path: root/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo
diff options
authorJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-06-18 12:33:40 -0700
committerJosh Blum <josh@joshknows.com>2010-06-18 12:33:40 -0700
commitefbeb60d1dd7e870a48cf42df9a3650aefbf26cd (patch)
tree12131942ff9f85f7776a864cb79120bab778d8f9 /fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo
parentdf80be9c61d95402976d3349acf62630044c1939 (diff)
parentedcc2df10ba59ed91ac9513c2dc1d36e155caaec (diff)
Merge branch 'uhd_fpga_merge' into pre_merge
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo')
21 files changed, 0 insertions, 7528 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/.gitignore b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index cba7efc8e..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_int.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_int.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b45ed3532..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_int.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// FIFO Interface to the 2K buffer RAMs
-// Read port is read-acknowledge
-// FIXME do we want to be able to interleave reads and writes?
-module buffer_int
- #(parameter BUF_NUM = 0,
- parameter BUF_SIZE = 9)
- (// Control Interface
- input clk,
- input rst,
- input [31:0] ctrl_word,
- input go,
- output done,
- output error,
- output idle,
- output [1:0] flag,
- // Buffer Interface
- output en_o,
- output we_o,
- output reg [BUF_SIZE-1:0] addr_o,
- output [31:0] dat_to_buf,
- input [31:0] dat_from_buf,
- // Write FIFO Interface
- input [31:0] wr_data_i,
- input [3:0] wr_flags_i,
- input wr_ready_i,
- output wr_ready_o,
- // Read FIFO Interface
- output [31:0] rd_data_o,
- output [3:0] rd_flags_o,
- output rd_ready_o,
- input rd_ready_i
- );
- reg [31:0] ctrl_reg;
- reg go_reg;
- always @(posedge clk)
- go_reg <= go;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(rst)
- ctrl_reg <= 0;
- else
- if(go & (ctrl_word[31:28] == BUF_NUM))
- ctrl_reg <= ctrl_word;
- wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] firstline = ctrl_reg[BUF_SIZE-1:0];
- wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] lastline = ctrl_reg[2*BUF_SIZE-1:BUF_SIZE];
- wire read = ctrl_reg[22];
- wire write = ctrl_reg[23];
- wire clear = ctrl_reg[24];
- //wire [2:0] port = ctrl_reg[27:25]; // Ignored in this block
- //wire [3:0] buff_num = ctrl_reg[31:28]; // Ignored here ?
- localparam IDLE = 3'd0;
- localparam PRE_READ = 3'd1;
- localparam READING = 3'd2;
- localparam WRITING = 3'd3;
- localparam ERROR = 3'd4;
- localparam DONE = 3'd5;
- reg [2:0] state;
- reg rd_sop, rd_eop;
- wire wr_sop, wr_eop, wr_error;
- reg [1:0] rd_occ;
- wire [1:0] wr_occ;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(rst)
- begin
- state <= IDLE;
- rd_sop <= 0;
- rd_eop <= 0;
- rd_occ <= 0;
- end
- else
- if(clear)
- begin
- state <= IDLE;
- rd_sop <= 0;
- rd_eop <= 0;
- rd_occ <= 0;
- end
- else
- case(state)
- IDLE :
- if(go_reg & read)
- begin
- addr_o <= firstline;
- state <= PRE_READ;
- end
- else if(go_reg & write)
- begin
- addr_o <= firstline;
- state <= WRITING;
- end
- begin
- state <= READING;
- addr_o <= addr_o + 1;
- rd_occ <= 2'b00;
- rd_sop <= 1;
- rd_eop <= 0;
- end
- if(rd_ready_i)
- begin
- rd_sop <= 0;
- addr_o <= addr_o + 1;
- if(addr_o == lastline)
- begin
- rd_eop <= 1;
- // FIXME assign occ here
- rd_occ <= 0;
- end
- else
- rd_eop <= 0;
- if(rd_eop)
- state <= DONE;
- end
- begin
- if(wr_ready_i)
- begin
- addr_o <= addr_o + 1;
- if(wr_error)
- begin
- state <= ERROR;
- // Save OCC flags here
- end
- else if((addr_o == lastline)||wr_eop)
- state <= DONE;
- end // if (wr_ready_i)
- end // case: WRITING
- endcase // case(state)
- assign dat_to_buf = wr_data_i;
- assign rd_data_o = dat_from_buf;
- assign rd_flags_o = { rd_occ[1:0], rd_eop, rd_sop };
- assign rd_ready_o = (state == READING);
- assign wr_sop = wr_flags_i[0];
- assign wr_eop = wr_flags_i[1];
- assign wr_occ = wr_flags_i[3:2];
- assign wr_error = wr_sop & wr_eop;
- assign wr_ready_o = (state == WRITING);
- assign we_o = (state == WRITING);
- //assign we_o = (state == WRITING) && wr_ready_i; // always write to avoid timing issue
- assign en_o = ~((state==READING)& ~rd_ready_i); // FIXME potential critical path
- assign done = (state == DONE);
- assign error = (state == ERROR);
- assign idle = (state == IDLE);
-endmodule // buffer_int
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_int_tb.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_int_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index df54dcc0b..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_int_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-module buffer_int_tb ();
- reg clk = 0;
- reg rst = 1;
- initial #100 rst = 0;
- always #5 clk = ~clk;
- wire en, we;
- wire [8:0] addr;
- wire [31:0] fifo2buf, buf2fifo;
- wire [31:0] rd_data_o;
- wire [3:0] rd_flags_o;
- wire rd_sop_o, rd_eop_o;
- reg rd_error_i = 0, rd_read_i = 0;
- reg [31:0] wr_data_i = 0;
- wire [3:0] wr_flags_i;
- reg wr_eop_i = 0, wr_sop_i = 0;
- reg wr_write_i = 0;
- wire wr_ready_o, wr_full_o;
- reg clear = 0, write = 0, read = 0;
- reg [8:0] firstline = 0, lastline = 0;
- wire [3:0] step = 1;
- wire [31:0] ctrl_word = {4'b0,3'b0,clear,write,read,step,lastline,firstline};
- reg go = 0;
- wire done, error;
- assign wr_flags_i = {2'b00, wr_eop_i, wr_sop_i};
- assign rd_sop_o = rd_flags_o[0];
- assign rd_eop_o = rd_flags_o[1];
- buffer_int buffer_int
- (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),
- .ctrl_word(ctrl_word),.go(go),
- .done(done),.error(error),
- // Buffer Interface
- .en_o(en),.we_o(we),.addr_o(addr),
- .dat_to_buf(fifo2buf),.dat_from_buf(buf2fifo),
- // Write FIFO Interface
- .wr_data_i(wr_data_i), .wr_flags_i(wr_flags_i), .wr_write_i(wr_write_i), .wr_ready_o(wr_ready_o),
- // Read FIFO Interface
- .rd_data_o(rd_data_o), .rd_flags_o(rd_flags_o), .rd_ready_o(rd_ready_o), .rd_read_i(rd_read_i)
- );
- reg ram_en = 0, ram_we = 0;
- reg [8:0] ram_addr = 0;
- reg [31:0] ram_data = 0;
- ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(32),.AWIDTH(9)) ram_2port
- (.clka(clk), .ena(ram_en), .wea(ram_we), .addra(ram_addr), .dia(ram_data), .doa(),
- .clkb(clk), .enb(en), .web(we), .addrb(addr), .dib(fifo2buf), .dob(buf2fifo) );
- initial
- begin
- @(negedge rst);
- @(posedge clk);
- FillRAM;
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(5,10);
- $display("Testing full read, no wait states.");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(6,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(5,10);
- $display("Testing full read, 2 wait states.");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(6,2);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(5,10);
- $display("Testing partial read, 0 wait states, then nothing after last.");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(3,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(5,10);
- $display("Testing partial read, 0 wait states, then done at same time as last.");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(2,0);
- ReadALine;
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(5,10);
- $display("Testing partial read, 3 wait states, then error at same time as last.");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(2,3);
- rd_error_i <= 1;
- ReadALine;
- rd_error_i <= 0;
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(500,511);
- $display("Testing full read, to the end of the buffer.");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(12,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(0,511);
- $display("Testing full read, start to end of the buffer.");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(512,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(505,3);
- $display("Testing full read, wraparound");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(11,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(10,15);
- $display("Testing Full Write, no wait states");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- WriteLines(6,0,72);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(18,23);
- $display("Testing Full Write, 1 wait states");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- WriteLines(6,1,101);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(27,40);
- $display("Testing Partial Write, 0 wait states");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- WriteLines(6,0,201);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(45,200);
- $display("Testing Partial Write, 0 wait states, then done and write simultaneously");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- wr_sop_i <= 1; wr_eop_i <= 0;
- WriteLines(6,0,301);
- wr_sop_i <= 0; wr_eop_i <= 1;
- WriteALine(400);
- wr_sop_i <= 0; wr_eop_i <= 0;
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(55,200);
- $display("Testing Partial Write, 0 wait states, then error");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- WriteLines(6,0,501);
- wr_sop_i <= 1; wr_eop_i <= 1;
- WriteALine(400);
- @(posedge clk);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- wr_sop_i <= 0; wr_eop_i <= 0;
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(0,82);
- $display("Testing read after all the writes");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(83,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(508,4);
- $display("Testing wraparound write");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- WriteLines(9,0,601);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(506,10);
- $display("Reading wraparound write");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(17,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(0,511);
- $display("Testing Whole Buffer write");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- WriteLines(512,0,1000);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(0,511);
- $display("Reading Whole Buffer write");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(512,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- /*
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(5,10);
- $display("Testing Write Too Many");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- WriteLines(12,0,2000);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(0,15);
- $display("Reading back Write Too Many");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(16,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- */
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferWrite(15,20);
- $display("Testing Write One Less Than Full");
- while(!wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- wr_sop_i <= 1; wr_eop_i <= 0;
- WriteALine(400);
- wr_sop_i <= 0; wr_eop_i <= 0;
- WriteLines(3,0,2000);
- wr_sop_i <= 0; wr_eop_i <= 1;
- WriteALine(400);
- wr_sop_i <= 0; wr_eop_i <= 0;
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- SetBufferRead(13,22);
- $display("Reading back Write One Less Than Full");
- while(!rd_sop_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadLines(10,0);
- repeat (10)
- @(posedge clk);
- ResetBuffer;
- repeat(100)
- @(posedge clk);
- $finish;
- end
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(rd_read_i == 1'd1)
- $display("READ Buffer %d, rd_sop_o %d, rd_eop_o %d", rd_data_o, rd_sop_o, rd_eop_o);
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(wr_write_i == 1'd1)
- $display("WRITE Buffer %d, wr_ready_o %d, wr_full_o %d", wr_data_i, wr_ready_o, wr_full_o);
- initial begin
- $dumpfile("buffer_int_tb.lxt");
- $dumpvars(0,buffer_int_tb);
- end
- task FillRAM;
- begin
- ram_addr <= 0;
- ram_data <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- ram_en <= 1;
- ram_we <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- repeat (511)
- begin
- ram_addr <= ram_addr + 1;
- ram_data <= ram_data + 1;
- ram_en <= 1;
- ram_we <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- ram_en <= 0;
- ram_we <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- $display("Filled the RAM");
- end
- endtask // FillRAM
- task ResetBuffer;
- begin
- clear <= 1; read <= 0; write <= 0;
- go <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- go <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- $display("Buffer Reset");
- end
- endtask // ClearBuffer
- task SetBufferWrite;
- input [8:0] start;
- input [8:0] stop;
- begin
- clear <= 0; read <= 0; write <= 1;
- firstline <= start;
- lastline <= stop;
- go <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- go <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- $display("Buffer Set for Write");
- end
- endtask // SetBufferWrite
- task SetBufferRead;
- input [8:0] start;
- input [8:0] stop;
- begin
- clear <= 0; read <= 1; write <= 0;
- firstline <= start;
- lastline <= stop;
- go <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- go <= 0;
- @(posedge clk);
- $display("Buffer Set for Read");
- end
- endtask // SetBufferRead
- task ReadALine;
- begin
- while(~rd_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 rd_read_i <= 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- rd_read_i <= 0;
- end
- endtask // ReadALine
- task ReadLines;
- input [9:0] lines;
- input [7:0] wait_states;
- begin
- $display("Read Lines: Number %d, Wait States %d",lines,wait_states);
- repeat (lines)
- begin
- ReadALine;
- repeat (wait_states)
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- end
- endtask // ReadLines
- task WriteALine;
- input [31:0] value;
- begin
- while(~wr_ready_o)
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 wr_write_i <= 1;
- wr_data_i <= value;
- @(posedge clk);
- wr_write_i <= 0;
- end
- endtask // WriteALine
- task WriteLines;
- input [9:0] lines;
- input [7:0] wait_states;
- input [31:0] value;
- begin
- $display("Write Lines: Number %d, Wait States %d",lines,wait_states);
- repeat(lines)
- begin
- value <= value + 1;
- WriteALine(value);
- repeat(wait_states)
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- end
- endtask // WriteLines
-endmodule // buffer_int_tb
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_pool.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_pool.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ac1deb3..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_pool.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-// Buffer pool. Contains 8 buffers, each 2K (512 by 32). Each buffer
-// is a dual-ported RAM. Port A on each of them is indirectly connected
-// to the wishbone bus by a bridge. Port B may be connected any one of the
-// 8 (4 rd, 4 wr) FIFO-like streaming interaces, or disconnected. The wishbone bus
-// provides access to all 8 buffers, and also controls the connections
-// between the ports and the buffers, allocating them as needed.
