path: root/doc/retodrs.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/retodrs.pl')
1 files changed, 645 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..f457ca2
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+++ b/doc/retodrs.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# RETrieve_Open_Digital_Radio_Status, retodrs:
+# Retrieve the status and statistics of an Opendigitalradio service and report
+# the results to Xymon. The information is retrieved from the management server
+# within ODR-DabMux.
+# NOTE: This script MUST be run on the same machine as DabMux is running! The
+# management server within DabMux is only accessible from localhost.
+# Moreover, the check on availability only works for localhost.
+# Written by W.J.M. Nelis, wim.nelis@ziggo.nl, 2016.12
+use strict ;
+use Time::Piece ; # Format time
+use ZMQ::LibZMQ3 ; # Message passing
+use ZMQ::Constants qw(ZMQ_REQ) ;
+use JSON::PP ; # Decode server message
+# Installation constants.
+# -----------------------
+my $XyDisp = $ENV{XYMSRV} ; # Name of monitor server
+my $XySend = $ENV{XYMON} ; # Monitor interface program
+my $FmtDate = "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S" ; # Default date format
+my $HostName= 'OzoNop' ; # 'Source' of this test
+my $TestName= 'odr_mux' ; # Test name
+my $XyInfo = "hostinfo host=$HostName" ; # Extract host info from xymon
+my @ColourOf= ( 'red', 'yellow', 'clear', 'green' ) ;
+# Define the URL to access the management server in DabMux. The access is
+# limited to access from localhost!
+my $ODRMgmtSrvr= 'tcp://' ; # URL of server
+# Define the parameters to show in the table and how to enter them in an RRD.
+# From this definition a list of counter-like variables is compiled in hash
+# %Counters. The values of these variables need to be saved from one pass of
+# this script to the next.
+my @Params= (
+# OdrName TableName RrdDefinition
+ [ 'state' , 'State' , '' ],
+ [ 'peak_left' , 'Peak left [dB]' , 'DS:PeakLeft:GAUGE:600:-100:100' ],
+ [ 'peak_right' , 'Peak right [dB]', 'DS:PeakRight:GAUGE:600:-100:100' ],
+ [ 'num_underruns', '' , 'DS:Underrun:DERIVE:600:0:U' ],
+ [ 'num_overruns' , '' , 'DS:Overrun:DERIVE:600:0:U' ],
+ [ 'rate_underruns', 'Underrun [/s]' , '' ],
+ [ 'rate_overruns' , 'Overrun [/s]' , '' ],
+ [ 'min_fill' , '' , 'DS:BufferMin:GAUGE:600:-1:U' ],
+ [ 'max_fill' , '' , 'DS:BufferMax:GAUGE:600:0:U' ]
+) ;
+my %Counters= () ;
+foreach ( @Params ) {
+ next unless $$_[2] =~ m/DERIVE/ ;
+ $Counters{$$_[0]}= $$_[0] ; # Save name of counter-like variable
+ $Counters{$$_[0]}=~ s/^num_/rate_/ ; # Build name of derived variable
+} # of foreach
+# Define the thresholds for the various DabMux statistics and any derived
+# value.
+my %Thresholds= (
+ state => { red => qr/^(?:NoData)$/ },
+ rate_underruns => { red => '20.0'},
+ rate_overruns => { red => '20.0'},
+# peak_left => { yellow => ['< -80', '80'] },
+# peak_right => { yellow => ['< -80', '80'] }
+) ;
+# Define the name of the file to hold the values of the counter-type variables.
+my $SaveFile= '/usr/lib/xymon/client/ext/retodrs.sav' ;
+# Global variables.
+# -----------------
+my $Now= localtime ; # Timestamp of tests
+ $Now= $Now->strftime( $FmtDate ) ;
+my $Colour= $#ColourOf ; # Test status
+my $Result= '' ; # Message to sent to Xymon
+my %HostInfo ; # Host information from xymon
+my %Table0= () ; # Tables with results
+my %Table1= () ;
+my @SubChannel= () ; # Subchannel assignment
+my %SubChannel= () ; # in both directions
+my %ErrMsg ; # Error messages
+ $ErrMsg{$_}= [] foreach ( @ColourOf ) ;
+my ($CurTime,$PrvTime) ; # Times of measurement
+my %Prev= () ; # Variables in previous pass
+# Save an error message in intermediate list %ErrMsg. Function InformXymon will
+# move these messages to the start of the xymon status message.
