path: root/.ci/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.ci/templates')
4 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.ci/templates/stages-uhd-pipeline.yml b/.ci/templates/stages-uhd-pipeline.yml
index 05e8f4cf3..66a07d43d 100644
--- a/.ci/templates/stages-uhd-pipeline.yml
+++ b/.ci/templates/stages-uhd-pipeline.yml
@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ resources:
name: EttusResearch/gr-ettusdev
endpoint: EttusResearch
ref: maint-3.8-uhd4.0
+ - repository: ettus-rts
+ type: github
+ endpoint: EttusResearch
+ name: EttusResearch/ettus-rts
+ ref: master
- stage: build_uhd_stage_linux
@@ -203,6 +208,20 @@ stages:
testOS: ubuntu2004
uhdSrcDir: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+- stage: test_uhd_embedded_devices_stage
+ displayName: Test UHD Embedded Devices
+ dependsOn:
+ - build_uhd_stage_linux
+ - build_uhd_embedded_system_images
+ - build_gnuradio_stage_linux
+ jobs:
+ - template: tests/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests-sdr-test0.yml
+ parameters:
+ testOS: ubuntu1804
+ - template: tests/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests-pebbles.yml
+ parameters:
+ testOS: ubuntu1804
- stage: test_streaming_stage
displayName: Test UHD Streaming
dependsOn: build_uhd_stage_linux
diff --git a/.ci/templates/tests/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests-pebbles.yml b/.ci/templates/tests/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests-pebbles.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4624a043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/templates/tests/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests-pebbles.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+- name: testOS
+ type: string
+ values:
+ - ubuntu1804
+- name: uhdArtifactSource
+ type: string
+ default: current
+- template: templates/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests.yml
+ parameters:
+ suiteName: 'ettus_pebbles'
+ testOS: '${{ parameters.testOS }}'
+ toolset: 'make'
+ runPyTest: true
+ runDevTest: false
+ runSystemImageTest: false
+ uhdArtifactSource: ${{ parameters.uhdArtifactSource }}
+ xilinxLocation: /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1
+ dutMatrix:
+ pebbles-x410-0:
+ dutName: 'pebbles-x410-0'
+ dutType: 'x4xx'
+ devtestPattern: 'x4x0'
+ dutEmbeddedImagesArtifact: 'x4xx-images'
+ uartSerial: '2516351DDCC0'
+ pipelineAgent: pebbles-agent-1
+ pytestAtsConfig: uhd_oss_ats
+ pytestDUT: 'x410'
+ sfp0ip: ''
diff --git a/.ci/templates/tests/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests-sdr-test0.yml b/.ci/templates/tests/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests-sdr-test0.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a19675129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/templates/tests/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests-sdr-test0.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+- name: testOS
+ type: string
+ values:
+ - ubuntu1804
+- name: uhdArtifactSource
+ type: string
+ default: current
+- template: templates/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests.yml
+ parameters:
+ suiteName: 'sdr_test0'
+ testOS: '${{ parameters.testOS }}'
+ toolset: 'make'
+ runPyTest: false
+ runDevTest: true
+ runSystemImageTest: true
+ uhdArtifactSource: ${{ parameters.uhdArtifactSource }}
+ xilinxLocation: /opt/Xilinx/SDK/2019.1
+ dutMatrix:
+ sdr-test0-x410-0:
+ dutName: 'sdr-test0-x410-0'
+ dutType: 'x4xx'
+ devtestPattern: 'x4x0'
+ dutEmbeddedImagesArtifact: 'x4xx-images'
+ uartSerial: '2516351FE64E'
+ pipelineAgent: sdr-test0
diff --git a/.ci/templates/tests/templates/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests.yml b/.ci/templates/tests/templates/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7dcfdf60e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ci/templates/tests/templates/job-uhd-x4xx-hardware-tests.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+- name: suiteName
+ type: string
+- name: testOS
+ type: string
+ values:
+ - ubuntu1804
+- name: toolset
+ type: string
+ values:
+ - make
+- name: runPyTest
+ type: boolean
+- name: runSystemImageTest
+ type: boolean
+- name: runDevTest
+ type: boolean
+- name: dutMatrix
+ type: object
+- name: uhdArtifactSource
+ type: string
+ default: current
+- name: xilinxLocation
+ type: string
+- job: x4xx_hardware_test_${{ parameters.suiteName }}
+ displayName: x4xx hardware test ${{ parameters.suiteName }}
+ timeoutInMinutes: 120
+ strategy:
+ matrix: ${{ parameters.dutMatrix }}
+ pool:
+ name: 'de-dre-lab'
+ demands: uhd_ats -equals $(pipelineAgent)
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - checkout: meta-ettus
+ - checkout: ettus-rts
+ - script: |
+ if [ "${{ parameters.uhdArtifactSource }}" = "current" ]; then
+ echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=uhd_artifact_directory]'$(Agent.BuildDirectory)
+ else
+ echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=uhd_artifact_directory]'$(Agent.BuildDirectory)/${{ parameters.uhdArtifactSource }}
+ fi
+ displayName: Set uhddev pipeline artifact location
+ - script: |
+ rm -rf $(uhd_artifact_directory)/$(dutEmbeddedImagesArtifact)
+ rm -rf $(uhd_artifact_directory)/uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}
+ rm -rf $(uhd_artifact_directory)/gnuradio-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}
+ displayName: Cleanup from prior run
+ - download: ${{ parameters.uhdArtifactSource }}
+ artifact: $(dutEmbeddedImagesArtifact)
+ displayName: Download $(dutEmbeddedImagesArtifact)
+ - task: ExtractFiles@1
