iter = ctx->begin;
+ while (iter) {
+ /* make sure minimized windows do not get removed */
+ if (iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) {
+ iter = iter->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* free unused popup windows */
+ if (iter->popup.win && iter->popup.win->seq != ctx->seq) {
+ nk_free_window(ctx, iter->popup.win);
+ iter->popup.win = 0;
+ }
+ {struct nk_table *n, *it = iter->tables;
+ while (it) {
+ /* remove unused window state tables */
+ n = it->next;
+ if (it->seq != ctx->seq) {
+ nk_remove_table(iter, it);
+ nk_zero(it, sizeof(union nk_page_data));
+ nk_free_table(ctx, it);
+ if (it == iter->tables)
+ iter->tables = n;
+ }
+ it = n;
+ }}
+ /* window itself is not used anymore so free */
+ if (iter->seq != ctx->seq || iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) {
+ next = iter->next;
+ nk_remove_window(ctx, iter);
+ nk_free_window(ctx, iter);
+ iter = next;
+ } else iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ ctx->seq++;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+nk_start(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(win);
+ if (!ctx || !win) return;
+ win->buffer.begin = ctx->memory.allocated;
+ win->buffer.end = win->buffer.begin;
+ win->buffer.last = win->buffer.begin;
+ win->buffer.clip = nk_null_rect;
+nk_start_popup(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win)
+ struct nk_popup_buffer *buf;
+ struct nk_panel *iter;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(win);
+ if (!ctx || !win) return;
+ /* make sure to use the correct popup buffer*/
+ iter = win->layout;
+ while (iter->parent)
+ iter = iter->parent;
+ /* save buffer fill state for popup */
+ buf = &iter->popup_buffer;
+ buf->begin = win->buffer.end;
+ buf->end = win->buffer.end;
+ buf->parent = win->buffer.last;
+ buf->last = buf->begin;
+ buf->active = nk_true;
+nk_finish_popup(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win)
+ struct nk_popup_buffer *buf;
+ struct nk_panel *iter;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(win);
+ if (!ctx || !win) return;
+ /* make sure to use the correct popup buffer*/
+ iter = win->layout;
+ while (iter->parent)
+ iter = iter->parent;
+ buf = &iter->popup_buffer;
+ buf->last = win->buffer.last;
+ buf->end = win->buffer.end;
+nk_finish(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win)
+ struct nk_popup_buffer *buf;
+ struct nk_command *parent_last;
+ struct nk_command *sublast;
+ struct nk_command *last;
+ void *memory;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(win);
+ if (!ctx || !win) return;
+ win->buffer.end = ctx->memory.allocated;
+ if (!win->layout->popup_buffer.active) return;
+ /* from here this case is for popup windows */
+ buf = &win->layout->popup_buffer;
+ memory = ctx->memory.memory.ptr;
+ /* redirect the sub-window buffer to the end of the window command buffer */
+ parent_last = nk_ptr_add(struct nk_command, memory, buf->parent);
+ sublast = nk_ptr_add(struct nk_command, memory, buf->last);
+ last = nk_ptr_add(struct nk_command, memory, win->buffer.last);
+ parent_last->next = buf->end;
+ sublast->next = last->next;
+ last->next = buf->begin;
+ win->buffer.last = buf->last;
+ win->buffer.end = buf->end;
+ buf->active = nk_false;
+nk_build(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *iter;
+ struct nk_window *next;
+ struct nk_command *cmd;
+ nk_byte *buffer;
+ iter = ctx->begin;
+ buffer = (nk_byte*)ctx->memory.memory.ptr;
+ while (iter != 0) {
+ next = iter->next;
+ if (iter->buffer.last == iter->buffer.begin || (iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN)) {
+ iter = next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ cmd = nk_ptr_add(struct nk_command, buffer, iter->buffer.last);
+ while (next && ((next->buffer.last == next->buffer.begin) ||
+ (next->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN)))
+ next = next->next; /* skip empty command buffers */
+ if (next) {
+ cmd->next = next->buffer.begin;
+ } else cmd->next = ctx->memory.allocated;
+ iter = next;
+ }
+NK_API const struct nk_command*
+nk__begin(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *iter;
+ nk_byte *buffer;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return 0;
+ if (!ctx->count) return 0;
+ /* build one command list out of all windows */
+ buffer = (nk_byte*)ctx->memory.memory.ptr;
+ if (!ctx->build) {
+ nk_build(ctx);
+ ctx->build = nk_true;
+ }
+ iter = ctx->begin;
+ while (iter && ((iter->buffer.begin == iter->buffer.end) || (iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN)))
+ iter = iter->next;
+ if (!iter) return 0;
+ return nk_ptr_add_const(struct nk_command, buffer, iter->buffer.begin);
+NK_API const struct nk_command*
+nk__next(struct nk_context *ctx, const struct nk_command *cmd)
+ nk_byte *buffer;
+ const struct nk_command *next;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx || !cmd || !ctx->count) return 0;
+ if (cmd->next >= ctx->memory.allocated) return 0;
+ buffer = (nk_byte*)ctx->memory.memory.ptr;
+ next = nk_ptr_add_const(struct nk_command, buffer, cmd->next);
+ return next;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_INTERN struct nk_page_element*
+nk_create_page_element(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_page_element *elem;
+ if (ctx->freelist) {
+ /* unlink page element from free list */
+ elem = ctx->freelist;
+ ctx->freelist = elem->next;
+ } else if (ctx->pool) {
+ /* allocate page element from memory pool */
+ elem = nk_pool_alloc((struct nk_pool*)ctx->pool);
+ NK_ASSERT(elem);
+ if (!elem) return 0;
+ } else {
+ /* allocate new page element from the back of the fixed size memory buffer */
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size size = sizeof(struct nk_page_element);
+ NK_STORAGE const nk_size align = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_page_element);
+ elem = (struct nk_page_element*)nk_buffer_alloc(&ctx->memory, NK_BUFFER_BACK, size, align);
+ NK_ASSERT(elem);
+ if (!elem) return 0;
+ }
+ nk_zero_struct(*elem);
+ elem->next = 0;
+ elem->prev = 0;
+ return elem;
+nk_free_page_element(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_page_element *elem)
+ /* link table into freelist */
+ if (!ctx->freelist) {
+ ctx->freelist = elem;
+ } else {
+ elem->next = ctx->freelist;
+ ctx->freelist = elem;
+ }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_INTERN struct nk_table*
+nk_create_table(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_page_element *elem = nk_create_page_element(ctx);
+ if (!elem) return 0;
+ return &elem->data.tbl;
+nk_free_table(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_table *tbl)
+ union nk_page_data *pd = NK_CONTAINER_OF(tbl, union nk_page_data, tbl);
+ struct nk_page_element *pe = NK_CONTAINER_OF(pd, struct nk_page_element, data);
+ nk_free_page_element(ctx, pe);
+nk_push_table(struct nk_window *win, struct nk_table *tbl)
+ if (!win->tables) {
+ win->tables = tbl;
+ tbl->next = 0;
+ tbl->prev = 0;
+ win->table_count = 1;
+ win->table_size = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ win->tables->prev = tbl;
+ tbl->next = win->tables;
+ tbl->prev = 0;
+ win->tables = tbl;
+ win->table_count++;
+ win->table_size = 0;
+nk_remove_table(struct nk_window *win, struct nk_table *tbl)
+ if (win->tables == tbl)
+ win->tables = tbl->next;
+ if (tbl->next)
+ tbl->next->prev = tbl->prev;
+ if (tbl->prev)
+ tbl->prev->next = tbl->next;
+ tbl->next = 0;
+ tbl->prev = 0;
+NK_INTERN nk_uint*
+nk_add_value(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win,
+ nk_hash name, nk_uint value)
+ if (!win->tables || win->table_size == NK_VALUE_PAGE_CAPACITY) {
+ struct nk_table *tbl = nk_create_table(ctx);
+ nk_push_table(win, tbl);
+ }
+ win->tables->seq = win->seq;
+ win->tables->keys[win->table_size] = name;
+ win->tables->values[win->table_size] = value;
+ return &win->tables->values[win->table_size++];
+NK_INTERN nk_uint*
+nk_find_value(struct nk_window *win, nk_hash name)
+ unsigned short size = win->table_size;
+ struct nk_table *iter = win->tables;
+ while (iter) {
+ unsigned short i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ if (iter->keys[i] == name) {
+ iter->seq = win->seq;
+ return &iter->values[i];
+ }
+ }
+ iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_INTERN int nk_panel_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title);
+NK_INTERN void nk_panel_end(struct nk_context *ctx);
+NK_INTERN void*
+nk_create_window(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_page_element *elem = nk_create_page_element(ctx);
+ if (!elem) return 0;
+ elem->data.win.seq = ctx->seq;
+ return &elem->data.win;
+nk_free_window(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win)
+ /* unlink windows from list */
+ struct nk_table *n, *it = win->tables;
+ if (win->popup.win) {
+ nk_free_window(ctx, win->popup.win);
+ win->popup.win = 0;
+ }
+ win->next = 0;
+ win->prev = 0;
+ while (it) {
+ /*free window state tables */
+ n = it->next;
+ nk_remove_table(win, it);
+ nk_free_table(ctx, it);
+ if (it == win->tables)
+ win->tables = n;
+ it = n;
+ }
+ /* link windows into freelist */
+ {union nk_page_data *pd = NK_CONTAINER_OF(win, union nk_page_data, win);
+ struct nk_page_element *pe = NK_CONTAINER_OF(pd, struct nk_page_element, data);
+ nk_free_page_element(ctx, pe);}
+NK_INTERN struct nk_window*
+nk_find_window(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_hash hash)
+ struct nk_window *iter;
+ iter = ctx->begin;
+ while (iter) {
+ NK_ASSERT(iter != iter->next);
+ if (iter->name == hash)
+ return iter;
+ iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+nk_insert_window(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win)
+ const struct nk_window *iter;
+ struct nk_window *end;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(win);
+ if (!win || !ctx) return;
+ iter = ctx->begin;
+ while (iter) {
+ NK_ASSERT(iter != iter->next);
+ NK_ASSERT(iter != win);
+ if (iter == win) return;
+ iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ if (!ctx->begin) {
+ win->next = 0;
+ win->prev = 0;
+ ctx->begin = win;
+ ctx->end = win;
+ ctx->count = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ end = ctx->end;
+ end->flags |= NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ end->next = win;
+ win->prev = ctx->end;
+ win->next = 0;
+ ctx->end = win;
+ ctx->count++;
+ ctx->active = ctx->end;
+ ctx->end->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+nk_remove_window(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win)
+ if (win == ctx->begin || win == ctx->end) {
+ if (win == ctx->begin) {
+ ctx->begin = win->next;
+ if (win->next)
+ win->next->prev = 0;
+ }
+ if (win == ctx->end) {
+ ctx->end = win->prev;
+ if (win->prev)
+ win->prev->next = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (win->next)
+ win->next->prev = win->prev;
+ if (win->prev)
+ win->prev->next = win->next;
+ }
+ if (win == ctx->active || !ctx->active) {
+ ctx->active = ctx->end;
+ if (ctx->end)
+ ctx->end->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ }
+ win->next = 0;
+ win->prev = 0;
+ ctx->count--;
+NK_API int
+nk_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout, const char *title,
+ struct nk_rect bounds, nk_flags flags)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ int title_len;
+ int ret = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(!ctx->current && "if this triggers you missed a `nk_end` call");
+ if (!ctx || ctx->current || !title)
+ return 0;
+ /* find or create window */
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(title);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(title, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ win = nk_find_window(ctx, title_hash);
+ if (!win) {
+ /* create new window */
+ win = (struct nk_window*)nk_create_window(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(win);
+ if (!win) return 0;
+ nk_insert_window(ctx, win);
+ nk_command_buffer_init(&win->buffer, &ctx->memory, NK_CLIPPING_ON);
+ win->flags = flags;
+ win->bounds = bounds;
+ win->name = title_hash;
+ win->popup.win = 0;
+ if (!ctx->active)
+ ctx->active = win;
+ } else {
+ /* update public window flags */
+ win->flags &= ~(nk_flags)(NK_WINDOW_PRIVATE-1);
+ win->flags |= flags;
+ win->seq++;
+ if (!ctx->active)
+ ctx->active = win;
+ }
+ if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) {
+ ctx->current = win;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* window overlapping */
+ if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB) && !(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN))
+ {
+ int inpanel, ishovered;
+ const struct nk_window *iter = win;
+ float h = ctx->style.font.height + 2 * style->window.header.padding.y;
+ /* activate window if hovered and no other window is overlapping this window */
+ nk_start(ctx, win);
+ inpanel = nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(&ctx->input, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, win->bounds, nk_true);
+ ishovered = nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ctx->input, win->bounds);
+ if ((win != ctx->active) && ishovered) {
+ iter = win->next;
+ while (iter) {
+ if (!(iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) {
+ if (NK_INTERSECT(win->bounds.x, win->bounds.y, win->bounds.w, win->bounds.h,
+ iter->bounds.x, iter->bounds.y, iter->bounds.w, iter->bounds.h) &&
+ !(iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN))
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (NK_INTERSECT(win->bounds.x, win->bounds.y, win->bounds.w, win->bounds.h,
+ iter->bounds.x, iter->bounds.y, iter->bounds.w, h) &&
+ !(iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (iter->popup.win && iter->popup.active && !(iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) &&
+ NK_INTERSECT(win->bounds.x, win->bounds.y, win->bounds.w, win->bounds.h,
+ iter->popup.win->bounds.x, iter->popup.win->bounds.y,
+ iter->popup.win->bounds.w, iter->popup.win->bounds.h))
+ break;
+ iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ }
+ /* activate window if clicked */
+ if (iter && inpanel && (win != ctx->end)) {
+ iter = win->next;
+ while (iter) {
+ /* try to find a panel with higher priority in the same position */
+ if (!(iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) {
+ if (NK_INBOX(ctx->input.mouse.pos.x, ctx->input.mouse.pos.y, iter->bounds.x,
+ iter->bounds.y, iter->bounds.w, iter->bounds.h) &&
+ !(iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN))
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (NK_INBOX(ctx->input.mouse.pos.x, ctx->input.mouse.pos.y, iter->bounds.x,
+ iter->bounds.y, iter->bounds.w, h) &&
+ !(iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (iter->popup.win && iter->popup.active && !(iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) &&
+ NK_INTERSECT(win->bounds.x, win->bounds.y, win->bounds.w, win->bounds.h,
+ iter->popup.win->bounds.x, iter->popup.win->bounds.y,
+ iter->popup.win->bounds.w, iter->popup.win->bounds.h))
+ break;
+ iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!iter && ctx->end != win) {
+ /* current window is active in that position so transfer to top
+ * at the highest priority in stack */
+ nk_remove_window(ctx, win);
+ nk_insert_window(ctx, win);
+ win->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ ctx->active = win;
+ }
+ if (ctx->end != win)
+ win->flags |= NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ }
+ win->layout = layout;
+ ctx->current = win;
+ ret = nk_panel_begin(ctx, title);
+ layout->offset = &win->scrollbar;
+ return ret;
+NK_API void
+nk_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return;
+ if (ctx->current->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) {
+ ctx->current = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ nk_panel_end(ctx);
+ ctx->current = 0;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_window_get_bounds(const struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return nk_rect(0,0,0,0);
+ return ctx->current->bounds;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_window_get_position(const struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return nk_vec2(0,0);
+ return nk_vec2(ctx->current->bounds.x, ctx->current->bounds.y);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_window_get_size(const struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return nk_vec2(0,0);
+ return nk_vec2(ctx->current->bounds.w, ctx->current->bounds.h);
+NK_API float
+nk_window_get_width(const struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return 0;
+ return ctx->current->bounds.w;
+NK_API float
+nk_window_get_height(const struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return 0;
+ return ctx->current->bounds.h;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_window_get_content_region(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return nk_rect(0,0,0,0);
+ return ctx->current->layout->clip;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_window_get_content_region_min(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return nk_vec2(0,0);
+ return nk_vec2(ctx->current->layout->clip.x, ctx->current->layout->clip.y);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_window_get_content_region_max(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return nk_vec2(0,0);
+ return nk_vec2(ctx->current->layout->clip.x + ctx->current->layout->clip.w,
+ ctx->current->layout->clip.y + ctx->current->layout->clip.h);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_window_get_content_region_size(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return nk_vec2(0,0);
+ return nk_vec2(ctx->current->layout->clip.w, ctx->current->layout->clip.h);
+NK_API struct nk_command_buffer*
+nk_window_get_canvas(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return 0;
+ return &ctx->current->buffer;
+NK_API struct nk_panel*
+nk_window_get_panel(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return 0;
+ return ctx->current->layout;
+NK_API int
+nk_window_has_focus(const struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return 0;
+ return ctx->current == ctx->active;
+NK_API int
+nk_window_is_hovered(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return 0;
+ return nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ctx->input, ctx->current->bounds);
+NK_API int
+nk_window_is_any_hovered(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *iter;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return 0;
+ iter = ctx->begin;
+ while (iter) {
+ /* check if window is being hovered */
+ if (iter->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) {
+ struct nk_rect header = iter->bounds;
+ header.h = ctx->style.font.height + 2 * ctx->style.window.header.padding.y;
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ctx->input, header))
+ return 1;
+ } else if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ctx->input, iter->bounds)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* check if window is being hovered */
+ if (iter->popup.active && nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ctx->input, iter->popup.win->bounds))
+ return 1;
+ iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+NK_API int
+nk_item_is_any_active(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ int any_hovered = nk_window_is_any_hovered(ctx);
+ int any_active = (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_MODIFIED);
+ return any_hovered || any_active;
+NK_API int
+nk_window_is_collapsed(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name)
+ int title_len;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return 0;
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(name);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ win = nk_find_window(ctx, title_hash);
+ if (!win) return 0;
+ return win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
+NK_API int
+nk_window_is_closed(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name)
+ int title_len;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return 1;
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(name);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ win = nk_find_window(ctx, title_hash);
+ if (!win) return 1;
+ return (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN);
+NK_API int
+nk_window_is_active(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name)
+ int title_len;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return 0;
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(name);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ win = nk_find_window(ctx, title_hash);
+ if (!win) return 0;
+ return win == ctx->active;
+NK_API struct nk_window*
+nk_window_find(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name)
+ int title_len;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(name);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ return nk_find_window(ctx, title_hash);
+NK_API void
+nk_window_close(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ win = nk_window_find(ctx, name);
+ if (!win) return;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current != win && "You cannot close a currently active window");
+ if (ctx->current == win) return;
+ win->flags |= NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN;
+NK_API void
+nk_window_set_bounds(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_rect bounds)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return;
+ ctx->current->bounds = bounds;
+NK_API void
+nk_window_set_position(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_vec2 pos)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return;
