path: root/host/utils/rfnoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'host/utils/rfnoc')
18 files changed, 0 insertions, 1518 deletions
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/CMakeLists.txt b/host/utils/rfnoc/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index baf65f7e7..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instrument Brand
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# This file included, use CMake directory variables
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/image_builder.py
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/yaml_utils.py
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/__init__.py b/host/utils/rfnoc/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/image_builder.py b/host/utils/rfnoc/image_builder.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f5f416d6..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/image_builder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instrument Brand
-SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-RFNoC image builder: All the algorithms required to turn either a YAML
-description or a GRC file into an rfnoc_image_core.v file.
-from collections import deque
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import six
-import mako.lookup
-import mako.template
-from mako import exceptions
-from ruamel import yaml
-### DATA ######################################################################
-# Directory under the FPGA repo where the device directories are
-USRP3_TOP_DIR = os.path.join('usrp3', 'top')
-USRP3_LIB_RFNOC_DIR = os.path.join('usrp3', 'lib', 'rfnoc')
-# Subdirectory for the core YAML files
-RFNOC_CORE_DIR = os.path.join('rfnoc', 'core')
-# Path to the system's bash executable
-BASH_EXECUTABLE = '/bin/bash' # FIXME this should come from somewhere
-# Map device names to the corresponding directory under usrp3/top
- 'x300': 'x300',
- 'x310': 'x300',
- 'e300': 'e300',
- 'e310': 'e31x',
- 'e320': 'e320',
- 'n300': 'n3xx',
- 'n310': 'n3xx',
- 'n320': 'n3xx',
-# Picks the default make target per device
- 'x300': 'X300_HG',
- 'x310': 'X310_HG',
- 'e310': 'E310_SG3',
- 'e320': 'E320_1G',
- 'n300': 'N300_HG',
- 'n310': 'N310_HG',
- 'n320': 'N320_XG',
-# Adapted from code found at
-# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121931/
-# in-python-how-can-you-load-yaml-mappings-as-ordereddicts
-# (Accessed 17 October 2019)
-def ordered_load(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict):
- """
- In Python 3.5, element insertion order into dictionaries is not preserved.
- This function uses an OrderedDict to read a YAML file, which does preserve order.
- """
- class OrderedLoader(Loader):
- pass
- def construct_mapping(loader, node):
- loader.flatten_mapping(node)
- return object_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node))
- OrderedLoader.add_constructor(
- yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG,
- construct_mapping)
- return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader)
-def split(iterable, function):
- """
- Split an iterable by condition. Matching items are returned in the first
- deque of the returned tuple unmatched in the second
- :param iterable: an iterable to split
- :param function: an expression that returns True/False for iterable values
- :return: 2-tuple with deque for matching/non-matching items
- """
- dq_true = deque()
- dq_false = deque()
- deque(((dq_true if function(item) else dq_false).append(item)
- for item in iterable), maxlen=0)
- return dq_true, dq_false
-def expand_io_port_desc(io_ports, signatures):
- """
- Add a wires entry to each io port dictionary entry which contains a
- complete list of wires for the specific port according to the information
- in signature file. Each wire entry contains:
- * fully resolved wire name (wire name as in signature or replaced name
- with respect to regular expression if some is given, regular expression
- should use back references to retain original wire name).
- * width in bits
- * direction as input/output depending on whether the port is a
- master/broadcaster or slave/listener and the wire is described as from
- or to master
- :param io_ports: io port dictionary from yml configuration
- :param signatures: signature description from yml configuration
- :return: None
- """
- for name, io_port in six.iteritems(io_ports):
- wires = []
- for signature in signatures[io_port["type"]]["ports"]:
- width = signature.get("width", 1)
- wire_type = signature.get("type", None)
- drive = io_port["drive"]
- direction = {"master": {"from-master": "input ", "to-master": "output"},
- "slave": {"from-master": "output", "to-master": "input "},
- "broadcaster": {None: "input "},
- "listener": {None: "output"}}[drive][wire_type]
- signature_name = signature["name"]
- if "rename" in io_port:
- signature_name = re.sub(io_port["rename"]["pattern"],
- io_port["rename"]["repl"],
- signature_name, 1)
- wires.append({"direction": direction,
- "width": width,
- "name": signature_name})
- io_port["wires"] = wires
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
-class IOConfig:
- """
- Class containing configuration from a yml file.
- Each top level entry is translated into a class member variable. If the
- configuration contains an io_ports section the ports get a wire list which
- is derived from the signature file. This allows easier processing of IO
- ports in the mako templates and failures from yml configuration files fail
- in this script rather than during template processing which is easier to
- track and debug.
- """
- def __init__(self, config, signatures):
- # read configuration from config dictionary
- # TODO: Is this guaranteed ordered?
- self.__dict__.update(**config)
- if hasattr(self, "io_ports"):
- expand_io_port_desc(getattr(self, "io_ports"), signatures)
-class ImageBuilderConfig:
- """
- Holds the complete image configuration settings. This includes
- * the image configuration itself as it is passed to the script
- * all noc block configurations found by the script
- * device configuration information as found in the bsp.yml of the device
- information passed to the script.
- """
- # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- def __init__(self, config, blocks, device):
- self.noc_blocks = OrderedDict()
- self.stream_endpoints = OrderedDict()
- self.connections = []
- self.clk_domains = []
- self.block_ports = OrderedDict()
- self.io_ports = OrderedDict()
- self.clocks = OrderedDict()
- self.block_con = []
- self.io_port_con_ms = []
- self.io_port_con_bl = []
- self.clk_domain_con = []
- # read configuration from config dictionary
- self.__dict__.update(**config)
- self.blocks = blocks
- self.device = device
- self._update_sep_defaults()
- self._set_indices()
- self._collect_noc_ports()
- self._collect_io_ports()
- self._collect_clocks()
- self.pick_connections()
- self.pick_clk_domains()
- def _update_sep_defaults(self):
- """
- Update any missing stream endpoint attributes with default values
- """
- for sep in self.stream_endpoints:
- if "num_data_i" not in self.stream_endpoints[sep]:
- self.stream_endpoints[sep]["num_data_i"] = 1
- if "num_data_o" not in self.stream_endpoints[sep]:
- self.stream_endpoints[sep]["num_data_o"] = 1
- def _set_indices(self):
- """
- Add an index for each port of each stream endpoint and noc block.
- These indices are used to generate static_router.hex
- """
- start = 1
- i = 0
- for i, sep in enumerate(self.stream_endpoints.values()):
- sep["index"] = i + start
- start = start + i + 1
- for i, block in enumerate(self.noc_blocks.values()):
- block["index"] = start + i
- def _collect_noc_ports(self):
- """
- Create lookup table for noc blocks. The key is a tuple of block
- name, port name and flow direction. If any block port has num_ports > 1
- then unroll that port into multiple ports of the same name plus a
- number to make its name unique.
