path: root/opencores/uart16550/bench/verilog/uart_testbench.v
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1366 deletions
diff --git a/opencores/uart16550/bench/verilog/uart_testbench.v b/opencores/uart16550/bench/verilog/uart_testbench.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e126ade51..000000000
--- a/opencores/uart16550/bench/verilog/uart_testbench.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1366 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// uart_testbench.v ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "uart16550" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/projects/uart16550/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - tadej@opencores.org (Tadej Markovic) ////
-//// ////
-//// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
-//// file. ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 authors ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-// CVS Revision History
-// $Log: uart_testbench.v,v $
-// Revision 1.1 2004/03/27 03:55:17 tadejm
-// Testbench with complete selfchecking. BUG is that THRE status is set at the end of last sent bit when TX FIFO is empty instead when only TX FIFO gets empty. This causes testcases not to finish.
-`include "uart_defines.v"
-`include "uart_testbench_defines.v"
-`include "wb_model_defines.v"
-`include "timescale.v"
-module testbench;
-parameter max_wait_cnt = 20000;
-// INTERNAL signals
- // WB slave signals
- //#################
- // UART Wishbone Slave signals
- wire wb_int_o;
- wire [`UART_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_adr_i;
- wire [`UART_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_i;
- wire [`UART_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
- wire [3:0] wbs_sel_i;
- wire wbs_cyc_i;
- wire wbs_stb_i;
- wire [2:0] wbs_cti_i;
- wire [1:0] wbs_bte_i;
- wire wbs_we_i;
- wire wbs_ack_o;
- wire wbs_rty_o = 1'b0;
- wire wbs_err_o = 1'b0;
- // UART signals
- //#############
- // UART Serial Data I/O signals
- wire stx_pad_o;
- wire srx_pad_i;
- // UART Modem I/O signals
- wire rts_pad_o;
- wire cts_pad_i;
- wire dtr_pad_o;
- wire dsr_pad_i;
- wire ri_pad_i;
- wire dcd_pad_i;
- wire baud_o;
- `endif
- // System signals
- //###############
- // WB clock signal
- reg wb_clk; // divided device clock with period T_wb_clk_period
- // WB clock enable signal
- reg wb_clk_en = 1'b1;
- // WB clock period variable
- real T_wb_clk_period = 20;
- // WB reset signal
- reg wb_reset;
- event reset_aserted;
- event reset_released;
- event int_aserted;
- event int_released;
- // Error detection event
- event error_detected;
- // UART register monitor
- //#########################
- // Line Status Register
- // Reading LSR register
- reg lsr_reg_read;
- // Bit 0 - Data Ready
- reg lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed;
- // Bit 1 - Overrun Error
- reg lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed;
- // Bit 2 - Parity Error
- reg lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed;
- reg [4:0] rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer;
- integer i2;
- // Bit 3 - Framing Error
- reg lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed;
- reg [4:0] rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer;
- integer i3;
- // Bit 4 - Break Interrupt
- reg lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed;
- reg [4:0] rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer;
- integer i4;
- // Bit 5 - Transmitter Holding Register Empty
- reg lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed;
- // Bit 6 - Transmitter Empty
- reg lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed;
- // Bit 7 - Error in RX FIFO
- reg lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed;
- // UART transmitter monitor
- //#########################
- // TX FIFO signals
- reg [7:0] tx_shift_reg;
- reg tx_shift_reg_empty;
- reg tx_start_bit_edge;
- reg [7:0] tx_fifo [0:31];
- reg [4:0] tx_fifo_wr_pointer;
- reg [4:0] tx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- reg [4:0] tx_fifo_status;
- // UART receiver monitor
- //######################
- // RX FIFO signals
- reg [7:0] rx_shift_reg;
- reg rx_shift_reg_full;
- reg rx_parity_err;
- reg rx_framing_err;
- reg rx_framing_glitch;
- reg rx_break_int;
- reg rx_overrun_err_occured;
- reg [7:0] rx_fifo_data [0:31];
- reg [31:0] rx_fifo_par;
- reg [31:0] rx_fifo_frm;
- reg [31:0] rx_fifo_brk;
- reg [4:0] rx_fifo_wr_pointer;
- reg [4:0] rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- reg [4:0] rx_fifo_status;
- reg rx_fifo_read;
- // UART register tracker
- //######################
- // Registers
- wire [7:0] ier_reg;
- wire [7:0] iir_reg;
- wire [7:0] fcr_reg;
- wire [7:0] lcr_reg;
- wire [7:0] mcr_reg;
- wire [7:0] lsr_reg;
- wire [7:0] msr_reg;
- wire [7:0] dll_reg;
- wire [7:0] dlm_reg;
- // Events
- event ier_reg_changed;
- event iir_reg_changed;
- event fcr_reg_changed;
- event lcr_reg_changed;
- event mcr_reg_changed;
- event lsr_reg_changed;
- event msr_reg_changed;
- event dll_reg_changed;
- event dlm_reg_changed;
- // Register access
- reg [`UART_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] reg_adr;
- reg [`UART_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg_dat;
- reg reg_dlab;
- event reg_written;
- event tx_reg_written;
- event reg_read;
- event rx_reg_read;
-uart_top #(`UART_DATA_WIDTH, `UART_ADDR_WIDTH) i_uart_top
- .wb_clk_i (wb_clk),
- .wb_rst_i (wb_reset),
- .int_o (wb_int_o),
-// WB slave signals - 2 address locations for two registers!
