path: root/host
diff options
authorMatthias P. Braendli <matthias.braendli@mpb.li>2018-02-10 18:18:25 +0100
committerMatthias P. Braendli <matthias.braendli@mpb.li>2019-09-05 09:11:21 +0200
commitd1d04465def44c3f736f6e1a6cf92c924422663f (patch)
tree261f5da446a169a4f4bc430b00d5fed861f9096f /host
parentbfb9c1c77ecd06120a16cebce9de2225d87e50f2 (diff)
Add support for LEA-M8F GPSDO boardlea-m8f-v3.14.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'host')
9 files changed, 350 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/host/include/uhd/usrp/gps_ctrl.hpp b/host/include/uhd/usrp/gps_ctrl.hpp
index 91d653759..90a90d900 100644
--- a/host/include/uhd/usrp/gps_ctrl.hpp
+++ b/host/include/uhd/usrp/gps_ctrl.hpp
@@ -45,7 +45,14 @@ public:
virtual bool gps_detected(void) = 0;
- // TODO: other fun things you can do with a GPS.
+ /*!
+ * Return what reference clock the GPSDO outputs.
+ * \return 0 if not GPSDO available. Frequency in kHz if a GPSDO is installed.
+ */
+ virtual int gps_refclock_frequency(void) = 0;
+ //TODO: other fun things you can do with a GPS.
} // namespace uhd
diff --git a/host/lib/include/uhdlib/usrp/common/adf4001_ctrl.hpp b/host/lib/include/uhdlib/usrp/common/adf4001_ctrl.hpp
index 8aa449539..ac17e42c1 100644
--- a/host/lib/include/uhdlib/usrp/common/adf4001_ctrl.hpp
+++ b/host/lib/include/uhdlib/usrp/common/adf4001_ctrl.hpp
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ class adf4001_ctrl {
adf4001_ctrl(uhd::spi_iface::sptr _spi, int slaveno);
virtual void set_lock_to_ext_ref(bool external);
+ virtual bool set_refclk_frequency(int refclk_kHz);
uhd::spi_iface::sptr spi_iface;
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_cores.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_cores.cpp
index 010c012a6..6999ba474 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_cores.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_cores.cpp
@@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ void b200_ref_pll_ctrl::set_lock_to_ext_ref(bool external)
+bool b200_ref_pll_ctrl::set_refclk_frequency(int refclk_kHz)
+ _spi->change_perif(b200_local_spi_core::PLL);
+ bool success = adf4001_ctrl::set_refclk_frequency(refclk_kHz);
+ _spi->restore_perif();
+ return success;
b200_local_spi_core::sptr b200_local_spi_core::make(
uhd::wb_iface::sptr iface, b200_local_spi_core::perif_t default_perif)
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_cores.hpp b/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_cores.hpp
index 4d327f8f6..1f0613b06 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_cores.hpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_cores.hpp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ public:
b200_ref_pll_ctrl(b200_local_spi_core::sptr spi);
virtual void set_lock_to_ext_ref(bool external);
+ virtual bool set_refclk_frequency(int refclk_kHz);
b200_local_spi_core::sptr _spi;
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_impl.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_impl.cpp
index 1be8c263b..55f5faf62 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_impl.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/b200/b200_impl.cpp
@@ -479,7 +479,8 @@ b200_impl::b200_impl(const uhd::device_addr_t& device_addr, usb_device_handle::s
if (_gpsdo_capable)
- if ((_local_ctrl->peek32(RB32_CORE_STATUS) & 0xff) != B200_GPSDO_ST_NONE)
+ // Do not check this flag, I don't see why it is needed
