path: root/fpga/usrp2/fifo/packet_dispatcher36_x4.v
diff options
authorJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2012-03-23 14:41:08 -0700
committerJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2012-03-23 14:41:08 -0700
commit672da0df2d03a50f5bb824aa8d5d9512d040382f (patch)
tree94391fb427c864a27a3c046cdc364bf57a0b0f12 /fpga/usrp2/fifo/packet_dispatcher36_x4.v
parent6acafe3a1762e434529569ad4164a03678996a9e (diff)
parent6d70e5b3ad4c973a798dd00335fb8785b8c84ff3 (diff)
Merge branch 'fpga_next' into next
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp2/fifo/packet_dispatcher36_x4.v')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/fifo/packet_dispatcher36_x4.v b/fpga/usrp2/fifo/packet_dispatcher36_x4.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7eedb3e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp2/fifo/packet_dispatcher36_x4.v
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+// Copyright 2011-2012 Ettus Research LLC
+// Packet dispatcher with fifo36 interface and 4 outputs.
+// The packet dispatcher expects 2-byte padded ethernet frames.
+// The frames will be inspected at ethernet, IPv4, UDP, and VRT layers.
+// Packets are dispatched into the following streams:
+// * tx dsp stream
+// * tx control stream
+// * to cpu stream
+// * to external stream
+// * to both cpu and external
+// The following registers are used for dispatcher control:
+// * base + 0 = this ipv4 address (32 bits)
+// * base + 1 = udp control port (upper 16 bits), udp dsp port (lower 16 bits)
+module packet_dispatcher36_x4
+ #(
+ parameter BASE = 0
+ )
+ (
+ //clocking and reset interface:
+ input clk, input rst, input clr,
+ //setting register interface:
+ input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
+ //input stream interfaces:
+ input [35:0] com_inp_data, input com_inp_valid, output com_inp_ready,
+ //output stream interfaces:
+ output [35:0] ext_out_data, output ext_out_valid, input ext_out_ready,
+ output [35:0] dsp_out_data, output dsp_out_valid, input dsp_out_ready,
+ output [35:0] ctl_out_data, output ctl_out_valid, input ctl_out_ready,
+ output [35:0] cpu_out_data, output cpu_out_valid, input cpu_out_ready
+ );
+ //setting register to program the IP address
+ wire [31:0] my_ip_addr;
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+0)) sreg_ip_addr(
+ .clk(clk),.rst(rst),
+ .strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),.in(set_data),
+ .out(my_ip_addr),.changed()
+ );
+ //setting register to program the UDP DSP port
+ wire [15:0] dsp_udp_port, ctl_udp_port;
+ setting_reg #(.my_addr(BASE+1), .width(32)) sreg_data_port(
+ .clk(clk),.rst(rst),
+ .strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),.in(set_data),
+ .out({ctl_udp_port, dsp_udp_port}),.changed()
+ );
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Communication input inspector
+ // - inspect com input and send it to DSP, EXT, CPU, or BOTH
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ localparam PD_STATE_READ_COM_PRE = 0;
+ localparam PD_STATE_READ_COM = 1;
+ localparam PD_STATE_WRITE_REGS = 2;
+ localparam PD_STATE_WRITE_LIVE = 3;
+ localparam PD_DEST_DSP = 0;
+ localparam PD_DEST_EXT = 1;
+ localparam PD_DEST_CPU = 2;
+ localparam PD_DEST_BOF = 3;
+ localparam PD_DEST_CTL = 4;
+ localparam PD_MAX_NUM_DREGS = 13; //padded_eth + ip + udp + seq + vrt_hdr
+ localparam PD_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET = 11; //offset to start dsp at
+ //output inspector interfaces
+ wire [35:0] pd_out_dsp_data;
+ wire pd_out_dsp_valid;
+ wire pd_out_dsp_ready;
+ wire [35:0] pd_out_ext_data;
+ wire pd_out_ext_valid;
+ wire pd_out_ext_ready;
+ wire [35:0] pd_out_cpu_data;
+ wire pd_out_cpu_valid;
+ wire pd_out_cpu_ready;
+ wire [35:0] pd_out_bof_data;
+ wire pd_out_bof_valid;
+ wire pd_out_bof_ready;
+ wire [35:0] pd_out_ctl_data;
+ wire pd_out_ctl_valid;
+ wire pd_out_ctl_ready;
+ reg [1:0] pd_state;
+ reg [2:0] pd_dest;
+ reg [3:0] pd_dreg_count; //data registers to buffer headers
+ wire [3:0] pd_dreg_count_next = pd_dreg_count + 1'b1;
+ wire pd_dreg_counter_done = (pd_dreg_count_next == PD_MAX_NUM_DREGS)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ reg [35:0] pd_dregs [PD_MAX_NUM_DREGS-1:0];
+ reg is_eth_dst_mac_bcast;
+ reg is_eth_type_ipv4;
+ reg is_eth_ipv4_proto_udp;
+ reg is_eth_ipv4_dst_addr_here;
+ reg is_eth_udp_dsp_port_here;
+ reg is_eth_udp_ctl_port_here;
+ wire is_vrt_size_zero = (com_inp_data[15:0] == 16'h0); //needed on the same cycle, so it cant be registered
+ //Inspector output flags special case:
+ //Inject SOF into flags at first DSP line.
