path: root/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib
diff options
authorMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:25:20 +0200
committerMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2014-10-07 11:25:20 +0200
commitfd3e84941de463fa1a7ebab0a69515b4bf2614cd (patch)
tree3fa721a13d41d2c0451d663a59a220a38fd5e614 /fpga/usrp1/inband_lib
parent3b66804e41891e358c790b453a7a59ec7462dba4 (diff)
Removed copy of FPGA source files.
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/usrp1/inband_lib')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1526 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/chan_fifo_reader.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/chan_fifo_reader.v
deleted file mode 100755
index 69da9ec5a..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/chan_fifo_reader.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-module chan_fifo_reader
- (reset, tx_clock, tx_strobe, timestamp_clock, samples_format,
- fifodata, pkt_waiting, rdreq, skip, tx_q, tx_i,
- underrun, tx_empty, debug, rssi, threshhold, rssi_wait) ;
- input wire reset ;
- input wire tx_clock ;
- input wire tx_strobe ; //signal to output tx_i and tx_q
- input wire [31:0] timestamp_clock ; //current time
- input wire [3:0] samples_format ;// not useful at this point
- input wire [31:0] fifodata ; //the data input
- input wire pkt_waiting ; //signal the next packet is ready
- output reg rdreq ; //actually an ack to the current fifodata
- output reg skip ; //finish reading current packet
- output reg [15:0] tx_q ; //top 16 bit output of fifodata
- output reg [15:0] tx_i ; //bottom 16 bit output of fifodata
- output reg underrun ;
- output reg tx_empty ; //cause 0 to be the output
- input wire [31:0] rssi;
- input wire [31:0] threshhold;
- input wire [31:0] rssi_wait;
- output wire [14:0] debug;
- assign debug = {7'd0, rdreq, skip, reader_state, pkt_waiting, tx_strobe, tx_clock};
- //Samples format
- // 16 bits interleaved complex samples
- `define QI16 4'b0
- // States
- parameter IDLE = 3'd0;
- parameter HEADER = 3'd1;
- parameter TIMESTAMP = 3'd2;
- parameter WAIT = 3'd3;
- parameter WAITSTROBE = 3'd4;
- parameter SEND = 3'd5;
- // Header format
- `define PAYLOAD 8:2
- `define ENDOFBURST 27
- `define STARTOFBURST 28
- `define RSSI_FLAG 26
- /* State registers */
- reg [2:0] reader_state;
- /* Local registers */
- reg [6:0] payload_len;
- reg [6:0] read_len;
- reg [31:0] timestamp;
- reg burst;
- reg trash;
- reg rssi_flag;
- reg [31:0] time_wait;
- always @(posedge tx_clock)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- rdreq <= 0;
- skip <= 0;
- underrun <= 0;
- burst <= 0;
- tx_empty <= 1;
- tx_q <= 0;
- tx_i <= 0;
- trash <= 0;
- rssi_flag <= 0;
- time_wait <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- case (reader_state)
- begin
- /*
- * reset all the variables and wait for a tx_strobe
- * it is assumed that the ram connected to this fifo_reader
- * is a short hand fifo meaning that the header to the next packet
- * is already available to this fifo_reader when pkt_waiting is on
- */
- skip <=0;
- time_wait <= 0;
- if (pkt_waiting == 1)
- begin
- reader_state <= HEADER;
- rdreq <= 1;
- underrun <= 0;
- end
- if (burst == 1 && pkt_waiting == 0)
- underrun <= 1;
- if (tx_strobe == 1)
- tx_empty <= 1 ;
- end
- /* Process header */
- begin
- if (tx_strobe == 1)
- tx_empty <= 1 ;
- rssi_flag <= fifodata[`RSSI_FLAG]&fifodata[`STARTOFBURST];
- //Check Start/End burst flag
- if (fifodata[`STARTOFBURST] == 1
- && fifodata[`ENDOFBURST] == 1)
- burst <= 0;
- else if (fifodata[`STARTOFBURST] == 1)
- burst <= 1;
- else if (fifodata[`ENDOFBURST] == 1)
- burst <= 0;
- if (trash == 1 && fifodata[`STARTOFBURST] == 0)
- begin
- skip <= 1;
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- rdreq <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- payload_len <= fifodata[`PAYLOAD] ;
- read_len <= 0;
- rdreq <= 1;
- reader_state <= TIMESTAMP;
- end
- end
- begin
- timestamp <= fifodata;
- reader_state <= WAIT;
- if (tx_strobe == 1)
- tx_empty <= 1 ;
- rdreq <= 0;
- end
- // Decide if we wait, send or discard samples
- begin
- if (tx_strobe == 1)
- tx_empty <= 1 ;
- time_wait <= time_wait + 32'd1;
- // Outdated
- if ((timestamp < timestamp_clock) ||
- (time_wait >= rssi_wait && rssi_wait != 0 && rssi_flag))
- begin
- trash <= 1;
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- skip <= 1;
- end
- // Let's send it
- else if (timestamp == timestamp_clock
- || timestamp == 32'hFFFFFFFF)
- begin
- if (rssi <= threshhold || rssi_flag == 0)
- begin
- trash <= 0;
- reader_state <= WAITSTROBE;
- end
- else
- reader_state <= WAIT;
- end
- else
- reader_state <= WAIT;
- end
- // Wait for the transmit chain to be ready
- begin
- // If end of payload...
