path: root/solitairesimulator2015.hs
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authorMatthias Braendli <>2015-02-09 17:02:44 +0100
committerMatthias Braendli <>2015-02-09 17:02:44 +0100
commit0ad88bb252766f7555f099dccea8d282e9e3bd9a (patch)
tree279a7938119fd6a537041cca57ccb2e253e9277d /solitairesimulator2015.hs
parent3eb2d8f6125c8b527ca1ee2ecc8af0b0a3131d48 (diff)
Save moves, not a stringHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'solitairesimulator2015.hs')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/solitairesimulator2015.hs b/solitairesimulator2015.hs
index 2a55969..1c30030 100644
--- a/solitairesimulator2015.hs
+++ b/solitairesimulator2015.hs
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ instance Show End where
where Board pegs = b
num_pegs = length pegs
-solve_r :: Board -> String -> [End]
-solve_r b s | null moves = [End (s ++ ".") b]
- | otherwise = concat (map (uncurry solve_r) boards_strmoves )
+solve_r :: Board -> [Move] -> [End]
+solve_r b m | null moves = [End (show m) b]
+ | otherwise = concat (map (uncurry solve_r) boards_moves )
where Board pegs = b
(moves, boards) = unzip $ all_moves b
- strmoves = map ((++) (s ++ " ")) (map show moves) :: [String]
- boards_strmoves = zip boards strmoves :: [(Board, String)]
+ moves_append = map (flip (:) $ m) moves :: [[Move]]
+ boards_moves = zip boards moves_append :: [(Board, [Move])]
pr board = putStrLn ("Welcome to Solitaire Simulator 2015 Deluxe Edition!\n From board\n" ++ show board ++ "\nIt is possible to do\n" ++ unlines (map show $ all_moves board))
@@ -173,6 +173,6 @@ main = do
putStrLn $ unlines $ map show perfect_ends
putStrLn "Only-one peg solutions:"
putStrLn $ unlines $ map show good_ends
- where ends = solve_r testboard ""
+ where ends = solve_r testboard []
good_ends = filter good_end ends
perfect_ends = filter perfect_end ends