path: root/tracker-stm32
diff options
authorMatthias P. Braendli <matthias.braendli@mpb.li>2023-05-19 15:06:43 +0200
committerMatthias P. Braendli <matthias.braendli@mpb.li>2023-05-19 15:06:43 +0200
commit94655a6999731f3d76ce21b7ad76568b9657e6ea (patch)
tree13c3b1ca69f3aac7563c241e0bd4e7385564e89d /tracker-stm32
parent41b68b70309ed40565204d2d8985f708151bb9d6 (diff)
Add text message
Diffstat (limited to 'tracker-stm32')
-rw-r--r--tracker-stm32/src/main.cpp (renamed from tracker-stm32/src/main.ino)134
6 files changed, 7478 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/tracker-stm32/.gitignore b/tracker-stm32/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e10828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker-stm32/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tracker-stm32/LICENSE b/tracker-stm32/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c83e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker-stm32/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2023 Matthias P. Braendli
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/tracker-stm32/include/uintwide_t.h b/tracker-stm32/include/uintwide_t.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e6e95c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker-stm32/include/uintwide_t.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7279 @@
+// Copyright Christopher Kormanyos 1999 - 2023. //
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, //
+// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt //
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) //
+#ifndef UINTWIDE_T_2018_10_02_H // NOLINT(llvm-header-guard)
+ #define UINTWIDE_T_2018_10_02_H
+ #endif
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #include <array>
+ #if defined(__cpp_lib_to_chars)
+ #include <charconv>
+ #endif
+ #include <cinttypes>
+ #include <cmath>
+ #endif
+ #include <cstddef>
+ #include <cstdint>
+ #include <cstdlib>
+ #include <cstring>
+ #include <initializer_list>
+ #include <iomanip>
+ #include <istream>
+ #endif
+ #include <iterator>
+ #include <limits>
+ #include <list>
+ #endif
+ #include <memory>
+ #endif
+ #include <ostream>
+ #include <sstream>
+ #endif
+ #include <string>
+ #endif
+ #include <type_traits>
+ #if (defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ <= 9))
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NUM_LIMITS_CLASS_TYPE struct // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #else
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NUM_LIMITS_CLASS_TYPE class // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #endif
+ #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (!defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)))
+ #if (_MSC_VER >= 1900) && defined(_HAS_CXX20) && (_HAS_CXX20 != 0)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR constexpr // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 1 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #else
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 0 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #if (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201402L))
+ #if defined(__AVR__) && (!defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__cplusplus >= 202002L)))
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR constexpr // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 1 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #elif (defined(__cpp_lib_constexpr_algorithms) && (__cpp_lib_constexpr_algorithms >= 201806))
+ #if defined(__clang__)
+ #if (__clang_major__ > 9)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR constexpr // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 1 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #else
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 0 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR constexpr // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 1 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #endif
+ #elif (defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ >= 10)) && (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus > 201703L))
+ #if defined(__x86_64__)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR constexpr // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 1 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #else
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 0 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 0 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR_IS_COMPILE_TIME_CONST 0 // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #error internal pre-processor macro already defined
+ #endif
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE { // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #define WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE_END } // namespace WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage)
+ #else
+ #endif
+ namespace test_uintwide_t_edge {
+ // Forward declaration.
+ // This is needed for class-friendship with the uintwide_t template class.
+ auto test_various_isolated_edge_cases() -> bool;
+ } // namespace test_uintwide_t_edge
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ namespace math::wide_integer::detail {
+ #else
+ namespace math { namespace wide_integer { namespace detail { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces)
+ #endif
+ // Use a local, constexpr, unsafe implementation of the fill-function.
+ template<typename DestinationIterator,
+ typename ValueType>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto fill_unsafe(DestinationIterator first, DestinationIterator last, ValueType val) -> void
+ {
+ while(first != last)
+ {
+ using local_destination_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<DestinationIterator>::value_type;
+ *first++ = static_cast<local_destination_value_type>(val);
+ }
+ }
+ // Use a local, constexpr, unsafe implementation of the copy-function.
+ template<typename InputIterator,
+ typename DestinationIterator>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto copy_unsafe(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, DestinationIterator dest) -> DestinationIterator
+ {
+ while(first != last)
+ {
+ using local_destination_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<DestinationIterator>::value_type;
+ #if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 9))
+ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstringop-overflow"
+ #endif
+ *dest++ = static_cast<local_destination_value_type>(*first++);
+ #if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 9))
+ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+ #endif
+ }
+ return dest;
+ }
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ } // namespace math::wide_integer::detail
+ #else
+ } // namespace detail
+ } // namespace wide_integer
+ } // namespace math
+ #endif
+ namespace util {
+ template<typename ValueType,
+ typename AllocatorType = std::allocator<ValueType>,
+ typename SizeType = std::size_t,
+ typename DiffType = std::ptrdiff_t>
+ class dynamic_array;
+ template<typename ValueType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ typename SizeType,
+ typename DiffType>
+ class dynamic_array
+ {
+ public:
+ // Type definitions.
+ using allocator_type = typename std::allocator_traits<AllocatorType>::template rebind_alloc<ValueType>;
+ using value_type = typename allocator_type::value_type;
+ using reference = value_type&;
+ using const_reference = const value_type&;
+ using iterator = value_type*;
+ using const_iterator = const value_type*;
+ using pointer = value_type*;
+ using const_pointer = const value_type*;
+ using size_type = SizeType;
+ using difference_type = DiffType;
+ using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator< value_type*>;
+ using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const value_type*>;
+ // Constructors.
+ constexpr dynamic_array() : elem_count(static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))) { }
+ explicit WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR dynamic_array( size_type count_in,
+ const_reference value_in = value_type(),
+ const allocator_type& alloc_in = allocator_type())
+ : elem_count(count_in)
+ {
+ if(elem_count > static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ allocator_type my_alloc(alloc_in);
+ elems = std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::allocate(my_alloc, elem_count);
+ iterator it = begin();
+ while(it != end())
+ {
+ std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::construct(my_alloc, it, value_in);
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR dynamic_array(const dynamic_array& other)
+ : elem_count(other.size())
+ {
+ allocator_type my_alloc;
+ if(elem_count > static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ elems = std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::allocate(my_alloc, elem_count);
+ }
+ math::wide_integer::detail::copy_unsafe(other.elems, other.elems + elem_count, elems);
+ }
+ template<typename input_iterator>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR dynamic_array(input_iterator first,
+ input_iterator last,
+ const allocator_type& alloc_in = allocator_type())
+ : elem_count(static_cast<size_type>(last - first))
+ {
+ allocator_type my_alloc(alloc_in);
+ if(elem_count > static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ elems = std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::allocate(my_alloc, elem_count);
+ }
+ math::wide_integer::detail::copy_unsafe(first, last, elems);
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR dynamic_array(std::initializer_list<value_type> lst,
+ const allocator_type& alloc_in = allocator_type())
+ : elem_count(lst.size())
+ {
+ allocator_type my_alloc(alloc_in);
+ if(elem_count > static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ elems = std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::allocate(my_alloc, elem_count);
+ }
+ math::wide_integer::detail::copy_unsafe(lst.begin(), lst.end(), elems);
+ }
+ // Move constructor.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR dynamic_array(dynamic_array&& other) noexcept : elem_count(other.elem_count),
+ elems (other.elems)
+ {
+ other.elem_count = static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ other.elems = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Destructor.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR virtual ~dynamic_array()
+ {
+ if(!empty())
+ {
+ using local_allocator_traits_type = std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>;
+ allocator_type my_alloc;
+ auto p = begin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ while(p != end())
+ {
+ local_allocator_traits_type::destroy(my_alloc, p);
+ ++p;
+ }
+ // Destroy the elements and deallocate the range.
+ local_allocator_traits_type::deallocate(my_alloc, elems, elem_count);
+ }
+ }
+ // Assignment operator.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(const dynamic_array& other) -> dynamic_array&
+ {
+ if(this != &other)
+ {
+ math::wide_integer::detail::copy_unsafe(other.elems,
+ other.elems + (std::min)(elem_count, other.elem_count),
+ elems);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Move assignment operator.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(dynamic_array&& other) noexcept -> dynamic_array&
+ {
+ std::swap(elem_count, other.elem_count);
+ std::swap(elems, other.elems);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Iterator members:
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto begin () -> iterator { return elems; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto end () -> iterator { return elems + elem_count; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto begin () const -> const_iterator { return elems; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto end () const -> const_iterator { return elems + elem_count; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto cbegin () const -> const_iterator { return elems; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto cend () const -> const_iterator { return elems + elem_count; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto rbegin () -> reverse_iterator { return reverse_iterator(elems + elem_count); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto rend () -> reverse_iterator { return reverse_iterator(elems); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto rbegin () const -> const_reverse_iterator { return const_reverse_iterator(elems + elem_count); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto rend () const -> const_reverse_iterator { return const_reverse_iterator(elems); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto crbegin() const -> const_reverse_iterator { return const_reverse_iterator(elems + elem_count); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto crend () const -> const_reverse_iterator { return const_reverse_iterator(elems); }
+ // Raw pointer access.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto data() -> pointer { return elems; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto data() const -> const_pointer { return elems; }
+ // Size and capacity.
+ constexpr auto size () const -> size_type { return elem_count; }
+ constexpr auto max_size() const -> size_type { return elem_count; }
+ constexpr auto empty () const -> bool { return (elem_count == static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))); }
+ // Element access members.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](const size_type i) -> reference { return elems[i]; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](const size_type i) const -> const_reference { return elems[i]; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto front() -> reference { return elems[static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))]; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto front() const -> const_reference { return elems[static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))]; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto back() -> reference { return ((elem_count > static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))) ? elems[static_cast<size_type>(elem_count - static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(1)))] : elems[static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))]); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto back() const -> const_reference { return ((elem_count > static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))) ? elems[static_cast<size_type>(elem_count - static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(1)))] : elems[static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))]); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto at(const size_type i) -> reference { return ((i < elem_count) ? elems[i] : elems[static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))]); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto at(const size_type i) const -> const_reference { return ((i < elem_count) ? elems[i] : elems[static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0))]); }
+ // Element manipulation members.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto fill(const value_type& value_in) -> void
+ {
+ math::wide_integer::detail::fill_unsafe(begin(), begin() + elem_count, value_in);
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto swap(dynamic_array& other) noexcept -> void
+ {
+ if(this != &other)
+ {
+ std::swap(elems, other.elems);
+ std::swap(elem_count, other.elem_count);
+ }
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto swap(dynamic_array&& other) noexcept -> void
+ {
+ auto tmp = std::move(*this);
+ *this = std::move(other);
+ other = std::move(tmp);
+ }
+ private:
+ mutable size_type elem_count; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
+ pointer elems { nullptr }; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming,altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ };
+ template<typename ValueType, typename AllocatorType>
+ constexpr auto operator==(const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& lhs,
+ const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ using local_size_type = typename dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>::size_type;
+ return
+ (
+ (lhs.size() == rhs.size())
+ && (
+ (lhs.size() == static_cast<local_size_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ || std::equal(lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin())
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ template<typename ValueType, typename AllocatorType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator<(const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& lhs,
+ const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ using size_type = typename dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>::size_type;
+ const auto size_of_left_is_zero = (lhs.size() == static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ bool b_result { };
+ if(size_of_left_is_zero)
+ {
+ const auto size_of_right_is_zero = (rhs.size() == static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ b_result = (!size_of_right_is_zero);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(size_of_left_is_zero)
+ {
+ const auto size_of_right_is_zero = (rhs.size() == static_cast<size_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ b_result = (!size_of_right_is_zero);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const size_type my_count = (std::min)(lhs.size(), rhs.size());
+ b_result= std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.cbegin(),
+ lhs.cbegin() + my_count,
+ rhs.cbegin(),
+ rhs.cbegin() + my_count);
+ }
+ }
+ return b_result;
+ }
+ template<typename ValueType, typename AllocatorType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator!=(const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& lhs,
+ const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ return (!(lhs == rhs));
+ }
+ template<typename ValueType, typename AllocatorType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator>(const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& lhs,
+ const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ return (rhs < lhs);
+ }
+ template<typename ValueType, typename AllocatorType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator>=(const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& lhs,
+ const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ return (!(lhs < rhs));
+ }
+ template<typename ValueType, typename AllocatorType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator<=(const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& lhs,
+ const dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ return (!(rhs < lhs));
+ }
+ template<typename ValueType, typename AllocatorType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto swap(dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& x,
+ dynamic_array<ValueType, AllocatorType>& y) noexcept -> void
+ {
+ x.swap(y);
+ }
+ } // namespace util
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ namespace math::wide_integer::detail {
+ #else
+ namespace math { namespace wide_integer { namespace detail { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces)
+ #endif
+ using util::dynamic_array;
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ } // namespace math::wide_integer::detail
+ #else
+ } // namespace detail
+ } // namespace wide_integer
+ } // namespace math
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #include <util/utility/util_dynamic_array.h>
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ namespace math::wide_integer::detail {
+ #else
+ namespace math { namespace wide_integer { namespace detail { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces)
+ #endif
+ using util::dynamic_array;
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ } // namespace math::wide_integer::detail
+ #else
+ } // namespace detail
+ } // namespace wide_integer
+ } // namespace math
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ namespace math::wide_integer {
+ #else
+ namespace math { namespace wide_integer { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces)
+ #endif
+ namespace detail {
+ using size_t = std::uint32_t;
+ using ptrdiff_t = std::int32_t;
+ static_assert(( (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::digits >= std::numeric_limits<std::uint16_t>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>::digits + 1 >= std::numeric_limits<std::uint16_t>::digits)),
+ "Error: size type and pointer difference type must be at least 16 bits in width (or wider)");
+ template<const size_t Width2> struct verify_power_of_two // NOLINT(altera-struct-pack-align)
+ {
+ // TBD: Which powers should be checked if size_t is not 32 bits?
+ static constexpr auto conditional_value =
+ (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 0U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 1U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 2U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 3U))
+ || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 4U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 5U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 6U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 7U))
+ || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 8U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 9U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 10U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 11U))
+ || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 12U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 13U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 14U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 15U))
+ || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 16U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 17U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 18U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 19U))
+ || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 20U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 21U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 22U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 23U))
+ || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 24U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 25U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 26U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 27U))
+ || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 28U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 29U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 30U)) || (Width2 == static_cast<size_t>(1ULL << 31U))
+ ;
+ };
+ template<const size_t BitCount,
+ typename EnableType = void>
+ struct uint_type_helper
+ {
+ private:
+ static constexpr auto bit_count () -> size_t { return BitCount; }
+ static constexpr auto bit_count_lo() -> size_t { return static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(8)); }
+ static constexpr auto bit_count_hi() -> size_t { return static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(128)); }
+ #else
+ static constexpr auto bit_count_hi() -> size_t { return static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(64)); }
+ #endif
+ static_assert(( ((bit_count() >= bit_count_lo()) && (BitCount <= bit_count_hi())) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers,readability-magic-numbers)
+ && (verify_power_of_two<bit_count()>::conditional_value)),
+ "Error: uint_type_helper is not intended to be used for this BitCount");
+ public:
+ using exact_unsigned_type = std::uintmax_t;
+ using exact_signed_type = std::intmax_t;
+ using fast_unsigned_type = std::uintmax_t;
+ using fast_signed_type = std::intmax_t;
+ };
+ template<const size_t BitCount> struct uint_type_helper<BitCount, std::enable_if_t< (BitCount <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C( 8)))>> { using exact_unsigned_type = std::uint8_t; using exact_signed_type = std::int8_t; using fast_unsigned_type = std::uint_fast8_t; using fast_signed_type = std::int_fast8_t; };
+ template<const size_t BitCount> struct uint_type_helper<BitCount, std::enable_if_t<(BitCount >= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C( 9))) && (BitCount <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C( 16)))>> { using exact_unsigned_type = std::uint16_t; using exact_signed_type = std::int16_t; using fast_unsigned_type = std::uint_fast16_t; using fast_signed_type = std::int_fast16_t; };
+ template<const size_t BitCount> struct uint_type_helper<BitCount, std::enable_if_t<(BitCount >= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(17))) && (BitCount <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C( 32)))>> { using exact_unsigned_type = std::uint32_t; using exact_signed_type = std::int32_t; using fast_unsigned_type = std::uint_fast32_t; using fast_signed_type = std::int_fast32_t; };
+ template<const size_t BitCount> struct uint_type_helper<BitCount, std::enable_if_t<(BitCount >= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(33))) && (BitCount <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C( 64)))>> { using exact_unsigned_type = std::uint64_t; using exact_signed_type = std::int64_t; using fast_unsigned_type = std::uint_fast64_t; using fast_signed_type = std::int_fast64_t; };
+ #if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__))
+ #pragma GCC diagnostic push
+ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
+ #endif
+ template<const size_t BitCount> struct uint_type_helper<BitCount, std::enable_if_t<(BitCount >= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(65))) && (BitCount <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(128)))>> { using exact_unsigned_type = unsigned __int128; using exact_signed_type = signed __int128; using fast_unsigned_type = unsigned __int128; using fast_signed_type = signed __int128; };
+ #if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__))
+ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ using unsigned_fast_type = typename uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<size_t >::digits + 0)>::fast_unsigned_type;
+ using signed_fast_type = typename uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>::digits + 1)>::fast_signed_type;
+ namespace my_own {
+ template<typename FloatingPointType> WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto frexp (FloatingPointType x, int* expptr) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value && std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::is_iec559 ), FloatingPointType>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType> WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto frexp (FloatingPointType x, int* expptr) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value && (!std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::is_iec559)), FloatingPointType>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType> WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto (isfinite)(FloatingPointType x) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value && std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::is_iec559 ), bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType> WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto (isfinite)(FloatingPointType x) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value && (!std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::is_iec559)), bool>;
+ } // namespace my_own
+ #endif
+ template<typename ForwardIterator,
+ typename OutputIterator>
+ auto import_export_helper( ForwardIterator in,
+ OutputIterator out,
+ const signed_fast_type total_bits_to_use, // NOLINT(bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters)
+ const unsigned_fast_type chunk_size_in,
+ const unsigned_fast_type chunk_size_out) -> OutputIterator
+ {
+ const auto size_to_loop_through =
+ (std::max)
+ (
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(total_bits_to_use - static_cast<signed_fast_type>(INT8_C(1))),
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(INT8_C(-1))
+ );
+ if(size_to_loop_through > static_cast<signed_fast_type>(INT8_C(-1)))
+ {
+ using local_output_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type;
+ *out = static_cast<local_output_value_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ for(auto i = size_to_loop_through;
+ i >= static_cast<signed_fast_type>(INT8_C(0)); // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ --i)
+ {
+ const auto input_bpos =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(i) % chunk_size_in
+ );
+ using local_input_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type;
+ const auto input_bval_is_set =
+ (
+ static_cast<local_input_value_type>
+ (
+ *in
+ & static_cast<local_input_value_type>(static_cast<local_input_value_type>(UINT8_C(1)) << input_bpos)
+ )
+ != static_cast<local_input_value_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ );
+ const auto result_bpos =
+ static_cast<local_output_value_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(i) % chunk_size_out
+ );
+ if(input_bval_is_set)
+ {
+ *out =
+ static_cast<local_output_value_type>
+ (
+ *out
+ | static_cast<local_output_value_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_output_value_type>(UINT8_C(1)) << result_bpos
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ const auto go_to_next_result_elem = (result_bpos == static_cast<local_output_value_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ if(go_to_next_result_elem && (i != static_cast<signed_fast_type>(INT8_C(0))))
+ {
+ *(++out) = static_cast<local_output_value_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ }
+ const auto go_to_next_input_elem = (input_bpos == static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ if(go_to_next_input_elem && (i != static_cast<signed_fast_type>(INT8_C(0))))
+ {
+ ++in;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ } // namespace detail
+ using detail::size_t;
+ using detail::ptrdiff_t;
+ using detail::unsigned_fast_type;
+ using detail::signed_fast_type;
+ // Forward declaration of the uintwide_t template class.
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType = std::uint32_t,
+ typename AllocatorType = void,
+ const bool IsSigned = false>
+ class uintwide_t;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (uintwide_t op uintwide_t).
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member binary logic operations of (uintwide_t op uintwide_t).
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator| (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator^ (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator& (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (uintwide_t op IntegralType).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_signed<IntegralType>::value),
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral <IntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned <IntegralType>::value
+ && (std::numeric_limits<IntegralType>::digits <= std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits)),
+ typename uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>::limb_type>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral <IntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned <IntegralType>::value
+ && (std::numeric_limits<IntegralType>::digits > std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits)),
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (IntegralType op uintwide_t).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator%(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (uintwide_t op FloatingPointType).
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (FloatingPointType op uintwide_t).
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator%(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ #endif
+ // Forward declarations of non-member binary logic operations of (uintwide_t op IntegralType).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator|(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator^(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator&(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member binary binary logic operations of (IntegralType op uintwide_t).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator|(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator^(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator&(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member shift functions of (uintwide_t shift IntegralType).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<<(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>; // NOLINT(readability-avoid-const-params-in-decls)
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>>(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>; // NOLINT(readability-avoid-const-params-in-decls)
+ // Forward declarations of non-member comparison functions of (uintwide_t cmp uintwide_t).
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool;
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member comparison functions of (uintwide_t cmp IntegralType).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ // Forward declarations of non-member comparison functions of (IntegralType cmp uintwide_t).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool>;
+ // Non-member comparison functions of (uintwide_t cmp FloatingPointType).
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ // Non-member comparison functions of (FloatingPointType cmp uintwide_t).
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool>;
+ #endif
+ // Forward declarations of I/O streaming functions.
+ template<typename char_type,
+ typename traits_type,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char_type, traits_type>& out,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> std::basic_ostream<char_type, traits_type>&;
+ template<typename char_type,
+ typename traits_type,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto operator>>(std::basic_istream<char_type, traits_type>& in,
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> std::basic_istream<char_type, traits_type>&;
+ #endif
+ // Forward declarations of various number-theoretical tools.
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto swap(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x,
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& y) noexcept -> void;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lsb(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> unsigned_fast_type;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> unsigned_fast_type;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto abs(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto sqrt(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& m) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto cbrt(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& m) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto rootk(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& m, const std::uint_fast8_t k) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>; // NOLINT(readability-avoid-const-params-in-decls)
+ template<typename OtherUnsignedIntegralTypeP,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto pow(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& b, const OtherUnsignedIntegralTypeP& p) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<typename OtherUnsignedIntegralTypeP,
+ typename OtherUnsignedIntegralTypeM,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto powm(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& b,
+ const OtherUnsignedIntegralTypeP& p,
+ const OtherUnsignedIntegralTypeM& m) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto gcd(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& a,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& b) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<typename UnsignedShortType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto gcd(const UnsignedShortType& u, const UnsignedShortType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<( (std::is_integral<UnsignedShortType>::value)
+ && (std::is_unsigned<UnsignedShortType>::value)), UnsignedShortType>;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lcm(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& a,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& b) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ template<typename UnsignedShortType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lcm(const UnsignedShortType& a, const UnsignedShortType& b) -> std::enable_if_t<( (std::is_integral<UnsignedShortType>::value)
+ && (std::is_unsigned<UnsignedShortType>::value)), UnsignedShortType>;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSignedLeft,
+ const bool IsSignedRight,
+ std::enable_if_t<((!IsSignedLeft) && (!IsSignedRight))> const* = nullptr>
+ auto divmod(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft >& a,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>& b) -> std::pair<uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft>, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>>;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSignedLeft,
+ const bool IsSignedRight,
+ std::enable_if_t<(IsSignedLeft || IsSignedRight)> const* = nullptr>
+ auto divmod(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft >& a,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>& b) -> std::pair<uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft>, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>>;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType = std::uint32_t,
+ typename AllocatorType = void,
+ const bool IsSigned = false>
+ class default_random_engine;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType = std::uint32_t,
+ typename AllocatorType = void,
+ const bool IsSigned = false>
+ class uniform_int_distribution;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto operator==(const uniform_int_distribution<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& lhs,
+ const uniform_int_distribution<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& rhs) -> bool;
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto operator!=(const uniform_int_distribution<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& lhs,
+ const uniform_int_distribution<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& rhs) -> bool;
+ template<typename DistributionType,
+ typename GeneratorType,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto miller_rabin(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& n,
+ const unsigned_fast_type number_of_trials, // NOLINT(readability-avoid-const-params-in-decls)
+ DistributionType& distribution,
+ GeneratorType& generator) -> bool;
+ #if defined(__cpp_lib_to_chars)
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto to_chars(char* first,
+ char* last,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x,
+ int base = static_cast<int>(INT8_C(10))) -> std::to_chars_result;
+ #endif
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto to_string(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> std::string;
+ #endif
+ template<typename ForwardIterator,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ std::enable_if_t<std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits> const* = nullptr>
+ auto import_bits(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>& val,
+ ForwardIterator first,
+ ForwardIterator last,
+ unsigned chunk_size = static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(0)),
+ bool msv_first = true) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>&;
+ template<typename ForwardIterator,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ std::enable_if_t<!(std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits)> const* = nullptr>
+ auto import_bits(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>& val,
+ ForwardIterator first,
+ ForwardIterator last,
+ unsigned chunk_size = static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(0)),
+ bool msv_first = true) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>&;
+ template<typename OutputIterator,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits> const* = nullptr>
+ auto export_bits(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& val,
+ OutputIterator out,
+ unsigned chunk_size,
+ bool msv_first = true) -> OutputIterator;
+ template<typename OutputIterator,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<!(std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits)> const* = nullptr>
+ auto export_bits(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& val,
+ OutputIterator out,
+ unsigned chunk_size,
+ bool msv_first = true) -> OutputIterator;
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ } // namespace math::wide_integer
+ #else
+ } // namespace wide_integer
+ } // namespace math
+ #endif
+ namespace std
+ {
+ // Forward declaration of specialization of std::numeric_limits<uintwide_t>.
