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+# Legacy Testbenches
+Some existing testbenches use the following testbench style and infrastructure.
+This documentation is from UHD 3.x but is included here due to its continued
+Below is a sample legacy SystemVerilog testbench.
+ //
+ // Copyright 2015 Ettus Research LLC
+ //
+ `timescale 1ns/1ps
+ `define NS_PER_TICK 1
+ `define NUM_TEST_CASES 3
+ `include "sim_clks_rsts.vh"
+ `include "sim_exec_report.vh"
+ `include "sim_cvita_lib.sv"
+ module example_fifo_tb();
+ // Define all clocks and resets
+ `DEFINE_CLK(bus_clk, 1000/166.6667, 50) //166MHz bus_clk
+ `DEFINE_RESET(bus_rst, 0, 100) //100ns for GSR to deassert
+ cvita_stream_t chdr_i (.clk(bus_clk));
+ cvita_stream_t chdr_o (.clk(bus_clk));
+ // Initialize DUT
+ axi_fifo #(.WIDTH(65), .SIZE(24)) dut_single (
+ .clk(bus_clk),
+ .reset(bus_rst),
+ .clear(1'b0),
+ .i_tdata({chdr_i.axis.tlast, chdr_i.axis.tdata}),
+ .i_tvalid(chdr_i.axis.tvalid),
+ .i_tready(chdr_i.axis.tready),
+ .o_tdata({chdr_o.axis.tlast, chdr_o.axis.tdata}),
+ .o_tvalid(chdr_o.axis.tvalid),
+ .o_tready(chdr_o.axis.tready),
+ .space(),
+ .occupied()
+ );
+ //Testbench variables
+ cvita_hdr_t header, header_out;
+ cvita_stats_t stats;
+ //------------------------------------------
+ //Main thread for testbench execution
+ //------------------------------------------
+ initial begin : tb_main
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Wait for reset");
+ while (bus_rst) @(posedge bus_clk);
+ `TEST_CASE_DONE((~bus_rst));
+ repeat (200) @(posedge bus_clk);
+ header = '{
+ pkt_type:DATA, has_time:0, eob:0, seqno:12'h666,
+ length:0, sid:$random, timestamp:64'h0};
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Fill up empty FIFO then drain (short packet)");
+ chdr_o.axis.tready = 0;
+ chdr_i.push_ramp_pkt(16, 64'd0, 64'h100, header);
+ chdr_o.axis.tready = 1;
+ chdr_o.wait_for_pkt_get_info(header_out, stats);
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(stats.count==16, "Bad packet: Length mismatch");
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(header.sid==header_out.sid, "Bad packet: Wrong SID");
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(chdr_i.axis.tready, "Bus not ready");
+ header = '{
+ pkt_type:DATA, has_time:1, eob:0, seqno:12'h666,
+ length:0, sid:$random, timestamp:64'h0};
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Concurrent read and write (single packet)");
+ chdr_o.axis.tready = 1;
+ fork
+ begin
+ chdr_i.push_ramp_pkt(20, 64'd0, 64'h100, header);
+ end
+ begin
+ chdr_o.wait_for_pkt_get_info(header_out, stats);
+ end
+ join
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(stats.count==20, "Bad packet: Length mismatch");
+ end
+ endmodule
+Each testbench should have the following basic components:
+## Timescale Defines and Includes
+ `timescale 1ns/1ps
+ `define NS_PER_TICK 1
+ `define NUM_TEST_CASES 3
+ `include "sim_clks_rsts.vh"
+ `include "sim_exec_report.vh"
+ `include "sim_cvita_lib.sv"
+In addition to the timescale, the infrastructure needs to know the number of
+nanoseconds per simulator tick. This can be a floating point number.
+In addition to the timescale, you may include any Verilog/SystemVerilog headers here.
+## Main Module Definition
+ `include "sim_exec_report.vh"
+ module example_fifo_tb();
+ ...
+ //------------------------------------------
+ //Main thread for testbench execution
+ //------------------------------------------
+ initial begin : tb_main
+ ...