+ wire [3:0] pd_out_flags = (
+ (pd_dreg_count == PD_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET) &&
+ (pd_dest == PD_DEST_DSP)
+ )? 4'b0001 : pd_dregs[pd_dreg_count][35:32];
+ //The communication inspector ouput data and valid signals:
+ //Mux between com input and data registers based on the state.
+ wire [35:0] pd_out_data = (pd_state == PD_STATE_WRITE_REGS)?
+ {pd_out_flags, pd_dregs[pd_dreg_count][31:0]} : com_inp_data
+ ;
+ wire pd_out_valid =
+ (pd_state == PD_STATE_WRITE_REGS)? 1'b1 : (
+ (pd_state == PD_STATE_WRITE_LIVE)? com_inp_valid : (
+ 1'b0));
+ //The communication inspector ouput ready signal:
+ //Mux between the various destination ready signals.
+ wire pd_out_ready =
+ (pd_dest == PD_DEST_DSP)? pd_out_dsp_ready : (
+ (pd_dest == PD_DEST_EXT)? pd_out_ext_ready : (
+ (pd_dest == PD_DEST_CPU)? pd_out_cpu_ready : (
+ (pd_dest == PD_DEST_BOF)? pd_out_bof_ready : (
+ (pd_dest == PD_DEST_CTL)? pd_out_ctl_ready : (
+ 1'b0)))));
+ //Always connected output data lines.
+ assign pd_out_dsp_data = pd_out_data;
+ assign pd_out_ext_data = pd_out_data;
+ assign pd_out_cpu_data = pd_out_data;
+ assign pd_out_bof_data = pd_out_data;
+ assign pd_out_ctl_data = pd_out_data;
+ //Destination output valid signals:
+ //Comes from inspector valid when destination is selected, and otherwise low.
+ assign pd_out_dsp_valid = (pd_dest == PD_DEST_DSP)? pd_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ assign pd_out_ext_valid = (pd_dest == PD_DEST_EXT)? pd_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ assign pd_out_cpu_valid = (pd_dest == PD_DEST_CPU)? pd_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ assign pd_out_bof_valid = (pd_dest == PD_DEST_BOF)? pd_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ assign pd_out_ctl_valid = (pd_dest == PD_DEST_CTL)? pd_out_valid : 1'b0;
+ //The communication inspector ouput ready signal:
+ //Always ready when storing to data registers,
+ //comes from inspector ready output when live,
+ //and otherwise low.
+ assign com_inp_ready =
+ (pd_state == PD_STATE_READ_COM_PRE) ? 1'b1 : (
+ (pd_state == PD_STATE_READ_COM) ? 1'b1 : (
+ (pd_state == PD_STATE_WRITE_LIVE) ? pd_out_ready : (
+ 1'b0)));
+ //inspect the incoming data and mark register booleans
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if (com_inp_ready & com_inp_valid) begin
+ case(pd_dreg_count)
+ 0: begin
+ is_eth_dst_mac_bcast <= (com_inp_data[15:0] == 16'hffff);
+ end
+ 1: begin
+ is_eth_dst_mac_bcast <= is_eth_dst_mac_bcast && (com_inp_data[31:0] == 32'hffffffff);
+ end
+ 3: begin
+ is_eth_type_ipv4 <= (com_inp_data[15:0] == 16'h800);
+ end
+ 6: begin
+ is_eth_ipv4_proto_udp <= (com_inp_data[23:16] == 8'h11);
+ end
+ 8: begin
+ is_eth_ipv4_dst_addr_here <= (com_inp_data[31:0] == my_ip_addr);
+ end
+ 9: begin
+ is_eth_udp_dsp_port_here <= (com_inp_data[15:0] == dsp_udp_port);
+ is_eth_udp_ctl_port_here <= (com_inp_data[15:0] == ctl_udp_port);
+ end
+ endcase //pd_dreg_count
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(rst | clr) begin
+ pd_state <= PD_STATE_READ_COM_PRE;
+ pd_dreg_count <= 0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ case(pd_state)
+ if (com_inp_ready & com_inp_valid & com_inp_data[32]) begin
+ pd_state <= PD_STATE_READ_COM;
+ pd_dreg_count <= pd_dreg_count_next;
+ pd_dregs[pd_dreg_count] <= com_inp_data;
+ end
+ end
+ if (com_inp_ready & com_inp_valid) begin
+ pd_dregs[pd_dreg_count] <= com_inp_data;
+ if (pd_dreg_counter_done | com_inp_data[33]) begin
