path: root/fdk-aac/libSBRdec/src/lpp_tran.cpp
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diff --git a/fdk-aac/libSBRdec/src/lpp_tran.cpp b/fdk-aac/libSBRdec/src/lpp_tran.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef07eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdk-aac/libSBRdec/src/lpp_tran.cpp
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+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android
+© Copyright 1995 - 2018 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten
+Forschung e.V. All rights reserved.
+The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software
+that implements the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding
+scheme for digital audio. This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on
+a wide variety of Android devices.
+AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient
+general perceptual audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing
+full-bandwidth communications codec by independent studies and is widely
+deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part of the MPEG
+Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including
+those of Fraunhofer) may be obtained through Via Licensing
+(www.vialicensing.com) or through the respective patent owners individually for
+the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant
+with the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of
+Android devices already license these patent claims through Via Licensing or
+directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec software may
+already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those
+licensed purposes only.
+Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions
+with enhanced sound quality, are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are
+encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional applications
+information and documentation.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted without payment of copyright license fees provided that you
+satisfy the following conditions:
+You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of
+the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in source code form.
+You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation
+and/or other materials provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or
+your modifications thereto in binary form. You must make available free of
+charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
+modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.
+The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
+from this library without prior written permission.
+You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute
+the FDK AAC Codec software or your modifications thereto.
+Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating
+that you changed the software and the date of any change. For modified versions
+of the FDK AAC Codec, the term "Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android"
+must be replaced by the term "Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK
+AAC Codec Library for Android."
+limitation the patents of Fraunhofer, ARE GRANTED BY THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE.
+Fraunhofer provides no warranty of patent non-infringement with respect to this
+You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for
+purposes that are authorized by appropriate patent licenses.
+This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright
+holders and contributors "AS IS" and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,
+including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and
+fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR
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+liability, or tort (including negligence), arising in any way out of the use of
+this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
+Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL
+Am Wolfsmantel 33
+91058 Erlangen, Germany
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/**************************** SBR decoder library ******************************
+ Author(s):
+ Description:
+ \file
+ \brief Low Power Profile Transposer
+ This module provides the transposer. The main entry point is lppTransposer().
+ The function generates high frequency content by copying data from the low
+ band (provided by core codec) into the high band. This process is also
+ referred to as "patching". The function also implements spectral whitening by
+ means of inverse filtering based on LPC coefficients.
+ Together with the QMF filterbank the transposer can be tested using a supplied
+ test program. See main_audio.cpp for details. This module does use fractional
+ arithmetic and the accuracy of the computations has an impact on the overall
+ sound quality. The module also needs to take into account the different
+ scaling of spectral data.
+ \sa lppTransposer(), main_audio.cpp, sbr_scale.h, \ref documentationOverview
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+#include "log/log.h"
+#include "lpp_tran.h"
+#include "sbr_ram.h"
+#include "sbr_rom.h"
+#include "genericStds.h"
+#include "autocorr2nd.h"
+#include "HFgen_preFlat.h"
+#if defined(__arm__)
+#include "arm/lpp_tran_arm.cpp"
+ *
+ * \brief Get bandwidth expansion factor from filtering level
+ *
+ * Returns a filter parameter (bandwidth expansion factor) depending on
+ * the desired filtering level signalled in the bitstream.
+ * When switching the filtering level from LOW to OFF, an additional
+ * level is being inserted to achieve a smooth transition.
+ */
+static FIXP_DBL mapInvfMode(INVF_MODE mode, INVF_MODE prevMode,
+ switch (mode) {
+ if (prevMode == INVF_OFF)
+ return whFactors.transitionLevel;
+ else
+ return whFactors.lowLevel;
+ return whFactors.midLevel;
+ return whFactors.highLevel;
+ default:
+ if (prevMode == INVF_LOW_LEVEL)
+ return whFactors.transitionLevel;
+ else
+ return whFactors.off;
+ }
+ *
+ * \brief Perform inverse filtering level emphasis
+ *
+ * Retrieve bandwidth expansion factor and apply smoothing for each filter band
+ *
+ */
+static void inverseFilteringLevelEmphasis(
+ HANDLE_SBR_LPP_TRANS hLppTrans, /*!< Handle of lpp transposer */
+ UCHAR nInvfBands, /*!< Number of bands for inverse filtering */
+ INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode, /*!< Current inverse filtering modes */
+ INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode_prev, /*!< Previous inverse filtering modes */
+ FIXP_DBL *bwVector /*!< Resulting filtering levels */
+) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < nInvfBands; i++) {
+ FIXP_DBL accu;
+ FIXP_DBL bwTmp = mapInvfMode(sbr_invf_mode[i], sbr_invf_mode_prev[i],
+ hLppTrans->pSettings->whFactors);
+ if (bwTmp < hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[i]) {
+ accu = fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.75f), bwTmp) +
+ fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.25f), hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[i]);
+ } else {
+ accu = fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.90625f), bwTmp) +
+ fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.09375f), hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[i]);
+ }
+ if (accu<FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.015625f)>> 1) {
+ bwVector[i] = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f);
+ } else {
+ bwVector[i] = fixMin(accu << 1, FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.99609375f));
+ }
+ }
+/* Resulting autocorrelation determinant exponent */
+#define ACDET_EXP \
+ (2 * (DFRACT_BITS + sbrScaleFactor->lb_scale + 10 - ac.det_scale))
+#define AC_EXP (-sbrScaleFactor->lb_scale + LPC_SCALE_FACTOR)
+#define ALPHA_EXP (-sbrScaleFactor->lb_scale + LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + 1)
+/* Resulting transposed QMF values exponent 16 bit normalized samplebits
+ * assumed. */
+#define QMFOUT_EXP ((SAMPLE_BITS - 15) - sbrScaleFactor->lb_scale)
+static inline void calc_qmfBufferReal(FIXP_DBL **qmfBufferReal,
+ const FIXP_DBL *const lowBandReal,
+ const int startSample,
+ const int stopSample, const UCHAR hiBand,
+ const int dynamicScale, const int descale,
+ const FIXP_SGL a0r, const FIXP_SGL a1r) {
+ FIXP_DBL accu1, accu2;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < stopSample - startSample; i++) {
+ accu1 = fMultDiv2(a1r, lowBandReal[i]);
+ accu1 = (fMultDiv2(a0r, lowBandReal[i + 1]) + accu1);
+ accu1 = accu1 >> dynamicScale;
+ accu1 <<= 1;
+ accu2 = (lowBandReal[i + 2] >> descale);
+ qmfBufferReal[i + startSample][hiBand] = accu1 + accu2;
+ }
+ *
+ * \brief Perform transposition by patching of subband samples.
