path: root/psycho_4.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'psycho_4.c')
1 files changed, 507 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/psycho_4.c b/psycho_4.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3caf178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/psycho_4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#include "encoder.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "fft.h"
+#include "ath.h"
+#include "psycho_4.h"
+PSYCHO_4 by MFC Feb 2003
+This is a cleaned up implementation of psy model 2.
+This is basically because I was sick of the inconsistencies between
+the notation in the ISO docs and in the sourcecode.
+I've nicked a bunch of stuff from LAME to make this a bit easier to grok
+- ATH values (this also overcomes the lack of mpeg-2 tables
+ which meant that LSF never had proper values)
+- freq2bark() to convert frequencies directly to bark values.
+- spreading_function() isolated the calculation of the spreading function.
+ Basically the same code as before, just isolated in its own function.
+ LAME seem to does some extra tweaks to the ISO1117s model.
+ Not really sure if they help or hinder, so I've commented them out (#ifdef LAME)
+NB: Because of some of the tweaks to bark value calculation etc, it is now possible
+to have 64 CBANDS. There's no real limit on the actual number of paritions.
+I wonder if it's worth experimenting with really higher numbers? Probably won't make
+that much difference to the final SNR values, but it's something worth trying
+ Maybe CBANDS should be a dynamic value, calculated by the psycho_init function
+ CBANDS definition has been changed in encoder.h from 63 to 64
+/* The static variables "r", "phi_sav", "new", "old" and "oldest" have
+ to be remembered for the unpredictability measure. For "r" and
+ "phi_sav", the first index from the left is the channel select and
+ the second index is the "age" of the data. */
+static int new = 0, old = 1, oldest = 0;
+static int init = 0;
+/* NMT is a constant 5.5dB. ISO11172 Sec D.2.4.h */
+static double NMT = 5.5;
+/* The index into this array is a bark value
+ This array gives the 'minval' values from ISO11172 Tables D.3.x */
+static FLOAT minval[27] = {
+ 0.0, /* bark = 0 */
+ 20.0, /* 1 */
+ 20.0, /* 2 */
+ 20.0, /* 3 */
+ 20.0, /* 4 */
+ 20.0, /* 5 */
+ 17.0, /* 6 */
+ 15.0, /* 7 */
+ 10.0, /* 8 */
+ 7.0, /* 9 */
+ 4.4, /* 10 */
+ 4.5, 4.5, 4.5,4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, /* 11 - 25 */
+ 3.5 /* 26 */
+static FLOAT *grouped_c, *grouped_e, *nb, *cb, *tb, *ecb, *bc;
+static FLOAT *wsamp_r, *phi, *energy;
+static FLOAT *c, *bark, *thr;
+static F32 *snrtmp;
+static int *numlines;
+static int *partition;
+static FLOAT *cbval, *rnorm;
+static FLOAT *window;
+static FLOAT *ath;
+static double *tmn;
+static FCB *s;
+static FHBLK *lthr;
+static F2HBLK *r, *phi_sav;
+#define TRIGTABLESIZE 3142
+#define TRIGTABLESCALE 1000.0
+static FLOAT cos_table[TRIGTABLESIZE];
+static FLOAT sin_table[TRIGTABLESIZE];
+void psycho_4_trigtable_init(void) {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<TRIGTABLESIZE;i++) {
+ cos_table[i] = cos((double)i/TRIGTABLESCALE);
+ sin_table[i] = sin((double)i/TRIGTABLESCALE);
+ }
+INLINE FLOAT psycho_4_cos(FLOAT phi) {
+ int index;
+ int sign=1;
+ index = (int)(fabs(phi) * TRIGTABLESCALE);
+ while (index>=TRIGTABLESIZE) {
+ sign*=-1;
+ }
+ return(sign * cos_table[index]);
+INLINE FLOAT psycho_4_sin(FLOAT phi) {
+ int index;
+ int sign=1;
+ index = (int)(fabs(phi) * TRIGTABLESCALE);
+ while (index>=TRIGTABLESIZE) {
+ sign*=-1;
+ }
+ if (phi<0)
+ return(-1 * sign * sin_table[index]);
+ return(sign * sin_table[index]);
+void psycho_4 (short int *buffer, short int savebuf[1056], int chn,
+ double *smr, double sfreq, options *glopts)
+/* to match prototype : FLOAT args are always double */
+ unsigned int run, i, j, k;
+ FLOAT r_prime, phi_prime;
+ FLOAT npart, epart;
+ if (init == 0) {
+ psycho_4_init (sfreq, glopts);
+ init++;
+ }
+ for (run = 0; run < 2; run++) {
+ /* Net offset is 480 samples (1056-576) for layer 2; this is because one must
+ stagger input data by 256 samples to synchronize psychoacoustic model with
+ filter bank outputs, then stagger so that center of 1024 FFT window lines
+ up with center of 576 "new" audio samples.
