path: root/usrp2/gpif/gpif_tb.v
diff options
authorMatt Ettus <matt@ettus.com>2011-03-28 15:09:30 -0700
committerMatt Ettus <matt@ettus.com>2011-05-26 17:31:22 -0700
commitd0bfde4213dcab7fe3c5db404ef0f01354d56f67 (patch)
tree0159284dd5f97912177321d57627765a906e1b52 /usrp2/gpif/gpif_tb.v
parentdcabd7f30c60283533d28376fcf5cd38725fd437 (diff)
u1p: do padding outside of gpif_rd, in packet_splitter
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/gpif/gpif_tb.v')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/gpif/gpif_tb.v b/usrp2/gpif/gpif_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cb84e9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp2/gpif/gpif_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+module gpif_tb();
+ reg sys_clk = 0;
+ reg sys_rst = 1;
+ reg gpif_clk = 0;
+ reg gpif_rst = 1;
+ reg [15:0] gpif_data;
+ reg WR = 0, EP = 0;
+ wire CF, DF;
+ wire gpif_full_d, gpif_full_c;
+ wire [18:0] data_o, ctrl_o;
+ wire src_rdy, dst_rdy;
+ wire ctrl_src_rdy, ctrl_dst_rdy;
+ assign ctrl_dst_rdy = 1;
+ assign dst_rdy = 1;
+ initial $dumpfile("gpif_tb.vcd");
+ initial $dumpvars(0,gpif_tb);
+ initial #1000 gpif_rst = 0;
+ initial #1000 sys_rst = 0;
+ always #64 gpif_clk <= ~gpif_clk;
+ always #47.9 sys_clk <= ~sys_clk;
+ wire [18:0] data_int;
+ wire src_rdy_int, dst_rdy_int;
+ gpif_wr gpif_write
+ (.gpif_clk(gpif_clk), .gpif_rst(gpif_rst),
+ .gpif_data(gpif_data), .gpif_wr(WR), .gpif_ep(EP),
+ .gpif_full_d(DF), .gpif_full_c(CF),
+ .sys_clk(sys_clk), .sys_rst(sys_rst),
+ .data_o(data_int), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_int), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_int),
+ .ctrl_o(ctrl_o), .ctrl_src_rdy_o(ctrl_src_rdy), .ctrl_dst_rdy_i(ctrl_dst_rdy) );
+ packet_reframer tx_packet_reframer
+ (.clk(sys_clk), .reset(sys_rst), .clear(0),
+ .data_i(data_int), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_int), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_int),
+ .data_o(data_o), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy));
+ packet_splitter #(.FRAME_LEN(256)) rx_packet_splitter
+ (.clk(sys_clk), .reset(sys_rst), .clear(0),
+ .data_i(data_o), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy),
+ .data_o(data_o), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy));
+ always @(posedge sys_clk)
+ if(ctrl_src_rdy & ctrl_dst_rdy)
+ $display("CTRL: %x",ctrl_o);
+ always @(posedge sys_clk)
+ if(src_rdy & dst_rdy)
+ begin
+ if(data_o[16])
+ $display("<-------- DATA SOF--------->");
+ $display("DATA: %x",data_o);
+ if(data_o[17])
+ $display("<-------- DATA EOF--------->");
+ end
+ initial
+ begin
+ #10000;
+ repeat (1)
+ begin
+ WR <= 1;
+ gpif_data <= 10; // Length
+ @(posedge gpif_clk);
+ gpif_data <= 16'h00;
+ @(posedge gpif_clk);
+ repeat(254)
+ begin
+ gpif_data <= gpif_data + 1;
+ @(posedge gpif_clk);
+ end
+ WR <= 0;
+ repeat (20)
+ @(posedge gpif_clk);
+ WR <= 1;
+ gpif_data <= 16'h5;
+ @(posedge gpif_clk);
+ repeat(254)
+ begin
+ gpif_data <= gpif_data - 1;
+ @(posedge gpif_clk);
+ end
+ end
+ end // initial begin
+ initial #100000 $finish;
+endmodule // gpif_tb