path: root/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/gen_xdc_from_rinf.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/gen_xdc_from_rinf.py')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/gen_xdc_from_rinf.py b/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/gen_xdc_from_rinf.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..469c4336a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/tools/utils/gen_xdc_from_rinf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import sys, os
+import collections
+import argparse
+import re
+# Types
+# Terminal definiion for each reference designator
+terminal_t = collections.namedtuple('terminal_t', 'name pin')
+# FPGA pin definiion
+fpga_pin_t = collections.namedtuple('fpga_pin_t', 'name loc iotype bank')
+# A (ref designator -> terminals) map
+# For each reference designator, this class maintains a list of all terminals
+# including names and pin locations. It also maintains a reverse mapping for all
+# terminal names to reference designator
+class terminal_db_t:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.db = dict()
+ self.rev_db = dict()
+ def add(self, ref_des, net_name, pin_name):
+ if self.db.has_key(ref_des):
+ self.db[ref_des].append(terminal_t(net_name, pin_name))
+ else:
+ self.db[ref_des] = [terminal_t(net_name, pin_name)]
+ if self.rev_db.has_key(net_name):
+ self.rev_db[net_name].append(ref_des)
+ else:
+ self.rev_db[net_name] = [ref_des]
+ def get_terminals(self, ref_des):
+ return self.db[ref_des]
+ def lookup_endpoints(self, net_name):
+ return self.rev_db[net_name]
+# A (component -> properties) map
+# For each component, this class maintains all properties that are
+# listed in the RINF file
+class component_db_t:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.db = dict()
+ def add_comp(self, ref_des, name):
+ self.db[ref_des] = {'Name':name}
+ def add_attr(self, ref_des, prop, value):
+ self.db[ref_des][prop] = value
+ def exists(self, comp_name):
+ return self.db.has_key(comp_name)
+ def lookup(self, comp_name):
+ return self.db[comp_name]
+ def attr_exists(self, comp_name, attr_name):
+ return self.exists(comp_name) and self.db[comp_name].has_key(attr_name)
+ def get_attr(self, comp_name, attr_name):
+ return self.db[comp_name][attr_name]
+# An FPGA (pin location -> properties) map
+# For each FPGA pin location, this class maintains a list of various pin properties
+# Also maintans all the IO Types to aid in filtering
+class fpga_pin_db_t:
+ def __init__(self, pkg_file, io_exclusions = []):
+ print 'INFO: Parsing Xilinx Package File ' + pkg_file + '...'
+ header = ['Pin','Pin Name','Memory Byte Group','Bank','VCCAUX Group','Super Logic Region','I/O Type','No-Connect']
+ self.pindb = dict()
+ self.iodb = set()
+ with open(pkg_file, 'r') as pkg_f:
+ for line in iter(pkg_f.readlines()):
+ tokens = collapse_tokens(line.strip().split(' '))
+ if len(tokens) == 8:
+ if tokens != header:
+ pin_info = dict()
+ for col in range(1,len(header)):
+ pin_info[header[col].strip()] = tokens[col].strip()
+ self.pindb[tokens[0].strip()] = pin_info
+ self.iodb.add(pin_info['I/O Type'])
+ if len(self.pindb.keys()) == 0 or len(self.iodb) == 0:
+ print 'ERROR: Could not parse Xilinx package file ' + pkg_file
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print 'INFO: * Found IO types: ' + ', '.join(self.iodb)
+ self.iodb.remove('NA')
+ for io in io_exclusions:
+ if io:
+ self.iodb.remove(io.rstrip().lstrip())
+ print 'INFO: * Using IO types: ' + ', '.join(self.iodb)
+ def iface_pins(self):
+ iface_pins = set()
+ for pin in self.pindb.keys():
+ if self.pindb[pin]['I/O Type'] in self.iodb:
+ iface_pins.add(pin)
+ return iface_pins
+ def is_iface_pin(self, pin):
+ return (self.pindb.has_key(pin)) and (self.pindb[pin]['I/O Type'] in self.iodb)
+ def get_pin_attr(self, pin, attr):
+ return self.pindb[pin][attr]
+# Helper functions
+# Parse command line options
+def get_options():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate a template IO location XDC and Verilog stub from an RINF netlist and a Xilinx package file.')