+ template<const WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE::math::wide_integer::size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NUM_LIMITS_CLASS_TYPE numeric_limits<WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE::math::wide_integer::uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ #else
+ template<const ::math::wide_integer::size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NUM_LIMITS_CLASS_TYPE numeric_limits<::math::wide_integer::uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>;
+ #endif
+ } // namespace std
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ namespace math::wide_integer::detail {
+ #else
+ namespace math { namespace wide_integer { namespace detail { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces)
+ #endif
+ template<typename MyType,
+ const size_t MySize,
+ typename MyAlloc>
+ class fixed_dynamic_array final : public detail::dynamic_array<MyType, MyAlloc, size_t, ptrdiff_t>
+ {
+ private:
+ using base_class_type = detail::dynamic_array<MyType, MyAlloc, size_t, ptrdiff_t>;
+ public:
+ static constexpr auto static_size() -> typename base_class_type::size_type { return MySize; }
+ explicit WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR fixed_dynamic_array(const typename base_class_type::size_type size_in = MySize,
+ const typename base_class_type::value_type& value_in = typename base_class_type::value_type(),
+ const typename base_class_type::allocator_type& alloc_in = typename base_class_type::allocator_type())
+ : base_class_type(MySize, typename base_class_type::value_type(), alloc_in)
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(base_class_type::begin(),
+ base_class_type::begin() + (std::min)(MySize, static_cast<typename base_class_type::size_type>(size_in)),
+ value_in);
+ }
+ constexpr fixed_dynamic_array(const fixed_dynamic_array& other_array) = default;
+ constexpr fixed_dynamic_array(fixed_dynamic_array&& other_array) noexcept = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR fixed_dynamic_array(std::initializer_list<typename base_class_type::value_type> lst)
+ : base_class_type(MySize)
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(lst.begin(),
+ lst.begin() + (std::min)(static_cast<typename base_class_type::size_type>(lst.size()), MySize),
+ base_class_type::begin());
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(const fixed_dynamic_array& other_array) -> fixed_dynamic_array& = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(fixed_dynamic_array&& other_array) noexcept -> fixed_dynamic_array& = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR ~fixed_dynamic_array() override = default;
+ };
+ template<typename MyType,
+ const size_t MySize>
+ class fixed_static_array final : public std::array<MyType, static_cast<std::size_t>(MySize)>
+ {
+ private:
+ using base_class_type = std::array<MyType, static_cast<std::size_t>(MySize)>;
+ public:
+ using size_type = size_t;
+ using value_type = typename base_class_type::value_type;
+ using allocator_type = std::allocator<void>;
+ static constexpr auto static_size() -> size_type { return MySize; }
+ constexpr fixed_static_array() = default;
+ explicit WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR fixed_static_array(const size_type size_in,
+ const value_type& value_in = value_type(),
+ allocator_type alloc_in = allocator_type())
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(alloc_in);
+ if(size_in < static_size())
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(base_class_type::begin(), base_class_type::begin() + size_in, value_in);
+ detail::fill_unsafe(base_class_type::begin() + size_in, base_class_type::end(), value_type());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Exclude this line from code coverage, even though explicit
+ // test cases (search for "result_overshift_is_ok") are known
+ // to cover this line.
+ detail::fill_unsafe(base_class_type::begin(), base_class_type::end(), value_in); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR fixed_static_array(const fixed_static_array&) = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR fixed_static_array(fixed_static_array&&) noexcept = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR fixed_static_array(std::initializer_list<typename base_class_type::value_type> lst)
+ {
+ const auto size_to_copy =
+ (std::min)(static_cast<size_type>(lst.size()),
+ MySize);
+ if(size_to_copy < static_cast<size_type>(base_class_type::size()))
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(lst.begin(),
+ lst.begin() + size_to_copy,
+ base_class_type::begin());
+ detail::fill_unsafe(base_class_type::begin() + size_to_copy,
+ base_class_type::end(),
+ static_cast<typename base_class_type::value_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(lst.begin(),
+ lst.begin() + size_to_copy,
+ base_class_type::begin());
+ }
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR ~fixed_static_array() = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(const fixed_static_array& other_array) -> fixed_static_array& = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(fixed_static_array&& other_array) noexcept -> fixed_static_array& = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](const size_type i) -> typename base_class_type::reference { return base_class_type::operator[](static_cast<typename base_class_type::size_type>(i)); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](const size_type i) const -> typename base_class_type::const_reference { return base_class_type::operator[](static_cast<typename base_class_type::size_type>(i)); }
+ };
+ template<const size_t Width2> struct verify_power_of_two_times_granularity_one_sixty_fourth // NOLINT(altera-struct-pack-align)
+ {
+ // List of numbers used to identify the form 2^n times 1...63.
+ static constexpr auto conditional_value =
+ ( verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 1U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 3U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 5U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 7U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 9U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 11U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 13U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 15U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 17U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 19U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 21U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 23U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 25U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 27U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 29U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 31U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 33U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 35U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 37U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 39U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 41U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 43U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 45U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 47U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 49U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 51U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 53U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 55U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 57U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 59U)>::conditional_value
+ || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 61U)>::conditional_value || verify_power_of_two<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 / 63U)>::conditional_value);
+ };
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lsb_helper(const UnsignedIntegralType& u) -> unsigned_fast_type;
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb_helper(const UnsignedIntegralType& u) -> unsigned_fast_type;
+ template<>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb_helper<std::uint32_t>(const std::uint32_t& u) -> unsigned_fast_type;
+ template<>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb_helper<std::uint16_t>(const std::uint16_t& u) -> unsigned_fast_type;
+ template<>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb_helper<std::uint8_t>(const std::uint8_t& u) -> unsigned_fast_type;
+ // Use a local implementation of string copy.
+ template<typename DestinationIterator,
+ typename SourceIterator>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto strcpy_unsafe(DestinationIterator dst, SourceIterator src) -> DestinationIterator
+ {
+ while((*dst++ = *src++) != '\0') { ; } // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ return dst;
+ }
+ // Use a local implementation of string length.
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto strlen_unsafe(const char* p_str) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ auto str_len_count = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ while(*p_str != '\0') { ++p_str; ++str_len_count; } // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic,altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ return str_len_count;
+ }
+ template<typename InputIterator,
+ typename IntegralType>
+ constexpr auto advance_and_point(InputIterator it, IntegralType n) -> InputIterator
+ #else
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto advance_and_point(InputIterator it, IntegralType n) -> InputIterator
+ #endif
+ {
+ using local_signed_integral_type =
+ std::conditional_t<std::is_signed<IntegralType>::value,
+ IntegralType,
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<IntegralType>::digits)>::exact_signed_type>;
+ using local_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type;
+ return it + static_cast<local_difference_type>(static_cast<local_signed_integral_type>(n));
+ #else
+ auto my_it = it;
+ std::advance(my_it, static_cast<local_difference_type>(static_cast<local_signed_integral_type>(n)));
+ return my_it;
+ #endif
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedShortType,
+ typename UnsignedLargeType = typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<UnsignedShortType>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type>
+ constexpr auto make_lo(const UnsignedLargeType& u) -> UnsignedShortType
+ {
+ // From an unsigned integral input parameter of type UnsignedLargeType,
+ // extract the low part of it. The type of the extracted
+ // low part is UnsignedShortType, which has half the width of UnsignedLargeType.
+ using local_ushort_type = UnsignedShortType;
+ using local_ularge_type = UnsignedLargeType;
+ // Compile-time checks.
+ static_assert(((sizeof(local_ushort_type) * 2U) == sizeof(local_ularge_type)),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of the template parameters UnsignedShortType and UnsignedLargeType");
+ #else
+ static_assert(( ( std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::is_integer)
+ && ( std::numeric_limits<local_ularge_type>::is_integer)
+ && (!std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::is_signed)
+ && (!std::numeric_limits<local_ularge_type>::is_signed)
+ && ((sizeof(local_ushort_type) * 2U) == sizeof(local_ularge_type))),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of the template parameters UnsignedShortType and UnsignedLargeType");
+ #endif
+ return static_cast<local_ushort_type>(u);
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedShortType,
+ typename UnsignedLargeType = typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<UnsignedShortType>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type>
+ constexpr auto make_hi(const UnsignedLargeType& u) -> UnsignedShortType
+ {
+ // From an unsigned integral input parameter of type UnsignedLargeType,
+ // extract the high part of it. The type of the extracted
+ // high part is UnsignedShortType, which has half the width of UnsignedLargeType.
+ using local_ushort_type = UnsignedShortType;
+ using local_ularge_type = UnsignedLargeType;
+ // Compile-time checks.
+ static_assert(((sizeof(local_ushort_type) * 2U) == sizeof(local_ularge_type)),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of the template parameters UnsignedShortType and UnsignedLargeType");
+ #else
+ static_assert(( ( std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::is_integer)
+ && ( std::numeric_limits<local_ularge_type>::is_integer)
+ && (!std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::is_signed)
+ && (!std::numeric_limits<local_ularge_type>::is_signed)
+ && ((sizeof(local_ushort_type) * 2U) == sizeof(local_ularge_type))),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of the template parameters UnsignedShortType and UnsignedLargeType");
+ #endif
+ return static_cast<local_ushort_type>(u >> static_cast<local_ushort_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::digits));
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedShortType,
+ typename UnsignedLargeType = typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<UnsignedShortType>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type>
+ constexpr auto make_large(const UnsignedShortType& lo, const UnsignedShortType& hi) -> UnsignedLargeType
+ {
+ // Create a composite unsigned integral value having type UnsignedLargeType.
+ // Two constituents are used having type UnsignedShortType, whereby the
+ // width of UnsignedShortType is half the width of UnsignedLargeType.
+ using local_ushort_type = UnsignedShortType;
+ using local_ularge_type = UnsignedLargeType;
+ // Compile-time checks.
+ static_assert(((sizeof(local_ushort_type) * 2U) == sizeof(local_ularge_type)),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of the template parameters UnsignedShortType and UnsignedLargeType");
+ #else
+ static_assert(( ( std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::is_integer)
+ && ( std::numeric_limits<local_ularge_type>::is_integer)
+ && (!std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::is_signed)
+ && (!std::numeric_limits<local_ularge_type>::is_signed)
+ && ((sizeof(local_ushort_type) * 2U) == sizeof(local_ularge_type))),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of the template parameters UnsignedShortType and UnsignedLargeType");
+ #endif
+ return
+ static_cast<local_ularge_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_ularge_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_ularge_type>(hi) << static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<UnsignedShortType>::digits)
+ )
+ | lo
+ );
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ constexpr auto negate(UnsignedIntegralType u) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned<UnsignedIntegralType>::value), UnsignedIntegralType>
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_integral_type = UnsignedIntegralType;
+ return
+ static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(~u)
+ + static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(UINT8_C(1))
+ );
+ }
+ template<typename SignedIntegralType>
+ constexpr auto negate(SignedIntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<SignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_signed<SignedIntegralType>::value), SignedIntegralType>
+ {
+ using local_signed_integral_type = SignedIntegralType;
+ using local_unsigned_integral_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_signed_integral_type>::digits + 1)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ return
+ static_cast<local_signed_integral_type>
+ (
+ negate(static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(n))
+ );
+ }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType>
+ class native_float_parts final
+ {
+ public:
+ // Emphasize: This template class can be used with native floating-point
+ // types like float, double and long double. Note: For long double,
+ // you need to verify that the mantissa fits in unsigned long long.
+ explicit WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR native_float_parts(const FloatingPointType f)
+ {
+ using native_float_type = FloatingPointType;
+ static_assert(std::numeric_limits<native_float_type>::digits <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits, // NOLINT(google-runtime-int)
+ "Error: The width of the mantissa does not fit in unsigned long long");
+ const auto ff =
+ static_cast<native_float_type>
+ (
+ (f < static_cast<native_float_type>(0)) ? -f : f
+ );
+ if(ff < (std::numeric_limits<native_float_type>::min)())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ using my_own::frexp;
+ // Get the fraction and base-2 exponent.
+ auto man = static_cast<native_float_type>(frexp(f, &my_exponent_part));
+ unsigned n2 = 0U;
+ for(auto i = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(UINT8_C(0));
+ i < static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(std::numeric_limits<native_float_type>::digits);
+ ++i)
+ {
+ // Extract the mantissa of the floating-point type in base-2
+ // (one bit at a time) and store it in an unsigned long long.
+ man *= 2;
+ n2 = static_cast<unsigned>(man);
+ man -= static_cast<native_float_type>(n2);
+ if(n2 != static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ my_mantissa_part |= 1U;
+ }
+ if(i < static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<native_float_type>::digits - 1))
+ {
+ my_mantissa_part <<= 1U;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure that the value is normalized and adjust the exponent.
+ my_mantissa_part |= static_cast<unsigned long long>(1ULL << static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<native_float_type>::digits - 1)); // NOLINT(google-runtime-int)
+ my_exponent_part -= 1;
+ }
+ constexpr native_float_parts(const native_float_parts& other) : my_mantissa_part(other.my_mantissa_part),
+ my_exponent_part(other.my_exponent_part) { }
+ constexpr native_float_parts(native_float_parts&& other) noexcept : my_mantissa_part(other.my_mantissa_part),
+ my_exponent_part(other.my_exponent_part) { }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR ~native_float_parts() = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(const native_float_parts& other) noexcept -> native_float_parts& // NOLINT(cert-oop54-cpp)
+ {
+ if(this != &other)
+ {
+ my_mantissa_part = other.my_mantissa_part;
+ my_exponent_part = other.my_exponent_part;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(native_float_parts&& other) noexcept -> native_float_parts&
+ {
+ my_mantissa_part = other.my_mantissa_part;
+ my_exponent_part = other.my_exponent_part;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto get_mantissa() const -> unsigned long long { return my_mantissa_part; } // NOLINT(google-runtime-int)
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto get_exponent() const -> int { return my_exponent_part; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR native_float_parts() = delete;
+ private:
+ unsigned long long my_mantissa_part { }; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming,google-runtime-int)
+ int my_exponent_part { }; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
+ };
+ #endif
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ } // namespace math::wide_integer::detail
+ #else
+ } // namespace detail
+ } // namespace wide_integer
+ } // namespace math
+ #endif
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ namespace math::wide_integer {
+ #else
+ namespace math { namespace wide_integer { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces)
+ #endif
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ class uintwide_t
+ {
+ public:
+ template<const size_t OtherWidth2,
+ typename OtherLimbType,
+ typename OtherAllocatorType,
+ const bool OtherIsSigned>
+ friend class uintwide_t;
+ // Class-local type definitions.
+ using limb_type = LimbType;
+ using double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ // Legacy ularge and ushort types. These are no longer used
+ // in the class, but provided for legacy compatibility.
+ using ushort_type = limb_type;
+ using ularge_type = double_limb_type;
+ // More compile-time checks.
+ static_assert(((sizeof(limb_type) * 2U) == sizeof(double_limb_type)),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of the template parameters UnsignedShortType and UnsignedLargeType");
+ #else
+ static_assert(( ( std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::is_integer)
+ && ( std::numeric_limits<double_limb_type>::is_integer)
+ && (!std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::is_signed)
+ && (!std::numeric_limits<double_limb_type>::is_signed)
+ && ((sizeof(limb_type) * 2U) == sizeof(double_limb_type))),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of the template parameters UnsignedShortType and UnsignedLargeType");
+ #endif
+ // Helper constants for the digit characteristics.
+ static constexpr size_t my_width2 = Width2;
+ // The number of limbs.
+ static constexpr size_t number_of_limbs =
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ Width2 / static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)
+ );
+ static constexpr size_t number_of_limbs_karatsuba_threshold =
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<unsigned>
+ (
+ static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(128))
+ + static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(1))
+ )
+ );
+ // Verify that the Width2 template parameter (mirrored with my_width2):
+ // * Is equal to 2^n times 1...63.
+ // * And that there are at least 16, 24 or 32 binary digits, or more.
+ // * And that the number of binary digits is an exact multiple of the number of limbs.
+ static_assert( detail::verify_power_of_two_times_granularity_one_sixty_fourth<my_width2>::conditional_value
+ && (my_width2 >= 16U) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers,readability-magic-numbers)
+ && (my_width2 == (number_of_limbs * static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits))),
+ "Error: Width2 must be 2^n times 1...63 (with n >= 3), while being 16, 24, 32 or larger, and exactly divisible by limb count");
+ // The type of the internal data representation.
+ using representation_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ detail::fixed_static_array <limb_type,
+ number_of_limbs>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<limb_type,
+ number_of_limbs,
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<limb_type>>>;
+ #else
+ using representation_type = std::list<limb_type>;
+ #endif
+ // The iterator types of the internal data representation.
+ using iterator = typename representation_type::iterator;
+ using const_iterator = typename representation_type::const_iterator;
+ using reverse_iterator = typename representation_type::reverse_iterator;
+ using const_reverse_iterator = typename representation_type::const_reverse_iterator;
+ // Define a class-local type that has double the width of *this.
+ using double_width_type = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(Width2 * 2U), limb_type, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ // Default constructor.
+ constexpr uintwide_t() = default;
+ // Constructors from built-in unsigned integral types that
+ // are less wide than limb_type or exactly as wide as limb_type.
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ uintwide_t(const UnsignedIntegralType v, // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor,hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral <UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned <UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && (std::numeric_limits<UnsignedIntegralType>::digits <= std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits))>* = nullptr) // NOLINT(hicpp-named-parameter,readability-named-parameter)
+ {
+ values.front() = v;
+ }
+ // Constructors from built-in unsigned integral types that
+ // are wider than limb_type, and do not have exactly the
+ // same width as limb_type.
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uintwide_t(const UnsignedIntegralType v, // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor,hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral <UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned <UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && (std::numeric_limits<UnsignedIntegralType>::digits > std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits))>* p_nullparam = nullptr)
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(p_nullparam == nullptr);
+ auto u_it = values.begin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ auto vr = v;
+ using local_unsigned_integral_type = UnsignedIntegralType;
+ while(vr != static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(UINT8_C(0))) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ if(u_it != values.end())
+ {
+ *u_it = static_cast<limb_type>(vr);
+ ++u_it;
+ vr = static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(vr >> static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ detail::fill_unsafe(u_it, values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ // Constructors from built-in signed integral types.
+ template<typename SignedIntegralType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uintwide_t(const SignedIntegralType v, // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor,hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<SignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_signed <SignedIntegralType>::value)>* p_nullparam = nullptr)
+ : values(number_of_limbs)
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(p_nullparam == nullptr);
+ using local_signed_integral_type = SignedIntegralType;
+ using local_unsigned_integral_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_signed_integral_type>::digits + 1)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ const auto v_is_neg = (v < static_cast<local_signed_integral_type>(0));
+ const local_unsigned_integral_type u =
+ ((!v_is_neg) ? static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(v)
+ : static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(detail::negate(v)));
+ operator=(uintwide_t(u));
+ if(v_is_neg) { negate(); }
+ }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType,
+ std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value)> const* = nullptr>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uintwide_t(const FloatingPointType f) // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor,hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ {
+ using local_builtin_float_type = FloatingPointType;
+ using detail::my_own::isfinite;
+ if(!(isfinite)(f))
+ {
+ operator=(0U);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto f_is_neg = (f < static_cast<local_builtin_float_type>(0.0F));
+ const local_builtin_float_type a = ((!f_is_neg) ? f : -f);
+ const auto a_is_zero = (a < static_cast<local_builtin_float_type>(1.0F));
+ if(!a_is_zero)
+ {
+ const detail::native_float_parts<local_builtin_float_type> ld_parts(a);
+ // Create a decwide_t from the fractional part of the
+ // mantissa expressed as an unsigned long long.
+ *this = uintwide_t(ld_parts.get_mantissa());
+ // Scale the unsigned long long representation to the fractional
+ // part of the long double and multiply with the base-2 exponent.
+ const int p2 = ld_parts.get_exponent() - (std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::digits - 1);
+ if (p2 < 0) { *this >>= static_cast<unsigned>(-p2); }
+ else if(p2 == 0) { ; }
+ else { *this <<= static_cast<unsigned>( p2); }
+ if(f_is_neg)
+ {
+ negate();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ operator=(0U);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ // Copy constructor.
+ constexpr uintwide_t(const uintwide_t& other) = default;
+ #else
+ constexpr uintwide_t(const uintwide_t& other) : values(other.values) { }
+ #endif
+ // Copy-like constructor from the other signed-ness type.
+ template<const bool OtherIsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(OtherIsSigned != IsSigned)> const* = nullptr>
+ constexpr uintwide_t(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>& other) // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor,hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ : values(other.values) { }
+ // Copy-like constructor from the another type having width that is wider
+ // (but has the same limb type) and possibly a different signed-ness.
+ template<const size_t OtherWidth2,
+ const bool OtherIsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(Width2 < OtherWidth2)> const* = nullptr>
+ explicit WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uintwide_t(const uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>& v)
+ {
+ using other_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>;
+ const auto v_is_neg = (other_wide_integer_type::is_neg(v));
+ constexpr auto sz = static_cast<size_t>(number_of_limbs);
+ if(!v_is_neg)
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(v.crepresentation().cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(v.crepresentation().cbegin(), sz),
+ values.begin());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const other_wide_integer_type uv(-v);
+ detail::copy_unsafe(uv.crepresentation().cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(uv.crepresentation().cbegin(), sz),
+ values.begin());
+ negate();
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy-like constructor from the another type having width that is less wide
+ // (but has the same limb type) and possibly a different signed-ness.
+ template<const size_t OtherWidth2,
+ const bool OtherIsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(Width2 > OtherWidth2)> const* = nullptr>
+ explicit WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uintwide_t(const uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>& v)
+ {
+ using other_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>;
+ constexpr auto sz = static_cast<size_t>(other_wide_integer_type::number_of_limbs);
+ if(!other_wide_integer_type::is_neg(v))
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(v.crepresentation().cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(v.crepresentation().cbegin(), sz),
+ values.begin());
+ detail::fill_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), sz), values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const other_wide_integer_type uv(-v);
+ detail::copy_unsafe(uv.crepresentation().cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(uv.crepresentation().cbegin(), sz),
+ values.begin());
+ detail::fill_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), sz), values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ negate();
+ }
+ }
+ // Constructor from a constant character string.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uintwide_t(const char* str_input) // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor,hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ : values
+ {
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::size_type>(number_of_limbs),
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::value_type>(UINT8_C(0)),
+ typename representation_type::allocator_type()
+ }
+ {
+ if(!rd_string(str_input))
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(operator=((std::numeric_limits<uintwide_t>::max)()));
+ }
+ }
+ // Move constructor.
+ constexpr uintwide_t(uintwide_t&&) noexcept = default;
+ // Move-like constructor from the other signed-ness type.
+ // This constructor is non-explicit because it is a trivial conversion.
+ template<const bool OtherIsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(IsSigned != OtherIsSigned)> const* = nullptr>
+ constexpr uintwide_t(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>&& other) // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor,hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ : values(static_cast<representation_type&&>(other.values)) { }
+ // Default destructor.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR ~uintwide_t() = default;
+ // Assignment operator.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(const uintwide_t&) -> uintwide_t& = default;
+ // Assignment operator from the other signed-ness type.
