path: root/fpga/docs/usrp3/sim/libs_axi.md
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+# AXI Interface Libraries
+## AXI4 Stream (sim\_axis\_lib.vh)
+Defines ``axis_t``, an AXI Stream bus interface that implements several tasks to send and
+receive data on the bus.
+### Definition
+ interface axis_t #(parameter DWIDTH = 64)
+ (input clk);
+ logic [DWIDTH-1:0] tdata;
+ logic tvalid;
+ logic tlast;
+ logic tready;
+ modport master (output tdata, output tvalid, output tlast, input tready);
+ modport slave (input tdata, input tvalid, input tlast, output tready);
+### Operations
+#### push\_word
+ // Push a word onto the AXI-Stream bus and wait for it to transfer
+ // Args:
+ // - word: The data to push onto the bus
+ // - eop (optional): End of packet (asserts tlast)
+#### push\_bubble
+ // Push a bubble cycle onto the AXI-Stream bus
+#### pull\_word
+ // Wait for a sample to be transferred on the AXI Stream
+ // bus and return the data and last
+ // Args:
+ // - word: The data pulled from the bus
+ // - eop: End of packet (tlast)
+#### wait\_for\_bubble
+ // Wait for a bubble cycle on the AXI Stream bus
+#### wait\_for\_pkt
+ // Wait for a packet to finish on the bus
+#### push\_rand\_pkt
+ // Push a packet with random data onto to the AXI Stream bus
+ // Args:
+ // - num_samps: Packet size.
+#### push\_ramp\_pkt
+ // Push a packet with a ramp on to the AXI Stream bus
+ // Args:
+ // - num_samps: Packet size.
+ // - ramp_start: Start value for the ramp
+ // - ramp_inc: Increment per clock cycle
+## Compressed VITA [CHDR] (sim\_chdr\_lib.vh)
+Defines ``cvita_stream_t``, an AXI Stream bus interface that implements the CHDR protocol and
+several tasks to send and receive data on the bus.
+### CHDR
+ typedef enum logic [1:0] {
+ DATA=2'b00, FC=2'b01, CMD=2'b10, RESP=2'b11
+ } cvita_pkt_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [31:0] sid;
+ logic [15:0] length;
+ logic [11:0] seqno;
+ logic eob;
+ logic has_time;
+ cvita_pkt_t pkt_type;
+ logic [63:0] timestamp;
+ } cvita_hdr_t;
+#### Operations
+ - ``flatten_chdr_no_ts``: Flatten header struct to a 64-bit bus. No timestamp.
+ - ``unflatten_chdr_no_ts``: Decode a 64-bit header and populate the ``cvita_hdr_t`` struct. No timestamp.
+ - ``unflatten_chdr``: Decode a 64-bit header and populate the ``cvita_hdr_t`` struct. Timestamp supported.
+### CVITA Stream Type
+#### Definition
+ interface cvita_stream_t (input clk);
+ axis_t #(.DWIDTH(64)) axis (.clk(clk));
+#### push\_hdr
+ // Push a CVITA header into the stream
+ // Args:
+ // - hdr: The header to push
+#### push\_data
+ // Push a word onto the AXI-Stream bus and wait for it to transfer
+ // Args:
+ // - word: The data to push onto the bus
+ // - eop: End of packet (asserts tlast)
+#### push\_bubble
+ // Push a bubble cycle on the AXI-Stream bus
+#### pull\_word
+ // Wait for a sample to be transferred on the AXI Stream
+ // bus and return the data and last
+ // Args:
+ // - word: The data pulled from the bus
+ // - eop: End of packet (tlast)
+#### wait\_for\_bubble
+ // Wait for a bubble cycle on the AXI Stream bus
+#### wait\_for\_pkt
+ // Wait for a packet to finish on the bus
+#### wait\_for\_pkt\_get\_info
+ // Wait for a packet to finish on the bus and extract the header and payload statistics.