- .wb_cyc_i (wbs_cyc_i),
- .wb_stb_i (wbs_stb_i),
- .wb_we_i (wbs_we_i),
- .wb_sel_i (wbs_sel_i),
- .wb_adr_i (wbs_adr_i),
- .wb_dat_i (wbs_dat_i),
- .wb_dat_o (wbs_dat_o),
- .wb_ack_o (wbs_ack_o),
-// UART signals
- .stx_pad_o (stx_pad_o),
- .srx_pad_i (srx_pad_i),
-// Modem signals
- .rts_pad_o (rts_pad_o),
- .cts_pad_i (cts_pad_i),
- .dtr_pad_o (dtr_pad_o),
- .dsr_pad_i (dsr_pad_i),
- .ri_pad_i (ri_pad_i),
- .dcd_pad_i (dcd_pad_i)
- ,
- .baud_o (baud_o)
-uart_device i_uart_device
-// UART signals
- .stx_i (stx_pad_o),
- .srx_o (srx_pad_i),
-// Modem signals
- .rts_i (rts_pad_o),
- .cts_o (cts_pad_i),
- .dtr_i (dtr_pad_o),
- .dsr_o (dsr_pad_i),
- .ri_o (ri_pad_i),
- .dcd_o (dcd_pad_i)
-wb_master_model #(`UART_DATA_WIDTH, `UART_ADDR_WIDTH, 4) i_wb_master_model
- .wb_rst_i (wb_reset),
- .wb_clk_i (wb_clk),
- .wbm_cyc_o (wbs_cyc_i),
- .wbm_cti_o (),
- .wbm_bte_o (),
- .wbm_stb_o (wbs_stb_i),
- .wbm_we_o (wbs_we_i),
- .wbm_adr_o (wbs_adr_i),
- .wbm_sel_o (wbs_sel_i),
- .wbm_dat_o (wbs_dat_i),
- .wbm_dat_i (wbs_dat_o),
- .wbm_ack_i (wbs_ack_o),
- .wbm_err_i (wbs_err_o), // inactive (1'b0)
- .wbm_rty_i (wbs_rty_o) // inactive (1'b0)
- // Initial system values
- wb_reset = 1'b1;
- wb_clk = 1'b0;
-// WB clock generation (DEVICE clock is generated in uart_device.v)
- // DEVICE's clock generation:
- // ----------------
- // // rx_clk rising edge
- // always@(posedge rx_clk)
- // if (rx_clk_en)
- // #(T_clk_period / 2) rx_clk = 1'b0;
- // // rx_clk falling edge
- // always@(negedge rx_clk)
- // if (rx_clk_en)
- // #(T_clk_period / 2) rx_clk = 1'b1;
- // ----------------
- // DEVICE's transmit clocks generation:
- // ----------------
- // // tx_clk rising edge
- // always@(posedge tx_clk)
- // if (tx_clk_en)
- // #((T_clk_period / 2) * 16 * T_divisor) tx_clk = 1'b0;
- // // tx_clk falling edge
- // always@(negedge tx_clk)
- // if (tx_clk_en)
- // #((T_clk_period / 2) * 16 * T_divisor) tx_clk = 1'b1;
- // ----------------
- // WB clock
- always@(posedge wb_clk)
- if (wb_clk_en)
- #(T_wb_clk_period / 2) wb_clk = 1'b0;
- always@(negedge wb_clk)
- if (wb_clk_en)
- #(T_wb_clk_period / 2) wb_clk = 1'b1;
-// SYSTEM signals tracker
- // Reset
- always@(posedge wb_reset)
- -> reset_aserted;
- always@(negedge wb_reset)
- -> reset_released;
- // Interrupt
- always@(posedge wb_int_o)
- -> int_aserted;
- always@(negedge wb_int_o)
- -> int_released;
-// UART register tracker
- // UART registers:
- // ----------------
- // RBR (R/ | ADR 0 | DLAB 0)
- // [7:0] -RX---- "rxdata" Receiver Buffer Register
- // ----------------
- // THR ( /W | ADR 0 | DLAB 0)
- // [7:0] ----TX- "txdata" Transmitter Holding Register
- // ----------------
- // IER (R/W | ADR 1 | DLAB 0)
- // [0] -RX---- "1" Received Data Available & Receive Fifo Timeout
- // [1] ----TX- "1" Transmitter Holding Register Empty
- // [2] -RX---- "1" Receiver Line Status
- // [3] -MODEM- "1" Modem Status
- // ----------------
- // IIR (R/ | ADR 2)
- // [0] ------- "0" Interrupt is Pending (decreasing priority level in following 3 bits)
- // [3:1] -RX---- "011" Receiver Line Status - Overrun, Parity, Framing error or Break int. ---> READ LSR
- // [3:1] -RX---- "010" Received Data Available - Fifo Trigger Level Reached ------------------> READ RBR (Fifo lower than trig.)