+ flush = 384*3.0/2.0; = 576
+ syncsize = 1056;
+ sync_flush = syncsize - flush; 480
+ BLKSIZE = 1024 */
+ for (j = 0; j < 480; j++) {
+ savebuf[j] = savebuf[j + 576];
+ wsamp_r[j] = window[j] * ((FLOAT) savebuf[j]);
+ }
+ for (; j < 1024; j++) {
+ savebuf[j] = *buffer++;
+ wsamp_r[j] = window[j] * ((FLOAT) savebuf[j]);
+ }
+ for (; j < 1056; j++)
+ savebuf[j] = *buffer++;
+ /* Compute FFT */
+ psycho_2_fft (wsamp_r, energy, phi);
+ /* calculate the unpredictability measure, given energy[f] and phi[f]
+ (the age pointers [new/old/oldest] are reset automatically on the second pass */
+ {
+ if (new == 0) {
+ new = 1;
+ oldest = 1;
+ } else {
+ new = 0;
+ oldest = 0;
+ }
+ if (old == 0)
+ old = 1;
+ else
+ old = 0;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < HBLKSIZE; j++) {
+#ifdef NEWATAN
+ double temp1, temp2, temp3;
+ r_prime = 2.0 * r[chn][old][j] - r[chn][oldest][j];
+ phi_prime = 2.0 * phi_sav[chn][old][j] - phi_sav[chn][oldest][j];
+ r[chn][new][j] = sqrt ((double) energy[j]);
+ phi_sav[chn][new][j] = phi[j];
+ {
+ temp1 =
+ r[chn][new][j] * psycho_4_cos(phi[j]) -
+ r_prime * psycho_4_cos(phi_prime);
+ temp2 =
+ r[chn][new][j] * psycho_4_sin(phi[j]) -
+ r_prime * psycho_4_sin(phi_prime);
+ //fprintf(stdout,"[%5.2f %5.2f] [%5.2f %5.2f]\n",temp1, mytemp1, temp2, mytemp2);
+ }
+ temp3 = r[chn][new][j] + fabs ((double) r_prime);
+ if (temp3 != 0)
+ c[j] = sqrt (temp1 * temp1 + temp2 * temp2) / temp3;
+ else
+ c[j] = 0;
+ double temp1, temp2, temp3;
+ r_prime = 2.0 * r[chn][old][j] - r[chn][oldest][j];
+ phi_prime = 2.0 * phi_sav[chn][old][j] - phi_sav[chn][oldest][j];
+ r[chn][new][j] = sqrt ((double) energy[j]);
+ phi_sav[chn][new][j] = phi[j];
+ temp1 =
+ r[chn][new][j] * cos ((double) phi[j]) -
+ r_prime * cos ((double) phi_prime);
+ temp2 =
+ r[chn][new][j] * sin ((double) phi[j]) -
+ r_prime * sin ((double) phi_prime);
+ temp3 = r[chn][new][j] + fabs ((double) r_prime);
+ if (temp3 != 0)
+ c[j] = sqrt (temp1 * temp1 + temp2 * temp2) / temp3;
+ else
+ c[j] = 0;
+ }
+ /* For each partition, sum all the energy in that partition - grouped_e
+ and calculated the energy-weighted unpredictability measure - grouped_c
+ ISO 11172 Section D.2.4.e */
+ for (j = 1; j < CBANDS; j++) {
+ grouped_e[j] = 0;
+ grouped_c[j] = 0;
+ }
+ grouped_e[0] = energy[0];
+ grouped_c[0] = energy[0] * c[0];
+ for (j = 1; j < HBLKSIZE; j++) {
+ grouped_e[partition[j]] += energy[j];
+ grouped_c[partition[j]] += energy[j] * c[j];
+ }
+ /* convolve the grouped energy-weighted unpredictability measure
+ and the grouped energy with the spreading function
+ ISO 11172 D.2.4.f */
+ for (j = 0; j < CBANDS; j++) {
+ ecb[j] = 0;
+ cb[j] = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < CBANDS; k++) {
+ if (s[j][k] != 0.0) {
+ ecb[j] += s[j][k] * grouped_e[k];
+ cb[j] += s[j][k] * grouped_c[k];
+ }
+ }
+ if (ecb[j] != 0)
+ cb[j] = cb[j] / ecb[j];
+ else
+ cb[j] = 0;
+ }
+ /* Convert cb to tb (the tonality index)
+ ISO11172 SecD.2.4.g */
+ for (i=0;i<CBANDS;i++) {
+ if (cb[i] < 0.05)
+ cb[i] = 0.05;
+ else if (cb[i] > 0.5)
+ cb[i] = 0.5;
+ tb[i] = -0.301029996 - 0.434294482 * log((double) cb[i]);
+ }
+ /* Calculate the required SNR for each of the frequency partitions
+ ISO 11172 Sect D.2.4.h */
+ for (j = 0; j < CBANDS; j++) {
+ SNRtemp = tmn[j] * tb[j] + NMT * (1.0 - tb[j]);
+ SNR = MAX(SNRtemp, minval[(int)cbval[j]]);
+ bc[j] = exp ((double) -SNR * LN_TO_LOG10);
+ }
+ /* Calculate the permissible noise energy level in each of the frequency
+ partitions.