+ ctx->current->bounds.x = pos.x;
+ ctx->current->bounds.y = pos.y;
+NK_API void
+nk_window_set_size(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_vec2 size)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return;
+ ctx->current->bounds.w = size.x;
+ ctx->current->bounds.h = size.y;
+NK_API void
+nk_window_collapse(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name,
+ enum nk_collapse_states c)
+ int title_len;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(name);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ win = nk_find_window(ctx, title_hash);
+ if (!win) return;
+ if (c == NK_MINIMIZED)
+ win->flags |= NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
+ else win->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
+NK_API void
+nk_window_collapse_if(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name,
+ enum nk_collapse_states c, int cond)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx || !cond) return;
+ nk_window_collapse(ctx, name, c);
+NK_API void
+nk_window_show(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name, enum nk_show_states s)
+ int title_len;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(name);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ win = nk_find_window(ctx, title_hash);
+ if (!win) return;
+ if (s == NK_HIDDEN)
+ win->flags |= NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN;
+ else win->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN;
+NK_API void
+nk_window_show_if(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name,
+ enum nk_show_states s, int cond)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx || !cond) return;
+ nk_window_show(ctx, name, s);
+NK_API void
+nk_window_set_focus(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name)
+ int title_len;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(name);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ win = nk_find_window(ctx, title_hash);
+ if (win && ctx->end != win) {
+ nk_remove_window(ctx, win);
+ nk_insert_window(ctx, win);
+ }
+ ctx->active = win;
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static int
+nk_window_has_header(struct nk_window *win, const char *title)
+ /* window header state */
+ int active = 0;
+ active = active || (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_TITLE);
+ active = active && !(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) && title;
+ return active;
+nk_panel_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title)
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ const struct nk_user_font *font;
+ int header_active = 0;
+ struct nk_vec2 scrollbar_size;
+ struct nk_vec2 item_spacing;
+ struct nk_vec2 window_padding;
+ struct nk_vec2 scaler_size;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ font = &style->font;
+ in = &ctx->input;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ /* cache style data */
+ scrollbar_size = style->window.scrollbar_size;
+ window_padding = style->window.padding;
+ item_spacing = style->window.spacing;
+ scaler_size = style->window.scaler_size;
+ /* check arguments */
+ nk_zero(layout, sizeof(*layout));
+ if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN)
+ return 0;
+ win->buffer.userdata = ctx->userdata;
+ /* window dragging */
+ if ((win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE) && !(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM)) {
+ int left_mouse_down;
+ int left_mouse_click_in_cursor;
+ struct nk_rect move;
+ move.x = win->bounds.x;
+ move.y = win->bounds.y;
+ move.w = win->bounds.w;
+ move.h = layout->header_h;
+ if (nk_window_has_header(win, title)) {
+ move.h = font->height + 2.0f * style->window.header.padding.y;
+ move.h += 2.0f * style->window.header.label_padding.y;
+ } else move.h = window_padding.y + item_spacing.y;
+ /*incursor = nk_input_is_mouse_prev_hovering_rect(in, move);*/
+ left_mouse_down = in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down;
+ left_mouse_click_in_cursor = nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in,
+ NK_BUTTON_LEFT, move, nk_true);
+ if (left_mouse_down && left_mouse_click_in_cursor) {
+ win->bounds.x = win->bounds.x + in->mouse.delta.x;
+ win->bounds.y = win->bounds.y + in->mouse.delta.y;
+ in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.x += in->mouse.delta.x;
+ in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos.y += in->mouse.delta.y;
+ }
+ }
+ /* panel space with border */
+ if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER) {
+ if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB))
+ layout->bounds = nk_shrink_rect(win->bounds, style->window.border);
+ else if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO)
+ layout->bounds = nk_shrink_rect(win->bounds, style->window.combo_border);
+ else if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_CONTEXTUAL)
+ layout->bounds = nk_shrink_rect(win->bounds, style->window.contextual_border);
+ else if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU)
+ layout->bounds = nk_shrink_rect(win->bounds, style->window.menu_border);
+ else if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_GROUP)
+ layout->bounds = nk_shrink_rect(win->bounds, style->window.group_border);
+ else if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_TOOLTIP)
+ layout->bounds = nk_shrink_rect(win->bounds, style->window.tooltip_border);
+ else layout->bounds = nk_shrink_rect(win->bounds, style->window.border);
+ } else layout->bounds = win->bounds;
+ /* setup panel */
+ layout->border = layout->bounds.x - win->bounds.x;
+ layout->at_x = layout->bounds.x;
+ layout->at_y = layout->bounds.y;
+ layout->width = layout->bounds.w;
+ layout->height = layout->bounds.h;
+ layout->max_x = 0;
+ layout->row.index = 0;
+ layout->row.columns = 0;
+ layout->row.height = 0;
+ layout->row.ratio = 0;
+ layout->row.item_width = 0;
+ layout->row.tree_depth = 0;
+ layout->flags = win->flags;
+ out = &win->buffer;
+ /* calculate window header */
+ if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) {
+ layout->header_h = 0;
+ layout->row.height = 0;
+ } else {
+ layout->header_h = 0;
+ layout->row.height = item_spacing.y + window_padding.y;
+ }
+ /* calculate window footer height */
+ if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_NONBLOCK) &&
+ (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR) || (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE)))
+ layout->footer_h = scaler_size.y + style->window.footer_padding.y;
+ else layout->footer_h = 0;
+ /* calculate the window size */
+ if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR))
+ layout->width = layout->bounds.w - scrollbar_size.x;
+ layout->height = layout->bounds.h - (layout->header_h + item_spacing.y + window_padding.y);
+ layout->height -= layout->footer_h;
+ /* window header */
+ header_active = nk_window_has_header(win, title);
+ if (header_active)
+ {
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background = 0;
+ /* calculate header bounds */
+ header.x = layout->bounds.x;
+ header.y = layout->bounds.y;
+ header.w = layout->bounds.w;
+ /* calculate correct header height */
+ layout->header_h = font->height + 2.0f * style->window.header.padding.y;
+ layout->header_h += 2.0f * style->window.header.label_padding.y;
+ layout->row.height += layout->header_h;
+ header.h = layout->header_h + 0.5f;
+ /* update window height */
+ layout->height = layout->bounds.h - (header.h + 2 * item_spacing.y);
+ layout->height -= layout->footer_h;
+ /* select correct header background and text color */
+ if (ctx->active == win) {
+ background = &style->window.header.active;
+ text.text = style->window.header.label_active;
+ } else if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ctx->input, header)) {
+ background = &style->window.header.hover;
+ text.text = style->window.header.label_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->window.header.normal;
+ text.text = style->window.header.label_normal;
+ }
+ /* draw header background */
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ text.background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, header, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_rect(layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y,
+ layout->bounds.w, layout->header_h), 0, background->data.color);
+ }
+ /* window close button */
+ button.y = header.y + style->window.header.padding.y;
+ button.h = layout->header_h - 2 * style->window.header.padding.y;
+ button.w = button.h;
+ if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE) {
+ nk_flags ws = 0;
+ if (style->window.header.align == NK_HEADER_RIGHT) {
+ button.x = (header.w + header.x) - (button.w + style->window.header.padding.x);
+ header.w -= button.w + style->window.header.spacing.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
+ } else {
+ button.x = header.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
+ header.x += button.w + style->window.header.spacing.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
+ }
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, &win->buffer, button,
+ style->window.header.close_symbol, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT,
+ &style->window.header.close_button, in, &style->font))
+ layout->flags |= NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN;
+ }
+ /* window minimize button */
+ if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE) {
+ nk_flags ws = 0;
+ if (style->window.header.align == NK_HEADER_RIGHT) {
+ button.x = (header.w + header.x) - button.w;
+ if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE)) {
+ button.x -= style->window.header.padding.x;
+ header.w -= style->window.header.padding.x;
+ }
+ header.w -= button.w + style->window.header.spacing.x;
+ } else {
+ button.x = header.x;
+ header.x += button.w + style->window.header.spacing.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
+ }
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, &win->buffer, button,
+ (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)?
+ style->window.header.maximize_symbol:
+ style->window.header.minimize_symbol,
+ NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &style->window.header.minimize_button, in, &style->font))
+ layout->flags = (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) ?
+ layout->flags & (nk_flags)~NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED:
+ layout->flags | NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
+ }
+ {
+ /* window header title */
+ int text_len = nk_strlen(title);
+ struct nk_rect label = {0,0,0,0};
+ float t = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, title, text_len);
+ label.x = header.x + style->window.header.padding.x;
+ label.x += style->window.header.label_padding.x;
+ label.y = header.y + style->window.header.label_padding.y;
+ label.h = font->height + 2 * style->window.header.label_padding.y;
+ label.w = t + 2 * style->window.header.spacing.x;
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ nk_widget_text(out, label,(const char*)title, text_len, &text,
+ NK_TEXT_LEFT, font);
+ }
+ }
+ /* fix header height for transition between minimized and maximized window state */
+ if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED))
+ layout->row.height += 2 * item_spacing.y + style->window.border;
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) {
+ /* draw window background if minimized */
+ layout->row.height = 0;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_rect(layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y,
+ layout->bounds.w, layout->row.height), 0, style->window.background);
+ } else if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)) {
+ /* draw fixed window body */
+ struct nk_rect body = layout->bounds;
+ if (header_active) {
+ body.y += layout->header_h - 0.5f;
+ body.h -= layout->header_h;
+ }
+ if (style->window.fixed_background.type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE)
+ nk_draw_image(out, body, &style->window.fixed_background.data.image);
+ else nk_fill_rect(out, body, 0, style->window.fixed_background.data.color);
+ } else {
+ /* draw dynamic window body */
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_rect(layout->bounds.x, layout->bounds.y,
+ layout->bounds.w, layout->row.height + window_padding.y), 0,
+ style->window.background);
+ }
+ {
+ /* calculate and set the window clipping rectangle*/
+ struct nk_rect clip;
+ if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)) {
+ layout->clip.x = layout->bounds.x + window_padding.x;
+ layout->clip.w = layout->width - 2 * window_padding.x;
+ } else {
+ layout->clip.x = layout->bounds.x;
+ layout->clip.w = layout->width;
+ }
+ layout->clip.h = layout->bounds.h - (layout->footer_h + layout->header_h);
+ layout->clip.h -= (2.0f * window_padding.y);
+ layout->clip.y = layout->bounds.y;
+ /* combo box and menu do not have header space */
+ if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO) && !(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU))
+ layout->clip.y += layout->header_h;
+ nk_unify(&clip, &win->buffer.clip, layout->clip.x, layout->clip.y,
+ layout->clip.x + layout->clip.w, layout->clip.y + layout->clip.h);
+ nk_push_scissor(out, clip);
+ layout->clip = clip;
+ win->buffer.clip.x = layout->bounds.x;
+ win->buffer.clip.w = layout->width;
+ if (!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR))
+ win->buffer.clip.w += scrollbar_size.x;
+ }
+ return !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED);
+nk_panel_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_window *window;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out;
+ struct nk_vec2 scrollbar_size;
+ struct nk_vec2 scaler_size;
+ struct nk_vec2 item_spacing;
+ struct nk_vec2 window_padding;
+ struct nk_rect footer = {0,0,0,0};
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ window = ctx->current;
+ layout = window->layout;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ out = &window->buffer;
+ in = (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 :&ctx->input;
+ if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB))
+ nk_push_scissor(out, nk_null_rect);
+ /* cache configuration data */
+ item_spacing = style->window.spacing;
+ window_padding = style->window.padding;
+ scrollbar_size = style->window.scrollbar_size;
+ scaler_size = style->window.scaler_size;
+ /* update the current cursor Y-position to point over the last added widget */
+ layout->at_y += layout->row.height;
+ /* draw footer and fill empty spaces inside a dynamically growing panel */
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) {
+ layout->height = layout->at_y - layout->bounds.y;
+ layout->height = NK_MIN(layout->height, layout->bounds.h);
+ if ((layout->offset->x == 0) || (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
+ /* special case for dynamic windows without horizontal scrollbar
+ * or hidden scrollbars */
+ footer.x = window->bounds.x;
+ footer.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height + item_spacing.y;
+ footer.w = window->bounds.w + scrollbar_size.x;
+ layout->footer_h = 0;
+ footer.h = 0;
+ if ((layout->offset->x == 0) && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
+ /* special case for windows like combobox, menu require draw call
+ * to fill the empty scrollbar background */
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ bounds.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->width;
+ bounds.y = layout->clip.y;
+ bounds.w = scrollbar_size.x;
+ bounds.h = layout->height;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, bounds, 0, style->window.background);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* dynamic window with visible scrollbars and therefore bigger footer */
+ footer.x = window->bounds.x;
+ footer.w = window->bounds.w + scrollbar_size.x;
+ footer.h = layout->footer_h;
+ if ((layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO) || (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU) ||
+ (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_CONTEXTUAL))
+ footer.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height;
+ else footer.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height + layout->footer_h;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, footer, 0, style->window.background);
+ if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO) && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU)) {
+ /* fill empty scrollbar space */
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ bounds.x = layout->bounds.x;
+ bounds.y = window->bounds.y + layout->height;
+ bounds.w = layout->bounds.w;
+ bounds.h = layout->row.height;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, bounds, 0, style->window.background);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* scrollbars */
+ if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR) && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED))
+ {
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ int scroll_has_scrolling;
+ float scroll_target;
+ float scroll_offset;
+ float scroll_step;
+ float scroll_inc;
+ {
+ /* vertical scrollbar */
+ nk_flags state = 0;
+ bounds.x = layout->bounds.x + layout->width;
+ bounds.y = layout->clip.y;
+ bounds.w = scrollbar_size.y;
+ bounds.h = layout->clip.h;
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER) bounds.h -= 1;
+ scroll_offset = layout->offset->y;
+ scroll_step = layout->clip.h * 0.10f;
+ scroll_inc = layout->clip.h * 0.01f;
+ scroll_target = (float)(int)(layout->at_y - layout->clip.y);
+ scroll_has_scrolling = (window == ctx->active);
+ scroll_offset = nk_do_scrollbarv(&state, out, bounds, scroll_has_scrolling,
+ scroll_offset, scroll_target, scroll_step, scroll_inc,
+ &ctx->style.scrollv, in, &style->font);
+ layout->offset->y = (unsigned short)scroll_offset;
+ }
+ {
+ /* horizontal scrollbar */
+ nk_flags state = 0;
+ bounds.x = layout->bounds.x + window_padding.x;
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB) {
+ bounds.h = scrollbar_size.x;
+ bounds.y = (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER) ?
+ layout->bounds.y + 1 : layout->bounds.y;
+ bounds.y += layout->header_h + layout->menu.h + layout->height;
+ bounds.w = layout->clip.w;
+ } else if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC) {
+ bounds.h = NK_MIN(scrollbar_size.x, layout->footer_h);
+ bounds.w = layout->bounds.w;
+ bounds.y = footer.y;
+ } else {
+ bounds.h = NK_MIN(scrollbar_size.x, layout->footer_h);
+ bounds.y = layout->bounds.y + window->bounds.h;
+ bounds.y -= NK_MAX(layout->footer_h, scrollbar_size.x);
+ bounds.w = layout->width - 2 * window_padding.x;
+ }
+ scroll_offset = layout->offset->x;
+ scroll_target = (float)(int)(layout->max_x - bounds.x);
+ scroll_step = layout->max_x * 0.05f;
+ scroll_inc = layout->max_x * 0.005f;
+ scroll_has_scrolling = nk_false;
+ scroll_offset = nk_do_scrollbarh(&state, out, bounds, scroll_has_scrolling,
+ scroll_offset, scroll_target, scroll_step, scroll_inc,
+ &ctx->style.scrollh, in, &style->font);
+ layout->offset->x = (unsigned short)scroll_offset;
+ }
+ }
+ /* scaler */
+ if ((layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE) && in && !(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) {
+ /* calculate scaler bounds */
+ const struct nk_style_item *scaler;
+ float scaler_w = NK_MAX(0, scaler_size.x - window_padding.x);
+ float scaler_h = NK_MAX(0, scaler_size.y - window_padding.y);
+ float scaler_x = (layout->bounds.x + layout->bounds.w) - (window_padding.x + scaler_w);
+ float scaler_y;
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)
+ scaler_y = footer.y + layout->footer_h - scaler_size.y;
+ else scaler_y = layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h - scaler_size.y;
+ /* draw scaler */
+ scaler = &style->window.scaler;
+ if (scaler->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(out, nk_rect(scaler_x, scaler_y, scaler_w, scaler_h),
+ &scaler->data.image);
+ } else {
+ nk_fill_triangle(out, scaler_x + scaler_w, scaler_y, scaler_x + scaler_w,
+ scaler_y + scaler_h, scaler_x, scaler_y + scaler_h, scaler->data.color);
+ }
+ /* do window scaling */
+ if (!(window->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM)) {
+ struct nk_vec2 delta;
+ float prev_x = in->mouse.prev.x;
+ float prev_y = in->mouse.prev.y;
+ struct nk_vec2 window_size = style->window.min_size;
+ int incursor = NK_INBOX(prev_x,prev_y,scaler_x,scaler_y,scaler_w,scaler_h);
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_down(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT) &&
+ (incursor || window->scaling.active == nk_true))
+ {
+ if(window->scaling.active == nk_false)
+ window->scaling.start_size = nk_rect_size(window->bounds);
+ window->scaling.active = nk_true;
+ if (!in || !in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down)
+ delta = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ else delta = nk_vec2_sub(in->mouse.pos, in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked_pos);
+ window->bounds.w = NK_MAX(window_size.x, window->scaling.start_size.x + delta.x);
+ /* dragging in y-direction is only possible if static window */
+ if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC))
+ window->bounds.h = NK_MAX(window->scaling.start_size.y + delta.y, window_size.y);
+ } else window->scaling.active = nk_false;
+ }
+ }
+ /* window border */
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER)
+ {
+ const float padding_y = (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) ?
+ 2.0f*style->window.border + window->bounds.y + layout->header_h:
+ (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)?
