path: root/etisnoop/etisnoop.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'etisnoop/etisnoop.c')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etisnoop/etisnoop.c b/etisnoop/etisnoop.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..643d3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etisnoop/etisnoop.c
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2014 CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a r.l. (http://www.csp.it/)
+ All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ etisnoop.c
+ Parse ETI NI G.703 file
+ Authors:
+ Sergio Sagliocco <sergio.sagliocco@csp.it>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "lib_crc.h"
+void printbuf(char* h,int level, unsigned char* b, unsigned short int l, char* d);
+void decodeFIG(unsigned char* figdata, unsigned char figlen,unsigned short int figtype, unsigned short int indent);
+int main (int c, char *v[]) {
+ int i,j,etifd,ret,offset;
+ unsigned char p[ETINIPACKETSIZE],ficdata[32*4],streamdata[684*8];
+ char desc[256];
+ char prevsync[3]={0x00,0x00,0x00};
+ unsigned char ficf,nst,fp,mid,ficl;
+ unsigned short int fl,mnsc,crch;
+ unsigned short int crc;
+ unsigned int sstc;
+ unsigned char scid,tpl,l1;
+ unsigned short int sad[64],stl[64];
+ etifd=open(v[1],O_RDONLY);
+ if (etifd == -1) {
+ printf("Cannot open %s\n",v[1]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ ret=read(etifd,p,ETINIPACKETSIZE);
+ printf("End of ETI\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ // SYNC
+ printbuf("SYNC",0,p,4,"");
+ // SYNC - ERR
+ if (p[0]==0xFF)
+ strcpy(desc,"No error");
+ else
+ strcpy(desc,"Error");
+ printbuf("ERR",1,p,1,desc);
+ if (memcmp(prevsync,"\x00\x00\x00",3)==0) {
+ if ((memcmp(p+1,"\x07\x3a\xb6",3)==0)||(memcmp(p+1,"\xf8\xc5\x49",3)==0)) {
+ strcpy(desc,"OK");
+ memcpy(prevsync,p+1,3);
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(desc,"Wrong FSYNC");
+ memcpy(prevsync,"\x00\x00\x00",3);
+ }
+ } else if (memcmp(prevsync,"\x07\x3a\xb6",3)==0) {
+ if (memcmp(p+1,"\xf8\xc5\x49",3)!=0) {
+ strcpy(desc,"Wrong FSYNC");
+ memcpy(prevsync,"\x00\x00\x00",3);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(desc,"OK");
+ memcpy(prevsync,p+1,3);
+ }
+ } else if (memcmp(prevsync,"\xf8\xc5\x49",3)==0) {
+ if (memcmp(p+1,"\x07\x3a\xb6",3)!=0) {
+ strcpy(desc,"Wrong FSYNC");
+ memcpy(prevsync,"\x00\x00\x00",3);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(desc,"OK");
+ memcpy(prevsync,p+1,3);
+ }
+ }
+ printbuf("Sync FSYNC",1,p+1,3,desc);
+ printbuf("LDATA",0,NULL,0,"");
+ // LIDATA - FC
+ printbuf("FC - Frame Characterization field",1,p+4,4,"");
+ // LIDATA - FC - FCT
+ sprintf(desc,"%d",p[4]);
+ printbuf("FCT - Frame Count",2,p+4,1,desc);
+ ficf=(p[5] & 0x80) >> 7;
+ if (ficf == 1) {
+ sprintf(desc,"%d - FIC Information are present",ficf);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(desc,"%d - FIC Information are not present",ficf);
+ }
+ printbuf("FICF - Fast Information Channel Flag",2,NULL,0,desc);
