path: root/etisnoop.cpp
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1 files changed, 95 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/etisnoop.cpp b/etisnoop.cpp
index d9a41b0..3876a78 100644
--- a/etisnoop.cpp
+++ b/etisnoop.cpp
@@ -378,6 +378,43 @@ struct eti_analyse_config_t {
static int verbosity;
static unsigned char Mode_Identity = 0;
+// fig 0/2 fig 0/3 DSCTy types string:
+const char *DSCTy_types_str[64] = {
+ // ETSI TS 101 756 V1.6.1 (2014-05) table 2
+ "Unspecified data", "Traffic Message Channel (TMC)",
+ "Emergency Warning System (EWS)", "Interactive Text Transmission System (ITTS)",
+ "Paging", "Transparent Data Channel (TDC)",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "MPEG-2 Transport Stream, see ETSI TS 102 427", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Rfu",
+ "Rfu", "Embedded IP packets",
+ "Multimedia Object Transfer (MOT)", "Proprietary service: no DSCTy signalled",
+ "Not used", "Not used"
// map between fig 0/6 database key and LA to detect activation and deactivation of links
std::map<unsigned short, bool> fig0_6_key_la;
@@ -463,6 +500,14 @@ typedef struct lat_lng {
// map for fig 0/22 database
std::map<unsigned short, Lat_Lng> fig0_22_key_Lat_Lng;
+// ETSI TS 102 367 V1.2.1 (2006-01) 5.4.1 Conditional Access Mode (CAMode)
+const char *CAMode_str[8] = {
+ "Sub-channel CA", "Data Group CA",
+ "MOT CA", "proprietary CA",
+ "reserved", "reserved",
+ "reserved", "reserved"
// Function prototypes
void printinfo(string header,
@@ -1206,13 +1251,13 @@ void decodeFIG(FIGalyser &figs,
else if (timd == 1) {
// MSC stream data
- sprintf(sctydesc, "DSCTy=%d", scty);
+ sprintf(sctydesc, "DSCTy=%d %s", scty, DSCTy_types_str[scty]);
sprintf(desc, "Stream data mode, %s, %s, SubChannel ID=%02X, CA=%d", psdesc.c_str(), sctydesc, subchid, ca);
printbuf(desc, indent+3, NULL, 0);
else if (timd == 2) {
- sprintf(sctydesc, "DSCTy=%d", scty);
+ sprintf(sctydesc, "DSCTy=%d %s", scty, DSCTy_types_str[scty]);
sprintf(desc, "FIDC mode, %s, %s, Fast Information Data Channel ID=%02X, CA=%d", psdesc.c_str(), sctydesc, subchid, ca);
printbuf(desc, indent+3, NULL, 0);
@@ -1226,12 +1271,60 @@ void decodeFIG(FIGalyser &figs,
+ case 3: // FIG 0/3 Service component in packet mode with or without Conditional Access
+ { // ETSI EN 300 401 6.3.2
+ unsigned short SCId, Packet_address, CAOrg;
+ unsigned char i = 1, Rfa, DSCTy, SubChId, CAMode, SharedFlag;
+ char tmpbuf[256];
+ bool CAOrg_flag, DG_flag, Rfu;
+ while (i < (figlen - 4)) {
+ // iterate over service component in packet mode
+ SCId = ((unsigned short)f[i] << 4) | ((unsigned short)(f[i+1] >> 4) & 0x0F);
+ Rfa = (f[i+1] >> 1) & 0x07;
+ CAOrg_flag = f[i+1] & 0x01;
+ DG_flag = (f[i+2] >> 7) & 0x01;
+ Rfu = (f[i+2] >> 6) & 0x01;
+ DSCTy = f[i+2] & 0x3F;
+ SubChId = (f[i+3] >> 2);
+ Packet_address = ((unsigned short)(f[i+3] & 0x03) << 8) | ((unsigned short)f[i+4]);
+ sprintf(desc, "SCId=0x%X, CAOrg flag=%d CAOrg field %s, DG flag=%d data groups are %sused to transport the service component, DSCTy=%d %s, SubChId=0x%X, Packet address=0x%X",
+ SCId, CAOrg_flag, CAOrg_flag?"present":"absent", DG_flag, DG_flag?"not ":"", DSCTy, DSCTy_types_str[DSCTy], SubChId, Packet_address);
+ if (Rfa != 0) {
+ sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Rfa=%d invalid value", Rfa);
+ strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ }
+ if (Rfu != 0) {
+ sprintf(tmpbuf, ", Rfu=%d invalid value", Rfu);
+ strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ }
+ i += 5;
+ if (CAOrg_flag) {
+ if (i < (figlen - 1)) {
+ CAOrg = ((unsigned short)f[i] << 8) | ((unsigned short)f[i+1]);
+ CAMode = (f[i] >> 5);
+ SharedFlag = f[i+1];
+ sprintf(tmpbuf, ", CAOrg=0x%X CAMode=%d \"%s\" SharedFlag=0x%X%s",
+ CAOrg, CAMode, CAMode_str[CAMode], SharedFlag, (SharedFlag == 0)?" invalid":"");
+ strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(tmpbuf, ", invalid figlen");
+ strcat(desc, tmpbuf);
+ }
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ printbuf(desc, indent+1, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case 5: // FIG 0/5 Service component language
{ // ETSI EN 300 401 8.1.2
unsigned short SCId;
unsigned char i = 1, SubChId, FIDCId, Language, Rfa;
char tmpbuf[256];
bool LS_flag, MSC_FIC_flag;
while (i < (figlen - 1)) {
// iterate over service component language
LS_flag = f[i] >> 7;