+ * This function serves as the main entry point into the module. The function
+ * determines the areas for the patching process (these are the source range as
+ * well as the target range) and implements spectral whitening by means of
+ * inverse filtering. The function autoCorrelation2nd() is an auxiliary function
+ * for calculating the LPC coefficients for the filtering. The actual
+ * calculation of the LPC coefficients and the implementation of the filtering
+ * are done as part of lppTransposer().
+ *
+ * Note that the filtering is done on all available QMF subsamples, whereas the
+ * patching is only done on those QMF subsamples that will be used in the next
+ * QMF synthesis. The filtering is also implemented before the patching includes
+ * further dependencies on parameters from the SBR data.
+ *
+ */
+void lppTransposer(
+ HANDLE_SBR_LPP_TRANS hLppTrans, /*!< Handle of lpp transposer */
+ QMF_SCALE_FACTOR *sbrScaleFactor, /*!< Scaling factors */
+ FIXP_DBL **qmfBufferReal, /*!< Pointer to pointer to real part of subband
+ samples (source) */
+ FIXP_DBL *degreeAlias, /*!< Vector for results of aliasing estimation */
+ FIXP_DBL **qmfBufferImag, /*!< Pointer to pointer to imaginary part of
+ subband samples (source) */
+ const int useLP, const int fPreWhitening, const int v_k_master0,
+ const int timeStep, /*!< Time step of envelope */
+ const int firstSlotOffs, /*!< Start position in time */
+ const int lastSlotOffs, /*!< Number of overlap-slots into next frame */
+ const int nInvfBands, /*!< Number of bands for inverse filtering */
+ INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode, /*!< Current inverse filtering modes */
+ INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode_prev /*!< Previous inverse filtering modes */
+) {
+ FIXP_DBL bwVector[MAX_NUM_PATCHES]; /*!< pole moving factors */
+ FIXP_DBL preWhiteningGains[(64) / 2];
+ int preWhiteningGains_exp[(64) / 2];
+ int i;
+ int loBand, start, stop;
+ TRANSPOSER_SETTINGS *pSettings = hLppTrans->pSettings;
+ PATCH_PARAM *patchParam = pSettings->patchParam;
+ int patch;
+ FIXP_SGL alphar[LPC_ORDER], a0r, a1r;
+ FIXP_SGL alphai[LPC_ORDER], a0i = 0, a1i = 0;
+ int autoCorrLength;
+ FIXP_DBL k1, k1_below = 0, k1_below2 = 0;
+ int startSample;
+ int stopSample;
+ int stopSampleClear;
+ int comLowBandScale;
+ int ovLowBandShift;
+ int lowBandShift;
+ /* int ovHighBandShift;*/
+ alphai[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphai[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ startSample = firstSlotOffs * timeStep;
+ stopSample = pSettings->nCols + lastSlotOffs * timeStep;
+ FDK_ASSERT((lastSlotOffs * timeStep) <= pSettings->overlap);
+ inverseFilteringLevelEmphasis(hLppTrans, nInvfBands, sbr_invf_mode,
+ sbr_invf_mode_prev, bwVector);
+ stopSampleClear = stopSample;
+ autoCorrLength = pSettings->nCols + pSettings->overlap;
+ if (pSettings->noOfPatches > 0) {
+ /* Set upper subbands to zero:
+ This is required in case that the patches do not cover the complete
+ highband (because the last patch would be too short). Possible
+ optimization: Clearing bands up to usb would be sufficient here. */
+ int targetStopBand =
+ patchParam[pSettings->noOfPatches - 1].targetStartBand +
+ patchParam[pSettings->noOfPatches - 1].numBandsInPatch;
+ int memSize = ((64) - targetStopBand) * sizeof(FIXP_DBL);
+ if (!useLP) {
+ for (i = startSample; i < stopSampleClear; i++) {
+ FDKmemclear(&qmfBufferReal[i][targetStopBand], memSize);
+ FDKmemclear(&qmfBufferImag[i][targetStopBand], memSize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = startSample; i < stopSampleClear; i++) {
+ FDKmemclear(&qmfBufferReal[i][targetStopBand], memSize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+ else {
+ // Safetynet logging
+ android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "112160868");
+ }
+ /* init bwIndex for each patch */
+ FDKmemclear(bwIndex, sizeof(bwIndex));
+ /*
+ Calc common low band scale factor
+ */
+ comLowBandScale =
+ fixMin(sbrScaleFactor->ov_lb_scale, sbrScaleFactor->lb_scale);
+ ovLowBandShift = sbrScaleFactor->ov_lb_scale - comLowBandScale;
+ lowBandShift = sbrScaleFactor->lb_scale - comLowBandScale;
+ /* ovHighBandShift = firstSlotOffs == 0 ? ovLowBandShift:0;*/
+ if (fPreWhitening) {
+ sbrDecoder_calculateGainVec(
+ qmfBufferReal, qmfBufferImag,
+ DFRACT_BITS - 1 - 16 -
+ sbrScaleFactor->ov_lb_scale, /* convert scale to exponent */
+ DFRACT_BITS - 1 - 16 -
+ sbrScaleFactor->lb_scale, /* convert scale to exponent */
+ pSettings->overlap, preWhiteningGains, preWhiteningGains_exp,
+ v_k_master0, startSample, stopSample);
+ }
+ /* outer loop over bands to do analysis only once for each band */
+ if (!useLP) {
+ start = pSettings->lbStartPatching;
+ stop = pSettings->lbStopPatching;
+ } else {
+ start = fixMax(1, pSettings->lbStartPatching - 2);
+ stop = patchParam[0].targetStartBand;
+ }
+ for (loBand = start; loBand < stop; loBand++) {
+ FIXP_DBL lowBandReal[(((1024) / (32) * (4) / 2) + (3 * (4))) + LPC_ORDER];
+ FIXP_DBL *plowBandReal = lowBandReal;
+ FIXP_DBL **pqmfBufferReal =
+ qmfBufferReal + firstSlotOffs * timeStep /* + pSettings->overlap */;
+ FIXP_DBL lowBandImag[(((1024) / (32) * (4) / 2) + (3 * (4))) + LPC_ORDER];
+ FIXP_DBL *plowBandImag = lowBandImag;
+ FIXP_DBL **pqmfBufferImag =
+ qmfBufferImag + firstSlotOffs * timeStep /* + pSettings->overlap */;
+ int resetLPCCoeffs = 0;
+ int dynamicScale = DFRACT_BITS - 1 - LPC_SCALE_FACTOR;
+ int acDetScale = 0; /* scaling of autocorrelation determinant */
+ for (i = 0;
+ i < LPC_ORDER + firstSlotOffs * timeStep /*+pSettings->overlap*/;
+ i++) {
+ *plowBandReal++ = hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesRealLegSBR[i][loBand];
+ if (!useLP)
+ *plowBandImag++ = hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesImagLegSBR[i][loBand];
+ }
+ /*
+ Take old slope length qmf slot source values out of (overlap)qmf buffer
+ */
+ if (!useLP) {
+ for (i = 0;
+ i < pSettings->nCols + pSettings->overlap - firstSlotOffs * timeStep;
+ i++) {
+ *plowBandReal++ = (*pqmfBufferReal++)[loBand];
+ *plowBandImag++ = (*pqmfBufferImag++)[loBand];
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* pSettings->overlap is always even */
+ FDK_ASSERT((pSettings->overlap & 1) == 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < ((pSettings->nCols + pSettings->overlap -
+ firstSlotOffs * timeStep) >>
+ 1);
+ i++) {
+ *plowBandReal++ = (*pqmfBufferReal++)[loBand];
+ *plowBandReal++ = (*pqmfBufferReal++)[loBand];
+ }
+ if (pSettings->nCols & 1) {
+ *plowBandReal++ = (*pqmfBufferReal++)[loBand];
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Determine dynamic scaling value.
