path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface
diff options
authorMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:25:20 +0200
committerMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:25:20 +0200
commitfd3e84941de463fa1a7ebab0a69515b4bf2614cd (patch)
tree3fa721a13d41d2c0451d663a59a220a38fd5e614 /fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface
parent3b66804e41891e358c790b453a7a59ec7462dba4 (diff)
Removed copy of FPGA source files.
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 945 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/Makefile.srcs b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/Makefile.srcs
deleted file mode 100644
index 63cef065d..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/Makefile.srcs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Logic to interface to Opencores 10G MAC
-XGE_INTERFACE_SRCS = $(abspath $(addprefix $(BASE_DIR)/../lib/xge_interface/, \
-axi64_to_xge64.v \
-axi_count_packets_in_fifo.v \
-xge64_to_axi64.v \
-xge_handshake.v \
-xge_mac_wrapper.v \
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/axi64_to_xge64.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/axi64_to_xge64.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb9d200b..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/axi64_to_xge64.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Removes 6 alignment bytes at the beginning of every packet.
-// This gives us proper alignment to the IP/UDP header.
-// Place an SOF indication in bit[3] of the output tuser.
-module axi64_to_xge64
- (
- input clk,
- input reset,
- input clear,
- input [63:0] s_axis_tdata,
- input [3:0] s_axis_tuser,
- input s_axis_tlast,
- input s_axis_tvalid,
- output s_axis_tready,
- output [63:0] m_axis_tdata,
- output [3:0] m_axis_tuser,
- output m_axis_tlast,
- output m_axis_tvalid,
- input m_axis_tready
- );
- localparam STORE_FIRST = 0;
- localparam FORWARD_FULL = 1;
- localparam RELEASE_LAST = 2;
- reg [1:0] state;
- reg [15:0] saved;
- reg [2:0] last_occ;
- reg last_sof;
- //on last line when eof and not finishing with 7 or 8 bytes as last word.
- wire last_line = (s_axis_tlast && !(s_axis_tuser[2:0] == 3'b111 || s_axis_tuser[2:0] == 3'b000));
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if(reset | clear) begin
- last_sof <= 0;
- last_occ <= 0;
- state <= STORE_FIRST;
- end
- else begin
- if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) begin
- saved <= s_axis_tdata[15:0];
- last_occ <= s_axis_tuser[2:0];
- last_sof <= (state == STORE_FIRST) ;
- end
- case(state)
- STORE_FIRST: begin
- if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) begin
- state <= FORWARD_FULL;
- end
- end
- if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready && s_axis_tlast) begin
- state <= last_line? STORE_FIRST : RELEASE_LAST;
- end
- end
- if (m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) begin
- state <= STORE_FIRST;
- end
- end
- endcase //state
- end
- end
- assign m_axis_tdata[63:0] = {saved, s_axis_tdata[63:16]};
- assign m_axis_tuser[3] = last_sof;
- assign m_axis_tlast = (state == RELEASE_LAST)? 1'b1 : last_line;
- assign m_axis_tuser[2:0] = ((state == RELEASE_LAST)? last_occ : (last_line? s_axis_tuser[2:0] : 3'b110)) + 3'b010;
- assign m_axis_tvalid = (state == STORE_FIRST)? 0 : ((state == RELEASE_LAST)? 1 : s_axis_tvalid);
- assign s_axis_tready = (state == STORE_FIRST)? 1 : ((state == RELEASE_LAST)? 0 : m_axis_tready);
-endmodule //fifo69_txrealign
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/axi_count_packets_in_fifo.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/axi_count_packets_in_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 45eae42c0..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/axi_count_packets_in_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Tracks the number of complete packets in an AXI FIFO so that
-// the XGE MAC can commit to transmitting a packet.
