path: root/host/tests/rfnoc_detailgraph_test.cpp
diff options
authorMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2019-04-24 18:23:31 -0700
committerMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2019-11-26 11:49:14 -0800
commitc97bdc6c94c98753215a90cf499af4bdf06db8e2 (patch)
tree67f623ae84acb045d145bd22036df60a1724b789 /host/tests/rfnoc_detailgraph_test.cpp
parentf0371292a43c3e4e3c68d8631c57d64ab10faf4c (diff)
rfnoc: Add property propagation, Boost.Graph storage
- Adds a detail::graph_t class, which handles the propagation - Adds methods to node_t to aid with propagation - Adds unit tests - Adds dynamic property forwarding: Nodes are now able to forward properties they don't know about by providing a forwarding policy. A good example is the FIFO block which simply forwards most properties verbatim. - node: Temporarily disabling consistency check at init
Diffstat (limited to 'host/tests/rfnoc_detailgraph_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/host/tests/rfnoc_detailgraph_test.cpp b/host/tests/rfnoc_detailgraph_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6273430e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/tests/rfnoc_detailgraph_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Brand
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include <uhd/rfnoc/node.hpp>
+#include <uhd/utils/log.hpp>
+#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/node_accessor.hpp>
+#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/prop_accessor.hpp>
+#include <uhdlib/rfnoc/graph.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "rfnoc_graph_mock_nodes.hpp"
+using uhd::rfnoc::detail::graph_t;
+using namespace uhd::rfnoc;
+namespace uhd { namespace rfnoc { namespace detail {
+/*! Helper class to access internals of detail::graph
+ *
+ * This is basically a cheat code to get around the 'private' part of graph_t.
+ */
+class graph_accessor_t
+ using vertex_descriptor = graph_t::rfnoc_graph_t::vertex_descriptor;
+ graph_accessor_t(graph_t* graph_ptr) : _graph_ptr(graph_ptr)
+ { /* nop */
+ }
+ graph_t::rfnoc_graph_t& get_graph()
+ {
+ return _graph_ptr->_graph;
+ }
+ template <typename VertexIterator>
+ graph_t::node_ref_t get_node_ref_from_iterator(VertexIterator it)
+ {
+ return boost::get(graph_t::vertex_property_t(), get_graph(), *it);
+ }
+ auto find_neighbour(vertex_descriptor origin, res_source_info port_info)
+ {
+ return _graph_ptr->_find_neighbour(origin, port_info);
+ }
+ auto find_dirty_nodes()
+ {
+ return _graph_ptr->_find_dirty_nodes();
+ }
+ auto get_topo_sorted_nodes()
+ {
+ return _graph_ptr->_vertices_to_nodes(_graph_ptr->_get_topo_sorted_nodes());
+ }
+ graph_t* _graph_ptr;
+ graph_t graph{};
+ uhd::rfnoc::detail::graph_accessor_t graph_accessor(&graph);
+ node_accessor_t node_accessor{};
+ auto& bgl_graph = graph_accessor.get_graph();
+ // Define some mock nodes:
+ // Source radio
+ mock_radio_node_t mock_rx_radio(0);
+ // Sink radio
+ mock_radio_node_t mock_tx_radio(1);
+ // These init calls would normally be done by the framework
+ node_accessor.init_props(&mock_rx_radio);
+ node_accessor.init_props(&mock_tx_radio);
+ // In this simple graph, all connections are identical from an edge info
+ // perspective, so we're lazy and share an edge_info object:
+ uhd::rfnoc::detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t edge_info;
+ edge_info.src_port = 0;
+ edge_info.dst_port = 0;
+ edge_info.property_propagation_active = true;
+ edge_info.edge = uhd::rfnoc::detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t::DYNAMIC;
+ // Now create the graph:
+ graph.connect(&mock_rx_radio, &mock_tx_radio, edge_info);
+ // A whole bunch of low-level checks first:
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::num_vertices(bgl_graph), 2);
+ auto vertex_iterators = boost::vertices(bgl_graph);
+ auto vertex_iterator = vertex_iterators.first;
+ auto rx_descriptor = *vertex_iterator;
+ graph_t::node_ref_t node_ref =
+ graph_accessor.get_node_ref_from_iterator(vertex_iterator++);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(node_ref->get_unique_id(), mock_rx_radio.get_unique_id());
+ auto tx_descriptor = *vertex_iterator;
+ node_ref = graph_accessor.get_node_ref_from_iterator(vertex_iterator++);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(node_ref->get_unique_id(), mock_tx_radio.get_unique_id());
+ BOOST_CHECK(vertex_iterator == vertex_iterators.second);
+ auto rx_neighbour_info =
+ graph_accessor.find_neighbour(rx_descriptor, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0});