- // [3:1] -RX---- "110" Timeout Indication - Fifo not empty & no Fifo action for 4 char times -> READ RBR
- // [3:1] ----TX- "001" Transmitter Holding Register Empty - THR Empty ------------------------> READ IIR | WRITE THR
- // [3:1] -MODEM- "000" Modem Status - CTS, DSR, DCD changed or RI changed from '0' to '1' ----> READ MSR
- // ----------------
- // FCR ( /W | ADR 2)
- // [1] -RX---- "1" Clear only Receiver Fifo (not shift register)
- // [2] ----TX- "1" Clear only Transmitter Fifo (not shift register)
- // [7:6] -RX---- "00" 1 BYTE Receiver Fifo Interrupt trigger level
- // [7:6] -RX---- "01" 4 BYTEs Receiver Fifo Interrupt trigger level
- // [7:6] -RX---- "10" 8 BYTEs Receiver Fifo Interrupt trigger level
- // [7:6] -RX---- "11" 14 BYTEs Receiver Fifo Interrupt trigger level
- // ----------------
- // LCR (R/W | ADR 3)
- // [1:0] -RX-TX- "00" 5 bits in each character
- // [1:0] -RX-TX- "01" 6 bits in each character
- // [1:0] -RX-TX- "10" 7 bits in each character
- // [1:0] -RX-TX- "11" 8 bits in each character
- // [2] -RX-TX- "0" 1 stop bit
- // [2] -RX-TX- "1" 1.5 stop bits (when 5 bits of char.) or 2 stop bits (when 6, 7 or 8 bits of char.)
- // [3] -RX-TX- "1" Parity bit enabled
- // [5:4] -RX-TX- "00" NO Stick Parity & ODD Parity bit - ODD num. of '1's is transmitted
- // [5:4] -RX-TX- "01" NO Stick Parity & EVEN Parity bit - EVEN num. of '1's is transmitted
- // [5:4] -RX-TX- "10" Stick Parity bit - Stick '1' as Parity bit
- // [5:4] -RX-TX- "11" Stick Parity bit - Stick '0' as Parity bit
- // [6] ----TX- "1" Break Control - Output is forced to '0'
- // [7] ------- "1" DLAB - for access to DLL and DLM
- // ----------------
- // MCR ( /W | ADR 4)
- // [0] -MODEM- "1" Force DTR to '0' - in LoopBack connected to DSR input
- // [1] -MODEM- "1" Force RTS to '0' - in LoopBack connected to CTS input
- // [2] -MODEM- "1" Force N.C.1 to '0' - in LoopBack connected to RI input
- // [3] -MODEM- "1" Force N.C.2 to '0' - in LoopBack connected to DCD input
- // [4] -MODEM- "1" LoopBack mode
- // ----------------
- // LSR (R/ | ADR 5)
- // [0] -RX---- "1" Data Ready - At least 1 char. received and is in Fifo----------> READ RBR (Fifo empty)
- // [1] -RX---- "1" Overrun Error - Fifo full & 1 char. received in shift reg. ----> READ LSR
- // [2] -RX---- "1" Parity Error - top Fifo char. has invalid parity bit ----------> READ LSR
- // [3] -RX---- "1" Framing Error - top Fifo char. has invalid stop bit -----------> READ LSR
- // [4] -RX---- "1" Break Int. - top Fifo char. bits are '0' and it's ctrl. bits --> READ LSR
- // [5] ----TX- "1" Transmitter Holding Register Empty - transmitter Fifo empty ---> WRITE THR
- // [6] ----TX- "1" Transmitter EMpTy - transmitter Fifo empty & shift reg. empty -> WRITE THR
- // [7] -RX---- "1" At least 1 Parity Error, Framing Error or Break Int. in Fifo --> READ LSR & No More Errors in Fifo