- """
- for name, block in six.iteritems(self.noc_blocks):
- desc = self.blocks[block["block_desc"]]
- # Update per-instance parameters
- if not hasattr(desc, "parameters"):
- setattr(desc, "parameters", {})
- if "parameters" not in block:
- block["parameters"] = OrderedDict()
- for key in block["parameters"].keys():
- if key not in desc.parameters:
- logging.error("Unknown parameter %s for block %s", key, name)
- del block["parameters"][key]
- for param, value in six.iteritems(desc.parameters):
- if param not in block["parameters"]:
- block["parameters"][param] = value
- # Generate list of block ports, adding 'index' to each port's dict
- for direction in ("inputs", "outputs"):
- index = 0
- for port_name, port_info in desc.data[direction].items():
- num_ports = 1
- if "num_ports" in port_info:
- parameter = port_info["num_ports"]
- num_ports = parameter
- if parameter in block["parameters"]:
- num_ports = block["parameters"][parameter]
- # Make sure the parameter resolved to a number
- if not isinstance(num_ports, int):
- logging.error(
- "'num_ports' of port '%s' on block '%s' "
- "resolved to invalid value of '%s'",
- port_name, name, str(num_ports))
- sys.exit(1)
- if num_ports < 1 or num_ports > 64:
- logging.error(
- "'num_ports' of port '%s' on block '%s' "
- "has invalid value '%s', must be in [1, 64]",
- port_name, name, str(num_ports))
- sys.exit(1)
- if "num_ports" in port_info:
- # If num_ports was a variable in the YAML, unroll into
- # multiple ports
- for i in range(num_ports):
- new_port_info = port_info.copy()
- new_port_info['index'] = index
- index = index + 1
- self.block_ports.update({(name, port_name + "_" \
- + str(i), direction[:-1]) : new_port_info})
- else:
- port_info['index'] = index
- self.block_ports.update(
- {(name, port_name, direction[:-1]) : port_info})
- index = index + 1
- ports = self.stream_endpoints
- for sep in self.stream_endpoints:
- inputs = {(sep, "in%d" % port, "input") :
- ports[sep] for port in range(ports[sep]["num_data_i"])}
- self.block_ports.update(inputs)
- outputs = {(sep, "out%d" % port, "output") :
- ports[sep] for port in range(ports[sep]["num_data_o"])}
- self.block_ports.update(outputs)
- def _collect_io_ports(self):
- """
- Create lookup table for io ports. The key is a tuple of block name
- (_device_ for io ports of the bsp), the io port name and flow
- direction.
- """
- for name, block in six.iteritems(self.noc_blocks):
- desc = self.blocks[block["block_desc"]]
- if hasattr(desc, "io_ports"):
- self.io_ports.update({
- (name, io, desc.io_ports[io]["drive"]):
- desc.io_ports[io] for io in desc.io_ports})
- self.io_ports.update({
- ("_device_", io, self.device.io_ports[io]["drive"]):
- self.device.io_ports[io] for io in self.device.io_ports})
- def _collect_clocks(self):
- """
- Create lookup table for clocks. The key is a tuple of block name
- (_device_ for clocks of the bsp), the clock name and flow
- direction
- """
- for name, block in six.iteritems(self.noc_blocks):
- desc = self.blocks[block["block_desc"]]
- if hasattr(desc, "clocks"):
- self.clocks.update({
- (name, clk["name"]): clk for clk in desc.clocks})
- if hasattr(self.device, "clocks"):
- self.clocks.update({
- ("_device_", clk["name"]): clk for clk in self.device.clocks})
- # Add the implied clocks for the BSP
- self.clocks[("_device_", "rfnoc_ctrl")] = {"freq": '[]', "name": "rfnoc_ctrl"}
- self.clocks[("_device_", "rfnoc_chdr")] = {"freq": '[]', "name": "rfnoc_chdr"}
- def pick_clk_domains(self):
- """
- Filter clock domain list into a local list for easier access.
- Remaining connection items are printed as error and execution is
- aborted. Likewise, checks for unconnected clocks.
- """
- (self.clk_domain_con, self.clk_domains) = split(
- self.clk_domains, lambda con:
- (con["srcblk"], con["srcport"]) in self.clocks and
- (con["dstblk"], con["dstport"]) in self.clocks)
- # Check if there are unconnected clocks
- connected = [(con["dstblk"], con["dstport"]) for con in self.clk_domain_con]
- unconnected = []
- for clk in self.clocks:
- if clk[0] != "_device_" and \
- clk[1] not in ["rfnoc_ctrl", "rfnoc_chdr"] and \
- clk not in connected:
- unconnected.append(clk)
- if unconnected:
- logging.error("%d unresolved clk domain(s)", len(unconnected))
- for clk in unconnected:
- logging.error(" %s:%s", clk[0], clk[1])
- logging.error("Please specify the clock(s) to connect")
- sys.exit(1)
- if self.clk_domains:
- logging.error("%d Unresolved clk domain(s)", len(self.clk_domains))
- for connection in self.clk_domains:
- logging.error(" (%s-%s -> %s-%s)",
- connection["srcblk"], connection["srcport"],
- connection["dstblk"], connection["dstport"])
- logging.error("Source or destination domain not found")
- sys.exit(1)
- def pick_connections(self):
- """
- Sort connection list into three local lists for
- * input => output (block port to block port)
- * master => slave (io port to io port)
- * broadcaster => listener (io port to io port)
- Remaining connection items are printed as error and execution is
- aborted. Possible reasons are
- * undeclared block or io port
- * connection direction wrong (e.g. output => input)
- * mixed connection type (e.g. master => listener)
- """
- block_types = lambda type: filter(lambda key: key[2] == type, self.block_ports)
- io_types = lambda type: filter(lambda key: key[2] == type, self.io_ports)
- (self.block_con, self.connections) = split(
- self.connections, lambda con:
- (con["srcblk"], con["srcport"], "output") in block_types("output") and
- (con["dstblk"], con["dstport"], "input") in block_types("input"))
- (self.io_port_con_ms, self.connections) = split(
- self.connections, lambda con:
- (con["srcblk"], con["srcport"], "master") in io_types("master") and
- (con["dstblk"], con["dstport"], "slave") in io_types("slave"))
- (self.io_port_con_bl, self.connections) = split(
- self.connections, lambda con:
- (con["srcblk"], con["srcport"], "broadcaster") in io_types("broadcaster") and
- (con["dstblk"], con["dstport"], "listener") in io_types("listener"))
- if self.connections:
- logging.error("%d Unresolved connection(s)", len(self.connections))
- for connection in self.connections:
- logging.error(" (%s-%s -> %s-%s)",
- connection["srcblk"], connection["srcport"],
- connection["dstblk"], connection["dstport"])
- logging.debug(" Make sure block ports are connected output "
- "(src) to input (dst)")
- logging.debug(" Available block ports for connections:")
- for block in self.block_ports:
- logging.debug(" %s", (block,))
- logging.debug(" Make sure io ports are connected master "
- "(src) to slave (dst)")
- logging.debug(" or broadcaster "
- "(src) to listener (dst)")
- logging.debug(" Available io ports for connections:")
- for io_port in self.io_ports:
- logging.info(" %s", (io_port,))
- sys.exit(1)
-def load_config(filename):
- """
- Loads yml configuration from filename.
