path: root/src
diff options
authorLuigi Yucheng LIU <luigi.liu@laposte.net>2014-08-27 14:39:18 +0800
committerMatthias P. Braendli <matthias.braendli@mpb.li>2014-08-27 18:37:47 +0200
commita8bd04db51288937fc0e840d6d226873eb0dc6ad (patch)
treea73a21e09f1f1788cb3af3bc7bb40a4708c415e6 /src
parent8d9b8f8830dc88fda3bfb6d2dbe7a2a4e68ce912 (diff)
Update fidx management
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/src/mot-encoder.cpp b/src/mot-encoder.cpp
index 2783432..e4b924a 100644
--- a/src/mot-encoder.cpp
+++ b/src/mot-encoder.cpp
@@ -104,14 +104,51 @@ struct slide_metadata_t {
return this->filepath < other.filepath;
-struct history_t {
- // slide footprints
- std::vector<std::string> footprints;
- // position marking the last added footprint
- unsigned int cursor;
+struct fingerprint {
+ // file name
+ std::string s_name;
+ // file size, in bytes
+ unsigned int s_size;
+ // time of last modification
+ unsigned int s_mtime;
+ bool operator==(struct fingerprint other) const {
+ return (((s_name == other.s_name &&
+ s_size == other.s_size) &&
+ s_mtime == other.s_mtime));
+ }
+class history {
+ public:
+ history(size_t hist_size);
+ ~history();
+ void disp_database();
+ // controller of id base on database
+ size_t get_id(const char * filepath);
+ private:
+ struct fingerprint fp;
+ std::vector<struct fingerprint> database;
+ struct cursor {
+ size_t cur_pos;
+ size_t max_pos;
+ } write_cursor;
+ void update_cursor();
+ void disp_fp(const struct fingerprint & in_fp);
+ // make fingerprint et load it as fp
+ void make(const char * filepath);
+ // find the same fingerprint in database
+ int find();
+ // add new fingerprint in database
+ int add();
typedef struct {
@@ -292,10 +329,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::list<slide_metadata_t> slides_to_transmit;
- struct history_t slide_history;
+ class history slides_history(MAXSLIDEID);
- fidx = 0;
- slide_history.cursor = fidx;
while(1) {
if (dir) {
pDir = opendir(dir);
@@ -312,16 +347,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char imagepath[256];
sprintf(imagepath, "%s/%s", dir, pDirent->d_name);
- std::string footprint;
slide_metadata_t md;
- md.filepath = imagepath;
- // Management of fidx
- make_footprint(imagepath, footprint);
- if (!find_footprint(slide_history, footprint, fidx)) {
- add_foorprint(slide_history, footprint, fidx, MAXSLIDEID);
- }
+ md.filepath = imagepath;
+ fidx = slides_history.get_id(imagepath);
md.fidx = fidx;
@@ -330,7 +358,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fprintf(stderr, "mot-encoder found slide %s\n", imagepath);
- fidx++;
@@ -1105,71 +1132,93 @@ int get_xpadlengthmask(int padlen)
return xpadlengthmask;
-bool find_footprint(const struct history_t & slide_history, const std::string & footprint,
- int & fidx) {
- bool found = false;
- for (unsigned int cursor(0);
- cursor < slide_history.footprints.size();
- cursor++) {
- if (slide_history.footprints[cursor] == footprint) {
- found = true;
- fidx = (int) cursor;
- break;
- }
- }
- return found;
+history::history(size_t hist_size) {
+ write_cursor.cur_pos = 0;
+ write_cursor.max_pos = hist_size;
-void add_foorprint(struct history_t & slide_history, const std::string & footprint,
- int & fidx, unsigned int max_len_history) {
- if (slide_history.footprints.size() > max_len_history) {
- slide_history.footprints[slide_history.cursor] = footprint;
- }
- else {
- slide_history.footprints.push_back(footprint);
- }
- fidx = (int) slide_history.cursor;
+void history::make(const char * filepath) {
+ struct stat file_attribue;
+ const char * final_slash;
- // update cursor
- slide_history.cursor = (slide_history.cursor == max_len_history) ? 0 : slide_history.cursor + 1;
+ stat(filepath, & file_attribue);
+ final_slash = strrchr(filepath, '/');
+ // load filename, size and mtime in fp
+ fp.s_name.assign((final_slash == NULL) ? filepath : final_slash + 1);
+ fp.s_size = file_attribue.st_size;
+ fp.s_mtime = file_attribue.st_mtime;
-void make_footprint(const char * filepath, std::string & footprint) {
- char footprint_str[256];
- int len_path = strlen(filepath);
- struct stat attrib;
- int cursor;
- int cursor2;
- // get filename
- for (cursor = len_path - 1;
- cursor >= 0;
- cursor--) {
- if (filepath[cursor] == '/') {
- break;
- }
- }
- cursor2 = 0;
- for (cursor++; cursor < len_path; cursor++) {
- footprint_str[cursor2] = filepath[cursor];
- cursor2++;
- }
- footprint_str[cursor2]='\0';
- // footprint = filename + size + last modification time
- stat(filepath, &attrib);
- sprintf(footprint_str, "%s_%d_%d", footprint_str, (int)attrib.st_size, (int)attrib.st_mtime);
- footprint.assign(footprint_str);
+void history::disp_fp(const struct fingerprint & in_fp) {
+ printf("%s_%d_%d", in_fp.s_name.c_str(), in_fp.s_size, in_fp.s_mtime);
+int history::find() {
+ size_t id;
+ for (id = 0; id < database.size(); id++) {
+ if (database[id] == fp) {
+ // return the id of fingerprint found
+ return (int) id;
+ }
+ }
+ // return -1 when there is the same fingerprint in database
+ return -1;
+void history::update_cursor() {
+ if (write_cursor.cur_pos == write_cursor.max_pos) {
+ write_cursor.cur_pos = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ write_cursor.cur_pos++;
+ }
+int history::add() {
+ size_t cur_pos_save = write_cursor.cur_pos;
+ if (database.size() < write_cursor.max_pos + 1) {
+ //
+ database.push_back(fp);
+ }
+ else {
+ // overwrite database when database size reach its max quantity write_cursor or max_pos + 1
+ database[cur_pos_save] = fp;
+ }
+ update_cursor();
+ return cur_pos_save;
+void history::disp_database() {
+ size_t id;
+ if (database.size() == 0) {
+ printf("empty\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ for (id = 0; id < database.size(); id++) {
+ printf("id %4d: ", id);
+ disp_fp(database[id]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+size_t history::get_id(const char * filepath) {
+ int ret;
+ make(filepath);
+ ret = find();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ return add();
+ }
+ else {
+ return ret;
+ }