- if (read_len == payload_len)
- begin
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- skip <= 1;
- if (tx_strobe == 1)
- tx_empty <= 1 ;
- end
- else if (tx_strobe == 1)
- begin
- reader_state <= SEND;
- rdreq <= 1;
- end
- end
- // Send the samples to the tx_chain
- begin
- reader_state <= WAITSTROBE;
- read_len <= read_len + 7'd1;
- tx_empty <= 0;
- rdreq <= 0;
- case(samples_format)
- `QI16:
- begin
- tx_i <= fifodata[15:0];
- tx_q <= fifodata[31:16];
- end
- // Assume 16 bits complex samples by default
- default:
- begin
- tx_i <= fifodata[15:0];
- tx_q <= fifodata[31:16];
- end
- endcase
- end
- default:
- begin
- //error handling
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/channel_demux.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/channel_demux.v
deleted file mode 100644
index cca5cdb65..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/channel_demux.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-module channel_demux
- #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 2) ( //usb Side
- input [31:0]usbdata_final,
- input WR_final,
- // TX Side
- input reset,
- input txclk,
- output reg [NUM_CHAN:0] WR_channel,
- output reg [31:0] ram_data,
- output reg [NUM_CHAN:0] WR_done_channel );
- /* Parse header and forward to ram */
- reg [2:0]reader_state;
- reg [4:0]channel ;
- reg [6:0]read_length ;
- // States
- parameter IDLE = 3'd0;
- parameter HEADER = 3'd1;
- parameter WAIT = 3'd2;
- parameter FORWARD = 3'd3;
- `define CHANNEL 20:16
- `define PKT_SIZE 127
- wire [4:0] true_channel;
- assign true_channel = (usbdata_final[`CHANNEL] == 5'h1f) ?
- NUM_CHAN : (usbdata_final[`CHANNEL]);
- always @(posedge txclk)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- WR_channel <= 0;
- WR_done_channel <= 0;
- end
- else
- case (reader_state)
- IDLE: begin
- if (WR_final)
- reader_state <= HEADER;
- end
- // Store channel and forware header
- HEADER: begin
- channel <= true_channel;
- WR_channel[true_channel] <= 1;
- ram_data <= usbdata_final;
- read_length <= 7'd0 ;
- reader_state <= WAIT;
- end
- WAIT: begin
- WR_channel[channel] <= 0;
- if (read_length == `PKT_SIZE)
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- else if (WR_final)
- reader_state <= FORWARD;
- end
- FORWARD: begin
- WR_channel[channel] <= 1;
- ram_data <= usbdata_final;
- read_length <= read_length + 7'd1;
- reader_state <= WAIT;
- end
- default:
- begin
- //error handling
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- end
- endcase
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/channel_ram.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/channel_ram.v
deleted file mode 100755
index 9621246c5..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/channel_ram.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-module channel_ram
- ( // System
- input txclk, input reset,
- // USB side
- input [31:0] datain, input WR, input WR_done, output have_space,
- // Reader side
- output [31:0] dataout, input RD, input RD_done, output packet_waiting);
- reg [6:0] wr_addr, rd_addr;
- reg [1:0] which_ram_wr, which_ram_rd;
- reg [2:0] nb_packets;
- reg [31:0] ram0 [0:127];
- reg [31:0] ram1 [0:127];
- reg [31:0] ram2 [0:127];
- reg [31:0] ram3 [0:127];
- reg [31:0] dataout0;
- reg [31:0] dataout1;
- reg [31:0] dataout2;
- reg [31:0] dataout3;
- wire wr_done_int;
- wire rd_done_int;
- wire [6:0] rd_addr_final;
- wire [1:0] which_ram_rd_final;
- // USB side
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd0)) ram0[wr_addr] <= datain;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd1)) ram1[wr_addr] <= datain;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd2)) ram2[wr_addr] <= datain;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd3)) ram3[wr_addr] <= datain;
- assign wr_done_int = ((WR && (wr_addr == 7'd127)) || WR_done);
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if(reset)
- wr_addr <= 0;
- else if (WR_done)
- wr_addr <= 0;
- else if (WR)
- wr_addr <= wr_addr + 7'd1;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if(reset)
- which_ram_wr <= 0;
- else if (wr_done_int)
- which_ram_wr <= which_ram_wr + 2'd1;
- assign have_space = (nb_packets < 3'd3);
- // Reader side
- // short hand fifo
- // rd_addr_final is what rd_addr is going to be next clock cycle
- // which_ram_rd_final is what which_ram_rd is going to be next clock cycle
- always @(posedge txclk) dataout0 <= ram0[rd_addr_final];
- always @(posedge txclk) dataout1 <= ram1[rd_addr_final];
- always @(posedge txclk) dataout2 <= ram2[rd_addr_final];
- always @(posedge txclk) dataout3 <= ram3[rd_addr_final];
- assign dataout = (which_ram_rd_final[1]) ?
- (which_ram_rd_final[0] ? dataout3 : dataout2) :
- (which_ram_rd_final[0] ? dataout1 : dataout0);
- //RD_done is the only way to signal the end of one packet
- assign rd_done_int = RD_done;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- rd_addr <= 0;
- else if (RD_done)
- rd_addr <= 0;
- else if (RD)
- rd_addr <= rd_addr + 7'd1;
- assign rd_addr_final = (reset|RD_done) ? (6'd0) :
- ((RD)?(rd_addr+7'd1):rd_addr);
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- which_ram_rd <= 0;
- else if (rd_done_int)
- which_ram_rd <= which_ram_rd + 2'd1;
- assign which_ram_rd_final = (reset) ? (2'd0):
- ((rd_done_int) ? (which_ram_rd + 2'd1) : which_ram_rd);
- //packet_waiting is set to zero if rd_done_int is high
- //because there is no guarantee that nb_packets will be pos.