- Configuration files are searched in folder returned by get_get_config_path.
- This method logs error and exits on IO failure
- :param filename: yml configuration to load
- :return: IO signatures as dictionary
- """
- dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename)
- try:
- with open(filename) as stream:
- logging.info(
- "Using %s from %s.", basename, os.path.normpath(dirname))
- config = ordered_load(stream)
- return config
- except IOError:
- logging.error("%s misses %s", os.path.normpath(dirname), basename)
- sys.exit(1)
-def device_config(config_path, device):
- """
- Load device config from bsp.yml
- Location of bsp.yml is derived from the device chosen in the arguments
- :param config_path: location of core configuration files
- :param device: device to build for
- :return: device configuration as dictionary
- """
- return load_config(os.path.join(config_path, "%s_bsp.yml" % device.lower()))
-def io_signatures(config_path):
- """
- Load IO signatures from io_signatures.yml
- :param config_path: location of core configuration files
- :return: IO signatures as dictionary
- """
- return load_config(os.path.join(config_path, "io_signatures.yml"))
-def read_grc_block_configs(path):
- """
- Reads RFNoC config block used by Gnuradio Companion
- :param path: location of grc block configuration files
- :return: dictionary of block (id mapped to description)
- """
- result = {}
- for root, dirs, names in os.walk(path):
- for name in names:
- if re.match(r".*\.block\.yml", name):
- with open (os.path.join(root, name)) as stream:
- config = ordered_load(stream)
- result[config["id"]] = config
- return result
-def convert_to_image_config(grc, grc_config_path):
- """
- Converts Gnuradio Companion grc into image configuration.
- :param grc:
- :return: image configuration as it would be returned by image_config(args)
- """
- grc_blocks = read_grc_block_configs(grc_config_path)
- #filter all blocks that have no block representation
- all = {item["name"]: item for item in grc["blocks"]}
- seps = {item["name"]: item for item in grc["blocks"] if item["parameters"]["type"] == 'sep'}
- blocks = {item["name"]: item for item in grc["blocks"] if item["parameters"]["type"] == 'block'}
- device = [item for item in grc["blocks"] if item["parameters"]["type"] == 'device']
- if len(device) == 1:
- device = device[0]
- else:
- logging.error("More than one or no device found in grc file")
- return None
- result = {
- "schema": "rfnoc_imagebuilder",
- "copyright": "Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand",
- "license": "SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later",
- "version": 1.0,
- "rfnoc_version": 1.0}
- # for param in [item for item in grc["blocks"] if item["id"] == "parameter"]:
- # result[param["name"]] = {
- # "str": lambda value: str,
- # "": lambda value: str,
- # "complex": str,
- # "intx": int,
- # "long": int,
- # }[param["parameters"]["type"]](param["parameters"]["value"])
- result["stream_endpoints"] = {}
- for sep in seps.values():
- result["stream_endpoints"][sep["name"]] = { "ctrl": bool(sep["parameters"]["ctrl"]),
- "data": bool(sep["parameters"]["data"]),
- "buff_size": int(sep["parameters"]["buff_size"]) }
- result["noc_blocks"] = {}
- for block in blocks.values():
- result["noc_blocks"][block["name"]] = { "block_desc": block["parameters"]["desc"] }
- device_clocks = {port["id"]: port for port in grc_blocks[device['id']]["outputs"] if port["dtype"] == "message"}
- for connection in grc["connections"]:
- if connection[0] == device["name"]:
- connection[0] = "_device_"
- if connection[2] == device["name"]:
- connection[2] = "_device_"
- device["name"] = "_device_"
- (clk_connections, connections) = split(
- grc["connections"], lambda con:
- con[0] == device["name"] and con[1] in device_clocks)
- result["connections"] = []
- for connection in connections:
- result["connections"].append(
- {"srcblk": connection[0],
- "srcport": connection[1],
- "dstblk": connection[2],
- "dstport": connection[3]}
- )
- result["clk_domains"] = []
- for connection in clk_connections:
- result["clk_domains"].append(
- {"srcblk": connection[0],
- "srcport": connection[1],
- "dstblk": connection[2],
- "dstport": connection[3]}
- )
- return result
-def collect_module_paths(config_path, include_paths):
- """
- Create a list of directories that contain noc block configuration files.
- :param config_path: root path holding configuration files
- :return: list of noc block directories
- """
- # rfnoc blocks
- result = [os.path.join(config_path, 'rfnoc', 'blocks')] + \
- [os.path.join(x, 'blocks') for x in include_paths]
- return result
-def read_block_descriptions(signatures, *paths):
- """
- Recursive search all pathes for block definitions.
- :param signatures: signature passed to IOConfig initialization
- :param paths: paths to be searched
- :return: dictionary of noc blocks. Key is filename of the block, value
- is an IOConfig object
- """
- blocks = OrderedDict()
- for path in paths:
- for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(path):
- for filename in files:
- if re.match(r".*\.yml$", filename):
- with open(os.path.join(root, filename)) as stream:
- block = ordered_load(stream)
- if "schema" in block and \
- block["schema"] == "rfnoc_modtool_args":
- logging.info("Adding block description from "
- "%s (%s).", filename, os.path.normpath(root))
- blocks[filename] = IOConfig(block, signatures)
- for dirname in dirs:
- blocks.update(read_block_descriptions(
- os.path.join(root, dirname)))
- return blocks
-def write_edges(config, destination):
- """
- Write edges description files. The file is a simple text file. Each line
- contains 8 hexadecimal digits.
- First line is the number of following entries.
- Starting with the second line each line describes a port to port connection
- The 32 bit value has 16 bit for each node where the node is represented by
- 10 bit for the block number and 6 bit for the port number.
- :param config: ImageBuilderConfig derived from script parameter
- :param destination: folder to write the file (next to device top level files
- :return: None
- """
- logging.info("Writing static routing table to %s", destination)
- with open(destination, "w") as stream:
- stream.write("%08X\n" % len(config.block_con))
- for connection in config.block_con:
- if connection["srcblk"] in config.stream_endpoints:
- sep = config.stream_endpoints[connection["srcblk"]]
- index_match = re.match(r"out(\d)", connection["srcport"])
- if not index_match:
- logging.error("Port %s is invalid on endpoint %s",
- connection["srcport"], connection["srcblk"])
- port_index = int(index_match.group(1))
- # Verify index < num_data_o
- if port_index >= sep["num_data_o"]:
- logging.error("Port %s exceeds num_data_o for endpoint %s",
- connection["srcport"], connection["srcblk"])
- src = (sep["index"], port_index)
- else:
- key = (connection["srcblk"], connection["srcport"], "output")
- src = (config.noc_blocks[connection["srcblk"]]["index"],
- config.block_ports[key]["index"])
- if connection["dstblk"] in config.stream_endpoints:
- sep = config.stream_endpoints[connection["dstblk"]]
- index_match = re.match(r"in(\d)", connection["dstport"])
- if not index_match:
- logging.error("Port %s is invalid on endpoint %s",
- connection["dstport"], connection["dstblk"])
- # Verify index < num_data_i
- port_index = int(index_match.group(1))
- if port_index >= sep["num_data_i"]:
- logging.error("Port %s exceeds num_data_i for endpoint %s",
- connection["dstport"], connection["dstblk"])
- dst = (sep["index"], port_index)
- else:
- key = (connection["dstblk"], connection["dstport"], "input")
- dst = (config.noc_blocks[connection["dstblk"]]["index"],
- config.block_ports[key]["index"])
- logging.debug("%s-%s (%d,%d) => %s-%s (%d,%d)",
- connection["srcblk"], connection["srcport"],
- src[0], src[1],
- connection["dstblk"], connection["dstport"],
- dst[0], dst[1])
- stream.write("%08x\n" %
- ((((src[0] << 6) | src[1]) << 16) |
- ((dst[0] << 6) | dst[1])))
-def write_verilog(config, destination, source, source_hash):
- """
- Generates rfnoc_image_core.v file for the device.
