path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v
diff options
authorMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:25:20 +0200
committerMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:25:20 +0200
commitfd3e84941de463fa1a7ebab0a69515b4bf2614cd (patch)
tree3fa721a13d41d2c0451d663a59a220a38fd5e614 /fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v
parent3b66804e41891e358c790b453a7a59ec7462dba4 (diff)
Removed copy of FPGA source files.
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 763 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a5ac660..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp3/lib/xge/rtl/verilog/rx_enqueue.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-//// ////
-//// File name "rx_enqueue.v" ////
-//// ////
-//// This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project ////
-//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/ ////
-//// ////
-//// Author(s): ////
-//// - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org) ////
-//// ////
-//// ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
-//// later version. ////
-//// ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
-//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details. ////
-//// ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
-//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
-//// ////
-`include "defines.v"
-module rx_enqueue(/*AUTOARG*/
- // Outputs
- rxdfifo_wdata, rxdfifo_wstatus, rxdfifo_wen, rxhfifo_ren,
- rxhfifo_wdata, rxhfifo_wstatus, rxhfifo_wen, local_fault_msg_det,
- remote_fault_msg_det, status_crc_error_tog,
- status_fragment_error_tog, status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog,
- status_pause_frame_rx_tog,
- // Inputs
- clk_xgmii_rx, reset_xgmii_rx_n, xgmii_rxd, xgmii_rxc, rxdfifo_wfull,
- rxhfifo_rdata, rxhfifo_rstatus, rxhfifo_rempty,
- rxhfifo_ralmost_empty
- );
-`include "CRC32_D64.v"
-`include "CRC32_D8.v"
-`include "utils.v"
-input clk_xgmii_rx;
-input reset_xgmii_rx_n;
-input [63:0] xgmii_rxd;
-input [7:0] xgmii_rxc;
-input rxdfifo_wfull;
-input [63:0] rxhfifo_rdata;
-input [7:0] rxhfifo_rstatus;
-input rxhfifo_rempty;
-input rxhfifo_ralmost_empty;
-output [63:0] rxdfifo_wdata;
-output [7:0] rxdfifo_wstatus;
-output rxdfifo_wen;
-output rxhfifo_ren;
-output [63:0] rxhfifo_wdata;
-output [7:0] rxhfifo_wstatus;
-output rxhfifo_wen;
-output [1:0] local_fault_msg_det;
-output [1:0] remote_fault_msg_det;
-output status_crc_error_tog;
-output status_fragment_error_tog;
-output status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;
-output status_pause_frame_rx_tog;
-// Beginning of automatic regs (for this module's undeclared outputs)
-reg [1:0] local_fault_msg_det;
-reg [1:0] remote_fault_msg_det;
-reg [63:0] rxdfifo_wdata;
-reg rxdfifo_wen;
-reg [7:0] rxdfifo_wstatus;
-reg rxhfifo_ren;
-reg [63:0] rxhfifo_wdata;
-reg rxhfifo_wen;
-reg [7:0] rxhfifo_wstatus;
-reg status_crc_error_tog;
-reg status_fragment_error_tog;
-reg status_pause_frame_rx_tog;
-reg status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;
-// End of automatics
-reg [63:32] xgmii_rxd_d1;
-reg [7:4] xgmii_rxc_d1;
-reg [63:0] xgxs_rxd_barrel;
-reg [7:0] xgxs_rxc_barrel;
-reg [63:0] xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1;
-reg [7:0] xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1;
-reg barrel_shift;
-reg [31:0] crc32_d64;
-reg [31:0] crc32_d8;
-reg [3:0] crc_bytes;
-reg [3:0] next_crc_bytes;
-reg [63:0] crc_shift_data;
-reg crc_start_8b;
-reg crc_done;
-reg crc_good;
-reg crc_clear;
-reg [31:0] crc_rx;
-reg [31:0] next_crc_rx;
-reg [2:0] curr_state;
-reg [2:0] next_state;
-reg [13:0] curr_byte_cnt;
-reg [13:0] next_byte_cnt;
-reg fragment_error;
-reg rxd_ovflow_error;
-reg coding_error;
-reg next_coding_error;
-reg [7:0] addmask;
-reg [7:0] datamask;
-reg pause_frame;
-reg next_pause_frame;
-reg pause_frame_hold;
-reg good_pause_frame;
-reg drop_data;
-reg next_drop_data;
-reg pkt_pending;
-reg rxhfifo_ren_d1;
-reg rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1;
-parameter [2:0]
- SM_IDLE = 3'd0,
- SM_RX = 3'd1;
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_rx or negedge reset_xgmii_rx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_rx_n == 1'b0) begin
- xgmii_rxd_d1 <= 32'b0;
- xgmii_rxc_d1 <= 4'b0;
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= 64'b0;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= 8'b0;
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1 <= 64'b0;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1 <= 8'b0;
- barrel_shift <= 1'b0;
- local_fault_msg_det <= 2'b0;
- remote_fault_msg_det <= 2'b0;
- crc32_d64 <= 32'b0;
- crc32_d8 <= 32'b0;
- crc_bytes <= 4'b0;
- crc_shift_data <= 64'b0;
- crc_done <= 1'b0;
- crc_rx <= 32'b0;
- pause_frame_hold <= 1'b0;
- status_crc_error_tog <= 1'b0;
- status_fragment_error_tog <= 1'b0;
- status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog <= 1'b0;
- status_pause_frame_rx_tog <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- //---
- // Link status RC layer
- // Look for local/remote messages on lower 4 lanes and upper
- // 4 lanes. This is a 64-bit interface but look at each 32-bit
- // independantly.
