path: root/fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/small_hb_dec.v
diff options
authorMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:25:20 +0200
committerMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:25:20 +0200
commitfd3e84941de463fa1a7ebab0a69515b4bf2614cd (patch)
tree3fa721a13d41d2c0451d663a59a220a38fd5e614 /fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/small_hb_dec.v
parent3b66804e41891e358c790b453a7a59ec7462dba4 (diff)
Removed copy of FPGA source files.
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/small_hb_dec.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/small_hb_dec.v b/fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/small_hb_dec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c05a48b81..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/sdr_lib/small_hb_dec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Ettus Research LLC
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// Short halfband decimator (intended to be followed by another stage)
-// Implements impulse responses of the form [A 0 B 0.5 B 0 A]
-// These taps designed by halfgen4 from ldoolittle:
-// 2 * 131072 * halfgen4(.75/8,2)
-module small_hb_dec
- #(parameter WIDTH=18)
- (input clk,
- input rst,
- input bypass,
- input run,
- input stb_in,
- input [WIDTH-1:0] data_in,
- output reg stb_out,
- output reg [WIDTH-1:0] data_out);
- // Round off inputs to 17 bits because of 18 bit multipliers
- localparam INTWIDTH = 17;
- wire [INTWIDTH-1:0] data_rnd;
- wire stb_rnd;
- round_sd #(.WIDTH_IN(WIDTH),.WIDTH_OUT(INTWIDTH)) round_in
- (.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.in(data_in),.strobe_in(stb_in),.out(data_rnd),.strobe_out(stb_rnd));
- reg stb_rnd_d1;
- reg [INTWIDTH-1:0] data_rnd_d1;
- always @(posedge clk) stb_rnd_d1 <= stb_rnd;
- always @(posedge clk) data_rnd_d1 <= data_rnd;
- wire go;
- reg phase, go_d1, go_d2, go_d3, go_d4;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(rst | ~run)
- phase <= 0;
- else if(stb_rnd_d1)
- phase <= ~phase;
- assign go = stb_rnd_d1 & phase;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(rst | ~run)
- begin
- go_d1 <= 0;
- go_d2 <= 0;
- go_d3 <= 0;
- go_d4 <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- go_d1 <= go;
- go_d2 <= go_d1;
- go_d3 <= go_d2;
- go_d4 <= go_d3;
- end
- wire [17:0] coeff_a = -10690;
- wire [17:0] coeff_b = 75809;
- reg [INTWIDTH-1:0] d1, d2, d3, d4 , d5, d6;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(stb_rnd_d1 | rst)
- begin
- d1 <= data_rnd_d1;
- d2 <= d1;
- d3 <= d2;
- d4 <= d3;
- d5 <= d4;
- d6 <= d5;
- end
- reg [17:0] sum_a, sum_b, middle, middle_d1;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(go)
- begin
- sum_a <= {data_rnd_d1[INTWIDTH-1],data_rnd_d1} + {d6[INTWIDTH-1],d6};
- sum_b <= {d2[INTWIDTH-1],d2} + {d4[INTWIDTH-1],d4};
- //middle <= {d3[INTWIDTH-1],d3};
- middle <= {d3,1'b0};
- end
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(go_d1)
- middle_d1 <= middle;
- wire [17:0] sum = go_d1 ? sum_b : sum_a;
- wire [17:0] coeff = go_d1 ? coeff_b : coeff_a;
- wire [35:0] prod;
- MULT18X18S mult(.C(clk), .CE(go_d1 | go_d2), .R(rst), .P(prod), .A(coeff), .B(sum) );
- localparam ACCWIDTH = 30;
- reg [ACCWIDTH-1:0] accum;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(rst)
- accum <= 0;
- else if(go_d2)
- accum <= {middle_d1[17],middle_d1[17],middle_d1,{(16+ACCWIDTH-36){1'b0}}} + {prod[35:36-ACCWIDTH]};
- else if(go_d3)
- accum <= accum + {prod[35:36-ACCWIDTH]};
- wire [WIDTH:0] accum_rnd;
- wire [WIDTH-1:0] accum_rnd_clip;
- wire stb_round;
- round_sd #(.WIDTH_IN(ACCWIDTH),.WIDTH_OUT(WIDTH+1)) round_acc
- (.clk(clk), .reset(rst), .in(accum), .strobe_in(go_d4), .out(accum_rnd), .strobe_out(stb_round));
- clip #(.bits_in(WIDTH+1),.bits_out(WIDTH)) clip (.in(accum_rnd), .out(accum_rnd_clip));
- // Output
- always @(posedge clk)
- begin
- stb_out <= bypass ? stb_in : stb_round;
- data_out <= bypass ? data_in : accum_rnd_clip;
- end
-endmodule // small_hb_dec