diff options
authorLane Kolbly <lane.kolbly@ni.com>2021-12-21 16:22:34 -0600
committerAaron Rossetto <aaron.rossetto@ni.com>2022-01-10 08:02:18 -0600
commit716ed77f7f65d83635a95815c8508ac49f013ad6 (patch)
parent5160c3778e92ee9324fe4e1f81edb86383608d14 (diff)
host: multi_usrp: Merge set_tx_subdev_spec and set_rx_subdev_spec
This change simply refactors these methods so that the core of the algorithm is no longer duplicated between them.
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/host/lib/usrp/multi_usrp_rfnoc.cpp b/host/lib/usrp/multi_usrp_rfnoc.cpp
index f09c79547..4ab6abcbd 100644
--- a/host/lib/usrp/multi_usrp_rfnoc.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/usrp/multi_usrp_rfnoc.cpp
@@ -1061,54 +1061,11 @@ public:
void set_rx_subdev_spec(
const uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t& spec, size_t mboard = ALL_MBOARDS) override
- // First, generate a vector of the RX channels that we need to register
- auto new_rx_chans = [this, spec, mboard]() {
- /* When setting the subdev spec in multiple mboard scenarios, there are two
- * cases we need to handle:
- * 1. Setting all mboard to the same subdev spec. This is the easy case.
- * 2. Setting a single mboard's subdev spec. In this case, we need to update
- * the requested mboard's subdev spec, and keep the old subdev spec for the
- * other mboards.
- */
- std::vector<rx_chan_t> new_rx_chans;
- for (size_t current_mboard = 0; current_mboard < get_num_mboards();
- ++current_mboard) {
- auto current_spec = [this, spec, mboard, current_mboard]() {
- if (mboard == ALL_MBOARDS || mboard == current_mboard) {
- // Update all mboards to the same subdev spec OR
- // only update this mboard to the new subdev spec
- return spec;
- } else {
- // Keep the old subdev spec for this mboard
- return get_rx_subdev_spec(current_mboard);
- }
- }();
- auto new_mboard_chans =
- _generate_mboard_rx_chans(current_spec, current_mboard);
- new_rx_chans.insert(
- new_rx_chans.end(), new_mboard_chans.begin(), new_mboard_chans.end());
- }
- return new_rx_chans;
- }();
- // Disconnect and clear the existing chains
- UHD_LOG_TRACE("MULTI_USRP", "Disconnecting RX chains");
- for (auto entry : _rx_chans) {
- for (auto edge : entry.second.edge_list) {
- if (block_id_t(edge.dst_blockid).match(NODE_ID_SEP)) {
- break;
- }
- _graph->disconnect(
- edge.src_blockid, edge.src_port, edge.dst_blockid, edge.dst_port);
- }
- }
- _rx_chans.clear();
- // Register the new chains
- size_t musrp_rx_channel = 0;
- for (auto rx_chan : new_rx_chans) {
- _rx_chans.emplace(musrp_rx_channel++, rx_chan);
- }
+ _set_subdev_spec(_rx_chans, [this](size_t current_mboard) {
+ return this->get_rx_subdev_spec(current_mboard);
+ }, [this](uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t current_spec, size_t current_mboard) {
+ return this->_generate_mboard_rx_chans(current_spec, current_mboard);
+ }, spec, mboard);
uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t get_rx_subdev_spec(size_t mboard = 0) override
@@ -1701,57 +1658,11 @@ public:
void set_tx_subdev_spec(
const uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t& spec, size_t mboard = ALL_MBOARDS) override
- /* TODO: Refactor with get_rx_subdev_spec- the algorithms are the same, just the
- * types are different
- */
- // First, generate a vector of the tx channels that we need to register
- auto new_tx_chans = [this, spec, mboard]() {
- /* When setting the subdev spec in multiple mboard scenarios, there are two
- * cases we need to handle:
- * 1. Setting all mboard to the same subdev spec. This is the easy case.
- * 2. Setting a single mboard's subdev spec. In this case, we need to update
- * the requested mboard's subdev spec, and keep the old subdev spec for the
- * other mboards.