+ layout->footer_h + footer.y:
+ layout->bounds.y + layout->bounds.h;
+ /* select correct border color */
+ struct nk_color border;
+ if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB))
+ border = style->window.border_color;
+ else if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO)
+ border = style->window.combo_border_color;
+ else if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_CONTEXTUAL)
+ border = style->window.contextual_border_color;
+ else if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU)
+ border = style->window.menu_border_color;
+ else if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_GROUP)
+ border = style->window.group_border_color;
+ else if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_TOOLTIP)
+ border = style->window.tooltip_border_color;
+ else border = style->window.border_color;
+ /* draw border between header and window body */
+ if (window->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER_HEADER)
+ nk_stroke_line(out, window->bounds.x + layout->border/2.0f,
+ window->bounds.y + layout->header_h - layout->border,
+ window->bounds.x + window->bounds.w - layout->border,
+ window->bounds.y + layout->header_h - layout->border,
+ layout->border, border);
+ /* draw border top */
+ nk_stroke_line(out, window->bounds.x + layout->border/2.0f,
+ window->bounds.y + layout->border/2.0f,
+ window->bounds.x + window->bounds.w - layout->border,
+ window->bounds.y + layout->border/2.0f,
+ layout->border, border);
+ /* draw bottom border */
+ nk_stroke_line(out, window->bounds.x + layout->border/2.0f,
+ padding_y - layout->border,
+ window->bounds.x + window->bounds.w - layout->border,
+ padding_y - layout->border,
+ layout->border, border);
+ /* draw left border */
+ nk_stroke_line(out, window->bounds.x + layout->border/2.0f,
+ window->bounds.y + layout->border/2.0f, window->bounds.x + layout->border/2.0f,
+ padding_y - layout->border, layout->border, border);
+ /* draw right border */
+ nk_stroke_line(out, window->bounds.x + window->bounds.w - layout->border,
+ window->bounds.y + layout->border/2.0f,
+ window->bounds.x + window->bounds.w - layout->border,
+ padding_y - layout->border, layout->border, border);
+ }
+ if (!(window->flags & NK_WINDOW_SUB)) {
+ /* window is hidden so clear command buffer */
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN)
+ nk_command_buffer_reset(&window->buffer);
+ /* window is visible and not tab */
+ else nk_finish(ctx, window);
+ }
+ /* NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM flag was set so remove NK_WINDOW_ROM */
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM) {
+ layout->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ layout->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM;
+ }
+ window->flags = layout->flags;
+ /* property garbage collector */
+ if (window->property.active && window->property.old != window->property.seq &&
+ window->property.active == window->property.prev) {
+ nk_zero(&window->property, sizeof(window->property));
+ } else {
+ window->property.old = window->property.seq;
+ window->property.prev = window->property.active;
+ window->property.seq = 0;
+ }
+ /* edit garbage collector */
+ if (window->edit.active && window->edit.old != window->edit.seq &&
+ window->edit.active == window->edit.prev) {
+ nk_zero(&window->edit, sizeof(window->edit));
+ } else {
+ window->edit.old = window->edit.seq;
+ window->edit.prev = window->edit.active;
+ window->edit.seq = 0;
+ }
+ /* contextual garbage collector */
+ if (window->popup.active_con && window->popup.con_old != window->popup.con_count) {
+ window->popup.con_count = 0;
+ window->popup.con_old = 0;
+ window->popup.active_con = 0;
+ } else {
+ window->popup.con_old = window->popup.con_count;
+ window->popup.con_count = 0;
+ }
+ window->popup.combo_count = 0;
+ /* helper to make sure you have a 'nk_tree_push'
+ * for every 'nk_tree_pop' */
+ NK_ASSERT(!layout->row.tree_depth);
+NK_API void
+nk_menubar_begin(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ layout = ctx->current->layout;
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)
+ return;
+ layout->menu.x = layout->at_x;
+ layout->menu.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->header_h;
+ layout->menu.w = layout->width;
+ layout->menu.offset = *layout->offset;
+ layout->offset->y = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_menubar_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ if (!ctx || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)
+ return;
+ out = &win->buffer;
+ layout->menu.h = layout->at_y - layout->menu.y;
+ layout->clip.y = layout->bounds.y + layout->header_h + layout->menu.h + layout->row.height;
+ layout->height -= layout->menu.h;
+ *layout->offset = layout->menu.offset;
+ layout->clip.h -= layout->menu.h + layout->row.height;
+ layout->at_y = layout->menu.y + layout->menu.h;
+ nk_push_scissor(out, layout->clip);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+nk_panel_layout(const struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win,
+ float height, int cols)
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out;
+ struct nk_vec2 item_spacing;
+ struct nk_vec2 panel_padding;
+ struct nk_color color;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ /* prefetch some configuration data */
+ layout = win->layout;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ out = &win->buffer;
+ color = style->window.background;
+ item_spacing = style->window.spacing;
+ panel_padding = style->window.padding;
+ /* update the current row and set the current row layout */
+ layout->row.index = 0;
+ layout->at_y += layout->row.height;
+ layout->row.columns = cols;
+ layout->row.height = height + item_spacing.y;
+ layout->row.item_offset = 0;
+ if (layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC)
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_rect(layout->bounds.x, layout->at_y,
+ layout->bounds.w, height + panel_padding.y), 0, color);
+nk_row_layout(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_layout_format fmt,
+ float height, int cols, int width)
+ /* update the current row and set the current row layout */
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ nk_panel_layout(ctx, win, height, cols);
+ if (fmt == NK_DYNAMIC)
+ win->layout->row.type = NK_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_FIXED;
+ else win->layout->row.type = NK_LAYOUT_STATIC_FIXED;
+ win->layout->row.item_width = (float)width;
+ win->layout->row.ratio = 0;
+ win->layout->row.item_offset = 0;
+ win->layout->row.filled = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_row_dynamic(struct nk_context *ctx, float height, int cols)
+ nk_row_layout(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, height, cols, 0);
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_row_static(struct nk_context *ctx, float height, int item_width, int cols)
+ nk_row_layout(ctx, NK_STATIC, height, cols, item_width);
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_row_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_layout_format fmt,
+ float row_height, int cols)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ nk_panel_layout(ctx, win, row_height, cols);
+ if (fmt == NK_DYNAMIC)
+ layout->row.type = NK_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_ROW;
+ else layout->row.type = NK_LAYOUT_STATIC_ROW;
+ layout->row.ratio = 0;
+ layout->row.item_width = 0;
+ layout->row.item_offset = 0;
+ layout->row.filled = 0;
+ layout->row.columns = cols;
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_row_push(struct nk_context *ctx, float ratio_or_width)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ if (layout->row.type == NK_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_ROW) {
+ float ratio = ratio_or_width;
+ if ((ratio + layout->row.filled) > 1.0f) return;
+ if (ratio > 0.0f)
+ layout->row.item_width = NK_SATURATE(ratio);
+ else layout->row.item_width = 1.0f - layout->row.filled;
+ } else layout->row.item_width = ratio_or_width;
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_row_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ layout->row.item_width = 0;
+ layout->row.item_offset = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_row(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_layout_format fmt,
+ float height, int cols, const float *ratio)
+ int i;
+ int n_undef = 0;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ nk_panel_layout(ctx, win, height, cols);
+ if (fmt == NK_DYNAMIC) {
+ /* calculate width of undefined widget ratios */
+ float r = 0;
+ layout->row.ratio = ratio;
+ for (i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
+ if (ratio[i] < 0.0f)
+ n_undef++;
+ else r += ratio[i];
+ }
+ r = NK_SATURATE(1.0f - r);
+ layout->row.type = NK_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC;
+ layout->row.item_width = (r > 0 && n_undef > 0) ? (r / (float)n_undef):0;
+ } else {
+ layout->row.ratio = ratio;
+ layout->row.type = NK_LAYOUT_STATIC;
+ layout->row.item_width = 0;
+ layout->row.item_offset = 0;
+ }
+ layout->row.item_offset = 0;
+ layout->row.filled = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_space_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_layout_format fmt,
+ float height, int widget_count)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ nk_panel_layout(ctx, win, height, widget_count);
+ if (fmt == NK_STATIC)
+ layout->row.type = NK_LAYOUT_STATIC_FREE;
+ else layout->row.type = NK_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_FREE;
+ layout->row.ratio = 0;
+ layout->row.item_width = 0;
+ layout->row.item_offset = 0;
+ layout->row.filled = 0;
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_space_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ layout->row.item_width = 0;
+ layout->row.item_height = 0;
+ layout->row.item_offset = 0;
+ nk_zero(&layout->row.item, sizeof(layout->row.item));
+NK_API void
+nk_layout_space_push(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_rect rect)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ layout->row.item = rect;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_layout_space_bounds(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_rect ret;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ ret.x = layout->clip.x;
+ ret.y = layout->clip.y;
+ ret.w = layout->clip.w;
+ ret.h = layout->row.height;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_layout_space_to_screen(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_vec2 ret)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ ret.x += layout->at_x - layout->offset->x;
+ ret.y += layout->at_y - layout->offset->y;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_layout_space_to_local(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_vec2 ret)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ ret.x += -layout->at_x + layout->offset->x;
+ ret.y += -layout->at_y + layout->offset->y;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_layout_space_rect_to_screen(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_rect ret)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ ret.x += layout->at_x - layout->offset->x;
+ ret.y += layout->at_y - layout->offset->y;
+ return ret;
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_layout_space_rect_to_local(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_rect ret)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ ret.x += -layout->at_x + layout->offset->x;
+ ret.y += -layout->at_y + layout->offset->y;
+ return ret;
+nk_panel_alloc_row(const struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win)
+ struct nk_panel *layout = win->layout;
+ struct nk_vec2 spacing = ctx->style.window.spacing;
+ const float row_height = layout->row.height - spacing.y;
+ nk_panel_layout(ctx, win, row_height, layout->row.columns);
+nk_layout_widget_space(struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_context *ctx,
+ struct nk_window *win, int modify)
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ float item_offset = 0;
+ float item_width = 0;
+ float item_spacing = 0;
+ float panel_padding;
+ float panel_spacing;
+ float panel_space;
+ struct nk_vec2 spacing;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(bounds);
+ /* cache some configuration data */
+ spacing = ctx->style.window.spacing;
+ padding = ctx->style.window.padding;
+ /* calculate the usable panel space */
+ panel_padding = 2 * padding.x;
+ panel_spacing = (float)(layout->row.columns - 1) * spacing.x;
+ panel_space = layout->width - panel_padding - panel_spacing;
+ /* calculate the width of one item inside the current layout space */
+ switch (layout->row.type) {
+ /* scaling fixed size widgets item width */
+ item_width = panel_space / (float)layout->row.columns;
+ item_offset = (float)layout->row.index * item_width;
+ item_spacing = (float)layout->row.index * spacing.x;
+ } break;
+ /* scaling single ratio widget width */
+ item_width = layout->row.item_width * panel_space;
+ item_offset = layout->row.item_offset;
+ item_spacing = (float)layout->row.index * spacing.x;
+ if (modify) {
+ layout->row.item_offset += item_width + spacing.x;
+ layout->row.filled += layout->row.item_width;
+ layout->row.index = 0;
+ }
+ } break;
+ /* panel width depended free widget placing */
+ bounds->x = layout->at_x + (layout->width * layout->row.item.x);
+ bounds->x -= layout->offset->x;
+ bounds->y = layout->at_y + (layout->row.height * layout->row.item.y);
+ bounds->y -= layout->offset->y;
+ bounds->w = layout->width * layout->row.item.w;
+ bounds->h = layout->row.height * layout->row.item.h;
+ return;
+ };
+ /* scaling arrays of panel width ratios for every widget */
+ float ratio;
+ NK_ASSERT(layout->row.ratio);
+ ratio = (layout->row.ratio[layout->row.index] < 0) ?
+ layout->row.item_width : layout->row.ratio[layout->row.index];
+ item_spacing = (float)layout->row.index * spacing.x;
+ item_width = (ratio * panel_space);
+ item_offset = layout->row.item_offset;
+ if (modify) {
+ layout->row.item_offset += item_width;
+ layout->row.filled += ratio;
+ }
+ } break;
+ /* non-scaling fixed widgets item width */
+ item_width = layout->row.item_width;
+ item_offset = (float)layout->row.index * item_width;
+ item_spacing = (float)layout->row.index * spacing.x;
+ } break;
+ /* scaling single ratio widget width */
+ item_width = layout->row.item_width;
+ item_offset = layout->row.item_offset;
+ item_spacing = (float)layout->row.index * spacing.x;
+ if (modify) {
+ layout->row.item_offset += item_width;
+ layout->row.index = 0;
+ }
+ } break;
+ /* free widget placing */
+ bounds->x = layout->at_x + layout->row.item.x;
+ bounds->w = layout->row.item.w;
+ if (((bounds->x + bounds->w) > layout->max_x) && modify)
+ layout->max_x = (bounds->x + bounds->w);
+ bounds->x -= layout->offset->x;
+ bounds->y = layout->at_y + layout->row.item.y;
+ bounds->y -= layout->offset->y;
+ bounds->h = layout->row.item.h;
+ return;
+ };
+ /* non-scaling array of panel pixel width for every widget */
+ item_spacing = (float)layout->row.index * spacing.x;
+ item_width = layout->row.ratio[layout->row.index];
+ item_offset = layout->row.item_offset;
+ if (modify) layout->row.item_offset += item_width;
+ } break;
+ default: NK_ASSERT(0); break;
+ };
+ /* set the bounds of the newly allocated widget */
+ bounds->w = item_width;
+ bounds->h = layout->row.height - spacing.y;
+ bounds->y = layout->at_y - layout->offset->y;
+ bounds->x = layout->at_x + item_offset + item_spacing + padding.x;
+ if (((bounds->x + bounds->w) > layout->max_x) && modify)
+ layout->max_x = bounds->x + bounds->w;
+ bounds->x -= layout->offset->x;
+nk_panel_alloc_space(struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ /* check if the end of the row has been hit and begin new row if so */
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ if (layout->row.index >= layout->row.columns)
+ nk_panel_alloc_row(ctx, win);
+ /* calculate widget position and size */
+ nk_layout_widget_space(bounds, ctx, win, nk_true);
+ layout->row.index++;
+nk_layout_peek(struct nk_rect *bounds, struct nk_context *ctx)
+ float y;
+ int index;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ y = layout->at_y;
+ index = layout->row.index;
+ if (layout->row.index >= layout->row.columns) {
+ layout->at_y += layout->row.height;
+ layout->row.index = 0;
+ }
+ nk_layout_widget_space(bounds, ctx, win, nk_false);
+ layout->at_y = y;
+ layout->row.index = index;
+nk_tree_base(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_tree_type type,
+ struct nk_image *img, const char *title, enum nk_collapse_states initial_state,
+ const char *hash, int len, int line)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_vec2 item_spacing;
+ struct nk_vec2 panel_padding;
+ struct nk_rect header = {0,0,0,0};
+ struct nk_rect sym = {0,0,0,0};
+ struct nk_text text;
+ nk_flags ws = 0;
+ int title_len = 0;
+ nk_hash title_hash = 0;
+ nk_uint *state = 0;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states widget_state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ /* cache some data */
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ out = &win->buffer;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ item_spacing = style->window.spacing;
+ panel_padding = style->window.padding;
+ /* calculate header bounds and draw background */
+ nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, style->font.height + 2 * style->tab.padding.y, 1);
+ widget_state = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ if (type == NK_TREE_TAB) {
+ const struct nk_style_item *background = &style->tab.background;
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(out, header, &background->data.image);
+ text.background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ } else {
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ nk_fill_rect(out, header, 0, style->tab.border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_shrink_rect(header, style->tab.border),
+ style->tab.rounding, background->data.color);
+ }
+ } else text.background = style->window.background;
+ /* find, create or set tab persistent state (open/closed) */
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(title);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(title, (int)title_len, (nk_hash)type);
+ if (hash) title_hash += nk_murmur_hash(hash, len, (nk_hash)line);
+ state = nk_find_value(win, title_hash);
+ if (!state) {
+ state = nk_add_value(ctx, win, title_hash, 0);
+ *state = initial_state;
+ }
+ /* update node state */
+ in = (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM)) ? &ctx->input: 0;
+ in = (in && widget_state == NK_WIDGET_VALID) ? &ctx->input : 0;
+ if (nk_button_behavior(&ws, header, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ *state = (*state == NK_MAXIMIZED) ? NK_MINIMIZED : NK_MAXIMIZED;
+ {/* draw triangle button */
+ sym.w = sym.h = style->font.height;
+ sym.y = header.y + style->tab.padding.y;
+ sym.x = header.x + panel_padding.x + style->tab.padding.x;
+ nk_do_button_symbol(&ws, &win->buffer, sym,
+ (*state == NK_MAXIMIZED)? style->tab.sym_minimize: style->tab.sym_maximize,
+ &style->tab.tab_button: &style->tab.node_button, 0, &style->font);
+ if (img) {
+ /* draw optional image icon */
+ sym.x = sym.x + sym.w + 4 * item_spacing.x;
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, sym, img);
+ sym.w = style->font.height + style->tab.spacing.x;}
+ }
+ {/* draw label */
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ header.w = NK_MAX(header.w, sym.w + item_spacing.x + panel_padding.x);
+ label.x = sym.x + sym.w + item_spacing.x;
+ label.y = sym.y;
+ label.w = header.w - (sym.w + item_spacing.y + panel_padding.x);
+ label.h = style->font.height;
+ text.text = style->tab.text;
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ nk_widget_text(out, label, title, nk_strlen(title), &text,
+ NK_TEXT_LEFT, &style->font);}
+ /* increase x-axis cursor widget position pointer */
+ if (*state == NK_MAXIMIZED) {
+ layout->at_x = header.x + layout->offset->x;
+ layout->width = NK_MAX(layout->width, 2 * panel_padding.x);
+ layout->width -= 2 * panel_padding.x;
+ layout->row.tree_depth++;
+ return nk_true;
+ } else return nk_false;
+NK_API int
+nk_tree_push_hashed(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_tree_type type,
+ const char *title, enum nk_collapse_states initial_state,
+ const char *hash, int len, int line)
+{return nk_tree_base(ctx, type, 0, title, initial_state, hash, len, line);}
+NK_API int
+nk_tree_image_push_hashed(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_tree_type type,
+ struct nk_image img, const char *title, enum nk_collapse_states initial_state,
+ const char *hash, int len,int seed)
+{return nk_tree_base(ctx, type, &img, title, initial_state, hash, len, seed);}
+NK_API void
+nk_tree_pop(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_vec2 panel_padding;
+ struct nk_window *win = 0;
+ struct nk_panel *layout = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ panel_padding = ctx->style.window.padding;
+ layout->at_x -= panel_padding.x;
+ layout->width += 2 * panel_padding.x;
+ NK_ASSERT(layout->row.tree_depth);
+ layout->row.tree_depth--;
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API struct nk_rect
+nk_widget_bounds(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return nk_rect(0,0,0,0);
+ nk_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
+ return bounds;
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_widget_position(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return nk_vec2(0,0);
+ nk_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
+ return nk_vec2(bounds.x, bounds.y);
+NK_API struct nk_vec2
+nk_widget_size(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return nk_vec2(0,0);
+ nk_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
+ return nk_vec2(bounds.w, bounds.h);
+NK_API int
+nk_widget_is_hovered(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ int ret;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return 0;
+ nk_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
+ ret = (ctx->active == ctx->current);
+ ret = ret && nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ctx->input, bounds);
+ return ret;
+NK_API int
+nk_widget_is_mouse_clicked(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_buttons btn)
+ int ret;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return 0;
+ nk_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
+ ret = (ctx->active == ctx->current);
+ ret = ret && nk_input_mouse_clicked(&ctx->input, btn, bounds);
+ return ret;
+NK_API int
+nk_widget_has_mouse_click_down(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_buttons btn, int down)
+ int ret;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return 0;
+ nk_layout_peek(&bounds, ctx);
+ ret = (ctx->active == ctx->current);
+ ret = ret && nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(&ctx->input, btn, bounds, down);
+ return ret;
+NK_API enum nk_widget_layout_states
+nk_widget(struct nk_rect *bounds, const struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_rect *c = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ /* allocate space and check if the widget needs to be updated and drawn */
+ nk_panel_alloc_space(bounds, ctx);
+ c = &ctx->current->layout->clip;
+ if (!NK_INTERSECT(c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->w, bounds->h))
+ if (!NK_CONTAINS(bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->w, bounds->h, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h))
+ return NK_WIDGET_ROM;
+NK_API enum nk_widget_layout_states
+nk_widget_fitting(struct nk_rect *bounds, struct nk_context *ctx,
+ struct nk_vec2 item_padding)
+ /* update the bounds to stand without padding */
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(bounds, ctx);
+ if (layout->row.index == 1) {
+ bounds->w += style->window.padding.x;
+ bounds->x -= style->window.padding.x;
+ } else bounds->x -= item_padding.x;
+ if (layout->row.index == layout->row.columns)
+ bounds->w += style->window.padding.x;
+ else bounds->w += item_padding.x;
+ return state;
+ *
+ * MISC
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API void
+nk_spacing(struct nk_context *ctx, int cols)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ struct nk_rect nil;
+ int i, index, rows;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ /* spacing over row boundaries */
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ index = (layout->row.index + cols) % layout->row.columns;
+ rows = (layout->row.index + cols) / layout->row.columns;
+ if (rows) {
+ for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
+ nk_panel_alloc_row(ctx, win);
+ cols = index;
+ }
+ /* non table layout need to allocate space */
+ if (layout->row.type != NK_LAYOUT_DYNAMIC_FIXED &&
+ layout->row.type != NK_LAYOUT_STATIC_FIXED) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
+ nk_panel_alloc_space(&nil, ctx);
+ }
+ layout->row.index = index;
+ *
+ * TEXT
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API void
+nk_text_colored(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, int len,
+ nk_flags alignment, struct nk_color color)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_vec2 item_padding;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout) return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ nk_panel_alloc_space(&bounds, ctx);
+ item_padding = style->text.padding;
+ text.padding.x = item_padding.x;
+ text.padding.y = item_padding.y;
+ text.background = style->window.background;
+ text.text = color;
+ nk_widget_text(&win->buffer, bounds, str, len, &text, alignment, &style->font);
+NK_API void
+nk_text_wrap_colored(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str,
+ int len, struct nk_color color)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_vec2 item_padding;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout) return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ nk_panel_alloc_space(&bounds, ctx);
+ item_padding = style->text.padding;
+ text.padding.x = item_padding.x;
+ text.padding.y = item_padding.y;
+ text.background = style->window.background;
+ text.text = color;
+ nk_widget_text_wrap(&win->buffer, bounds, str, len, &text, &style->font);
+NK_API void
+nk_labelf_colored(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_flags flags,
+ struct nk_color color, const char *fmt, ...)
