path: root/host/lib/usrp/cores
diff options
authorBen Hilburn <ben.hilburn@ettus.com>2014-02-04 11:04:07 -0800
committerBen Hilburn <ben.hilburn@ettus.com>2014-02-04 11:04:07 -0800
commit178ac3f1c9950d383c8f64b3df464c0f943c4a23 (patch)
tree318ed621a7b59b7d34d4ce6e4a92f73f0bcef509 /host/lib/usrp/cores
parent2718ac110fa931cc29daf7cb3dc5ab6230ee02ab (diff)
Merging USRP X300 and X310 support!!
Diffstat (limited to 'host/lib/usrp/cores')
3 files changed, 36 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/cores/gpio_core_200.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/cores/gpio_core_200.cpp
index 51c23aa4b..e55f1f51e 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/cores/gpio_core_200.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/cores/gpio_core_200.cpp
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ public:
void set_gpio_ddr(const unit_t unit, const boost::uint16_t value){
_gpio_ddr[unit] = value; //shadow
_iface->poke32(REG_GPIO_DDR, //update the 32 bit register
- (boost::uint32_t(_gpio_ddr[dboard_iface::UNIT_RX]) << unit2shit(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) |
- (boost::uint32_t(_gpio_ddr[dboard_iface::UNIT_TX]) << unit2shit(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX))
+ (boost::uint32_t(_gpio_ddr[dboard_iface::UNIT_RX]) << shift_by_unit(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) |
+ (boost::uint32_t(_gpio_ddr[dboard_iface::UNIT_TX]) << shift_by_unit(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX))
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
boost::uint16_t read_gpio(const unit_t unit){
- return boost::uint16_t(_iface->peek32(_rb_addr) >> unit2shit(unit));
+ return boost::uint16_t(_iface->peek32(_rb_addr) >> shift_by_unit(unit));
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ private:
uhd::dict<unit_t, boost::uint16_t> _pin_ctrl, _gpio_out, _gpio_ddr;
uhd::dict<unit_t, uhd::dict<atr_reg_t, boost::uint16_t> > _atr_regs;
- unsigned unit2shit(const unit_t unit){
+ unsigned shift_by_unit(const unit_t unit){
return (unit == dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)? 0 : 16;
@@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ private:
void update(const atr_reg_t atr, const size_t addr){
const boost::uint32_t atr_val =
- (boost::uint32_t(_atr_regs[dboard_iface::UNIT_RX][atr]) << unit2shit(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) |
- (boost::uint32_t(_atr_regs[dboard_iface::UNIT_TX][atr]) << unit2shit(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX));
+ (boost::uint32_t(_atr_regs[dboard_iface::UNIT_RX][atr]) << shift_by_unit(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) |
+ (boost::uint32_t(_atr_regs[dboard_iface::UNIT_TX][atr]) << shift_by_unit(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX));
const boost::uint32_t gpio_val =
- (boost::uint32_t(_gpio_out[dboard_iface::UNIT_RX]) << unit2shit(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) |
- (boost::uint32_t(_gpio_out[dboard_iface::UNIT_TX]) << unit2shit(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX));
+ (boost::uint32_t(_gpio_out[dboard_iface::UNIT_RX]) << shift_by_unit(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) |
+ (boost::uint32_t(_gpio_out[dboard_iface::UNIT_TX]) << shift_by_unit(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX));
const boost::uint32_t ctrl =
- (boost::uint32_t(_pin_ctrl[dboard_iface::UNIT_RX]) << unit2shit(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) |
- (boost::uint32_t(_pin_ctrl[dboard_iface::UNIT_TX]) << unit2shit(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX));
+ (boost::uint32_t(_pin_ctrl[dboard_iface::UNIT_RX]) << shift_by_unit(dboard_iface::UNIT_RX)) |
+ (boost::uint32_t(_pin_ctrl[dboard_iface::UNIT_TX]) << shift_by_unit(dboard_iface::UNIT_TX));
const boost::uint32_t val = (ctrl & atr_val) | ((~ctrl) & gpio_val);
