path: root/fpga/usrp3/lib/packet_proc/eth_dispatch_tb.v
diff options
authorBen Hilburn <ben.hilburn@ettus.com>2013-10-10 10:17:27 -0700
committerBen Hilburn <ben.hilburn@ettus.com>2013-10-10 10:17:27 -0700
commit0df4b801a34697f2058b4a7b95e08d2a0576c9db (patch)
treebe10e78d1a97c037a9e7492360a178d1873b9c09 /fpga/usrp3/lib/packet_proc/eth_dispatch_tb.v
parent6e7bc850b66e8188718248b76b729c7cf9c89700 (diff)
Squashed B200 FPGA Source. Code from Josh Blum, Ian Buckley, and Matt Ettus.
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp3/lib/packet_proc/eth_dispatch_tb.v')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/lib/packet_proc/eth_dispatch_tb.v b/fpga/usrp3/lib/packet_proc/eth_dispatch_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecc7d1025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/lib/packet_proc/eth_dispatch_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+// Copyright 2012 Ettus Research LLC
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module eth_dispatch_tb();
+ // Clocking and reset interface
+ reg clk;
+ reg reset;
+ reg clear;
+ // Setting register interface
+ reg set_stb;
+ reg [15:0] set_addr;
+ reg [31:0] set_data;
+ // Input 68bit AXI-Stream interface (from MAC)
+ wire [63:0] in_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] in_tuser;
+ wire in_tlast;
+ wire in_tvalid;
+ wire in_tready;
+ // Output AXI-Stream interface to VITA Radio Core
+ wire [63:0] vita_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] vita_tuser;
+ wire vita_tlast;
+ wire vita_tvalid;
+ wire vita_tready;
+ // Output AXI-Stream interface to ZPU
+ wire [63:0] zpu_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] zpu_tuser;
+ wire zpu_tlast;
+ wire zpu_tvalid;
+ wire zpu_tready;
+ // Output AXI-Stream interface to cross-over MAC
+ wire [63:0] xo_tdata;
+ wire [3:0] xo_tuser;
+ wire xo_tlast;
+ wire xo_tvalid;
+ wire xo_tready;
+ reg [63:0] data_in;
+ reg [3:0] user_in;
+ reg valid_in;
+ wire ready_in;
+ reg last_in;
+ eth_dispatch
+ #(.BASE(0))
+ eth_dispatch_i
+ (
+ // Clocking and reset interface
+ .clk(clk),
+ .reset(reset),
+ .clear(clear),
+ // Setting register interface
+ .set_stb(set_stb),
+ .set_addr(set_addr),
+ .set_data(set_data),
+ // Input 68bit AXI-Stream interface (from MAC)
+ .in_tdata(in_tdata),
+ .in_tuser(in_tuser),
+ .in_tlast(in_tlast),
+ .in_tvalid(in_tvalid),
+ .in_tready(in_tready),
+ // Output AXI-STream interface to VITA Radio Core
+ .vita_tdata(vita_tdata),
+ .vita_tuser(vita_tuser),
+ .vita_tlast(vita_tlast),
+ .vita_tvalid(vita_tvalid),
+ .vita_tready(vita_tready),
+ // Output AXI-Stream interface to ZPU
+ .zpu_tdata(zpu_tdata),
+ .zpu_tuser(zpu_tuser),
+ .zpu_tlast(zpu_tlast),
+ .zpu_tvalid(zpu_tvalid),
+ .zpu_tready(zpu_tready),
+ // Output AXI-Stream interface to cross-over MAC
+ .xo_tdata(xo_tdata),
+ .xo_tuser(xo_tuser),
+ .xo_tlast(xo_tlast),
+ .xo_tvalid(xo_tvalid),
+ .xo_tready(xo_tready)
+ );
+ //
+ // Define Clocks
+ //
+ initial begin
+ clk = 1'b1;
+ end
+ // 125MHz clock
+ always #4000 clk = ~clk;
+ //
+ // Good starting state
+ //
+ initial begin
+ reset <= 0;
+ clear <= 0;
+ set_stb <= 0;
+ set_addr <= 0;
+ set_data <= 0;
+ data_in <= 0;
+ user_in <= 0;
+ valid_in <= 0;
+ last_in <= 0;
+ end
+ //
+ // Task Libaray
+ //
+ task write_setting_bus;
+ input [15:0] address;
+ input [31:0] data;
+ begin
+ @(negedge clk);
+ set_stb = 1'b0;
+ set_addr = 16'h0;
+ set_data = 32'h0;
+ @(negedge clk);
+ set_stb = 1'b1;
+ set_addr = address;
+ set_data = data;
+ @(negedge clk);
+ set_stb = 1'b0;
+ set_addr = 16'h0;
+ set_data = 32'h0;
+ end
+ endtask // write_setting_bus
+ task enqueue_line;
+ input last;
+ input [2:0] keep;
+ input [63:0] data;
+ begin
+ data_in <= {keep, data};
+ last_in <= last;
+ valid_in <= 1;
+ while (~ready_in) begin
+ @(negedge clk);
+ end
+ @(negedge clk);
+ data_in <= 0;
+ last_in <= 0;
+ valid_in <= 0;
+ end
+ endtask // enqueue_line
+ task enqueue_arp_req;
+ input [47:0] src_mac;
+ input [31:0] src_ip;
+ input [47:0] dst_mac;
+ input [31:0] dst_ip;
+ begin
+ @(negedge clk);
+ // Line 0
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {48'h0,16'hffff});
+ // Line 1 - Eth
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {32'hffffffff,src_mac[47:16]});
+ // Line 2 - Eth+ARP (HTYPE = 1, PTYPE = 0x0800)
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {src_mac[15:0],16'h0806,16'h0001,16'h0800});
+ // Line 3 - HLEN=6, PLEN=4 OPER=1
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {8'h06,8'h04,16'h0001,src_mac[47:16]});
+ // Line 4 - ARP
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {src_mac[15:0],src_ip[31:0],dst_mac[47:32]});
+ // Line 5 - ARP
+ enqueue_line( 1, 3'b0, {dst_mac[31:0],dst_ip[31:0]});
+ end
+ endtask // enqueue_arp_req
+ reg [11:0] frame_count =12'h0;
+ task enqueue_vita_pkt;
+ // We assume that we always have SID and TSF fields.