-module axi_count_packets_in_fifo
- (
- input clk,
- input reset,
- input in_axis_tvalid,
- input in_axis_tready,
- input in_axis_tlast,
- input out_axis_tvalid,
- input out_axis_tready,
- input out_axis_tlast,
- input pkt_tx_full,
- output enable_tx
- );
- localparam WAIT_SOF = 0;
- localparam WAIT_EOF = 1;
- localparam WAIT_FULL = 0;
- localparam DELAY_TO_EOF = 0;
- localparam WAIT_SPACE = 2;
- reg in_state, out_state;
- reg [1:0] full_state;
- reg pause_tx;
- reg [7:0] pkt_count;
- //
- // Count packets arriving into large FIFO
- //
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (reset) begin
- in_state <= WAIT_SOF;
- end else
- case(in_state)
- if (in_axis_tvalid && in_axis_tready) begin
- in_state <= WAIT_EOF;
- end else begin
- in_state <= WAIT_SOF;
- end
- if (in_axis_tlast && in_axis_tvalid && in_axis_tready) begin
- in_state <= WAIT_SOF;
- end else begin
- in_state <= WAIT_EOF;
- end
- endcase // case(in_state)
- //
- // Count packets leaving large FIFO
- //
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (reset) begin
- out_state <= WAIT_SOF;
- end else
- case(out_state)
- if (out_axis_tvalid && out_axis_tready) begin
- out_state <= WAIT_EOF;
- end else begin
- out_state <= WAIT_SOF;
- end
- if (out_axis_tlast && out_axis_tvalid && out_axis_tready) begin
- out_state <= WAIT_SOF;
- end else begin
- out_state <= WAIT_EOF;
- end
- endcase // case(in_state)
- //
- // Count packets in FIFO.
- // No protection on counter wrap,
- // unclear how such an error could occur or how to gracefully deal with it.
- //
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (reset)
- pkt_count <= 0;
- else if (((out_state==WAIT_EOF) && out_axis_tlast && out_axis_tvalid && out_axis_tready)
- && ((in_state==WAIT_EOF) && in_axis_tlast && in_axis_tvalid && in_axis_tready))
- pkt_count <= pkt_count;
- else if ((out_state==WAIT_EOF) && out_axis_tlast && out_axis_tvalid && out_axis_tready)
- pkt_count <= pkt_count - 1;
- else if ((in_state==WAIT_EOF) && in_axis_tlast && in_axis_tvalid && in_axis_tready)
- pkt_count <= pkt_count + 1;
- //
- // Guard against Tx MAC overflow (as indicated by pkt_tx_full)
- //
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (reset) begin
- pause_tx <= 0;
- full_state <= WAIT_FULL;
- end
- else begin
- pause_tx <= 0;
- case(full_state)
- // Search for pkt_tx_full going asserted
- if (pkt_tx_full && (out_state == WAIT_SOF)) begin
- full_state <= WAIT_SPACE;
- pause_tx <= 1;
- end else if (pkt_tx_full && (out_state == WAIT_EOF)) begin
- full_state <= DELAY_TO_EOF;
- end
- // pkt_tx_full has gone asserted during Tx of a packet from FIFO.
- // Wait until either FIFO has space again and transition direct to WAIT_FULL
- // or at EOF if pkt_tx_full is still asserted the transition to WAIT_SPACE until
- // MAC flags there is space again.
- if (pkt_tx_full && out_axis_tlast && out_axis_tvalid && out_axis_tready) begin
- full_state <= WAIT_SPACE;
- pause_tx <= 1;
- end else if (pkt_tx_full) begin
- full_state <= DELAY_TO_EOF;
- end else
- full_state <= WAIT_FULL;
- // Wait for MAC to flag space in internal Tx FIFO again then transition to WAIT_FULL.
- if (pkt_tx_full) begin
- full_state <= WAIT_SPACE;
- pause_tx <= 1;
- end else
- full_state <= WAIT_FULL;
- endcase // case(full_state)
- end
- // Enable Tx to MAC
- assign enable_tx = (pkt_count != 0) && ~pause_tx;
-endmodule // count_tx_packets
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge64_to_axi64.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge64_to_axi64.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff4af748..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge64_to_axi64.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Adds 6 bytes at the beginning of every packet
-// This gives us good32/64bit alignment of IP/UDP headers.
-// The 6 bytes added include an octet passed as a parameter allowing a label to
-// be added as metatdata in the header padding. This is typically the ingress
-// port to be tagged in the packet as metadata.
-// bit[65] EOF
-// bit[64] SOF
-// bit[68:66] occ
-// This design will break if downstream can not be guarenteed to be ready to accept data.