- Mako templates from local template folder are used to generate the image
- core file. The template engine does not do any computation on the script
- parameter. Instead all necessary dependencies are resolved in this script
- to enforce early failure which is easier to track than errors in the
- template engine.
- :param config: ImageBuilderConfig derived from script parameter
- :param destination: Filepath to write to
- :return: None
- """
- template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates")
- lookup = mako.lookup.TemplateLookup(directories=[template_dir])
- tpl_filename = os.path.join(template_dir, "rfnoc_image_core.v.mako")
- tpl = mako.template.Template(
- filename=tpl_filename,
- lookup=lookup,
- strict_undefined=True)
- try:
- block = tpl.render(**{
- "config": config,
- "source": source,
- "source_hash": source_hash,
- })
- except:
- print(exceptions.text_error_template().render())
- sys.exit(1)
- logging.info("Writing image core to %s", destination)
- with open(destination, "w") as image_core_file:
- image_core_file.write(block)
-def write_build_env():
- """
- # TODO update Makefile entries according to used blocks
- :return:
- """
-def build(fpga_path, device, image_core_path, edge_file, **args):
- """
- Call FPGA toolchain to actually build the image
- :param fpga_path: A path that holds the FPGA IP sources.
- :param device: The device to build for.
- :param **args: Additional options
- target: The target to build (leave empty for default).
- clean_all: passed to Makefile
- GUI: passed to Makefile
- source: The source of the build (YAML or GRC file path)
- include_paths: List of paths to OOT modules
- extra_makefile_srcs: An additional list of paths to modules
- that don't follow the OOT module layout. These paths must
- point directly to a Makefile.srcs file.
- :return: exit value of build process
- """
- ret_val = 0
- cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- build_dir = os.path.join(get_top_path(fpga_path), target_dir(device))
- if not os.path.isdir(build_dir):
- logging.error("Not a valid directory: %s", build_dir)
- return 1
- makefile_src_paths = [
- os.path.join(
- os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(x)),
- os.path.join('fpga', 'Makefile.srcs'))
- for x in args.get("include_paths", [])
- ] + args.get("extra_makefile_srcs", [])
- logging.debug("Temporarily changing working directory to %s", build_dir)
- os.chdir(build_dir)
- make_cmd = ". ./setupenv.sh "
- if "clean_all" in args and args["clean_all"]:
- make_cmd = make_cmd + "&& make cleanall "
- target = args["target"] if "target" in args else ""
- make_cmd = make_cmd + "&& make " + default_target(device, target)
- make_cmd += " IMAGE_CORE={} EDGE_FILE={}".format(image_core_path,
- edge_file)
- if makefile_src_paths:
- make_cmd += " RFNOC_OOT_MAKEFILE_SRCS=" + "\\ ".join(makefile_src_paths)
- if "GUI" in args and args["GUI"]:
- make_cmd = make_cmd + " GUI=1"
- logging.info("Launching build with the following settings:")
- logging.info(" * Build Directory: %s", build_dir)
- logging.info(" * Target: %s", target)
- logging.info(" * Image Core File: %s", image_core_path)
- logging.info(" * Edge Table File: %s", edge_file)
- # Wrap it into a bash call:
- make_cmd = '{bash} -c "{cmd}"'.format(bash=BASH_EXECUTABLE, cmd=make_cmd)
- logging.debug("Executing the following command: %s", make_cmd)
- ret_val = os.system(make_cmd)
- os.chdir(cwd)
- return ret_val
-def target_dir(device):
- """
- Target directory derived from chosen device
- :param device: device to build for
- :return: target directory (relative path)
- """
- if not device.lower() in DEVICE_DIR_MAP:
- logging.error("Unsupported device %s. Supported devices are %s",
- device, DEVICE_DIR_MAP.keys())
- sys.exit(1)
- return DEVICE_DIR_MAP[device.lower()]
-def default_target(device, target):
- """
- If no target specified, selects the default building target based on the
- targeted device
- """
- if target is None:
- return DEVICE_DEFAULTTARGET_MAP.get(device.lower())
- return target
-def get_top_path(fpga_root):
- """
- returns the path where FPGA top level sources reside
- """
- return os.path.join(fpga_root, USRP3_TOP_DIR)
-def get_core_config_path(config_path):
- """
- returns the path where core configuration files are stored
- """
- return os.path.join(config_path, RFNOC_CORE_DIR)
-def generate_image_core_path(output_path, source):
- """
- Creates the path where the image core file gets to be stored.
- output_path: If not None, this is returned
- source: Otherwise, this path is returned with a .v argument
- """
- if output_path is not None:
- return output_path
- source = os.path.splitext(os.path.normpath(source))[0]
- return source + '.v'
-def generate_edge_file_path(output_path, device, source):
- """
- Creates a valid path for the edge file to get stored.
- """
- if output_path is not None:
- return output_path
- edge_path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(source)))[0]
- return os.path.join(edge_path, "{}_static_router.hex".format(device))
-def build_image(config, fpga_path, config_path, device, **args):
- """
- Generate image dependent Verilog code and trigger Xilinx toolchain, if
- requested.
- :param config: A dictionary containing the image configuration options.
- This must obey the rfnoc_imagebuilder_args schema.
- :param fpga_path: A path that holds the FPGA IP sources.
- :param device: The device to build for.
- :param **args: Additional options including
- target: The target to build (leave empty for default).
- generate_only: Do not build the code after generation.
- clean_all: passed to Makefile
- GUI: passed to Makefile
- include_paths: Paths to additional blocks
- :return: Exit result of build process or 0 if generate-only is given.