+ // LIDATA - FC - NST
+ nst=p[5] & 0x7F;
+ sprintf(desc,"%d",nst);
+ printbuf("NST - Number of streams",2,NULL,0,desc);
+ // LIDATA - FC - FP
+ fp=(p[6] & 0xE0) >> 5;
+ sprintf(desc,"%d",fp);
+ printbuf("FP - Frame Phase",2,&fp,1,desc);
+ // LIDATA - FC - MID
+ mid=(p[6] & 0x18) >> 3;
+ if (mid != 0)
+ sprintf(desc,"Mode %d",mid);
+ else
+ sprintf(desc,"Mode 4");
+ printbuf("MID - Mode Identity",2,&mid,1,desc);
+ // LIDATA - FC - FL
+ fl = (p[6] & 0x07) * 256 + p[7];
+ sprintf(desc,"%d words",fl);
+ printbuf("FL - Frame Length",2,NULL,0,desc);
+ if (ficf==0)
+ ficl=0;
+ else if (mid==3)
+ ficl=32;
+ else
+ ficl=24;
+ // STC
+ printbuf("STC - Stream Characterisation",1,NULL,0,"");
+ for (i=0;i<nst;i++) {
+ sprintf(desc,"Stream number %d",i);
+ printbuf("STC - Stream Characterisation",2,p+8+4*i,4,desc);
+ scid = (p[8+4*i] & 0xFC) >> 2;
+ sprintf(desc,"%d",scid);
+ printbuf("SCID - Sub-channel Identifier",3,NULL,0,desc);
+ sad[i] = (p[8+4*i] & 0x03) * 256 + p[9+4*i];
+ sprintf(desc,"%d",sad[i]);
+ printbuf("SAD - Sub-channel Start Address",3,NULL,0,desc);
+ tpl = (p[10+4*i] & 0xFC) >> 2;
+ if ((tpl & 0x20) >> 5 == 1) {
+ unsigned char opt, plevel;
+ char plevelstr[32];
+ opt = (tpl & 0x16) >> 2;
+ plevel = (tpl & 0x03);
+ if (opt == 0x00) {
+ if (plevel == 0)
+ strcpy(plevelstr,"1-A, 1/4, 16 CUs");
+ else if (plevel == 1)
+ strcpy(plevelstr,"2-A, 3/8, 8 CUs");
+ else if (plevel == 2)
+ strcpy(plevelstr,"3-A, 1/2, 6 CUs");
+ else if (plevel == 3)
+ strcpy(plevelstr,"4-A, 3/4, 4 CUs");
+ } else if (opt == 0x01) {
+ if (plevel == 0)
+ strcpy(plevelstr,"1-B, 4/9, 27 CUs");
+ else if (plevel == 1)
+ strcpy(plevelstr,"2-B, 4/7, 21 CUs");
+ else if (plevel == 2)
+ strcpy(plevelstr,"3-B, 4/6, 18 CUs");
+ else if (plevel == 3)
+ strcpy(plevelstr,"4-B, 4/5, 15 CUs");
+ } else
+ sprintf(plevelstr,"Unknown option %d",opt);
+ sprintf(desc,"0x%02x - Equal Error Protection. %s",tpl,plevelstr);
+ } else {
+ unsigned char tsw,uepidx;
+ tsw = (tpl & 0x08);
+ uepidx = tpl & 0x07;
+ sprintf(desc,"0x%02x - Unequal Error Protection. Table switch %d, UEP index %d",tpl,tsw,uepidx);
+ }
+ printbuf("TPL - Sub-channel Type and Protection Level",3,NULL,0,desc);
+ stl[i] = (p[10+4*i] & 0x03) * 256 + p[11+4*i];
+ sprintf(desc,"%d => %d kbit/s",stl[i],stl[i]*8/3);
+ printbuf("STL - Sub-channel Stream Length",3,NULL,0,desc);
+ }
+ // EOH
+ printbuf("EOH - End Of Header",1,p+8+4*nst,4,"");
+ mnsc = p[8+4*nst]*256+p[8+4*nst+1];
+ printbuf("MNSC - Multiplex Network Signalling Channel",2,p+8+4*nst,2,"");
+ crch = p[8+4*nst+2]*256+p[8+4*nst+3];
+ crc=0xffff;
+ for (i=4;i<8+4*nst+2;i++)
+ crc=update_crc_ccitt(crc,p[i]);
+ crc=~crc;
+ if (crc == crch)
+ sprintf(desc,"CRC OK");
+ else
+ sprintf(desc,"CRC Mismatch: %02x",crc);
+ printbuf("Header CRC",2,p+8+4*nst+2,2,desc);
+ // MST - FIC
+ if (ficf==1) {
+ int endmarker=0,figcount=0;
+ unsigned char *fib, *fig;
+ unsigned short int figcrc;
+ memcpy(ficdata,p+12+4*nst,ficl*4);
+ sprintf(desc,"FIC Data (%d bytes)",ficl*4);
