path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/x300/gen_ddrlvds.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/top/x300/gen_ddrlvds.v')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/x300/gen_ddrlvds.v b/fpga/usrp3/top/x300/gen_ddrlvds.v
index 680b10c84..7b0e4a6a1 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/top/x300/gen_ddrlvds.v
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/x300/gen_ddrlvds.v
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-module gen_ddrlvds
- (
+module gen_ddrlvds (
// 2X Radio clock
input tx_clk_2x,
// 1X Radio Clock
@@ -23,76 +22,102 @@ module gen_ddrlvds
input [15:0] q,
// Rising edge sampled on sync_dacs triggers frame sync sequence
input sync_dacs
- );
- reg [15:0] i_reg, q_reg;
- reg [15:0] i_2x, q_2x;
- reg phase, phase_2x;
- reg rising_edge;
- wire [15:0] i_and_q_2x;
- reg sync_2x;
- reg sync_dacs_reg;
- genvar z;
- wire [7:0] tx_int;
- wire tx_clk_2x_int;
- wire tx_frame_int;
- (* keep = "true", max_fanout = 10 *) wire phase_eq_phase2x = (phase == phase_2x);
+ localparam SYNC_PULSE_WIDTH = 3'd2;
+ //
+ // Figure out the 1X clock level
+ //
+ localparam TX_CLK_1X_LOW = 1'b0;
+ localparam TX_CLK_1X_HIGH = 1'b1;
+ reg tx_clk_1x_level;
+ reg phase, phase_2x;
+ reg reset_2x;
always @(posedge tx_clk_1x)
- if (reset)
- phase <= 1'b0;
- else
- phase <= ~phase;
+ if (reset)
+ phase <= 1'b0;
+ else
+ phase <= ~phase;
+ always @(posedge tx_clk_2x)
+ begin
+ phase_2x <= phase;
+ //Pipeline reset and tx_clk_1x_level
+ reset_2x <= reset;
+ tx_clk_1x_level <= (phase == phase_2x) ? TX_CLK_1X_HIGH : TX_CLK_1X_LOW;
+ end
// Pipeline input data so that 1x to 2x clock domain jump includes no logic external to this module.
+ reg [15:0] i_reg, q_reg;
+ reg sync_dacs_reg;
always @(posedge tx_clk_1x)
- begin
- i_reg <= i;
- q_reg <= q;
- sync_dacs_reg <= sync_dacs;
- end
+ begin
+ i_reg <= i;
+ q_reg <= q;
+ sync_dacs_reg <= sync_dacs;
+ end
+ //
+ // Generate frame signal and interleave I and Q signals
+ //
+ reg [15:0] i_2x, q_2x;
+ reg [2:0] sync_count;
+ reg frame;
always @(posedge tx_clk_2x)
- begin
- // Move 1x data to 2x domain, mostly just to add pipeline regs
- // for timing closure.
- i_2x <= i_reg;
- q_2x <= q_reg;
- // Sample phase to determine when 1x clock edges occur.
- // To sync multiple AD9146 DAC's an extended assertion of FRAME is required,
- // when sync flag set, squash one rising_edge assertion which causes a 3 word assertion of FRAME,
- // also reset sync flag. "sync_dacs" comes from 1x clk and pulse lasts 2 2x clock cycles...this is accounted for.
- sync_2x <= (phase_eq_phase2x && sync_2x) ? 1'b0 /*RESET */ : (sync_dacs_reg) ? 1'b1 /* SET */ : sync_2x /* HOLD */;
- rising_edge <= (phase_eq_phase2x && ~sync_2x);
- phase_2x <= phase;
- end
- // Interleave I and Q as SDR signals
- assign i_and_q_2x = rising_edge ? q_2x : i_2x;
+ begin
+ // Move 1x data to 2x domain, mostly just to add pipeline regs
+ // for timing closure.
+ i_2x <= i_reg;
+ q_2x <= q_reg;
+ // Sample phase to determine when 1x clock edges occur.
+ // To sync multiple AD9146 DAC's an extended assertion of FRAME is required,
+ // when sync flag set, squash one frame assertion which causes a SYNC_PULSE_WIDTH+1 word assertion of FRAME,
+ // also reset sync flag. "sync_dacs" comes from 1x clk and pulse lasts 2 2x clock cycles...this is accounted for.
+ if (reset_2x) begin
+ frame <= 0;
+ sync_count <= 3'd0;
+ end else begin
+ frame <= (tx_clk_1x_level == TX_CLK_1X_LOW) | (sync_count != 3'd0);
+ if ((tx_clk_1x_level == TX_CLK_1X_LOW) & sync_dacs_reg)
+ sync_count <= SYNC_PULSE_WIDTH;
+ else if (sync_count > 3'd0)
+ sync_count <= sync_count - 3'd1;
+ end
+ end
+ wire [15:0] i_and_q_2x = frame ? i_2x : q_2x;
+ //
+ // Instantiate IO primitives for the source synchronous interface
+ //
+ wire [7:0] tx_int;
+ wire tx_clk_2x_int;
+ wire tx_frame_int;
+ genvar z;
for(z = 0; z < 8; z = z + 1)
- begin : gen_pins
- OBUFDS obufds (.I(tx_int[z]), .O(tx_d_p[z]), .OB(tx_d_n[z]));
- (.Q(tx_int[z]), .C(tx_clk_2x),
- .CE(1'b1), .D1(i_and_q_2x[z+8]), .D2(i_and_q_2x[z]), .S(1'b0), .R(1'b0));
- end
+ begin : gen_pins
+ OBUFDS obufds (.I(tx_int[z]), .O(tx_d_p[z]), .OB(tx_d_n[z]));
+ (.Q(tx_int[z]), .C(tx_clk_2x),
+ .CE(1'b1), .D1(i_and_q_2x[z+8]), .D2(i_and_q_2x[z]), .S(1'b0), .R(1'b0));
+ end
// Generate framing signal to identify I and Q
OBUFDS obufds_frame (.I(tx_frame_int), .O(tx_frame_p), .OB(tx_frame_n));
ODDR #(.DDR_CLK_EDGE("SAME_EDGE")) oddr_frame
(.Q(tx_frame_int), .C(tx_clk_2x),
- .CE(1'b1), .D1(~rising_edge), .D2(~rising_edge), .S(1'b0), .R(1'b0));
+ .CE(1'b1), .D1(frame), .D2(frame), .S(1'b0), .R(1'b0));
// Source synchronous clk
OBUFDS obufds_clk (.I(tx_clk_2x_int), .O(tx_clk_2x_p), .OB(tx_clk_2x_n));