+ //if ((_local_ctrl->peek32(RB32_CORE_STATUS) & 0xff) != B200_GPSDO_ST_NONE)
UHD_LOGGER_INFO("B200") << "Detecting internal GPSDO.... " << std::flush;
@@ -779,6 +780,14 @@ b200_impl::b200_impl(const uhd::device_addr_t& device_addr, usb_device_handle::s
_tree->access<std::string>(mb_path / "clock_source/value").set("internal");
_tree->access<std::string>(mb_path / "time_source/value").set("internal");
+ //GPS installed: use external ref, time, and init time spec
+ if (_gps and _gps->gps_detected()) {
+ const int freq = _gps->gps_refclock_frequency();
+ if (not _adf4001_iface->set_refclk_frequency(freq)) {
+ throw uhd::value_error("Could not set refclk frequency");
+ }
+ }
// Set the DSP chains to some safe value
for (size_t i = 0; i < _radio_perifs.size(); i++) {
_radio_perifs[i].ddc->set_host_rate(default_tick_rate / ad936x_manager::DEFAULT_DECIM);
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/common/adf4001_ctrl.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/common/adf4001_ctrl.cpp
index 85a13455f..5d83e11e3 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/common/adf4001_ctrl.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/common/adf4001_ctrl.cpp
@@ -115,6 +115,21 @@ void adf4001_ctrl::set_lock_to_ext_ref(bool external) {
+bool adf4001_ctrl::set_refclk_frequency(int refclk_kHz) {
+ if (refclk_kHz == 30720) {
+ adf4001_regs.ref_counter = 96;
+ adf4001_regs.n = 125;
+ } else if (refclk_kHz == 10000) {
+ adf4001_regs.ref_counter = 1;
+ adf4001_regs.n = 4;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ program_regs();
+ return true;
void adf4001_ctrl::program_regs(void) {
//no control over CE, only LE, therefore we use the initialization latch method
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/gps_ctrl.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/gps_ctrl.cpp
index 717654151..d881c46f0 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/gps_ctrl.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/gps_ctrl.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,115 @@ namespace {
+ * A NMEA and UBX Parser for the LEA-M8F and other GPSDOs
+ */
+class gps_ctrl_parser {
+ private:
+ std::deque<char> gps_data_input;
+ std::string parse_ubx() {
+ // Assumptions:
+ // The deque now contains an UBX message in the format
+ // \xb6\x62<CLASS><ID><LEN><PAYLOAD><CRC>
+ // where
+ // <CLASS> is 1 byte
+ // <ID> is 1 byte
+ // <LEN> is 2 bytes (little-endian), length of <PAYLOAD>
+ // <CRC> is 2 bytes
+ uint8_t ck_a = 0;
+ uint8_t ck_b = 0;
+ if (gps_data_input.size() >= 8) {
+ uint8_t len_lo = gps_data_input[4];
+ uint8_t len_hi = gps_data_input[5];
+ size_t len = len_lo | (len_hi << 8);
+ if (gps_data_input.size() >= len + 8) {
+ /*
+ std::cerr << "DATA: ";
+ for (size_t i=0; i < gps_data_input.size(); i++) {
+ uint8_t dat = gps_data_input[i];
+ std::cerr << boost::format("%02x ") % (unsigned int)dat;
+ }
+ std::cerr << std::endl;
+ */
+ uint8_t ck_a_packet = gps_data_input[len+6];
+ uint8_t ck_b_packet = gps_data_input[len+7];
+ // Range over which CRC is calculated is <CLASS><ID><LEN><PAYLOAD>
+ for (size_t i = 2; i < len+6; i++) {
+ ck_a += (uint8_t)(gps_data_input[i]);
+ ck_b += ck_a;
+ }
+ std::string msg(gps_data_input.begin(), gps_data_input.begin() + (len + 8));
+ gps_data_input.erase(gps_data_input.begin(), gps_data_input.begin() + (len + 8));
+ if (ck_a == ck_a_packet and ck_b == ck_b_packet) {