+ template<const bool OtherIsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(OtherIsSigned != IsSigned)> const* = nullptr>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>& other) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ values = other.values;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Trivial move assignment operator.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(uintwide_t&& other) noexcept -> uintwide_t& = default;
+ // Trivial move assignment operator from the other signed-ness type.
+ template<const bool OtherIsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(IsSigned != OtherIsSigned)> const* = nullptr>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>&& other) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ values = static_cast<representation_type&&>(other.values);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ explicit constexpr operator long double() const { return extract_builtin_floating_point_type<long double>(); }
+ explicit constexpr operator double () const { return extract_builtin_floating_point_type<double> (); }
+ explicit constexpr operator float () const { return extract_builtin_floating_point_type<float> (); }
+ #endif
+ template<typename IntegralType,
+ typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value>>
+ explicit constexpr operator IntegralType() const
+ {
+ using local_integral_type = IntegralType;
+ return ((!is_neg(*this))
+ ? extract_builtin_integral_type<local_integral_type>()
+ : detail::negate((-*this).template extract_builtin_integral_type<local_integral_type>()));
+ }
+ // Cast operator to built-in Boolean type.
+ explicit constexpr operator bool() const { return (!is_zero()); }
+ // Cast operator that casts to a uintwide_t possibly having a different width
+ // and/or possibly having a different signed-ness, but having the same limb type.
+ template<const size_t OtherWidth2,
+ const bool OtherIsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR operator uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>() const // NOLINT(hicpp-explicit-conversions,google-explicit-constructor)
+ {
+ const auto this_is_neg = is_neg(*this);
+ using other_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, OtherIsSigned>;
+ constexpr auto sz =
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ (Width2 < OtherWidth2) ? static_cast<size_t>(number_of_limbs)
+ : static_cast<size_t>(other_wide_integer_type::number_of_limbs)
+ );
+ other_wide_integer_type other;
+ if(!this_is_neg)
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(crepresentation().cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(crepresentation().cbegin(), sz),
+ other.values.begin());
+ // TBD: Can proper/better template specialization remove the need for if constexpr here?
+ #if ( (defined(_MSC_VER) && ((_MSC_VER >= 1900) && defined(_HAS_CXX17) && (_HAS_CXX17 != 0))) \
+ || (defined(__cplusplus) && ((__cplusplus >= 201703L) || defined(__cpp_if_constexpr))))
+ if constexpr(Width2 < OtherWidth2)
+ #else
+ if(Width2 < OtherWidth2)
+ #endif
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(other.values.begin(), sz), other.values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ other_wide_integer_type uv(*this);
+ uv.negate();
+ detail::copy_unsafe(uv.crepresentation().cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(uv.crepresentation().cbegin(), sz),
+ other.values.begin());
+ // TBD: Can proper/better template specialization remove the need for if constexpr here?
+ #if ( (defined(_MSC_VER) && ((_MSC_VER >= 1900) && defined(_HAS_CXX17) && (_HAS_CXX17 != 0))) \
+ || (defined(__cplusplus) && ((__cplusplus >= 201703L) || defined(__cpp_if_constexpr))))
+ if constexpr(Width2 < OtherWidth2)
+ #else
+ if(Width2 < OtherWidth2)
+ #endif
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(other.values.begin(), sz), other.values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ other.negate();
+ }
+ return other;
+ }
+ // Provide a user interface to the internal data representation.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto representation() -> representation_type& { return values; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto representation() const -> const representation_type& { return values; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto crepresentation() const -> const representation_type& { return values; }
+ // Unary operators: not, plus and minus.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator+() const -> const uintwide_t& { return *this; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator-() const -> uintwide_t { uintwide_t tmp(*this); tmp.negate(); return tmp; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator+=(const uintwide_t& other) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ if(this == &other)
+ {
+ const uintwide_t self(other);
+ // Unary addition function.
+ const limb_type carry = eval_add_n(values.begin(), // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ values.cbegin(),
+ self.values.cbegin(),
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(number_of_limbs),
+ static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ static_cast<void>(carry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unary addition function.
+ const limb_type carry = eval_add_n(values.begin(),
+ values.cbegin(),
+ other.values.cbegin(),
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(number_of_limbs),
+ static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ static_cast<void>(carry);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator-=(const uintwide_t& other) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ if(this == &other)
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), static_cast<typename representation_type::value_type>(UINT8_C(0))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unary subtraction function.
+ const limb_type has_borrow = eval_subtract_n(values.begin(),
+ values.cbegin(),
+ other.values.cbegin(),
+ number_of_limbs,
+ false);
+ static_cast<void>(has_borrow);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator*=(const uintwide_t& other) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ if(this == &other)
+ {
+ const uintwide_t other_as_self_copy(other); // NOLINT(performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization)
+ eval_mul_unary(*this, other_as_self_copy);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eval_mul_unary(*this, other);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto mul_by_limb(const limb_type v) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ if(v == static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), static_cast<typename representation_type::value_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else if(v > static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(eval_multiply_1d(values.begin(),
+ values.cbegin(),
+ v,
+ number_of_limbs));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator/=(const uintwide_t& other) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ if(this == &other)
+ {
+ values.front() = static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(1));
+ detail::fill_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), 1U), values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ else if(other.is_zero())
+ {
+ *this = limits_helper_max(IsSigned);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unary division function.
+ const auto numer_was_neg = is_neg(*this);
+ const auto denom_was_neg = is_neg(other);
+ if(numer_was_neg || denom_was_neg)
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_wide_type = uintwide_t<Width2, limb_type, AllocatorType, false>;
+ local_unsigned_wide_type a(*this);
+ local_unsigned_wide_type b(other);
+ if(numer_was_neg) { a.negate(); }
+ if(denom_was_neg) { b.negate(); }
+ a.eval_divide_knuth(b);
+ if(numer_was_neg != denom_was_neg) { a.negate(); }
+ values = a.values;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eval_divide_knuth(other);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator%=(const uintwide_t& other) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ if(this == &other)
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unary modulus function.
+ const auto numer_was_neg = is_neg(*this);
+ const auto denom_was_neg = is_neg(other);
+ if(numer_was_neg || denom_was_neg)
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_wide_type = uintwide_t<Width2, limb_type, AllocatorType, false>;
+ local_unsigned_wide_type a(*this);
+ local_unsigned_wide_type b(other);
+ if(numer_was_neg) { a.negate(); }
+ if(denom_was_neg) { b.negate(); }
+ local_unsigned_wide_type remainder_unsigned { };
+ a.eval_divide_knuth(b, &remainder_unsigned);
+ // The sign of the remainder follows the sign of the denominator.
+ if(numer_was_neg) { remainder_unsigned.negate(); }
+ values = remainder_unsigned.values;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uintwide_t remainder { };
+ eval_divide_knuth(other, &remainder);
+ values = remainder.values;
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Operators pre-increment and pre-decrement.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator++() -> uintwide_t& { preincrement(); return *this; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator--() -> uintwide_t& { predecrement(); return *this; }
+ // Operators post-increment and post-decrement.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator++(int) -> uintwide_t { const uintwide_t w(*this); preincrement(); return w; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator--(int) -> uintwide_t { const uintwide_t w(*this); predecrement(); return w; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator~() -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ // Perform bitwise NOT.
+ bitwise_not();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator|=(const uintwide_t& other) -> uintwide_t& // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ {
+ if(this != &other) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ {
+ // Perform bitwise OR.
+ auto bi = other.values.cbegin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ for(auto ai = values.begin(); ai != values.end(); ++ai) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch,llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ {
+ *ai = static_cast<limb_type>(*ai | *bi++);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator^=(const uintwide_t& other) -> uintwide_t& // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ {
+ if(this == &other) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), static_cast<typename representation_type::value_type>(UINT8_C(0))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Perform bitwise XOR.
+ auto bi = other.values.cbegin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ for(auto ai = values.begin(); ai != values.end(); ++ai) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch,llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ {
+ *ai = static_cast<limb_type>(*ai ^ *bi++);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator&=(const uintwide_t& other) -> uintwide_t&
+ {
+ if(this != &other) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ {
+ // Perform bitwise AND.
+ auto bi = other.values.cbegin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ for(auto ai = values.begin(); ai != values.end(); ++ai) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch,llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ {
+ *ai = static_cast<limb_type>(*ai & *bi++);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename SignedIntegralType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator<<=(const SignedIntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<SignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_signed <SignedIntegralType>::value), uintwide_t>&
+ {
+ // Implement left-shift operator for signed integral argument.
+ if(n < static_cast<SignedIntegralType>(0))
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<SignedIntegralType>::digits + 1)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ operator>>=(static_cast<local_unsigned_type>(detail::negate(n)));
+ }
+ else if(n > static_cast<SignedIntegralType>(0))
+ {
+ if(exceeds_width(n))
+ {
+ // Exclude this line from code coverage, even though explicit
+ // test cases (search for "result_overshift_is_ok") are known
+ // to cover this line.
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shl(n);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator<<=(const UnsignedIntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && (!std::is_signed <UnsignedIntegralType>::value)), uintwide_t>&
+ {
+ // Implement left-shift operator for unsigned integral argument.
+ if(n != static_cast<UnsignedIntegralType>(0))
+ {
+ if(exceeds_width(n))
+ {
+ // Exclude this line from code coverage, even though explicit
+ // test cases (search for "result_overshift_is_ok") are known
+ // to cover this line.
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shl(n);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename SignedIntegralType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator>>=(const SignedIntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<SignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_signed <SignedIntegralType>::value), uintwide_t>&
+ {
+ // Implement right-shift operator for signed integral argument.
+ if(n < static_cast<SignedIntegralType>(0))
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<SignedIntegralType>::digits + 1)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ operator<<=(static_cast<local_unsigned_type>(detail::negate(n)));
+ }
+ else if(n > static_cast<SignedIntegralType>(0))
+ {
+ if(exceeds_width(n))
+ {
+ // Fill with either 0's or 1's. Note also the implementation-defined
+ // behavior of excessive right-shift of negative value.
+ // Exclude this line from code coverage, even though explicit
+ // test cases (search for "result_overshift_is_ok") are known
+ // to cover this line.
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), right_shift_fill_value()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shr(n);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator>>=(const UnsignedIntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && (!std::is_signed <UnsignedIntegralType>::value)), uintwide_t>&
+ {
+ // Implement right-shift operator for unsigned integral argument.
+ if(n != static_cast<UnsignedIntegralType>(0))
+ {
+ if(exceeds_width(n))
+ {
+ // Fill with either 0's or 1's. Note also the implementation-defined
+ // behavior of excessive right-shift of negative value.
+ // Exclude this line from code coverage, even though explicit
+ // test cases (search for "result_overshift_is_ok") are known
+ // to cover this line.
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), right_shift_fill_value()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shr(n);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Implement comparison operators.
+ constexpr auto operator==(const uintwide_t& other) const -> bool { return (compare(other) == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>( 0)); }
+ constexpr auto operator< (const uintwide_t& other) const -> bool { return (compare(other) == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(-1)); }
+ constexpr auto operator> (const uintwide_t& other) const -> bool { return (compare(other) == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>( 1)); }
+ constexpr auto operator!=(const uintwide_t& other) const -> bool { return (compare(other) != static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>( 0)); }
+ constexpr auto operator<=(const uintwide_t& other) const -> bool { return (compare(other) <= static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>( 0)); }
+ constexpr auto operator>=(const uintwide_t& other) const -> bool { return (compare(other) >= static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>( 0)); }
+ // Helper functions for supporting std::numeric_limits<>.
+ static constexpr auto limits_helper_max(bool is_signed) -> uintwide_t
+ {
+ return
+ (!is_signed)
+ ? from_rep
+ (
+ representation_type
+ (
+ number_of_limbs, (std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::max)()
+ )
+ )
+ : from_rep
+ (
+ representation_type
+ (
+ number_of_limbs, (std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::max)() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ )
+ )
+ ^
+ (
+ uintwide_t(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ << static_cast<std::uint32_t>(my_width2 - static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ )
+ ;
+ }
+ static constexpr auto limits_helper_min(bool is_signed) -> uintwide_t
+ {
+ return
+ (!is_signed)
+ ? from_rep
+ (
+ representation_type
+ (
+ number_of_limbs, static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ )
+ : from_rep
+ (
+ representation_type
+ (
+ number_of_limbs, static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ )
+ )
+ |
+ (
+ uintwide_t(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ << static_cast<std::uint32_t>(my_width2 - static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ )
+ ;
+ }
+ static constexpr auto limits_helper_lowest(bool is_signed) -> uintwide_t
+ {
+ return
+ (!is_signed)
+ ? from_rep
+ (
+ representation_type
+ (
+ number_of_limbs, static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ )
+ : from_rep
+ (
+ representation_type
+ (
+ number_of_limbs, static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ )
+ |
+ (
+ uintwide_t(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ << static_cast<std::uint32_t>(my_width2 - static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ )
+ ;
+ }
+ // Write string function.
+ template<typename OutputStrIterator>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto wr_string( OutputStrIterator str_result, // NOLINT(readability-function-cognitive-complexity)
+ const std::uint_fast8_t base_rep = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0x10)),
+ const bool show_base = true,
+ const bool show_pos = false,
+ const bool is_uppercase = true,
+ unsigned_fast_type field_width = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)),
+ const char fill_char_str = '0') const -> bool
+ {
+ auto wr_string_is_ok = true;
+ if(base_rep == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(8)))
+ {
+ uintwide_t t(*this);
+ const auto mask = static_cast<limb_type>(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(0x7U));
+ using string_storage_oct_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ wr_string_max_buffer_size_oct()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ wr_string_max_buffer_size_oct(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<limb_type>>>;
+ string_storage_oct_type str_temp; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ auto pos = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ if(t.is_zero())
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_oct_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!is_neg(t))
+ {
+ while(!t.is_zero())
+ {
+ auto c = static_cast<char>(*t.values.cbegin() & mask);
+ if(c <= static_cast<char>(INT8_C(8))) { c = static_cast<char>(c + static_cast<char>(INT8_C(0x30))); }
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_oct_type::size_type>(--pos)] = c;
+ t >>= 3U;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uintwide_t<my_width2, limb_type, AllocatorType, false> tu(t);
+ while(!tu.is_zero()) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ auto c = static_cast<char>(*tu.values.cbegin() & mask);
+ if(c <= static_cast<char>(INT8_C(8))) { c = static_cast<char>(c + static_cast<char>(INT8_C(0x30))); }
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_oct_type::size_type>(--pos)] = c;
+ tu >>= 3U; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(show_base)
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_oct_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '0';
+ }
+ if(show_pos)
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_oct_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '+';
+ }
+ if(field_width != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ field_width = (std::min)(field_width, static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))));
+ while(static_cast<signed_fast_type>(pos) > static_cast<signed_fast_type>((str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))) - field_width)) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_oct_type::size_type>(--pos)] = fill_char_str;
+ }
+ }
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_oct_type::size_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1)))] = '\0';
+ detail::strcpy_unsafe(str_result, str_temp.data() + pos);
+ }
+ else if(base_rep == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(10)))
+ {
+ uintwide_t t(*this);
+ const auto str_has_neg_sign = is_neg(t);
+ if(str_has_neg_sign)
+ {
+ t.negate();
+ }
+ using string_storage_dec_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<limb_type>>>;
+ string_storage_dec_type str_temp;
+ auto pos = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ if(t.is_zero())
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_dec_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(!t.is_zero())
+ {
+ const uintwide_t tmp(t);
+ t.eval_divide_by_single_limb(static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(10)), 0U, nullptr);
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_dec_type::size_type>(--pos)] =
+ static_cast<char>
+ (
+ static_cast<limb_type>
+ (
+ tmp - (uintwide_t(t).mul_by_limb(static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(10))))
+ )
+ + UINT8_C(0x30)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if(show_pos && (!str_has_neg_sign))
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_dec_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '+';
+ }
+ else if(str_has_neg_sign)
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_dec_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '-';
+ }
+ if(field_width != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ field_width = (std::min)(field_width, static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))));
+ while(static_cast<signed_fast_type>(pos) > static_cast<signed_fast_type>((str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))) - field_width)) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_dec_type::size_type>(--pos)] = fill_char_str;
+ }
+ }
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_dec_type::size_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1)))] = '\0';
+ detail::strcpy_unsafe(str_result, str_temp.data() + pos);
+ }
+ else if(base_rep == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(16)))
+ {
+ uintwide_t<my_width2, limb_type, AllocatorType, false> t(*this);
+ using string_storage_hex_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ wr_string_max_buffer_size_hex()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ wr_string_max_buffer_size_hex(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<limb_type>>>;
+ string_storage_hex_type str_temp;
+ auto pos = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ if(t.is_zero())
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_hex_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto dst =
+ extract_hex_digits<false>
+ (
+ t,
+ &str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_hex_type::size_type>(pos)],
+ is_uppercase
+ );
+ pos -= dst;
+ }
+ if(show_base)
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_hex_type::size_type>(--pos)] = (is_uppercase ? 'X' : 'x');
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_hex_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '0';
+ }
+ if(show_pos)
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_hex_type::size_type>(--pos)] = '+';
+ }
+ if(field_width != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ field_width = (std::min)(field_width, static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))));
+ while(static_cast<signed_fast_type>(pos) > static_cast<signed_fast_type>((str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))) - field_width)) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_hex_type::size_type>(--pos)] = fill_char_str;
+ }
+ }
+ str_temp[static_cast<typename string_storage_hex_type::size_type>(str_temp.size() - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1)))] = '\0';
+ detail::strcpy_unsafe(str_result, str_temp.data() + pos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wr_string_is_ok = false;
+ }
+ return wr_string_is_ok;
+ }
+ template<const bool RePhraseIsSigned = IsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(!RePhraseIsSigned)> const* = nullptr>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto compare(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, RePhraseIsSigned>& other) const -> std::int_fast8_t
+ {
+ return compare_ranges(values.cbegin(),
+ other.values.cbegin(),
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, RePhraseIsSigned>::number_of_limbs);
+ }
+ template<const bool RePhraseIsSigned = IsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<RePhraseIsSigned> const* = nullptr>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto compare(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, RePhraseIsSigned>& other) const -> std::int_fast8_t
+ {
+ auto n_result = std::int_fast8_t { };
+ const auto other_is_neg = is_neg(other);
+ const auto my_is_neg = is_neg(*this);
+ if(my_is_neg && (!other_is_neg))
+ {
+ n_result = static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(-1));
+ }
+ else if((!my_is_neg) && other_is_neg)
+ {
+ n_result = static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ n_result = compare_ranges(values.cbegin(),
+ other.values.cbegin(),
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, RePhraseIsSigned>::number_of_limbs);
+ }
+ return n_result;
+ }
+ // What seems to be an optimization or parsing error prevents
+ // getting any LCOV hits in the negate() subroutine, even though
+ // this is known to be used in the coverage tests.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto negate() -> void
+ {
+ bitwise_not();
+ preincrement();
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_divide_by_single_limb(const limb_type short_denominator,
+ const unsigned_fast_type u_offset,
+ uintwide_t* remainder) -> void
+ {
+ // The denominator has one single limb.
+ // Use a one-dimensional division algorithm.
+ auto long_numerator = double_limb_type { };
+ auto hi_part = static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ {
+ auto ri =
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::reverse_iterator>
+ (
+ detail::advance_and_point
+ (
+ values.begin(),
+ static_cast<size_t>(number_of_limbs - static_cast<size_t>(u_offset))
+ )
+ );
+ for( ; ri != values.rend(); ++ri) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ long_numerator =
+ static_cast<double_limb_type>
+ (
+ *ri
+ + static_cast<double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<double_limb_type>
+ (
+ long_numerator
+ - static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(short_denominator) * hi_part)
+ )
+ << static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)
+ )
+ );
+ *ri = detail::make_lo<limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(long_numerator / short_denominator));
+ hi_part = *ri;
+ }
+ }
+ if(remainder != nullptr)
+ {
+ long_numerator =
+ static_cast<double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<double_limb_type>(*values.cbegin())
+ + static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(long_numerator - static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(short_denominator) * hi_part)) << static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits))
+ );
+ *remainder = static_cast<limb_type>(long_numerator >> static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ auto it = values.cbegin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ while((it != values.cend()) && (*it == static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)))) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ return (it == values.cend());
+ }
+ template<const bool RePhraseIsSigned = IsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(!RePhraseIsSigned)> const* = nullptr>
+ static constexpr auto is_neg(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, RePhraseIsSigned>&) -> bool // NOLINT(hicpp-named-parameter,readability-named-parameter)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<const bool RePhraseIsSigned = IsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<RePhraseIsSigned> const* = nullptr>
+ static constexpr auto is_neg(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, RePhraseIsSigned>& a) -> bool
+ {
+ return (static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(a.values.back() >> static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<typename uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, RePhraseIsSigned>::limb_type>::digits - 1)) & 1U) != 0U);
+ }
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto from_rep(const representation_type& other_rep) -> uintwide_t
+ {
+ uintwide_t result { };
+ // Create a factory-like object from another (possibly different)
+ // internal data representation.
+ if(number_of_limbs == other_rep.size())
+ {
+ result = uintwide_t(other_rep);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // In the from_rep() function it is actually possible to have
+ // a source representation that differs in size from the destination
+ // representation. This can happen when using non-standard container
+ // representations for the uintwide_t storage (such as std::vector).
+ // In this case, scale to the size of the destination.
+ constexpr auto local_number_of_limbs =
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ Width2 / static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)
+ );
+ representation_type my_rep(local_number_of_limbs, static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ detail::copy_unsafe(other_rep.cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(other_rep.cbegin(), (std::min)(local_number_of_limbs, static_cast<size_t>(other_rep.size()))),
+ my_rep.begin());
+ result = uintwide_t(static_cast<representation_type&&>(my_rep));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto from_rep(representation_type&& other_rep) noexcept -> uintwide_t
+ {
+ uintwide_t result { };
+ // Create a factory-like object from another (possibly different)
+ // internal data representation (via move semantics).
+ if(number_of_limbs == other_rep.size())
+ {
+ result = uintwide_t(static_cast<representation_type&&>(other_rep));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // In the from_rep() function it is actually possible to have
+ // a source representation that differs in size from the destination
+ // representation. This can happen when using non-standard container
+ // representations for the uintwide_t storage (such as std::vector).
+ // In this case, scale to the size of the destination.
+ constexpr auto local_number_of_limbs =
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ Width2 / static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)
+ );
+ representation_type my_rep(local_number_of_limbs, static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ detail::copy_unsafe(other_rep.cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(other_rep.cbegin(), (std::min)(local_number_of_limbs, static_cast<size_t>(other_rep.size()))),
+ my_rep.begin());
+ result = uintwide_t(static_cast<representation_type&&>(my_rep));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static constexpr auto my_fill_char() -> char { return '.'; }
+ static constexpr auto is_not_fill_char(char c) -> bool { return (c != my_fill_char()); }
+ // Define the maximum buffer sizes for extracting
+ // octal, decimal and hexadecimal string representations.
