diff options
authorYoann QUERET <yoann@queret.net>2016-02-09 16:29:25 +0100
committerYoann QUERET <yoann@queret.net>2016-02-09 16:29:25 +0100
commita153cb1e281357300ae43454cba593b9cf0c3bde (patch)
parentbcd51f68047854efc73f53463e0091bae14b7ad9 (diff)
Bye bye old script, welcome supervisor
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 1642 deletions
diff --git a/encode-gst.sh b/encode-gst.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 255b4be..0000000
--- a/encode-gst.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Encode one programme using gstreamer.
-# Status: Experimental
-QUEUEDELAY=400000 #400ms
-if [[ "$DST" == "" ]]
- echo "Usage $0 url id destination"
- exit 1
-while true
- gst-launch -q \
- uridecodebin uri=$URL ! \
- queue "max-size-time=$QUEUEDELAY" ! \
- audioresample quality=8 ! \
- audioconvert ! \
- audio/x-raw-int, "rate=$RATE,format=S16LE,channels=2" ! \
- filesink location="/dev/stdout" | \
- dabplus-enc -i /dev/stdin -b $BITRATE -r $RATE -f raw -a -o $DST
- R=$?
- NOW=$(date)
- mail -s "Encoder $ID restart $URL" matthias+odrge1@mpb.li << EOF
-The encoder id:$ID
-encoding $URL -> $DST with gstreamer was restarted at
-The return code was $R
- sleep 5
diff --git a/encode-jack-dls-jamin.sh b/encode-jack-dls-jamin.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d4557..0000000
--- a/encode-jack-dls-jamin.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-# Encode programme using mplayer, connect through JACK
-# to jamin, which connects to dabplus-enc or toolame
-# Read webstream from URL using mplayer
-# Launch dabplus-enc or toolame encoder
-# Launch jamin
-# connect all through JACK
-# monitor processes, and restart if necessary
-# Optionally send an email when restart happens
-# Extract ICY Text from stream and use it for DLS
-printerr() {
- echo -e "\033[01;31m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.error -t "$ID" "$1"
-printmsg() {
- echo -e "\033[01;32m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.notice -t "$ID" "$1"
-set -u
-# check number of arguments
-if [[ "$#" -lt 3 ]] ; then
- echo "Usage $0 url jack-id destination [volume] [encoder]"
- echo "The volume setting is optional"
- exit 1
-if [[ "$#" -gt 2 ]] ; then
- URL=$1
- ID=$2
- DST=$3
-if [[ "$#" == 4 ]] ; then
- VOL=$4
- ENC="dabplus-enc"
-elif [[ "$#" == 5 ]] ; then
- VOL=$4
- ENC=$5
- VOL="0"
- ENC="dabplus-enc"
-if [[ "$ENC" == "toolame" && "$RATE" == "32" ]] ; then
- echo "32kHz not supported for toolame"
- exit 1
-# The trap for Ctrl-C
-sigint_trap() {
- printerr "Got Ctrl-C, killing mplayer and encoder"
- running=0
- if [[ "$mplayerpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $mplayerpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $mplayerpid
- fi
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $encoderpid
- fi
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $motencoderpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $motencoderpid
- fi
- if [[ "$jaminpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $jaminpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $jaminpid
- fi
- printmsg "Goodbye"
- exit
-trap sigint_trap SIGTERM
-trap sigint_trap SIGINT
-while [[ "$running" == "1" ]]
- if [[ "$mplayerpid" == "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ "$VOL" == "0" ]] ; then
- mplayer -quiet -af resample=${RATE}000:0:2 -ao jack:name=$ID "$URL" | \
- ./icy-info.py $DLSDIR/${ID}.dls $DLSDIR/${ID}-default.dls &
- mplayerpid=$!
- else
- mplayer -quiet -af resample=${RATE}000:0:2 -af volume=$VOL -ao jack:name=$ID "$URL" | \
- ./icy-info.py $DLSDIR/${ID}.dls $DLSDIR/${ID}-default.dls &
- mplayerpid=$!
- fi
- printmsg "Started mplayer with pid $mplayerpid"
- # give some time to mplayer to set up and
- # wait until port becomes visible
- timeout=10
- while [[ "$mplayer_ok" == "0" ]]
- do
- printmsg "Waiting for mplayer to connect to jack ($timeout)"
- sleep 1
- mplayer_ok=$(jack_lsp $ID:out_0 | wc -l)
- timeout=$(( $timeout - 1 ))
- if [[ "$timeout" == "0" ]] ; then
- printerr "mplayer doesn't connect to jack !"
