path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/sim/ten_gig_eth_loopback
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/sim/ten_gig_eth_loopback')
2 files changed, 611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/sim/ten_gig_eth_loopback/Makefile b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/sim/ten_gig_eth_loopback/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1271a40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/sim/ten_gig_eth_loopback/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Ettus Research LLC
+# Top-of-Makefile
+# Define BASE_DIR to point to the "top" dir
+BASE_DIR = $(abspath ../../..)
+# Include viv_sim_preample after defining BASE_DIR
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_sim_preamble.mak
+# Design Specific
+# Define part using PART_ID (<device>/<package>/<speedgrade>)
+ARCH = zynq
+PART_ID = xc7z100/ffg900/-2
+# Include makefiles and sources for the DUT and its dependencies
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/fifo/Makefile.srcs
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/axi/Makefile.srcs
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/control/Makefile.srcs
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/xge_interface/Makefile.srcs
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/xge/Makefile.srcs
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/packet_proc/Makefile.srcs
+DESIGN_SRCS = $(abspath \
+$(AXI_SRCS) \
+# IP Specific
+# If simulation contains IP, define the IP_DIR and point
+# it to the base level IP directory
+IP_DIR = ../../ip
+# Include makefiles and sources for all IP components
+# *after* defining the IP_DIR
+include $(IP_DIR)/ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma/Makefile.inc
+include $(IP_DIR)/axi64_8k_2clk_fifo/Makefile.inc
+include $(IP_DIR)/axi64_4k_2clk_fifo/Makefile.inc
+DESIGN_SRCS += $(abspath \
+$(XGE_SRCS) \
+# Testbench Specific
+#include $(BASE_DIR)/../sim/general/Makefile.srcs
+#include $(BASE_DIR)/../sim/control/Makefile.srcs
+#include $(BASE_DIR)/../sim/axi/Makefile.srcs
+# Define only one toplevel module
+SIM_TOP = ten_gig_eth_loopback_tb
+# Simulation runtime in microseconds
+$(abspath ten_gig_eth_loopback_tb.sv) \
+# Bottom-of-Makefile
+# Include all simulator specific makefiles here
+# Each should define a unique target to simulate
+# e.g. xsim, vsim, etc and a common "clean" target
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_simulator.mak
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/sim/ten_gig_eth_loopback/ten_gig_eth_loopback_tb.sv b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/sim/ten_gig_eth_loopback/ten_gig_eth_loopback_tb.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0233a339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/sim/ten_gig_eth_loopback/ten_gig_eth_loopback_tb.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Ettus Research LLC
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+`define NS_PER_TICK 1
+`define NUM_TEST_CASES 13
+`include "sim_clks_rsts.vh"
+`include "sim_exec_report.vh"
+`include "sim_cvita_lib.svh"
+`include "sim_axis_lib.svh"
+`include "sim_axi4_lib.svh"
+`include "sim_set_rb_lib.svh"
+module ten_gig_eth_loopback_tb();
+ `TEST_BENCH_INIT("ten_gig_eth_loopback_tb",`NUM_TEST_CASES,`NS_PER_TICK)
+ // Define all clocks and resets
+ `DEFINE_CLK(XG_CLK_P, 1000/156.25, 50) //156.25MHz GT transceiver clock
+ `DEFINE_RESET(GSR, 0, 100) //100ns for GSR to deassert
+ wire XG_CLK_N = ~XG_CLK_P;
+ wire SFP_LN0_P, SFP_LN0_N, SFP_LN1_P, SFP_LN1_N;