- assign packet_waiting = (nb_packets > 1) | ((nb_packets == 1)&(~rd_done_int));
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- nb_packets <= 0;
- else if (wr_done_int & ~rd_done_int)
- nb_packets <= nb_packets + 3'd1;
- else if (rd_done_int & ~wr_done_int)
- nb_packets <= nb_packets - 3'd1;
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/cmd_reader.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/cmd_reader.v
deleted file mode 100755
index b69ea02b7..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/cmd_reader.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-module cmd_reader
- (//System
- input reset, input txclk, input [31:0] timestamp_clock,
- //FX2 Side
- output reg skip, output reg rdreq,
- input [31:0] fifodata, input pkt_waiting,
- //Rx side
- input rx_WR_enabled, output reg [15:0] rx_databus,
- output reg rx_WR, output reg rx_WR_done,
- //register io
- input wire [31:0] reg_data_out, output reg [31:0] reg_data_in,
- output reg [6:0] reg_addr, output reg [1:0] reg_io_enable,
- output wire [14:0] debug, output reg stop, output reg [15:0] stop_time);
- // States
- parameter IDLE = 4'd0;
- parameter HEADER = 4'd1;
- parameter TIMESTAMP = 4'd2;
- parameter WAIT = 4'd3;
- parameter TEST = 4'd4;
- parameter SEND = 4'd5;
- parameter PING = 4'd6;
- parameter WRITE_REG = 4'd7;
- parameter WRITE_REG_MASKED = 4'd8;
- parameter READ_REG = 4'd9;
- parameter DELAY = 4'd14;
- `define OP_PING_FIXED 8'd0
- `define OP_PING_FIXED_REPLY 8'd1
- `define OP_WRITE_REG 8'd2
- `define OP_WRITE_REG_MASKED 8'd3
- `define OP_READ_REG 8'd4
- `define OP_READ_REG_REPLY 8'd5
- `define OP_DELAY 8'd12
- reg [6:0] payload;
- reg [6:0] payload_read;
- reg [3:0] state;
- reg [15:0] high;
- reg [15:0] low;
- reg pending;
- reg [31:0] value0;
- reg [31:0] value1;
- reg [31:0] value2;
- reg [1:0] lines_in;
- reg [1:0] lines_out;
- reg [1:0] lines_out_total;
- `define JITTER 5
- `define OP_CODE 31:24
- `define PAYLOAD 8:2
- wire [7:0] ops;
- assign ops = value0[`OP_CODE];
- assign debug = {state[3:0], lines_out[1:0], pending, rx_WR, rx_WR_enabled, value0[2:0], ops[2:0]};
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- begin
- pending <= 0;
- state <= IDLE;
- skip <= 0;
- rdreq <= 0;
- rx_WR <= 0;
- reg_io_enable <= 0;
- reg_data_in <= 0;
- reg_addr <= 0;
- stop <= 0;
- end
- else case (state)
- IDLE :
- begin
- payload_read <= 0;
- skip <= 0;
- lines_in <= 0;
- if(pkt_waiting)
- begin
- state <= HEADER;
- rdreq <= 1;
- end
- end
- begin
- payload <= fifodata[`PAYLOAD];
- state <= TIMESTAMP;
- end
- begin
- value0 <= fifodata;
- state <= WAIT;
- rdreq <= 0;
- end
- WAIT :
- begin
- // Let's send it
- if ((value0 <= timestamp_clock + `JITTER
- && value0 > timestamp_clock)
- || value0 == 32'hFFFFFFFF)
- state <= TEST;
- // Wait a little bit more
- else if (value0 > timestamp_clock + `JITTER)
- state <= WAIT;
- // Outdated
- else if (value0 < timestamp_clock)
- begin
- state <= IDLE;
- skip <= 1;
- end
- end
- TEST :
- begin
- reg_io_enable <= 0;
- rx_WR <= 0;
- rx_WR_done <= 1;
- stop <= 0;
- if (payload_read == payload)
- begin
- skip <= 1;
- state <= IDLE;
- rdreq <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- value0 <= fifodata;
- lines_in <= 2'd1;
- rdreq <= 1;
- payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
- lines_out <= 0;
- case (fifodata[`OP_CODE])
- begin
- state <= PING;
- end
- begin
- state <= WRITE_REG;
- pending <= 1;
- end
- begin
- state <= WRITE_REG_MASKED;
- pending <= 1;
- end
- begin
- state <= READ_REG;
- end
- begin
- state <= DELAY;
- end
- default:
- begin
- //error, skip this packet
- skip <= 1;
- state <= IDLE;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- begin
- rdreq <= 0;
- rx_WR_done <= 0;
- if (pending)
- begin
- rx_WR <= 1;
- rx_databus <= high;
- pending <= 0;
- if (lines_out == lines_out_total)
- state <= TEST;
- else case (ops)
- begin
- state <= READ_REG;
- end
- default:
- begin
- state <= TEST;
- end
- endcase
- end
- else
- begin
- if (rx_WR_enabled)
- begin
- rx_WR <= 1;
- rx_databus <= low;
- pending <= 1;
- lines_out <= lines_out + 2'd1;
- end
- else
- rx_WR <= 0;
- end
- end
- begin
- rx_WR <= 0;
- rdreq <= 0;
- rx_WR_done <= 0;
- lines_out_total <= 2'd1;
- pending <= 0;
- state <= SEND;
- high <= {`OP_PING_FIXED_REPLY, 8'd2};
- low <= value0[15:0];
- end
- begin
- rx_WR <= 0;
- rx_WR_done <= 0;
- rdreq <= 0;
- lines_out_total <= 2'd2;
- pending <= 0;
- state <= SEND;
- if (lines_out == 0)
- begin
- high <= {`OP_READ_REG_REPLY, 8'd6};
- low <= value0[15:0];
- reg_io_enable <= 2'd3;
- reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
- end
- else
- begin
- high <= reg_data_out[31:16];
- low <= reg_data_out[15:0];
- end
- end
- begin
- rx_WR <= 0;
- if (pending)
- pending <= 0;
- else
- begin
- if (lines_in == 2'd1)
- begin
- payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
- lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
- value1 <= fifodata;
- rdreq <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- reg_io_enable <= 2'd2;
- reg_data_in <= value1;
- reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
- state <= TEST;
- end
- end
