path: root/psycho_0.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'psycho_0.c')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/psycho_0.c b/psycho_0.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3c41f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/psycho_0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "ath.h"
+#include "encoder.h"
+#include "psycho_0.h"
+/* MFC Mar 03
+ It's almost obscene how well this psycho model works for the amount of
+ computational effort that's put in.
+ I got the idea from:
+ Hyen-O Oh et al "Low power mpeg audio encoders using simplified psychoacoustic model
+ and fast bit allocation"
+ IEEE Trans on Consumer Electronics v47 n3 August 2001. p613
+ All this model does is look at the lowest ATH value within the subband, and then looks
+ at the scalefactors. It combines the two in a real dodgy way to get the SMRs.
+ Although the output values aren't really close to any of the other psycho models,
+ the spread of values and the relative sizes of the values for the different subbands
+ is about right
+ Feel free to make any sort of generic change you want. Add or subtract numbers, take
+ logs, whatever. Fiddle with the numbers until we get a good SMR output */
+void psycho_0(double SMR[2][SBLIMIT], int nch, unsigned int scalar[2][3][SBLIMIT], FLOAT sfreq) {
+ int ch, sb, gr;
+ int minscaleindex[2][SBLIMIT]; /* Smaller scale indexes mean bigger scalefactors */
+ static FLOAT ath_min[SBLIMIT];
+ int i;
+ static int init=0;
+ if (!init) {
+ FLOAT freqperline = sfreq/1024.0;
+ for (sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++) {
+ ath_min[sb] = 1000; /* set it huge */
+ }
+ /* Find the minimum ATH in each subband */
+ for (i=0;i<512;i++) {
+ FLOAT thisfreq = i * freqperline;
+ FLOAT ath_val = ATH_dB(thisfreq, 0);
+ if (ath_val < ath_min[i>>4])
+ ath_min[i>>4] = ath_val;
+ }
+ init++;
+ }
+ /* Find the minimum scalefactor index for each ch/sb */
+ for (ch=0;ch<nch;ch++)
+ for (sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
+ minscaleindex[ch][sb] = scalar[ch][0][sb];
+ for (ch=0;ch<nch;ch++)
+ for (gr=1;gr<3;gr++)
+ for (sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
+ if (minscaleindex[ch][sb] > scalar[ch][gr][sb])
+ minscaleindex[ch][sb] = scalar[ch][gr][sb];
+ /* Oh yeah. Fudge the hell out of the SMR calculations
+ by combining the scalefactor table index and the min ATH in that subband
+ There are probably more elegant/correct ways of combining these values,
+ but who cares? It works pretty well
+ MFC Mar 03 */
+ for (ch=0;ch<nch;ch++)
+ for (sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
+ SMR[ch][sb] = 2.0 * (30.0 - minscaleindex[ch][sb]) - ath_min[sb];