path: root/host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool/templates/noc_shell_template.v.mako
diff options
authorLars Amsel <lars.amsel@ni.com>2019-04-26 15:51:42 +0200
committerMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2019-11-26 11:49:14 -0800
commit752fdd269215a606212fb97e909b08707bf54507 (patch)
treee8fe3eb901e2740641ac34f580f456592286f148 /host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool/templates/noc_shell_template.v.mako
parent384a94d1b6e3a980c19df70f8a1a95ec9f52eb6e (diff)
rfnoc: add eRFNoC block builder to generate boiler plate Verilog
This is an initial generator for eRFNoC block. The script generates the top level block, the shell module, a testbench, and a Makefile as well as a Makefile.srcs. To build a block from a yml file one has to invoke python -c <config> -d <destination folder> destination folder should be an in tree module folder located in uhd-fpga/usrp3/lib/erfnoc/blocks The build tool supports all interface types for control as well as data. For each interface type there are three templates to generate the variable block in the top level block and the shell * declare the wires * connect the wires * instantiate the modules The first two are used in the shell module as well as in the top level block. The last is for the shell only.
Diffstat (limited to 'host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool/templates/noc_shell_template.v.mako')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool/templates/noc_shell_template.v.mako b/host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool/templates/noc_shell_template.v.mako
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fb1b17d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool/templates/noc_shell_template.v.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import math
+// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Module: noc_shell_${config['module_name']}
+// Description:
+// Parameters:
+// Signals:
+module noc_shell_${config['module_name']} #(
+ parameter CHDR_W = 64,
+ parameter [9:0] THIS_PORTID = 10'd0,
+ parameter [5:0] MTU = 0
+ // Framework Interface
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RFNoC Framework Clocks and Resets
+%for clock in config['clocks']:
+ input wire ${clock['name']}_clk,
+ ${"output" if clock['name'] in ["rfnoc_chdr", "rfnoc_ctrl"] else "input"} wire ${clock['name']}_rst,
+% endfor
+ // RFNoC Backend Interface
+ input wire [511:0] rfnoc_core_config,
+ output wire [511:0] rfnoc_core_status,
+ <%
+ num_inputs = len(config['data']['inputs'])
+ num_outputs = len(config['data']['outputs'])
+ %>
+ // CHDR Input Ports (from framework)
+ input wire [(${num_inputs}*CHDR_W)-1:0] s_rfnoc_chdr_tdata,
+ input wire [${num_inputs-1}:0] s_rfnoc_chdr_tlast,
+ input wire [${num_inputs-1}:0] s_rfnoc_chdr_tvalid,
+ output wire [${num_inputs-1}:0] s_rfnoc_chdr_tready,
+ // CHDR Output Ports (to framework)
+ output wire [(${num_outputs}*CHDR_W)-1:0] m_rfnoc_chdr_tdata,
+ output wire [${num_outputs-1}:0] m_rfnoc_chdr_tlast,
+ output wire [${num_outputs-1}:0] m_rfnoc_chdr_tvalid,
+ input wire [${num_outputs-1}:0] m_rfnoc_chdr_tready,
+ // AXIS-Ctrl Input Port (from framework)
+ input wire [31:0] s_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata,
+ input wire s_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast,
+ input wire s_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid,
+ output wire s_rfnoc_ctrl_tready,
+ // AXIS-Ctrl Output Port (to framework)
+ output wire [31:0] m_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata,
+ output wire m_rfnoc_ctrl_tlast,
+ output wire m_rfnoc_ctrl_tvalid,
+ input wire m_rfnoc_ctrl_tready,
+ // Client Interface
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ output wire ctrlport_clk,
+ output wire ctrlport_rst,
+%if config['control']['fpga_iface'] == "ctrlport":
+<%include file="modules/ctrlport_wires_template.mako" args="mode='shell'"/>
+%elif config['control']['fpga_iface'] == "axis_ctrl":
+<%include file="modules/axis_ctrl_wires_template.mako" args="mode='shell'"/>
+<%include file="control wires template.mako"/>
+ output wire axis_data_clk,
+ output wire axis_data_rst,
+%if config['data']['fpga_iface'] == "axis_chdr":
+ <%include file="modules/axis_chdr_wires_template.mako" args="mode='shell', num_inputs=num_inputs, num_outputs=num_outputs"/>
+%elif config['data']['fpga_iface'] == "axis_rawdata":
+ <%include file="modules/axis_raw_wires_template.mako" args="mode='shell', num_inputs=num_inputs, num_outputs=num_outputs"/>
+ <%include file="data wires template.mako"/>
+ // ---------------------------------------------------
+ // Backend Interface
+ // ---------------------------------------------------
+ wire data_i_flush_en;
+ wire [31:0] data_i_flush_timeout;
+ wire [63:0] data_i_flush_active;
+ wire [63:0] data_i_flush_done;
+ wire data_o_flush_en;
+ wire [31:0] data_o_flush_timeout;
+ wire [63:0] data_o_flush_active;
+ wire [63:0] data_o_flush_done;
+ backend_iface #(
+ .NOC_ID(32'h${format(config['noc_id'], "08X")}),
+ .NUM_DATA_I(${num_inputs}),
+ .NUM_DATA_O(${num_outputs}),
+ .CTRL_FIFOSIZE(${math.ceil(math.log2(config['control']['fifo_depth']))}),
+ ) backend_iface_i (
+ .rfnoc_chdr_clk(rfnoc_chdr_clk),
+ .rfnoc_chdr_rst(rfnoc_chdr_rst),
+ .rfnoc_ctrl_clk(rfnoc_ctrl_clk),
+ .rfnoc_ctrl_rst(rfnoc_ctrl_rst),
+ .rfnoc_core_config(rfnoc_core_config),
+ .rfnoc_core_status(rfnoc_core_status),
+ .data_i_flush_en(data_i_flush_en),
+ .data_i_flush_timeout(data_i_flush_timeout),
+ .data_i_flush_active(data_i_flush_active),
+ .data_i_flush_done(data_i_flush_done),
+ .data_o_flush_en(data_o_flush_en),
+ .data_o_flush_timeout(data_o_flush_timeout),
+ .data_o_flush_active(data_o_flush_active),
+ .data_o_flush_done(data_o_flush_done)
+ );
+ // ---------------------------------------------------
+ // Control Path
+ // ---------------------------------------------------
+ assign ctrlport_clk = ${config['control']['clk_domain']}_clk;
+ assign ctrlport_rst = ${config['control']['clk_domain']}_rst;
+%if config['control']['fpga_iface'] == "axis_ctrl":
+<%include file="modules/axis_ctrl_modules_template.mako"/>
+%elif config['control']['fpga_iface'] == "ctrlport":
+<%include file="modules/ctrlport_modules_template.mako"/>
+<%include file="control module template.mako"/>
+ // ---------------------------------------------------
+ // Data Path
+ // ---------------------------------------------------
+ assign axis_data_clk = ${config['data']['clk_domain']}_clk;
+ assign axis_data_rst = ${config['data']['clk_domain']}_rst;
+%if config['data']['fpga_iface'] == "axis_rawdata":
+<%include file="modules/axis_raw_modules_template.mako"/>
+%elif config['data']['fpga_iface'] == "axis_chdr":
+<%include file="modules/axis_chdr_modules_template.mako"/>
+<%include file="data module template.mako"/>
+endmodule // noc_shell_${config['module_name']}