path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..002746186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/tx_checker.v
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// Synthesizable Tx checker for 10G Ethernet MAC.
+// Generates deterministic packets that can be looped back and
+// checked for correctness
+`define IDLE 0
+`define MAC1 1
+`define MAC2 2
+`define PAYLOAD1 3
+`define WAIT 4
+`define DONE 5
+module tx_checker
+ (
+ input clk156,
+ input rst,
+ input enable,
+ output reg done,
+ //
+ output reg pkt_tx_val,
+ output reg pkt_tx_sop,
+ output reg pkt_tx_eop,
+ output reg [2:0] pkt_tx_mod,
+ output reg [63:0] pkt_tx_data
+ );
+ reg [10:0] payload;
+ reg [10:0] count;
+ reg [7:0] state;
+ reg [9:0] delay;
+always @(posedge clk156)
+ if (rst)
+ begin
+ state <= `IDLE;
+ count <= 0;
+ payload <= 45; // 1 less than ethernet minimum payload size.\
+ done <= 0;
+ delay <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_val <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_sop <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_eop <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_data <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_mod <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ state <= state;
+ pkt_tx_val <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_sop <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_eop <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_data <= 0;
+ pkt_tx_mod <= 0;
+ payload <= payload;
+ count <= count;
+ done <= 0;
+ delay <= delay;
+ case(state)
+ // Wait in IDLE state until enabled.
+ // As we leave the idle state increment the payload count
+ // so that we have a test pattern that changes each iteration.
+ `IDLE: begin
+ if (enable)
+ begin
+ if (payload == 1500)
+ state <= `DONE;
+ else
+ begin
+ payload <= payload + 1; // Might need to tweak this later..
+ state <= `MAC1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Assert SOP (Start of Packet) for 1 cycle.
+ // Assert VAL (Tx Valid) for duration of packet.
+ // Put first 8 octets out, including
+ // DST MAC addr and first 2 bytes of SRC MAC.
+ `MAC1: begin
+ pkt_tx_val <= 1;
+ pkt_tx_sop <= 1;
+ pkt_tx_data[63:16] <= 48'h0001020304; // DST MAC
+ pkt_tx_data[15:0] <= 16'h0000; // SRC MAC msb's
+ pkt_tx_mod <= 3'h0; // All octects valid
+ state <= `MAC2;
+ end
+ // SOP now deasserted for rest of packet.
+ // VAL remains asserted.
+ // Tx rest of SRC MAC and ether type then first two data octets.
+ `MAC2: begin
+ pkt_tx_val <= 1;
+ pkt_tx_data[63:32] <= 32'h05060708; // SRC MAC lsb's
+ pkt_tx_data[31:16] <= 16'h88b5; // Ethertype
+ pkt_tx_data[15:0] <= 16'hBEEF; // First 2 bytes of payload.
+ pkt_tx_mod <= 3'h0; // All octects valid
+ count <= payload - 2; // Preload counter for this packet
+ state <= `PAYLOAD1;
+ end
+ // Iterate in this state until end of packet.
+ // The first clock cycle in this state, SRC MAC and ETHERTYPE are being Tx'ed due to pipelining
+ `PAYLOAD1: begin
+ pkt_tx_val <= 1;
+ pkt_tx_data <= {8{count[10:3]}}; // Data pattern is 64bit word count value.
+ count <= count - 8;
+ if ((count[10:3] == 0) || (count[10:0] == 8)) // down to 8 or less octects to Tx.
+ begin
+ pkt_tx_mod <= count[2:0];
+ pkt_tx_eop <= 1;
+ state <= `WAIT;
+ delay <= 20; // 20 cycle delay in END state before Tx next packet
+ end
+ end // case: `PAYLOAD1
+ // Because of pipelining EOP is actually asserted in this state
+ // but we are already commited to the end of packet so no decisions need to be made.
+ // Make signals idle ready for next state after.
+ // Delay start of next packet to rate control test.
+ `WAIT:begin
+ delay <= delay - 1;
+ if (delay == 0)
+ state <= `IDLE;
+ end
+ // Have now transmitted one packet of every legal size (no jumbo frames)
+ // Stay in this state asserting done flag until reset.
+ `DONE:begin
+ state <= `DONE;
+ done <= 1;
+ end
+ endcase // case(state)
+ end
+endmodule // tx_checker
+ \ No newline at end of file