+ */
+ dynamicScale =
+ fixMin(dynamicScale,
+ getScalefactor(lowBandReal, LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap) +
+ ovLowBandShift);
+ dynamicScale =
+ fixMin(dynamicScale,
+ getScalefactor(&lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap],
+ pSettings->nCols) +
+ lowBandShift);
+ if (!useLP) {
+ dynamicScale =
+ fixMin(dynamicScale,
+ getScalefactor(lowBandImag, LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap) +
+ ovLowBandShift);
+ dynamicScale =
+ fixMin(dynamicScale,
+ getScalefactor(&lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap],
+ pSettings->nCols) +
+ lowBandShift);
+ }
+ dynamicScale = fixMax(
+ 0, dynamicScale - 1); /* one additional bit headroom to prevent -1.0 */
+ /*
+ Scale temporal QMF buffer.
+ */
+ scaleValues(&lowBandReal[0], LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap,
+ dynamicScale - ovLowBandShift);
+ scaleValues(&lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap], pSettings->nCols,
+ dynamicScale - lowBandShift);
+ if (!useLP) {
+ scaleValues(&lowBandImag[0], LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap,
+ dynamicScale - ovLowBandShift);
+ scaleValues(&lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap],
+ pSettings->nCols, dynamicScale - lowBandShift);
+ }
+ if (!useLP) {
+ acDetScale += autoCorr2nd_cplx(&ac, lowBandReal + LPC_ORDER,
+ lowBandImag + LPC_ORDER, autoCorrLength);
+ } else {
+ acDetScale +=
+ autoCorr2nd_real(&ac, lowBandReal + LPC_ORDER, autoCorrLength);
+ }
+ /* Examine dynamic of determinant in autocorrelation. */
+ acDetScale += 2 * (comLowBandScale + dynamicScale);
+ acDetScale *= 2; /* two times reflection coefficent scaling */
+ acDetScale += ac.det_scale; /* ac scaling of determinant */
+ /* In case of determinant < 10^-38, resetLPCCoeffs=1 has to be enforced. */
+ if (acDetScale > 126) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ }
+ alphar[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ if (!useLP) alphai[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ if (ac.det != FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) {
+ FIXP_DBL tmp, absTmp, absDet;
+ absDet = fixp_abs(ac.det);
+ if (!useLP) {
+ tmp = (fMultDiv2(ac.r01r, ac.r12r) >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR - 1)) -
+ ((fMultDiv2(ac.r01i, ac.r12i) + fMultDiv2(ac.r02r, ac.r11r)) >>
+ } else {
+ tmp = (fMultDiv2(ac.r01r, ac.r12r) >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR - 1)) -
+ (fMultDiv2(ac.r02r, ac.r11r) >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR - 1));
+ }
+ absTmp = fixp_abs(tmp);
+ /*
+ Quick check: is first filter coeff >= 1(4)
+ */
+ {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result = fDivNorm(absTmp, absDet, &scale);
+ scale = scale + ac.det_scale;
+ if ((scale > 0) && (result >= (FIXP_DBL)MAXVAL_DBL >> scale)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ } else {
+ alphar[1] = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(scaleValue(result, scale));
+ if ((tmp < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.det < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f))) {
+ alphar[1] = -alphar[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!useLP) {
+ tmp = (fMultDiv2(ac.r01i, ac.r12r) >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR - 1)) +
+ ((fMultDiv2(ac.r01r, ac.r12i) -
+ (FIXP_DBL)fMultDiv2(ac.r02i, ac.r11r)) >>
+ absTmp = fixp_abs(tmp);
+ /*
+ Quick check: is second filter coeff >= 1(4)
+ */
+ {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result = fDivNorm(absTmp, absDet, &scale);
+ scale = scale + ac.det_scale;
+ if ((scale > 0) &&
+ (result >= /*FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.f)*/ (FIXP_DBL)MAXVAL_DBL >>
+ scale)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ } else {
+ alphai[1] = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(scaleValue(result, scale));
+ if ((tmp < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.det < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f))) {
+ alphai[1] = -alphai[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alphar[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ if (!useLP) alphai[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ if (ac.r11r != FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) {
+ /* ac.r11r is always >=0 */
+ FIXP_DBL tmp, absTmp;
+ if (!useLP) {
+ tmp = (ac.r01r >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + 1)) +
+ (fMultDiv2(alphar[1], ac.r12r) + fMultDiv2(alphai[1], ac.r12i));
+ } else {
+ if (ac.r01r >= FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f))
+ tmp = (ac.r01r >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + 1)) +
+ fMultDiv2(alphar[1], ac.r12r);
+ else
+ tmp = -((-ac.r01r) >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + 1)) +
+ fMultDiv2(alphar[1], ac.r12r);
+ }
+ absTmp = fixp_abs(tmp);
+ /*
+ Quick check: is first filter coeff >= 1(4)
+ */
+ if (absTmp >= (ac.r11r >> 1)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ } else {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result = fDivNorm(absTmp, fixp_abs(ac.r11r), &scale);
+ alphar[0] = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(scaleValue(result, scale + 1));
+ if ((tmp > FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.r11r < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)))
+ alphar[0] = -alphar[0];
+ }
+ if (!useLP) {
+ tmp = (ac.r01i >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + 1)) +
+ (fMultDiv2(alphai[1], ac.r12r) - fMultDiv2(alphar[1], ac.r12i));
+ absTmp = fixp_abs(tmp);
+ /*
+ Quick check: is second filter coeff >= 1(4)
+ */
+ if (absTmp >= (ac.r11r >> 1)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ } else {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result = fDivNorm(absTmp, fixp_abs(ac.r11r), &scale);
+ alphai[0] = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(scaleValue(result, scale + 1));
+ if ((tmp > FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.r11r < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)))
+ alphai[0] = -alphai[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!useLP) {
+ /* Now check the quadratic criteria */
+ if ((fMultDiv2(alphar[0], alphar[0]) + fMultDiv2(alphai[0], alphai[0])) >=
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ if ((fMultDiv2(alphar[1], alphar[1]) + fMultDiv2(alphai[1], alphai[1])) >=
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ }
+ if (resetLPCCoeffs) {
+ alphar[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphar[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ if (!useLP) {
+ alphai[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphai[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ if (useLP) {
+ /* Aliasing detection */
+ if (ac.r11r == FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) {
+ k1 = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f);
+ } else {
+ if (fixp_abs(ac.r01r) >= fixp_abs(ac.r11r)) {
+ if (fMultDiv2(ac.r01r, ac.r11r) < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) {
+ } else {
+ /* Since this value is squared later, it must not ever become -1.0f.
