path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/sim/ctrlport_endpoint_tb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/sim/ctrlport_endpoint_tb')
2 files changed, 541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/sim/ctrlport_endpoint_tb/Makefile b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/sim/ctrlport_endpoint_tb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1f064547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/sim/ctrlport_endpoint_tb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+# Top-of-Makefile
+# Define BASE_DIR to point to the "top" dir
+BASE_DIR = $(abspath ../../../../top)
+# Include viv_sim_preamble after defining BASE_DIR
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_sim_preamble.mak
+# Design Specific
+# Include makefiles and sources for the DUT and its dependencies
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/rfnoc/core/Makefile.srcs
+DESIGN_SRCS += $(abspath \
+# Testbench Specific
+SIM_TOP = ctrlport_endpoint_tb
+$(abspath ctrlport_endpoint_tb.sv) \
+# Bottom-of-Makefile
+# Include all simulator specific makefiles here
+# Each should define a unique target to simulate
+# e.g. xsim, vsim, etc and a common "clean" target
+include $(BASE_DIR)/../tools/make/viv_simulator.mak
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/sim/ctrlport_endpoint_tb/ctrlport_endpoint_tb.sv b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/sim/ctrlport_endpoint_tb/ctrlport_endpoint_tb.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..492e48829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/sim/ctrlport_endpoint_tb/ctrlport_endpoint_tb.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: ctrlport_endpoint_tb
+`default_nettype none
+module ctrlport_endpoint_tb;
+ // Include macros and time declarations for use with PkgTestExec
+ `include "test_exec.svh"
+ import PkgTestExec::*;
+ import PkgChdrUtils::*;
+ import PkgAxisCtrlBfm::*;
+ // Parameters
+ localparam [9:0] THIS_PORTID = 10'h17;
+ localparam [15:0] THIS_EPID = 16'hDEAD;
+ localparam integer NUM_XACT_PER_TEST = 300;
+ localparam integer FAST_STALL_PROB = 0;
+ localparam integer SLOW_STALL_PROB = 50;
+ localparam bit VERBOSE = 0;
+ // Clock and Reset Definition
+ bit rfnoc_ctrl_clk, rfnoc_ctrl_rst;
+ bit ctrlport_clk, ctrlport_rst;
+ sim_clock_gen #(6.0) rfnoc_ctrl_clk_gen (rfnoc_ctrl_clk, rfnoc_ctrl_rst); // 166.6 MHz
+ sim_clock_gen #(20.0) ctrlport_clk_gen (ctrlport_clk, ctrlport_rst); // 50 MHz
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Instantiate DUT
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ AxiStreamIf #(32) m_ctrl (rfnoc_ctrl_clk, rfnoc_ctrl_rst);
+ AxiStreamIf #(32) s_ctrl (rfnoc_ctrl_clk, rfnoc_ctrl_rst);
+ AxisCtrlBfm axis_ctrl_bfm;
+ wire [31:0] axis_mst_tdata, axis_slv_tdata , axis_req_tdata , axis_resp_tdata ;
+ wire axis_mst_tlast, axis_slv_tlast , axis_req_tlast , axis_resp_tlast ;
+ wire axis_mst_tvalid, axis_slv_tvalid, axis_req_tvalid, axis_resp_tvalid;
+ wire axis_mst_tready, axis_slv_tready, axis_req_tready, axis_resp_tready;
+ wire cp_slv_req_wr;
+ wire cp_slv_req_rd;
+ wire [19:0] cp_slv_req_addr;
+ wire [31:0] cp_slv_req_data;
+ wire [3:0] cp_slv_req_byte_en;
+ wire cp_slv_req_has_time;
+ wire [63:0] cp_slv_req_time;
+ reg cp_slv_resp_ack;
+ reg [1:0] cp_slv_resp_status;
+ reg [31:0] cp_slv_resp_data;
+ logic cp_mst_req_wr;
+ logic cp_mst_req_rd;
+ logic [19:0] cp_mst_req_addr;
+ logic [9:0] cp_mst_req_portid;
+ logic [15:0] cp_mst_req_rem_epid;