-// wb_adr is 16 bits --
-// bits 13:11 select which buffer
-// bits 10:2 select line in buffer
-// bits 1:0 are unused (32-bit access only)
-// BUF_SIZE is in address lines (i.e. log2 of number of lines).
-// For S3 it should be 9 (512 words, 2KB)
-// For V5 it should be at least 10 (1024 words, 4KB) or 11 (2048 words, 8KB)
-module buffer_pool
- #(parameter BUF_SIZE = 9,
- parameter SET_ADDR = 64)
- (input wb_clk_i,
- input wb_rst_i,
- input wb_we_i,
- input wb_stb_i,
- input [15:0] wb_adr_i,
- input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
- output [31:0] wb_dat_o,
- output reg wb_ack_o,
- output wb_err_o,
- output wb_rty_o,
- input stream_clk,
- input stream_rst,
- input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
- output [31:0] status,
- output sys_int_o,
- output [31:0] s0, output [31:0] s1, output [31:0] s2, output [31:0] s3,
- output [31:0] s4, output [31:0] s5, output [31:0] s6, output [31:0] s7,
- // Write Interfaces
- input [31:0] wr0_data_i, input [3:0] wr0_flags_i, input wr0_ready_i, output wr0_ready_o,
- input [31:0] wr1_data_i, input [3:0] wr1_flags_i, input wr1_ready_i, output wr1_ready_o,
- input [31:0] wr2_data_i, input [3:0] wr2_flags_i, input wr2_ready_i, output wr2_ready_o,
- input [31:0] wr3_data_i, input [3:0] wr3_flags_i, input wr3_ready_i, output wr3_ready_o,
- // Read Interfaces
- output [31:0] rd0_data_o, output [3:0] rd0_flags_o, output rd0_ready_o, input rd0_ready_i,
- output [31:0] rd1_data_o, output [3:0] rd1_flags_o, output rd1_ready_o, input rd1_ready_i,
- output [31:0] rd2_data_o, output [3:0] rd2_flags_o, output rd2_ready_o, input rd2_ready_i,
- output [31:0] rd3_data_o, output [3:0] rd3_flags_o, output rd3_ready_o, input rd3_ready_i
- );
- wire [7:0] sel_a;
- wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] buf_addra = wb_adr_i[BUF_SIZE+1:2]; // ignore address 1:0, 32-bit access only
- wire [2:0] which_buf = wb_adr_i[BUF_SIZE+4:BUF_SIZE+2]; // address 15:14 selects the buffer pool
- decoder_3_8 dec(.sel(which_buf),.res(sel_a));
- genvar i;
- wire go;
- reg [2:0] port[0:7];
- reg [3:0] read_src[0:3];
- reg [3:0] write_src[0:3];
- wire [7:0] done;
- wire [7:0] error;
- wire [7:0] idle;
- wire [31:0] buf_doa[0:7];
- wire [7:0] buf_enb;
- wire [7:0] buf_web;
- wire [BUF_SIZE-1:0] buf_addrb[0:7];
- wire [31:0] buf_dib[0:7];
- wire [31:0] buf_dob[0:7];
- wire [31:0] wr_data_i[0:7];
- wire [3:0] wr_flags_i[0:7];
- wire [7:0] wr_ready_i;
- wire [7:0] wr_ready_o;
- wire [31:0] rd_data_o[0:7];
- wire [3:0] rd_flags_o[0:7];
- wire [7:0] rd_ready_o;
- wire [7:0] rd_ready_i;
- assign status = {8'd0,idle[7:0],error[7:0],done[7:0]};
- assign s0 = buf_addrb[0];
- assign s1 = buf_addrb[1];
- assign s2 = buf_addrb[2];
- assign s3 = buf_addrb[3];
- assign s4 = buf_addrb[4];
- assign s5 = buf_addrb[5];
- assign s6 = buf_addrb[6];
- assign s7 = buf_addrb[7];
- wire [31:0] fifo_ctrl;
- setting_reg #(.my_addr(SET_ADDR))
- sreg(.clk(stream_clk),.rst(stream_rst),.strobe(set_stb),.addr(set_addr),.in(set_data),
- .out(fifo_ctrl),.changed(go));
- integer k;
- always @(posedge stream_clk)
- if(stream_rst)
- for(k=0;k<8;k=k+1)
- port[k] <= 4; // disabled
- else
- for(k=0;k<8;k=k+1)
- if(go & (fifo_ctrl[31:28]==k))
- port[k] <= fifo_ctrl[27:25];
- always @(posedge stream_clk)
- if(stream_rst)
- for(k=0;k<4;k=k+1)
- read_src[k] <= 8; // disabled
- else
- for(k=0;k<4;k=k+1)
- if(go & fifo_ctrl[22] & (fifo_ctrl[27:25]==k))
- read_src[k] <= fifo_ctrl[31:28];
- always @(posedge stream_clk)
- if(stream_rst)
- for(k=0;k<4;k=k+1)
- write_src[k] <= 8; // disabled
- else
- for(k=0;k<4;k=k+1)
- if(go & fifo_ctrl[23] & (fifo_ctrl[27:25]==k))
- write_src[k] <= fifo_ctrl[31:28];
- generate
- for(i=0;i<8;i=i+1)
- begin : gen_buffer
- RAMB16_S36_S36 dpram
- (.DOA(buf_doa[i]),.ADDRA(buf_addra),.CLKA(wb_clk_i),.DIA(wb_dat_i),.DIPA(4'h0),
- .ENA(wb_stb_i & sel_a[i]),.SSRA(0),.WEA(wb_we_i),
- .DOB(buf_dob[i]),.ADDRB(buf_addrb[i]),.CLKB(stream_clk),.DIB(buf_dib[i]),.DIPB(4'h0),
- .ENB(buf_enb[i]),.SSRB(0),.WEB(buf_web[i]) );
- ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(32),.AWIDTH(BUF_SIZE)) buffer
- (.clka(wb_clk_i),.ena(wb_stb_i & sel_a[i]),.wea(wb_we_i),
- .addra(buf_addra),.dia(wb_dat_i),.doa(buf_doa[i]),
- .clkb(stream_clk),.enb(buf_enb[i]),.web(buf_web[i]),
- .addrb(buf_addrb[i]),.dib(buf_dib[i]),.dob(buf_dob[i]));
- */
- buffer_int #(.BUF_NUM(i),.BUF_SIZE(BUF_SIZE)) buffer_int
- (.clk(stream_clk),.rst(stream_rst),
- .ctrl_word(fifo_ctrl),.go(go & (fifo_ctrl[31:28]==i)),
- .done(done[i]),.error(error[i]),.idle(idle[i]),
- .en_o(buf_enb[i]),
- .we_o(buf_web[i]),
- .addr_o(buf_addrb[i]),
- .dat_to_buf(buf_dib[i]),
- .dat_from_buf(buf_dob[i]),
- .wr_data_i(wr_data_i[i]),
- .wr_flags_i(wr_flags_i[i]),
- .wr_ready_i(wr_ready_i[i]),
- .wr_ready_o(wr_ready_o[i]),
- .rd_data_o(rd_data_o[i]),
- .rd_flags_o(rd_flags_o[i]),
- .rd_ready_o(rd_ready_o[i]),
- .rd_ready_i(rd_ready_i[i]) );
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(37))
- mux4_wr (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),
- .i0({wr0_data_i,wr0_flags_i,wr0_ready_i}),
- .i1({wr1_data_i,wr1_flags_i,wr1_ready_i}),
- .i2({wr2_data_i,wr2_flags_i,wr2_ready_i}),
- .i3({wr3_data_i,wr3_flags_i,wr3_ready_i}),
- .o({wr_data_i[i],wr_flags_i[i],wr_ready_i[i]}) );
- mux4 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux4_rd (.en(~port[i][2]),.sel(port[i][1:0]),
- .i0(rd0_ready_i),.i1(rd1_ready_i),.i2(rd2_ready_i),.i3(rd3_ready_i),
- .o(rd_ready_i[i]));
- end // block: gen_buffer
- endgenerate
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Wishbone Outputs
- // Use the following lines if ram output and mux can be made fast enough
- assign wb_err_o = 1'b0; // Unused for now
- assign wb_rty_o = 1'b0; // Unused for now
- always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
- wb_ack_o <= wb_stb_i & ~wb_ack_o;
- assign wb_dat_o = buf_doa[which_buf];
- // Use this if we can't make the RAM+MUX fast enough
- // reg [31:0] wb_dat_o_reg;
- // reg stb_d1;
- // always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
- // begin
- // wb_dat_o_reg <= buf_doa[which_buf];
- // stb_d1 <= wb_stb_i;
- // wb_ack_o <= (stb_d1 & ~wb_ack_o) | (wb_we_i & wb_stb_i);
- // end
- //assign wb_dat_o = wb_dat_o_reg;
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr0(.en(~write_src[0][3]),.sel(write_src[0][2:0]),
- .i0(wr_ready_o[0]), .i1(wr_ready_o[1]), .i2(wr_ready_o[2]), .i3(wr_ready_o[3]),
- .i4(wr_ready_o[4]), .i5(wr_ready_o[5]), .i6(wr_ready_o[6]), .i7(wr_ready_o[7]),
- .o(wr0_ready_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr1(.en(~write_src[1][3]),.sel(write_src[1][2:0]),
- .i0(wr_ready_o[0]), .i1(wr_ready_o[1]), .i2(wr_ready_o[2]), .i3(wr_ready_o[3]),
- .i4(wr_ready_o[4]), .i5(wr_ready_o[5]), .i6(wr_ready_o[6]), .i7(wr_ready_o[7]),
- .o(wr1_ready_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr2(.en(~write_src[2][3]),.sel(write_src[2][2:0]),
- .i0(wr_ready_o[0]), .i1(wr_ready_o[1]), .i2(wr_ready_o[2]), .i3(wr_ready_o[3]),
- .i4(wr_ready_o[4]), .i5(wr_ready_o[5]), .i6(wr_ready_o[6]), .i7(wr_ready_o[7]),
- .o(wr2_ready_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(1))
- mux8_wr3(.en(~write_src[3][3]),.sel(write_src[3][2:0]),
- .i0(wr_ready_o[0]), .i1(wr_ready_o[1]), .i2(wr_ready_o[2]), .i3(wr_ready_o[3]),
- .i4(wr_ready_o[4]), .i5(wr_ready_o[5]), .i6(wr_ready_o[6]), .i7(wr_ready_o[7]),
- .o(wr3_ready_o));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(37))
- mux8_rd0(.en(~read_src[0][3]),.sel(read_src[0][2:0]),
- .i0({rd_data_o[0],rd_flags_o[0],rd_ready_o[0]}),
- .i1({rd_data_o[1],rd_flags_o[1],rd_ready_o[1]}),
- .i2({rd_data_o[2],rd_flags_o[2],rd_ready_o[2]}),
- .i3({rd_data_o[3],rd_flags_o[3],rd_ready_o[3]}),
- .i4({rd_data_o[4],rd_flags_o[4],rd_ready_o[4]}),
- .i5({rd_data_o[5],rd_flags_o[5],rd_ready_o[5]}),
- .i6({rd_data_o[6],rd_flags_o[6],rd_ready_o[6]}),
- .i7({rd_data_o[7],rd_flags_o[7],rd_ready_o[7]}),
- .o({rd0_data_o,rd0_flags_o,rd0_ready_o}));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(37))
- mux8_rd1(.en(~read_src[1][3]),.sel(read_src[1][2:0]),
- .i0({rd_data_o[0],rd_flags_o[0],rd_ready_o[0]}),
- .i1({rd_data_o[1],rd_flags_o[1],rd_ready_o[1]}),
- .i2({rd_data_o[2],rd_flags_o[2],rd_ready_o[2]}),
- .i3({rd_data_o[3],rd_flags_o[3],rd_ready_o[3]}),
- .i4({rd_data_o[4],rd_flags_o[4],rd_ready_o[4]}),
- .i5({rd_data_o[5],rd_flags_o[5],rd_ready_o[5]}),
- .i6({rd_data_o[6],rd_flags_o[6],rd_ready_o[6]}),
- .i7({rd_data_o[7],rd_flags_o[7],rd_ready_o[7]}),
- .o({rd1_data_o,rd1_flags_o,rd1_ready_o}));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(37))
- mux8_rd2(.en(~read_src[2][3]),.sel(read_src[2][2:0]),
- .i0({rd_data_o[0],rd_flags_o[0],rd_ready_o[0]}),
- .i1({rd_data_o[1],rd_flags_o[1],rd_ready_o[1]}),
- .i2({rd_data_o[2],rd_flags_o[2],rd_ready_o[2]}),
- .i3({rd_data_o[3],rd_flags_o[3],rd_ready_o[3]}),
- .i4({rd_data_o[4],rd_flags_o[4],rd_ready_o[4]}),
- .i5({rd_data_o[5],rd_flags_o[5],rd_ready_o[5]}),