+ //localparam PACKET_MODE = 0;
+ localparam PORTNUM = 8'd0;
+ // Ten_gigE Loopback Topology:
+ //
+ // TB Simulus ====> |------------| |----------------|
+ // | XgigE MAC | <===> | XgigE PCS/PMA | <====>||
+ // TB Checker <==== |------------| |----------------| || Loopback through
+ // ||
+ // ====> |------------| |----------------| || perfect serial channel
+ // Loopback | | XgigE MAC | <===> | XgigE PCS/PMA | <====>||
+ // <==== |------------| |----------------|
+ // Initialize DUT
+ wire xgige_refclk, xgige_clk156, xgige_dclk;
+ wire m_user_clk, s_user_clk;
+ wire m_channel_up, s_channel_up;
+ wire [63:0] m_xgmii_txd;
+ wire [7:0] m_xgmii_txc;
+ wire [63:0] m_xgmii_rxd;
+ wire [7:0] m_xgmii_rxc;
+ wire [63:0] s_xgmii_txd;
+ wire [7:0] s_xgmii_txc;
+ wire [63:0] s_xgmii_rxd;
+ wire [7:0] s_xgmii_rxc;
+ wire [7:0] m_xgmii_status;
+ wire [7:0] s_xgmii_status;
+ wire m_xge_phy_resetdone;
+ wire s_xge_phy_resetdone;
+ wire m_mdc, m_mdio_in, m_mdio_out;
+ wire s_mdc, s_mdio_in, s_mdio_out;
+ wire sfpp_rxlos,sfpp_tx_fault,sfpp_tx_disable;
+ wire [15:0] m_phy_status;
+ wire [15:0] s_phy_status;
+ wire [63:0] loop_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] loop_tuser;
+ wire loop_tlast, loop_tvalid, loop_tready;
+ wire [7:0] wb_adr_i;
+ wire wb_cyc_i;
+ wire [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+ wire wb_stb_i;
+ wire wb_we_i;
+ wire wb_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+ wire wb_int_o;
+ //`ifdef USE_ARM_FRAMER
+ //wire [63:0] c2e_tdata_int;
+ //wire [3:0] c2e_tuser_int;
+ //wire c2e_tlast_int;
+ //wire c2e_tvalid_int;
+ //wire c2e_tready_int;
+ //wire [63:0] c2e_tdata;
+ //wire [3:0] c2e_tuser;
+ //wire c2e_tlast;
+ //wire c2e_tvalid;
+ //wire c2e_tready;
+ //`endif
+ reg independent_clock;
+ assign m_channel_up = m_phy_status[0];
+ assign s_channel_up = s_phy_status[0];
+ //assign m_user_clk = xgige_refclk;
+ //assign s_user_clk = xgige_refclk;
+ assign m_user_clk = independent_clock;
+ assign s_user_clk = independent_clock;
+ ten_gige_phy_clk_gen xgige_clk_gen_i (
+ .areset(GSR),
+ .refclk_p(XG_CLK_P),
+ .refclk_n(XG_CLK_N),
+ .refclk(xgige_refclk),
+ .clk156(xgige_clk156),
+ .dclk(xgige_dclk)
+ );
+ cvita_master m_tx_chdr (.clk(m_user_clk));
+ cvita_slave s_rx_chdr (.clk(s_user_clk));
+ // Use this to send axi-stream with arm_framer
+ //`ifdef USE_ARM_FRAMER
+ //axis_master #(.DWIDTH(68)) m_axis (.clk(m_user_clk));
+ //axis_slave #(.DWIDTH(68)) s_axis (.clk(s_user_clk));
+ //`endif
+ initial
+ begin
+ independent_clock <= 1'b0;
+ forever
+ begin
+ independent_clock <= 1'b0;
+ #2.5;
+ independent_clock <= 1'b1;
+ #2.5;
+ end
+ end
+ assign sfpp_rxlos = 1'b0;
+ assign sfpp_tx_fault = 1'b0;
+ // Instantiate the 10GBASER/KR GT Common block
+ ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_gt_common # (
+ .WRAPPER_SIM_GTRESET_SPEEDUP("TRUE") ) //Does not affect hardware
+ ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma_gt_common_block
+ (
+ .refclk(xgige_refclk),
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset),
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk),
+ .qpllrefclksel(3'b001 /*3'b101*GTSOUTHREFCLK0*/)
+ );
+ ten_gige_phy ten_gige_phy_master_i
+ (
+ // Clocks and Reset
+ .areset(GSR), // Asynchronous reset for entire core.
+ .refclk(xgige_refclk), // Transciever reference clock: 156.25MHz
+ .clk156(xgige_clk156), // Globally buffered core clock: 156.25MHz
+ .dclk(xgige_dclk), // Management/DRP clock: 78.125MHz
+ .sim_speedup_control(~GSR),
+ // GMII Interface (client MAC <=> PCS)
+ .xgmii_txd(m_xgmii_txd), // Transmit data from client MAC.
