path: root/fpga/usrp3/sim/general/sim_file_io.svh
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/sim/general/sim_file_io.svh')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/sim/general/sim_file_io.svh b/fpga/usrp3/sim/general/sim_file_io.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97fadd741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/sim/general/sim_file_io.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Ettus Research LLC
+`ifndef WORKING_DIR
+ `define WORKING_DIR "."
+`define ABSPATH(name) {`WORKING_DIR, "/", name}
+typedef enum {
+} fopen_mode_t;
+typedef enum {
+} fformat_t;
+// Create a handle to a data_file with
+// - FILENAME: Name of the file
+// - FORMAT: Data format (HEX, DEC, OCT, BIN, FLOAT)
+// - DWIDTH: Width of each element stored in the file (one line per word)
+//TODO: We would ideally use a class but that is not
+// supported by most simulators.
+interface data_file_t #(
+ parameter FILENAME = "test.hex",
+ parameter FORMAT = HEX,
+ parameter DWIDTH = 64
+) (input clk);
+ bit is_open;
+ integer handle;
+ // Open the data file for reading or writing.
+ //
+ // Usage: open(mode)
+ // where
+ // - mode: RW mode (Choose from: READ, WRITE, APPEND)
+ //
+ function open(fopen_mode_t mode = READ);
+ if (mode == APPEND)
+ handle = $fopen(`ABSPATH(FILENAME), "a");
+ else if (mode == WRITE)
+ handle = $fopen(`ABSPATH(FILENAME), "w");
+ else
+ handle = $fopen(`ABSPATH(FILENAME), "r");
+ if (handle == 0) begin
+ $error("Could not open file: %s", `ABSPATH(FILENAME));
+ $finish();
+ end
+ is_open = 1;
+ endfunction
+ // Close an open data file. No-op if file isn't already open
+ //
+ // Usage: close()
+ //
+ function close();
+ $fclose(handle);
+ handle = 0;
+ is_open = 0;
+ endfunction
+ // Is end-of-file reached.
+ //
+ // Usage: is_eof() Returns eof
+ // where
+ // - eof: A boolean
+ //
+ function logic is_eof();
+ return ($feof(handle));
+ endfunction
+ // Read a line from the datafile
+ //
+ // Usage: readline() Returns data
+ // where
+ // - data: A logic array of width DWIDTH containing the read word
+ //
+ function logic [DWIDTH-1:0] readline();
+ automatic logic [DWIDTH-1:0] word = 64'h0;
+ automatic integer status;
+ if (FORMAT == HEX)
+ status = $fscanf(handle, "%x\n", word);
+ else if (FORMAT == DEC)
+ status = $fscanf(handle, "%d\n", word);
+ else if (FORMAT == OCT)
+ status = $fscanf(handle, "%o\n", word);
+ else if (FORMAT == BIN)
+ status = $fscanf(handle, "%b\n", word);
+ else if (FORMAT == DEC)
+ status = $fscanf(handle, "%g\n", word);
+ else
+ $error("Invalid format");
+ return word;
+ endfunction
+ // Write a line to the datafile
+ //
+ // Usage: writeline(data)
+ // where
+ // - data: A logic array of width DWIDTH to write to the file
+ //
+ function void writeline(logic [DWIDTH-1:0] word);
+ if (FORMAT == HEX)
+ $fdisplay(handle, "%x", word);
+ else if (FORMAT == DEC)
+ $fdisplay(handle, "%d", word);
+ else if (FORMAT == OCT)
+ $fdisplay(handle, "%o", word);
+ else if (FORMAT == BIN)
+ $fdisplay(handle, "%b", word);
+ else if (FORMAT == DEC)
+ $fdisplay(handle, "%g", word);
+ else
+ $error("Invalid format");
+ endfunction