path: root/mpm/python/usrp_mpm/periph_manager/n310.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'mpm/python/usrp_mpm/periph_manager/n310.py')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/mpm/python/usrp_mpm/periph_manager/n310.py b/mpm/python/usrp_mpm/periph_manager/n310.py
index 122053b7f..be55843d4 100644
--- a/mpm/python/usrp_mpm/periph_manager/n310.py
+++ b/mpm/python/usrp_mpm/periph_manager/n310.py
@@ -28,14 +28,12 @@ from builtins import object
from .base import PeriphManagerBase
from ..net import get_iface_addrs
from ..net import byte_to_mac
-from ..net import get_mac_addr
from ..mpmtypes import SID
from usrp_mpm.rpc_server import no_rpc
from usrp_mpm import net
from usrp_mpm import dtoverlay
+from usrp_mpm.xports import XportMgrUDP, XportMgrLiberio
from ..sysfs_gpio import SysFSGPIO
-from ..ethtable import EthDispatcherTable
-from ..liberiotable import LiberioDispatcherTable
from .. import libpyusrp_periphs as lib
@@ -212,231 +210,27 @@ class FP_GPIO(object):
# Transport managers
-class XportMgrUDP(object):
- """
- Transport manager for UDP connections
- """
- # Map Eth devices to UIO labels
+class N310XportMgrUDP(XportMgrUDP):
eth_tables = {'eth1': 'misc-enet-regs0', 'eth2': 'misc-enet-regs1'}
xbar_port_map = {'eth1': 0, 'eth2': 1}
+ xbar_dev = "/dev/crossbar0"
+ iface_config = {
+ 'eth1': {
+ 'label': 'misc-enet-regs0',
+ 'xbar': 0,
+ 'xbar_port': 0,
+ },
+ 'eth2': {
+ 'label': 'misc-enet-regs1',
+ 'xbar': 0,
+ 'xbar_port': 1,
+ },
+ }
- def __init__(self, possible_chdr_ifaces, log):
- self.log = log
- self._possible_chdr_ifaces = possible_chdr_ifaces
- self.log.info("Identifying available network interfaces...")
- self._chdr_ifaces = \
- self._init_interfaces(self._possible_chdr_ifaces)
- self._eth_dispatchers = {
- x: EthDispatcherTable(self.eth_tables.get(x))
- for x in list(self._chdr_ifaces.keys())
- }
- for ifname, table in iteritems(self._eth_dispatchers):
- table.set_ipv4_addr(self._chdr_ifaces[ifname]['ip_addr'])
- self.chdr_port = 49153 # TODO get this from somewhere
- def _init_interfaces(self, possible_ifaces):
- """
- Initialize the list of network interfaces
- """
- self.log.trace("Testing available interfaces out of `{}'".format(
- possible_ifaces
- ))
- valid_ifaces = net.get_valid_interfaces(possible_ifaces)
- if len(valid_ifaces):
- self.log.debug("Found CHDR interfaces: `{}'".format(valid_ifaces))
- else:
- self.log.warning("No CHDR interfaces found!")
- return {
- x: net.get_iface_info(x)
- for x in valid_ifaces
- }
- def init(self, args):
- """
- Call this when the user calls 'init' on the periph manager
- """
- # TODO re-run _init_interfaces, IP addresses could have changed since
- # bootup
- for _, table in iteritems(self._eth_dispatchers):
- if 'forward_eth' in args or 'forward_bcast' in args:
- table.set_forward_policy(
- args.get('forward_eth', False),
- args.get('forward_bcast', False)
- )
- if 'preload_ethtables' in args:
- self._preload_ethtables(
- self._eth_dispatchers,
- args['preload_ethtables']
- )
- def deinit(self):
- " Clean up after a session terminates "
- pass
- def _preload_ethtables(self, eth_dispatchers, table_file):
- """
- Populates the ethernet tables from a JSON file
- """
- import json
- try:
- eth_table_data = json.load(open(table_file))
- except ValueError as ex:
- self.log.warning(
- "Bad values in preloading table file: %s",
- str(ex)
- )
- return
- self.log.info(
- "Preloading Ethernet dispatch tables from JSON file `%s'.",
- table_file
- )
- for eth_iface, data in iteritems(eth_table_data):
- if eth_iface not in eth_dispatchers:
- self.log.warning(
- "Request to preload eth dispatcher table for "
- "iface `{}', but no such interface is "
- "registered. Known interfaces: {}".format(
- str(eth_iface),
- ",".join(eth_dispatchers.keys())
- )
- )
- continue
- eth_dispatcher = eth_dispatchers[eth_iface]
- self.log.debug("Preloading {} dispatch table".format(eth_iface))
- try:
- for dst_ep, udp_data in iteritems(data):
- sid = SID()
- sid.set_dst_ep(int(dst_ep))
- eth_dispatcher.set_route(
- sid,
- udp_data['ip_addr'],
- udp_data['port'],
- udp_data.get('mac_addr', None)
- )
- except ValueError as ex:
- self.log.warning(
- "Bad values in preloading table file: %s",
- str(ex)
- )
- def request_xport(
- self,
- sid,
- xport_type,
- ):
- """
- Return UDP xport info