+ .xgmii_txc(m_xgmii_txc), // Transmit control signal from client MAC.
+ .xgmii_rxd(m_xgmii_rxd), // Received Data to client MAC.
+ .xgmii_rxc(m_xgmii_rxc), // Received control signal to client MAC.
+ // Tranceiver Interface
+ .txp(SFP_LN0_P), // Differential +ve of serial transmission from PMA to PMD.
+ .txn(SFP_LN0_N), // Differential -ve of serial transmission from PMA to PMD.
+ .rxp(SFP_LN1_P), // Differential +ve for serial reception from PMD to PMA.
+ .rxn(SFP_LN1_N), // Differential -ve for serial reception from PMD to PMA.
+ // Management: MDIO Interface
+ .mdc(m_mdc), // Management Data Clock
+ .mdio_in(m_mdio_in), // Management Data In
+ .mdio_out(m_mdio_out), // Management Data Out
+ .mdio_tri(), // Management Data Tristate
+ .prtad(5'd4), // MDIO address is 4
+ // General IO's
+ .core_status(m_xgmii_status), // Core status
+ .resetdone(m_xge_phy_resetdone),
+ .signal_detect(~sfpp_rxlos), //FIXME // Input from PMD to indicate presence of optical input. (Undocumented, but it seems Xilinx expect this to be inverted.)
+ .tx_fault(sfpp_tx_fault), //FIXME
+ .tx_disable(/*sfpp_tx_disable*/), //FIXME
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset1),
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk)
+ );
+ n310_xge_mac_wrapper #(.PORTNUM(PORTNUM)) xge_mac_wrapper_master_i
+ (
+ // XGMII
+ .xgmii_clk(xgige_clk156),
+ .xgmii_txd(m_xgmii_txd),
+ .xgmii_txc(m_xgmii_txc),
+ .xgmii_rxd(m_xgmii_rxd),
+ .xgmii_rxc(m_xgmii_rxc),
+ // Client FIFO Interfaces
+ .sys_clk(m_user_clk),
+ .sys_rst(GSR),
+ //`ifdef USE_ARM_FRAMER
+ //.rx_tdata(s_axis.axis.tdata[63:0]),
+ //.rx_tuser(s_axis.axis.tdata[67:64]),
+ //.rx_tlast(s_axis.axis.tlast),
+ //.rx_tvalid(s_axis.axis.tvalid),
+ //.rx_tready(/*s_axis.axis.tready*/1'b1),
+ //.tx_tdata(c2e_tdata),
+ //.tx_tuser(c2e_tuser),
+ //.tx_tlast(c2e_tlast),
+ //.tx_tvalid(c2e_tvalid),
+ //.tx_tready(c2e_tready),
+ //`endif
+ .rx_tdata(s_rx_chdr.axis.tdata),
+ .rx_tuser(),
+ .rx_tlast(s_rx_chdr.axis.tlast),
+ .rx_tvalid(s_rx_chdr.axis.tvalid),
+ .rx_tready(s_rx_chdr.axis.tready),
+ .tx_tdata(m_tx_chdr.axis.tdata),
+ .tx_tuser(4'd4), // Bit[3] (error) is ignored for now.