+ inputs:
+ archiveFilePatterns: $(uhd_artifact_directory)/$(dutEmbeddedImagesArtifact)/u-boot-jtag-files.zip
+ destinationFolder: $(uhd_artifact_directory)/$(dutEmbeddedImagesArtifact)
+ cleanDestinationFolder: false
+ overwriteExistingFiles: true
+ displayName: Extract JTAG artifact
+ - download: ${{ parameters.uhdArtifactSource }}
+ artifact: uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}
+ displayName: Download uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }} artifact
+ - task: ExtractFiles@1
+ inputs:
+ archiveFilePatterns: $(uhd_artifact_directory)/uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}/uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}.tar.gz
+ destinationFolder: $(uhd_artifact_directory)/uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}
+ cleanDestinationFolder: false
+ overwriteExistingFiles: true
+ displayName: Extract uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }} artifact
+ - download: ${{ parameters.uhdArtifactSource }}
+ artifact: gnuradio-grettus-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}
+ displayName: Download gnuradio-grettus-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }} artifact
+ - task: ExtractFiles@1
+ inputs:
+ archiveFilePatterns: $(uhd_artifact_directory)/gnuradio-grettus-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}/gnuradio-grettus-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}.tar.gz
+ destinationFolder: $(uhd_artifact_directory)/gnuradio-grettus-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}
+ cleanDestinationFolder: false
+ overwriteExistingFiles: true
+ displayName: Extract gnuradio-grettus-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }} artifact
+ - script: |
+ cd $(Agent.TempDirectory)
+ python3 -m venv venv
+ source venv/bin/activate
+ echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=USRP_EMB_VENV]'$(realpath venv)
+ echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=USRP_EMB_IMAGE_PATH]'$(uhd_artifact_directory)/$(dutEmbeddedImagesArtifact)
+ echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=USRP_EMB_FTDI_SERIAL]'$(uartSerial)
+ python3 -m pip install -U pip
+ pip3 install wheel
+ pip3 install --upgrade $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/meta-ettus-dev/contrib/test/usrp_emb
+ displayName: Create usrp_emb venv
+ - script: |
+ source ${{ parameters.xilinxLocation }}/settings64.sh
+ source $USRP_EMB_VENV/bin/activate
+ usrp_emb_x4xx_flash_emmc
+ displayName: Flash eMMC
+ - script: |
+ source $USRP_EMB_VENV/bin/activate
+ mkdir -p $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/sysimg_tests/sysimg_boot_tests
+ cd $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/sysimg_tests/sysimg_boot_tests
+ usrp_emb_test_x4xx
+ displayName: Run system image boot tests
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.runSystemImageTest }})
+ - script: |
+ source $USRP_EMB_VENV/bin/activate
+ USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP=$(usrp_emb_x4xx_boot_linux)
+ echo Target IP is $USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP
+ echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP]'$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP
+ displayName: Boot target, get mgmt IP
+ # Setting the timezone on the embedded device is
+ # required to make the test runtimes to look sane.
+ - script: |
+ export HOST_TIME_ZONE=$(cat /etc/timezone)
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "timedatectl set-timezone $HOST_TIME_ZONE"
+ displayName: Set timezone to Host
+ - script: |
+ source $USRP_EMB_VENV/bin/activate
+ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R $USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "ip link set sfp0 down"
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "ip addr add $(sfp0ip)/24 dev sfp0"
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "ip link set sfp0 up"
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "ifconfig sfp0"
+ displayName: Set sfp0 IP
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.runPyTest }})
+ - script: |
+ sleep 60
+ displayName: Wait for device to finish booting
+ - script: |
+ mkdir -p $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/sysimg_tests/sysimg_subsystem_tests
+ cd $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/sysimg_tests/sysimg_subsystem_tests
+ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R $USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "rm -rf ~/usrp_sysimg_test && mkdir -p ~/usrp_sysimg_test"
+ scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/meta-ettus-dev/contrib/test/tests root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP:~/usrp_sysimg_test
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "pip3 install unittest-xml-reporting && cd ~/usrp_sysimg_test/tests && python3 -m xmlrunner discover . -v"
+ scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP:~/usrp_sysimg_test .
+ displayName: Run system image embedded subsystems tests
+ condition: ${{ parameters.runSystemImageTest }}
+ - script: |
+ mkdir -p $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/mpm/mpm_unit_tests
+ cd $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/mpm/mpm_unit_tests
+ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R $USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "rm -rf ~/mpm_test_run && mkdir -p ~/mpm_test_run"
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "cd ~/mpm_test_run && python3 /usr/lib/usrp_mpm/tests/run_unit_tests.py -x x4xx"
+ scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP:~/mpm_test_run .