-// XGE MAC expects to be able to stream whole packet with no handshaking.
-// We force downstream packet gate to discard packet by signalling error with tlast and
-// resynchronizing with upstream.
-module xge64_to_axi64
- #(parameter LABEL=0)
- (
- input clk,
- input reset,
- input clear,
- input [63:0] datain,
- input [2:0] occ,
- input sof,
- input eof,
- input err,
- input valid,
- output reg [63:0] axis_tdata,
- output reg [3:0] axis_tuser,
- output reg axis_tlast,
- output reg axis_tvalid, // Signal data avilable to downstream
- input axis_tready
- );
- localparam EMPTY = 0;
- localparam IN_USE = 1;
- localparam FLUSHING3 = 2;
- localparam FLUSHING4 = 3;
- localparam FLUSHING5 = 4;
- localparam FLUSHING6 = 5;
- localparam FLUSHING7 = 6;
- localparam FLUSHING8 = 7;
- localparam ERROR1 = 8;
- localparam EOF1 = 3'b001;
- localparam EOF2 = 3'b010;
- localparam EOF3 = 3'b011;
- localparam EOF4 = 3'b100;
- localparam EOF5 = 3'b101;
- localparam EOF6 = 3'b110;
- localparam EOF7 = 3'b111;
- localparam EOF8 = 3'b000;
- reg [3:0] state;
- reg err_reg;
- reg [47:0] holding_reg;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear) begin
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tdata <= 0;
- holding_reg <= 0;
- axis_tvalid <= 0;
- end else begin
- // Defaults
- axis_tvalid <= 0;
- axis_tuser <= 0;
- axis_tlast <= 0;
- err_reg <= 0;
- case(state)
- EMPTY: begin
- if (valid & axis_tready & sof) begin
- // Start of packet should always be received in this state.
- // It should NEVER be possible to get a packet from the MAC with EOF also set in
- // the first 64 bits so not designed for.
- // Add pad. Store last 6 octets into holding, change state to show data in holding.
- state <= IN_USE;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- end
- else if (valid & ~axis_tready)
- // Assert on this condition, add H/W to deal with overflow later.
- $display("ERROR: xge64_to_axi64, valid & ~axis_tready");
- holding_reg <= datain[47:0];
- axis_tdata[63:56] <= LABEL; // Tag packet with label
- axis_tdata[55:16] <= 40'h0;
- axis_tdata[15:0] <= datain[63:48];
- end
- IN_USE: begin
- if (valid & axis_tready & (eof | err)) begin
- // End of packet should always be received in this state.
- // If Error is asserted from MAC, immediate EOF is forced,
- // and the error flag set in tuser. State machine will return to WAIT
- // state and search for new SOF thereby discarding anything left of error packet.
- //
- // In the case of 3 through 8 valid octets in the final 64bits input,
- // we must run another cycle afterwards since we have 6 more bytes still in holding.
- err_reg <= err;
- holding_reg[47:0] <= datain[47:0];
- axis_tdata[63:16] <= holding_reg[47:0];
- axis_tdata[15:0] <= datain[63:48];
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- case(occ[2:0])
- // 8 valid Octets in last word of packet, finish next cycle
- 0: begin
- state <= FLUSHING8;
- end
- // 7 valid Octets in last word of packet, finish next cycle
- 7: begin
- state <= FLUSHING7;
- end
- // 6 valid octets in last word of packet, finish next cycle
- 6: begin
- state <= FLUSHING6;
- end
- // 5 valid octets in last word of packet, finish next cycle
- 5: begin
- state <= FLUSHING5;
- end
- // 4 valid octets in last word of packet, finish next cycle
- 4: begin
- state <= FLUSHING4;
- end
- // 3 valid octets in last word of packet, finish next cycle
- 3: begin
- state <= FLUSHING3;
- end
- // 2 valid octets in last word of packet, finish this cycle
- 2: begin
- axis_tuser <= {err,EOF8};
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- end
- // 1 valid octets in last word of packet, finish this cycle
- 1: begin
- axis_tuser <= {err,EOF7};
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- end
- endcase // case (occ[2:0])
- end // if (valid & axis_tready & eof)
- else if (valid & axis_tready) begin
- // No EOF indication so in packet payload somewhere still.
