path: root/fpga/usrp3/top/b200/planahead/planahead.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/top/b200/planahead/planahead.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.js')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/top/b200/planahead/planahead.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.js b/fpga/usrp3/top/b200/planahead/planahead.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72d04e50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/top/b200/planahead/planahead.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// PlanAhead(TM)
+// ISEWrap.js: ExploreAhead Script for WSH 5.1/5.6
+// Copyright 1986-1999, 2001-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+var ISEShell = new ActiveXObject( "WScript.Shell" );
+var ISEFileSys = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
+var ISERunDir = "";
+var ISELogFile = "runme.log";
+var ISELogFileStr = null;
+var ISELogEcho = true;
+var ISEOldVersionWSH = false;
+function ISEInit() {
+ // 1. RUN DIR setup
+ var ISEScrFP = WScript.ScriptFullName;
+ var ISEScrN = WScript.ScriptName;
+ ISERunDir =
+ ISEScrFP.substr( 0, ISEScrFP.length - ISEScrN.length - 1 );
+ // 2. LOG file setup
+ ISELogFileStr = ISEOpenFile( ISELogFile );
+ // 3. LOG echo?
+ var ISEScriptArgs = WScript.Arguments;
+ for ( var loopi=0; loopi<ISEScriptArgs.length; loopi++ ) {
+ if ( ISEScriptArgs(loopi) == "-quiet" ) {
+ ISELogEcho = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. WSH version check
+ var ISEOptimalVersionWSH = 5.6;
+ var ISECurrentVersionWSH = WScript.Version;
+ if ( ISECurrentVersionWSH < ISEOptimalVersionWSH ) {
+ ISEStdErr( "" );
+ ISEStdErr( "Warning: ExploreAhead works best with Microsoft WSH " +
+ ISEOptimalVersionWSH + " or higher. Downloads" );
+ ISEStdErr( " for upgrading your Windows Scripting Host can be found here: " );
+ ISEStdErr( " http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/list/webdev.asp" );
+ ISEStdErr( "" );
+ ISEOldVersionWSH = true;
+ }
+function ISEStep( ISEProg, ISEArgs ) {
+ // CHECK for a STOP FILE
+ if ( ISEFileSys.FileExists(ISERunDir + "/.stop.rst") ) {
+ ISEStdErr( "" );
+ ISEStdErr( "*** Halting run - EA reset detected ***" );
+ ISEStdErr( "" );
+ WScript.Quit( 1 );
+ }
+ ISEStdOut( "" );
+ ISEStdOut( "*** Running " + ISEProg );
+ ISEStdOut( " with args " + ISEArgs );
+ ISEStdOut( "" );
+ // LAUNCH!
+ var ISEExitCode = ISEExec( ISEProg, ISEArgs );
+ if ( ISEExitCode != 0 ) {
+ WScript.Quit( ISEExitCode );
+ }
+function ISEExec( ISEProg, ISEArgs ) {
+ var ISEStep = ISEProg;
+ if (ISEProg == "realTimeFpga" || ISEProg == "planAhead" || ISEProg == "vivado") {
+ ISEProg += ".bat";
+ }
+ var ISECmdLine = ISEProg + " " + ISEArgs;
+ var ISEExitCode = 1;
+ if ( ISEOldVersionWSH ) { // WSH 5.1
+ // BEGIN file creation
+ ISETouchFile( ISEStep, "begin" );
+ // LAUNCH!
+ ISELogFileStr.close();
+ ISECmdLine =
+ "%comspec% /c " + ISECmdLine + " >> " + ISELogFile + " 2>&1";
+ ISEExitCode = ISEShell.Run( ISECmdLine, 0, true );
+ ISELogFileStr = ISEOpenFile( ISELogFile );
+ } else { // WSH 5.6
+ // LAUNCH!
+ ISEShell.CurrentDirectory = ISERunDir;
+ // Redirect STDERR to STDOUT
+ ISECmdLine = "%comspec% /c " + ISECmdLine + " 2>&1";
+ var ISEProcess = ISEShell.Exec( ISECmdLine );
+ // BEGIN file creation
+ var ISENetwork = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Network" );
+ var ISEHost = ISENetwork.ComputerName;
+ var ISEUser = ISENetwork.UserName;
+ var ISEPid = ISEProcess.ProcessID;
+ var ISEBeginFile = ISEOpenFile( "." + ISEStep + ".begin.rst" );
+ ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" );
+ ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( "<ProcessHandle Version=\"1\" Minor=\"0\">" );
+ ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( " <Process Command=\"" + ISEProg +
+ "\" Owner=\"" + ISEUser +
+ "\" Host=\"" + ISEHost +
+ "\" Pid=\"" + ISEPid +
+ "\">" );
+ ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( " </Process>" );
+ ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( "</ProcessHandle>" );
+ ISEBeginFile.Close();
+ var ISEOutStr = ISEProcess.StdOut;
+ var ISEErrStr = ISEProcess.StdErr;
+ // WAIT for ISEStep to finish
+ while ( ISEProcess.Status == 0 ) {
+ // dump stdout then stderr - feels a little arbitrary
+ while ( !ISEOutStr.AtEndOfStream ) {
+ ISEStdOut( ISEOutStr.ReadLine() );
+ }
+ WScript.Sleep( 100 );
+ }
+ ISEExitCode = ISEProcess.ExitCode;
+ }
+ // END/ERROR file creation
+ if ( ISEExitCode != 0 ) {
+ ISETouchFile( ISEStep, "error" );
+ } else {
+ ISETouchFile( ISEStep, "end" );
+ }
+ return ISEExitCode;
+function ISEStdOut( ISELine ) {
+ ISELogFileStr.WriteLine( ISELine );
+ if ( ISELogEcho ) {
+ WScript.StdOut.WriteLine( ISELine );
+ }
+function ISEStdErr( ISELine ) {
+ ISELogFileStr.WriteLine( ISELine );
+ if ( ISELogEcho ) {
+ WScript.StdErr.WriteLine( ISELine );
+ }
+function ISETouchFile( ISERoot, ISEStatus ) {
+ var ISETFile =
+ ISEOpenFile( "." + ISERoot + "." + ISEStatus + ".rst" );
+ ISETFile.close();
+function ISEOpenFile( ISEFilename ) {
+ var ISEFullPath = ISERunDir + "/" + ISEFilename;
+ return ISEFileSys.OpenTextFile( ISEFullPath, 8, true );