- .i6({rd_data_o[6],rd_flags_o[6],rd_ready_o[6]}),
- .i7({rd_data_o[7],rd_flags_o[7],rd_ready_o[7]}),
- .o({rd2_data_o,rd2_flags_o,rd2_ready_o}));
- mux8 #(.WIDTH(37))
- mux8_rd3(.en(~read_src[3][3]),.sel(read_src[3][2:0]),
- .i0({rd_data_o[0],rd_flags_o[0],rd_ready_o[0]}),
- .i1({rd_data_o[1],rd_flags_o[1],rd_ready_o[1]}),
- .i2({rd_data_o[2],rd_flags_o[2],rd_ready_o[2]}),
- .i3({rd_data_o[3],rd_flags_o[3],rd_ready_o[3]}),
- .i4({rd_data_o[4],rd_flags_o[4],rd_ready_o[4]}),
- .i5({rd_data_o[5],rd_flags_o[5],rd_ready_o[5]}),
- .i6({rd_data_o[6],rd_flags_o[6],rd_ready_o[6]}),
- .i7({rd_data_o[7],rd_flags_o[7],rd_ready_o[7]}),
- .o({rd3_data_o,rd3_flags_o,rd3_ready_o}));
- assign sys_int_o = (|error) | (|done);
-endmodule // buffer_pool
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_pool_tb.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_pool_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 91a01d268..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/buffer_pool_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-module buffer_pool_tb();
- wire wb_clk_i;
- wire wb_rst_i;
- wire wb_we_i;
- wire wb_stb_i;
- wire [15:0] wb_adr_i;
- wire [31:0] wb_dat_i;
- wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
- wire wb_ack_o;
- wire wb_err_o;
- wire wb_rty_o;
- wire stream_clk, stream_rst;
- wire set_stb;
- wire [7:0] set_addr;
- wire [31:0] set_data;
- wire [31:0] wr0_data, wr1_data, wr2_data, wr3_data;
- wire [31:0] rd0_data, rd1_data, rd2_data, rd3_data;
- wire [3:0] wr0_flags, wr1_flags, wr2_flags, wr3_flags;
- wire [3:0] rd0_flags, rd1_flags, rd2_flags, rd3_flags;
- wire wr0_ready, wr1_ready, wr2_ready, wr3_ready;
- wire rd0_ready, rd1_ready, rd2_ready, rd3_ready;
- wire wr0_write, wr1_write, wr2_write, wr3_write;
- wire rd0_read, rd1_read, rd2_read, rd3_read;
- buffer_pool dut
- (.wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
- .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
- .wb_we_i(wb_we_i),
- .wb_stb_i(wb_stb_i),
- .wb_adr_i(wb_adr_i),
- .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i),
- .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o),
- .wb_ack_o(wb_ack_o),
- .wb_err_o(wb_err_o),
- .wb_rty_o(wb_rty_o),
- .stream_clk(stream_clk),
- .stream_rst(stream_rst),
- .set_stb(set_stb),.set_addr(set_addr),.set_data(set_data),
- .wr0_data_i(wr0_data), .wr0_write_i(wr0_write), .wr0_flags_i(wr0_flags), .wr0_ready_o(wr0_ready),
- .wr1_data_i(wr1_data), .wr1_write_i(wr1_write), .wr1_flags_i(wr1_flags), .wr1_ready_o(wr1_ready),
- .wr2_data_i(wr2_data), .wr2_write_i(wr2_write), .wr2_flags_i(wr2_flags), .wr2_ready_o(wr2_ready),
- .wr3_data_i(wr3_data), .wr3_write_i(wr3_write), .wr3_flags_i(wr3_flags), .wr3_ready_o(wr3_ready),
- .rd0_data_o(rd0_data), .rd0_read_i(rd0_read), .rd0_flags_o(rd0_flags), .rd0_ready_o(rd0_ready),
- .rd1_data_o(rd1_data), .rd1_read_i(rd1_read), .rd1_flags_o(rd1_flags), .rd1_ready_o(rd1_ready),
- .rd2_data_o(rd2_data), .rd2_read_i(rd2_read), .rd2_flags_o(rd2_flags), .rd2_ready_o(rd2_ready),
- .rd3_data_o(rd3_data), .rd3_read_i(rd3_read), .rd3_flags_o(rd3_flags), .rd3_ready_o(rd3_ready)
- );
-endmodule // buffer_pool_tb
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo19_to_fifo36.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo19_to_fifo36.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f9aeff9b..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo19_to_fifo36.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-module fifo19_to_fifo36
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [18:0] f19_datain,
- input f19_src_rdy_i,
- output f19_dst_rdy_o,
- output [35:0] f36_dataout,
- output f36_src_rdy_o,
- input f36_dst_rdy_i,
- output [31:0] debug
- );
- reg f36_sof, f36_eof, f36_occ;
- reg [1:0] state;
- reg [15:0] dat0, dat1;
- wire f19_sof = f19_datain[16];
- wire f19_eof = f19_datain[17];
- wire f19_occ = f19_datain[18];
- wire xfer_out = f36_src_rdy_o & f36_dst_rdy_i;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(f19_src_rdy_i & ((state==0)|xfer_out))
- f36_sof <= f19_sof;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(f19_src_rdy_i & ((state != 2)|xfer_out))
- f36_eof <= f19_eof;
- always @(posedge clk) // FIXME check this
- if(f19_eof)
- f36_occ <= {state[0],f19_occ};
- else
- f36_occ <= 0;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- state <= 0;
- else
- if(f19_src_rdy_i)
- case(state)
- 0 :
- if(f19_eof)
- state <= 2;
- else
- state <= 1;
- 1 :
- state <= 2;
- 2 :
- if(xfer_out)
- if(~f19_eof)
- state <= 1;
- // remain in state 2 if we are at eof
- endcase // case(state)
- else
- if(xfer_out)
- state <= 0;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(f19_src_rdy_i & (state==1))
- dat1 <= f19_datain;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(f19_src_rdy_i & ((state==0) | xfer_out))
- dat0 <= f19_datain;
- assign f19_dst_rdy_o = xfer_out | (state != 2);
- assign f36_dataout = {f36_occ,f36_eof,f36_sof,dat0,dat1};
- assign f36_src_rdy_o = (state == 2);
- assign debug = state;
-endmodule // fifo19_to_fifo36
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo19_to_ll8.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo19_to_ll8.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4707f7523..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo19_to_ll8.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-module fifo19_to_ll8
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [18:0] f19_data,
- input f19_src_rdy_i,
- output f19_dst_rdy_o,
- output reg [7:0] ll_data,
- output ll_sof_n,
- output ll_eof_n,
- output ll_src_rdy_n,
- input ll_dst_rdy_n);
- wire ll_sof, ll_eof, ll_src_rdy;
- assign ll_sof_n = ~ll_sof;
- assign ll_eof_n = ~ll_eof;
- assign ll_src_rdy_n = ~ll_src_rdy;
- wire ll_dst_rdy = ~ll_dst_rdy_n;
- wire f19_sof = f19_data[16];
- wire f19_eof = f19_data[17];
- wire f19_occ = f19_data[18];
- wire advance, end_early;
- reg state;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- state <= 0;
- else
- if(advance)
- if(ll_eof)
- state <= 0;
- else
- state <= state + 1;
- always @*
- case(state)
- 0 : ll_data = f19_data[15:8];
- 1 : ll_data = f19_data[7:0];
- default : ll_data = f19_data[15:8];
- endcase // case (state)
- assign ll_sof = (state==0) & f19_sof;
- assign ll_eof = f19_eof & ((f19_occ==1)|(state==1));
- assign ll_src_rdy = f19_src_rdy_i;
- assign advance = ll_src_rdy & ll_dst_rdy;
- assign f19_dst_rdy_o = advance & ((state==1)|ll_eof);
-endmodule // fifo19_to_ll8
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_fifo18.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_fifo18.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b636ab9ca..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_fifo18.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module fifo36_to_fifo18
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [35:0] f36_datain,
- input f36_src_rdy_i,
- output f36_dst_rdy_o,
- output [17:0] f18_dataout,
- output f18_src_rdy_o,
- input f18_dst_rdy_i );
- wire f36_sof = f36_datain[32];
- wire f36_eof = f36_datain[33];
- wire f36_occ = f36_datain[35:34];
- reg phase;
- wire half_line = f36_eof & ((f36_occ==1)|(f36_occ==2));
- assign f18_dataout[15:0] = phase ? f36_datain[15:0] : f36_datain[31:16];
- assign f18_dataout[16] = phase ? 0 : f36_sof;
- assign f18_dataout[17] = phase ? f36_eof : half_line;
- assign f18_src_rdy_o = f36_src_rdy_i;
- assign f36_dst_rdy_o = (phase | half_line) & f18_dst_rdy_i;
- wire f18_xfer = f18_src_rdy_o & f18_dst_rdy_i;
- wire f36_xfer = f36_src_rdy_i & f36_dst_rdy_o;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- phase <= 0;
- else if(f36_xfer)
- phase <= 0;
- else if(f18_xfer)
- phase <= 1;
-endmodule // fifo36_to_fifo18
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_fifo19.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_fifo19.v
deleted file mode 100644
index de249aaeb..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_fifo19.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-module fifo36_to_fifo19
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [35:0] f36_datain,
- input f36_src_rdy_i,
- output f36_dst_rdy_o,
- output [18:0] f19_dataout,
- output f19_src_rdy_o,
- input f19_dst_rdy_i );
- wire f36_sof = f36_datain[32];
- wire f36_eof = f36_datain[33];
- wire f36_occ = f36_datain[35:34];
- reg phase;
- wire half_line = f36_eof & ((f36_occ==1)|(f36_occ==2));
- assign f19_dataout[15:0] = phase ? f36_datain[15:0] : f36_datain[31:16];
- assign f19_dataout[16] = phase ? 0 : f36_sof;
- assign f19_dataout[17] = phase ? f36_eof : half_line;
- assign f19_dataout[18] = f19_dataout[17] & ((f36_occ==1)|(f36_occ==3));
- assign f19_src_rdy_o = f36_src_rdy_i;
- assign f36_dst_rdy_o = (phase | half_line) & f19_dst_rdy_i;
- wire f19_xfer = f19_src_rdy_o & f19_dst_rdy_i;
- wire f36_xfer = f36_src_rdy_i & f36_dst_rdy_o;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- phase <= 0;