- end
- begin
- rx_WR <= 0;
- if (pending)
- pending <= 0;
- else
- begin
- if (lines_in == 2'd1)
- begin
- rdreq <= 1;
- payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
- lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
- value1 <= fifodata;
- end
- else if (lines_in == 2'd2)
- begin
- rdreq <= 0;
- payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
- lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
- value2 <= fifodata;
- end
- else
- begin
- reg_io_enable <= 2'd2;
- reg_data_in <= (value1 & value2);
- reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
- state <= TEST;
- end
- end
- end
- begin
- rdreq <= 0;
- stop <= 1;
- stop_time <= value0[15:0];
- state <= TEST;
- end
- default :
- begin
- //error state handling
- state <= IDLE;
- end
- endcase
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/packet_builder.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/packet_builder.v
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c9122394..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/packet_builder.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-module packet_builder #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 2)(
- // System
- input rxclk,
- input reset,
- input [31:0] timestamp_clock,
- input [3:0] channels,
- // ADC side
- input [15:0]chan_fifodata,
- input [NUM_CHAN:0]chan_empty,
- input [9:0]chan_usedw,
- output reg [3:0]rd_select,
- output reg chan_rdreq,
- // FX2 side
- output reg WR,
- output reg [15:0]fifodata,
- input have_space,
- input wire [31:0]rssi_0, input wire [31:0]rssi_1, input wire [31:0]rssi_2,
- input wire [31:0]rssi_3, output wire [7:0] debugbus,
- input [NUM_CHAN:0] underrun);
- // States
- `define IDLE 3'd0
- `define HEADER1 3'd1
- `define HEADER2 3'd2
- `define TIMESTAMP 3'd3
- `define FORWARD 3'd4
- `define MAXPAYLOAD 504
- `define PAYLOAD_LEN 8:0
- `define TAG 12:9
- `define MBZ 15:13
- `define CHAN 4:0
- `define RSSI 10:5
- `define BURST 12:11
- `define DROPPED 13
- `define UNDERRUN 14
- `define OVERRUN 15
- reg [NUM_CHAN:0] overrun;
- reg [2:0] state;
- reg [8:0] read_length;
- reg [8:0] payload_len;
- reg timestamp_complete;
- reg [3:0] check_next;
- wire [31:0] true_rssi;
- wire [4:0] true_channel;
- wire ready_to_send;
- assign debugbus = {chan_empty[0], rd_select[0], have_space,
- (chan_usedw >= 10'd504), (chan_usedw ==0),
- ready_to_send, state[1:0]};
- assign true_rssi = (rd_select[1]) ? ((rd_select[0]) ? rssi_3:rssi_2) :
- ((rd_select[0]) ? rssi_1:rssi_0);
- assign true_channel = (check_next == 4'd0 ? 5'h1f : {1'd0, check_next - 4'd1});
- assign ready_to_send = (chan_usedw >= 10'd504) || (chan_usedw == 0) ||
- ((rd_select == NUM_CHAN)&&(chan_usedw > 0));
- always @(posedge rxclk)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- overrun <= 0;
- WR <= 0;
- rd_select <= 0;
- chan_rdreq <= 0;
- timestamp_complete <= 0;
- check_next <= 0;
- state <= `IDLE;
- end
- else case (state)
- `IDLE: begin
- chan_rdreq <= #1 0;
- //check if the channel is full
- if(~chan_empty[check_next])
- begin
- if (have_space)
- begin
- //transmit if the usb buffer have space
- //check if we should send
- if (ready_to_send)
- state <= #1 `HEADER1;
- overrun[check_next] <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- state <= #1 `IDLE;
- overrun[check_next] <= 1;
- end
- rd_select <= #1 check_next;
- end
- check_next <= #1 (check_next == channels ? 4'd0 : check_next + 4'd1);
- end
- `HEADER1: begin
- fifodata[`PAYLOAD_LEN] <= #1 9'd504;
- payload_len <= #1 9'd504;
- fifodata[`TAG] <= #1 0;
- fifodata[`MBZ] <= #1 0;
- WR <= #1 1;
- state <= #1 `HEADER2;
- read_length <= #1 0;
- end
- `HEADER2: begin
- fifodata[`CHAN] <= #1 true_channel;
- fifodata[`RSSI] <= #1 true_rssi[5:0];
- fifodata[`BURST] <= #1 0;
- fifodata[`DROPPED] <= #1 0;
- fifodata[`UNDERRUN] <= #1 (check_next == 0) ? 1'b0 : underrun[true_channel];
- fifodata[`OVERRUN] <= #1 (check_next == 0) ? 1'b0 : overrun[true_channel];
- state <= #1 `TIMESTAMP;
- end
- `TIMESTAMP: begin
- fifodata <= #1 (timestamp_complete ? timestamp_clock[31:16] : timestamp_clock[15:0]);
- timestamp_complete <= #1 ~timestamp_complete;
- if (~timestamp_complete)
- chan_rdreq <= #1 1;
- state <= #1 (timestamp_complete ? `FORWARD : `TIMESTAMP);
- end
- `FORWARD: begin
- read_length <= #1 read_length + 9'd2;
- fifodata <= #1 (read_length >= payload_len ? 16'hDEAD : chan_fifodata);
- if (read_length >= `MAXPAYLOAD)
- begin
- WR <= #1 0;
- state <= #1 `IDLE;
- chan_rdreq <= #1 0;
- end
- else if (read_length == payload_len - 4)
- chan_rdreq <= #1 0;
- end
- default: begin
- //handling error state
- state <= `IDLE;
- end
- endcase
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/register_io.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/register_io.v
deleted file mode 100755
index 2b0cd1732..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/register_io.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-module register_io
- (clk, reset, enable, addr, datain, dataout, debugbus, addr_wr, data_wr, strobe_wr,
- rssi_0, rssi_1, rssi_2, rssi_3, threshhold, rssi_wait, reg_0, reg_1, reg_2, reg_3,