+ parser.add_argument('--rinf', type=str, default=None, help='Input RINF netlist file (*.frs)')
+ parser.add_argument('--xil_pkg_file', type=str, default=None, help='Input Xilinx package pinout file (*.txt)')
+ parser.add_argument('--ref_des', type=str, default='U0', help='Reference designator for the FPGA')
+ parser.add_argument('--xdc_out', type=str, default='output.xdc', help='Output XDC file with location constraints')
+ parser.add_argument('--vstub_out', type=str, default=None, help='Output Verilog stub file with the portmap')
+ parser.add_argument('--exclude_io', type=str, default='MIO,DDR,CONFIG', help='Exlcude the specified FPGA IO types from consideration')
+ parser.add_argument('--suppress_warn', action='store_true', default=False, help='Suppress sanity check warnings')
+ parser.add_argument('--traverse_depth', type=int, default=1, help='How many linear components to traverse before finding a named net')
+ parser.add_argument('--fix_names', action='store_true', default=False, help='Fix net names when writing the XDC and Verilog')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.xil_pkg_file:
+ print 'ERROR: Please specify a Xilinx package file using the --xil_pkg_file option\n'
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not args.rinf:
+ print 'ERROR: Please specify an input RINF file using the --rinf option\n'
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return args
+# Remove empty string from a token array
+def collapse_tokens(tokens):
+ retval = []
+ for tok in tokens:
+ tok = tok.rstrip().lstrip()
+ if tok:
+ retval.append(tok)
+ return retval
+# Parse user specified RINF file and return a terminal and component database
+def parse_rinf(rinf_path, suppress_warnings):
+ print 'INFO: Parsing RINF File ' + rinf_path + '...'
+ terminal_db = terminal_db_t()
+ component_db = component_db_t()
+ with open(rinf_path, 'r') as rinf_f:
+ net_name = '<UNDEF>'
+ state = '<UNDEF>'
+ line_num = 0
+ for line in iter(rinf_f.readlines()):
+ tokens = collapse_tokens(line.strip().split())
+ line_num = line_num + 1
+ if tokens:
+ if tokens[0].startswith('.'):
+ # State transition
+ state = tokens[0]
+ if state == '.ADD_COM':
+ component_db.add_comp(tokens[1], tokens[3])
+ elif state == '.ATT_COM':
+ component_db.add_attr(tokens[1], tokens[2].strip('"'), tokens[3].strip('"'))
+ elif state == '.ADD_TER':
+ net_name = tokens[3].strip('"')
+ terminal_db.add(tokens[1], net_name, tokens[2])
+ elif state == '.TER':
+ terminal_db.add(tokens[1], net_name, tokens[2])
+ elif state == '.END':
+ break
+ else:
+ # State continuation
+ if state == '.TER':
+ terminal_db.add(tokens[0], net_name, tokens[1])
+ else:
+ if not suppress_warnings:
+ print 'WARNING: Ignoring line continuation for ' + state + ' at line ' + str(line_num)
+ return (terminal_db, component_db)
+# From all the FPGA pins filter out the ones
+# relevant for creating an XDC
+def filter_fpga_pins(ref_des, terminal_db, fpga_pin_db, max_level):
+ terminals = terminal_db.get_terminals(ref_des)
+ pins = dict()
+ # Loop through all the terminals of the FPGA
+ for fpga_term in terminals:
+ term = fpga_term
+ level = 0
+ # For each net check if there is a valid (non $XXXXXX) name
+ # If yes, use it. If not, then traverse one component down and check again
+ # If the next net has a valid name, use that. One requirement for this
+ # traversal is that the downstream components must form a linear network
+ # i.e. no branching. As soon as this algorithm sees a brach, it aborts.