- else if(f36_xfer)
- phase <= 0;
- else if(f19_xfer)
- phase <= 1;
-endmodule // fifo36_to_fifo19
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_ll8.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_ll8.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dee1dfc6..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo36_to_ll8.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-module fifo36_to_ll8
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [35:0] f36_data,
- input f36_src_rdy_i,
- output f36_dst_rdy_o,
- output reg [7:0] ll_data,
- output ll_sof_n,
- output ll_eof_n,
- output ll_src_rdy_n,
- input ll_dst_rdy_n,
- output [31:0] debug);
- wire ll_sof, ll_eof, ll_src_rdy;
- assign ll_sof_n = ~ll_sof;
- assign ll_eof_n = ~ll_eof;
- assign ll_src_rdy_n = ~ll_src_rdy;
- wire ll_dst_rdy = ~ll_dst_rdy_n;
- wire f36_sof = f36_data[32];
- wire f36_eof = f36_data[33];
- wire f36_occ = f36_data[35:34];
- wire advance, end_early;
- reg [1:0] state;
- assign debug = {29'b0,state};
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- state <= 0;
- else
- if(advance)
- if(ll_eof)
- state <= 0;
- else
- state <= state + 1;
- always @*
- case(state)
- 0 : ll_data = f36_data[31:24];
- 1 : ll_data = f36_data[23:16];
- 2 : ll_data = f36_data[15:8];
- 3 : ll_data = f36_data[7:0];
- default : ll_data = f36_data[31:24];
- endcase // case (state)
- assign ll_sof = (state==0) & f36_sof;
- assign ll_eof = f36_eof & (((state==0)&(f36_occ==1)) |
- ((state==1)&(f36_occ==2)) |
- ((state==2)&(f36_occ==3)) |
- (state==3));
- assign ll_src_rdy = f36_src_rdy_i;
- assign advance = ll_src_rdy & ll_dst_rdy;
- assign f36_dst_rdy_o = advance & ((state==3)|ll_eof);
- assign debug = state;
-endmodule // ll8_to_fifo36
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c85ccb4..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-// FIXME ignores the AWIDTH (fifo size) parameter
-module fifo_2clock
- #(parameter WIDTH=36, SIZE=6)
- (input wclk, input [WIDTH-1:0] datain, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o, output [15:0] space,
- input rclk, output [WIDTH-1:0] dataout, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i, output [15:0] occupied,
- input arst);
- wire [SIZE:0] level_rclk, level_wclk; // xilinx adds an extra bit if you ask for accurate levels
- wire full, empty, write, read;
- assign dst_rdy_o = ~full;
- assign src_rdy_o = ~empty;
- assign write = src_rdy_i & dst_rdy_o;
- assign read = src_rdy_o & dst_rdy_i;
- generate
- if(WIDTH==36)
- if(SIZE==9)
- fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk
- (.rst(arst),
- .wr_clk(wclk),.din(datain),.full(full),.wr_en(write),.wr_data_count(level_wclk),
- .rd_clk(rclk),.dout(dataout),.empty(empty),.rd_en(read),.rd_data_count(level_rclk) );
- else if(SIZE==11)
- fifo_xlnx_2Kx36_2clk fifo_xlnx_2Kx36_2clk
- (.rst(arst),
- .wr_clk(wclk),.din(datain),.full(full),.wr_en(write),.wr_data_count(level_wclk),
- .rd_clk(rclk),.dout(dataout),.empty(empty),.rd_en(read),.rd_data_count(level_rclk) );
- else if(SIZE==6)
- fifo_xlnx_64x36_2clk fifo_xlnx_64x36_2clk
- (.rst(arst),
- .wr_clk(wclk),.din(datain),.full(full),.wr_en(write),.wr_data_count(level_wclk),
- .rd_clk(rclk),.dout(dataout),.empty(empty),.rd_en(read),.rd_data_count(level_rclk) );
- else
- fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk fifo_xlnx_512x36_2clk
- (.rst(arst),
- .wr_clk(wclk),.din(datain),.full(full),.wr_en(write),.wr_data_count(level_wclk),
- .rd_clk(rclk),.dout(dataout),.empty(empty),.rd_en(read),.rd_data_count(level_rclk) );
- else if((WIDTH==19)|(WIDTH==18))
- if(SIZE==4)
- fifo_xlnx_16x19_2clk fifo_xlnx_16x19_2clk
- (.rst(arst),
- .wr_clk(wclk),.din(datain),.full(full),.wr_en(write),.wr_data_count(level_wclk),
- .rd_clk(rclk),.dout(dataout),.empty(empty),.rd_en(read),.rd_data_count(level_rclk) );
- endgenerate
- assign occupied = {{(16-SIZE-1){1'b0}},level_rclk};
- assign space = ((1<<SIZE)+1)-level_wclk;
-endmodule // fifo_2clock
- // ISE sucks, so the following doesn't work properly
- reg [AWIDTH-1:0] wr_addr, rd_addr;
- wire [AWIDTH-1:0] wr_addr_rclk, rd_addr_wclk;
- wire [AWIDTH-1:0] next_rd_addr;
- wire enb_read;
- // Write side management
- wire [AWIDTH-1:0] next_wr_addr = wr_addr + 1;
- always @(posedge wclk or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- wr_addr <= 0;
- else if(write)
- wr_addr <= next_wr_addr;
- assign full = (next_wr_addr == rd_addr_wclk);
- // RAM for data storage. Data out is registered, complicating the
- // read side logic
- ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH),.AWIDTH(AWIDTH)) mac_rx_ff_ram
- (.clka(wclk),.ena(1'b1),.wea(write),.addra(wr_addr),.dia(datain),.doa(),
- .clkb(rclk),.enb(enb_read),.web(1'b0),.addrb(next_rd_addr),.dib(0),.dob(dataout) );
- // Read side management
- reg data_valid;
- assign empty = ~data_valid;
- assign next_rd_addr = rd_addr + data_valid;
- assign enb_read = read | ~data_valid;
- always @(posedge rclk or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- rd_addr <= 0;
- else if(read)
- rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1;
- always @(posedge rclk or posedge arst)
- if(arst)
- data_valid <= 0;
- else
- if(read & (next_rd_addr == wr_addr_rclk))
- data_valid <= 0;
- else if(next_rd_addr != wr_addr_rclk)
- data_valid <= 1;
- // Send pointers across clock domains via gray code
- gray_send #(.WIDTH(AWIDTH)) send_wr_addr
- (.clk_in(wclk),.addr_in(wr_addr),
- .clk_out(rclk),.addr_out(wr_addr_rclk) );
- gray_send #(.WIDTH(AWIDTH)) send_rd_addr
- (.clk_in(rclk),.addr_in(rd_addr),
- .clk_out(wclk),.addr_out(rd_addr_wclk) );
- // Generate fullness info, these are approximate and may be delayed
- // and are only for higher-level flow control.
- // Only full and empty are guaranteed exact.
- always @(posedge wclk)
- level_wclk <= wr_addr - rd_addr_wclk;
- always @(posedge rclk)
- level_rclk <= wr_addr_rclk - rd_addr;
-endmodule // fifo_2clock
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock_cascade.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock_cascade.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ce726977..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_2clock_cascade.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-module fifo_2clock_cascade
- #(parameter WIDTH=32, SIZE=9)
- (input wclk, input [WIDTH-1:0] datain, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o, output [15:0] space,
- input rclk, output [WIDTH-1:0] dataout, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i, output [15:0] occupied,
- input arst);
- wire [WIDTH-1:0] data_int1, data_int2;
- wire src_rdy_int1, src_rdy_int2, dst_rdy_int1, dst_rdy_int2;
- wire [SIZE-1:0] level_wclk, level_rclk;
- wire [4:0] s1_space, s1_occupied, s2_space, s2_occupied;
- wire [15:0] l_space, l_occupied;
- fifo_short #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) shortfifo
- (.clk(wclk), .reset(arst), .clear(0),
- .datain(datain), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_i), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_o),
- .dataout(data_int1), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_int1), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_int1),
- .space(s1_space), .occupied(s1_occupied) );
- fifo_2clock #(.WIDTH(WIDTH),.SIZE(SIZE)) fifo_2clock
- (.wclk(wclk), .datain(data_int1), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_int1), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_int1), .space(l_space),
- .rclk(rclk), .dataout(data_int2), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_int2), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_int2), .occupied(l_occupied),
- .arst(arst) );
- fifo_short #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) shortfifo2
- (.clk(rclk), .reset(arst), .clear(0),
- .datain(data_int2), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_int2), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_int2),
- .dataout(dataout), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_o), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_i),
- .space(s2_space), .occupied(s2_occupied));
- // Be conservative -- Only advertise space from input side of fifo, occupied from output side
- assign space = {11'b0,s1_space} + l_space;
- assign occupied = {11'b0,s2_occupied} + l_occupied;
-endmodule // fifo_2clock_cascade
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_cascade.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_cascade.v
deleted file mode 100644
index fdd8449bc..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_cascade.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// This FIFO exists to provide an intermediate point for the data on its
-// long trek from one RAM (in the buffer pool) to another (in the longfifo)
-// The shortfifo is more flexible in its placement since it is based on
-// distributed RAM
-// This one has the shortfifo on both the in and out sides.