- """
- logging.info("Selected device %s", device)
- image_core_path = \
- generate_image_core_path(args.get('output_path'), args.get('source'))
- edge_file = \
- generate_edge_file_path(
- args.get('router_hex_path'), device, args.get('source'))
- logging.debug("Image core output file: %s", image_core_path)
- logging.debug("Edge output file: %s", edge_file)
- core_config_path = get_core_config_path(config_path)
- signatures_conf = io_signatures(core_config_path)
- device_conf = IOConfig(device_config(core_config_path, device),
- signatures_conf)
- block_paths = collect_module_paths(config_path, args.get('include_paths', []))
- logging.debug("Looking for block descriptors in:")
- for path in block_paths:
- logging.debug(" %s", os.path.normpath(path))
- blocks = read_block_descriptions(signatures_conf, *block_paths)
- builder_conf = ImageBuilderConfig(config, blocks, device_conf)
- write_edges(builder_conf, edge_file)
- write_verilog(
- builder_conf,
- image_core_path,
- source=args.get('source'),
- source_hash=args.get('source_hash'))
- write_build_env()
- if "generate_only" in args and args["generate_only"]:
- logging.info("Skip build (generate only option given)")
- return 0
- # Check if the YAML files require additional Makefile.srcs
- extra_makefile_srcs = set()
- for block_info in builder_conf.noc_blocks.values():
- block_desc = blocks[block_info['block_desc']]
- if hasattr(block_desc, 'makefile_srcs'):
- extra_path = mako.template.Template(block_desc.makefile_srcs).render(**{
- "fpga_lib_dir": os.path.join(fpga_path, USRP3_LIB_RFNOC_DIR),
- })
- if extra_path not in extra_makefile_srcs:
- logging.debug("Adding additional Makefile.srcs path: %s", extra_path)
- extra_makefile_srcs.add(extra_path)
- args['extra_makefile_srcs'] = list(extra_makefile_srcs)
- return build(fpga_path, device, image_core_path, edge_file, **args)
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/CMakeLists.txt b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c5e3bd4..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instrument Brand
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# This file included, use CMake directory variables
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/rfnoc_image_core.v.mako
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/CMakeLists.txt b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ee69b63b5..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 Ettus Research, National Instruments Company
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# This file included, use CMake directory variables
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/chdr_xb_sep_transport.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/connect_io_ports.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ctrl_crossbar.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/device_io_ports.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/device_transport.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/drive_unused_ports.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/rfnoc_block.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/sep_xb_wires.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/static_router.v.mako
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/stream_endpoints.v.mako
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/chdr_xb_sep_transport.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/chdr_xb_sep_transport.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index 0862a1ac1..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/chdr_xb_sep_transport.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="seps, transports"/>\
- import re
- sep2xb = ""
- xb2sep = ""
- for sep in reversed(list(seps.keys())):
- sep2xb += "%s_to_xb_wire, " % sep
- xb2sep += "xb_to_%s_wire, " % sep
- for transport in reversed(transports):
- sep2xb += "s_%s_wire, " % transport["name"]
- xb2sep += "m_%s_wire, " % transport["name"]
- sep2xb = sep2xb[:-2]
- xb2sep = xb2sep[:-2]
- .s_axis_tdata ({${re.sub("wire", "tdata", sep2xb)}}),
- .s_axis_tlast ({${re.sub("wire", "tlast", sep2xb)}}),
- .s_axis_tvalid ({${re.sub("wire", "tvalid", sep2xb)}}),
- .s_axis_tready ({${re.sub("wire", "tready", sep2xb)}}),
- .m_axis_tdata ({${re.sub("wire", "tdata", xb2sep)}}),
- .m_axis_tlast ({${re.sub("wire", "tlast", xb2sep)}}),
- .m_axis_tvalid ({${re.sub("wire", "tvalid", xb2sep)}}),
- .m_axis_tready ({${re.sub("wire", "tready", xb2sep)}}),
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/connect_clk_domains.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/connect_clk_domains.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index df055645c..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/connect_clk_domains.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="connections, clocks"/>\
-%for connection in connections:
- src_name = connection["srcblk"] # Should always be "_device_"
- src = clocks[(src_name, connection["srcport"])]
- dst_name = connection["dstblk"]
- dst = clocks[(dst_name, connection["dstport"])]
- assign ${dst_name}_${dst["name"]}_clk = ${src["name"]}_clk;
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/connect_io_ports.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/connect_io_ports.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index c37697d88..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/connect_io_ports.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="connections, io_ports, names"/>\
-%for connection in connections:
- src_name = connection["srcblk"]
- src = io_ports[(src_name, connection["srcport"], names[0])]
- dst_name = connection["dstblk"]
- dst = io_ports[(dst_name, connection["dstport"], names[1])]
- %for src_wire, dst_wire in zip(src["wires"], dst["wires"]):
- swire = src_wire["name"] if src_name == "_device_" else "%s_%s" % (src_name, src_wire["name"])
- dwire = dst_wire["name"] if dst_name == "_device_" else "%s_%s" % (dst_name, dst_wire["name"])
- if src_wire["direction"] == "output":
- swire, dwire = dwire, swire
- assign ${dwire} = ${swire};
- %endfor
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/ctrl_crossbar.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/ctrl_crossbar.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index 5872e270e..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/ctrl_crossbar.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="seps, blocks"/>\
- import re
- axisstr = ""
- for block in reversed(list(blocks.keys())):
- axisstr += "{0}_%s_ctrl_{1}, " % block
- for sep in reversed(list(seps.keys())):
- axisstr += "{0}_%s_ctrl_{1}, " % sep
- axisstr += "{0}_core_ctrl_{1}"
-%for block in blocks:
- wire [31:0] m_${block}_ctrl_tdata , s_${block}_ctrl_tdata ;
- wire m_${block}_ctrl_tlast , s_${block}_ctrl_tlast ;
- wire m_${block}_ctrl_tvalid, s_${block}_ctrl_tvalid;
- wire m_${block}_ctrl_tready, s_${block}_ctrl_tready;
- axis_ctrl_crossbar_nxn #(
- .WIDTH (32),
- .NPORTS (${len(seps) + len(blocks) + 1}),
- ) ctrl_xb_i (
- .clk (rfnoc_ctrl_clk),
- .reset (rfnoc_ctrl_rst),
- .s_axis_tdata ({${axisstr.format("m", "tdata ")}}),
- .s_axis_tvalid ({${axisstr.format("m", "tvalid")}}),
- .s_axis_tlast ({${axisstr.format("m", "tlast ")}}),
- .s_axis_tready ({${axisstr.format("m", "tready")}}),
- .m_axis_tdata ({${axisstr.format("s", "tdata ")}}),
- .m_axis_tvalid ({${axisstr.format("s", "tvalid")}}),
- .m_axis_tlast ({${axisstr.format("s", "tlast ")}}),
- .m_axis_tready ({${axisstr.format("s", "tready")}}),
- .deadlock_detected()
- );
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/device_io_ports.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/device_io_ports.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index abfb86c98..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/device_io_ports.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="io_ports"/>\
-<%import six%>\
-//// IO ports //////////////////////////////////
-%for name, io_port in six.iteritems(io_ports):
-// ${name}
- %for wire in io_port["wires"]:
- ${wire["direction"]} wire [${"%3d" % wire["width"]}-1:0] ${wire["name"]},
- %endfor
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/device_transport.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/device_transport.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d752ce13..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/device_transport.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="transports"/>\
-%for i, transport in enumerate(transports):
- // Transport ${i} (${transport["name"]} ${transport["type"]})
- input wire [${transport["width"]}-1:0] s_${transport["name"]}_tdata,
- input wire s_${transport["name"]}_tlast,
- input wire s_${transport["name"]}_tvalid,
- output wire s_${transport["name"]}_tready,
- output wire [${transport["width"]}-1:0] m_${transport["name"]}_tdata,
- output wire m_${transport["name"]}_tlast,
- output wire m_${transport["name"]}_tvalid,
- input wire m_${transport["name"]}_tready${"," if i < len(transports) - 1 else ""}
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/drive_unused_ports.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/drive_unused_ports.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index dfa1e7eb6..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/drive_unused_ports.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="connections, block_ports"/>\
- sources = []
- destinations = []
- for connection in connections:
- sources.append((connection["srcblk"], connection["srcport"]))
- destinations.append((connection["dstblk"], connection["dstport"]))
-%for (block_name, port_name, direction) in block_ports:
- %if direction == "input":
- %if not (block_name, port_name) in destinations:
- assign s_${block_name}_${port_name}_tdata = {CHDR_W{1'b0}};
- assign s_${block_name}_${port_name}_tlast = 1'b0;
- assign s_${block_name}_${port_name}_tvalid = 1'b0;
- %endif
- %elif direction == "output":
- %if not (block_name, port_name) in sources:
- assign m_${block_name}_${port_name}_tready = 1'b1;
- %endif
- %endif
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/rfnoc_block.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/rfnoc_block.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index ee4a811a8..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/rfnoc_block.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="block_id, block_number, block_name, block, block_params, block_ports"/>\
- import re
- import six
- # Create two strings, one for the input and one for the output, that each
- # contains all the signal names to be connected to the input or output
- # AXIS-CHDR ports of this block.
