path: root/usrp2/top/u1e
diff options
authorMatt Ettus <matt@ettus.com>2011-03-03 18:34:45 -0800
committerMatt Ettus <matt@ettus.com>2011-03-03 18:34:45 -0800
commite38280063a673e2f12c8196c5713c7decff7764a (patch)
tree4437cd65175b15edcfc76668a211b1375f4e19af /usrp2/top/u1e
parent8e27fc0c3c1e14e23f6f66911eb2e1aaaf061484 (diff)
parent8d82fcacc459caac6b3d4ddfd3821f69cc9037ea (diff)
Merge branch 'gpmc_testing' into ethfifo_reorg
* gpmc_testing: timed packet generator : Temporarily use a checksum rather than a crc to validate packet integrity. correct port names fifo36_mux now has shortfifos on the input ports as well as output timed tester : Bring out src/dst flags for rx chain for testing. u1e: hook up tester controls move declarations to before use hook up under/overruns for debug purposes e100: integrate loopback and timed testing into main image Fix endianess for packet length and sequence number for e100 timed image. put these files in the right place. newfifo is long gone.
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/top/u1e')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/top/u1e/u1e_core.v b/usrp2/top/u1e/u1e_core.v
index 7d5924bea..a5a477202 100644
--- a/usrp2/top/u1e/u1e_core.v
+++ b/usrp2/top/u1e/u1e_core.v
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-//`define LOOPBACK 1
-//`define TIMED 1
-`define DSP 1
module u1e_core
(input clk_fpga, input rst_fpga,
output [3:0] debug_led, output [31:0] debug, output [1:0] debug_clk,
@@ -48,13 +44,18 @@ module u1e_core
wire pps_int;
wire [63:0] vita_time, vita_time_pps;
reg [15:0] reg_leds, reg_cgen_ctrl, reg_test, xfer_rate;
+ wire [7:0] test_rate;
+ wire [3:0] test_ctrl;
wire [7:0] set_addr;
wire [31:0] set_data;
wire set_stb;
wire [31:0] debug_vt;
+ wire rx_overrun_dsp, rx_overrun_gpmc, tx_underrun_dsp, tx_underrun_gpmc;
+ assign rx_overrun = rx_overrun_gpmc | rx_overrun_dsp;
+ assign tx_underrun = tx_underrun_gpmc | tx_underrun_dsp;
setting_reg #(.my_addr(SR_GLOBAL_RESET), .width(1)) sr_reset
@@ -79,7 +80,6 @@ module u1e_core
tx_err_src_rdy, tx_err_dst_rdy;
reg [15:0] tx_frame_len;
wire [15:0] rx_frame_len;
- wire [7:0] rate;
wire bus_error;
wire clear_tx, clear_rx;
@@ -111,62 +111,15 @@ module u1e_core
.rx_data_i(rx_data), .rx_src_rdy_i(rx_src_rdy), .rx_dst_rdy_o(rx_dst_rdy),
.tx_frame_len(tx_frame_len), .rx_frame_len(rx_frame_len),
+ .tx_underrun(tx_underrun_gpmc), .rx_overrun(rx_overrun_gpmc),
+ .test_rate(test_rate), .test_ctrl(test_ctrl),
wire rx_sof = rx_data[32];
wire rx_eof = rx_data[33];
wire rx_src_rdy_int, rx_dst_rdy_int, tx_src_rdy_int, tx_dst_rdy_int;
-`ifdef LOOPBACK
- wire [7:0] WHOAMI = 1;
- fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(36), .SIZE(12)) loopback_fifo
- (.clk(wb_clk), .reset(wb_rst), .clear(clear_tx | clear_rx),
- .datain(tx_data), .src_rdy_i(tx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(tx_dst_rdy),
- .dataout(rx_data), .src_rdy_o(rx_src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(rx_dst_rdy));
- assign tx_underrun = 0;
- assign rx_overrun = 0;
- wire run_tx, run_rx, strobe_tx, strobe_rx;
-`endif // LOOPBACK
-`ifdef TIMED
- wire [7:0] WHOAMI = 2;
- // TX side
- wire tx_enable;
- fifo_pacer tx_pacer
- (.clk(wb_clk), .reset(wb_rst), .rate(rate), .enable(tx_enable),
- .src1_rdy_i(tx_src_rdy), .dst1_rdy_o(tx_dst_rdy),
- .src2_rdy_o(tx_src_rdy_int), .dst2_rdy_i(tx_dst_rdy_int),
- .underrun(tx_underrun), .overrun());
- packet_verifier32 pktver32
- (.clk(wb_clk), .reset(wb_rst), .clear(clear_tx),
- .data_i(tx_data), .src_rdy_i(tx_src_rdy_int), .dst_rdy_o(tx_dst_rdy_int),
- .total(total), .crc_err(crc_err), .seq_err(seq_err), .len_err(len_err));
- // RX side