+ char buf[256];
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ nk_strfmtv(buf, NK_LEN(buf), fmt, args);
+ nk_label_colored(ctx, buf, flags, color);
+ va_end(args);
+NK_API void
+nk_labelf_colored_wrap(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_color color,
+ const char *fmt, ...)
+ char buf[256];
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ nk_strfmtv(buf, NK_LEN(buf), fmt, args);
+ nk_label_colored_wrap(ctx, buf, color);
+ va_end(args);
+NK_API void
+nk_labelf(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_flags flags, const char *fmt, ...)
+ char buf[256];
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ nk_strfmtv(buf, NK_LEN(buf), fmt, args);
+ nk_label(ctx, buf, flags);
+ va_end(args);
+NK_API void
+nk_labelf_wrap(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *fmt,...)
+ char buf[256];
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ nk_strfmtv(buf, NK_LEN(buf), fmt, args);
+ nk_label_wrap(ctx, buf);
+ va_end(args);
+NK_API void
+nk_value_bool(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *prefix, int value)
+{nk_labelf(ctx, NK_TEXT_LEFT, "%s: %s", prefix, ((value) ? "true": "false"));}
+NK_API void
+nk_value_int(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *prefix, int value)
+{nk_labelf(ctx, NK_TEXT_LEFT, "%s: %d", prefix, value);}
+NK_API void
+nk_value_uint(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *prefix, unsigned int value)
+{nk_labelf(ctx, NK_TEXT_LEFT, "%s: %u", prefix, value);}
+NK_API void
+nk_value_float(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *prefix, float value)
+{nk_labelf(ctx, NK_TEXT_LEFT, "%s: %.3f", prefix, value);}
+NK_API void
+nk_value_color_byte(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *p, struct nk_color c)
+{nk_labelf(ctx, NK_TEXT_LEFT, "%s: (%c, %c, %c, %c)", p, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);}
+NK_API void
+nk_value_color_float(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *p, struct nk_color color)
+ float c[4]; nk_color_fv(c, color);
+ nk_labelf(ctx, NK_TEXT_LEFT, "%s: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)",
+ p, c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+NK_API void
+nk_value_color_hex(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *prefix, struct nk_color color)
+ char hex[16];
+ nk_color_hex_rgba(hex, color);
+ nk_labelf(ctx, NK_TEXT_LEFT, "%s: %s", prefix, hex);
+NK_API void
+nk_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, int len, nk_flags alignment)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ nk_text_colored(ctx, str, len, alignment, ctx->style.text.color);
+NK_API void
+nk_text_wrap(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, int len)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ nk_text_wrap_colored(ctx, str, len, ctx->style.text.color);
+NK_API void
+nk_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, nk_flags alignment)
+{nk_text(ctx, str, nk_strlen(str), alignment);}
+NK_API void
+nk_label_colored(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, nk_flags align,
+ struct nk_color color)
+{nk_text_colored(ctx, str, nk_strlen(str), align, color);}
+NK_API void
+nk_label_wrap(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str)
+{nk_text_wrap(ctx, str, nk_strlen(str));}
+NK_API void
+nk_label_colored_wrap(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, struct nk_color color)
+{nk_text_wrap_colored(ctx, str, nk_strlen(str), color);}
+NK_API void
+nk_image(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout) return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ if (!nk_widget(&bounds, ctx)) return;
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, bounds, &img);
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_button_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, int len,
+ enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout) return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ return nk_do_button_text(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ title, len, style->button.text_alignment, behavior,
+ &style->button, in, &style->font);
+NK_API int nk_button_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title,
+ enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+{return nk_button_text(ctx, title, nk_strlen(title), behavior);}
+NK_API int
+nk_button_color(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_color color,
+ enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_style_button button;
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ button = ctx->style.button;
+ button.normal = nk_style_item_color(color);
+ button.hover = nk_style_item_color(color);
+ button.active = nk_style_item_color(color);
+ button.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ ret = nk_do_button(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ &button, in, behavior, &bounds);
+ nk_draw_button(&win->buffer, &bounds, ctx->last_widget_state, &button);
+ return ret;
+NK_API int
+nk_button_symbol(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type symbol,
+ enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ return nk_do_button_symbol(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ symbol, behavior, &style->button, in, &style->font);
+NK_API int
+nk_button_image(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ return nk_do_button_image(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ img, behavior, &style->button, in);
+NK_API int
+nk_button_symbol_text(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type symbol,
+ const char* text, int len, nk_flags align, enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ return nk_do_button_text_symbol(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ symbol, text, len, align, behavior, &style->button, &style->font, in);
+NK_API int nk_button_symbol_label(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type symbol,
+ const char *label, nk_flags align, enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+{return nk_button_symbol_text(ctx, symbol, label, nk_strlen(label), align, behavior);}
+NK_API int
+nk_button_image_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *text, int len, nk_flags align, enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ return nk_do_button_text_image(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer,
+ bounds, img, text, len, align, behavior, &style->button, &style->font, in);
+NK_API int nk_button_image_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *label, nk_flags align, enum nk_button_behavior behavior)
+{return nk_button_image_text(ctx, img, label, nk_strlen(label), align, behavior);}
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_selectable_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, int len,
+ nk_flags align, int *value)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(value);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !value)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ return nk_do_selectable(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ str, len, align, value, &style->selectable, in, &style->font);
+NK_API int
+nk_selectable_image_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *str, int len, nk_flags align, int *value)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(value);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !value)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ return nk_do_selectable_image(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ str, len, align, value, &img, &style->selectable, in, &style->font);
+NK_API int nk_select_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, int len,
+ nk_flags align, int value)
+{nk_selectable_text(ctx, str, len, align, &value);return value;}
+NK_API int nk_selectable_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, nk_flags align, int *value)
+{return nk_selectable_text(ctx, str, nk_strlen(str), align, value);}
+NK_API int nk_selectable_image_label(struct nk_context *ctx,struct nk_image img,
+ const char *str, nk_flags align, int *value)
+{return nk_selectable_image_text(ctx, img, str, nk_strlen(str), align, value);}
+NK_API int nk_select_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *str, nk_flags align, int value)
+{nk_selectable_text(ctx, str, nk_strlen(str), align, &value);return value;}
+NK_API int nk_select_image_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *str, nk_flags align, int value)
+{nk_selectable_image_text(ctx, img, str, nk_strlen(str), align, &value);return value;}
+NK_API int nk_select_image_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *str, int len, nk_flags align, int value)
+{nk_selectable_image_text(ctx, img, str, len, align, &value);return value;}
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_check_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text, int len, int active)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return active;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return active;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ nk_do_toggle(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds, &active,
+ text, len, NK_TOGGLE_CHECK, &style->checkbox, in, &style->font);
+ return active;
+NK_API unsigned int
+nk_check_flags_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text, int len,
+ unsigned int flags, unsigned int value)
+ int old_active;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(text);
+ if (!ctx || !text) return flags;
+ old_active = (int)((flags & value) & value);
+ if (nk_check_text(ctx, text, len, old_active))
+ flags |= value;
+ else flags &= ~value;
+ return flags;
+NK_API int
+nk_checkbox_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text, int len, int *active)
+ int old_val;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(text);
+ NK_ASSERT(active);
+ if (!ctx || !text || !active) return 0;
+ old_val = *active;
+ *active = nk_check_text(ctx, text, len, *active);
+ return old_val != *active;
+NK_API int
+nk_checkbox_flags_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text, int len,
+ unsigned int *flags, unsigned int value)
+ int active;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(text);
+ NK_ASSERT(flags);
+ if (!ctx || !text || !flags) return 0;
+ active = (int)((*flags & value) & value);
+ if (nk_checkbox_text(ctx, text, len, &active)) {
+ if (active) *flags |= value;
+ else *flags &= ~value;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+NK_API int nk_check_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label, int active)
+{return nk_check_text(ctx, label, nk_strlen(label), active);}
+NK_API unsigned int nk_check_flags_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label,
+ unsigned int flags, unsigned int value)
+{return nk_check_flags_text(ctx, label, nk_strlen(label), flags, value);}
+NK_API int nk_checkbox_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label, int *active)
+{return nk_checkbox_text(ctx, label, nk_strlen(label), active);}
+NK_API int nk_checkbox_flags_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label,
+ unsigned int *flags, unsigned int value)
+{return nk_checkbox_flags_text(ctx, label, nk_strlen(label), flags, value);}
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_option_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text, int len, int is_active)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return is_active;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return state;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ nk_do_toggle(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds, &is_active,
+ text, len, NK_TOGGLE_OPTION, &style->option, in, &style->font);
+ return is_active;
+NK_API int
+nk_radio_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text, int len, int *active)
+ int old_value;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(text);
+ NK_ASSERT(active);
+ if (!ctx || !text || !active) return 0;
+ old_value = *active;
+ *active = nk_option_text(ctx, text, len, old_value);
+ return old_value != *active;
+NK_API int
+nk_option_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label, int active)
+{return nk_option_text(ctx, label, nk_strlen(label), active);}
+NK_API int
+nk_radio_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label, int *active)
+{return nk_radio_text(ctx, label, nk_strlen(label), active);}
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_slider_float(struct nk_context *ctx, float min_value, float *value, float max_value,
+ float value_step)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ int ret = 0;
+ float old_value;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ NK_ASSERT(value);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !value)
+ return ret;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return ret;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ old_value = *value;
+ *value = nk_do_slider(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds, min_value,
+ old_value, max_value, value_step, &style->slider, in, &style->font);
+ return (old_value > *value || old_value < *value);
+NK_API float
+nk_slide_float(struct nk_context *ctx, float min, float val, float max, float step)
+ nk_slider_float(ctx, min, &val, max, step); return val;
+NK_API int
+nk_slide_int(struct nk_context *ctx, int min, int val, int max, int step)
+ float value = (float)val;
+ nk_slider_float(ctx, (float)min, &value, (float)max, (float)step);
+ return (int)value;
+NK_API int
+nk_slider_int(struct nk_context *ctx, int min, int *val, int max, int step)
+ int ret;
+ float value = (float)*val;
+ ret = nk_slider_float(ctx, (float)min, &value, (float)max, (float)step);
+ *val = (int)value;
+ return ret;
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_progress(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_size *cur, nk_size max, int is_modifyable)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ nk_size old_value;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(cur);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !cur)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ old_value = *cur;
+ *cur = nk_do_progress(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ *cur, max, is_modifyable, &style->progress, in);
+ return (*cur != old_value);
+NK_API nk_size nk_prog(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_size cur, nk_size max, int modifyable)
+{nk_progress(ctx, &cur, max, modifyable);return cur;}
+ *
+ * EDIT
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API nk_flags
+nk_edit_string(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_flags flags,
+ char *memory, int *len, int max, nk_filter filter)
+ nk_hash hash;
+ nk_flags state;
+ struct nk_text_edit *edit;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(memory);
+ NK_ASSERT(len);
+ if (!ctx || !memory || !len)
+ return 0;
+ filter = (!filter) ? nk_filter_default: filter;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ hash = win->edit.seq;
+ edit = &ctx->text_edit;
+ nk_textedit_clear_state(&ctx->text_edit, (flags & NK_EDIT_MULTILINE)?
+ if (win->edit.active && hash == win->edit.name) {
+ if (flags & NK_EDIT_NO_CURSOR)
+ edit->cursor = nk_utf_len(memory, *len);
+ else edit->cursor = win->edit.cursor;
+ if (!(flags & NK_EDIT_SELECTABLE)) {
+ edit->select_start = win->edit.cursor;
+ edit->select_end = win->edit.cursor;
+ } else {
+ edit->select_start = win->edit.sel_start;
+ edit->select_end = win->edit.sel_end;
+ }
+ edit->mode = win->edit.mode;
+ edit->scrollbar.x = (float)win->edit.scrollbar.x;
+ edit->scrollbar.y = (float)win->edit.scrollbar.y;
+ edit->active = nk_true;
+ } else edit->active = nk_false;
+ max = NK_MAX(1, max);
+ *len = NK_MIN(*len, max-1);
+ nk_str_init_fixed(&edit->string, memory, (nk_size)max);
+ edit->string.buffer.allocated = (nk_size)*len;
+ edit->string.len = nk_utf_len(memory, *len);
+ state = nk_edit_buffer(ctx, flags, edit, filter);
+ *len = (int)edit->string.buffer.allocated;
+ if (edit->active) {
+ win->edit.cursor = edit->cursor;
+ win->edit.sel_start = edit->select_start;
+ win->edit.sel_end = edit->select_end;
+ win->edit.mode = edit->mode;
+ win->edit.scrollbar.x = (unsigned short)edit->scrollbar.x;
+ win->edit.scrollbar.y = (unsigned short)edit->scrollbar.y;
+ }
+ return state;
+NK_API nk_flags
+nk_edit_buffer(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_flags flags,
+ struct nk_text_edit *edit, nk_filter filter)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ nk_flags ret_flags = 0;
+ unsigned char prev_state;
+ nk_hash hash;
+ /* make sure correct values */
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(edit);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return state;
+ in = (win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ /* check if edit is currently hot item */
+ hash = win->edit.seq++;
+ if (win->edit.active && hash == win->edit.name) {
+ if (flags & NK_EDIT_NO_CURSOR)
+ edit->cursor = edit->string.len;
+ if (!(flags & NK_EDIT_SELECTABLE)) {
+ edit->select_start = edit->cursor;
+ edit->select_end = edit->cursor;
+ }
+ if (flags & NK_EDIT_CLIPBOARD)
+ edit->clip = ctx->clip;
+ }
+ filter = (!filter) ? nk_filter_default: filter;
+ prev_state = (unsigned char)edit->active;
+ in = (flags & NK_EDIT_READ_ONLY) ? 0: in;
+ ret_flags = nk_do_edit(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds, flags,
+ filter, edit, &style->edit, in, &style->font);
+ if (edit->active && prev_state != edit->active) {
+ /* current edit is now hot */
+ win->edit.active = nk_true;
+ win->edit.name = hash;
+ } else if (prev_state && !edit->active) {
+ /* current edit is now cold */
+ win->edit.active = nk_false;
+ }
+ return ret_flags;
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_INTERN float
+nk_property(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name, float min, float val,
+ float max, float step, float inc_per_pixel, const enum nk_property_filter filter)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states s;
+ int *state = 0;
+ nk_hash hash = 0;
+ char *buffer = 0;
+ int *len = 0;
+ int *cursor = 0;
+ int old_state;
+ char dummy_buffer[NK_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER];
+ int dummy_state = NK_PROPERTY_DEFAULT;
+ int dummy_length = 0;
+ int dummy_cursor = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return val;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ s = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!s) return val;
+ in = (s == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ /* calculate hash from name */
+ if (name[0] == '#') {
+ hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)nk_strlen(name), win->property.seq++);
+ name++; /* special number hash */
+ } else hash = nk_murmur_hash(name, (int)nk_strlen(name), 42);
+ /* check if property is currently hot item */
+ if (win->property.active && hash == win->property.name) {
+ buffer = win->property.buffer;
+ len = &win->property.length;
+ cursor = &win->property.cursor;
+ state = &win->property.state;
+ } else {
+ buffer = dummy_buffer;
+ len = &dummy_length;
+ cursor = &dummy_cursor;
+ state = &dummy_state;
+ }
+ /* execute property widget */
+ old_state = *state;
+ val = nk_do_property(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds, name,
+ min, val, max, step, inc_per_pixel, buffer, len, state, cursor,
+ &style->property, filter, in, &style->font, &ctx->text_edit);
+ if (in && *state != NK_PROPERTY_DEFAULT && !win->property.active) {
+ /* current property is now hot */
+ win->property.active = 1;
+ NK_MEMCPY(win->property.buffer, buffer, (nk_size)*len);
+ win->property.length = *len;
+ win->property.cursor = *cursor;
+ win->property.state = *state;
+ win->property.name = hash;
+ if (*state == NK_PROPERTY_DRAG) {
+ ctx->input.mouse.grab = nk_true;
+ ctx->input.mouse.grabbed = nk_true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check if previously active property is now inactive */
+ if (*state == NK_PROPERTY_DEFAULT && old_state != NK_PROPERTY_DEFAULT) {
+ if (old_state == NK_PROPERTY_DRAG) {
+ ctx->input.mouse.grab = nk_false;
+ ctx->input.mouse.grabbed = nk_false;
+ ctx->input.mouse.ungrab = nk_true;
+ }
+ win->property.active = 0;
+ }
+ return val;
+NK_API void
+nk_property_float(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name,
+ float min, float *val, float max, float step, float inc_per_pixel)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(name);
+ NK_ASSERT(val);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !name || !val) return;
+ *val = nk_property(ctx, name, min, *val, max, step, inc_per_pixel, NK_FILTER_FLOAT);
+NK_API void
+nk_property_int(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name,
+ int min, int *val, int max, int step, int inc_per_pixel)
+ float value;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(name);
+ NK_ASSERT(val);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !name || !val) return;
+ value = nk_property(ctx, name, (float)min, (float)*val, (float)max, (float)step,
+ (float)inc_per_pixel, NK_FILTER_FLOAT);
+ *val = (int)value;
+NK_API float
+nk_propertyf(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name, float min,
+ float val, float max, float step, float inc_per_pixel)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(name);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !name) return val;
+ return nk_property(ctx, name, min, val, max, step, inc_per_pixel, NK_FILTER_FLOAT);
+NK_API int
+nk_propertyi(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *name, int min, int val,
+ int max, int step, int inc_per_pixel)
+ float value;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(name);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !name) return val;
+ value = nk_property(ctx, name, (float)min, (float)val, (float)max, (float)step,
+ (float)inc_per_pixel, NK_FILTER_FLOAT);
+ return (int)value;
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_color_pick(struct nk_context * ctx, struct nk_color *color,
+ enum nk_color_format fmt)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *layout;
+ const struct nk_style *config;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(color);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !color)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ config = &ctx->style;
+ layout = win->layout;
+ state = nk_widget(&bounds, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ return nk_do_color_picker(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, color, fmt, bounds,
+ nk_vec2(0,0), in, &config->font);
+NK_API struct nk_color
+nk_color_picker(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_color color,
+ enum nk_color_format fmt)
+ nk_color_pick(ctx, &color, fmt);
+ return color;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_chart_begin_colored(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_chart_type type,
+ struct nk_color color, struct nk_color highlight,
+ int count, float min_value, float max_value)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_chart *chart;
+ const struct nk_style *config;
+ const struct nk_style_chart *style;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ struct nk_rect bounds = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout) return 0;
+ if (!nk_widget(&bounds, ctx)) {
+ chart = &ctx->current->layout->chart;
+ nk_zero(chart, sizeof(*chart));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ win = ctx->current;
+ config = &ctx->style;
+ chart = &win->layout->chart;
+ style = &config->chart;
+ /* setup basic generic chart */
+ nk_zero(chart, sizeof(*chart));
+ chart->x = bounds.x + style->padding.x;
+ chart->y = bounds.y + style->padding.y;
+ chart->w = bounds.w - 2 * style->padding.x;
+ chart->h = bounds.h - 2 * style->padding.y;
+ chart->w = NK_MAX(chart->w, 2 * style->padding.x);
+ chart->h = NK_MAX(chart->h, 2 * style->padding.y);
+ /* add first slot into chart */
+ {struct nk_chart_slot *slot = &chart->slots[chart->slot++];
+ slot->type = type;
+ slot->count = count;
+ slot->color = color;
+ slot->highlight = highlight;
+ slot->min = NK_MIN(min_value, max_value);
+ slot->max = NK_MAX(min_value, max_value);
+ slot->range = slot->max - slot->min;}
+ /* draw chart background */
+ background = &style->background;
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, bounds, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, bounds, style->rounding, style->border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, nk_shrink_rect(bounds, style->border),
+ style->rounding, style->border_color);
+ }
+ return 1;
+NK_API int
+nk_chart_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, const enum nk_chart_type type,
+ int count, float min_value, float max_value)
+{return nk_chart_begin_colored(ctx, type, ctx->style.chart.color, ctx->style.chart.selected_color, count, min_value, max_value);}
+NK_API void
+nk_chart_add_slot_colored(struct nk_context *ctx, const enum nk_chart_type type,
+ struct nk_color color, struct nk_color highlight,
+ int count, float min_value, float max_value)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout->chart.slot < NK_CHART_MAX_SLOT);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout) return;
+ if (ctx->current->layout->chart.slot >= NK_CHART_MAX_SLOT) return;
+ /* add another slot into the graph */
+ {struct nk_chart *chart = &ctx->current->layout->chart;
+ struct nk_chart_slot *slot = &chart->slots[chart->slot++];
+ slot->type = type;
+ slot->count = count;
+ slot->color = color;
+ slot->highlight = highlight;
+ slot->min = NK_MIN(min_value, max_value);
+ slot->max = NK_MAX(min_value, max_value);
+ slot->range = slot->max - slot->min;}
+NK_API void
+nk_chart_add_slot(struct nk_context *ctx, const enum nk_chart_type type,
+ int count, float min_value, float max_value)
+{nk_chart_add_slot_colored(ctx, type, ctx->style.chart.color, ctx->style.chart.selected_color, count, min_value, max_value);}
+NK_INTERN nk_flags
+nk_chart_push_line(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win,
+ struct nk_chart *g, float value, int slot)
+ struct nk_panel *layout = win->layout;
+ const struct nk_input *i = &ctx->input;
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out = &win->buffer;
+ struct nk_style_chart *style;
+ nk_flags ret = 0;
+ struct nk_vec2 cur;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ struct nk_color color;
+ float step;
+ float range;
+ float ratio;
+ NK_ASSERT(slot >= 0 && slot < NK_CHART_MAX_SLOT);
+ step = g->w / (float)g->slots[slot].count;
+ range = g->slots[slot].max - g->slots[slot].min;
+ ratio = (value - g->slots[slot].min) / range;
+ style = &ctx->style.chart;
+ if (g->slots[slot].index == 0) {
+ /* first data point does not have a connection */