+ static constexpr auto wr_string_max_buffer_size_oct() -> size_t
+ {
+ return
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(8))
+ + static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ (static_cast<size_t>(my_width2 % static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(3))) != static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ ? static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ + static_cast<size_t>(my_width2 / static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(3)))
+ );
+ }
+ static constexpr auto wr_string_max_buffer_size_hex() -> size_t
+ {
+ return
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(8))
+ + static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ (static_cast<size_t>(my_width2 % static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(4))) != static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ ? static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ + static_cast<size_t>(my_width2 / static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(4)))
+ );
+ }
+ static constexpr auto wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec() -> size_t
+ {
+ return
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(10))
+ + static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::uintmax_t>(static_cast<std::uintmax_t>(my_width2) * static_cast<std::uintmax_t>(UINTMAX_C(301)))
+ / static_cast<std::uintmax_t>(UINTMAX_C(1000))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ private:
+ #endif
+ representation_type
+ values // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
+ {
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::size_type>(number_of_limbs),
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::value_type>(UINT8_C(0)),
+ typename representation_type::allocator_type()
+ };
+ private:
+ #endif
+ friend auto ::test_uintwide_t_edge::test_various_isolated_edge_cases() -> bool;
+ template<const size_t OtherWidth2,
+ typename OtherLimbType,
+ typename OtherAllocatorType,
+ const bool OtherIsSignedLeft,
+ const bool OtherIsSignedRight,
+ std::enable_if_t<((!OtherIsSignedLeft) && (!OtherIsSignedRight))> const*>
+ friend WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto divmod(const uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, OtherLimbType, OtherAllocatorType, OtherIsSignedLeft >& a, // NOLINT(readability-redundant-declaration)
+ const uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, OtherLimbType, OtherAllocatorType, OtherIsSignedRight>& b) -> std::pair<uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, OtherLimbType, OtherAllocatorType, OtherIsSignedLeft>, uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, OtherLimbType, OtherAllocatorType, OtherIsSignedRight>>;
+ template<const size_t OtherWidth2,
+ typename OtherLimbType,
+ typename OtherAllocatorType,
+ const bool OtherIsSignedLeft,
+ const bool OtherIsSignedRight,
+ std::enable_if_t<(OtherIsSignedLeft || OtherIsSignedRight)> const*>
+ friend WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto divmod(const uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, OtherLimbType, OtherAllocatorType, OtherIsSignedLeft >& a, // NOLINT(readability-redundant-declaration)
+ const uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, OtherLimbType, OtherAllocatorType, OtherIsSignedRight>& b) -> std::pair<uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, OtherLimbType, OtherAllocatorType, OtherIsSignedLeft>, uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, OtherLimbType, OtherAllocatorType, OtherIsSignedRight>>;
+ explicit constexpr uintwide_t(const representation_type& other_rep)
+ : values(static_cast<const representation_type&>(other_rep)) { }
+ explicit constexpr uintwide_t(representation_type&& other_rep)
+ : values(static_cast<representation_type&&>(other_rep)) { }
+ template<const bool RePhraseIsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<(!RePhraseIsSigned)> const* = nullptr>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto extract_hex_digits(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, RePhraseIsSigned>& tu,
+ char* pstr,
+ const bool is_uppercase) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ constexpr auto mask = static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0xF));
+ auto dst = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ while(!tu.is_zero()) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ char c(*tu.values.cbegin() & mask);
+ if (c <= static_cast<char>(INT8_C( 9))) { c = static_cast<char>(c + static_cast<char>(INT8_C(0x30))); }
+ else if((c >= static_cast<char>(INT8_C(0xA))) && (c <= static_cast<char>(INT8_C(0xF)))) { c = static_cast<char>(c + (is_uppercase ? static_cast<char>(INT8_C(55)) : static_cast<char>(INT8_C(87)))); }
+ *(--pstr) = c; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ ++dst;
+ tu >>= static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(4));
+ }
+ return dst;
+ }
+ template<typename InputIteratorLeftType,
+ typename InputIteratorRightType>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto compare_ranges( InputIteratorLeftType a,
+ InputIteratorRightType b,
+ const unsigned_fast_type count) -> std::int_fast8_t
+ {
+ auto n_return = static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(0));
+ std::reverse_iterator<InputIteratorLeftType> pa(detail::advance_and_point(a, count));
+ std::reverse_iterator<InputIteratorRightType> pb(detail::advance_and_point(b, count));
+ while(pa != std::reverse_iterator<InputIteratorLeftType>(a)) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ using value_left_type =
+ typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeftType>::value_type;
+ const auto value_a = *pa++;
+ const auto value_b = static_cast<value_left_type>(*pb++);
+ if(value_a != value_b)
+ {
+ n_return =
+ static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>
+ (
+ (value_a > value_b)
+ ? static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(-1))
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return n_return;
+ }
+ template<typename UnknownBuiltInIntegralType>
+ struct digits_ratio
+ {
+ using local_unknown_builtin_integral_type = UnknownBuiltInIntegralType;
+ using local_unsigned_conversion_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<
+ std::numeric_limits<local_unknown_builtin_integral_type>::is_signed
+ ? static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_unknown_builtin_integral_type>::digits + 1)
+ : static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_unknown_builtin_integral_type>::digits + 0)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ static constexpr unsigned_fast_type value =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>( std::numeric_limits<local_unsigned_conversion_type>::digits
+ / std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits);
+ template<typename InputIteratorLeft>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto extract(InputIteratorLeft p_limb, unsigned_fast_type limb_count) -> local_unknown_builtin_integral_type
+ {
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type;
+ using left_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::difference_type;
+ auto u = static_cast<local_unsigned_conversion_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ constexpr auto shift_lim =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ std::numeric_limits<local_unsigned_conversion_type>::digits
+ );
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ ( // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ (i < limb_count)
+ && (static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits) * i) < shift_lim)
+ );
+ ++i)
+ {
+ u =
+ static_cast<local_unsigned_conversion_type>
+ (
+ u
+ | static_cast<local_unsigned_conversion_type>(static_cast<local_unsigned_conversion_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(p_limb, static_cast<left_difference_type>(i))) << static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits) * i))
+ );
+ }
+ return static_cast<local_unknown_builtin_integral_type>(u);
+ }
+ };
+ // Implement a function that extracts any built-in signed or unsigned integral type.
+ template<typename UnknownBuiltInIntegralType,
+ typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<UnknownBuiltInIntegralType>::value>>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto extract_builtin_integral_type() const -> UnknownBuiltInIntegralType
+ {
+ using local_unknown_integral_type = UnknownBuiltInIntegralType;
+ using digits_ratio_type = digits_ratio<local_unknown_integral_type>;
+ const unsigned_fast_type ilim = (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(digits_ratio_type::value),
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(values.size()));
+ // Handle cases for which the input parameter is less wide
+ // or equally as wide as the limb width or wider than the limb width.
+ return ((digits_ratio_type::value < static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(2)))
+ ? static_cast<local_unknown_integral_type>(*values.cbegin())
+ : digits_ratio_type::extract(values.cbegin(), ilim));
+ }
+ // Implement a function that extracts any built-in floating-point type.
+ template<typename FloatingPointType,
+ typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value>>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto extract_builtin_floating_point_type() const -> FloatingPointType
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, limb_type, AllocatorType, false>;
+ using local_builtin_float_type = FloatingPointType;
+ const auto u_is_neg = is_neg(*this);
+ const local_unsigned_wide_integer_type u((!u_is_neg) ? *this : -*this);
+ const auto my_msb = static_cast<size_t>(msb(u));
+ const auto ilim = static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<size_t>( static_cast<size_t>(my_msb + static_cast<size_t>(1U)) / static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits))
+ + static_cast<size_t>((static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<size_t>(my_msb + static_cast<size_t>(1U)) % static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)) != static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0))) ? static_cast<size_t>(1U) : static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ );
+ auto a = static_cast<local_builtin_float_type>(0.0F);
+ constexpr auto one_ldbl = static_cast<long double>(1.0L);
+ auto ldexp_runner = one_ldbl;
+ auto ui = detail::advance_and_point(u.values.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0))); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ for(auto i = static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0)); i < ilim; ++i) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ auto ld = static_cast<long double>(0.0L);
+ auto lm_mask = static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(1));
+ for(auto j = static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0));
+ j < static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits);
+ ++j)
+ {
+ if(static_cast<limb_type>(*ui & lm_mask) != static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ ld = static_cast<long double>(ld + ldexp_runner);
+ }
+ constexpr long double two_ldbl(2.0L);
+ lm_mask = static_cast<limb_type> (lm_mask << 1U);
+ ldexp_runner = static_cast<long double>(ldexp_runner * two_ldbl);
+ }
+ a += static_cast<local_builtin_float_type>(ld);
+ ++ui;
+ }
+ return static_cast<local_builtin_float_type>((!u_is_neg) ? a : -a);
+ }
+ #endif
+ template<const size_t OtherWidth2>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_mul_unary( uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u,
+ const uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v,
+ std::enable_if_t<((OtherWidth2 / std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits) < number_of_limbs_karatsuba_threshold)>* p_nullparam = nullptr) -> void
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(p_nullparam == nullptr);
+ // Unary multiplication function using schoolbook multiplication,
+ // but we only need to retain the low half of the n*n algorithm.
+ // In other words, this is an n*n->n bit multiplication.
+ using local_other_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ const auto local_other_number_of_limbs = local_other_wide_integer_type::number_of_limbs;
+ using local_other_representation_type = typename local_other_wide_integer_type::representation_type;
+ local_other_representation_type result
+ {
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::size_type>(local_other_number_of_limbs),
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::value_type>(UINT8_C(0)),
+ typename representation_type::allocator_type()
+ };
+ eval_multiply_n_by_n_to_lo_part(result.begin(),
+ u.values.cbegin(),
+ v.values.cbegin(),
+ local_other_number_of_limbs);
+ detail::copy_unsafe(result.cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(result.cbegin(), local_other_number_of_limbs),
+ u.values.begin());
+ }
+ template<const size_t OtherWidth2>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_mul_unary( uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u,
+ const uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v,
+ std::enable_if_t<((OtherWidth2 / std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits) >= number_of_limbs_karatsuba_threshold)>* p_nullparam = nullptr) -> void
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(p_nullparam == nullptr);
+ // Unary multiplication function using Karatsuba multiplication.
+ constexpr size_t local_number_of_limbs =
+ uintwide_t<OtherWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>::number_of_limbs;
+ // TBD: Can use specialized allocator or memory pool for these arrays.
+ // Good examples for this (both threaded as well as non-threaded)
+ // can be found in the wide_decimal project.
+ using result_array_type =
+ std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ detail::fixed_static_array <limb_type, number_of_limbs * 2U>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<limb_type,
+ number_of_limbs * 2U,
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<limb_type>>>;
+ using storage_array_type =
+ std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ detail::fixed_static_array <limb_type, number_of_limbs * 4U>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<limb_type,
+ number_of_limbs * 4U,
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<limb_type>>>;
+ result_array_type result;
+ storage_array_type t;
+ eval_multiply_kara_n_by_n_to_2n(result.begin(),
+ u.values.cbegin(),
+ v.values.cbegin(),
+ local_number_of_limbs,
+ t.begin());
+ detail::copy_unsafe(result.cbegin(),
+ result.cbegin() + local_number_of_limbs,
+ u.values.begin());
+ }
+ template<typename ResultIterator,
+ typename InputIteratorLeft,
+ typename InputIteratorRight>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_add_n( ResultIterator r,
+ InputIteratorLeft u,
+ InputIteratorRight v,
+ const unsigned_fast_type count,
+ const limb_type carry_in = static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))) -> limb_type
+ {
+ auto carry_out = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(carry_in);
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ static_assert
+ (
+ (std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::value_type>::digits),
+ "Error: Internals require same widths for left-right-result limb_types at the moment"
+ );
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ using result_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::difference_type;
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const auto uv_as_ularge =
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*u++) + *v++)
+ + carry_out
+ );
+ carry_out = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(uv_as_ularge));
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(i)) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(uv_as_ularge);
+ }
+ return static_cast<limb_type>(carry_out);
+ }
+ template<typename ResultIterator,
+ typename InputIteratorLeft,
+ typename InputIteratorRight>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_subtract_n( ResultIterator r,
+ InputIteratorLeft u,
+ InputIteratorRight v,
+ const unsigned_fast_type count,
+ const bool has_borrow_in = false) -> bool
+ {
+ auto has_borrow_out =
+ static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>
+ (
+ has_borrow_in ? static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ );
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ static_assert
+ (
+ (std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::value_type>::digits),
+ "Error: Internals require same widths for left-right-result limb_types at the moment"
+ );
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ using result_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::difference_type;
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const auto uv_as_ularge =
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*u++) - *v++)
+ - has_borrow_out
+ );
+ has_borrow_out =
+ static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>
+ (
+ (detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(uv_as_ularge) != static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ ? static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ );
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(i)) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(uv_as_ularge);
+ }
+ return (has_borrow_out != static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ template<typename ResultIterator,
+ typename InputIteratorLeft,
+ typename InputIteratorRight,
+ const size_t RePhraseWidth2 = Width2,
+ std::enable_if_t<(uintwide_t<RePhraseWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>::number_of_limbs == 4U)> const* = nullptr>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_multiply_n_by_n_to_lo_part( ResultIterator r,
+ InputIteratorLeft a,
+ InputIteratorRight b,
+ const unsigned_fast_type count) -> void
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(count);
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ static_assert
+ (
+ (std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::value_type>::digits),
+ "Error: Internals require same widths for left-right-result limb_types at the moment"
+ );
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ using result_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::difference_type;
+ using left_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::difference_type;
+ using right_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::difference_type;
+ using result_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ // The algorithm has been derived from the polynomial multiplication.
+ // After the multiplication terms of equal order are grouped
+ // together and retained up to order(3). The carries from the
+ // multiplications are included when adding up the terms.
+ // The results of the intermediate multiplications are stored
+ // in local variables in memory.
+ // Column[CoefficientList[Expand[(a0 + a1 x + a2 x^2 + a3 x^3) (b0 + b1 x + b2 x^2 + b3 x^3)], x]]
+ // a0b0
+ // a1b0 + a0b1
+ // a2b0 + a1b1 + a0b2
+ // a3b0 + a2b1 + a1b2 + a0b3
+ // See also Wolfram Alpha at:
+ // https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Column%5BCoefficientList%5B+++Expand%5B%28a0+%2B+a1+x+%2B+a2+x%5E2+%2B+a3+x%5E3%29+%28b0+%2B+b1+x+%2B+b2+x%5E2+%2B+b3+x%5E3%29%5D%2C++++x%5D%5D
+ // ... and take the upper half of the pyramid.
+ // Performance improvement:
+ // (old) kops_per_sec: 33173.50
+ // (new) kops_per_sec: 95069.43
+ local_double_limb_type r1;
+ local_double_limb_type r2;
+ const auto a0b0 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0))));
+ const auto a0b1 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(1))));
+ const auto a1b0 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(1)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0))));
+ const auto a1b1 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(1)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(1))));
+ // One special case is considered, the case of multiplication
+ // of the form BITS/2 * BITS/2 = BITS. In this case, the algorithm
+ // can be significantly simplified by using only the 'lower-halves'
+ // of the data.
+ if( (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(2)) == 0U) && (*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(2)) == 0U)
+ && (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(3)) == 0U) && (*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(3)) == 0U))
+ {
+ r1 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b0) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b1)
+ )
+ ;
+ r2 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(r1) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b0)
+ )
+ ;
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(3))
+ = static_cast<result_value_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(r2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b1)
+ )
+ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto a0b2 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(2))));
+ const auto a2b0 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(2)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0))));
+ r1 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b0)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b1)
+ )
+ ;
+ r2 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(r1)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b1)
+ )
+ ;
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(3))
+ = static_cast<result_value_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(r2)
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(3)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(2)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(1))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(1)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(2))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(3))))
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b2)
+ )
+ ;
+ }
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(0)) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(a0b0);
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(1)) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(r1);
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(2)) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(r2);
+ }
+ template<typename ResultIterator,
+ typename InputIteratorLeft,
+ typename InputIteratorRight,
+ const size_t RePhraseWidth2 = Width2,
+ std::enable_if_t<(uintwide_t<RePhraseWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>::number_of_limbs == static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(8)))> const* = nullptr>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_multiply_n_by_n_to_lo_part( ResultIterator r,
+ InputIteratorLeft a,
+ InputIteratorRight b,
+ const unsigned_fast_type count) -> void
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(count);
+ static_assert
+ (
+ (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::value_type>::digits),
+ "Error: Internals require same widths for left-right-result limb_types at the moment"
+ );
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ using result_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::difference_type;
+ using left_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::difference_type;
+ using right_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::difference_type;
+ // The algorithm has been derived from the polynomial multiplication.
+ // After the multiplication terms of equal order are grouped
+ // together and retained up to order(3). The carries from the
+ // multiplications are included when adding up the terms.
+ // The results of the intermediate multiplications are stored
+ // in local variables in memory.
+ // Column[CoefficientList[Expand[(a0 + a1 x + a2 x^2 + a3 x^3 + a4 x^4 + a5 x^5 + a6 x^6 + a7 x^7) (b0 + b1 x + b2 x^2 + b3 x^3 + b4 x^4 + b5 x^5 + b6 x^6 + b7 x^7)], x]]
+ // a0b0
+ // a1b0 + a0b1
+ // a2b0 + a1b1 + a0b2
+ // a3b0 + a2b1 + a1b2 + a0b3
+ // a4b0 + a3b1 + a2b2 + a1b3 + a0b4
+ // a5b0 + a4b1 + a3b2 + a2b3 + a1b4 + a0b5
+ // a6b0 + a5b1 + a4b2 + a3b3 + a2b4 + a1b5 + a0b6
+ // a7b0 + a6b1 + a5b2 + a4b3 + a3b4 + a2b5 + a1b6 + a0b7
+ // See also Wolfram Alpha at:
+ // https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Column%5BCoefficientList%5B+++Expand%5B%28a0+%2B+a1+x+%2B+a2+x%5E2+%2B+a3+x%5E3%29+%28b0+%2B+b1+x+%2B+b2+x%5E2+%2B+b3+x%5E3%29%5D%2C++++x%5D%5D
+ // ... and take the upper half of the pyramid.
+ const local_double_limb_type a0b0 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a1b0 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(1)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a0b1 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(1)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a2b0 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(2)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a1b1 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(1)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(1)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a0b2 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(2)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a3b0 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(3)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a2b1 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(2)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(1)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a1b2 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(1)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(2)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a0b3 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(3)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a3b1 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(3)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(1)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a2b2 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(2)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(2)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a1b3 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(1)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(3)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a3b2 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(3)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(2)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a2b3 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(2)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(3)));
+ const local_double_limb_type a3b3 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(3)) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(3)));
+ local_double_limb_type rd1;
+ local_double_limb_type rd2;
+ local_double_limb_type rd3;
+ local_double_limb_type rd4;
+ local_double_limb_type rd5;
+ local_double_limb_type rd6;
+ // One special case is considered, the case of multiplication
+ // of the form BITS/2 * BITS/2 = BITS. In this case, the algorithm
+ // can be significantly simplified by using only the 'lower-halves'
+ // of the data.
+ if( (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(7))) == 0U) && (*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(7))) == 0U)
+ && (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(6))) == 0U) && (*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(6))) == 0U)
+ && (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(5))) == 0U) && (*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(5))) == 0U)
+ && (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))) == 0U) && (*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))) == 0U))
+ {
+ rd1 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b0)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b1)
+ ;
+ rd2 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd1)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b1)
+ ;
+ rd3 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd2)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a3b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b2)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b3)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b2)
+ ;
+ rd4 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd3)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a3b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b2)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b3)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a3b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b3)
+ ;
+ rd5 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd4)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a3b2)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b3)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a3b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b3)
+ ;
+ rd6 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd5)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a3b3)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a3b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b3)
+ ;
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(7)))
+ = static_cast<local_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd6)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a3b3)
+ )
+ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const local_double_limb_type a4b0 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(0))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a0b4 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(0))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a5b0 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(5))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(0))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a4b1 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(1))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a1b4 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(1))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a0b5 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(0))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(5))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a6b0 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(6))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(0))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a5b1 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(5))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(1))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a4b2 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(2))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a2b4 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(2))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a1b5 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(1))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(5))));
+ const local_double_limb_type a0b6 = *detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(0))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(6))));
+ rd1 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b0)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b1)
+ ;
+ rd2 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd1)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b1)
+ ;
+ rd3 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd2)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a3b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b2)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b3)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b2)
+ ;
+ rd4 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd3)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a4b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a3b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b2)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b3)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b4)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a3b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b3)
+ ;
+ rd5 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd4)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a5b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a4b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a3b2)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b3)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b4)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b5)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a4b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a3b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b3)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b4)
+ ;
+ rd6 = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd5)
+ )
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a6b0)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a5b1)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a4b2)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a3b3)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a2b4)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a1b5)
+ + detail::make_lo<local_limb_type>(a0b6)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a5b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a4b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a3b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b3)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b4)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b5)
+ ;
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(7)))
+ = static_cast<local_limb_type>
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(rd6)
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(7))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(0)))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(6))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(1)))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(5))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(2)))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(3)))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(3))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(4)))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(2))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(5)))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(1))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(6)))))
+ + static_cast<local_limb_type> (*detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(INT32_C(0))) * static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(INT32_C(7)))))
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a6b0)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a5b1)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a4b2)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a3b3)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a2b4)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a1b5)
+ + detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(a0b6)
+ )
+ ;
+ }
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(0))) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(a0b0);
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(1))) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(rd1);
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(2))) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(rd2);
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(3))) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(rd3);
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(4))) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(rd4);
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(5))) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(rd5);
+ *detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(INT32_C(6))) = static_cast<local_limb_type>(rd6);
+ }
+ #endif
+ template<typename ResultIterator,
+ typename InputIteratorLeft,
+ typename InputIteratorRight,
+ const size_t RePhraseWidth2 = Width2,
+ std::enable_if_t<( (uintwide_t<RePhraseWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType>::number_of_limbs != static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(4)))
+ && (uintwide_t<RePhraseWidth2, LimbType, AllocatorType>::number_of_limbs != static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(8)))
+ #endif
+ )> const* = nullptr>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_multiply_n_by_n_to_lo_part( ResultIterator r,
+ InputIteratorLeft a,
+ InputIteratorRight b,
+ const unsigned_fast_type count) -> void
+ {
+ static_assert
+ (
+ (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::value_type>::digits),
+ "Error: Internals require same widths for left-right-result limb_types at the moment"
+ );
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ detail::fill_unsafe(r, detail::advance_and_point(r, count), static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ if(*a != static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ auto carry = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto r_i_plus_j = detail::advance_and_point(r, i); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ auto bj = b; // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ for(auto j = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ j < static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(count - i);
+ ++j)
+ {
+ carry = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(carry + static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*a) * *bj++));
+ carry = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(carry + *r_i_plus_j);
+ *r_i_plus_j++ = static_cast<local_limb_type>(carry);
+ carry = detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(carry);
+ }
+ }
+ ++a;
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename ResultIterator,
+ typename InputIteratorLeft,
+ typename InputIteratorRight>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_multiply_n_by_n_to_2n( ResultIterator r,
+ InputIteratorLeft a,
+ InputIteratorRight b,
+ const unsigned_fast_type count) -> void
+ {
+ static_assert
+ (
+ (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::value_type>::digits),
+ "Error: Internals require same widths for left-right-result limb_types at the moment"
+ );
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ detail::fill_unsafe(r, detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<size_t>(count * 2U)), static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)); i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ if(*a != static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ auto carry = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto r_i_plus_j = detail::advance_and_point(r, i); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ auto bj = b; // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ for(auto j = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)); j < count; ++j)
+ {
+ carry =
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ carry
+ + static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*a) * *bj++)
+ )
+ + *r_i_plus_j
+ );
+ *r_i_plus_j++ = static_cast<local_limb_type>(carry);
+ carry = detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(carry);
+ }
+ *r_i_plus_j = static_cast<local_limb_type>(carry);
+ }
+ ++a;
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename ResultIterator,
+ typename InputIteratorLeft>
+ static WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_multiply_1d( ResultIterator r,
+ InputIteratorLeft a,
+ const typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type b,
+ const unsigned_fast_type count) -> limb_type
+ {
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ using left_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type;
+ static_assert
+ (
+ (std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<left_value_type>::digits),
+ "Error: Internals require same widths for left-right-result limb_types at the moment"
+ );
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ auto carry = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ if(b == static_cast<left_value_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(r, detail::advance_and_point(r, count), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)) ; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ carry =
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ carry
+ + static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*a++) * b)
+ );
+ *r++ = static_cast<local_limb_type>(carry);
+ carry = detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(carry);
+ }
+ }
+ return static_cast<local_limb_type>(carry);
+ }
+ template<typename InputIteratorLeft>
+ auto eval_multiply_kara_propagate_carry( InputIteratorLeft t,
+ const unsigned_fast_type n,
+ const typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type carry) -> void
+ {
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type;
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto carry_out = carry;
+ while((i < n) && (carry_out != static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)))) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ const auto uv_as_ularge =
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*t) + carry_out
+ );
+ carry_out = detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(uv_as_ularge);
+ *t++ = static_cast<local_limb_type>(uv_as_ularge);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename InputIteratorLeft>
+ auto eval_multiply_kara_propagate_borrow( InputIteratorLeft t,
+ const unsigned_fast_type n,
+ const bool has_borrow) -> void
+ {
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type;
+ using local_double_limb_type =
+ typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits * 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto has_borrow_out = has_borrow;
+ while((i < n) && has_borrow_out) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ auto uv_as_ularge = static_cast<local_double_limb_type>(*t);
+ if(has_borrow_out)
+ {
+ --uv_as_ularge;
+ }
+ has_borrow_out =
+ (
+ detail::make_hi<local_limb_type>(uv_as_ularge) != static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ );
+ *t++ = static_cast<local_limb_type>(uv_as_ularge);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename ResultIterator,
+ typename InputIteratorLeft,
+ typename InputIteratorRight,
+ typename InputIteratorTemp>
+ auto eval_multiply_kara_n_by_n_to_2n( ResultIterator r, // NOLINT(misc-no-recursion)
+ const InputIteratorLeft a,
+ const InputIteratorRight b,
+ const unsigned_fast_type n,
+ InputIteratorTemp t) -> void
+ {
+ if(n <= static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT32_C(48)))
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(t);
+ eval_multiply_n_by_n_to_2n(r, a, b, n);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static_assert
+ (
+ (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::value_type>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::value_type>::digits)
+ && (std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorTemp>::value_type>::digits),
+ "Error: Internals require same widths for left-right-result limb_types at the moment"
+ );
+ using local_limb_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::value_type;
+ using result_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<ResultIterator>::difference_type;
+ using left_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorLeft>::difference_type;
+ using right_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorRight>::difference_type;
+ using temp_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<InputIteratorTemp>::difference_type;
+ // Based on "Algorithm 1.3 KaratsubaMultiply", Sect. 1.3.2, page 5
+ // of R.P. Brent and P. Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic",
+ // Cambridge University Press (2011).