+ return msg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ std::string parse_nmea() {
+ // Assumptions:
+ // The deque now contains an NMEA message in the format
+ // $G.................*XX<CR><LF>
+ // the checksum XX is dropped from the message
+ std::deque<char>::iterator star;
+ star = std::find(gps_data_input.begin() + 2, gps_data_input.end(), '*');
+ if (star != gps_data_input.end()) {
+ std::string msg(gps_data_input.begin(), star);
+ // The parser will take care of the leftover *XX<CR><LF>
+ gps_data_input.erase(gps_data_input.begin(), star);
+ return msg;
+ }
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ public:
+ template <class InputIterator>
+ void push_data(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
+ gps_data_input.insert(gps_data_input.end(), first, last);
+ }
+ std::string get_next_message() {
+ while (gps_data_input.size() >= 2) {
+ char header1 = gps_data_input[0];
+ char header2 = gps_data_input[1];
+ std::string parsed;
+ if (header1 == '$' and header2 == 'G') {
+ parsed = parse_nmea();
+ }
+ else if (header1 == '\xb5' and header2 == '\x62') {
+ parsed = parse_ubx();
+ }
+ if (parsed.empty()) {
+ gps_data_input.pop_front();
+ }
+ else {
+ return parsed;
+ }
+ }
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ size_t size() { return gps_data_input.size(); }
* A control for GPSDO devices
@@ -51,6 +160,8 @@ private:
boost::mutex cache_mutex;
boost::system_time _last_cache_update;
+ gps_ctrl_parser _gps_parser;
std::string get_sentence(const std::string which, const int max_age_ms, const int timeout, const bool wait_for_next = false)
std::string sentence;
@@ -136,23 +247,115 @@ private:
- const std::list<std::string> keys{"GPGGA", "GPRMC", "SERVO"};
- static const boost::regex servo_regex("^\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d.*$");
- static const boost::regex gp_msg_regex("^\\$GP.*,\\*[0-9A-F]{2}$");
+ std::list<std::string> keys;
std::map<std::string,std::string> msgs;
- // Get all GPSDO messages available
- // Creating a map here because we only want the latest of each message type
- for (std::string msg = _recv(0); not msg.empty(); msg = _recv(0))
- {
+ if (_gps_type == GPS_TYPE_LEA_M8F) {
+ keys = {"GNGGA", "GNRMC", "TIMELOCK", "DISCSRC"};
+ // Concatenate all incoming data into the deque
+ for (std::string msg = _recv(); msg.length() > 0; msg = _recv())
+ {
+ _gps_parser.push_data(msg.begin(), msg.end());
+ }
+ // Get all GPSDO messages available
+ // Creating a map here because we only want the latest of each message type
+ for (std::string msg = _gps_parser.get_next_message();
+ not msg.empty();
+ msg = _gps_parser.get_next_message())
+ {
+ /*
+ if (msg[0] != '$') {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Got message ";
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < msg.size(); m++) {
+ ss << std::hex << (unsigned int)(unsigned char)msg[m] << " " << std::dec;
+ }
+ UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("GPS") << ss.str();
+ } // */
+ const uint8_t tim_tos_head[4] = {0xb5, 0x62, 0x0D, 0x12};
+ const std::string tim_tos_head_str(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(tim_tos_head), 4);
+ // Try to get NMEA first
+ if (msg[0] == '$') {
+ msgs[msg.substr(1,5)] = msg;
+ }
+ else if (msg.find(tim_tos_head_str) == 0 and msg.length() == 56 + 8) {
+ // header size == 6, field offset == 4, 32-bit field
+ uint8_t flags1 = msg[6 + 4];
+ uint8_t flags2 = msg[6 + 5];
+ uint8_t flags3 = msg[6 + 5];