+ g->slots[slot].last.x = g->x;
+ g->slots[slot].last.y = (g->y + g->h) - ratio * (float)g->h;
+ bounds.x = g->slots[slot].last.x - 2;
+ bounds.y = g->slots[slot].last.y - 2;
+ bounds.w = 4;
+ bounds.h = 4;
+ color = g->slots[slot].color;
+ if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) &&
+ NK_INBOX(i->mouse.pos.x,i->mouse.pos.y, g->slots[slot].last.x-3, g->slots[slot].last.y-3, 6, 6)){
+ ret = nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, bounds) ? NK_CHART_HOVERING : 0;
+ ret |= (i->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down &&
+ i->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked) ? NK_CHART_CLICKED: 0;
+ color = g->slots[slot].highlight;
+ }
+ nk_fill_rect(out, bounds, 0, color);
+ g->slots[slot].index += 1;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* draw a line between the last data point and the new one */
+ color = g->slots[slot].color;
+ cur.x = g->x + (float)(step * (float)g->slots[slot].index);
+ cur.y = (g->y + g->h) - (ratio * (float)g->h);
+ nk_stroke_line(out, g->slots[slot].last.x, g->slots[slot].last.y, cur.x, cur.y, 1.0f, color);
+ bounds.x = cur.x - 3;
+ bounds.y = cur.y - 3;
+ bounds.w = 6;
+ bounds.h = 6;
+ /* user selection of current data point */
+ if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM)) {
+ if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(i, bounds)) {
+ ret |= (!i->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down &&
+ i->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked) ? NK_CHART_CLICKED: 0;
+ color = g->slots[slot].highlight;
+ }
+ }
+ nk_fill_rect(out, nk_rect(cur.x - 2, cur.y - 2, 4, 4), 0, color);
+ /* save current data point position */
+ g->slots[slot].last.x = cur.x;
+ g->slots[slot].last.y = cur.y;
+ g->slots[slot].index += 1;
+ return ret;
+NK_INTERN nk_flags
+nk_chart_push_column(const struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win,
+ struct nk_chart *chart, float value, int slot)
+ struct nk_command_buffer *out = &win->buffer;
+ const struct nk_input *in = &ctx->input;
+ struct nk_panel *layout = win->layout;
+ const struct nk_style_chart *style;
+ float ratio;
+ nk_flags ret = 0;
+ struct nk_color color;
+ struct nk_rect item = {0,0,0,0};
+ NK_ASSERT(slot >= 0 && slot < NK_CHART_MAX_SLOT);
+ if (chart->slots[slot].index >= chart->slots[slot].count)
+ return nk_false;
+ if (chart->slots[slot].count) {
+ float padding = (float)(chart->slots[slot].count-1);
+ item.w = (chart->w - padding) / (float)(chart->slots[slot].count);
+ }
+ /* calculate bounds of current bar chart entry */
+ style = &ctx->style.chart;
+ color = chart->slots[slot].color;;
+ item.h = chart->h * NK_ABS((value/chart->slots[slot].range));
+ if (value >= 0) {
+ ratio = (value + NK_ABS(chart->slots[slot].min)) / NK_ABS(chart->slots[slot].range);
+ item.y = (chart->y + chart->h) - chart->h * ratio;
+ } else {
+ ratio = (value - chart->slots[slot].max) / chart->slots[slot].range;
+ item.y = chart->y + (chart->h * NK_ABS(ratio)) - item.h;
+ }
+ item.x = chart->x + ((float)chart->slots[slot].index * item.w);
+ item.x = item.x + ((float)chart->slots[slot].index);
+ /* user chart bar selection */
+ if (!(layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) &&
+ NK_INBOX(in->mouse.pos.x,in->mouse.pos.y,item.x,item.y,item.w,item.h)) {
+ ret |= (!in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].down &&
+ in->mouse.buttons[NK_BUTTON_LEFT].clicked) ? NK_CHART_CLICKED: 0;
+ color = chart->slots[slot].highlight;
+ }
+ nk_fill_rect(out, item, 0, color);
+ chart->slots[slot].index += 1;
+ return ret;
+NK_API nk_flags
+nk_chart_push_slot(struct nk_context *ctx, float value, int slot)
+ nk_flags flags;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(slot >= 0 && slot < NK_CHART_MAX_SLOT);
+ NK_ASSERT(slot < ctx->current->layout->chart.slot);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || slot >= NK_CHART_MAX_SLOT) return nk_false;
+ if (slot >= ctx->current->layout->chart.slot) return nk_false;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ if (win->layout->chart.slot < slot) return nk_false;
+ switch (win->layout->chart.slots[slot].type) {
+ flags = nk_chart_push_line(ctx, win, &win->layout->chart, value, slot); break;
+ flags = nk_chart_push_column(ctx, win, &win->layout->chart, value, slot); break;
+ default:
+ case NK_CHART_MAX:
+ flags = 0;
+ }
+ return flags;
+NK_API nk_flags
+nk_chart_push(struct nk_context *ctx, float value)
+{return nk_chart_push_slot(ctx, value, 0);}
+NK_API void
+nk_chart_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_chart *chart;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ chart = &win->layout->chart;
+ memset(chart, 0, sizeof(*chart));
+ return;
+NK_API void
+nk_plot(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_chart_type type, const float *values,
+ int count, int offset)
+ int i = 0;
+ float min_value;
+ float max_value;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(values);
+ if (!ctx || !values || !count) return;
+ min_value = values[offset];
+ max_value = values[offset];
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ min_value = NK_MIN(values[i + offset], min_value);
+ max_value = NK_MAX(values[i + offset], max_value);
+ }
+ nk_chart_begin(ctx, type, count, min_value, max_value);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ nk_chart_push(ctx, values[i + offset]);
+ nk_chart_end(ctx);
+NK_API void
+nk_plot_function(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_chart_type type, void *userdata,
+ float(*value_getter)(void* user, int index), int count, int offset)
+ int i = 0;
+ float min_value;
+ float max_value;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(value_getter);
+ if (!ctx || !value_getter || !count) return;
+ max_value = min_value = value_getter(userdata, offset);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ float value = value_getter(userdata, i + offset);
+ min_value = NK_MIN(value, min_value);
+ max_value = NK_MAX(value, max_value);
+ }
+ nk_chart_begin(ctx, type, count, min_value, max_value);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ nk_chart_push(ctx, value_getter(userdata, i + offset));
+ nk_chart_end(ctx);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_group_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout, const char *title,
+ nk_flags flags)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_rect *c;
+ union {struct nk_scroll *s; nk_uint *i;} value;
+ struct nk_window panel;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ int title_len;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(title);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !title)
+ return 0;
+ /* allocate space for the group panel inside the panel */
+ win = ctx->current;
+ c = &win->layout->clip;
+ nk_panel_alloc_space(&bounds, ctx);
+ nk_zero(layout, sizeof(*layout));
+ /* find persistent group scrollbar value */
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(title);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(title, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_SUB);
+ value.i = nk_find_value(win, title_hash);
+ if (!value.i) {
+ value.i = nk_add_value(ctx, win, title_hash, 0);
+ *value.i = 0;
+ }
+ if (!NK_INTERSECT(c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h) &&
+ !(flags & NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ flags |= NK_WINDOW_SUB;
+ if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM)
+ flags |= NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ /* initialize a fake window to create the layout from */
+ nk_zero(&panel, sizeof(panel));
+ panel.bounds = bounds;
+ panel.flags = flags;
+ panel.scrollbar.x = (unsigned short)value.s->x;
+ panel.scrollbar.y = (unsigned short)value.s->y;
+ panel.buffer = win->buffer;
+ panel.layout = layout;
+ ctx->current = &panel;
+ nk_panel_begin(ctx, (flags & NK_WINDOW_TITLE) ? title: 0);
+ win->buffer = panel.buffer;
+ win->buffer.clip = layout->clip;
+ layout->offset = value.s;
+ layout->parent = win->layout;
+ win->layout = layout;
+ ctx->current = win;
+ return 1;
+NK_API void
+nk_group_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_panel *parent;
+ struct nk_panel *g;
+ struct nk_rect clip;
+ struct nk_window pan;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return;
+ /* make sure nk_group_begin was called correctly */
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ win = ctx->current;
+ NK_ASSERT(win->layout);
+ g = win->layout;
+ NK_ASSERT(g->parent);
+ parent = g->parent;
+ /* dummy window */
+ nk_zero_struct(pan);
+ pan.bounds = g->bounds;
+ pan.scrollbar.x = (unsigned short)g->offset->x;
+ pan.scrollbar.y = (unsigned short)g->offset->y;
+ pan.flags = g->flags|NK_WINDOW_SUB;
+ pan.buffer = win->buffer;
+ pan.layout = g;
+ ctx->current = &pan;
+ /* make sure group has correct clipping rectangle */
+ nk_unify(&clip, &parent->clip,
+ g->bounds.x, g->clip.y - g->header_h,
+ g->bounds.x + g->bounds.w+1,
+ g->bounds.y + g->bounds.h + 1);
+ nk_push_scissor(&pan.buffer, clip);
+ nk_end(ctx);
+ win->buffer = pan.buffer;
+ nk_push_scissor(&win->buffer, parent->clip);
+ ctx->current = win;
+ win->layout = parent;
+ return;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+NK_API int
+nk_popup_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ enum nk_popup_type type, const char *title, nk_flags flags, struct nk_rect rect)
+ struct nk_window *popup;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ int title_len;
+ nk_hash title_hash;
+ nk_size allocated;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(title);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ NK_ASSERT(!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_POPUP));
+ title_len = (int)nk_strlen(title);
+ title_hash = nk_murmur_hash(title, (int)title_len, NK_WINDOW_POPUP);
+ popup = win->popup.win;
+ if (!popup) {
+ popup = (struct nk_window*)nk_create_window(ctx);
+ win->popup.win = popup;
+ win->popup.active = 0;
+ }
+ /* make sure we have to correct popup */
+ if (win->popup.name != title_hash) {
+ if (!win->popup.active) {
+ nk_zero(popup, sizeof(*popup));
+ win->popup.name = title_hash;
+ win->popup.active = 1;
+ } else return 0;
+ }
+ /* popup position is local to window */
+ ctx->current = popup;
+ rect.x += win->layout->clip.x;
+ rect.y += win->layout->clip.y;
+ /* setup popup data */
+ popup->parent = win;
+ popup->bounds = rect;
+ popup->seq = ctx->seq;
+ popup->layout = layout;
+ popup->flags = flags;
+ if (type == NK_POPUP_DYNAMIC)
+ popup->flags |= NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC;
+ popup->buffer = win->buffer;
+ nk_start_popup(ctx, win);
+ allocated = ctx->memory.allocated;
+ nk_push_scissor(&popup->buffer, nk_null_rect);
+ if (nk_panel_begin(ctx, title)) {
+ /* popup is running therefore invalidate parent window */
+ win->layout->flags |= NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ win->layout->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM;
+ win->popup.active = 1;
+ layout->offset = &popup->scrollbar;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ /* popup was closed/is invalid so cleanup */
+ win->layout->flags |= NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM;
+ win->layout->popup_buffer.active = 0;
+ win->popup.active = 0;
+ ctx->memory.allocated = allocated;
+ ctx->current = win;
+ return 0;
+ }
+nk_nonblock_begin(struct nk_panel *layout, struct nk_context *ctx,
+ nk_flags flags, struct nk_rect body, struct nk_rect header)
+ struct nk_window *popup;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ int is_active = nk_true;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ /* popups cannot have popups */
+ win = ctx->current;
+ NK_ASSERT(!(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_POPUP));
+ popup = win->popup.win;
+ if (!popup) {
+ /* create window for nonblocking popup */
+ popup = (struct nk_window*)nk_create_window(ctx);
+ win->popup.win = popup;
+ nk_command_buffer_init(&popup->buffer, &ctx->memory, NK_CLIPPING_ON);
+ } else {
+ /* check if user clicked outside the popup and close if so */
+ int clicked, in_body, in_header;
+ clicked = nk_input_has_mouse_click(&ctx->input, NK_BUTTON_LEFT);
+ in_body = nk_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(&ctx->input, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, body);
+ in_header = nk_input_is_mouse_click_in_rect(&ctx->input, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, header);
+ if (clicked && !in_body && !in_header)
+ is_active = nk_false;
+ }
+ if (!is_active) {
+ win->layout->flags |= NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM;
+ return is_active;
+ }
+ popup->bounds = body;
+ popup->parent = win;
+ popup->layout = layout;
+ popup->flags = flags;
+ popup->flags |= NK_WINDOW_NONBLOCK;
+ popup->seq = ctx->seq;
+ win->popup.active = 1;
+ nk_start_popup(ctx, win);
+ popup->buffer = win->buffer;
+ nk_push_scissor(&popup->buffer, nk_null_rect);
+ ctx->current = popup;
+ nk_panel_begin(ctx, 0);
+ win->buffer = popup->buffer;
+ win->layout->flags |= NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ layout->offset = &popup->scrollbar;
+ return is_active;
+NK_API void
+nk_popup_close(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *popup;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return;
+ popup = ctx->current;
+ NK_ASSERT(popup->parent);
+ NK_ASSERT(popup->flags & NK_WINDOW_POPUP);
+ popup->flags |= NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN;
+NK_API void
+nk_popup_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_window *popup;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ popup = ctx->current;
+ if (!popup->parent) return;
+ win = popup->parent;
+ if (popup->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) {
+ win->layout->flags |= NK_WINDOW_REMOVE_ROM;
+ win->popup.active = 0;
+ }
+ nk_push_scissor(&popup->buffer, nk_null_rect);
+ nk_end(ctx);
+ win->buffer = popup->buffer;
+ nk_finish_popup(ctx, win);
+ ctx->current = win;
+ nk_push_scissor(&win->buffer, win->layout->clip);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+NK_API int
+nk_tooltip_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout, float width)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ int ret;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ /* make sure that no nonblocking popup is currently active */
+ win = ctx->current;
+ in = &ctx->input;
+ if (win->popup.win && (win->popup.win->flags & NK_WINDOW_NONBLOCK))
+ return 0;
+ bounds.w = width;
+ bounds.h = nk_null_rect.h;
+ bounds.x = (in->mouse.pos.x + 1) - win->layout->clip.x;
+ bounds.y = (in->mouse.pos.y + 1) - win->layout->clip.y;
+ ret = nk_popup_begin(ctx, layout, NK_POPUP_DYNAMIC,
+ if (ret) win->layout->flags &= ~(nk_flags)NK_WINDOW_ROM;
+ return ret;
+NK_API void
+nk_tooltip_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current)
+ return;
+ nk_popup_close(ctx);
+ nk_popup_end(ctx);
+NK_API void
+nk_tooltip(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text)
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_vec2 padding;
+ struct nk_panel layout;
+ int text_len;
+ float text_width;
+ float text_height;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ NK_ASSERT(text);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !text)
+ return;
+ /* fetch configuration data */
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ padding = style->window.padding;
+ /* calculate size of the text and tooltip */
+ text_len = nk_strlen(text);
+ text_width = style->font.width(style->font.userdata,
+ style->font.height, text, text_len);
+ text_width += (4 * padding.x);
+ text_height = (style->font.height + 2 * padding.y);
+ /* execute tooltip and fill with text */
+ if (nk_tooltip_begin(ctx, &layout, (float)text_width)) {
+ nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, (float)text_height, 1);
+ nk_text(ctx, text, text_len, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
+ nk_tooltip_end(ctx);
+ }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+NK_API int
+nk_contextual_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ nk_flags flags, struct nk_vec2 size, struct nk_rect trigger_bounds)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_window *popup;
+ struct nk_rect body;
+ NK_STORAGE const struct nk_rect null_rect = {0,0,0,0};
+ int is_clicked = 0;
+ int is_active = 0;
+ int is_open = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ ++win->popup.con_count;
+ /* check if currently active contextual is active */
+ popup = win->popup.win;
+ is_open = (popup && (popup->flags & NK_WINDOW_CONTEXTUAL) && win->popup.type == NK_WINDOW_CONTEXTUAL);
+ is_clicked = nk_input_mouse_clicked(&ctx->input, NK_BUTTON_RIGHT, trigger_bounds);
+ if (win->popup.active_con && win->popup.con_count != win->popup.active_con)
+ return 0;
+ if ((is_clicked && is_open && !is_active) || (!is_open && !is_active && !is_clicked))
+ return 0;
+ /* calculate contextual position on click */
+ win->popup.active_con = win->popup.con_count;
+ if (is_clicked) {
+ body.x = ctx->input.mouse.pos.x;
+ body.y = ctx->input.mouse.pos.y;
+ } else {
+ body.x = popup->bounds.x;
+ body.y = popup->bounds.y;
+ }
+ body.w = size.x;
+ body.h = size.y;
+ /* start nonblocking contextual popup */
+ ret = nk_nonblock_begin(layout, ctx,
+ if (ret) win->popup.type = NK_WINDOW_CONTEXTUAL;
+ else {
+ win->popup.active_con = 0;
+ win->popup.win->flags = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+NK_API int
+nk_contextual_item_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text, int len,
+ nk_flags alignment)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ state = nk_widget_fitting(&bounds, ctx, style->contextual_button.padding);
+ if (!state) return nk_false;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_do_button_text(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ text, len, alignment, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &style->contextual_button, in, &style->font)) {
+ nk_contextual_close(ctx);
+ return nk_true;
+ }
+ return nk_false;
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_text(ctx, label, nk_strlen(label), align);}
+NK_API int
+nk_contextual_item_image_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *text, int len, nk_flags align)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ state = nk_widget_fitting(&bounds, ctx, style->contextual_button.padding);
+ if (!state) return nk_false;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_do_button_text_image(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ img, text, len, align, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &style->contextual_button, &style->font, in)){
+ nk_contextual_close(ctx);
+ return nk_true;
+ }
+ return nk_false;
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_image_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *label, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_image_text(ctx, img, label, nk_strlen(label), align);}
+NK_API int
+nk_contextual_item_symbol_text(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type symbol,
+ const char *text, int len, nk_flags align)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ const struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ state = nk_widget_fitting(&bounds, ctx, style->contextual_button.padding);
+ if (!state) return nk_false;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_do_button_text_symbol(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, bounds,
+ symbol, text, len, align, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &style->contextual_button, &style->font, in)) {
+ nk_contextual_close(ctx);
+ return nk_true;
+ }
+ return nk_false;
+NK_API int nk_contextual_item_symbol_label(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type symbol,
+ const char *text, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_symbol_text(ctx, symbol, text, nk_strlen(text), align);}
+NK_API void
+nk_contextual_close(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return;
+ if (!ctx->current)
+ return;
+ nk_popup_close(ctx);
+NK_API void
+nk_contextual_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+ struct nk_window *popup;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ popup = ctx->current;
+ NK_ASSERT(popup->parent);
+ if (popup->flags & NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN)
+ popup->seq = 0;
+ nk_popup_end(ctx);
+ return;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+nk_combo_begin(struct nk_panel *layout, struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win,
+ int height, int is_clicked, struct nk_rect header)
+ struct nk_window *popup;
+ int is_open = 0;
+ int is_active = 0;
+ struct nk_rect body;
+ nk_hash hash;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ popup = win->popup.win;
+ body.x = header.x;
+ body.w = header.w;
+ body.y = header.y + header.h-1;
+ body.h = (float)height;
+ hash = win->popup.combo_count++;
+ is_open = (popup && (popup->flags & NK_WINDOW_COMBO));
+ is_active = (popup && (win->popup.name == hash) && win->popup.type == NK_WINDOW_COMBO);
+ if ((is_clicked && is_open && !is_active) || (is_open && !is_active) ||
+ (!is_open && !is_active && !is_clicked)) return 0;
+ if (!nk_nonblock_begin(layout, ctx, NK_WINDOW_COMBO,
+ body, (is_clicked && is_open)?nk_rect(0,0,0,0):header)) return 0;
+ win->popup.type = NK_WINDOW_COMBO;
+ win->popup.name = hash;
+ return 1;
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_begin_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *selected, int len, int height)
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states s;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(selected);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !selected)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ s = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ return 0;
+ in = (win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM || s == NK_WIDGET_ROM)? 0: &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_button_behavior(&ctx->last_widget_state, header, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ /* draw combo box header background and border */
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->combo.active;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_active;
+ } else if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->combo.hover;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->combo.normal;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_normal;
+ }
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ text.background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, header, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, header, style->combo.rounding, style->combo.border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, nk_shrink_rect(header, 1), style->combo.rounding,
+ background->data.color);
+ }
+ {
+ /* print currently selected text item */
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym;
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_hover;
+ else if (is_clicked)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_active;
+ else sym = style->combo.sym_normal;
+ /* calculate button */
+ button.w = header.h - 2 * style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.x = (header.x + header.w - header.h) - style->combo.button_padding.x;
+ button.y = header.y + style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.h = button.w;
+ content.x = button.x + style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.y = button.y + style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ content.w = button.w - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.h = button.h - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ /* draw selected label */
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ label.x = header.x + style->combo.content_padding.x;
+ label.y = header.y + style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ label.w = button.x - (style->combo.content_padding.x + style->combo.spacing.x) - label.x;;
+ label.h = header.h - 2 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ nk_widget_text(&win->buffer, label, selected, len, &text,
+ NK_TEXT_LEFT, &ctx->style.font);
+ /* draw open/close button */
+ nk_draw_button_symbol(&win->buffer, &button, &content, ctx->last_widget_state,
+ &ctx->style.combo.button, sym, &style->font);
+ }
+ return nk_combo_begin(layout, ctx, win, height, is_clicked, header);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *selected, int max_height)
+{return nk_combo_begin_text(ctx, layout, selected, nk_strlen(selected), max_height);}
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_begin_color(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ struct nk_color color, int height)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states s;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ s = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ return 0;
+ in = (win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM || s == NK_WIDGET_ROM)? 0: &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_button_behavior(&ctx->last_widget_state, header, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ /* draw combo box header background and border */
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED)
+ background = &style->combo.active;
+ else if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ background = &style->combo.hover;
+ else background = &style->combo.normal;
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, header, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, header, 0, style->combo.border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, nk_shrink_rect(header, 1), 0,
+ background->data.color);
+ }
+ {
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ struct nk_rect bounds;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym;
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_hover;
+ else if (is_clicked)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_active;
+ else sym = style->combo.sym_normal;
+ /* calculate button */
+ button.w = header.h - 2 * style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.x = (header.x + header.w - header.h) - style->combo.button_padding.x;
+ button.y = header.y + style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.h = button.w;
+ content.x = button.x + style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.y = button.y + style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ content.w = button.w - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.h = button.h - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ /* draw color */