+ .tx_tlast(m_tx_chdr.axis.tlast),
+ .tx_tvalid(m_tx_chdr.axis.tvalid),
+ .tx_tready(m_tx_chdr.axis.tready),
+ // Other
+ .phy_ready(m_xge_phy_resetdone),
+ .ctrl_tx_enable (/*mac_ctrl_reg[0]*/1'b1), //FIXME: Remove hardcoded value
+ .status_crc_error (),
+ .status_fragment_error (),
+ .status_txdfifo_ovflow (),
+ .status_txdfifo_udflow (),
+ .status_rxdfifo_ovflow (),
+ .status_rxdfifo_udflow (),
+ .status_pause_frame_rx (),
+ .status_local_fault (),
+ .status_remote_fault ()
+ );
+ assign m_phy_status = {8'h00, m_xgmii_status};
+ //`ifdef USE_ARM_FRAMER
+ // arm_framer inst_arm_framer (
+ // .clk (m_user_clk),
+ // .reset (GSR),
+ // .clear (clear),
+ // .s_axis_tdata (m_axis.axis.tdata[63:0]),
+ // .s_axis_tuser (m_axis.axis.tdata[67:64]),
+ // .s_axis_tlast (m_axis.axis.tlast),
+ // .s_axis_tvalid (m_axis.axis.tvalid),
+ // .s_axis_tready (m_axis.axis.tready),
+ // .m_axis_tdata (c2e_tdata_int),
+ // .m_axis_tuser (c2e_tuser_int),
+ // .m_axis_tlast (c2e_tlast_int),
+ // .m_axis_tvalid (c2e_tvalid_int),
+ // .m_axis_tready (c2e_tready_int)
+ // );
+ // axi_mux4 #(.PRIO(0), .WIDTH(68)) eth_mux
+ // (.clk(m_user_clk), .reset(GSR), .clear(clear),
+ // .i0_tdata({c2e_tuser_int,c2e_tdata_int}), .i0_tlast(c2e_tlast_int), .i0_tvalid(c2e_tvalid_int), .i0_tready(c2e_tready_int),
+ // .i1_tdata(), .i1_tlast(), .i1_tvalid(), .i1_tready(),
+ // .i2_tdata(), .i2_tlast(), .i2_tvalid(), .i2_tready(),
+ // .i3_tdata(), .i3_tlast(), .i3_tvalid(1'b0), .i3_tready(),
+ // .o_tdata({c2e_tuser,c2e_tdata}), .o_tlast(c2e_tlast), .o_tvalid(c2e_tvalid), .o_tready(c2e_tready));
+ //`endif
+ ten_gige_phy ten_gige_phy_slave_i
+ (
+ // Clocks and Reset
+ .areset(GSR), // Asynchronous reset for entire core.
+ .refclk(xgige_refclk), // Transciever reference clock: 156.25MHz
+ .clk156(xgige_clk156), // Globally buffered core clock: 156.25MHz
+ .dclk(xgige_dclk), // Management/DRP clock: 78.125MHz
+ .sim_speedup_control(~GSR),
+ // GMII Interface (client MAC <=> PCS)
+ .xgmii_txd(s_xgmii_txd), // Transmit data from client MAC.
+ .xgmii_txc(s_xgmii_txc), // Transmit control signal from client MAC.
+ .xgmii_rxd(s_xgmii_rxd), // Received Data to client MAC.
+ .xgmii_rxc(s_xgmii_rxc), // Received control signal to client MAC.
+ // Tranceiver Interface
+ .txp(SFP_LN1_P), // Differential +ve of serial transmission from PMA to PMD.
+ .txn(SFP_LN1_N), // Differential -ve of serial transmission from PMA to PMD.
+ .rxp(SFP_LN0_P), // Differential +ve for serial reception from PMD to PMA.
+ .rxn(SFP_LN0_N), // Differential -ve for serial reception from PMD to PMA.
+ // Management: MDIO Interface
+ .mdc(s_mdc), // Management Data Clock
+ .mdio_in(s_mdio_in), // Management Data In
+ .mdio_out(s_mdio_out), // Management Data Out
+ .mdio_tri(), // Management Data Tristate
+ .prtad(5'd4), // MDIO address is 4
+ // General IO's
+ .core_status(s_xgmii_status), // Core status
+ .resetdone(s_xge_phy_resetdone),
+ .signal_detect(~sfpp_rxlos), //FIXME // Input from PMD to indicate presence of optical input. (Undocumented, but it seems Xilinx expect this to be inverted.)