- axis_inputs = ""
- axis_outputs = ""
- for port_desc in block_ports:
- if port_desc[0] == block_name:
- port_name = port_desc[1]
- if port_desc[2] == "input":
- axis_inputs = "{0}_%s_%s_{1}, " % (block_name, port_name) + axis_inputs
- elif port_desc[2] == "output":
- axis_outputs = "{0}_%s_%s_{1}, " % (block_name, port_name) + axis_outputs
- axis_inputs = axis_inputs[:-2]
- axis_outputs = axis_outputs[:-2]
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // ${block_name}
- // ----------------------------------------------------
-%for clock in block.clocks:
- %if not clock["name"] in ["rfnoc_chdr", "rfnoc_ctrl"]:
- wire ${block_name}_${clock["name"]}_clk;
- %endif
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] ${axis_inputs.format("s", "tdata ")};
- wire ${axis_inputs.format("s", "tlast ")};
- wire ${axis_inputs.format("s", "tvalid")};
- wire ${axis_inputs.format("s", "tready")};
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] ${axis_outputs.format("m", "tdata ")};
- wire ${axis_outputs.format("m", "tlast ")};
- wire ${axis_outputs.format("m", "tvalid")};
- wire ${axis_outputs.format("m", "tready")};
-%if hasattr(block, "io_ports"):
- %for name, io_port in six.iteritems(block.io_ports):
- // ${name}
- %for wire in io_port["wires"]:
- wire [${"%3d" % wire["width"]}-1:0] ${block_name}_${wire["name"]};
- %endfor
- %endfor
- rfnoc_block_${block.module_name} #(
- .THIS_PORTID(${block_id}),
-%for name, value in six.iteritems(block_params):
- .${name}(${value}),
- ) b_${block_name}_${block_number} (
- .rfnoc_chdr_clk (rfnoc_chdr_clk),
- .rfnoc_ctrl_clk (rfnoc_ctrl_clk),
-%for clock in block.clocks:
- %if not clock["name"] in ["rfnoc_chdr", "rfnoc_ctrl"]:
- .${clock["name"]}_clk(${block_name}_${clock["name"]}_clk),
- %endif
- .rfnoc_core_config (rfnoc_core_config[512*${block_number + 1}-1:512*${block_number}]),
- .rfnoc_core_status (rfnoc_core_status[512*${block_number + 1}-1:512*${block_number}]),
-%if hasattr(block, "io_ports"):
- %for name, io_port in six.iteritems(block.io_ports):
- %for wire in io_port["wires"]:
- .${wire["name"]}(${block_name}_${wire["name"]}),
- %endfor
- %endfor
- .s_rfnoc_chdr_tdata ({${axis_inputs.format("s", "tdata ")}}),
- .s_rfnoc_chdr_tlast ({${axis_inputs.format("s", "tlast ")}}),
- .s_rfnoc_chdr_tvalid({${axis_inputs.format("s", "tvalid")}}),
- .s_rfnoc_chdr_tready({${axis_inputs.format("s", "tready")}}),
- .m_rfnoc_chdr_tdata ({${axis_outputs.format("m", "tdata ")}}),
- .m_rfnoc_chdr_tlast ({${axis_outputs.format("m", "tlast ")}}),
- .m_rfnoc_chdr_tvalid({${axis_outputs.format("m", "tvalid")}}),
- .m_rfnoc_chdr_tready({${axis_outputs.format("m", "tready")}}),
- .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata (s_${block_name}_ctrl_tdata ),
- .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast (s_${block_name}_ctrl_tlast ),
- .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid(s_${block_name}_ctrl_tvalid),
- .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tready(s_${block_name}_ctrl_tready),
- .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata (m_${block_name}_ctrl_tdata ),
- .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast (m_${block_name}_ctrl_tlast ),
- .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid(m_${block_name}_ctrl_tvalid),
- .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tready(m_${block_name}_ctrl_tready)
- );
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/sep_xb_wires.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/sep_xb_wires.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa7d56bb..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/sep_xb_wires.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="seps"/>\
-%for sep in seps:
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] xb_to_${sep}_tdata ;
- wire xb_to_${sep}_tlast ;
- wire xb_to_${sep}_tvalid;
- wire xb_to_${sep}_tready;
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] ${sep}_to_xb_tdata ;
- wire ${sep}_to_xb_tlast ;
- wire ${sep}_to_xb_tvalid;
- wire ${sep}_to_xb_tready;
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/static_router.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/static_router.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index 3649c278b..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/static_router.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="connections"/>\
-%for connection in connections:
- srcblk = connection["srcblk"]
- dstblk = connection["dstblk"]
- srcport = "in" if connection["srcport"] == None else connection["srcport"]
- dstport = "out" if connection["dstport"] == None else connection["dstport"]