- state <= IN_USE;
- holding_reg[47:0] <= datain[47:0];
- axis_tdata[63:16] <= holding_reg[47:0];
- axis_tdata[15:0] <= datain[63:48];
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- end
- else if (valid & ~axis_tready) begin
- // Assert on this condition
- $display("ERROR: xge64_to_axi64, valid & ~axis_tready");
- // Keep error state asserted ready for downstream to accept
- state <= ERROR1;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end else if (~valid) begin
- // Assert on this condition, don't expect the MAC to ever throtle dataflow intra-packet.
- $display("ERROR: xge64_to_axi64, ~valid ");
- state <= ERROR1;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end
- end // case: IN_USE
- FLUSHING3: begin
- if (axis_tready) begin
- // EOF has been received last cycle.
- // Ethernet interframe gap means we don't have to search for back-to-back EOF-SOF here.
- // 1 valid Octets to finish
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {err_reg, EOF1};
- axis_tdata[63:16] <= holding_reg[47:0];
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- end else begin
- state <= ERROR1;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end // else: !if(axis_tready)
- end
- FLUSHING4: begin
- if (axis_tready) begin
- // EOF has been received last cycle.
- // Ethernet interframe gap means we don't have to search for back-to-back EOF-SOF here.
- // 2 valid Octets to finish
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {err_reg, EOF2};
- axis_tdata[63:16] <= holding_reg[47:0];
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- end else begin
- state <= ERROR1;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end // else: !if(axis_tready)
- end
- FLUSHING5: begin
- if (axis_tready) begin
- // EOF has been received last cycle.
- // Ethernet interframe gap means we don't have to search for back-to-back EOF-SOF here.
- // 3 valid Octets to finish
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {err_reg, EOF3};
- axis_tdata[63:16] <= holding_reg[47:0];
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- end else begin
- state <= ERROR1;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end // else: !if(axis_tready)
- end
- FLUSHING6: begin
- if (axis_tready) begin
- // EOF has been received last cycle.
- // Ethernet interframe gap means we don't have to search for back-to-back EOF-SOF here.
- // 4 valid Octets to finish
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {err_reg, EOF4};
- axis_tdata[63:16] <= holding_reg[47:0];
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- end else begin
- state <= ERROR1;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end // else: !if(axis_tready)
- end
- FLUSHING7: begin
- if (axis_tready) begin
- // EOF has been received last cycle.
- // Ethernet interframe gap means we don't have to search for back-to-back EOF-SOF here.
- // 5 valid Octets to finish
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {err_reg, EOF5};
- axis_tdata[63:16] <= holding_reg[47:0];
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- end else begin
- state <= ERROR1;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end // else: !if(axis_tready)
- end
- FLUSHING8: begin
- if (axis_tready) begin
- // EOF has been received last cycle.
- // Ethernet interframe gap means we don't have to search for back-to-back EOF-SOF here.
- // 6 valid Octets to finish
- state <= EMPTY;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {err_reg, EOF6};
- axis_tdata[63:16] <= holding_reg[47:0];
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- end else begin
- state <= ERROR1;
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end // else: !if(axis_tready)
- end
- ERROR1: begin
- // We were already actively receiving a packet from the upstream MAC and the downstream
- // signaled not ready by de-asserting tready. Since we can't back pressure the MAC we have to
- // abandon the current packet, discarding any data already sent down stream by sending an asserted error
- // with a tlast when ever tready becomes asserted again. Meanwhile we start dropping arriving MAC
- // data on the floor since there is nothing useful we can do with it currently.
- if (axis_tready)
- begin
- // OK tready is asserted again so tlast is geting accepted this cycle along with an asserted error.
- state <= EMPTY;
- end else begin
- // Keep error state asserted ready for downstream to accept
- axis_tlast <= 1;
- axis_tvalid <= 1;
- axis_tuser <= {1'b1, EOF8}; // Force error in this packet.