+ displayName: Run MPM unit tests
+ - script: |
+ mkdir -p $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/devtest
+ cd $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/devtest
+ python3 $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/uhddev/host/tests/devtest/run_testsuite.py \
+ --src-dir $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/uhddev/host/tests/devtest \
+ --devtest-pattern $(devtestPattern) --args addr=$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP,type=$(dutType) \
+ --build-dir $(uhd_artifact_directory)/uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}/uhddev/build \
+ --build-type Release --python-interp python3 --xml
+ python3 $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/uhddev/.ci/utils/format_devtest_junitxml.py \
+ $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/devtest \
+ $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/devtest/devtestresults.xml
+ echo ""
+ displayName: Run devtest
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.runDevTest }})
+ - script: |
+ cat $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/devtest/log*.log
+ echo ""
+ displayName: cat devtest log
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.runDevTest }})
+ - script: |
+ export UHD_INSTALL_PATH=$(uhd_artifact_directory)/uhddev-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}/uhddev/build-installed
+ export GNURADIO_GRETTUS_INSTALL_PATH=$(uhd_artifact_directory)/gnuradio-grettus-${{ parameters.testOS }}-${{ parameters.toolset }}/gnuradio/build-installed
+ export PYTHON_VERSION=$(python3 -c "import sys; print('python'+str(sys.version_info.major) + '.' + str(sys.version_info.minor))")
+ if [ -d "$UHD_INSTALL_PATH/lib64" ]; then
+ export PATH=$UHD_INSTALL_PATH/lib64/uhd/examples:$PATH
+ else
+ export PATH=$UHD_INSTALL_PATH/lib/uhd/examples:$PATH
+ fi
+ cd $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/ettus-rts/config/remote/python_tests
+ uhd_find_devices
+ python3 automated_main.py --ats_config $(pytestAtsConfig) --dut $(pytestDUT) --results_path '$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/pytest/host'
+ echo ""
+ displayName: Run pytest on host
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.runPyTest }})
+ - script: |
+ mkdir -p $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/pytest/embedded
+ cd $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/pytest/embedded
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "pip3 install --upgrade pytest pytest-helpers-namespace pytest-tempdir pytest-salt"
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "rm -rf ~/usrp_pytest && mkdir -p ~/usrp_pytest"
+ scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/ettus-rts/config/remote/ root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP:~/usrp_pytest
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP "cd ~/usrp_pytest/remote/python_tests && python3 automated_main.py --ats_config $(pytestAtsConfig) --dut $(pytestDUT) --test_selector pytests/test_gnuradio_sanity.py --run_embedded"
+ scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r root@$USRP_EMB_TARGET_IP:~/usrp_pytest .
+ displayName: Run pytest on embedded
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.runPyTest }})
+ # Run the mender tests last because they
+ # modify the flashed image on the device
+ - script: |
+ source $USRP_EMB_VENV/bin/activate
+ mkdir -p $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/sysimg_tests/sysimg_mender_tests
+ cd $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/sysimg_tests/sysimg_mender_tests
+ source $USRP_EMB_VENV/bin/activate
+ usrp_emb_test_x4xx_mender
+ displayName: Run system image mender tests
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.runSystemImageTest }})
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
+ testResultsFiles: '$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/sysimg_tests/**/*.xml'
+ testRunTitle: $(dutName) System Image Tests
+ mergeTestResults: true
+ failTaskOnFailedTests: true
+ displayName: Upload $(dutName) System Image Tests
+ condition: ${{ parameters.runSystemImageTest }}
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
+ testResultsFiles: '$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/mpm/**/*.xml'
+ testRunTitle: $(dutName) mpm unit tests
+ mergeTestResults: true
+ failTaskOnFailedTests: true
+ displayName: Upload $(dutName) mpm unit tests
+ condition: always()
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
+ testResultsFiles: '$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/devtest/devtestresults.xml'
+ testRunTitle: $(dutName) devtests
+ buildConfiguration: 'Release'
+ mergeTestResults: true
+ failTaskOnFailedTests: true
+ displayName: Upload $(dutName) devtests
+ condition: ${{ parameters.runDevTest }}
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
+ testResultsFiles: '$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/pytest/host/**/*.xml'
+ testRunTitle: $(dutName) host pytests
+ mergeTestResults: true
+ failTaskOnFailedTests: true
+ displayName: Upload $(dutName) host pytests
+ condition: ${{ parameters.runPyTest }}
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
+ testResultsFiles: '$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/pytest/embedded/**/*.xml'
+ testRunTitle: $(dutName) embedded pytests
+ mergeTestResults: true
+ failTaskOnFailedTests: true
+ displayName: Upload $(dutName) embedded pytests
+ condition: ${{ parameters.runPyTest }}
+ - publish: $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)
+ artifact: test-logs-x4xx-hardware-$(dutName)-run$(System.JobAttempt)
+ displayName: Upload Test Logs
+ condition: always()