+ bounds.h = header.h - 4 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ bounds.y = header.y + 2 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ bounds.x = header.x + 2 * style->combo.content_padding.x;
+ bounds.w = (button.x - (style->combo.content_padding.x + style->combo.spacing.x)) - bounds.x;
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, bounds, 0, color);
+ /* draw open/close button */
+ nk_draw_button_symbol(&win->buffer, &button, &content, ctx->last_widget_state,
+ &ctx->style.combo.button, sym, &style->font);
+ }
+ return nk_combo_begin(layout, ctx, win, height, is_clicked, header);
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_begin_symbol(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ enum nk_symbol_type symbol, int height)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states s;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ struct nk_color sym_background;
+ struct nk_color symbol_color;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ s = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ return 0;
+ in = (win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM || s == NK_WIDGET_ROM)? 0: &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_button_behavior(&ctx->last_widget_state, header, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ /* draw combo box header background and border */
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->combo.active;
+ symbol_color = style->combo.symbol_active;
+ } else if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->combo.hover;
+ symbol_color = style->combo.symbol_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->combo.normal;
+ symbol_color = style->combo.symbol_hover;
+ }
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ sym_background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, header, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ sym_background = background->data.color;
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, header, 0, style->combo.border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, nk_shrink_rect(header, 1), 0,
+ background->data.color);
+ }
+ {
+ struct nk_rect bounds = {0,0,0,0};
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym;
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_hover;
+ else if (is_clicked)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_active;
+ else sym = style->combo.sym_normal;
+ /* calculate button */
+ button.w = header.h - 2 * style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.x = (header.x + header.w - header.h) - style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.y = header.y + style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.h = button.w;
+ content.x = button.x + style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.y = button.y + style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ content.w = button.w - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.h = button.h - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ /* draw symbol */
+ bounds.h = header.h - 2 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ bounds.y = header.y + style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ bounds.x = header.x + style->combo.content_padding.x;
+ bounds.w = (button.x - style->combo.content_padding.y) - bounds.x;
+ nk_draw_symbol(&win->buffer, symbol, bounds, sym_background, symbol_color,
+ 1.0f, &style->font);
+ /* draw open/close button */
+ nk_draw_button_symbol(&win->buffer, &bounds, &content, ctx->last_widget_state,
+ &ctx->style.combo.button, sym, &style->font);
+ }
+ return nk_combo_begin(layout, ctx, win, height, is_clicked, header);
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_begin_symbol_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *selected, int len, enum nk_symbol_type symbol, int height)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states s;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ struct nk_color symbol_color;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ s = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ if (!s) return 0;
+ in = (win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM || s == NK_WIDGET_ROM)? 0: &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_button_behavior(&ctx->last_widget_state, header, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ /* draw combo box header background and border */
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->combo.active;
+ symbol_color = style->combo.symbol_active;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_active;
+ } else if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->combo.hover;
+ symbol_color = style->combo.symbol_hover;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->combo.normal;
+ symbol_color = style->combo.symbol_normal;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_normal;
+ }
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ text.background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, header, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, header, 0, style->combo.border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, nk_shrink_rect(header, 1), 0,
+ background->data.color);
+ }
+ {
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ struct nk_rect image;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym;
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_hover;
+ else if (is_clicked)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_active;
+ else sym = style->combo.sym_normal;
+ /* calculate button */
+ button.w = header.h - 2 * style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.x = (header.x + header.w - header.h) - style->combo.button_padding.x;
+ button.y = header.y + style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.h = button.w;
+ content.x = button.x + style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.y = button.y + style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ content.w = button.w - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.h = button.h - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ nk_draw_button_symbol(&win->buffer, &button, &content, ctx->last_widget_state,
+ &ctx->style.combo.button, sym, &style->font);
+ /* draw symbol */
+ image.x = header.x + style->combo.content_padding.x;
+ image.y = header.y + style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ image.h = header.h - 2 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ image.w = image.h;
+ nk_draw_symbol(&win->buffer, symbol, image, text.background, symbol_color,
+ 1.0f, &style->font);
+ /* draw label */
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ label.x = image.x + image.w + style->combo.spacing.x + style->combo.content_padding.x;
+ label.y = header.y + style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ label.w = (button.x - style->combo.content_padding.x) - label.x;
+ label.h = header.h - 2 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ nk_widget_text(&win->buffer, label, selected, len, &text, NK_TEXT_LEFT, &style->font);
+ }
+ return nk_combo_begin(layout, ctx, win, height, is_clicked, header);
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_begin_image(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ struct nk_image img, int height)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states s;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ s = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ return 0;
+ in = (win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM || s == NK_WIDGET_ROM)? 0: &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_button_behavior(&ctx->last_widget_state, header, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ /* draw combo box header background and border */
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED)
+ background = &style->combo.active;
+ else if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ background = &style->combo.hover;
+ else background = &style->combo.normal;
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, header, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, header, 0, style->combo.border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, nk_shrink_rect(header, 1), 0,
+ background->data.color);
+ }
+ {
+ struct nk_rect bounds = {0,0,0,0};
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym;
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_hover;
+ else if (is_clicked)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_active;
+ else sym = style->combo.sym_normal;
+ /* calculate button */
+ button.w = header.h - 2 * style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.x = (header.x + header.w - header.h) - style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.y = header.y + style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.h = button.w;
+ content.x = button.x + style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.y = button.y + style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ content.w = button.w - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.h = button.h - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ /* draw image */
+ bounds.h = header.h - 2 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ bounds.y = header.y + style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ bounds.x = header.x + style->combo.content_padding.x;
+ bounds.w = (button.x - style->combo.content_padding.y) - bounds.x;
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, bounds, &img);
+ /* draw open/close button */
+ nk_draw_button_symbol(&win->buffer, &bounds, &content, ctx->last_widget_state,
+ &ctx->style.combo.button, sym, &style->font);
+ }
+ return nk_combo_begin(layout, ctx, win, height, is_clicked, header);
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_begin_image_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *selected, int len, struct nk_image img, int height)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_style *style;
+ struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ enum nk_widget_layout_states s;
+ const struct nk_style_item *background;
+ struct nk_text text;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ style = &ctx->style;
+ s = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ if (!s) return 0;
+ in = (win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM || s == NK_WIDGET_ROM)? 0: &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_button_behavior(&ctx->last_widget_state, header, in, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ /* draw combo box header background and border */
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_ACTIVED) {
+ background = &style->combo.active;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_active;
+ } else if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER) {
+ background = &style->combo.hover;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_hover;
+ } else {
+ background = &style->combo.normal;
+ text.text = style->combo.label_normal;
+ }
+ if (background->type == NK_STYLE_ITEM_IMAGE) {
+ text.background = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, header, &background->data.image);
+ } else {
+ text.background = background->data.color;
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, header, 0, style->combo.border_color);
+ nk_fill_rect(&win->buffer, nk_shrink_rect(header, 1), 0,
+ background->data.color);
+ }
+ {
+ struct nk_rect content;
+ struct nk_rect button;
+ struct nk_rect label;
+ struct nk_rect image;
+ enum nk_symbol_type sym;
+ if (ctx->last_widget_state & NK_WIDGET_STATE_HOVER)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_hover;
+ else if (is_clicked)
+ sym = style->combo.sym_active;
+ else sym = style->combo.sym_normal;
+ /* calculate button */
+ button.w = header.h - 2 * style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.x = (header.x + header.w - header.h) - style->combo.button_padding.x;
+ button.y = header.y + style->combo.button_padding.y;
+ button.h = button.w;
+ content.x = button.x + style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.y = button.y + style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ content.w = button.w - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.x;
+ content.h = button.h - 2 * style->combo.button.padding.y;
+ nk_draw_button_symbol(&win->buffer, &button, &content, ctx->last_widget_state,
+ &ctx->style.combo.button, sym, &style->font);
+ /* draw image */
+ image.x = header.x + style->combo.content_padding.x;
+ image.y = header.y + style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ image.h = header.h - 2 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ image.w = image.h;
+ nk_draw_image(&win->buffer, image, &img);
+ /* draw label */
+ text.padding = nk_vec2(0,0);
+ label.x = image.x + image.w + style->combo.spacing.x + style->combo.content_padding.x;
+ label.y = header.y + style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ label.w = (button.x - style->combo.content_padding.x) - label.x;
+ label.h = header.h - 2 * style->combo.content_padding.y;
+ nk_widget_text(&win->buffer, label, selected, len, &text, NK_TEXT_LEFT, &style->font);
+ }
+ return nk_combo_begin(layout, ctx, win, height, is_clicked, header);
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_symbol_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *selected, enum nk_symbol_type type, int height)
+{return nk_combo_begin_symbol_text(ctx, layout, selected, nk_strlen(selected), type, height);}
+NK_API int nk_combo_begin_image_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *selected, struct nk_image img, int height)
+{return nk_combo_begin_image_text(ctx, layout, selected, nk_strlen(selected), img, height);}
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text, int len,nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_text(ctx, text, len, align);}
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_label(ctx, label, align);}
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_image_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img, const char *text,
+ int len, nk_flags alignment)
+{return nk_contextual_item_image_text(ctx, img, text, len, alignment);}
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_image_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *text, nk_flags alignment)
+{return nk_contextual_item_image_label(ctx, img, text, alignment);}
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_symbol_text(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type sym,
+ const char *text, int len, nk_flags alignment)
+{return nk_contextual_item_symbol_text(ctx, sym, text, len, alignment);}
+NK_API int nk_combo_item_symbol_label(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type sym,
+ const char *label, nk_flags alignment)
+{return nk_contextual_item_symbol_label(ctx, sym, label, alignment);}
+NK_API void nk_combo_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
+NK_API void nk_combo_close(struct nk_context *ctx)
+NK_API int
+nk_combo(struct nk_context *ctx, const char **items, int count,
+ int selected, int item_height)
+ int i = 0;
+ int max_height;
+ struct nk_panel combo;
+ float item_padding;
+ float window_padding;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(items);
+ if (!ctx || !items ||!count)
+ return selected;
+ item_padding = ctx->style.combo.button_padding.y;
+ window_padding = ctx->style.window.padding.y;
+ max_height = (count+1) * item_height + (int)item_padding * 3 + (int)window_padding * 2;
+ if (nk_combo_begin_label(ctx, &combo, items[selected], max_height)) {
+ nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, (float)item_height, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ if (nk_combo_item_label(ctx, items[i], NK_TEXT_LEFT))
+ selected = i;
+ }
+ nk_combo_end(ctx);
+ }
+ return selected;
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_separator(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *items_separated_by_separator,
+ int separator, int selected, int count, int item_height)
+ int i;
+ int max_height;
+ struct nk_panel combo;
+ float item_padding;
+ float window_padding;
+ const char *current_item;
+ const char *iter;
+ int length = 0;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(items_separated_by_separator);
+ if (!ctx || !items_separated_by_separator)
+ return selected;
+ /* calculate popup window */
+ item_padding = ctx->style.combo.content_padding.y;
+ window_padding = ctx->style.window.padding.y;
+ max_height = (count+1) * item_height + (int)item_padding * 3 + (int)window_padding * 2;
+ /* find selected item */
+ current_item = items_separated_by_separator;
+ for (i = 0; i < selected; ++i) {
+ iter = current_item;
+ while (*iter != separator) iter++;
+ length = (int)(iter - current_item);
+ current_item = iter + 1;
+ }
+ if (nk_combo_begin_text(ctx, &combo, current_item, length, max_height)) {
+ current_item = items_separated_by_separator;
+ nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, (float)item_height, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ iter = current_item;
+ while (*iter != separator) iter++;
+ length = (int)(iter - current_item);
+ if (nk_combo_item_text(ctx, current_item, length, NK_TEXT_LEFT))
+ selected = i;
+ current_item = current_item + length + 1;
+ }
+ nk_combo_end(ctx);
+ }
+ return selected;
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_string(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *items_separated_by_zeros,
+ int selected, int count, int item_height)
+{return nk_combo_separator(ctx, items_separated_by_zeros, '\0', selected, count, item_height);}
+NK_API int
+nk_combo_callback(struct nk_context *ctx, void(*item_getter)(void*, int, const char**),
+ void *userdata, int selected, int count, int item_height)
+ int i;
+ int max_height;
+ struct nk_panel combo;
+ float item_padding;
+ float window_padding;
+ const char *item;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(item_getter);
+ if (!ctx || !item_getter)
+ return selected;
+ /* calculate popup window */
+ item_padding = ctx->style.combo.content_padding.y;
+ window_padding = ctx->style.window.padding.y;
+ max_height = (count+1) * item_height + (int)item_padding * 3 + (int)window_padding * 2;
+ item_getter(userdata, selected, &item);
+ if (nk_combo_begin_label(ctx, &combo, item, max_height)) {
+ nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, (float)item_height, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ item_getter(userdata, i, &item);
+ if (nk_combo_item_label(ctx, item, NK_TEXT_LEFT))
+ selected = i;
+ }
+ nk_combo_end(ctx);
+ }
+ return selected;
+NK_API void nk_combobox(struct nk_context *ctx, const char **items, int count,
+ int *selected, int item_height)
+{*selected = nk_combo(ctx, items, count, *selected, item_height);}
+NK_API void nk_combobox_string(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *items_separated_by_zeros,
+ int *selected, int count, int item_height)
+{*selected = nk_combo_string(ctx, items_separated_by_zeros, *selected, count, item_height);}
+NK_API void nk_combobox_separator(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *items_separated_by_separator,
+ int separator,int *selected, int count, int item_height)
+{*selected = nk_combo_separator(ctx, items_separated_by_separator, separator,
+ *selected, count, item_height);}
+NK_API void nk_combobox_callback(struct nk_context *ctx,
+ void(*item_getter)(void* data, int id, const char **out_text),
+ void *userdata, int *selected, int count, int item_height)
+{*selected = nk_combo_callback(ctx, item_getter, userdata, *selected, count, item_height);}
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * MENU
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+nk_menu_begin(struct nk_panel *layout, struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_window *win,
+ const char *id, int is_clicked, struct nk_rect header, float width)
+ int is_open = 0;
+ int is_active = 0;
+ struct nk_rect body;
+ struct nk_window *popup;
+ nk_hash hash = nk_murmur_hash(id, (int)nk_strlen(id), NK_WINDOW_MENU);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ body.x = header.x;
+ body.w = width;
+ body.y = header.y + header.h;
+ body.h = nk_null_rect.h;
+ popup = win->popup.win;
+ is_open = (popup && (popup->flags & NK_WINDOW_MENU));
+ is_active = (popup && (win->popup.name == hash) && win->popup.type == NK_WINDOW_MENU);
+ if ((is_clicked && is_open && !is_active) || (is_open && !is_active) ||
+ (!is_open && !is_active && !is_clicked)) return 0;
+ if (!nk_nonblock_begin(layout, ctx, NK_WINDOW_MENU|NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR, body, header))
+ return 0;
+ win->popup.type = NK_WINDOW_MENU;
+ win->popup.name = hash;
+ return 1;
+NK_API int
+nk_menu_begin_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *title, int len, nk_flags align, float width)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ nk_flags state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ state = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_do_button_text(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, header,
+ title, len, align, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &ctx->style.menu_button, in, &ctx->style.font))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ return nk_menu_begin(layout, ctx, win, title, is_clicked, header, width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *text, nk_flags align, float width)
+{return nk_menu_begin_text(ctx, layout, text, nk_strlen(text), align, width);}
+NK_API int
+nk_menu_begin_image(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *id, struct nk_image img, float width)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ nk_flags state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ state = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_do_button_image(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, header,
+ img, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &ctx->style.menu_button, in))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ return nk_menu_begin(layout, ctx, win, id, is_clicked, header, width);
+NK_API int
+nk_menu_begin_symbol(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *id, enum nk_symbol_type sym, float width)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ nk_flags state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ state = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_do_button_symbol(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, header,
+ sym, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &ctx->style.menu_button, in, &ctx->style.font))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ return nk_menu_begin(layout, ctx, win, id, is_clicked, header, width);
+NK_API int
+nk_menu_begin_image_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *title, int len, nk_flags align, struct nk_image img, float width)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ nk_flags state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ state = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_do_button_text_image(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer,
+ header, img, title, len, align, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &ctx->style.menu_button,
+ &ctx->style.font, in))
+ is_clicked = nk_true;
+ return nk_menu_begin(layout, ctx, win, title, is_clicked, header, width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_image_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *title, nk_flags align, struct nk_image img, float width)
+{return nk_menu_begin_image_text(ctx, layout, title, nk_strlen(title), align, img, width);}
+NK_API int
+nk_menu_begin_symbol_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *title, int size, nk_flags align, enum nk_symbol_type sym, float width)
+ struct nk_window *win;
+ struct nk_rect header;
+ const struct nk_input *in;
+ int is_clicked = nk_false;
+ nk_flags state;
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current);
+ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout);
+ if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
+ return 0;
+ win = ctx->current;
+ state = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
+ if (!state) return 0;
+ in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
+ if (nk_do_button_text_symbol(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer,
+ header, sym, title, size, align, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, &ctx->style.menu_button,
+ &ctx->style.font, in)) is_clicked = nk_true;
+ return nk_menu_begin(layout, ctx, win, title, is_clicked, header, width);
+NK_API int nk_menu_begin_symbol_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_panel *layout,
+ const char *title, nk_flags align, enum nk_symbol_type sym, float width)
+{return nk_menu_begin_symbol_text(ctx, layout, title, nk_strlen(title), align,sym, width);}
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_text(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, int len, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_text(ctx, title, len, align);}
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_label(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *label, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_label(ctx, label, align);}
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_image_label(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *label, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_image_label(ctx, img, label, align);}
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_image_text(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_image img,
+ const char *text, int len, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_image_text(ctx, img, text, len, align);}
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_symbol_text(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type sym,
+ const char *text, int len, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_symbol_text(ctx, sym, text, len, align);}
+NK_API int nk_menu_item_symbol_label(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_symbol_type sym,
+ const char *label, nk_flags align)
+{return nk_contextual_item_symbol_label(ctx, sym, label, align);}
+NK_API void nk_menu_close(struct nk_context *ctx)
+NK_API void
+nk_menu_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
diff --git a/src/simulator/src/Gui/nuklear_xlib_gl3.h b/src/simulator/src/Gui/nuklear_xlib_gl3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..183c104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/src/Gui/nuklear_xlib_gl3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+ * Nuklear - v1.00 - public domain
+ * no warrenty implied; use at your own risk.
