path: root/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/shortfifo.v
diff options
authorJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-04-15 11:24:24 -0700
committerJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-04-15 11:24:24 -0700
commit05d77f772317de5d925301aa11bb9a880656dd05 (patch)
tree0910bfb9265fab1644a3d3a1706719f1b038d193 /fpga/usrp2/control_lib/shortfifo.v
parent16818dc98e97b69a028c47e66ebfb16e32565533 (diff)
moved usrp1 and usrp2 fpga dirs into fpga subdirectory
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp2/control_lib/shortfifo.v')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/shortfifo.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/shortfifo.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8ce1428e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/shortfifo.v
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+module shortfifo
+ #(parameter WIDTH=32)
+ (input clk, input rst,
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] datain,
+ output [WIDTH-1:0] dataout,
+ input read,
+ input write,
+ input clear,
+ output reg full,
+ output reg empty,
+ output reg [4:0] space,
+ output reg [4:0] occupied);
+ reg [3:0] a;
+ genvar i;
+ generate
+ for (i=0;i<WIDTH;i=i+1)
+ begin : gen_srl16
+ SRL16E
+ srl16e(.Q(dataout[i]),
+ .A0(a[0]),.A1(a[1]),.A2(a[2]),.A3(a[3]),
+ .CE(write),.CLK(clk),.D(datain[i]));
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(rst)
+ begin
+ a <= 0;
+ empty <= 1;
+ full <= 0;
+ end
+ else if(clear)
+ begin
+ a <= 0;
+ empty <= 1;
+ full<= 0;
+ end
+ else if(read & ~write)
+ begin
+ full <= 0;
+ if(a==0)
+ empty <= 1;
+ else
+ a <= a - 1;
+ end
+ else if(write & ~read)
+ begin
+ empty <= 0;
+ if(~empty)
+ a <= a + 1;
+ if(a == 14)
+ full <= 1;
+ end
+ // NOTE will fail if you write into a full fifo or read from an empty one
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // space and occupied are used for diagnostics, not
+ // guaranteed correct
+ //assign space = full ? 0 : empty ? 16 : 15-a;
+ //assign occupied = empty ? 0 : full ? 16 : a+1;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(rst)
+ space <= 16;
+ else if(clear)
+ space <= 16;
+ else if(read & ~write)
+ space <= space + 1;
+ else if(write & ~read)
+ space <= space - 1;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if(rst)
+ occupied <= 0;
+ else if(clear)
+ occupied <= 0;
+ else if(read & ~write)
+ occupied <= occupied - 1;
+ else if(write & ~read)
+ occupied <= occupied + 1;
+endmodule // shortfifo