- // ----------------
- // MSR (R/ | ADR 6)
- // [0] -MODEM- "1" Delta CTS indicator - CTS has changed it's state --------------> READ MSR
- // [1] -MODEM- "1" Delta DSR indicator - DSR has changed it's state --------------> READ MSR
- // [2] -MODEM- "1" Trailing Edge of RI - RI has changed from '0' to '1' ----------> READ MSR
- // [3] -MODEM- "1" Delta DCD indicator - DCD has changed it's state --------------> READ MSR
- // [4] -MODEM- "x" Complement of CTS input | in LoopBack equal to RTS = MCR[1]
- // [5] -MODEM- "x" Complement of DSR input | in LoopBack equal to DTR = MCR[0]
- // [6] -MODEM- "x" Complement of RI input | in LoopBack equal to N.C.1 = MCR[2]
- // [7] -MODEM- "x" Complement of DCD input | in LoopBack equal to N.C.2 = MCR[3]
- // ----------------
- // DLL (R/W | ADR 0 | DLAB 1)
- // [7:0] ------- "dl[ 7:0]" LSB of DL Reg. written 2. - dl == '0' disables outputs / dl = 1/(T_wb_clk_period*16*BaudRate)
- // ----------------
- // DLM (R/W | ADR 1 | DLAB 1)
- // [7:0] ------- "dl[15:8]" MSB of DL Reg. written 1. - dl == '0' disables outputs / dl = 1/(T_wb_clk_period*16*BaudRate)
- // ----------------
- // Transparent UART registers
- assign ier_reg[7:0] = {4'h0, testbench.i_uart_top.regs.ier };
- assign iir_reg[7:0] = {4'hC, testbench.i_uart_top.regs.iir };
- assign fcr_reg[7:0] = { testbench.i_uart_top.regs.fcr, 6'h0};
- assign lcr_reg[7:0] = { testbench.i_uart_top.regs.lcr }; // lcr_reg[7] == DLAB !!!
- assign mcr_reg[7:0] = {3'h0, testbench.i_uart_top.regs.mcr };
- assign lsr_reg[7:0] = { testbench.i_uart_top.regs.lsr };
- assign msr_reg[7:0] = { testbench.i_uart_top.regs.msr };
- assign dll_reg[7:0] = { testbench.i_uart_top.regs.dl[ 7:0] };
- assign dlm_reg[7:0] = { testbench.i_uart_top.regs.dl[15:8] };
- // Tracking changes of registers
- always@(ier_reg)
- begin
- -> ier_reg_changed;
- end
- always@(iir_reg)
- begin
- -> iir_reg_changed;
- end
- always@(fcr_reg)
- begin
- -> fcr_reg_changed;
- end
- always@(lcr_reg)
- begin
- -> lcr_reg_changed;
- end
- always@(mcr_reg)
- begin
- -> mcr_reg_changed;
- end
- always@(lsr_reg)
- begin
- -> lsr_reg_changed;
- end
- always@(msr_reg)
- begin
- -> msr_reg_changed;
- end
- always@(dll_reg)
- begin
- -> dll_reg_changed;
- end
- always@(dlm_reg)
- begin
- -> dlm_reg_changed;
- end
- // Tracking read/write access to registers
- always@(wbs_cyc_i or wbs_stb_i or wbs_we_i or wbs_sel_i or wbs_adr_i or
- wbs_dat_i /*or wbs_ack_o*/ /*or posedge wb_clk*/)
- begin
- if (wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i)
- begin
- if (wbs_we_i /*&& wbs_ack_o*/) // WRITE
- begin
- // LOG's example of detecting of register write:
- // ----------------
- // case (wbs_adr_i)
- // `UART_REG_TR: if (lcr_reg[7]) // lcr_reg[7] == DLAB !!!
- // -> dll_reg_written;
- // else
- // -> thr_reg_written;
- // `UART_REG_IE: if (lcr_reg[7]) // lcr_reg[7] == DLAB !!!