- debug_en, misc, txmux);
- input clk;
- input reset;
- input wire [1:0] enable;
- input wire [6:0] addr;
- input wire [31:0] datain;
- output reg [31:0] dataout;
- output wire [15:0] debugbus;
- output reg [6:0] addr_wr;
- output reg [31:0] data_wr;
- output wire strobe_wr;
- input wire [31:0] rssi_0;
- input wire [31:0] rssi_1;
- input wire [31:0] rssi_2;
- input wire [31:0] rssi_3;
- output wire [31:0] threshhold;
- output wire [31:0] rssi_wait;
- input wire [15:0] reg_0;
- input wire [15:0] reg_1;
- input wire [15:0] reg_2;
- input wire [15:0] reg_3;
- input wire [3:0] debug_en;
- input wire [7:0] misc;
- input wire [31:0] txmux;
- reg strobe;
- wire [31:0] out[2:1];
- assign debugbus = {clk, enable, addr[2:0], datain[4:0], dataout[4:0]};
- assign threshhold = out[1];
- assign rssi_wait = out[2];
- assign strobe_wr = strobe;
- always @(*)
- if (reset | ~enable[1])
- begin
- strobe <= 0;
- dataout <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- if (enable[0])
- begin
- //read
- if (addr <= 7'd52 && addr > 7'd50)
- dataout <= out[addr-7'd50];
- else
- dataout <= 32'hFFFFFFFF;
- strobe <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- //write
- dataout <= dataout;
- strobe <= 1;
- data_wr <= datain;
- addr_wr <= addr;
- end
- end
-//register declarations
- /*setting_reg #(50) setting_reg0(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
- .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[0]));*/
- setting_reg #(51) setting_reg1(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
- .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[1]));
- setting_reg #(52) setting_reg2(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
- .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[2]));
- /*setting_reg #(53) setting_reg3(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
- .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[3]));
- setting_reg #(54) setting_reg4(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
- .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[4]));
- setting_reg #(55) setting_reg5(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
- .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[5]));
- setting_reg #(56) setting_reg6(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
- .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[6]));
- setting_reg #(57) setting_reg7(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
- .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[7]));*/
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v
deleted file mode 100755
index 40c7ec7bd..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-//`include "../common/fpga_regs_common.v"
-//`include "../common/fpga_regs_standard.v"
-module rx_buffer_inband
- ( input usbclk,
- input bus_reset,
- input reset, // DSP side reset (used here), do not reset registers
- input reset_regs, //Only reset registers
- output [15:0] usbdata,
- input RD,
- output wire have_pkt_rdy,
- output reg rx_overrun,
- input wire [3:0] channels,
- input wire [15:0] ch_0,
- input wire [15:0] ch_1,
- input wire [15:0] ch_2,
- input wire [15:0] ch_3,
- input wire [15:0] ch_4,
- input wire [15:0] ch_5,
- input wire [15:0] ch_6,
- input wire [15:0] ch_7,
- input rxclk,
- input rxstrobe,
- input clear_status,
- input [6:0] serial_addr,
- input [31:0] serial_data,
- input serial_strobe,
- output wire [15:0] debugbus,
- //Connection with tx_inband
- input rx_WR,
- input [15:0] rx_databus,
- input rx_WR_done,
- output reg rx_WR_enabled,
- //signal strength
- input wire [31:0] rssi_0, input wire [31:0] rssi_1,
- input wire [31:0] rssi_2, input wire [31:0] rssi_3,
- input wire [1:0] tx_underrun
- );
- parameter NUM_CHAN = 1;
- genvar i ;
- // FX2 Bug Fix
- reg [8:0] read_count;
- always @(negedge usbclk)
- if(bus_reset)
- read_count <= #1 9'd0;
- else if(RD & ~read_count[8])
- read_count <= #1 read_count + 9'd1;
- else
- read_count <= #1 RD ? read_count : 9'b0;
- // Time counter
- reg [31:0] timestamp_clock;
- always @(posedge rxclk)
- if (reset)
- timestamp_clock <= 0;
- else
- timestamp_clock <= timestamp_clock + 1;
- // USB side fifo
- wire [11:0] rdusedw;
- wire [11:0] wrusedw;
- wire [15:0] fifodata;
- wire [15:0] fifodata_il[0:NUM_CHAN];
- wire WR;
- wire have_space;
- reg sel;
- reg wr;
- always@(posedge rxclk)
- begin
- if(reset)
- begin
- sel<=1;
- wr<=0;
- end
- else if(rxstrobe)
- begin
- sel<=0;
- wr<=1;
- end
- else if(wr&~sel)
- sel<=1;
- else if(wr&sel)
- wr<=0;
- else
- wr<=0;
- end
- assign fifodata_il[0] = (sel)?ch_1:ch_0;
- assign fifodata_il[1] = (sel)?ch_3:ch_2;
- fifo_4kx16_dc rx_usb_fifo (
- .aclr ( reset ),
- .data ( fifodata ),
- .rdclk ( ~usbclk ),
- .rdreq ( RD & ~read_count[8] ),
- .wrclk ( rxclk ),
- .wrreq ( WR ),
- .q ( usbdata ),
- .rdempty ( ),
- .rdusedw ( rdusedw ),
- .wrfull ( ),
- .wrusedw ( wrusedw ) );
- assign have_pkt_rdy = (rdusedw >= 12'd256);
- assign have_space = (wrusedw < 12'd760);
- // Rx side fifos
- // These are of size [NUM_CHAN:0] because the extra channel is used for the
- // RX command channel. If there were no command channel, they would be
- // NUM_CHAN-1.