+ */
+ k1 = (FIXP_DBL)(MINVAL_DBL + 1) /*FL2FXCONST_SGL(-1.0f)*/;
+ }
+ } else {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result =
+ fDivNorm(fixp_abs(ac.r01r), fixp_abs(ac.r11r), &scale);
+ k1 = scaleValue(result, scale);
+ if (!((ac.r01r < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.r11r < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)))) {
+ k1 = -k1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((loBand > 1) && (loBand < v_k_master0)) {
+ /* Check if the gain should be locked */
+ FIXP_DBL deg =
+ /*FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f)*/ (FIXP_DBL)MAXVAL_DBL - fPow2(k1_below);
+ degreeAlias[loBand] = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f);
+ if (((loBand & 1) == 0) && (k1 < FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f))) {
+ if (k1_below < FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) { /* 2-Ch Aliasing Detection */
+ degreeAlias[loBand] = (FIXP_DBL)MAXVAL_DBL /*FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f)*/;
+ if (k1_below2 >
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) { /* 3-Ch Aliasing Detection */
+ degreeAlias[loBand - 1] = deg;
+ }
+ } else if (k1_below2 >
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) { /* 3-Ch Aliasing Detection */
+ degreeAlias[loBand] = deg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (((loBand & 1) == 1) && (k1 > FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f))) {
+ if (k1_below > FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) { /* 2-CH Aliasing Detection */
+ degreeAlias[loBand] = (FIXP_DBL)MAXVAL_DBL /*FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f)*/;
+ if (k1_below2 <
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) { /* 3-CH Aliasing Detection */
+ degreeAlias[loBand - 1] = deg;
+ }
+ } else if (k1_below2 <
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) { /* 3-CH Aliasing Detection */
+ degreeAlias[loBand] = deg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* remember k1 values of the 2 QMF channels below the current channel */
+ k1_below2 = k1_below;
+ k1_below = k1;
+ }
+ patch = 0;
+ while (patch < pSettings->noOfPatches) { /* inner loop over every patch */
+ int hiBand = loBand + patchParam[patch].targetBandOffs;
+ if (loBand < patchParam[patch].sourceStartBand ||
+ loBand >= patchParam[patch].sourceStopBand
+ //|| hiBand >= hLppTrans->pSettings->noChannels
+ ) {
+ /* Lowband not in current patch - proceed */
+ patch++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ FDK_ASSERT(hiBand < (64));
+ /* bwIndex[patch] is already initialized with value from previous band
+ * inside this patch */
+ while (hiBand >= pSettings->bwBorders[bwIndex[patch]] &&
+ bwIndex[patch] < MAX_NUM_PATCHES - 1) {
+ bwIndex[patch]++;
+ }
+ /*
+ Filter Step 2: add the left slope with the current filter to the buffer
+ pure source values are already in there
+ */
+ bw = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(bwVector[bwIndex[patch]]);
+ a0r = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(
+ fMult(bw, alphar[0])); /* Apply current bandwidth expansion factor */
+ if (!useLP) a0i = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(fMult(bw, alphai[0]));
+ bw = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(fPow2(bw));
+ a1r = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(fMult(bw, alphar[1]));
+ if (!useLP) a1i = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(fMult(bw, alphai[1]));
+ /*
+ Filter Step 3: insert the middle part which won't be windowed
+ */
+ if (bw <= FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f)) {
+ if (!useLP) {
+ int descale =
+ fixMin(DFRACT_BITS - 1, (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + dynamicScale));
+ for (i = startSample; i < stopSample; i++) {
+ FIXP_DBL accu1, accu2;
+ accu1 = lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale;
+ accu2 = lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale;
+ if (fPreWhitening) {
+ accu1 = scaleValueSaturate(
+ fMultDiv2(accu1, preWhiteningGains[loBand]),
+ preWhiteningGains_exp[loBand] + 1);
+ accu2 = scaleValueSaturate(
+ fMultDiv2(accu2, preWhiteningGains[loBand]),
+ preWhiteningGains_exp[loBand] + 1);
+ }
+ qmfBufferReal[i][hiBand] = accu1;
+ qmfBufferImag[i][hiBand] = accu2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int descale =
+ fixMin(DFRACT_BITS - 1, (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + dynamicScale));
+ for (i = startSample; i < stopSample; i++) {
+ qmfBufferReal[i][hiBand] = lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* bw <= 0 */
+ if (!useLP) {
+ int descale =
+ fixMin(DFRACT_BITS - 1, (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + dynamicScale));
+ lppTransposer_func1(
+ lowBandReal + LPC_ORDER + startSample,
+ lowBandImag + LPC_ORDER + startSample,
+ qmfBufferReal + startSample, qmfBufferImag + startSample,
+ stopSample - startSample, (int)hiBand, dynamicScale, descale, a0r,
+ a0i, a1r, a1i, fPreWhitening, preWhiteningGains[loBand],
+ preWhiteningGains_exp[loBand] + 1);
+ for (i = startSample; i < stopSample; i++) {
+ FIXP_DBL accu1, accu2;
+ accu1 = (fMultDiv2(a0r, lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i - 1]) -
+ fMultDiv2(a0i, lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i - 1]) +
+ fMultDiv2(a1r, lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i - 2]) -
+ fMultDiv2(a1i, lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i - 2])) >>
+ dynamicScale;
+ accu2 = (fMultDiv2(a0i, lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i - 1]) +
+ fMultDiv2(a0r, lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i - 1]) +
+ fMultDiv2(a1i, lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i - 2]) +
+ fMultDiv2(a1r, lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i - 2])) >>
+ dynamicScale;
+ accu1 = (lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale) + (accu1 << 1);
+ accu2 = (lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale) + (accu2 << 1);
+ if (fPreWhitening) {
+ accu1 = scaleValueSaturate(
+ fMultDiv2(accu1, preWhiteningGains[loBand]),
+ preWhiteningGains_exp[loBand] + 1);
+ accu2 = scaleValueSaturate(
+ fMultDiv2(accu2, preWhiteningGains[loBand]),