-module fifo_cascade
- #(parameter WIDTH=32, SIZE=9)
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [WIDTH-1:0] datain,
- input src_rdy_i,
- output dst_rdy_o,
- output [WIDTH-1:0] dataout,
- output src_rdy_o,
- input dst_rdy_i,
- output [15:0] space,
- output [15:0] occupied);
- wire [WIDTH-1:0] data_int, data_int2;
- wire src_rdy_1, dst_rdy_1, src_rdy_2, dst_rdy_2;
- wire [4:0] s1_space, s1_occupied, s2_space, s2_occupied;
- wire [15:0] l_space, l_occupied;
- fifo_short #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) head_fifo
- (.clk(clk),.reset(reset),.clear(clear),
- .datain(datain), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_i), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_o),
- .dataout(data_int), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_1), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_1),
- .space(s1_space),.occupied(s1_occupied) );
- fifo_long #(.WIDTH(WIDTH),.SIZE(SIZE)) middle_fifo
- (.clk(clk),.reset(reset),.clear(clear),
- .datain(data_int), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_1), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_1),
- .dataout(data_int2), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_2), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_2),
- .space(l_space),.occupied(l_occupied) );
- fifo_short #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) tail_fifo
- (.clk(clk),.reset(reset),.clear(clear),
- .datain(data_int2), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_2), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_2),
- .dataout(dataout), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_o), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_i),
- .space(s2_space),.occupied(s2_occupied) );
- assign space = {11'b0,s1_space} + {11'b0,s2_space} + l_space;
- assign occupied = {11'b0,s1_occupied} + {11'b0,s2_occupied} + l_occupied;
-endmodule // cascadefifo2
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_long.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_long.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0426779f6..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_long.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// FIFO intended to be interchangeable with shortfifo, but
-// based on block ram instead of SRL16's
-// only one clock domain
-// Port A is write port, Port B is read port
-module fifo_long
- #(parameter WIDTH=32, SIZE=9)
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [WIDTH-1:0] datain,
- input src_rdy_i,
- output dst_rdy_o,
- output [WIDTH-1:0] dataout,
- output src_rdy_o,
- input dst_rdy_i,
- output reg [15:0] space,
- output reg [15:0] occupied);
- wire write = src_rdy_i & dst_rdy_o;
- wire read = dst_rdy_i & src_rdy_o;
- wire full, empty;
- assign dst_rdy_o = ~full;
- assign src_rdy_o = ~empty;
- // Read side states
- localparam EMPTY = 0;
- localparam PRE_READ = 1;
- localparam READING = 2;
- reg [SIZE-1:0] wr_addr, rd_addr;
- reg [1:0] read_state;
- reg empty_reg, full_reg;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- wr_addr <= 0;
- else if(clear)
- wr_addr <= 0;
- else if(write)
- wr_addr <= wr_addr + 1;
- ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(WIDTH),.AWIDTH(SIZE))
- ram (.clka(clk),
- .ena(1'b1),
- .wea(write),
- .addra(wr_addr),
- .dia(datain),
- .doa(),
- .clkb(clk),
- .enb((read_state==PRE_READ)|read),
- .web(0),
- .addrb(rd_addr),
- .dib(0),
- .dob(dataout));
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- begin
- read_state <= EMPTY;
- rd_addr <= 0;
- empty_reg <= 1;
- end
- else
- if(clear)
- begin
- read_state <= EMPTY;
- rd_addr <= 0;
- empty_reg <= 1;
- end
- else
- case(read_state)
- if(write)
- begin
- //rd_addr <= wr_addr;
- read_state <= PRE_READ;
- end
- begin
- read_state <= READING;
- empty_reg <= 0;
- rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1;
- end
- if(read)
- if(rd_addr == wr_addr)
- begin
- empty_reg <= 1;
- if(write)
- read_state <= PRE_READ;
- else
- read_state <= EMPTY;
- end
- else
- rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1;
- endcase // case(read_state)
- wire [SIZE-1:0] dont_write_past_me = rd_addr - 3;
- wire becoming_full = wr_addr == dont_write_past_me;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- full_reg <= 0;
- else if(clear)
- full_reg <= 0;
- else if(read & ~write)
- full_reg <= 0;
- //else if(write & ~read & (wr_addr == (rd_addr-3)))
- else if(write & ~read & becoming_full)
- full_reg <= 1;
- //assign empty = (read_state != READING);
- assign empty = empty_reg;
- // assign full = ((rd_addr - 1) == wr_addr);
- assign full = full_reg;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- // space and occupied are for diagnostics only
- // not guaranteed exact
- localparam NUMLINES = (1<<SIZE)-2;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- space <= NUMLINES;
- else if(clear)
- space <= NUMLINES;
- else if(read & ~write)
- space <= space + 1;
- else if(write & ~read)
- space <= space - 1;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- occupied <= 0;
- else if(clear)
- occupied <= 0;
- else if(read & ~write)
- occupied <= occupied - 1;
- else if(write & ~read)
- occupied <= occupied + 1;
-endmodule // fifo_long
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_new_tb.vcd b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_new_tb.vcd
deleted file mode 100644
index 796889e7d..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_new_tb.vcd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5506 +0,0 @@
- Thu Mar 19 17:21:11 2009
- Icarus Verilog
- 1ps
-$scope module fifo_new_tb $end
-$var wire 1 ! dst_rdy_f36i $end
-$var wire 36 " f36_in [35:0] $end
-$var wire 36 # i1 [35:0] $end
-$var wire 1 $ i1_dr $end
-$var wire 1 % i1_sr $end
-$var wire 19 & i2 [18:0] $end
-$var wire 1 ' i2_dr $end
-$var wire 1 ( i2_sr $end
-$var wire 19 ) i3 [18:0] $end
-$var wire 1 * i3_dr $end
-$var wire 1 + i3_sr $end
-$var wire 36 , i4 [35:0] $end
-$var wire 1 - i4_sr $end
-$var wire 8 . ll_data [7:0] $end
-$var wire 1 / ll_dst_rdy_n $end
-$var wire 1 0 ll_eof_n $end
-$var wire 1 1 ll_sof_n $end
-$var wire 1 2 ll_src_rdy_n $end
-$var reg 1 3 clear $end
-$var reg 1 4 clk $end
-$var reg 16 5 count [15:0] $end
-$var reg 1 6 dst_rdy_f36o $end
-$var reg 32 7 f36_data [31:0] $end
-$var reg 1 8 f36_eof $end
-$var reg 2 9 f36_occ [1:0] $end
-$var reg 1 : f36_sof $end
-$var reg 1 ; i4_dr $end
-$var reg 1 < rst $end
-$var reg 1 = src_rdy_f36i $end
-$scope module fifo_short1 $end
-$var wire 1 > clear $end
-$var wire 1 ? clk $end
-$var wire 36 @ datain [35:0] $end
-$var wire 36 A dataout [35:0] $end
-$var wire 1 $ dst_rdy_i $end
-$var wire 1 ! dst_rdy_o $end
-$var wire 1 B read $end
-$var wire 1 C reset $end
-$var wire 1 D src_rdy_i $end
-$var wire 1 % src_rdy_o $end
-$var wire 1 E write $end
-$var reg 4 F a [3:0] $end
-$var reg 1 G empty $end
-$var reg 1 H full $end
-$var reg 5 I occupied [4:0] $end
-$var reg 5 J space [4:0] $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[0] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 K A0 $end
-$var wire 1 L A1 $end
-$var wire 1 M A2 $end
-$var wire 1 N A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 O D $end
-$var wire 1 P Q $end
-$var reg 16 Q data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[1] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 R A0 $end
-$var wire 1 S A1 $end
-$var wire 1 T A2 $end
-$var wire 1 U A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 V D $end
-$var wire 1 W Q $end
-$var reg 16 X data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[2] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 Y A0 $end
-$var wire 1 Z A1 $end
-$var wire 1 [ A2 $end
-$var wire 1 \ A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 ] D $end
-$var wire 1 ^ Q $end
-$var reg 16 _ data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[3] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 ` A0 $end
-$var wire 1 a A1 $end
-$var wire 1 b A2 $end
-$var wire 1 c A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 d D $end
-$var wire 1 e Q $end
-$var reg 16 f data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[4] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 g A0 $end
-$var wire 1 h A1 $end
-$var wire 1 i A2 $end
-$var wire 1 j A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 k D $end
-$var wire 1 l Q $end
-$var reg 16 m data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[5] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 n A0 $end
-$var wire 1 o A1 $end
-$var wire 1 p A2 $end
-$var wire 1 q A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 r D $end
-$var wire 1 s Q $end
-$var reg 16 t data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[6] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 u A0 $end
-$var wire 1 v A1 $end
-$var wire 1 w A2 $end
-$var wire 1 x A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 y D $end
-$var wire 1 z Q $end
-$var reg 16 { data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[7] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 | A0 $end
-$var wire 1 } A1 $end
-$var wire 1 ~ A2 $end
-$var wire 1 !" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 "" D $end
-$var wire 1 #" Q $end
-$var reg 16 $" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[8] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 %" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 &" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 '" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 (" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 )" D $end
-$var wire 1 *" Q $end
-$var reg 16 +" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[9] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 ," A0 $end
-$var wire 1 -" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 ." A2 $end
-$var wire 1 /" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 0" D $end
-$var wire 1 1" Q $end
-$var reg 16 2" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[10] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 3" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 4" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 5" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 6" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 7" D $end
-$var wire 1 8" Q $end
-$var reg 16 9" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[11] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 :" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 ;" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 <" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 =" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 >" D $end
-$var wire 1 ?" Q $end
-$var reg 16 @" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[12] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 A" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 B" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 C" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 D" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 E" D $end
-$var wire 1 F" Q $end
-$var reg 16 G" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[13] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 H" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 I" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 J" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 K" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 L" D $end
-$var wire 1 M" Q $end
-$var reg 16 N" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[14] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 O" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 P" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 Q" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 R" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 S" D $end
-$var wire 1 T" Q $end
-$var reg 16 U" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[15] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 V" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 W" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 X" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 Y" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 Z" D $end
-$var wire 1 [" Q $end
-$var reg 16 \" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[16] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 ]" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 ^" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 _" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 `" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 a" D $end
-$var wire 1 b" Q $end
-$var reg 16 c" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[17] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 d" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 e" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 f" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 g" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 h" D $end
-$var wire 1 i" Q $end
-$var reg 16 j" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[18] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 k" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 l" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 m" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 n" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 o" D $end
-$var wire 1 p" Q $end
-$var reg 16 q" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[19] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 r" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 s" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 t" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 u" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 v" D $end
-$var wire 1 w" Q $end
-$var reg 16 x" data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[20] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 y" A0 $end
-$var wire 1 z" A1 $end
-$var wire 1 {" A2 $end
-$var wire 1 |" A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 }" D $end
-$var wire 1 ~" Q $end
-$var reg 16 !# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[21] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 "# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 ## A1 $end
-$var wire 1 $# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 %# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 &# D $end
-$var wire 1 '# Q $end
-$var reg 16 (# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[22] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 )# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 *# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 +# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 ,# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 -# D $end
-$var wire 1 .# Q $end
-$var reg 16 /# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[23] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 0# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 1# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 2# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 3# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 4# D $end
-$var wire 1 5# Q $end
-$var reg 16 6# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[24] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 7# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 8# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 9# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 :# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 ;# D $end
-$var wire 1 <# Q $end
-$var reg 16 =# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[25] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 ># A0 $end
-$var wire 1 ?# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 @# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 A# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 B# D $end
-$var wire 1 C# Q $end
-$var reg 16 D# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[26] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 E# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 F# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 G# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 H# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 I# D $end
-$var wire 1 J# Q $end
-$var reg 16 K# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[27] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 L# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 M# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 N# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 O# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 P# D $end
-$var wire 1 Q# Q $end
-$var reg 16 R# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[28] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 S# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 T# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 U# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 V# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 W# D $end
-$var wire 1 X# Q $end
-$var reg 16 Y# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[29] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 Z# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 [# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 \# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 ]# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 ^# D $end
-$var wire 1 _# Q $end
-$var reg 16 `# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[30] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 a# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 b# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 c# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 d# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 e# D $end
-$var wire 1 f# Q $end
-$var reg 16 g# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[31] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 h# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 i# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 j# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 k# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 l# D $end
-$var wire 1 m# Q $end
-$var reg 16 n# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[32] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 o# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 p# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 q# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 r# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 s# D $end
-$var wire 1 t# Q $end
-$var reg 16 u# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[33] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 v# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 w# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 x# A2 $end
-$var wire 1 y# A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 z# D $end
-$var wire 1 {# Q $end
-$var reg 16 |# data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[34] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 }# A0 $end
-$var wire 1 ~# A1 $end
-$var wire 1 !$ A2 $end
-$var wire 1 "$ A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 #$ D $end
-$var wire 1 $$ Q $end
-$var reg 16 %$ data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope begin gen_srl16[35] $end
-$scope module srl16e $end
-$var wire 1 &$ A0 $end
-$var wire 1 '$ A1 $end
-$var wire 1 ($ A2 $end
-$var wire 1 )$ A3 $end
-$var wire 1 E CE $end
-$var wire 1 ? CLK $end
-$var wire 1 *$ D $end
-$var wire 1 +$ Q $end
-$var reg 16 ,$ data [15:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope module fifo36_to_fifo19 $end
-$var wire 1 > clear $end
-$var wire 1 ? clk $end
-$var wire 19 -$ f19_dataout [18:0] $end
-$var wire 1 ' f19_dst_rdy_i $end
-$var wire 1 ( f19_src_rdy_o $end
-$var wire 1 .$ f19_xfer $end
-$var wire 36 /$ f36_datain [35:0] $end
-$var wire 1 $ f36_dst_rdy_o $end
-$var wire 1 0$ f36_eof $end
-$var wire 1 1$ f36_occ $end
-$var wire 1 2$ f36_sof $end
-$var wire 1 % f36_src_rdy_i $end
-$var wire 1 3$ f36_xfer $end
-$var wire 1 4$ half_line $end
-$var wire 1 C reset $end
-$var reg 1 5$ phase $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope module fifo19_to_ll8 $end
-$var wire 1 6$ advance $end
-$var wire 1 > clear $end
-$var wire 1 ? clk $end
-$var wire 19 7$ f19_data [18:0] $end
-$var wire 1 ' f19_dst_rdy_o $end
-$var wire 1 8$ f19_eof $end
-$var wire 1 9$ f19_occ $end
-$var wire 1 :$ f19_sof $end
-$var wire 1 ( f19_src_rdy_i $end
-$var wire 1 ;$ ll_dst_rdy $end
-$var wire 1 / ll_dst_rdy_n $end
-$var wire 1 <$ ll_eof $end
-$var wire 1 0 ll_eof_n $end
-$var wire 1 =$ ll_sof $end
-$var wire 1 1 ll_sof_n $end
-$var wire 1 >$ ll_src_rdy $end
-$var wire 1 2 ll_src_rdy_n $end
-$var wire 1 C reset $end
-$var reg 8 ?$ ll_data [7:0] $end
-$var reg 1 @$ state $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope module ll8_to_fifo19 $end
-$var wire 1 > clear $end
-$var wire 1 ? clk $end
-$var wire 19 A$ f19_data [18:0] $end
-$var wire 1 * f19_dst_rdy_i $end
-$var wire 1 + f19_src_rdy_o $end
-$var wire 8 B$ ll_data [7:0] $end
-$var wire 1 C$ ll_dst_rdy $end
-$var wire 1 / ll_dst_rdy_n $end
-$var wire 1 D$ ll_eof $end
-$var wire 1 0 ll_eof_n $end
-$var wire 1 E$ ll_sof $end
-$var wire 1 1 ll_sof_n $end
-$var wire 1 F$ ll_src_rdy $end
-$var wire 1 2 ll_src_rdy_n $end
-$var wire 1 C reset $end
-$var wire 1 G$ xfer_out $end
-$var reg 8 H$ dat0 [7:0] $end
-$var reg 8 I$ dat1 [7:0] $end
-$var reg 1 J$ f19_eof $end
-$var reg 1 K$ f19_occ $end
-$var reg 1 L$ f19_sof $end
-$var reg 2 M$ state [1:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope module fifo19_to_fifo36 $end
-$var wire 1 > clear $end
-$var wire 1 ? clk $end
-$var wire 19 N$ f19_datain [18:0] $end
-$var wire 1 * f19_dst_rdy_o $end
-$var wire 1 O$ f19_eof $end
-$var wire 1 P$ f19_occ $end
-$var wire 1 Q$ f19_sof $end
-$var wire 1 + f19_src_rdy_i $end
-$var wire 36 R$ f36_dataout [35:0] $end
-$var wire 1 S$ f36_dst_rdy_i $end
-$var wire 1 - f36_src_rdy_o $end
-$var wire 1 C reset $end
-$var wire 1 T$ xfer_out $end
-$var reg 16 U$ dat0 [15:0] $end
-$var reg 16 V$ dat1 [15:0] $end
-$var reg 1 W$ f36_eof $end
-$var reg 1 X$ f36_occ $end
-$var reg 1 Y$ f36_sof $end
-$var reg 2 Z$ state [1:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope task PutPacketInFIFO36 $end
-$var reg 32 [$ data_len [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 \$ data_start [31:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$scope task ReadFromFIFO36 $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$enddefinitions $end
-bx \$
-bx [$
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-b10110001 ?$
-b10110001 .