- kill $mplayerpid
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- printmsg "No need to start mplayer: $mplayerpid"
- fi
- if [[ "$mplayer_ok" == "1" && "$encoder_ok" == "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ "$ENC" == "dabplus-enc" ]] ; then
- dabplus-enc -j ${ID}enc -l \
- -p 34 -P $DLSDIR/${ID}.pad \
- -b $BITRATE -r ${RATE}000 -f raw -o $DST &
- encoderpid=$!
- elif [[ "$ENC" == "toolame" ]] ; then
- toolame -b $BITRATE -s $RATE \
- -p 34 -P $DLSDIR/${ID}.pad \
- -j ${ID}enc $DST &
- encoderpid=$!
- fi
- #jasmin
- if [[ "$jaminpid" == "0" ]] ; then
- jamin -g -f $JAMIN/$ID.jam $ID:out_0 $ID:out_1 ${ID}enc:input0 ${ID}enc:input1 &
- jaminpid=$!
- fi
- printmsg "Started jamin with pid $jaminpid"
- # give some time to the encoder to set up and
- # wait until port becomes visible
- timeout=10
- encoder_connected=0
- while [[ "$encoder_connected" == "0" ]]
- do
- printmsg "Waiting for encoder to connect to jack ($timeout)"
- sleep 1
- encoder_connected=$(jack_lsp ${ID}enc:input0 | wc -l)
- timeout=$(( $timeout - 1))
- if [[ "$timeout" == "0" ]] ; then
- printerr "encoder doesn't connect to jack !"
- kill $encoderpid
- break
- fi
- done
-# if [[ "$encoder_connected" == "1" ]] ; then
-# jack_connect ${ID}:out_0 ${ID}enc:input0 && \
-# jack_connect ${ID}:out_1 ${ID}enc:input1 #&& \
-# jack_connect ${ID}:out_0 ${ID}enc:input0 && \
-# jack_connect ${ID}:out_0 ${ID}enc:input1
-# connect_ret=$?
-# if [[ "$connect_ret" == "0" ]] ; then
-# encoder_ok=1
-# else
-# encoder_ok=0
-# fi
-# if [[ "$encoder_ok" == "1" ]] ; then
-# printmsg "Started encoder with pid $encoderpid"
-# else
-# if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
-# kill -TERM $encoderpid
-# fi
-# fi
-# fi
- fi
- if [[ "$encoder_ok" == "1" && "$motencoderpid" == "0" ]] ; then
- # Check if the slides folder exists, and start mot-encoder accordingly
- if [[ -d "$SLIDEDIR/$ID" ]] ; then
- mot-encoder -o $DLSDIR/${ID}.pad -t $DLSDIR/${ID}.dls -p 34 -v \
- -e -d $SLIDEDIR/${ID} &
- motencoderpid=$!
- else
- mot-encoder -o $DLSDIR/${ID}.pad -t $DLSDIR/${ID}.dls -p 34 -v &
- motencoderpid=$!
- fi
- printmsg "Started mot-encoder with pid $encoderpid"
- fi
- sleep 8
- checkloop=1
- while [[ "$checkloop" == "1" ]]
- do
- sleep 2
- kill -s 0 $mplayerpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # mplayer died
- # we must kill jack-stdout, because we cannot reconnect it
- # to a new mplayer, since we do not know the jack-stdout name.
- # And it has no cmdline option to set one, Rrrrongntudtjuuu!