+ preWhiteningGains_exp[loBand] + 1);
+ }
+ qmfBufferReal[i][hiBand] = accu1;
+ qmfBufferImag[i][hiBand] = accu2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FDK_ASSERT(dynamicScale >= 0);
+ calc_qmfBufferReal(
+ qmfBufferReal, &(lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + startSample - 2]),
+ startSample, stopSample, hiBand, dynamicScale,
+ fMin(DFRACT_BITS - 1, (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + dynamicScale)), a0r,
+ a1r);
+ }
+ } /* bw <= 0 */
+ patch++;
+ } /* inner loop over patches */
+ /*
+ * store the unmodified filter coefficients if there is
+ * an overlapping envelope
+ *****************************************************************/
+ } /* outer loop over bands (loBand) */
+ if (useLP) {
+ for (loBand = pSettings->lbStartPatching;
+ loBand < pSettings->lbStopPatching; loBand++) {
+ patch = 0;
+ while (patch < pSettings->noOfPatches) {
+ UCHAR hiBand = loBand + patchParam[patch].targetBandOffs;
+ if (loBand < patchParam[patch].sourceStartBand ||
+ loBand >= patchParam[patch].sourceStopBand ||
+ hiBand >= (64) /* Highband out of range (biterror) */
+ ) {
+ /* Lowband not in current patch or highband out of range (might be
+ * caused by biterrors)- proceed */
+ patch++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (hiBand != patchParam[patch].targetStartBand)
+ degreeAlias[hiBand] = degreeAlias[loBand];
+ patch++;
+ }
+ } /* end for loop */
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nInvfBands; i++) {
+ hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[i] = bwVector[i];
+ }
+ /*
+ set high band scale factor
+ */
+ sbrScaleFactor->hb_scale = comLowBandScale - (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR);
+void lppTransposerHBE(
+ HANDLE_SBR_LPP_TRANS hLppTrans, /*!< Handle of lpp transposer */
+ QMF_SCALE_FACTOR *sbrScaleFactor, /*!< Scaling factors */
+ FIXP_DBL **qmfBufferReal, /*!< Pointer to pointer to real part of subband
+ samples (source) */
+ FIXP_DBL **qmfBufferImag, /*!< Pointer to pointer to imaginary part of
+ subband samples (source) */
+ const int timeStep, /*!< Time step of envelope */
+ const int firstSlotOffs, /*!< Start position in time */
+ const int lastSlotOffs, /*!< Number of overlap-slots into next frame */
+ const int nInvfBands, /*!< Number of bands for inverse filtering */
+ INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode, /*!< Current inverse filtering modes */
+ INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode_prev /*!< Previous inverse filtering modes */
+) {
+ INT bwIndex;
+ FIXP_DBL bwVector[MAX_NUM_PATCHES_HBE]; /*!< pole moving factors */
+ int i;
+ int loBand, start, stop;
+ TRANSPOSER_SETTINGS *pSettings = hLppTrans->pSettings;
+ PATCH_PARAM *patchParam = pSettings->patchParam;
+ FIXP_SGL alphar[LPC_ORDER], a0r, a1r;
+ FIXP_SGL alphai[LPC_ORDER], a0i = 0, a1i = 0;
+ int autoCorrLength;
+ int startSample;
+ int stopSample;
+ int stopSampleClear;
+ int comBandScale;
+ int ovLowBandShift;
+ int lowBandShift;
+ /* int ovHighBandShift;*/
+ alphai[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphai[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ startSample = firstSlotOffs * timeStep;
+ stopSample = pSettings->nCols + lastSlotOffs * timeStep;
+ inverseFilteringLevelEmphasis(hLppTrans, nInvfBands, sbr_invf_mode,
+ sbr_invf_mode_prev, bwVector);
+ stopSampleClear = stopSample;
+ autoCorrLength = pSettings->nCols + pSettings->overlap;
+ if (pSettings->noOfPatches > 0) {
+ /* Set upper subbands to zero:
+ This is required in case that the patches do not cover the complete
+ highband (because the last patch would be too short). Possible
+ optimization: Clearing bands up to usb would be sufficient here. */
+ int targetStopBand =
+ patchParam[pSettings->noOfPatches - 1].targetStartBand +
+ patchParam[pSettings->noOfPatches - 1].numBandsInPatch;
+ int memSize = ((64) - targetStopBand) * sizeof(FIXP_DBL);
+ for (i = startSample; i < stopSampleClear; i++) {
+ FDKmemclear(&qmfBufferReal[i][targetStopBand], memSize);
+ FDKmemclear(&qmfBufferImag[i][targetStopBand], memSize);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+ else {
+ // Safetynet logging
+ android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "112160868");
+ }
+ /*
+ Calc common low band scale factor
+ */
+ comBandScale = sbrScaleFactor->hb_scale;
+ ovLowBandShift = sbrScaleFactor->hb_scale - comBandScale;
+ lowBandShift = sbrScaleFactor->hb_scale - comBandScale;
+ /* ovHighBandShift = firstSlotOffs == 0 ? ovLowBandShift:0;*/
+ /* outer loop over bands to do analysis only once for each band */
+ start = hQmfTransposer->startBand;
+ stop = hQmfTransposer->stopBand;
+ for (loBand = start; loBand < stop; loBand++) {
+ bwIndex = 0;
+ FIXP_DBL lowBandReal[(((1024) / (32) * (4) / 2) + (3 * (4))) + LPC_ORDER];
+ FIXP_DBL lowBandImag[(((1024) / (32) * (4) / 2) + (3 * (4))) + LPC_ORDER];
+ int resetLPCCoeffs = 0;
+ int dynamicScale = DFRACT_BITS - 1 - LPC_SCALE_FACTOR;
+ int acDetScale = 0; /* scaling of autocorrelation determinant */
+ for (i = 0; i < LPC_ORDER; i++) {
+ lowBandReal[i] = hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesRealHBE[i][loBand];
+ lowBandImag[i] = hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesImagHBE[i][loBand];
+ }
+ for (; i < LPC_ORDER + firstSlotOffs * timeStep; i++) {
+ lowBandReal[i] = hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesRealHBE[i][loBand];
+ lowBandImag[i] = hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesImagHBE[i][loBand];
+ }
+ /*
+ Take old slope length qmf slot source values out of (overlap)qmf buffer
+ */
+ for (i = firstSlotOffs * timeStep;
+ i < pSettings->nCols + pSettings->overlap; i++) {
+ lowBandReal[i + LPC_ORDER] = qmfBufferReal[i][loBand];
+ lowBandImag[i + LPC_ORDER] = qmfBufferImag[i][loBand];
+ }
+ /* store unmodified values to buffer */
+ for (i = 0; i < LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap; i++) {
+ hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesRealHBE[i][loBand] =
+ qmfBufferReal[pSettings->nCols - LPC_ORDER + i][loBand];
+ hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesImagHBE[i][loBand] =
+ qmfBufferImag[pSettings->nCols - LPC_ORDER + i][loBand];
+ }