- assign s_${dstblk}_${dstport}_tdata = m_${srcblk}_${srcport}_tdata ;
- assign s_${dstblk}_${dstport}_tlast = m_${srcblk}_${srcport}_tlast ;
- assign s_${dstblk}_${dstport}_tvalid = m_${srcblk}_${srcport}_tvalid;
- assign m_${srcblk}_${srcport}_tready = s_${dstblk}_${dstport}_tready;
-%endfor \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/stream_endpoints.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/stream_endpoints.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ecccb77..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/modules/stream_endpoints.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-<%page args="seps"/>\
- import math
- import re
- import six
- axis_inputs = {}
- axis_outputs = {}
- for i, sep in enumerate(seps):
- inputs = ""
- outputs = ""
- for data_i in range(0,seps[sep]["num_data_i"]):
- inputs = "s_{0}_in%d_{1}, " % (data_i) + inputs
- axis_inputs[sep] = inputs[:-2]
- for data_o in range(0,seps[sep]["num_data_o"]):
- outputs = "m_{0}_out%d_{1}, " % (data_o) + outputs
- axis_outputs[sep] = outputs[:-2]
-%for i, sep in enumerate(seps):
-# If buff_size == 0, then we assume that we will never transmit through this SEP
-buff_size = seps[sep]["buff_size"]
-if buff_size > 0:
- buff_size = int(math.ceil(math.log(buff_size, 2)))
- # FIXME MTU assumed to be 10 here -- forcing to at least accommodate 2 pkts
- buff_size = max(buff_size, 10+1)
- buff_size = 5
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] ${axis_outputs[sep].format(sep,"tdata")};
- wire ${axis_outputs[sep].format(sep,"tlast")};
- wire ${axis_outputs[sep].format(sep,"tvalid")};
- wire ${axis_outputs[sep].format(sep,"tready")};
- wire [CHDR_W-1:0] ${axis_inputs[sep].format(sep,"tdata")};
- wire ${axis_inputs[sep].format(sep,"tlast")};
- wire ${axis_inputs[sep].format(sep,"tvalid")};
- wire ${axis_inputs[sep].format(sep,"tready")};
- wire [31:0] m_${sep}_ctrl_tdata , s_${sep}_ctrl_tdata ;
- wire m_${sep}_ctrl_tlast , s_${sep}_ctrl_tlast ;
- wire m_${sep}_ctrl_tvalid, s_${sep}_ctrl_tvalid;
- wire m_${sep}_ctrl_tready, s_${sep}_ctrl_tready;
- chdr_stream_endpoint #(
- .AXIS_CTRL_EN (${int(seps[sep]["ctrl"])}),
- .AXIS_DATA_EN (${int(seps[sep]["data"])}),
- .NUM_DATA_I (${int(seps[sep]["num_data_i"])}),
- .NUM_DATA_O (${int(seps[sep]["num_data_o"])}),
- .INST_NUM (${i}),
- .CTRL_XBAR_PORT (${i+1}),
- .INGRESS_BUFF_SIZE (${buff_size}),
- .MTU (MTU),
- ) ${sep}_i (
- .rfnoc_chdr_clk (rfnoc_chdr_clk ),
- .rfnoc_chdr_rst (rfnoc_chdr_rst ),
- .rfnoc_ctrl_clk (rfnoc_ctrl_clk ),
- .rfnoc_ctrl_rst (rfnoc_ctrl_rst ),
- .device_id (device_id ),
- .s_axis_chdr_tdata (xb_to_${sep}_tdata ),
- .s_axis_chdr_tlast (xb_to_${sep}_tlast ),
- .s_axis_chdr_tvalid (xb_to_${sep}_tvalid ),
- .s_axis_chdr_tready (xb_to_${sep}_tready ),
- .m_axis_chdr_tdata (${sep}_to_xb_tdata ),
- .m_axis_chdr_tlast (${sep}_to_xb_tlast ),
- .m_axis_chdr_tvalid (${sep}_to_xb_tvalid ),
- .m_axis_chdr_tready (${sep}_to_xb_tready ),
- .s_axis_data_tdata ({${axis_inputs[sep].format(sep,"tdata")}}),
- .s_axis_data_tlast ({${axis_inputs[sep].format(sep,"tlast")}}),
- .s_axis_data_tvalid ({${axis_inputs[sep].format(sep,"tvalid")}}),
- .s_axis_data_tready ({${axis_inputs[sep].format(sep,"tready")}}),
- .m_axis_data_tdata ({${axis_outputs[sep].format(sep,"tdata")}}),
- .m_axis_data_tlast ({${axis_outputs[sep].format(sep,"tlast")}}),
- .m_axis_data_tvalid ({${axis_outputs[sep].format(sep,"tvalid")}}),
- .m_axis_data_tready ({${axis_outputs[sep].format(sep,"tready")}}),
- .s_axis_ctrl_tdata (s_${sep}_ctrl_tdata ),
- .s_axis_ctrl_tlast (s_${sep}_ctrl_tlast ),
- .s_axis_ctrl_tvalid (s_${sep}_ctrl_tvalid),
- .s_axis_ctrl_tready (s_${sep}_ctrl_tready),
- .m_axis_ctrl_tdata (m_${sep}_ctrl_tdata ),
- .m_axis_ctrl_tlast (m_${sep}_ctrl_tlast ),
- .m_axis_ctrl_tvalid (m_${sep}_ctrl_tvalid),
- .m_axis_ctrl_tready (m_${sep}_ctrl_tready),
- .strm_seq_err_stb ( ),
- .strm_data_err_stb ( ),
- .strm_route_err_stb ( ),
- .signal_data_err (1'b0 )
- );
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/rfnoc_image_core.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/rfnoc_image_core.v.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index a18ff53a1..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/templates/rfnoc_image_core.v.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
- import datetime
-// Copyright ${datetime.datetime.now().year} ${config.copyright}
-// ${config.license}
-// Module: rfnoc_image_core (for ${config.device.type})
-// This file was autogenerated by UHD's image builder tool (rfnoc_image_builder)
-// Re-running that tool will overwrite this file!