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(rx_neighbour_info.first);
+ rx_neighbour_info.first->get_unique_id(), mock_tx_radio.get_unique_id());
+ BOOST_CHECK(std::tie(rx_neighbour_info.second.src_port,
+ rx_neighbour_info.second.dst_port,
+ rx_neighbour_info.second.property_propagation_active)
+ == std::tie(edge_info.src_port,
+ edge_info.dst_port,
+ edge_info.property_propagation_active));
+ auto tx_neighbour_info =
+ graph_accessor.find_neighbour(tx_descriptor, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0});
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(tx_neighbour_info.first);
+ tx_neighbour_info.first->get_unique_id(), mock_rx_radio.get_unique_id());
+ BOOST_CHECK(std::tie(tx_neighbour_info.second.src_port,
+ tx_neighbour_info.second.dst_port,
+ tx_neighbour_info.second.property_propagation_active)
+ == std::tie(edge_info.src_port,
+ edge_info.dst_port,
+ edge_info.property_propagation_active));
+ auto rx_upstream_neighbour_info =
+ graph_accessor.find_neighbour(rx_descriptor, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(rx_upstream_neighbour_info.first == nullptr);
+ auto tx_downstream_neighbour_info =
+ graph_accessor.find_neighbour(tx_descriptor, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 0});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx_downstream_neighbour_info.first == nullptr);
+ auto rx_wrongport_neighbour_info =
+ graph_accessor.find_neighbour(rx_descriptor, {res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE, 1});
+ BOOST_CHECK(rx_wrongport_neighbour_info.first == nullptr);
+ auto tx_wrongport_neighbour_info =
+ graph_accessor.find_neighbour(tx_descriptor, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1});
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx_wrongport_neighbour_info.first == nullptr);
+ // Check there are no dirty nodes (init_props() will clean them all)
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(graph_accessor.find_dirty_nodes().empty(), true);
+ auto topo_sorted_nodes = graph_accessor.get_topo_sorted_nodes();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(topo_sorted_nodes.size(), 2);
+ topo_sorted_nodes.at(0)->get_unique_id(), mock_rx_radio.get_unique_id());
+ // Now initialize the graph (will force a call to resolve_all_properties())
+ graph.initialize();
+ // This will be ignored
+ graph.connect(&mock_rx_radio, &mock_tx_radio, edge_info);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::num_vertices(bgl_graph), 2);
+ // Now attempt illegal connections (they must all fail)
+ edge_info.src_port = 1;
+ edge_info.dst_port = 0;
+ graph.connect(&mock_rx_radio, &mock_tx_radio, edge_info), uhd::rfnoc_error);
+ edge_info.src_port = 0;
+ edge_info.dst_port = 1;
+ graph.connect(&mock_rx_radio, &mock_tx_radio, edge_info), uhd::rfnoc_error);
+ edge_info.src_port = 0;
+ edge_info.dst_port = 0;
+ edge_info.property_propagation_active = false;
+ graph.connect(&mock_rx_radio, &mock_tx_radio, edge_info), uhd::rfnoc_error);
+ graph_t graph{};
+ node_accessor_t node_accessor{};
+ // Define some mock nodes:
+ // Source radio
+ mock_radio_node_t mock_rx_radio(0);
+ // Sink radio
+ mock_radio_node_t mock_tx_radio(1);
+ // These init calls would normally be done by the framework
+ node_accessor.init_props(&mock_rx_radio);
+ node_accessor.init_props(&mock_tx_radio);
+ // In this simple graph, all connections are identical from an edge info
+ // perspective, so we're lazy and share an edge_info object:
+ uhd::rfnoc::detail::graph_t::graph_edge_t edge_info(
+ 0, 0, graph_t::graph_edge_t::DYNAMIC, true);
+ // Now create the graph and commit:
+ graph.connect(&mock_rx_radio, &mock_tx_radio, edge_info);
+ graph.initialize();
+ // Now set a property that will cause the graph to fail to resolve:
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(mock_tx_radio.set_property<double>("master_clock_rate", 100e6, 0),
+ uhd::resolve_error);
+ // Now we add a back-edge
+ edge_info.src_port = 0;
+ edge_info.dst_port = 0;
+ edge_info.property_propagation_active = false;
+ graph.connect(&mock_tx_radio, &mock_rx_radio, edge_info);
+ UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Testing back edge error path");
+ mock_tx_radio.disable_samp_out_resolver = true;
+ // The set_property would be valid if we hadn't futzed with the back-edge
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(mock_tx_radio.set_property<double>("master_clock_rate", 200e6, 0),
+ uhd::resolve_error);
+ UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "^^^ Expected ERROR here.");