+ .tx_fault(sfpp_tx_fault), //FIXME
+ .tx_disable(/*sfpp_tx_disable*/), //FIXME
+ .qpllreset(qpllreset2),
+ .qplllock(qplllock),
+ .qplloutclk(qplloutclk),
+ .qplloutrefclk(qplloutrefclk)
+ );
+ n310_xge_mac_wrapper #(.PORTNUM(PORTNUM)) xge_mac_wrapper_slave_i
+ (
+ // XGMII
+ .xgmii_clk(xgige_clk156),
+ .xgmii_txd(s_xgmii_txd),
+ .xgmii_txc(s_xgmii_txc),
+ .xgmii_rxd(s_xgmii_rxd),
+ .xgmii_rxc(s_xgmii_rxc),
+ // Client FIFO Interfaces
+ .sys_clk(s_user_clk),
+ .sys_rst(GSR),
+ .rx_tdata(loop_tdata),
+ .rx_tuser(loop_tuser),
+ .rx_tlast(loop_tlast),
+ .rx_tvalid(loop_tvalid),
+ .rx_tready(loop_tready),
+ .tx_tdata(loop_tdata),
+ .tx_tuser(loop_tuser), // Bit[3] (error) is ignored for now.
+ .tx_tlast(loop_tlast),
+ .tx_tvalid(loop_tvalid),
+ .tx_tready(loop_tready),
+ // Other
+ .phy_ready(s_xge_phy_resetdone),
+ .ctrl_tx_enable (/*mac_ctrl_reg[0]*/1'b1), //FIXME: Remove hardcoded value
+ .status_crc_error (),
+ .status_fragment_error (),
+ .status_txdfifo_ovflow (),
+ .status_txdfifo_udflow (),
+ .status_rxdfifo_ovflow (),
+ .status_rxdfifo_udflow (),
+ .status_pause_frame_rx (),
+ .status_local_fault (),
+ .status_remote_fault ()
+ );
+ assign s_phy_status = {8'h00, s_xgmii_status};
+ //Testbench variables
+ cvita_hdr_t header, header_out;
+ cvita_stats_t stats;
+ logic [63:0] crc_cache;
+ //------------------------------------------
+ //Main thread for testbench execution
+ //------------------------------------------
+ initial begin : tb_main
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Wait for reset");
+ // `ifdef USE_ARM_FRAMER
+ // m_axis.reset;
+ // `endif
+ while (GSR) @(posedge XG_CLK_P);
+ m_tx_chdr.push_bubble();
+ // `ifdef USE_ARM_FRAMER
+ //m_axis.push_bubble();
+ // `endif
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Wait for master channel to come up");
+ while (m_channel_up !== 1'b1) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ `TEST_CASE_DONE(1'b1);
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Wait for slave channel to come up");
+ while (s_channel_up !== 1'b1) @(posedge s_user_clk);
+ `TEST_CASE_DONE(1'b1);
+ // s_bist_loopback <= PACKET_MODE;
+ // @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ // m_bist_gen <= 1'b1;
+ // m_bist_check <= 1'b1;
+ // @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ // while (m_bist_locked !== 1'b1) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ // repeat (512) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ // `ASSERT_ERROR(m_bist_samps>256, "BIST: Num samples incorrect");
+ // `ASSERT_ERROR(m_bist_errors===36'd0, "BIST: Errors!");
+ // @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ // m_bist_gen <= 1'b0;
+ // repeat (256) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ // m_bist_check <= 1'b0;
+ // `TEST_CASE_DONE(1'b1);
+ repeat(2000) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ //`TEST_CASE_START("Test Ethernet packet");
+ // s_axis.axis.tready = 0;
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_ffff}, 1'b0);
+ // s_axis.axis.tready = 1;
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'hffff_ffff_ce20_ad1b}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'hc57a_0806_0001_0800}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0604_0001_ce20_ad1b}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'hc57a_c0a8_0a64_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_c0a8_0a0a}, 1'b1);
+ //`TEST_CASE_DONE(1'b1);
+ // repeat(2000) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ //`TEST_CASE_START("Test Ethernet packet");
+ // s_axis.axis.tready = 0;
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'hffff_ffff_ffff_9aa9}, 1'b0);
+ // s_axis.axis.tready = 1;