+ // The Karatsuba multipliation computes the product of u*v as:
+ // [b^N + b^(N/2)] a1*b1 + [b^(N/2)](a1 - a0)(b0 - b1) + [b^(N/2) + 1] a0*b0
+ // Here we visualize u and v in two components 0,1 corresponding
+ // to the high and low order parts, respectively.
+ // Step 1
+ // Calculate a1*b1 and store it in the upper part of r.
+ // Calculate a0*b0 and store it in the lower part of r.
+ // copy r to t0.
+ // Step 2
+ // Add a1*b1 (which is t2) to the middle two-quarters of r (which is r1)
+ // Add a0*b0 (which is t0) to the middle two-quarters of r (which is r1)
+ // Step 3
+ // Calculate |a1-a0| in t0 and note the sign (i.e., the borrow flag)
+ // Step 4
+ // Calculate |b0-b1| in t1 and note the sign (i.e., the borrow flag)
+ // Step 5
+ // Call kara mul to calculate |a1-a0|*|b0-b1| in (t2),
+ // while using temporary storage in t4 along the way.
+ // Step 6
+ // Check the borrow signs. If a1-a0 and b0-b1 have the same signs,
+ // then add |a1-a0|*|b0-b1| to r1, otherwise subtract it from r1.
+ const auto nh = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(n / 2U);
+ const InputIteratorLeft a0 = detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(0));
+ const InputIteratorLeft a1 = detail::advance_and_point(a, static_cast<left_difference_type>(nh));
+ const InputIteratorRight b0 = detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(0));
+ const InputIteratorRight b1 = detail::advance_and_point(b, static_cast<right_difference_type>(nh));
+ ResultIterator r0 = detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(0));
+ ResultIterator r1 = detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(nh));
+ ResultIterator r2 = detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(n));
+ ResultIterator r3 = detail::advance_and_point(r, static_cast<result_difference_type>(static_cast<result_difference_type>(n) + static_cast<result_difference_type>(nh)));
+ InputIteratorTemp t0 = detail::advance_and_point(t, static_cast<temp_difference_type>(0));
+ InputIteratorTemp t1 = detail::advance_and_point(t, static_cast<temp_difference_type>(nh));
+ InputIteratorTemp t2 = detail::advance_and_point(t, static_cast<temp_difference_type>(n));
+ InputIteratorTemp t4 = detail::advance_and_point(t, static_cast<temp_difference_type>(static_cast<result_difference_type>(n) + static_cast<result_difference_type>(n)));
+ // Step 1
+ // a1*b1 -> r2
+ // a0*b0 -> r0
+ // r -> t0
+ eval_multiply_kara_n_by_n_to_2n(r2, a1, b1, nh, t0);
+ eval_multiply_kara_n_by_n_to_2n(r0, a0, b0, nh, t0);
+ detail::copy_unsafe(r0, detail::advance_and_point(r0, static_cast<result_difference_type>(static_cast<result_difference_type>(n) * static_cast<result_difference_type>(2U))), t0);
+ local_limb_type carry;
+ // Step 2
+ // r1 += a1*b1
+ // r1 += a0*b0
+ carry = eval_add_n(r1, r1, t2, n);
+ eval_multiply_kara_propagate_carry(r3, nh, carry);
+ carry = eval_add_n(r1, r1, t0, n);
+ eval_multiply_kara_propagate_carry(r3, nh, carry);
+ // Step 3
+ // |a1-a0| -> t0
+ const std::int_fast8_t cmp_result_a1a0 = compare_ranges(a1, a0, nh);
+ if(cmp_result_a1a0 == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(eval_subtract_n(t0, a1, a0, nh));
+ }
+ else if(cmp_result_a1a0 == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(-1)))
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(eval_subtract_n(t0, a0, a1, nh));
+ }
+ // Step 4
+ // |b0-b1| -> t1
+ const auto cmp_result_b0b1 = compare_ranges(b0, b1, nh);
+ if(cmp_result_b0b1 == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(eval_subtract_n(t1, b0, b1, nh));
+ }
+ else if(cmp_result_b0b1 == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(-1)))
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(eval_subtract_n(t1, b1, b0, nh));
+ }
+ // Step 5
+ // |a1-a0|*|b0-b1| -> t2
+ eval_multiply_kara_n_by_n_to_2n(t2, t0, t1, nh, t4);
+ // Step 6
+ // either r1 += |a1-a0|*|b0-b1|
+ // or r1 -= |a1-a0|*|b0-b1|
+ if(static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(cmp_result_a1a0 * cmp_result_b0b1) == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ carry = eval_add_n(r1, r1, t2, n);
+ eval_multiply_kara_propagate_carry(r3, nh, carry);
+ }
+ else if(static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(cmp_result_a1a0 * cmp_result_b0b1) == static_cast<std::int_fast8_t>(INT8_C(-1)))
+ {
+ const auto has_borrow = eval_subtract_n(r1, r1, t2, n);
+ eval_multiply_kara_propagate_borrow(r3, nh, has_borrow);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_divide_knuth(const uintwide_t& other,
+ uintwide_t* remainder = nullptr) -> void
+ {
+ // Use Knuth's long division algorithm.
+ // The loop-ordering of indices in Knuth's original
+ // algorithm has been reversed due to the data format
+ // used here. Several optimizations and combinations
+ // of logic have been carried out in the source code.
+ // See also:
+ // D.E. Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2:
+ // Seminumerical Algorithms", Addison-Wesley (1998),
+ // Section 4.3.1 Algorithm D and Exercise 16.
+ using local_uint_index_type = unsigned_fast_type;
+ const auto u_offset =
+ static_cast<local_uint_index_type>
+ (
+ std::distance(values.crbegin(), std::find_if(values.crbegin(), values.crend(), [](const limb_type& elem) { return (elem != static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))); }))
+ );
+ const auto v_offset =
+ static_cast<local_uint_index_type>
+ (
+ std::distance(other.values.crbegin(), std::find_if(other.values.crbegin(), other.values.crend(), [](const limb_type& elem) { return (elem != static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))); }))
+ );
+ if(v_offset == static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs))
+ {
+ // The denominator is zero. Set the maximum value and return.
+ // This also catches (0 / 0) and sets the maximum value for it.
+ static_cast<void>(operator=(limits_helper_max(IsSigned))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ if(remainder != nullptr) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(remainder->values.begin(), remainder->values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ }
+ else if(u_offset == static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs))
+ {
+ // The numerator is zero. Do nothing and return.
+ if(remainder != nullptr)
+ {
+ *remainder = uintwide_t(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto result_of_compare_left_with_right = compare(other);
+ const auto left_is_less_than_right = (result_of_compare_left_with_right == INT8_C(-1));
+ const auto left_is_equal_to_right = (result_of_compare_left_with_right == INT8_C( 0));
+ if(left_is_less_than_right)
+ {
+ // If the denominator is larger than the numerator,
+ // then the result of the division is zero.
+ if(remainder != nullptr)
+ {
+ *remainder = *this;
+ }
+ operator=(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else if(left_is_equal_to_right)
+ {
+ // If the denominator is equal to the numerator,
+ // then the result of the division is one.
+ operator=(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ if(remainder != nullptr)
+ {
+ *remainder = uintwide_t(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eval_divide_knuth_core(u_offset, v_offset, other, remainder);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<const size_t RePhraseWidth2 = Width2,
+ std::enable_if_t<(RePhraseWidth2 > std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)> const* = nullptr>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_divide_knuth_core(const unsigned_fast_type u_offset, // NOLINT(readability-function-cognitive-complexity)
+ const unsigned_fast_type v_offset,
+ const uintwide_t& other,
+ uintwide_t* remainder) -> void
+ {
+ using local_uint_index_type = unsigned_fast_type;
+ if(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(v_offset + static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(1U)) == static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs))
+ {
+ // The denominator has one single limb.
+ // Use a one-dimensional division algorithm.
+ const limb_type short_denominator = *other.values.cbegin();
+ eval_divide_by_single_limb(short_denominator, u_offset, remainder);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We will now use the Knuth long division algorithm.
+ // Compute the normalization factor d.
+ const auto d =
+ static_cast<limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(1U) << static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits))
+ / static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(other.values.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs - 1U) - v_offset))) + static_cast<limb_type>(1U))
+ );
+ // Step D1(b), normalize u -> u * d = uu.
+ // Step D1(c): normalize v -> v * d = vv.
+ using uu_array_type =
+ std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ detail::fixed_static_array <limb_type, number_of_limbs + 1U>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<limb_type,
+ number_of_limbs + 1U,
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<limb_type>>>;
+ uu_array_type uu;
+ representation_type
+ vv
+ {
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::size_type>(number_of_limbs),
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::value_type>(UINT8_C(0)),
+ typename representation_type::allocator_type() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ };
+ if(d > static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ const auto num_limbs_minus_u_ofs =
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs) - u_offset
+ );
+ *(uu.begin() + num_limbs_minus_u_ofs) =
+ eval_multiply_1d
+ (
+ uu.begin(),
+ values.cbegin(),
+ d,
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(num_limbs_minus_u_ofs)
+ );
+ static_cast<void>
+ (
+ eval_multiply_1d
+ (
+ vv.begin(),
+ other.values.cbegin(),
+ d,
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(number_of_limbs - v_offset)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(values.cbegin(), values.cend(), uu.begin());
+ *(uu.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs) - u_offset)) = static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ vv = other.values;
+ }
+ // Step D2: Initialize j.
+ // Step D7: Loop on j from m to 0.
+ const auto n = static_cast<local_uint_index_type> (number_of_limbs - v_offset);
+ const auto m = static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs - u_offset) - n);
+ const auto vj0 = static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(n - static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(UINT8_C(1))));
+ auto vv_at_vj0_it = detail::advance_and_point(vv.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(vj0)); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ const auto vv_at_vj0 = *vv_at_vj0_it--;
+ const auto vv_at_vj0_minus_one = *vv_at_vj0_it;
+ auto values_at_m_minus_j_it = detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), static_cast<size_t>(m)); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ for(auto j = static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(UINT8_C(0)); j <= m; ++j) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ // Step D3 [Calculate q_hat].
+ // if u[j] == v[j0]
+ // set q_hat = b - 1
+ // else
+ // set q_hat = (u[j] * b + u[j + 1]) / v[1]
+ const auto uj = static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs + 1U) - 1U) - u_offset) - j);
+ const auto u_j_j1 = static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(*(uu.cbegin() + static_cast<size_t>(uj))) << static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)) + *(uu.cbegin() + static_cast<size_t>(uj - 1U)));
+ auto q_hat =
+ static_cast<limb_type>
+ (
+ (*(uu.cbegin() + static_cast<size_t>(uj)) == vv_at_vj0)
+ ? (std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::max)()
+ : static_cast<limb_type>(u_j_j1 / vv_at_vj0)
+ );
+ // Decrease q_hat if necessary.
+ // This means that q_hat must be decreased if the
+ // expression [(u[uj] * b + u[uj - 1] - q_hat * v[vj0 - 1]) * b]
+ // exceeds the range of uintwide_t.
+ for(auto t = static_cast<double_limb_type>(u_j_j1 - static_cast<double_limb_type>(q_hat * static_cast<double_limb_type>(vv_at_vj0)));
+ ;
+ --q_hat, t = static_cast<double_limb_type>(t + vv_at_vj0))
+ {
+ if( (detail::make_hi<limb_type>(t) != static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ || ( static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(vv_at_vj0_minus_one) * q_hat)
+ <= static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(t << static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)) + *detail::advance_and_point(uu.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(uj - 2U)))))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Step D4: Multiply and subtract.
+ // Replace u[j, ... j + n] by u[j, ... j + n] - q_hat * v[1, ... n].
+ // Set nv = q_hat * (v[1, ... n]).
+ uu_array_type nv { };
+ *(nv.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(n)) = eval_multiply_1d(nv.begin(), vv.cbegin(), q_hat, n);
+ const auto has_borrow =
+ eval_subtract_n(detail::advance_and_point(uu.begin(), static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(uj - n))),
+ detail::advance_and_point(uu.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(uj - n))),
+ nv.cbegin(),
+ n + 1U);
+ // Step D5: Test the remainder.
+ // Set the result value: Set result.m_data[m - j] = q_hat.
+ // Use the condition (u[j] < 0), in other words if the borrow
+ // is non-zero, then step D6 needs to be carried out.
+ if(has_borrow)
+ {
+ --q_hat;
+ // Step D6: Add back.
+ // Add v[1, ... n] back to u[j, ... j + n],
+ // and decrease the result by 1.
+ static_cast<void>
+ (
+ eval_add_n(uu.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(uj - n)),
+ detail::advance_and_point(uu.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(uj - n))),
+ vv.cbegin(),
+ n)
+ );
+ }
+ // Get the result data.
+ *values_at_m_minus_j_it = static_cast<limb_type>(q_hat);
+ if(j < m)
+ {
+ --values_at_m_minus_j_it;
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear the data elements that have not
+ // been computed in the division algorithm.
+ {
+ const auto m_plus_one =
+ static_cast<local_uint_index_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(m) + static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(UINT8_C(1))
+ );
+ detail::fill_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), m_plus_one), values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ if(remainder != nullptr)
+ {
+ auto rl_it_fwd = // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ detail::advance_and_point(remainder->values.begin(), static_cast<signed_fast_type>(n));
+ if(d == static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(uu.cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(uu.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<local_uint_index_type>(number_of_limbs - v_offset))),
+ remainder->values.begin());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto previous_u = static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto rl_it_rev = static_cast<typename representation_type::reverse_iterator>(rl_it_fwd);
+ auto ul =
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<size_t>
+ (
+ number_of_limbs
+ - static_cast<size_t>(v_offset + static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ )
+ );
+ for( ; rl_it_rev != remainder->values.rend(); ++rl_it_rev, --ul) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ const auto t =
+ static_cast<double_limb_type>( *(uu.cbegin() + static_cast<size_t>(ul))
+ + static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(previous_u) << static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)));
+ *rl_it_rev = static_cast<limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(t / d));
+ previous_u = static_cast<limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(t - static_cast<double_limb_type>(static_cast<double_limb_type>(d) * *rl_it_rev)));
+ }
+ }
+ detail::fill_unsafe(rl_it_fwd, remainder->values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<const size_t RePhraseWidth2 = Width2,
+ std::enable_if_t<(RePhraseWidth2 <= std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)> const* = nullptr>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto eval_divide_knuth_core(const unsigned_fast_type u_offset,
+ const unsigned_fast_type v_offset,
+ const uintwide_t& other,
+ uintwide_t* remainder) -> void
+ {
+ static_cast<void>(v_offset);
+ // The denominator has one single limb.
+ // Use a one-dimensional division algorithm.
+ const limb_type short_denominator = *other.values.cbegin();
+ eval_divide_by_single_limb(short_denominator, u_offset, remainder);
+ }
+ template<typename IntegralType>
+ static constexpr auto exceeds_width(IntegralType n) -> bool
+ {
+ return (static_cast<size_t>(n) >= uintwide_t::my_width2);
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD constexpr auto right_shift_fill_value() const -> limb_type
+ {
+ return
+ static_cast<limb_type>
+ (
+ (!is_neg(*this)) ? static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ : (std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::max)()
+ );
+ }
+ template<typename IntegralType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto shl(IntegralType n) -> void
+ {
+ const auto offset =
+ (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(n) / static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)),
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(number_of_limbs));
+ const auto left_shift_amount = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(n) % static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits));
+ if(offset > static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ std::copy_backward(values.cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(values.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(number_of_limbs - offset)),
+ detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), static_cast<size_t>(number_of_limbs)));
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), static_cast<size_t>(offset)), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ using local_integral_type = unsigned_fast_type;
+ if(left_shift_amount != static_cast<local_integral_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ auto part_from_previous_value = static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto ai = detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), offset); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ while(ai != values.end()) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ const limb_type t = *ai;
+ *ai++ =
+ static_cast<limb_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<limb_type>(t << static_cast<local_integral_type>(left_shift_amount))
+ | part_from_previous_value
+ );
+ part_from_previous_value =
+ static_cast<limb_type>
+ (
+ t >> static_cast<local_integral_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits - left_shift_amount))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename IntegralType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto shr(IntegralType n) -> void
+ {
+ const auto offset =
+ (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(n) / static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits)),
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(number_of_limbs));
+ const auto right_shift_amount = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(n) % static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits));
+ if(static_cast<size_t>(offset) > static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(values.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(offset)),
+ detail::advance_and_point(values.cbegin(), static_cast<size_t>(number_of_limbs)),
+ values.begin());
+ detail::fill_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(values.begin(), static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<size_t>(number_of_limbs) - static_cast<size_t>(offset))),
+ values.end(),
+ right_shift_fill_value());
+ }
+ using local_integral_type = unsigned_fast_type;
+ if(right_shift_amount != static_cast<local_integral_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ auto part_from_previous_value =
+ static_cast<limb_type>
+ (
+ (!is_neg(*this))
+ ? static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ : static_cast<limb_type>((std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::max)() << static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits) - right_shift_amount))
+ );
+ auto r_ai =
+ static_cast<typename representation_type::reverse_iterator>
+ (
+ detail::advance_and_point
+ (
+ values.begin(),
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(number_of_limbs) - offset
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ while(r_ai != values.rend()) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ const limb_type t = *r_ai;
+ *r_ai++ = static_cast<limb_type>(static_cast<limb_type>(t >> static_cast<local_integral_type>(right_shift_amount)) | part_from_previous_value);
+ part_from_previous_value = static_cast<limb_type>(t << static_cast<local_integral_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::digits - right_shift_amount)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Read string function.
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto rd_string(const char* str_input) -> bool // NOLINT(readability-function-cognitive-complexity)
+ {
+ detail::fill_unsafe(values.begin(), values.end(), static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ const auto str_length = detail::strlen_unsafe(str_input);
+ auto base = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(10));
+ auto pos = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ // Detect: Is there a plus sign?
+ // And if there is a plus sign, skip over the plus sign.
+ if((str_length > static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0))) && (str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0))] == '+')) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ {
+ ++pos;
+ }
+ auto str_has_neg_sign = false;
+ // Detect: Is there a minus sign?
+ // And if there is a minus sign, skip over the minus sign.
+ if((str_length > static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0))) && (str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0))] == '-')) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ {
+ str_has_neg_sign = true;
+ ++pos;
+ }
+ // Perform a dynamic detection of the base.
+ if(str_length > static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0))))
+ {
+ const bool might_be_oct_or_hex = ((str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))] == '0') && (str_length > static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0))))); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ if(might_be_oct_or_hex)
+ {
+ if((str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)))] >= '0') && (str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)))] <= '8')) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ {
+ // The input format is octal.
+ base = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(8));
+ pos = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ }
+ else if((str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)))] == 'x') || (str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)))] == 'X')) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ {
+ // The input format is hexadecimal.
+ base = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(16));
+ pos = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(2)));
+ }
+ }
+ else if((str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))] >= '0') && (str_input[static_cast<std::size_t>(pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))] <= '9')) // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ {
+ // The input format is decimal.
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ auto char_is_valid = true;
+ while((pos < str_length) && char_is_valid) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ const auto c = str_input[pos++]; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
+ const auto char_is_apostrophe = (c == static_cast<char>(39));
+ if(!char_is_apostrophe)
+ {
+ if(base == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(8)))
+ {
+ char_is_valid = ((c >= '0') && (c <= '8'));
+ if(char_is_valid)
+ {
+ const auto uc_oct = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(c - static_cast<char>(UINT8_C(0x30)));
+ operator<<=(static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(3)));
+ *values.begin() = static_cast<limb_type>(*values.begin() | uc_oct);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(base == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(10)))
+ {
+ char_is_valid = ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'));
+ if(char_is_valid)
+ {
+ const auto uc_dec = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(c - static_cast<char>(UINT8_C(0x30)));
+ mul_by_limb(static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(10)));
+ operator+=(uc_dec);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(base == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(16)))
+ {
+ const auto char_is_a_to_f_lo((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f'));
+ const auto char_is_a_to_f_hi((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'));
+ const auto char_is_0_to_9 ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'));
+ char_is_valid = (char_is_a_to_f_lo || char_is_a_to_f_hi || char_is_0_to_9);
+ if(char_is_valid)
+ {
+ auto uc_hex = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(0));
+ if (char_is_a_to_f_lo) { uc_hex = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(c - static_cast<char>(UINT8_C( 87))); }
+ else if(char_is_a_to_f_hi) { uc_hex = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(c - static_cast<char>(UINT8_C( 55))); }
+ else if(char_is_0_to_9) { uc_hex = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(c - static_cast<char>(UINT8_C(0x30))); }
+ operator<<=(static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(4)));
+ *values.begin() = static_cast<limb_type>(*values.begin() | uc_hex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(str_has_neg_sign)
+ {
+ // Exclude this line from code coverage, even though explicit
+ // test cases (search for "result_overshift_is_ok") are known
+ // to cover this line.
+ negate(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ return char_is_valid;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto bitwise_not() -> void // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ {
+ for(auto it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto,altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ *it = static_cast<limb_type>(~(*it));
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto preincrement() -> void
+ {
+ // Implement self-increment.
+ auto it = values.begin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ do
+ {
+ ++(*it);
+ }
+ while((*it++ == static_cast<limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))) && (it != values.end())); // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto predecrement() -> void
+ {
+ // Implement self-decrement.
+ auto it = values.begin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ do
+ {
+ --(*it);
+ }
+ while((*it++ == (std::numeric_limits<limb_type>::max)()) && (it != values.end())); // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ }
+ };
+ // Define some convenient unsigned wide integer types.
+ using uint64_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 64)), std::uint16_t>;
+ using uint128_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 128)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint256_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 256)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint512_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 512)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint1024_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 1024)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint2048_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 2048)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint4096_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 4096)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint8192_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 8192)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint16384_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(16384)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint32768_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(32768)), std::uint32_t>;
+ using uint65536_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(65536)), std::uint32_t>;
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint64_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint128_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint256_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint512_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint1024_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint2048_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint4096_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint8192_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint16384_t>::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint32768_t>::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<uint65536_t>::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint64_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint128_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint256_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint512_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint1024_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint2048_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint4096_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint8192_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint16384_t>::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint32768_t>::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<uint65536_t>::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ #endif
+ using int64_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 64)), std::uint16_t, void, true>;
+ using int128_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 128)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int256_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 256)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int512_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 512)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int1024_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 1024)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int2048_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 2048)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int4096_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 4096)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int8192_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C( 8192)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int16384_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(16384)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int32768_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(32768)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ using int65536_t = uintwide_t<static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(65536)), std::uint32_t, void, true>;
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int64_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int128_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int256_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int512_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int1024_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int2048_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int4096_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int8192_t >::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int16384_t>::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int32768_t>::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<int65536_t>::value, "uintwide_t must be trivially copyable.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int64_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int128_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int256_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int512_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int1024_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int2048_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int4096_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int8192_t >::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int16384_t>::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int32768_t>::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<int65536_t>::value, "uintwide_t must have standard layout.");
+ #endif
+ // Insert a base class for numeric_limits<> support.
+ // This class inherits from std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>
+ // in order to provide limits for a non-specific unsigned type.