+ * authored from 2015-2016 by Micha Mettke
+ */
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ * API
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+#ifndef NK_XLIB_GL3_H_
+#define NK_XLIB_GL3_H_
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+NK_API struct nk_context* nk_x11_init(Display *dpy, Window win);
+NK_API void nk_x11_font_stash_begin(struct nk_font_atlas **atlas);
+NK_API void nk_x11_font_stash_end(void);
+NK_API void nk_x11_handle_event(XEvent *evt);
+NK_API void nk_x11_render(enum nk_anti_aliasing, int max_vertex_buffer, int max_element_buffer);
+NK_API void nk_x11_shutdown(void);
+NK_API int nk_x11_device_create(void);
+NK_API void nk_x11_device_destroy(void);
+ * ==============================================================
+ *
+ *
+ * ===============================================================
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <X11/Xresource.h>
+#include <X11/Xlocale.h>
+#include <GL/gl.h>
+#include <GL/glx.h>
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#include <GL/glxext.h>
+/* GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object */
+typedef void(*nkglGenBuffers)(GLsizei, GLuint*);
+typedef void(*nkglBindBuffer)(GLenum, GLuint);
+typedef void(*nkglBufferData)(GLenum, GLsizeiptr, const GLvoid*, GLenum);
+typedef void(*nkglBufferSubData)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, const GLvoid*);
+typedef void*(*nkglMapBuffer)(GLenum, GLenum);
+typedef GLboolean(*nkglUnmapBuffer)(GLenum);
+typedef void(*nkglDeleteBuffers)(GLsizei, GLuint*);
+/* GL_ARB_vertex_array_object */
+typedef void (*nkglGenVertexArrays)(GLsizei, GLuint*);
+typedef void (*nkglBindVertexArray)(GLuint);
+typedef void (*nkglDeleteVertexArrays)(GLsizei, const GLuint*);
+/* GL_ARB_vertex_program / GL_ARB_fragment_program */
+typedef void(*nkglVertexAttribPointer)(GLuint, GLint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLsizei, const GLvoid*);
+typedef void(*nkglEnableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint);
+typedef void(*nkglDisableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint);
+/* GL_ARB_framebuffer_object */
+typedef void(*nkglGenerateMipmap)(GLenum target);
+/* GLSL/OpenGL 2.0 core */
+typedef GLuint(*nkglCreateShader)(GLenum);
+typedef void(*nkglShaderSource)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLchar**, const GLint*);
+typedef void(*nkglCompileShader)(GLuint);
+typedef void(*nkglGetShaderiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint*);
+typedef void(*nkglGetShaderInfoLog)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei*, GLchar*);
+typedef void(*nkglDeleteShader)(GLuint);
+typedef GLuint(*nkglCreateProgram)(void);
+typedef void(*nkglAttachShader)(GLuint, GLuint);
+typedef void(*nkglDetachShader)(GLuint, GLuint);
+typedef void(*nkglLinkProgram)(GLuint);
+typedef void(*nkglUseProgram)(GLuint);
+typedef void(*nkglGetProgramiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint*);
+typedef void(*nkglGetProgramInfoLog)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei*, GLchar*);
+typedef void(*nkglDeleteProgram)(GLuint);
+typedef GLint(*nkglGetUniformLocation)(GLuint, const GLchar*);
+typedef GLint(*nkglGetAttribLocation)(GLuint, const GLchar*);
+typedef void(*nkglUniform1i)(GLint, GLint);
+typedef void(*nkglUniform1f)(GLint, GLfloat);
+typedef void(*nkglUniformMatrix3fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat*);
+typedef void(*nkglUniformMatrix4fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat*);
+static nkglGenBuffers glGenBuffers;
+static nkglBindBuffer glBindBuffer;
+static nkglBufferData glBufferData;
+static nkglBufferSubData glBufferSubData;
+static nkglMapBuffer glMapBuffer;
+static nkglUnmapBuffer glUnmapBuffer;
+static nkglDeleteBuffers glDeleteBuffers;
+static nkglGenVertexArrays glGenVertexArrays;
+static nkglBindVertexArray glBindVertexArray;
+static nkglDeleteVertexArrays glDeleteVertexArrays;
+static nkglVertexAttribPointer glVertexAttribPointer;
+static nkglEnableVertexAttribArray glEnableVertexAttribArray;
+static nkglDisableVertexAttribArray glDisableVertexAttribArray;
+static nkglGenerateMipmap glGenerateMipmap;
+static nkglCreateShader glCreateShader;
+static nkglShaderSource glShaderSource;
+static nkglCompileShader glCompileShader;
+static nkglGetShaderiv glGetShaderiv;
+static nkglGetShaderInfoLog glGetShaderInfoLog;
+static nkglDeleteShader glDeleteShader;
+static nkglCreateProgram glCreateProgram;
+static nkglAttachShader glAttachShader;
+static nkglDetachShader glDetachShader;
+static nkglLinkProgram glLinkProgram;
+static nkglUseProgram glUseProgram;
+static nkglGetProgramiv glGetProgramiv;
+static nkglGetProgramInfoLog glGetProgramInfoLog;
+static nkglDeleteProgram glDeleteProgram;
+static nkglGetUniformLocation glGetUniformLocation;
+static nkglGetAttribLocation glGetAttribLocation;
+static nkglUniform1i glUniform1i;
+static nkglUniform1f glUniform1f;
+static nkglUniformMatrix3fv glUniformMatrix3fv;
+static nkglUniformMatrix4fv glUniformMatrix4fv;
+enum graphics_card_vendors {
+struct opengl_info {
+ /* info */
+ const char *vendor_str;
+ const char *version_str;
+ const char *extensions_str;
+ const char *renderer_str;
+ const char *glsl_version_str;
+ enum graphics_card_vendors vendor;
+ /* version */
+ float version;
+ int major_version;
+ int minor_version;
+ /* extensions */
+ int glsl_available;
+ int vertex_buffer_obj_available;
+ int vertex_array_obj_available;
+ int map_buffer_range_available;
+ int fragment_program_available;
+ int frame_buffer_object_available;
+struct nk_x11_device {
+ struct opengl_info info;
+ struct nk_buffer cmds;
+ struct nk_draw_null_texture null;
+ GLuint vbo, vao, ebo;
+ GLuint prog;
+ GLuint vert_shdr;
+ GLuint frag_shdr;
+ GLint attrib_pos;
+ GLint attrib_uv;
+ GLint attrib_col;
+ GLint uniform_tex;
+ GLint uniform_proj;
+ GLuint font_tex;
+static struct nk_x11 {
+ struct nk_x11_device ogl;
+ struct nk_context ctx;
+ struct nk_font_atlas atlas;
+ Cursor cursor;
+ Display *dpy;
+ Window win;
+} x11;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ #define NK_SHADER_VERSION "#version 150\n"
+ #define NK_SHADER_VERSION "#version 300 es\n"
+#include <GL/glx.h>
+nk_x11_stricmpn(const char *a, const char *b, int len)
+ int i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < len && a[i] && b[i]; ++i)
+ if (a[i] != b[i]) return 1;
+ if (i != len) return 1;
+ return 0;
+nk_x11_check_extension(struct opengl_info *GL, const char *ext)
+ const char *start, *where, *term;
+ where = strchr(ext, ' ');
+ if (where || *ext == '\0')
+ return FALSE;
+ for (start = GL->extensions_str;;) {
+ where = strstr((const char*)start, ext);
+ if (!where) break;
+ term = where + strlen(ext);
+ if (where == start || *(where - 1) == ' ') {
+ if (*term == ' ' || *term == '\0')
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ start = term;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+#define GL_EXT(name) (nk##name)nk_gl_ext(#name)
+NK_INTERN __GLXextFuncPtr
+nk_gl_ext(const char *name)
+ __GLXextFuncPtr func;
+ func = glXGetProcAddress((const GLubyte*)name);
+ if (!func) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "[GL]: failed to load extension: %s", name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return func;
+nk_load_opengl(struct opengl_info *gl)
+ int failed = FALSE;
+ gl->version_str = (const char*)glGetString(GL_VERSION);
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &gl->major_version);
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION, &gl->minor_version);
+ if (gl->major_version < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "[GL]: Graphics card does not fullfill minimum OpenGL 2.0 support\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ gl->version = (float)gl->major_version + (float)gl->minor_version * 0.1f;
+ gl->renderer_str = (const char*)glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
+ gl->extensions_str = (const char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
+ gl->glsl_version_str = (const char*)glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION);
+ gl->vendor_str = (const char*)glGetString(GL_VENDOR);
+ if (!nk_x11_stricmpn(gl->vendor_str, "ATI", 4) ||
+ !nk_x11_stricmpn(gl->vendor_str, "AMD", 4))
+ gl->vendor = VENDOR_AMD;
+ else if (!nk_x11_stricmpn(gl->vendor_str, "NVIDIA", 6))
+ gl->vendor = VENDOR_NVIDIA;
+ else if (!nk_x11_stricmpn(gl->vendor_str, "Intel", 5))
+ gl->vendor = VENDOR_INTEL;
+ else gl->vendor = VENDOR_UNKNOWN;
+ /* Extensions */
+ gl->glsl_available = (gl->version >= 2.0f);
+ if (gl->glsl_available) {
+ /* GLSL core in OpenGL > 2 */
+ glCreateShader = GL_EXT(glCreateShader);
+ glShaderSource = GL_EXT(glShaderSource);
+ glCompileShader = GL_EXT(glCompileShader);
+ glGetShaderiv = GL_EXT(glGetShaderiv);
+ glGetShaderInfoLog = GL_EXT(glGetShaderInfoLog);
+ glDeleteShader = GL_EXT(glDeleteShader);
+ glCreateProgram = GL_EXT(glCreateProgram);
+ glAttachShader = GL_EXT(glAttachShader);
+ glDetachShader = GL_EXT(glDetachShader);
+ glLinkProgram = GL_EXT(glLinkProgram);
+ glUseProgram = GL_EXT(glUseProgram);
+ glGetProgramiv = GL_EXT(glGetProgramiv);
+ glGetProgramInfoLog = GL_EXT(glGetProgramInfoLog);
+ glDeleteProgram = GL_EXT(glDeleteProgram);
+ glGetUniformLocation = GL_EXT(glGetUniformLocation);
+ glGetAttribLocation = GL_EXT(glGetAttribLocation);
+ glUniform1i = GL_EXT(glUniform1i);
+ glUniform1f = GL_EXT(glUniform1f);
+ glUniformMatrix3fv = GL_EXT(glUniformMatrix3fv);
+ glUniformMatrix4fv = GL_EXT(glUniformMatrix4fv);
+ }
+ gl->vertex_buffer_obj_available = nk_x11_check_extension(gl, "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object");
+ if (gl->vertex_buffer_obj_available) {
+ /* GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object */
+ glGenBuffers = GL_EXT(glGenBuffers);
+ glBindBuffer = GL_EXT(glBindBuffer);
+ glBufferData = GL_EXT(glBufferData);
+ glBufferSubData = GL_EXT(glBufferSubData);
+ glMapBuffer = GL_EXT(glMapBuffer);
+ glUnmapBuffer = GL_EXT(glUnmapBuffer);
+ glDeleteBuffers = GL_EXT(glDeleteBuffers);
+ }
+ gl->fragment_program_available = nk_x11_check_extension(gl, "GL_ARB_fragment_program");
+ if (gl->fragment_program_available) {
+ /* GL_ARB_vertex_program / GL_ARB_fragment_program */
+ glVertexAttribPointer = GL_EXT(glVertexAttribPointer);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray = GL_EXT(glEnableVertexAttribArray);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray = GL_EXT(glDisableVertexAttribArray);
+ }
+ gl->vertex_array_obj_available = nk_x11_check_extension(gl, "GL_ARB_vertex_array_object");
+ if (gl->vertex_array_obj_available) {
+ /* GL_ARB_vertex_array_object */
+ glGenVertexArrays = GL_EXT(glGenVertexArrays);
+ glBindVertexArray = GL_EXT(glBindVertexArray);
+ glDeleteVertexArrays = GL_EXT(glDeleteVertexArrays);
+ }
+ gl->frame_buffer_object_available = nk_x11_check_extension(gl, "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object");
+ if (gl->frame_buffer_object_available) {
+ /* GL_ARB_framebuffer_object */
+ glGenerateMipmap = GL_EXT(glGenerateMipmap);
+ }
+ if (!gl->vertex_buffer_obj_available) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "[GL] Error: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object is not available!\n");
+ failed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!gl->fragment_program_available) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "[GL] Error: GL_ARB_fragment_program is not available!\n");
+ failed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!gl->vertex_array_obj_available) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "[GL] Error: GL_ARB_vertex_array_object is not available!\n");
+ failed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!gl->frame_buffer_object_available) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "[GL] Error: GL_ARB_framebuffer_object is not available!\n");
+ failed = TRUE;
+ }
+ return !failed;
+NK_API int
+ GLint status;
+ static const GLchar *vertex_shader =
+ "uniform mat4 ProjMtx;\n"
+ "in vec2 Position;\n"
+ "in vec2 TexCoord;\n"
+ "in vec4 Color;\n"
+ "out vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
+ "out vec4 Frag_Color;\n"
+ "void main() {\n"
+ " Frag_UV = TexCoord;\n"
+ " Frag_Color = Color;\n"
+ " gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy, 0, 1);\n"
+ "}\n";
+ static const GLchar *fragment_shader =
+ "precision mediump float;\n"
+ "uniform sampler2D Texture;\n"
+ "in vec2 Frag_UV;\n"
+ "in vec4 Frag_Color;\n"
+ "out vec4 Out_Color;\n"
+ "void main(){\n"
+ " Out_Color = Frag_Color * texture(Texture, Frag_UV.st);\n"
+ "}\n";
+ struct nk_x11_device *dev = &x11.ogl;
+ if (!nk_load_opengl(&dev->info)) return 0;
+ nk_buffer_init_default(&dev->cmds);
+ dev->prog = glCreateProgram();
+ dev->vert_shdr = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
+ dev->frag_shdr = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
+ glShaderSource(dev->vert_shdr, 1, &vertex_shader, 0);
+ glShaderSource(dev->frag_shdr, 1, &fragment_shader, 0);
+ glCompileShader(dev->vert_shdr);
+ glCompileShader(dev->frag_shdr);
+ glGetShaderiv(dev->vert_shdr, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ assert(status == GL_TRUE);
+ glGetShaderiv(dev->frag_shdr, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ assert(status == GL_TRUE);
+ glAttachShader(dev->prog, dev->vert_shdr);
+ glAttachShader(dev->prog, dev->frag_shdr);
+ glLinkProgram(dev->prog);
+ glGetProgramiv(dev->prog, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ assert(status == GL_TRUE);
+ dev->uniform_tex = glGetUniformLocation(dev->prog, "Texture");
+ dev->uniform_proj = glGetUniformLocation(dev->prog, "ProjMtx");
+ dev->attrib_pos = glGetAttribLocation(dev->prog, "Position");
+ dev->attrib_uv = glGetAttribLocation(dev->prog, "TexCoord");
+ dev->attrib_col = glGetAttribLocation(dev->prog, "Color");
+ {
+ /* buffer setup */
+ GLsizei vs = sizeof(struct nk_draw_vertex);
+ size_t vp = offsetof(struct nk_draw_vertex, position);
+ size_t vt = offsetof(struct nk_draw_vertex, uv);
+ size_t vc = offsetof(struct nk_draw_vertex, col);
+ glGenBuffers(1, &dev->vbo);
+ glGenBuffers(1, &dev->ebo);
+ glGenVertexArrays(1, &dev->vao);
+ glBindVertexArray(dev->vao);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dev->vbo);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, dev->ebo);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray((GLuint)dev->attrib_pos);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray((GLuint)dev->attrib_uv);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray((GLuint)dev->attrib_col);
+ glVertexAttribPointer((GLuint)dev->attrib_pos, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vs, (void*)vp);
+ glVertexAttribPointer((GLuint)dev->attrib_uv, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vs, (void*)vt);
+ glVertexAttribPointer((GLuint)dev->attrib_col, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, vs, (void*)vc);
+ }
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ glBindVertexArray(0);
+ return 1;
+nk_x11_device_upload_atlas(const void *image, int width, int height)
+ struct nk_x11_device *dev = &x11.ogl;
+ glGenTextures(1, &dev->font_tex);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, dev->font_tex);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, (GLsizei)width, (GLsizei)height, 0,
+NK_API void
+ struct nk_x11_device *dev = &x11.ogl;
+ glDetachShader(dev->prog, dev->vert_shdr);
+ glDetachShader(dev->prog, dev->frag_shdr);
+ glDeleteShader(dev->vert_shdr);
+ glDeleteShader(dev->frag_shdr);
+ glDeleteProgram(dev->prog);
+ glDeleteTextures(1, &dev->font_tex);
+ glDeleteBuffers(1, &dev->vbo);
+ glDeleteBuffers(1, &dev->ebo);
+ nk_buffer_free(&dev->cmds);
+NK_API void
+nk_x11_render(enum nk_anti_aliasing AA, int max_vertex_buffer, int max_element_buffer)
+ int width, height;
+ XWindowAttributes attr;
+ struct nk_x11_device *dev = &x11.ogl;
+ GLfloat ortho[4][4] = {
+ {2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
+ {0.0f,-2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
+ {0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f},
+ {-1.0f,1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f},
+ };
+ XGetWindowAttributes(x11.dpy, x11.win, &attr);