+ end
+ endmodule
+The name of the main module must match the ``SIM_TOP`` variable value in the Makefile.
+To register this module with the framework, the ``TEST_BENCH_INIT`` macro must be called.
+This macro is defined in ``<repo>/usrp3/sim/general/sim_exec_report.vh``.
+ // Initializes state for a test bench.
+ // This macro *must be* called within the testbench module but
+ // outside the primary initial block
+ // Its sets up boilerplate code for:
+ // - Logging to console
+ // - Test execution tracking
+ // - Gathering test results
+ // - Bounding execution time based on the SIM_RUNTIME_US vdef
+ //
+ // Usage: `TEST_BENCH_INIT(test_name,min_tc_run_count,ns_per_tick)
+ // where
+ // - tb_name: Name of the testbench. (Only used during reporting)
+ // - min_tc_run_count: Number of test cases in testbench. (Used to detect stalls and inf-loops)
+ // - ns_per_tick: The time_unit_base from the timescale declaration
+The testbench must also have at least one initial block that consists tests cases (covered later).
+For the sake of convention it should be called ``tb_main``. *All test cases must live in ``tb_main``*. You may
+have other initial block but they must not call macros from ``sim_exec_report.vh`` because the code
+there is not thread-safe.
+## Test Cases
+A test case in this context is defined as an independent entity that validates an aspect of the DUT behavior
+and which is independent from other test cases i.e. the result of one test case should ideally not affect others.
+Test cases are wrapped in the ``TEST_CASE_START`` and ``TEST_CASE_DONE`` macros:
+ `TEST_CASE_START("Fill up empty FIFO then drain (short packet)");
+ chdr_o.axis.tready = 0;
+ chdr_i.push_ramp_pkt(16, 64'd0, 64'h100, header);
+ chdr_o.axis.tready = 1;
+ chdr_o.wait_for_pkt_get_info(header_out, stats);
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(stats.count==16, "Bad packet: Length mismatch");
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(header.sid==header_out.sid, "Bad packet: Wrong SID");
+ `ASSERT_ERROR(chdr_i.axis.tready, "Bus not ready");
+Here are the signatures of the two macros:
+ // Indicates the start of a test case
+ // This macro *must be* called inside the primary initial block
+ //
+ // Usage: `TEST_CASE_START(test_name)
+ // where
+ // - test_name: The name of the test.
+ //
+ // Indicates the end of a test case
+ // This macro *must be* called inside the primary initial block
+ // The pass/fail status of test case is determined based on the
+ // the user specified outcome and the number of fatal or error
+ // ASSERTs triggered in the test case.
+ //
+ // Usage: `TEST_CASE_DONE(test_result)
+ // where
+ // - test_result: User specified outcome
+ //
+In addition to the test case status, it is also possible to have asserts within
+a test case. We have wrappers for the different kinds of SystemVerilog asserts
+that additionally fail the test case in case the assert fails. An assert triggered
+in a test case will not affect the outcome of another (except for a fatal assert which
+halts the simulator). Supported assert macros:
+ // Wrapper around a an assert.
+ // ASSERT_FATAL throws an error assertion and halts the simulator
+ // if cond is not satisfied
+ //
+ // Usage: `ASSERT_FATAL(cond,msg)
+ // where
+ // - cond: Condition for the assert
+ // - msg: Message for the assert
+ //
+ // Wrapper around a an assert.
+ // ASSERT_ERROR throws an error assertion and fails the test case
+ // if cond is not satisfied. The simulator will *not* halt
+ //
+ // Usage: `ASSERT_ERROR(cond,msg)
+ // where
+ // - cond: Condition for the assert
+ // - msg: Message for the assert
+ //
+ // Wrapper around a an assert.
+ // ASSERT_WARNING throws an warning assertion but does not fail the
+ // test case if cond is not satisfied. The simulator will *not* halt
+ //
+ // Usage: `ASSERT_WARNING(cond,msg)
+ // where
+ // - cond: Condition for the assert
+ // - msg: Message for the assert
+ //