- end
- end // case: ERROR1
- endcase // case(state)
- end // else: !if(reset | clear)
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge_handshake.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge_handshake.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 251099f57..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge_handshake.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Provide required handshake to Opencores XGE MAC to initiate Rx of one available packet
-module xge_handshake
- (
- input clk,
- input reset,
- output reg pkt_rx_ren,
- input pkt_rx_avail,
- input pkt_rx_eop
- );
- localparam IDLE=0;
- localparam RX=1;
- reg state;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (reset) begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= IDLE;
- end else begin
- case (state)
- //
- // Wait for pkt_rx_avail to be asserted, then assert pkt_rx_ren next cycle
- //
- IDLE: begin
- if (pkt_rx_avail) begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 1;
- state <= RX;
- end else begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= IDLE;
- end
- end
- //
- // Keep pkt_rx_ren asserted until EOF received.
- //
- RX: begin
- if (pkt_rx_eop) begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 0;
- state <= IDLE;
- end else begin
- pkt_rx_ren <= 1;
- state <= RX;
- end
- end
- endcase // case(state)
- end // else: !if(reset)
-endmodule // xge_handshake
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge_mac_wrapper.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge_mac_wrapper.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c05682111..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge_interface/xge_mac_wrapper.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Ettus Research LLC
-// Wrap XGE MAC so that:
-// *) Signals are crossed between the MAC's own 156.25MHz clock domain and the
-// main FPGA clock domain.
-// *) 6 byte Padding is added at RX, including metadata so that IP headers become aligned.
-// *) 6 Byte padding is stripped at TX, so that Eth header data starts immediately.
-// *) TX & RX can buffer at least an MTU sized packet
-// *) On TX, to not start an Ethernet Tx until a complete packet is present in the
-// last Tx FIFO so that the MAC doesn't underrun.
-module xge_mac_wrapper
- #(parameter PORTNUM=8'd0)
- (
- // XGMII
- input xgmii_clk,
- output [63:0] xgmii_txd,
- output [7:0] xgmii_txc,
- input [63:0] xgmii_rxd,
- input [7:0] xgmii_rxc,
- // MDIO
- output mdc,
- output mdio_in,
- input mdio_out,
- // Wishbone I/F
- input [7:0] wb_adr_i, // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
- input wb_clk_i, // To sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v, ...
- input wb_cyc_i, // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
- input [31:0] wb_dat_i, // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
- input wb_rst_i, // To sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v, ...
- input wb_stb_i, // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
- input wb_we_i, // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
- output wb_ack_o, // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
- output [31:0] wb_dat_o, // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
- output wb_int_o, // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
- // Client FIFO Interfaces
- input sys_clk,
- input reset, // From sys_clk domain.
- output [63:0] rx_tdata,
- output [3:0] rx_tuser,
- output rx_tlast,
- output rx_tvalid,
- input rx_tready,
- input [63:0] tx_tdata,
- input [3:0] tx_tuser, // Bit[3] (error) is ignored for now.
- input tx_tlast,
- input tx_tvalid,
- output tx_tready,
- // Other
- input phy_ready,
- // Debug
- output [31:0] debug_rx,
- output [31:0] debug_tx);
- (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE" *)
- reg xgmii_reset_r1;
- reg xgmii_reset;
- //
- // Generate 156MHz synchronized reset localy
- //
- always @(posedge xgmii_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) begin
- xgmii_reset_r1 <= 1'b1;
- xgmii_reset <= 1'b1;
- end
- else begin
- xgmii_reset_r1 <= 1'b0; // IJB. Was PLL lock here.
- xgmii_reset <= xgmii_reset_r1;
- end
- end // always @ (posedge xgmii_clk or posedge reset)
- //
- // 10G MAC
- //
- wire [63:0] eth_rx_data;
- wire eth_rx_avail;
- wire eth_rx_eof;
- wire eth_rx_err;
- wire [2:0] eth_rx_occ;
- wire eth_rx_sof;
- wire eth_rx_valid;
- wire eth_rx_ren;
- wire eth_tx_full;
- wire [63:0] eth_tx_data;
- wire eth_tx_eof;
- wire [2:0] eth_tx_occ;
- wire eth_tx_sof;
- wire eth_tx_valid;
- xge_mac xge_mac
- (
- // Outputs
- .pkt_rx_avail (eth_rx_avail),
- .pkt_rx_data (eth_rx_data),
- .pkt_rx_eop (eth_rx_eof),
- .pkt_rx_err (eth_rx_err),
- .pkt_rx_mod (eth_rx_occ),
- .pkt_rx_sop (eth_rx_sof),
- .pkt_rx_val (eth_rx_valid),
- .pkt_tx_full (eth_tx_full),
- .wb_ack_o (wb_ack_o),
- .wb_dat_o (wb_dat_o),
- .wb_int_o (xge_int),
- .xgmii_txc (xgmii_txc[7:0]),
- .xgmii_txd (xgmii_txd[63:0]),
- .mdc (mdc),
- .mdio_out (mdio_in),// Switch sense of in and out here for master and slave.