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NUM_LIMITS_CLASS_TYPE numeric_limits_uintwide_t_base
+ : public std::numeric_limits<std::conditional_t<(!IsSigned), unsigned int, signed int>>
+ {
+ private:
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ public:
+ static constexpr int digits = (!IsSigned)
+ ? static_cast<int>(local_wide_integer_type::my_width2)
+ : static_cast<int>(local_wide_integer_type::my_width2 - static_cast<size_t>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ static constexpr int digits10 = static_cast<int>((static_cast<std::uintmax_t>(digits) * UINTMAX_C(75257499)) / UINTMAX_C(250000000));
+ static constexpr int max_digits10 = digits10;
+ static constexpr int max_exponent = digits;
+ static constexpr int max_exponent10 = static_cast<int>((static_cast<std::uintmax_t>(max_exponent) * UINTMAX_C(75257499)) / UINTMAX_C(250000000));
+ static constexpr auto (max) () -> local_wide_integer_type { return local_wide_integer_type::limits_helper_max (IsSigned); }
+ static constexpr auto (min) () -> local_wide_integer_type { return local_wide_integer_type::limits_helper_min (IsSigned); }
+ static constexpr auto lowest() -> local_wide_integer_type { return local_wide_integer_type::limits_helper_lowest(IsSigned); }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct is_integral : public std::is_integral<T> { };
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ struct is_integral<math::wide_integer::uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>
+ : public std::integral_constant<bool, true> { };
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ } // namespace math::wide_integer
+ #else
+ } // namespace wide_integer
+ } // namespace math
+ #endif
+ namespace std
+ {
+ // Specialization of std::numeric_limits<uintwide_t>.
+ template<const WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE::math::wide_integer::size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NUM_LIMITS_CLASS_TYPE numeric_limits<WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE::math::wide_integer::uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>
+ : public WIDE_INTEGER_NAMESPACE::math::wide_integer::numeric_limits_uintwide_t_base<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { };
+ #else
+ template<const ::math::wide_integer::size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NUM_LIMITS_CLASS_TYPE numeric_limits<::math::wide_integer::uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>
+ : public ::math::wide_integer::numeric_limits_uintwide_t_base<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { };
+ #endif
+ } // namespace std
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ namespace math::wide_integer {
+ #else
+ namespace math { namespace wide_integer { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces)
+ #endif
+ // Non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (uintwide_t op uintwide_t).
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+ (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator+=(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator- (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator-=(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator* (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator*=(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/ (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator/=(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator% (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator%=(v); }
+ // Non-member binary logic operations of (uintwide_t op uintwide_t).
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator| (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator|=(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator^ (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator^=(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator& (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator&=(v); }
+ // Non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (uintwide_t op IntegralType).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator+=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator-=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator*=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator/=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_signed<IntegralType>::value),
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>
+ {
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ return local_wide_integer_type(u).operator%=(local_wide_integer_type(v));
+ }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned<IntegralType>::value
+ && (std::numeric_limits<IntegralType>::digits <= std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits)),
+ typename uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>::limb_type>
+ {
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ const auto u_is_neg = local_wide_integer_type::is_neg(u);
+ local_wide_integer_type remainder;
+ local_wide_integer_type((!u_is_neg) ? u : -u).eval_divide_by_single_limb(v, static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)), &remainder);
+ using local_limb_type = typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type;
+ auto u_rem = static_cast<local_limb_type>(remainder);
+ return ((!u_is_neg) ? u_rem : static_cast<local_limb_type>(static_cast<local_limb_type>(~u_rem) + static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))));
+ }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<( std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned<IntegralType>::value
+ && (std::numeric_limits<IntegralType>::digits > std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits)),
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>>
+ {
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ return local_wide_integer_type(u).operator%=(local_wide_integer_type(v));
+ }
+ // Non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (IntegralType op uintwide_t).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator+=(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator-=(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator*=(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator/=(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator%(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator%=(v); }
+ // Non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (uintwide_t op FloatingPointType).
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator+=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator-=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator*=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator/=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator%(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator%=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ // Non-member binary add, sub, mul, div, mod of (FloatingPointType op uintwide_t).
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator+(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator+=(v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator-(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator-=(v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator*(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator*=(v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator/(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator/=(v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator%(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator%=(v); }
+ #endif
+ // Non-member binary logic operations of (uintwide_t op IntegralType).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator|(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator|=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator^(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator^=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator&(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator&=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ // Non-member binary binary logic operations of (IntegralType op uintwide_t).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator|(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator|=(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator^(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator^=(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator&(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator&=(v); }
+ // Non-member shift functions of (uintwide_t shift IntegralType).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<<(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator<<=(n); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>>(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType n) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator>>=(n); }
+ // Non-member comparison functions of (uintwide_t cmp uintwide_t).
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool { return u.operator==(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool { return u.operator!=(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool { return u.operator> (v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool { return u.operator< (v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool { return u.operator>=(v); }
+ template<const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> bool { return u.operator<=(v); }
+ // Non-member comparison functions of (uintwide_t cmp IntegralType).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return u.operator==(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return u.operator!=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return u.operator> (uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return u.operator< (uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return u.operator>=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const IntegralType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return u.operator<=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(v)); }
+ // Non-member comparison functions of (IntegralType cmp uintwide_t).
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator==(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator!=(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator> (v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator< (v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator>=(v); }
+ template<typename IntegralType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const IntegralType& u, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegralType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(u).operator<=(v); }
+ // Non-member comparison functions of (uintwide_t cmp FloatingPointType).
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return u.operator==(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return u.operator!=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return u.operator> (uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return u.operator< (uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return u.operator>=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& u, const FloatingPointType& f) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return u.operator<=(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f)); }
+ // Non-member comparison functions of (FloatingPointType cmp uintwide_t).
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator==(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator==(v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator!=(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator!=(v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator> (const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator> (v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator< (const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator< (v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator>=(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator>=(v); }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType, const size_t Width2, typename LimbType, typename AllocatorType, const bool IsSigned> constexpr auto operator<=(const FloatingPointType& f, const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& v) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value, bool> { return uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>(f).operator<=(v); }
+ // I/O streaming functions.
+ template<typename char_type,
+ typename traits_type,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char_type, traits_type>& out,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> std::basic_ostream<char_type, traits_type>&
+ {
+ std::basic_ostringstream<char_type, traits_type> ostr;
+ const std::ios::fmtflags my_flags = out.flags();
+ const auto show_pos = ((my_flags & std::ios::showpos) == std::ios::showpos);
+ const auto show_base = ((my_flags & std::ios::showbase) == std::ios::showbase);
+ const auto is_uppercase = ((my_flags & std::ios::uppercase) == std::ios::uppercase);
+ auto base_rep = std::uint_fast8_t { };
+ if ((my_flags & std::ios::oct) == std::ios::oct) { base_rep = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C( 8)); }
+ else if((my_flags & std::ios::hex) == std::ios::hex) { base_rep = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(16)); }
+ else { base_rep = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(10)); }
+ const auto field_width = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(out.width());
+ const auto fill_char_out = static_cast<char>(out.fill());
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ if(base_rep == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(8)))
+ {
+ using string_storage_oct_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <local_wide_integer_type::my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_oct()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_oct(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type>>>;
+ // TBD: There is redundant storage of this kind both here
+ // in this subroutine as well as in the wr_string method.
+ string_storage_oct_type str_result; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ str_result.fill('\0');
+ x.wr_string(str_result.begin(), base_rep, show_base, show_pos, is_uppercase, field_width, fill_char_out);
+ static_cast<void>(ostr << str_result.data());
+ }
+ else if(base_rep == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(10)))
+ {
+ using string_storage_dec_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <local_wide_integer_type::my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type>>>;
+ // TBD: There is redundant storage of this kind both here
+ // in this subroutine as well as in the wr_string method.
+ string_storage_dec_type str_result;
+ str_result.fill('\0');
+ x.wr_string(str_result.begin(), base_rep, show_base, show_pos, is_uppercase, field_width, fill_char_out);
+ static_cast<void>(ostr << str_result.data());
+ }
+ else if(base_rep == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(16)))
+ {
+ using string_storage_hex_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <local_wide_integer_type::my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_hex()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_hex(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type>>>;
+ // TBD: There is redundant storage of this kind both here
+ // in this subroutine as well as in the wr_string method.
+ string_storage_hex_type str_result;
+ str_result.fill('\0');
+ x.wr_string(str_result.begin(), base_rep, show_base, show_pos, is_uppercase, field_width, fill_char_out);
+ static_cast<void>(ostr << str_result.data());
+ }
+ return (out << ostr.str());
+ }
+ template<typename char_type,
+ typename traits_type,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto operator>>(std::basic_istream<char_type, traits_type>& in,
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> std::basic_istream<char_type, traits_type>&
+ {
+ std::string str_in;
+ in >> str_in;
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ x = local_wide_integer_type(str_in.c_str());
+ return in;
+ }
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ } // namespace math::wide_integer
+ #else
+ } // namespace wide_integer
+ } // namespace math
+ #endif
+ // Implement various number-theoretical tools.
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ namespace math::wide_integer {
+ #else
+ namespace math { namespace wide_integer { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces)
+ #endif
+ namespace detail {
+ namespace my_own {
+ template<typename FloatingPointType> WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto frexp(FloatingPointType x, int* expptr) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value && std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::is_iec559 ), FloatingPointType>
+ {
+ using local_floating_point_type = FloatingPointType;
+ const auto x_is_neg = (x < static_cast<local_floating_point_type>(0.0L));
+ local_floating_point_type f = (x_is_neg ? -x : x); // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ auto e2 = static_cast<int>(INT8_C(0));
+ constexpr auto two_pow32 =
+ static_cast<long double>
+ (
+ static_cast<long double>(0x10000) * static_cast<long double>(0x10000)
+ );
+ while(f >= static_cast<local_floating_point_type>(two_pow32)) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ // TBD: Maybe optimize this exponent reduction
+ // with a more clever kind of binary searching.
+ f = static_cast<local_floating_point_type>(f / static_cast<local_floating_point_type>(two_pow32));
+ e2 += static_cast<int>(INT32_C(32));
+ }
+ constexpr auto one_ldbl = static_cast<long double>(1.0L);
+ while(f >= static_cast<local_floating_point_type>(one_ldbl)) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ constexpr auto two_ldbl = static_cast<long double>(2.0L);
+ f = static_cast<local_floating_point_type>(f / static_cast<local_floating_point_type>(two_ldbl));
+ ++e2;
+ }
+ if(expptr != nullptr)
+ {
+ *expptr = e2;
+ }
+ return ((!x_is_neg) ? f : -f);
+ }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType> WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto frexp(FloatingPointType x, int* expptr) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value && (!std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::is_iec559)), FloatingPointType>
+ {
+ using std::frexp;
+ return frexp(x, expptr);
+ }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType> WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto (isfinite)(FloatingPointType x) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value && std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::is_iec559 ), bool>
+ {
+ using local_floating_point_type = FloatingPointType;
+ auto x_is_finite = true;
+ const auto x_is_nan = (x != x);
+ if(x_is_nan)
+ {
+ x_is_finite = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto x_is_inf_pos = (x > (std::numeric_limits<local_floating_point_type>::max)());
+ const auto x_is_inf_neg = (x < std::numeric_limits<local_floating_point_type>::lowest());
+ if(x_is_inf_pos || x_is_inf_neg)
+ {
+ x_is_finite = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return x_is_finite;
+ }
+ template<typename FloatingPointType> WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto (isfinite)(FloatingPointType x) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_floating_point<FloatingPointType>::value && (!std::numeric_limits<FloatingPointType>::is_iec559)), bool>
+ {
+ using std::isfinite;
+ return (isfinite)(x);
+ }
+ } // namespace my_own
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lsb_helper(const UnsignedIntegralType& u) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ // Compile-time checks.
+ static_assert(( std::is_integral<UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned<UnsignedIntegralType>::value),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of UnsignedIntegralType");
+ auto result = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ using local_unsigned_integral_type = UnsignedIntegralType;
+ auto mask = static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(u); // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ // This assumes that at least one bit is set.
+ // Otherwise saturation of the index will occur.
+ // Naive and basic LSB search.
+ // TBD: This could be improved with a binary search
+ // on the lowest bit position of the fundamental type.
+ while(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(mask) & static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(1))) == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0))) // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise,altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ mask = static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(mask >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ ++result;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedIntegralType>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb_helper(const UnsignedIntegralType& u) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ // Compile-time checks.
+ static_assert(( std::is_integral<UnsignedIntegralType>::value
+ && std::is_unsigned<UnsignedIntegralType>::value),
+ "Error: Please check the characteristics of UnsignedIntegralType");
+ using local_unsigned_integral_type = UnsignedIntegralType;
+ auto i = signed_fast_type { };
+ // TBD: This could potentially be improved with a binary
+ // search for the highest bit position in the type.
+ for(i = static_cast<signed_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_unsigned_integral_type>::digits - 1); i >= static_cast<signed_fast_type>(INT8_C(0)); --i)
+ {
+ const auto bit_is_set =
+ (
+ static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>
+ (
+ u & static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(1U) << static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(i))
+ )
+ != static_cast<local_unsigned_integral_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ );
+ if(bit_is_set)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>((std::max)(static_cast<signed_fast_type>(INT8_C(0)), i));
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb_helper<std::uint32_t>(const std::uint32_t& u) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ auto r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto x = static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(u);
+ // Use O(log2[N]) binary-halving in an unrolled loop to find the msb.
+ if((x & UINT32_C(0xFFFF0000)) != UINT32_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(16))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C(16)); }
+ if((x & UINT32_C(0x0000FF00)) != UINT32_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C( 8))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C( 8)); }
+ if((x & UINT32_C(0x000000F0)) != UINT32_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C( 4))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C( 4)); }
+ if((x & UINT32_C(0x0000000C)) != UINT32_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C( 2))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C( 2)); }
+ if((x & UINT32_C(0x00000002)) != UINT32_C(0)) { r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C( 1)); }
+ return r;
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb_helper<std::uint16_t>(const std::uint16_t& u) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ auto r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto x = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(u);
+ // Use O(log2[N]) binary-halving in an unrolled loop to find the msb.
+ if(static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x) & UINT32_C(0xFF00)) != UINT16_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(8))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C(8)); }
+ if(static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x) & UINT32_C(0x00F0)) != UINT16_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(4))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C(4)); }
+ if(static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x) & UINT32_C(0x000C)) != UINT16_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(2))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C(2)); }
+ if(static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x) & UINT32_C(0x0002)) != UINT16_C(0)) { r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C(1)); }
+ return r;
+ }
+ template<>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb_helper<std::uint8_t>(const std::uint8_t& u) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ auto r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto x = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(u);
+ // Use O(log2[N]) binary-halving in an unrolled loop to find the msb.
+ if(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x) & UINT32_C(0xF0)) != UINT8_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(4))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C(4)); }
+ if(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x) & UINT32_C(0x0C)) != UINT8_C(0)) { x = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(x >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(2))); r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C(2)); }
+ if(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(x) & UINT32_C(0x02)) != UINT8_C(0)) { r = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(r | UINT32_C(1)); }
+ return r;
+ }
+ } // namespace detail
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto swap(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x,
+ uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& y) noexcept -> void
+ {
+ if(&x != &y)
+ {
+ std::swap(x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ inline WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lsb(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ // Calculate the position of the least-significant bit.
+ // Use a linear search starting from the least significant limbs.
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ using local_value_type = typename local_wide_integer_type::representation_type::value_type;
+ auto bpos = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto offset = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ for(auto it = x.crepresentation().cbegin(); it != x.crepresentation().cend(); ++it, ++offset) // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto,altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ const auto vi = static_cast<local_value_type>(*it & (std::numeric_limits<local_value_type>::max)());
+ if(vi != static_cast<local_value_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ bpos =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ detail::lsb_helper(*it)
+ + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_value_type>::digits) * offset
+ )
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return bpos;
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto msb(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> unsigned_fast_type
+ {
+ // Calculate the position of the most-significant bit.
+ // Use a linear search starting from the most significant limbs.
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ using local_value_type = typename local_wide_integer_type::representation_type::value_type;
+ auto bpos = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ auto offset = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(x.crepresentation().size() - 1U);
+ for(auto ri = x.crepresentation().crbegin(); ri != x.crepresentation().crend(); ++ri, --offset) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ const auto vr = static_cast<local_value_type>(*ri & (std::numeric_limits<local_value_type>::max)());
+ if(vr != static_cast<local_value_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ bpos =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ detail::msb_helper(*ri)
+ + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_value_type>::digits) * offset
+ )
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return bpos;
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto abs(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>
+ {
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ return ((!local_wide_integer_type::is_neg(x)) ? x : -x);
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto sqrt(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& m) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>
+ {
+ // Calculate the square root.
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ local_wide_integer_type s;
+ if(m.is_zero() || local_wide_integer_type::is_neg(m))
+ {
+ s = local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Obtain the initial guess via algorithms
+ // involving the position of the msb.
+ const auto msb_pos = msb(m);
+ // Obtain the initial value.
+ const auto left_shift_amount =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ ((static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_pos % static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(2))) == static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ ? static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(1U + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>((msb_pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0))) / 2U))
+ : static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(1U + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>((msb_pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1))) / 2U)))
+ );
+ local_wide_integer_type
+ u
+ (
+ local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(1U)) << left_shift_amount
+ );
+ // Perform the iteration for the square root.
+ // See Algorithm 1.13 SqrtInt, Sect. 1.5.1
+ // in R.P. Brent and Paul Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic",
+ // Cambridge University Press, 2011.
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)); i < static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(64)); ++i)
+ {
+ s = u;
+ u = (s + (m / s)) >> static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(1));
+ if(u >= s) { break; } // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto cbrt(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& m) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned> // NOLINT(misc-no-recursion)
+ {
+ // Calculate the cube root.
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ local_wide_integer_type s;
+ if(local_wide_integer_type::is_neg(m))
+ {
+ s = -cbrt(-m);
+ }
+ else if(m.is_zero())
+ {
+ s = local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Obtain the initial guess via algorithms
+ // involving the position of the msb.
+ const auto msb_pos = msb(m);
+ // Obtain the initial value.
+ const auto msb_pos_mod_3 = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_pos % static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(3)));
+ const auto left_shift_amount =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ (msb_pos_mod_3 == static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ ? static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)) + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0))) / 3U))
+ : static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)) + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(3)) - msb_pos_mod_3)) / 3U))
+ );
+ local_wide_integer_type u(local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(1U)) << left_shift_amount);
+ // Perform the iteration for the k'th root.
+ // See Algorithm 1.14 RootInt, Sect. 1.5.2
+ // in R.P. Brent and Paul Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic",
+ // Cambridge University Press, 2011.
+ const auto three_minus_one = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned>(3U - 1U));
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)); i < static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(64)); ++i)
+ {
+ s = u;
+ local_wide_integer_type m_over_s_pow_3_minus_one = m;
+ for(auto j = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ j < static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned>(3U - 1U));
+ ++j)
+ {
+ // Use a loop here to divide by s^(3 - 1) because
+ // without a loop, s^(3 - 1) is likely to overflow.
+ m_over_s_pow_3_minus_one /= s;
+ }
+ u = ((s * three_minus_one) + m_over_s_pow_3_minus_one) / static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(3));
+ if(u >= s) { break; }
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto rootk(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& m, std::uint_fast8_t k) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>
+ {
+ // Calculate the k'th root.
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ local_wide_integer_type s;
+ if(k < static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(2)))
+ {
+ s = m;
+ }
+ else if(k == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(2)))
+ {
+ s = sqrt(m);
+ }
+ else if(k == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(3)))
+ {
+ s = cbrt(m);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(m.is_zero() || local_wide_integer_type::is_neg(m))
+ {
+ s = local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Obtain the initial guess via algorithms
+ // involving the position of the msb.
+ const unsigned_fast_type msb_pos = msb(m);
+ // Obtain the initial value.
+ const unsigned_fast_type msb_pos_mod_k = msb_pos % k;
+ const auto left_shift_amount =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ ((msb_pos_mod_k == static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ ? static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)) + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0))) / k)
+ : static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)) + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_pos + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(k - msb_pos_mod_k)) / k))
+ );
+ local_wide_integer_type u(local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(1U)) << left_shift_amount);
+ // Perform the iteration for the k'th root.
+ // See Algorithm 1.14 RootInt, Sect. 1.5.2
+ // in R.P. Brent and Paul Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic",
+ // Cambridge University Press, 2011.
+ const auto k_minus_one = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(k - 1U);
+ for(auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ i < static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(64));
+ ++i)
+ {
+ s = u;
+ local_wide_integer_type m_over_s_pow_k_minus_one = m;
+ for(auto j = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)); j < k_minus_one; ++j) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ // Use a loop here to divide by s^(k - 1) because
+ // without a loop, s^(k - 1) is likely to overflow.
+ m_over_s_pow_k_minus_one /= s;
+ }
+ u = ((s * k_minus_one) + m_over_s_pow_k_minus_one) / k;
+ if(u >= s) { break; } // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ template<typename OtherIntegralTypeP,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto pow(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& b, const OtherIntegralTypeP& p) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>
+ {
+ // Calculate (b ^ p).
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ using local_limb_type = typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type;
+ local_wide_integer_type result;
+ auto p0 = static_cast<local_limb_type>(p);
+ if((p0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))) && (p == static_cast<OtherIntegralTypeP>(0)))
+ {
+ result = local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ }
+ else if((p0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))) && (p == static_cast<OtherIntegralTypeP>(1)))
+ {
+ result = b;
+ }
+ else if((p0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(2))) && (p == static_cast<OtherIntegralTypeP>(2)))
+ {
+ result = b;
+ result *= b;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ local_wide_integer_type y (b);
+ local_wide_integer_type p_local(p);
+ while(((p0 = static_cast<local_limb_type>(p_local)) != static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))) || (p_local != static_cast<local_wide_integer_type>(UINT8_C(0)))) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ if(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(p0 & static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))) != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ result *= y;
+ }
+ y *= y;
+ p_local >>= 1U;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<typename OtherIntegralTypeP,
+ typename OtherIntegralTypeM,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto powm(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& b,
+ const OtherIntegralTypeP& p,
+ const OtherIntegralTypeM& m) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>
+ {
+ // Calculate (b ^ p) % m.
+ using local_normal_width_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ using local_double_width_type = typename local_normal_width_type::double_width_type;
+ using local_limb_type = typename local_normal_width_type::limb_type;
+ local_normal_width_type result;
+ local_double_width_type y (b);
+ const local_double_width_type m_local(m);
+ auto p0 = static_cast<local_limb_type>(p); // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ if((p0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))) && (p == static_cast<OtherIntegralTypeP>(0)))
+ {
+ result = local_normal_width_type((m != static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(1))) ? static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)) : static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else if((p0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))) && (p == static_cast<OtherIntegralTypeP>(1)))
+ {
+ result = b % m;
+ }
+ else if((p0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(2))) && (p == static_cast<OtherIntegralTypeP>(2)))
+ {
+ y *= y;
+ y %= m_local;
+ result = local_normal_width_type(y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ using local_other_integral_p_type = OtherIntegralTypeP;
+ local_double_width_type x (static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ local_other_integral_p_type p_local(p);
+ while(((p0 = static_cast<local_limb_type>(p_local)) != static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0))) || (p_local != static_cast<local_other_integral_p_type>(0))) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ if(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(p0 & static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))) != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ x *= y;
+ x %= m_local;
+ }
+ y *= y;
+ y %= m_local;
+ p_local >>= 1U; // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise) // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ result = local_normal_width_type(x);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ namespace detail {
+ template<typename UnsignedShortType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto integer_gcd_reduce_short(UnsignedShortType u, UnsignedShortType v) -> UnsignedShortType
+ {
+ // This implementation of GCD reduction is based on an
+ // adaptation of existing code from Boost.Multiprecision.
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(u > v)
+ {
+ std::swap(u, v);
+ }
+ if(u == v)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ v -= u;
+ v >>= detail::lsb_helper(v);
+ }
+ return u;
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedLargeType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto integer_gcd_reduce_large(UnsignedLargeType u, UnsignedLargeType v) -> UnsignedLargeType
+ {
+ // This implementation of GCD reduction is based on an
+ // adaptation of existing code from Boost.Multiprecision.