+ logic [9:0] cp_mst_req_rem_portid;
+ logic [31:0] cp_mst_req_data;
+ logic [3:0] cp_mst_req_byte_en;
+ logic cp_mst_req_has_time;
+ logic [63:0] cp_mst_req_time;
+ wire cp_mst_resp_ack;
+ wire [1:0] cp_mst_resp_status;
+ wire [31:0] cp_mst_resp_data;
+ ctrlport_endpoint #(
+ .SYNC_CLKS (0),
+ ) dut (
+ .rfnoc_ctrl_clk (rfnoc_ctrl_clk ),
+ .rfnoc_ctrl_rst (rfnoc_ctrl_rst ),
+ .ctrlport_clk (ctrlport_clk ),
+ .ctrlport_rst (ctrlport_rst ),
+ .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata (axis_mst_tdata ),
+ .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast (axis_mst_tlast ),
+ .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid (axis_mst_tvalid ),
+ .s_rfnoc_ctrl_tready (axis_mst_tready ),
+ .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata (axis_slv_tdata ),
+ .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast (axis_slv_tlast ),
+ .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid (axis_slv_tvalid ),
+ .m_rfnoc_ctrl_tready (axis_slv_tready ),
+ .m_ctrlport_req_wr (cp_slv_req_wr ),
+ .m_ctrlport_req_rd (cp_slv_req_rd ),
+ .m_ctrlport_req_addr (cp_slv_req_addr ),
+ .m_ctrlport_req_data (cp_slv_req_data ),
+ .m_ctrlport_req_byte_en (cp_slv_req_byte_en ),
+ .m_ctrlport_req_has_time (cp_slv_req_has_time ),
+ .m_ctrlport_req_time (cp_slv_req_time ),
+ .m_ctrlport_resp_ack (cp_slv_resp_ack ),
+ .m_ctrlport_resp_status (cp_slv_resp_status ),
+ .m_ctrlport_resp_data (cp_slv_resp_data ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_wr (cp_mst_req_wr ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_rd (cp_mst_req_rd ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_addr (cp_mst_req_addr ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_portid (cp_mst_req_portid ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_rem_epid (cp_mst_req_rem_epid ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_rem_portid(cp_mst_req_rem_portid),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_data (cp_mst_req_data ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_byte_en (cp_mst_req_byte_en ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_has_time (cp_mst_req_has_time ),
+ .s_ctrlport_req_time (cp_mst_req_time ),
+ .s_ctrlport_resp_ack (cp_mst_resp_ack ),
+ .s_ctrlport_resp_status (cp_mst_resp_status ),
+ .s_ctrlport_resp_data (cp_mst_resp_data )
+ );
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Test Helpers
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Add a MUX and DEMUX on the ctrlport logic to loop responses
+ // back into the endpoint and to allow external access from the
+ // master and slave BFM.
+ axi_mux #(
+ ) mux_i (
+ .clk(rfnoc_ctrl_clk), .reset(rfnoc_ctrl_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata ({m_ctrl.slave.tdata , axis_resp_tdata }),
+ .i_tlast ({m_ctrl.slave.tlast , axis_resp_tlast }),
+ .i_tvalid({m_ctrl.slave.tvalid, axis_resp_tvalid}),
+ .i_tready({m_ctrl.slave.tready, axis_resp_tready}),
+ .o_tdata (axis_mst_tdata ),
+ .o_tlast (axis_mst_tlast ),
+ .o_tvalid(axis_mst_tvalid),
+ .o_tready(axis_mst_tready)
+ );
+ wire [31:0] in_hdr;
+ axi_demux #(
+ ) demux_i (
+ .clk(rfnoc_ctrl_clk), .reset(rfnoc_ctrl_rst), .clear(1'b0),
+ .header(in_hdr), .dest(in_hdr[31]),
+ .i_tdata (axis_slv_tdata ),
+ .i_tlast (axis_slv_tlast ),
+ .i_tvalid(axis_slv_tvalid),
+ .i_tready(axis_slv_tready),
+ .o_tdata ({s_ctrl.master.tdata , axis_req_tdata }),
+ .o_tlast ({s_ctrl.master.tlast , axis_req_tlast }),
