diff options
authorSteven Koo <steven.koo@ni.com>2021-05-10 15:39:03 -0500
committerAaron Rossetto <aaron.rossetto@ni.com>2021-05-18 15:13:37 -0500
commit2a38716fd81cf2372e55fe8edb413f77a9ab8362 (patch)
parent32a93603158097db5f1e425325d93233af92da02 (diff)
installers: refactor deb script and build
This is a rewrite of upload_debs.sh in python. It adds support for building the generated dsc into debs before uploading. Signed-off-by: Steven Koo <steven.koo@ni.com>
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/debs/uhd_ubuntu_deb.py b/tools/debs/uhd_ubuntu_deb.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6adc4c1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/debs/uhd_ubuntu_deb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# uhd_ubuntu_deb.py
+# This script is used to generate UHD dsc, changes, and source archives for upload to Launchpad.
+# After dsc generation, pbuilder is called to build the debs. This sets up an envionment similar to
+# the Launchpad build process. To build the dsc you must have pbuilder, debootstrap, and devscripts
+# installed and have run:
+# pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd --distribution=<target distro>
+# See here for more on pbuilder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto
+import argparse
+import glob
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tarfile
+supported_ubuntu_releases = ["bionic", "focal"]
+tar_command = "tar --exclude='.git*' --exclude='./debian' --exclude='*.swp' --exclude='fpga' --exclude='build' --exclude='./images/*.pyc' --exclude='./images/uhd-*' --exclude='tags' --exclude='.ci' --exclude='.clang*' -cJf {}/uhd_{}.orig.tar.xz ."
+debuild_command = "debuild -S -i -sa"
+debuild_nosign = " -uc -us"
+def main(args):
+ if not pathlib.Path("host").exists():
+ print("Check path. This script must be run on uhd base path")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not args.release in supported_ubuntu_releases:
+ print("Unsupported release selected. Supported releases are {}".format(
+ supported_ubuntu_releases))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Determine UHD version number
+ uhd_version = ""
+ orig_release = ""
+ with open("host/cmake/debian/changelog") as cl:
+ first_line = cl.readline()
+ uhd_version = re.findall("[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*", first_line)
+ if len(uhd_version) != 1:
+ print("uhd_version in changelog malformed. Check host/cmake/debian/changelog")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ uhd_version = uhd_version[0]
+ orig_release = re.findall("[A-Za-z_]*;", first_line)
+ if len(orig_release) != 1:
+ print(
+ "orig_release in changelog malformed. Check host/cmake/debian/changelog")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ orig_release = orig_release[0].replace(";", "")
+ # Compress UHD source
+ if pathlib.Path(args.buildpath).exists():
+ shutil.rmtree(args.buildpath)
+ os.mkdir(args.buildpath)
+ print("Compressing UHD Source...")
+ result = subprocess.run(shlex.split(
+ tar_command.format(args.buildpath, uhd_version)))
+ if result.returncode:
+ print("Compressing source failed")
+ sys.exit(result.returncode)
+ # Extract UHD source to build folder
+ uhd_deb_build_path = pathlib.Path(
+ args.buildpath, "uhd-{}".format(uhd_version))
+ if uhd_deb_build_path.exists():
+ shutil.rmtree(uhd_deb_build_path)
+ with tarfile.open(args.buildpath + "/uhd_{}.orig.tar.xz".format(uhd_version), "r:xz") as uhd_archive:
+ uhd_archive.extractall(path=uhd_deb_build_path)
+ # Copy debian build files to build folder
+ shutil.copytree("host/cmake/debian", uhd_deb_build_path / "debian")
+ shutil.copy2("host/utils/uhd-usrp.rules",
+ uhd_deb_build_path / "debian/uhd-host.udev")
+ with open(uhd_deb_build_path / "debian/uhd-host.manpages", "w") as man_file:
+ for file in uhd_deb_build_path.glob("host/docs/*.1"):
+ man_file.write(os.path.relpath(file, uhd_deb_build_path) + "\n")
+ man_file.write("\n")
+ for file in uhd_deb_build_path.glob("debian/*.in"):
+ os.remove(file)
+ # Modify changelog for selected release
+ with open(uhd_deb_build_path / "debian/changelog", 'r+') as cl:
+ cl_text = cl.read()
+ cl_text = re.sub(orig_release, args.release, cl_text)
+ cl_text = re.sub(
+ "0ubuntu1", "0ubuntu1~{}1".format(args.release), cl_text)
+ cl.seek(0)
+ cl.write(cl_text)
+ cl.truncate()
+ # Generate dsc file
+ result = ""
+ print("Running debuild / dsc generation")
+ if args.sign:
+ result = subprocess.run(shlex.split(
+ debuild_command), cwd=uhd_deb_build_path)
+ else:
+ result = subprocess.run(shlex.split(
+ debuild_command + debuild_nosign), cwd=uhd_deb_build_path)
+ if result.returncode:
+ print("debuild / dsc generation failed")
+ sys.exit(result.returncode)
+ # Build debs using dsc
+ if not args.nobuild:
+ print("Building deb with dsc using pbuilder for {}".format(args.release))
+ os.mkdir(args.buildpath + "/result")
+ result = subprocess.run(shlex.split(
+ "sudo pbuilder build --buildresult ./result uhd_4.0.0.0-0ubuntu1~{}1.dsc".format(args.release)), cwd=args.buildpath)
+ if result.returncode:
+ print("pbuilder failed")
+ sys.exit(result.returncode)
+ # Upload dsc to Launchpad
+ if args.upload:
+ if not args.sign:
+ print("Uploading requires signing. Add --sign.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ result = subprocess.run(shlex.split(
+ "dput ppa:ettusresearch/uhd uhd_${}-0ubuntu1~${}1_source.changes".format(uhd_version, args.release)), cwd=args.buildpath)
+ if result.returncode:
+ print("PPA upload failed")
+ sys.exit(result.returncode)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--sign", action='store_true',
+ help="Signs files with GPG key. Not required for test builds")
+ parser.add_argument("--upload", action='store_true',
+ help="Uploads to launchpad. Requires--sign")
+ parser.add_argument("--nobuild", action='store_true',
+ help="Disables building using pbuilder")
+ parser.add_argument("--buildpath", type=str,
+ help="Output path for build files", default="..")
+ parser.add_argument("release", type=str,
+ help="Ubuntu release version. This must match pbuilder create --distribution if building.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main(args)