+ using local_ularge_type = UnsignedLargeType;
+ using local_ushort_type = typename detail::uint_type_helper<static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_ularge_type>::digits / 2)>::exact_unsigned_type;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(u > v)
+ {
+ std::swap(u, v);
+ }
+ if(u == v)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(v <= static_cast<local_ularge_type>((std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::max)()))
+ {
+ u = integer_gcd_reduce_short(static_cast<local_ushort_type>(v),
+ static_cast<local_ushort_type>(u));
+ break;
+ }
+ v -= u;
+ while(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(v) & static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(1))) == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(0))) // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise,altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ v >>= static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(1));
+ }
+ }
+ return u;
+ }
+ } // namespace detail
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto gcd(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& a, // NOLINT(readability-function-cognitive-complexity,bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters)
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& b) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>
+ {
+ // This implementation of GCD is an adaptation
+ // of existing code from Boost.Multiprecision.
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ using local_ushort_type = typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type;
+ using local_ularge_type = typename local_wide_integer_type::double_limb_type;
+ const auto u_is_neg = local_wide_integer_type::is_neg(a);
+ const auto v_is_neg = local_wide_integer_type::is_neg(b);
+ local_wide_integer_type u((!u_is_neg) ? a : -a);
+ local_wide_integer_type v((!v_is_neg) ? b : -b);
+ local_wide_integer_type result;
+ using local_size_type = typename local_wide_integer_type::representation_type::size_type;
+ if(u == v)
+ {
+ // This handles cases having (u = v) and also (u = v = 0).
+ result = u; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ if((static_cast<local_ushort_type>(v) == static_cast<local_ushort_type>(UINT8_C(0))) && (v == 0U))
+ {
+ // This handles cases having (v = 0) with (u != 0).
+ result = u; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ if((static_cast<local_ushort_type>(u) == static_cast<local_ushort_type>(UINT8_C(0))) && (u == 0U))
+ {
+ // This handles cases having (u = 0) with (v != 0).
+ result = v;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Now we handle cases having (u != 0) and (v != 0).
+ // Let shift := lg K, where K is the greatest
+ // power of 2 dividing both u and v.
+ const unsigned_fast_type u_shift = lsb(u);
+ const unsigned_fast_type v_shift = lsb(v);
+ const unsigned_fast_type left_shift_amount = (std::min)(u_shift, v_shift);
+ u >>= u_shift;
+ v >>= v_shift;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ // Now u and v are both odd, so diff(u, v) is even.
+ // Let u = min(u, v), v = diff(u, v) / 2.
+ if(u > v)
+ {
+ swap(u, v);
+ }
+ if(u == v)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(v <= (std::numeric_limits<local_ularge_type>::max)())
+ {
+ if(v <= (std::numeric_limits<local_ushort_type>::max)())
+ {
+ const auto vs = *v.crepresentation().cbegin();
+ const auto us = *u.crepresentation().cbegin();
+ u = detail::integer_gcd_reduce_short(vs, us);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto my_v_hi =
+ static_cast<local_ushort_type>
+ (
+ (v.crepresentation().size() >= static_cast<typename local_wide_integer_type::representation_type::size_type>(2U))
+ ? static_cast<local_ushort_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(v.crepresentation().cbegin(), static_cast<local_size_type>(UINT8_C(1))))
+ : static_cast<local_ushort_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ );
+ const auto my_u_hi =
+ static_cast<local_ushort_type>
+ (
+ (u.crepresentation().size() >= static_cast<typename local_wide_integer_type::representation_type::size_type>(2U))
+ ? static_cast<local_ushort_type>(*detail::advance_and_point(u.crepresentation().cbegin(), static_cast<local_size_type>(UINT8_C(1))))
+ : static_cast<local_ushort_type>(UINT8_C(0))
+ );
+ const local_ularge_type v_large = detail::make_large(*v.crepresentation().cbegin(), my_v_hi);
+ const local_ularge_type u_large = detail::make_large(*u.crepresentation().cbegin(), my_u_hi);
+ u = detail::integer_gcd_reduce_large(v_large, u_large);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ v -= u;
+ v >>= lsb(v);
+ }
+ result = (u << left_shift_amount);
+ }
+ return ((u_is_neg == v_is_neg) ? result : -result);
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedShortType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto gcd(const UnsignedShortType& u, const UnsignedShortType& v) -> std::enable_if_t<( (std::is_integral<UnsignedShortType>::value)
+ && (std::is_unsigned<UnsignedShortType>::value)), UnsignedShortType>
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_short_type = UnsignedShortType;
+ auto result = local_unsigned_short_type { };
+ if(u > v)
+ {
+ result = gcd(v, u);
+ }
+ if(u == v)
+ {
+ // This handles cases having (u = v) and also (u = v = 0).
+ result = u;
+ }
+ if(v == static_cast<local_unsigned_short_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ // This handles cases having (v = 0) with (u != 0).
+ result = u;
+ }
+ if(u == static_cast<local_unsigned_short_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ // This handles cases having (u = 0) with (v != 0).
+ result = v;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = detail::integer_gcd_reduce_short(u, v);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ namespace detail {
+ template<typename IntegerType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lcm_impl(const IntegerType& a, const IntegerType& b) -> IntegerType
+ {
+ using local_integer_type = IntegerType;
+ using std::abs;
+ const local_integer_type ap = abs(a);
+ const local_integer_type bp = abs(b);
+ const auto a_is_greater_than_b = (ap > bp);
+ const auto gcd_of_ab = gcd(a, b);
+ return (a_is_greater_than_b ? ap * (bp / gcd_of_ab)
+ : bp * (ap / gcd_of_ab));
+ }
+ } // namespace detail
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lcm(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& a,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& b) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>
+ {
+ return detail::lcm_impl(a, b);
+ }
+ template<typename UnsignedShortType>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto lcm(const UnsignedShortType& a, const UnsignedShortType& b) -> std::enable_if_t<( (std::is_integral<UnsignedShortType>::value)
+ && (std::is_unsigned<UnsignedShortType>::value)), UnsignedShortType>
+ {
+ return detail::lcm_impl(a, b);
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSignedLeft,
+ const bool IsSignedRight,
+ std::enable_if_t<((!IsSignedLeft) && (!IsSignedRight))> const*>
+ auto divmod(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft >& a,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>& b) -> std::pair<uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft>, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>>
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_wide_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>;
+ local_unsigned_wide_type ua(a);
+ const local_unsigned_wide_type ub(b);
+ local_unsigned_wide_type ur { };
+ ua.eval_divide_knuth(ub, &ur);
+ using divmod_result_pair_type = std::pair<local_unsigned_wide_type, local_unsigned_wide_type>;
+ return divmod_result_pair_type { ua, ur };
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSignedLeft,
+ const bool IsSignedRight,
+ std::enable_if_t<(IsSignedLeft || IsSignedRight)> const*>
+ auto divmod(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft >& a,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>& b) -> std::pair<uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft>, uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>>
+ {
+ using local_unsigned_wide_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>;
+ using local_unknown_signedness_left_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedLeft>;
+ using local_unknown_signedness_right_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSignedRight>;
+ const auto numer_was_neg = local_unknown_signedness_left_type::is_neg(a);
+ const auto denom_was_neg = local_unknown_signedness_right_type::is_neg(b);
+ local_unsigned_wide_type ua((!numer_was_neg) ? a : -a);
+ const local_unsigned_wide_type ub((!denom_was_neg) ? b : -b);
+ local_unsigned_wide_type ur { };
+ ua.eval_divide_knuth(ub, &ur);
+ using divmod_result_pair_type =
+ std::pair<local_unknown_signedness_left_type, local_unknown_signedness_right_type>;
+ auto result =
+ divmod_result_pair_type
+ {
+ local_unknown_signedness_left_type { },
+ local_unknown_signedness_right_type { }
+ };
+ if(numer_was_neg == denom_was_neg)
+ {
+ result.first = local_unknown_signedness_left_type(ua);
+ result.second = (!numer_was_neg) ? local_unknown_signedness_right_type(ur) : -local_unknown_signedness_right_type(ur);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto division_is_exact = (ur == 0);
+ if(!division_is_exact) { ++ua; }
+ result.first = local_unknown_signedness_left_type(ua);
+ result.first.negate();
+ if(!division_is_exact) { ur -= ub; }
+ result.second = local_unknown_signedness_right_type(ur);
+ if(!denom_was_neg) { result.second.negate(); }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ class uniform_int_distribution
+ {
+ public:
+ using result_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ struct param_type
+ {
+ public:
+ param_type
+ (
+ const result_type& p_a = (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::min)(), // NOLINT(modernize-pass-by-value)
+ const result_type& p_b = (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max)() // NOLINT(modernize-pass-by-value)
+ ) : param_a(p_a),
+ param_b(p_b) { }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR param_type(const param_type& other) : param_a(other.param_a),
+ param_b(other.param_b) { }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR param_type(param_type&& other) noexcept
+ : param_a(static_cast<result_type&&>(other.param_a)),
+ param_b(static_cast<result_type&&>(other.param_b)) { }
+ ~param_type() = default;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(const param_type& other) -> param_type& // NOLINT(cert-oop54-cpp)
+ {
+ if(this != &other)
+ {
+ param_a = other.param_a;
+ param_b = other.param_b;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(param_type&& other) noexcept -> param_type&
+ {
+ param_a = other.param_a;
+ param_b = other.param_b;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD constexpr auto get_a() const -> result_type { return param_a; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD constexpr auto get_b() const -> result_type { return param_b; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto set_a(const result_type& p_a) -> void { param_a = p_a; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto set_b(const result_type& p_b) -> void { param_b = p_b; }
+ private:
+ result_type param_a; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
+ result_type param_b; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
+ friend inline constexpr auto operator==(const param_type& lhs,
+ const param_type& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ return ( (lhs.param_a == rhs.param_a)
+ && (lhs.param_b == rhs.param_b));
+ }
+ friend inline constexpr auto operator!=(const param_type& lhs,
+ const param_type& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ return ( (lhs.param_a != rhs.param_a)
+ || (lhs.param_b != rhs.param_b));
+ }
+ };
+ uniform_int_distribution
+ (
+ const result_type& p_a = (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::min)(),
+ const result_type& p_b = (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max)()
+ ) : my_params(p_a, p_b) { }
+ explicit WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uniform_int_distribution(const param_type& other_params)
+ : my_params(other_params) { }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uniform_int_distribution(const uniform_int_distribution& other_distribution) = delete;
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR uniform_int_distribution(uniform_int_distribution&& other) noexcept : my_params(other.my_params) { }
+ ~uniform_int_distribution() = default;
+ auto WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR operator=(const uniform_int_distribution& other) -> uniform_int_distribution& // NOLINT(cert-oop54-cpp)
+ {
+ if(this != &other)
+ {
+ my_params = other.my_params;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ auto WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR operator=(uniform_int_distribution&& other) noexcept -> uniform_int_distribution&
+ {
+ my_params = other.my_params;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ auto WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR param(const param_type& new_params) -> void
+ {
+ my_params = new_params;
+ }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD auto param() const -> const param_type& { return my_params; }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD auto a() const -> result_type { return my_params.get_a(); }
+ WIDE_INTEGER_NODISCARD auto b() const -> result_type { return my_params.get_b(); }
+ template<typename GeneratorType,
+ const int GeneratorResultBits = std::numeric_limits<typename GeneratorType::result_type>::digits>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator()(GeneratorType& generator) -> result_type
+ {
+ return
+ generate<GeneratorType, GeneratorResultBits>
+ (
+ generator,
+ my_params
+ );
+ }
+ template<typename GeneratorType,
+ const int GeneratorResultBits = std::numeric_limits<typename GeneratorType::result_type>::digits>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto operator()( GeneratorType& input_generator,
+ const param_type& input_params) -> result_type
+ {
+ return
+ generate<GeneratorType, GeneratorResultBits>
+ (
+ input_generator,
+ input_params
+ );
+ }
+ private:
+ param_type my_params; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
+ template<typename GeneratorType,
+ const int GeneratorResultBits = std::numeric_limits<typename GeneratorType::result_type>::digits>
+ WIDE_INTEGER_CONSTEXPR auto generate( GeneratorType& input_generator,
+ const param_type& input_params) const -> result_type
+ {
+ // Generate random numbers r, where a <= r <= b.
+ auto result = static_cast<result_type>(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ using local_limb_type = typename result_type::limb_type;
+ using generator_result_type = typename GeneratorType::result_type;
+ constexpr auto digits_generator_result_type = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(GeneratorResultBits);
+ static_assert(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(digits_generator_result_type % static_cast<std::uint32_t>(UINT8_C(8))) == static_cast<std::uint32_t>(UINT32_C(0)),
+ "Error: Generator result type must have a multiple of 8 bits.");
+ constexpr auto digits_limb_ratio =
+ static_cast<std::uint32_t>(std::numeric_limits<local_limb_type>::digits / static_cast<int>(INT8_C(8)));
+ constexpr auto digits_gtor_ratio = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(digits_generator_result_type / static_cast<std::uint32_t>(UINT8_C(8)));
+ generator_result_type value = generator_result_type();
+ auto it = result.representation().begin(); // NOLINT(llvm-qualified-auto,readability-qualified-auto)
+ auto j = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ while(it != result.representation().end()) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ if(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(j % static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(digits_gtor_ratio)) == static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ value = input_generator();
+ }
+ const auto next_byte =
+ static_cast<std::uint8_t>
+ (
+ value
+ >> static_cast<unsigned>
+ (
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(j % digits_gtor_ratio)
+ * static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(8))
+ )
+ );
+ *it =
+ static_cast<typename result_type::limb_type>
+ (
+ *it | static_cast<local_limb_type>(static_cast<local_limb_type>(next_byte) << static_cast<unsigned>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(j % digits_limb_ratio) * static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(8))))
+ );
+ ++j;
+ if(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(j % digits_limb_ratio) == static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ if( (input_params.get_a() != (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::min)())
+ || (input_params.get_b() != (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max)()))
+ {
+ // Note that this restricts the range r to:
+ // r = {[input_generator() % ((b - a) + 1)] + a}
+ result_type range(input_params.get_b() - input_params.get_a());
+ ++range;
+ result %= range;
+ result += input_params.get_a();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto operator==(const uniform_int_distribution<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& lhs,
+ const uniform_int_distribution<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ return (lhs.param() == rhs.param());
+ }
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ constexpr auto operator!=(const uniform_int_distribution<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& lhs,
+ const uniform_int_distribution<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& rhs) -> bool
+ {
+ return (lhs.param() != rhs.param());
+ }
+ template<typename DistributionType,
+ typename GeneratorType,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto miller_rabin(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& n, // NOLINT(readability-function-cognitive-complexity)
+ const unsigned_fast_type number_of_trials,
+ DistributionType& distribution,
+ GeneratorType& generator) -> bool
+ {
+ // This Miller-Rabin primality test is loosely based on
+ // an adaptation of some code from Boost.Multiprecision.
+ // The Boost.Multiprecision code can be found here:
+ // https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_76_0/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/tut/primetest.html
+ // Note: Some comments in this subroutine use the Wolfram Language(TM).
+ // These can be exercised at the web links to WolframAlpha(R) provided
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ using local_limb_type = typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type;
+ const local_wide_integer_type np((!local_wide_integer_type::is_neg(n)) ? n : -n);
+ {
+ const auto n0 = static_cast<local_limb_type>(np);
+ const auto n_is_even =
+ (static_cast<local_limb_type>(n0 & static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))) == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ if(n_is_even)
+ {
+ // The prime candidate is not prime because n is even.
+ // Also handle the trivial special case of (n = 2).
+ const auto n_is_two =
+ ((n0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(2))) && (np == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(2))));
+ return n_is_two;
+ }
+ if((n0 <= static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(227))) && (np <= static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(227))))
+ {
+ // This handles the trivial special case of the (non-primality) of 1.
+ const auto n_is_one =
+ ((n0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))) && (np == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))));
+ if(n_is_one)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Exclude pure small primes from 3...227.
+ // Table[Prime[i], {i, 2, 49}] =
+ // {
+ // 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23,
+ // 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59,
+ // 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97,
+ // 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137,
+ // 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179,
+ // 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227
+ // }
+ // See also:
+ // https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Table%5BPrime%5Bi%5D%2C+%7Bi%2C+2%2C+49%7D%5D
+ constexpr std::array<local_limb_type, 48U> small_primes =
+ {{
+ UINT8_C( 3), UINT8_C( 5), UINT8_C( 7), UINT8_C( 11), UINT8_C( 13), UINT8_C( 17), UINT8_C( 19), UINT8_C( 23),
+ UINT8_C( 29), UINT8_C( 31), UINT8_C( 37), UINT8_C( 41), UINT8_C( 43), UINT8_C( 47), UINT8_C( 53), UINT8_C( 59),
+ UINT8_C( 61), UINT8_C( 67), UINT8_C( 71), UINT8_C( 73), UINT8_C( 79), UINT8_C( 83), UINT8_C( 89), UINT8_C( 97),
+ UINT8_C(101), UINT8_C(103), UINT8_C(107), UINT8_C(109), UINT8_C(113), UINT8_C(127), UINT8_C(131), UINT8_C(137),
+ UINT8_C(139), UINT8_C(149), UINT8_C(151), UINT8_C(157), UINT8_C(163), UINT8_C(167), UINT8_C(173), UINT8_C(179),
+ UINT8_C(181), UINT8_C(191), UINT8_C(193), UINT8_C(197), UINT8_C(199), UINT8_C(211), UINT8_C(223), UINT8_C(227)
+ }};
+ return std::binary_search(small_primes.cbegin(),
+ small_primes.cend(),
+ n0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check small factors.
+ // Exclude small prime factors from { 3 ... 53 }.
+ // Product[Prime[i], {i, 2, 16}] = 16294579238595022365
+ // See also: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Product%5BPrime%5Bi%5D%2C+%7Bi%2C+2%2C+16%7D%5D
+ {
+ constexpr std::uint64_t pp0 = UINT64_C(16294579238595022365);
+ const auto m0 = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(np % pp0);
+ if(detail::integer_gcd_reduce_large(m0, pp0) != static_cast<std::uint64_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Exclude small prime factors from { 59 ... 101 }.
+ // Product[Prime[i], {i, 17, 26}] = 7145393598349078859
+ // See also: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Product%5BPrime%5Bi%5D%2C+%7Bi%2C+17%2C+26%7D%5D
+ {
+ constexpr std::uint64_t pp1 = UINT64_C(7145393598349078859);
+ const auto m1 = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(np % pp1);
+ if(detail::integer_gcd_reduce_large(m1, pp1) != static_cast<std::uint64_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Exclude small prime factors from { 103 ... 149 }.
+ // Product[Prime[i], {i, 27, 35}] = 6408001374760705163
+ // See also: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Product%5BPrime%5Bi%5D%2C+%7Bi%2C+27%2C+35%7D%5D
+ {
+ constexpr std::uint64_t pp2 = UINT64_C(6408001374760705163);
+ const auto m2 = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(np % pp2);
+ if(detail::integer_gcd_reduce_large(m2, pp2) != static_cast<std::uint64_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Exclude small prime factors from { 151 ... 191 }.
+ // Product[Prime[i], {i, 36, 43}] = 690862709424854779
+ // See also: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Product%5BPrime%5Bi%5D%2C+%7Bi%2C+36%2C+43%7D%5D
+ {
+ constexpr std::uint64_t pp3 = UINT64_C(690862709424854779);
+ const auto m3 = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(np % pp3);
+ if(detail::integer_gcd_reduce_large(m3, pp3) != static_cast<std::uint64_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Exclude small prime factors from { 193 ... 227 }.
+ // Product[Prime[i], {i, 44, 49}] = 80814592450549
+ // See also: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Product%5BPrime%5Bi%5D%2C+%7Bi%2C+44%2C+49%7D%5D
+ {
+ constexpr std::uint64_t pp4 = UINT64_C(80814592450549);
+ const auto m4 = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(np % pp4);
+ if(detail::integer_gcd_reduce_large(m4, pp4) != static_cast<std::uint64_t>(UINT8_C(1)))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ const local_wide_integer_type nm1(np - 1U);
+ // Since we have already excluded all small factors
+ // up to and including 227, n is greater than 227.
+ {
+ // Perform a single Fermat test which will
+ // exclude many non-prime candidates.
+ const local_wide_integer_type fn = powm(local_wide_integer_type(static_cast<local_limb_type>(228U)), nm1, np);
+ const auto fn0 = static_cast<local_limb_type>(fn);
+ if((fn0 != static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))) && (fn != 1U))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ const unsigned_fast_type k = lsb(nm1);
+ const local_wide_integer_type q = nm1 >> k;
+ using local_param_type = typename DistributionType::param_type;
+ const local_param_type params(local_wide_integer_type(2U), np - 2U);
+ auto is_probably_prime = true;
+ auto i = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ local_wide_integer_type x;
+ local_wide_integer_type y;
+ // Execute the random trials.
+ do
+ {
+ x = distribution(generator, params);
+ y = powm(x, q, np);
+ auto j = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0));
+ while(y != nm1) // NOLINT(altera-id-dependent-backward-branch)
+ {
+ const local_limb_type y0(y);
+ if((y0 == static_cast<local_limb_type>(UINT8_C(1))) && (y == 1U))
+ {
+ if(j != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ is_probably_prime = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++j;
+ if(j == k)
+ {
+ is_probably_prime = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ y = powm(y, 2U, np);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ while((i < number_of_trials) && is_probably_prime);
+ // The prime candidate is probably prime in the sense
+ // of the very high probability resulting from Miller-Rabin.