+ .o_tvalid({s_ctrl.master.tvalid, axis_req_tvalid}),
+ .o_tready({s_ctrl.master.tready, axis_req_tready})
+ );
+ // --------------------------
+ // [Dummy Control Port Slave]
+ // Slave Model:
+ // - Respond in 1 clock cycle
+ // - Status = Upper 2 bits of the address
+ // - Response Data = 0xFEED and Negated bottom 16 bits of addr
+ always @(posedge ctrlport_clk) begin
+ if (ctrlport_rst) begin
+ cp_slv_resp_ack <= 1'b0;
+ end else begin
+ cp_slv_resp_ack <= cp_slv_req_wr | cp_slv_req_rd;
+ cp_slv_resp_status <= cp_slv_req_addr[19:18];
+ cp_slv_resp_data <= {16'hFEED, ~cp_slv_req_addr[15:0]};
+ end
+ end
+ // --------------------------
+ // ----------------------------
+ // [Dummy AXIS-Ctrl Port Slave]
+ // Slave Model:
+ // - Response = Request but with the ACK bit set
+ // - Status = Upper 2 bits of the address
+ // - Response Data = Request Data
+ reg [4:0] line_num = 5'd0;
+ reg pkt_has_time = 1'b0;
+ wire pkt_hdr_line = (line_num == 5'd0);
+ wire pkt_op_line = pkt_has_time ? (line_num == 5'd4) : (line_num == 5'd2);
+ always @(posedge rfnoc_ctrl_clk) begin
+ if (rfnoc_ctrl_rst) begin
+ line_num <= 5'd0;
+ pkt_has_time <= 1'b0;
+ end else if (axis_req_tvalid & axis_resp_tready) begin
+ if (pkt_hdr_line)
+ pkt_has_time <= axis_req_tdata[30];
+ line_num <= axis_req_tlast ? 5'd0 : (line_num + 1);
+ end
+ end
+ assign axis_resp_tdata =
+ pkt_hdr_line ? {1'b1, axis_req_tdata[30:0]} : (
+ pkt_op_line ? {axis_req_tdata[19:18], axis_req_tdata[29:0]} :
+ axis_req_tdata);
+ assign axis_resp_tlast = axis_req_tlast;
+ assign axis_resp_tvalid = axis_req_tvalid;
+ assign axis_req_tready = axis_resp_tready;
+ // ----------------------------
+ // Task to send a ctrlport request and receive a response
+ task ctrlport_transact(
+ input wr,
+ input rd,
+ input [19:0] addr,
+ input [9:0] portid,
+ input [15:0] rem_epid,
+ input [9:0] rem_portid,
+ input [31:0] data,
+ input [3:0] byte_en,
+ input has_time,
+ input [63:0] timestamp,
+ output [1:0] resp_status,
+ output [31:0] resp_data
+ );
+ if (rd | wr) begin
+ cp_mst_req_wr <= wr;
+ cp_mst_req_rd <= rd;
+ cp_mst_req_addr <= addr;
+ cp_mst_req_portid <= portid;
+ cp_mst_req_rem_epid <= rem_epid;
+ cp_mst_req_rem_portid <= rem_portid;
+ cp_mst_req_data <= data;
+ cp_mst_req_byte_en <= byte_en;
+ cp_mst_req_has_time <= has_time;
+ cp_mst_req_time <= timestamp;
+ @(posedge ctrlport_clk);
+ cp_mst_req_wr <= 0;
+ cp_mst_req_rd <= 0;
+ while (~cp_mst_resp_ack) @(posedge ctrlport_clk);
+ resp_status = cp_mst_resp_status;
+ resp_data = cp_mst_resp_data;
+ // Validate contents
+ if (VERBOSE) begin
+ $display("%s(addr=%0x, data=%0x, portid=%0x, has_time=%0b) = %0x (Status = %0d)",
+ (rd&wr)?"WRRD":(rd?"RD":"WR"), addr, data, portid, has_time, resp_data, resp_status);
+ end
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(cp_mst_resp_status == addr[19:18],
+ "Received Ctrlport response had the wrong status");
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(cp_mst_resp_data == data,
+ "Received Ctrlport response had the wrong data");
+ end
+ endtask
+ // Task to send a AxisCtrl request and receive a response
+ logic [5:0] cached_seq_num = 0;
+ task axis_ctrl_transact(
+ input [3:0] opcode,
+ input [19:0] addr,
+ input [9:0] portid,
+ input [15:0] rem_epid,
+ input [9:0] rem_portid,
+ input [31:0] data[$],
+ input [3:0] byte_en,
+ input has_time,
+ input [63:0] timestamp,
+ output [1:0] resp_status,
+ output [31:0] resp_data
+ );
+ automatic AxisCtrlPacket tx_pkt, rx_pkt = null, exp_pkt = null;