+sub LogError($$) {
+ my $clr= shift ; # Status/colour of message
+ my $msg= shift ; # Error message
+ return unless defined $msg ;
+ return unless $msg ;
+ chomp $msg ; # Clean up message, just to be sure
+ $msg=~ s/^\s+// ; $msg=~ s/\s+$// ;
+ if ( exists $ErrMsg{$clr} ) {
+ push @{$ErrMsg{$clr}}, $msg ;
+ } else {
+ push @{$ErrMsg{clear}}, $msg ;
+ } # of else
+} # of LogError
+# Issue a message the the logfile. As this script is run periodically by Xymon,
+# StdOut will be redirected to the logfile.
+sub LogMessage {
+ my $Msg= shift ;
+ my @Time= (localtime())[0..5] ;
+ $Time[4]++ ; $Time[5]+= 1900 ;
+ chomp $Msg ;
+ printf "%4d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d %s\n", reverse(@Time), $Msg ;
+} # of LogMessage
+sub max($$) { return $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] ; }
+sub min($$) { return $_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] ; }
+# Function AnError is given a short description and a boolean value, whose value
+# is false if the operation associated with the description failed. The result
+# of this function is the opposite of the boolean value supplied. If failed, the
+# description is entered in the error message list %ErrMsg, including the
+# content of $!, if the latter is not empty.
+sub AnError($$) {
+ if ( $_[1] ) {
+ return 0 ; # Return a false value
+ } else {
+ my $msg= $! ; # Retrieve any error message
+ if ( $msg eq '' ) {
+ LogError( 'clear', "$_[0] failed" ) ;
+ } else {
+ LogError( 'clear', "$_[0] failed:" ) ;
+ LogError( 'clear', " $msg" ) ;
+ } # of else
+ return 1 ; # Return a true value
+ } # of else
+} # of AnError
+# Function ApplyThresholds determines for which channels threshold checks should
+# be performed. Then it checks the collected statistics against their
+# thresholds, and sets the status of those statistics accordingly. The status of
+# the statistics which are not checked against a threshold are set to 'clear'.
+sub ApplyThresholds() {
+ my $hr ; # Reference in a multi-level hash
+ #
+ # Set flag ThresholdCheck at each subchannel. It is set to true if threshold
+ # checks should be performed.
+ #
+ if ( exists $HostInfo{select}{list} ) {
+ $hr= $HostInfo{select}{list} ;
+ $Table1{$_}{ThresholdCheck}= exists $$hr{$_} ? 1 : 0 foreach ( keys %Table1 ) ;
+ } else {
+ $Table1{$_}{ThresholdCheck}= 1 foreach ( keys %Table1 ) ;
+ } # of else
+ #
+ # Invoke function CheckValue for each pair {subchannel,statistic} for which a
+ # threshold check should and can be performed.
+ #
+ foreach my $sub ( keys %Table1 ) {
+ next unless $Table1{$sub}{ThresholdCheck} ;
+ $hr= $Table1{$sub} ; # Ref to subchannel info
+ foreach my $var ( keys %Thresholds ) {
+ next unless exists $$hr{$var} ;
+ CheckValue( $$hr{$var}, $Thresholds{$var} ) ;
+ } # of foreach
+ } # of foreach
+} # of ApplyThresholds
+# Function BuildMessage takes the the status and statistics in hash %Table and
+# builds a message for Xymon.
+sub BuildMessage() {
+ my $RrdMsg ; # RRD message
+ my $sub ; # Name of a sub channel
+ my ($Value,$Status) ; # Value and status of one statistic
+ my @Values ; # Values of one subchannel
+ my $hr ; # Reference into a hash
+ #
+ # Check the subchannel assignment against the list of named subchannels. They
+ # should match.
+ #
+ for ( my $i= 0 ; $i<= $#SubChannel ; $i++ ) {
+ $hr= $SubChannel[$i] ;
+ next unless defined $hr ;
+ next if exists $Table1{$hr} ;
+ $SubChannel[$i]= undef ;
+ delete $SubChannel{$hr} ;
+ } # of for
+ foreach my $sub ( sort keys %Table1 ) {
+ next if exists $SubChannel{$sub} ;
+ $hr= $#SubChannel + 1 ;
+ $SubChannel[$hr]= $sub ;
+ } # of foreach
+ #
+ # Build a table showing the services.
