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diff --git a/raytracer.hs b/raytracer.hs
index f127d9d..9f8a184 100644
--- a/raytracer.hs
+++ b/raytracer.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Debug.Trace
type Angle = Double
-type ScreenCoord = (Angle, Angle)
+type Direction = (Angle, Angle) -- azimut, inclination
type Color = (Int, Int, Int)
type Coord = (Double, Double, Double)
data Sphere = Sphere Coord Double Color deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ beta2 = 120 * degrees
floorscale = 4
-w = 1920
-h = 1080
+w = 192 * 8
+h = 108 * 8
oversampling = 4 -- each pixel is oversampling^2 rays
@@ -79,19 +79,47 @@ attenuate_color factor (r,g,b) = ( round $ fromIntegral r * factor,
round $ fromIntegral g * factor,
round $ fromIntegral b * factor)
+(a, b, c) `dot` (d, e, f) = a*d + b*e + c*f
+(a, b, c) `plus` (d, e, f) = (a+d, b+e, c+f)
+(a, b, c) `minus` (d, e, f) = (a-d, b-e, c-f)
+s `scale` (a,b,c) = (s*a, s*b, s*c)
+magnitude (a,b,c) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)
+normalise v = (1/(magnitude v)) `scale` v
-- spherical projection,
-- return coordinates from a given coordinate, extended by given
-- angles to some distance
spherical_proj :: Coord -> Angle -> Angle -> Double -> Coord
spherical_proj (x,y,z) alpha beta dist = (x + dist*(sin beta * cos alpha),
y + dist*(sin beta * sin alpha),
- z + dist*cos beta - 0.1)
+ z + dist*cos beta)
+cart2spher :: Coord -> Direction
+cart2spher coord = (acos $ z/r, atan2 y x)
+ where (x, y, z) = coord
+ r = magnitude coord
+spher2cart :: Direction -> Coord
+spher2cart direction = (sin beta * cos alpha,
+ sin beta * sin alpha,
+ cos beta)
+ where (alpha, beta) = direction
+-- reflection on sphere
+reflect :: Coord -> Direction -> Direction
+reflect normal _ = --trace ("a " ++ show alpha ++ " b " ++ show beta)
+ cart2spher normal
+ where (alpha, beta) = cart2spher normal
+reflect2 normal incoming = cart2spher $ ((1) `scale` a) `plus` b
+ where a = (b `dot` n) `scale` n
+ b = spher2cart incoming
+ n = normalise normal
-- intersect sphere
-- discr = 4(( A u + B v + C w )^2 - (A^2 + B^2 + C^2)(u^2 + v^2 + w^2))
-discr :: Coord -> ScreenCoord -> Sphere -> Double
+discr :: Coord -> Direction -> Sphere -> Double
discr source (alpha, beta) (Sphere centre radius _) = 4*(( aa * u + bb * v + cc * w )^2 -
(aa*aa + bb*bb + cc*cc)*(u*u + v*v + w*w - radius^2))
where u = (x_of source) - (x_of centre)
@@ -103,13 +131,13 @@ discr source (alpha, beta) (Sphere centre radius _) = 4*(( aa * u + bb * v + cc
-- the intersect functions return (Coord, Distance, Color)
-- distance = 0 means no intersection
-intersect_sphere :: Coord -> [Sphere] -> ScreenCoord -> Sphere -> (Coord, Double, Color)
+intersect_sphere :: Coord -> [Sphere] -> Direction -> Sphere -> (Double, Color)
intersect_sphere source spheres (alpha, beta) (Sphere centre radius color)
- | delta > 0 = (spherical_proj source alpha beta t, t,
- attenuate_color 0.5 $
- pixel_color (spherical_proj source alpha beta t) spheres reflection_angle
+ | delta > 0 = (t,
+ attenuate_color 0.8 $
+ pixel_color intersect_point subspheres reflection_angle
- | otherwise = ((0,0,0), 0, black)
+ | otherwise = (0, black)
where t = min ((-b - sqrt(delta)) / (2*a)) ((-b + sqrt(delta)) / (2*a))
delta = discr source (alpha, beta) (Sphere centre radius color)
a = aa^2 + bb^2 + cc^2
@@ -120,10 +148,12 @@ intersect_sphere source spheres (alpha, beta) (Sphere centre radius color)
aa = sin beta * cos alpha
bb = sin beta * sin alpha
cc = cos beta