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h6400_e341_0800_4500}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0148_0000_0000_4011}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h79a6_0000_0000_ffff}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'hffff_0044_0043_0134}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h90be_0101_0600_d2ab}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h9f01_0007_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_9aa9}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h6400_e341_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_6382}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h5363_3501_013d_0701}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h9aa9_6400_e341_3902}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0240_3707_0103_060c}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h0f1c_2a3c_0c75_6468}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h6370_2031_2e32_342e}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'b0, 64'h31ff_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({5'b0, 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000}, 1'b0);
+ // m_axis.push_word({4'd6, 64'h0000_0000_1234_0000}, 1'b1);
+ //`TEST_CASE_DONE(1'b1);
+ header = '{
+ pkt_type:DATA, has_time:0, eob:0, seqnum:12'h666,
+ length:0, src_sid:$random, dst_sid:$random, timestamp:64'h0};
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Fill up empty FIFO then drain (short packet)");
+ s_rx_chdr.axis.tready = 0;
+ m_tx_chdr.push_ramp_pkt(16, 64'd0, 64'h100, header);
+ s_rx_chdr.axis.tready = 1;
+ s_rx_chdr.wait_for_pkt_get_info(header_out, stats);
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(stats.count==16, "Bad packet: Length mismatch");
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(header.dst_sid==header_out.dst_sid, "Bad packet: Wrong SID");
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Fill up empty FIFO then drain (long packet)");
+ s_rx_chdr.axis.tready = 0;
+ m_tx_chdr.push_ramp_pkt(256, 64'd0, 64'h100, header);
+ s_rx_chdr.axis.tready = 1;
+ s_rx_chdr.wait_for_pkt_get_info(header_out, stats);
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(stats.count==256, "Bad packet: Length mismatch");
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(header.dst_sid==header_out.dst_sid, "Bad packet: Wrong SID");
+ header = '{
+ pkt_type:DATA, has_time:1, eob:0, seqnum:12'h666,
+ length:0, src_sid:$random, dst_sid:$random, timestamp:64'h0};
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Concurrent read and write (single packet)");
+ s_rx_chdr.axis.tready = 1;
+ fork
+ begin
+ m_tx_chdr.push_ramp_pkt(1000, 64'd0, 64'h100, header);
+ end
+ begin
+ s_rx_chdr.wait_for_pkt_get_info(header_out, stats);
+ end
+ join
+ crc_cache = stats.crc; //Cache CRC for future test cases
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(stats.count==1000, "Bad packet: Length mismatch");
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Concurrent read and write (multiple packets)");
+ s_rx_chdr.axis.tready = 1;
+ fork
+ begin
+ repeat (20) begin
+ m_tx_chdr.push_ramp_pkt(20, 64'd0, 64'h100, header);
+ m_tx_chdr.push_bubble();
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ repeat (20) begin
+ s_rx_chdr.wait_for_pkt_get_info(header_out, stats);
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(stats.count==20, "Bad packet: Length mismatch");
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(crc_cache==stats.crc, "Bad packet: Wrong CRC");
+ end
+ end
+ join
+ //`TEST_CASE_START("Validate no drops (master)");
+ //`TEST_CASE_DONE((m_overruns === 32'd0));
+ //`TEST_CASE_START("Validate no drops (slave)");
+ //`TEST_CASE_DONE((s_overruns === 32'd0));
+ //s_bist_loopback <= 1'b1;
+ //`TEST_CASE_START("Run PRBS15 BIST (Loopback Mode)");
+ //@(posedge m_user_clk);
+ //m_bist_gen <= 1'b1;
+ //m_bist_rate <= 5'd4;
+ //m_bist_check <= 1'b1;
+ //@(posedge m_user_clk);
+ //while (m_bist_locked !== 1'b1) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ //repeat (512) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ //`ASSERT_ERROR(m_bist_samps>256, "BIST: Num samples incorrect");
+ //`ASSERT_ERROR(m_bist_errors===36'd0, "BIST: Errors!");
+ //@(posedge m_user_clk);
+ //m_bist_gen <= 1'b0;
+ //repeat (256) @(posedge m_user_clk);
+ //m_bist_check <= 1'b0;
+ //`TEST_CASE_DONE(1'b1);
+ //s_bist_loopback <= 1'b0;
+ //`TEST_CASE_START("Validate no drops (master)");
+ //`TEST_CASE_DONE((m_overruns === 32'd0));
+ //`TEST_CASE_START("Validate no drops (slave)");
+ //`TEST_CASE_DONE((s_overruns === 32'd0));
+ end