path: root/host/lib/transport/udp_zero_copy_asio.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'host/lib/transport/udp_zero_copy_asio.cpp')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/transport/udp_zero_copy_asio.cpp b/host/lib/transport/udp_zero_copy_asio.cpp
index 0a6c9f2af..2cf7bde18 100644
--- a/host/lib/transport/udp_zero_copy_asio.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/transport/udp_zero_copy_asio.cpp
@@ -17,25 +17,37 @@
#include <uhd/transport/udp_zero_copy.hpp>
#include <uhd/transport/udp_simple.hpp> //mtu
+#include <uhd/transport/bounded_buffer.hpp>
+#include <uhd/utils/thread_priority.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/assert.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/warning.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+#include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <iostream>
+using namespace uhd;
using namespace uhd::transport;
+namespace asio = boost::asio;
* Constants
//enough buffering for half a second of samples at full rate on usrp2
-static const size_t MIN_RECV_SOCK_BUFF_SIZE = size_t(sizeof(boost::uint32_t) * 25e6 * 0.5);
+static const size_t MIN_RECV_SOCK_BUFF_SIZE = size_t(4 * 25e6 * 0.5);
//Large buffers cause more underflow at high rates.
//Perhaps this is due to the kernel scheduling,
//but may change with host-based flow control.
static const size_t MIN_SEND_SOCK_BUFF_SIZE = size_t(10e3);
+//the number of async frames to allocate for each send and recv
+static const size_t DEFAULT_NUM_ASYNC_FRAMES = 32;
+//a single concurrent thread for io_service seems to be the fastest
+static const size_t CONCURRENCY_HINT = 1;
* Zero Copy UDP implementation with ASIO:
* This is the portable zero copy implementation for systems
@@ -43,36 +55,57 @@ static const size_t MIN_SEND_SOCK_BUFF_SIZE = size_t(10e3);
* However, it is not a true zero copy implementation as each
* send and recv requires a copy operation to/from userspace.
-class udp_zero_copy_impl:
- public phony_zero_copy_recv_if,
- public phony_zero_copy_send_if,
- public udp_zero_copy
+class udp_zero_copy_asio_impl : public udp_zero_copy, public boost::enable_shared_from_this<udp_zero_copy_asio_impl> {
- typedef boost::shared_ptr<udp_zero_copy_impl> sptr;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<udp_zero_copy_asio_impl> sptr;
- udp_zero_copy_impl(
- const std::string &addr,
- const std::string &port
+ udp_zero_copy_asio_impl(
+ const std::string &addr, const std::string &port,
+ size_t recv_frame_size, size_t num_recv_frames,
+ size_t send_frame_size, size_t num_send_frames
- phony_zero_copy_recv_if(udp_simple::mtu),
- phony_zero_copy_send_if(udp_simple::mtu)
+ _io_service(CONCURRENCY_HINT),
+ _work(new asio::io_service::work(_io_service)),
+ _recv_frame_size(recv_frame_size), _num_recv_frames(num_recv_frames),
+ _send_frame_size(send_frame_size), _num_send_frames(num_send_frames)
//std::cout << boost::format("Creating udp transport for %s %s") % addr % port << std::endl;
- // resolve the address
- boost::asio::ip::udp::resolver resolver(_io_service);
- boost::asio::ip::udp::resolver::query query(boost::asio::ip::udp::v4(), addr, port);
- boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint receiver_endpoint = *resolver.resolve(query);
+ //resolve the address
+ asio::ip::udp::resolver resolver(_io_service);
+ asio::ip::udp::resolver::query query(asio::ip::udp::v4(), addr, port);
+ asio::ip::udp::endpoint receiver_endpoint = *resolver.resolve(query);
- // create, open, and connect the socket
- _socket = new boost::asio::ip::udp::socket(_io_service);
- _socket->open(boost::asio::ip::udp::v4());
+ //create, open, and connect the socket
+ _socket = new asio::ip::udp::socket(_io_service);
+ _socket->open(asio::ip::udp::v4());
- _sock_fd = _socket->native();
- ~udp_zero_copy_impl(void){
+ void init(void){
+ //allocate all recv frames and release them to begin xfers
+ _pending_recv_buffs = pending_buffs_type::make(_num_recv_frames);
+ _recv_buffer = boost::shared_array<char>(new char[_num_recv_frames*_recv_frame_size]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_recv_frames; i++){
+ release(_recv_buffer.get() + i*_recv_frame_size);
+ }
+ //allocate all send frames and push them into the fifo
+ _pending_send_buffs = pending_buffs_type::make(_num_send_frames);
+ _send_buffer = boost::shared_array<char>(new char[_num_send_frames*_send_frame_size]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_send_frames; i++){
+ handle_send(_send_buffer.get() + i*_send_frame_size);
+ }
+ //spawn the service threads that will run the io service
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < CONCURRENCY_HINT; i++) _thread_group.create_thread(
+ boost::bind(&udp_zero_copy_asio_impl::service, this)
+ );
+ }
+ ~udp_zero_copy_asio_impl(void){
+ delete _work; //allow io_service run to complete
+ _thread_group.join_all(); //wait for service threads to exit
delete _socket;
@@ -90,60 +123,106 @@ public:
return get_buff_size<Opt>();
+ //! pop a filled recv buffer off of the fifo and bind with the release callback
+ managed_recv_buffer::sptr get_recv_buff(double timeout){
+ boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; //disable because the wait can throw
+ asio::mutable_buffer buff;
+ if (_pending_recv_buffs->pop_with_timed_wait(buff, timeout)){
+ return managed_recv_buffer::make_safe(
+ buff, boost::bind(
+ &udp_zero_copy_asio_impl::release,
+ shared_from_this(),
+ asio::buffer_cast<void*>(buff)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return managed_recv_buffer::sptr();
+ }
- //The number of frames is approximately the buffer size divided by the max datagram size.