- """
- assert xport_type in ('CTRL', 'ASYNC_MSG', 'TX_DATA', 'RX_DATA')
- # for iface_name, iface_info in iteritems(self._chdr_ifaces):
- xport_info = [
- {
- 'type': 'UDP',
- 'ipv4': str(iface_info['ip_addr']),
- 'port': str(self.chdr_port),
- 'send_sid': str(sid)
- }
- for _, iface_info in iteritems(self._chdr_ifaces)
- ]
- return xport_info
- def commit_xport(self, sid, xport_info):
- """
- fuu
- """
- self.log.trace("Sanity checking xport_info %s...", str(xport_info))
- assert xport_info['type'] == 'UDP'
- assert any([xport_info['ipv4'] == x['ip_addr']
- for x in itervalues(self._chdr_ifaces)])
- assert xport_info['port'] == str(self.chdr_port)
- assert len(xport_info.get('src_ipv4')) > 5
- assert int(xport_info.get('src_port')) > 0
- sender_addr = xport_info['src_ipv4']
- sender_port = int(xport_info['src_port'])
- self.log.trace("Incoming connection is coming from %s:%d",
- sender_addr, sender_port)
- mac_addr = get_mac_addr(sender_addr)
- if mac_addr is None:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Could not find MAC address for IP address {}".format(
- sender_addr))
- self.log.trace("Incoming connection is coming from %s",
- mac_addr)
- eth_iface = net.ip_addr_to_iface(xport_info['ipv4'], self._chdr_ifaces)
- xbar_port = self.xbar_port_map[eth_iface]
- self.log.trace("Using Ethernet interface %s, crossbar port %d",
- eth_iface, xbar_port)
- my_xbar = lib.xbar.xbar.make("/dev/crossbar0") # TODO don't hardcode
- my_xbar.set_route(sid.src_addr, xbar_port)
- self._eth_dispatchers[eth_iface].set_route(
- sid.reversed(), sender_addr, sender_port)
- self.log.trace("UDP transport successfully committed!")
- return True
-class XportMgrLiberio(object):
- """
- Transport manager for UDP connections
- """
- # udev label for the UIO device that controls the DMA engine
- liberio_label = 'liberio'
- def __init__(self, log):
- self.log = log
- self._dma_dispatcher = LiberioDispatcherTable(self.liberio_label)
- self._data_chan_ctr = 0
- self._max_chan = 10 # TODO get this number from somewhere
- def init(self, args):
- """
- Call this when the user calls 'init' on the periph manager
- """
- pass
- def deinit(self):
- " Clean up after a session terminates "
- self._data_chan_ctr = 0
- def request_xport(
- self,
- sid,
- xport_type,
- ):
- """
- Return liberio xport info
- """
- assert xport_type in ('CTRL', 'ASYNC_MSG', 'TX_DATA', 'RX_DATA')
- if xport_type == 'CTRL':
- chan = 0
- elif xport_type == 'ASYNC_MSG':
- chan = 1
- else:
- chan = 2 + self._data_chan_ctr
- self._data_chan_ctr += 1
- xport_info = {
- 'type': 'liberio',
- 'send_sid': str(sid),
- 'muxed': str(xport_type in ('CTRL', 'ASYNC_MSG')),
- 'dma_chan': str(chan),
- 'tx_dev': "/dev/tx-dma{}".format(chan),
- 'rx_dev': "/dev/rx-dma{}".format(chan),
- }
- self.log.trace("Liberio: Chan: {} TX Device: {} RX Device: {}".format(
- chan, xport_info['tx_dev'], xport_info['rx_dev']))
- self.log.trace("Liberio channel is muxed: %s",
- "Yes" if xport_info['muxed'] else "No")
- return [xport_info]
- def commit_xport(self, sid, xport_info):
- " Commit liberio transport "
- chan = int(xport_info['dma_chan'])
- my_xbar = lib.xbar.xbar.make("/dev/crossbar0") # TODO
- my_xbar.set_route(sid.src_addr, 2) # TODO
- self._dma_dispatcher.set_route(sid.reversed(), chan)
- self.log.trace("Liberio transport successfully committed!")
- return True
+class N310XportMgrLiberio(XportMgrLiberio):
+ max_chan = 10
+ xbar_dev = "/dev/crossbar0"
+ xbar_port = 2
# Main Class
@@ -467,7 +261,6 @@ class n310(PeriphManagerBase):
# We're on a Zynq target, so the following two come from the Zynq standard
# device tree overlay (tree/arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-7000.dtsi)
dboard_spimaster_addrs = ["e0006000.spi", "e0007000.spi"]
- chdr_interfaces = ['eth1', 'eth2']
# N310-specific settings
# Path to N310 FPGA bin file
# This file will always contain the current image, regardless of SFP type,
@@ -544,8 +337,8 @@ class n310(PeriphManagerBase):
# Init CHDR transports
self._xport_mgrs = {
- 'udp': XportMgrUDP(self.chdr_interfaces, self.log),
- 'liberio': XportMgrLiberio(self.log),
+ 'udp': N310XportMgrUDP(self.log.getChild('UDP')),
+ 'liberio': N310XportMgrLiberio(self.log.getChild('liberio')),
# Init complete.
self.log.info("mboard info: {}".format(self.mboard_info))