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-b100100 [$
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-b111100000111100001010000010110000 A
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 /$
-b11000010 ?$
-b11000010 .
-b11000010 B$
-b101100001011010010 &
-b101100001011010010 -$
-b101100001011010010 7$
-b1010100010101100101100001011010010 #
-b1010100010101100101100001011010010 A
-b1010100010101100101100001011010010 /$
-b11110000 I$
-b11110000011110000 )
-b11110000011110000 A$
-b11110000011110000 N$
-b10 M$
-b11 I
-b1101 J
-b10 F
-b10000 5
-b11100011111100111010001110110011 7
-b11100011111100111010001110110011 "
-b11100011111100111010001110110011 @
-b10100000 ?$
-b10100000 .
-b10100000 B$
-b1010000010110000 &
-b1010000010110000 -$
-b1010000010110000 7$
-b1000 |#
-b100100 u#
-b111111 n#
-b111 g#
-b111111 `#
-b1001 D#
-b10010 =#
-b111111 6#
-b111 /#
-b111111 (#
-b111111 !#
-b1001 j"
-b10010 c"
-b111111 \"
-b111000 U"
-b111 N"
-b1001 2"
-b10010 +"
-b111111 $"
-b111000 {
-b111 t
-b111111 m
-b1001 X
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 #
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 A
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 /$
-b10010 Q
-b101100001011010010 &
-b101100001011010010 -$
-b101100001011010010 7$
-b1010100010101100101100001011010010 #
-b1010100010101100101100001011010010 A
-b1010100010101100101100001011010010 /$
-b11010010 ?$
-b11010010 .
-b11010010 B$
-b10100 5
-b11100100111101001010010010110100 7
-b11100100111101001010010010110100 "
-b11100100111101001010010010110100 @
-b11 F
-b1100 J
-b100 I
-b1 M$
-b10100000 H$
-b1010000011110000 )
-b1010000011110000 A$
-b1010000011110000 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110000011110000 U$
-b111100000111100001100001011010010 ,
-b111100000111100001100001011010010 R$
-b10110000 ?$
-b10110000 .
-b10110000 B$
-b1010000010110000 &
-b1010000010110000 -$
-b1010000010110000 7$
-b100101 Q
-b10011 X
-b1111111 m
-b1111 t
-b1110000 {
-b1111111 $"
-b100101 +"
-b10011 2"
-b1111 N"
-b1110000 U"
-b1111111 \"
-b100101 c"
-b10011 j"
-b1111111 !#
-b1111111 (#
-b1111 /#
-b1111111 6#
-b100101 =#
-b10011 D#
-b1111111 `#
-b1111 g#
-b1111111 n#
-b1001000 u#
-b10000 |#
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 #
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 A
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 /$
-b11100000 ?$
-b11100000 .
-b11100000 B$
-b11110000011110000 &
-b11110000011110000 -$
-b11110000011110000 7$
-b10110000 I$
-b1010000010110000 )
-b1010000010110000 A$
-b1010000010110000 N$
-b10 M$
-b11000 5
-b11100101111101011010010110110101 7
-b11100101111101011010010110110101 "
-b11100101111101011010010110110101 @
-b11100001 ?$
-b11100001 .
-b11100001 B$
-b1110000111110001 &
-b1110000111110001 -$
-b1110000111110001 7$
-b100000 |#
-b10010000 u#
-b11111111 n#
-b11111 g#
-b11111111 `#
-b1 K#
-b100110 D#
-b1001010 =#
-b11111111 6#
-b11111 /#
-b11111111 (#
-b11111111 !#
-b1 q"
-b100110 j"
-b1001010 c"
-b11111111 \"
-b11100000 U"
-b11111 N"
-b1 9"
-b100110 2"
-b1001010 +"
-b11111111 $"
-b11100000 {
-b11111 t
-b11111111 m
-b1 _
-b100110 X
-b1001010 Q
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 #
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 A
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 /$
-b11110000011110000 &
-b11110000011110000 -$
-b11110000011110000 7$
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 #
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 A
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 /$
-b11110000 ?$
-b11110000 .
-b11110000 B$
-b11100 5
-b11100110111101101010011010110110 7
-b11100110111101101010011010110110 "
-b11100110111101101010011010110110 @
-b100 F
-b1011 J
-b101 I
-b1 M$
-b11100001 H$
-b1110000110110000 )
-b1110000110110000 A$
-b1110000110110000 N$
-b10 Z$
-b1010000010110000 V$
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 ,
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 R$
-b11110001 ?$
-b11110001 .
-b11110001 B$
-b1110000111110001 &
-b1110000111110001 -$
-b1110000111110001 7$
-b10010101 Q
-b1001100 X
-b11 _
-b111111111 m
-b111111 t
-b111000000 {
-b111111111 $"
-b10010101 +"
-b1001100 2"
-b11 9"
-b111111 N"
-b111000000 U"
-b111111111 \"
-b10010101 c"
-b1001100 j"
-b11 q"
-b111111111 !#
-b111111111 (#
-b111111 /#
-b111111111 6#
-b10010101 =#
-b1001100 D#
-b11 K#
-b111111111 `#
-b111111 g#
-b111111111 n#
-b100100000 u#
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 #
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 A
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 /$
-b1000000 |#
-b10100000 ?$
-b10100000 .
-b10100000 B$
-b1010000010110000 &
-b1010000010110000 -$
-b1010000010110000 7$
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 #
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 A
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 /$
-b0 Z$
-b11110001 I$
-b1110000111110001 )
-b1110000111110001 A$
-b1110000111110001 N$
-b10 M$
-b110 I
-b1010 J
-b101 F
-b100000 5
-b11100111111101111010011110110111 7
-b11100111111101111010011110110111 "
-b11100111111101111010011110110111 @
-b10100001 ?$
-b10100001 .
-b10100001 B$
-b1010000110110001 &
-b1010000110110001 -$
-b1010000110110001 7$
-b10000000 |#
-b1001000000 u#
-b1111111111 n#
-b1111111 g#
-b1111111111 `#
-b111 K#
-b10011001 D#
-b100101010 =#
-b1111111111 6#
-b1111111 /#
-b1111111111 (#
-b1111111111 !#
-b111 q"
-b10011001 j"
-b100101010 c"
-b1111111111 \"
-b1110000000 U"
-b1111111 N"
-b111 9"
-b10011001 2"
-b100101010 +"
-b1111111111 $"
-b1110000000 {
-b1111111 t
-b1111111111 m
-b111 _
-b10011001 X
-b100101010 Q
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 #
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 A
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 /$
-b1010000010110000 &
-b1010000010110000 -$
-b1010000010110000 7$
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 #
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 A
-b111100000111100001010000010110000 /$
-b10110000 ?$
-b10110000 .
-b10110000 B$
-b11101000111110001010100010111000 7
-b1011101000111110001010100010111000 "
-b1011101000111110001010100010111000 @
-b110 F
-b1001 J
-b111 I
-b1 M$
-b10100001 H$
-b1010000111110001 )
-b1010000111110001 A$
-b1010000111110001 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110000111110001 U$
-b11100001111100011010000010110000 ,
-b11100001111100011010000010110000 R$
-b10110001 ?$
-b10110001 .
-b10110001 B$
-b1010000110110001 &
-b1010000110110001 -$
-b1010000110110001 7$
-b1001010101 Q
-b100110011 X
-b1111 _
-b11111111111 m
-b11111111 t
-b11100000000 {
-b11111111111 $"
-b1001010101 +"
-b100110011 2"
-b1111 9"
-b11111111 N"
-b11100000000 U"
-b11111111111 \"
-b1001010101 c"
-b100110011 j"
-b1111 q"
-b11111111111 !#
-b11111111111 (#
-b11111111 /#
-b11111111111 6#
-b1001010101 =#
-b100110011 D#
-b1111 K#
-b11111111111 `#
-b11111111 g#
-b11111111111 n#
-b10010000000 u#
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 #
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 A
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 /$
-b100000000 |#
-b11100001 ?$
-b11100001 .
-b11100001 B$
-b1110000111110001 &
-b1110000111110001 -$
-b1110000111110001 7$
-b10110001 I$
-b1010000110110001 )
-b1010000110110001 A$
-b1010000110110001 N$
-b10 M$
-b0 7
-b0 "
-b0 @
-b11100010 ?$
-b11100010 .
-b11100010 B$
-b1110001011110010 &
-b1110001011110010 -$
-b1110001011110010 7$
-b1000000001 |#
-b100100000000 u#
-b111111111111 n#
-b111111111 g#
-b111111111111 `#
-b1 R#
-b11110 K#
-b1001100110 D#
-b10010101010 =#
-b111111111111 6#
-b111111111 /#
-b111111111111 (#
-b111111111111 !#
-b1 x"
-b11110 q"
-b1001100110 j"
-b10010101010 c"
-b111111111111 \"
-b111000000000 U"
-b111111111 N"
-b1 @"
-b11110 9"
-b1001100110 2"
-b10010101010 +"
-b111111111111 $"
-b111000000000 {
-b111111111 t
-b111111111111 m
-b1 f
-b11110 _
-b1001100110 X
-b10010101010 Q
-b11100010111100101010001010110010 #
-b11100010111100101010001010110010 A
-b11100010111100101010001010110010 /$
-b11110010 ?$
-b11110010 .