+ automatic axis_ctrl_header_t header;
+ automatic ctrl_op_word_t op_word;
+ automatic ctrl_status_t exp_status;
+ automatic ctrl_word_t exp_data0;
+ // Opcode specific logic
+ case (ctrl_opcode_t'(opcode))
+ CTRL_OP_SLEEP: begin
+ // data[0] = cycles of sleep so limit its value
+ if (data.size() > 0) data[0][31:5] = 0;
+ exp_status = CTRL_STS_OKAY;
+ exp_data0 = data[0];
+ end
+ exp_status = ctrl_status_t'(addr[19:18]);
+ exp_data0 = {16'hFEED, ~addr[15:0]};
+ end
+ CTRL_OP_WRITE: begin
+ exp_status = ctrl_status_t'(addr[19:18]);
+ exp_data0 = data[0];
+ end
+ CTRL_OP_READ: begin
+ exp_status = ctrl_status_t'(addr[19:18]);
+ exp_data0 = {16'hFEED, ~addr[15:0]};
+ end
+ default: begin
+ exp_status = CTRL_STS_CMDERR;
+ exp_data0 = data[0];
+ end
+ endcase
+ // Build TX packet
+ tx_pkt = new();
+ header = '{
+ default : '0,
+ rem_dst_port : rem_portid,
+ rem_dst_epid : rem_epid,
+ is_ack : 1'b0,
+ has_time : has_time,
+ seq_num : cached_seq_num,
+ num_data : data.size(),
+ src_port : THIS_PORTID,
+ dst_port : portid
+ };
+ op_word = '{
+ default : '0,
+ op_code : ctrl_opcode_t'(opcode),
+ byte_enable : byte_en,
+ address : addr
+ };
+ tx_pkt.write_ctrl(header, op_word, data, timestamp);
+ // Build expected packet (NULL if data vector is empty)
+ if (data.size() > 0) begin
+ exp_pkt = tx_pkt.copy();
+ exp_pkt.header.is_ack = 1'b1;
+ exp_pkt.op_word.status = exp_status;
+ exp_pkt.data[0] = exp_data0;
+ end
+ if (VERBOSE) $display("*******************");
+ fork
+ // Send the packet
+ begin
+ axis_ctrl_bfm.put_ctrl(tx_pkt.copy());
+ if (VERBOSE) begin $display("[TRANSMITTED]"); tx_pkt.print(); end
+ end
+ // Wait for response only if we are expecting one
+ if (exp_pkt != null) begin
+ axis_ctrl_bfm.get_ctrl(rx_pkt);
+ if (VERBOSE) begin $display("[RECEIVED]"); rx_pkt.print(); end
+ end
+ join
+ cached_seq_num = cached_seq_num + 1;
+ // Validate contents
+ if (exp_pkt != null) begin
+ if (VERBOSE) begin $display("[EXPECTED]"); exp_pkt.print(); end
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(exp_pkt.equal(rx_pkt),
+ "Received AXIS-Ctrl packet was incorrect");
+ end
+ endtask
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Test Process
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ initial begin
+ // Shared Variables
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ timeout_t timeout;
+ string tc_label;
+ logic [31:0] data_vtr[$];
+ logic [1:0] resp_status;
+ logic [31:0] resp_data;
+ // Initialize
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ test.start_tb("ctrlport_endpoint_tb");
+ // Start the BFMs
+ axis_ctrl_bfm = new(m_ctrl, s_ctrl);
+ axis_ctrl_bfm.run();
+ // Reset
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ rfnoc_ctrl_clk_gen.reset();
+ ctrlport_clk_gen.reset();
+ test.start_test("Wait for reset");
+ test.start_timeout(timeout, 1us, "Waiting for reset");
+ while (rfnoc_ctrl_rst) @(posedge rfnoc_ctrl_clk);
+ while (ctrlport_rst) @(posedge ctrlport_clk);
+ test.end_timeout(timeout);
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(!ctrlport_rst && !rfnoc_ctrl_rst, "Reset did not deassert");
+ test.end_test();
+ // AXIS-Ctrl Slave Test
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Send AXIS-Ctrl packets to the DUT and expect AXIS-Ctrl
+ // responses. There is a ctrlport slave implemented above
+ for (int cfg = 0; cfg < 4; cfg++) begin
+ automatic logic mst_cfg = cfg[0];
+ automatic logic slv_cfg = cfg[1];
+ $sformat(tc_label,
+ "AXIS-Ctrl Slave (%s Master, %s Slave)",