+ This section used to have pre-echo control but only for LayerI
+ ISO 11172 Sec D.2.4.k - Spread the threshold energy over FFT lines */
+ for (j = 0; j < CBANDS; j++) {
+ if (rnorm[j] && numlines[j])
+ nb[j] = ecb[j] * bc[j] / (rnorm[j] * numlines[j]);
+ else
+ nb[j] = 0;
+ }
+ /* ISO11172 Sec D.2.4.l - thr[] the final energy threshold of audibility */
+ for (j = 0; j < HBLKSIZE; j++)
+ thr[j] = MAX(nb[partition[j]], ath[j]);
+ /* Translate the 512 threshold values to the 32 filter bands of the coder
+ Using ISO 11172 Table D.5 and Section D.2.4.n */
+ for (j = 0; j < 193; j += 16) {
+ /* WIDTH = 0 */
+ npart = 60802371420160.0;
+ epart = 0.0;
+ for (k = 0; k < 17; k++) {
+ if (thr[j + k] < npart)
+ npart = thr[j + k]; /* For WIDTH==0, find the minimum noise, and
+ later multiply by the number of indexes i.e. 17 */
+ epart += energy[j + k];
+ }
+ snrtmp[run][j / 16] = 4.342944819 * log((double)(epart/(npart*17.0)));
+ }
+ for (j = 208; j < (HBLKSIZE - 1); j += 16) {
+ /* WIDTH = 1 */
+ npart = 0.0;
+ epart = 0.0;
+ for (k = 0; k < 17; k++) {
+ npart += thr[j + k]; /* For WIDTH==1, sum the noise */
+ epart += energy[j + k];
+ }
+ snrtmp[run][j / 16] = 4.342944819 * log ((double) (epart/npart));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pick the maximum value of the two runs ISO 11172 Sect D.2.1 */
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ smr[i] = MAX(snrtmp[0][i], snrtmp[1][i]);
+ * init psycho model 2
+ ********************************/
+void psycho_4_init (double sfreq, options *glopts)
+ int i, j;
+ /* Allocate memory for all the static variables */
+ psycho_4_allocmem();
+ /* Set up the SIN/COS tables */
+ psycho_4_trigtable_init();
+ /* calculate HANN window coefficients */
+ for (i = 0; i < BLKSIZE; i++)
+ window[i] = 0.5 * (1 - cos (2.0 * PI * (i - 0.5) / BLKSIZE));
+ /* For each FFT line from 0(DC) to 512(Nyquist) calculate
+ - bark : the bark value of this fft line
+ - ath : the absolute threshold of hearing for this line [ATH]
+ Since it is a 1024 point FFT, each line in the fft corresponds
+ to 1/1024 of the total frequency.
+ Line 0 should correspond to DC - which doesn't really have a ATH afaik
+ Line 1 should be 1/1024th of the Sampling Freq
+ Line 512 should be the nyquist freq */
+ for (i=0; i<HBLKSIZE; i++) {
+ FLOAT freq = i * sfreq/BLKSIZE;
+ bark[i] = freq2bark(freq);
+ /* The ath tables in the dist10 code seem to be a little out of kilter.
+ they seem to start with index 0 corresponding to (sampling freq)/1024.