+ //printbuf(desc,1,ficdata,ficl*4,"");
+ printbuf(desc,1,NULL,0,"");
+ fib=p+12+4*nst;
+ for(i=0;i<ficl*4/32;i++) {
+ fig=fib;
+ endmarker=0;
+ figcount=0;
+ while (!endmarker) {
+ unsigned char figtype,figext,figlen;
+ figtype = (fig[0] & 0xE0) >> 5;
+ if (figtype != 7) {
+ figlen = fig[0] & 0x1F;
+ sprintf(desc,"FIG %d [%d bytes]",figtype,figlen);
+ printbuf(desc,3,fig+1,figlen,"");
+ decodeFIG(fig+1,figlen,figtype,4);
+ fig+=(figlen+1);
+ figcount+=(figlen+1);
+ if (figcount >= 29)
+ endmarker=1;
+ } else
+ endmarker=1;
+ }
+ figcrc=fib[30]*256+fib[31];
+ crc=0xffff;
+ for (j=0;j<30;j++)
+ crc=update_crc_ccitt(crc,fib[j]);
+ crc=~crc;
+ if (crc == figcrc)
+ sprintf(desc,"FIB CRC OK");
+ else
+ sprintf(desc,"FIB CRC Mismatch: %02x",crc);
+ printbuf("FIB CRC",3,fib+30,2,desc);
+ fib+=32;
+ }
+ }
+ offset=0;
+ for (i=0;i<nst;i++) {
+ memcpy(streamdata,p+12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset,stl[i]*8);
+ offset+=stl[i]*8;
+ sprintf(desc,"%d",i);
+ printbuf("Stream Data",1,streamdata,stl[i]*8,desc);
+ }
+ // EOF
+ crch = p[12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset]*256+p[12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset+1];
+ crc=0xffff;
+ for (i=12+4*nst;i<12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset;i++)
+ crc=update_crc_ccitt(crc,p[i]);
+ crc=~crc;
+ if (crc == crch)
+ sprintf(desc,"CRC OK");
+ else
+ sprintf(desc,"CRC Mismatch: %02x",crc);
+ printbuf("EOF",1,p+12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset,4,"");
+ printbuf("CRC",2,p+12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset,2,desc);
+ //RFU
+ printbuf("RFU",2,p+12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset+2,2,"");
+ //TIST
+ l1 = (p[12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset+5] & 0xfe) >> 1;
+ sprintf(desc,"%d ms",l1*8);
+ printbuf("TIST - Time Stamp",1,p+12+4*nst+ficf*ficl*4+offset+4,4,desc);
+ printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ }
+void printbuf(char* h,int level, unsigned char* b, unsigned short int l, char* d) {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<level;i++) printf("\t");
+ printf("%s",h);
+ if (l!=0)
+ printf(": ");
+ for (i=0;i<l;i++) {
+ printf("%02x ",b[i]);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(d,"") != 0)
+ printf(" [%s] ",d);
+ printf("\n");
+void decodeFIG(unsigned char* f, unsigned char figlen,unsigned short int figtype, unsigned short int indent) {
+ char desc[256];
+ int i,j;
+ switch (figtype) {
+ case 0: {
+ unsigned short int ext,cn,oe,pd;
+ cn = (f[0] & 0x80) >> 7;
+ oe = (f[0] & 0x40) >> 6;
+ pd = (f[0] & 0x20) >> 5;
+ ext = f[0] & 0x1F;
+ sprintf(desc,"FIG %d/%d: C/N=%d OE=%d P/D=%d",figtype,ext,cn,oe,pd);
+ printbuf(desc,indent,f+1,figlen-1,"");
+ switch (ext) {
+ case 0: {
+ unsigned char cid,al,ch,hic,lowc,occ;
+ unsigned short int eid,eref;
+ eid = f[1]*256+f[2];
+ cid = (f[1] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ eref = (f[1] & 0x0F)*256 + f[2];
+ ch = (f[3] & 0xC0) >> 6;