+ width = attr.width;
+ height = attr.height;
+ ortho[0][0] /= (GLfloat)width;
+ ortho[1][1] /= (GLfloat)height;
+ /* setup global state */
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
+ /* setup program */
+ glUseProgram(dev->prog);
+ glUniform1i(dev->uniform_tex, 0);
+ glUniformMatrix4fv(dev->uniform_proj, 1, GL_FALSE, &ortho[0][0]);
+ glViewport(0,0,(GLsizei)width,(GLsizei)height);
+ {
+ /* convert from command queue into draw list and draw to screen */
+ const struct nk_draw_command *cmd;
+ void *vertices, *elements;
+ const nk_draw_index *offset = NULL;
+ /* allocate vertex and element buffer */
+ glBindVertexArray(dev->vao);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dev->vbo);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, dev->ebo);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, max_vertex_buffer, NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
+ glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, max_element_buffer, NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
+ /* load draw vertices & elements directly into vertex + element buffer */
+ vertices = glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY);
+ {
+ /* fill converting configuration */
+ struct nk_convert_config config;
+ memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
+ config.global_alpha = 1.0f;
+ config.shape_AA = AA;
+ config.line_AA = AA;
+ config.circle_segment_count = 22;
+ config.curve_segment_count = 22;
+ config.arc_segment_count = 22;
+ config.null = dev->null;
+ /* setup buffers to load vertices and elements */
+ {struct nk_buffer vbuf, ebuf;
+ nk_buffer_init_fixed(&vbuf, vertices, (size_t)max_vertex_buffer);
+ nk_buffer_init_fixed(&ebuf, elements, (size_t)max_element_buffer);
+ nk_convert(&x11.ctx, &dev->cmds, &vbuf, &ebuf, &config);}
+ }
+ glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ /* iterate over and execute each draw command */
+ nk_draw_foreach(cmd, &x11.ctx, &dev->cmds)
+ {
+ if (!cmd->elem_count) continue;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (GLuint)cmd->texture.id);
+ glScissor(
+ (GLint)(cmd->clip_rect.x),
+ (GLint)((height - (GLint)(cmd->clip_rect.y + cmd->clip_rect.h))),
+ (GLint)(cmd->clip_rect.w),
+ (GLint)(cmd->clip_rect.h));
+ glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, (GLsizei)cmd->elem_count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, offset);
+ offset += cmd->elem_count;
+ }
+ nk_clear(&x11.ctx);
+ }
+ /* default OpenGL state */
+ glUseProgram(0);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ glBindVertexArray(0);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+NK_API void
+nk_x11_font_stash_begin(struct nk_font_atlas **atlas)
+ nk_font_atlas_init_default(&x11.atlas);
+ nk_font_atlas_begin(&x11.atlas);
+ *atlas = &x11.atlas;
+NK_API void
+ const void *image; int w, h;
+ image = nk_font_atlas_bake(&x11.atlas, &w, &h, NK_FONT_ATLAS_RGBA32);
+ nk_x11_device_upload_atlas(image, w, h);
+ nk_font_atlas_end(&x11.atlas, nk_handle_id((int)x11.ogl.font_tex), &x11.ogl.null);
+ if (x11.atlas.default_font)
+ nk_style_set_font(&x11.ctx, &x11.atlas.default_font->handle);
+NK_API void
+nk_x11_handle_event(XEvent *evt)
+ struct nk_context *ctx = &x11.ctx;
+ /* optional grabbing behavior */
+ if (ctx->input.mouse.grab) {
+ XDefineCursor(x11.dpy, x11.win, x11.cursor);
+ ctx->input.mouse.grab = 0;
+ } else if (ctx->input.mouse.ungrab) {
+ XWarpPointer(x11.dpy, None, x11.win, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ (int)ctx->input.mouse.prev.x, (int)ctx->input.mouse.prev.y);
+ XUndefineCursor(x11.dpy, x11.win);
+ ctx->input.mouse.ungrab = 0;
+ }
+ if (evt->type == KeyPress || evt->type == KeyRelease)
+ {
+ /* Key handler */
+ int ret, down = (evt->type == KeyPress);
+ KeySym *code = XGetKeyboardMapping(x11.dpy, (KeyCode)evt->xkey.keycode, 1, &ret);
+ if (*code == XK_Shift_L || *code == XK_Shift_R) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_SHIFT, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_Delete) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_DEL, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_Return) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_ENTER, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_Tab) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TAB, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_Left) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_LEFT, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_Right) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_RIGHT, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_BackSpace) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_BACKSPACE, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_Home) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_START, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_End) nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_END, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_space && !down) nk_input_char(ctx, ' ');
+ else {
+ if (*code == 'c' && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_COPY, down);
+ else if (*code == 'v' && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_PASTE, down);
+ else if (*code == 'x' && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_CUT, down);
+ else if (*code == 'z' && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_UNDO, down);
+ else if (*code == 'r' && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_REDO, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_Left && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_WORD_LEFT, down);
+ else if (*code == XK_Right && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_WORD_RIGHT, down);
+ else if (*code == 'b' && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_LINE_START, down);
+ else if (*code == 'e' && (evt->xkey.state & ControlMask))
+ nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_LINE_END, down);
+ else if (!down) {
+ char buf[32];
+ KeySym keysym = 0;
+ if (XLookupString((XKeyEvent*)evt, buf, 32, &keysym, NULL) != NoSymbol)
+ nk_input_glyph(ctx, buf);
+ }
+ }
+ XFree(code);
+ } else if (evt->type == ButtonPress || evt->type == ButtonRelease) {
+ /* Button handler */
+ int down = (evt->type == ButtonPress);
+ const int x = evt->xbutton.x, y = evt->xbutton.y;
+ if (evt->xbutton.button == Button1)
+ nk_input_button(ctx, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, x, y, down);
+ if (evt->xbutton.button == Button2)
+ nk_input_button(ctx, NK_BUTTON_MIDDLE, x, y, down);
+ else if (evt->xbutton.button == Button3)
+ nk_input_button(ctx, NK_BUTTON_RIGHT, x, y, down);
+ else if (evt->xbutton.button == Button4)
+ nk_input_scroll(ctx, 1.0f);
+ else if (evt->xbutton.button == Button5)
+ nk_input_scroll(ctx, -1.0f);
+ } else if (evt->type == MotionNotify) {
+ /* Mouse motion handler */
+ const int x = evt->xmotion.x, y = evt->xmotion.y;
+ nk_input_motion(ctx, x, y);
+ if (ctx->input.mouse.grabbed)
+ XWarpPointer(x11.dpy, None, x11.win, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int)ctx->input.mouse.prev.x, (int)ctx->input.mouse.prev.y);
+ } else if (evt->type == KeymapNotify)
+ XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&evt->xmapping);
+NK_API struct nk_context*
+nk_x11_init(Display *dpy, Window win)
+ if (!setlocale(LC_ALL,"")) return 0;
+ if (!XSupportsLocale()) return 0;
+ if (!XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=none")) return 0;
+ if (!nk_x11_device_create()) return 0;
+ x11.dpy = dpy;
+ x11.win = win;
+ /* create invisible cursor */
+ {XColor dummy; char data[1] = {0};
+ Pixmap blank = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, win, data, 1, 1);
+ if (blank == None) return 0;
+ x11.cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(dpy, blank, blank, &dummy, &dummy, 0, 0);
+ XFreePixmap(dpy, blank);}
+ nk_init_default(&x11.ctx, 0);
+ return &x11.ctx;
+NK_API void
+ nk_font_atlas_clear(&x11.atlas);
+ nk_free(&x11.ctx);
+ nk_x11_device_destroy();
+ XFreeCursor(x11.dpy, x11.cursor);
+ memset(&x11, 0, sizeof(x11));
diff --git a/src/simulator/src/Gui/test.c b/src/simulator/src/Gui/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f742fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/src/Gui/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "nuklear.h"
+#include "nuklear_xlib_gl3.h"
+#define WINDOW_WIDTH 1200
+#define WINDOW_HEIGHT 800
+#define MAX_VERTEX_BUFFER 512 * 1024
+#define MAX_ELEMENT_BUFFER 128 * 1024
+#define UNUSED(a) (void)a
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
+#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a)[0])
+struct XWindow {
+ Display *dpy;
+ Window win;
+ XVisualInfo *vis;
+ Colormap cmap;
+ XSetWindowAttributes swa;
+ XWindowAttributes attr;
+ GLXFBConfig fbc;
+ int width, height;
+static int gl_err = FALSE;
+static int gl_error_handler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ev) {
+ UNUSED((dpy, ev));
+ gl_err = TRUE;
+ return 0;
+static void die(const char *fmt, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ fputs("\n", stderr);
+static int has_extension(const char *string, const char *ext) {
+ const char *start, *where, *term;
+ where = strchr(ext, ' ');
+ if (where || *ext == '\0')
+ return FALSE;
+ for (start = string;;) {
+ where = strstr((const char*)start, ext);
+ if (!where) break;
+ term = where + strlen(ext);
+ if (where == start || *(where - 1) == ' ') {
+ if (*term == ' ' || *term == '\0')
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ start = term;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+int main2() {
+ /* Platform */
+ int running = 1;
+ struct XWindow win;
+ GLXContext glContext;
+ struct nk_context *ctx;
+ struct nk_color background;
+ memset(&win, 0, sizeof(win));
+ win.dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
+ if (!win.dpy) {
+ die("Failed to open X display\n");
+ }
+ {
+ /* check glx version */
+ int glx_major, glx_minor;
+ if (!glXQueryVersion(win.dpy, &glx_major, &glx_minor))
+ die("[X11]: Error: Failed to query OpenGL version\n");
+ if ((glx_major == 1 && glx_minor < 3) || (glx_major < 1))
+ die("[X11]: Error: Invalid GLX version!\n");
+ }
+ {
+ /* find and pick matching framebuffer visual */
+ int fb_count;
+ static GLint attr[] = {
+ None
+ };
+ GLXFBConfig *fbc;
+ fbc = glXChooseFBConfig(win.dpy, DefaultScreen(win.dpy), attr, &fb_count);
+ if (!fbc) {
+ die("[X11]: Error: failed to retrieve framebuffer configuration\n");
+ }
+ {
+ /* pick framebuffer with most samples per pixel */
+ int i;
+ int fb_best = -1, best_num_samples = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < fb_count; ++i) {
+ XVisualInfo *vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(win.dpy, fbc[i]);
+ if (vi) {
+ int sample_buffer, samples;
+ glXGetFBConfigAttrib(win.dpy, fbc[i], GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, &sample_buffer);
+ glXGetFBConfigAttrib(win.dpy, fbc[i], GLX_SAMPLES, &samples);
+ if ((fb_best < 0) || (sample_buffer && samples > best_num_samples))
+ fb_best = i; best_num_samples = samples;
+ }
+ }
+ win.fbc = fbc[fb_best];
+ XFree(fbc);
+ win.vis = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(win.dpy, win.fbc);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /* create window */
+ win.cmap = XCreateColormap(win.dpy, RootWindow(win.dpy, win.vis->screen), win.vis->visual, AllocNone);
+ win.swa.colormap = win.cmap;
+ win.swa.background_pixmap = None;
+ win.swa.border_pixel = 0;
+ win.swa.event_mask =
+ ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
+ ButtonPress | ButtonReleaseMask| ButtonMotionMask |
+ Button1MotionMask | Button3MotionMask | Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask|
+ PointerMotionMask| StructureNotifyMask;
+ win.win = XCreateWindow(win.dpy, RootWindow(win.dpy, win.vis->screen), 0, 0,
+ WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, win.vis->depth, InputOutput,
+ win.vis->visual, CWBorderPixel|CWColormap|CWEventMask, &win.swa);
+ if (!win.win) die("[X11]: Failed to create window\n");
+ XFree(win.vis);
+ XStoreName(win.dpy, win.win, "glutt-o-matique simulator 3000");
+ XMapWindow(win.dpy, win.win);
+ }
+ {
+ /* create opengl context */
+ typedef GLXContext(*glxCreateContext)(Display*, GLXFBConfig, GLXContext, Bool, const int*);
+ int(*old_handler)(Display*, XErrorEvent*) = XSetErrorHandler(gl_error_handler);
+ const char *extensions_str = glXQueryExtensionsString(win.dpy, DefaultScreen(win.dpy));
+ glxCreateContext create_context = (glxCreateContext)
+ glXGetProcAddressARB((const GLubyte*)"glXCreateContextAttribsARB");
+ gl_err = FALSE;
+ if (!has_extension(extensions_str, "GLX_ARB_create_context") || !create_context) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "[X11]: glXCreateContextAttribARB() not found...\n");
+ fprintf(stdout, "[X11]: ... using old-style GLX context\n");
+ glContext = glXCreateNewContext(win.dpy, win.fbc, GLX_RGBA_TYPE, 0, True);
+ } else {
+ GLint attr[] = {
+ None
+ };
+ glContext = create_context(win.dpy, win.fbc, 0, True, attr);
+ XSync(win.dpy, False);
+ if (gl_err || !glContext) {
+ /* Could not create GL 3.0 context. Fallback to old 2.x context.
+ * If a version below 3.0 is requested, implementations will
+ * return the newest context version compatible with OpenGL
+ * version less than version 3.0.*/
+ attr[1] = 1; attr[3] = 0;
+ gl_err = FALSE;
+ fprintf(stdout, "[X11] Failed to create OpenGL 3.0 context\n");
+ fprintf(stdout, "[X11] ... using old-style GLX context!\n");
+ glContext = create_context(win.dpy, win.fbc, 0, True, attr);
+ }
+ }
+ XSync(win.dpy, False);
+ XSetErrorHandler(old_handler);
+ if (gl_err || !glContext)
+ die("[X11]: Failed to create an OpenGL context\n");
+ glXMakeCurrent(win.dpy, win.win, glContext);
+ }
+ ctx = nk_x11_init(win.dpy, win.win);
+ /* Load Fonts: if none of these are loaded a default font will be used */
+ {struct nk_font_atlas *atlas;
+ nk_x11_font_stash_begin(&atlas);
+ nk_x11_font_stash_end();
+ }
+ background = nk_rgb(28,48,62);
+ static char box_buffer[512];
+ static int box_len;
+ while (running)
+ {
+ /* Input */
+ XEvent evt;
+ nk_input_begin(ctx);
+ while (XCheckWindowEvent(win.dpy, win.win, win.swa.event_mask, &evt)){
+ if (XFilterEvent(&evt, win.win)) continue;
+ nk_x11_handle_event(&evt);
+ }
+ nk_input_end(ctx);
+ /* GUI */
+ {struct nk_panel layout;
+ nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
+ nk_label(ctx, "UART Output:", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
+ nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 75, 1);
+ nk_edit_string(ctx, NK_EDIT_BOX, box_buffer, &box_len, 512, nk_filter_default);
+ /* #<{(| nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_STATIC, 25, 2, ratio); |)}># */
+ /* active = nk_edit_string(ctx, NK_EDIT_FIELD|NK_EDIT_SIG_ENTER, text[7], &text_len[7], 64, nk_filter_ascii); */
+ /* if (nk_button_label(ctx, "Submit", NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT) || */
+ /* (active & NK_EDIT_COMMITED)) */
+ /* { */
+ /* text[7][text_len[7]] = '\n'; */
+ /* text_len[7]++; */
+ /* memcpy(&box_buffer[box_len], &text[7], (nk_size)text_len[7]); */
+ /* box_len += text_len[7]; */
+ /* text_len[7] = 0; */
+ /* } */
+ nk_layout_row_end(ctx);
+ /* nk_property_int(ctx, "Compression:", 0, &property, 100, 10, 1); */
+ }
+ nk_end(ctx);}
+ /* if (nk_window_is_closed(ctx, "Demo")) break; */
+ {
+ float bg[4];
+ nk_color_fv(bg, background);
+ XGetWindowAttributes(win.dpy, win.win, &win.attr);
+ glViewport(0, 0, win.width, win.height);
+ glClearColor(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2], bg[3]);
+ glXSwapBuffers(win.dpy, win.win);
+ }
+ }
+ nk_x11_shutdown();
+ glXMakeCurrent(win.dpy, 0, 0);
+ glXDestroyContext(win.dpy, glContext);
+ XUnmapWindow(win.dpy, win.win);
+ XFreeColormap(win.dpy, win.cmap);
+ XDestroyWindow(win.dpy, win.win);
+ XCloseDisplay(win.dpy);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/simulator/vc.h b/src/simulator/vc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d7797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simulator/vc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+// This file is generated by Makefile.
+// Do not edit this file!
+#define GIT_VERSION "4803231"