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- fi
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $motencoderpid
- fi
- if [[ "$jaminpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $jaminpid
- fi
- # mark as dead
- mplayerpid=0
- mplayer_ok=0
- encoderpid=0
- encoder_ok=0
- jaminpid=0
- jamin_ok=0
- motencoderpid=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "Mplayer died"
- fi
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -s 0 $encoderpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # the encoder died,
- # no need to kill the mplayer, we can reconnect to it
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $motencoderpid
- fi
- if [[ "$jaminpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $jaminpid
- fi
- encoderpid=0
- encoder_ok=0
- jaminpid=0
- jamin_ok=0
- motencoderpid=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "Encoder died"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$jaminpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -s 0 $jaminpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # the jamin died,
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $motencoderpid
- fi
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- fi
- encoderpid=0
- encoder_ok=0
- jaminpid=0
- motencoderpid=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "Jamin died"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -s 0 $motencoderpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # mot-encoder died
- # let's try restarting it
- motencoderpid=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "mot-encoder died"
- fi
- fi
- done
- MAILTO=$(cat site/mail-warning.txt)
- if [[ "$MAILTO" != "" ]] ; then
- NOW=$(date)
- mail -s "Encoder $ID restart $URL" "$MAILTO" << EOF
-The encoder id:$ID
-encoding $URL -> $DST using encode-jack-dls-jamin was restarted at
-mplayer ok? $mplayer_ok
- fi
- sleep 5
diff --git a/encode-jack-dls.sh b/encode-jack-dls.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 042fc2f..0000000
--- a/encode-jack-dls.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-# Encode programme using mplayer, connect through JACK
-# to dabplus-enc or toolame
-# Read webstream from URL using mplayer
-# Launch dabplus-enc or toolame encoder
-# connect both through JACK
-# monitor processes, and restart if necessary
-# Optionally send an email when restart happens
-# Extract ICY Text from stream and use it for DLS
-printerr() {
- echo -e "\033[01;31m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.error -t "$ID" "$1"
-printmsg() {
- echo -e "\033[01;32m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.notice -t "$ID" "$1"
-set -u
-# check number of arguments
-if [[ "$#" -lt 3 ]] ; then
- echo "Usage $0 url jack-id destination [volume] [encoder]"
- echo "The volume setting is optional"
- exit 1
-if [[ "$#" -gt 2 ]] ; then
- URL=$1
- ID=$2
- DST=$3
-if [[ "$#" == 4 ]] ; then
- VOL=$4
- ENC="dabplus-enc"
-elif [[ "$#" == 5 ]] ; then
- VOL=$4
- ENC=$5
- VOL="0"
- ENC="dabplus-enc"
-RATE=32 #kHz
-if [[ "$ENC" == "toolame" && "$RATE" == "32" ]] ; then
- echo "32kHz not supported for toolame"
- exit 1
-# The trap for Ctrl-C
-sigint_trap() {
- printerr "Got Ctrl-C, killing mplayer and encoder"
- running=0
- if [[ "$mplayerpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $mplayerpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $mplayerpid
- fi
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $encoderpid
- fi
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $motencoderpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $motencoderpid
- fi
- printmsg "Goodbye"
- exit
-trap sigint_trap SIGTERM
-trap sigint_trap SIGINT
-while [[ "$running" == "1" ]]
- if [[ "$mplayerpid" == "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ "$VOL" == "0" ]] ; then
- mplayer -quiet -af resample=${RATE}000:0:2 -ao jack:name=$ID "$URL" | \
- ./icy-info.py $DLSDIR/${ID}.dls $DLSDIR/${ID}-default.dls &
- mplayerpid=$!
- else
- mplayer -quiet -af resample=${RATE}000:0:2 -af volume=$VOL -ao jack:name=$ID "$URL" | \
- ./icy-info.py $DLSDIR/${ID}.dls $DLSDIR/${ID}-default.dls &
- mplayerpid=$!
- fi
- printmsg "Started mplayer with pid $mplayerpid"
- # give some time to mplayer to set up and
- # wait until port becomes visible
- timeout=10
- while [[ "$mplayer_ok" == "0" ]]
- do
- printmsg "Waiting for mplayer to connect to jack ($timeout)"
- sleep 1
- mplayer_ok=$(jack_lsp $ID:out_0 | wc -l)
- timeout=$(( $timeout - 1 ))
- if [[ "$timeout" == "0" ]] ; then
- printerr "mplayer doesn't connect to jack !"
- kill $mplayerpid
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- printmsg "No need to start mplayer: $mplayerpid"
- fi
- if [[ "$mplayer_ok" == "1" && "$encoder_ok" == "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ "$ENC" == "dabplus-enc" ]] ; then
- dabplus-enc -j ${ID}enc -l \
- -p 34 -P $DLSDIR/${ID}.pad \
- -b $BITRATE -r ${RATE}000 -f raw -o $DST &
- encoderpid=$!
- elif [[ "$ENC" == "toolame" ]] ; then
- toolame -b $BITRATE -s $RATE \
- -p 34 -P $DLSDIR/${ID}.pad \
- -j ${ID}enc $DST &
- encoderpid=$!
- fi
- # give some time to the encoder to set up and
- # wait until port becomes visible
- timeout=10
- encoder_connected=0
- while [[ "$encoder_connected" == "0" ]]
- do
- printmsg "Waiting for encoder to connect to jack ($timeout)"
- sleep 1
- encoder_connected=$(jack_lsp ${ID}enc:input0 | wc -l)
- timeout=$(( $timeout - 1))
- if [[ "$timeout" == "0" ]] ; then
- printerr "encoder doesn't connect to jack !"