- local_fault_msg_det[1] <= (xgmii_rxd[63:32] ==
- {`LOCAL_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE} &&
- xgmii_rxc[7:4] == 4'b0001);
- local_fault_msg_det[0] <= (xgmii_rxd[31:0] ==
- {`LOCAL_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE} &&
- xgmii_rxc[3:0] == 4'b0001);
- remote_fault_msg_det[1] <= (xgmii_rxd[63:32] ==
- {`REMOTE_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE} &&
- xgmii_rxc[7:4] == 4'b0001);
- remote_fault_msg_det[0] <= (xgmii_rxd[31:0] ==
- {`REMOTE_FAULT, 8'h0, 8'h0, `SEQUENCE} &&
- xgmii_rxc[3:0] == 4'b0001);
- //---
- // Rotating barrel. This function allow us to always align the start of
- // a frame with LANE0. If frame starts in LANE4, it will be shifted 4 bytes
- // to LANE0, thus reducing the amount of logic needed at the next stage.
- xgmii_rxd_d1[63:32] <= xgmii_rxd[63:32];
- xgmii_rxc_d1[7:4] <= xgmii_rxc[7:4];
- if (xgmii_rxd[`LANE0] == `START && xgmii_rxc[0]) begin
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= xgmii_rxd;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= xgmii_rxc;
- barrel_shift <= 1'b0;
- end
- else if (xgmii_rxd[`LANE4] == `START && xgmii_rxc[4]) begin
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= {xgmii_rxd[31:0], xgmii_rxd_d1[63:32]};
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= {xgmii_rxc[3:0], xgmii_rxc_d1[7:4]};
- barrel_shift <= 1'b1;
- end
- else if (barrel_shift) begin
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= {xgmii_rxd[31:0], xgmii_rxd_d1[63:32]};
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= {xgmii_rxc[3:0], xgmii_rxc_d1[7:4]};
- end
- else begin
- xgxs_rxd_barrel <= xgmii_rxd;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel <= xgmii_rxc;
- end
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1 <= xgxs_rxd_barrel;
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1 <= xgxs_rxc_barrel;
- //---
- // When final CRC calculation begins we capture info relevant to
- // current frame CRC claculation continues while next frame is
- // being received.
- if (crc_start_8b) begin
- pause_frame_hold <= pause_frame;
- end
- //---
- // CRC Checking
- crc_rx <= next_crc_rx;
- if (crc_clear) begin
- // CRC is cleared at the beginning of the frame, calculate
- // 64-bit at a time otherwise
- crc32_d64 <= 32'hffffffff;
- end
- else begin
- crc32_d64 <= nextCRC32_D64(reverse_64b(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1), crc32_d64);
- end
- if (crc_bytes != 4'b0) begin
- // When reaching the end of the frame we switch from 64-bit mode
- // to 8-bit mode to accomodate odd number of bytes in the frame.
- // crc_bytes indicated the number of remaining payload byte to
- // compute CRC on. Calculate and decrement until it reaches 0.
- if (crc_bytes == 4'b1) begin
- crc_done <= 1'b1;
- end
- crc32_d8 <= nextCRC32_D8(reverse_8b(crc_shift_data[7:0]), crc32_d8);
- crc_shift_data <= {8'h00, crc_shift_data[63:8]};
- crc_bytes <= crc_bytes - 4'b1;
- end
- else if (crc_bytes == 4'b0) begin
- // Per Clause 46. Control code during data must be reported
- // as a CRC error. Indicated here by coding_error. Corrupt CRC
- // if coding error is detected.