- wire chan_rdreq;
- wire [15:0] chan_fifodata;
- wire [9:0] chan_usedw;
- wire [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_empty;
- wire [3:0] rd_select;
- wire [NUM_CHAN:0] rx_full;
- packet_builder #(NUM_CHAN) rx_pkt_builer (
- .rxclk ( rxclk ),
- .reset ( reset ),
- .timestamp_clock ( timestamp_clock ),
- .channels ( NUM_CHAN ),
- .chan_rdreq ( chan_rdreq ),
- .chan_fifodata ( chan_fifodata ),
- .chan_empty ( chan_empty ),
- .rd_select ( rd_select ),
- .chan_usedw ( chan_usedw ),
- .WR ( WR ),
- .fifodata ( fifodata ),
- .have_space ( have_space ),
- .rssi_0(rssi_0), .rssi_1(rssi_1),
- .rssi_2(rssi_2),.rssi_3(rssi_3), .debugbus(debug),
- .underrun(tx_underrun));
- // Detect overrun
- always @(posedge rxclk)
- if(reset)
- rx_overrun <= 1'b0;
- else if(rx_full[0])
- rx_overrun <= 1'b1;
- else if(clear_status)
- rx_overrun <= 1'b0;
- // FIXME: what is the purpose of these two lines?
- wire [15:0]ch[NUM_CHAN:0];
- assign ch[0] = ch_0;
- wire cmd_empty;
- always @(posedge rxclk)
- if(reset)
- rx_WR_enabled <= 1;
- else if(cmd_empty)
- rx_WR_enabled <= 1;
- else if(rx_WR_done)
- rx_WR_enabled <= 0;
- // Of Size 0:NUM_CHAN due to extra command channel.
- wire [15:0] dataout [0:NUM_CHAN];
- wire [9:0] usedw [0:NUM_CHAN];
- wire empty[0:NUM_CHAN];
- generate for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_CHAN; i = i + 1)
- begin : generate_channel_fifos
- wire rdreq;
- assign rdreq = (rd_select == i) & chan_rdreq;
- fifo_1kx16 rx_chan_fifo (
- .aclr ( reset ),
- .clock ( rxclk ),
- .data ( fifodata_il[i] ),
- .rdreq ( rdreq ),
- .wrreq ( ~rx_full[i] & wr),
- .empty (empty[i]),
- .full (rx_full[i]),
- .q ( dataout[i]),
- .usedw ( usedw[i]),
- .almost_empty(chan_empty[i])
- );
- end
- endgenerate
- wire [7:0] debug;
- fifo_1kx16 rx_cmd_fifo (
- .aclr ( reset ),
- .clock ( rxclk ),
- .data ( rx_databus ),
- .rdreq ( (rd_select == NUM_CHAN) & chan_rdreq ),
- .wrreq ( rx_WR & rx_WR_enabled),
- .empty ( cmd_empty),
- .full ( rx_full[NUM_CHAN] ),
- .q ( dataout[NUM_CHAN]),
- .usedw ( usedw[NUM_CHAN] )
- );
- assign chan_empty[NUM_CHAN] = cmd_empty | rx_WR_enabled;
- assign chan_fifodata = dataout[rd_select];
- assign chan_usedw = usedw[rd_select];
- assign debugbus = {4'd0, rxclk, rxstrobe, rx_full[0], rx_full[1], sel, wr};
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v
deleted file mode 100755
index 2dd75f42f..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-module tx_buffer_inband
- ( //System
- input wire usbclk, input wire bus_reset, input wire reset,
- input wire [15:0] usbdata, output wire have_space, input wire [3:0] channels,
- //output transmit signals
- output wire [15:0] tx_i_0, output wire [15:0] tx_q_0,
- output wire [15:0] tx_i_1, output wire [15:0] tx_q_1,
- output wire [15:0] tx_i_2, output wire [15:0] tx_q_2,
- output wire [15:0] tx_i_3, output wire [15:0] tx_q_3,
- input wire txclk, input wire txstrobe, input wire WR,
- input wire clear_status, output wire tx_empty, output wire [15:0] debugbus,
- //command reader io
- output wire [15:0] rx_databus, output wire rx_WR, output wire rx_WR_done,
- input wire rx_WR_enabled,
- //register io
- output wire [1:0] reg_io_enable, output wire [31:0] reg_data_in, output wire [6:0] reg_addr,
- input wire [31:0] reg_data_out,
- //input characteristic signals
- input wire [31:0] rssi_0, input wire [31:0] rssi_1, input wire [31:0] rssi_2,
- input wire [31:0] rssi_3, input wire [31:0] rssi_wait, input wire [31:0] threshhold,
- output wire [1:0] tx_underrun,
- //system stop
- output wire stop, output wire [15:0] stop_time);
- parameter NUM_CHAN = 1 ;
- /* To generate channel readers */
- genvar i ;
- /* These will eventually be external register */
- reg [31:0] timestamp_clock ;
- wire [7:0] txstrobe_rate [NUM_CHAN-1:0] ;
- wire [31:0] rssi [3:0];
- assign rssi[0] = rssi_0;
- assign rssi[1] = rssi_1;
- assign rssi[2] = rssi_2;
- assign rssi[3] = rssi_3;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- timestamp_clock <= 0;
- else
- timestamp_clock <= timestamp_clock + 1;
- /* Connections between tx_usb_fifo_reader and
- cnannel/command processing blocks */
- wire [31:0] tx_data_bus ;
- wire [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_WR ;
- wire [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_done ;
- /* Connections between data block and the
- FX2/TX chains */
- wire [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_underrun;