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [31:0] count;
+ logic [63:0] sum;
+ logic [63:0] min;
+ logic [63:0] max;
+ logic [63:0] crc;
+ } cvita_stats_t;
+#### push\_rand\_pkt
+ // Push a packet with random data onto to the AXI Stream bus
+ // Args:
+ // - num_samps: Packet size.
+ // - hdr: Header to attach to packet (length will be ignored)
+ // - timestamp: Optional timestamp
+#### push\_ramp\_pkt
+ // Push a packet with a ramp on to the AXI Stream bus
+ // Args:
+ // - num_samps: Packet size.
+ // - ramp_start: Start value for the ramp
+ // - ramp_inc: Increment per clock cycle
+ // - hdr: Header to attach to packet (length will be ignored)
+ // - timestamp: Optional timestamp
+## Memory Mapped AXI4 (sim\_axi4\_lib.vh)
+Defines the following interfaces to group signals in the AXI4 bus.
+WIP: No functions or tasks implemented yet.
+#### Address
+ interface axi4_addr_t #(parameter AWIDTH=32, parameter IDWIDTH=4)
+ (input clk);
+ logic [IDWIDTH-1:0] id;
+ logic [AWIDTH-1:0] addr;
+ logic [7:0] len;
+ logic [2:0] size;
+ logic [1:0] burst;
+ logic lock;
+ logic [3:0] cache;
+ logic [2:0] prot;
+ logic [3:0] qos;
+ logic [3:0] region;
+ logic user;
+ logic valid;
+ logic ready;
+ modport master (output id,addr,len,size,burst,lock,cache,prot,qos,valid, input ready);
+ modport slave (input id,addr,len,size,burst,lock,cache,prot,qos,valid, output ready);
+ endinterface
+#### Write Data
+ interface axi4_wdata_t #(parameter DWIDTH=64)
+ (input clk);
+ logic [DWIDTH-1:0] data;
+ logic [(DWIDTH/8)-1:0] strb;
+ logic last;
+ logic user;
+ logic valid;
+ logic ready;
+ modport master(output data,strb,last,valid, input ready);
+ modport slave(input data,strb,last,valid, output ready);
+ endinterface
+#### Write Response
+ interface axi4_resp_t #(parameter IDWIDTH=4)
+ (input clk);
+ logic ready;
+ logic [IDWIDTH-1:0] id;
+ logic [1:0] resp;
+ logic user;
+ logic valid;
+ modport master(output ready, input id,resp,valid);
+ modport slave(input ready, output id,resp,valid);
+ endinterface
+#### Read Data
+ interface axi4_rdata_t #(parameter DWIDTH=64, parameter IDWIDTH=4)
+ (input clk);
+ logic ready;
+ logic [IDWIDTH-1:0] id;
+ logic [DWIDTH-1:0] data;
+ logic [1:0] resp;
+ logic user;
+ logic last;
+ logic valid;
+ modport master(output ready, input id,data,resp,last,valid);
+ modport slave(input ready, output id,data,resp,last,valid);
+ endinterface
+#### Meta: AXI4 Writer
+ interface axi4_wr_t #(parameter DWIDTH=64, parameter AWIDTH=32, parameter IDWIDTH=4)
+ (input clk);
+ axi4_addr_t #(.AWIDTH(AWIDTH), .IDWIDTH(IDWIDTH)) addr (.clk(clk));
+ axi4_wdata_t #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH)) data (.clk(clk));
+ axi4_resp_t #(.IDWIDTH(IDWIDTH)) resp (.clk(clk));
+ modport master(output addr, output data, input resp);
+ modport slave(input addr, input data, output resp);
+ endinterface
+#### Meta: AXI4 Reader
+ interface axi4_rd_t #(parameter DWIDTH=64, parameter AWIDTH=32, parameter IDWIDTH=4)
+ (input clk);
+ axi4_addr_t #(.AWIDTH(AWIDTH), .IDWIDTH(IDWIDTH)) addr (.clk(clk));
+ axi4_rdata_t #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH), .IDWIDTH(IDWIDTH)) data (.clk(clk));
+ modport master(output addr, output data);
+ modport slave(input addr, input data);
+ endinterface