+ #
+ $Result = "<table border=0>\n" ;
+ foreach ( sort keys %Table0 ) {
+ $Result.= " <tr> <td>$_</td> <td>$Table0{$_}</td> </tr>\n" ;
+ } # of foreach
+ $Result.= "</table>\n\n" ;
+ #
+ # Build the first part of the table to enter the statistics into RRD's and
+ # ultimately into graphs.
+ #
+ $RrdMsg = "<!-- linecount=" . scalar(keys %Table1) . " -->\n" ;
+ $RrdMsg.= "<!--DEVMON RRD: $TestName 0 0\n" ;
+ $hr= join( ' ', map { $$_[2] } @Params ) ; # Extract RRD definitions
+ $hr=~ s/^\s+// ; $hr=~ s/\s+$// ;
+ $hr=~ s/\s{2,}/ /g ; # Remove superfluous spaces
+ $RrdMsg.= "$hr\n" ;
+ #
+ # Build the table showing the subchannel status and statistics.
+ #
+ $Result.= "<table border=1 cellpadding=5>\n" ;
+ $Result.= " <tr> <th>Nr.</th> <th>Subchannel</th>" ;
+ foreach ( @Params ) {
+ next unless $$_[1] ne '' ;
+ $Result.= " <th>$$_[1]</th>" ;
+ } # of foreach
+ $Result.= " </tr>\n" ;
+# foreach my $sub ( sort keys %Table1 ) {
+ for ( my $i= 0 ; $i<= $#SubChannel ; $i++ ) {
+ $sub= $SubChannel[$i] ; # Next subchannel, numeric
+ next unless defined $sub ;
+ $hr= $Table1{$sub} ; # Ref into subchannel statistics
+ $Result.= " <tr> <td align='right'>$i</td> <td>$sub</td>" ;
+ foreach my $fld ( @Params ) {
+ next unless $$fld[1] ne '' ;
+ if ( exists $$hr{$$fld[0]} ) {
+ $Value = $$hr{$$fld[0]}{Value} ;
+ $Status= $$hr{$$fld[0]}{Status} ;
+ if ( defined $Status ) {
+ if ( $$fld[0] eq 'state' and $Status < 2 ) {
+ LogError( $ColourOf[$Status], "$sub is $Value" ) ;
+ } elsif ( $$fld[1] =~ m/^(\w+run) \[.+?\]$/ and $Status < 2 ) {
+ LogError( $ColourOf[$Status], "$sub high " .lc($1) .": $Value $2" ) ;
+ } # of elsif
+ $Colour= min( $Colour, $Status ) ;
+ $Status= " &$ColourOf[$Status] " ;
+ } else {
+ $Status= '' ;
+ } # of else
+ if ( $Value =~ m/^[-+]?\d+(:?\.\d+)?$/ ) {
+ $Result.= " <td align='right'>$Status$Value</td>" ;
+ } else {
+ $Result.= " <td>$Value$Status</td>" ;
+ } # of else
+ } else {
+ $Result.= " <td>Unknown</td>" ;
+ } # of else
+ } # of foreach
+ $Result.= " </tr>\n" ;
+ @Values= () ;
+ foreach my $fld ( @Params ) {
+ next unless $$fld[2] ne '' ;
+ if ( exists $$hr{$$fld[0]} ) {
+ $Value= $$hr{$$fld[0]}{Value} ;
+ push @Values, $Value ;
+ } else {
+ push @Values, 'U' ;
+ } # of else
+ } # of foreach
+ $RrdMsg.= "$sub " . join( ':', @Values ) . "\n" ;
+ } # of foreach
+ $Result.= "</table>\n" ;
+ $RrdMsg.= "-->" ;
+ $Result.= $RrdMsg ;
+} # of BuildMessage
+# Function CheckPortStatus checks if the TCP port to access the management
+# server is available in listen mode. The function result is true if the TCP
+# port is found in the listen state, false otherwise.
+sub CheckPortStatus($) {
+ my $url= shift ; # The url to check
+ my $Found= 0 ; # Function result
+ my @F ; # Fields of a line image
+ my @netstat= `netstat -ln4` ; # Retrieve port status info
+ foreach ( @netstat ) {
+ chomp ;
+ @F= split ;
+# next unless @F == 6 ;
+# next unless $F[5] eq 'LISTEN' ;
+ next unless "$F[0]://$F[3]" eq $url ;
+ $Found= 1 ; # Port in listen state found
+ last ; # Terminate search
+ } # of foreach
+ return $Found ;
+} # of CheckPortStatus
+# Function CheckValue checks the value of a statistic against its threshold(s).