- kill $encoderpid
- break
- fi
- done
- if [[ "$encoder_connected" == "1" ]] ; then
- jack_connect ${ID}:out_0 ${ID}enc:input0 && \
- jack_connect ${ID}:out_1 ${ID}enc:input1
- connect_ret=$?
- if [[ "$connect_ret" == "0" ]] ; then
- encoder_ok=1
- else
- encoder_ok=0
- fi
- if [[ "$encoder_ok" == "1" ]] ; then
- printmsg "Started encoder with pid $encoderpid"
- else
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$encoder_ok" == "1" && "$motencoderpid" == "0" ]] ; then
- # Check if the slides folder exists, and start mot-encoder accordingly
- if [[ -d "$SLIDEDIR/$ID" ]] ; then
- mot-encoder -o $DLSDIR/${ID}.pad -t $DLSDIR/${ID}.dls -p 34 -v \
- -e -d $SLIDEDIR/${ID} &
- motencoderpid=$!
- else
- mot-encoder -o $DLSDIR/${ID}.pad -t $DLSDIR/${ID}.dls -p 34 -v &
- motencoderpid=$!
- fi
- printmsg "Started mot-encoder with pid $encoderpid"
- fi
- sleep 5
- checkloop=1
- while [[ "$checkloop" == "1" ]]
- do
- sleep 2
- kill -s 0 $mplayerpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # mplayer died
- # we must kill jack-stdout, because we cannot reconnect it
- # to a new mplayer, since we do not know the jack-stdout name.
- # And it has no cmdline option to set one, Rrrrongntudtjuuu!
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- fi
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $motencoderpid
- fi
- # mark as dead
- mplayerpid=0
- mplayer_ok=0
- encoderpid=0
- encoder_ok=0
- motencoderpid=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "Mplayer died"
- fi
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -s 0 $encoderpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # the encoder died,
- # no need to kill the mplayer, we can reconnect to it
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $motencoderpid
- fi
- motencoderpid=0
- encoderpid=0
- encoder_ok=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "Encoder died"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$motencoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -s 0 $motencoderpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # mot-encoder died
- # let's try restarting it
- motencoderpid=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "mot-encoder died"
- fi
- fi
- done
- MAILTO=$(cat site/mail-warning.txt)
- if [[ "$MAILTO" != "" ]] ; then
- NOW=$(date)
- mail -s "Encoder $ID restart $URL" "$MAILTO" << EOF
-The encoder id:$ID
-encoding $URL -> $DST using encode-jack-dls was restarted at
-mplayer ok? $mplayer_ok
- fi
- sleep 5
diff --git a/encode-jack.sh b/encode-jack.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index bb28dee..0000000
--- a/encode-jack.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# Encode programme using mplayer, connect through JACK
-# to dabplus-enc or toolame
-# Read webstream from URL using mplayer
-# Launch dabplus-enc or toolame encoder
-# connect both through JACK
-# monitor processes, and restart if necessary
-# Optionally send an email when restart happens
-printerr() {
- echo -e "\033[01;31m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.error -t "$ID" "$1"
-printmsg() {
- echo -e "\033[01;32m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.notice -t "$ID" "$1"
-set -u
-# check number of arguments
-if [[ "$#" -lt 3 ]] ; then
- echo "Usage $0 url jack-id destination [volume] [encoder]"
- echo "The volume setting is optional"
- exit 1
-if [[ "$#" -gt 2 ]] ; then
- URL=$1
- ID=$2
- DST=$3
-if [[ "$#" == 4 ]] ; then
- VOL=$4
- ENC="dabplus-enc"
-elif [[ "$#" == 5 ]] ; then
- VOL=$4
- ENC=$5
- VOL="0"
- ENC="dabplus-enc"
-RATE=32 #kHz
-if [[ "$ENC" == "toolame" && "$RATE" == "32" ]] ; then
- echo "32kHz not supported for toolame"
- exit 1
-# The trap for Ctrl-C
-sigint_trap() {
- printerr "Got Ctrl-C, killing mplayer and encoder"
- running=0
- if [[ "$mplayerpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $mplayerpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $mplayerpid
- fi
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $encoderpid
- fi
- printmsg "quitting"
- exit
-trap sigint_trap SIGTERM
-trap sigint_trap SIGINT
-while [[ "$running" == "1" ]]
- if [[ "$mplayerpid" == "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ "$VOL" == "0" ]] ; then
- mplayer -quiet -af resample=${RATE}000:0:2 -ao jack:name=$ID "$URL" &
- mplayerpid=$!
