path: root/fpga/usrp3/sim/axi_crossbar/sim_4x4/simulation_script.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/sim/axi_crossbar/sim_4x4/simulation_script.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/sim/axi_crossbar/sim_4x4/simulation_script.v b/fpga/usrp3/sim/axi_crossbar/sim_4x4/simulation_script.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bd1c1dab..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/sim/axi_crossbar/sim_4x4/simulation_script.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-// Simulate a 4x4 switch configuration
-localparam NUM_INPUTS = 4;
-localparam NUM_OUTPUTS = 4;
-//initial $dumpfile("axi_crossbar_tb.vcd");
-//initial $dumpvars(0,axi_crossbar_tb);
-reg [15:0] x;
-reg [31:0] seq_i0, seq_i1, seq_i2, seq_i3, seq_o0, seq_o1, seq_o2, seq_o3;
-reg sync_flag0, sync_flag1;
-// Control and input data thread.
- begin
- // Flags to synchronise test bench threads
- sync_flag0 <= 0;
- sync_flag1 <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- reset <= 1;
- repeat (5) @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- reset <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- // 2x2 Switch so only mask one bit of SID for route dest.
- // Each slave must have a unique address, logic doesn't check for this.
- //
- // Local Addr = 2
- write_setting_bus(512,2);
- // Network Addr 0 & 1 go to Slave 0.
- write_setting_bus(0,0); // 0.X goes to Port 0
- write_setting_bus(1,0); // 1.X goes to Port 0
- // Host Addr 0 goes to Slave 0...
- write_setting_bus(256,0); // 2.0 goes to Port 0
- // ...Host Addr 1 goes to Slave 1...
- write_setting_bus(257,1); // 2.1 goes to Port 1
- // ...Host Addr 2 goes to Slave 2...
- write_setting_bus(258,2); // 2.2 goes to Port 2
- // ...Host Addr 3 goes to Slave 3...
- write_setting_bus(259,3); // 2.3 goes to Port 3
- //
- @(posedge clk);
- fork
- begin
- // Master0 Sender Thread.
- //
- // addr 2.3 to Slave3
- for (seq_i0 = 0; seq_i0 < 10; seq_i0=seq_i0 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(0,seq_i0,32+seq_i0,1,'h12345678+seq_i0*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,3));
- while (sync_flag0 !== 1'b1)
- @(posedge clk);
- //
- // addr 2.0 to Slave0
- for (seq_i0 = 30; seq_i0 < 40; seq_i0=seq_i0 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(0,seq_i0,32+seq_i0,1,'h45678901+seq_i0*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,0));
- end
- begin
- // Master1 Sender Thread.
- //
- // addr 2.2 to Slave2
- for (seq_i1 = 10; seq_i1 < 20; seq_i1=seq_i1 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(1,seq_i1,32+seq_i1,1,'h23456789+seq_i1*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,2));
- while (sync_flag1 !== 1'b1)
- @(posedge clk);
- //
- // addr 2.1 to Slave1
- for (seq_i1 = 20; seq_i1 < 30; seq_i1=seq_i1 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(1,seq_i1,32+seq_i1,1,'h34567890+seq_i1*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,1));
- end
- begin
- // Master2 Sender Thread.
- //
- // addr 2.1 to Slave1
- for (seq_i2 = 20; seq_i2 < 30; seq_i2=seq_i2 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(2,seq_i2,32+seq_i2,1,'h34567890+seq_i2*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,1));
- //
- // addr 2.2 to Slave2
- for (seq_i2 = 10; seq_i2 < 20; seq_i2=seq_i2 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(2,seq_i2,32+seq_i2,1,'h23456789+seq_i2*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,2));
- end
- begin
- // Master3 Sender Thread.
- //
- // addr 2.0 to Slave0
- for (seq_i3 = 30; seq_i3 < 40; seq_i3=seq_i3 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(3,seq_i3,32+seq_i3,1,'h45678901+seq_i3*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,0));
- //
- // addr 2.3 to Slave3
- for (seq_i3 = 0; seq_i3 < 10; seq_i3=seq_i3 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(3,seq_i3,32+seq_i3,1,'h12345678+seq_i3*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,3));
- end
- join
- repeat (1000) @(posedge clk);
- end // initial begin
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Control and input data thread.
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- initial
- begin
- // Wait for reset to go high
- while (reset!==1'b1)
- @(posedge clk);
- // Wait for reset to go low
- while (reset!==1'b0)
- @(posedge clk);
- // Fork concurrent output checkers for each egress port.
- fork
- begin
- // Slave0 Recevier thread.
- //
- // addr 2.0 to Slave0
- for (seq_o0 = 30; seq_o0 < 40; seq_o0=seq_o0 + 1)
- dequeue_chdr_pkt_count(0,seq_o0,32+seq_o0,1,'h45678901+seq_o0*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,0));
- sync_flag0 <= 1'b1;
- //
- // addr 2.0 to Slave0
- for (seq_o0 = 30; seq_o0 < 40; seq_o0=seq_o0 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(0,seq_o0,32+seq_o0,1,'h45678901+seq_o0*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,0));
- end
- begin
- // Slave1 Recevier thread.
- //
- // addr 2.1 to Slave1
- for (seq_o1 = 20; seq_o1 < 30; seq_o1=seq_o1 + 1)
- dequeue_chdr_pkt_count(1,seq_o1,32+seq_o1,1,'h34567890+seq_o1*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,1));
- sync_flag1 <= 1'b1;
- //
- // addr 2.1 to Slave1
- for (seq_o1 = 20; seq_o1 < 30; seq_o1=seq_o1 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(1,seq_o1,32+seq_o1,1,'h34567890+seq_o1*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,1));
- end
- begin
- // Slave2 Recevier thread.
- //
- // addr 2.2 to Slave2
- for (seq_o2 = 10; seq_o2 < 20; seq_o2=seq_o2 + 1)
- dequeue_chdr_pkt_count(2,seq_o2,32+seq_o2,1,'h23456789+seq_o2*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,2));
- //
- // addr 2.2 to Slave2
- for (seq_o2 = 10; seq_o2 < 20; seq_o2=seq_o2 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(2,seq_o2,32+seq_o2,1,'h23456789+seq_o2*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,2));
- end
- begin
- // Slave3 Recevier thread.
- //
- // addr 2.3 to Slave3
- for (seq_o3 = 0; seq_o3 < 10; seq_o3=seq_o3 + 1)
- dequeue_chdr_pkt_count(3,seq_o3,32+seq_o3,1,'h12345678+seq_o3*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,3));
- //
- // addr 2.3 to Slave3
- for (seq_o3 = 0; seq_o3 < 10; seq_o3=seq_o3 + 1)
- enqueue_chdr_pkt_count(3,seq_o3,32+seq_o3,1,'h12345678+seq_o3*100,0,0,`SID(0,0,2,3));
- end
- join
- repeat (1000) @(posedge clk);
- $finish;
- end // initial begin