+ while term and term.name.startswith('$') and level < max_level:
+ level = level + 1
+ comps = terminal_db.lookup_endpoints(term.name)
+ if len(comps) == 2: #Check for branch
+ next_comp = comps[1] if comps[0] == ref_des else comps[0]
+ sec_terms = terminal_db.get_terminals(next_comp)
+ if len(sec_terms) == 2: #Check for branch
+ term = sec_terms[1] if sec_terms[0].name == term.name else sec_terms[0]
+ break
+ # At this point we either found a valid net of we reached the max_depth
+ # Check again before approving this as a valid connection
+ if term.name and (not term.name.startswith('$')) and fpga_pin_db.is_iface_pin(fpga_term.pin):
+ iotype = fpga_pin_db.get_pin_attr(fpga_term.pin, 'I/O Type')
+ bank = fpga_pin_db.get_pin_attr(fpga_term.pin, 'Bank')
+ pins[term.name] = fpga_pin_t(term.name, fpga_term.pin, iotype, bank)
+ return pins
+# Fix net names.
+# This function lists all the valid substitutions to make to net names
+def fix_net_name(name):
+ return re.sub(r'[\W_]', '_', name)
+# Write an XDC file with sanity checks and readability enhancements
+def write_output_files(xdc_path, vstub_path, fpga_pins, fix_names):
+ # Figure out the max pin name length for human readable text alignment
+ max_pin_len = reduce(lambda x,y:max(x,y), map(len, fpga_pins.keys()))
+ # Create a bus database. Collapse multi-bit buses into single entries
+ bus_db = dict()
+ for pin in sorted(fpga_pins.keys()):
+ m = re.search('([a-zA-Z0-9_()]+)\(([0-9]+)\)', pin)
+ if m:
+ bus_name = m.group(1)
+ bit_num = int(m.group(2))
+ if bus_db.has_key(bus_name):
+ bus_db[bus_name].append(bit_num)
+ else:
+ bus_db[bus_name] = [bit_num]
+ else:
+ bus_db[pin] = []
+ # Walk through the bus database and write the XDC file
+ with open(xdc_path, 'w') as xdc_f:
+ print 'INFO: Writing template XDC ' + xdc_path + '...'
+ for bus in sorted(bus_db.keys()):
+ if not re.match("[a-zA-Z].[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", bus):
+ print ('CRITICAL WARNING: Invalid net name (bad Verilog syntax): ' + bus +
+ ('. Possibly fixed but please review.' if fix_names else '. Please review.'))
+ if bus_db[bus] == []:
+ xdc_pin = fix_net_name(bus.upper()) if fix_names else bus.upper()
+ xdc_loc = fpga_pins[bus].loc.upper().ljust(16)
+ xdc_iotype = fpga_pins[bus].iotype
+ xdc_iostd = ('<IOSTD_BANK' + fpga_pins[bus].bank + '>').ljust(16)
+ xdc_f.write('set_property PACKAGE_PIN ' + xdc_loc + (' [get_ports {' + xdc_pin + '}]').ljust(max_pin_len+16) + '\n')
+ xdc_f.write('set_property IOSTANDARD ' + xdc_iostd + ' [get_ports {' + xdc_pin + '}]\n')
+ xdc_f.write('\n')
+ else:
+ bits = sorted(bus_db[bus])
+ coherent = (bits == range(0, bits[-1]+1))
+ if not coherent:
+ print 'CRITICAL WARNING: Incoherent bus: ' + bus + '. Some bits may be missing. Please review.'
+ for bit in bits:
+ bus_full = bus + '(' + str(bit) + ')'
+ xdc_pin = bus.upper() + '[' + str(bit) + ']'
+ xdc_loc = fpga_pins[bus_full].loc.upper().ljust(16)
+ xdc_iotype = fpga_pins[bus_full].iotype
+ xdc_iostd = ('<IOSTD_BANK' + fpga_pins[bus_full].bank + '>').ljust(16)
+ xdc_f.write('set_property PACKAGE_PIN ' + xdc_loc + (' [get_ports {' + xdc_pin + '}]').ljust(max_pin_len+16) + '\n')
+ xdc_f.write('set_property IOSTANDARD ' + xdc_iostd + ' [get_ports {' + bus.upper() + '[*]}]\n')
+ xdc_f.write('\n')
+ # Walk through the bus database and write a stub Verilog file
+ if vstub_path:
+ with open(vstub_path, 'w') as vstub_f:
+ print 'INFO: Writing Verilog stub ' + vstub_path + '...'