- else
- mplayer -quiet -af resample=${RATE}000:0:2 -af volume=$VOL -ao jack:name=$ID "$URL" &
- mplayerpid=$!
- fi
- printmsg "Started mplayer with pid $mplayerpid"
- # give some time to mplayer to set up and
- # wait until port becomes visible
- timeout=10
- while [[ "$mplayer_ok" == "0" ]]
- do
- printmsg "Waiting for mplayer to connect to jack ($timeout)"
- sleep 1
- mplayer_ok=$(jack_lsp $ID:out_0 | wc -l)
- timeout=$(( $timeout - 1 ))
- if [[ "$timeout" == "0" ]] ; then
- printerr "mplayer doesn't connect to jack !"
- kill $mplayerpid
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- printmsg "No need to start mplayer: $mplayerpid"
- fi
- if [[ "$mplayer_ok" == "1" && "$encoder_ok" == "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ "$ENC" == "dabplus-enc" ]] ; then
- dabplus-enc -j ${ID}enc -l \
- -b $BITRATE -r ${RATE}000 -f raw -o $DST &
- encoderpid=$!
- elif [[ "$ENC" == "toolame" ]] ; then
- toolame -b $BITRATE -s $RATE \
- -j ${ID}enc $DST &
- encoderpid=$!
- fi
- # give some time to the encoder to set up and
- # wait until port becomes visible
- timeout=10
- encoder_connected=0
- while [[ "$encoder_connected" == "0" ]]
- do
- printmsg "Waiting for encoder to connect to jack ($timeout)"
- sleep 1
- encoder_connected=$(jack_lsp ${ID}enc:input0 | wc -l)
- timeout=$(( $timeout - 1))
- if [[ "$timeout" == "0" ]] ; then
- printerr "encoder doesn't connect to jack !"
- kill $encoderpid
- break
- fi
- done
- if [[ "$encoder_connected" == "1" ]] ; then
- jack_connect ${ID}:out_0 ${ID}enc:input0 && \
- jack_connect ${ID}:out_1 ${ID}enc:input1
- connect_ret=$?
- if [[ "$connect_ret" == "0" ]] ; then
- encoder_ok=1
- else
- encoder_ok=0
- fi
- if [[ "$encoder_ok" == "1" ]] ; then
- printmsg "Started encoder with pid $encoderpid"
- else
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- sleep 5
- checkloop=1
- while [[ "$checkloop" == "1" ]]
- do
- sleep 2
- kill -s 0 $mplayerpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # mplayer died
- # we must kill jack-stdout, because we cannot reconnect it
- # to a new mplayer, since we do not know the jack-stdout name.
- # And it has no cmdline option to set one, Rrrrongntudtjuuu!
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- fi
- # mark as dead
- mplayerpid=0
- mplayer_ok=0
- encoderpid=0
- encoder_ok=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "Mplayer died"
- fi
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -s 0 $encoderpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- # the encoder died,
- # no need to kill the mplayer, we can reconnect to it
- encoderpid=0
- encoder_ok=0
- checkloop=0
- printerr "Encoder died"
- fi
- fi
- done
- MAILTO=$(cat site/mail-warning.txt)
- if [[ "$MAILTO" != "" ]] ; then
- NOW=$(date)
- mail -s "Encoder $ID restart $URL" "$MAILTO" << EOF
-The encoder id:$ID
-encoding $URL -> $DST using encode-jack was restarted at
-mplayer ok? $mplayer_ok
- fi
- sleep 5
diff --git a/encode-libvlc.sh b/encode-libvlc.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 361a743..0000000
--- a/encode-libvlc.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# Encode programme using libVLC input from
-# dabplus-enc or toolame
-# monitor processes, and restart if necessary
-# Optionally send an email when restart happens
-printerr() {
- echo -e "\033[01;31m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.error -t "$ID" "$1"
-printmsg() {
- echo -e "\033[01;32m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.notice -t "$ID" "$1"
-set -u
-# check number of arguments
-if [[ "$#" -lt 3 ]] ; then
- echo "Usage $0 url id destination [encoder]"
- echo "Encoder shall be 'dabplus-enc' or 'toolame'"
- exit 1
-if [[ "$#" -gt 3 ]] ; then
- ENC=$4
- ENC="dabplus-enc"
-if [[ "$#" -gt 4 ]]; then
- shift 4
- if [[ "$ENC" == "dabplus-enc" ]]; then
- OPTIONS="-b 80 -r 32000"
- else
- OPTIONS="-b 128 -s 48 -L"
- fi
-# The trap for Ctrl-C
-sigint_trap() {
- printerr "Got Ctrl-C, killing mplayer and encoder"
- running=0
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- sleep 2
- kill -KILL $encoderpid
- fi
- printmsg "quitting"
- exit
-trap sigint_trap SIGTERM
-trap sigint_trap SIGINT
-while [[ "$running" == "1" ]]
- printmsg "Launching encoder"
- if [[ "$ENC" == "dabplus-enc" ]] ; then
- dabplus-enc -v "$URL" $OPTIONS -o "$DST" -l &
- encoderpid=$!