- //In reality, this is a phony zero-copy interface and the number of frames is infinite.
- //However, its sensible to advertise a frame count that is approximate to buffer size.
- //This way, the transport caller will have an idea about how much buffering to create.
+ size_t get_num_recv_frames(void) const {return _num_recv_frames;}
- size_t get_num_recv_frames(void) const{
- return this->get_buff_size<boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size>()/udp_simple::mtu;
+ //! pop an empty send buffer off of the fifo and bind with the commit callback
+ managed_send_buffer::sptr get_send_buff(double timeout){
+ boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; //disable because the wait can throw
+ asio::mutable_buffer buff;
+ if (_pending_send_buffs->pop_with_timed_wait(buff, timeout)){
+ return managed_send_buffer::make_safe(
+ buff, boost::bind(
+ &udp_zero_copy_asio_impl::commit,
+ shared_from_this(),
+ asio::buffer_cast<void*>(buff), _1
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return managed_send_buffer::sptr();
- size_t get_num_send_frames(void) const{
- return this->get_buff_size<boost::asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size>()/udp_simple::mtu;
- }
+ size_t get_num_send_frames(void) const {return _num_send_frames;}
- boost::asio::ip::udp::socket *_socket;
- boost::asio::io_service _io_service;
- int _sock_fd;
- ssize_t recv(const boost::asio::mutable_buffer &buff, size_t timeout_ms){
- //setup timeval for timeout
- timeval tv;
- tv.tv_sec = 0;
- tv.tv_usec = timeout_ms*1000;
- //setup rset for timeout
- fd_set rset;
- FD_ZERO(&rset);
- FD_SET(_sock_fd, &rset);
- //call select to perform timed wait
- if (::select(_sock_fd+1, &rset, NULL, NULL, &tv) <= 0) return 0;
- return ::recv(
- _sock_fd,
- boost::asio::buffer_cast<char *>(buff),
- boost::asio::buffer_size(buff), 0
+ void service(void){
+ set_thread_priority_safe();
+ _io_service.run();
+ }
+ /*******************************************************************
+ * The async send and receive callbacks
+ ******************************************************************/
+ //! handle a recv callback -> push the filled memory into the fifo
+ void handle_recv(void *mem, size_t len){
+ boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; //disable because the wait can throw
+ _pending_recv_buffs->push_with_wait(boost::asio::buffer(mem, len));
+ }
+ //! release a recv buffer -> start an async recv on the buffer
+ void release(void *mem){
+ _socket->async_receive(
+ boost::asio::buffer(mem, _recv_frame_size),
+ boost::bind(
+ &udp_zero_copy_asio_impl::handle_recv,
+ shared_from_this(), mem,
+ asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred
+ )
- ssize_t send(const boost::asio::const_buffer &buff){
- return ::send(
- _sock_fd,
- boost::asio::buffer_cast<const char *>(buff),
- boost::asio::buffer_size(buff), 0
+ //! handle a send callback -> push the emptied memory into the fifo
+ void handle_send(void *mem){
+ boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; //disable because the wait can throw
+ _pending_send_buffs->push_with_wait(boost::asio::buffer(mem, _send_frame_size));
+ }
+ //! commit a send buffer -> start an async send on the buffer
+ void commit(void *mem, size_t len){
+ _socket->async_send(
+ boost::asio::buffer(mem, len),
+ boost::bind(
+ &udp_zero_copy_asio_impl::handle_send,
+ shared_from_this(), mem
+ )
+ //asio guts -> socket and service
+ asio::ip::udp::socket *_socket;
+ asio::io_service _io_service;
+ asio::io_service::work *_work;
+ //memory management -> buffers and fifos
+ boost::thread_group _thread_group;
+ boost::shared_array<char> _send_buffer, _recv_buffer;
+ typedef bounded_buffer<asio::mutable_buffer> pending_buffs_type;
+ pending_buffs_type::sptr _pending_recv_buffs, _pending_send_buffs;
+ const size_t _recv_frame_size, _num_recv_frames;
+ const size_t _send_frame_size, _num_send_frames;
* UDP zero copy make function
template<typename Opt> static void resize_buff_helper(
- udp_zero_copy_impl::sptr udp_trans,
+ udp_zero_copy_asio_impl::sptr udp_trans,
size_t target_size,
const std::string &name
@@ -183,11 +262,17 @@ udp_zero_copy::sptr udp_zero_copy::make(
size_t recv_buff_size,
size_t send_buff_size
- udp_zero_copy_impl::sptr udp_trans(new udp_zero_copy_impl(addr, port));
+ udp_zero_copy_asio_impl::sptr udp_trans(new udp_zero_copy_asio_impl(
+ addr, port,
+ udp_simple::mtu, DEFAULT_NUM_ASYNC_FRAMES, //recv
+ udp_simple::mtu, DEFAULT_NUM_ASYNC_FRAMES //send
+ ));
//call the helper to resize send and recv buffers
- resize_buff_helper<boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size>(udp_trans, recv_buff_size, "recv");
- resize_buff_helper<boost::asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size> (udp_trans, send_buff_size, "send");
+ resize_buff_helper<asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size>(udp_trans, recv_buff_size, "recv");
+ resize_buff_helper<asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size> (udp_trans, send_buff_size, "send");
+ udp_trans->init(); //buffers resized -> call init() to use
return udp_trans;