+# A reference to the value and a reference to the threshold definition are
+# passed.
+sub CheckValue($$) {
+ my $vr= shift ; # Reference to the variable
+ my $tr= shift ; # Reference to the threshold descriptor
+ my $clr ;
+ $$vr{Status}= $#ColourOf ; # Default result
+ return if $$vr{Value} eq 'wait' ;
+ for ( my $i= $#ColourOf ; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ) {
+ $clr= $ColourOf[$i] ;
+ next unless exists $$tr{$clr} ;
+ if ( ref($$tr{$clr}) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ foreach ( @{$$tr{$clr}} ) {
+ if ( ref($_) eq 'Regexp' ) { # Text check
+ $$vr{Status}= $i if $$vr{Value} =~ m/$_/ ;
+ } elsif ( m/^[-+\d\.]+$/ ) { # Numeric upperbound
+ $$vr{Status}= $i if $$vr{Value} > $_ ;
+ } elsif ( m/^<\s*([-+\d\.]+)$/ ) { # Numeric lowerbound
+ $$vr{Status}= $i if $$vr{Value} < $1 ;
+ } # of elsif
+ } # of foreach
+ } else {
+ if ( ref($$tr{$clr}) eq 'Regexp' ) { # Text check
+ $$vr{Status}= $i if $$vr{Value} =~ m/$$tr{$clr}/ ;
+ } elsif ( $$tr{$clr} =~ m/^[-+\d\.]+$/ ) { # Numeric upperbound
+ $$vr{Status}= $i if $$vr{Value} > $$tr{$clr} ;
+ } elsif ( $$tr{$clr} =~ m/^<\s*([-+\d\.]+)$/ ) { # Numeric lowerbound
+ $$vr{Status}= $i if $$vr{Value} < $1 ;
+ } # of elsif
+ } # of else
+ } # of for
+} # of CheckValue
+# Function ComputeRates computes the the rate of change of the counter-like
+# variables.
+sub ComputeRates() {
+ my $hr ;
+ my $val ;
+ foreach my $sub ( keys %Table1 ) {
+ $hr= $Table1{$sub} ; # Ref into hash
+ foreach my $var ( keys %Counters ) {
+ $$hr{$Counters{$var}}{Value}= 'wait' ;
+ $$hr{$Counters{$var}}{State}= undef ;
+ if ( exists $Prev{$sub}{$var} and
+ defined $$hr{$var}{Value} and
+ defined $PrvTime ) {
+ if ( $$hr{$var}{Value} >= $Prev{$sub}{$var} ) {
+ $val= ( $$hr{$var}{Value} - $Prev{$sub}{$var} ) /
+ ( $CurTime - $PrvTime ) ;
+ $$hr{$Counters{$var}}{Value}= sprintf( '%.2f', $val ) ;
+ } # of if
+ } # of if
+ } # of foreach
+ } # of foreach
+} # of ComputeRates
+# Function GetOneReply sends the supplied request to the management server and
+# returns the result as a reference to a hash. If something went wrong, the
+# result will be undef and an (appropiate?) error message is entered in %ErrMsg.
+sub GetOneReply($$) {
+ my $socket = shift ; # Socket object
+ my $request= shift ; # Request string
+ my $reqlng= length( $request ) ; # Length of request string
+ my $rc= zmq_send( $socket, $request, $reqlng ) ;
+ return undef if AnError( "Request \"$request\"", $rc == $reqlng ) ;
+ my $reply= zmq_recvmsg( $socket ) ;
+ return undef if AnError( "Reply on \"$request\"", defined $reply ) ;
+ $reply= decode_json( zmq_msg_data($reply) ) ; # Convert to Perl structure
+ return $reply ;
+} # of GetOneReply
+# Function GetStatistics retrieves both the status and the statistics from the
+# server within the DabMux. The results are collected in hash %Table. Subhash
+# %{$Table{0}} will contain the service information, %{$Table{1}} will contain
+# the subchannel status and statistics.
+sub GetStatistics() {
+ my ($ctxt,$socket) ; # Connection variables
+ my ($reply,$rv) ; # Request/reply variables
+ my ($hr,$vr) ; # Refs into multi-level hash
+ $CurTime= undef ; # No data collected yet
+ #
+ # Build a connection to the DabMux server.