+ pd_state <= PD_STATE_WRITE_REGS;
+ pd_dreg_count <= 0;
+ //---------- begin inspection decision -----------//
+ //EOF or bcast or not IPv4 or not UDP:
+ if (
+ com_inp_data[33] || is_eth_dst_mac_bcast ||
+ ~is_eth_type_ipv4 || ~is_eth_ipv4_proto_udp
+ ) begin
+ pd_dest <= PD_DEST_BOF;
+ end
+ //not my IP address:
+ else if (~is_eth_ipv4_dst_addr_here) begin
+ pd_dest <= PD_DEST_EXT;
+ end
+ //UDP control port and VRT:
+ else if (is_eth_udp_ctl_port_here && ~is_vrt_size_zero) begin
+ pd_dest <= PD_DEST_CTL;
+ pd_dreg_count <= PD_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET;
+ end
+ //UDP data port and VRT:
+ else if (is_eth_udp_dsp_port_here && ~is_vrt_size_zero) begin
+ pd_dest <= PD_DEST_DSP;
+ pd_dreg_count <= PD_DREGS_DSP_OFFSET;
+ end
+ //other:
+ else begin
+ pd_dest <= PD_DEST_CPU;
+ end
+ //---------- end inspection decision -------------//
+ end
+ else begin
+ pd_dreg_count <= pd_dreg_count_next;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (pd_out_ready & pd_out_valid) begin
+ if (pd_out_data[33]) begin
+ pd_state <= PD_STATE_READ_COM_PRE;
+ pd_dreg_count <= 0;
+ end
+ else if (pd_dreg_counter_done) begin
+ pd_state <= PD_STATE_WRITE_LIVE;
+ pd_dreg_count <= 0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ pd_dreg_count <= pd_dreg_count_next;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (pd_out_ready & pd_out_valid & pd_out_data[33]) begin
+ pd_state <= PD_STATE_READ_COM_PRE;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase //pd_state
+ end
+ //connect this fast-path signals directly to the DSP out
+ assign dsp_out_data = pd_out_dsp_data;
+ assign dsp_out_valid = pd_out_dsp_valid;
+ assign pd_out_dsp_ready = dsp_out_ready;
+ assign ctl_out_data = pd_out_ctl_data;
+ assign ctl_out_valid = pd_out_ctl_valid;
+ assign pd_out_ctl_ready = ctl_out_ready;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Splitter and output muxes for the bof packets
+ // - split the bof packets into two streams
+ // - mux split packets into cpu out and ext out
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //dummy signals to join the the splitter and muxes below
+ wire [35:0] _split_to_ext_data, _split_to_cpu_data;
+ wire _split_to_ext_valid, _split_to_cpu_valid;
+ wire _split_to_ext_ready, _split_to_cpu_ready;
+ splitter36 bof_out_splitter(
+ .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .clr(clr),
+ .inp_data(pd_out_bof_data), .inp_valid(pd_out_bof_valid), .inp_ready(pd_out_bof_ready),
+ .out0_data(_split_to_ext_data), .out0_valid(_split_to_ext_valid), .out0_ready(_split_to_ext_ready),
+ .out1_data(_split_to_cpu_data), .out1_valid(_split_to_cpu_valid), .out1_ready(_split_to_cpu_ready)
+ );
+ fifo36_mux ext_out_mux(
+ .clk(clk), .reset(rst), .clear(clr),
+ .data0_i(pd_out_ext_data), .src0_rdy_i(pd_out_ext_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(pd_out_ext_ready),
+ .data1_i(_split_to_ext_data), .src1_rdy_i(_split_to_ext_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(_split_to_ext_ready),
+ .data_o(ext_out_data), .src_rdy_o(ext_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(ext_out_ready)
+ );
+ fifo36_mux cpu_out_mux(
+ .clk(clk), .reset(rst), .clear(clr),
+ .data0_i(pd_out_cpu_data), .src0_rdy_i(pd_out_cpu_valid), .dst0_rdy_o(pd_out_cpu_ready),
+ .data1_i(_split_to_cpu_data), .src1_rdy_i(_split_to_cpu_valid), .dst1_rdy_o(_split_to_cpu_ready),
+ .data_o(cpu_out_data), .src_rdy_o(cpu_out_valid), .dst_rdy_i(cpu_out_ready)
+ );
+endmodule // packet_dispatcher36_x3