+ /*
+ Determine dynamic scaling value.
+ */
+ dynamicScale =
+ fixMin(dynamicScale,
+ getScalefactor(lowBandReal, LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap) +
+ ovLowBandShift);
+ dynamicScale =
+ fixMin(dynamicScale,
+ getScalefactor(&lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap],
+ pSettings->nCols) +
+ lowBandShift);
+ dynamicScale =
+ fixMin(dynamicScale,
+ getScalefactor(lowBandImag, LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap) +
+ ovLowBandShift);
+ dynamicScale =
+ fixMin(dynamicScale,
+ getScalefactor(&lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap],
+ pSettings->nCols) +
+ lowBandShift);
+ dynamicScale = fixMax(
+ 0, dynamicScale - 1); /* one additional bit headroom to prevent -1.0 */
+ /*
+ Scale temporal QMF buffer.
+ */
+ scaleValues(&lowBandReal[0], LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap,
+ dynamicScale - ovLowBandShift);
+ scaleValues(&lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap], pSettings->nCols,
+ dynamicScale - lowBandShift);
+ scaleValues(&lowBandImag[0], LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap,
+ dynamicScale - ovLowBandShift);
+ scaleValues(&lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + pSettings->overlap], pSettings->nCols,
+ dynamicScale - lowBandShift);
+ acDetScale += autoCorr2nd_cplx(&ac, lowBandReal + LPC_ORDER,
+ lowBandImag + LPC_ORDER, autoCorrLength);
+ /* Examine dynamic of determinant in autocorrelation. */
+ acDetScale += 2 * (comBandScale + dynamicScale);
+ acDetScale *= 2; /* two times reflection coefficent scaling */
+ acDetScale += ac.det_scale; /* ac scaling of determinant */
+ /* In case of determinant < 10^-38, resetLPCCoeffs=1 has to be enforced. */
+ if (acDetScale > 126) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ }
+ alphar[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphai[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ if (ac.det != FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) {
+ FIXP_DBL tmp, absTmp, absDet;
+ absDet = fixp_abs(ac.det);
+ tmp = (fMultDiv2(ac.r01r, ac.r12r) >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR - 1)) -
+ ((fMultDiv2(ac.r01i, ac.r12i) + fMultDiv2(ac.r02r, ac.r11r)) >>
+ absTmp = fixp_abs(tmp);
+ /*
+ Quick check: is first filter coeff >= 1(4)
+ */
+ {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result = fDivNorm(absTmp, absDet, &scale);
+ scale = scale + ac.det_scale;
+ if ((scale > 0) && (result >= (FIXP_DBL)MAXVAL_DBL >> scale)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ } else {
+ alphar[1] = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(scaleValue(result, scale));
+ if ((tmp < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.det < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f))) {
+ alphar[1] = -alphar[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tmp = (fMultDiv2(ac.r01i, ac.r12r) >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR - 1)) +
+ ((fMultDiv2(ac.r01r, ac.r12i) -
+ (FIXP_DBL)fMultDiv2(ac.r02i, ac.r11r)) >>
+ absTmp = fixp_abs(tmp);
+ /*
+ Quick check: is second filter coeff >= 1(4)
+ */
+ {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result = fDivNorm(absTmp, absDet, &scale);
+ scale = scale + ac.det_scale;
+ if ((scale > 0) &&
+ (result >= /*FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.f)*/ (FIXP_DBL)MAXVAL_DBL >> scale)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ } else {
+ alphai[1] = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(scaleValue(result, scale));
+ if ((tmp < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.det < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f))) {
+ alphai[1] = -alphai[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alphar[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphai[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ if (ac.r11r != FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f)) {
+ /* ac.r11r is always >=0 */
+ FIXP_DBL tmp, absTmp;
+ tmp = (ac.r01r >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + 1)) +
+ (fMultDiv2(alphar[1], ac.r12r) + fMultDiv2(alphai[1], ac.r12i));
+ absTmp = fixp_abs(tmp);
+ /*
+ Quick check: is first filter coeff >= 1(4)
+ */
+ if (absTmp >= (ac.r11r >> 1)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ } else {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result = fDivNorm(absTmp, fixp_abs(ac.r11r), &scale);
+ alphar[0] = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(scaleValue(result, scale + 1));
+ if ((tmp > FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.r11r < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)))
+ alphar[0] = -alphar[0];
+ }
+ tmp = (ac.r01i >> (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + 1)) +
+ (fMultDiv2(alphai[1], ac.r12r) - fMultDiv2(alphar[1], ac.r12i));
+ absTmp = fixp_abs(tmp);
+ /*
+ Quick check: is second filter coeff >= 1(4)
+ */
+ if (absTmp >= (ac.r11r >> 1)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ } else {
+ INT scale;
+ FIXP_DBL result = fDivNorm(absTmp, fixp_abs(ac.r11r), &scale);
+ alphai[0] = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(scaleValue(result, scale + 1));
+ if ((tmp > FL2FX_DBL(0.0f)) ^ (ac.r11r < FL2FX_DBL(0.0f))) {
+ alphai[0] = -alphai[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now check the quadratic criteria */
+ if ((fMultDiv2(alphar[0], alphar[0]) + fMultDiv2(alphai[0], alphai[0])) >=
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.5f)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ }
+ if ((fMultDiv2(alphar[1], alphar[1]) + fMultDiv2(alphai[1], alphai[1])) >=
+ FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.5f)) {
+ resetLPCCoeffs = 1;
+ }
+ if (resetLPCCoeffs) {
+ alphar[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphar[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphai[0] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ alphai[1] = FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f);
+ }
+ while (bwIndex < MAX_NUM_PATCHES - 1 &&
+ loBand >= pSettings->bwBorders[bwIndex]) {
+ bwIndex++;
+ }
+ /*
+ Filter Step 2: add the left slope with the current filter to the buffer
+ pure source values are already in there