- wire [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_txempty;
- /* Conections between tx_data_packet_fifo and
- its reader + strobe generator */
- wire [31:0] chan_fifodata [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
- wire chan_pkt_waiting [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
- wire chan_rdreq [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
- wire chan_skip [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
- wire chan_have_space [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
- wire [14:0] debug [NUM_CHAN:0];
- /* Outputs to transmit chains */
- wire [15:0] tx_i [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
- wire [15:0] tx_q [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
- assign tx_i[NUM_CHAN] = 0;
- assign tx_q[NUM_CHAN] = 0;
- assign have_space = chan_have_space[0] & chan_have_space[1];
- assign tx_empty = chan_txempty[0] & chan_txempty[1] ;
- assign tx_i_0 = chan_txempty[0] ? 16'b0 : tx_i[0] ;
- assign tx_q_0 = chan_txempty[0] ? 16'b0 : tx_q[0] ;
- assign tx_i_1 = chan_txempty[1] ? 16'b0 : tx_i[1] ;
- assign tx_q_1 = chan_txempty[1] ? 16'b0 : tx_q[1] ;
- assign tx_q_2 = 16'b0 ;
- assign tx_i_2 = 16'b0 ;
- assign tx_q_3 = 16'b0 ;
- assign tx_i_3 = 16'b0 ;
- assign tx_i_3 = 16'b0 ;
- assign debugbus = {have_space, txclk, WR, WR_final, chan_WR, chan_done,
- chan_pkt_waiting[0], chan_pkt_waiting[1],
- chan_rdreq[0], chan_rdreq[1], chan_txempty[0], chan_txempty[1]};
- wire [31:0] usbdata_final;
- wire WR_final;
- tx_packer tx_usb_packer
- (.bus_reset(bus_reset), .usbclk(usbclk), .WR_fx2(WR),
- .usbdata(usbdata), .reset(reset), .txclk(txclk),
- .usbdata_final(usbdata_final), .WR_final(WR_final));
- channel_demux #(NUM_CHAN) channel_demuxer
- (.usbdata_final(usbdata_final), .WR_final(WR_final),
- .reset(reset), .txclk(txclk), .WR_channel(chan_WR),
- .WR_done_channel(chan_done), .ram_data(tx_data_bus));
- generate for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_CHAN; i = i + 1)
- begin : generate_channel_readers
- assign tx_underrun[i] = chan_underrun[i];
- channel_ram tx_data_packet_fifo
- (.reset(reset), .txclk(txclk), .datain(tx_data_bus),
- .WR(chan_WR[i]), .WR_done(chan_done[i]),
- .have_space(chan_have_space[i]), .dataout(chan_fifodata[i]),
- .packet_waiting(chan_pkt_waiting[i]), .RD(chan_rdreq[i]),
- .RD_done(chan_skip[i]));
- chan_fifo_reader tx_chan_reader
- (.reset(reset), .tx_clock(txclk), .tx_strobe(txstrobe),
- .timestamp_clock(timestamp_clock), .samples_format(4'b0),
- .tx_q(tx_q[i]), .tx_i(tx_i[i]), .underrun(chan_underrun[i]),
- .skip(chan_skip[i]), .rdreq(chan_rdreq[i]),
- .fifodata(chan_fifodata[i]), .pkt_waiting(chan_pkt_waiting[i]),
- .tx_empty(chan_txempty[i]), .rssi(rssi[i]), .debug(debug[i]),
- .threshhold(threshhold), .rssi_wait(rssi_wait));
- end
- endgenerate
- channel_ram tx_cmd_packet_fifo
- (.reset(reset), .txclk(txclk), .datain(tx_data_bus), .WR(chan_WR[NUM_CHAN]),
- .WR_done(chan_done[NUM_CHAN]), .have_space(chan_have_space[NUM_CHAN]),
- .dataout(chan_fifodata[NUM_CHAN]), .packet_waiting(chan_pkt_waiting[NUM_CHAN]),
- .RD(chan_rdreq[NUM_CHAN]), .RD_done(chan_skip[NUM_CHAN]));
- cmd_reader tx_cmd_reader
- (.reset(reset), .txclk(txclk), .timestamp_clock(timestamp_clock), .skip(chan_skip[NUM_CHAN]),
- .rdreq(chan_rdreq[NUM_CHAN]), .fifodata(chan_fifodata[NUM_CHAN]),
- .pkt_waiting(chan_pkt_waiting[NUM_CHAN]), .rx_databus(rx_databus),
- .rx_WR(rx_WR), .rx_WR_done(rx_WR_done), .rx_WR_enabled(rx_WR_enabled),
- .reg_data_in(reg_data_in), .reg_data_out(reg_data_out), .reg_addr(reg_addr),
- .reg_io_enable(reg_io_enable), .debug(debug[NUM_CHAN]), .stop(stop), .stop_time(stop_time));
-endmodule // tx_buffer
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/tx_packer.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/tx_packer.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f19b21f3..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/tx_packer.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-module tx_packer
- ( //FX2 Side
- input bus_reset,
- input usbclk,
- input WR_fx2,
- input [15:0]usbdata,
- // TX Side
- input reset,
- input txclk,
- output reg [31:0] usbdata_final,
- output reg WR_final);
- reg [8:0] write_count;
- /* Fix FX2 bug */
- always @(posedge usbclk)
- begin
- if(bus_reset) // Use bus reset because this is on usbclk
- write_count <= #1 0;
- else if(WR_fx2 & ~write_count[8])