+ uint8_t flags4 = msg[6 + 5];
+ uint32_t flags = flags1 | (flags2 << 8) | (flags3 << 16) | (flags4 << 24);
+ /* bits in flags are:
+ leapNow 0
+ leapSoon 1
+ leapPositive 2
+ timeInLimit 3
+ intOscInLimit 4
+ extOscInLimit 5
+ gnssTimeValid 6
+ UTCTimeValid 7
+ DiscSrc 10
+ raim 11
+ cohPulse 12
+ lockedPulse 13
+ */
+ bool lockedPulse = (flags & (1 << 13));
+ bool timeInLimit = (flags & (1 << 3));
+ bool intOscInLimit = (flags & (1 << 4));
+ uint8_t discSrc = (flags >> 8) & 0x07;
+ if (lockedPulse and timeInLimit and intOscInLimit) {
+ }
+ else {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss <<
+ (lockedPulse ? "" : "no" ) << "lockedPulse " <<
+ (timeInLimit ? "" : "no" ) << "timeInLimit " <<
+ (intOscInLimit ? "" : "no" ) << "intOscInLimit ";
+ msgs["TIMELOCK"] = ss.str();
+ }
+ switch (discSrc) {
+ case 0: msgs["DISCSRC"] = "internal"; break;
+ case 1: msgs["DISCSRC"] = "gnss"; break;
+ default: msgs["DISCSRC"] = "other"; break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (msg[0] == '\xb5' and msg[1] == '\x62') { /* Ignore unsupported UBX message */ }
+ else {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Unknown message ";
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < msg.size(); m++) {
+ ss << std::hex << (unsigned int)(unsigned char)msg[m] << " " << std::dec;
+ }
+ UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("GPS") << ss.str() << ":" << msg << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ keys = {"GPGGA", "GPRMC", "SERVO"};
+ static const boost::regex servo_regex("^\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d.*$");
+ static const boost::regex gp_msg_regex("^\\$GP.*,\\*[0-9A-F]{2}$");
+ // Get all GPSDO messages available
+ // Creating a map here because we only want the latest of each message type
+ for (std::string msg = _recv(0); not msg.empty(); msg = _recv(0))
+ {
// Strip any end of line characters
erase_all(msg, "\r");
erase_all(msg, "\n");
if (msg.empty())
- // Ignore empty strings
- continue;
+ // Ignore empty strings
+ continue;
if (msg.length() < 6)
@@ -164,16 +367,17 @@ private:
// Look for SERVO message
if (boost::regex_search(msg, servo_regex, boost::regex_constants::match_continuous))
- msgs["SERVO"] = msg;
+ msgs["SERVO"] = msg;
else if (boost::regex_match(msg, gp_msg_regex) and is_nmea_checksum_ok(msg))
- msgs[msg.substr(1,5)] = msg;
+ msgs[msg.substr(1,5)] = msg;
UHD_LOGGER_WARNING("GPS") << __FUNCTION__ << ": Malformed GPSDO string: " << msg ;
+ }
boost::system_time time = boost::get_system_time();
@@ -181,10 +385,10 @@ private:
// Update sentences with newly read data
for(std::string key: keys)
- if (not msgs[key].empty())
- {
- sentences[key] = boost::make_tuple(msgs[key], time, false);
- }
+ if (not msgs[key].empty())
+ {
+ sentences[key] = boost::make_tuple(msgs[key], time, false);
+ }
_last_cache_update = time;
@@ -203,10 +407,12 @@ public:
_flush(); //get whatever junk is in the rx buffer right now, and throw it away
_send("*IDN?\r\n"); //request identity from the GPSDO
+ _send("\xB5\x62\x0A\x04\x00\x00\x0E\x34"); // poll UBX-MON-VER
//then we loop until we either timeout, or until we get a response that indicates we're a JL device
//maximum response time was measured at ~320ms, so we set the timeout at 650ms
- const boost::system_time comm_timeout = boost::get_system_time() + milliseconds(650);
+ // For the LEA-M8F, increase the timeout to over one second to increase detection likelihood.