- if (coding_error || next_coding_error) begin
- crc32_d8 <= ~crc32_d64;
- end
- else begin
- crc32_d8 <= crc32_d64;
- end
- crc_done <= 1'b0;
- crc_shift_data <= xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1;
- crc_bytes <= next_crc_bytes;
- end
- //---
- // Error detection
- if (crc_done && !crc_good) begin
- status_crc_error_tog <= ~status_crc_error_tog;
- end
- if (fragment_error) begin
- status_fragment_error_tog <= ~status_fragment_error_tog;
- end
- if (rxd_ovflow_error) begin
- status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog <= ~status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;
- end
- //---
- // Frame receive indication
- if (good_pause_frame) begin
- status_pause_frame_rx_tog <= ~status_pause_frame_rx_tog;
- end
- end
-always @(/*AS*/crc32_d8 or crc_done or crc_rx or pause_frame_hold) begin
- crc_good = 1'b0;
- good_pause_frame = 1'b0;
- if (crc_done) begin
- // Check CRC. If this is a pause frame, report it to cpu.
- if (crc_rx == ~reverse_32b(crc32_d8)) begin
- crc_good = 1'b1;
- good_pause_frame = pause_frame_hold;
- end
- end
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_rx or negedge reset_xgmii_rx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_rx_n == 1'b0) begin
- curr_state <= SM_IDLE;
- curr_byte_cnt <= 14'b0;
- coding_error <= 1'b0;
- pause_frame <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- curr_state <= next_state;
- curr_byte_cnt <= next_byte_cnt;
- coding_error <= next_coding_error;
- pause_frame <= next_pause_frame;
- end
-always @(/*AS*/coding_error or crc_rx or curr_byte_cnt or curr_state
- or pause_frame or xgxs_rxc_barrel or xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1
- or xgxs_rxd_barrel or xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1) begin
- next_state = curr_state;
- rxhfifo_wdata = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus = `RXSTATUS_NONE;
- rxhfifo_wen = 1'b0;
- addmask[0] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE0] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[0]);
- addmask[1] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE1] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[1]);
- addmask[2] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE2] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[2]);
- addmask[3] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE3] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[3]);
- addmask[4] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE4] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[4]);
- addmask[5] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE5] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[5]);
- addmask[6] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE6] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[6]);
- addmask[7] = !(xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE7] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[7]);
- datamask[0] = addmask[0];
- datamask[1] = &addmask[1:0];
- datamask[2] = &addmask[2:0];
- datamask[3] = &addmask[3:0];
- datamask[4] = &addmask[4:0];
- datamask[5] = &addmask[5:0];
- datamask[6] = &addmask[6:0];
- datamask[7] = &addmask[7:0];
- next_crc_bytes = 4'b0;
- next_crc_rx = crc_rx;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b0;
- crc_clear = 1'b0;
- next_byte_cnt = curr_byte_cnt;
- fragment_error = 1'b0;
- next_coding_error = coding_error;
- next_pause_frame = pause_frame;
- case (curr_state)
- begin
- next_byte_cnt = 14'b0;
- crc_clear = 1'b1;
- next_coding_error = 1'b0;
- next_pause_frame = 1'b0;
- // Detect the start of a frame
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE0] == `START && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[0] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE1] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[1] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE2] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[2] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE3] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[3] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE4] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[4] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE5] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[5] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE6] == `PREAMBLE && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[6] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE7] == `SFD && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[7]) begin
- next_state = SM_RX;
- end
- end
- SM_RX:
- begin
- // Pause frames are filtered
- rxhfifo_wen = !pause_frame;
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE0] == `START && xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[0] &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE7] == `SFD && !xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[7]) begin
- // Fragment received, if we are still at SOP stage don't store
- // the frame. If not, write a fake EOP and flag frame as bad.
- next_byte_cnt = 14'b0;
- crc_clear = 1'b1;
- next_coding_error = 1'b0;
- fragment_error = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_ERR] = 1'b1;
- if (curr_byte_cnt == 14'b0) begin
- rxhfifo_wen = 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- end
- end
- else if (curr_byte_cnt > 14'd9900) begin
- // Frame too long, TERMMINATE must have been corrupted.