- write_count <= #1 write_count + 9'd1;
- else
- write_count <= #1 WR_fx2 ? write_count : 9'b0;
- end
- reg WR_fx2_fixed;
- reg [15:0]usbdata_fixed;
- always @(posedge usbclk)
- begin
- WR_fx2_fixed <= WR_fx2 & ~write_count[8];
- usbdata_fixed <= usbdata;
- end
- /* Used to convert 16 bits bus_data to the 32 bits wide fifo */
- reg word_complete ;
- reg [15:0] usbdata_delayed ;
- reg writing ;
- wire [31:0] usbdata_packed ;
- wire WR_packed ;
- always @(posedge usbclk)
- begin
- if (bus_reset)
- begin
- word_complete <= 0 ;
- writing <= 0 ;
- end
- else if (WR_fx2_fixed)
- begin
- writing <= 1 ;
- if (word_complete)
- word_complete <= 0 ;
- else
- begin
- usbdata_delayed <= usbdata_fixed ;
- word_complete <= 1 ;
- end
- end
- else
- writing <= 0 ;
- end
- assign usbdata_packed = {usbdata_fixed, usbdata_delayed} ;
- assign WR_packed = word_complete & writing ;
- /* Make sure data are sync with usbclk */
- reg [31:0]usbdata_usbclk;
- reg WR_usbclk;
- always @(posedge usbclk)
- begin
- if (WR_packed)
- usbdata_usbclk <= usbdata_packed;
- WR_usbclk <= WR_packed;
- end
- /* Cross clock boundaries */
- reg [31:0] usbdata_tx ;
- reg WR_tx;
- reg WR_1;
- reg WR_2;
- always @(posedge txclk) usbdata_tx <= usbdata_usbclk;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- WR_1 <= 0;
- else
- WR_1 <= WR_usbclk;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- WR_2 <= 0;
- else
- WR_2 <= WR_1;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- begin
- if (reset)
- WR_tx <= 0;
- else
- WR_tx <= WR_1 & ~WR_2;
- end
- always @(posedge txclk)
- begin
- if (reset)
- WR_final <= 0;
- else
- begin
- WR_final <= WR_tx;
- if (WR_tx)
- usbdata_final <= usbdata_tx;
- end
- end
diff --git a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo.v b/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100755
index c416e2bdb..000000000
--- a/fpga/usrp1/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-module usb_packet_fifo
- ( input reset,
- input clock_in,
- input clock_out,
- input [15:0]ram_data_in,
- input write_enable,
- output reg [15:0]ram_data_out,
- output reg pkt_waiting,
- output reg have_space,
- input read_enable,
- input skip_packet ) ;
- /* Some parameters for usage later on */
- parameter DATA_WIDTH = 16 ;
- parameter NUM_PACKETS = 4 ;
- /* Create the RAM here */
- reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] usb_ram [256*NUM_PACKETS-1:0] ;
- /* Create the address signals */
- reg [7-2+NUM_PACKETS:0] usb_ram_ain ;
- reg [7:0] usb_ram_offset ;
- reg [1:0] usb_ram_packet ;
- wire [7-2+NUM_PACKETS:0] usb_ram_aout ;
- reg isfull;
- assign usb_ram_aout = {usb_ram_packet,usb_ram_offset} ;
- // Check if there is one full packet to process
- always @(usb_ram_ain, usb_ram_aout)
- begin
- if (reset)
- pkt_waiting <= 0;
- else if (usb_ram_ain == usb_ram_aout)
- pkt_waiting <= isfull;
- else if (usb_ram_ain > usb_ram_aout)
- pkt_waiting <= (usb_ram_ain - usb_ram_aout) >= 256;
- else
- pkt_waiting <= (usb_ram_ain + 10'b1111111111 - usb_ram_aout) >= 256;
- end
- // Check if there is room
- always @(usb_ram_ain, usb_ram_aout)
- begin
- if (reset)
- have_space <= 1;
- else if (usb_ram_ain == usb_ram_aout)
- have_space <= ~isfull;
- else if (usb_ram_ain > usb_ram_aout)
- have_space <= (usb_ram_ain - usb_ram_aout) <= 256 * (NUM_PACKETS - 1);
- else
- have_space <= (usb_ram_aout - usb_ram_ain) >= 256;
- end
- /* RAM Write Address process */
- always @(posedge clock_in)
- begin
- if( reset )
- usb_ram_ain <= 0 ;
- else
- if( write_enable )
- begin
- usb_ram_ain <= usb_ram_ain + 1 ;
- if (usb_ram_ain + 1 == usb_ram_aout)
- isfull <= 1;
- end
- end
- /* RAM Writing process */
- always @(posedge clock_in)
- begin
- if( write_enable )
- begin
- usb_ram[usb_ram_ain] <= ram_data_in ;
- end
- end
- /* RAM Read Address process */
- always @(posedge clock_out)
- begin
- if( reset )
- begin
- usb_ram_packet <= 0 ;
- usb_ram_offset <= 0 ;
- isfull <= 0;
- end
- else
- if( skip_packet )
- begin
- usb_ram_packet <= usb_ram_packet + 1 ;
- usb_ram_offset <= 0 ;
- end
- else if(read_enable)
- if( usb_ram_offset == 8'b11111111 )
- begin
- usb_ram_offset <= 0 ;
- usb_ram_packet <= usb_ram_packet + 1 ;
- end
- else
- usb_ram_offset <= usb_ram_offset + 1 ;
- if (usb_ram_ain == usb_ram_aout)
- isfull <= 0;
- end
- /* RAM Reading Process */
- always @(posedge clock_out)
- begin
- ram_data_out <= usb_ram[usb_ram_aout] ;
- end
-endmodule \ No newline at end of file