- wire rx_enable;
- packet_generator32 pktgen32
- (.clk(wb_clk), .reset(wb_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .data_o(rx_data), .src_rdy_o(rx_src_rdy_int), .dst_rdy_i(rx_dst_rdy_int));
- fifo_pacer rx_pacer
- (.clk(wb_clk), .reset(wb_rst), .rate(rate), .enable(rx_enable),
- .src1_rdy_i(rx_src_rdy_int), .dst1_rdy_o(rx_dst_rdy_int),
- .src2_rdy_o(rx_src_rdy), .dst2_rdy_i(rx_dst_rdy),
- .underrun(), .overrun(rx_overrun));
- wire run_tx, run_rx, strobe_tx, strobe_rx;
-`endif // `ifdef TIMED
-`ifdef DSP
- wire [7:0] WHOAMI = 0;
wire [31:0] debug_rx_dsp, vrc_debug, vrf_debug;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -189,7 +142,7 @@ module u1e_core
vita_rx_control #(.BASE(SR_RX_CTRL), .WIDTH(32)) vita_rx_control
(.clk(wb_clk), .reset(wb_rst), .clear(clear_rx),
- .vita_time(vita_time), .overrun(rx_overrun),
+ .vita_time(vita_time), .overrun(rx_overrun_dsp),
.sample(sample_rx), .run(run_rx), .strobe(strobe_rx),
.sample_fifo_o(rx1_data), .sample_fifo_dst_rdy_i(rx1_dst_rdy), .sample_fifo_src_rdy_o(rx1_src_rdy),
@@ -225,29 +178,12 @@ module u1e_core
.tx_data_i(tx_data), .tx_src_rdy_i(tx_src_rdy), .tx_dst_rdy_o(tx_dst_rdy),
.err_data_o(tx_err_data), .err_src_rdy_o(tx_err_src_rdy), .err_dst_rdy_i(tx_err_dst_rdy),
- .underrun(underrun), .run(run_tx),
+ .underrun(tx_underrun_dsp), .run(run_tx),
assign tx_i = tx_i_int[15:2];
assign tx_q = tx_q_int[15:2];
-`else // !`ifdef DSP
- // Dummy DSP signal generator for test purposes
- wire [23:0] tx_i_int, tx_q_int;
- wire [23:0] freq = {reg_test,8'd0};
- reg [23:0] phase;
- always @(posedge wb_clk)
- phase <= phase + freq;
- cordic_z24 #(.bitwidth(24)) tx_cordic
- (.clock(wb_clk), .reset(wb_rst), .enable(1),
- .xi(24'd2500000), .yi(24'd0), .zi(phase), .xo(tx_i_int), .yo(tx_q_int), .zo());
- assign tx_i = tx_i_int[23:10];
- assign tx_q = tx_q_int[23:10];
-`endif // !`ifdef DSP
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Wishbone Intercon, single master
wire [dw-1:0] s0_dat_mosi, s1_dat_mosi, s0_dat_miso, s1_dat_miso, s2_dat_mosi, s3_dat_mosi, s2_dat_miso, s3_dat_miso,
@@ -320,7 +256,6 @@ module u1e_core
// Slave 0, Misc LEDs, Switches, controls
localparam REG_LEDS = 7'd0; // out
- localparam REG_SWITCHES = 7'd2; // in
localparam REG_CGEN_CTRL = 7'd4; // out
localparam REG_CGEN_ST = 7'd6; // in
localparam REG_TEST = 7'd8; // out
@@ -353,20 +288,18 @@ module u1e_core
xfer_rate <= s0_dat_mosi;
endcase // case (s0_adr[6:0])
- assign tx_enable = xfer_rate[15];
- assign rx_enable = xfer_rate[14];
- assign rate = xfer_rate[7:0];
+ assign test_ctrl = xfer_rate[11:8];
+ assign test_rate = xfer_rate[7:0];
assign { debug_led[3:0] } = ~{run_rx,run_tx,reg_leds[1:0]};
assign { cgen_sync_b, cgen_ref_sel } = reg_cgen_ctrl;
assign s0_dat_miso = (s0_adr[6:0] == REG_LEDS) ? reg_leds :
- (s0_adr[6:0] == REG_SWITCHES) ? { 16'd0 } :
(s0_adr[6:0] == REG_CGEN_CTRL) ? reg_cgen_ctrl :
(s0_adr[6:0] == REG_CGEN_ST) ? {13'b0,cgen_st_status,cgen_st_ld,cgen_st_refmon} :
(s0_adr[6:0] == REG_TEST) ? reg_test :
(s0_adr[6:0] == REG_RX_FRAMELEN) ? rx_frame_len :
- (s0_adr[6:0] == REG_COMPAT) ? { WHOAMI, COMPAT_NUM } :
+ (s0_adr[6:0] == REG_COMPAT) ? { 8'd0, COMPAT_NUM } :
assign s0_ack = s0_stb & s0_cyc;
@@ -475,10 +408,14 @@ module u1e_core
assign debug_clk = { EM_CLK, clk_fpga };
assign debug = { { rx_have_data, tx_have_space, EM_NCS6, EM_NCS5, EM_NCS4, EM_NWE, EM_NOE, rx_overrun },
{ tx_src_rdy, tx_src_rdy_int, tx_dst_rdy, tx_dst_rdy_int, rx_src_rdy, rx_src_rdy_int, rx_dst_rdy, rx_dst_rdy_int },
{ EM_D } };
+ assign debug = debug_gpmc;
assign debug_gpio_0 = { {run_tx, strobe_tx, run_rx, strobe_rx, tx_i[11:0]},
{2'b00, tx_src_rdy, tx_dst_rdy, tx_q[11:0]} };