+ #
+ $ctxt= zmq_ctx_new ;
+ return undef if AnError( 'Building context object', defined $ctxt ) ;
+ $socket= zmq_socket( $ctxt, ZMQ_REQ ) ;
+ return undef if AnError( 'Creating socket', defined $socket ) ;
+ $rv= zmq_connect( $socket, $ODRMgmtSrvr ) ;
+ return undef if AnError( 'Connecting to DabMux', $rv == 0 ) ;
+ $reply= GetOneReply( $socket, 'info' ) ;
+ return undef unless defined $reply ;
+ %Table0= %$reply ; # Save overview of services
+ my $Once= 1 ; # Loop control variable
+ while ( $Once ) {
+ $Once= 0 ; # Only one iteration.
+ #
+ # Retrieve the subchannel assignment.
+ #
+ $reply= GetOneReply( $socket, 'getptree' ) ;
+ if ( defined $reply ) {
+ foreach my $sub ( keys %{$$reply{subchannels}} ) {
+ $hr= $$reply{subchannels}{$sub} ;
+ next unless exists $$hr{id} ;
+ next unless $$hr{id} =~ m/^\d+$/ ;
+ $SubChannel[$$hr{id}]= $sub ;
+ $SubChannel{$sub}= $$hr{id} ;
+ } # of foreach
+ } else {
+ next ; # Skip rest of retrievals
+ } # of else
+ #
+ # Retrieve the status and the statistics.
+ #
+ $reply= GetOneReply( $socket, 'state' ) ;
+ if ( defined $reply ) {
+ foreach my $sub ( keys %$reply ) {
+ $Table1{$sub}= {} ; # Preset result area
+ $hr= $Table1{$sub} ;
+ foreach ( keys %{$$reply{$sub}} ) {
+ $$hr{$_}{Value} = $$reply{$sub}{$_} ;
+ $$hr{$_}{Status}= undef ;
+ } # of foreach
+ } # of foreach
+ } else {
+ next ; # Skip retrieval of statistics
+ } # of else
+ $reply= GetOneReply( $socket, 'values' ) ;
+ if ( defined $reply and exists $$reply{values} ) {
+ $CurTime= time ; # Save time of retrieval
+ foreach my $sub ( keys %{$$reply{values}} ) {
+ next unless exists $Table1{$sub} ;
+ next unless exists $$reply{values}{$sub}{inputstat} ;
+ $hr= $Table1{$sub} ; # Ref to destination
+ $vr= $$reply{values}{$sub}{inputstat} ; # Ref to source
+ foreach ( keys %$vr ) {
+ $$hr{$_}{Value} = $$vr{$_} ;
+ $$hr{$_}{Status}= undef ;
+ } # of foreach
+ } # of foreach
+# } else {
+# next ;
+ } # of else
+ #
+ # Terminate the connection to the DabMux server.
+ #
+ } continue {
+ $rv= zmq_close( $socket ) ;
+ AnError( 'Closing socket', $rv == 0 ) ;
+ return 0 ; # Return a defined value
+ } # of continue / while
+} # of GetStatistics
+# Function GetXymonHostInfo retrieves the configuration of host $HostName from
+# the xymon configuration file hosts.cfg. If tag ODR is present, it is handled.
+sub GetXymonHostInfo() {
+ %HostInfo= ( select => { default => '^.+$' } ) ; # Default result
+ my @Lines= `$XySend $XyDisp \"$XyInfo\"` ; # Retrieve host info
+ if ( @Lines != 1 ) { # Handle error condition
+ LogError( 'clear', 'Retrieval of host information from Xymon failed' ) ;
+ return ;
+ } # of if
+ my ($Tag)= $Lines[0] =~ m/\b(ODR[^\s\|]+)/ ; # Extract tag ODR
+ return unless defined $Tag ;
+# return if $Tag eq 'ODR' ;
+ $Tag=~ s/^ODR\:// ; # Remove tag header
+ foreach my $sub ( split( /,/, $Tag ) ) {
+ if ( $sub =~ m/select\((.+)\)$/ ) {
+ $HostInfo{select}{list}{$_}= 0 foreach ( split(/;/,$1) ) ;
+ delete $HostInfo{select}{default} ;
+ } # of if
+ } # of foreach
+} # of GetXymonHostInfo
+# Function InformXymon sends the message, in global variable $Result, to the
+# Xymon server. Any error messages in %ErrMsg are prepended to the message and
+# the status (colour) of the message is adapted accordingly.