-b11110010 B$
-b1 M$
-b11100010 H$
-b1110001010110001 )
-b1110001010110001 A$
-b1110001010110001 N$
-b10 Z$
-b1010000110110001 V$
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 ,
-b11100001111100011010000110110001 R$
-b10100010 ?$
-b10100010 .
-b10100010 B$
-b1010001010110010 &
-b1010001010110010 -$
-b1010001010110010 7$
-b0 Z$
-b11110010 I$
-b1110001011110010 )
-b1110001011110010 A$
-b1110001011110010 N$
-b10 M$
-b10110010 ?$
-b10110010 .
-b10110010 B$
-b1 M$
-b10100010 H$
-b1010001011110010 )
-b1010001011110010 A$
-b1010001011110010 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110001011110010 U$
-b11100010111100101010000110110001 ,
-b11100010111100101010000110110001 R$
-b11100011 ?$
-b11100011 .
-b11100011 B$
-b1110001111110011 &
-b1110001111110011 -$
-b1110001111110011 7$
-b11100011111100111010001110110011 #
-b11100011111100111010001110110011 A
-b11100011111100111010001110110011 /$
-b10110010 I$
-b1010001010110010 )
-b1010001010110010 A$
-b1010001010110010 N$
-b10 M$
-b110 I
-b1010 J
-b101 F
-b11110011 ?$
-b11110011 .
-b11110011 B$
-b1 M$
-b11100011 H$
-b1110001110110010 )
-b1110001110110010 A$
-b1110001110110010 N$
-b10 Z$
-b1010001010110010 V$
-b11100010111100101010001010110010 ,
-b11100010111100101010001010110010 R$
-b10100011 ?$
-b10100011 .
-b10100011 B$
-b1010001110110011 &
-b1010001110110011 -$
-b1010001110110011 7$
-b0 Z$
-b11110011 I$
-b1110001111110011 )
-b1110001111110011 A$
-b1110001111110011 N$
-b10 M$
-b10110011 ?$
-b10110011 .
-b10110011 B$
-b1 M$
-b10100011 H$
-b1010001111110011 )
-b1010001111110011 A$
-b1010001111110011 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110001111110011 U$
-b11100011111100111010001010110010 ,
-b11100011111100111010001010110010 R$
-b11100100 ?$
-b11100100 .
-b11100100 B$
-b1110010011110100 &
-b1110010011110100 -$
-b1110010011110100 7$
-b11100100111101001010010010110100 #
-b11100100111101001010010010110100 A
-b11100100111101001010010010110100 /$
-b10110011 I$
-b1010001110110011 )
-b1010001110110011 A$
-b1010001110110011 N$
-b10 M$
-b101 I
-b1011 J
-b100 F
-b11110100 ?$
-b11110100 .
-b11110100 B$
-b1 M$
-b11100100 H$
-b1110010010110011 )
-b1110010010110011 A$
-b1110010010110011 N$
-b10 Z$
-b1010001110110011 V$
-b11100011111100111010001110110011 ,
-b11100011111100111010001110110011 R$
-b10100100 ?$
-b10100100 .
-b10100100 B$
-b1010010010110100 &
-b1010010010110100 -$
-b1010010010110100 7$
-b0 Z$
-b11110100 I$
-b1110010011110100 )
-b1110010011110100 A$
-b1110010011110100 N$
-b10 M$
-b10110100 ?$
-b10110100 .
-b10110100 B$
-b1 M$
-b10100100 H$
-b1010010011110100 )
-b1010010011110100 A$
-b1010010011110100 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110010011110100 U$
-b11100100111101001010001110110011 ,
-b11100100111101001010001110110011 R$
-b11100101 ?$
-b11100101 .
-b11100101 B$
-b1110010111110101 &
-b1110010111110101 -$
-b1110010111110101 7$
-b11100101111101011010010110110101 #
-b11100101111101011010010110110101 A
-b11100101111101011010010110110101 /$
-b10110100 I$
-b1010010010110100 )
-b1010010010110100 A$
-b1010010010110100 N$
-b10 M$
-b100 I
-b1100 J
-b11 F
-b11110101 ?$
-b11110101 .
-b11110101 B$
-b1 M$
-b11100101 H$
-b1110010110110100 )
-b1110010110110100 A$
-b1110010110110100 N$
-b10 Z$
-b1010010010110100 V$
-b11100100111101001010010010110100 ,
-b11100100111101001010010010110100 R$
-b10100101 ?$
-b10100101 .
-b10100101 B$
-b1010010110110101 &
-b1010010110110101 -$
-b1010010110110101 7$
-b0 Z$
-b11110101 I$
-b1110010111110101 )
-b1110010111110101 A$
-b1110010111110101 N$
-b10 M$
-b10110101 ?$
-b10110101 .
-b10110101 B$
-b1 M$
-b10100101 H$
-b1010010111110101 )
-b1010010111110101 A$
-b1010010111110101 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110010111110101 U$
-b11100101111101011010010010110100 ,
-b11100101111101011010010010110100 R$
-b11100110 ?$
-b11100110 .
-b11100110 B$
-b1110011011110110 &
-b1110011011110110 -$
-b1110011011110110 7$
-b11100110111101101010011010110110 #
-b11100110111101101010011010110110 A
-b11100110111101101010011010110110 /$
-b10110101 I$
-b1010010110110101 )
-b1010010110110101 A$
-b1010010110110101 N$
-b10 M$
-b11 I
-b1101 J
-b10 F
-b11110110 ?$
-b11110110 .
-b11110110 B$
-b1 M$
-b11100110 H$
-b1110011010110101 )
-b1110011010110101 A$
-b1110011010110101 N$
-b10 Z$
-b1010010110110101 V$
-b11100101111101011010010110110101 ,
-b11100101111101011010010110110101 R$
-b10100110 ?$
-b10100110 .
-b10100110 B$
-b1010011010110110 &
-b1010011010110110 -$
-b1010011010110110 7$
-b0 Z$
-b11110110 I$
-b1110011011110110 )
-b1110011011110110 A$
-b1110011011110110 N$
-b10 M$
-b10110110 ?$
-b10110110 .
-b10110110 B$
-b1 M$
-b10100110 H$
-b1010011011110110 )
-b1010011011110110 A$
-b1010011011110110 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110011011110110 U$
-b11100110111101101010010110110101 ,
-b11100110111101101010010110110101 R$
-b11100111 ?$
-b11100111 .
-b11100111 B$
-b1110011111110111 &
-b1110011111110111 -$
-b1110011111110111 7$
-b11100111111101111010011110110111 #
-b11100111111101111010011110110111 A
-b11100111111101111010011110110111 /$
-b10110110 I$
-b1010011010110110 )
-b1010011010110110 A$
-b1010011010110110 N$
-b10 M$
-b10 I
-b1110 J
-b1 F
-b11110111 ?$
-b11110111 .
-b11110111 B$
-b1 M$
-b11100111 H$
-b1110011110110110 )
-b1110011110110110 A$
-b1110011110110110 N$
-b10 Z$
-b1010011010110110 V$
-b11100110111101101010011010110110 ,
-b11100110111101101010011010110110 R$
-b10100111 ?$
-b10100111 .
-b10100111 B$
-b1010011110110111 &
-b1010011110110111 -$
-b1010011110110111 7$
-b0 Z$
-b11110111 I$
-b1110011111110111 )
-b1110011111110111 A$
-b1110011111110111 N$
-b10 M$
-b10110111 ?$
-b10110111 .
-b10110111 B$
-b1 M$
-b10100111 H$
-b1010011111110111 )
-b1010011111110111 A$
-b1010011111110111 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110011111110111 U$
-b11100111111101111010011010110110 ,
-b11100111111101111010011010110110 R$
-b11101000 ?$
-b11101000 .
-b11101000 B$
-b1110100011111000 &
-b1110100011111000 -$
-b1110100011111000 7$
-b1011101000111110001010100010111000 #
-b1011101000111110001010100010111000 A
-b1011101000111110001010100010111000 /$
-b10110111 I$
-b1010011110110111 )
-b1010011110110111 A$
-b1010011110110111 N$
-b10 M$
-b1 I
-b1111 J
-b0 F
-b11111000 ?$
-b11111000 .
-b11111000 B$
-b1 M$
-b11101000 H$
-b1110100010110111 )
-b1110100010110111 A$
-b1110100010110111 N$
-b10 Z$
-b1010011110110111 V$
-b11100111111101111010011110110111 ,
-b11100111111101111010011110110111 R$
-b10101000 ?$
-b10101000 .
-b10101000 B$
-b101010100010111000 &
-b101010100010111000 -$
-b101010100010111000 7$
-b0 Z$
-b11111000 I$
-b1110100011111000 )
-b1110100011111000 A$
-b1110100011111000 N$
-b10 M$
-b10111000 ?$
-b10111000 .
-b10111000 B$
-b1 M$
-b10101000 H$
-b1010100011111000 )
-b1010100011111000 A$
-b1010100011111000 N$
-b1 Z$
-b1110100011111000 U$
-b11101000111110001010011110110111 ,
-b11101000111110001010011110110111 R$
-b11101000 ?$
-b11101000 .
-b11101000 B$
-b1110100011111000 &
-b1110100011111000 -$
-b1110100011111000 7$
-b10111000 I$
-b10 M$
-b101010100010111000 )
-b101010100010111000 A$
-b101010100010111000 N$
-b0 I
-b10000 J
-b0 M$
-b10 Z$
-b1010100010111000 V$
-b1011101000111110001010100010111000 ,
-b1011101000111110001010100010111000 R$
-b0 Z$
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_short.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_short.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a7603c7..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_short.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-module fifo_short
- #(parameter WIDTH=32)
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [WIDTH-1:0] datain,
- input src_rdy_i,
- output dst_rdy_o,
- output [WIDTH-1:0] dataout,
- output src_rdy_o,
- input dst_rdy_i,
- output reg [4:0] space,
- output reg [4:0] occupied);
- reg full, empty;
- wire write = src_rdy_i & dst_rdy_o;
- wire read = dst_rdy_i & src_rdy_o;
- assign dst_rdy_o = ~full;
- assign src_rdy_o = ~empty;
- reg [3:0] a;
- genvar i;
- generate
- for (i=0;i<WIDTH;i=i+1)
- begin : gen_srl16
- SRL16E
- srl16e(.Q(dataout[i]),
- .A0(a[0]),.A1(a[1]),.A2(a[2]),.A3(a[3]),
- .CE(write),.CLK(clk),.D(datain[i]));
- end
- endgenerate
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- begin
- a <= 0;
- empty <= 1;
- full <= 0;
- end
- else if(clear)
- begin
- a <= 0;
- empty <= 1;
- full<= 0;
- end
- else if(read & ~write)
- begin
- full <= 0;
- if(a==0)
- empty <= 1;
- else
- a <= a - 1;
- end
- else if(write & ~read)
- begin
- empty <= 0;
- if(~empty)
- a <= a + 1;
- if(a == 14)
- full <= 1;
- end
- // NOTE will fail if you write into a full fifo or read from an empty one
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // space and occupied are used for diagnostics, not
- // guaranteed correct
- //assign space = full ? 0 : empty ? 16 : 15-a;
- //assign occupied = empty ? 0 : full ? 16 : a+1;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- space <= 16;
- else if(clear)
- space <= 16;
- else if(read & ~write)
- space <= space + 1;
- else if(write & ~read)
- space <= space - 1;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- occupied <= 0;
- else if(clear)
- occupied <= 0;
- else if(read & ~write)
- occupied <= occupied - 1;
- else if(write & ~read)
- occupied <= occupied + 1;
-endmodule // fifo_short
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_spec.txt b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_spec.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 133b9fa8e..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_spec.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-FIFO and Buffer Interface Spec
-Buffer Interface Data Wires -- matches fifo36
- DATA[31:0]
- FLAGS[3:0]
- Bit 0 SOP
- Bit 1 EOP
- If SOP=1 && EOP=1, OCC contains error flags
- Bits 3:2 OCC[1:0] --> 00 = all 4 bytes
- 01 = 1 byte
- 10 = 2 bytes
- 11 = 3 bytes
-fifo36 --> {OCC[1:0],EOP,SOP,DATA[31:0]}
- OCC same as buffer interface
-fifo19 --> {OCC,EOP,SOP,DATA[15:0]}
- Doesn't fit well into BRAM, dist RAM ok
- OCC = 1 means last word is half full
- = 0 means last word is full
-fifo18 --> {EOP,SOP,DATA[15:0]}
- No half-word capability? Should we drop sop instead?