- elif [[ "$ENC" == "toolame" ]] ; then
- toolame $OPTIONS -V "$URL" "$DST" &
- encoderpid=$!
- fi
- printerr "Detected crash of encoder!"
- sleep 5
- checkloop=1
- while [[ "$checkloop" == "1" ]]
- do
- sleep 2
- kill -s 0 $encoderpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- printerr "the encoder died"
- encoderpid=0
- checkloop=0
- fi
- done
- MAILTO=$(cat site/mail-warning.txt)
- if [[ "$MAILTO" != "" ]] ; then
- NOW=$(date)
- mail -s "Encoder $ID restart $URL" "$MAILTO" << EOF
-The encoder id:$ID
-encoding $URL -> $DST using encode-libvlc was restarted at
- fi
- sleep 5
diff --git a/encode-mot.sh b/encode-mot.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index ad60bad..0000000
--- a/encode-mot.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# Encode programme using libVLC input from
-# dabplus-enc or toolame
-# monitor processes, and restart if necessary
-# Optionally send an email when restart happens
-printerr() {
- echo -e "\033[01;31m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.error -t "$ID" "$1"
-printmsg() {
- echo -e "\033[01;32m$1\033[0m"
- logger -p local0.notice -t "$ID" "$1"
-set -u
-# check number of arguments
-if [[ "$#" -lt 3 ]] ; then
- echo "Usage $0 id options"
- exit 1
-shift 2
-# The trap for Ctrl-C
-sigint_trap() {
- printerr "Got Ctrl-C, killing mot-encoder"
- running=0
- if [[ "$encoderpid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill -TERM $encoderpid
- fi
- printmsg "quitting"
- exit
-trap sigint_trap SIGTERM
-trap sigint_trap SIGINT
-while [[ "$running" == "1" ]]
- printmsg "Launching mot-encoder"
- mot-encoder $OPTIONS &
- encoderpid=$!
- printerr "Detected crash of encoder!"
- sleep 5
- checkloop=1
- while [[ "$checkloop" == "1" ]]
- do
- sleep 2
- kill -s 0 $encoderpid
- if [[ "$?" != "0" ]] ; then
- printerr "the mot-encoder died"
- encoderpid=0
- checkloop=0
- fi
- done
- MAILTO=$(cat ./mail-warning.txt)
- if [[ "$MAILTO" != "" ]] ; then
- NOW=$(date)
- mail -s "MOT Encoder $ID restart $URL" "$MAILTO" << EOF
-The encoder id:$ID
-encoding using mot-encoder was restarted at
- fi
- sleep 5
diff --git a/encode-mpg123.sh b/encode-mpg123.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 17c4d7f..0000000
--- a/encode-mpg123.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Encode programme using mpg123
-# Status: Experimental
-if [[ "$DST" == "" ]]
- echo "Usage $0 url id destination"
- exit 1
-while true
- mpg123 -r $RATE -s $URL | \
- dabplus-enc -i /dev/stdin -b $BITRATE -r $RATE -f raw -a -o $DST
- R=$?
- MAILTO=$(cat site/mail-warning.txt)
- if [[ "$MAILTO" != "" ]] ; then
- NOW=$(date)
- mail -s "Encoder $ID restart $URL" $MAILTO << EOF
-The encoder id:$ID
-encoding $URL -> $DST with mpg123 was restarted at
-The return code was $R
- fi
- sleep 5
diff --git a/examplesite/configuration.sh b/examplesite/configuration.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index bcbffc0..0000000
--- a/examplesite/configuration.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for the encoder scripts
-all_radios=("radio1" "radio2" "radio3")
-all_mot=("radio1" "radio3")
-# declare radios to be an associative array, DO NOT REMOVE
-declare -A radios
-declare -A mot
-# for each radio, write here the full encoder command.