+ When in doubt, i'm going to assume that the dist10 code is wrong. MFC Feb2003 */
+ ath[i] = ATH_energy(freq,glopts->athlevel);
+ //fprintf(stdout,"%.2f ",ath[i]);
+ }
+ /* Work out the partitions
+ Starting from line 0, all lines within 0.33 of the starting
+ bark are added to the same partition. When a line is greater
+ by 0.33 of a bark, start a new partition. */
+ int partition_count = 0; /* keep a count of the partitions */
+ int cbase = 0; /* current base index for the bark range calculation */
+ for (i=0;i<HBLKSIZE;i++) {
+ if ((bark[i] - bark[cbase]) > 0.33) { /* 1/3 critical band? */
+ /* this frequency line is too different from the starting line,
+ (in terms of the bark distance)
+ so close that previous partition, and make this line the first
+ member of the next partition */
+ cbase = i; /* Start the new partition from this frequency */
+ partition_count++;
+ }
+ /* partition[i] tells us which partition the i'th frequency line is in */
+ partition[i] = partition_count;
+ /* keep a count of how many frequency lines are in each partition */
+ numlines[partition_count]++;
+ }
+ /* For each partition within the frequency space,
+ calculate the average bark value - cbval [central bark value] */
+ for (i=0;i<HBLKSIZE;i++)
+ cbval[partition[i]] += bark[i]; /* sum up all the bark values */
+ for (i=0;i<CBANDS;i++) {
+ if (numlines[i] != 0)
+ cbval[i] /= numlines[i]; /* divide by the number of values */
+ else {
+ cbval[i]=0; /* this isn't a partition */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Calculate the spreading function. ISO 11172 Section D.2.3 */
+ for (i=0;i<CBANDS;i++) {
+ for (j=0;j<CBANDS;j++) {
+ s[i][j] = psycho_4_spreading_function( 1.05 * (cbval[i] - cbval[j]) );
+ rnorm[i] += s[i][j]; /* sum the spreading function values for each partition so that
+ they can be normalised later on */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Calculate Tone Masking Noise values. ISO 11172 Tables D.3.x */
+ for (j = 0; j < CBANDS; j++)
+ tmn[j] = MAX(15.5+cbval[j], 24.5);
+ if (glopts->verbosity > 10) {
+ /* Dump All the Values to STDOUT */
+ int wlow, whigh=0;
+ int ntot=0;
+ fprintf(stdout,"psy model 4 init\n");
+ fprintf(stdout,"index \tnlines \twlow \twhigh \tbval \tminval \ttmn\n");
+ for (i=0;i<CBANDS;i++)
+ if (numlines[i] != 0) {
+ wlow = whigh+1;
+ whigh = wlow + numlines[i] - 1;
+ fprintf(stdout,"%i \t%i \t%i \t%i \t%5.2f \t%4.2f \t%4.2f\n",i+1, numlines[i],wlow, whigh, cbval[i],minval[(int)cbval[i]],tmn[i]);
+ ntot += numlines[i];
+ }
+ fprintf(stdout,"total lines %i\n",ntot);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+/* The spreading function. Values returned in units of energy
+ Argument 'bark' is the difference in bark values between the
+ centre of two partitions.
+ This has been taken from LAME. MFC Feb 2003 */
+FLOAT8 psycho_4_spreading_function(FLOAT8 bark) {
+ FLOAT8 tempx,x,tempy,temp;
+ tempx = bark;
+#ifdef LAME
+ /* MP3 standard actually spreads these values a little more */
+ if (tempx>=0) tempx *= 3;
+ else tempx *=1.5;
+ if(tempx>=0.5 && tempx<=2.5)
+ {
+ temp = tempx - 0.5;
+ x = 8.0 * (temp*temp - 2.0 * temp);
+ }
+ else x = 0.0;
+ tempx += 0.474;
+ tempy = 15.811389 + 7.5*tempx - 17.5*sqrt(1.0+tempx*tempx);
+ if (tempy <= -60.0) return 0.0;
+ tempx = exp( (x + tempy)*LN_TO_LOG10 );
+#ifdef LAME
+ /* I'm not sure where the magic value of 0.6609193 comes from.
+ toolame will just keep using the rnorm to normalise the spreading function
+ MFC Feb 2003 */
+ /* Normalization. The spreading function should be normalized so that:
+ +inf
+ /
+ | s3 [ bark ] d(bark) = 1
+ /
+ -inf
+ */
+ tempx /= .6609193;
+ return tempx;
+void psycho_4_allocmem() {
+ grouped_c = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "grouped_c");
+ grouped_e = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "grouped_e");
+ nb = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "nb");
+ cb = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "cb");
+ tb = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "tb");
+ ecb = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "ecb");
+ bc = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "bc");
+ wsamp_r = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FBLK), "wsamp_r");
+ phi = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FBLK), "phi");
+ energy = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FBLK), "energy");
+ c = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FHBLK), "c");
+ bark = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FHBLK), "bark");
+ thr = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FHBLK), "thr");
+ snrtmp = (F32 *) mem_alloc (sizeof (F2_32), "snrtmp");
+ numlines = (int *) mem_alloc (sizeof (ICB), "numlines");
+ partition = (int *) mem_alloc (sizeof (IHBLK), "partition");
+ cbval = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "cbval");
+ rnorm = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCB), "rnorm");
+ window = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FBLK), "window");
+ ath = (FLOAT *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FHBLK), "ath");
+ tmn = (double *) mem_alloc (sizeof (DCB), "tmn");
+ s = (FCB *) mem_alloc (sizeof (FCBCB), "s");
+ lthr = (FHBLK *) mem_alloc (sizeof (F2HBLK), "lthr");
+ r = (F2HBLK *) mem_alloc (sizeof (F22HBLK), "r");
+ phi_sav = (F2HBLK *) mem_alloc (sizeof (F22HBLK), "phi_sav");