+ const boost::system_time comm_timeout = boost::get_system_time() + milliseconds(1200);
while(boost::get_system_time() < comm_timeout) {
reply = _recv();
//known devices are JL "FireFly", "GPSTCXO", and "LC_XO"
@@ -217,13 +423,20 @@ public:
} else if(reply.substr(0, 3) == "$GP") {
i_heard_some_nmea = true; //but keep looking
+ } else if(reply.substr(0, 3) == "$GN"
+ or reply.substr(0, 2) == "\xB5""\x62") {
+ // The u-blox LEA-M8F outputs UBX protocol messages
+ _gps_type = GPS_TYPE_LEA_M8F;
+ break;
} else if(not reply.empty()) {
// wrong baud rate or firmware still initializing
i_heard_something_weird = true;
_send("*IDN?\r\n"); //re-send identity request
+ _send("\xB5\x62\x0A\x04\x00\x00\x0E\x34"); // poll UBX-MON-VER
} else {
// _recv timed out
_send("*IDN?\r\n"); //re-send identity request
+ _send("\xB5\x62\x0A\x04\x00\x00\x0E\x34"); // poll UBX-MON-VER
@@ -248,6 +461,11 @@ public:
UHD_LOGGER_INFO("GPS") << "Found a generic NMEA GPS device";
+ case GPS_TYPE_LEA_M8F:
+ UHD_LOGGER_INFO("GPS") << "Found a LEA-M8F GPS device";
+ init_lea_m8f();
+ break;
@@ -268,16 +486,24 @@ public:
std::vector<std::string> ret{
+ "gps_gngga",
+ "gps_gnrmc",
- "gps_servo"
+ "gps_servo",
+ "gps_timelock",
+ "gps_discsrc"
return ret;
uhd::sensor_value_t get_sensor(std::string key) {
if(key == "gps_gpgga"
- or key == "gps_gprmc") {
+ or key == "gps_gprmc"
+ or key == "gps_gngga"
+ or key == "gps_gnrmc"
+ or key == "gps_timelock"
+ or key == "gps_discsrc") {
return sensor_value_t(
get_sentence(boost::to_upper_copy(key.substr(4,8)), GPS_NMEA_NORMAL_FRESHNESS, GPS_TIMEOUT_DELAY_MS),
@@ -322,6 +548,15 @@ private:
+ void init_lea_m8f(void) {
+ // Enable the UBX-TIM-TOS and the $GNRMC messages
+ const uint8_t en_tim_tos[11] = {0xb5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x0d, 0x12, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x8b};
+ _send(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(en_tim_tos), sizeof(en_tim_tos)));
+ const uint8_t en_gnrmc[11] = {0xb5, 0x62, 0x06, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x04, 0x01, 0xff, 0x18};
+ _send(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(en_gnrmc), sizeof(en_gnrmc)));
+ }
//helper function to retrieve a field from an NMEA sentence
std::string get_token(std::string sentence, size_t offset) {
boost::tokenizer<boost::escaped_list_separator<char> > tok(sentence);
@@ -338,10 +573,11 @@ private:
ptime get_time(void) {
int error_cnt = 0;
ptime gps_time;
+ const std::string rmc = (_gps_type == GPS_TYPE_LEA_M8F) ? "GNRMC" : "GPRMC";
while(error_cnt < 2) {
try {
// wait for next GPRMC string
- std::string reply = get_sentence("GPRMC", GPS_NMEA_NORMAL_FRESHNESS, GPS_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS, true);
+ std::string reply = get_sentence(rmc, GPS_NMEA_NORMAL_FRESHNESS, GPS_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS, true);
std::string datestr = get_token(reply, 9);
std::string timestr = get_token(reply, 1);
@@ -380,15 +616,32 @@ private:
return (_gps_type != GPS_TYPE_NONE);
+ int gps_refclock_frequency(void) {
+ if (_gps_type == GPS_TYPE_LEA_M8F) {
+ return 30720;
+ }
+ else if (_gps_type != GPS_TYPE_NONE) {
+ return 10000;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
bool locked(void) {
int error_cnt = 0;
+ const std::string locksentence = (_gps_type == GPS_TYPE_LEA_M8F) ? "TIMELOCK" : "GPGGA";
while(error_cnt < 3) {
try {
- std::string reply = get_sentence("GPGGA", GPS_LOCK_FRESHNESS, GPS_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS);
+ std::string reply = get_sentence(locksentence, GPS_LOCK_FRESHNESS, GPS_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS);
- else
+ else {
+ if (_gps_type == GPS_TYPE_LEA_M8F) {
+ return reply == "TIME LOCKED";
+ }
+ else {
return (get_token(reply, 6) != "0");
+ }
+ }
} catch(std::exception &e) {
UHD_LOGGER_DEBUG("GPS") << "locked: " << e.what();
@@ -416,6 +669,7 @@ private:
enum {
} _gps_type;
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/gpsd_iface.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/gpsd_iface.cpp
index c6b75c83d..906ef7a5c 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/gpsd_iface.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/gpsd_iface.cpp