- reflection_angle = (-alpha, 180)
+ intersect_point = spherical_proj source alpha beta t
+ reflection_angle = reflect (intersect_point `minus` centre) (alpha, beta)
+ subspheres = filter ((/=) (Sphere centre radius color)) spheres
-intersect_point_floor :: Coord -> ScreenCoord -> (Coord, Double)
+intersect_point_floor :: Coord -> Direction -> (Coord, Double)
intersect_point_floor (x, y, z) (alpha, beta) =
( (x - z * sin beta * cos alpha / cos beta,
y - z * sin beta * sin alpha / cos beta,
@@ -142,7 +172,7 @@ checkerboard_pattern x y attn
| (round (x/floorscale) `mod` 2) == (round (y/floorscale) `mod` 2) = direction_color x y attn
| otherwise = (attn, attn, attn)
-intersect_floor :: Coord -> ScreenCoord -> (Coord, Double, Color)
+intersect_floor :: Coord -> Direction -> (Coord, Double, Color)
intersect_floor source (alpha, beta)
| x > (-0.5) && x < 0.5 = ((x, y, z), t, (0, attn, attn)) -- x near 0 : cyan
| y > (-0.5) && y < 0.5 = ((x, y, z), t, (attn, attn, 0)) -- y near 0 : yellow
@@ -152,7 +182,7 @@ intersect_floor source (alpha, beta)
((x, y, z), t) = intersect_point_floor source (alpha, beta)
-- blue is beautiful, but a green tint is nice too
-skycolor :: Coord -> ScreenCoord -> Color
+skycolor :: Coord -> Direction -> Color
skycolor source (alpha, beta) = (r,g,b)
where r = 60
g = max 0 $ round $ (sqrt (alpha/6)) / (sqrt (90 * degrees)) * 128
@@ -165,13 +195,15 @@ instance Ord SphereIntersect where
| d1 <= 0 = GT
| otherwise = d1 `compare` d2
-nearest_sphere :: Coord -> ScreenCoord -> [Sphere] -> SphereIntersect
+nearest_sphere :: Coord -> Direction -> [Sphere] -> SphereIntersect
nearest_sphere source scoord spheres =
- minimum [(SphereIntersect distance color) | (_, distance, color) <- intersections]
+ minimum [(SphereIntersect distance color) | (distance, color) <- intersections]
where intersections = map (intersect_sphere source spheres scoord) spheres
-- also include floor in objects
-nearest_obj :: Coord -> ScreenCoord -> [Sphere] -> (Double, Color)
+nearest_obj :: Coord -> Direction -> [Sphere] -> (Double, Color)
+nearest_obj source scoord [] = (floordist, floorcolor)
+ where (_, floordist, floorcolor) = intersect_floor source scoord
nearest_obj source scoord spheres
| floordist == 0 && spheredist > 0 = (spheredist, spherecolor)
| floordist > spheredist && spheredist > 0 = (spheredist, spherecolor)
@@ -180,7 +212,7 @@ nearest_obj source scoord spheres
(_, floordist, floorcolor) = intersect_floor source scoord
-- First iteration
-pixel_color :: Coord -> [Sphere] -> ScreenCoord -> Color
+pixel_color :: Coord -> [Sphere] -> Direction -> Color
pixel_color_only_floor source spheres scoord = floorcolor
where ((x,y,z), floordist, floorcolor) = intersect_floor source scoord
(alpha, beta) = scoord
@@ -203,7 +235,7 @@ tuple2sum x y = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2)
(b1, b2) = y
-- from one pixel (alpha, beta), get a list of oversampled pixels
-oversample :: ScreenCoord -> [ScreenCoord]
+oversample :: Direction -> [Direction]
oversample (a,b) = map (tuple2sum (a,b)) (cartProd ov_alphaoffsets ov_betaoffsets)
tuple3sum x y = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2, a3 + b3)
@@ -218,7 +250,7 @@ coloraverage xs = ( round (fromIntegral s1/l),
l = fromIntegral (length xs)
-- calculate color of oversampled pixels
-ov_color :: [Sphere] -> [ScreenCoord] -> Color
+ov_color :: [Sphere] -> [Direction] -> Color
ov_color spheres coords = coloraverage (map (pixel_color eye spheres) coords)
-- list of list of (alpha, beta)-tuples