+ (mst_cfg?"Slow":"Fast"), (slv_cfg?"Slow":"Fast"));
+ test.start_test(tc_label);
+ begin
+ // Set bus stall probabilities based on configuration
+ axis_ctrl_bfm.set_master_stall_prob(mst_cfg?SLOW_STALL_PROB:FAST_STALL_PROB);
+ axis_ctrl_bfm.set_slave_stall_prob(slv_cfg?SLOW_STALL_PROB:FAST_STALL_PROB);
+ // Test multiple transactions
+ for (int n = 0; n < NUM_XACT_PER_TEST; n++) begin
+ // Generate random data for the payload
+ // It is illegal in the protocol to have a zero
+ // data length but we test it here to ensure no lockups
+ data_vtr.delete();
+ for (int i = 0; i < $urandom_range(15); i++)
+ data_vtr[i] = $urandom();
+ // Perform transaction
+ test.start_timeout(timeout, 10us, "Waiting for AXIS-Ctrl transaction");
+ axis_ctrl_transact(
+ $urandom_range(5), // opcode
+ $urandom(), // addr
+ THIS_PORTID, // portid
+ $urandom(), $urandom(), // rem_epid, rem_portid
+ data_vtr,
+ $urandom_range(15), // byte_en
+ $urandom_range(1), // has_time
+ {$urandom(), $urandom()}, // timestamp
+ resp_status,
+ resp_data
+ );
+ test.end_timeout(timeout);
+ end
+ end
+ test.end_test();
+ end
+ // AXIS-Ctrl Master Test
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Send Ctrlport packets to the DUT and expect Ctrlport
+ // responses. There is a AXIS-Ctrl slave implemented above
+ test.start_test("AXIS-Ctrl Master");
+ begin
+ // Test multiple transactions
+ for (int n = 0; n < NUM_XACT_PER_TEST * 4; n++) begin
+ test.start_timeout(timeout, 10us, "Waiting for Ctrlport transaction");
+ ctrlport_transact(
+ $urandom_range(1), $urandom_range(1), // wr and rd
+ $urandom(), // addr
+ THIS_PORTID, // portid
+ $urandom(), $urandom(), // rem_epid, rem_portid
+ $urandom(), // data
+ $urandom_range(15), // byte_en
+ $urandom_range(1), // has_time
+ {$urandom(), $urandom()}, // timestamp
+ resp_status,
+ resp_data
+ );
+ test.end_timeout(timeout);
+ end
+ end
+ test.end_test();
+ // AXIS-Ctrl Master+Slave Test
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ test.start_test("AXIS-Ctrl Master + Slave Simultaneously");
+ begin
+ axis_ctrl_bfm.set_master_stall_prob(FAST_STALL_PROB);
+ axis_ctrl_bfm.set_slave_stall_prob(FAST_STALL_PROB);
+ test.start_timeout(timeout, 10us * NUM_XACT_PER_TEST, "Waiting for test case");
+ fork
+ for (int n = 0; n < NUM_XACT_PER_TEST; n++) begin
+ // Generate random data for the payload
+ // It is illegal in the protocol to have a zero
+ // data length but we test it here to ensure no lockups
+ data_vtr.delete();
+ for (int i = 0; i < $urandom_range(15); i++)
+ data_vtr[i] = $urandom();
+ // Perform transaction
+ axis_ctrl_transact(
+ $urandom_range(5), // opcode
+ $urandom(), // addr
+ THIS_PORTID, // portid
+ $urandom(), $urandom(), // rem_epid, rem_portid
+ data_vtr,
+ $urandom_range(15), // byte_en
+ $urandom_range(1), // has_time
+ {$urandom(), $urandom()}, // timestamp
+ resp_status,
+ resp_data
+ );
+ end
+ for (int n = 0; n < NUM_XACT_PER_TEST; n++) begin
+ ctrlport_transact(
+ $urandom_range(1), $urandom_range(1), // wr and rd
+ $urandom(), // addr
+ THIS_PORTID, // portid
+ $urandom(), $urandom(), // rem_epid, rem_portid
+ $urandom(), // data
+ $urandom_range(15), // byte_en
+ $urandom_range(1), // has_time
+ {$urandom(), $urandom()}, // timestamp
+ resp_status,
+ resp_data
+ );
+ end
+ join
+ test.end_timeout(timeout);
+ end
+ test.end_test();
+ // Finish Up
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // Display final statistics and results
+ test.end_tb();
+ end