-# encode-jack needs:
-# URL ID dabmux-URL [amplitude correction]
-# radio1
-radios[radio1]="./encode-libvlc.sh http://radio1.aac Radio1 tcp://localhost:9001 toolame -b 128 -s 48 -m j -y 2 -L -W dls/radio1.txt -p 6 -P dls/radio1.dls"
-mot[radio]="./encode-mot.sh Radio1 --pad 6 --remove-dls --dls dls/radio1.txt --output dls/radio1.dls"
-# radio2
-radios[radio2]="./encode-libvlc.sh http://radio2.aac Radio2 tcp://localhost:9002 toolame -b 128 -s 48 -m j -y 2 -L"
-# radio3
-radios[radio3]="./encode-libvlc.sh http://radio3.aac Radio3 tcp://localhost:9003 toolame -b 128 -s 48 -m j -y 2 -L -W dls/radio3.txt -p 6 -P dls/radio3.dls"
-mot[radio3]="./encode-mot.sh Radio3 --pad 6 --remove-dls --dls dls/radio3.txt --output dls/radio3.dls"
diff --git a/examplesite/dls/radio1-default.dls b/examplesite/dls/radio1-default.dls
deleted file mode 100644
index b79382b..0000000
--- a/examplesite/dls/radio1-default.dls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Radio1 - The Best Example DLS Text Ever
diff --git a/examplesite/filtertaps.txt b/examplesite/filtertaps.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cd0b28d..0000000
--- a/examplesite/filtertaps.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examplesite/mail-warning.txt b/examplesite/mail-warning.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/examplesite/mail-warning.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/examplesite/mod.ini b/examplesite/mod.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d20ebc..0000000
--- a/examplesite/mod.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examplesite/multiplex.mux b/examplesite/multiplex.mux
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f1983e..0000000
--- a/examplesite/multiplex.mux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-; Example configuration file for site.
-; Please see ODR-DabMux repository for more details
-general {
- dabmode 1
- nbframes 0
- syslog 1
- writescca false
- tist false
- statsserverport 12720
-remotecontrol {
- telnetport 12721
-ensemble {
- id 0xabcd
- ecc 0x01
- label "ODR-mmbTools"
- shortlabel "mmbTools"
- international-table 1
- local-time-offset auto
-services {
- srv_radio1 {
- label "radio1"
- id 0x6543
- }
- srv_radio2 {
- label "radio2"
- id 0x6542
- }
-subchannels {
- sub_radio1 {
- type dabplus
- inputfile "tcp://*:9000"
- zmq-buffer 80
- zmq-prebuffering 40
- bitrate 80
- id 1
- protection 3
- }
- sub_radio2 {
- type dabplus
- inputfile "tcp://*:9001"
- zmq-buffer 80
- zmq-prebuffering 40
- bitrate 80
- id 2
- protection 3
- }
-components {
- comp_radio1 {
- label "radio1"
- shortlabel "radio1"
- service srv_radio1
- subchannel sub_radio1
- }
- comp_radio2 {
- label "radio2"
- shortlabel "radio2"
- service srv_radio2
- subchannel sub_radio2
- }
-outputs {
- stdout "fifo:///dev/stdout?type=raw"
diff --git a/icy-info.py b/icy-info.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 14ed558..0000000
--- a/icy-info.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# This script parses the mplayer standard output and
-# extracts ICY info for the mot-encoder.
-# Usage:
-# mplayer <blablabla> | icy-info.py file.dls file-with-default.dls
-# the file-with-default.dls contains DLS text to be sent when there
-# is no ICY info
-import re
-import select
-import sys
-import time
-re_icy = re.compile(r"""ICY Info: StreamTitle='([^']*)'.*""")
-if len(sys.argv) < 3:
- print("Please specify dls output file, and file containing default text")
- sys.exit(1)
-dls_file = sys.argv[1]
-default_textfile = sys.argv[2]
-def new_dlstext(text):
- if text.strip() == "":
- try:
- fd = open(default_textfile, "r")
- text = fd.read().strip()
- fd.close()
- except Exception as e:
- print("Could not read default text from {}: {}".format(default_textfile, e))
- print("New Text: {}".format(text))
- fd = open(dls_file, "w")
- fd.write(text)
- fd.close()
-wait_timeout = 5
-nodls_timeout = 0
-while True:
- # readline is blocking, therefore we cannot send a default text
- # after some timeout
- new_data = sys.stdin.readline()
- if not new_data:
- break
- match = re_icy.match(new_data)
- if match:
- artist_title = match.groups()[0]
- new_dlstext(artist_title)
- else:
- print("{}".format(new_data.strip()))
-if False:
- # The select call creates a one ICY delay, and it's not clear why...