- // -> dlm_reg_written;
- // else
- // -> ier_reg_written;
- // `UART_REG_FC: -> fcr_reg_written;
- // `UART_REG_LC: -> lcr_reg_written;
- // `UART_REG_MC: -> mcr_reg_written;
- // default: -> erroneous_write_location;
- // endcase
- // ----------------
- reg_adr = wbs_adr_i;
- reg_dat = wbs_dat_i;
- reg_dlab = lcr_reg[7];
- -> reg_written;
- if (~reg_dlab && (reg_adr == `UART_REG_TR)) // write to FIFO
- -> tx_reg_written;
- end
- end
- end
- always@(wbs_cyc_i or wbs_stb_i or wbs_we_i or wbs_sel_i or wbs_adr_i or
- wbs_dat_o or wbs_ack_o /*or posedge wb_clk*/)
- begin
- if (wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i)
- begin
- if (~wbs_we_i && wbs_ack_o) // READ
- begin
- // LOG's example of detecting of register read:
- // ----------------
- // case (wbs_adr_i)
- // `UART_REG_RB: if (lcr_reg[7]) // lcr_reg[7] == DLAB !!!
- // -> dll_reg_read;
- // else
- // -> rbr_reg_read;
- // `UART_REG_IE: if (lcr_reg[7]) // lcr_reg[7] == DLAB !!!
- // -> dlm_reg_read;
- // else
- // -> ier_reg_read;
- // `UART_REG_II: -> iir_reg_read;
- // `UART_REG_LC: -> lcr_reg_read;
- // `UART_REG_LS: -> lsr_reg_read;
- // `UART_REG_MS: -> msr_reg_read;
- // default: -> erroneous_read_location;
- // endcase
- // ----------------
- reg_adr = wbs_adr_i;
- reg_dat = wbs_dat_o;
- reg_dlab = lcr_reg[7];
- -> reg_read;
- if (~reg_dlab && (reg_adr == `UART_REG_RB))
- -> rx_reg_read;
- end
- end
- end
-// UART register monitor
- // Line Status Register
- // Reading LSR register
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_read = 0;
- forever
- begin
- @(reg_read);
- if (reg_adr == `UART_REG_LS)
- begin
- lsr_reg_read = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- lsr_reg_read = 0;
- end
- end
- end
- // Bit 0 - Data Ready
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed = 0;
- @(reset_released);
- #10;
- fork
- begin: rx_fifo_status_changing
- forever
- begin
- if (rx_fifo_status == 0)
- begin
- wait (rx_fifo_status > 0);
- lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed = 0;
- if (~lsr_reg[0])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 0 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- wait (rx_fifo_status == 0);
- lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed = 0;
- if (lsr_reg[0])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 0 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin: lsr_reg_bit0_changing
- forever
- begin
- wait (~lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed);
- begin
- @(lsr_reg[0] or lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed);
- if (~lsr_reg_bit0_change_allowed)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 0 of LSR register should not change!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
- // Bit 1 - Overrun Error
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed = 0;
- @(reset_released);
- #10;
- fork
- begin: rx_overrun_err_occured_changing
- forever
- begin
- if (~rx_overrun_err_occured)
- begin
- wait (rx_overrun_err_occured);
- lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed = 0;
- if (~lsr_reg[1])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 1 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- wait (lsr_reg_read);
- lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed = 0;
- rx_overrun_err_occured = 0;
- if (lsr_reg[1])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 1 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin: lsr_reg_bit1_changing
- forever
- begin
- wait (~lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed);
- begin
- @(lsr_reg[1] or lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed);
- if (~lsr_reg_bit1_change_allowed)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 1 of LSR register should not change!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
- // Bit 2 - Parity Error
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed = 0;
- rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer = 0;
- @(reset_released);
- #10;
- fork
- begin: rx_parity_err_changing
- forever
- begin
- if (~rx_fifo_par[rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer])
- begin
- wait (rx_fifo_read);
- lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed = 0;
- rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer + 1'b1;
- // check bit
- if (~lsr_reg[2] && rx_fifo_par[rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 2 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else if (lsr_reg[2] && ~rx_fifo_par[rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 2 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- wait (lsr_reg_read);
- lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed = 0;
- if (rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer < rx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- begin
- for (i2 = rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer; i2 <= rx_fifo_rd_pointer; i2 = i2 + 1)
- rx_fifo_par[i2] = 0;
- rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- else if (rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer > rx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- begin
- for (i2 = rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer; i2 <= 31; i2 = i2 + 1)
- rx_fifo_par[i2] = 0;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 <= rx_fifo_rd_pointer; i2 = i2 + 1)
- rx_fifo_par[i2] = 0;
- rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- else
- begin
- rx_fifo_par = 0;
- rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- // check bit
- if (~lsr_reg[2] && rx_fifo_par[rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 2 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else if (lsr_reg[2] && ~rx_fifo_par[rx_fifo_par_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 2 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin: lsr_reg_bit2_changing
- forever
- begin
- wait (~lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed);
- begin
- @(lsr_reg[2] or lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed);
- if (~lsr_reg_bit2_change_allowed)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 2 of LSR register should not change!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