-Control Wires - Data into FIFO
- SRC_RDY_i Upstream has data for me
- DST_RDY_o I have space
- Transfer occurs if SRC_RDI_i && DST_RDY_o
-Control Wires - Data out of FIFO
- SRC_RDY_o I have data for downstream
- DST_RDY_i Downstream has space
- Transfer occurs if SRC_RDI_o && DST_RDY_i
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_tb.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f561df7fa..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/fifo_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-module fifo_new_tb();
- reg clk = 0;
- reg rst = 1;
- reg clear = 0;
- initial #1000 rst = 0;
- always #50 clk = ~clk;
- reg [31:0] f36_data = 0;
- reg [1:0] f36_occ = 0;
- reg f36_sof = 0, f36_eof = 0;
- wire [35:0] f36_in = {f36_occ,f36_eof,f36_sof,f36_data};
- reg src_rdy_f36i = 0;
- wire dst_rdy_f36i;
- wire [35:0] f36_out, f36_out2;
- wire src_rdy_f36o;
- reg dst_rdy_f36o = 0;
- //fifo_cascade #(.WIDTH(36), .SIZE(4)) fifo_cascade36
- //fifo_long #(.WIDTH(36), .SIZE(4)) fifo_cascade36
- wire i1_sr, i1_dr;
- wire i2_sr, i2_dr;
- wire i3_sr, i3_dr;
- reg i4_dr = 0;
- wire i4_sr;
- wire [35:0] i1, i4;
- wire [18:0] i2, i3;
- wire [7:0] ll_data;
- wire ll_src_rdy_n, ll_dst_rdy_n, ll_sof_n, ll_eof_n;
- fifo_short #(.WIDTH(36)) fifo_short1
- (.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.clear(clear),
- .datain(f36_in),.src_rdy_i(src_rdy_f36i),.dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_f36i),
- .dataout(i1),.src_rdy_o(i1_sr),.dst_rdy_i(i1_dr) );
- fifo36_to_fifo19 fifo36_to_fifo19
- (.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.clear(clear),
- .f36_datain(i1),.f36_src_rdy_i(i1_sr),.f36_dst_rdy_o(i1_dr),
- .f19_dataout(i2),.f19_src_rdy_o(i2_sr),.f19_dst_rdy_i(i2_dr) );
- fifo19_to_ll8 fifo19_to_ll8
- (.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.clear(clear),
- .f19_data(i2),.f19_src_rdy_i(i2_sr),.f19_dst_rdy_o(i2_dr),
- .ll_data(ll_data),.ll_sof_n(ll_sof_n),.ll_eof_n(ll_eof_n),
- .ll_src_rdy_n(ll_src_rdy_n),.ll_dst_rdy_n(ll_dst_rdy_n));
- ll8_to_fifo19 ll8_to_fifo19
- (.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.clear(clear),
- .ll_data(ll_data),.ll_sof_n(ll_sof_n),.ll_eof_n(ll_eof_n),
- .ll_src_rdy_n(ll_src_rdy_n),.ll_dst_rdy_n(ll_dst_rdy_n),
- .f19_data(i3),.f19_src_rdy_o(i3_sr),.f19_dst_rdy_i(i3_dr) );
- fifo19_to_fifo36 fifo19_to_fifo36
- (.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.clear(clear),
- .f19_datain(i3),.f19_src_rdy_i(i3_sr),.f19_dst_rdy_o(i3_dr),
- .f36_dataout(i4),.f36_src_rdy_o(i4_sr),.f36_dst_rdy_i(i4_dr) );
- task ReadFromFIFO36;
- begin
- $display("Read from FIFO36");
- #1 i4_dr <= 1;
- while(1)
- begin
- while(~i4_sr)
- @(posedge clk);
- $display("Read: %h",i4);
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- end
- endtask // ReadFromFIFO36
- reg [15:0] count;
- task PutPacketInFIFO36;
- input [31:0] data_start;
- input [31:0] data_len;
- begin
- count <= 4;
- src_rdy_f36i <= 1;
- f36_data <= data_start;
- f36_sof <= 1;
- f36_eof <= 0;
- f36_occ <= 0;
- $display("Put Packet in FIFO36");
- while(~dst_rdy_f36i)
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- $display("PPI_FIFO36: Entered First Line");
- f36_sof <= 0;
- while(count+4 < data_len)
- begin
- f36_data <= f36_data + 32'h01010101;
- count <= count + 4;
- while(~dst_rdy_f36i)
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- $display("PPI_FIFO36: Entered New Line");
- end
- f36_data <= f36_data + 32'h01010101;
- f36_eof <= 1;
- if(count + 4 == data_len)
- f36_occ <= 0;
- else if(count + 3 == data_len)
- f36_occ <= 3;
- else if(count + 2 == data_len)
- f36_occ <= 2;
- else
- f36_occ <= 1;
- while(~dst_rdy_f36i)
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- f36_occ <= 0;
- f36_eof <= 0;
- f36_data <= 0;
- src_rdy_f36i <= 0;
- $display("PPI_FIFO36: Entered Last Line");
- end
- endtask // PutPacketInFIFO36
- initial $dumpfile("fifo_new_tb.vcd");
- initial $dumpvars(0,fifo_new_tb);
- initial
- begin
- @(negedge rst);
- //#10000;
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- ReadFromFIFO36;
- end
- initial
- begin
- @(negedge rst);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- PutPacketInFIFO36(32'hA0B0C0D0,12);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- #10000;
- @(posedge clk);
- PutPacketInFIFO36(32'hE0F0A0B0,36);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- @(posedge clk);
- end
- initial #20000 $finish;
-endmodule // longfifo_tb
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_shortfifo.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_shortfifo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 39ada9a4f..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_shortfifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module ll8_shortfifo
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [7:0] datain, input sof_i, input eof_i, input error_i, input src_rdy_i, output dst_rdy_o,
- output [7:0] dataout, output sof_o, output eof_o, output error_o, output src_rdy_o, input dst_rdy_i);
- fifo_short #(.WIDTH(11)) fifo_short
- (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
- .datain({error_i,eof_i,sof_i,datain}), .src_rdy_i(src_rdy_i), .dst_rdy_o(dst_rdy_o),
- .dataout({error_o,eof_o,sof_o,dataout}), .src_rdy_o(src_rdy_o), .dst_rdy_i(dst_rdy_i));
-endmodule // ll8_shortfifo
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_to_fifo19.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_to_fifo19.v
deleted file mode 100644
index af3b91afb..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_to_fifo19.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-module ll8_to_fifo19
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [7:0] ll_data,
- input ll_sof_n,
- input ll_eof_n,
- input ll_src_rdy_n,
- output ll_dst_rdy_n,
- output [18:0] f19_data,
- output f19_src_rdy_o,
- input f19_dst_rdy_i );
- localparam XFER_EMPTY = 0;
- localparam XFER_HALF = 1;
- localparam XFER_HALF_WRITE = 3;
- // Why anybody would use active low in an FPGA is beyond me...
- wire ll_sof = ~ll_sof_n;
- wire ll_eof = ~ll_eof_n;
- wire ll_src_rdy = ~ll_src_rdy_n;
- wire ll_dst_rdy;
- assign ll_dst_rdy_n = ~ll_dst_rdy;
- wire xfer_out = f19_src_rdy_o & f19_dst_rdy_i;
- wire xfer_in = ll_src_rdy & ll_dst_rdy;
- reg hold_sof;
- wire f19_sof, f19_eof, f19_occ;
- reg [1:0] state;
- reg [7:0] hold_reg;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_src_rdy & (state==XFER_EMPTY))
- hold_reg <= ll_data;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_sof & (state==XFER_EMPTY))
- hold_sof <= 1;
- else if(xfer_out)
- hold_sof <= 0;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset | clear)
- state <= XFER_EMPTY;
- else
- case(state)
- if(ll_src_rdy)
- if(ll_eof)
- state <= XFER_HALF_WRITE;
- else
- state <= XFER_HALF;
- if(ll_src_rdy & f19_dst_rdy_i)
- state <= XFER_EMPTY;
- if(f19_dst_rdy_i)
- state <= XFER_EMPTY;
- endcase // case (state)
- assign ll_dst_rdy = (state==XFER_EMPTY) | ((state==XFER_HALF)&f19_dst_rdy_i);
- assign f19_src_rdy_o = (state==XFER_HALF_WRITE) | ((state==XFER_HALF)&ll_src_rdy);
- assign f19_sof = hold_sof | (ll_sof & (state==XFER_HALF));
- assign f19_eof = (state == XFER_HALF_WRITE) | ll_eof;
- assign f19_occ = (state == XFER_HALF_WRITE);
- assign f19_data = {f19_occ,f19_eof,f19_sof,hold_reg,ll_data};
-endmodule // ll8_to_fifo19
diff --git a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_to_fifo36.v b/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_to_fifo36.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 108daa903..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp2/control_lib/newfifo/ll8_to_fifo36.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-module ll8_to_fifo36
- (input clk, input reset, input clear,
- input [7:0] ll_data,
- input ll_sof_n,
- input ll_eof_n,
- input ll_src_rdy_n,
- output ll_dst_rdy_n,
- output [35:0] f36_data,
- output f36_src_rdy_o,
- input f36_dst_rdy_i );
- wire f36_write = f36_src_rdy_o & f36_dst_rdy_i;
- // Why anybody would use active low in an FPGA is beyond me...
- wire ll_sof = ~ll_sof_n;
- wire ll_eof = ~ll_eof_n;
- wire ll_src_rdy = ~ll_src_rdy_n;
- wire ll_dst_rdy;
- assign ll_dst_rdy_n = ~ll_dst_rdy;
- reg f36_sof, f36_eof;
- reg [1:0] f36_occ;
- reg [2:0] state;
- reg [7:0] dat0, dat1, dat2, dat3;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_src_rdy & ((state==0)|f36_write))
- f36_sof <= ll_sof;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_src_rdy & ((state !=4)|f36_write))
- f36_eof <= ll_eof;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_eof)
- f36_occ <= state[1:0] + 1;
- else
- f36_occ <= 0;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- state <= 0;
- else
- if(ll_src_rdy)
- case(state)
- 0 :
- if(ll_eof)
- state <= 4;
- else
- state <= 1;
- 1 :
- if(ll_eof)
- state <= 4;
- else
- state <= 2;
- 2 :
- if(ll_eof)
- state <= 4;
- else
- state <= 3;
- 3 : state <= 4;
- 4 :
- if(f36_dst_rdy_i)
- if(ll_eof)
- state <= 4;
- else
- state <= 1;
- endcase // case(state)
- else
- if(f36_write)
- state <= 0;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_src_rdy & (state==3))
- dat3 <= ll_data;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_src_rdy & (state==2))
- dat2 <= ll_data;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_src_rdy & (state==1))
- dat1 <= ll_data;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(ll_src_rdy & ((state==0) | f36_write))
- dat0 <= ll_data;
- assign ll_dst_rdy = f36_dst_rdy_i | (state != 4);
- assign f36_data = {f36_occ,f36_eof,f36_sof,dat0,dat1,dat2,dat3}; // FIXME endianess
- assign f36_src_rdy_o = (state == 4);
-endmodule // ll8_to_fifo36