- while True:
- rfds, wfds, efds = select.select( [sys.stdin], [], [], wait_timeout)
- if rfds:
- # new data available on stdin
- print("SELECT !")
- new_data = sys.stdin.readline()
- print("DATA ! {}".format(new_data))
- if not new_data:
- break
- match = re_icy.match(new_data)
- if match:
- artist_title = match.groups()[0]
- new_dlstext(artist_title)
- else:
- print("{}".format(new_data.strip()))
- else:
- # timeout reading stdin
- nodls_timeout += 1
- if nodls_timeout == 100:
- new_dlstext("")
- nodls_timeout = 0
- time.sleep(.1)
diff --git a/kill-all-encoders.sh b/kill-all-encoders.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 38a6f34..0000000
--- a/kill-all-encoders.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# kill all processes
-pkill -INT "radio.sh"
-pkill -INT "mot.sh"
diff --git a/launch-all-encoders.sh b/launch-all-encoders.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d9da530..0000000
--- a/launch-all-encoders.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# launch each encoder in its own screen window
-set -e
-if [ -f site/configuration.sh ]
- source site/configuration.sh
- for radio in ${all_radios[*]}
- do
- echo "Launching $radio encoder"
- screen -t "Audio Encoder $radio" ./radio.sh "$radio"
- sleep 0.4
- done
- for mot in ${all_mot[*]}
- do
- echo "Launching $mot mot-encoder"
- screen -t "MOT Encoder $mot" ./mot.sh "$mot"
- sleep 0.4
- done
- echo "Error: No site configuration available!"
- exit 1
diff --git a/mot.sh b/mot.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index baa6a76..0000000
--- a/mot.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# Start the mot-encoder for the radio
-set -e
-source site/configuration.sh
-printerr() {
- echo -e "\033[01;31m$1\033[0m"
-printmsg() {
- echo -e "\033[01;32m$1\033[0m"
-sigint_trap() {
- printerr "Got Ctrl-C, killing radio encoder script"
- if [[ "$script_pid" != "0" ]] ; then
- kill $script_pid
- script_pid=0
- wait
- fi
-set -e
-# check number of arguments
-if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]] ; then
- echo "Usage $0 radio-id"
- echo "You must specify which radio to start"
- exit 1
-if [ "${mot[$RADIO]+_}" ] ; then
- COMMAND=${mot[$RADIO]}
- trap sigint_trap SIGINT
- # execute script
- script_pid=$!
- wait
- echo "Radio $RADIO not defined in configuration"
- exit 1
diff --git a/radio.sh b/radio.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 31a5ac1..0000000
--- a/radio.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Start the encoder for the radio
-set -e
-source site/configuration.sh
-printerr() {
- echo -e "\033[01;31m$1\033[0m"
-printmsg() {
- echo -e "\033[01;32m$1\033[0m"
-sigint_trap() {
- printerr "Got Ctrl-C"
- if [[ "$script_pid" != "0" ]] ; then
- printmsg "killing radio encoder script $script_pid"
- kill -INT $script_pid
- script_pid=0
- wait
- fi
-set -e
-# check number of arguments
-if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]] ; then
- echo "Usage $0 radio-id"
- echo "You must specify which radio to start"
- exit 1
-if [ "${radios[$RADIO]+_}" ] ; then
- COMMAND=${radios[$RADIO]}
- trap sigint_trap SIGINT
- # execute script
- script_pid=$!
- wait
- echo "Radio $RADIO not defined in configuration"
- exit 1
diff --git a/start-mux-mod.sh b/start-mux-mod.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 96e05c2..0000000
--- a/start-mux-mod.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Launch the multiplexer and the modulator
-if [[ -e site/multiplex.mux && -e site/mod.ini && -e site/mail-warning.txt ]]
- while true
- do
- odr-dabmux -e site/multiplex.mux | sudo odr-dabmod -C site/mod.ini
- R=$?
- MAILTO=$(cat site/mail-warning.txt)
- if [[ "$MAILTO" != "" ]] ; then
- NOW=$(date)
- mail -s "MUX and MOD restart" "$MAILTO" << EOF
-The mux and mod were restarted at
-The return code was $R
- fi
- sleep 15
- done
- echo "Incomplete site configuration !"
- echo "Check that the site/ folder exists"
- exit 1