- // Bit 3 - Framing Error
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed = 0;
- rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer = 0;
- @(reset_released);
- #10;
- fork
- begin: rx_framing_err_changing
- forever
- begin
- if (~rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer])
- begin
- wait (rx_fifo_read);
- lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed = 0;
- rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer + 1'b1;
- // check bit
- if (~lsr_reg[3] && rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 3 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else if (lsr_reg[3] && ~rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 3 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- wait (lsr_reg_read);
- lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed = 0;
- if (rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer < rx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- begin
- for (i3 = rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer; i3 <= rx_fifo_rd_pointer; i3 = i3 + 1)
- rx_fifo_frm[i3] = 0;
- rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- else if (rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer > rx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- begin
- for (i3 = rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer; i3 <= 31; i3 = i3 + 1)
- rx_fifo_frm[i3] = 0;
- for (i3 = 0; i3 <= rx_fifo_rd_pointer; i3 = i3 + 1)
- rx_fifo_frm[i3] = 0;
- rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- else
- begin
- rx_fifo_frm = 0;
- rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- // check bit
- if (~lsr_reg[3] && rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 3 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else if (lsr_reg[3] && ~rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_frm_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 3 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin: lsr_reg_bit3_changing
- forever
- begin
- wait (~lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed);
- begin
- @(lsr_reg[3] or lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed);
- if (~lsr_reg_bit3_change_allowed)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 3 of LSR register should not change!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
- // Bit 4 - Break Interrupt
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed = 0;
- rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer = 0;
- @(reset_released);
- #10;
- fork
- begin: rx_break_int_changing
- forever
- begin
- if (~rx_fifo_brk[rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer])
- begin
- wait (rx_fifo_read);
- lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed = 0;
- rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer + 1'b1;
- // check bit
- if (~lsr_reg[4] && rx_fifo_brk[rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 4 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else if (lsr_reg[4] && ~rx_fifo_brk[rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 4 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- wait (lsr_reg_read);
- lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed = 0;
- if (rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer < rx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- begin
- for (i4 = rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer; i4 <= rx_fifo_rd_pointer; i4 = i4 + 1)
- rx_fifo_brk[i4] = 0;
- rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- else if (rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer > rx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- begin
- for (i4 = rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer; i4 <= 31; i4 = i4 + 1)
- rx_fifo_brk[i4] = 0;
- for (i4 = 0; i4 <= rx_fifo_rd_pointer; i4 = i4 + 1)
- rx_fifo_brk[i4] = 0;
- rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- else
- begin
- rx_fifo_brk = 0;
- rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- end
- // check bit
- if (~lsr_reg[4] && rx_fifo_brk[rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 4 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else if (lsr_reg[4] && ~rx_fifo_brk[rx_fifo_brk_rd_pointer])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 4 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin: lsr_reg_bit4_changing
- forever
- begin
- wait (~lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed);
- begin
- @(lsr_reg[4] or lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed);
- if (~lsr_reg_bit4_change_allowed)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 4 of LSR register should not change!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
- // Bit 5 - Transmitter Holding Register Empty
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed = 0;
- @(reset_released);
- #10;
- fork
- begin: tx_fifo_status_changing
- forever
- begin
- if (tx_fifo_status == 0)
- begin
-// @(tx_reg_written);
- wait (tx_fifo_status > 0);
- lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (3) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed = 0;
- if (lsr_reg[5])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 5 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- wait (tx_fifo_status == 0);
- lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (3) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed = 0;
- if (~lsr_reg[5])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 5 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin: lsr_reg_bit5_changing
- forever
- begin
- wait (~lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed);
- begin
- @(lsr_reg[5] or lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed);
- if (~lsr_reg_bit5_change_allowed)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 5 of LSR register should not change!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
- // Bit 6 - Transmitter Empty
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed = 0;
- @(reset_released);
- #10;
- fork
- begin: tx_fifo_status_and_shift_reg_changing
- forever
- begin
- if ((tx_fifo_status == 0) && tx_shift_reg_empty)
- begin
-// @(tx_reg_written);
- wait (tx_fifo_status > 0);
- lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (3) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed = 0;
- if (lsr_reg[6])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 6 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- wait ((tx_fifo_status == 0) && tx_shift_reg_empty);
- lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (3) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed = 0;
- if (~lsr_reg[6])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 6 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin: lsr_reg_bit6_changing
- forever
- begin
- wait (~lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed);
- begin
- @(lsr_reg[6] or lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed);
- if (~lsr_reg_bit6_change_allowed)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 6 of LSR register should not change!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
- // Bit 7 - Error in RX FIFO
- initial
- begin
- lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed = 0;
- @(reset_released);
- #10;
- fork
- begin: error_changing
- forever
- begin
- if ((rx_fifo_par == 0) && (rx_fifo_frm == 0) && (rx_fifo_brk == 0))
- begin
- wait (rx_parity_err || rx_framing_err || rx_framing_glitch || rx_break_int);
- lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (3) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed = 0;
- // check bit
- if (~lsr_reg[7])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 7 of LSR register not '1'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- wait (lsr_reg_read && (rx_fifo_par == 0) && (rx_fifo_frm == 0) && (rx_fifo_brk == 0));
- lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed = 1'b1;
- repeat (2) @(posedge wb_clk);
- #2;
- lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed = 0;
- // check bit
- if (lsr_reg[7])
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 7 of LSR register not '0'!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin: lsr_reg_bit7_changing
- forever
- begin
- wait (~lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed);
- begin
- @(lsr_reg[7] or lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed);
- if (~lsr_reg_bit7_change_allowed)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("Bit 7 of LSR register should not change!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
-// UART transmitter monitor
- // TX FIFO status
- always@(tx_fifo_wr_pointer or tx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- begin
- if (tx_fifo_wr_pointer >= tx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- tx_fifo_status = tx_fifo_wr_pointer - tx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- else
- tx_fifo_status = (5'h1F - tx_fifo_rd_pointer) + tx_fifo_wr_pointer;
- end
- // TX FIFO and TX data
- initial
- begin
- tx_fifo_wr_pointer = 0;
- tx_fifo_rd_pointer = 0;
- tx_shift_reg_empty = 1;
- tx_fifo_status = 0;
- tx_start_bit_edge = 1;
- fork
- begin:write_tx_shift_reg_read_tx_fifo
- forever
- begin
- wait ((tx_fifo_status !== 0) && tx_shift_reg_empty && tx_start_bit_edge && ~stx_pad_o);
- tx_start_bit_edge = 0;
- tx_shift_reg = tx_fifo[tx_fifo_rd_pointer];
- tx_shift_reg_empty = 0;
- @(testbench.i_uart_device.device_received_last_bit);
- repeat (16393) @(posedge wb_clk);
- tx_fifo_rd_pointer = tx_fifo_rd_pointer + 1'b1;
- @(posedge wb_clk);
- if (tx_fifo_status == 0)
- begin
- `BENCH_MSG("TX FIFO is empty!");
- end
- end
- end
- begin:write_tx_fifo
- forever
- begin
- @(tx_reg_written); // write to FIFO
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk); // delay when writing into registers
- if (tx_fifo_status <= 5'h0F)
- begin
- tx_fifo[tx_fifo_wr_pointer] = reg_dat;
- tx_fifo_wr_pointer = tx_fifo_wr_pointer + 1'b1;
- end
- else // FIFO overflow
- begin
- `BENCH_WARNING("TX FIFO overflow!");
- end
- end
- end
- begin:empty_tx_fifo
- forever
- begin
- wait (fcr_reg[2]);
- tx_fifo_wr_pointer = 0;
- tx_fifo_rd_pointer = 0;
- @(posedge wb_clk);
- if (tx_fifo_status == 0)
- begin
- `BENCH_MSG("TX FIFO is empty!");
- end
- end
- end
- begin:read_tx_shift_reg
- forever
- begin
- @(testbench.i_uart_device.device_received_packet);
- // Check data
- if (tx_shift_reg != testbench.i_uart_device.rx_data)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("TX data has ERROR!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else
- `BENCH_MSG("TX data correct!");
- if (testbench.i_uart_device.rx_parity_error)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("TX data has parity ERROR!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else
- `BENCH_MSG("TX data parity correct!");
- if (testbench.i_uart_device.rx_framing_error)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("TX data has framing ERROR!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else
- `BENCH_MSG("TX data framing correct!");
- // Set TX FIFO read pointer
- tx_start_bit_edge = 1;
- repeat (7) @(wb_clk);
- if (tx_shift_reg_empty == 0)
- begin
- tx_shift_reg_empty = 1'b1;
- end
- else
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("TX shift register empty while transmiting data!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
-// UART receiver monitor
- // RX FIFO status
- always@(rx_fifo_wr_pointer or rx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- begin
- if (rx_fifo_wr_pointer >= rx_fifo_rd_pointer)
- rx_fifo_status = rx_fifo_wr_pointer - rx_fifo_rd_pointer;
- else
- rx_fifo_status = (5'h1F - rx_fifo_rd_pointer) + rx_fifo_wr_pointer;
- end
- // RX FIFO and RX data
- initial
- begin
- rx_parity_err = 0;
- rx_framing_err = 0;
- rx_framing_glitch = 0;
- rx_break_int = 0;
- rx_overrun_err_occured = 0;
- rx_fifo_par = 0;
- rx_fifo_frm = 0;
- rx_fifo_brk = 0;
- rx_shift_reg_full = 0;
- rx_fifo_wr_pointer = 0;
- rx_fifo_rd_pointer = 0;
- rx_fifo_status = 0;
- fork
- begin:write_rx_shift_reg
- forever
- begin
- @(testbench.i_uart_device.device_sent_packet);
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- rx_shift_reg = testbench.i_uart_device.sent_data;
- rx_parity_err = testbench.i_uart_device.tx_parity_enabled &&
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_parity_wrong ||
- ( // sample point is BIT_NUM * 2 - 1 => 3, 5, 7...