@@ -104,6 +104,10 @@ public:
bool gps_detected(void) { return _detected; };
+ int gps_refclock_frequency(void) {
+ throw runtime_error("gps_refclock_frequency not implemented for gpsd_iface");
+ };
std::vector<std::string> get_sensors(void) { return _sensors; };
private: // member functions
diff --git a/host/utils/query_gpsdo_sensors.cpp b/host/utils/query_gpsdo_sensors.cpp
index 4a8aa24d2..749e48869 100644
--- a/host/utils/query_gpsdo_sensors.cpp
+++ b/host/utils/query_gpsdo_sensors.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
namespace po = boost::program_options;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+const size_t WARMUP_TIMEOUT_MS = 30000;
+const size_t LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000;
void print_notes(void)
// Helpful notes
@@ -59,14 +62,19 @@ int query_clock_sensors(const std::string& args)
// Print NMEA strings
try {
- uhd::sensor_value_t gga_string = clock->get_sensor("gps_gpgga");
- uhd::sensor_value_t rmc_string = clock->get_sensor("gps_gprmc");
+ uhd::sensor_value_t gpgga_string = clock->get_sensor("gps_gpgga");
+ uhd::sensor_value_t gprmc_string = clock->get_sensor("gps_gprmc");
+ uhd::sensor_value_t gngga_string = clock->get_sensor("gps_gngga");
+ uhd::sensor_value_t gnrmc_string = clock->get_sensor("gps_gnrmc");
uhd::sensor_value_t servo_string = clock->get_sensor("gps_servo");
+ uhd::sensor_value_t timelock_string = clock->get_sensor("gps_timelock");
std::cout << boost::format("\nPrinting available NMEA strings:\n");
- std::cout << boost::format("%s\n%s\n") % gga_string.to_pp_string()
- % rmc_string.to_pp_string();
+ std::cout << boost::format("%s\n%s\n") % gpgga_string.to_pp_string() % gprmc_string.to_pp_string();
+ std::cout << boost::format("%s\n%s\n") % gngga_string.to_pp_string() % gnrmc_string.to_pp_string();
std::cout << boost::format("\nPrinting GPS servo status:\n");
std::cout << boost::format("%s\n\n") % servo_string.to_pp_string();
+ std::cout << boost::format("\nPrinting GPS timelock:\n");
+ std::cout << boost::format("%s\n\n") % timelock_string.to_pp_string();
} catch (const uhd::lookup_error&) {
std::cout << "NMEA strings not implemented for this device." << std::endl;
@@ -123,6 +131,11 @@ int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char* argv[])
// Verify GPS sensors are present (i.e. EEPROM has been burnt)
std::vector<std::string> sensor_names = usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(0);
+ std::cout << " Sensors: " << std::endl;
+ for (const auto& name : sensor_names) {
+ std::cout << " Sensor: " << name << std::endl;
+ }
if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "gps_locked")
== sensor_names.end()) {
std::cout << boost::format("\ngps_locked sensor not found. This could mean that "
@@ -253,11 +266,20 @@ int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char* argv[])
try {
uhd::sensor_value_t gga_string = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("gps_gpgga");
uhd::sensor_value_t rmc_string = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("gps_gprmc");
- std::cout << boost::format("Printing available NMEA strings:\n");
+ std::cout << boost::format("Printing available GP NMEA strings:\n");
std::cout << boost::format("%s\n%s\n") % gga_string.to_pp_string()
% rmc_string.to_pp_string();
} catch (uhd::lookup_error&) {
- std::cout << "NMEA strings not implemented for this device." << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "GP NMEA strings not implemented for this device." << std::endl;
+ }
+ try {
+ uhd::sensor_value_t gga_string = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("gps_gngga");
+ uhd::sensor_value_t rmc_string = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("gps_gnrmc");
+ std::cout << boost::format("Printing available GN NMEA strings:\n");
+ std::cout << boost::format("%s\n%s\n") % gga_string.to_pp_string()
+ % rmc_string.to_pp_string();
+ } catch (uhd::lookup_error&) {
+ std::cout << "GN NMEA strings not implemented for this device." << std::endl;
std::cout << boost::format("GPS Epoch time at last PPS: %.5f seconds\n")
% usrp->get_mboard_sensor("gps_time").to_real();