+ input [47:0] mac;
+ input [31:0] ip;
+ input [15:0] udp;
+ input [15:0] vita_size;
+ input [63:0] vita_tsf;
+ input [31:0] vita_sid;
+ integer i;
+ reg [15:0] j;
+ reg [19:0] vrl_size;
+ reg [15:0] udp_size;
+ reg [15:0] ip_size;
+ begin
+ vrl_size = vita_size + 3;
+ udp_size = vrl_size*4 + 8;
+ ip_size = udp_size + 20;
+ @(negedge clk);
+ // Line 0
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {48'h0,mac[47:32]});
+ // Line 1 - Eth
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {mac[31:0],32'h11223344});
+ // Line 2 - Eth+IP
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {16'h5566,16'h0800,16'h0000,ip_size});
+ // Line 3 - IP
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, 'h11<<16);
+ // Line 4 - IP
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {32'h09080706, ip});
+ // Line 5 - UDP
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {16'h1234, udp, udp_size, 16'h0});
+ // Line 6 - VRL
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {"VRLP",frame_count,vrl_size});
+ // Line 7 - VRT
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, {16'b0001000000010000, vita_size,vita_sid}); //vita hdr + SID
+ enqueue_line( 0, 3'b0, vita_tsf);
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 6; i < vita_size; i = i + 2) begin
+ enqueue_line( 0 , 3'b0, {j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3});
+ j = j + 4;
+ end
+ if (i-vita_size==0) // 2x32words to finish VITA packet.
+ enqueue_line( 1, 3'b0, {j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3});
+ else // 1x32bit word to finish VITA packet
+ enqueue_line( 1, 3'h4, {j,j+16'h1,j+16'h2,j+16'h3});
+ end
+ endtask // enqueue_packet
+ //
+ // Simulation specific testbench is included here
+ //
+`include "simulation_script.v"
+ //
+ // Input FIFO
+ //
+ axi_fifo_short
+ #(.WIDTH(69)) axi_fifo_short_in
+ (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .reset(reset),
+ .clear(clear),
+ .o_tdata({in_tlast,in_tuser,in_tdata}),
+ .o_tvalid(in_tvalid),
+ .o_tready(in_tready),
+ .i_tdata({last_in,user_in,data_in}),
+ .i_tvalid(valid_in),
+ .i_tready(ready_in),
+ .space(),
+ .occupied()
+ );
+ //
+ // Output Sinks
+ //
+ axi_probe_tb
+ #(.FILENAME("zpu.txt"),.VITA_PORT0(60000),.VITA_PORT1(60001)) axi_probe_tb_zpu
+ (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .reset(reset),
+ .clear(clear),
+ .tdata(zpu_tdata),
+ .tvalid(zpu_tvalid),
+ .tready(zpu_tready),
+ .tlast(zpu_tlast)
+ );
+ assign zpu_tready = 1'b1;
+ axi_probe_tb
+ #(.FILENAME("xo.txt"),.VITA_PORT0(60000),.VITA_PORT1(60001)) axi_probe_tb_xo
+ (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .reset(reset),
+ .clear(clear),
+ .tdata(xo_tdata),
+ .tvalid(xo_tvalid),
+ .tready(xo_tready),
+ .tlast(xo_tlast)
+ );
+ assign xo_tready = 1'b1;
+ axi_probe_tb
+ #(.FILENAME("vita.txt"),.VITA_PORT0(60000),.VITA_PORT1(60001),.START_AT_VRL(1)) axi_probe_tb_vita
+ (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .reset(reset),
+ .clear(clear),
+ .tdata(vita_tdata),
+ .tvalid(vita_tvalid),
+ .tready(vita_tready),
+ .tlast(vita_tlast)
+ );
+ assign vita_tready = 1'b1;
+endmodule // eth_dispatch_tb