+ al = (f[3] & 0x20) >> 5;
+ hic = f[3] & 0x1F;
+ lowc = f[4];
+ if (ch != 0) {
+ occ = f[5];
+ sprintf(desc,"Ensamble ID=0x%02x (Country id=%d, Ensamble reference=%d), Change flag=%d, Alarm flag=%d, CIF Count=%d/%d, Occurance change=%d",eid,cid,eref,ch,al,hic,lowc,occ);
+ } else
+ sprintf(desc,"Ensamble ID=0x%02x (Country id=%d, Ensamble reference=%d), Change flag=%d, Alarm flag=%d, CIF Count=%d/%d",eid,cid,eref,ch,al,hic,lowc);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+1,NULL,0,"");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: {
+ unsigned short int sref, scid, sid;
+ unsigned char cid, ecc, local, caid, ncomp, timd, ps, ca, subchid, scty;
+ int k=1;
+ char psdesc[16];
+ char sctydesc[32];
+ while (k<figlen) {
+ if (pd == 0) {
+ sid = f[k] * 256 + f[k+1];
+ cid = (f[k] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ sref = (f[k] & 0x0F) * 256 + f[k+1];
+ k=k+2;
+ } else {
+ sid = f[k] * 256 * 256 * 256 + f[k+1] * 256 * 256 + f[k+2] * 256 + f[k+3];
+ ecc = f[k];
+ cid = (f[k+1] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ sref = (f[k+1] & 0x0F) * 256 * 256 + f[k+2] * 256 + f[k+3];
+ k=k+4;
+ }
+ local = (f[k] & 0x80) >> 7;
+ caid = (f[k] & 0x70) >> 4;
+ ncomp = f[k] & 0x0F;
+ if (pd == 0)
+ sprintf(desc,"Service ID=0x%02X (Country id=%d, Service referemce=%d), Number of components=%d, Local flag=%d, CAID=%d",sid,cid,sref,ncomp,local,caid);
+ else
+ sprintf(desc,"Service ID=0x%02X (ECC=%d, Country id=%d, Service referemce=%d), Number of components=%d, Local flag=%d, CAID=%d",sid,ecc,cid,sref,ncomp,local,caid);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+1,NULL,0,"");
+ k++;
+ for (i=0;i<ncomp;i++) {
+ unsigned char scomp[2];
+ memcpy(scomp,f+k,2);
+ sprintf(desc,"Component[%d]",i);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+2,scomp,2,"");
+ timd = (scomp[0] & 0xC0) >> 6;
+ ps = (scomp[1] & 0x02) >> 1;
+ ca = scomp[1] & 0x01;
+ scty = scomp[0] & 0x3F;
+ subchid = (scomp[1] & 0xFC) >> 2;
+ if (timd == 3) {
+ scid = scty*64 + subchid;
+ }
+ if (ps == 0)
+ strcpy(psdesc,"Secondary service");
+ else
+ strcpy(psdesc,"Primary service");
+ if (timd == 0) {
+ //MSC stream audio
+ if (scty == 0)
+ sprintf(sctydesc,"MPEG Foreground sound (%d)",scty);
+ else if (scty == 1)
+ sprintf(sctydesc,"MPEG Background sound (%d)",scty);
+ else if (scty == 2)
+ sprintf(sctydesc,"Multi Chaneel sound (%d)",scty);
+ else if (scty == 63)
+ sprintf(sctydesc,"AAC sound (%d)",scty);
+ else
+ sprintf(sctydesc,"Unknown ASCTy (%d)",scty);
+ sprintf(desc,"Stream audio mode, %s, %s, SubChannel ID=%02X, CA=%d",psdesc,sctydesc,subchid,ca);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+3,NULL,0,"");
+ } else if (timd == 1) {
+ //MSC stream data
+ sprintf(sctydesc,"DSCTy=%d",scty);
+ sprintf(desc,"Stream data mode, %s, %s, SubChannel ID=%02X, CA=%d",psdesc,sctydesc,subchid,ca);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+3,NULL,0,"");
+ } else if (timd == 2) {
+ // FIDC
+ sprintf(sctydesc,"DSCTy=%d",scty);