+sub InformXymon() {
+ my $ErrMsg= '' ;
+ my $Clr ; # Colour of one sub-test
+ for ( my $i= 0 ; $i < @ColourOf ; $i++ ) {
+ $Clr= $ColourOf[$i] ;
+ next unless @{$ErrMsg{$Clr}} ;
+ $Colour= min( $Colour, $i ) ;
+ $ErrMsg.= "&$Clr $_\n" foreach ( @{$ErrMsg{$Clr}} ) ;
+ } # of foreach
+ $ErrMsg.= "\n" if $ErrMsg ;
+ $Colour= $ColourOf[$Colour] ;
+ $Result= "\"status $HostName.$TestName $Colour $Now\n" .
+ "<b>Open Digital Radio DabMux status</b>\n\n" .
+ "$ErrMsg$Result\"\n" ;
+ `$XySend $XyDisp $Result` ; # Inform Xymon
+ $Result= '' ; # Reset message parameters
+ $Colour= $#ColourOf ;
+ $ErrMsg{$_}= [] foreach ( @ColourOf ) ;
+} # of InformXymon
+# Function RestoreCounters restores the values of counter-like variables,
+# collected in the previous pass of this script, in hash %Prev. However, if the
+# information is too old, nothing is restored.
+sub RestoreCounters() {
+ my @F ; # Fields in a line image
+ %Prev= () ; # Clear save area
+ $PrvTime= undef ;
+ unless ( open( FH, '<', $SaveFile ) ) {
+ LogError( 'yellow', "Can't read file $SaveFile : $!" ) ;
+ LogMessage( "Can't read file $SaveFile : $!" ) ;
+ return ;
+ } # of unless
+ while ( <FH> ) {
+ chomp ;
+ @F= split ;
+ if ( $F[0] eq 'Time' ) {
+ last unless ( time - $F[1] < 1000 ) ;
+ $PrvTime= $F[1] ;
+ } elsif ( $F[0] eq 'Counter' ) {
+ $Prev{$F[1]}{$F[2]}= $F[3] ;
+ } # of elsif
+ } # of while
+ close( FH ) ;
+} # of RestoreCounters
+# Function SaveCounters saves the counter-type variables in a file. They are
+# retrieved in the next pass of this script, and will be used to calculate the
+# rate in which these variables increase.
+sub SaveCounters() {
+ #
+ # If the retrieval of the statistics failed, nothing should be saved. Perhaps
+ # the information saved at the (a?) previous pass is usable in the next pass.
+ #
+ return unless defined $CurTime ;
+ unless ( open( FH, '>', $SaveFile ) ) {
+ LogError( 'yellow', "Can't write file $SaveFile : $!" ) ;
+ LogMessage( "Can't write file $SaveFile : $!" ) ;
+ return ;
+ } # of unless
+ print FH "Time $CurTime\n" ;
+ foreach my $sub ( sort keys %Table1 ) {
+ foreach my $var ( sort keys %{$Table1{$sub}} ) {
+ next unless exists $Counters{$var} ;
+ next unless defined $Table1{$sub}{$var}{Value} ;
+ print FH "Counter $sub $var $Table1{$sub}{$var}{Value}\n" ;
+ } # of foreach
+ } # of foreach
+ close( FH ) ;
+} # of SaveCounters
+# =============
+unless ( CheckPortStatus($ODRMgmtSrvr) ) { # If server down,
+ LogMessage( "URL \"$ODRMgmtSrvr\" is not available" ) ;
+ LogError( 'red', 'Server is not available' ) ;
+ InformXymon ; # report error via xymon
+ exit ; # and stop
+} # of unless
+unless ( defined GetStatistics ) { # If retrieval fails,
+ InformXymon ; # report error via xymon
+ exit ; # and stop
+} # of unless
+GetXymonHostInfo ; # Retrieve additional host info
+if ( keys %Counters ) {
+ RestoreCounters ; # Get counters from previous pass
+ ComputeRates ; # Compute their rate of change
+ SaveCounters ; # Save counters for next pass
+} # of if
+ApplyThresholds ; # Check for out-of-range values
+BuildMessage ; # Build xymon message
+InformXymon ; # Send message to xymon