-// File generated on: ${datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()}
-% if source:
-// Source: ${source}
-% endif
-% if source_hash:
-// Source SHA256: ${source_hash}
-% endif
-module rfnoc_image_core #(
- parameter [15:0] PROTOVER = {8'd1, 8'd0}
- // Clocks
- input wire chdr_aclk,
- input wire ctrl_aclk,
- input wire core_arst,
-%for clock in config.device.clocks:
- input wire ${clock["name"]}_clk,
- // Basic
- input wire [15:0] device_id,
-<%include file="/modules/device_io_ports.v.mako" args="io_ports=config.device.io_ports"/>\
-<%include file="/modules/device_transport.v.mako" args="transports=config.device.transports"/>\
- localparam CHDR_W = 64;
- localparam MTU = 10;
- localparam EDGE_TBL_FILE = `"`RFNOC_EDGE_TBL_FILE`";
- wire rfnoc_chdr_clk, rfnoc_chdr_rst;
- wire rfnoc_ctrl_clk, rfnoc_ctrl_rst;
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // CHDR Crossbar
- // ----------------------------------------------------
-<%include file="/modules/sep_xb_wires.v.mako" args="seps=config.stream_endpoints"/>\
- chdr_crossbar_nxn #(
- .NPORTS (${len(config.stream_endpoints) + len(config.device.transports)}),
- .MTU (MTU),
- .NPORTS_MGMT (${len(config.device.transports)}),
- ) chdr_xb_i (
- .clk (rfnoc_chdr_clk),
- .reset (rfnoc_chdr_rst),
- .device_id (device_id),
-<%include file="/modules/chdr_xb_sep_transport.v.mako" args="seps=config.stream_endpoints, transports=config.device.transports"/>\
- .ext_rtcfg_stb (1'h0),
- .ext_rtcfg_addr (16'h0),
- .ext_rtcfg_data (32'h0),
- .ext_rtcfg_ack ()
- );
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // Stream Endpoints
- // ----------------------------------------------------
-<%include file="/modules/stream_endpoints.v.mako" args="seps=config.stream_endpoints"/>\
- from collections import OrderedDict
- ctrl_seps = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in config.stream_endpoints.items() if v.get('ctrl'))
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // Control Crossbar
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- wire [31:0] m_core_ctrl_tdata , s_core_ctrl_tdata ;
- wire m_core_ctrl_tlast , s_core_ctrl_tlast ;
- wire m_core_ctrl_tvalid, s_core_ctrl_tvalid;
- wire m_core_ctrl_tready, s_core_ctrl_tready;
-<%include file="/modules/ctrl_crossbar.v.mako" args="seps=ctrl_seps, blocks=config.noc_blocks"/>\
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // RFNoC Core Kernel
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- wire [(512*${len(config.noc_blocks)})-1:0] rfnoc_core_config, rfnoc_core_status;
- rfnoc_core_kernel #(
- .DEVICE_TYPE (16'h${config.device.type_id}),
- .DEVICE_FAMILY ("${config.device.family}"),
- .NUM_BLOCKS (${len(config.noc_blocks)}),
- .NUM_STREAM_ENDPOINTS(${len(config.stream_endpoints)}),
- .NUM_ENDPOINTS_CTRL (${len(ctrl_seps)}),
- .NUM_TRANSPORTS (${len(config.device.transports)}),
- .NUM_EDGES (${len(config.block_con)}),
- ) core_kernel_i (
- .chdr_aclk (chdr_aclk),
- .chdr_aclk_locked (1'b1),
- .ctrl_aclk (ctrl_aclk),
- .ctrl_aclk_locked (1'b1),
- .core_arst (core_arst),
- .core_chdr_clk (rfnoc_chdr_clk),
- .core_chdr_rst (rfnoc_chdr_rst),
- .core_ctrl_clk (rfnoc_ctrl_clk),
- .core_ctrl_rst (rfnoc_ctrl_rst),
- .s_axis_ctrl_tdata (s_core_ctrl_tdata ),
- .s_axis_ctrl_tlast (s_core_ctrl_tlast ),
- .s_axis_ctrl_tvalid (s_core_ctrl_tvalid),
- .s_axis_ctrl_tready (s_core_ctrl_tready),
- .m_axis_ctrl_tdata (m_core_ctrl_tdata ),
- .m_axis_ctrl_tlast (m_core_ctrl_tlast ),
- .m_axis_ctrl_tvalid (m_core_ctrl_tvalid),
- .m_axis_ctrl_tready (m_core_ctrl_tready),
- .device_id (device_id),
- .rfnoc_core_config (rfnoc_core_config),
- .rfnoc_core_status (rfnoc_core_status)
- );
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // Blocks
- // ----------------------------------------------------
-%for i, name in enumerate(config.noc_blocks):
-<%include file="/modules/rfnoc_block.v.mako" args="block_id=i + len(ctrl_seps) + 1, block_number=i, block_name=name, block=config.blocks[config.noc_blocks[name]['block_desc']], block_params=config.noc_blocks[name]['parameters'], block_ports=config.block_ports"/>
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // Static Router
- // ----------------------------------------------------
-<%include file="/modules/static_router.v.mako" args="connections=config.block_con"/>\
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // Unused Ports
- // ----------------------------------------------------
-<%include file="/modules/drive_unused_ports.v.mako" args="connections=config.block_con, block_ports=config.block_ports"/>\
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // Clock Domains
- // ----------------------------------------------------
-<%include file="/modules/connect_clk_domains.v.mako" args="connections=config.clk_domain_con, clocks=config.clocks"/>\
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // IO Port Connection
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- // Master/Slave Connections:
-<%include file="/modules/connect_io_ports.v.mako" args="connections=config.io_port_con_ms, io_ports=config.io_ports, names=('master', 'slave')"/>\
- // Broadcaster/Listener Connections:
-<%include file="/modules/connect_io_ports.v.mako" args="connections=config.io_port_con_bl, io_ports=config.io_ports, names=('broadcaster', 'listener')"/>\
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc/yaml_utils.py b/host/utils/rfnoc/yaml_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e64556334..000000000
--- a/host/utils/rfnoc/yaml_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instrument Brand
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-from ruamel import yaml
-# Allow jsonschema import to fail. If not available no schema validation will
-# be done (but warning will be printed for each skipped validation).
- import jsonschema
-except ImportError:
- logging.warning("Module jsonschema is not installed. Configuration files "
- "will not be validated against their schema.")
-def find_schema(schema_name, config_path):
- """
- Recursive search for schema file. Only looks for a file with appropriate
- name without checking for content or accessibility.
- This check will be performed later when trying to load the schema.
- :param schema_name: name of schema file to search for
- :param config_path: root path to start search in
- :return: full path to schema file if found, None else
- """
- for root, _, _ in os.walk(config_path):
- filename = os.path.join(root, schema_name)
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- return filename
- return None
-def validate_config(config, config_path):
- """
- Try to validate config.
- config contains a configuration loaded from a yaml file. config is assumed
- to be a dictionary which contains a key 'schema' which determines
- which schema to validate against. The schema (json formatted) needs to be
- located in config_path or any sub folder of it.
- If "jsonschema" module cannot be loaded validation is skipped and config
- is assumed to be valid. This way a configuration can also be loaded if
- "jsonschema" is not available.
- The method raises ValueError if no schema is defined in config or the
- schema defined in config cannot be found. The validation itself may throw
- a jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError if config does not confirm to its
- schema.
- :param config: a dictionary to validate (loaded from yaml file).
- :param config_path: a path holding schema definitions
- """
- if "jsonschema" not in sys.modules:
- logging.warning("Skip schema validation (missing module jsonschema).")
- return
- if not "schema" in config:
- raise ValueError("Missing schema in configuration.")
- schema_name = config["schema"]
- logging.debug("Validate against schema %s.", schema_name)
- schema_file = find_schema('%s.json' % schema_name, config_path)
- if not schema_file:
- raise ValueError("Unknown schema %s." % schema_name)
- logging.debug("Using schema file %s.", schema_file)
- with open(schema_file) as stream:
- jsonschema.validate(instance=config, schema=json.load(stream))
- logging.debug("Configuration successful validated.")
-def load_config(config_file, config_path):
- """
- Wrapper method to unify loading of configuration files.
- Beside loading the configuration (yaml file format) itself from config_file
- this method also validates the configuration against a schema. The root
- element of the configuration must load to a dictionary which contains a
- "schema" key. The value of schema points to a file named {value}.json which
- must be located in config_path or one of its sub folders.
- .. seealso:: validate_config.
- :param config_file: configuration to load
- :param config_path: root path of schema definition files
- :return:
- """
- logging.debug("Load configuration %s.", config_file)
- with open(config_file) as stream:
- rt_yaml = yaml.YAML(typ='rt')
- config = rt_yaml.load(stream)
- logging.debug("Configuration successful loaded.")
- validate_config(config, config_path)
- return config