- */
- std::vector<tx_chan_t> new_tx_chans;
- for (size_t current_mboard = 0; current_mboard < get_num_mboards();
- ++current_mboard) {
- auto current_spec = [this, spec, mboard, current_mboard]() {
- if (mboard == ALL_MBOARDS || mboard == current_mboard) {
- // Update all mboards to the same subdev spec OR
- // only update this mboard to the new subdev spec
- return spec;
- } else {
- // Keep the old subdev spec for this mboard
- return get_tx_subdev_spec(current_mboard);
- }
- }();
- auto new_mboard_chans =
- _generate_mboard_tx_chans(current_spec, current_mboard);
- new_tx_chans.insert(
- new_tx_chans.end(), new_mboard_chans.begin(), new_mboard_chans.end());
- }
- return new_tx_chans;
- }();
- // Disconnect and clear existing chains
- UHD_LOG_TRACE("MULTI_USRP", "Disconnecting TX chains");
- for (auto entry : _tx_chans) {
- for (auto edge : entry.second.edge_list) {
- if (block_id_t(edge.src_blockid).match(NODE_ID_SEP)) {
- break;
- }
- _graph->disconnect(
- edge.src_blockid, edge.src_port, edge.dst_blockid, edge.dst_port);
- }
- }
- _tx_chans.clear();
- // Register new chains
- size_t musrp_tx_channel = 0;
- for (auto tx_chan : new_tx_chans) {
- _tx_chans.emplace(musrp_tx_channel++, tx_chan);
- }
+ _set_subdev_spec(_tx_chans, [this](size_t current_mboard) {
+ return this->get_tx_subdev_spec(current_mboard);
+ }, [this](uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t current_spec, size_t current_mboard) {
+ return this->_generate_mboard_tx_chans(current_spec, current_mboard);
+ }, spec, mboard);
uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t get_tx_subdev_spec(size_t mboard = 0) override
@@ -2509,6 +2420,63 @@ private:
return edges;
+ template<typename ChanType, typename GetSubdevSpecFn, typename GenChansFn>
+ void _set_subdev_spec(
+ std::unordered_map<size_t, ChanType> chans,
+ GetSubdevSpecFn&& get_subdev_spec,
+ GenChansFn&& generate_chans,
+ const uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t& spec,
+ size_t mboard)
+ {
+ // First, generate a vector of the channels that we need to register
+ auto new_chans = [&]() {
+ /* When setting the subdev spec in multiple mboard scenarios, there are two
+ * cases we need to handle:
+ * 1. Setting all mboard to the same subdev spec. This is the easy case.
+ * 2. Setting a single mboard's subdev spec. In this case, we need to update
+ * the requested mboard's subdev spec, and keep the old subdev spec for the
+ * other mboards.
+ */
+ std::vector<ChanType> new_chans;
+ for (size_t current_mboard = 0; current_mboard < get_num_mboards();
+ ++current_mboard) {
+ auto current_spec = [&]() {
+ if (mboard == ALL_MBOARDS || mboard == current_mboard) {
+ // Update all mboards to the same subdev spec OR
+ // only update this mboard to the new subdev spec
+ return spec;
+ } else {
+ // Keep the old subdev spec for this mboard
+ return get_subdev_spec(current_mboard);
+ }
+ }();
+ auto new_mboard_chans = generate_chans(current_spec, current_mboard);
+ new_chans.insert(
+ new_chans.end(), new_mboard_chans.begin(), new_mboard_chans.end());
+ }
+ return new_chans;
+ }();
+ // Disconnect and clear existing chains
+ UHD_LOG_TRACE("MULTI_USRP", "Disconnecting chains");
+ for (auto entry : chans) {
+ for (auto edge : entry.second.edge_list) {
+ if (block_id_t(edge.src_blockid).match(NODE_ID_SEP)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ _graph->disconnect(
+ edge.src_blockid, edge.src_port, edge.dst_blockid, edge.dst_port);
+ }
+ }
+ chans.clear();
+ // Register new chains
+ size_t musrp_channel = 0;
+ for (auto chan : new_chans) {
+ chans.emplace(musrp_channel++, chan);
+ }
+ }
* Private Attributes