- .mdio_tri (mdio_tri),
- .xge_gpo ( ),
- // Inputs
- .clk_156m25 (xgmii_clk),
- .clk_xgmii_rx (xgmii_clk),
- .clk_xgmii_tx (xgmii_clk),
- .pkt_rx_ren (eth_rx_ren),
- .pkt_tx_data (eth_tx_data),
- .pkt_tx_eop (eth_tx_eof),
- .pkt_tx_mod (eth_tx_occ),
- .pkt_tx_sop (eth_tx_sof),
- .pkt_tx_val (eth_tx_valid),
- .reset_156m25_n (~xgmii_reset),
- .reset_xgmii_rx_n (~xgmii_reset),
- .reset_xgmii_tx_n (~xgmii_reset),
- .wb_adr_i (wb_adr_i[7:0]),
- .wb_clk_i (wb_clk_i),
- .wb_cyc_i (wb_cyc_i),
- .wb_dat_i (wb_dat_i),
- .wb_rst_i (wb_rst_i),
- .wb_stb_i (wb_stb_i),
- .wb_we_i (wb_we_i),
- .xgmii_rxc (xgmii_rxc[7:0]),
- .xgmii_rxd (xgmii_rxd[63:0]),
- .mdio_in (mdio_out), // Switch sense of in and out here for master and slave.
- .xge_gpi (/*{2'b00,align_status,mgt_tx_ready,sync_status[3:0]}*/0)
- );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // RX FIFO Chain
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- wire [63:0] rx_tdata_int;
- wire [3:0] rx_tuser_int;
- wire rx_tlast_int;
- wire rx_tvalid_int;
- wire rx_tready_int;
- //
- // Logic to drive pkt_rx_ren on XGE MAC
- //
- xge_handshake xge_handshake
- (
- .clk(xgmii_clk),
- .reset(xgmii_reset),
- .pkt_rx_ren(eth_rx_ren),
- .pkt_rx_avail(eth_rx_avail),
- .pkt_rx_eop(eth_rx_eof)
- );
- //
- // Add pad of 6 empty bytes before MAC addresses of new Rxed packet so that IP
- // headers are alligned. Also put metadata in first octet of pad that shows
- // ingress port.
- //
- xge64_to_axi64 #(.LABEL(PORTNUM)) xge64_to_axi64
- (
- .clk(xgmii_clk),
- .reset(xgmii_reset),
- .clear(clear),
- .datain(eth_rx_data),
- .occ(eth_rx_occ),
- .sof(eth_rx_sof),
- .eof(eth_rx_eof),
- .err(eth_rx_err),
- .valid(eth_rx_valid),
- .axis_tdata(rx_tdata_int),
- .axis_tuser(rx_tuser_int),
- .axis_tlast(rx_tlast_int),
- .axis_tvalid(rx_tvalid_int),
- .axis_tready(rx_tready_int)
- );
- //
- // Large FIFO must be able to run input side at 64b@156MHz to sustain 10Gb Rx.