+ sprintf(desc,"FIDC mode, %s, %s, Fast Information Data Channel ID=%02X, CA=%d",psdesc,sctydesc,subchid,ca);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+3,NULL,0,"");
+ } else if (timd == 3) {
+ // MSC PAcket mode
+ sprintf(desc,"MSC Packet Mode, %s, Service Component ID=%02X, CA=%d",psdesc,subchid,ca);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+3,NULL,0,"");
+ }
+ k+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: {// SHORT LABELS
+ unsigned short int ext,oe,charset;
+ unsigned short int flag;
+ char label[17];
+ charset = (f[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ oe = (f[0] & 0x80) >> 3;
+ ext = f[0] & 0x07;
+ sprintf(desc,"FIG %d/%d: OE=%d, Charset=%d",figtype,ext,oe,charset);
+ printbuf(desc,indent,f+1,figlen-1,"");
+ memcpy(label,f+figlen-18,16);
+ label[16]=0x00;
+ flag = f[figlen-2] * 256 +f[figlen-1];
+ switch (ext) {
+ case 0: { // ENSAMBLE LABEL
+ unsigned short int eid;
+ eid = f[1] * 256 + f[2];
+ sprintf(desc,"Ensamble ID 0x%04X label: \"%s\", Short label mask: 0x%04X",eid,label,flag);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+1,NULL,0,"");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: { // Programme LABEL
+ unsigned short int sid;
+ sid = f[1] * 256 + f[2];
+ sprintf(desc,"Service ID 0x%04X label: \"%s\", Short label mask: 0x%04X",sid,label,flag);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+1,NULL,0,"");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4: { // Service Component LABEL
+ unsigned int sid;
+ unsigned char pd,SCIdS;
+ pd = (f[1] & 0x80) >> 7;
+ SCIdS = f[1] & 0x0F;
+ if (pd==0)
+ sid = f[2] * 256 + f[3];
+ else
+ sid = f[2] * 256 * 256 * 256 + f[3] * 256 * 256 + f[4] * 256 + f[5];
+ sprintf(desc,"Service ID 0x%08X , Service Component ID 0x%04X Short, label: \"%s\", label mask: 0x%04X",sid,SCIdS,label,flag);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+1,NULL,0,"");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5: { // Data Service LABEL
+ unsigned int sid;
+ sid = sid = f[1] * 256 * 256 * 256 + f[2] * 256 * 256 + f[3] * 256 + f[4];
+ sprintf(desc,"Service ID 0x%08X label: \"%s\", Short label mask: 0x%04X",sid,label,flag);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+1,NULL,0,"");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6: { // X-PAD User Application label
+ unsigned int sid;
+ unsigned char pd,SCIdS,xpadapp;
+ char xpadappdesc[16];
+ pd = (f[1] & 0x80) >> 7;
+ SCIdS = f[1] & 0x0F;
+ if (pd==0) {
+ sid = f[2] * 256 + f[3];
+ xpadapp = f[4] & 0x1F;
+ }
+ else {
+ sid = f[2] * 256 * 256 * 256 + f[3] * 256 * 256 + f[4] * 256 + f[5];
+ xpadapp = f[6] & 0x1F;
+ }
+ if (xpadapp==2)
+ strcpy(xpadappdesc,"DLS");
+ else if (xpadapp==12)
+ strcpy(xpadappdesc,"MOT");
+ sprintf(desc,"Service ID 0x%08X , Service Component ID 0x%04X Short, X-PAD App %02X (%s), label: \"%s\", label mask: 0x%04X",sid,SCIdS,xpadapp,xpadappdesc,label,flag);
+ printbuf(desc,indent+1,NULL,0,"");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }