diff options
authorMartin Braun <martin.braun@ettus.com>2022-03-16 16:50:16 +0100
committerAaron Rossetto <aaron.rossetto@ni.com>2022-03-30 10:28:07 -0700
commit1d2ec743170b03a1c1f9618cb48809b2d9794084 (patch)
parent4cd0d9bea9833872ce3ff7cf2999015d53ebabed (diff)
rfnoc: replay: Add ability to capture and read async info
- Add action handlers to the replay block to store TX and RX events. - Adds two new APIs: get_{record,play}_async_metadata() to read back async info. - Add unit tests.
3 files changed, 130 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/host/include/uhd/rfnoc/replay_block_control.hpp b/host/include/uhd/rfnoc/replay_block_control.hpp
index a921d1bca..615f6e294 100644
--- a/host/include/uhd/rfnoc/replay_block_control.hpp
+++ b/host/include/uhd/rfnoc/replay_block_control.hpp
@@ -95,6 +95,17 @@ namespace uhd { namespace rfnoc {
* To stop a continuous playback, either call stop(), or issue a stream command
* with uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS.
+ *
+ * \section rfnoc_block_replay_actions Action Handling
+ *
+ * If this block receives TX or RX actions (uhd::rfnoc::tx_event_action_info o
+ * uhd::rfnoc::rx_event_action_info), it will store them in a circular buffer.
+ * The API calls get_record_async_metadata() and get_play_async_metadata() can
+ * be used to read them back out asynchronously. To avoid the block controller
+ * continously expanding in memory, the total number of messages that will be
+ * stored is limited. If this block receives more event info objects than it can
+ * store before get_record_async_metadata() or get_play_async_metadata() is
+ * called, the oldest message will be dropped.
// clang-format on
class UHD_API replay_block_control : public noc_block_base
@@ -273,6 +284,22 @@ public:
virtual size_t get_record_item_size(const size_t port = 0) const = 0;
+ /*! Return RX- (input-/record-) related metadata.
+ *
+ * The typical use case for this is when connecting Radio -> Replay for
+ * recording, the radio may produce information like 'overrun occurred'.
+ * When receiving to a host using a uhd::rx_streamer, this information is
+ * returned as part of the uhd::rx_streamer::recv() call, but when the data
+ * is streamed into the replay block, these metadata are stored inside the
+ * replay block until queried by this method.
+ *
+ * \param metadata A metadata object to store the information in.
+ * \param timeout A timeout (in seconds) to wait before returning.
+ * \returns true if a message was available, and was popped into \p metadata.
+ */
+ virtual bool get_record_async_metadata(
+ uhd::rx_metadata_t& metadata, const double timeout = 0.1) = 0;
* Playback State API calls
@@ -320,6 +347,22 @@ public:
virtual size_t get_play_item_size(const size_t port = 0) const = 0;
+ /*! Return TX- (output-/playback-) related metadata.
+ *
+ * The typical use case for this is when connecting Replay -> Radio for
+ * playback, the radio may produce information like 'underrun occurred'.
+ * When transmitting from a host using a uhd::tx_streamer, this information
+ * is returned as part of the uhd::tx_streamer::recv_async_msg() call, but
+ * when the data is streamed into the replay block, these metadata are
+ * stored inside the replay block until queried by this method.
+ *
+ * \param metadata A metadata object to store the information in.
+ * \param timeout A timeout (in seconds) to wait before returning.
+ * \returns true if a message was available, and was popped into \p metadata.
+ */
+ virtual bool get_play_async_metadata(
+ uhd::async_metadata_t& metadata, const double timeout = 0.1) = 0;
* Advanced Record Control API calls
diff --git a/host/lib/rfnoc/replay_block_control.cpp b/host/lib/rfnoc/replay_block_control.cpp
index b28476ea8..2ee31de93 100644
--- a/host/lib/rfnoc/replay_block_control.cpp
+++ b/host/lib/rfnoc/replay_block_control.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <uhd/rfnoc/property.hpp>
#include <uhd/rfnoc/registry.hpp>
#include <uhd/rfnoc/replay_block_control.hpp>
+#include <uhd/transport/bounded_buffer.hpp>
#include <uhd/types/stream_cmd.hpp>
#include <uhd/utils/math.hpp>
#include <uhdlib/utils/compat_check.hpp>
@@ -67,6 +68,9 @@ const char* const PROP_KEY_PLAY_OFFSET = "play_offset";
const char* const PROP_KEY_PLAY_SIZE = "play_size";
const char* const PROP_KEY_PKT_SIZE = "packet_size";
+// Depth of the async message queues
+constexpr size_t ASYNC_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE = 128;
class replay_block_control_impl : public replay_block_control
@@ -124,6 +128,26 @@ public:
issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd_action->stream_cmd, port);
+ register_action_handler(ACTION_KEY_RX_EVENT,
+ [this](const res_source_info& src, action_info::sptr action) {
+ rx_event_action_info::sptr rx_event_action =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<rx_event_action_info>(action);
+ if (!rx_event_action) {
+ RFNOC_LOG_WARNING("Received invalid RX event action!");
+ return;
+ }
+ _handle_rx_event_action(src, rx_event_action);
+ });
+ register_action_handler(ACTION_KEY_TX_EVENT,
+ [this](const res_source_info& src, action_info::sptr action) {
+ tx_event_action_info::sptr tx_event_action =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<tx_event_action_info>(action);
+ if (!tx_event_action) {
+ RFNOC_LOG_WARNING("Received invalid TX event action!");
+ return;
+ }
+ _handle_tx_event_action(src, tx_event_action);
+ });
// Initialize record properties
@@ -242,6 +266,12 @@ public:
return uhd::convert::get_bytes_per_item(get_record_type(port));
+ bool get_record_async_metadata(
+ uhd::rx_metadata_t& metadata, const double timeout = 0.0)
+ {
+ return _record_msg_queue.pop_with_timed_wait(metadata, timeout);
+ }
* Playback State API
@@ -276,6 +306,11 @@ public:
return uhd::convert::get_bytes_per_item(get_play_type(port));
+ bool get_play_async_metadata(uhd::async_metadata_t& metadata, const double timeout)
+ {
+ return _playback_msg_queue.pop_with_timed_wait(metadata, timeout);
+ }
* Advanced Record Control API calls
@@ -583,6 +618,37 @@ private:
+ void _handle_rx_event_action(
+ const res_source_info& src, rx_event_action_info::sptr rx_event_action)
+ {
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(src.type == res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE);
+ uhd::rx_metadata_t rx_md{};
+ rx_md.error_code = rx_event_action->error_code;
+ RFNOC_LOG_DEBUG("Received RX error code on channel "
+ << src.instance << ", error code " << rx_md.strerror());
+ _record_msg_queue.push_with_pop_on_full(rx_md);
+ }
+ void _handle_tx_event_action(
+ const res_source_info& src, tx_event_action_info::sptr tx_event_action)
+ {
+ UHD_ASSERT_THROW(src.type == res_source_info::OUTPUT_EDGE);
+ uhd::async_metadata_t md;
+ md.event_code = tx_event_action->event_code;
+ md.channel = src.instance;
+ md.has_time_spec = tx_event_action->has_tsf;
+ if (md.has_time_spec) {
+ md.time_spec =
+ uhd::time_spec_t::from_ticks(tx_event_action->tsf, get_tick_rate());
+ }
+ RFNOC_LOG_DEBUG("Received TX error code on channel "
+ << src.instance << ", error code "
+ << static_cast<int>(md.event_code));
+ _playback_msg_queue.push_with_pop_on_full(md);
+ }
* Attributes
@@ -605,6 +671,12 @@ private:
std::vector<property_t<uint32_t>> _packet_size;
std::vector<property_t<size_t>> _atomic_item_size_in;
std::vector<property_t<size_t>> _atomic_item_size_out;
+ // Message queues for async data
+ uhd::transport::bounded_buffer<uhd::async_metadata_t> _playback_msg_queue{
+ uhd::transport::bounded_buffer<uhd::rx_metadata_t> _record_msg_queue{
diff --git a/host/tests/rfnoc_block_tests/replay_block_test.cpp b/host/tests/rfnoc_block_tests/replay_block_test.cpp
index 11c621b5a..94f1ce882 100644
--- a/host/tests/rfnoc_block_tests/replay_block_test.cpp
+++ b/host/tests/rfnoc_block_tests/replay_block_test.cpp
@@ -749,8 +749,6 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(replay_test_graph, replay_block_fixture)
"type", "sc16", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0});
- mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<std::string>(
- "type", "sc16", {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 1});
UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Creating graph...");
graph.connect(&mock_radio_block, &mock_ddc_block, edge_port_info);
@@ -758,7 +756,22 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(replay_test_graph, replay_block_fixture)
graph.connect(test_replay.get(), &mock_sink_term, edge_port_info);
UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Committing graph...");
+ mock_sink_term.set_edge_property<double>(
+ "tick_rate", 1.0, {res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0});
UHD_LOG_INFO("TEST", "Commit complete.");
+ mock_radio_block.generate_overrun(0);
+ uhd::rx_metadata_t rx_md;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(test_replay->get_record_async_metadata(rx_md, 1.0));
+ BOOST_CHECK(rx_md.error_code == uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_OVERFLOW);
+ mock_sink_term.post_action(res_source_info{res_source_info::INPUT_EDGE, 0},
+ tx_event_action_info::make(uhd::async_metadata_t::EVENT_CODE_UNDERFLOW, 1234ul));
+ uhd::async_metadata_t tx_md;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(test_replay->get_play_async_metadata(tx_md, 1.0));
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx_md.event_code == uhd::async_metadata_t::EVENT_CODE_UNDERFLOW);
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx_md.has_time_spec);
+ BOOST_CHECK(tx_md.time_spec == 1234.0);