+ return is_probably_prime;
+ }
+ #if defined(__cpp_lib_to_chars)
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto to_chars(char* first,
+ char* last,
+ const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x,
+ int base) -> std::to_chars_result
+ {
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ const auto base_rep = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(base);
+ const auto show_base = false;
+ const auto show_pos = false;
+ const auto is_uppercase = false;
+ std::to_chars_result result { last, std::errc::value_too_large };
+ if(base_rep == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(8)))
+ {
+ using string_storage_oct_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <local_wide_integer_type::my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_oct()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_oct(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type>>>;
+ using local_size_type = typename string_storage_oct_type::size_type;
+ string_storage_oct_type str_temp { };
+ str_temp.fill(local_wide_integer_type::my_fill_char());
+ const auto wr_string_is_ok = x.wr_string(str_temp.begin(), base_rep, show_base, show_pos, is_uppercase);
+ auto rit_trim = std::find_if(str_temp.crbegin(),
+ str_temp.crend(),
+ local_wide_integer_type::is_not_fill_char);
+ const auto wr_string_and_trim_is_ok =
+ (
+ (rit_trim != str_temp.crend()) && wr_string_is_ok
+ );
+ if(wr_string_and_trim_is_ok)
+ {
+ const auto chars_retrieved =
+ static_cast<local_size_type>
+ (
+ str_temp.size() - static_cast<local_size_type>(std::distance(str_temp.crbegin(), rit_trim))
+ );
+ const auto chars_to_get = static_cast<local_size_type>(std::distance(first, last));
+ result.ptr = detail::copy_unsafe(str_temp.cbegin(),
+ str_temp.cbegin() + (std::min)(chars_retrieved, chars_to_get),
+ first);
+ result.ec = std::errc();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(base_rep == static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(16)))
+ {
+ using string_storage_hex_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <local_wide_integer_type::my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_hex()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_hex(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type>>>;
+ using local_size_type = typename string_storage_hex_type::size_type;
+ string_storage_hex_type str_temp { };
+ str_temp.fill(local_wide_integer_type::my_fill_char());
+ const auto wr_string_is_ok = x.wr_string(str_temp.begin(), base_rep, show_base, show_pos, is_uppercase);
+ auto rit_trim = std::find_if(str_temp.crbegin(),
+ str_temp.crend(),
+ local_wide_integer_type::is_not_fill_char);
+ const auto wr_string_and_trim_is_ok =
+ (
+ (rit_trim != str_temp.crend()) && wr_string_is_ok
+ );
+ if(wr_string_and_trim_is_ok)
+ {
+ const auto chars_retrieved =
+ static_cast<local_size_type>
+ (
+ str_temp.size() - static_cast<local_size_type>(std::distance(str_temp.crbegin(), rit_trim))
+ );
+ const auto chars_to_get = static_cast<local_size_type>(std::distance(first, last));
+ result.ptr = detail::copy_unsafe(str_temp.cbegin(),
+ str_temp.cbegin() + (std::min)(chars_retrieved, chars_to_get),
+ first);
+ result.ec = std::errc();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ using string_storage_dec_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <local_wide_integer_type::my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type>>>;
+ using local_size_type = typename string_storage_dec_type::size_type;
+ string_storage_dec_type str_temp { };
+ str_temp.fill(local_wide_integer_type::my_fill_char());
+ const auto wr_string_is_ok = x.wr_string(str_temp.begin(), base_rep, show_base, show_pos, is_uppercase);
+ auto rit_trim = std::find_if(str_temp.crbegin(),
+ str_temp.crend(),
+ local_wide_integer_type::is_not_fill_char);
+ const auto wr_string_and_trim_is_ok =
+ (
+ (rit_trim != str_temp.crend()) && wr_string_is_ok
+ );
+ if(wr_string_and_trim_is_ok)
+ {
+ const auto chars_retrieved =
+ static_cast<local_size_type>
+ (
+ str_temp.size() - static_cast<local_size_type>(std::distance(str_temp.crbegin(), rit_trim))
+ );
+ const auto chars_to_get = static_cast<local_size_type>(std::distance(first, last));
+ result.ptr = detail::copy_unsafe(str_temp.cbegin(),
+ str_temp.cbegin() + (std::min)(chars_retrieved, chars_to_get),
+ first);
+ result.ec = std::errc();
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ #endif
+ template<const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned>
+ auto to_string(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& x) -> std::string
+ {
+ using local_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>;
+ using string_storage_dec_type =
+ std::conditional_t
+ <local_wide_integer_type::my_width2 <= static_cast<size_t>(UINT32_C(2048)),
+ detail::fixed_static_array <char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec()>,
+ detail::fixed_dynamic_array<char,
+ local_wide_integer_type::wr_string_max_buffer_size_dec(),
+ typename std::allocator_traits<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<AllocatorType, void>::value,
+ std::allocator<void>,
+ AllocatorType>>::template rebind_alloc<typename local_wide_integer_type::limb_type>>>;
+ using local_size_type = typename string_storage_dec_type::size_type;
+ string_storage_dec_type str_temp; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ str_temp.fill(local_wide_integer_type::my_fill_char());
+ const auto base_rep = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(UINT8_C(10));
+ const auto show_base = false;
+ const auto show_pos = false;
+ const auto is_uppercase = false;
+ const auto wr_string_is_ok = x.wr_string(str_temp.begin(), base_rep, show_base, show_pos, is_uppercase);
+ auto rit_trim = std::find_if(str_temp.crbegin(),
+ str_temp.crend(),
+ local_wide_integer_type::is_not_fill_char);
+ const auto wr_string_and_trim_is_ok =
+ (
+ (rit_trim != str_temp.crend()) && wr_string_is_ok
+ );
+ std::string str_result { };
+ if(wr_string_and_trim_is_ok)
+ {
+ const auto str_result_size =
+ static_cast<local_size_type>
+ (
+ str_temp.size()
+ - static_cast<local_size_type>(std::distance(str_temp.crbegin(), rit_trim))
+ );
+ detail::fill_unsafe(str_temp.begin() + str_result_size, str_temp.end(), '\0');
+ str_result = std::string(str_temp.data());
+ }
+ return str_result;
+ }
+ #endif
+ template<typename ForwardIterator,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ std::enable_if_t<std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits> const*>
+ auto import_bits(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>& val,
+ ForwardIterator first,
+ ForwardIterator last,
+ unsigned chunk_size,
+ bool msv_first) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>&
+ {
+ // This subroutine implements limb-by-limb import of bit-chunks.
+ // This template specialization is intended for full chunk sizes,
+ // whereby the width of the chunk's value type equals the limb's width.
+ // If, however, the chunk_size to import is not "full", then this
+ // subroutine uses slow bit-by-bit methods.
+ // The order of bit-chunks imported is set by msv_first.
+ using local_unsigned_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>;
+ using local_result_iterator_type = typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::reverse_iterator;
+ using local_result_value_type = typename local_result_iterator_type::value_type;
+ using local_input_iterator_type = ForwardIterator;
+ using local_input_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<local_input_iterator_type>::value_type;
+ static_assert(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits,
+ "Error: Mismatch for input element width and result uintwide_t limb width");
+ if(chunk_size == static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ chunk_size = static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits);
+ }
+ chunk_size = (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits), chunk_size);
+ const auto chunk_is_whole =
+ (chunk_size == static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits));
+ const auto input_distance = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(first, last));
+ if(chunk_is_whole)
+ {
+ const auto copy_len =
+ (std::min)(static_cast<std::size_t>(val.crepresentation().size()), input_distance);
+ if(msv_first)
+ {
+ detail::copy_unsafe(first,
+ detail::advance_and_point(first, copy_len),
+ local_result_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(val.representation().begin(), copy_len)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ using local_input_reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<local_input_iterator_type>;
+ using local_difference_type = typename local_result_iterator_type::difference_type;
+ detail::copy_unsafe(local_input_reverse_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(first, static_cast<local_difference_type>(input_distance))),
+ local_input_reverse_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(first, static_cast<local_difference_type>(static_cast<local_difference_type>(input_distance) - static_cast<local_difference_type>(copy_len)))),
+ local_result_iterator_type (detail::advance_and_point(val.representation().begin(), copy_len)));
+ }
+ detail::fill_unsafe(detail::advance_and_point(val.representation().begin(), copy_len),
+ val.representation().end(),
+ static_cast<local_result_value_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val = 0;
+ const auto chunk_size_in = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(chunk_size);
+ const auto chunk_size_out = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits);
+ const auto total_bits_input =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(chunk_size_in) * input_distance
+ );
+ const auto total_bits_to_use =
+ (std::min)
+ (
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(total_bits_input),
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_unsigned_wide_integer_type>::digits)
+ );
+ const auto result_distance =
+ static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::size_t>(total_bits_to_use) / chunk_size_out)
+ + static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ (static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<std::size_t>(total_bits_to_use) % chunk_size_out) != static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ ? static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ );
+ auto it_result = local_result_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(val.representation().begin(), result_distance));
+ if(msv_first)
+ {
+ detail::import_export_helper(first, it_result, total_bits_to_use, chunk_size_in, chunk_size_out);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ using local_input_reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<local_input_iterator_type>;
+ detail::import_export_helper(local_input_reverse_iterator_type(last), it_result, total_bits_to_use, chunk_size_in, chunk_size_out);
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ template<typename ForwardIterator,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ std::enable_if_t<!(std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits)> const*>
+ auto import_bits(uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>& val,
+ ForwardIterator first,
+ ForwardIterator last,
+ unsigned chunk_size,
+ bool msv_first) -> uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>&
+ {
+ // This subroutine implements limb-by-limb import of bit-chunks.
+ // This template specialization is intended for non-full chunk sizes,
+ // whereby the width of the chunk's value type differs from the limb's width.
+ // The order of bit-chunks imported is set by msv_first.
+ using local_unsigned_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>;
+ using local_result_iterator_type = typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::reverse_iterator;
+ using local_result_value_type = typename local_result_iterator_type::value_type;
+ using local_input_iterator_type = ForwardIterator;
+ using local_input_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<local_input_iterator_type>::value_type;
+ static_assert(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits != std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits,
+ "Error: Erroneous match for input element width and result uintwide_t limb width");
+ const auto input_distance = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(first, last));
+ val = 0;
+ if(chunk_size == static_cast<unsigned>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ {
+ chunk_size = static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits);
+ }
+ chunk_size = (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits), chunk_size);
+ const auto chunk_size_in = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(chunk_size);
+ const auto chunk_size_out = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits);
+ const auto total_bits_input =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(chunk_size_in) * input_distance
+ );
+ const auto total_bits_to_use =
+ (std::min)
+ (
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(total_bits_input),
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_unsigned_wide_integer_type>::digits)
+ );
+ const auto result_distance =
+ static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(total_bits_to_use) / chunk_size_out)
+ + static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ (static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(total_bits_to_use) % chunk_size_out) != static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0)))
+ ? static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ );
+ auto it_result = local_result_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(val.representation().begin(), result_distance));
+ if(msv_first)
+ {
+ detail::import_export_helper(first, it_result, total_bits_to_use, chunk_size_in, chunk_size_out);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ using local_input_reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<local_input_iterator_type>;
+ detail::import_export_helper(local_input_reverse_iterator_type(last), it_result, total_bits_to_use, chunk_size_in, chunk_size_out);
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ template<typename OutputIterator,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits> const*>
+ auto export_bits(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& val,
+ OutputIterator out,
+ unsigned chunk_size,
+ bool msv_first) -> OutputIterator
+ {
+ // This subroutine implements limb-by-limb export of bit-chunks.
+ // This template specialization is intended for full chunk sizes,
+ // whereby the width of the chunk's value type equals the limb's width.
+ // If, however, the chunk_size to export is not "full", then this
+ // subroutine uses slow bit-by-bit methods.
+ // The order of bit-chunks exported is set by msv_first.
+ using local_unsigned_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>;
+ using local_result_iterator_type = OutputIterator;
+ using local_result_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<local_result_iterator_type>::value_type;
+ using local_input_value_type = typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::value_type;
+ const auto val_unsigned =
+ (
+ (!uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>::is_neg(val))
+ ? static_cast<local_unsigned_wide_integer_type>(val)
+ : static_cast<local_unsigned_wide_integer_type>(-val)
+ );
+ static_assert(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits,
+ "Error: Erroneous mismatch for input element width and result uintwide_t limb width");
+ chunk_size = (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits), chunk_size);
+ const auto chunk_size_in = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits);
+ const auto chunk_size_out = chunk_size;
+ const auto msb_plus_one =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb(val_unsigned) + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ const auto input_distance_chunk_size_has_mod =
+ (static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_plus_one % chunk_size_in) != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ const auto input_distance =
+ static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(msb_plus_one / chunk_size_in)
+ + static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ input_distance_chunk_size_has_mod ? static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ );
+ const auto chunk_is_whole =
+ (chunk_size == static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits));
+ if(chunk_is_whole)
+ {
+ if(msv_first)
+ {
+ using local_input_const_reverse_iterator_type =
+ typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::const_reverse_iterator;
+ out = detail::copy_unsafe(local_input_const_reverse_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(val.representation().cbegin(), input_distance)),
+ val.representation().crend(),
+ out);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = detail::copy_unsafe(val.representation().cbegin(),
+ detail::advance_and_point(val.representation().cbegin(), input_distance),
+ out);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(msv_first)
+ {
+ using local_input_reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::const_iterator>;
+ out = detail::import_export_helper(local_input_reverse_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(val_unsigned.crepresentation().cbegin(), input_distance)), out, static_cast<signed_fast_type>(msb_plus_one), chunk_size_in, chunk_size_out)
+ + static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto output_distance_chunk_size_has_mod =
+ (static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_plus_one % chunk_size_out) != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ const auto output_distance =
+ static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(msb_plus_one / chunk_size_out)
+ + static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ output_distance_chunk_size_has_mod ? static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ );
+ using local_input_reverse_iterator_type = typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::const_reverse_iterator;
+ using local_result_reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<local_result_iterator_type>;
+ static_cast<void>(detail::import_export_helper(local_input_reverse_iterator_type (detail::advance_and_point(val_unsigned.crepresentation().cbegin(), input_distance)),
+ local_result_reverse_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(out, output_distance)), // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(msb_plus_one),
+ chunk_size_in,
+ chunk_size_out));
+ using result_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<local_result_iterator_type>::difference_type;
+ out += static_cast<result_difference_type>(output_distance);
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ template<typename OutputIterator,
+ const size_t Width2,
+ typename LimbType,
+ typename AllocatorType,
+ const bool IsSigned,
+ std::enable_if_t<!(std::numeric_limits<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::digits == std::numeric_limits<LimbType>::digits)> const*>
+ auto export_bits(const uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>& val,
+ OutputIterator out,
+ unsigned chunk_size,
+ bool msv_first) -> OutputIterator
+ {
+ // This subroutine implements limb-by-limb export of bit-chunks.
+ // This template specialization is intended for non-full chunk sizes,
+ // whereby the width of the chunk's value type differs from the limb's width.
+ // The order of bit-chunks exported is set by msv_first.
+ using local_unsigned_wide_integer_type = uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, false>;
+ using local_result_iterator_type = OutputIterator;
+ using local_result_value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<local_result_iterator_type>::value_type;
+ using local_input_value_type = typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::value_type;
+ const auto val_unsigned =
+ (
+ (!uintwide_t<Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned>::is_neg(val))
+ ? static_cast<local_unsigned_wide_integer_type>(val)
+ : static_cast<local_unsigned_wide_integer_type>(-val)
+ );
+ static_assert(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits != std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits,
+ "Error: Erroneous match for input element width and result uintwide_t limb width");
+ chunk_size = (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<local_result_value_type>::digits), chunk_size);
+ const auto chunk_size_in = static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(std::numeric_limits<local_input_value_type>::digits);
+ const auto chunk_size_out = chunk_size;
+ const auto msb_plus_one =
+ static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb(val_unsigned) + static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(1)));
+ const auto input_distance_chunk_size_has_mod =
+ (static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_plus_one % chunk_size_in) != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ const auto input_distance =
+ static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(msb_plus_one / chunk_size_in)
+ + static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ input_distance_chunk_size_has_mod ? static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ );
+ if(msv_first)
+ {
+ using local_input_reverse_iterator_type = typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::const_reverse_iterator;
+ out =
+ detail::import_export_helper
+ (
+ local_input_reverse_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(val_unsigned.crepresentation().cbegin(), input_distance)),
+ out,
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(msb_plus_one),
+ chunk_size_in,
+ chunk_size_out
+ );
+ ++out;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto output_distance_chunk_size_has_mod =
+ (static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(msb_plus_one % chunk_size_out) != static_cast<unsigned_fast_type>(UINT8_C(0)));
+ const auto output_distance =
+ static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(msb_plus_one / chunk_size_out)
+ + static_cast<std::size_t>
+ (
+ output_distance_chunk_size_has_mod ? static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(1))
+ : static_cast<std::size_t>(UINT8_C(0))
+ )
+ );
+ using local_input_reverse_iterator_type = typename local_unsigned_wide_integer_type::representation_type::const_reverse_iterator;
+ using local_result_reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<local_result_iterator_type>;
+ static_cast<void>
+ (
+ detail::import_export_helper
+ (
+ local_input_reverse_iterator_type (detail::advance_and_point(val_unsigned.crepresentation().cbegin(), input_distance)),
+ local_result_reverse_iterator_type(detail::advance_and_point(out, output_distance)),
+ static_cast<signed_fast_type>(msb_plus_one),
+ chunk_size_in,
+ chunk_size_out
+ )
+ );
+ using result_difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<local_result_iterator_type>::difference_type;
+ out += static_cast<result_difference_type>(output_distance);
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ #if(__cplusplus >= 201703L)
+ } // namespace math::wide_integer
+ #else
+ } // namespace wide_integer
+ } // namespace math
+ #endif
+#endif // UINTWIDE_T_2018_10_02_H
diff --git a/tracker-stm32/src/compression.cpp b/tracker-stm32/src/compression.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b108fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker-stm32/src/compression.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#include "compression.h"
+using math::wide_integer::uint512_t;
+uint512_t decodeBase(int b, const char *str);
+const char* digits = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-./?@";
+// This function is from aprs434.github.io,
+// MIT License, Copyright (c) 2022 Serge Y. Stroobandt, ON4AA
+uint32_t encodeCallsign(const char *callsign) {
+ // Encode CCCC according to aprs434.github.io/code/codec.cpp
+ const int b = 37;
+ uint32_t result;
+ uint32_t weight;
+ int i, j, k, ch;
+ result = 0, weight = 1;
+ for (i = j = strlen(callsign); i > 0; i--) { // iterate over input string
+ ch = toupper(callsign[i-1]);
+ for (k = 0; k < strlen(digits); k++) { // lookup char index
+ if (digits[k] == ch) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k == strlen(digits)) // ignore if ch not found in digits
+ continue;
+ result = result + ((k) * weight);
+ weight = weight * b;
+ }
+ return result; // result can be pow(42,51)!
+// This function is from ESP32 lora.tracker,
+// MIT License, Copyright (c) 2020 Peter Buchegger
+void ax25_base91enc(char *s, uint8_t n, uint32_t v) {
+ /* Creates a Base-91 representation of the value in v in the string
+ * pointed to by s, n-characters long. String length should be n+1.
+ */
+ for (s += n, *s = '\0'; n; n--) {
+ *(--s) = v % 91 + 33;
+ v /= 91;
+ }
+static void strrev(char s[])
+ int length = strlen(s) ;
+ int c, i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = length - 1; i < j; i++, j--)
+ {
+ c = s[i];
+ s[i] = s[j];
+ s[j] = c;
+ }
+inline void assert(bool cond) {
+ while (!cond) {}
+static uint8_t bytes[100];
+uint512_t decodeBase(int b, const char* str) { // base b, str 64 bytes max '\0' terminated
+ uint512_t result;
+ uint512_t weight;
+ int i, j, k, ch;
+ assert(b <= strlen(digits));
+ assert(b > 1);
+ result = 0, weight = 1;
+ for (i = j = strlen(str); i > 0; i--) // iterate over input string
+ {
+ ch=toupper(str[i-1]);
+ for (k = 0; k < strlen(digits); k++) { //lookup char index
+ if (digits[k] == ch) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k == strlen(digits)) // ignore if ch not found in digits
+ continue;
+ result = result + ((k) * weight);
+ weight = weight * b;
+ }
+ return result; // result can be pow(42,51)!
+uint512_t encodetttt(const char *s) {
+ return decodeBase(42, s);
diff --git a/tracker-stm32/src/compression.h b/tracker-stm32/src/compression.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..064369b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker-stm32/src/compression.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "uintwide_t.h"
+uint32_t encodeCallsign(const char *callsign);
+void ax25_base91enc(char *s, uint8_t n, uint32_t v);
+math::wide_integer::uint512_t encodetttt(const char *s);
diff --git a/tracker-stm32/src/main.ino b/tracker-stm32/src/main.cpp
index 6a98cf9..1ae97e9 100644
--- a/tracker-stm32/src/main.ino
+++ b/tracker-stm32/src/main.cpp
@@ -4,15 +4,22 @@
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_Arduino_Library.h>
#include <SD.h>
+#include "compression.h"
+// Date Type Codes defined in aprs434.github.io
+constexpr int DATA_TYPE_CODE_GEOLOCATION = 0;
+constexpr int DATA_TYPE_CODE_STATUS_REPORT = 1;
// TODO: read these settings from the SD Card
constexpr char CALLSIGN[] = "HB9EGM";
constexpr int SSID = 12;
-constexpr int DATE_TYPE_CODE = 0; // compressed geolocation
constexpr int PATH_CODE = 2; // metropolitan mobile
constexpr char SYMBOL_TABLE_IDENTIFIER = '/';
constexpr char SYMBOL_CODE_BICYCLE = 'b';
-constexpr long TX_INTERVAL = 15000;
+constexpr long REPORT_TX_INTERVAL = 15000;
+constexpr long TEXT_TX_INTERVAL = 47000;
+constexpr char TEXT_REPORT[] = "mpb.li/git/lora-aprs-hb9egm"; // Max length=28
#if 0
File myFile;
@@ -29,58 +36,16 @@ SFE_UBLOX_GNSS gnss;
long lastGnssPoll = 0;
long lastPositionReport = 0;
+long lastTextReport = 0;
constexpr size_t MAX_REPORT_LEN = 32;
size_t report_len = 0;
uint8_t report[MAX_REPORT_LEN];
-const char* digits = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-./?@";
-#define callsign_int_t uint32_t
-// This function is from aprs434.github.io,
-// MIT License, Copyright (c) 2022 Serge Y. Stroobandt, ON4AA
-callsign_int_t encodeCallsign(const char *callsign) {
- // Encode CCCC according to aprs434.github.io/code/codec.cpp
- const int b = 37;
- callsign_int_t result;
- callsign_int_t weight;
- int i, j, k, ch;
- result = 0, weight = 1;
- for (i = j = strlen(callsign); i > 0; i--) { // iterate over input string
- ch = toupper(callsign[i-1]);
- for (k = 0; k < strlen(digits); k++) { // lookup char index
- if (digits[k] == ch) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (k == strlen(digits)) // ignore if ch not found in digits
- continue;
- result = result + ((k) * weight);
- weight = weight * b;
- }
- return result; // result can be pow(42,51)!
-// This function is from ESP32 lora.tracker,
-// MIT License, Copyright (c) 2020 Peter Buchegger
-static void ax25_base91enc(char *s, uint8_t n, uint32_t v) {
- /* Creates a Base-91 representation of the value in v in the string
- * pointed to by s, n-characters long. String length should be n+1.
- */
- for (s += n, *s = '\0'; n; n--) {
- *(--s) = v % 91 + 33;
- v /= 91;
- }
static char letterize(int x) {
return (char) x + 65;
static char* get_mh(double lat, double lon, int size) {
static char locator[11];
double LON_F[]={20,2.0,0.083333,0.008333,0.0003472083333333333};
@@ -183,6 +148,28 @@ void setup() {
// radio.setRfSwitchPins(4, 5);
+static void handle_radio_error(int state)
+ if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
+ Serial.print(F(" RFM OK Datarate: "));
+ Serial.print(radio.getDataRate());
+ Serial.println(F(" bps"));
+ }
+ else if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_PACKET_TOO_LONG) {
+ Serial.println(F(" too long!"));
+ }
+ else if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_TX_TIMEOUT) {
+ Serial.println(F(" timeout!"));
+ }
+ else {
+ Serial.print(F(" failed, code "));
+ Serial.println(state);
+ }
void loop()
const auto now = millis();
@@ -224,16 +211,16 @@ void loop()
Serial.print(F(" TX in: "));
- Serial.print(TX_INTERVAL - (now - lastPositionReport));
+ Serial.print(REPORT_TX_INTERVAL - (now - lastPositionReport));
- if (now - lastPositionReport > TX_INTERVAL) {
+ if (now - lastPositionReport > REPORT_TX_INTERVAL) {
lastPositionReport = now;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
- // Encode LoRa message according to aprs434.github.io
+ // Encode Compressed Geolocation Frame according to aprs434.github.io
const uint32_t callsign_EEEE = encodeCallsign(CALLSIGN);
report_len = 0;
@@ -244,7 +231,7 @@ void loop()
report[report_len++] = callsign_EEEE & 0xFF;
// D SSID Path Code and Data Type Code
- report[report_len++] = SSID * 16 + PATH_CODE * 4 + DATE_TYPE_CODE;
+ report[report_len++] = SSID * 16 + PATH_CODE * 4 + DATA_TYPE_CODE_GEOLOCATION;
// / Symbol Table Identifier
report[report_len++] = SYMBOL_TABLE_IDENTIFIER;
@@ -291,25 +278,44 @@ void loop()
int state = radio.transmit(report, report_len);
+ handle_radio_error(state);
- if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
- Serial.print(F(" RFM OK Datarate: "));
- Serial.print(radio.getDataRate());
- Serial.println(F(" bps"));
+ digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
+ }
- }
- else if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_PACKET_TOO_LONG) {
- Serial.println(F(" too long!"));
+ if (now - lastTextReport > TEXT_TX_INTERVAL) {
+ lastTextReport = now;
+ digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
- }
- else if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_TX_TIMEOUT) {
- Serial.println(F(" timeout!"));
+ // Encode Compressed Status Report Frame according to aprs434.github.io
+ const uint32_t callsign_EEEE = encodeCallsign(CALLSIGN);
+ report_len = 0;
+ // Callsign encoded as CCCC
+ report[report_len++] = (callsign_EEEE >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ report[report_len++] = (callsign_EEEE >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ report[report_len++] = (callsign_EEEE >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ report[report_len++] = callsign_EEEE & 0xFF;
+ // D SSID Path Code and Data Type Code
+ report[report_len++] = SSID * 16 + PATH_CODE * 4 + DATA_TYPE_CODE_STATUS_REPORT;
+ // t(t...) text
+ const auto bignum = encodetttt(TEXT_REPORT);
+ for (int i = 0; i <= 512; i += 8) {
+ auto v = static_cast<uint8_t>((bignum >> (512-i)) & 0xFF);
+ if (v) {
+ report[report_len++] = v;
+ }
- else {
- Serial.print(F(" failed, code "));
- Serial.println(state);
- }
+ Serial.print(F("TX length "));
+ Serial.print(report_len);
+ Serial.print(F(" bytes: "));
+ Serial.println(TEXT_REPORT);
+ int state = radio.transmit(report, report_len);
+ handle_radio_error(state);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);