- ((testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (3 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (5 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (7 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (9 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (11 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (13 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (15 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (17 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (19 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (21 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor)) ||
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == (23 * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor))) &&
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num[23:0] < ((testbench.i_uart_device.tx_length + 2'h1) *
- 16 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor))
- ));
- rx_framing_err = testbench.i_uart_device.tx_framing_wrong;
- rx_framing_glitch = (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_glitch_num == ((((testbench.i_uart_device.tx_length + 2'h2 +
- testbench.i_uart_device.tx_parity_enabled) *
- 2) - 1'b1) * 8 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor));
- rx_break_int = testbench.i_uart_device.tx_break_enable &&
- (testbench.i_uart_device.tx_break_num[15:0] >= ((testbench.i_uart_device.tx_length + 2'h2 +
- testbench.i_uart_device.tx_parity_enabled) *
- 16 * testbench.i_uart_device.T_divisor));
- -> testbench.i_uart_device.sent_packet_received;
- if (rx_fifo_status > 5'h0F)
- rx_overrun_err_occured = 1'b1;
- rx_shift_reg_full = 1'b1;
- end
- end
- begin:write_rx_fifo_read_rx_shift_reg
- forever
- begin
- wait (rx_shift_reg_full);
- if (rx_fifo_status <= 5'h0F)
- begin
- rx_fifo_data[rx_fifo_wr_pointer] = testbench.i_uart_device.sent_data;
- rx_fifo_par[rx_fifo_wr_pointer] = rx_parity_err;
- rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_wr_pointer] = rx_framing_err || rx_framing_glitch;
- rx_fifo_brk[rx_fifo_wr_pointer] = rx_break_int;
- rx_fifo_wr_pointer = rx_fifo_wr_pointer + 1'b1;
- end
- else // FIFO overflow
- begin
- `BENCH_WARNING("RX FIFO overflow!");
- end
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- rx_shift_reg_full = 0;
- end
- end
- begin:empty_rx_fifo
- forever
- begin
- wait (fcr_reg[1]);
- rx_fifo_wr_pointer = 0;
- rx_fifo_rd_pointer = 0;
-// rx_fifo_par = 0;
-// rx_fifo_frm = 0;
-// rx_fifo_brk = 0;
- @(posedge wb_clk);
- if (rx_fifo_status == 0)
- begin
- `BENCH_MSG("RX FIFO is empty!");
- end
- end
- end
- begin:read_rx_fifo
- rx_fifo_read = 0;
- forever
- begin
- @(rx_reg_read);
- if (rx_fifo_status > 0)
- begin
- rx_fifo_read = 1'b1;
- // Check data
- if (rx_fifo_data[rx_fifo_rd_pointer] != reg_dat)
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("RX data has ERROR!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else
- begin
- `BENCH_MSG("RX data correct!");
- end
- // Set RX FIFO read pointer
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- rx_fifo_read = 0;
- rx_fifo_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer + 1'b1;
- end
- else
- begin
- `BENCH_WARNING("Reading RX FIFO while RX FIFO is empty!");
- end
- if ((~rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_rd_pointer] && lsr_reg[3]) ||
- (rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_rd_pointer] && ~lsr_reg[3]))
- begin
- `BENCH_ERROR("RX data has wrong framing ERROR!");
- -> error_detected;
- end
- else
- `BENCH_MSG("RX data has correct framing error!");
- // Set RX FIFO read pointer
- repeat (1) @(posedge wb_clk);
- rx_fifo_read = 0;
- if (rx_fifo_status > 0)
- begin
-// rx_fifo_par[rx_fifo_rd_pointer] = 1'b0;
-// rx_fifo_frm[rx_fifo_rd_pointer] = 1'b0;
-// rx_fifo_brk[rx_fifo_rd_pointer] = 1'b0;
- rx_fifo_rd_pointer = rx_fifo_rd_pointer + 1'b1;
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
-// UART interrupt monitor