+ */
+ bw = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(bwVector[bwIndex]);
+ a0r = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(
+ fMult(bw, alphar[0])); /* Apply current bandwidth expansion factor */
+ a0i = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(fMult(bw, alphai[0]));
+ bw = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(fPow2(bw));
+ a1r = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(fMult(bw, alphar[1]));
+ a1i = FX_DBL2FX_SGL(fMult(bw, alphai[1]));
+ /*
+ Filter Step 3: insert the middle part which won't be windowed
+ */
+ if (bw <= FL2FXCONST_SGL(0.0f)) {
+ int descale = fixMin(DFRACT_BITS - 1, (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + dynamicScale));
+ for (i = startSample; i < stopSample; i++) {
+ qmfBufferReal[i][loBand] = lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale;
+ qmfBufferImag[i][loBand] = lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale;
+ }
+ } else { /* bw <= 0 */
+ int descale = fixMin(DFRACT_BITS - 1, (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR + dynamicScale));
+ for (i = startSample; i < stopSample; i++) {
+ FIXP_DBL accu1, accu2;
+ accu1 = (fMultDiv2(a0r, lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i - 1]) -
+ fMultDiv2(a0i, lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i - 1]) +
+ fMultDiv2(a1r, lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i - 2]) -
+ fMultDiv2(a1i, lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i - 2])) >>
+ dynamicScale;
+ accu2 = (fMultDiv2(a0i, lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i - 1]) +
+ fMultDiv2(a0r, lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i - 1]) +
+ fMultDiv2(a1i, lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i - 2]) +
+ fMultDiv2(a1r, lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i - 2])) >>
+ dynamicScale;
+ qmfBufferReal[i][loBand] =
+ (lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale) + (accu1 << 1);
+ qmfBufferImag[i][loBand] =
+ (lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER + i] >> descale) + (accu2 << 1);
+ }
+ } /* bw <= 0 */
+ /*
+ * store the unmodified filter coefficients if there is
+ * an overlapping envelope
+ *****************************************************************/
+ } /* outer loop over bands (loBand) */
+ for (i = 0; i < nInvfBands; i++) {
+ hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[i] = bwVector[i];
+ }
+ /*
+ set high band scale factor
+ */
+ sbrScaleFactor->hb_scale = comBandScale - (LPC_SCALE_FACTOR);
+ *
+ * \brief Initialize one low power transposer instance
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ HANDLE_SBR_LPP_TRANS hs, /*!< Handle of low power transposer */
+ TRANSPOSER_SETTINGS *pSettings, /*!< Pointer to settings */
+ const int highBandStartSb, /*!< ? */
+ UCHAR *v_k_master, /*!< Master table */
+ const int numMaster, /*!< Valid entries in master table */
+ const int usb, /*!< Highband area stop subband */
+ const int timeSlots, /*!< Number of time slots */
+ const int nCols, /*!< Number of colums (codec qmf bank) */
+ UCHAR *noiseBandTable, /*!< Mapping of SBR noise bands to QMF bands */
+ const int noNoiseBands, /*!< Number of noise bands */
+ UINT fs, /*!< Sample Frequency */
+ const int chan, /*!< Channel number */
+ const int overlap) {
+ /* FB inverse filtering settings */
+ hs->pSettings = pSettings;
+ pSettings->nCols = nCols;
+ pSettings->overlap = overlap;
+ switch (timeSlots) {
+ case 15:
+ case 16:
+ break;
+ default:
+ return SBRDEC_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG; /* Unimplemented */
+ }
+ if (chan == 0) {
+ /* Init common data only once */
+ hs->pSettings->nCols = nCols;
+ return resetLppTransposer(hs, highBandStartSb, v_k_master, numMaster,
+ noiseBandTable, noNoiseBands, usb, fs);
+ }
+ return SBRDEC_OK;
+static int findClosestEntry(UCHAR goalSb, UCHAR *v_k_master, UCHAR numMaster,
+ UCHAR direction) {
+ int index;
+ if (goalSb <= v_k_master[0]) return v_k_master[0];
+ if (goalSb >= v_k_master[numMaster]) return v_k_master[numMaster];
+ if (direction) {
+ index = 0;
+ while (v_k_master[index] < goalSb) {
+ index++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ index = numMaster;
+ while (v_k_master[index] > goalSb) {
+ index--;
+ }
+ }
+ return v_k_master[index];
+ *
+ * \brief Reset memory for one lpp transposer instance
+ *
+ * \return SBRDEC_OK on success, SBRDEC_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG on error
+ */
+ HANDLE_SBR_LPP_TRANS hLppTrans, /*!< Handle of lpp transposer */
+ UCHAR highBandStartSb, /*!< High band area: start subband */
+ UCHAR *v_k_master, /*!< Master table */
+ UCHAR numMaster, /*!< Valid entries in master table */
+ UCHAR *noiseBandTable, /*!< Mapping of SBR noise bands to QMF bands */
+ UCHAR noNoiseBands, /*!< Number of noise bands */
+ UCHAR usb, /*!< High band area: stop subband */
+ UINT fs /*!< SBR output sampling frequency */
+) {
+ TRANSPOSER_SETTINGS *pSettings = hLppTrans->pSettings;
+ PATCH_PARAM *patchParam = pSettings->patchParam;
+ int i, patch;
+ int targetStopBand;
+ int sourceStartBand;
+ int patchDistance;
+ int numBandsInPatch;
+ int lsb = v_k_master[0]; /* Start subband expressed in "non-critical" sampling
+ terms*/
+ int xoverOffset = highBandStartSb -
+ lsb; /* Calculate distance in QMF bands between k0 and kx */
+ int startFreqHz;
+ int desiredBorder;
+ usb = fixMin(usb, v_k_master[numMaster]); /* Avoid endless loops (compare with
+ float code). */
+ /*
+ * Plausibility check
+ */
+ if (pSettings->nCols == 64) {
+ if (lsb < 4) {
+ /* 4:1 SBR Requirement k0 >= 4 missed! */
+ }
+ } else if (lsb - SHIFT_START_SB < 4) {
+ }
+ /*
+ * Initialize the patching parameter
+ */
+ /* ISO/IEC 14496-3 (Figure 4.48): goalSb = round( 2.048e6 / fs ) */
+ desiredBorder = (((2048000 * 2) / fs) + 1) >> 1;
+ desiredBorder = findClosestEntry(desiredBorder, v_k_master, numMaster,
+ 1); /* Adapt region to master-table */
+ /* First patch */
+ sourceStartBand = SHIFT_START_SB + xoverOffset;
+ targetStopBand = lsb + xoverOffset; /* upperBand */
+ /* Even (odd) numbered channel must be patched to even (odd) numbered channel
+ */
+ patch = 0;
+ while (targetStopBand < usb) {
+ /* Too many patches?