- //
- axi64_4k_2clk_fifo rxfifo_2clk
- (
- .s_aresetn(~xgmii_reset),
- .s_aclk(xgmii_clk),
- .s_axis_tvalid(rx_tvalid_int),
- .s_axis_tready(rx_tready_int),
- .s_axis_tdata(rx_tdata_int),
- .s_axis_tlast(rx_tlast_int),
- .s_axis_tuser(rx_tuser_int),
- .axis_wr_data_count(),
- .m_aclk(sys_clk),
- .m_axis_tvalid(rx_tvalid),
- .m_axis_tready(rx_tready),
- .m_axis_tdata(rx_tdata),
- .m_axis_tlast(rx_tlast),
- .m_axis_tuser(rx_tuser),
- .axis_rd_data_count() );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TX FIFO Chain
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- wire [63:0] tx_tdata_int;
- wire [3:0] tx_tuser_int;
- wire tx_tlast_int;
- wire tx_tvalid_int;
- wire tx_tready_int;
- wire [63:0] tx_tdata_int2;
- wire [3:0] tx_tuser_int2;
- wire tx_tlast_int2;
- wire tx_tvalid_int2;
- wire tx_tready_int2;
- wire tx_tvalid_int3;
- wire tx_tready_int3;
- wire tx_sof_int3;
- axi64_4k_2clk_fifo txfifo_2clk_1x
- (
- .s_aresetn(~xgmii_reset),
- .s_aclk(sys_clk),
- .s_axis_tvalid(tx_tvalid),
- .s_axis_tready(tx_tready),
- .s_axis_tdata(tx_tdata),
- .s_axis_tlast(tx_tlast),
- .s_axis_tuser(tx_tuser),
- .axis_wr_data_count(),
- .m_aclk(xgmii_clk),
- .m_axis_tvalid(tx_tvalid_int),
- .m_axis_tready(tx_tready_int),
- .m_axis_tdata(tx_tdata_int),
- .m_axis_tlast(tx_tlast_int),
- .m_axis_tuser(tx_tuser_int),
- .axis_rd_data_count() );
- //
- // Strip the 6 octet ethernet padding we used internally.
- // Put SOF into bit[3] of tuser.
- //
- axi64_to_xge64 axi64_to_xge64
- (
- .clk(xgmii_clk),
- .reset(xgmii_reset),
- .clear(clear),
- .s_axis_tdata(tx_tdata_int),
- .s_axis_tuser(tx_tuser_int),
- .s_axis_tlast(tx_tlast_int),
- .s_axis_tvalid(tx_tvalid_int),
- .s_axis_tready(tx_tready_int),
- .m_axis_tdata(tx_tdata_int2),
- .m_axis_tuser(tx_tuser_int2),
- .m_axis_tlast(tx_tlast_int2),
- .m_axis_tvalid(tx_tvalid_int2),
- .m_axis_tready(tx_tready_int2)
- );
- //
- // Large FIFO can hold a max sized ethernet packet.
- //
- axi64_8k_2clk_fifo txfifo_2clk_2
- (
- .s_aresetn(~xgmii_reset),
- .s_aclk(xgmii_clk),
- .s_axis_tvalid(tx_tvalid_int2),
- .s_axis_tready(tx_tready_int2),
- .s_axis_tdata(tx_tdata_int2),
- .s_axis_tlast(tx_tlast_int2),
- .s_axis_tuser(tx_tuser_int2),
- .axis_wr_data_count(),
- .m_aclk(xgmii_clk),
- .m_axis_tvalid(tx_tvalid_int3),
- .m_axis_tready(tx_tready_int3),
- .m_axis_tdata(eth_tx_data),
- .m_axis_tlast(eth_tx_eof),
- .m_axis_tuser({tx_sof_int3,eth_tx_occ}),
- .axis_rd_data_count() );
- //
- // Monitor number of Ethernet packets in tx_fifo2
- //
- axi_count_packets_in_fifo axi_count_packets_in_fifo
- (
- .clk(xgmii_clk),
- .reset(xgmii_reset),
- .in_axis_tvalid(tx_tvalid_int2),
- .in_axis_tready(tx_tready_int2),
- .in_axis_tlast(tx_tlast_int2),
- .out_axis_tvalid(tx_tvalid_int3),
- .out_axis_tready(tx_tready_int3),
- .out_axis_tlast(eth_tx_eof),
- .pkt_tx_full(eth_tx_full),
- .enable_tx(enable_tx) );
- //
- //
- // Supress FIFO flags to stop overflow of MAC in Tx direction
- //
- assign eth_tx_valid = tx_tvalid_int3 & enable_tx;
- assign tx_tready_int3 = enable_tx;
- assign eth_tx_sof = tx_sof_int3 & enable_tx;