+ vstub_f.write('module ' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(vstub_path))[0] + ' (\n')
+ i = 1
+ for bus in sorted(bus_db.keys()):
+ port_name = fix_net_name(bus.upper()) if fix_names else bus.upper()
+ port_loc = fpga_pins[bus].loc.upper() if (bus_db[bus] == []) else '<Multiple>'
+ port_dir_short = raw_input('[' + str(i) + '/' + str(len(bus_db.keys())) +'] Direction for ' + port_name + ' (' + port_loc + ')? {[i]nput,[o]utput,[b]oth}: ').lower()
+ if port_dir_short.startswith('i'):
+ port_dir = ' input '
+ elif port_dir_short.startswith('o'):
+ port_dir = ' output'
+ else:
+ port_dir = ' inout '
+ if bus_db[bus] == []:
+ vstub_f.write(port_dir + ' ' + port_name + ',\n')
+ else:
+ bus_def = str(sorted(bus_db[bus])[-1]) + ':0'
+ vstub_f.write(port_dir + (' [' + bus_def + '] ').ljust(10) + port_name + ',\n')
+ i = i + 1
+ vstub_f.write(');\n\nendmodule')
+# Report unconnected pins
+def report_unconnected_pins(fpga_pins, fpga_pin_db):
+ print 'WARNING: The following pins were not connected. Please review.'
+ # Collect all the pin locations that have been used for constrain/stub creation
+ iface_pins = set()
+ for net in fpga_pins.keys():
+ iface_pins.add(fpga_pins[net].loc)
+ # Loop through all possible pins and check if we have missed any
+ for pin in sorted(fpga_pin_db.iface_pins()):
+ if pin not in iface_pins:
+ print (' * ' + pin.ljust(6) + ': ' +
+ 'Bank = ' + str(fpga_pin_db.get_pin_attr(pin, 'Bank')).ljust(6) +
+ 'IO Type = ' + str(fpga_pin_db.get_pin_attr(pin, 'I/O Type')).ljust(10) +
+ 'Name = ' + str(fpga_pin_db.get_pin_attr(pin, 'Pin Name')).ljust(10))
+# Main
+def main():
+ args = get_options();
+ # Build FPGA pin database using Xilinx package file
+ fpga_pin_db = fpga_pin_db_t(args.xil_pkg_file, args.exclude_io.split(','))
+ # Parse RINF netlist
+ (terminal_db, component_db) = parse_rinf(args.rinf, args.suppress_warn)
+ # Look for desired reference designator and print some info about it
+ print 'INFO: Resolving reference designator ' + args.ref_des + '...'
+ if not component_db.exists(args.ref_des):
+ print 'ERROR: Reference designator not found in the netlist'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ fpga_info = component_db.lookup(args.ref_des)
+ print 'INFO: * Name = ' + fpga_info['Name']
+ print 'INFO: * Description = ' + fpga_info['Description']
+ # Build a list of all FPGA interface pins in the netlist
+ fpga_pins = filter_fpga_pins(args.ref_des, terminal_db, fpga_pin_db, args.traverse_depth)
+ if not fpga_pins:
+ print 'ERROR: Could not cross-reference pins for ' + args.ref_des + ' with FPGA device. Are you sure it is an FPGA?'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Write output XDC and Verilog
+ write_output_files(args.xdc_out, args.vstub_out, fpga_pins, args.fix_names)
+ print 'INFO: Output file(s) generated successfully!'
+ # Generate a report of all unconnected pins
+ if not args.suppress_warn:
+ report_unconnected_pins(fpga_pins, fpga_pin_db)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()