+ Allow MAX_NUM_PATCHES+1 patches here.
+ we need to check later again, since patch might be the highest patch
+ AND contain less than 3 bands => actual number of patches will be reduced
+ by 1.
+ */
+ if (patch > MAX_NUM_PATCHES) {
+ }
+ patchParam[patch].guardStartBand = targetStopBand;
+ patchParam[patch].targetStartBand = targetStopBand;
+ numBandsInPatch =
+ desiredBorder - targetStopBand; /* Get the desired range of the patch */
+ if (numBandsInPatch >= lsb - sourceStartBand) {
+ /* Desired number bands are not available -> patch whole source range */
+ patchDistance =
+ targetStopBand - sourceStartBand; /* Get the targetOffset */
+ patchDistance =
+ patchDistance & ~1; /* Rounding off odd numbers and make all even */
+ numBandsInPatch =
+ lsb - (targetStopBand -
+ patchDistance); /* Update number of bands to be patched */
+ numBandsInPatch = findClosestEntry(targetStopBand + numBandsInPatch,
+ v_k_master, numMaster, 0) -
+ targetStopBand; /* Adapt region to master-table */
+ }
+ if (pSettings->nCols == 64) {
+ if (numBandsInPatch == 0 && sourceStartBand == SHIFT_START_SB) {
+ }
+ }
+ /* Desired number bands are available -> get the minimal even patching
+ * distance */
+ patchDistance =
+ numBandsInPatch + targetStopBand - lsb; /* Get minimal distance */
+ patchDistance = (patchDistance + 1) &
+ ~1; /* Rounding up odd numbers and make all even */
+ if (numBandsInPatch > 0) {
+ patchParam[patch].sourceStartBand = targetStopBand - patchDistance;
+ patchParam[patch].targetBandOffs = patchDistance;
+ patchParam[patch].numBandsInPatch = numBandsInPatch;
+ patchParam[patch].sourceStopBand =
+ patchParam[patch].sourceStartBand + numBandsInPatch;
+ targetStopBand += patchParam[patch].numBandsInPatch;
+ patch++;
+ }
+ /* All patches but first */
+ sourceStartBand = SHIFT_START_SB;
+ /* Check if we are close to desiredBorder */
+ if (desiredBorder - targetStopBand < 3) /* MPEG doc */
+ {
+ desiredBorder = usb;
+ }
+ }
+ patch--;
+ /* If highest patch contains less than three subband: skip it */
+ if ((patch > 0) && (patchParam[patch].numBandsInPatch < 3)) {
+ patch--;
+ targetStopBand =
+ patchParam[patch].targetStartBand + patchParam[patch].numBandsInPatch;
+ }
+ /* now check if we don't have one too many */
+ if (patch >= MAX_NUM_PATCHES) {
+ }
+ pSettings->noOfPatches = patch + 1;
+ /* Check lowest and highest source subband */
+ pSettings->lbStartPatching = targetStopBand;
+ pSettings->lbStopPatching = 0;
+ for (patch = 0; patch < pSettings->noOfPatches; patch++) {
+ pSettings->lbStartPatching =
+ fixMin(pSettings->lbStartPatching, patchParam[patch].sourceStartBand);
+ pSettings->lbStopPatching =
+ fixMax(pSettings->lbStopPatching, patchParam[patch].sourceStopBand);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < noNoiseBands; i++) {
+ pSettings->bwBorders[i] = noiseBandTable[i + 1];
+ }
+ for (; i < MAX_NUM_NOISE_VALUES; i++) {
+ pSettings->bwBorders[i] = 255;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Choose whitening factors
+ */
+ startFreqHz =
+ ((lsb + xoverOffset) * fs) >> 7; /* Shift does a division by 2*(64) */
+ for (i = 1; i < NUM_WHFACTOR_TABLE_ENTRIES; i++) {
+ if (startFreqHz < FDK_sbrDecoder_sbr_whFactorsIndex[i]) break;
+ }
+ i--;
+ pSettings->whFactors.off = FDK_sbrDecoder_sbr_whFactorsTable[i][0];
+ pSettings->whFactors.transitionLevel =
+ FDK_sbrDecoder_sbr_whFactorsTable[i][1];
+ pSettings->whFactors.lowLevel = FDK_sbrDecoder_sbr_whFactorsTable[i][2];
+ pSettings->whFactors.midLevel = FDK_sbrDecoder_sbr_whFactorsTable[i][3];
+ pSettings->whFactors.highLevel = FDK_sbrDecoder_sbr_whFactorsTable[i][4];
+ return SBRDEC_OK;