if (not _update_cache.has_key(addr) or _update_cache[addr] != val)
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/cores/radio_ctrl_core_3000.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/cores/radio_ctrl_core_3000.cpp
index 27fac3471..2005bcf33 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/cores/radio_ctrl_core_3000.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/cores/radio_ctrl_core_3000.cpp
@@ -88,9 +88,6 @@ public:
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_mutex);
UHD_LOGV(always) << _name << std::hex << " addr 0x" << addr << std::dec << std::endl;
this->send_pkt(SR_READBACK, addr/8);
- this->wait_for_ack(false);
- this->send_pkt(0);
const boost::uint64_t res = this->wait_for_ack(true);
const boost::uint32_t lo = boost::uint32_t(res & 0xffffffff);
const boost::uint32_t hi = boost::uint32_t(res >> 32);
@@ -103,9 +100,6 @@ public:
UHD_LOGV(always) << _name << std::hex << " addr 0x" << addr << std::dec << std::endl;
this->send_pkt(SR_READBACK, addr/8);
- this->wait_for_ack(false);
- this->send_pkt(0);
return this->wait_for_ack(true);
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/cores/rx_dsp_core_3000.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/cores/rx_dsp_core_3000.cpp
index 525916032..67d0be017 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/cores/rx_dsp_core_3000.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/cores/rx_dsp_core_3000.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
#define REG_DSP_RX_SCALE_IQ _dsp_base + 4
#define REG_DSP_RX_DECIM _dsp_base + 8
#define REG_DSP_RX_MUX _dsp_base + 12
+#define REG_DSP_RX_COEFFS _dsp_base + 16
+//FIXME: Add code to support REG_DSP_RX_COEFFS
#define FLAG_DSP_RX_MUX_SWAP_IQ (1 << 0)
#define FLAG_DSP_RX_MUX_REAL_MODE (1 << 1)
@@ -88,6 +90,9 @@ public:
uhd::meta_range_t get_host_rates(void){
meta_range_t range;
+ for (int rate = 1024; rate > 512; rate -= 8){
+ range.push_back(range_t(_tick_rate/rate));
+ }
for (int rate = 512; rate > 256; rate -= 4){
@@ -105,7 +110,7 @@ public:
size_t decim = decim_rate;
//determine which half-band filters are activated
- int hb0 = 0, hb1 = 0;
+ int hb0 = 0, hb1 = 0, hb2 = 0, hb_enable=0;
if (decim % 2 == 0){
hb0 = 1;
decim /= 2;
@@ -114,14 +119,30 @@ public:
hb1 = 1;
decim /= 2;
+ if (decim % 2 == 0){
+ hb2 = 1;
+ decim /= 2;
+ }
+ // Encode Halfband config for setting register programming.
+ if (hb2) { // Implies HB1 and HB0 also asserted
+ hb_enable=3;
+ } else if (hb1) { // Implies HB0 is also asserted
+ hb_enable=2;
+ } else if (hb0) {
+ hb_enable=1;
+ } else {
+ hb_enable=0;
+ }
- _iface->poke32(REG_DSP_RX_DECIM, (hb1 << 9) | (hb0 << 8) | (decim & 0xff));
+ _iface->poke32(REG_DSP_RX_DECIM, (hb_enable << 8) | (decim & 0xff));
- if (decim > 1 and hb0 == 0 and hb1 == 0)
+ if (decim > 1 and hb0 == 0 and hb1 == 0 and hb2 == 0)
UHD_MSG(warning) << boost::format(
- "The requested decimation is odd; the user should expect CIC rolloff.\n"
+ "The requested decimation is odd; the user should expect passband CIC rolloff.\n"
"Select an even decimation to ensure that a halfband filter is enabled.\n"
+ "Decimations factorable by 4 will enable 2 halfbands, those factorable by 8 will enable 3 halfbands.\n"
"decimation = dsp_rate/samp_rate -> %d = (%f MHz)/(%f MHz)\n"
) % decim_rate % (_tick_rate/1e6) % (rate/1e6);
@@ -137,7 +158,7 @@ public:
void update_scalar(void){
const double factor = 1.0 + std::max(ceil_log2(_scaling_adjustment), 0.0);
- const double target_scalar = (1 << 17)*_scaling_adjustment/_dsp_extra_scaling/factor;
+ const double target_scalar = (1 << 15)*_scaling_adjustment/_dsp_extra_scaling/factor;
const boost::int32_t actual_scalar = boost::math::iround(target_scalar);
_fxpt_scalar_correction = target_scalar/actual_scalar*factor; //should be small
_iface->poke32(REG_DSP_RX_SCALE_IQ, actual_scalar);