- // Abort transfer, write a fake EOP, report as fragment.
- fragment_error = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_ERR] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- else begin
- // Pause frame receive, these frame will be filtered
- if (curr_byte_cnt == 14'd0 &&
- xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[47:0] == `PAUSE_FRAME) begin
- rxhfifo_wen = 1'b0;
- next_pause_frame = 1'b1;
- end
- // Control character during data phase, force CRC error
- if (|(xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1 & datamask)) begin
- next_coding_error = 1'b1;
- end
- // Write SOP to status bits during first byte
- if (curr_byte_cnt == 14'b0) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_SOP] = 1'b1;
- end
- /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
- next_byte_cnt = curr_byte_cnt +
- addmask[0] + addmask[1] + addmask[2] + addmask[3] +
- addmask[4] + addmask[5] + addmask[6] + addmask[7];
- /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */
- // We will not write to the fifo if all is left
- // are four or less bytes of crc. We also strip off the
- // crc, which requires looking one cycle ahead
- // wstatus:
- // [2:0] modulus of packet length
- // Look one cycle ahead for TERMINATE in lanes 0 to 4
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE4] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[4]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd0;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd8;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel[31:0];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE3] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[3]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd7;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd7;
- next_crc_rx = {xgxs_rxd_barrel[23:0], xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[63:56]};
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE2] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[2]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd6;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd6;
- next_crc_rx = {xgxs_rxd_barrel[15:0], xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[63:48]};
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE1] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[1]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd5;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd5;
- next_crc_rx = {xgxs_rxd_barrel[7:0], xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[63:40]};
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel[`LANE0] == `TERMINATE && xgxs_rxc_barrel[0]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd4;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd4;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[63:32];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- // Look at current cycle for TERMINATE in lanes 5 to 7
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE7] == `TERMINATE &&
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[7]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd3;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd3;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[55:24];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE6] == `TERMINATE &&
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[6]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd2;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd2;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[47:16];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- if (xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[`LANE5] == `TERMINATE &&
- xgxs_rxc_barrel_d1[5]) begin
- rxhfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP] = 1'b1;
- rxhfifo_wstatus[2:0] = 3'd1;
- crc_start_8b = 1'b1;
- next_crc_bytes = 4'd1;
- next_crc_rx = xgxs_rxd_barrel_d1[39:8];
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- end
- end
- default:
- begin
- next_state = SM_IDLE;
- end
- endcase
-always @(posedge clk_xgmii_rx or negedge reset_xgmii_rx_n) begin
- if (reset_xgmii_rx_n == 1'b0) begin
- rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1 <= 1'b1;
- drop_data <= 1'b0;
- pkt_pending <= 1'b0;
- rxhfifo_ren_d1 <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1 <= rxhfifo_ralmost_empty;
- drop_data <= next_drop_data;
- pkt_pending <= rxhfifo_ren;
- rxhfifo_ren_d1 <= rxhfifo_ren;
- end
-always @(/*AS*/crc_done or crc_good or drop_data or pkt_pending
- or rxdfifo_wfull or rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1 or rxhfifo_rdata
- or rxhfifo_ren_d1 or rxhfifo_rstatus) begin
- rxd_ovflow_error = 1'b0;
- rxdfifo_wdata = rxhfifo_rdata;
- rxdfifo_wstatus = rxhfifo_rstatus;
- next_drop_data = drop_data;
- // There must be at least 8 words in holding FIFO before we start reading.
- // This provides enough time for CRC calculation.
- rxhfifo_ren = !rxhfifo_ralmost_empty_d1 ||
- (pkt_pending && !rxhfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_EOP]);
- if (rxhfifo_ren_d1 && rxhfifo_rstatus[`RXSTATUS_SOP]) begin
- // Reset drop flag on SOP
- next_drop_data = 1'b0;
- end
- if (rxhfifo_ren_d1 && rxdfifo_wfull && !next_drop_data) begin
- // FIFO overflow, abort transfer. The rest of the frame
- // will be dropped. Since we can't put an EOP indication
- // in a fifo already full, there will be no EOP and receive
- // side will need to sync on next SOP.
- rxd_ovflow_error = 1'b1;
- next_drop_data = 1'b1;
- end
- rxdfifo_wen = rxhfifo_ren_d1 && !next_drop_data;
- if (crc_done && !crc_good) begin
- // Flag packet with error when CRC error is detected
- rxdfifo_wstatus[`RXSTATUS_ERR] = 1'b1;
- end
- \ No newline at end of file